lujililleti-'n. t . o „ s c;rs.-Thc stated meeting of Cuun '■. l/n u iir!d yesterday afternoon. rJ vow drum'll.—The ordmimsaX^pm.Common ~ fhaflfflcsr the place of voting in. the rath Freeiuct ol Sie Fifth Ward was taken up, .irula lenionEtranco by citizens ot the division wnn presented. A motion to refer the ordinance and- remonstrance was not agreed to—yeas, ,: nove 16. The ordinance was adopted. Mr tshiithi submitted the- following ordinance: That; frorii and after the parage of-this onti nanco. it shall not be lawful lor any hoy or bojs to climb and get upon any railroad or pas&ca ca railway ear, wagon, carnage or othci vehicle while in motion, within the limits ot the city ot Philadelphia; nor to throw any stone, . stick, block, brickbat or other missile in, upon or trorn anv highway, open lot or common.within said lin'its. And for each and every violation ol tins ordinance each boy or boys shall incur a penalty or penalties of five dollars, recoverable as debts o like amounfare recoverable —one moiety whcreot pliall go the per-onivlio shall sue for the same, and the Other moiety to the City Treasurer, lor ihc use of the city. Agreed to. -. A resolution to change the place of voting in the seventh precinct of the Fifteenth Ward, was from Common Council, with re ference to the reception of Generals Hancock and Sickles was taken up. Mr. Barlow inquired if members were willing to put their hands in their own pockets to pay the expenses of these entertainments. He thought Councils did wrong when they author ized the expenditure of the taxpayers’ money for these purposes. The bill already incurred would probably reach $ 1,1)00, and this would increase it. He moved to lay on the table. Agreed to, yeas, IC, nays 1). „ " The resolution from Common Couucu with re ference to the construction of the public school houses, in regard to heating apparatus, was con curred in. „ The resolution from Common Council au thorizing the laying of a concrete block pave ment on Chestnut and Walnut streets, was con curred in. ; ~ , Mb. Wagner suggested that it would be wrong in Select Council to refuse to receive Generals Hancock and Sickles after the action in regard to General Sheridan. He hoped some member who voted in the affirmative would move a re consideration. ... Mr. Ritchie made the necessary motion, winch niMras agreed to, and the question being again taken Kin The motiontb-lie oh the- table, it resulted in ■yeas 8, nays 16. .. . Mr. King opposed llio resolution, as .itgwas likclv that it woidd result in the expenditure ol several thousand dollars of the tax-payers money. He favored the reception ol public men, hut he objected to committees having in charge the arrangements and expending money, while every one but the committee men was excluded from all participation in the ceremonies. He should vote to extend the hospitalities to these two Generals, and then'vote to have the rcsolu lions engrossed and presented to the two Gen erals. the resolution was agreed to. Adjourned. Common Jlciincl/. —The estimates of the vaiious departments for 1668, as published a few days since, were presented and referred to the Finance Committee. , , Mr. Martin submitted a resolution changing . the place of election in the Fifth Division ol the Fifth Ward to No. -2-25 Spruce street. Agreed to. Mr. Hetzel submitted the following: That the special committee to receive Gen. Sheridan be and are hereby instructed to tender the hospitalities of the city, in connection with his Honor the Mayor, to Major-General Winfield Scott Hancock, and Major-General Dan. E. Sicilies, our distinguished fellow-citizens now about to visit our city, and that two members he added to that committee from each chamber. Agreed to. . ■ . Mri Mcrslion offered a resolution instructing the Committee on Schools to investigate charges that the new school buildings are being erected so that they can only be,hcated by steam. The resolution was referred to a special com mittee, consisting of Messrs. Simpjon, Mcrshoi’i. Wifiets, O’Neill and Monroe. . , ~ The ordinance providing tor a rate of charges tor making connection with sewers, whicli was under discussion at the last meeting ol Councils, was taken up. The ordinance provides for the lollow lfie charges: For water-closets, $2: lor water unw, $1; drains from brew-houses, slaughter houses, &e. , $10; for dye-houses and sugar-houses, from marble works, $25; for exhaust steam, *s,’ for sinks where the opening exceeds. Iff inches, $2. No charge to be made for drains to carry off water from roofs, baths, Ac. Mr. Potter moved to strike out the item which •pcrnlitted connections to be made with the sew ers from marble yards, mineral water or morocco establishments. Agreed to. The ordinance was then adopted. Resolutions from Select Council, chauging the place of holding elections, vyere concurred m. Also, the resolution _ for the appointment of a committee to investigate the- facts hi reter enec to the removal of the President of Girard The President appointed Messrs. Harper, Fran eiscus, F. Martin, Littleton and Tyson the com mittee on behalf of Common Council. Mr. Potter, Chairman of the Committee on 1- 1- nanee, submitted the following: To the til led and Common ConuctloJ lln- 1 ihj "J I'hlladilphio.— Gknti.k.mi:n: The Committee on Finance have agreed upon a tax rate tor the year 1868, and report an ordinance fixing the Same, and respectfully recommend its adoption. The data upon which this rate is based is set iorth in detail by a statement prepared by Mr. Lyndall, City Controller. The estimated expenses ot the departments for 1808 are $7,3811,713 tW, including interest on ilio public debt. The revenue ot the city for 1868. from other sources than bytes, is $1 276 372; from registered taxes,. s3jo,oou, making a total of $1,620,372. The net value of real and personal property is given at $b>2,131,- £BO, which at $1 -10 will produce $G,33b,«-12_12; less discount, *150,000, leaves a total of $5.8,6.- W 2 12. This, added to receipts lrom other sources; makes a total revenue of $7.500,211 12, leaving a margin of $110,171 to meet extra ap propriations in 1868, or any deficiencies of the present year. Tire committee congratulate Councils on the prospect of a slow but steady rcducTnm of the expenses of the city government by the cheapen ing ol’labor and supplies; also, of the city debt. through the sinking fund, which is so judiciously managed by the able Sinking Fund Commission ers. The appropriations to said fund for 180's will make an absolute reduction ot ¥:i00,00b in the city debt. Also, the equalization of taxation that will be effected through the. able Board of Revision, which is destined to relieve 6tir system of taxatiou from injustice, and so distribute the burden that equal and exact justice wifi be meted out to every tax-payer. Attached to the report was an ordinance fixing the rate of'sl lb on the $lOO, and dividing it in the following manner: For the relief and employ ment of the poor, 8 cents; for the public schools, 21 cents; for lighting the city, 8 cent-; for pay ment of interest on funded debt and sinking fund, 51 cents: for the care of public highways, 8 cents; .--lor supplying the city with water; 7 cents; for the police, 17 cents; for cure of citv properly. 1 cent; FEire prisons.- 2 cents: City Commissioners, 5 cents: cleansing the city, 2 cents; other departments. 8 cent,-.. On all such portions of assessed property .a« are marked ’‘rural’’, only two-thirds of ihc. tax shall be levied. ' Mr. Hetzel postpone the further enn idderatloD ol the bill, as it was inexpedient at this time to fix a tax rate. The object in fixing a rate is now a delusion and a snare, and intended for partisan purposes. The Chair suggested that a question of party politics was not under consideration, and that Mr. 11. was out of order. . Mr. Hetzel contended that the Ghair had no right to determine what members should say. To hold that doctrine would bo to close the mouth of the minority. He pursued his argument, hold ing that heretofore the rate had been fixed in November and December, To fix it now was de signed for party purposes. In regard to the rate, he believed if the appropriations were cut down as they should be, $) 25 would be sufficient to meet the expenditures. • If the dominant party deeide upon large appropriations’ and a low rate, he would favor a still lower rate. -Wo have a debt' of s.3H,<xto,o<)fl or $ 10,000,000, and with that staring us in the face, he was opposed to any deficiency loans,- hat if it was forced upon htwi was made a mere question of amount, be should vote for a less rate than that reported. We should pay as wego;hutwhcre is thoguarim tee that economy will be practiced next year.-' Bo long as you are controlled by jobbers, and the departments are managed for hangers-on, oar nifuirs will neve." Ik) improved. A party in power bo long as this ejiould have haul the nerve to have tuid, long a g° lhat it Wyant pay as it wont and secure * ,y m ■ amount necessary. to pay tec ranches of the eity. Wo arc about entering upon a new system ol' assessment, and should now start rigkt, and levy a tax rate sUflicicut to defray, the actual expenses ol the city, lhe peo ple know that $1 40 is not as low as $l, it we propose to continue the extravagance ol the past We should wait until the assessment is completed, and then levy a tax rate based upon the assessment as it shall then appear. To do otherwise proves it to lie an attempt to manufac ture political capital. Trilling with the finances of a city is playing with fife, and the result must be to injure those who do il. . ■ Mr. Evans suggested that it was not in good taste for Mr. lletzel to talk about low taxes aud corruption, when it was known that when the present party Came into power it found $BO,OOO of bills in 1 the Highway Department alone. Ol these $O,OOO were allowed and the balance re jected, and no suit was ever brought for the amount, ub Mr. Hetzel’s party had. been plunder ing the treasury for years and did not dare to make an issue before the courts. Relerriug to the expenditures of the past, Mr. Evans rolerred to Lansdowne Park, the gas and water loans, as the evidences that the money had been properly and judiciously expended. The new school houses are also monuments of money well spent. If we are to make our appropriations we should have the rate fixed at ouce. Mr. Potter said ho regretted that polities had been introduced into this discussion, and lor his own part, it was with reluctance that he should in troduce the subject. He had been many years m Councils, and felt himself able to understand the question now under consideration: and alter a. careful examination, he was satisfied' that the present was not too soon to fix tfie rate. If wo do fix it now, it will give time lor the preparation of the tax duplicates, and thus enable the tax payers to have the accounts made up before the Ist of January. If we do not obtain money by taxa tion by the 18th of January, we shall have to raise $1,0011,000 by a temporary loan in order to pay the interest then falling due, and for this loan inter est will have to be paid for every day it is bor rowed. In regard to the allegation of waste, ex travagance and corruption, he was sorry such language should be used towards gentlemen who gave their time to tho allairs of the city with the. sole object of benefiting the municipality. He was prepared to show that Philadelphia is the cheapest government in tlic United States. In ’ New York the tax was $2O 8a per capita; in Boston it was $2(l 00 per capita; in San hran oiseo it was $22 0, per eapitrf; in Cincinnati it was $lO 21: in Philadelphia it is $.) 2<>. This proved that the cost here - was less than elsewhere. He did not mean, to say there was no waste whatever. In a mail’s private business lie could not always he assured of the fidelity ot ills clerks, or the cx pertecss of his workmen. It should be recol lected that of the amount raised by taxation fifty cents were required to pay the interest on the debt. This debt was created independent of the wardebt, in the'gas'works,-watoi works,, schools and other valuable improvements, tending to the health and benefit of tlic citizens of Philadelphia. With the rate at $1 10, and an increase ol ¥uo,- 000 from registered taxes above the estimates and s;‘io 000 more from the Water Department, there will lie a margin of $llO,OOO, an amount ample to meet extra appropriations during the year I The motion to indefinitely postpone was lost, i and tlie first seetionriixiug the rate atsl-'IO, was | ‘ U, Mr C llarpcr opposeiVthe bill, as the rate wa3 ’ too low. He gave the following statement from the Board of Revision, made September 20th, as follows: 'Corrected value of real estate Estimated value yet to be returned Personal property T0ta1..... sliit»,>Bo which will, at $ll4O, produce..O.Sft>.»,«42 J 2 From which is to be deducted rural property as follows: Meadow lands, .‘Souh, Iou, which pay one-half tax, making «2j,1-'>B; cud other rural property valued at iJdl.K'O.'.'f)!. which pays two thirds tax. amounting to §28.!.>19 21. Making a ■total of $124,077 U\ to be deducted, leaving §0 270 840 88 as the amount raised from taxes. This' Mr. Harper contended, shows an error in the Controller's estimate, after allowing - for the balance of assessments for remainder ot year, of §121,177 11: leaving uo margin for extra ex- I,l The ’ amount of interest, asked for, he con tended, would not be sufficient by at least SlOO.Ouo. , . . .. . The second section was agreed to, and when the third seclion was taken up the previous ouestion was demanded, and under its operation the section was agreed to. The other sections were adopted in a similar manner, and the bill was passed bv a vote ol 21 yeas to 0 nays. Mr. Potter submitted an ordinance, appro priating §OlO to pay expenses for fitting upoihec for Protfionotary of the Supreme Court, and other expenses. Agreed to. Gen. Shekii'AN at Gkk.maxtowx—Seeknaih-: Speeches, Ac.—After the ceremonies at link: pcnCenee ilall, yesfhrday, General Sheridan pro ceeded to Germantown, where lie- remained dur ii)<>' till- afternoon and evening as the truest o: llToinr.s A. Newhall, Es<p In the evening lie was waited upon bv a number of prominent citizens of Philadelphia aWI its vicinity, who were present hv special invitation. The large and brilliant company was pleasantly'entertained, and sepa rated with many expressions of warm.consideni tion for the gallant General. The grounds in closing M'r.xNewlmU’s residence, and l'rontiug on the public road, were tastefully decorated with il luminated Chinese lanterns. - At nine o’clocka large and enthusiastic meet inn-of the Boys in lilue, members of the Grand Army of the Itepuhlie,\and other residents of Germantown assembled at, the Town Hali, for the purpose of tendering General Sheridan the compliment of a serenade. A delegation from the Germantown Hose Company, in full fire man’s uniform, was also on the ground. A line was soon formed, and, headed by ‘a band ol music, the procession moved down Main street to the Philadelphia depot, where a halt eyas madg to await the arrival of the half-past nine o’clock train from Philadelphia. In the mean time , the ranks 'of the processionists rapidly augmented, and when the march had been resumed the tunic* had assumed the proportions or an imposing demonstration. Along tlie line of the route cheers were rcpeatcdly •riven for Sheridan and many other Union heroes. The procession wended its way along Main to Mauhciin street, and thence to Mr. Newhall s residence, where, after several dellgbtftiPftirs by the hand, repeated calls were inode for Sheridan. The General linally appeared at a window m the second story, and stepped out, upon' a tem porary staging, in full view' of the crowd. Ilis appearance was greeted with the usual demon strations of popular enthusiasm. Hon. M. ltusseU Thayer addressed the General as follows: I am here, General, in behalf of the people of Germantown, who have heard of your presence among them, to lender to you, on their behalf, a cordial—a thrice cordial welcome to their midst. Sir. knowing the people of Germantown as well as I do, 1 can truly day that during the great struggle in which you have borne so conspicuous and glorious a part, there hag been throughout tills broad land no-community more steadfast to that great cause, which you aud your brave com pters have crowned with glorious succcrS, than have been the people oi this old borough of Ger mantown. | Applause. | No people, sir* anywhere, have made greater sacrifices for or were more deeply earnest in the success of that great cause 1 , than the people who dwell upon this liistoric spot. They have watched your career, sir, with pride, and I need not say, with personal solicitude for yourself. They have admired your glorious career in this treat struggle; they feel, sir, in common with ?he citizens of this great country, throughout its entire length and breadth, uhder great obliga tion-. to you for the signal, services which you have rendered, and they have come here to-night to express in their poor way their feelings of re- I sped, and gratitude which they entertain for you. j 1 wish you; sir; on behalf ol the people.of...Ger-. i mm town, continued heulth and prosperity, aud we weleome you most cordially to our homes and our hearths. | Great applause, and three cheers tor Sheridan.- j General tiheridun responded as follows: tUntUfain: 1 rcgretexeeedingly that I am not gifted with the faculty of making speeches. I certainly have never experienced an occasion when I more highly valued that gift than I do at present. I run only say to you that I sincerely thank you for this enthusiastic welcome, that I consider myself very highly honored and that] I shall always appreciate the warm, welcome yqu jgitve given me here to night. I have only to say to i’ou, good night. Thd close of the General's remarks was followod by divit.ninff flieers. After urn'.ic, the ecrenadero THEtDAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27,18jft .withdrew and returned to the point from which they started. Itwicr'rioN.oi' Rt. Rev. Bi-siioi* Wool). —;Yes- terduy afternoon an immense assemblage con vened on the ground, oiiSt. John's Orphan Asylum, to extend a formal reception to Rt. Rev. BishopX Wood, on the occasion of his return from Rome. \ The ears of the various lines of railway leading to the grounds were crowded to sutlbeatiou, and private" vehicles wore in extensive demand. About half-past Uvo o'clock-the Lancaster pike at and about the* grounds was literally crowded with carriages and vehicles Of almost every descrip tion. " Although it was not contemplated or in tended to have any display in the way of a genera procession of Societies, as -originally arranged by the programme of Thursday-, lilth inst*, many op-aniaations, nevertheless, marched to the place antheir own account, preceded by bands of music. The different ehurches were represented on the "■rounds by well loaded refreshment tables, at tended by the ladies of the respective churches, and during the afternoon and evening many ol these did a thriving business. The tables ot ot- Patrick’s, St. Augustine’s, St. Michael's, St. James’s, St. Philip’s, and other churches, occu pied positions near to the main platform, winch was erected in the centre of the grounds, beau tifully festooned with evergreen and encompassed bv the national emblem. "A neatly formed bower occupied the centre ot the platform', on which was placed a speaker s stand, chairs for tire Bishop and clergy, am proper accommodations for the representatives ot the press. , , , In front of the main platform was placed m conspicuous letters the inscription. Read mrila falta, being the Irish motto for ‘•One hundred thousand welcomes.” Underneath this were m "Ecribed the words, ‘‘Home again.” On the ngltt of the platform was placed inscription, Eutje'Hit tx bona et 'Met!*, signifying '••Well dune thou good and faithful servant.” . On the left was placed the inscription, ‘/.ece Ranrdos Maynus," “Behold the High Priest, and near to it the words, “Prosper,:, /Vucedt, i-t Reyna." meaning “Proceed, and reign prospur- An" inclosure was reserved in front of the main stand for the orphan inmates ot St. John s Asy lum, for whom Bishop Wood ever exercises a watchful and tender care. This was well guarded by committee-men and others apnomteu tor the purpose, and shortly before four o clock the little orphans entered it and were arranged in platoons, and attended by the Sisters of Charity. The diUercnt musical organizations, headed by St. Michael’s Brass Band, then escorted the reve rend clergy to the inclosure leading to the main stand, upon which they took their places- Tlicre was a large turnout of the clergy, wwfliT every portion of Die Dfcjcesd being represented. Among others in Die line were Very Rev. William O Hara, V. G.; Vcrv Rev P. A. Stanton, O. S. A.; Very Rev. C. J. ‘H. Carter, Rev. Messrs. Bernard Kee nan, P. F. Sheridan, Philip O’Farrell, Maurice A. Walsh, F. J. Barbolin, S. J-; P- J- Blenkinsop, S. J.; J. Do Hycker,-C.-S&. Kg C. A. Kotebaner and J. Sniet, C. SS. K.: A.- M ! Grundtner, O. S. B. V. Mg James «.) lU'Uly, * • ! R. O’Reiilv, Mark Crane, P. A. Nugent. Chari'- i A. MeFad’den, John Kelly,Thomas O Neill,Jam'- Kchoc, Rudolpli Kunzer, J. - Fitzsimmons, -John ■MeAnaney, Dennis O'Hargn, Hugh Lane.Tlioin:i- F. Hopkins, J. Shcehau, John J. Ele.dck, John is ' Lotighrun, John McGovern, J. Wright, Thomas, Thomas Fox. Thomas Walter lower. Michael F. Martin, J. Ferry, George Strob-I K A. Sharkey, J. W. Gerdemann, A. F. X. Galla gher, P. F! Sullivan, and a host of others. After the performance of an air bv one 'of-the hands, Very Rev. C. J. 11. Carter, Pastor ot the Church of the Assumption, advanced to the trout ol the platform, and read an address of welcome to the Bishop on behalf of the clcriry and kuty. He referred to the progress Of religion m Un- Diocese during the term of the Episcopal"-ol Bishop Wood: to the progress of the Parochial Schools, the Schools of the Christian Brother hood, and other educational establishments throughout the Diocese; and in a neat address extended, on behalf of those he represented, ,a mast’tordial and. heartfelt welcome. The Bishop then rose to respond, and wn« re ceived with deafening cheers by the assembled . 4,000,000 . d,027,021 multitude. ' - " " . He thanked them for this exhibition or then attachment, and esteemed it not- as a compliment to himself, but the Episcopal character winch lie represented. He hail gone to Rome at the invita- Uon of the Holy Father for no other purpose than the celebraUon’of the Eighteenth-hundredth An niversary of the Festival of Sts. Peter and Paul,' and he had given to the Holy Father that which the faithful ol the Diocese of Philadelphia had committed to his care, , , . The Bishop then gave an extended and elaborate account of the ceremonies at. Rdme, of his audience with the Holy Father, in company with the American Bishops, and and interesting particulars of his visit to dilfefcut cities' bfAPtaH’,,: VGiJ-nianv; lreland, England and : other countries, his voyage homeward on the Aragorand a complete decount of the most in teiesting-nart of his travels. Tin: statement was interspersed with a reference to pleasing incidents and humorous circumstances, which elicited hearty applause. At the dose of Die address the Bishop gave the benediction, which was preceded by the Versicles .and Responses: “ Sit noiu, it Umaiid t-a- .iuUm.i ; nun*' >1 u'ii/iu: in i culm,:.. AAyUnc’Wi um trinn in imiuiuc Ihnnini; tjffi Jcrit Ctrl’: m el ter rain." The people then knelt down and received the blessing, “Jirnedical cm OmiiijnitKius" Ac. This concluded the formal -part of the exer cises, when the Bishop and clergy' proceeded to the Asylum proper, at which were arrangements for the photographing of the entire ecclesiastical party. This done, the clergy entered the Asylum, the peopEWgft for their homes, and Die festival proceeding terminated. Missionary Mi-iiii ino at Cjim-tni.t Him..— An interesting meeting was held last night at St. I'iiiil’fc Church. Chestnut Hill. It was oil the oc casion of the quarterly meeting ol' the seveiijil Guilds of the parish. A large attendance evidenced the deep interest which the work of the parish has awakened among both the clergy and laity. Pravcrs were ottered by Rev. Dr. Watson, oi St. Janies the Less, after which, Rev. Ur. Rudder, of St. Stephens, was called to the chair, and Rev. W. Hare chosen as Secretary. The Rector 01 the parish, the Rev. J. A. Harris, read the reports oi the Guild, showing that they will raise lor dhi eesan missions, live hundred dollars per quarter, or two thousand dollars this year. Ur. Rudder followed in some very forcible rjt marks, which were listened to with profound aix tendon. The Rev.fMr, Hare read resolutions oi the Diocesan Hoard respecting the work in the parish, and was followed by Rev. Mr. Morris, if! Germantown; Ur. Clerc, of Philadelphia, and Rev. Mr. Bane!, of Bedford. The Rector having presented resolutions re specting the establishment of a diocesan mis sionary paper, he was followed by Messrs. John Welsh, Wiliiam Welsh, Rev. Mr. Morris and Mr. James Acrtsen in veiy earnest and- eloquent words. The Gloria in Ej'rrhi.t was then sung, and after prayer the congregation was dismissed with the benediction by the Rev. Air. Burroughs, of St. Clair. It is the <j>urpose of the Rector to have four such meetings in ilia parish every year; Tine plan is as admirable ns the work is noble, ami nobly performed. Bahu’Bai.!.. —The Keystone and Jefferson ol Washington, D. C., played their return game on the grounds oflhe former, at Caaghm, yester aflcrno.on, resulting in a Key stone by’a score of GS to G. The first game was played lust October,in Washington,the Keystone being victors, the score standing 22 to 12. KKYSTOVE. 11. 11. .IKIT'KRSON. <>. li. Dick, 2d b., 2 8 Page, r. f., 3 J 1 Cope, r. f.j 1 9 Ycattnun, c. f., -1 <* Gwinn, p., -a S Kinney, 2d b., 1 j Conner, l. f., II SjJoyce, ild b., j! - Woods, s. s., li SiUoyle, s. e., :i * Ewell, e., . II x Daniels, lath., ‘2 1 . Robinson, Ist b., - 2 ts Anderson, p., 3 McMullin, e. f., 2 n McClelland, 1. f.,' 2 () MeClarnin, 3d b., li .1 Shields, e., J 11 I-NNINUS. ci.uns. ]. 2.": i. If. i (i. 7. 8. 9. Total. Keystone 1.2 2975 4 17 IB <lB Jeilerson 0 0 0 1 0 2 li 0 0— <; The match between the Atlantic anil West Philadelphia resulted in a victory lor the former by a score of !iti to 82. Tin: Hounei.i/niiiAi. Exhmsition. —The an nual exhibition of the Pennsylvania Horttcultu rul Society closed last night." The display oi fruits, (lowers, plants and vegetables was superb, and the arrangements seemed to give general satisfaction. During the past three days the Hull has'been 7isited by crowds of people, and the exhibition has been unusually, successful Tim epeeiwmj wore highly creditable to the ex bib-tom. - Ki:st:uEi> ikom Drown ino.— Yesterday a sorr of Captain W. H. Macomb, United States Navy, seven years' old, was rescued from drowning by the bravorv and promptness of Robert Fleming and Wiilium Tevis, employes of the Navy Yard. The boy- had fallen from the deck and. was strug gling in the water, when these moil and somo milieus arrived on the spot. The former immedi ately jumped overboard, followed by the latter, su'd'supported the little fellow until they were hauled ill) Q)i the dock. \ POLITICAL NOTICES. UIVIOW REPUBLICAN TICKET. JUDGE OF SUPREME COURT, hon. henry w. williams. ASSOCIATE JUDGE COUBT OF COMM PLEAS, HQN. Nl. RUSSELL THAYER. COUNTY OFFICERS. Sheriff, JOSEPH Nl. COWELL. Begister of WiUs, Offered to provide luxury and comfort lor tho-e who would deaert the colon* they had aivum to ••upport. A few, cajoled by hi* prctcncea, and perauaded by th-nr. gumenta of the Democratic party of the North, diverted, and were treaty! an they dcßcrved—aH tshonld*t J be treated who forsake the canny of lo> ally - u hether on _ the battle-held or in the political arena. RICHARD M. BATTURS. | fheyw ro WILLIAM Y. CAMPBELL. Clerk of Orphans’ Court, ) CITY OFFICERS. City Treasurer, DAVID JONES, City Commissioner, BENJAMIN F. URWILER. Senate—Third District, JOSEPH A. BONHAM. Assembly Dbtrict-DAVIfT 1-OY •> ROIILRTW. TITTERMAIIY A. .M. WALKINSHAW. WILLIAM W. WAIT. 6th “ EDMUND S. YARD. 6th “ CoL CHARLES KLECKNER. JAMfiS SI'UEKS. JAMES V. STOKES, F. W. THOMAS. Col. ELISIIA W. DAVIS. Hth “ CHARLES EAGER. ALEXANDER ADAIIiE. ENOSC. RENNER. GEORGE T. THORN, 14th “ ,sth " JAMES HOLGATE. Coi.. MARSHAL V. HONG Cor. JOHN CLARK. JAMES N. MARKS, By Order of the Republican City Executive Committee, WM. K. LEEDS, President. JOHN L. HILL, ) . - Secretaries. ISAAC Mc-BRIDE, i GKOCERIES, LigDOM, WHITE PRESERVING BRANDY, PURE CIDER ASD WINE VINEGAR, GREEN GINGER, MUSTARD' SEED, SPICES, Ac., At All the requisites for Preserving and Pickling purpose.. ALBERT G. ROBERTS, Dealer in Fine Groceries, Corner Eleventh and Vino Street?. SUPERIOR VINEGARS. French White Wine, and Pure Old Cider Vinegar.. Foi ealo by JAMES R, WERE, Ja3 WALNUT and EIGHTH STREETS. FIRST PREMIUM AWARDED FOR BEST FAMILY FLOUR, At the late Inter-State Fair, to George F. Zehnder, Dealer In thoire Brands Penna., Ohio, St.- Louis and Virginia Flour, Also, Unbolted Rye and Wheat, for making Boston Brown Bread, Bye Flour, Indian fourth and Vine. .e!7tf ■■■— New mess mackerel, pickled salmon, mess Shad, and Tongues and Sounds mkittn, just r^ lv ,-'A nndfor mile at COUSTV'S Cvpcery, No, l\t, South Second street xTrw^itOP^TEAS—FINEST QUALITY OF CHINA N and Japanese Teas in store ana for Hiilo nt COLSIY v East-End Grocery, No. lib South Second sheet. RntHJalifornlaW^n^B| a and COUSTV’S Enrt-Eml Grocery, N BtrcoG TAJ lIITE I’RESEHVTJIG BRANDY, BURE EIDEh W VincKar,l'uro Silicon, Mustard Seed, &c„ alwara 011 hand at <SSuSTY-S EanJ End Grocery, No. 118 South Second atreot. v - vvw GREEN GINGER.—2OO LBS. JUST RECEI VED. N prime order. For bjilo at (JOLSI Y'S Kart End Gro <.i.try f No. 118 South Second «troot. IJiRENCH WINE VINEGAR.. VERY BUPEIUOS T French White Wine Vinogar, ta*tore and ,for «aJe h’ M. F. BPILLIN. ’ - G1 RFNOBLE WALNUTS.—B BALES OF GRENOBLI r Pane? Shell Walnute, and Princew Papor Shell A: uLL fS bSio by M. F. s’PILLIN. K. W. Cor. Arch Eighth etreeta. . ACCARONI AND VERMICELLI.—IOP BOXES Gi choice Leghorn Maccaroni and Vermicelli, of the lal imporurtiomin abore and for aide b> tf. F. SFXLLIN I* WrCor.-Arch and .Eighth afreet*. budding, ueatheus, AC. 1 "LEATHER BEDS AND HAIR MATRESBES RENO * vated. Albo, Feathers constantly ou hand. Factory 811 Lombard street. - . bolHliu* WINES, 'LIQUORS. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC ALE&, BROWN STOUT AND CIDERS. aw t p. J. JORDAN, 220 Pear afreet, below Third and Walnut itreete, begs to call attention to nio largo and varied etock of goods now ou hand, embracing Wines of au grades, .imongfit which aro eome very choice ahorrles and cl arete: Sranaies, all qualities and different- vintages; Whiukdea >ome very old and superior; Scotch and English Ales and Brown Stont, together with Jordan's' Celebrated Tonit Ale. now bo extensively need by families physicians, in /ahda and othera. , „ . . Cider, Crab Apple Clianapagno and. Sweet Cider, ol r,ualitiea unaurpaeacd. Theee gooda are furmuhod in pack aged of ail ai*ea, «nd will b<? delivered, free of coat, in al cf the city. r SOLDIEKS!!^ TO THE FRONT!!! You have ft contest t r-totc von n* inijiu:taut in it-fiC' eulfa a* any of your rimggb r on the (lI.OOOY lIATTI.E-EIEI.nS, Sanctified to you by the murder of your comrade* and the desolation of their widow* and orphan*. Let there he SO VVAVF.RISG IS THE RISKS ! Are we, who lmvo fought long and faithfully to Hccure the perfect integrity of tlsi Kepnblfc, to yield our ehei|-. ished righta to the machinations of a party that has ever opposed us—a party that has uniformly denied every re cognition of our services—a party that sought to deprive us of the means to support our families, by voting against ull appropriations to defray military expenses—a party that would have allowed our children to starve sooner than vote onflucent for their rellef-a party that now, gathering iflS&caycd forces for one more fruitless effort to wrest from loyal hands the uustained FLAG OF VICTOKY, to hide it» own we.ikneM aiidlmmlt) our intHli. Bonce by j.retcndiuc u doirc to do u« honor. So THE AKIII TRAITOR FEE DEItDED, DISEKACEI*, BENPISED. Comrades! Rally in Your Might, •FRIDAY K V EN l NfFTEPT. U, AT H O'CLOCK NATIONAL HAIL.. \I ar\c e t Stve et, ALOV I? TWELFTH, Tht re let us with one voire avow, our pontin'i’d nib gianre to that great cause for which our brothers in-arm' laid down their lives. U-t us show by our numbers ;.oir intensity of feeling : and let us donjon :trat<; to the u mid that-the removal from npheres of comin.ind wivre they were so gallantly lighting the enemies of onr country, oi those great heroes, SHEUIDAN A!S’» SICKLES Cannot he submitted to without j rotest. Special arrangements will boMuude for the accomum datiou of Ladies, whu, it is hoped, will be prc*«.ut in lure numbers. PENNSYLVANIA KAIEKOAI) COMPANY.'! VBS TPEASUKEK’S I>EPAHTMENT, lTlil..vni:i,l-iii.v. ] September I^W«- CE T<) honDHOLIJEIIS. I At n meetingof the : -Board f *f Director*, held on Itli i inßtaut. the following preamble nud resolution weie ; Numerous application*, hiive been made to ■ thin Company from the noldcifi of the I* ir**t -aud t cx-rotm ; Mortgage Coupon Bo ml* to convert the name mt*» tau Keghterod General Mortgage Bond*, Hated July 1, lyu , tl Ar/olr! : t/ l *'lhut the Treasurer he, mid ho I-, hereby in ptructeQ to ciiuj-e public notice to be given tluit .<*.u inmv jb now prepared to exchange in ‘♦•cured bv a goucnil mortgage upon the line from I hiU dclphisvto l'ittcburgh 5 **f the estate, real aud P<-r--'Oi«U aim eorporsito franchiren therein mentioned, dated du.y l I*S7, tor the Fin-t and Second Mortgage Coupon Bond**, of paid Company, on the road between Uarin=bu;g stud 1 information can he obtained on iippli/ettion at thih ofiiec. IIIUMAb 1. Hid . lreaMyvi. or tiie'Lehioi Fcoal and navi- OATION COMBANY. . „ . I’muM.i.i’iHA, heptomber tin, 1 \ pri cii‘l meeting Qi' tie- pti*ckiii'id«".‘i of tile Lehigh Coal and Navisath n < 'on.puny v- ill he hehL jit- the D'lt'd ot Trade* Room*, Chestnut M; uhovr i iftn.-m 1 * L-’- I> \V. tin t-.’Bt day oi netoi.c , 1.-.07, sit 1" J <. »• clock A. M.. for the pm po;*- of authorizing a l"an under tlio Act <4 nppiovcd the tenth day of A^nh,^. " si-io.toorlj i'ri--»d'*nt. *<»• office Ties >u tk minino comfany. no. J s *? 8-4 WALNUT STREET, Fhu.U'U.i ;n.v, oopa-.mber i* iierebv pivm that nil stock of the R'-'lute Mining Company, on v,iticii•inat.ihnenfH are clue aiui w- Daid, h iiereby mid will be .ibid a. public auction on TI4I ‘K S I.» A A , October 17th, at i o‘clo< k, noon, at the cilice oi the Secretary of the Lot tion, according to the charter and by-law*,, nuk-.-.., pievi oiihl'* redeemed. By order of tie* I)ii'»*ctoie, pefd to ccl(ss B, A. HOOI'ES, liojwurer. •ksv“ H”vrOiila.oi.s n.uu hye.-this sple-ndii) Hair Dye i- the b•• l m the v.-uhl. I in* <>ul> On- Or.o !‘< rj'.t't tx.i Hsu ieh'*H. Reliable, luftantan- oii.-. No difarpointne-nt. >’•* ridiculous tint.-. Natural Muck or llio-mi. hemedie.H tile ili cJlect.“«i Di/o<* Immoral.'--* the iiaiv, leaving it -oft and beautiful. I D** centime h I p,led WjLLI.kM A BA'l LIIELOK. All <Jt n-rt are it. ■ tMtieiiH. and *hunld la- avoided, sold by all and IVtfujmTN. I'su-t'H‘v *1 Barclay Htreet. Ne'.v jni k. ?*•*' BliWAiiK Ol* A COI N 1 BBH-H. de<-f,iii,wly HOME, (lOHNEK OF Bin id -tnet amt Celumlmi avenue, U open tor Mie of OirD fr-un' twelve to eighteen yesuvu.l who rre neglected erde*ci ted hy their parent-, and who need tin- h'-u-IP-r end in*trurtn»n ol a Lhru'tmn home, li the public v. ill BU.Main this inaitmimi, numygirD mav kept frond! evil, and made ret-pcctable and tuelul "r.'jiitrihution* may he rent to JAMES T. SUJNN, Trca -mer, Bioad suid Spniee Htrcet*. lioJNrptt IS : HKItEBV-^GIVEN -THAT- CKH •Q?' tiUcßte No. 310 for ten (t()0‘ eliaretf bf the ('apitstl Stock o! the Amygdaloid Mining Compimy of Lake Su perior, in the name of Jo*. 11. Trotter, liari beeu loat or application has been made to the Company Tor a new cemneate. ■ - I*lll f.A I KLriITA, Sept.-3,1807. B«-:i:!i)t5 JOS. If. TROTTER, maxr> OFFICE OF THE Fit A N KLIN FI RE INSU RANCH COMPANY'. PjHLAmxrillA, Sept. 25,18 tn.. An Election for Ten Director* for the ensuing year, will lie In Id agreeably to Charter at a general mc-ting of tho atoci-holderH for that pnniose, at the Otlke of the Com pany on MONDA \\ October 7th. at 10 o'clock A. M. Hcfe.lotJ J. W. MoALLISTER, See’y, V™}™'- .. t^v*., ,o y iTcih7)i-”iYiiTDi:BAivA nv: coal com* pany, No. hid Walnut Street. J’liihulelplihi, Sept. 2i)lh, lb»)7. , . f l lie Stockholders will meet at the Company h office at 12 o'clock,on M- *NDAY,the twcnty-eightli day of Drtobei next, to confirm rale and authorize conjPTauce ot n*ui c-Btati situate in Bhiladelphia. - • o. h. -■ n(YFi(TiY—T.?Xmden' aniJ~atlantiu ka'im road. The Coupon* due October Dt, next, on tb • second Mortgage Bond* ol thin Company,.will be P«J« 1 “ picrintation at the Company’s olhee, Cooper s 1 > Camden, N. J., on and after that date. Hi.-sii-nt} «sr Octnl-cr next. Tho Juti-odnctoi-y• Loctuiowil.>«- > dividend notices* TOWN JAVI . !{?c A perlto.tonti™ !'Of U“- l 4>"rKVr ytt “ e ’ dWir “ f tftXoS ‘ °“ uml olii.l tholst ol C. IM . ( •ompnny wilt ho clonod on . T.ho. Triinefcr Hooka pi t.^ o “,Vtil tho l»t of Octohor. tho mth irat, and lcxu.iio r J,' jjoijGIIEr.TY; TrOiTHtiror. peliJ- f,toc2s . ViwvfrNoTlOE-OCEan OIL COMPANY *6r or -IVO Per Cent, (helnn sss*s®feSS«Wsss2 iuft., utai-.M. BOYD. Ju„ Treasurer. iw. aMriOT. _ ,ta| -%saa£L iNDIATKOBBEK BELTING, STEAM VnSa Md'o'oniera will find a full aeeortmoitt of Goodvmtri Batant \ tilcsnizad Ilijbbn,- Bnltinfi, Pucktnn at lle^attew.) 3UU Chestnut street, South eid'j. w B —We hftyo a No*»t and Cheap Article of Garden and Pavement Hose, very cheap, to which tho attention of tho j ut.’ic is called. T> ISLEY*S NEWS EXCUAN<JIS, f ~ / / / ** ' CHOICE SEATS / To all places of amueement may be had up to 6>tf o'clock, any evening. . XTEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE eleventh street, above CHESTNUT. THE FARIAf/V KESOItT. OPEN FGtK THE SEASON. lUONBAV EVENTNf;,'AI:(JCNTYI!, , / CARNCROSS & DIXEY’S MINSTRELS FniE GREAT STAIt TROUPE OF THE WOULD.'.iß GhdND ETHIOPIAN SOt KEEN. For funicular, tee future advertiHCinentt. / J. L. CAKNCKOSB, Mauarer. R. F. SIMPSON.Ti er.i-’irtr. ■ ■ auivtf ‘xTeW PHILADELPHIA OPERA HOUSE. . SEVENTH Street,.below AP.UH. t, v TI'NISON k 11. PARSON'S. SAMUEL S. SANFORD. GREAT* SUCCESS OKTUNTSOX k CO.’S MINSTRELS. OPEN FOK THE SEASON, EPII. "OKN, Af> , , * W. BCDWOKTH. c. ciu;k<;ii, And tbc* Lhi kcpl and MOST TALENTED COMPANY IN THE WOULD. cun be eofiiircd in advKUCo without Kxtitt Cbarpo. . , , Door* open fit 7 ffcloch. I’crforrnance at fc *•> fiocl; i C-A HEM Y SXfi , M l. b IC. A J. E. MoUONOtftHl .. ..Lci-ce and Mamifor. TIHKL> WEEK , . - . of the groat HPnrntiun at ND! l.O’S' (i AIID i. \, NiAY YOIIK, of Charles M. Hhitiui’h I'Jnv of IJEAOK ckoOk, lU,d 01tANI> PAIIISIKNNK HAEEETTKOITE. ENDORSEDBY THE ENTIRE SUNDAY DRESS' ASDiDAIEY JOI.KNACS. NO DISSENTING VOICE. RHII.ADELEIHA EQUALS NEW YOItK. \ COM t*A RISON ONCE THOUGHT 1M DOHSIBI.E. IiUTN< W ITL..Y KSTAHUHHEDHY ADMIRING Tlfi'll HANDS. CHANGE Of TIME. poor* njmn »t 7 oVlock. I’riformauc'? v, Ml cniimi'-ur'j nt lh oV'ock ;so to rr-i’f ludr tin* Grand ,I'»iry « tnrlc r.t It*;, giving Hinj'lc time to reach homo at an early • GRAND MATIKKK rvr.llY SATUtPAY AFTEK* | NOON AT-JOVLOGK. , • iSt-HtH n run-d fix da,f in '.iduiio o ;it U fz Walki-tG M'nj-ic Htorr, 721 (;l»t-?ti;?■ t -(feel. and at the Academy ot i Miirir from In until 3 o’clock. No extra clurge l“r/c reived font/ 1 . _ ___ - i 4 it Tv a ig*N'i"f'"sVmTrr thkatkk. n. e. coKXEit of V? NINTH and WAFNt.T Begin* Ht *. TiiK LA.' 1 NiGllT lit TONE Of ShakiM-dinN Fairy rf; eutailc. in nr*: act?, of A MIPSIMMIcL NIGHTS PKLAM, With iic ’inriv«h d Scenery. Panorama, -t .m.c. TWPLK '1 PAN.*'KwKMA HON M .'iM, &•* T!fL FINAL MA i'LGIL Of t*haJ.«ort'-'ToV Kuh'v S; *•! * . A :* Ki J l’I"S PULA M, ..Will Iv? gjvi u. '\hh nil i'/ff.-r;*'f‘vm v :., Yr\ HATHDA r \ r I LLNOON, at J oVh" k. In roh' p.r-a!. 'l'. ,\V. K' i- im , v and ;-'i d.o Ki»pllf!i t’omi-dy of LA V - IL. thi'Mithrutic copy in tin-city. _ | Its. .JOHN DItEWNS AP.CII STREET T.’IEATKK. iVI Ic- n r.t 7. U* vui* a*. 7;o < ’ch 'k. PLNLKiT ' A Mil. K. LPPV. 1-JRST NJGII I OF Mir S' HKMtH'.Ti A IK\ IV#. j*, A. . TWO--Ol' , *l.i-'i S s'lKoi.Sg.i. . .... 'HIIS i Friday » t.Yi-MSO, rv-j t, W 7/" THE K.\U IV KZKOF i'AillS. 'ill, Pofrpji-k'T . Mr. 1.. M*l»t S’l]Jort'‘d hy til',' I- ..1! < <.J... I! v. Alt' T V- liirh, tii*.* * S »rn» I; , k s'llialinl and i li i:u mo. F.nth&linr Mi* IIENIUKT ( A 1 R\No ivtrudm Mr. ' OJnr .MONPAY- UFK AM> I IMI'S OF JtK. HARP ill. In yri pamtiou, INNIbFA Li.l N, ith ne w .no tarry, £c. ■KTKW CIIKST.NTT STREET THEATRE. IN ruiDAV<;, rnwr i->". KAI'.BWM 1. Hi: El ir AND I’OSITIVELY. EAST MOIIT 111 I ONE"} ,Mli. AM) ME.-A W. J. KLOKK.V-L. PHIL SUERIIM* ■ U,n ATKE. HIKEE CEORIOI'S I'IEAJEi. THE IRISH LION. , Tiir> Mofire: . . : -v r - '*■ * IHIUU: MAKKILIJ. Vivian Kii’nlr-*. M i>. W. .1- rl.nnrc iu thuracUT*. TIIE KKI IKNi.O YOLI .\l I.EK. .>V|lll»J.l.WUU,m«.«l <* v V S . baj l hdaV heoi I.aU i-AwritmTAiiM , . IWOPIECES: i T>lE CHIMNEY COKSUK. ouIMiTO IUK DOUSS. 4 Mntim** Pric<.»na u-tir.l. • i MUNPAY--MK. .TAMKB K. MI KDUC? WINK WOKKa WOM>KH4* .? Hot Sheet now o).-tn.. _ - . ./? A SSEMBLY BFII-DINGS. ' A ‘Tilli BRAINS AND ROCK\ MOl NT.V AN ILJJ oTKATED LECTURE, Will bedeliveied »>n /aatlS EVENlNG,Jftrtemheri., and everv riih.e.iuenti evi:uinc during the lire, hv ,J. L. PING IN A ET, in respenfe to an inutn j,' liiiml>.-r of h■udilii! <lti/.eli-. «. •j hr Illustrations embrace sixty fi-lendid. tars-: r like rotored views. . .. , , Adn.hfiiT, ;• eenls. (diildreu s tioKets. ia • ell cured feats, w ithouteXllH 1 ; ,'|L: ;■• MOl. . Chcflnut licet, and at i l KM.It t TG.Vt. Pool: r tore. iIV .South *t iiNTH eti .-et. 1 1 - at 1 o’l loei:. (.'onilti.‘Xu e-at b. / ' () N C E I! ,T i! A I. L. v.. (Til:.',TNI T fctreet, ai.ove 1 A •. IILINDTuM CUNt.-KKTr! •ONi.Y TWO WEEKS LONGI.U. In order t» give juirti. > who ha ve heen ui'.i'.i llini an or; el tuuity, lli.iNU IOM will aje,- til.ove Hall i'.VEKY NIGHT THIS W.I.EK -t H P M. MATINEES WEDNESL'AI AN I)AY AKTKBNOON, at i:«. . ~ „ .. Adlniwiou. Weenie. Children nndi r li 2a Hi-rvcd Scut*, 75 Bnlcony, reMivi.d for culon d p-tboub, 2.1 -t nr-„ ' nt V»\ A. Tr:»t"ih-i** -Mi-*c ('ll I-.S’I NU-T rfrei t: nl.-o ;it the 11.-ill. 4 vocal <on<tlt JY 'A iH b<- at MI MICAL FI. NU IIALL. On FKIDAV i l.'in!-.-: . hv.Mi.-.- CAKOLISK ,m. i ah ia: H>riytr‘<l by tin: •ii-dinecli> d t;.l i H<»pr::i;o, M:ut Hcnrictt.'<n-> 1 V liinil ' * Soprano. Mi-r IL F n .MrOalfrrv. 1 11 1.•.<I■; 1i• Ti iu»r, Mr. tSinirrou, N"\v Y<> k._ Mr. Aaron F. Taylor. IMiiLtd..iphi.t. t (I'.i.ductor and I‘ianirt, Mr. !! uj-'fi A. (. la:> j.l.ia TiUKHTr?, OSK DoLLAU. f ’♦Jay hf j.nnM:r*.d »l Sir. •). E. ChiMnut; il. W. A. TriJJiii'b r. i*2*i j c 15nutT, ll(rj Olii't-tnut. A S *“Y “I”" TEMPLE OF W. • DAKRV.'KLI, DXOA UIB RETIREMENT KK'<M L-DULIC LD-' , il FIFTV VKAjiSOri-DNH. AND AV'l/f;. jj SHOULD GLD ACQUAIVI ANDLRII F< .1 MONDAY, 2, Mild every L\ I.MN'' • WEDNESDAY :md SATURDAY AH LLM , u ONE MOKE HOOD AND HA IT* LALLH »■ 3 nnr youth, 131it7, of our age, lilitis ol ourenildi e 11 O, S!^? ( V» U iHWMIU«B»I. CANARY Bl'l ‘ 1 the MINSTRELS. Admhuou, 2a ceuta; Ct ; tl ctntp. Rcrcrvcd Sent*, 50 cent*. j • - d |j«, R T iM;I. r ( r.'MD^VV )N^; 1 \ L -; ;: • i DyCAKLSENT/^tDfCl{.^TH^‘^ ’ j V o<-auA-Ah i! JVn, fe li.ud ; ;u™ujn,mDi« ;ir or. , u>u j To'bu'iu'ul at Music Store, street, and at the I Wrvvcvr vaXIA ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. ] PENNSYLVANIA IlEgTsl , T[ übovu tEn'TH. &?rWMt“ff™tPiauro of CHRIST REJECTEt still oi exhibition. )W - tf TIDEAYRE . . JH ® EVEnYEVENlMJ.und^..^..^.^^ GREAT COMBINATION TROUPE. In Grand Ballets, Ethinidim Burlesques, Songs, Dunce,: Gymnast Acts, Pantomimes. Sir.. ITOOjCTSir'iHI,AWMJK» AjiJP-I'Ai.VII .\»J« A. S. ROBINSON, 910 CHESTNUT STREET, LOOKING GLASSES PAINTINGS, Engravings and Photographs, Plain and Ornamental Gilt Frame*. Carved Walnut and Ebony Frame*. ' ONJJ&SO OR MADE TO ORDER boohuiC) d?c. BQOFINO. ' 1 PATENT DIETAL KOOFIN6. I This Metal* a* a Roofing* is NON-CORROSIVE* not rJ qnjring paintl It ia aelf-eoldcruiK, and in largo anuoto, rj auiriuK lcsa than balf tho tiino of tin m roofing buildin; 2r railroad cars, in lining tanka* ofatems, Ac or anv article requiring to be air or water-tight. It SiuMe feet of roof takes about 12a feet of cheat tin V cevS it, and only 108 foot of patent metal* j OFFICE, 114 Sorth Sixth Street, Philadelphia# | UYfi9*in w & ProurMor. .Singe Maun^i . I i),i *l«w Secretary Stanton Saved (he . ~ow Nation. .. i P.:tx>o«fl I'nrMli.: PbiluiMtibfi Kv«uiner Ballade. It will he remembered that, in the month I | Brlß S::nul t "' w .‘ v .•ofDceember, l«w, Lewis Casa,, then Hedre-j Pl< ‘ v ,:in t ary ot State. resigned his position, anti tlml i l to ahkivk. Attorney-Genera! Black was • promoted to ! ra->» , ro«. mi the vacancy. The exit of General Gass j hiuub... leltbut one loyal man m Hit Cabinet, viz.; . Y>-k Postmaster-General Holt. Hoyd, .the in- j i> fl | n , jrn Mveri»*>;.V ~r“ 1 liitnoim, was Hecnetary ot. War: Thomas, the j .Oll» bond-thief. was Secretary of the Treasury, , Lw.-moiib.New Yo*.’ ami T.-ri .'V. Uie-frrfcgMde, was Secretary York, the Navv. ' Treason ruled the roast.. WillPafTctiy'ol Antwerp.'.ld " y,‘,’ry' nii-.ioi:ly in the Cahim-t, the Supreme Court, i v’'''.'.'i,Wod*'b.'dbiYir''.' and the Senate, eveiy'hingseemed to indicate j mmiii..,Uu:ji"® : . .V’( Yo-i,-.. jti:«*t.--stliiitfr. and a one tijimr for the success j Mciaa...,. —....-l- 1v v 1 p' , . ,, i,-.h''-;';;'It; Vt ‘• ,i>{ die lehc-t seltomcs. In all human prob- I CHy of ahi!i*v it woni'd have been a sure thing but | 4 \y Kv«>rni;.i> tor an intervening circumstance. The GOll- : City <>i i-a-er..l;. •*' v ,' v' ! ,' 0 feiiciacy was already substantially organized, J ’’ ’;Yoim ilite'-p ’-e.'.V. ami oulv awaited fell inauguration until the I . ~ Ye;:.. .0:.,- _•sdimiimiv programme or transferring the | a«.i«> ..New York..ra.m*-a»b eve. eouid be ; .'^..llct'-d.-• • -Full arrangements had been j Ncv "nrriL........ France and iinglahd for the ini- j qYn'oifai -...K<-.y Y»>il;.. jlamr.-i.a; fnj;.- teem.ration of the Confederacy as j \, X' l -- the seizure of the city of W ashumton i .'.'.'.'.‘.V.'.’.Vtw Ym-k. .!.! ; .vr|p-.» 1 7JO indicate'a <l< power of sulhcieul ’ HmV .a the 1 'niou. .-I’bita'i#. .« , n:irito.;yn.:... Ww.,,1, (f , dueh reeoffnition to Other i <ity»l toil;.. ..Keiv York. .l,:verp->‘ii’ It b'lnsisi little Idleh bad occurred in i Jti Animal ui, NO 'he meantime, and the denouement delayed j >!■«,„„ .. ,acv. < Jrie:.-;i» l>v tin: u:i; xpeeted action of Major Amlcr- j -on. In iiiovimrinto Fort Sumter: but this was not e</ij.-idcted’serious, as 1' loyd was Secretary „f Vi'ur, and could mmiag'e the matter. All - event lnenv as a marriage bell But ,jiml here a'- before stated, the ollice of Attorney •Geiieiai became vacant, and somebody liai.l 10 be unpointed to till it The ollice, appa rcntlv, did not uinounl to very much in -the wtyo’f fmtheriug or determining the rebel cAoheuK*s. aurl, theref.jr» imprQbably djd not receive very .much am anion from the cou spiiatora. Possibly, they may- have thought that Stmit'-u was in sympathy- with them. He was a Northern Democrat, and was _un deisb-Oil to have, supported Breckinridge for P-i.sidi.nt; and (iiobably this was i-ons ! der«‘d a suliicicnt guarantee of at has; neuiraiitv on hi? part. However Uiß m:n be. ’Mr. Stanton was appointed . Ai?oim-{-Gt.uerai and 'entered upon the dubv ' fbl-oillee. l'n J 'omma*cly for rebel iioii. tm. m w Secretary, bud a programme of 1,;. , i,:-- -(aii-iic ;o 'ii ;iii-: and he also had fu"niuek s aj.d will t" !-aclt it. What his was may !x sunnb'ed irom a i:,riiiark made nv him at the time io a ',i“‘j'”tli.- < if-'. ' ■'!'< >-ui* >:;i <■ \v." ,V. "I 11H-. : ill FM-iucl • ounc-il H-r ti’t-lir^’tin,!:' Mr. Fi') 1 ’ Sccrmry Wai. !n /•'//*,* ii K < ■!*. 1 Ml - I Ail oitcuiust.tu'-e- ;iM■ rn>i n :_r ilia' u:uu it is mil j.'.-.-ible now 1u trivt*. -nv, tin: soi'j'. o; of tin; aba-idon inru: rc-enforec-iui-nt of Fort. Sumter was .liscussion.. The new Secretary was '.l-i'ro opinion, .and io- ouif ily give it. <>i i om.-vikaf opinion wa : to the con-pi u.tot.'. um; the wind ! iew at ore e. I'loyd -MaD" o'. ok fed. and arrogantly sought to ■-J,i;„!cb the intruder. Il«. ; stated that lie had the faith of the Government to. his ' tictat. Gov. Pickens, of South Carolina. n*t u -enforce Port Sumter, and that the exist-, jji'.r ..-Oi/i/., of.,£flairs should he preserved at least until the Crittenden conference uegotia tions weie over, Ate., Ac. As lie went ou, ’ the storm blackened. The President saw 1 and tried to quell it.. His policy was peace, l and the existing *(//<««•, “until I am out.. Alter ine the deluge, Stauton, however, was • not the man to be purred into docility at such ■a time. On the contrary, he poured upon the •' President in that hour all the pent-up patriot ism oi the nation. ’ < He charged him, as his legal adviser, and as the law officer of the government, that it ■ ‘was hw sworn duty to reinforce and stand by Fort S uliiter, and in addition, to bring to bear everywhere, against treason and traitors, all Hie powers of the nation. He charged home upon Fiovd and Thompson the crimes of unu ll' thev had been guilty, and branded : thvin to tbeii very faces as traitors and scoun r .htis. Poor old Huchauan, in the meantime, i -aul; back helplessly in his arm-chair, and biubbeird like a sick child. Stanton rode ? the .-yum. The result of ail this vvas.that the ' next'da) Fiovd resigned and licit took his place. A few days later Thompson followed, an*. ! »'x .came in.. Then, with Stanton and iji.x and licit to guide the helm, the old snip ■ ~t Mate swept through the rapids, sound in her hulk anti the country was saved. ■ God b.e.M Edwin M. Stanton Con'onmC (in-.. t>, . r.<;< iui-itia’.' A War luvcniion# ; ' A paper says: ‘kScieniifn mv.en; n;e tJiiily making Wat fare more dillmult. In the ciii-i old times tor instance, a besieger i:\va v.s icit certain Hint by taking ordinary •.u-caiHious lie cmiU’. lielv a garrison to pre ei.t him lO'Ui drawing the first parallel and -■tii-iiif'. trenches. Tie engineer.' marked 111 the ginund. the working'party plied pick ' net spade in silence, under the vigilant eyes ■ I the sappers: not a light was visible, and ' was forbidden. 'The l garrison could not see. and tlie dawp disclosed the iongplark ,'iine behind which batteries could safely be (J< •ojj.'ttiieftd. Bui now invention has put an j. end to this easy inode of attack. i ' Chatham have shown ■ that an eieetrie light, backed by a powerlul f( lies ti i. illumines a wide space three bun dled and titty yards from the defence.', dis ,;.g every man, while the brilliant'glare •reniieth the tortress.invisible. Consequently, Ltius. and even rifles, at that, distance could e play .'it the assailants'and drive them away. The device of the besieged, however, can be used hv tueir opponents: but if two electric j 'lielitv be opposed 4o each other.-then objects' at* tb<- points wher.e they are fixed become in visible. while right and left of the lights both parties are exposed to view. It is assumed that the advantages remain with the defend ers, because they ..cart, and their assailants cannot, protect' the illumination. But the reasoniua is not conclusive, since ordnance for' bleaching purposes is now effective at ranges far beyond the reach of the new appa ratus. The"invention, will be useful in close, attacks; especially agaihst storming parties; but nothing except actual warfare can be an adequate test of its value. Night signals, by means of lights, are destined to be extensively used: and further experiments are highly de sirable. The lesson taught is, that mechanical appliances only serve to raise the demand for .strategical ability.'’ I fio.'H. Thk Alven-itkes (if Ciirurn Winhow. —For three years past Mr. Garnett, late lnemLn of Parliament for Lancaster. Eng land. has spent Ida summers at Cannes, France. Last year he and two other gentle men ordered a colored window from London for the little English Church of the town. The.sbip-Fairy Vision, on which it was sent out. foundered almost within sight of" port, on one of the dangerous sand banks off the mouth of. the Rhone. The window was in sured, aud. an. order was sent to London for another, which in due time arrived, and was fixed in the Church. The unfortunate Fairy Vision, at the bottom, ol' the Mediterranean, was sold to a Greek, who set to work to re cover the lost cargo; and while Mr. Garnett was at Hyeres, in the spring of the year, the ■window was fished up and sold by auction at Marseilles. He bought it and sent it home, not much the worse for its five months’ dip in the sea, and it is now in Quern more Church, Lancaster. IiOAKD Ol' L KADIS. lIESKV \VJN?OH. ) <;UAKU-> WIIEELEI:, >iloMiu.y CoMMirnw. JAB. V. VOUNO, I ' 'JM AKI NK )i UiAj'Wi' lN. I'UKT (•!•’ r'IIEADKEWIIA—Su-r. 27 S'r» ’Kn*Kß,’e"K : i'tiu« -Smstb.'s f-5! Hiau Wateb, 1 41. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. . t Sl.-;.IIK-|- A < Somer-. Kuo::. 'l\ hour.- lrom N. York, Wish Tiiilm- lo'w PCiyi'i; A' Co. . . . Smmmr.sT PheijrvAlro.wn, ‘24 hour* from. N York, iiulm- 1<» W M i.»«iUU CC ( o. - Sit j.jiU-r Claviriort, Carr, from Richmond vm Nor foj;, \vjib liifNe to V P Clyde & Co. 1 /Ur •' ‘Waiku e, o<> days from GclV-, with ir<.u‘VokV*A:-r:}’»«rci * Co. Pn.-cd in the bay Hli'f.'i J.i\iTpool, and Arthur Kinsimir, from Kennedy. I.ori;.',r, day« from Choptank River, with railroad t;«*> to Raton, Colon* & Co. S- !i l ' C Kitl.biu. TuR, i day front Port Deposit, \\ Oil ■'■ ■;ii t *> J.i.~ i. jtev> iv 2-.' 00. S-hr n, i'o::»ve!I. 1 day from M !)< i. v in. i_::j L J’ewby A: (’o. <» > r - .,r ("».<.--Kiev-; - . Srndi., . ,s C !:r (' K pakrn, Pi:nk, is-.*: ou. N or Ceo lloLrv. SVibciav, lia’ornmre. . r\ Xr- ■- defter-td.. A'..on, rr-m iPi.umore, Wi.D a Low Ol hiilize.* to V, 1 ‘ t v«le & Co. CREAKED YESTERDAY. S:* m:. ; r J-hV.adiJpU.j, I’aUz, New. York, W :tvV >,* rli I. tb.v;. lie. iS:.::;:r.-irc',.A Grove*. Jr. , i : ,.. |', iii t, K* 'a-i'ini, Button, CaluM eii, Ciovuoii 4* i (i, ,i Tu'!u!«n. Gib'.*. X'-v/ Bedford. K \ G;oV'r. ; ■ > Aj;er;. for Baltimore, with;a ■;iz,\Y P *_.ydc & Co. T;.l' 1 : IoV. u> 'iJi .vuf the Vhlhi. Vx'AeAh. l’r.ADiN'T. 'll, IM7. • Tre followin'.'b‘V\!~ fr'-m *le.- Union Cam*: vo- b(.hi<vik:': to Phiimieipiua, 1:1'ICD Li/.*:, V,-. Miiri. ro-R Wu> l b-.:w &Cc>; SVi:iia:r. vc . IV.irwh4 Uj*i'iw - 1 --r j; Br-‘- i,i .s :■ |t » Taj tor 4 N.p : -S-tr j'rM ft .<) (i'-iut-y & i.-im: K'.ve i»j wki'w: *♦ !liU. LiTTI.K LOG IT AUI?< »K, he;*!. I Ij. T/ /* r > T Crease; Banvuro. !.••:; Joi Gran*, Grant; 1) S M;lkr, Mills; Addle M Ilmny-. Kin-i'- Dhiim, Led;; Wnrrcn C Nelson, K'jSv : and ,J Jm :rjiTii#:r, Mamis trbm Yira'inia f.»r New or*;, «• K.lackrou. Babcock, Tram Philadelphia for ; W li Kntam Spragtie, from Georgetown, DC. fjT J u*. Cro'ker, Pred>iey; from Philadelphia f.r Tvu'vm; Minim Maxwell, from Baltimore for IP-sUm; T E French, Doughty, ami Mary A liver, frum Philadelphia for Connecticut; rvtms KvarSj.irom Georgetown, DC. for New Ilavpn. MEMO HAND A. ‘ St- aim r Morro CastbjC Adams, cleared at New York v.;oK-rdev for Havana; . , _ - . ! „ Steamer (/rieutal, Snow, cleared at Boston 25th uiSi. for New Orleans , v .SieMncr Dellona <Br>„ Dixon, cleared at. New York vesv.-dav for London. , " M.. a u,er Concordia. Sear?, cleared at New Orleans •2lFHn?t-forßoston; .. - Steamer Cuba, Dukehart, sailed from New Orleans 2Kh for Baltimore via Havanaand Key West* btcamei Ariadne, Parrish, at Galveston ItHh instant from New York. . „ __ *1 . Steamer AHemauia (Ham), Meter, from Newlork, , t S« , *ith:iiupioi4 25Ui im>t. and sailed again for Hfun- nival, Divslo, from Baker'a Island, sailed from t. ‘net-iiHowi! 9ih inaL for Hamburg. |- Ship Samuel G Glover, iJreyer, cleared at Boston 2.V.h ;u?t. for Sun Francisco. Bark Condor (Ham;, Hansen, from Suuughae/May. 2, fit Ni?\v Voik vtsiCiday, with teas. Ltaik Uverkurd, Kienche, .10*2 day? from I-uique, at Nov York ves’ertkiV; with 'nitrate of soda. : j Burk Wa-kiLirtoii Butcher, Nickerson, cleared at N» vv York Will furCoustautinonle. . : " Ilark Beiu-G r ire??, Gibb?, sailed from Liverpool .13th tor Bombay. _ L Bark>• !v mon. Holme?, at San Francisco 22d inst. ;':c tji MeibuurLe. ' _ , » li.-srk Norwegian, Mu?:un?, in Hampton Koad* from i'ahat), has Ken .Tce;ed to Baltimore. ; l }, } ;rk \'«.’\ager, oibbs, ricoed at Malaga 4th insij. for f riiT-UrCO. , „ ' i’r.'.:: ifnny Vi re: on, Collins, .sailed fronu'jlfttJffizas :4ils irm.'ivr v lurk. ’ :■!' ' Bv.ilon,- LntlV.nn, hence at W; nlugtOD, S'c.-i;i. iii.-U * f; WP’-h.m A- .Tames, Sunou, cleared at >c'-Ut?(iav icr Si-:,ford, l)cl. i S;i:: V Muwt, Jlllioii, cleared at Si John'-tub in-', r.'i fill'- port. ; sd.r C I-iii.tSnzzi, Panin, cleared-at New; York r?di-;i Wa-hhurn, William.-:, at Neu\.-cr£i!l'h to: t::i-port.- ‘ brfcr Brier, bom Bangor, at Portland ‘iith h>rl!' ; -port. S; I.L A Uif'r.n, Duller, from Bangor for this.port, ut Ikothhav NOTICE TU MARINERS, I'm:; s.c;- "i As. Fin* a— Cin.fvM-EA Kti Bay, Mi*. —I/ghliien.TC at Jane?- -Inland, Tangier Sutind.— t lineal Infoination i* hereby given, that a'w-pile itgi.;i:i~ l-ci i: orccled iit Janes Inland, mouth of Kiwr. to take the place of the lijhi-ves ‘d r<.\v .-laiiuLcd Ihere. ! Ti c light \s ill be exhibited fnrxthc first t me oli the evening of -he V»h of <U'lobcr, 1?07. Ti c iighihon-c btandi* .on tho reef extending; from tbe liiouih cl' iiie river to tho light*vessel’in the sound, i liiu;-fourth!* of a mile disiaut from each, and Ip 5;.; feet of-wati.*!, irn:i.n tide. The iron work of tke'funu datinn I? painted red. The superstructure is painted wlrte. • The illuminating apparatus is a Fresnel lens, Of the foil! tli older. Tiu* fund plane is US feet above ordinary ‘tide*, and the light can he seen In clear wcathena dis tance of tin. in tics. • : ily order : SHTBRICK, Chairman.-^ Trou-ury Department, Office Lighthouse Board, Wash inifton. DC.. Sep?. ¥4, ISO 7, ' W’ATC.HES, JEWEJLHY, ENO & C 0.,; MANUFACTURERS OF . Sterling,Standard & Silver-plated Wares. An elegant and extensive Block always on hand. ■ Manu facturers of ana dealers in Geo. Eno’a celebrated Patent ICE PITCHER. which retains the solidity of tho ice onn thhd longer thau any other, and is by far tho most econo mical ICE PITCHER ever invented. S.JE. Corner Eighth and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia. my%Mvf ms7t , LEWIS LADOMUS & CO., Diamond Dealer* and Jeweler*, No. 802 Chestnut Street, PMlada., Would invite the attention of pnrehasers to their law and handsome assortment of DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE At. ICE PITCHEBS. tn great variety A large assortment of small STUD 3 for Eyetet-holw, juflt received. Watchea repaired to the bert manaerand guarantee*. PERSONAL* JSABEELA 227 North Twelfth street. fl9ts lm pROWH BRAND lAYBR RA1BB»8.--WHOUB8 \J halve Band quarter boxed oftbid Bgledidllniit, landinf and for sale by JCtJ, B, BUSSIER tt CO«t 1W" South IMU ware avenue THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27,1867, 1829^ AKTOU I " BKIJKTUAL ' !<• ,Sq>:. 1! ,:scpt; 13 U .sept, n i i .Sept. 11 Capital flurpi.m Proixuama UNSFITLr.n CLAIMS. L 3, Porpetnal and Temporary Policies on Liberal Tikmn. DIRECTORS. , Chi*. N. Bauckor, (run. I ah;»i . Tobias Waglljr, Alfred r itlo,- is n , Bunnol Grant, I raa. W. I,owlb, M. D.l Goo. W. RicbardJ, Veter MoGall, r-a- c jno. Thornti* riparka. UascLea, t!IJA pxE3 N. BANCKKR, President , GEO. FAIEB, Vko-Preridont. ■ JA3. W. McALLISTER, Secretary pro km. 1“ nW-AWAI'-K MUTUAL BAFETV INSURANCE COM ) i jmnjr. Incorporated by tlio LoKuslature of Poatwyl* Office! sill. corner Third and Walnut street*, Phlladcl • marine Insurances, onve.»eU. carxo S nd A f f gl^to t aUj>|rt. of the world. on Roods, by river, canal, lake and land carriage, to - ah on tnerchanduse generally. OQBtor *'K n nrTfatbOMPANY • • NovefiWl, IM6. • r • •' *lOO,OOO United States Fire per cent slKogo w 129,000 United State* ’Six par cent.' Loan, lffiiOw IX ftXMftj Uuited’Statw 7 3-10 per cent. Loan, Treasury Notes. •••-••/ 211,600 00 125,000 City of Philadelphia Bi£ per cent. Loan (exempts) vto*oto£ w H,OOO State ot Pennsylvania Six per cent. ■ Lean •• • - ;• M,-00 00 M. 003 State of Pennsylvania live per cent. Loan 44.tJ0 O' ICuxij State of New Jersey Six per cent Loan hi- 700 00 *O,OOO Pennsylvania Railroad First Mortise 6 per cent Bonds *«3.wo ou WOO Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mori. „ Hpcr cent. Bond*. 24*2&u W, ot'bw W(j-tem Brntwylvnnia liailroad Six per c -ut. Bond.-- (Penha., K. fi. R'jar*. . ; • anti-c)...'.*• ■ 20.7./U CJ G.ixxi btatfa of live r>ei cant iV.O) <X' 7,i>io Stn't»■.<■>f*TcniicorecSix p«i cent, f- mo, a* U'V’S"'; iliar.'td ktock Germantown Corni-aTiv, principal, aud ... Guaranteed by tbo city of Btuladev pLitt •- lfi»o*Jo 00 ? ISO li'i Shari* stock Pennsylvania Kali- , i road Compr-ny • ■ ••• LOOG 100 -hate* etock North PenVj^ylvaiua Itaihvnd Company • ••• • • *•. U) W) &U»ok PliJladidplrln and Southern Maii Steair.chip Company.. KM-*/* CO Loan* on Bonds end Mortyr.go, fcrrt - Vumi on city property CO LbEr-W Par. Real Estate - Bilb Kecciv?tie for Inj-urnncee made Balance due at Agencies-I'remuimt oil Ma rine JMlicioe—Accrued Intcreet aud other debt* due the Company. A Scrip aud Stock of suudr}- mr.-rance end other Coffivnnk-?. ,55,173. Eetimatcd va1ue...... ... ~.-,.0 00 Caabla Bank. b-H’]‘ r r £ in Drawer... «7 rd ■.!»'» D3U’:m:V«? BL4Sr:,3-Jl 66 Tkii fcciug a new euterprtre, the pur I« Mtnmtd aa the market'.'Bine. rhomaa 0, Hand, Henry Sloan, - John (J Davis V. ilUam O. Bonlton, Edmund A. Hor.der, Edward Darlington, Tbeophilui Paulding. H. Jonea Brnoae, John K. Fenrose, Edward Lafourcade. ■Tamer Trauuair, Jacol, I*. ■lmi'p. , Henry C. Dallett, Jr.. Jann-a B. M’Jarland. James V. Ifcmd, Joshua P. F.vre, Wm. C. Ludwig. Spencer Jl'llvamo. ■Joseph H. Seal. ! Jacob PaeKeL Beorae G. Leiper, , George \\. Bemadon, Huyh Craie r John B. Semple, Ihttsbargh, John D. Taylor, ; A. B. Berger, Pittsburgh, Samuel E. &oke,. President JOHN C. DAVIS, Vico President. LTUSTBW, Secretary. del3-tooi Provident' life and trust .company /of l3oath rOURTJI ( / INCORPORATED, 3d MONTH, 22d,U80. ' CAPITAL, §150,000 PAID IN. ' Insurance on Lives, by Yearly Premiums; or by 6. lu or jfvyear premiums, Non-forfeiture. , . Eodovnnenbijpayable at a future age,or on p.nor decease by Yearly Premium!, or 10-year Premium*—both Non-forfeiture. , ~ . Annuities granted on favorable term*. Term Policies. Children 1 * Endowments. Thii* Company, while giving the immred the eecun.vo a paid-up Capital will divide the entire Fronts of the Lift business among its Policy holders. Moneys received at interest and paid on demand. Authorized by charter to execute JUu*ts. and to act Executor or Administrator, Assignee or Guardian, ana in other fiduciary capacities underappoiutment of any Court of this Commonwealth or of any person or persons, or bodies politic cr corporate. • Samuel R. Shipley. Joshua 11. Morris, Richard "Wood, Bichaj-d Cadbury. „ t Charles BAM CEL K SHIPLEY. President. THOMAS WIST A R, M. D., 004-tfJ Medical Exaaiiiu FIKE ASSOCIATION OF PitILADHL r&m- cMh. Office, No. c4N. Fifth street, Jncor- W HSW A porattTd March 27, im Insur? Building. 4 rjs» Lr Household Furniture r, ! id Morchandue ifßiLfigg&iJ generally, from Lo« by Fire <iu the City of Sfi£lpxßfjr!£. Philadelphia only.) Statement of tho Ar«et» of the Aajoclation oublifchJH in compliance with tho provisions of an Actor \?-e*nblv of April sth. 1342. . Bonds aid Mortgages on l'ropei ty m the City of I'hUndelftua only S %Vi4's ‘1 Uround Kent, (in Ehtladelphia only) ;t U.S. Government (5-i)) loan ;••• S l*. S. Treaiury Notes Ca«h iu.bankd ja Wm. IT. Hamilton* John s>ouder, Peter A. Keyaer* John Pliilbin* John Harrow, George* I. Young. Jo«pbieLyn^ DHCENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHIL.4DEII ! *■ "incorporated 1804-CHARTER perpeual. ! No. 234 Walnut street, opposite the Exchange. ; In addition to Marine and Inland Insurance this Com- j pany ins urea from loss or damage by Fire, on liberal forms, on buildings, merchandise, furniture, &c., for j limited periods, ana permanently on bull dings by deposit , has been in active operation for more than sixty years, during which all losses have been promptly addled and oKg •„ John L. Hodge. David Lewii, N. B. Mahony, Bonjamta Ettine, J John T. Lewis, Thos. H. Powers, Willi am B. Grant, A. R. McHenry, Robert W. Lehman. Edmond Caatrllon. D, Clark Wharton, Samuel Wilcox. Lawrence L6wiflj.«t\, Louis 0. Norris. JoeJn R. WUCHERER, President, Buiuil Wmoox, Secretary. TEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHI. J ladelplii a. —Office, No. 24, North Fifth atroet, near Bircot Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Char ter Perpetual. Capital and AMeta, $160,001. Make_lnap ranee against lioes or Damage by Firo onPublic or.Ftiv.ate Buildings, Furniture, Btock*, Goode and Merchandise, on favorable termi, American fire insurance company, in cor poratedlBlo.-Charter perpetual No. slu WALNUT street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a targe paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus In vested in sound and availably Securities, continue to in sure on dwellings, stores, furniture, merchandise, vowels in port, and their cargoes, and other personal proport* All losses Überally and^ngiOg|djuatod. Thomas R. Marsh. James R. Campbell. John Welsh, Edmimd G. Dutilh, Patrick Bradv, Charles W. Poultney. John T.Lems. , _ Israel M en is. John P. Wetherill. THOMAS R. MARIS, President. Aunts* C. L. Cbawtobd. Secretary. AMERICAN MUTUAL, INSURANCE TOMPANY.- ixOfflce Farquhar Building, No. 218 Walnut street. Ma rine and Inland Insurances. Risks taken on Vessels, Car goes and Freights to all parts of the world, and on goods on inland transportation on rivers, canals, railroads, and other conveyances throughout the United States. • WILLIAM CRAlCLPresident. . . . PETER CULLEN. Vice President ROBERT J. MEE, Secretary. mill _ , DIRECTORS. _. , WUllam Craig, Wm. T. Lowber, Peter jCullen. j. Johnson Brown, John Dallet. Jr- Samuel A. Rulon, WilliamlLMerrlek, Charles Conrad, Gllliee Daflett, Henry L. Elder, Ben). W.-Richards. B. Rodman Morgan. Wm. M.Balrd. ■ Pearson Barrio, Henry!* Dailett, j&U . FRA'MiLJLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF - PHIIuADIiLPHIA, NoB. 435 and 437 Chestnut Street Assets on January 1,1367, &a 9 &&3 a 14:& let. INCOME FOR 1H67 $335,000, Losses Paid Since 1i!29 Over • Market vjilng.... .. 75 Vo'.L 81.WJ.3Sis OS DIRECTORS. Henry Haluo«, T. Wutar Brown. jWin. (J. Long«treth. 'William Hacker. (Jottln. ROWLAND PAKRV, Actuary, J. B. TOWNSEND. Legal Advlaoi ’TRUSTEES. •• • Levi P. Coat?, 3:txmKJ CftArlea P. lio.wcr, . JextrO Lightfoot, Robert Shoemaker. Peter Aruibruater. [LTON, President, iKIIAWK, vied President, SAMUEL SPA WM. T. BUTLEK Secretar DIRECTORS. | Frederick Doll, Jacob Schandier, Samuel Miller, Edward P. Moyer, Adam J. Gians, Israel Peterson, Frederick Ladner. George Erety, August C. Miller, John F. Belsterling, Henry Troomner, Wm. McDaniel, Christopher IL Miller, Frederick Staake, Jonas Bowman, IGE ERETY. President STERLING, Vice President, >tary. JOHN F.'BEL'a' Philip E. Colkham, Secrai mjlK UKLIAI'iCE“INSURANCE 'COMPANY OF PHlt 1 adolphi*.. locrirpom'ed In I#IL Charter Perpetual, Oriico. 00. #OB Walnutstroot, , CAPITAL $300,000. insures against l<>?>. or (turnage by FIRE, on Honse* Sion - ;* and other Buildings, limited or perpetimt, and on Turuitr.K'. Good*. Warf-' aud Merchandise in towa'Or ‘"“ifiSSsES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. AMUto .. .$2»,lJ>5 » Invented in the foilovviuj? Souiritiea, viz. : First MortgHK<* oo City l*roperty, vrell secured..ißl-j.flOO OC United States Government Loans I22,t*w 00 Philadelphia City per cent. T.oa;w 8o,(juO OC Pennsylvania $3,000,000 6 per cent. Loah 31,0 W) 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, first aDd second Moralise- . 35,t>X) 00 Camden ar.d-Ambov Railroad Company** 6 por cent. Loan .8,000 00 I’),Radelphia and Heading Railroad Company’* ' i*, per cent. J/oan 6,000 0C Ilnntincti m and Broad Top 7 per cent, inert hniHjif 4,0 w Oo Comity i-'ire Insurance OMupn.ny , 4 Stock (n Mtdmuif f’ Bank Stock h.. Commercial Bank of lVnasvlvacia Stock.’....'. ld/siO ffc Union Mutual Insurance Onnprmy’d Stock Reliance Insurance Company of rhiladelpbla’* stock.... * yy Cash in Bank aud ou hand. <,660.6s ..'••JOCM-IXi CO AV'Am t* Worth thiidafe at market orica. .. f . DIIiIvUTOKS. Clem. Tinsley, Beuj. W. Tinsley. Win. Miir'-er, Marahnil Hill, Samuel Hi jmam, Charier* Loland, 11. U C.mxh;, ThohKw H. Moore. I?aac F. linker, Samuel Carrier, Wmj Stcveiicon, Alfred Fugliah. Am CLEALT&OLBY, President. - TnotfAD C. ITii.l, Secretary, . ~ x . . Phii.a j>ki,piiia, December 1,1869. Jal-tn.thAU Hfi'COUNTY "fIRE* INSURANCE COMPANY.—CF lice, No. 110 South Fourth street, below Chestnut. ‘The Fire Insurance Company oi the County of Phila delphia,” Incorporated by tlio Legislature of Pennsylvania In for indemnity against loe* or damago by uro, ex clusively. CHARTER PERPETUAL. . iA B _ This old and reliable institution, with ample capital and contingent fund carefully invested continues to insure buildings, furniture,merchandise, «bc., either permanently or for a limited time, against lose or damage by fire, at tne lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of it* cu»* Losses adjusted and paid with all possible despatch. DIRECTORS. _ , rjll Chas. J. Sutter, j Andrew H. Miller, ? l, j James M. Stono, JohnTibrn, ' I EdvVin L. Reakirt, Joseph Moore, Robert V. Massey, Jr„ George Mecke. I Mark Devine. CHARLES J. bUTTER, President Bittwauin F. Hozokley, ttecrotary and Treasurer. tjilßE INBL r KA'NCB EXULUSIVELV.-THE PENN. I? Hyirania Fire Insurance Company—lncorporated 161a> —Charter Perpetual—No. 510 Walnut street, opposite Inde pendence Square. t .. . This Company, favorably knovm to the commnnuy for over forty yeare, continues to injure against loss or damage by fire, on Public or Private Fundings, either permanently or for a Ji:mU*d time. Also, on Furniture, Stocks of laoodi and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their' Capital, together with a huge Surplus Funa, is in vested in amort careful warmer, which enables thorn to offer to the insured au undoubted security in the caao or loss’. DUiFCTOKS. Daniel Smith, Jr., ~ Jolm Devdreitx.l Alexander Rem-on, •; Thomas Smith, Isaac ilnxelli'.Uct, ! Henry Thomas iiohiiis, J. Giihnghain I ell* Daniel Haddock. .Tr, .. 4 DAMLI. Shi ITII, Jr., President. WrLMA* O. A NT!f RAOiTE IN3URANOE UOMI'ANY.-CUARTEfi JX I'EKIT/rtAL. . ~ . Oiiice. No. 311 WALNUT street, above Tnird, Fhilad’a. Will iiisujc meaiust hvtt or Damage bv Hrc, ou Build. Jn/oj, either or for r limited tuno, Honsehold Fnrmt'ire Mid Merchandise K-nttvaily. ■ Abo. Marine losnrittcc on Cargoes and 1 reighU. Inland Insurance to all parti of the? Union. DIRECTORS. Feb** 1 Sieger, ,1. E. I'amo, Wm. F. Dean, John Ketcharo, rlohn H. Ik-yL WM. RSIIER. I'r<*id.nt. W’M. F. DEAN, Vice President, Wm. M. Smith, Secretary. _ Wm, F.-hef, D. Lev. ir John I'-. lilUci-tvii, Davii Pearson, BiAME INSUIiANCE COMPANY, NO. iM UUEBTNUT street. PHILADELPHIA. FIKE AND INSUHANDE Francis N. Buck. John W. Everman, Charles Kich&rdwra. Robert B. Potter, Henry laswio, ioo-hni ler.dr., Robert Pearce, L« D. ooarun, P. S. Justice, Chas. Stokes* Geo. A. West* Jcs. I). EILLe. FRANCIS N. BUCK, President, CHAS. RICHARDSON. Vice Preside W. I. BT.ANnnARD. Secretary ' "P EXCURSION TICKETS to WEST CHESTER will bo sold on SEPTEMBER &stli, 27th and .S&tlv, to thog pur. cbaslnq &u a'duiLklt'U Ticket to tbo Chester County Agricultural Exhibition. Trains leave Philadelphia for West Chester at 7.15 and I 'lin'e sl West'ciieit’er for Philadelphia at 1'53, 4.50 and 8.r.0 I*. M. Depot Thirtv-firet and Chef tout streets. HEXItV WOOD, Cen. Sup’t. FARE TO WILMINGTON, 15 CTS. CHXSTEJSOK HOOK, 10 CTS. -jmk* w On and after MONDAY, July Bth, the ** steamer Ariel wiil leave Chestnut btreet CSwbohui■ r dim wharf at-H.45 A. M.. and 3.45 I*. M. Ro turnin^—leavefc Wilmington at 6.45 A. M., and 1145 P. M, Fare to Wilmington, 16 eta.; Excursion Tickets, eta. Fare to Cheater or Hook* 10 eta. ee3-lms . DAILY EXCLUSIONS TO WIL* minirton. Delaware. fTTfftiifMirSgM Rteomer ELIZA leave, on and after Tuesday, luth in-tanß Second Wharf above Arch street.daily at 10 A. 3L and 4 i\ M. Returning, leave Market street wharf, Wilmington, at 7 A. M. and 1 P. 31. Fare for the round trip 1 cents. Single ticket/- 30 Cluster and Marcus Hook.- -0 For further particulars, arpiy on board. _ _ . jy22 L. W. B l, Captain, « UP TITE RIVEIL-DAILY EXCUIt Ision-to Burlington and Bristol-1 ouch* ottC h way at Riverton, Tom-nda!*, > ndaluria and BevSMy. The splendid Steamboat JOHN A WARNER leaves Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharf, it a and ti o’clock p. M. Returning, leaved Bristol at 7 ydork A. M. and i o’dcek P. M. Fare -25 ct«. each way. Excursion, 40 eta. Jeln-tfS r!K«Pi; A(ii' .81.fe5.w53 23 nIIILAPELPHIA ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS.— I ROBERT WOOD A: CO., ManinV.oturers of CAST. WROUGHT AND AY IRE RAILINGS. CARDEN AND CEMETERY ADORNMENTS, . FOUNTAINS. VASES. ST AT l AL\. VERANDAHS. SETTEES, STABLE IITUNO3. 1103 RIDGE AY KNEE, * » PIiILADEEPIIIA, PA. „ ROBERT WOOD. r iHO>. S.JtoOf. BRONZE - WORK,.. Having fitted un mu' Foundry with special roteemee to .the above clusr of Work,we are now prepared todill with promptness all orders lor Bronze Casting.-* of every de -irii'tien, to wliicli the Ktibseribera would most respect fully call the attention of the pubiic.aa also to their varied and extensive assortment of ORNAMENTAL IRON GOODS, the largest to be found in the United State,-. .-elidni§ ROBER T WOOD & CO. T. VAUGHAN MERRICK, WM. H, MERRICK JQIINE. COPE. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH-AND TON STREETS.- PfnLADKLPntA. MERRICK At SONB, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines for Land. River and Marine Service. Boilera, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats,,&c. Castings of all kinds, eithe viren or brass. . _ ' Iron Frame Roofs for Ga* Works, Workshops and Ra& road Stations, Arc. " Retorts and Gas Machinery, of the latest and most im proved construction. . . , „ Every description of Plantation Machinory j and sugar, Saw and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defactatore, Filters, Pumping Engines, Ac. _ Sole Agents for.N. JJillcuix’s. Patent sugar Boiling Appa ratus, Neamyth’s Patent Steam Hammer and Aspinwall As Woolsoy’s Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Machine. GA3 FIXTURES.— MISKEY.MEIUUIjL&THAOKARA, No. 718 Chestnut stage t, manufactm'ora of Gas Fix. tores, Lamps, Arc., Ate., would calltho attention of the pub* lie to their largo and elogant assortment of Gas Chanda* liers, Pendants, Brackets, Ac. They also introduce gas pipes into dwellings and public buildings, and attend to extending, altering and repairing gas pipes. All work warranted. Number one sco-fcn pig iron-glenqah nock brand, instore and for sale in lots to suit, by PETER WRIGHT As SONS. 115 Walnut street je7-tJ CHOPPER AND YELLOW METAL SHEATHING, /Brazier's Copper, Nalls. Bolts and Ingot Copper, con stantly on hand and for sale by HENRY WTNSOR « CQ„ No. 833 South Wharves. LADIES’ TRmQHNCIS* ORECIAL notice.— o FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS FOR 1867. Mrs. M. A. BINDER, 1031 CHESTNUT S THEFT, , Importer of I/adies’ Dress and Cloak Trimmings m Fringes, Satin Trimmings, Tassels, Gimps, Braids. Rib* Irons, Guipure and ClimyLaces, Crapo Trimming-*, fancy Jet Collars and Belts. Fast Edge Velvets, in choice shades. —ALSO— Black Velvets, ail widths, at low prices. Parisian Dress and Cloak-Making in all its Departments. Dresses made on 24 hours’ notice. Wedding and Travel ing out tits made to order in the most elegant manner and at such rates ns cannot fail to please. Suits of mourning at shortest notice. „ Elegant Trimmed Paper Patterns for Ladies'and Chil dren's Drcssos. Sets of Patterns for Merchants and Dressmakers now rC f > afteraa Bent by mail or express to all parts of the Mre/nutton’a and Madame DoraoresFs charts for;WJ w and System of Press-Cutting taught. . ..JflgjggL, uO«t»BoaltrOSMnM«Twatf ' $396, IPS 6$ EXCURSIONS. \ir Hand bi l“ of'«ach property fcuuad separately, Ir. addmonte which wo pi-hftth.on Cm Saturday pravrou. -to each Bale, ono tho'jaand catalogue’in . doßcriptiom; of nil .ho propo“Jy/° h* s ,, ./l'' the y&LLOWINO TUESDAY. and a Lut of Eeal Batata *Vir' T are alio advertised in the following' . mMTKpapei'3: North, Perm» LgQAi> \ InTKLMOKNOKK, iIKiUIITKII, EVXNINO BtTLLETIH, Evkning Tej,e»him’H. RF.£ur\N-Dr.Mofliu.r. «o. „ \ IV Furniture Sale* at tho Auction fcJtora EVER* THURSDAY MORNING. . STOCKS. LOANS. &c. ON TUESDAY, OCT. 1, , At 12 o’clock noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange— -2 slump Ocean St-amrhlp (,'•■>. ti. Sti-uhcmUw and jmlinim Railroad Cold). 14 sh:ue.- NorMiWfttym Railroad, i Hi "I'.mih Mar-'vilh ami BR Sandy R. R. (Kentucky). I, i-haa s Aeaih my cd Music, v/itli ticket. l-;,;i .-liH/i'.. Avenue ami Manayunk R. R. Co. Li* shar••."< bteiihcuvlbo and Indiana Railroad Co. < \ r .n rhino* (:.-ntral Tran?i ortitiMi <;o.'. f,O ‘•hare? '1 ransportrilloii Co. r A) .-!iari‘« Fame ln.-uram.v Go. ir» s-hate.-National Rank of the Republic. £:>u rliarcH Amciicaa Buttonhole Gveif-eamins Seuiug Machine Cm REAL ESTATE SALE. OCT. 1. TruMoc■;<’ Bale, by Orclvrof Courted' Common Plea*-- Es tate o» Ann M. Knewl-s .and Other.-—Btanh-- 'JIHIEfvHYOin BRICK STORE and DWELLING, 8. W. corne r c f Seventh .ami Noble sta. Ham- Estate- !•: Til KEE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS,- Nod. .|:du, -J22 amP4;M North Seventh ht. Same Eat a te—Tii REE- STORY BRICK DWELLING. No. 7ii2 Noble st. Ornhats’ Court Peremptory bale--L.-tale of Robert Pollock, deck!.—DESIRABLE COUNTRY PLACE, 12 ACRES. Ridxu road and Edg-.-ly Point lane. • San e l>tnte—LOT OF GROUND, corner of Salmon and Sonudyr-t f-treetf, IPth Ward. Haim? Estate-4 OROUND RENTS, $B7 £O, &HI, $72 and !i72 a year eaoh. , , „ . „ \ ELY ELEGANT MANSION, with Spacious Grounds, 8. W; corner of Forty-sixth street and Darby road. 27th Ward, the residence of lion. N. B. Browno—4s6 feet f out oil 46th street, 270 feet front on Darby road. Executors’ Hole—Estate of Henry Iraneis, dec’d.—2 WELL-SECURED GROUND RENTS, ; each 850 aT**ar. • Yaltaui/k RrsiNKSS stantj—lHßEE-SIOUY BRICK ST< •RE. No. 212 North Second street, nbove Vine. x TWO-STOKY BRICK STOKE and DWELLING, N. W. coiner of H-r enth and Green nh\ ! 2V-BTORY PRICK STORE and DWELLING, No. 152 BRICK trtVELLIItO. No. 41f* North Front street nnd-ll* Water fit. , TAVERN STAND, S.-E..corner of Water and Callow *’ BHICK DWELLINGS,' Nob 2H and SMii 1 BRICK RESIDENCE, with Stnlilf and Conch Ilou-e, X. W. corner of Tenth ami BRICK RESIDENCE, No. '‘rilitElisTOUV : BRICK DWELLING. 'No. lha Vine I,t Tji‘I:EE.STOKV BRICK DWELLING, No. »fi Now 31... Vi t-t \.TII Ei-X-STORY BRICK DWELLING. No. 2115 Win '‘tuKKE STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 1313 Olivo 'WEJ ; Sirxoy>y ilt,! '‘ i»i>. insi- . - :i\<w .-Uvu. with KUUei-v ol Whiiu on j':;ud:V.<i Ci/.-:-:, \ „ , No. IW7 fcpnicc :i.» r.'.fh i i) • L/v i;t i i AN J > WiLI. A I>l-IL LOT. Fine tree!. wi-t of 51 1;( : ? !M jiTAN'iV Thrve-fnry Ui ick.. Tavern. s«ix*i i.h-. Uiijir, W. i.O . liotij :.mi ii'/ui'ini, t. LAI'JiE and VAI.I AHI.K f.O’l. "l-t ‘t’vef. north oi < Urc-i-t, i-l iwt ti-nt. and 1-u ir«-t to v.-;vn ’i-VirinV’torv well secured- liTed'.-viirible lN'llt <-.t .■?-<.■>* H Vr.uo . ; ....... V LK'. l>Ltjli:AisLi: .VANSION. with btabh-and «.-vicn 11 oi.-.-. K ir.j.-c.- :-.v< nt'.*'. 'i\ f'wt Aniit, 175 H*» t . L’Tti: 1 <i. , . , \AUV.IiUi IsCStXI'.dS STAND ] oa;‘A brick .V IV. cwro-r 1-iitli and Hi. siy and },rir V ]:.-r;rit-n< •*. -No. < I i-: i'v n . admimnn’ the above. ijiiirK a;*j» frame d*Vi:i.u.m.;s, So.-. \ > r.ud I'Tiit.r- il W ::d. .•; s-et f:vnt. £:•. ’ Ft : 1 ; in ’ :ill.-. • s\u: <>i* valuable tiiloldgical and mis CELLANLOF;? ROOKS \ -Ri’M LIBRARIES. ON r:;U>AY AFTERNOON, • Hi j-f. *jT. cmninenvim: :it 4 o’clock. A!---, an iiivoi.'.M'f Blank <’:c. Ati- r.Niwck, Magic Lantern. emuplett*, v.uh 2^me*. H.’lo on the Pr.mLe". No. 2li r » o:v.'n .-tri-i-t. • HANDSOME RESIDENCE AND ELEGANT 1: l RNI ON MONDAY MORNING. ( , Hi-vt. ::u. i'.t lu n’clock,.:!* No. 2125 Green Mre-ct.-tm h-iml .-eu,*’Modern '1 hiv.'-.-ocry Brick Ke.-:-.dciice uud /n: »f v. 2125. coiitniiiinfi In R"nt on Gp**ti -treet 2 ; ) f,•• sj(j ovti hflit gin depth lUbfect to Outlet aired. iue. ELEC ANT FI 1 KJ?IVI'UK.'STKIN.WAY DIANJ') FOUTF. HANDSOME MIKRIOKS, FINE ENGLISH BRIa&ELs Immediately after the sale °* DuOHmI Ftftate the entire Furniture, iududtng F.lfgaut Ilo.<euvo-..>d and ureen J m-li Dnuving-KoGiu Suite* 'ilmidsam*; W ftlnut Chamber l unit* turi* finished in oil and vamDh, Superior I huing-Komn Furniture, Eb-gaut Eo.-ewood Pimm l-oete mad*- by Mem wny & Son, Very Fine French Flute ; Mirror, very liand eomely framed, Fine Spring and. IRur Matre.-neu H»»d ff,na* EntrUsh IJrut*uU and Imperial Carpets, niture. Arc. . . . . . May bo seen oil the morning of sale, at 8 o'clock. Sale No. 1405 Locuat street. IX . T „. T SrPFHIOn FLUNITEKK. PIANO, CHANDEMKo, MIRROR. BRUSSELS CARPETS. FINE CHINA, OIL PAINTINGS, Arc. ON FRIDAY MORNING, . _ Oct. 11,’at 1U o’clock, at No. 1403 Locust street, »>y pw logue. tiie eutire atperior Parlor, Dining room and Cham, i er Furniture, Rosewood Piano, by schomaekerA rme Uiuucr »ud Tea Chin*. Ulae.< and Hated \T *rc, lim?, Oil Paintings' Fine lJrnsr*cD Carpets, Canton*' .'iw tiuc.s Fine Matn.t.-'cr. B- tis. 6:e, _ • ALo, the Kitchen I'm Tb tngerator, A'c. TO KENT-Several Oftlcs;<, Harmony Court. lULN B. MYERS * CO., AUCTIONEERS, Nos. M 3 and 354 MAfiKljr street-corner of BANK LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE 01' FEr-NGH AND OTHER EUROPEAN DRY GOODS. &c. OV MONDAY’ MORNING. Sert S-J. at lil.o’ch.rk. will be sold. by catalogue, ou FOUR WON'TIIS’ CREDIT, about ICO lot.; of French, Julia, German' and British Dry Gorffls, embracing a lull ;, -ortmtut of Fancy and Staple annclcs, in Silks, Weirs t. J». Woolens. Linens and Cottnus.Kft' B.—i rood.- arranged for exoiiuawfiou aud catalog,tea readvearlv on ii'.ondiig of eale. ~, ... N .,, LARGE POSITIVE SALE Ol FRKXjJII. S.-cAO.'iY. BRITISH AND ITALIAN DKIt tAtODS. A’C. NOTlCE.—lncluded iu otu aide on MON OAT, sc id. -A will be found in part the following, siz— DRESS GOODS. Pieces Black and W-v-d Alps' iN Mohan*. ind Co do all Wool Caclleli'.ercs aud Rep.v aud I’oil. do Clhi.ivri'f*. <io EukILL Mmuon mul Twills do Mi’lmist.’. iMtr.ii Checks. Funl-Hix Cloth. <)o tSar-muy VV'ovi-n <i-1.-*. i'o’.tlijis. Gtv]i'‘-. do Fi t uch (»iu?Lsim.-. limy-re-.- Cloths, die. SiLL-S AND Vi:i/\ LTti. Pioct c Lvocs I>l;ick Gv.v tin itliix:. Gros Girttu-, inHctui. do <fo IJlack Vrlvcrn. Fancy Dreijc* Silkji, ttc. SHAWLS, cor. - Full lines Broehe, For;?. Thibet,:tul .Stella tfhv.vK 1i 11 In.L* Fluid Woolen tilmw 1-. Llo ikb. .Smuts, «Ce. White Goods. U:\lmoral and Hoop Skirta. Silk f l ies, Alhnw.t rn and MiirHi-ille* Quilt.-, L‘u»bivll:i-*. Cloak Trimming* jurd Ui intUK-nts, Button*.Gloves. L. C. aud Silk, Su-VdKh v*. chirt 1-routs, «c. IMPORTANT AND SPECIAL BALK uF FP.KNUU DKKS3 GOODS. SHAWLS AN \) \ Ell. 1»A i’.LGLri. ON MONDAY MOKXING, See-. G\ cn iour months' or. dir. hv m (h-rot ‘ Me ? -i>. L. MAILLALD wU‘ >. PfUticVhvrs heieatter. LARGE PF/REMPTORY SALK OF BOOTS, SHOES BROGANS, TRAVELING BAGS, Ac. on t'ceshay morning. Oct 1 at 10 o’clock, will be sold, by catalogue*, on FOUR MONTHS’ CREDIT, about packages Boota, Sboce, Brogaiw, A*c-. of city and Easterm mauufacturo. • Opeu for exiunination, with catalogued, early on morn- SPECIAL AND PERF..MPTOIIV SALE OF THE JOBBING STOCK -Messrs POLLOCK,-.C'ASSELBELUtY ,Si..CO., ny catatogncprm tour nionths’crodit; at -P) o'clock,-with out reserve, : ON .WEDNESDAY, OCT. 2. Particulars hereafter. . - LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BRITISH, FREN’CIL GERMAN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. We will hold a Large Sale of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, by catalogue, ou FOUR MONTHS' CGLDII, ON THURSDAY MORNING, Oct. 3, at 10 o’clock, embracing about IiWO package, and lota of staple and fancy article,. , . N. B.—Catalogues ready and goods arranged lor exami nation early on tile momiug of sale. • - AT PRIVATE SALE. 25 cases fine PALM LEAF FANS round handles. Thomas birch * son, auutionlcks and commission merchants, No. 1110 CHESTNUT street. Rear entranen 1107 San,oni street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE OF E\ ELY W.BCRU • TION P.ECEIVED ON • CONSIGNMENT. . SABES EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. 'kale* of Furniturd at Dwelling* attended to ou the modi Reasonable Ter*w - Sale at No. T.D South .?,£*.'*» . HOUSEHOLD FUUNimKK* OAKPLIb, MIKLOLa, WINKS, &i\ OX SATURDAY MORNING. At 10 i’clock, at No. XJ South Eleventh .-divi’t, will be sold, the Furniture of a family dedmins ,V\' v f t L J e Vt ; -1 f,'- CIX-tedsf I ffito‘"nd" Vm"iouC.'.rpet,. WMrn t Secretary and Bookcase, IL,, cvron H Or sit to HiHe^muhte lGne^CiR C Gla J^l^ L Wd U China,'W.'biiu!l)elr Sets, lU \Yardrelje'. Sidehoiird, Lounges. Beds and Matrcwa. Kitchen Furnl tU lot of cboiceiSherry and Port Wine, iu d ™ l ,t i °i l , l ,”n,M will be ready_nt*the auction store on Friday. HrW p n INC IPAL MONEY ESTABLI3HMET. N. E .nrnor of SIXTH and RACE streets. inneWadvaucod on Marchanliaa generally—Watches. T w Diamonds Gold and Sliver Plate, and )u all .ittHMof value, for any length of time agreed on. . _ WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PP-iVATE S.V-;. , Firm Gold Hunting CasADoubloßottom and Open English, American and Swiss Patent lasojir. VWijvt|. v/neGonHunting Case and Open Face Lopme V tine Gold Duplex and other Watches; Flue Silver Hun.- WCaso and Open Face English, American a-4, ’.’At Patent Lever and Leplne WwchasrDoubio Guo SWr-ia oSartier add other Watches; Lirfiei’ Fancy 'J»Rb»r Diamond Breastpina;:FingerW; “A?-K. Pina; Breaatpina Finger Bings; Pencil On*M n- u - - * e FOR^LLE.—A large and valuable Chest. otreeto. B Y 8«/SsAWP'bALt®n& No. 1020 CHESTNUT nfrcnf,, Philadnlphia- OiTP AEt ■vrARXEK & west BPj,crAn saws og FIfKNCJH CHINA* TEA* DINNER AND tfERVICB £ET», fcc. ON MONDAV MORNING. Sept- 30. atlOoYlock, will oo Hold without assortment, of 1 French Chinn Tea, Dinner and Sets, Chamber Toilet L do., China Ornament*, do. aaJ I’nrinn Vss.c* Bohemian do., •Bohemian and. Kint (Has*; ware. Engraved\VineH, Decanters. dfc., Fruit Stands, t«f\ (rethe? with n complete assortment of Cava aua 4. arista. . v "‘best quality silveh-platebware Also, a l,arjste assortment of bent, quality Sllvsr-FlatCw V are. , „ , , Or-cn forcxammation on Saturday. ;AT TRACTIVE SALE OP’MODERN OIL I’AINTINftS, ITincinMi.r from the Aimiric-io Art (Jallem Yorti . ’ Oii WEDNESDAY nml TIILRSDAY EVENINGS,-■ Oct. in ml 3, lit 7,o'clock, at HcoM'b Clxetnut alri-ct, about 185 MoDLKN DAINTINj}B, <rf varied nml nlcucing mbieeb, nil elegantly mounted.!* licbftold lent framee. Low open tor examination Wit» descriptivecatalogue*. SnlewUhout reserve. - B Y ' J ' E ° UMMEV 6 SIONEEK* _ No. 60S WA.LNUT a treat. fW Handbillo of eiich property i-jaued rieparatoly, rr Ono thousand catalogne.) publlahed-aud circoMMa. containing full deecriptiona of property to ba Bold, a» tu*» r. partial liat of property contained in our lieal Eatat* Register. and offe fid at private rale. • . Isv-Sales advertised DAHA in all tha daily ua»»- papers. * SALE ON MONDAY, OCT. 7, Will include- , x BY ORDER OF HEliiS-Three-story Brick store and lour Illicit Direlltaju), S. E. comer of Twcuty-fourtli and Caldwell MrpetH, below Walnut. ’ • ' No. LOMBAKD ST-Thrcc-etoiy Brick Dwelling with- four Dwelling* in. the rear* running through to (Julleu ritreot. Pnrup Ford, Auctioneer. MCCLELLAND & CO., SUCCESSORS TO y PHILIP FORD & CO.. Auctioneer*. 506 MARKET street SALE OF 1800 CASES BOOTS. SHOES, BROGANS. £<?. ON MONDAY MORNING, _ September 80, commencing at 10 o’clock, we will eell b f catalogue, for cash, 1800 casea Men’s, Boya’ and Youtha* Boots, Shoeß, Brogans, itc. • Also, a superior assortment ot Women’s, Miaaea* uux Children's wear, from Gifcv and Eastern manufacture!*. To which the special attention of the trade id called. ISaVIS & HARVEY, AUCTIONEERS, AA« (Late with M. Thomas & Sons). Store No. 421 WALNUT street _ FURNITURE SALES at the Storo EVERY TUESDAY. SALES AT RESIDENCES will receive partienlaff attention. By barritt & co, auctioneers. CASH AUCTION HOUSE. No. 330 MARKET street, corner of BANKatreat Cash advanced on conshmmeuta without extra chant*. TL. ASHBRIDGE & CO., AUCTIONEERS, • No. 503 MARKED street, above Fifth.* TAM ES A. ’freEMANT AUCTIONEER’ ~ r t) ■ .. • . • No. 422 WALNUT.Btreet. iE<iAl NOTHJJES. IN FOR THE CITY AND 1 C’ounrv of Philadelphia.—Estate o! CHARLES W. HLI'iU'RN. detva?ed.— The Auditor appointed by tlio Court 1 1> M”dit. rdtie and adjust thf* fir-t account of JOHN ,1. J H EcL. surviving Trustee under the will of OHAH. \\\ 1 tKPi> I'KN. deceased, and to report dintributiou of thu balance )i: the ham's of the accountant, will meet tho t-irr 11 ; : j intere-toi fur the 'purpose oi bia appointment, oa '1 i--d.i v, October Bth, 18d7. at ?. o’clock P. M„ at ilia pfti v, Nr. Sul'Walnut .-treet, in the City of Philadelphia. .:fni v,:t* ] N Tjif; OIiPH'ANS’OOUKT KOE THE OLTY ANI> i. ('.vintvnt lTJHdelnhui--TM’it.:. J of ' A A\N SOHIYHLY. decease*. - JOHN SCIIIVKLY. deci-uaod. WILLIAM SUHIVKLY. defused. T,a-t Estate ot d l *LY ANN StiHIVELY. K-' of JL'LY ANN SCHIYELY, denmi-*.id. '! j; t : Auditor an'-vinn.-d bv Court t<» audit. settle -tail r A O r the r - cmiit and iihr.l account of (rKOKfiE S. M "Hi \ 1- iA . Adn.ibistriK >r d. b. n, c. t. a., a! the fcHtato i ANN aCUIYFLY. deee-.i.u-d. the second and final oc • >i i:i of on )UOE 3. Si .‘HI VELY, Administrator <1„ b.'u. ;• t :« f»{ .K-liN M‘fjj.\ELY. deceased; tr.e .yee'jiid and account ot GEORGE 3. St'IUYELY. Administrator A. bMi. c. t. of the H-tatc of WILLIAM-SUHCVSLY, d('»-oa-cd, the ?cix>i;d and tinul account o: UHOR *£ 3- SCHIYI-LY, Trmtvi* of JULY ANN SCHEVELY, i rtL-r tlm \\iil.- of WILLIAM. JOHN and ANN SUIIYi LY, deceased, aun tin- iirst :ir;d dual account ,• f CfcOKGK 3. SCIiIV'ELY. Executor of the Estate, .f .H’LY ANN SCHIYKLY, deceased, and to :,-v.urt distribution of the balance in the hands ut thi- accountant will meet nil the parties hi intureatin t)>r -iliov<- named e.-tates for the purposes of hm appoint iiu nt on FUiDAY. the 11th day ot October. A. D. I&SL at . Icvtii nVlurk A.Mvnt his o'nice, No. 271 South fifth >„eet, in of A (;LAY _ Auditor. e*.‘is-w,f,Tiists ' NITKD STATES MAUSUAL'S OFFICE, E. D. OF t PENNSYLVANIA. a . Pnn.AT>KT.!»mA, Sept. 2bth, 1867. Thi.Mr to give notice: That on the 2lst day of Septem b<*r, A. D. si Warrant !n Bankruptcy wna biaued utfniiut the Kfitiite of .JOHN C. PAYNTCK. tradiua _aaiD. Pavnter A Co., of Philadelphia, in the connty of Phila delphia, and State of Pennsylvania, who has been ad indeed a Bankrupt,-on hla\own Petition; that the pay 'mrut of mjv debt* and delivery of any property belonging to ruchßaisknipt,to'hini,oe^orhii|.live, and the transfer of auv Tirops-vty hv him are forbidden by law; that » meeting ot the creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove thi-jr and to choose ofie or more assignees o, hifl Eh tat'v will Im- held at a Court of • Bankruptcy, -to be holaea. f:t din Walnut street, in the city of Philadelphia, before J. IHBLEY AaHTON. E**q. t Regiater. on .the 11th day of Uct-Wr, A.JX 1567, at 11 o'clock A. >l. pxLMAKERf r. &. as Mewoilger. 1 >TT«IoWVNS*' COURT FOR THE Cm r AND 1 Poiiuiv of Philadelphia.—Estate of JOSEPH FISHER, 'dceeu-rd'. Tlio Auditor appointed by tlie_ Court to audit, nettle and adjust the separate account of WILLIAM E. WPIT'IAN. Hen., Executor o£. the hud will uml toata jur nt of JOSEPH deceased, audto report di*- tributiM pf the brlaucc iu the .hand* of the accountant, uu'-ft tiiiJ r*a? fu's iutCK'stvd tor the pm-po-e of hia aj»-» P. M,» sit l:i» other. ISO. South Slxt:* lu ■MiT " JOHN O. liEl'Hl'.l'VKi^iuiitiir. IN TIII> ORPHANS’ OOI'UT FOR THE CITY AND J iverty of Philadelphia.—Kntiite of .JACOB J\ («Oi:DI>F. dwn^ed.—Notice in. hereby given that, the willow of .-aid dun-denMia* filed in naid < :ourt an /riven t..' v and of perdonal property-of H«i.l ti. th»* value of s2i>4 £5, with her Petition to bo alk.ved to retain tb«* same, under flu? Act of Awwmbly of 1 Jtl; At ! i!. Urol, aujl tlie t uppieuient thereto, and that tU* • ;. v ill la- approved bv the Court-on Saturday, 19tU Oc »t. iu:lv t c?:ci prion* be tiled thereto. JOHN G. JOHNSON. Attorney for Petitioner. i:> THL ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AMB i (*>.?.nly of Philadelphia.—Estate of doBEc*ll (xRATVj*.. 0- *« oh if. The Auditor appointed by V&Hourt to AUihL -cnii ;u d erijnrtthe fourth aceotmfcof HORACE MOdErt ;.nu IIhNUY CRAMONI). Exeeutora of the last Will and V- rtiiT.u at of JOSEPH ORATZM'coarod. aud to report t3i 'ti iOi tion ot the balance in the hands of the accountant, V. iu meet the partie-* interented for the punMHQH ot his an fti'i-t.'in the city t»l Auditor, IN Till-; ORPHANS’ oOURT for the cvi'Y and i t'M.ulv ot VtiihuK-lpMa. Estate ot IUtILU* iUE'i, c\v**:■ d. The Auditor nwiMuttul l»e I .' (-ourt to audit settle and adjust the account n: frEOHuE I) IT['. A S ;i iut LiViVla Vlll.T. A.lmioiatrnfora c. t. n. t,i r.'-tati' of rmur IlIhT, deceased. aud to rapjrt (U-o-i! luiou of the balance iu flu 1 louol- or too n.v.mnt iintwill liioct the jrorthM tntero-sted for too i>j:n>oa» of hi- iM'lJOiiitni'.-uf. ou MouiHy, di'vtrnihyrPOtJ’, IHo,, nt_4 o'clock, I‘. M.. at hi.- office No. 1* •’y"*!'“ the Cite oi Fliihukiplun. H. h AL.jaCE, ...S', t>..,v-5t - _ A:-ilf )r. IN BA N KIU JBTtfV- K A3TK k mSTUU-T OP rENN -1 SVLYAMA.hS: . . . . . . . r , ffltW AtPhilitdelnMo. thr- fomrii day «>f »cprt!in?>«)», A.i». iot>/. Tin- undnvignrd lirtvby «i\ noti'u*. ot hi* u;» A^-isuO'‘or <u’CrKi I .«*. Alh-u, <>t tilt* «Jt> of I hiladci- I'hia. iii tlic count'' »f l ,'lii:i. Mid fttutc of l Kvlvnnin. within >:\5U i»i«tr:ft. wlu» i/.tt* byon f dj'idK'id :x hlfr ouu petition by tlu* inatviot court of Kiid IHhtrict. MAIE.S W. LATTA. A.'pi-ii'-'f, .':<■•■ -No. I'* S. Sixtu Htreei FFTTrlisTEsra>ikntarvon the^estati^oe . ]j Ir+A-Ut: fi- alLVlVaMOaii;*', Imirag ?*, »U |M»« imleitod to >*BJ "tOThtu .-.t-d to liinki lwvmrtit, and those having claims to 1 " KOllEK'i' I’ATTEIMON, K*ccutor,.3ato No. j-JI rhMnot-tnwt weMt 6f XftOARIMXO* fto.M’D-WITXI I-ISIVATE TAISJ.E.--A .FAMIIiY OF i 5 fj- >;uj3 <-!u Ih* Kccominodated with cliouT* ot lurgtf mid • •’> ’,• " ( T -trtlv jxpartmonts by October 2, in a. i * ot No. tddiipaiice street. Oommnuiciitioiw to thi» date addf«M«d to COMFOItT, IUJio.FT.o ot . .... H«r2o*ist* Tv ELIftAKTLY FURNISHED SBUONiMTOttV j\ fr-ut iO<'in to let with .lioiml, in :i iMivato lauMl.w • u'+r-ro tli*'n*'nrr no oth'-r bottlers*; „f 'tv, o tingle ladles*. Huukc in a contra! location. A \wi t. : .,f. M.. Uox 17t>7. IMX* m\ \\TrNFiiIts7sHEDW»I sr and . ei iwr-oL aho riMIE IIANBSTO4E'RKsn>ES};E. N<J. »J‘f sift'd. cToTHS. C*SB»gg!«g» *«• TVFTvvmiTHL! ATTENTION OF THEIR ' Jt OiirtVll Jloav< , :«‘- • C ’ Ht ‘'Z Siui.l 'ilia B^vera. F.M'iinuuix IWawn'i. Black Doeskin.. Fane? thuMinw'M. oatinetta, Coi'du. BcavcrtiMMfc At .vf-'tli'.'il-’ find retail, hr JAKES A Af No- II Nc.rth flarontl t«L. iStgn of the (.coldenj^nu*,. €«PAJRTNEKSMaW ■jViHSor.i'TroN 01? _J?? j • iinitnernkip Uwctototc. eirtiiuil JK v 5 ilKNmuk'i flKOirm of tT «ASOV .!■ mill OAUSIi, MoOOLLIN i >« wilvcl'liy unit»M eminent The {"•<*»>»« >«“ •* nud cloH-d ntNo. Oil t>''Uowhilutj;(vt, oN i)A , Ni l i'a. t j)i^3ii. f,m.v.‘,tit' *TO*ca . <-■'■+* JOHN B.LOLA.HAN, Auditor.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers