(for THE iss* E oi thk iio, k * War «”* l*" 1 *"* X" publican). cir.vnuvs .1. MJKF.N*. in lime ol war, our Inborn eoldfej leaders 1 the right, or overwhelm the wrong; Tn tlmcofpcaec.grcnt causes rouse good pleaders; At ali tiroes, some must charge, or Btir,iu song. In time of war; the mass pause uotto reason; But feel their way, and mostly feel it right; In time of peace, most halt, or miss the season; And some undo the vantage of the fight. Few loyal men will need the application; Wc fought rebellion, and we gained the day. And easy souls exclaimed, “Wc’vcsaved the nation!” Ere half the years of danger passed away. And some, who faced the fiercest brunt of battle, And some, who most warmed'up the hcartß at home, " Soon veered, as if high principle were prattle, And evil fettered, never more to roam. Ourjfiobtc chief tell by a base assassin:— Our Vice ascended to a fearful fall: What he was sot to bind, he dared unfasten; The lately freed he hastened to enthral. "The news fled, blighting, on the breeze’s pinlonß, Where wrong had festered from the nation’s ■ birth: ' "" ~ : ' ' ' ' The news feli, frighting, on the far dominions, Whoso serfs thought this the favored land of earth. And from that hour the old inebriation And ancient lust have held the people’s hands, The whilst they struggled for that re-creation Would equalize each State in Freedom’s bands. Still has tins mls-chlef pardoned rouges and robbers; ; - Still given blatant rebels cheering grace; Still fostered parasites and leeching jobbers; And badgered faithful statesmen out of place. Thc party that upheld the South s secession, That wrought against the country’s righteous war, , . That mourned earth’s worst rebellion s quick suppression, The more applaud this wretch, usurping more. This v9^^Kß<> r prop s this reckless party; Suspends, or changes, placemen at their beck; And scarce one man, whose mind is lair and hearty, Has skill enough to keep ibis vice in check. Meanwhile we near another ‘great election, With candidates at least as good as theirs:— If onr supineness causes our rejection, . His wrongs proceed, in spite of law or prayers. The country is a filleted with the Johnson; And Hack-Democracy spreads the disease; Flood out this last, as with the driving monsoon, And then Impeachment gives the people ease! ' But choose “Democracy,”—this spider's tissue Will web our country, spite of guardian laws. Beware of paltering with the weighty issue! And vote for mi;n supporting the right cause! Pim.ADELVHiA, September 26th, 1807. CJITY BULLETIN. The Eighth Waiu> Mbiujek.—The Coroner held an inquest- this-morning upon the body of Susan Miller, who was murdered on Wednesday night at the house of E. L. Tevis, No. 721 Locust street, where she was employed as a servant. '•# Amelia Mickey, colored, teeUfted that she went to No. 721 bocuet ctreet, to visit Sueau Miller; Janice Miller wue there:after elie eat there live minutes Miller told his wife that he would sire her live minuUat to make ji|i her mind what she would do: he tioor, pullod out * pistol, notated at her and-fliot twice at her; she did not fall the first time; he then tired again, and she fell; he then walked'out and slammed the- basement door; no never colored, residing at No. 721 Locust street, testified that ehe was in the room when .James Miller was there; be came in at 10 minute* alter uix; his wife asked him to ait down: she then asked him to take poine dinner: he told her that he had not eaten anything nil day: he told her that after he had left her in the afternoon he had been to flee a lawyer, and that the lawyer told him that she must-come next day and tell her redone for not living with- him; .* fhe told him that hfe knew the reasons without asking her any more; be said, “make up your miml, ho that 1 ' may know what you are going, to do; 1 * he told her to make it up in nve minute?, and then he rawed up off his chair; lie stood in front of the range; it wae several minutes before lie spoke; he told her that he would give lief five minutes and repeated it twice; elm didn’t make him any answer; he took the revolver out of hiflleft pocket and turned it over, and looked nt it several minutes: she stood and looked at him: he pointed the pistol at her, took a delibe rate aim, and fired once, but didu’tjiit her: at the second fire she fell; he fired a third timcrfwltnraa jumped out the back window and didn’t see any more; never knew them to quarrel; Mrs. Miller told witness that he had threatened to kill hefr before; don’t know what became of him; wit ness heard two allots after she got out of the window. Wm. Hall (colored) identified the pistol which was found on the table in the room in which the murder was C °^ tt s?;Shapleigh testified to having made the- _7>ont •mortem examination oi the body of Susan Miller; found three gunshot wounds; one mill entered the outer side of the right arm, three incliefl below.tlie.thouldei’ joints,.and.. passed directly through, fracturing the bom- and dividing the artery. Another ball passed through the left forearm h little above the wrist, dividing the artery also; another • ball entered the right temple and passed directly through the head, lacerating the brain and fracturing all the hones of the front part of the head. Susan Miller died of the gunshot wound in the head. The verdict of the jury was: “That the said Susan Miller came to her death by a gun-shot wound at the hands of her husband, James Mil ler,’ at No. 721 -Locust street, on the evening of the 25th of September.. 18(h.'’ Valuation or Hkai. Estate.— The Board of have not yet received the full returns of the assessors of the real and personal estate for the year 18G8. The statement iu a morning paper of to-dnv. purporting to give the value of real estate in each Ward of the city. Is not official, and is incorrect, inasmuch as > at least two of the Ward- have not yet made complete returns. The official statement cannotbepublished fora week or two yet. Gr.r.MAN Keim j;i,k an Mass Meeting.— A mass meeting of the German Republicans was held last evening at Fifth and Germantown road. Patriotic and able speeches were delivered by Col. William Frishmuth, Messrs. Von Tronck and Schneider, and at a late hour the meeting adjourned with three cheers for Generals Sheridan and Sickles, and ihiee cheers for the whole Republican Union ticket. CITY NOTICES. Geover & Bauer's,, Premium Sewing Machines, 7SO ChestnurEtreet. Mouse's Dining Saloons, 902 and 904 Arch street, for Ladies and Gentlemen, are now the popular eeort for thOße in search of good dinners—visit them. Ai.i, the Latest Styles Of Fall Hats and Caps Iu great variety. Oalcfords, Continental Hotel, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Window Shades and Upholstery, at Patten’s, 140 S Chestnut street. The trees are now beginning to change their these, and we may show onr good sense by following them,and since we put on oar autumn attire so cheaply by patronizing hharles Stokes & Co.'s First-class Clothing House, under the Continental, there is no ex cuse for any unbecomingly dressed person. All the Latest Btyien Of Fallllats and Caps lu great variety. Onkfords, Continental Hotel. An. the Latest Styles" Of Fall Hats and Caps In great variety. Onkfoi-ds, Continental Hotel. Formipre Slips or loose covers, made and litted tci furniture, at Patten's, HOB Chemmit street. Dr. Klim:, 931 Arch 6trcct, treats Cancers and all malignant tumors with unparalleled success, ], v f , Cancer Antidote—a powerful treatmeni. Jokes' Hotel, 235 Dock Street, below Third, revived by W. V. Larkin on the Kura peon pi au . Meals (nun 6 A. M. to 111 I*. M. flood lodgings lor guests. House open «U nightr Rooms no rts. pettnight. Diikus-juaf mo Dmm iitmhnt. liAmse' Dmmra mauk to mvadubb i« twentt-footi norm-. , Travf.ling Preboeb p.rai>v' mai>h. TCaLKINO SflTfl RKAHV MAWTf. Bi.aok Lyons Sii.kb, ron DRSBBTvfI, IN ALL QTTALITfKB, From $2 to $lO per tAHih J. W. Proctor & Co., 020 CffaSTNUT BTBItttT. Ui'iioi.mi:c.v work of every description done immediately on call, at Patten’s. 1408 Chestnut street. Kr.vv Carpets made up and old Carpets fitted and laid, and Upholstery of every description done, promptly and reliably, at Pattum’b, 1408 Chestnut street. Df.AFNESS, JiLINTCCESa AND CATARRH.— J. Isaacs, At D., Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost bucccsb. Testimonials from the most reliable sources In the city can be seen at his office, Ho. 805 Arch street The medical faculty are Invited to ac company their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Artificial eyes inserted... Ho charge made (or examination- * Rockhili. & Wilson, ' COB and 005 Chestnut street. CLOTHING, CLOTHING. CLOTHING. • Fall Clothing now ready. A large assortment. New and elegant styles, fresh made and fashionably cut. Fall Overcoats, Few Style Walking Coats, Fete Style Sack Coats, Coachmen's Coats, -Hunting Coats, Boys' Suits. Boys' Suits ; In store, ail entire stock of American, French and English Caesimcres for Pantaloons. Cashmere, Silk and Velvet Vestings. Clothing made to order for Oents, Youths and Boys. Rookhili. & Wilson, Opposite Hew Ledger Building. FINANCIAL and COMMERCIAL Sales at the Phlladeli UEFOIIE 550 Bh Lull Nav stk 40 $lOO U S 7 3-lOs Jy cashlo6=4 1000 USDs ISSI 111=4 200 Pa 6s 2 series 105 500 City 6s new c 101 600 do old 98=4 500 Ca &AmGs'S3 cBO 500 K Penna 7s 80 Pnn.ADir.r: Tlie Stock market was again exceedingly dull and heavy this morning, with a general downward ten dency for almost everything on the list. Government Loans fell off a fraction, closing at for the Coupon G’e,’Sl; 118J4@114 for the old 5-20's; 1090* 109*- for the We; 109?;(gil0 for the ’6sts; 106Jf@ 100; i for the 7 ; 3o’s, and Oil# for. the 10-40’s. State Loans, were steady, with sales of the second series at 105., City Loans met a limited investment demand at 101 for the new, and 9SX for the old issues;. Heading Ilniiroad declined y, closing' about 50;’;,'. I.chigh Valley Railroad sold at r,7>(: Pennsylvania Railroad at 50, and C.otawissn Railroad Prefcred at 27VJ. 1 20 was hid for Camden and Amboy, Railroad; 50=4 for Aline Dili Railroad; 04 for Germomown Railroad; 27. 1 ,; for Pliilndelphia and Krie Railroad,and 33 for Northern Central Railroad. In Canal stacks the most remark able change was in Lehigh Navigation, which sold at 40@40‘,;—a decline 0r.4. llank and Passenger Railway shares were without change. ’ Smith, Randolph &■ Co., Bankers, 15,South Third street, quote at 11 o’clock, as follows: Gold, 142>f; United States ISSI Bonds, 110Ji®li0»4; United States 5-20’s, ISO 2, 113^(S;.113;i; 5-20’s.. 1564, 109®109J4; 5-20’s, ISCS, 109Jf®109%; 5-20’s, Jnly, ISOS, 10754® 107J4; ■6-20’s, July, 1807, 107=4®1075.4; United States 10-40’s, 9!>y<a 99=4; tlnited States 7-30’s, Ist series, ;iar; 7-30’s; 2d series, 10054@10054; 3d scries, .IOCJifS,IOO ; Compounds,December,lB64,llS.‘.4® 11354. .Jay Cooke & Co. quote Government securities, &c., to-day,as follows: United States o’s, 1S81,110X@110=4; Old 5-20 Bonds, 113=40,11314; New 5-20 Bonds, 1364, 108J4@109J4 ’, 5-20 Bonds, 1805, 109=4®109541 5-20 Bonds July, 1805,107 =4 @10754; 5-20 80nd5,1867,107=4® 108J4; 10-40 Bonds, 9!H4®99=4: 7 7-10 August, par; 7 3-10, June, 100X®106=4,; 7 3-10, July, 106>4@ 106*4; (told (at 12 o’clock), /43@14344. Messrs. Do Haven & BrotSbc, No. 40 South Third rtreet, make the following . quotations of the rates of exchange to-day, atl P. 31.: American Gold, 1 \ Silver—Quartern and halves, 18T@13{1#; Com pound Interest .Notes—June, 1861, 19.40; July, 1_864, 19.40; August, 1804, 19-40, October, 1804, 19; Dec. 1804, 18; 3lny, 1805, 17; August, 1865,10; Sept., 1505,16#; October, 15. The inspections of Flour'and Meal iu Philadelphia, for the week ending Sept. 2ti, ISG7, are as follows" Half-barrels of snp'ertine Barrels of ehucrlinc. “ Fine.... Middlings Rye Corn Meal Condemned Puncheons Com Meal. PbiladolpUia Markets* FitniAY, Sept. 27.—'There is but little movement in Seed 1 - and no change from yesterday’s quotation. Sales of Clover at s9<g9 25, Timothy at $2 *s@s» %l bushel, and Flaxseed $2 So<§2 85. There is no change in, Quercitron Bark and No. 1 is firm at $55 ¥ ton. '’TTie Flour market continues quiet, the receipts and Htsoks being light and the demand limited, Sales of 4@st!ft barrels, mostly extra family at sll(<tl2 50 barrel—inclwlhi" 100 barrels fancy at $l3 50, small lots of Northwest extra family at $10«i.ll 50, extras at sS@s9 50 and superfine at $7 50@$8 25. Rye Flour may be quoted at $8 5J>. In Corn Meul nothing doing. There is lnprqdoing in Wheat and prices- are well maintained. Sales of IGOl) bushels California, forex port at $2 75, and 1040 bushels common and choice tied at' $2 28@2 45 imsliel. Kye is m fair reipic.-t and 1000 bushels sold at $1 BSOfl 60. Com is in steady demand at yesterday’s figures. Sales ufs.uoo bn-tlu-l* vellowat S-l 44@1 45, and 1000 bushels mixed Western •it »1 40. Oats are michanpoit. Bales of IUOb biishcb choice Virginia at IS cents and 1,000 bushels Uchiwave id 70 cents. .. . In Hurley ami Mali no further transactions nnvi Li-en repurtcil. _ MARttiEIX ( It Milt--WALTON.—At Trinity Cliurcli. Pnrtamoutl . on tin- 17th iußt., by the liev. .John ft. D. Wingfield. Brevet Captain A.c-'i. W. Crulili, Fifth L. 6. Artillery, and Lizzie (i. eldest daughter of Col. H. .B. Walton, ot Portsmouth, llOl4-411—DUFF.—On Wednesday. Sept. Seth, at St. Ptenhen'e Cliurcli. by the i'a-v. Win. Kudder. 1). I)., Isaac iloiigli to Amin Alexander, daughter of the lute Edward llutb all ol this city. s Mi GItEIIOK—ACKER.-On Wednesday, Sept. Sfttli. at tin- First Bnptist Ctiundi, Paterson, N. J.. by the ltev. J. Hinivnril. D. 1 h. William P. M cGi-egor to Laura M., second daughter of David D. Acker, tis-i. _ MYEKS—RILEY.—On the cv- nina ot the Shith iustuut, at’tlie resilience of tin- bride's parents, by the Itev. d. 11. Saydinu, Marion W. Myers to Mia-Mary K. Itilcy, both of‘this city. • ‘ DIED. liltOWN —On Friday morning, Pith mat.. Mi'.-. Margaret llrnwn wife of John L>. Brown,in tlic 64tli year of lu-ragc. J The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend her funeral from her fate residence No. “u ilasktil street, on Monday murnlng, at 9 o'clock. *» KOI WELL—On the 26th instant, Lizzie, dautthtor ot Nathan B. C. and Harriet K. Folwell, aged 10 months and "VtUNT.—On Fifth-day, the Stitli lust., Uriah Hunt, in the pine! a! 'will' take plnee on Second-iihy, the 30th iurt‘, at ltf o’clock, from lifts late residence. No. Dill York “m?])O'WELL.—On the 26tli instant, Mrs. Fannie, relict 0f alid those of the family, are respectfully invited to attend ln-r funeral, from UR. Pine stieet, on Monday morning, at 10 o’clock, To proceed to Monument u KIDd2IL.-Ou Thursday morning, September Hrttli, 1*67, Arthur Cowtou, bou of Robert J. aud Mary IV k|d dull, am-d 13 monthpand2daya. _ EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTii Altw Ai-.Gh. Al»« opening for the Fail Trade ot 13d*— Marmot Shawl l *, ordered pood?. Fopuneu new colors, aud UicU Pima?. Black Silks, auperior prudes.. Plain Silk*, of all qualities Black ckos .chain silks.-wk will ori.r, to4oy »full »■•»•.«m.'iit o! Kiri. Black Groa Grains. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store,. No <llB Chestnut street. MISS tJIiIZA W. SMITH, 1 ounglaidind School,''- Ku<?liwl>. French, German. no £8 lOt* • liiU Spruce Htroet- Patented.— pants sooußEir and stretched from 1 to 0 inche*, at MOITLT’S French Steam Dye in* and Soouring, aofo-lm* SO9 South Nuithutrivta ml 7vo Race htrewt. SPECIAL NOTICES. WH/!< W.r.ET.TO morrow (Saturday; evening ntft o'clock, iwMitbeant courier fund*-and Spring uUcctd, Adipittnine live. U* TITEPAILr BVIWING BilLbß’llß,-PHII.APKfcPHIA, J’KIDAY, BKPIBMBBR 27 1887. jhia Stock Exchange, BOARDS. 150 sh Lch Nav stk 40 200 sh do sswn 40)4 100 eh Read R b 5 50=4 2 sh Penna R 63 45shLehVal lots SU.( 100 sh Cataw pf bGO 27K 200 sh do Its bOO 27J£ | 4sh Lehigh Zinc 42JC ~ Friday, September 2T. SPECIAL NOTICES* »er BECBPTIOET 1 OF MAJOIS-O KNEKA Ij SUE IS 5 DAN. UNION LEAGUE HOUSE, i’UH.ADEIiPniA, Sept. 28, 1867. Themomhem of the UNION LEAGUE OF I’lUhA. DELPHIA, withithcLftdicaof tlicir families, are mvitcd to meet Mnjor-licncral IML SHERIDAN, at THE LEAGUE HOUSE, On JFi-ida.y, ii'rtlv iiTLSt., • Between 12 o’clock nooit nnd :: o’clock fIEOROE H. BORER, Secretary. he2fl-2t |@» PATRIOTS AROUSE !! ASSEMBLE IN YOUR MIGHT MASS MEETING, SATURDAY EVENING, September 28,' AT rt O'CLOCK. I N FK C> N T Ob' 'i'Hl- UNION LEAGUE HOUSE, 1V» C'liri'rt im’a-iu-ei for th- o\! ■1 1 ot tiro ltepublic. Ir.-brh, rout, <1 in flu- field, and Traitors beaten at the Ballot - Bnx-mnrehaled l>y dewrtc-r* from our rftika, backed by the patronage and guided by the craft of a PI-IBFUDIOIiS EKES I lll.M, Threaten new dangejg to our country. Liberty, l niou and Self-governnitfnt are still inonaeed. The Holy Cause, victorious on so many battle-fields, sustained so often lit the Polls and by Congress, is NOT YET SECURED! Allonr saerifices of blood.and treasure are jeopardized iy tlie treachery of the Executive, the machinations oi mr old foe, and OIJR OWN APATHY! Shall this lie ?. . 3VIU pntrlota supinely suffer the fruits ol victory to pass into the hands of REBELS AND TRAITORS ! Remember that the arch-traitor and demagogue, AN* DREW,JOHNSON, IS STILL PRESIDENT. Remember his unmatched baseness,bia flagitiouXdeaigitf, Ida cunning W !les, his despotic will; above all, remember hiscabal of wicked advisers and the tremendous power in bis bands. Remember that he and they will construe the slightest falling oil’ of our majorities in any election, as evidence of sympathy with them, and a pretext for defiant and armed hostility to Congress. The INFATUATED DICTATOR will plunge iu in AHOTHEB CIVII. WAR ! unless tin* people awe him into obedience by the signifi cance of vast majorities Behind the issues of who shall be Judge, who Sheiifl’, and who shall fill the other offices, U the great question “I low best shall the Usurper be Re buked and Dismayed'/” Phila delphia glories in the re nown of being the most loyal and •devoted of all the cities, ib-r potential voice, spoken at , the polls, ba'- 4 for seven years past electrified the nation, thrilled armies in tlie field, cheered Congress in itn labors. Let it lie heard again in October in thunder tones as of yore, re animating the loyal and confounding the traitorous. COllil' IIU.EMEX! COIVIE 'CO THE RESCUE. corin' ik yoi K sTiti:s«; rn TO UEAK Cm. .IOHN W. GEARY. Hon. HANNIBAL HAMLIN, lion. IIUC.HL. IIONI), ofMd. Col. R. W. MATTHEWS, OfMd. Hon. JOHN M. ItROOMALL. liou. A. G. CATTELL. Hon. J. A. J. CIIESWELL, ofMd. Hod. BKNJ. H. BREWSTER. Hon. WM. D. KELLEV. Hon. CHARLES ©'NEIL, lion. CALEB N. TAYLOR. Hon. N. B: SMITHEItS. lion. GALUSHA A. GROW. Hon. 11. BUCHER SWOPE. Hon. GLENNI W. SCHOFIELO. lion. I.IN BARTHOLOMEW. Hon.AVAYNE MoVEIGII. Hon. JOHN W. UORREY. Hon. MORTON MeMttJHAEL. And other*. (j, obc with i arneet lienrta aud high resolve.! Awake from Your Lethargy! Throw aside every minor issue, mipiircdi all complain, iug: 1 BE TRI E TO THE CAUSE! 13e muted, and for the life of the nation, remembering Madi.on'a glorious motto “PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN!" VOTE THE WHOLE REPUBLICAN TICKET! The erhia appeals to your patriotism. REMEMBER. Tlie only purely f-*r JPJEAUB, lIRDER ANl* i.AW ! JLIBBRTY AND UNION! And the payment of the National Dybb U iu the COITtIPEETE TICIORV OF TDK ; JBEPTjjiMCAW PAJKTff !lllll U/order ot tho Committee. KOIUiTEKhTXi ••WAUIh ATTENTION. - RE. #w rmblicau Oitiroixn • of the Ward will aiwemblo at Sming Garden Hall ou F)UI>£?I.KVKNING, . the Mt 4 i hL. at V o’clock, idiarji, to joio other Delegation* to at> li»iid the waiw meeting at National Hall. Hv order oi the Executive Committee. ■ £Sow ysn.u.y.iuuiyshs.Pnjwdwt. SPECIAL NOTICES. r UNION LEAGUE. PUBLIC MEETINGS, At a meeting of the Committed appointed by the Union League ou the 18th, it woa IEBOLVXP, That Public Meeting** of the citiztms of Philadelphia be called for SATURDAY EVENING; SEPT. J»rw # SATURDAY EVENING, OCT, sr;t. The meetings fo be held ou BROAD STREET, in front of the LEAGUE HOUSE. ty order of theCommitec, EOHEKT R. CORSON. ee2l-7trps PARDEE SCIENTIFIC COURSE IN LAFAYETTE COLLEGE. The next term commencoa THURSDAY, September (tth. Candidate for admission may he examined the day before (September 11th), or on TUESDAY, July 80th,. the day before the Annual Commencement Exorcises. For circulars, apply to President CATTELL, or to Prof. E. B. YOUNGMAN, Cleric of flie Faculty. jyUO-tffi Eiftrorr, Penna., July. 1867. UPP* NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD AND LANE STATION. the hardest and purest mined, tom BeMmrps Office, No. 15 South Seventh street. NOTICE.—A MEETING OF THE ABBOCIA w tion of Cotton and Woolen Goods Manufacturers of Philadelphia will be held at the Rooms of the Board of Trade, at 12 o’clock M.« on SATURDAY, Sept. Jlth, Members and nil persons interested in the Association are respectfully urged to attend, as business of importance will bo laid before the meeting. He2s-3t,rps WILLIAM DIMNE, Prca’t. mgs- MENDELSSOHN MCSICAL SOCIETY.-YIIIST Rrlioar»al MONDAY, Snitembur :»th,,a:tho Hall. Eighteenth aud ChcHtnut atreets, ut P..M. Acti\e meinbcrn and new ftppflcantß will receive their tickew at tho aauie place from 0 to V 6 jjj, ERICK, 8027-2t'».’ Manager. ma- HOWARD HOSPITAL, NOS. 1518 AND 1580 Lombard Street .Dispensary Department—Medical treatment and medicinal furnished gratuitously to the poor. _ SPORTING. POINT BREEZE PARK / Gate Keeper's Benefit. Monday, Sept. oOth. 18U7. and Stake s&>>. MiF heat*; best in five- to bur. uea-v. gor.il day ami track, llor-e? to start at 8 o’clock P.M, M. COOUDi enters s. b. JOH.\ OVKER enters Uk. m.' J. TI.T.Mi: caters s. m. LIZZIE LITTLEFIELD. Same dBy, mile boat 3, best in five to harnc*- 1 . W.MOEKf enters b. m. BOSTON ClliL. 31. GOODIY enters g. 1l GREY BILL. The privilege of a member introducing a mah- friend without pny is puppemled. Omnibuses will start for the Park at’Rk-o’clock, from Library ptreet, between,Fourth and Fifth, Chestnut and .Walnut streets. ae2s,4trps GENTLEMENS FUHNIBHING GOODS* TEE FINE SHIRT EMPORIUM JOHN C. ARRISON, Nos. 1 and 3 N. Sixth Street, Importer, Manufacturer ~ and Dealer in every description of Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, In great variety and at Moderate Price. Particular attention given to the man ufacture of Fine Shirts, Collars, &o M warranted to give satisfaction. lUHfl PICTURES, PRAISES, AC. LOOKING GLASSES OF THE VERY BEST y. EVERY NOVELTY IN STYLE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLH PRICES. JAMES S, EARLE & SONS, 816 CHESTNUT STREET, PAPEB HANOI NOS. PAPER HANGINGS. NEW ESTABLISHMENT. S, E. cor. Tenth and Walnut streets. J. C. Finn & Sons Have opened with an extensive assortment of Decorative and Plain Wal) papers. embracing every quality, to suit all tastes. aeS-lm rps TO RENT. T O W&T, SECOND STORY AND BASEMENT, S. E.COB, CHESTNUT AND SEVENTH SIS. HoLiting-Machlne, Fire-Proof, <fcc. ALSO, FROM OCT. 1 TO JAN. 12, PKEMISKSI 612 CHESTNUT STREET. A d dr e hi EDWARD P. KELLY, nelS-tf i>: 612 CHESTNUT Btroet. Mto vtKßnr, I'or a term ot ye*w, da an improvement lease, HOUSE 331* North NINTH Street, HttNKY O. SMITH, 424 Walnut etreet M WANTS. J'TItiUS'uLD'uOUSEWANTED FOR A FEW months, located hetwocu Tenth uud Twentieth fits, and Chestnut and. Fiaj. A.ddri.-.'ci HANKER, 142 ftpvlh Thjtd attest. »c«!4D-Sti'Ps Oldßye Whiskies. THE LAHttEST *ND BEST STOOK OF FINE OLD EYE WHISKIES HENRY S. HANNIS & CO, ©lB and 220 SOUTH FRONT STREET, Who offer the same TO THE TBADE, in Lota, on very advantage© »« Their Stock of Ryo Whiskies, Ilf BOND, coiuprises *rand*«M tant, and runs through the various months of and of tills fear, of *• liberal contracts made for lots to arrive at Pennsylvania XUft« Depot, Ktafisof son tine Wharf, or at Bonded Warehouses, as elect* Secretary. 1807 CARPETINGS. 1807 JAS. H. ORNE, SON & CO., Chestnut Street, below Seventh,, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS ' ir, - : rOREIOS-AND -DOMESTIC’ ------ - CARPETINGS. English Brnsscls Carpetings. By lute have received a full a*»ortinoiit f f the BEST ENGLISH MAKES. JAS. H. ORNE. SON & CO., Chestnut Street, below Seventh. English and French AXMINSTERS, KOVAL WILTON, AM) VELVET CARPETINGS. ALL THU NEW EXHIBITION .DESIGNS. Now in c'tore and U>r -■•ale In' JAS. H. ORNE, SON & C 0 Chestnut Street, below Seventh. THREE-PLY AND INGRAIN • CARPETINGS In great variety of design. OIL CLOTHES, In t-heeta from 1 yard to® yards wide. ‘ Henderson & Co.’s all Worsted Venitians. JAS. H. ORNE. SON & CO., ■ Chestnut Street, below Seventh. c-rtl.t.. tU f » T n ' ’ CARPETINGS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. LEEDOM&SHAW, Between Ninth and Tenth Street!. M e are uoir opening a Tull and complete aa oortmenti both Foreign and Domestic, for Fall Sales. CURTAIN ESTABLISHMENT. REDUCED PRICES. The auli-'cribeiv are prepared to furnish nt tho lowest nmrki-t prices all the varietie- of new and desirable Rich Curtain and Furniture Materials Kuc-wu to the trade, with rich trimming*, TnssHs and Loops to Match. ELEGANT LACE CERTAINS, NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, ' MUSLIN CWETAINS, SWISS CURTAINS. ALSO, ELEGANT LACE DRAPERIES, NOTTINGHAM DRAPERIES, MUSLIN AND SWISS DRAPERIES. ALSO. WINDOW SHADES, For Dwelling?, Stores, Officea, &c.,of every color and style, ft. B.—Our Curtaina and Shades arc put up by ua in tho city orcouDtrj;at abort notice, and with satisfaction to the purchasers) Sheppard, Van Harlingen & Arrison, BARGAINS IN LACE CURTAINS, . CURTAIN MATERIALS. FLT.NTJ URE COVERINGS. WINDOW SHADES, AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS, Of the Newest Fabrics, Designs, and Qualities. PIANO AND TABLE COVERB, And a full line of , HOUSE-FURNISHING LINENS, QUILTS. *o-„ At the Lowest FrieeH; 0. M. STOUT 5c 00.. UOa Chestnat Street. mvl-wfm lyrp * ——— ■ HB ALT I MORE IMPROVED BASE BURNING FIBE-PhAOE HEATER MAGAZINE & ILLUMINATING doors. The most Cheerful and; Perfect Heater la Use. To ba had Wholesale and Retail ol OIjARK: wS-lmrcS iocs Market street. I'UUad*. IN THE LAND IS NOW POSSESSED BY CARPETINOS, AC. 910 ARCH STREET, LACK ( t KTAINS NEW GOODS 1008 Chestnut Street. Term*. WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac .-JM& Italian Jewelry, MOSAICS, From Itome. An immenAC etock of CORAL JEWELRY KAPLEB. Selected and imported by JAMES E. CALDWELL & CO„ 822 CHESTNUT STREET. ffli-f m w-tfrp? , 1038. *Wh. J. TAYLOR, ftyW)) JEWELER. An eleeant stock. romorUioa KINT WATCH E 3, DIAMONDS. KI.hr.ANT JKWKLRY, SILVER WARE, PLATKD WAKE, CLOCKS. Offered at reduced prices. Watches warranted years. Silver ware suitable for bridal proenU WATCHES REPAIRED AND WARIiANTED#’ 1028 CHESTNUT ST. ' i&o-w STEAMSHIP “PERSIA.” |t>iVA NOW OPENING. JO- musical boxes MUSICAL TABLES, M»de exj)ie?rl> for and imported b; JAMES E. CALDWELL & C 0„ 822 CHESTNUT STREET. fm}.t m.w.f/rpt . Sterling Silverware Manufactory, - 414 LOCUST STREET. GEORGE SHARP, Patentee of the Ball and Cube patterns. vnariufactrir** evrry description oV . fine STERLING SILVERWARE, and offer* for *ah\ wholesale and retail & choice aaaort nunt of rich anjl beautiful good* of nciy styles at low prices. j. m. share. a. i’-oitt:irra_ REMOVAL. Chronometer and Watch-maUer, Be-pectfuUy informs hi* friend* and customer* to* hu* removed from over Mwia Bailey & tio.V <ll9 nut »trcet, to 407 ChDßtnut Streot, Where he Intend* to keep on hand a «?p?L r of lira! quality Watchc^Chronomotcri.Clock. J .„Ladi- k *’ and Gold Chains, Seal?, Keys, &c. Chrowraeter? rated bT Solar and Sideriol Transit*. Especial attention given to repairing Watches. jyL^emrp au2-h3m rrt RUKDS AND WINDOW SHADES. B. J. WILLIAMS A SONS, NO. 1C North .SIXTH Street. VENETIAN BLINbS WINDOW SHADES. Largest nudfiuot a.-iortnu-nt iu the city. At the lowest ,l>l promptly attended to Store Shades made and lettered. CHARLES L. HALE, (iate Salesman and Superintendent forß. j. Williaiiu*) NO. 831 ARCH STREET, MASI'FACn'BEB OF VENETIAN IiBINDS and WINDOW SHADES. LARGEST AND FINEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY AT TIIE LOWEST I'RICES. LTIIOLSTERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. pel7- tf rp ——— Hool* SKIKTS, n alh thc che a . at "id nioHt autisfactory 1 loop Skjrta iu dW&^lfltolCTUi “SS?SSss;SfS s^JrS^-SsK;«•» “■ i»ricea.'wholesale and retail. . . . SenA for catalogue of rtjto r i* t , PI:iM» . mliB-f.in,rv,lyrp ; ' V i'LT' ll '’ l ’- K,N Sl jjJKW FALL SKIRT THE I'ATENT CLASF HOOF SKIRT. Manufactured and fol'Halchv SHAW & IIuNHAM. c\R APCI I aisd.2-"-? North NINTH Pt.rrotfl. r 6 The ratmt 01i.ni> NEW-STYLE SKIRTS, manuf..e tured‘hy uh, are acjinowlodged by the qkir/maih' nciiU’Ht, most comfortable and durable Hoop Skirt: mint. Thov arc euperior to nil others* being inude of oo®, 1» Tnahee of French Cloraeta for Bale. ae-^m,«.t.»3rp9 HnnP SKIRTS' AND CORSETS.—MRS. E. RAYLEY. No, 812 Vine street, la now manufacture altered and repaired. _____ JSSfiSSStasrftar. ml-vr c<u'®im mrt-taHl —V* ■•••• Direct from Geneva, WM. E. HAKPUR, Manufacturer.- ot HOOF SKIRTS. HclittnX
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers