*KI EO«*»* '* « « M V. ..' ~ Afrui"-' <i',rwin soon, visit Arizona , (j ' thr Indian affairs. xo examine d dorks in the Quarter • - r°('!r oTncrol'f office have been discharged. "toi cholera at Palermo still continues, Ihoilgh I rout yellow fever in New Or- Iciiti" for Hit- fast twenty-four hours, nmn '■Tni-I-I TK lias atisen between the King of Bcl -.rjum and the Emperor of 1 Austria, in regard to The estate of Maximilian. • . , , Tnr report that the Spanish Government had retailed tlie licet from the Pacifie is positively <)tn:cd. \ Cooi*i-:k ! s cigar factory at ImmiijiU'. loVa. was burned yesterday. I,o§s .‘5‘o»,ooo: in . Mired for £H*.oOO. 1-lon. Thomas N.Stii.i.wki.i.. Minister to \ ejie znela. is in Washington to receive ids mstiue tloTni- Light House Board gives notice that the lin-ht station at Tvbee Island has been re-estab lished, and lights will bo exhibited tlicrcfrom on the evening of October 1. Gi ni-o'ai, Thomas'arrived at Nashville on Wcduc*dny night, and yesterday had a confer ence w ; lh the citv and Btate authorities. Ills course will be decide^ upon to-day. It is pretty generally believed in Washington that the President will grant Fitz John Porters application to have his ease reopened, mid refuse that of General Sickles for a court of inquiry. Frazer, Ti!Kniiol>i.,& Co. have settled with, the Government, and the parties, with their counsel, left for home yesterday. The terms ot settlement are kept private for the present. Judges Walker, Warner and Harris, of the Supreme Court of Georgia, have written * letters favoring reconstruction under the military acts, on the ground of necessity. Complete returns from oil the counties in Cali fornia show a total vote of 92,108, of which Haight has 49,866-, and Gorham 40,262, and Pay 2,000. Haight’s vote over that of Gorham is 9,001. ’ A meeting of merchants of San Francisco lias been called to make arrangements to put regular steamers on'tlio Colorado river, to run as high as Coileville, six hundred miles above the mouth. Orders for the purchase of wheat for the Spanish markets are now being sent to the United States. By a royal order wheat will be admitted into Spain until December ..Ist. Gov McComun k, of Arizona, delivered ins message to the legislature on the 9th inst. It is niostlv occupied with the discussion of the Indian troubles.. The public indebtedness ol tUe terri tory l&teWiv iu currency. Tin- Montgomery <Alabama i .V.«o„<V. of the. oild snvs that an attempt was made on the night iiievious. at Cuion Springs, Bullock county, to assassiuate John (’. Keller, chairman ot the Re publican State Executive Committee. . • The officers of Hie Freedinen's Bureau in .tile Richmond (Va.') district have been directed to turn over to'the civil authorities all negro pau pers. and none others, who have been, residing there since- January 1.1861. A mi; at Coppcropolis. Cal., on Wednesday night destroyed all the principal buildings on the north side .of Cuion street, including printing, express, and telegraph offices. (me man is re ported to have been burned to death m a hotel. . Ci-Ar.i NOE King, with a United Slates Geologi cal anil exploring party to survey the interior ol the country along the lineot the Paeific railroad aTe now examining the Humboldt mountains, m Nevada, accompanied by an escort forprotection against the liidiaus. . Tnr steamer John L. Stephens sailed from Sail Francisco for Sitka, , on Wednesday, with two ' companies of troops, under Gen. Jell'. C. Davis. The agent of the San Francisco compauy,which succeeds to the property of the Russian Fur Com pany,was also a passenger. The Secretary of- the Treasury has approved V of the recommendation of the Board of Revenue . Commissioners of Philadelphia for the appoint ment of John Kline, Jesse Johnson, James H. Inuis, Stephen D. Franklin and James T. Bing ham, as additional Inspectors of Revenue. Secretary Welles has instructed Commo dore Seliridge to resist with force any attempt wliich may be made to arrest him. aud not to leave the navy yard without a guard ol mariues to protect him against arrest by the officers ol the Court. An abortive attempt has been made in Florence to Tenew the disturbances which occurred on the news of Garibaidi’s arrest. The Government called out the National Guard and checked all outbreaks. Several men have been arrested for participation in the recent disorders. The city is now quiet and Italy is tranquil. Another trial of the Rodman gun was made at Shoeburvncss yesterday. The gun W'as loaded withlOli pounds of American service powder, and its projectile passed entirely through an ei”ht inch plated target,at a distance of 70 yards. The target has been-used for a long time for ex ' perimrnts. and has stood some of the severest tests. ’ AEIV JERSEY MATTERS. A WVmiiv Organization. —The soldiers who performed active and patriotic service iu the .Union armies during the late rebellion, belonging to Camden companies and regiments, formed an association a.year or eighteen mouths ago, ‘ ol ’ the purpose of mutual improvement. - The or ganization. at the present time, embraces a large membership. TUcyhuve performed iu ft political manner as valiant service for the cause ol the Cr.ian as thevdid when combatting an urmed lye. The soldiers arc now .preparing ior another cam paign. a contest in which a vital principle is in volved, the triumph of which must add renewed lustre to the victories achieved liy their arms. The political contest-soon to lie inaugurated tit New Jereev is to be fought upon a broader amt more patriotic principle, one. involving to a considerable extent the right ol univer sal manhood sutfrage. For this conflict this new organization is'again preparing with, re newed zeal and energy. They did efficient ser vice last rear and will again the present. Hut, aside- from their political predilections, they are likewise making arrangements to advance their ■own individual improvement, lidlorts are being made to prdenre a library of valuable books and periodicals, which will be accessible to all mem bers in regfdar standing, so that during the long wiiitc-r-niuhts. audwdien.otherwise' noj engaged, valuable information muy be gathered from their perusal. This is an organization worthy ol en couragement. ' JIUMIfU) FIiAfUS ON the Revkxit-:.— lor some time past William B. Tatena, Internal l>eve uue Collector of the First Congressional District of New Jcr.eev. has had his attention directed to parties Fuspeeted of attempting to defraud the government by illegal transactions. But a few days ago a djc.*cent was made upon a suspicious looking craft lying near the . Jersey shore, iu the Delaware riser. and on examination it was found to be titled v.p with all the requisite machinery, for carrying on the business of distilling, to a limited extent. The parlies engaged were ar rested. held to answer, and the extemporized manufactory seized. There was quite a large quantity of material on baud, which it was deemed' advisable to use up. While this was being prosecuted, the boat took fire and was nearly destroyed. A Goon Movement —A few inllueutiul and prominent citizens of Camden, feeling the great neeessitv for such an enterprise, are taking ini tiatory'Steps towards inaugurating a "night school. This is for the purpose of extending ad vantages to those girls and boys who are, by their (icing obliged to work during 'the day, de prived of' the benefits of the public or other schools. This enterprise ought to be assisted by the Board of education, and. receive other eu ■couragement trorn the public. -New Masitai -iouikk.—lt is said that parties or.-- negotiating tor sites on Cooper’s Creek for the purpose of erecting, at no distant day,several new manufacturing establishments. The shorc-s -of this stream present mauy eligible locations for such manufactories, and In a few years will be lined with them. Snoot* .Aor.oi Ni*. —Yesterday, a sloop loaded with wood went ashore on the' sand-bar in front of Atlantic City. The Captain was trying to get into the Inlet, but made a miscalculation, ft is thought it will prove a total loss. Tire; P.w-ai, Ar.siy.—-An Italian journal says there are FM officers iu the l’apal army—4lo Italian, 100 French, 40 Hwlftß, 12 German, (i Bel*' gian, 4 Irish, 2 Dutch. 2 Spanish* and 2 Polish. There are H generals. The entire army amounts to 10,000 wen. tfiotutPir. The Slave Trade on ttoe Two A correspondent from Alexandria sends tUe following to the Pall Mall Ga,.e,tU ■ Tli , .■Viceroy by his answer to the anti-slavery deputation in Paris, has kronen into ji ■ hornet’s nest. It appears that Lord Btauley, consequent on the assertion that Europeans were the reafslave-denlcrs mßie poudan, and that there was but little slavery ih Egypt, and also on account of the \iceioy s allusiou to the advantages which had resulted to his gov ernment in” its endeavors to suppress slave traffic on the White Nile by the recall of the British Consul, Petherick, from'Kkartum, di rected the I 'Consul-General here to make in quiries and to report on the subject.' The re sult lias been, I understand, to show that not only is slave-trading pursued on the White and Blue Niles for aud on account of the Viceroy and his Government, hut an active trade is going on at. Cairo, where the number oi slaves for sale, white and black, has been es timated at between l'.ooo and 3,000. The sales are conducted in well-known localities by men licensed by the Government and acting under a sheikh appointed by the Zap tieth, with, there can scarcely be a doubt, the approval of the Viceroy. The Government now and then makes seizures ot slaves en tering the town, in default of the proper bakshishes, but what does it do. with them? It sends lor the said sheikh and tells him to put out the seized slaves to Pashas anu others, not in the name of .slaves,' but of ser vants entirely at their disposal. Oi • course, there is.. Pa. .consideration. ’ The prices In such cases vary, I am tola, from j ! •> coo to 8,000 piasters, and the money goes into the treasury. The allusion to Petherick was this: The Government accused him ol slave-trading. When he came to Cano in July, 1804, he was requested to remain, and the Government was called upon to make whatever charges it had against him in writing. Moosa Pasha, the then Governor of the Soudan, and who had been Petkerick's original accuser, had then just reached Cairo from Khartum. Within two days ofPetlierick s arrival Mosa Pasha was despatched back again to Khartum. The Government would make no statement, whatever in writing, and after wait ing six weeks Petherick was allowed to de part. A like charge was made against an Austrian subject. Home Jalbbs .were ..,ei/.ed with slaves' near Cairo. They alleged that they were bringing the slaves for the Austrian subject mentioned. It turnejl out that hehau been in the habit of supplying these with Manchester goods, on then notes ol hand, to be paid on their return journey — a common custom here: tor their pat L. they, relied - 'on selling the slaves for paying him,aud* thought' to save the “chattels' by making them the. constructive property of the Aus trian subject in question. While on this subject I may tell you of .a report which lias reached this place that an English official, determined to ascertain' this fact, disguised . himself as a Mughraby Arab, mid went to the fair at Tania in' search ol' slaves. He succeeded in seeing the entire stock, and sub sequently called upon the Mudir, and insisted on their liberation. The Mudir said some ! fme things on the occasion, aud the' Zabit ot i Tania was dismissed for his uegligcuce in not having prevented the damuiug discovery. 1 The slave-dealers,, however, clubbed together, ' and presented a certain influential official with a good purse, aud it is said, two white i girls and seven or eight Habbashiehs. They travestie jUbiico in many portions ol England, but nowhere more thoroughly than in Kent. It is difficult to obtain a serious jury in the quaint little old town of Sandwich; a place that once was the chief shipping port of England, but is now far inland, and in whose chief streets the grass literally grows. It appears that there is a compact among the citizens liable to be selected as jurors to ren der as comical verdicts as possible. A sailor was tried for stealing a jacket, and the jury found him “not guuty," but recommended him to mercy. In the next case, that oi an old woman accused of stealing coats, a simifar verdict was rendered, with the addition or a hope “that she would not do so any more.” Neither of these are new, but will bear repetition. The best joke was the following: A Coroner's jury.iuquiring intojhe death of a boy who had been trespassing on the railway, in spite oi the solemnity of the occasion, returned a verdict of “served him right,' 7 and the Coro ner intimating that he could not receive such a verdict, thev retired again, and, after along deliberation, 'returned another' of “man slaughter against the engine!" Even this has ' a smack of American origin about it. but they are all recorded as caving actually oc curred. A Brilliant CaitV tce.— A branch raiiroau was built not very long since through a par: of the Madras Presidency noted for the tas c.ality of the inhabitants.. True- to their 'reputation these thieves, planned together to "go through" the train, anti on the day that the road was opened blocked the track iu a convenient place witli tiee trunks. The eugi peer was sharp-eyed. saV the obstruction, and stopped tlie train within two feet of the tiunits. The Hindoos swarmed up into the carriages . and began to make free'witk the movable property. While they were thus busying themselves the engineer reversed hr engine and put on all possible speed. Home of "the robbers jumped land were killed: tue rest were soon snug in jail. Tin* Kino of S'vfoen. —An English letter writer at Berlin sketches the personalappear- Tiitce of the King'of Swe'-» as' follows : “The King of ,Sweden is a man of imposing presence. Ilis stature even exceeds that oi King AYillinm. His physiognomy resembles rather that of a Southern Frenchman than that of a native of Northern Europe. A long, full black beard surrounds an oval face oi handsome and expressive features ami dark complexion. The eagle nose and viva cious eve impart to the countenance au ex pression fully corresponding to the head, Licit is said' to revolve aspiring and ambi tious schemes. • His short hair is here* and there streaked with gray:" amusements. TIIF Wal M’T.—A M'idW'.!''itU’f -aWoi trill <m the stage at. this theatre, but whl lie withdrawn at* the end of this week. Caste, '.die only amhcnti" copv,”isuuiiomiced as in rehcaisa'.. i -icie "ul )e a matinee to-morrow afternoon. , Tm- CjiysTNUT.—Mr. and Mrs. Florence .'Lipe.r. : ,us evenin-ink’/,,' Irish Lion, Thrice Jar. -ire, -and Vie lit, fed Volunteer. ■ On Monday Mr. James h. M'tr dod. wifi appear in «■£**} »r- Muiini. Wednesday—»'lJ Oats, lb.usuav—,i. Friday— Mtieh -Ido About. ,t»|lira». sa.urday— H livS Wonder*. Ills announced that General bliendsn will vbit the Chestnut Street Theatre this evening. There will be a matinee to-morrow altemoou. Tnr Art a.—Mr. FI. Eddy wifi have a neneiU tins | evening fii 27ie Kaa-PMer o/ Pan* and the comedy of Kutluu hie mid Petruchw. I p.,,,,-,, ~y Mrsm -The Mark Crook win be ner tonned rids evening with all the brilliant f scenery, costume,' transformation.-! and b' lUe ‘- P * annmtueed that General H'heridan will. I 1 ®' 1 t w;f demy during the evening. There will be a matuu e to-irioirow aflcruoya.. The -Amebicam.-A ’miM-ellaucous will be given by the combination troupe tliiH cvouiug- Ei.kvpnth Strkkt Ofkra Hou«k % -Au aUrftCtivu bill, consisting of the* “Trip •’Round the \Voi:aO. aul Ethiopian delineationa, in offered tor tmfl evening* I*lll i.ahi.i-i’ui a Orica. Hoube.—Thifl clegaDt HtUe theatre ;a nov/ on the rcmd to well-merited popuiarm. Sanford, F.ph Horn and Vrauk Moran wIII *J * mid every evening iu borne of their piecce. CohoauT UAM,.-J3Uml Tom will give another pei fonnance to-uig)it. Tun Pi.mhu ami Bwmv Moiirmiiui,-Mr. J. b. 'Kuigv/aU’a illußtrated lecture upon tue Flams and THE DALLY EVENINGr BULLETIN.—PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, POT EM BEK Rocky Mountniwus drawing crowded houses at As- K*inbly Building every evening. Every one hlumilo ecu the Bpleudin picturea displayed and hear thd lec ture. Trlr. TUngwult treats the subject with a nmievV band and renders it exceedingly attractive and iutcr -caUng. Mias MdCm i Kiev's O-Mimn.—We would re mind our readers of the line musical outqjftammeui provided at Musical Fund Hall this evenincr. Mis.- McCaffrev’s “E Morta” is a novelty to concert "oct*, and her hingin'; of the ‘-.Storm’* is monl impressive and spirited. 5 ID.rr/.--The ftignor pives a pci-formauce at Assem bly r»uiidin?jf tbiH evening.' • , INSUKANCSi. Girard Fire Insurance Company NEW OFFICE, 639 N; £. cor. Chestnut and Seventh sts. CAPITA!. AKB SUIiPMTS, $43250,000. ill of uhkh h safely Invented in Rea! Eslalt, Bonds and mortgages, Government Loans ami other good Securities. ThU Couirnu;- have successfully insured $100,000,000 Of ropertv in the hut 14yearn, and paid MORE THAN 800 louses by fire. It has nearly doubled its cnpitalinthia period. It has never belonged to. any combination of underwriters iu o Pennsylvania, and elsewhere, have not hem ivt-rnieted to join nny organiiatiOh 'for establishing arbitrary rates and rules. t . IV e have our own tariff of Premiums and are not under the necessity of borrowing from the experience of others. Brokers and Agents in Philadelphia professing to repve went I’d in any particular, should be able to show *our written authority for doing so. Parties wishing insurance will consult their own interest by calling in person at this oflice. PIREOTOttfI: _ THOMAS CRAVEN, I ALFRED 8. GILLETT, FURMAN SllKl'l’AiiD, N. S. LAWRENCE, fe ,A s S-«W LLAKI B»AT ® OLAGI S THOMAS CRAVEN, rr.KsiDKNi'' ALFREDS. GTLiIjETT, VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER. JAMES B. ALVORD. jys-f<fiiD6tiiiVs SijCKblA-lti. PIEBICIAAI,. . i.s l-fM; fiU.NO vr.\»:2.s. . . !!(.}T3 KAI.T EX'iT.MJT IiEVKUAIiK OF HLALni. Kn Y..m;,ld>. 12, I s ")'.. H.m-k. sCBroadway. N. V.: . !)> ,\n ail. in reply to your inquiry a- to tins .'ttion tnkcij hv the Aeitdcmv of Medieiue ia reference to. Aou s Iv’tmct’of Idr.lt, ivliit h was submitted to it for ex main e Tiun some weeks since, I have to inform you that the» om ]- itti-e of Three to whom it was retenva, with diiection to reroi t m>ou it, took the mutter into carefnl considera tion, and. on the Gth iuat, a minority of the Commute presented a rerort thereon,’of which the following is an 1 This'irtter anil the folio,vine report are siKiiPd by the Chairman of the Committee, t)r. John H. Grhooin: KkI'oKT TO Till: NEW/VORK ACADEMV OF UICINE, , ixl _ “The Committee have nHcertained,to what.theyconsider a snifiicient extent, the INGKEOIKN PS oFthe nrticle.aud Mi'O UhM-iDE OF PREPARATION, and they have rea. ton TO BELIEVE that it Hitlers in how© lnarkod 1 Ahi I* tiI'LARS from the usual preparations of malt known un ; d.Vthena«S of BEER, ALfi AND-PORTEK. ondlMl BELIEVE IT, CALCLEATED to AC J r TONIC, and to a certain intent aa a NUTRIMENT m pome ciihoh, in -which the ordSnnrv malt liquors mightnot found to agree, especially in consequence Ol .till* , MODERATE 4cXN-rm OF ALCOHOL it contains in ' comparison with them, and they feel justified m COMMEJiI>ING..it--lo_tU«. profeuaionJor-. tnal-in-appro— wishing agencies might apply to Hoff's Malt & »K&WD Y bBO« JOHN O. BAKKR & GO., FCIB-w,f,ui-6t SOLE AGENTS FOll JPENNA., I'IHLA CLOTHING. EDWARD P. KELLY. TAILOR, NO, 612 CHESTNUT STREET. Ju.-t received, a large stock ofl CHOICE FALL GOODS. WILL MOVE OCTOBER Ist TO S, E. coriser Sevenili and Chestnut Sts. &p27-lrr> rVJEW V IJBJfji€AXI j ntAKLES I>ICKi:SS’ NOVELS'. i. Fii-nd It Oil. Oliver Tivi-l Vo I,■!']',i'h' : '!i'o-r -\ 7f.'T oh*ofT\v.. I'ltii-F 10 I-,. i l I'l-mn-i liiTd ... 75! New Year's Morn-.-: o> I>kr■ 1„■ v -111(1 S',II 701 Dirk.-11.-'- Shnit Storiei.. 7.j fjk k„-tH.-1iV.:::.... 75: M.-np- I'min Hu: Sea.... 7i> t.,,.' .. ;,.|- I'., 7f,|ll"liilay Stnni-H i» 1 i-lnmi- st.irir-, 7f.|»k.-tcliea by •TK.r." to MiMliit olni/.'/.leivit uiAnieiiciin Nf.O r... uj ii. 1:,,,1<',. 75! I'M'Nir I :s-,=l ■ i>ii : k.'l.;’.-N.-lv Stoli".-... 75;5,m,r1,,,.1v;, 2a im.,.,L. it,.. 75 l mil I iililli". - i .ri'inul... —) »ild't:’i!rl>*ity'sii"t* 75:'l he llnmnnl 11mi..-. '*•> 1 > Ft ttK'llii 7U ' S.muJ t'uron’r fJutulpjdie,- Aad.e« aUuwtuirdiira^ndajDir^wholeeikv :h*s Chestnut Htivot, i'hibuta., l*a. Rook-* neiit, pod:ik?e raid, on receipt ot retfiil price. Books .UtE AT FCTEKSONS*. «ei!A.2t^ f • “XnDRkI: <;b.. ItWCIiF.STNUT STREET, MUBK: Xjr, -j und Publishers, have unequalled faculties for -uriilyiiH: StTuiiniiTiis :uid teaehert*. I*»irtied wismos music tor examination will be cheerfully iumwhed witL -uch Tuuititic- its they may desire, carefully and judl cioii-lv selected. . All new music received as soon m» published. - ‘ N B iVuy piecu not on lmnd promptly procured and, delivered. ; tjl-^lmqjL ”il'ST ViTtLISITi:I).-ivATLIItISA; 11EU UFE AND J Mine, llv J. G. Holland, (author oi “Hitter sweet. . THU HULLS and the JONATHANS. lly.l. K. laid MIT OF DISCOURSE. By llenry N. Bay. •< HEART OIMJUMFOBITION. By llenrv N. I)ay. CiBAOE KENNEDY’S WOKKS; 3 vol*. \ol.l—Anna •)?.«, ta\ Vol. 2—Father (Jleineut, &c. A 01. 3—Dunallcn; Kuuvv whatycm »lud«<\ , ... . . All the New tfookH received «? noon as published. ,JAMES S. (JLAXION, , . Sueceworto Win. S. it A. Mnrtcm, 1314 Chestnut Street. ILSi' II LADY-BINGHAM’S LATIN GRAMMAR.- J vow Edition.-A Grnmmar of the Latin Language for tl.« urt-i of School". With exorcise* and vocabularies By William Bingham, A. M., Superintendent of the Bing pt-bUdier* take pleaauro in announcing to Teacher* and friends of Education generally, that the now- edition i; f the above work id now ready, and they limte acaietul examination of the name, and a comparison with j other work" on the name subject. Copies will bo furnuhtd to Teachers and Superintendents of Schools for tliiß purpose at low rates. Price il W. Published by E. 11. BUTLER & CO.. 137 South Fourth Btreot, Philadelphia. And for aale hy BootaeUere generally. au3l GENTS 1 PATENT-SPRING AND BOT 3 toued over Gaiters, Cloth, Leather, wniti a and brown Linen; Children's Clotn ana % Velvet Loggings valsomade to order m t«r gents- Burnishing goods. m of every description, very low, WB Goejmn, —MJ "street, comer of Ninth. The belt Kid Glove* for ladies and gents, at RIGI[ELDERFEB , a BAZAAR.' mviUtooll OPEN IN THE EVENING WILLIAM B. CARLILE, OARLILE A JOY, Hoass and Sign Painter* and Glazier*," No. 437 Arch Street, Philadelphia! Glazing and . Jobbing attended to with promptness an despatch, QivonsacaU. mystrspc . TniTOiffiß, WEAVER & CO. PJEW CORDAGE FACTORY NOW IN FULL OPERATION, No. U N. WATER and 83 N. DEL. avaod* ,Ld - WALNUTS AND AIJMONDB.-NEW, OBOE OK»- noble Walnuts and PaperßheU Almonds, Corrals br Jl U UUHSIEACO., m a. usbwfaw arena! *V OUNG LADIES’ SEWfTNARY, 1502 LOUUS i X under the charge of Misa CASEY aud I>r. LAltiiCib TON. Tlic Bchqol commences on WEDNESDAY, Sep- _ __ TnitIMONIAT. FltOM TIIELATKBIftIIOPOFPI'NNfm.VANIA. I have known Mr. Labberton for several year*, part of the time up tutor to one of my sons. Ilia attainment* arc re markable, bi» power of teaching is. in pome reape-ct*. unsurpassed, and lilh conHcientioua ana enttussinritio devo tion to liia work most commendable. Itakogrout pleasure in expressing my full confidence in his übllltv and fidelity an an instructor and a man. ALONZO POTTEIt. Cl»p«eHwill be formed, independently of t the reguniJ school course, for ladles who have left nohool hut arc d.-.-u roußof continuing souio of their studies. Lor particular? apply at33B South Fifteenth etreet, between and t o’clock. ■\7 OUNG MEN AND BOVS.—-THE ENGLISH, GLASSI* 1 cal. Mathematical, upd Scientific. Institute,. Noi. timr andiniSMt Vernon street, will reopen, with incieand facilities, September 2d. Preparations. for biume-H or rol lege—French, German, Drawing, Elocution. BooL-ke-p. ing, Penmanship, Cheintrtry I’hiMophy ky nimriu! touchers. A department for small bo>a.. 0 SHINN, A. itl.. Principal. ; niYiVAm HOARDING AND I)AY SCHOOL FOR VOCNG LA- X) dies', nnd Kindcrßiirtcn lor Children. rontiieiutj jin' Ninth mid Sniing Cmdcn ctreetn, will ie-open Ninth Month (Sentomlk-r) Kith, IHIiT.' A limited iiiji..!i.t liom-dcir will 111- received in the homo ot the n inci,- iL For circulart apply to HAY Ycipal, No. *162 Frar.kHu TMlrtS CAI'.U’S BOARDING SCHOOL, I’OK YOLejO JVI Ladies. suvn miles Irom Flulwlelpbia. Syi»i lhf ij£ York lioiitl Station. North I'enn.tylvanla It. hua . 1 • twelfth session will commence September Jlth. f.ii ciu u.. may lie obtained i.t the olheo of .lav Cooke ‘'■Co.. 11. South Third ntreet, or l>y uddrei-sing the I iinvui.it. ble; <- makertown I*. 0.. Montgomery eonuty.B». ntiHtoc_..j_ TufikSAMTfX JLCLEVELAM) WILL iiESCMKTIIE JVI duties of hm pruhwnon utter <M«>ei DL •V : tuition given to those deniroiiH oi an julvsnirod coil« „ tt ptMiding. Private ehuM.*;-* formed in the An.ii> tn al ind Ilintoriciil Reading of Lnglirii {ittenaim; Iho hhiki! h-< • tnrop to rchoolw. Addles No. 252 8. *1 onthwt. ho3I *> /■IATtfAUINE M. SHIPLEY WILL RE-OPEN HER VySchool, No. 4 South Merrick utreet. on the Ninth of Ninth Month, (September,) 18(57. .V'liuuoh in Hutnvy, the Natural Scioucen, mid Drawing will be formed indepen dently of the regular school course; competent will attend to the,ho branches. amStocl} y, INSTITUTE, TENTH. AND SPRING frill re-open September ‘*th, Boyd pro pared for college or for biiHim?«B. . ILG.MoGITKIC, A. M„ Principal. J. W. SHOEMAKER, Vice Principal aud 1 eachorof Elocutiou, History, &c. au2»6w^ rnTflT SCfENTihio AND CLASSICAL INSTITUTE 1 hat* been removed to tho Southeast corner of Fanlar and Seventeenth street*. Tin.- I- the best provided school tor boys end voting men in America. I **£n,“ * n ”toa to call during the morning hours. J. EVMs. A. M., iniSMfj Principal. 1 1LASSICAL. FRENCH AND ENCLISH SCIIOOI. FOR V .Itinc .Men and Boys, Thirteenth tuid Locust streets. Engli-h studies awl). Languages extra. Frinmry Depart ‘"SVsitj F.F.N.J. KENDALL, A. M., Frmci|uiL_. tI'IIK ENGLISH AND'CLASSICAL SOHOOL OF A It 1 Shearer. A. M„ removed Irom lwelfth and Chestnut h-tifi-tt* to S. W. corner Broad and WVlnui ahvel-, will loopcii September Pth. (Jircumv* at No. 12-i‘.* (-M'-vU'i. etrrVt. JV !:?vI l n „ rplYr. ENGEISII, (CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATI J cal tuf-titute.—A Select School r o r Boy-. No. « Soutl Mciihkrtreet (West IVrin S'jmue), reopen- »Vmdfty. Sept E with increased advantage.-to:’ a lnniteu imuiK‘J of pupil.-. .IOSKPII DAVISON, Principal. - il *' , r.HIE PRirNc'irAND ENGLISH BOARDING ANDDAY J. School for Vnr.nc Ladies. MUt- and 1 111 Locu/t will iv-opcu on We dm .'day, September j J/'[, <ucu liuv or i-drui.-t.-:ion:iddiv«d." [jr J ti * \ ; deWT.ia.,- Mi-' Bouncy and Mis- Dillaye willie-opci their Boarding and Dry School, at No. 181f> Ohr-tin't ;t, v :„ on YVedne-day, September, 1-th. Farticulars from Ctrcu IFlin'Al'E SCIIOUL Ft)l’. HOYS IN TIIK PIHLADKL 1 i,hin City Institute. N. .K. roiner Che,tnat and ’ i.’n tet tith .-ireets. entrance on Eighteenth street, will rooput. on MONDAY, September nth. - _ . , . atiUinio ' L. BARROWS, Prmcirat. V.riss (TiriFFfn's'wiLi. i:i:si'Me t»e dj.'t'.es <*k ivi ier -Hieol. in the w,d . tore ot the lmtldittg in ttte rear of ill'.- rlmrrh roruer of CheStimt ami fltowntn Htlert., Fel'lember mil. I-hft'.inee on Che.-ttmt■ r!: eet An; Ihi.'tioti-mode iit 11'I’i 1 liri.ril -tj'eet. YAISS .MARY E. TTIISII'F 'VILI. RE-OPEN HEh fVI F.m'lii-h and Fr-urlt itoiadme and Day -ic.io.il to' Voting I.adie-, at 1-li Cl i Ed TNlstreet. 1 ntlad'lhhi.t oil September 10th. For eirculant . apply «* , *■»*■ relioul. anli-.m 'pilE ARCH STREET IN.-TITiITE FOK Y<M'NO 1 Ladier, FUS Arch utreet, will re-ojieu on MONDAi 'SeptemberPth. . _ __ . tri^,„rfc T „ • • , HUl7'2ins Mifia L. M. BROWN, PrmcipKl_ ID EMIN A KIES AN it I'F. I KATE F AMILIES It F. STI tl NO O the -erviee- of .Music Teacher.-., are invited to appl,- tc r; ANDF.E & CO.. Dealers in Foreign and American Music, 1104 Chestnut street. . ; sel-luu 6FYIiNAKY ; FOK YOUNC; LADIES. NO I.II3FILBERT O Street, will lie reopened ninth month tbeptmnber) ln-h. MARY' F. ROBESON will be at home after the Ptb instant. J y ?“?'_ Miss’ E. T. BROWN’S ACADEMY 'FOR- YOUNG -LtvdterNo: lOOJSi'rlßjfGarden'struct, will re-open on MONDAY, September9th. MISS TSCHUDY HAS REMOVED lIER SCHOOL ivi to 1717 Fine, wheru it will reopen Wednesday. Sept. 18th. . ; ‘‘v-.tlm* tpHE MISSES JOHNSTON'S BOARDING AND DAY 1 School, No. 1327 Spntce street, will re-open (D. \ .) Sep tember 18, 1887. . aniSlmO ATI!. V. VON AMSBERG WILL,RETURN I- ROM_ LL IVL rope, and resume his lesson* by October Ist, lßoi. Address 254 South Fifteenth utreet. sell.t.-._ MISS ELIZA W. SMITH’S BOARDING AND DAY M School, No. 1324 Spruce street, will re-open beptem berlßth, 1887. au2t-*t / tARL DE BFBNA. WILL’'RESUME HIS LESSONS V.' September loth. Address 11129 Chestnut street.[seH-13t V, « ’ THE FIIILADf LFIIIA RIDING SCUOUL <V-rr,Fom th stri ct aticve Vine. t< now open lot the i'nlk»ud Winter Liuliet* and (.entlvauri. will iind c-\iry provhioii for comfort and .-iitot:-. t.uit a tliorongli kno\vU-dg«s* k of thin bcantiiuj ucTomijli.dmmnr may .in* ohtaim-d by the* ment timid. Suddl.* honw. faineci in the bept manner. SKddh’J’.orj'e* and Abo. carnage* foMnneraK gON T.’NUNai'BGI'LS O ?ot «.i Vocal M uTc, and Conductor ot Italian < 1. :<v\v Votk. and all the l , rincipnl Theatres iu Aiiynca i at. decided to make Philadvlpliin hi- home. ;md wilUiv. Loh-oii'in Singing' (Italian aeh'H'lj and ‘"'ii tin.* l lano ror t< in:.-, An*.. fee Circular at tin- ni«u»ic #toiv-* ul Amir w. 1V,.. l.< c A Walker. r.nd Boner it Co., Clw«mnt Simmr Kano can lie *een perdonnlly at SHP Llu-iuM ?t IV. t. 7. 1B J< 'SKI’II KNKCUT, LATE OF TUB CON ft Bl.; A jIYI toivt (if I‘mic beg* leave to inform tin- public tun: hr -u ill ;r.Miaiu- hi" duties a? teacher of tne riaim ui Si member 2d. Be. idenco. Mnrkoo Homrn, Lu<i?tnnt lUi'egt aboic Ninth. uu,;o-hu_ f>J -‘NO VIOLIN AND TIIKORV OF Mi SIU.- ! ilrnum Ailftn A. M of the Lemmg (/oh-erva torimi.. will ivnuue hi- Kkhih on the lethm-t. ApPl vn. tiD residence. :‘t:27. Bnunlywme street. or at that oi Iro i*.“i v*r (li'iirp 1 Alleu, 215 Smith Seventeenth at. H-11-iur iVIANG AND SINKING- MISS GARDNKIi OF ID'S -1 tmiV -nMI of Mr. AUGFST KHEISSMAN., Ap Iv to Vroitf-or George. Allan* 21.7 South se\en G i ntli street, or to Mr. llenmu Allen, JU2< ,1 • randy- Hineidrect. ■ ■"■ - 1-1 FTirMCi.-Mibetli and Mien .Julia Allen will resume then In-Min.- on the Ibth inct*. Apply at the residence.ol 1 rof. Gedge Allen, 215 South Seventeenth street. sell lin* i{7’JAME3 7 VKAROk, MI'S. 11AC. (7x7)N., OF ST. Mark’s Olmreh, will meet hi* pupil* on the 2.P1 mat., No. 1-130 Spruceilritrect. . Hclb-ni, w,t,ht Madame e.sf“iler will resume ueuteach ineof Singing, llnnnouy and the Piano Septembui mb. Apply 4t 1230 Cheritmxt street. eulO-lin Ml;. M. 11. GROSS WILL RETURN FROM EUIttTPE and resume Ilia LeEaouß by October 7th, IBe7. Addt e?a, 1705 Race atreet. _ Mil. LEMON. TEACHER OF TIIE PIANO, ORGAN. Guitar and Singing, haa resumed his lessons. Ad dres? 1025 Mt. Vernon street. - aeH-l^t OIGNOR 1\ RONDINELLA WILL RESUME HIS SING- O iug Lessons on the 9th ot September. Address, South west comer Dread and Pine streets. Bed-Jin MK. CHARLES 11. .JARVIS WILL RETURN FROM Europe and resume hia lcaaona by October i, lwm. AddrePß 1817 Green strettv we ** tt TJAELAD ‘SIEGING AND PIANO. -THOMAS AND JJIGEOKGE BISHOP, 83 S. Nineteenth street. so2Q lm AIAKINPS FASHIONABLE DANCING ACADEMV. IVI Natatorium Hall, Broad street, below Walnut. Mr. Muriui’a classes will commence on Monday, October 14th, at the above hall. „ .. For particulars bco circular?,to bo had at. the /vcaacni} and at ANDRE’S Music Store,- F ,. 2G9t» 1104 Ghofctnutf treat. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOOPS. PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY. Order* for these celebrated Shirt* supplied promptly brief notice. Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, Of lata etylea in full variety. WINCHESTER & CO., ■706 CHESTNUT. Je3-m,w,f,tf _ _ MAURICE JOE J. W.-SCOTT & CO., SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, AND DEALERS IN Men’s Furnishing Goods, 814 Chestnut Streets INSTRVOXIOn, JHiSICAL. DANCING. Four-doow below the “Continental,” riIILADELPaiA-isa mUtf.m.w.H FIWAHOIAjL. NOTICE TO THE HOLDERS OF THF. LOANS OF TM COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, Due After July 3d 1860. Holden or the following LOANS OF THE COMMON WEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA are requested to pr* oat them for paymont (Principal andlntoreat) at The Farmers' and Mechanics’ Na- tional Bank of Philadelphia, Loan of March 1.1833, doe April 10, 1863. '•• Aprilß, 18*1.'due July 1,186 V; ''i.. , •• April 13, 1835 duo July 1, 1886. •' February P, 1839, dne July 1,1864. «• March 16,1839, duo July 1,1861. •• June 27, 1839, due Juno 37,1861. •• January 23, IMO, duo January 1, 1866, All of the above LOANS will cense to draw interee after Soptember 30,1867. JOHN W, GEARY, governor. JOHN F. HARTRANFT, WILLIAM H, KEMBLE, aulft-f m w tLc3orp <7 3-IO'S EXCHANGED FOK S-20 9 & 9 ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. X>e Haven&Bro., ■ 40 South Third Street. HBs ■ % & SPECIALTY. ® 'SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO, BANKERS AND BROKERS 16 Bcath Third 3 Nasun Stmt, Philadelphia, New York. STOCKS AND GOLD bought' and sold on commission. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. BANKERS & BROKERS, , ' No. 17 NEW STREET, N-EW YORK. Farticnlar attention Kiven to the porohait anil «100 tiO VEKKMF.NT 1 S JoCIIKITIfM, KAII.IIOAJ> WOCKH, BOiliDS ASM GCSLS Biulemi oiclnrivolyonComml-wloo. All order, will receive our iiersonal attenuonat i-u Atoek Eaobanae and (Sold Board. aO,, _ ” t-TKiinn suwnn, tun. sl.uuu TO LOAN ON bIO.IHH’. Mnriftaßi- of iiii,'i..ycd l.ity i>roi,eitj. .1 11. OOIMBY is SONS. SSJ U alnut street. LIIMBEKt 1 Of«T ELECT WHITE PINE. ' 2M. 3 anil «uch, CHOICE lB fo,lt 10,U - AlSiSk. BROTHER *CO., - • - Js’o. S5OO BOOTH Street. , c .,i n BCILDINQI BUILDING ! BIULDINO ! 1867 LUMBER ! LUMBER! LUMBER I J.uvy» 44CAROLINA FLOORING. W CAROLINA FLOORING, 44 DELAWARE FLOORING, ,4 DELAWARE FLOORING, ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. ' SPRUCE FLOORING, STEP BOARDS, KAIL PLANK. PLASTERING LATH, MAULE, BROTHER* (JO., No. 2500 SOUTH Street. 1 OOn -CEDAR AND CYPRESS SHINGLES, Lob 7. CEDAR AND CYPRESS 31I1N0LES. 1 * '***> COOPER SHINGLES, No. 1 CEDAR LOGS AND I'OBTS. No. 1 CEDAR LOUS AND POSTS, MAULE, BROTHER fit CO. —LUMBER FOR UNDERTAKERS! LOO7. LUMBER FOR UNDERTAKERS! CEDAR, WALNUT, MAHOGANY. CEDAIC WALNUT, MAHOGANY. MAULE, BROTHER fit (XJ. 1 O On -ALBANY LUMBER OF ALL KINDS. lOu7. ALBANY LUMBER OF ALL KINDS. •( SEASONED WALNUT. SEASONED.WALNUT'. , orl DRY POPLAR, OUERRY AND ASH. OAK BOARDS. ROSEWOOD ACT Toorr -CIGAR BOX MANUFACTURERS. LOO I CIGAR BOX MANUFACTURERS. SPANISH CEDAR N BOX.BOARDS h 1 —3P RUCE JOIST—SPKUCEJOIST— SPRUCB LOOIc Jol f J> OM 14 TO 32 FEET LONG. FROM 14 TO 82 FEET SUPERIOR FW f my 18 tf{ MAUL NO. 2502 SOUTH StrooL SHINGLES. SHINGLE9-IN LOWEKI g Seventh and Carpenter —» COAXi AND WOOD. jontf r. ftQEAJT, INVITE ATXEfrnON TO JL their stock of and Locuat Mountain Coal, »>• “*• WJ thtok camS Aith itreet wharf. ScUnytiU v £ a JiAM<<v f.iO., Si SOUTH >• “ Jli i,j,- Mon' n ci.-iviry their Jt'ull viiid lutar :m.«* j J'm.’cv jiiyliv ! n»‘luif. * Sll, 'l!lS' SiiKmi'Wool Po|.!!i». l)terlc iuul Colored 1 •«»»>« Alimcru. . IJliu k fiul Colon-d LMn:»n‘*» lihu's: Jiiul -‘fl l*»u«-y Siyl''« cl v.loi- .dn/*. f>4 drccn rind Blue, Mm* and White, ara* rte.irlot ;iul AViiitr (Jloßkingi 4 . AUDITOR-GENERAL. STATE TREASURER, iT~7i H KBTN fjT ST H. KT E.M. NEEDLES & 00/3, N.W.Cor. lith ami Chestnut Sis, (louse Furnithin? Dry Cw^i, , Bmielit at (In' recfot de|.r<-«oi tHej* ' fiiiOrttiiK. f'illiw and IsxM-: Undo.!, '] uhlc i bih* «■ ii\l t«» mat'*.;. •VViut- fioylii*;*.-■ 1 o«;cU ami I' u Mimciih*:* Quilt*. ntiri |ioni-y Oomli, EancmibT, AllcLid«-'., .ituaiiKml, and nlluT hprcatK. Doim-i ic Mti.din.- and 11l all qu.llitluH Ulld Width *. at the luwkht ea/vks. TT/.' 'vi ills xan .j;.s4 lf » y i E. M. NEEDLES &. CO. ] Invite attention to tlicir Firat-ei.vi Stock of - Laces and Lace Goods, , Embroideries, Hdkfs, Veils, &c.,W To which addition* will constantly l>*J m-vle of nj the 2 ; Novelties of the Season. U They offer in their H $ ** White Goods D«pnrtm«iiit ;0 HEAVY SKMTING CAMBRICS* S At U\, and 4?>cifiit-*. A Great Sacrifice. \T.W?mXK .Xi 1 NXSMHQ TOT* hi. b l 1.1 . i ur.fi i, ; ,- J l:-j-!-.M! .‘it?., vny t>- - . I i'- --1 .. 11 1 *' OJC'-K’* i.i ’ in’ - | .-h.-id- * .< \ HV !•!!' I'nr.. M, TU >!;'t /. I!-’ 1 I Lu -r- -1. bill: Vv >)< <K I-..* ,v V'<Vv ton SALE,- '/ ' Coal or Lumber Yards, Fo/:ndries, Ac. -A U - i ’* .-<>l i < « i-' 'i '’-'Ksvt .- 1 .■.'■*.>•!/ ani> liA SI.WN .-'i '■ 'A. f.-j o ■„ Y : . \V. cor. MNTl'l .i: 1 -it*." a-” M/i-.-.Mj: .1 rt.s*f.<• LA,-'.-; i>y. r.i.:.:v jtilU.. wj. .\ ( ;-j. srvrati. *tr*'Ct. Nr. l*-i;7 i->« ■*. pi'*' '•- N<-. 4- | i:t. :>;h =-tr.-t. N". '--i l -' Luiitt/nnJ ei : --'.'t. J'l.'i 'h' if 7u5 _ .... "" “MM)' hrv jihuv. Ai-no i > Ch. ft •S::J W rtn-.-t. MAVf.sT - ’ SAL!-: mod* -a re-M< ivt 1 , rnr.ni’mps: .i ■j....u... on Sp! -'co t»tr«-'-c. ,-t 10r.,.; - *;-c>cr v modern convenient <■ and iir< prow*'.•:■• . e ' lo \u ,1! nmi [ l.itiii-'iltii choice."-hniMe- •> l.ot Urj rV.-t i: r:t oy ft t ‘ln i', d. M. IiI'MMKY SONS..V* W ,«rr, FonV<Lk.--NKW buowx'.sto.nk tfe? Howci-.jfc. iiu; BiTiVc- trci-f. I'.t 21 l.y i-i' im ■ !> $. -in ‘ir>| Jinrl'r. ptrn'l l-jt 22liv I«U f.-t, t-i KitLyil.a':- "MffH."*) r. et Mile;'■TlßlP=h-’ii-lllthr r m'wl-j-tyS|lTrt-miUßt-sjr E. Vi. W AUKEN, :j\ . . • N<►. L'Jfi Wain: »vt. /d At l>n from * lo S* and -i to 4. «?. AKCH SALK Tli.'; HArfl ,o:ne fou?>*toiy brick rt/ide-Dce.iiJic-t. b^Jt. JabLi.nd Lushed throushout in the Wt u * extra mivi-nieuceß; ritunte ou th»* N. . J. or . u -‘T,Vv_rl# nnd Tu rntteth fetrects. d. M. •OL.d.dEi. &ONo».. : rf AVjilruit street. Z - 1< liTsAI.K-A not ijLe TUttEiiSfoi’.y «A*f 1 iv.-* Hint?. N. \S. corner .-ivcut'-cxith :tn.i M’rr. [• ■tii i street*, containing 15 r xrnn 4 , »*t:<tr.’-narv wTat^ M-ndi ti.W, and all the caa>enicncts a L d'.vuHii.-, rETTEK, KIIKJKBACM PPItDY, . Ui N\c:h riitl: Ktr-vf. -a WEST AKUji BTRKET.-FOK SALR-A UAN* fm:r*torv brick Korfdcuc*', *l--i•?-*-? f- MSi double !>&«* building fitaate on tu*> • \ Arch -t.cet, n«.*ar Tweutiftin li:* 4 cvi-:/ tr.u !••':» co~ « uit-nre and iuij'rovenu'ut. Lot ’£}xt«o •'• -y r.IMiIEV i: MUNri. PA Walnut street. 1 ? fSLi:; UN lea'A tmims. a m-tr ',Lf Ki.i O'.M'llii.K. i'U if: nv-t. :n';i M.'l m.l. .K tf t In -at. I*l IV.-UI.TV> t >' 'lll:vri.. ■- liKiiiicot ;V •’‘‘ l ,‘v l - go, 1-01; EAU-:" P.l/UAE KKSIDKVt E, V oj«. : in tie. I !o: .--i ar- I'";-. lU-; V [ l,\ ii K.'-J NSixr mi tin- v:-.i g|, l-i ll: VALUAKI.E .tON.r. r.J.r \M.lnnt rtm t. . ,v- Fiji! SALE.--El .EG ANT NEW ItF.3IDt.VT |I-r M». CCS SPUIVE STREET: . . liiiA Al.i, -MuUJ.i'.N I’! Pli'iN i.-' j Je .IAI.I.E. ICto mi.l: : i:- > . ecGli.jf.* - 3V nol. 11l .3! i-.l: '•if 'in 1.l T. A iIirICATI.I. HOI Si. U. l-l-il.-wl. 1; i>ia; nr-iv;j,; - , 1 '' 11 —ini: .-A!.'-. 'Fin: iiamisi.'MU fis:' Thri.-*twv Bri.-I: H. . r, i:h ',n! LA’ I>,.nM.; Br.-k B.uldine-. anil rvi-ry 227 1 •ini-. .1. M. GF.MMEI A S>-NA&.“. >Vi.lO-.e. . FOR BALE-TWO NE’.V IlllUnUS, WAI.N S.;, 1..,,.,, riith audeixth borant, we-t of Ada:;]:* i.t: -y'. i ’»*.• riiautovs n. Apply vO A. TrV, UANi\.IU4N Sirtii J'hd-tda. . TO SU;!VT, . "ZZ I*l IB iVr.NT. -:V LAih’F. SUBSTANTIAL FG fjur s»«>ry Bni'l: lluilditiy, ciiitable lor • mat: :U> ■.. ;t,■ *. . tinrioMT', •’tua'i- <m ?trc-t -n- . t • mid C.fllov.MU atrcctN. J. -M. VA & Walnut ftivvt. TO i:KNT -A FritNISURH Tinn.F-STOl; . : hJ2I hrtfi: lioiifi*, with brick hnjU.it;:;*, in (• ua-lk-nL tiuli-r.- ivith'-niwdciiu .iiikPi'u'T.lU’- , nrirhl-oi homl. Apply ltj-'ln Locunt fticci. . TO IiF.NT.—A HAHDSOMBFytMsHr.DUOL.7I-s UO;; on North Hroud atix-et, above Jvtf».-rwm -t ; aiha-flou immediately. ' AUo. KooniMor n.g in rpo-L-f. Apply to GOFPIiOK A: JOIJ)AN. Vu.uut. .-rr FOK DESIHAiH.E BUSINESS STAND. 7i;n No. 211 North Second btivet, with. Urge uiM.coumio- duelling attached. Apply to JACOB M BL l.ijv 1 £25 Wtiluut utreut, r»mco No. 2. MGEKMANTOWN--VOK RENT—A MAKfWOaifi double ftono residence, with every city £'>cyoiu( , n« ; e, ritiiHtu on Chclten avenue, near the v ui a voi. J. M. GUMMEY A SUNS, GW WnlnuUttvut.. ~ br.KMANTOWN"-A FUItNIIiIFD . FOTTAI.K finiiii to rent for A i mouth- Horn October l~t; "o'lvniiout Apply «t lm " r «;S,V«. _ / \FHCKB TO LET IN EAST PENN JJfJIL.HN'Jj ■O WwiiluutiatrceL Apply to S. K MTJAA., 4"‘ '• Btreut. . _ w rro LKT~-THE~ ELEOANTrSKW MVS TO R Y Ri i 0 M. J_ 8. K. corner Seventh and Chestnut streets now occu pied by J. K. GOULP. Aleo, from October lat, the premises now occult by EI)W\KD V. KELLIE. 612 Chestnut stive:. Addrou EDWAKP P. KELLEY. 612 Chestnut «tre.»r. -neut _ -c- WANTED I’O PUKCUASV-A HOOrnv. Ov* n’Mlii (Imu street, west of Broud. and E.t,?> ot r.tKbt*viu.» Jk!ix streets. Possession ‘April Ut. Adcbvv I *- r: Bcu.ktin Orruu:, ritutiugjuice. ‘ -b»• . a.swJ; pished residence, west otTeuth nti*'-nt. and bs.tv.eju Pino and Vino. Address W., boxSTAt p.Q. nrtftt-St* BKAL ESTATE SALE. 4m,"TO Om'ALISTS ~AND THOSE OBStIMMU fpl liter Po-ivor.—Attention is mill'll to Hu?' " < [J; • ifc Fiii o, of t!io 1.1 to lfirhurtl SmetMuK rol.l on Saturday, the Mil of OrtobiT mr.ft ~ « c t'o™ V. M.. or tlii? Imliiiu Queci. Hotel. In 1 y/i f. Tlio form is Minute about fire unit:-: 10 ’ tin niiuittnu, ou tlio Lniicnsti'i' , "f 11 Bniiitlviyiao Syriii*. ami Fell'f. trip® ffi { vnti-iyil. Ilril tiny meek"'Mg* 1 ? II of ‘.SrntaS there ?i (mod \v:iter-i>uuei h* l ' l ".?,, „ ~n K r , . iot*of feet. The haul i.» hM qmihty, " ]’' y 0 -W ;;,g? Iniildiuits, containing about 01 ‘"AdiHrliiii. of tlio M'litr.'i’C'tv'rr tuul 1a.i.l will l.a or hitiitoil nt theetile. • ... fo 1-or Hut her pnitieutAW. u sQUIUKH, No 250 South fourth utrect. Phi hi duti>hla._ TTiwtfrtsr IpSkberVed 1 pSkberVed ginok.k. -TfKßfflfiSßi ( icier ioffCT,'! l ttia QOlabniW-1 Cliyiooou brand V iV!5 e WSinrved Uinaap, in boxoa, mjiioi toil and lol !i“’by Zolara&Bosiftem a w.. ion aWu »d«> W ara uvenae. [«?or. ] tUh'tf ■ j-OxY A .I • . !I *V vi ?!. a.i". ;> »y-»r*r, . (].h ESS 'O O L> -IJ .Vl N or TMR H’HDlir^b'U'-J.^EEIA BVENKWO BTII-EETIN' fTUDAY, September '2i, I«i»7. Aa. cdmmnniciUions for this column must be directed “Chets Editor of EVksino Bm.usm," oud Hbovilii reach the Ofllce, at latest, on Thurs day nioniirfr All Problems must be accompanied by the solution and mime of-Urn, composer. AnKwem to Clorrcspoiulcnt*. “J. M."— Von would do well to subscribe to the </W ll''.. hi: . There are at present mi other roagimuch extant, so far ns v/o know, for we have not received any uuinkers of thorn for six months. '*■ J. C. IVV-Contribution received. liiimArii.irv. —The effect produced by Chess-- rilay upon tl;e moral and physical idiosyncracicß of different individuals, prcscuts a curious and not unumuAng study to the observer. -A laugh iiblc. story ib related of-a member of a Northern Chess Club, who, upon a certain occasion having lost eevera! parties in succession, to an opponen whom he considered inferior to himsell, suddenly left the eliib-room in a state of intense disgust. Coming into the street, lie spied light opposite to him the back of an unsuspecting individual who was in the act of tying his shoe. The opportu hity of letting off ills hil't was irreslsta ble Tim splenetic and defeated Chess-player ae eordingiv, without further 'juestlon. straightway administered a hearty <■■*,< <k ,»<kl to the ostoond ed shoe-tier, exdaimir.g in a loud voice, “Con found you, you are tying your shoe!" Problem No. 532. liy-Mi MAT no )ti: /.A.VOIIA si W> ''if Hi 'fr/mnl wMm. A §f| |g dfeJyM. Srf <» ii * is* i| IS 1®..... ®IS it* ; it ii; 4 -B &/ ' £f |p |« i ; A Si. IS *a|l ifei ' lil ' ! wnirr. . \ White to rJiiV «ii‘l mat; in '*• •' i«\ve<. Solution to .Vo. o3ia *Tr:n. i.f.A*:K. 1. Id xj a, ar.d iv.*n t mow-. CHE.'iS IN PHILADELPHIA. Uaiuc No. I 5 i l. I.il H;, H'D, b’-’t'-vojii Mr. i{•■■. ! .1:'•!in • r*cd Mr. Lic.-tb ENon. | U‘ !■ } l’Jaj-Ml ..'.UL WjijlMi:. Ki.i- iiiiKi.M.) 'Ui.: ( Mi:. Ki>o'.. i j. i- K•) ¥toK -1 •> ■!C h • :-i C :i K. Ki. to H:: v to i< ; li to K it i r, < ..-ti-s ii to i; 4 7. B .-. Kt ii II . «. Ki to Hi ii x ! •J. v» x H >'to <1 15;; ' Ki; Q to Kt .i 1' to K Kt :i (Castling was evidently inadmissible on teiottnt olßtoK’C.) - 11. B to R Kt to II ■' 12. ti It to Q tf) <2ttoß2 j:i. Q to Kt 1 - Q to Q 2 H. tjxQ (cb) • K' x Q Jo. Kt .to K 4 litolvt! to. P to K 15 t K to K it 17. Kt to Kt ii - ]’ to K B 1 Ih. I* X P (' II ]"■ ) BxP I*l. P to B :l K H to K till. P to K.:> (Oh) K to B j •1. 1' \ P nil) KxP v\ -.'2. rujQ;; h x l' •2:1. P X B K x B ■_Mt R to B o t'cliV* K to Kt 2 •J.'i. KlrtO K ■< (eh) K to It E(| It to B 7 ' lltoKU(ch) 27t..K ‘-o, Ii 2 Q K to K S'; '2>i. Kt to B O (2*. Q ii to B 15 would have been atl!! more forcible.) -I. B t’J q ;,. :■i’ 28. K R to K 2 •><(. R < F (t:10 HsK 30. Ktxll HxP 31. Kt to y 0 M to *'■ ! 32. K to K 3 to II 2 33. P. to K K toli) K to Kt 2 34. II to K 7 (cb) K to Kl 3 35. It x It Kslt !»»). K iv •'* t <J Q '• 37. K to t> 1 K to Kt 2 38. Kt to B 8, and wins.. CHESS IN PARIS. Xo« n.>s. M. DwcKipr'fcl l Rivvs M. St. A until Ins ljuocu e Konk tor tivo exlra jmwus. (litmint Whites U'M'ii's linoh and phi tin, extra ichltt /Miras an A It 1 and 1 1 G 4.) Wn. (M. Dkm HAITIXI.Be. (M- Sr.AMAST.) 1. FtoKl l’toQt! 2. P to Q i P to K B •'! 3. P to ii 5 P to K Kt 3 4. p to 0 5 B to R 3 5. P to KB! P to B 3 b to Q 3 ' Ktloß.i 7. P to U 3 P x y P 8. QBPxP Kttoß4 9. K to B 2 B to Q 2 10. PtoyKti Kt to it :> 11. PtoQUl Kt to B 2 12. B to K :! K to B ei( l:;. P to B 1 Kt to It 3 14. Q to Q 2 (It is <:2si]y seen tMt It In Black's constant elfort to break through the ■ phalanx of pawns, and that White endeavors to thwart that cllbrt.) 14. Q to B sq 15. P to Kt 5 Kt to U 4 10. P to Kt 4 P to K 3 .. 17. Kttoy .B.;; - .“i** ' ' 18. BPxT Pto«f ' lb. P x P K B x 1 20. B x B P x B r> 21. QtoCJ ! , Kt to B „ 22. P to H i K to B 2 23. PxP £ tX n Ktl ' 24. P to Kt ti (eh) PxP 25. P x P (eh) K x P 20. P to K 5 (eh) K to B 2 27. Pto K b (eh) . BxP 28. K x R Q x R 2b. P x B (eh) Kt x P :!<). Q.x Q • Ki'l , 31. Kt to B Ii Mo Kb 32. B to K 4 U to R 8 (eh) 33. K to Q 2 K to Q R 6 34. B to Q 5 K to B 3- 35. Kt to K 4 (eh) K to B 1 3b. Kt to Kt 3 (eh) Jv to B a 37. Kt to K 2 (eh) K to B 4 ;)8. Kt to Kt 3 (eh) K to B 3 3i). Kt to K 4 (eh) K to Kt 3 40. B x Kt R x P 41. K to Q 3 Kt to B-3 42. Kt to B 3 j It to It (i 43. KttoQ i. Kt to K 4 44. K to B 4 Kt to B 5 45. B to B 8 PtoKt3 40. B to K G Kt x B 47. KtxKt K to B 3 48. Kt to B 7 p to K 3 40. Kt to It 0 p to Q I (eh) 50. K to Kt 4 (M. Desehappelles, who, up to this point has conducted the game with cousumate skill, here commits a faux pas. By sacriaeing the Knight lor the two pawns, ho must have insured a draw.) 50. R to R 8 51. Kt to R 1 R to Kt 8 (ch) 52. K to .B 3 Rxr 53. Kt to Kt I K to K 2 54. Kt to B C (eli)- K to Q 3 35. Kt to ti 4 R to Kt 8, and wins. Onmc No. 1753. Another game in the late match between Messrs. Neumann and Winaworo. (Airy Lopez Knight's Game.) Wn. (Hit. VVmAWJaus.) Bi.. (Alit. Neumann.) 1. P to K •! P to K 4 / 2. Kt. to KB 3 .KttoQJl3 BioQKto K t to K B 3 ■i. ]’ to q 3 r to q 3 ,7. Ii x Kt (i'h) P::B c. Clitics v t« t;n i 7. i* to <2 B 7 ... . 1’ to K Kt 3 ■X. Kt to Q IK! B't" A Kt 2 !). BtoKKt.7 I’to Kit 3 Id. )! x. Kt B xB, 11. KttoQ'r. Bto.kkf.. 12. Kt to q 2 V t° Q 73. Kt to Q B 3 7 }" £ IV’i 17. KttoK2 P to K Kt 4 7.7. KttoKKtS Camloa 70. Q to Q It 7 B to Q 2 77. q it to K sq K It to q Kt st| ' 78. QtoQ Ii 2 ' tj to K li .7 111. q It to K 3 Pto’KKto, •20. Q K to K eq (Mr. AVinuwiTe, by the vacillating policy Be ]>nr tuc-B in tbib game, seeins only to court, ileleat.) 20. q to K Kt 7 27. PtoKB 3 " Pto Kit 4 22. PxP PxP 23. Kt to K B 5 B to K li nq (In biil.jccting himself to annoyances, rather than have ilia Bishops cchangeil, Mr. Neumann s play resembles Mr. Paulsen’s.) 2!. li to K Ii 2 Kit to q Kt 2 2.7. Kt to K li sq Q it to q Kt bl| 20. It to q Kt sq (P to q Kt 3 would have answered every pur pose.) - 20. P to K B 3 27. q to Iv 2 B x Kt 23. Kx Ii . qto K Kt-3 - ■-■ 2!.. Q to K B 2 It to K B 2 30. Kt to K Kt. 3 B to K It 3 31. .q to K 2 , IT to K B 5 32. Kt to K It f, li x K RP (eh) 33. K to B 2 q It to K B eq 37. It to K R sq ' R to K R 2 3.7. It x B *P to Kt 0 (eh) 30. Kt x P ItiK 37. It to KB3 q to K Kt .7 33. Kto Bsq •- q toK Ktl •, ■W. KttQKftA K to It sq ■lO. KtxW qtoOßS(ch) ■ll. K to B 2 It to K Kt sq, and wins. (tunic No. 1757. Between Messra. Rosenthal and Mortimer. (Keans’ (itmVnl.) Wn. (Me. MoirriMKii.) Be. (Mi:. Kosf.ntiiai..) 7. Pto K 1 Pto K 4 2. K Kt to B 3 Q Kt to B 3 3. B to li 7 li to li 4 4., Castles Kt to B 3 ii.’ P to q Kt 4 Ii x Kt P - 0. P to li 3. B to Kt 2 ('Hie best retreat in this variation of the gam bit.) 7. P to q 4 P to q 3 «. q to q IS 2 Castles 3. li to K 3 B to K Kt .7 Ib. q Kt to q 2 B to K 4 . 11. q l: to i < sq q to q n *q 12. P to K R 3 B to K Kt 3 13. Ktto R 4 Ktoß sq H. Kt x li feh) li P x Kt ];;. PtoK Ii 1 Px iiP ’ . lb. JS X P Kt too It 1 iv. u to it 2 qtoq-2 1 Kt to ii 3 Kt to qsq V.‘. V to K Kt 1 K’. to b -i 20. 1; x Kt It x Ii 2t. Kt to K It 4 Ki to K 3 22. ii X Kt R x it .ell ) 23. It x It q x B 2i. Kt to Kt 2 It to K B sq 2.7. K x it (eh) B X K 2„. Kt to i> i Q to K Ii 2 27. O to Ii 2 Ii to K 2 2i?. 7 ; to Q 1’ to K Kt 4 L’.l. Kt to K. C. , q X q 1 ell I . KX q / ptoq ii 7 .37. P x P (-a /'b‘) PxP 32. Kt to Q 4 • b to li 3 .73. Kt Xli P , BX P 34. K to K 2 P. to Q Kv • 3.7. Kto q:? ' ' ' Bto K x :ib. K to li 4 K to Kt sq (The distance of Black's King from the scene or action Hinders his game irredeemable.) 37. K to q 5 , B to Kt tj 3s;. Kt to K 7 (eh) ' • Ktoli 2 3!>. Kt to K B ;> B to B o 70. Kt x P (eh) K to K 2 - .' 71. Kt to B-7 (eh) Ktoli ii : 42. Kt to q 4 B to B 2 43. Kt to B 0 K to B 2 44. P to K .7 K to K sq 43. Kt to Kt 1 P to q R I 43. Kt to i: t; B to q sq ■l7. K to Q t; K to B 2< lb. K to q 7 B to K 2 49. Kt to B 7 Btoßb ;70. K i to qO, and Black V-signs. Crime No. 1755. . Between the same players. (King's HL'hnp* f/prning.) Win i Mn. MoirriMKi:.) iii. ( Mr. KosExtiiai..) 1. P to K 4 P t» K 4 2. B to B 4 B to B 4- . 3. P to y B 3 Kt to K B 3 4. P toy 4 PxP 5. P to K 5 Kt to K 5 0. BxP (eh) KxE 7. y to li 3 (eh) Kt to B 3 8. P x Kt Q x P o. y to y 5 (ch) \, (A very poor move, in place of which he should have played y to R 5 (eh).) b. Q to K 3 (ch) 10. y x y (ch) p x y 11. Pxl' BxP 12. Kt to K B 3 I’ lb K 4 13. Castles K to Ksq / 14. y Kt to Q 2 B to K 3 15. Kt to Kt 5 (eh) K to Kt sq 10. Kt x B R x Kt 17. Kt to B 3 P to B 4 / 18. K to y Kt sq Kt to B 3 / lb. K K to K sq Q R to Ksq / 2b. P lb y R 3 P to K R 3 / 21. R to K 4 PtoQ.Ktf 22. P to y Kt 3 Kt to K 2/ 23. P to y Kt 4 Kt to Q 4 21. PxP Kt to B G 23. Kt x"B ,»P x K), aiid wins. STOVE* ANJD MEATEK*. R E M_OVAL., W- A.. ARNOLD Has removed hi? Depot for the nab* of FURNACES, RANGES, GRATE*. SLATE MANTLES, io., from No. 1010 CUESTNUT street to 1305 CHESTNUT STREET. julyl3.ni. w.nly . : -jjr. . .THOMSON’S LONDON KITUUENEU, Or; AES! Enrorean Kiuiget. for families, hotels or public lu etitutlous. in twenty different sizes. Also, i'liilo- Kanges! Hot Air Funiar.es, Portable Heaters, Ixm-down/Gr&tcs, Fireboard Stoves, Batb Boilers, Btewliolo Plates, Broilers. Cooking Stoves, etc., wholesale and retail, by r ibMSON, my27-m,w,f..6m§ No. 209 North Second afreet. -dU. STOVES, • HEATERS AND KANGKS.-C. J. J£b£& TYNDALE, ttltheoldeffitbUMlietl stand, 146 South Second street, Philadelphia, rcspeetiully olfi-re to hi* and the public m general, a large ol Slovot*, Henter? amt Ranges, oJ vuri oiim ptyle?. patterns and sizes. ADo, Silver's eel<‘l>r.\ti‘d Giis*bimjing Stoves, inunufuctured umler his own super vision for the last fourteen years. Always on hand, Orr’s Patent Air-tigiit Wood Stoves, so invaluable to invalids, and of which he has been the only manufacturer iu this ritv for twenty-ci«hf Years. An assortment of the very best Cooking Stove'fc in the market always on liand. N. lk - Kuoiing Mid Jubbiug of all kinds carefully and promptly attenaejl to. _ se2.klms_ "TL, muhiAtTsT’DixoN a suns, " Jotl Lutfl Andrews d: Dixon, No. 1324 CIiESTN L'T ftrect, Philadelphia Oppoaita United State* Mint, Manufacturer* of LOW DO>VN, PARLOR, CHAMBER, OFFICE. And other GRATES, For Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood Firo ALbO, WARM-AIR FURNACES. For Wanning Public and iTivate lniildinjy, KEGISI'ERB, VENTILATORS CHIMNEY-CAPS, COOKING-RANGES, BATII-BOILERB ' WHOLESALE and-RETAIL. ttI.'NINKSN CAKJDN. ~v n i a, WTUOirr. TUOCNTOK PIKK, CLEMENT A. GRI6OOM, 7 THV.OPOBIS WIUOIIT, FMMK L KEAU. PETER WRIGHT & SON 3, Importers of Earthenware and Shinrintf and (•’oiwiiisfilon Merchant*, Blurr - No. 115 Walnut street, Philadelphia. COUPON AND LINEN SAIL DUCK OF EVER j width from onotoeiilcet wide, aUnumberMTont and Awning Duck, Papermakorß foiting. Sail Twine, dir JOHN W. EVER-MAN & CO- No. IIU Jonoa’a SUey. _ RIW WELLS —OWNERS OF PROPERT2—THI Police toKot Privy^Wells Cleanaed and DlvinfecteA Manufacturer of Pc dretfe. itb'. Hali .Tdhrarv pfreab PRESERVED TAMARINDS. —2O REGS MAJ: 1 Unique Tamarinda iribugM, landing and for isle M J. B. BUBSIER A 00.. IDS South Delaware ground salt O alao 2(5) eacka Fine Salt, aficat and ha rale by WOKE MAN &LU. 123 Walnut. . - THE DAILY EYES IIS 7 G IiULLETIS -PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27,186 L Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steam ship Company. FOE, CHARLESTON, S. C. The SUuinnhip ST A It Q F THE UNION, Captain T. N. Cooksey, will ejill for the above port on "\Witln«,s«lay* Octc/bcvr jit H o’clock A. M., ami every two weokfl thereafter. Freight taken for all points in connection with the South Carolina liailroad. r , . . . ’ r The l'«Hi*encer Hcconunodatioiifl of this Steamer are of a PuncHor character. . ' „ ■_ _ , _ Freight now being received at Pier 18’South Delaware aVU " IC ' ’ VVM. L. JAMES, General Agent, eetM-tf} , 314 South Dclawaro avenue. For Boston—Steamship Line Direct. SAILING FROM EACH HORTI-rVERY FIVE DAYS. FROM. PINE STREET, I'UILADRLHHIA, AN & LONG WIIIARF, BOSTON. Thifl line la compoecd of the firat-claM gtewnahipß, ‘ ~ _ , • SAXON* 1.260 tone, Captalr 8. H. Matihcws. NOKRIAN, 1,208 tone, CapminL. Crowell. Tho IHJM AN from PiiilH. on Saturday Sept. 28, at 10 A M. TOO NORMAN from Boston on Tueßday. Oct. l. at 3 P. M. Theae Bteainehipa eail punctually, and Freight will be received every day, a Steamer being alwava on the north. Freight for pointa beyond Bowton sent with despatch. or Biyßi 338 Bouth Delaware avcmie._ .Jp 14-North'and South-Whmves. — A B. DAVIDSON, Agent at Georgetown. . . M. ELBRIDGE A CO., Agents at /Alexandria, Vir ginia, / apll-tf BHIFVEUJS’ GUlDk* THE PHrLADELPHLA AND SOUTHERN MAIL STEAMSHII- COMPANY’S Hhlmm regular line (SEMI-MONTHLY) FOR NEW OIiLEANS, LA., JUNIATA, 1,216 tone. Captain P.F. Hoxle. TIOOA, 1,1(76 tonisCapfain J. T.. Morse. Tho TIOGA will leave for Now Orleana on Saturday, October 6tli, at 8 o’clock A. M., from Pier 18 South W rh<r,)f : NlATA will le&ve New Orleana for this port oThrou*h 0 Throu*h h billaUdlntt elgncd for freight to Mobile, Gal veeton, Natchoa, Vtclabnr*, Memphia, Naahvillo, Cairo. 8L lamia, LonlaviUo and Cincinnati. Arcnta at Now Orleana—Creevy, Nickerson « Co. ** WM. L. JAM EStGeneral Agent, 814 South Delaware avenue, fc"3 CIIAB. E. DILKE3, Freight Agent. THE PHILADELUILk AND SOUTHERN MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY’S UHlffie. regular weekly line FOP. SAVANNAH, GA. , TONAWANDA, 860 toua, Capt Wo. Jennings, WYOMING, 860 tone. Captain Jacob Teal. The etearoship TONA WANDA will leave for the above port on Saturday, Bept- 28, at 8 o’clock A. M., from Pier 18 South Wburvee. . , ~ Through paeeage tickets sold and freight token for all points in connection with the Georgia Central Railroad. Agents at Savannah—Hunter A GammelL WM. L. JAMES, General Agent, 314 South Delaware avenue. (,23 CHAS. E. DILKEB. Freight Agent. _ THE PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHER 2 dWSufefc- Mill, STEAMSHIP COMPANY’S ri:gulap,line. (SEMI-MONTHLY) FOR WILMINGTON, N. C. The steamship PIONEER (812 tone). Captain J. Bennett, will leave for the above port' on Thun-on v October bd, at 8 o’clock A. M., from Pier 18 South Wharves. Bills of Lading signed at through and reduced rutes t: all principal points in North Carolina. Agents at Wilmington—Worth A DanieL w WM. L. JAMES, General Agent, 317 South Delaware avenue. mh7 CHAS. E. DILKEB, Freight Agcnt._ - PHILADELPHIA. RICHMOND, AND NOE. ffI^fcTHROU«IRj|IN E T6/T& SOUTH Bt6&xc*bipa leave every SATURDAY and WLDXL.nDAY, at noon, from firtf wharf above Market street. ITIRUUGH RECEIPTS TO NEWBEIuN. Alio,all pointa in North and South Carolina via seaboard and Hoanoke Railroad, and to Lynchburg, Va., remieajefc and the West, via NorfoDul’eterfiburr, and South Side Railroad, and lUchxnoud and Danville Railroad. The regularity, eafet.y and of thie route com mend it to the public as the inoet desirable medium lor carrying every description of freight. No charge for commission, drayage, or any expenfe or transfer. t Steanu-hlpe ineare at lowest rates. Freight received Daily, WM . P . CLYDE * cO.. ' 14 North and Sou’h Wharves. W. P. PORTER. Agent at Richmond and City Point. / T. P. CROW Eli, £ CO.. Agents atNortolk. apll-tf / NEW EXPRESS' LJNETO ALEXANDRIA sHrlfiWtr Georgetown and Washington, D. C., /vis SBUkb Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, with/con nections at Alexandria from the most direct, rqdte foi Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton, Snd the *’ < Btesnmre leave regularly from the first wharf abovp Market street, every Saturday At noon. / , Freight received daily. _ p _ CLYD / S co„ —FOR NEW YORK. VIA DELAWARI /Company Steam Pro pellons leave DaUv from first wharf below Market street Through in Twenty-four liours./ Goods forwarded to an points. North. East and-West, free of commission. Frelkhta received at the lowwt rates. WIL P. CLYDE & CO., Aeyntft, 14 Bouth vVharvea, JAMES HAND, Afent, / ' tl .. I(i4 WaU ptreet. New York. , &PH-H UAJLY LI.NE FOR BALTIMORE, Via Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. 9BbC-umbm Philadelphia and Baltimore Lnion steam boat Company, daily at 2 o’clock P. M. The Bteamera of /this lino are now j>lying regularly be tween this port /4nd Baltimore, leaving the eecoud wharf below Aren street daily at 2 o’clock P. M. (Sunday* Worrying all/tleecription of Freight a a low as any other handled with great care, delivered promptly, indfo; warded to all points beyond the terminus free or . .. . _ .. , Particular attention raid to the transportation of all inscription of Merehandi*Ci Horses, Carriage::, tic., tic, Fo.'{urthev information. RCOFp< AMDt ; apl6-ly§ No. 19 North Delaware avenue HAVANA STEAMERS. SEMI MONTHLY LINE. Bfisa&ei Tho Steamships „ - „ HENDUIOK HUDSON Capt. Howw 3TAR3 AND STRIPES .....TJapt. Hobuo. Tliw-e ftettroen* will leave this port for Havana every other Tuesday at 8 A. M. The steamship Hendrick Hudson, Howes*, raaetCi, will rail for Havana on Tuesday morning,■ October Ist, at 8 o’clock. PiiMuge to Havana, $5O, currency. No freight received after Saturday. For freight or * SONS. an2o 140 North Delaware aveuue. FOR NEW YOKK-SWiFTSURE Transportation Company —Despatch and 3tt£niito Swifteure Line* via Delaware . and Rari tan Canal, on and after the 15th of March, leaving daily at U M. and 6 P. M.. connecting with all Northern and East ern lines. For freight, which will be on accommo dating term*, apply to WM. M. BAIRD & CO., mhlK-ly No. 192 South Delaware avenue. DELAWARE AND CHESAPEAKE STEAM Tow-Boat Company.—Barge* towed between SKwaßai Philadelphia, Baltimore, Havre-de-Grace. Delaware City and intermediate points. _ irT/ ,ti WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Agents. Capt JOHN LAUGH- T.TN, Sup’t, Office, 14 B. Philo. apll-tdoXS /■CONSIGNEES 1 NOTICE.—CONSIGNEES OF' MEU v; chnhdise per /\mer. ahip THOMAS HAItWAUI), Strickland, master, from Liverpool will pleaae m-nd their prrnutr on board at Arch strict wharf, or to the othre oi til** undersigned. The geueral order will bo indued on Friday, the 27th inKt.. when all goods not permitted will be rent to tho public stores. PETE It WRIGHT .t SONS, 115 Walnut street. riONSIGNEES 1 NOTICE;-CONBIGNEIiS~OF MER-, Vchandho per Hr. bark WAVELET, Britton, master, from Androgaau, will please send their permit* on board at Pier 33 South Wharves, or to the oihee of the uoder irigned The general order will be issued on tho 27th iust., when all goods not permitted will be sent to public atorc*. WOBKMaN & CO., 128 WalnutatreeL «e2*3 /CONSIGNEES 1 NOTICE-CONSIGNEES OF MER \j chaudißo per Br. brig MARY, McCullough, master, from London, will please send their permits on board at Her 28 Soutli Wharves, or to the counting-room ol tho undersigned. The general order wIU be issued on Satur day. l-llh inst., when nil goods not permitted will be sent to public stoves. WORKMAN Si CO., 123 Walnut st. *el4 \’ OTICE—-Abb PIiKSONS ARE HERI’.BY CAL 1N tinned against trusting uny oL the crew of the Br. b uk WAVELET, Britton, muster, mmi ilndrossan, as no di-Lte of their contracting %v ill be piun,by captain or con rignet r-, WORKMAN As CO.. VX\ Wnlniß street. se23 TAS S SHINDLEK, rucceseor to JOHN SHINDLER A J SONS. Sail Makers, No. 300 North Delaware avenues ?hiladclpnia. , > All work dunoiu the beat manner and ®n tlio lowoat and ;noet favorable term*, and warranted to give perfect tati* fli Parscd!ax attention given to repairing. RICIIGS. TOHN C. BAKER & CO. OFFER TO THE TRADE— d C L. Oil—New made. Just received. Alcohol.- f'o per cent, in barrela. Ipecuc.—Powdered, m in pound boxee. »♦ “ 11 M pound bottles, U. S. A, Agentafor Hoff 1 * Malt Extract. . .. , , Akcuth for tho manufacturer of a eupenor article of Rocuelle SalU aud ’ j c g 718 Market etreyt, J'hiiadoliihla. nuItMIIDA AND GEORGIA ARROW ROOT.—THE JL> New Drop—tweet, pure, and of whitemw.. dii-eetlv from tho growers'. . . Sold "at etaudard weight, and jmaranieed in freehne«> and purity, HUnBELL, Apothecary, mvio-tf 1410 Oheetniit etrect RUBINSUN-a PATENT BARLEY AND GROATS, Bethlehem Oat Meal, Bermuda Anxnv Root. Cox i Sparkling Gelatin, Tnylor’a Hoinceopathio Cocoa, Cooper’, Gelatin, aueplied to Retail Druiydats at loa'ert pneea. SOBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., Wholesale DrUKßutta, uortheoet cor. Fourth and Raco atreeta. CtRENCH ROSE WATEIU—JUST RECEIVED, AN v Invoice of tho Celebrated “Chirie trrplo diatUlod Rose, Oranse, Flower and Cherry Laurel Water, bor sale in tana and bottlea. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & (JO., Whole •ale llrußKhife, northeast eor. Fourth and Race atreeta. rwKUGGISTS, CONFECTIONERS AND PERFUMERS La are aoUclted’to examine our atock of auperier Euaeu* dal Otis, aa Sandoraon’a OU, Lemon and Borgaraot, Ah lon’a Oil Almondal Wlntepa Oil of Citrouella, Hotchklsa* Oil of Peppermint, Clilria' OH of Lavender, OriHanum, Ornnw. etc., etc. ROBERT SHOEMAKER * CO.. driSttfB if, Et cor, Fourth and Race rte., Phtlada, TRAVELERS’ GUIDE* - Jg—be: QUICKEST TIME ON RECORD. 26} Hours to Cincinnati I rift Fennrylvhnla Railroad & Pan Handle. 7 12 HOURS LESSTITIE chan by competing line*. Fueongers taking 7.30 P. M„ arrive in Cincinnati next evening at 10.06 P, M.; 28>5 hour*. Only one night cn oute. The Celebrated Palace BtAte Room Sleeping Cara run through from Philadelphia to Cincinnati. Passengers taking the 12 M- and 11 P. M. trains reach Cincinnati and all points Weet and South obo train in ad vance of all other routes. To secure the uncqualcd advantages of this line be par. ticular and auk for tickets “Via Pan Handle,’* at Ticket Office, N. W. comer Ninth and Chestnut streets, and Depot, West Philadelphia. JNO. DURAND, General Superintendent, J. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent, myS-tf JNO. IL MILLER. General Agent aFfWiiMn FOR NEW YORK.—THE CAMDEN SBfBBBtMAND AMBOY and PHILADELPHIA 3». ~Igf AND TRENTON RAILROAD COM 'PANY’S LINES, from Philadelphia to New York, and way places, from Walnut street wharf. pare. At 5 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accom. $2 25 At 8 A. M.,vla Camden and Jereey City Express Mail, 3 00 At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy Expreeiv 3 00 At 5.00 F. M.. via Camden and Amboy,? let claea, 2 25 Accom. and Emigrant, > 2d «a«, 1 80 At 8 A.M., 2, 6 and UP. M., for Mount Holly, Ewan*, villc, Pemberton, Birmingham and Vlncentown. At 6 A. M. and 2 P.M. for Freehold. A At 5,8 and 10 ASM., and 2,4 P. M., for Trenton. At 5, 8 and 10 A. M.. 1,2, 4,5,0 and 11.30 P. M., for Borden, town, Burlington, Beverly and Delanco. , „ At 6 and 10 A; M. L 2.4,5, 6 and 11,30 P. M. for Florence. At 6 and 10 A. M., i 1,5, 6 and 11.30 P M. for Edgewater, Kivemdc, Riverton and Palmyra. _ At 6 and 10 A. M., 1,4.8 and 11.30 P. M for Fifh House, gar "The 1 and 11.30 P. M. Lines twill leave from foot of Market streetby upper ferry. ... ldnes from Kensington Depot will leave as follows: At 11 A. M., 4.80 P. M. and 13 M. (night) via * Kensington and .Jersey City, New York Express „ Lines . .33 oo At 8,10.15 and'lLlX) A. M., 2.30, 3.30, 4.30,5, P. M. and 12 M. for Trenton and Bristol. .... .. . . At 8 and 10.15 A M., 2.30, 5 and 12 P. M. for Morriaville and , Tullytown. „ „ . At 8.00 and 10.15 A. M.. 2.30,4.30,5 and 12 P.M. forSchencks. At 10.15 A. M., 1130 and 5 P. M. for Eddington. At 7.30 and 10.15 A. M.,2.30,4,6,6 and 12 P.M. forCornwells, Torresdaie, llolmeeburg, Tacony, Wiesinonung Brides burg and Frankford,andBP. M. for Holmesburgand. intermediate Stations. ttmpo/ BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD LINES from Ken lington Depot ' _ ... J AtaooA. M., for Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Dunkirk,,Can andaigua, Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, Rochester, Bingnamp ton, Oswego, Syracuse, Great Bend. Montrose.-Wilkes barre, Scranton, Stroudsburg, Water Gap. / At 8.00 A. M. and 3.30 P. M.. for Belviderc,Easton, Lam bertville. Flcmington, Ac. The 3.30 P. M. Line connects direct with the train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Ac. / ' .. At 6 P. it. for Lambertvilie and intermediate Stations. From West Philadelphia Depot via/connecting Rail At 1.80 A.M. 1.30 and 6.30 P.M.Washington and New York Express Lines, via Jersey City../ -$3-° The 1.30 A. 51. and 6.30 P. 5L Llnee run daily. All others. Sunday excepted. _ .. . For Lines leaving Kensington Depot take the cars on Third or Fifth streets, at Chestnut at half on hour before departure. The Cars ou Slarket Street Kail wav nine direct to West Philadelphia Depot. Chestnut and Walnut within one Square. Ou Sundays, the Market Street Care will ran to connect with the 1.30 A. M. and b. 301 _. M.Jince. Fifty Pounds of Baggage onl7 allowed each Passenger. Pastfengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their fwe&riutf appareL All baggage over pounds to be paid foraxtra. The Company limit their re iponribility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will aoi be liable for any amount beyond slo.', except by epe* rial contract. / , . , „ ... . . Tickets sold/and Baggage checked direct through to Burton, Worcester, Sptfngheld, Hartford, New Haven, Providence,/Newport, Albany, Troy, Saratoga, Utica, Home, Syracuse, Rochester. Buffalo, Niagara I alls and Office is located at No. 829 Chestnut itreet,/where tickets to New York, and all important point# North and East, may be procured. _ Perron# pur chasing Tickets at this Ofllce, can have their basgdg* checked from residence or hotel to destination, by Union Transfer Baggage Exprew. . .... jg,, /Lines from New Yolk for Philadelphia null lekVe from foot of Courtlaud street at l.uu and iao P.M.. via Jereey City and Camden. At 7.00 A. M., 6P. M. and 12 night via Jersey City and Kensington. At 8.40 A. M. and' 12 M., A Jim.fmh, < l%7 n<len ' WM. H. GATZMEit Agent/ i PHILADELPHIA. WILMINGTON . BALTIMORE RAILROAB- MwTW ..-mcStIME TABLE.—Commencing Mon day. Jnlv Bth, 1887. Trains will leave Depot corner oi Braad street and Washington avenue, as follows-. Way-mail Train, at 8.80 A. M. (Sundays excepted), rot Baltimore, stopping at all regular stations. Connecting with Delaware Itaflroad at Wilmington for Crisfieldand IL6OA.U.(Sundays excepted)for Bal timore and Washington- , . . _.. . . Express Train at 3.30 P. M. (Sundays excepted), tor Bal timore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Thnrlow, Linwood, CUymont. Wilmington, Newport! Stanton, Newark, Elkton, North-East Charleston, Penyw/e, Havrc-de-Urace, Aberdeen, Perryman's, Edgowood, Magnolia, Chase’s and Stammer 's Run. Night Express at 11.00 P. M. (daily) for- Baltimore and Washington. Connects at Wilmington (Saturdays ex cepted) with Delaware R. R. line, stopping at New Castle, Middleton, Clayton. Dover, Harrington, Seaford, Salisbury, Princess Anne and connecting at Crisfield with boat for Fortress Mbnroe, Norfolk, Portsmouth and for FortreA Monroe and Npr'plk via Balti more wUI take the 11.50 A. M. Train. Via Cnstfield wiJ take the 11.000 P. M. train. x Wilmington Traina stopping at all stations between Philadelphia and Wilmington • ... ~ :i„, Leave Philadelphia at 12.30, 2.00, and IL3O (daily) P.M. The 4.30 P.M.train connects with the Delaware Kail road for Milford and intermediate stations. Ihe b.OO P.M. train runs to Now Castle. Leave Wilmington 6.30, 7.16 and &00 A. M„ 4.00 and 6.30 M. will not stop at stations between Cheater to Philadelphia—Leave Baltimore7.2s A M., Way Mail. 9.35 A. M., Exoreea. 2.10 F, M., Ex lireea. 6.35 P. 31., 8.&B I. M.. „ ... SUNDAY TRAINS FROM BALTIMOKL, leave BaUi. more at&ss P. M., etopplng at Havre dc Grace. I and Wilmington. AJ*o otope at Nortn-Eiwt, Elkton and Newark to take r&eei-ngere for Philadelphia, and leave n&Bteugeru from V/aalungton ° r at Uhe»ter t*o leave pawengeru from Washington or Baltl- tickets to all points Weet, South and Southwest may be procured at Ticket-office, 828 Cheetnut utreehunder Continental Hotel, where also State Sleepißß Care dau be eocured during the day. Persona purchasing ticket* at this office can have baggage checked at their residence by the Union Tranafer Uom pauy ‘ H. F. KENNEY, Superintendent. ■|—Ti ii Mil WEST CHESTER AND PHILA fiJd MKbfeiaHtj DF.r.puiA railroad. VU mb. DIA sujlmer arrangements. On and after MONDAY, Juno 24th, 1567, trams wiU leave Depot, Thirty flret and Chestnut etreeta, aa f ollowa: Tr&ina leave Philadelphia for _Wcet Chea ter, at 7.15 A. M., ILOO A. M., 2.50, 4.16,4.60,7.00 and IU3O p Leave Wert Chester for Philadelphia, from Depot on E. Market street, 6.1£, 7.15,7.30 and 10.45 A, M., L6o, 450 and 1 Weat Cheeter at 7.30 A-M , and leaving Philadelphia at 460 P. M., wiU etop at B. C. Junction to or from etations between Weet Cheater and B. 0. Junction Koine East, will take trains leaving Weat Chester at 7.15 A. Mi, and going West will take train leaving Philadelphia at 4.60 P.M., and transfer at B. C. Il Leavq n phlladelphla for Media at 6.30 P.M. LeavG Mqdla for Philadelphia at 6.40 P. M.-stopping at Tr'ama leaving Philadelphia at 7.15 A. M. and 4.60 P. M„ and leaving West Chester at 7.80 A. M. and 4.60 P. M.,con nect at B. C. Junction with Trains on the P. and B. C. K. R. for Oxford and intermediate points. ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8.00 A. M. and HWP. M- - J ■.». t fv Leave West Cheater AVin/tuld 6.00 P. M. Tho Depot is reached directly by the Chestnut and Walnut street cars. Those of the Market street line run within one square. The cars of-both lines connect with each train uponity arrival. . _ On Sundays the Market street cars leave Front and Market streets thirty-five minutes before each Tram leaves the depot, and will connect with each train on arrival, to carry passengers into city. tOST' Passengers are allowed to take wearing aprarel only as Baggage, and tho Company will not, in any case, be responsible ror an amount exceeding one hundred dol lar*, unless special contract is made for the same. HENKY WOOD. General Superintendent iQr'rMUHtcnsm PHILADELPHIA & BALTIMORE Lm3BsS3?g£i CENTRAL RAILROAD.—Summer if* 'V” ■ —Arrangomonts. On and after Saturday June lstj 1867,the Trains will leave Pliiladelphia, from the Depot of the West Chester Si Philadelphia Rmlroad,comer Thirty-tirst and Chestnut *treets,(Weat Philada.),at 7.15 M., and 4.60 P. M. „ *« - . ~ * Leave Rising Sun, at 6.16, and Oxford at 6.06 A. M., and teave Oxford at 3.25 P. M. _ _ . . _ A Maiket Train with Passenger Car attached, will run in Tuesdays and Fridays, leaving the Rising Siin at 11.T6 A. M., ta Oxford atl2.oo>M., and Kennett. at 1.00 P. Macon aecting at West Cheater Junction with a Train for Phila delphia. OnWedneedays and Saturdays trains leave Phi ladelphia at 2.80 P. M.. run through to Oxford. The Train leaving Philadelphia at 7.16 A. M. coimecta at Oxford with a dally, line of Stages for Poach Bottom, m Lancaster county. Returning, leaves Peach Bottom to connect at Oxford with the Afternoon Train for Pliiladel- P *The Train leaving Philadelphia at 450 P. M. runs to {Using bun, Md. . , Paasongera aUowed to tAke Wearing Apparel enJy, a* Baggage, and the Company will not In any caso be respou lible for an amount exceeding one hundred dollars, unles* tspeoial contract be made tor the same. „ mhia ■, HENRY WOOD. Genera Bnp*t VSTT i wwmman RARITAN ANDDELAWARE BAY Railroad.— ReL*umption of Summer imy.Wtf -MOW .prayet t 0 NEW YORK and LONG BRANCH. PARE TO NEW YORK. $2 UO. FARE TO LONG BRANCH. $2 00. EXCURSION TICKETS TO LONGBRANCII, good for one week, $3 00. *" Through, without change of cars, to Long Branch, in FOUR AND A HALF HOURS. ■ _ On and after MondSf, slay 13th, 1867, the Express line willlcavo Philadelphia from Vine Street Ferry at 7.45 A. M. Returning, leave New York from Pier 32, foot of Duauo streot. at 11.15 A. M., and Long Branch at 12.65 P.M. Tho Saturday 415 P. M. train for Long Branch is dis continued. _ FAST FREIGHT LINE FOR NEW YORK. Freight loft at the Warehouse, No. 320 North Delaware avenue, before 5 o’clock P. AL, will reach New York early aext morning, . ■ Rates low and quick time bniformly mado. Way. Freight Train leaves Cooper’s Point at 9.80 A. M.| . Tickets f6r New York and Longßrauch can bo procurea at the office’of tho Pbiladclphiu Local Express Company, *25 Chestnut street. R. h 220 North Delaware avenue. w W. 9, SNEKDLN <2 . fTRAVEgiERS? .6iCTPE.‘ READING RAILROAD-* QlfißHi GREAT TRUNK LINE from Philo- interior of Pennsylva nia, the Schuylkill,* Susquehanna, Cumberland and Wyoming Valleys, the North, Northwest and the Canadas, Bummer Arrangement of Passenger Trains, May 6, 1867. leaving the Company** Depot, Thirteenth and Callowhill d A«!'OMVI()I)ATO)NI:—°At*7.SO A. M. for Reading and all intermediate Station*. Returning, leaves Reading at 6.30 -P. M., arriving in Philadelphia at 9.10 P. M, „ „ „ „ MORNING EXPRESS.—At &15 A. M., for Reading, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottaville, Pine Grove, Tamaqua, Bunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Rochester, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Allentown, Wilkesbarre, Pittston, York, Carlisle, ChAmbersburg, Hagerstown. drc. Ac. - t _ This train connects at Reading with the East Penn* Klvnnia Railroad trains for Allentown, Ac.; and with the tb&non Valley train for Harrisburg, Ac.; at Port Clinton with Catawiesa R. R. trains for Williamsport, Lock Haven, Elmira, Ac.: at Harrisburg with Northern Central, Cum berland Valley, and Schuylkill and Susquehanna trains for Northumberland, Williamsport, York, Chambersburg, Pinegrove, &c. AFTERNOON EXPRESS-Leavea Philadelphia .at P, M. for Reading, Potteville, Harrisburab, Ac., connect* lug with Reading and Columbia Railroad trains for Col* nmbla, Ac. POTTSTOWN ACCOMODATION.—Ieaves Pottatown at 6.20 A. M., stopping at intermediate stations; arrives in . Philadelphia at 8.4 U A. K. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 6.30 P. M.; arrives in Pottstown at 845 P. ML / READING ACCOMMODATION—Leaves Reading/at 7.80 A. M., stopping at all way stations; arrives in Phila delphia at 10.15 A/JiL Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 6.00 P. M.; arrives in Beading at 7.J6P. M. / Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 8.10 A M., and Potteville at 6.46 A. M., arriving in Philadelphia at LOO P. M. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg at 2.10 P. M., and Potteville at 2.45 P. M.; arriving at Philadelphia at 146 F. M. / Harrisburg accommodation leaves Reading at7.l& A. M. and Harrisburg at 4.10 P. M. Connectiag at Reading with Afternoon Accommodation /south at 180 P. M. arriving in Philadelphia at 9.10 P.M. . Market train, with a Passenger car attached, leaves Philadelphia at 12.46 noon for Potteville and all Way Stations Heaves Pottaville at 7 A. M., for Philadelphia and all Way stations. / All the above trains run daily, Sundays excepted. Sunday trains leave Pottaville at 8.00 A. M., and Phila delphia at 3.16 P. M.: leave Philadelphia, for Reading at LOO A. M., returning from Reading at 4.25 P. M. CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD.—-Passengers for Downingtown and intermediate points take the 7.30 A.M. and 6.00 P. M. trains from Philadelphia- returning from Downingtown at 6.10 A. and LOOP. M- EXPRESS, Jfeß PITTSBURGH AND THE WEST.—Leaves New York at 9 A. M, 6.00 and 8.00 P. M., paaeing Reading at L A. M., L6O and 10.06 P. M., and connect at Harrisburg with Pennsylvania, and North ern Central Railroad Express Trains for Pittsburgh, Chi cago, Williamsport, Elmira, Baltimore, Ac. # . Returning, Express Train leaves Harrisburg, on aniyal of PennHvlyauia Express from Pittsburgh, at 3 and 8.40 A. M.,9.u / P, M .passing Reading at 4.49 and 10.30 A.M. and L2O andl’l lb.PM.arrmng at New York 10.10 A.M.,and 4.40 and 6.20 P. M. Bleeping Care accompanying these trains through between Jersey City and Pittsburgh, without for New York leaves Harrisburg at 2.10 P. M. Mail train for Harrisbure leaves New York at 12 Noon. SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD.—Trains Heave Pottaville at 7,-11.30 A. M., and 7.16 P.M* returning from Tamaqua tit 7.35 A. JtL, and M 0 and 4.15 P. M. • SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD.— Trains leave Auburn at 7.60 A. M. for Pinegrove and Har risburg, and at L6OP. M. for Pinegrove and Tremont; re turning from Harrisburg at 3.20 P. M. and from Tremont at 7.36 A- M. and 6.26 P. M. ' . , TICKETS.—Through first-class tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points in the North and West iketsfrom Philadelphia to Reading arnL Intermediate - tationa. good for day only, are sold fafl Morning Accommodation, Market*-Train, Reading anff Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia good for day only,are sold at Reading and Intermediate Stations by Reading and Pottstown Accomodation Trails at reduced rates. The following tickets are obtainable only at the Office of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 227 South Fourth street, Philadelphia or of G. A. Nicolla, General Superintendent, Tickets at 26 per cent, discount, between point* deeired, fer families and firm.. - .. .. Mileage Ticket*, coed for 3,uuunnilee, between all point., at $63 60 each, for familiee and urine. Season Tickets, for three, six, nine or twelve montha,for holders only, to all.point* at reduced raiea. ClerKyinen residing on the line 01 the road will ho fur aiahedwith card*, entitling themselves and Wivoa to. tick- from Philadelphia to principal sta tions, good for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at reduced fare, to be had only at the Ticket Office, at Thirteenth and Callowhill streets. ... „ FHEIOHT.—Goods of all deecriptions forwarded to all the above points from the Company's New Freight Depot, H Fre < lghli,Traimi W ieav'e ! Philadelphia dally at 6.80 A. M„ 1146 nMnihdaS-F.M., for Reading, Lebanon, Harrißburg, Pottaville, I’ortCllnfSnpand all pointa beyond. Mails close at the Philadelphia Post-Office for all places jiyttsij-oad and its branches at 6 A. M., and for the prin vflpal Stations only at 8.16 P. 61. ; ■ | - PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL IfcfchKgEßSShS Railroad.—Summer Time.—Taking effect June 2d. 1807. The trains of /the Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Depot, at Thirty-first and Market streets, which is reached directly by the care of the Market Street Passenger Railway. Those of the Cheetnntand Walnut Street Railway run BCnSaYS—The Market Street Care leave Front and Market streets 33 minutes before the departure of W ffieerdugCar Tickets can be had on application at the Tickct Omce, Northwest comer of Ninth and Chestnut 8 Agents of the Union Transf ereompany wincaUf srand deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders left at No. 901 Chest nut stree^orNo. 1 South Eleventh street, will receive at- TRAINS LEAVE DEPOT. VIZ.: fti.ii iTMin .......atB.oo 2k. M. Paoli Accoii. No. 1 SL Fast Line * Erie Express. -mtllloP- M. Paoli Accmmodation No. 2 at 1.00F.M. Parksbnrg Train. *t £• Western Accom. train ‘.Vvtip w Paoli Accom. No. 3. • • ~ Erie Mail leaves daily, except Saturday. . Philadelphia Express leaves daily. All other trains Western ■ Accommodation Train runs daily, except Snnd&v For full particulars as to fare and accommoda- Cincinnati Express r a ,s Brie Mail. .. Paoli Accom. No. „ Paoli Accom. No. 2 * „ „ Day Express. „ Paoli Accom. No. 3 „ 1-™ „ Harrisburg Accom v ' w For further information, apply to JOHN C. ALLEN, Ticket Agent, 901 Cheshuutstreet, SAMUEL H. WALLACE, Ticket Agont at the Depot The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing Apparel, and General Superintendent Altoona, Pa, BW ——-ROAD TIME TABLE.—On and after Wednesday. Leave Philadelphia-A 7,8, ROB, 1(1 1L12 A. H.; L 2,3.16, 9.10.11,12 A. M. i L down tram,’ and the 8X and 6X up train*, will not «top on the Qermmtown^anch. Leave Philadelphia-9.16 minutes A.M.: M and 10K P.M. Leave Qermantown—B.l6 A. M.; l,b ana 9X P. M. “ OHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. ■ Leave Philadelphia-fl. 8, 10, 12 A. M.; 2,3 X, SK, 7,9 and Leave Chestnut Hill—7.lo minutes, A 9.40 and IL4O A. u., L 40,8.40. wo. tu^au^di^rk FORC ? ONBHOnOCKEN AND NOBRIBTOWN. JLeave Philadelphia—o, 7X. 9, U. 06 A. M.; IX. 8,4 X. 6X. “o?ri]tawi-, 9. U A.M. UK, 3,4 X. 6.16 and BMP. M. 0 N SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia—9 A. M., Vi and 7.16 P. M. Leave Norii.town-7 R M. Leave Philadelphia—A Vi, 9,11.06 A. M.; IX, 8,4 X. 6X, *"Liivo 8.20,9 X. UX A. M.: 2,3 X. . (X. 9 and 1014 P. hL QN SUNDAY a. Leave Philadelphia—9 A. M., Vi and 7.16 P. M. I*ave Man^nnh^A.M :6 oand9^P.M. wnden Dopot, Ninth ana Green atreet«« ■—r- PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD-BUMMER TIME TA "^---BLE.—Through and Direct Routo be tween Philadelphia, Baltimore, Harrisburg, William* port and the Great Oil Region of Pennsylvania.—Elegant Bleeping Cara on all Night Trains. . __ . On and after MONDAY, April 1807, the Trains on the Philadelphia Railroad will run as follows: ~ WEST WARD. „ Mall Train leavea Philadelphia. JjJJ V ** ** arrivea at Erie • m ! BvJs* Erie Express leaves Philadelphia v> oo vr* Elmira Mail leavea Philadelphia • jrj? 4* »}• » •* » Williamsport 6.46 g. M. ” “ &rriyeaatL Sx™. ■“■ MaUTraißieav^Me^. •• “ aiT. at-Phlladolphia. 7.U0 A. M. “ " arr. at’FSitedi'lplila v I.ool*. M, ElmlraMallleavea L0g™™*;;;;;;........... M» A. M. •» •• an*, at Philadelphia,....... ._ 1 ._6.40P.M. Mull and EipV«/connsc"t'w!th aiitraiiiß on Warron'and FrSkUn KkUway. Passengers leaving Philadelphia at So?Mf, arrive at Irvineton at 6.40 A.M.. and OilXJity at *" Leaving FliiladolpWs at 7.30 P. it, arrive at Oil City at t! AiHnlins on Warren and Franklin Railway make close connections at Oil City with trainsi for Franklin and Petroleum Centre. Baggage chMkc^throtgh^^^ jeg.y • General'Superlntendont LINES 1 Market^troe* Commencing l7th, IM 7 ; For Bridgeton, Salem. Vineland. Millville aim interim)* dinto Stations, at B.OU A. M. Mail, 8.00 Y. M. PftßßOnger. For Caro May 8.80 P. M. , „ afc noa . Weet Jersey Freight Train loaves Camden at iaw “Sight will ho received at low Walnut etroot. from 7A. M. until SP. M. height re. ceiveahefore9A.M.wiUgoforw»f?‘ l ‘ a I1 B ™““*Ja 1 VBAV JEUEftS’ GUIDE* JHUUIM most direct Hao to Betidebenw Allentown, Mauch GbttiK, Hazleton, JsVbit© Haven* WUkeabarre,Mahanoy CitovMt CarmeL Pitttton, Scran tom and all tbo pointa to me Lehigh and Wyoming Coal Depot in N. W» corner of Berk* “ UMME^RRANGEMENT—NINE DAILY TRAINS— On and after W EDN EBDAY,Mav 8, W 7, FaeaengertgOn* eave the New Depot comer of Berks and American Btreeta, dally (Bundays excepted), aa follows: . At 7.46 A M.—Momfng Express for Bethlehem and rufl* elpal Stations on North Penusylvanla Railroad, connect' tag at Bethiehem with Lehigh valley RailroadJtoFAßcn» town, Catasauqua, Slatington, Manch Chunkj Weathcr ly, JeanesviHe, Haaleton, White Haven, wllkeekarrw Kingston, Pitfston, Scranton, and all point* In Lehigh and Wyoming Valleys; also, in connection with ; Lehlgn and Mahanoy Railroad for Mahanoy City, and wltn, Catawlssa Railroad for RtiportDanvUle, MUten and Wffl liamsport Arrive at Mauch" Chunk at 12.05 A. M.: at Wilkesbarre at 8 P. M.: at Scranton at 4.05 P. ’M;; at Mahanoy City at 2P. M. Passengers by this train can take the Lohigh Valley Train, passing. Bethlehem at U.SS A. M. for Easton and points on New Jersey Central Rail road to New York. . . _ ■ , At 8.46 A.M.—Accommodation for Doylectown, stopping at all intermediate Stations. Paaeongere for Willow Grove, Hatboro’ and Hartiville, by this train, take Stage at Old JL—Accommodation for Fort Washington, stopping at Intermediate Station*. At i. 30 P.M.—Expreaa for Betlilehem.Allentown, Maucb Chunck, White Haven, Wilkesbarre Mahanoy City, Oen txaUa,menandoah, Mt. Carmel. I‘itteton and Sg-anton, Xnd all points In Maho ley and Wyomtng Coal Regions, theaengers for Greenville take this traintoQuakertown. P At-2.46 P. M.—AccomomdaOon for Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate stations. Passengers take stage at Doylestown for New Hope, and at North Wales for Ham, aeytowiL „ . . . . At 4.00 P.M.—Accommodation for Doyieitown, ttopplng at ail iutermediate stationa. PaMengera for Willow Grove, Hatfcorough and Haraville take stage at Abington; for Lomberville, at DevleetCwn. . - „ . ■ At 6.20 P. 3a.—Through acoommodto for Bethlehem and all statioiu on main line of North Pennsylvania Railroad* connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley- Evening Train for Boston, Allentown. Mauch Chunk. At 6.20 P. M.—Accommodation for Landsale, vtopplflff at all intermediate stations. .. At 11.80 P. M.—Accommodation for Fort Washington, 1 TRAINS ARRIVE IN PHILADELPHIA, , Etom Bethlehem*at 9.16 A. M-. 2.(9 and 8.40 P. M.' 2.06 P. M. train makes direct connection with Leblgb Valley trains from Easton, Wilkesbarre, Mahanoy City jmd Hazleton. Passengers leaving Easton at IL2O A. M. arrive in Philadelphia at 2.06 P.M. Paesengere leaving Wilkesbarre at 1.80 P. M. connect at Bethlehem at 6.16 r. and arrive at Philadelphia at 140 P. M. From Doylestown at 8.25 A. M„ 6.10 and 7.40 P. M. Frem Lwiadale at 7.80 A. M. From Fort Washington at 11.50 A M. and 3.06 P. M* . ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia tor Bethlehem at 9,30 A. M. . Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.45 P. M, ' Doylestown for Ptffladelphia at 7.20 A. M. \ Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4.30 P. M. Fifth and Sixth streets Passenger Can convey passen era to ana from the new Depot. \ : White Care of Second and Third Streets Line and Union Line ran within a short distance of the Depot. Tickets must be procured at the Ticket office, to order to secure the lowest rates of fare. __ ELLIS flT.amr, Agent Tickets sold and Baggage chocked through to prmdpai points, at Mann's North Penn. Baggage Exprece Office* No. 106 S« mth Fifth street - CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD! MM W CHANGE OF HOURS. FALL ARRANGEMENTS. On and after. THURSDAY, September 19th, 1667, trains will leave as follows: Mail : 7.36 A. M. Atlantic Accommodation from Vine street wharf 3,45 P. M, Freight, with passenger-car attached.. 9.15 A. M. Junction Accommodation to Jackson ;ind Inter- • mediate stations 6.!10 P. M. RETURNING-LEAVE ATLANTIC: MaiL 3.43 P.M. Atlantic Accommodation 6.60 A M. Freight- witJi passehger-curattnehed.... 11.40A.M. Junction Accommodation to Jackson 6.26 A. M. HADDONFIELD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Leaves Vine street 10.15 A. 51. and 2.00 P. M. Leaves Haddonfield.. 1.00 P. M. and 3.15 P. M* D. 11. MUNDY. Agent in FAST FREIGHT LINE, VIA PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- to Wilkesbarre, Mahanoy City, Mount Carmel, CentraliA, and all points on Lehigh Valley Railroad and Its branches. : By new arrangements, perfected this, day, this road is mauled to give Increased despatch to merchandise con signed to the above named points. Goods delivered at the Through Freight Depot, S. E. cor. of FRONT and NOBLEStreets, Before 5 P.M., will reach»Wilkesbarre, Mount CarmeL Mahanoy City, and the other stations in Mahanoy ana Wyoming afleyß before 11 A. M., of the succeeding da y Ip2>* , ELLIrUiLARK. Agent RUEDKIAEm or Bcnrfulouß poison is omfof the mostdeatrnctifo enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and unfelt tenant of the organism undermines the constitution, and invites the at tnc* of enfeebling or fatal disease?, without exciting a suspicion of its presence. Again, it seems to breed liiioc ti'u throughout the body, and then, on some faverabie occasion, rapidly develop into one or other of its hideous forms, either on the surface or among the Vital*.ln toe latter, tubercles may ho suddenly deposited in the lungs or heart, or tumors formed in the liver, or it shows its presence by- eruptions on the skin, or aoul ulcer ations on some part of the body. Hence the occa sional uscof aboftleof tIiIaSABSAPAiuLLA i* advisable*, even when no active symptoms ot disease, appear. Per sons alrticted with the following complaints generally find immediate relief, and, at leugth, cure, by the use. of this SAKSAPARILHA: St. Anthony’s Vibe, Rose ok Erysipelas, Tetter, Salt Rheum, ooai.d Head, Ring worm, Sore Eyes, Sore Ears, nnd other eruptions or visible forms of BcRoEri.OEB disease. Aho in tho more concealed forms, as Dyspepsia, Dropsy, HeartDibease, Fits, Epilkiw, Neuralgia, nnd the various ULUEItoUB alleciiona oi the muscular and nervous systems. Syphilis or Venkriai. and Mercurial Diheabeb are cured hy it, though a long time is required for subduing these obstinato maladies by any medicine. But long con tinued use of this medicine will cure the complaint. Leucoukhika or Whites,Uterine Ulcerations, andj Fe male Diseases, arc commonly , soon relieved and ultD mately cured by Its purifying and invigorating effect. Minute Directions for each ctso are found in our AI. manac, supplied gratis. . Rheumatism and Gout, when caused by accumulations of extraneous matters in the blood, yield quickly to it, as also Liver Com plaints, Torpiuity, Congestion or Inflammatiou of the Liver, and Jaundice, when arising, as they often do, from the rankling poisons in the blood. Tli is'HAIiHA PAItILLA is a groat restorer for the strength and vigor of tho system. Those who aro Languid and Liotlksb, Despondent. Sleepless, and troubled with Nervous Apprehensions or I ears, or any of thp affoc tioufl symptomatic of \Vea.knehk, will find immediate re lief aud convincing evidence of it* restorative power upon U Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER ! & 00., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. Sold livall Druggists every where. au3o-f,Jy j M MARIS &CO., Philadelphia, Wholesale Agents. , 0“ PAL DENTAUiINA-—A BUPEKIOK AJindg FOB cleaning the Teeth, deetroying anhnalcula which In feat thm giving, tene to thegiuna, *nd leaving a feeling of fragrance and perfect cleanliness in Jtf may be used daily, and will be found to ana bleeding gnma, while the aroma and deterriveneni vdSrecommenditio every one. Being commed wife the a&atotAnce of the Dentiat, It is confidently offered aa a reliable aubatitute for the on* the conetKnent. the Dentalllna, advocate ita use; It contataa notWjo* prevent it. Apoth/c^. Broad and Spruce street; rally, and |D. L. Stackhouse. Robert O. Davis. lr „, Geo. C. Bower. Gbarlea Shiver*. S. M. McCoUin. 8. C. Bunting, Charles H. Bberie, James N. Marks, E. Bringhurst a Co* Dvott * Co., Bh C. Blair’s Sons, Wyeth & Bro. For tale by Druggists reuer, Fred. Brown, HasssrdACo.. C. R. Keeny, Isaac H. Kay, C. U. Needles, T. J. Husband, Ambrose Smith. Edward Parrish, William B. Webb, James L Bisphain, Hughes & Combo, Henry A. Bower, Entirely reliable—hgdgson’S bronchial Tablets, for the cure of coughs, colds, hoarseness, bron chitis and catarrh of the head ana breast. Public speak, era, singers and amateurs will be greatly benefitted by Sdmrthese Tablets. Preparedonly by LANCASTER * WIILS, Pharmaceutists, N. E. comer Arch and Tenth streetsvPhiladelphla. For sale by Johnson, Holloway * Cowrten. and Druggists generally. seag-tr WINKS, KIQUOKS, &C. ■HER MAJESTY ! CHAMPAGNE, j j“. jp. 3DTT3SrTO.3fr, I 15J amiTlt FRONT BT., SOLE ACBHT. wnciTH-Thn attention of tho trade is soUdted to < wiSfchoiceWines, Brandies, dto. For saleby AmontUladq-Topaz, V. V. P„ Hen* aSm ACO. i3tard,Dupuy A Co, Old Bisquit-vtotag*. Swan" and “drape Leaf.“ . CLARKTS-Oruse. Fils. FreresACo, high grade wtoast Chateau Margaux, superior Bt J nil on—in pints ana' -od and. gU-, V«. a b a? 'O'*' Suflceuor to Geo. W. Gray* .9 li K EWER, 84. 88, 28 and 30 South Sixth St,, Pbilad’a. KnsOIJ Stock* Sot-Brown AYER’S SARSAPARILLA. FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD.—The reputation this excellyut medicine enjoys is derived from its cures, many ' of which arc truly marvellous. Inveterate cases of Scrofulous dJpcaHC, where the system seemed saturated with corrup tion, have be»tn purified and cured by it. Scrofulous affeo tions and disorders, .which were aggravated by the acro !, fulous contamination until they were painfully afflicting* have been radically cured m io?t every section of the country, sod to be iuformed of its virtues
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers