GIBSON PEACOCK. Editor. VOLUME XXI -NO. 147. THE EVENING BULLETIN FUBLISIIKD KVBI'.Y KVENINU (Sunday, excoptcd), AT THE NEW BVIXETIN KEIEIHIVO, HOT Cboatnut Street, Pbiludelphia, BY TUB EVENING BULLETIN ASSOCLVTIQN. proprietors. , _ CIIBSON PEACOCK,.. EHNEST C. WALLACE, arJIFFTHEKSTOW, THOB. .1, WILLIAMSON, CAoPFR BOUDER, ,/a., FRANCIS WELLB. BoxxTrmL* served to Hubscribera in the city at 18 - fata per week, payable to the carriers, or 88 per Annum. SPfXTAIi NOTICES. Sm~ SHERIDAN AND SICKLES W IKL MELI f 54 r !0-MGIIT. THE GREAT SOLDIEfIS MEETING IV ATI* f'N'.'v L If ALL. I AT - .< > tU.O( K. THIS EVENING, • by tin lollowiuc eminent g^ctiemeo, having accepted the Invitation to be pre*ent: GENERAL JOHN W. OBARY.<* Omernor of Pconsylraub ; R-OLNERAL FLETCHER. Governor of Mi*#ouri, ioR-OENERAL J. F. FARNSWORTH, of Illinoi*. UAL FRANCIS iL JORDAN i NIX H. V. DEMIM Mnyorof \< T«'j lean* un<l«v i I'.L HENDERSON. Arcr\pcctrJ {«• arrive dur- In}. LADIES :!l7invited to lx? prezrnt. Arrangementa have •ie so that there will be ample accommodation* no desire tohearthe loyal utterauccs of thedi*- , -d soldiers of the country. / r to prevent crowding and confusion, the Com c ave ordered that the rear entrance to the Hall, on jll street north of St John’s Church, will he re* ; f\SPECIALLY FOP. LAMPS itleruon accompanying them. ' the adjournment of the meeting the toldiers ; .11 joiu with the GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC, t will proceed to BEREMIH MA.JOR-UENEIIAL SHERIDAN MAJOR-GENERAL BICKLES. THE FULL GERMANIA 01CIIESTRA Has been engaged forthi* service >rdor of the Committee CLAYTON 4MACMICHAEL, _ Chairman. V The underpinned unite in asking their iellow-soldieiv to PRESENT TO NIGHT, Toaidb.t voice and (sympathy tin great cause for which 'untight: -| FIRST WAItD. ! Captains John G. Ltingatou. Bth N. J, ; ThoniHH S Miron ■■2l4th I'a.sWm.S. Pine; ITOtli do.; Lumtcninteoffies Dougherty, 7th N. J.: David Gnfliiths, 99th Pn. Sergeant* Samirnl Burn* ClmrlesC. Coleman, 119tii Ph ( ; Wm's -Conrad, Henry 11. Snyder. 114th Pa. Corporal Wm!W* Bums. Plat Pa. Privates Hiratn I?. Chow, 2d Pa. !{<<« • -John Wilson, Jerry Johnson, Wm. H. Million, IrailV limerick, Win. H.Sinegor. Psth F*«. s Geo. F. Croft, 29th <lo.; J. Croft, do.; Wm. IWielibot, do.; diaries Young, :119th do.; William Brown, Joseph T. Goodwin, Thomas Corgol* Bth l’cnna. Cavalry; William Googn, sGth Pii. • Frank M. Wall, George H. Money, 95th do.; John McDevitt,6th Illinois: Edwin B. Moore, U4th Pennh.; Charles Dougherty, Sylvester Duboycc. 26th do,: ia. V. Nesbitt, T. Maurice King, P. It. Bambrldgc. William Fleming, Richard Krips, p,4th N. J.; Charles 9, Carpenter, Ist U. S.Artillery: Thomas J. Byrne, 2d Pa. Reserves; Chariot* McDonald, 95th Pa.; 11. Clay KodGeld, James SStokley, Wm. W. llackerd, Joseph Duhnsiiue, Jacob Alar, 'ber. Win. Byrne, 2d Pa. Reserves; Wm. Bovler, do.; lienry Walters, do.; Jas. Mlllor, do.; Edward Btov«r,29th Pa.: Daniel Bastian, 119th do.; Charles E. Iluntor, ‘Jlsth •<jo.: DavidHwtfqr, do.; IfochfffaB. Pond, IHT4do,; Wui. Tv m tt, Jay Rradhe.ld, 2Mlt Pn. Naw -J, S. 8. Margin.!/ S. tiipaP IroDriden ; Coorge 11. iPn, John Muiholland, Ah x. MeKuJght, »J. Riley: Wm. - Oven.-*, mote; Andrew (•raves, Win. «i. Watt*, <•<■<>. W. Ale aiide:', Overgo VV Kuiitlocl. W in, Knight. and othoi,* SECOND WARD. Captain* Janie** H. Wsiumn, I2l*t Pm.: Charb** Pooler. fJent"iiniit* Win. if. Sit k-1,-, -jOfli p«. : jiurtin V. it. Ji Chaplain Cluulo* W. t’lothior. Sergeant* I‘ljj.9 1./.not-. P:i.: *.Jiarlue Campbell, Ist D« l.; An thorn W . i homiwnn., lPsth Pa.: Artfmr Yeagun. 11th P,i. Cav.'; Ah - .’. M. Butcher. 25: d I'a,: John Small, Joseph C. Titter '.‘“V.-V.-,■ | ‘" '• Ol' k'-'t. 11,.my ;-iiiv,l,-r, I'. J. MiUih.-n, Rolardiii- ,Joxle>-. Marino Coni-. Corporal* 7lHnna* A. L-tell, 114th Pn.;(J)(m. Mart#-!. Wm. Tb-'-mah. Jrnatot* Eduard I'.lfh, ™Pth Pa.: Thoma* G-nuJ. hint do,; Alh-nt 1. Hardv. M*th do.; Clmrlc* M vcj«. Hdb do.; Robert Hhb!.,ll, 2Pth do.; Win. W nlhic,•, !‘,,th do.; Autbom Brown, ?Mh do.; Oc:o r i;,-|, ( ||, li-dh d0.;.1. 11, Holrerbi. until do.: John Goduhall. \\ in. Me,-.MU 1*». |u<fnw ; charlc 11. Smith, do.; .John Uanipbcll. lntb I’n.; Win. Mcßride, (.coif;,-Brown, John (Jin,,, .lacoli Sorpc. Win. Maxwell. *J.V 111 1 Bth Now York, Rattery; Joseph Wieerhei, John 8. Inpp, empor Smith,. Adolph Hehfest, Company A. s?;tb Regiment Pa. Nua y—Eublrr Charles G. W uLtron. J.bliioldH, 1,. 8. steamer Lehigh : Win. Grid, rteamcr LancnHtrr; John Edward* l , Wm. 8. .liucv, I .b.Moiumv Cnh-n; Edward F. Helfeitz, Goo. Wren, \> in. cf ott, Win. H. Malont'.U. S. steamer Powhattnh.and otiior*. THIRD WAUL. Lieutenant? 11. Korney, l-’Vid P«,; Jannv ft. Carpen ter. Dj2d do.; John C. Littleton, i£th do. sergeant* John P. Lane, John T. 'J'hatcher. Hubert Prie<M»o.h do.; James h. ortou, do.; AVllson 11. Pill. Jr.. John Rnllin. James I hatcher, 7lHt Pa.: Albert N\ Hamilton. 72d do.; Francis R. Kertu, 2bth do.; Johu Maine**. 8. N. Leibrundt, Ray mond W. Calhoun. Corporal* Charles bandgrari, Roger W Illia/M?, John C>ok, l'/'th Pa. Private* James M. Fletcher, strrrf sen ice: John Roger*. l«th !»«.; John T. Ihady.TlHt do.; IReiiard A.'l’homae, John Miller. Hamil ton llardy. % d i’a.: Thoman Eullaway, John 1L Gilclirii't, Robert IltCdiy. George Sergeant. John Riimjilo, W'm. M. bmith. Wm. Kfrb’i, Ttl; N. J.: Koiw-rt Grnv. ‘Jbtli Pa. Ca\ - ah; : Ilon-nnin Martin. l. r ,2d Pa.; Roh«#t Bmltlt. do.; il'iiry Hill. W'illjarn Purhot, LJijtlf i’a.; Willard Uarop.i, I-t I S. [).*"jorse >n \ V. JPiuni Rieio-id-'u, and FOURTH WARD Crt;d*ixj t.Wil-oii, nanf Albert H. Muliin, S' W Hsit-err. j»:li f. T.. J ;ir o l»i:rue!l. ■’ • Ov;:-u' D.v.vhoo. : V. T. Morrt-. l;d. C>r hob* :’ Itr>v-*«r. T. !*ri (r<v>r«e tic K«th Hall/. L.'ou*. UobcV* ‘ J«j». line < M-iV;. AiT;. r* M:«;\ W*».; Hr • i. Henr Bran >'•». 4.'>n ;-\ : *ntna { I J'iiitlsiM • UuUh M-olc**, 'ttb t_ r . S. • '*<?'•!) L/<-zi,v . U.: (J'._ .j.'iu,", br-vvD ::<i do.. li '-nty Bffr- f| =*. 'll f. , <!;» ; *•♦ 1' Ktied. -’ohri W. And l '.'*, rj. L -vtr’- •' u I*. i'. t- r- if. :.»d i, S.. • ’•)«»! tfirc'iv^. :ii i ’o'* N:i li J/irdy. Ci-M'i'-'* i*. O’ z>. <•; 9 l r* ** ! - •• •A. .>r ’ t. Vf* i, i* ci V*’ v.'i.i*, i; •• '*■' 111 V.; i‘- -ind Uu-. . , H- 'i , (:.'•!.• Ji.c \l/ H ■). Hi i.uj.iu * r. I’i-ir t\ 'tit P:, » m \ *li , • ,:>* i.Ti.-.n. M< KiuJ :ZW' \,t i*‘. .i ;«t Ul*o ; d' ?' i* > . <' fiJl: -d I'a • ,H --I ifAi .•♦id <i <**'. 'Ji ii'i)!-*. fi*i- j : _i*!« *.>. «J i Wiii'aro M <-•< *.«• t 5 a .• ;.j. v l- , '■--f' .M.r,’ J'* . A.i- -r X,-*rrv i~t *■ ilm.- 't !f ‘ 'J-, 11 , u.M <■ t'l J'j , I ;n\- VV.iir. . i .vji;,j I>i ?*v WiiliMi- f 1!- ’r ,;?V !*... ;-.i. S v:d i ;»r, ; j a). J . ivaf'v i't* »?)?»♦ .‘••.in • :jd *':• . .Nftt-ifin < . d<'Ci- :;o >. vr/"!...-; .<n ::-Kic!‘- -. „Hth K.-UV. Id i . i*ra •. . -I! </.<■..;]. ;./I I. S t r •!♦-**• cMjv. it-hT, !‘n.. !• a • -F: .trrf- I •• i'.oa’.''*:■* • o**:; } e * u. Urn I’- irr- u ami ot.‘h T: *i :li L’ ** ' • • OJt,l:l.c';- R ■. d i*i, _} -:i -v / i '1 \ ni Wakd. r» •! ij. ? Fh-ckif.. % Mi:-r» . fi C! -jM r.\. <<-'•ori'e \V. I>--■»ui:*t♦ j . l'/>th !!!•*. Sergeant.- 1 Jti.rjt*. ft.t; :.U .Stumer, L-»?i; P*. Privates <«or;ri*e And-n. R Shif.Sev. T. S. ; Darin* Moore, A• pj’-i*. Fi.-iji i- Rink*. Jam-:? Dartf-i, John P/nc-ri-, .t«riip- bw-'.n. Pa.; William Lnnaban, If. Mvfin.. N.r. v -Samuel HU tart and Tnoma« Hr- v u. and ether.-. aEM.NTii WARD. A ' Optain* E. C. P'-imintrtnn. Jr.. Thomn-.Mitchel. Nicbo la/* baws i.ievfenan:* Klch».rd A-hbtnd, lWth Pa.; E. A. \\ aj.-i.;, J Mth Pa. Solomon sth .Ms?... Cavalry; hanmel dim*, 214th Pa.; John H *th N. John H. Kenton, l*. S. < orpcraU , George W. llanuon. 41st V- S.; Charles Hehny. Eli. John Campbell, Peter Chrij*- ttJvn, A. Samuel T. I)-mar, 4th Maw. < a\ahy : Plullp S*» Dd‘-r, 24th F. S.; James Kerr, 2d Pa. Artillery; Clwrh** McFlearv, 30th Pa.: John Young, iSd Pa.. Tbcinas Hayep. Cbt Pa.; Henry Schaffer, 11th Pa. « riv,-!rr- Robert Stewart i“2d Pit.; William Donaldson, Pa.: Ho!**™ Donaldson. 26th Pa.: J»epi» Gillet* £2d -Pa. :-T>: lieiUrKP worth, IsrF . S; Artillery- : JTs. MrCann, huth i'a : John McKellen*. sth Pa. Cavalry; Francis Hoh.-ky* James White. U*th V. S. Navy—William Smith, petty ufheer: Wm, Nf son. do.; Cbarle* Smith, sailor; Siujeou A. MeFall. Abraham Randall, Wm. 11. Moectv, S. S. Hatterap ; J. S. Jpveman, Robert M. Ager. U. S. -loop Pn-ole: Wm. Sooth, Win. GMu-. lienr> Hanson, I . b. b. Powiiattau: Win. Patten-on. Jo. do. Sabfnc: Jarne* d>». do. Harriet Lane; Geo. Kiddle, F. S. Marine.-’; Dawd Bice. F. S. S. Kiueo: J. CV Uoilings. north. do. do. Octon-ra. and others. EIGHTH WARD. f.V'loDeJ 1 * l.\ ftt*-’Smith, 6th Pa. Oavaln*; 7!. fj. Jaft.mj. M.. W:>lt..n. Jtirhard KIIU, Clavion MaoMichacl, Benjamin M’. Pickard. William MrMichaek Majors L'n'Uijdx*!! T u kpr, 1C Dale B«-n-on : Cliarl*-» H. T. Cnliia, brevet ma>r-*i nemi: 1.. £. Smith. 44th Pa retain \V SMan.. l.iert-'-nani* .Join M. W-dtT, £ .>th Pa.; Samrei /\N. Lewis Svrp -m L. iv Bolle*. S«T»j**aut« inane itart mu. If tli Pa. Cm -t\ry: «fj!"nj.-<u Ha - n<\ ,"!h >la*M. Onx*. rr»l< William !J. P. McKenzie Private- Patrick H* ed. fc-tu P;t.:'i. Kattv. d'-.: A. Wrbf.n MeAtdmr inane Su-% en«, 2A 1.. s*.: !»•.'*:«rd W. In. :-Ut Ph. : l.dwin I- Pf skit. Ja-iu-- La; <in>D?*. Kni-mini -_d f. n i T.; Henry .h'bn-M-. <l<s .\.«.v t ,«j*p»iu rdteard ’vn,tM-o-2*-Mijrjr-M. w*ttv #»;• - »:. Urine and «i»,eiN NINTH WARD' | Coh-iu H. r.:rn»-'-r Coorlmnn. Lais.u Price. S. it. W'tie I Miuhcll. J. T. Pr/irt, Criprair.r- <». B. Grihth,’*2d L Per u-* i. auia : !iincU-y Chirk. Jane-- Starr. ].ietTenant* TO/hp-uv* H. Brigham. N- > B:i»rr:;, : Wm. H. White. | m-pd. IP.d i'e.: Benjamin Jonim 2d Pi. t'avalrv . B-dinck. --'.J Pn :. Suig.-jii J.‘ M. Mci.rnrh' Ho-pira’. Sre’va'J V. j. -.■ruL-ant-' ' Jribu W. !P'-.v.»d. D. Ch.v M-'Chdi. Ttli P.; ! I-dward iiuw.«:il. l.Vh < obti.: Her.! ■■ l!(V*r, 7-h!i !’•» ; .la l - 1' iuiih-’- .li'th PuJ V v :Jry : .tain •» A. Wteth-r, I4e*h »V : W V. L 'H'imu. . CoriMM-aG Jo,-. M. Ror/.-H, 4.*.rh J*n Sane **l Andi'-w.-. IV. Cv elr< : Wm. I i-hei, stU N j Pir at-ii- Hswis*:« liri.-rian I i-h- r;p- i :n , |. An.-ir.-r ‘■•h f'a. ( n\ah %; J *.*» t M’P ;>;th N. Y.;.h- /.si**- Pa.: ■fMi.i- .Maeeuior. nTth d#*.: Tr. Niehol.. p*7rt- • IV;.-, .VGoii. 1: -th do.; Mid I (■<,•. !r. f, -1 M:i e . • V Ilmiiii l L.' mI. •j'.'tu l*a.; H. Mon e. lfltti Go.: J,,-. I‘eGr do.; dav— I 1 : v th. 99th 5.. H.: .lohn 1 dn-s. I l-;h Pa.. For-t-. Olii >. t [. : A.iohh Bliic! ■U-v."‘(i Pa iit u. T. l'JiMl. do. ;(W o. Hi.iipt.Mi. -yith d-..; John J!lj. If . ‘Jnh do.: \\;u. Mivvitt, h«th ’diio: Wm. Finch Uth Pa. ''ip. Brie'.an*. ‘_vh M ich.: John Lamen.-. l.'Jdh N Y.: Lemihoore. Pa.; John «)’Brian. G«-o. W H:o\\ n. FTilido.; Daniel Mr'.Milligan..!. M. .hd. n-ou. Gi Del.; 1(. Wilkin* !7th 1 *:«.: Fram.e Hurau«>«>k''. d<>.; .lohn Van imrtt. K-tli Pa. Ca 1 air' ; John Apk-\ . pa.: John Siniie-on. lilrh Ma-.-. Aliilierv; Jo.-enh ( im. ningham. 2d P;«. Artillery: am: ;<•.•! J. Mei'aihmd. Pa.: Miehs-el V. Dolan. Mir Pa. Ca'ahy: Marshal, let Pa.: tvioou.d I’ailv, do. do.: .Niclioln* Snlli van. N. \; Wm. amitli. 112th Pa.: ,1. 1). White, 12lth do.: J<--hn Kmtina. Join; M. Grauhcr, nth Pa Cavali v: J.-un-H g>. MeMiclm-l. j‘. H.: « harh • Mill* 12th i’o. Cavalry: John McCnmhir.d. Hth dn.. Thomas Nealy, do. do.: John White, tth l . S.‘Arfilh-n : Jojhiia G. lltli Va.' ♦Stvaiiv; Hugh DGnsl.ertv. VMh pn - A. 'J'. Kabt'-u. 192 d do.: F. m tith N. J.; John 9. CoUugP'ii. jtli do.; John Keltner. lllh Pa.: Janie- Roh-rts. TM X. H.; J. Edmund llurbaueh, 2d Indiana: Dni«l Romiel, llOtli Pa Thorna? Buckley*. t>l>t X. Y.: B. V> r . Frvcr. K2ddo.; Jaiue 4 W. Stewart. 82aPa.: Jame- W. Cogley, Batterv 1, do.; Outon Frnsli/'.en, 27th Pa.; Pat. Murphy, l(£-ki do.’ Patrick Beatty. 91st do.; John (’. Weaver, 95th do.; Edward R. Johnson, 104th do.\\ .W. Dart/, J^thdo.; P. Jaa. Clancv, 4th N. J.; Henry Parriuet, Uth N. H. Artillery. Len W. Kane. 140th Pa.: Peter Shervin, i:th U. S.; Bornurd Leiiun «h Pa.; John Bingham, 57th do.; Andrew J. J\ iilker. L. 9. \ ~ Nsvw- -Lewi* Bnnough*; Andrew R. Smith; Joseph Riblett, L. S. S. Kennebec; Sam’l Blank; Edward McNeal, L. S. S. Iro«|uoia: Edward Pcrrv, V b 5. Rhode I:d:uid. and other*. TENTH WARD. Ma.mir, R. A. ParriHh, 71st i’a : Charles <Kuigiit, 119th i 4: 1 H ltti ‘S* , ( ' !l J7, um \-? l: ‘ttliew Moore, LWd Pa.; John lu3d Pa.; Ale.':. McCnm. 72d Pa • Cha* K. Muiidy :Rud(d|.|i EJID. 6th Cavalry. Lieutenant- B. Allen. , id I 1: bylyeeter B. Cameron, .‘ld Pa. ArtUlerv : Edward steel. U9tn l’a.: 11. Brook. Sergeant Major Wm H. Neiler, 106th Pa. Sergeant* Thoma- E: Clark. 53d P«. 1 i ranns Drunet; 1-rancs- Drake, Bth Pa. Eli KnighLlSßth Pa. Prhates Eugene E. Liitia? IWtt Pn. Rolxirt .dcCallcy, 2d Pa. Avtillerv; Wm. F Ilat’rntead Btli Pa. Cavalry; lienry lleitu. Keyvton* fiuttciv; Morgan ,*V' r J \V J :H’v er l«thN. Y.;Da\idThomp ?on. H?th Pa. . ,I.M ray, 2-. d Pa.; Geo. McMulHn 72d Pa • Jos/rylor.RjthN.Y.: Robert Mills, Bth K. Cav ! afrs*; i)! T-mpleron, lOtdh Pa.: J. Banm.-, sth L*. S. A'tillery • J Conntston, 29th Pa.; i*. f.oue. Key>tom* Battery • C Wilk iniif, Dt Pa.Cavahy: JnniesLakcv4th PaeßcBervea ;; Wm' •SH;co4:e,-2!'thr‘P:».; N. Croke,-.-29tU.--Pa?v Stii'iiuei' FoAtor. 72dT«.: ChartsKeineu, 82d Pa.; Rudolph Mundv. 82d Pa.; Isaac S. Richnmn, Blue Rcsenep; Robert Boyd 82d l’a : Charles H. Swink. 82d Pa.: George King, loath I’:*.; (hurge F. Taylor, 71st Pa.; Thomas B. Ca\v,'l°lst Pa.: S, M. Hal.-man, 4th Pa. Na%w—A. Pilkingtou, U. S. 6. Pemia; G: llonglitou. do. Burnham; Samuel E. Erekim*. do. Swan: John C. Jeffrie-, Thorna- Kerri Samuel Harris, and others. ELEVENTH WARD. Lieutcnar.tft J."’o. Brandt, Tifch Pa.: J. i*. Re I in, George Brill, i'stli Pa. Sergeant J. Phelfor, 9th Ohio. Privates New'hold Stei Don, 119th Pa.,* G. G. Peirce. Conrad Shoe maker. 27th Pa., and others. TWELFTH WARD. Captain* Rudolph Schwartz, 1 75th Pa. ;Frank Logo, U9tli Pa. Sergeants Wilson MeNamee. 72d Pn.: >V. 'Becker. 9Sth Pa.: .1. <•. Schoenlder, 29th Pa.: Wm. McNeal, il9tli Pa.; Wilson W. MeN:unec v 72dPa,; James Coauh man. Aaron Brown. Alavtui H. M’hite, 24tli Regt. t.'orpo ral Wm. Brown. Privates Sylvester H. Byrne, 90th Pa.: Daniel\ ineent, 119th Pa.jllenrv Gunther. 2d Pa. Artil lery; Edw. Rawsehelback, 75th Pa.; Ir3nk Schull. 75th otlH-,, THii;T .. i;vj . i( wa . ;a ■ Colourls Philip Lcidj. K. S. Keiideidiue. llPth Pa. Major J. H. Selt/cr.BBth Pa. Captains I* red. Tiodeman, 75th Pa. llarrv C Warner, 119th Pa. •- J. Keorper. IJ.S.A. Sorgonnt* Geo.’li. Bolton, 57th N. Y.: William Bailey, Plat Pn.; Jacob Gootz. 98tli Pa. Privates Joseph M. Horton, 13Sd Pa.; llarrv Stugner, lltii Pa. Cavalry; Thomas Shep pard, Delci llßls, 'JJioiuus B. Kovner, 119th Pa.; William ilazk tt, 119th Pa.; Williatn M.*tt!cr«, Koyntotu* Battery; J. P. Taylor, Ist Cavnlrvj George W. Bailey, 9l*t Pa.; Theodore Wagner. 2d Artillery; Charles H. Pettit ; John j} etdvnhaiUi 119th Pa.; Alex. N\choD,4tUPa.; Oharlea I ou ce, and others. o . ™ FQURTFJENTH WARD. Cjicneral Tinner u. Moorehead, lfl6th Pa. Colonels Wm. iLThpmaa.lwj do . Gcorgl? p. Mci.oan, 88th do.: Wm. F. do- '* H. L. Barker. Majors A. J laker, 2d Pa. * f i ,8t E. I. Cavalry; E. D. Buckman, CftSSS. ti U 2\ I ? lteon 'l A\»guat Lodig, ?cL¥'.P eU(^f Y w- J* Mackey. 147th Pa ; Fred. iwiaaa. a. a. mw,t, 89ttm* \ PHILADELPHIA. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1867. L< ao, IKJ4 do. Cbnilp* McLean, r-r*th do,; John Keen, 82d J‘ l> ' Lit rueutiata Elliot ('. Porter, - ICd Pa., J. A ■v.H>r, v- ttrbn hwrva Oorpn; \Vni. WclMld, Horace paaD'. t»einennfa Thoma* J. Clooe. William Mndi ■•'iu. Corporals Wm, Connelly, 72d Pa.: Thonm.4 J. Scholl i?KK*-l. (•. ft Engineer Corps; Isaac Jones, ldidh Pa,; i-h^h' 1 Madison, Ifichard Dickerson, William Williams; ty MnUark, fctrtnhen Holmes, William llnvcr. stick. LUivard Madison. Edward Walker, Johu.M. Can non. 'J liomiLH Harper, Edwin A. Ashmcad.ll. K. Stauflcr. Poi>**rt H. Connolly; Thomaa Campbell. iHth Pa.; J. Murphy, I'd?; Pa. i-awilrv; James Wright, ff-th do.: A. Hoggin n.'.jkt N. v.;H I'. Sickel. Engineer < •orp'*: d. V. Drp.ble, kd N. J.; Jacob si ha nor. Pvth Pa. Navy Jam--* MtCai’.ghcy, and others. fifteenth ward. . General Janie a C Lvnch. U.3.Y.; ('Mon**!?' Chntie* W. Cadwalader, L*. S. V.: E. A. Lnndcli;. 11‘dh P».; Major '» in. 0 • Dunbar. Po. ; Cnptaini George j>. Stroud, Isaac C. Price. 48th Pa.: It. M. Evan*. Henry K. Koiiv. JamrH B. CoppvneoJ Lieutennnta Frank A. lynch, 23d {«■; I*. B. Lynch, U&d do.; Assistant Surgeon. 3. A„ LwuP nantJ. Robert*: Hospital Steward Jacob'Mackov, IKVd Pa.; SergeßntivMicbHef.Magraw, 2M Pa.; dames I>. Cuny. 121 ft do.: Henben Neff, Joeiah HanDums. ilarrv Kc.rath. John Mcßride, Sth Pa. Cavalry; Frederick Drake, Bth I a.; 8. P. Dennis, lßth Pa. Cavalry; Corporals Henry \\ halen, Charles P. Barrett, 61« t Pa.; John ICear ney. s«tli do.; Anderson 3. Wilt.-, 82d do.; John W. , do.; Jolm W. Tappan, 213th do.; Ezekiel &.Hitchie, OTth do.: Chsrle? E. McGorgal.PlHt do.; I rands VVih-on, i*sth do.; E A. lion ell. 32d do.; tfnlevlln Lloyd. Privates Robert Wilaon. 72d Pa.; Ja«. Pattcraon. Iltnry C. Cooper. Harrv Beck. WiJHnm 11. Morgan. Win. Krayime, I2d ft. V.; Hugh Sperry, Pa. Cavalrv; Joshua M. L\»n' j , Hjd Pn ; Wm. Kearney. 12th do.: George W. Chmer, IHh do.; Joseph Lindfay, 72d do.; Win C. Davh, 12ii-t do.; Isaac Turton. 22d do.; Jac. Smith, 4tb do.; An diev Kodgerv. r>tU do. John b. Harris, IritH do.; Jolm Dolor. John Paul, 118th Pa.; Andrew Fleming. ,'2d do.; Charles T. Moore, Bth do.; James C. Topper. I hath do.; William Tupper, do.; Peter Taner, 82d do.; George Briggs, loth do.; Jolm Lernon, 4.dh do.; Joiiiifon. l»t hatfaiion Pa. Vn!«*.: Robert Robin-mii, 7- d.; AhrahamJJehflven.32d do. ;T. Graham,afoth do.; Jno. Hoki, Prank Poet. John Stephens. Charles Hulahack, Daniel Wolf, Frank Dorsey. John Wibon. G»a*ige Wilson, n'-r V»'i!#an, George WalP'mjver. Tliotmh« Dor. pain. J< hu Barbu*. John L. Uomnah. Kiel.ard Walter, Albert Hover. bstm; t r-l IJou*r. 3. 11, Bairett. hud I'.a.; W Aldridge. 7th Pa.;-. John JVPugh. 2d do; Art.; J.y.; - A irtiu, 118th do.; V/jJHani Hutehinson. Tilth do.; W:.., ; Wm. B. Parker, Henr' Bra'-elin. 3d Pa. c tv.; W:j-. H. Carr- y, fist Pa. ;.Wm. H. biiheffer. do, J-'l n B btretcb do ; 11. F, Harrf'-an.ictl; do. ; Wm; I/re 71 -t do.: H. 'l' Harris, ’-'tb do.; 3. B. Cart tirm-s. d ; I- I-. X. HiiJiard. C. 3. Murphy; Naw Samuel it I . v eirm.-r (j: nandaieiia : Jei-u Cox. do. do. H-ofia (» -y j. i- Harman. John. A Berko. C. b. -t*<!uoer 1’ rr’.irdiv hCjJe' 1 , d-'. do Mir.r:‘- ■••tu • Wm. 'in %. ■ : p .n;.uikk-. / , 11. Burk.-. d v . do. Atiauta; ;dcn. do. monitor Pafripse'-D : aiel D.r. j-,, C. >. -(- > i: Ha;‘mnl • Sauce! l»aclfu:. • !'*. do. Powhatan: f> r- i Adair. do. do ;C) Hi!--.- 1 <!••. do. d-m- :: : ,Sr*i«i ’el <?!ark, L\ S. M win * Corps*; J:coo (J. K■" : ' -• -g'*r. ( S rl**;njt"--h:*n docinto ■ Tm ; i-iar;i: » w-nrpy. Jt. Sr*n,M«. >vn«t other- SIXTEENTH WAKD. >-’-.U - *nt .‘uiill iirx'r.. Tpomlj Adnm li.T-irr, it I’jt.: r \ !; .v’i.,-.. <h». rtfi; i* i. i*‘- C. KVI-U I-MVr. J, Ul riii-e• -. juJ »i.\ ?.nti;enth vvari> Ci.-sasoJ W. Allan. Pe.C:* 'dry. I.vcuteimit M. .' cl it - . Cv&d Pa. He ••»«*:*tits* R. J. iiii e:\ -id Pa.;« in=. 'liic; p:un *h l.iwo Rciul*oMi Fa.; Win. CcngJon. id h Cfr . Piiiote? Ed- jiitr ti-i.thorn. i> th Pa.: to urge V.’. Ji ninraj: Theodore Hoft'eau. id Minnesota. G.-orge F. -f ■.' aid!, 1 ?71i Fa; 'l'.- n D smcle 2d eew V«*» k ; Ken n-*d;. Proiyii. 2dth Fa.; W hlium J. Roout*». 6th Pa.: eicii «;•)- ..u?iKn, 119th Pa. Navy -,khn McMillan, monitor Lm'gi •*. ui:dd%r"'»; • * EIGHTEENTH WARD. * Vi-u-'d djirv.h Vi.- I Ji*-. i-, 3ii;th Pn.; a»‘rg.-:tnt« I.* v .uuel Charles W. Willingmyrr. llkth Pa.; ?. Hume*. Pt Pa. P> .*>.;• 'orporal Thoma? A. Thompson.' Private? .1. M. N<-i*l. . :vrh l*a. :• J«>cpii Denar, John WilkiD*on, John : • lU*th Pa.; J. C. Haile} . 30th i’:«.: Robt. G. J*. Wil jre-.'Muth Pa. ;Ale.\. Murrac Trii Pa. Pee:; .lodck, Cnviler, W*t Pa., and others. NINETEENTH WARD. ; Colonel Thomas* Crawford. lieutenant-colonel. Cap* ( tains* ii. Li. Hackrtt, Thoum* Bringhujvt, CharlesJhck ! awav. K'-b**rt tiiUeepie. D. Kichard ß o'n. John Hunterson, i Henry Rudolph. fißt'Pa.: Georjro W. Conch. 212th do.; ; Binru* Jennyn. Lieutenants? \S illiam E. Miller. Thomas i 11 ou'<h. Damtl Vanhorn. James Holgnto, Gen. F. Turner; I llugn Anurtn-ug.9Bth Pa.; Montgomery Young, John j Tvi i ed. 119th Pa. Surgeon Henry T. Butcher..' Sergeants | Jc.“. Neal. Win. Strock, Charles Moore,. Geo. B. Neverel, I F. M. Karl. ( haxlejjSemx..S.ntniU‘lll. Haas, Harry Buctlv,' *1 hoiiia- Kane. J-dm A. Loughiidge, Andrew Flo?’*?, John Taylor, August - Gillis, 29th Pa.; Nathan H. Pcttf. Path do. Corporals James Duff. Lewi* Huger. Jacoo Winter, Jr.. With Pju;TheodoreGniiruatuWin. 13.Bayne. rPthPri.: oc<>re»* Lrßcitw, Wot. \\ bite, Daniel Bait, Sflm Pa.: Samud hmith. do. do.: D *oiel do. d«i.; Air**.. Grippe, do. do.: Jns. Laurens, i»*tH do. Private* Uepj. Stuckert. Gen. jjhaffer, George A. Jenkins, Thonm« E. Toppiin. W. .*>cott John Hon, John Russcdl. Jainea J. .h-nkins; Jos. Graham, William MrKane, t’haries F. •Test. John Veo, John H. Fullerton, John Downing, David Ferg'vron, James*. Connor, tfThoman McCntdev. E. FI. Lurrtnfe, Henry Hughe?,/ Ja*. A. Culberson, 119th i J a.: .fo?ei>h Emlv. James Wondfide. Sfith Pn.; John A. Fall?; 'William Leonard; George C. Hawkins, John Humphries, John A. Duncan, John H. Hromlev, Matthew Shaw. W'illiam U. Iltbcr, 20th Pa.: U.jCurn't George W. Hill. Edward Hewznlot. David W. Famtr, Reuben J. Crwiler. Amos W. Knight. John Coiverly, 1L G. Crus®. Alfr-d C. Gibson, Benjamin F. Williams. Daniel Wil* lia:;4?. John Sitlmou, Charles Sahuon, J*aul Buck. Henrv S; Myers, 69th Pa.; Jamea llabbert, Thomas Zepp, l?t ? atiif-iiiia : ilftiry Hansel. William Cope, J'hilip Toiitess, John 11. Zepp, Jcdin J*diu»on. John Morris. David diner, Georg»-W>ei?,Wn>. MeckeL Jiunea liaflfnian. Tleft Pa.: Chub- M:i?on, John Bt>vd. 20th Pa.; Chari?*; Burger, do. tl".; AUv.Miidor Culhortson. do. do.: ThouniH (i. iil:tii. do. do.; Henry do.; James Wood-- side. «I f dm 1 rdr-n. Anthony Wilkinson, John McCann. A. r -ft v. ti.-orge Cop*. Nathaniel Jackaway. Robert Jaeku* •v i’, \Vilii;im Adam*. Jr.; Get*. Taylor. Daniel Dull; £*. A. Vilier. ».<.-.>rge Martin, lldnrj. Smitheri, Win. C -.ov. to;d, Georg** i iHwford, Charles Stitider*. WiUiiim (Gilbert. 11. F TI:tH. Mf Dermott. Pa.: John Bo' d, 2fith dc.; J on lP.t n. do.: John J. Mori*?. Tl.-t d«». :Wil liw:ri 'iha'-kery. 72d do.: John Miller, teth do.: Noali f-' >yt . 71 r do. Tl-onm** J. Corson. .Jr.; John W. ?;c.\ l-.dii do. Cavaliy; ’lhoniac J. Rice.’ IHth pj ; i ..“'.rye Boyer. Gtli do.; ’lLoina- rfaundert*. *'••*- <h r*tr :nke. o"th I’ao: Juines Kems, Hth rtf' . Howard 4ltli do.-, Johu dtilwetl, 2ntnci k -.; A. Hu 'oft, 91st do.: 'luoniai llollit,g?vvi*r:d, MGt an.: Gcor?s Bo;xey.'■lst do.: Tnom*s j.ei.-. 6th do. Cavalrv; Jm-o > ivrau er •. Jubn Swede, Hl‘th Pa.: J*nit*<r\Y<-o4;iide, •- t!. d. .: i.Mierf i'-ie h. dc. d'».: W lUam J -*idau do, d>.; Widium Knight, Jo. d«*.: -lotm Hu-tou, l-iPth do.; Mat. •: e-.v < orbrn. do. flc*.. Jamt-a CalUhan, 29t)i ilo.: AYm. Li a: iber?, do. <lo.: Joseph Chmubere, dc. do.; L. S. U*-D-’per, Robert iTeigntcu, fßorge P. W-ltia. .-on, H-’iu P. Magri g';!, William J. MeAfillau. WiliLim J. ! iV- M lian. J*-., 'jesogo Morris. ,laioee Nocou, William G:-nii. J-bn M>.Mullin, Tiiomas* Evaus. Dan. Neve. ! lii:: I'efr Kiwher. 21htl; I'a.: .lame*! Cam|iii.-11, 7*’d do* i • hdin ( " »k. *<'d -Jo. : Robert HiJlMav, !4*th !**».: fidu urd ! Alien, do. d 1 •.. A; i d«*.: B. -»el Whip*, : Tlii'chcr ty P., I , a<ti".‘-'on,llsth do.: .I;*coii Lorbcr : Looi-rt Cameron. T-irti.*. : Hugh Peacock. 2d do, Ni»\ —lsaee F. Sb.Mimr, V. S. N.; Diiniel ,',eg. : Th-'od' r ' e Haeki-tt, <!••.; John Cruv.-ford, do.’: i’-h do.; lluth Attill tv Mt. (h.. C’tji vi' id. tin.; -i.*cj>h lUc<-, l\ S. Mariue i f ’oiT-: Adam f.rau t'-ul. WiiHaiu Caninljcil, Mftttlkuv ; v-\ii:“. «k*hu liar)>iK>u, ■ M«t:hc\v I’ofK Josei>h i Mrs H.'fiii Heorpe Broun, if. .ha A. l.'. fc. anktt-:-John DiUliuv’, Il<*nrv Abram* antr . tin-ip. TWEN ITETH WARD. Gen;-, :jl Gideon Clark late Celonel lls*c!i Pa, Oof. Win M. U''< *_l4th P:t. Captain# J. \V. Pnj K-r, ,‘M £»;i. tJlcry; Ja.«. C. Briggs 106th Pn.: Samuel L. do ll. "W < *racfV, Kid do.: Wm. )I. Warner. l*Uth d*.; Janie.** Doyle. 118th Pa.: Henryßobiii'-on,Mth do.: TaomaaFord, iiMLdo.: Yboma- Ord. l2Mth Co. Lieutenant* Jama- WjUiMn*. &2d Pa.; L. M. J?lusb, 175th do.; William R. Paddle 151 ft do.: Norman C. A*h, 70th N. Y.; S.J.t-ind ley, Sd I'.S. O. T.: &. L. Burn--*?, loth i*. ri. infantry. Sergeant* Frederick Widernau. Io6th Pu.: Amo* Warreu, 22d do.: Albert Stnndback. 82d do.; Ed. E. M:\ivton, lU9th do.; P. J. Donnelly, 16th do.; Dudley J. Worinnn, 72d dft.; M. H. Pox. 2d Pa, Reservee: Corporal* John M. Col lin*. V. S. A.; George B. James. 4®tb Pa.: Samuel B.Scott, 12md0.: PeterM. Cow Sl4th do.: 11. H. Wiley, W! K. Prunetl: Ptivatca W. Campbell. 28th Pa.; Tho*. Gilbert, 114th do.; Beniamin Gilbert, 71atdo.: John Durr. Wood ward's Battery: Geo. Emory, 9th Pa.; Joseph Keiter, 97th do.: John Herrencr.9sth do.: Johu Foreman, 197th do.: Wm. F. Garter, 95th do.; Wm. Scott, 3d Pa. Cavalry; Peariona Gilbert, 71at Pa.: Jo*. Hannington, marine; Jonaa llerreuer. llnth Pa.: Frauds C. Worthington, 90th du.: G.B.Miller, 199 th do.; T.W. Hernan, 82d do.: F.Kripp, f-2ddo.: A. Dietz. 118thdo.: H. T. Weaver, 118th do.; J. Ktnuedv; John Miller, 119th. Pa.: John 11. Griffith, 9afch do.: Thomas Hailey. 72d do.: Henry Eckhert: Wm,®. Thompson, 48th Pa.: Henry lloehm, 88th do; George W. Bradley. 121st do.; K. M. Powell: George WV Emory* sth Pa. Cavalry; James C. Doyle¥B2d Pit.; W’illinm B. Scott, 2'Uh do.: Henry 11. Katien. 121st do.; William T. Doyle, 22J do; T. W. M'-rrihew: Herbert Duel; WilliamM. stu aid, 95th Pa.: J. W. Bastder: Fleming Campbell, Lt Pa. Cavalry; Wm. Echard, 21&t.Pa.: Charles H. Dun', 7th Pa. Reserves : AVilUu,mCi - ahipVPstb ,PiV;: Tfcfiaft Matteson, S-th dc<: E; Abel,*l*f)tU do.; William Royal, 121st do; Eli Ridcway, Gtti Pa. Cavalry; J. Kahn, 21st l*a.: C. B. Robbins, 6th Pa. Cavalry; Samuel Murgenun. l(>4tU Pa.: William W. Bradley. 121*t 40.; Beniamin F. Wilson, 22d do.: O. Howard. 22d do.: Daniel Meeker, 28tli do.: i’redorick \Vad-worth, 188th do:; F. J. Able, 11th do.; William C. Myers. Ist New Jersey; Andrew J. Moore, 214th Pa.; Chalklcy Kemble, 90th do.; George • Pryor, 90th do.: CliArles P. Co.wavd, 22d do.; Howard Ellis, 21et do.: H. B. Montgomery, 20tli Pa. Cav alry ;W. JC Granger, Kev.-tone Battery; H. B. Anisou, do.; George Grembeek, Marine Corps: Alfred J. Taylor, 192 d P».; Joseph WiLliams, >i>d U. S. 0. T.; Isaac Scrval, J. B. Bvr.nett, 214th Pa.; ,1 allies Brim, 72d do.: George Henry, 23th do.; J. D. Laurence, F. H. Burris, John Jacob.-, Jr., 29th Pa.: George J. Henry, William Cob-' bi ul«e, 98th do.: Charles Tomlinson. 114th do.: Edwin F. I.mory, 119th do.; Joseph Rhiueboch, 214t1i do.: George W. Carpenter, Woodward’s Battery; Johu Eekford, 110th Pa., Charles Walters. 118th do. Navv—J. Lamer. C. S.. Steamer Pawnee, and others. •*r , c TWENTY-FIKST WARD. ( General &. Inin Given. l&ctli Pa. Captains A. W. Given. Il4th Pa. ; Andrew Wauisley, 88th do. Lieutenant George P. M itch eh 2‘Jd Pa. Sergeants Peter Orth, 27th 1 p.; A. M. Ki.ttenhouse. 3d Pa. CuvaLrv: Ferdinand Davis, yaDuL: Lewißfaneer,44th JS. Y.; Christian Sneer; W.J. Givin, L. fa. Mnrino Corps: Amos Taylor, 119th Pa. Cor porals Philip Ottez, 119th Pa.; Walter J. Rent, U4th do. Private*WilltamS. Umoasetter, 58thPa; Win. Fowler, 114th do.; Mathias; T.Mason Mitchell, 2d ? &Bth Pa.; William J. Boone, }S\ h A 0 - ;Ay^ u *• do- do.; Lewis D. BUmidin 7?! \ d pk ; w^Vr 1 ! Ji- x - Theodore D. Luck andotiferM° eor3o W ' Gliict ' AUted Craighead, 68th do., TWENTY-SECOND WARD Geueralu Louis Wuguo'. 88th I‘a • Krunci. ChorteH M. Provost, IlBlh Pa.; John t Om- Joshtis T ' Owen. OolonfhiGoorgoE. Wnroer; O Treiohrf SA Va Guv. ; A. B. Gorgan; KM. NewhalL Mnjora o*m W Jo 151st Pa.: W. H.Lloyd. Captain# John W 147th Pa.: Frank Potter, 8d Pa. Cav. 1 LioutoiiantaSamuol Ueai. lml, l’a.; Wffliam Emaloy. lleth' do ilharh'a it ltDboru M 4Bth do. ; Oaqpar Miller, BSd do,; .latiioa ltvratn' iskit- ■ Serseantqlj'rod, MyoraJm pi; Lwta llac&, OUR WHOLE COUNTRY. George f.. i<iMnj.n'*UTth'V‘a'?*Tliop. E. Carter, do. .Jriroj) K. Backott, 11th M. dr ■ Lieuten •.V 1 ?, ,-r.- j n * \V j Gibson; 2d Pa. Cavalry; James I.utii, lUn do.; " Ely, Assistant Surgeon V, S. A. Sergeant* i borons H. N<*Hd.2d Fu.; Orrln M. Smillu 121? t do. ; Edward C. Gardener, 192<1 do.; HallowellTuvlor, 64th ?°; im°* b L e V. K. <j. ; H. Holden; Robert Mof iSali®!?* v *;?v.:: A.B.Ont, Bth Pa. Cuv.; J. Beuton Major, 138th Pa.: /, Berlin. 3d Pn., K. <: •j. H. Vondegrlft, 3d X. ?>* jGorporals f }\ CQ \ n ' H4th Pa.; A. B. Lawson,9sth do.; H. Shock. 114th do.: R. Mm ray, Bth Pa. Cavalry; */0;V pll T b * Ptli V. It, c. ; W. Abram**, lOlitl]i I*.; f. 1 aimer, Jut do.: E. Purring !™v3 ,h ( V’;, ' " Wilson. 7!"t Pa.; Isaae Maun, 12X.t do. ; Edur. F, Tibben. 121. t do : Morton Moody. 121st do.:.John E. Helna’er, I2lst do.: Fred’k T. Fries, #th 1>». • a-moel Cmotv, let Mo. Cavalry j Benj. Bertt, ni ; tl’n.;Ch:ie. Ilafer, 71st do.; Eduard Mora, 3d Pa. A'tillfiy: It. C. Mojri.. 2d Pa. Cavalry; Malcom Murray, IJM Pa ■ d.Suir'm linker, With do.; itoliort McCaben; Jreetli L. Wileon. 11th Pa.; James It McKinley. 51. t N. J- Plarkn an, ltlet Pa.: James Low, 41-t do.; Iliomarb'mp.oD, 12Utd°.; Albert Cross, 114th do.: Wm. J!.Uaylor.6fhN.J. Cavalry; John P. Hart, Ist do. do.; John It WEson. 121st Pa.: Mm. M-Kenna, Mli Pa. Cavalry: Geo. I) GHz. 121st Pa. Navy-Mm. Tell Street, actir? n.aetar, Harry K Miller, messenger boy V. S. S. Mingo, Harry Jtlacjc, L. S. S. Powhatan, Hairy I’urns, aul other*. j TW-EKTV'.FOCRTII WARII. £*th Pa. Lieutenant* John ;’/* bh* l !: J. W ti»;. 7r<tf > IV; S. Johnson, Psth IV: fcauim-I Smith. 6th Pa. CValry. Swimt* Walter H Ldn-md. .;«i I';.. Cavalry: Richard Black, U. K C. T.; Day-Smrdley .tiOkd I'a.; S. Johnson, 26th Pa.: John*H. HadJep. 2J*th Pa.: Simoon A. SnofTord, 6th Me.; J. K. McCarty. 46th JV. Private- J. Winslow, 40th IV: U. V ? a°' h ' f - Johnson. j*nh P:»: J. Cully, 26th Pa.; *~dh l*m: VV . lioi-rfon. 6-dh Pa.: S. Craft, tifnh »' l ;,:•. * J L‘ h--marine: K. Robinson. l!th Pa, CJavalrv; J. Haj- .nj.?,pj,.; W. tovvh r. f,ili Md.: (*. Stratton. i:i.:lr Jlrmvm 2f‘th I’a.: J. Staflord, marine; fl. hivayov :-oth 1 a.: J.«hn Johnson; 4th Pa. Guvalrv; D. S. L'f'-r. ;J tl Pa. ;yh-on:e W. Smith, 40th Pa.; - Khen. £ {t , v y~. »•»*■ eti rign: W\ Montgomery, ensign; O. F.r,:?i it, qimrtrnnn-or anil others , . , TSVKN'J V-I-'jrrii WAIM». ( oh*n. is Barh-n 11. Jenfc.- and Win. Prbdmmth. C'hu tain lTani i*? K. Duke, Li* üb-nant Thoma* lluskov. a.o;.h pi.inijrr. IV: Samuel Huim-s. Ist I’a. Art.; Alhair's Kronsi-n. 114th I’a. Art.; P, Criilve. Cor oornl VV jo. shoe-. 4th i'a. Reserve *. Private? Hugh I!. Jones. Sa*n;!e,! Ilmi; . Thomas Ito-ine, llarrv Dilber, 18Hd Ka.; M>rr Herein. 2«*fli; JV : Wm. J. McKeenr.r. J a.: \\ in. M atton. Tin p R . ; Hugh K. Jones, l.Mli Pa. C»v.:bnnou«h / leruyn.{#7thP:i.: John J. Ne?ter. <*oth V'V : £*l’’' " Edward Pentena Theodore Romer, John Van (.'amurr-rn. Tbonii* Dean, Samuel Wilcox \Viiliarn Bos;-r. K. A. Clmimian. D.-iim-l McCov, Hr-nrv >,avy-Hari.i ilh-ald?. I'. 8. >. Atlanta: Jr,hi: llorroCK, do. do. Unrrirt T.ano; Wm. .11 mvny, do. do. Huron, oud othrr?. Gem i ftl Edwin 11. Bile?: Captain.* Henderson l.vmaiior. Ip* 1 nr Mcßride, 72d Pa.; Sergeant* Ja«. If. Ollsborg, Alex. MtClay. l«th l»a.: Rudolph Bor.-?ford. Geo. W. Moore- Corporal? Wallace Hoffner, S9th Bn.; Wni. Douglae?. F.B. M.; Chflf. B. Rc-vvnor, JaOth J*o.; Win. Jame?. A. Stoke? Evnnr. Int Bn. Jtr*.: .Jon, Shaw. George Steel. Private I cter Dirk. 2Cld Pa.; John Reed. l(Hsth Pa.; Lawrence Com, 2:id Pa.; Samuel r>unlap. 191? t I’n.; George Hart man, 192 d Pn.: John (iiliM-it. 2*id Pa.; J. BnclianajuKev ?tone Battery; <:. Forbe?, Pa.; J. Campbell. 2d Pa. Cav.; .1. Gir,B2d J*a.: Adam Bock, 72d Pa.: Eugene Whit, tine. J*!th Mass.; Jn*hua Morgan. 110th Pa.: Tho?. Abbott, 7th Pa. Win. A. McAvov, M7th Pa.: Thomas J. Neill, Jrniccis K. Burton, Edward Firming,- Henry Clegg, Jr., 2d Pa. 11. Art. Navy—J. McCandleea, l*. S.'steamer Onondaigua; Jq<*. Kepler, V. rf. frigate Ironpidea; Thot*. Lappley, carp, mute: Henry Sohrcnt*. and other?. TWENTIr -SE’VF.N PH WARD. OencraLfitepfcen Miller. -Slajor Wm. Letford, 29th Pa. K-rpM- ntaßpward P„ Aslnnond. sth U. b. infantry. Cor ..poralw C.-Jenkin?, 2£th Pa.. Cavalr- James-IV Wilbur, •ua Ma??.: Adotpii Wwß?nitnp, Sfith do. Private? E. Brilev. I4tn P*. Cavalry: William Wicklc, 118th Pa. Navy— Charles ¥. Hollingimorth, jusktant engineer, and other?. TWJ»J<TV-MGmTH WARD. General Hubert L. Bedim*. Captains M. A. K. Stall, 2d Pa. V.: Jame? S. BmffN 29th Pa. .Privates George Bfcbine,69thPa.; Wm. H.Edgar. 90th Pa.; Abel Mur rill, 7th Pa. Re?crvc«. Sergeant John J. John, marine. Corporal John M. Koch, Marine C'orpg. and other?. It *©“ SHEBLDAN AND SICKLES! FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 27. Soldiers who intend to take Part in thin Grand Demon* will be guided bv the following instruction*: DcJegßtiop? from the First Second. Third, Fourth and 1 u euty•sixth ard? will assemble at Broad and Fitzwn ter streets ;«t half-past seven o'clock 1\ M.. and will march up Broad to Market, and down Market to National Hall. t oh not tlAoiEij GIA IN is assigned to the conunnnd of tins Diu?ion. He Trill be obeyed and respected accord* aialy. Jc .eations from the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh. Eighth, Ninth, i enth, J wenty-fourth and f J wentv-sevunth Ward* uni aFFouihle at Broad and Market streets at half-past ' ii o'clock, and will march thence to National Hail. Major RICHARD ELLIS i* aligned to the command of this l »ivi«ion. ilc will he obeyed and respected nc« cordingiy. Delrgation? from the Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Twentieth end Iy\■ iity-eiehth Wjird* will assemble nr Thi-teentli and Spring < iurdon street*, at 7 o'clock. Will thou march down Garden to Ninth, tfiere to await the arrival o! dvloyanouH from Twouty-first ami Twentv.s-cond G aril-. I j'on the arrival uf this detr.ehment the ulnlo force ill mavcli down Tenth to Arch to Twelfth, dow n I welnh to .Market stiver and National Hull. CAPJ. M. J. is ne.-dgud to ihe command oi tin-Divi-iou. ilo will be obeyed »itfl .expected no lordtii'-dy, » 1 >c)( , i !:tur.iiH from the Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Nine teentii «ud Tweuty.fifth Wards i\ ill m-semble at seven o'clock, fit the corner of Erankford road and York .-tn -r. i pen the arrival of the delegation from the iw enty-tlurd >Vard, with hand of music, the de ,t:u Inm-nfs Already named will join the column, .which will then march down Frunkford road to Master street, up Master to Second, down Second to h’oates, nj> Coates to Sixth, down Sixth to Arch, up Arch ti» iw., and down Tweltth to .Market and the Hall The d-U gations from the Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth and Si\t« enth Ward- will assemble at Sixth and Itutton wood, and join this column at that point. Capt/iin SACKETT is a.-aigned to the command of this Division, lie will be obeyed and respected accord-' h sly. Tlie Chiefs “f tlic several Ward delegations will assum -1 Jo tlieir cmninands in ample time to report to the Divi .-,olll'enimamier at the appointed rendezvous pimetually :u the hour stated. liv direction of the Committee in charge. CLAYTON MAU.UICHAEL, if . Chairman. ONE OF A. J’S FHIEMiS IN TKOI ULE. Solution of the Eouisvillc Bond and Note Bobbery—The Alleged Bobber Arrested—He Proves tb be an Inti- mate Friend of oar President. £ [Ciiicago Republican, 25th.] _. About a drear ago, and a week or so provious to the visit of Andy Johnson to Chicago, great ex citement was created in Louisvillo, Ky., by tho robbery of bonds and promissory notes to the value of $ Id,o(m i, which were abstracted from a safe, and which were the property of a wealthy lady, -Mrs. Janei M. Reed,"a resident df 'tliatcffy.' At the time of the robberv Mrs. Reed was In Europe, and her valuable papers were left in the care of her son. The latters safe was blown open one night, and tho documents abstracted. A heavy regard was offered for the arrest of the thief and for the recovery of the treasure, by tho Louisville police authorities, but no.traco or clue whatever could be found as to who was the perpetrator of the transaction. Upon the occasion of President Johnson’s visit to this city, which occurred on the 14th of September, Haiti, came a young man named Frank Riley. He seemed 'quite at home among his fellow-travelers, and was evidently well known by a great many of them. He came here with several letters of introduction, which he failed not to use. On the day of his arrival he called at A. C. Badger’s bank aud attempted to dispose of several railway bouds which he had in his possession. Not being acquainted with the young man, Air. Badger refused to receive the bouds . .until the holder was vouched for by some person of responsibility. Riley .departed from the bank, but soon returned again, bringing with him one of the editors of the Louisville Journal, and .upon the latter’s recommendation, Mr. Badger bought forty bonds, advancing Rilev @2,500 on thorn. A day or two subsequent .to the transaction. Mr. Badger sent thebonils to.LouisfilJe-’ to .be re-' deemed, and to his surprise very quickly ’received a telegraphic despatch informing Win. that tho bonds cqnld not bo sold: as they wera » portion < of those stolen, and for' (he recovciy of vyhUAfa. "'prtli. 4*fh do.; Join Mill.-r, until do.: Join 'S'; Wilton. do. I r>. HfHton il’ilTiUt. KHith I’a.; lliikli O’KihiVll, Eli. 1 it. Uh.: Mil Inin Conriiii. llutli I’a.: \V, .1. Wlinitonlv. .. ; ,lli do. : ,Tns liißlit, r .3d N..r.; Wrn. I.nckninn, Kith !*«.: V•. '»f£. K l ' 8.: r J fd,u Davison, 147th Pa. ; Chan. I*. Jl«J«#. 'tU do.; i hurlo* B. -\ nil, i»t Dpi.: Robert John 1V h P*.: W. J. Whartciiby, With : :..M on-oral* W Ilham H. </raig. laOlh Pa;: Garvin Wi). /•on. <« N. .7.. dol)! 1 B. iMnldli'ton, Wth do.; Privates J. I . rflu 1 llnatou. lMJth do.; Jao. VV. Parks. .J. *n.<•/, uiUiauj-on <!(».; William Barnes. (lath do.; .John J.. Maml il,. r,f|, Ho.; Win. T«v|.,r, Path do.; Frank -1 • d "- : I>«'W Pifer. 2d do.: Henry I raid. . ; d do.; A 1 hert loon, ;;d do.; J. H. McDonald. Win. 11. H nrplor>i». i a • Wm. Edwards, lf>rh Pa. Unviilrv; .1 . GIo-'f»C*\, ..Id Pa.; DimcJ}, Mnßtlndell. 50th do.: Win. *) °r» : Ski Pa. (Javalrv; Melville H. Freni*. hiOHt J a.: i Thurman, sth Pa. Govalrv; Robert dol,n<-(>n. Navy- llciirj- Ulny Kryecr, Third’Assistant Engineer; Edw.Buchanan, and others. TWEVxy/i’jiiKi, WARD. TWENTY-SIXTH ward. SOLDIERS’ fiRAHI) XAM MEETING NATIONAL HALL, :cward had been offered. Upon receiving this intelligence, Mr. B. at once went to Louisville, and on lus arrival tluife was attached for the vnine oi the bonds.' brorn the date of having received the rnonev from Mr. Badger, Riley altcrnatclv lived in this city and in New York, in the latter eitv bc-Ing employed at the Custom-house, a position he re ceived on the direct recommendation of Mr. Johnson, as will he seen from the following letter which was found in his possession yesterday, upon his arrest in this city: “* SK< rnvr: Mansion,VVasuim.ti.n. D. t’.,Rcc. 13.1 W. 7 ~.!} er, ZM atnuthe. Collector of Custom*, Sew York euy-bot: Ibis will introduce to your favorable const, deration I- rank Kit. y, of Now York city, with whose cha rurtcr I became acquainted in Tennessee, and whom f commend worthy of a auitnble Appointment under you. "(Vltli groat respect, verytriilv vour?, ' '7' ‘ ' ' '“ANDREW JoUKSOKt*'"' The whole affair was kept pretty dark, aud not. until Monday did - it transpire that Riley was “wanted.” Detective John J. KeUj'.in the mean time, had on several occasions met Riley,and was well acquainted with him. When he learned what was the matter he set to work to find the bird. He soon learned that RUey had left a large number of bonds and notes with a pawn broker on Clark street, and going to the place obtained, possession of the following property: Fifty shares of Joliet, Chicago and Alton Railroad stock; three shares of Louisville and Nashville railroad stock: eight shares of Bank of Louisville Etock: ten shares of Bank of Kentucky stock, and promissory notes to the amount of s;io,o(>0 —the whole, notes and bonds, representing over $40,000, and constitut-' ing the property abstracted from Mr. Reed's sale. After getting possession of this property, Detective Kelb'. on Tuesday afternoon, visited the Briggs House Ko! 2, where-: Riley had been stopping, , and learned that lie bad quit the house, and contemplated leaving the city that evening. To prevent his departure tire detective procured the services of five other otlieers. and stationed them at the several depots. Yesterday morning information was left at the Central Station that Ri'.gy was on State street, near Madison, in a saloon. Detec tive Sain. Ellis :wns at once directed to arrest him. Upon reaching the place where it was said Riley would be found, he was informed that the bird had flown, doing up State street toward Washington, lie saw Riley, but the latter individual saw him at the same instant, and dodging tinder the sidewalk, was lost to sight. Ellis jumped upon a street ear that was passing, and reached tlie corner of Washington street just as Rile} - emerged from his hilling place, ant) before the fellow could oiler any re sistance bad him secured. He was arraigned at the Police Court yester day afternoon, and committed to jail in default of s.'>o,ooo bail, to await a requisition from the Governor of Kciituekv for iiis return to that State. Rilev has numerous aliases, being known in this city and elsewhere as Wallace and Lynch. He is a shrewd fellow,-having served as a spy during the rebellion. POLITICAJL. 'Wendell Phillips oil the Situation. [From the Anti-Slavery Standard. J The Republican party it* afflicted with half-men and halt-measures. When it should present a bold, strong front, it hesitates, and is vacillating. It 1* in one of thoao , period-, of wa.vcriug just now. It is confronted in the -iixecutive chair .by a hold., unscrupulous opponent; who has plainly iorfeited nil claim to the ollico he 14 permitted to urtm p and dishonor in the interest of tfcanon trad mis rule. Republicans, ns a body, are fullv conscious of this and desire Ids inipuachuunt. Recently the tide iu favor of impeachment teemed to be rapidly rising so much so that even the l imc.i* livening and many o’her halt-way journal?, were (tluioat swept along bvihe the Hood. Bnttho October and November elections are near at hand, and thero is apparent again a disposition to dodge the question, ritad to avoid a plain rrapon«ihilitv Mstseachirectt* Republican* threatni impeachment hilt do rot make it aw earnest, emphatic demand The Re publicans of this State are not likely to do more if much. M u hold this shirking policy to be not only wrong in principle. Tut a wretched blunder in jmrfv man agement. .Johnson' impeached and out of office can add but one insignificant, and disgraced member to tiie Democratic party, lie is uol desired bv that party din tinctJy jythm their fold; ll§je uud disclaimed by the SYrtyhi. Butrefanfed in office to the end of the tfiflM, trith his remaining patronage, to bo manipulated by the Weeds, Sewards and Raymonds, ha i* iuliuitelv more serviceable to the enemies of Radicalism. In con nection with trading Senators and Representative'' ho has power enough left to give the political necessity ’hi-reof of half-men and half-measure* the show of nlauril bihty. 'Hie I’hiladelphia Convention of last vear w'i« an parentlv, for immediate result <, a ridiculous failure "it is by no means certain, however, that with the laps - uf au other year, it may not itself with a strength sufti dent to give victory in th , presidential campaign to the Democratic party. or to Cpyp Republicans to the level of Grant tor a candidate. A Democratic victory iu the inme of Republicanism would he the most disastrous kirn! of defeat. To such « defeat-the present KepuMicairnnuin'e ment strongly tends. It is cruel and unltisr to the Inv.-.lAi. of the South, black and white. n« if in impoliTicVt riio’ North. It is not alone in dealing with the impeachment nuta tion that this shiftless; vacillating management is shown, but not leas with the <(ue*tion of suffrage. The action of the Constitutional Convention of this State is oue of the ■atest illiutratinns. Ry its adjournment the 'jtie-tionis again earned beyoud the NovombcrAdr-ctiou to still greater uncertainty, whenever the 'xMi shall he tinnlly taki u, by the close proximity oHfcwMjfe£rwidentJiil and Gubernatorial elections. Having Jtuirifiod itself bv adopting an absurd, illogical report against political eqtm. liiy lor women, the Convention now votes a prolonged Mihnmmuuit on the plea of want of time, to complete lejMirdy its work after tin? election at wlileh the revised cn-titutionshouldhave been submitted. There arc most ima m reasons, national im well as. why the mie«- timi et negro siiHrage should have been courageouslv met and triumphantly settled now. It bus. as vet, reached but a preliminary stage at the South. There is no fun damental gmuantee that this prelimiuarv rule may uot he reversed nt the next step, and the blacks of the South be again dGtranehi.-od ami puictically re-emlaved. The question met and satisfactorily settled at this time. here, and elsewhere nt the North, would con tribute largely to its tinal adjudication upon a co»Toet basis throughout the South. The suffrage issue is definitely bo.iore the people of Ditto and Kansas (iu the litter for women as well ns colored men), and for tin? sake of justice to those who are now disfranchised, for the honor of the white citizens of those States, and on account of tho national cause, we trust it may not Miller defeat. *3 lie cause of impartial freedom and untversal suffrage is destined to go forward to complete victory. Agitation will not rease, till this result is reached. The party that moves itself i 'fiinl to our demand, and bravely meets the issue, will win and retain the scoptro of oower. There is in rhfaeuimtrv no he.editary iiicccasion for parties a* elsewhere forkings. Lot there bo no more wavering ‘ OHIO* <»cn* Logan on Johnson* General John A. j.okuh apoku at Cincinnati ou Tuesday evening, »ad reviewed the course of the Democratic miD j during and rinee the war. Ho tla-u passed to tho review ot tin* conduct of President. Johnson. lie (Johnsounva.-* elected by hemiblicun*. and claimed to be a Republican 110 had said that treason must be mude odloite, aud had promised to be the Moses of the colored people. No sooner had In: come into power, however, than he under* took to reconstruct tins Rebel dtatea, and to do it in such & way aa to leave loyal whites and blacks in the South at the mercy of the late rebels. This wan the issue between the President and CdnKress. The President sought to bring the Southern States hack into the Union rebel end foremost, while Congress was determined that _wheu they'baiito tliej* liVustcdmc IdyaXiphdToremost. Tie " (General Logan) continued by saying that the Republican party was uot responsible for tho rebellion, and if j the rebels did not got back to Congress for forty I ycars t it would Dot ho the tault of the Republicans. In I examining the records of Andrew Johnson, we must examine that of the Democratic party. Thorn was nut an I act of Andrew Johnson that hud not been endorsed b\ the Democratic party. Every proclamation of amnesty he had issued reirusfug traitors from their accountability to the law had been eudorced by tho Democratic party. The Cincinnati Itiiu Hirer would probably endorse all that he had done. Andrew Jolmsou had vetoed every mea sure passed by Congress in the interest oUoyulty. He had performed no act since he became President that would not have been by Jeff'. Davis if ho were President. He vetoed the Preedmen’s Bureau bill, tho Civil Rights bill, the Reconstruction bill, the Supplementary Re construction bill, and, in tact. vtroc.d every bill passed by. Congress in tlnr interest ot loyalty. The General said he soiuetiiueß thought that Andrew John son ought not to be found too much lumt with because ho had u little too much ot'-of tho-Democratic platform, and might pos.Jhlv have committed these errors .unin tentionally. fLaughtcr.J Johnson hud violated tho law aud disgraced the Presidential chair. He had held drunken orgies in the White House; he had gone over the country like a reeling, drunken man, milking a black guard of himself wherever he had gone. Ho had attempted to disgrace the Government of the United fctates; aud for his conduct, his immoralities, las violations of'lntv, hi* efforts in favor of treason, las dishonesty In his professions, be ought to be impeached, and hurled from the White ■HoU’H*, na the devil was hurled over the battlements ol Heaven. [Loud applause.] impeaching- the' President* ! The Albany JSvenfoo Journal (Radical) sava: , The people have well nigh tost patience with sTohu-jon. Aneryetusl session of Congress 1 until his term expire* may be effectual in pyevtiuting hi* w orking an* more in£ tliiof. Ifse. we shall bo in*ro than content. It certainly 'should bo tried. Wo eliould ©xlUiudovory vwouree -ug* fore reaartinft to impeachment, But ii tho JJoncrw» d£©e »ot render.nowortw? tlio of rulnl* \xA\% sit* ip tho -PromAoutial chair, iltott ttfcra oE*ut to bo retried ft, r F. X. FETHERSTOI. Paßlisher. PRICE THREE OEHTB. riEORUIA. How (he Kiieni)- M/imi(;ictirre Nejpr® < ;indi(tale> for CourrM. .2,U hr '^ gil " r M i;. Tribute.— MiKi-Soverat pcr , ■ I '.'"n written to ino for inlormation concerning one « ah al* {colored )..wli w« name ha# recently gnoe iJ 11 , J p l ,b J lc /tliroußli a letter in ttio N. Y. ifcraht}. f fe’. r V on /, ra ‘ !H , from th( ' lVth '-'O'mressioiwl tf, J-.v tf'L'i' “ Ihce leave, through your column#, nrntMUeatl 1 m '° w 'en tlthi ißnoblc piece of humanity, niS „lh- r r v ': ri ;'i «-Ith hint, hut I found him to he si but°a d mlfni n , 011 ’Vj' intelligence that no on«r fanout/? ni t °" ld lu * vc bt,< ' n entertained by Ilia wild he'in'not'r n'iv Sf "i mt l y vrord *' however, I will merol jr a»r ‘u tnniiv #!! ,i,° , ile lowest type of the nesro race, but £* blv wrltelha ~c o' ,n ' "f? »onae, and could notpoaat- In tt o lmn,l# Jr ’ rinK hi S “ nmc - Hc “ only a toot final of ptirtu-a opposed to reconstructionnnifk tion of t'in* neilt '’"‘.national troubles. Tho nets racn hlaiCTOroSS' far nf been «»tHcient ovidcnca of that ua. eoiArAa .L "cnsible persons know well enough ißv onr tww? are not prepared to talk of rending unless tlicre is°iEooV e, <. nor ? V1 we bo foraomo time; .I.ectfnli^ C o!?4 epeedj Ch ‘ ns ' ; iU. Macon, Ga., 3ept. IP. 1867. «• «. iuBNElt.. the yellow feteb rebel. ® r * I L ' Blackburn in Louisville. toL conuia " cii.n indremewhSt^^ sss e *-s^S*® i H3s s H sa^ *He*fn on hlßway (” K city lie established a great reMatlom in the dajrs of peace, aa a master of that deiftrmaladv Seltaw fever. Or. Blackburn will reach the Credit Mv ■n the nick of time, and we have nodoubt that hta adyfra I,s I’ r:H '*ice will do much toward abating the epidemic which is ( now producing such widespread ala",n Wd death In tliat imtoituuate ninroroli*. 11 uTfamily who t o' o been residing in Louisville for tile past air months will continue to make this ritv their home." • TJie rort Kliiow Afifnir-A Canl tir»m l>en. h. 11. I'orreM, i fFrom the New York Tim-s.i w "° ,,e «■ p“"- "At the time of tJie capture of Fort Pillow hv Htv rebet Gclitjil forrest. and the massacre of it-u-ntirfj aarrlwm l* e^l i (,hc ; n c, ° lo « e I» I.a»vr.;nre was in comma ad of ni /' li 1 ,0 , m A c ' n lL ‘ Mississippi river above lon I ill°’.v Generi.l lone.H, dialed with his victory il!“?. I d ,, . P , ninl [ (It * rj, » ,r A rfJl irow Fort Pillow directly ott royt Columbus, uotitted Colonel Lawrence that the com mnnder and gorrinon of Fort Pillory had boea massacred; informed him that lie commanded 10,000 troops and knew iJitif he (Lawrence had only 1,000, and ordered Itim to sur render in one now'.** time or ho and his command should FortPiliow*”' " ,l<^‘ keen visited on the garrison at I have hitherto home m silence, these outrngeou/ as saults upon mv character as a mnu and a soldier; but* decent regard for luy own reputation, and a deunc of duty to the brave gentlemen who fought under me duringtlui late war. will not permit me to remain silent any loueor I must therefore nek you to be pleased to allow metoaov tmongli the columns of the /V',mv*. that the chargoa made, by vour correspondent arc utterly false, and Uiat thyir falsity can be easily demonstrated by proof which is within easy reach. . The olhcla! report of the Cuited States oHicer command, ingnt Fort Pillow, and the testimony reported by the Concessional Investigating Committee, of which Vice- President V\ nde was Chairman, show that the garriaoa consisted, of only *bout s*o officers and men. Othcrproofa, *• which 1 can produce at any time, show that I canture£ and can account for, niore than SOOof theae—aixty.ftvc o» them, who- were lmdiy wounded, having been de livered by me to the officer commanding a l Bited | States gunboat in the vicinity of the. fbrt, and about -230 • (an official de scriptive hat of whom is now in this city in the posaeasion of (ien. Ihoiuaa Jordan), having been turned over by me tofien. Polk, at Demonolis, Ala. Of these vupturea ww*n negro(tohtutrH, Nor were the rest of t\r: gar rison all killed; tor many of them effected their recap? while others were drowned in the attempt. Itwillthti* he seen that the proportion of killejl was not groater than /ausunl in the case of so severe a light, accompanied by a 'desperate assault and defenc?. For niy own part, conscious of my innocence and know- ipg perfectly well that l have always wngedwar with the smctciit regard fo the usages of civilized nations, I have never shunned any investigation to which the Executive or Congress might subject my military conduct. y .. - ■ :y. B. FORHEOT*. . „ importations; ' Reported lor tne Bnlladeiphia EveninkßniletlD. INAGCA—Bark Arthur Kinsman, Means—lB,2of>i bushels salt W Bumm & Son. INAGUA—Brig Helen O Pnlnuey, Boyd—HO,. ;M has salt Wm Bnmm & Son. MARINE UILLLETJLN. FORT OF PHILADELPHIA—Sect 2TJ nr- See Marine Bulletin on Third Page. ARRIVED THIS DAT. Steamer Richard Willing, Cundiff, 13 hours from Baltimore, with mdse to A Groves, Jr. Baric Arthur Kinsman, Means, IT dnvs from Xnagua, with salt to Wm Bnmm & Son. Brig Helen OPhinney, Boyd, 13 days lrom Inogua, with salt to Wm Bumrn <Jt Son, Reports the bark An nie Augusta, Davis, at Inagua Aug 28, from StJago, and mailed same night lor Ragged Island. ' Brisr Manznuilla,. Malone, 10 days from Calais, with lumber to D Trump, Sou & Co. Schr Jletta Pierce, Pierce, 1 day from Brandywine, Del. with corn meal to R M Lea & Co. Schr M V Cook, Fnlkenbnrg, Boston. . M D Cianmer, Craamcr, Boston. Schr E H Naylor, Naylor, Boston. Schrll A Weeks, Hickman. Boston. Schr R W Godfrey, Godfrey, Boston. Schr H P Simmons, Corson, Plymouth. Schr 31 W Grilling, Grilling, Newport, Itl. Schr S T Wines, lluDe, Wareham. Schr C E Elmer, Haley, Wareharn. Schr Evergreen, Bellosie, Providence. ' Schr .1 B Bartlett, Harris, Providence. Schr S E Woodbury. Woodbury, New Bedford. Schr 0 Moore, Ingersoll, Ilingham. Schr Lizzie Raymond, Lord, Portlanu^Ct. SchrF Nickerson, Bronson, Nantucket. Schr R HR No 4\ Ko?fc, Norwich. Schr J Lancaster, Williams, East Cambri i^e. Schr Annie Magee, Ketchum, Medford. Schr R RR No 50, Corson. Norwich. CLEARED THIS DAY. Steamer Decatur, Young, Baltimore, J D Rm>ff, Brig Florence, RiUhbun, N York, p Wright &Smw. Schr W T Phillips,Somers,Danversport, Waauemachec & Co.- Schr Rescue, Kelly, Boston, Scott & Sons. Schr Restless, Baxter, Boston, VauDusea, Lochmaa & Co. Schr M D Cramncr, Cranmer, Roxbury, d® Schr M V Cook, Faikenburg, Beaton, Dovey, Bulk!, y & Co. Schr John Lancaster, Williams. E Cambridge, do Schr J C Thompson, Vansant,Waahington,DC. do Schr H P Simmons, Corson,Gloucester,Sinmckson&Co Schr M W Grilling, Grilling, Hartford, Weatmorclaad Coal Co. Schr S T Wines, Hulse, Apponoag, Mt Ver Coal Co. Schr Evergreen, Belioste,Providence, Biakiston.GracfT &CO. Schr C E Elmer, Haley, Charlestown, Moss, do Schr B H Naylor, Navlor, Boston, Rommel & Hunter. Schr F Nickerson, Kelly, Boston, Tyler <fe Co, Schr S E Woodbury, Woodbury, Boston, L Audeoried & Co. Schr R W Godfrey, Godfrey, Boston, do Schr JII Bartlett, Harris, Boston, Hammett & Neil!. Schr n A Weeks, Hickman, Boston, Day, Huddellic® Schr L Ravmond, Lord, Norwich, do Schr (_ has Moore, lugersoU, Hingham, Borda, Keller* Nutting. -< </ Schr O L Herrick, Baldwin, Dighton, Audeoried, Norton *& Co. Schr Aunie Magee, Kctchrtm, Marblehead, Caldwcß. . Gordon & Co, Sclir Readlßß Nb 50,-; CAreion, New Hayeu,-RatltlHin r .. Steunin & Co. Schr J E Pratt, Nickerson, Providence, D Cooper. Correspondence or tbc Philadelphia Exchange. LEWES, Del., Sept. 25—0 PM. A bark and a brig, names unknown, passed m the rapes to-day. Brig Nhnwaukce, from Philadelphia, for Boston, and schr C C Bearse, from Georgetown, C. for do, went to son to-day. WindNE. nr**™,* Yonvs, &c. J-OSEPH LAFSTOA., memoranda. Burk Jacob Hatfield (Br), Blauvelt, at Glasgow IBtk lU ßirk r GotflKw’(Pnu), Jougebord, at Rotterdam, loth '''iiarkFrt'o f racks Buddington, cleared at New cTorfc yU cleared at Bo@tr«aMtl» dara from Eli. n* Nexr Tori vasterday, «ith 3SOO bas?» cofTe*. ‘ Bark Harriet Lie veal ey (Br), Waters, cleared atßoa ton 25tli last for Baenofl Ayres. Bris Goo W Chase, Dunning, cleared at Bangor e4th last, for this port. Brig C B Allen, from Holmes’ Hole, at Now Hertford: SMb fust, for repalrs.havine been asbowon Cape Poge. Schrs J? J Stevenß, CorneiU and Eureka, Hale, hence for New Haven, at New York yesterday. ' Schr EUa Matthews, McEiwee, hence at Boston yes terday. ' Schrs Panama, Snow; Joseph Segur, Segjir; Silver Magnet, Perry, and MaracalhovHenley.henoe »t Buton 23tfi iust. •' SchrM L Vankirk, Haley, Cleared si Boston SHMh inat. for thih port. Scar Emily a Bartlc, Smith, from Amesbniy f*r Udd port, v\ Kotmes' tlt?(e‘i?d h)*t. ay'ujMUed again, : •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers