sungrau‘.lltr. • ALL the official journals declare that the peace of Germany - Is 110 W speared. - A menus was issued on July 22 prohibiting the entrance of any Spaniard into Peru. SIGNort CERITI, the new Italian Minister to the United States, arrived yesterday in the Scotia. Ray. M. P. LAUD, n member of the Massachu setts Legislature, hung himself in a lit of insanity, last Saturday. Do. J. MAsoN WARREN, an eminent Boston surceon and physician, died on Monday at his residence in that city. A. J, and.P. S. Bergstresser wore yester day nominated by the Dauphin Aunty Union. Convention for the State Assembly. • A CoLossi, and Mrs. Captain W. S. Albert, of New York, were among the victims of yellcw fever at Galveston yesterday. RAlutom) anti other chartered companies have been notified at Galveston that they can make no distinction in color in carrying passengers. Finn PASHA, the minister who accompanied the Sultan throughout his western tour, has gone to the Crimea to meet the Emperor of Russia. Tun mission of the United States at the Holy See having been discontinued, the American 'Le gation in Rome is closed. LORD MONCR does not return to England, but will remain a year longer in Canada at the head of the new government. THE Cidlean Minister has returned to Peru, showing that the best relations exist between those governments. THE Peruvian Congress has annulled the law allowing a minister to be sent to Mexico, because the person appointed is not considered a proper one. ONT. hundred and thirty-two pounds of gold had been taken from the Barbacoas mine in three weeks, and the American miners were reported as doing a fine business. Two HUNDRED 31EN were killed and wounded in a battle, which resulted favorably for neither party, between Mosquera's adherents and the Co lombian Government. A MAN was arrested in Boston yesterday for ela ting open the St. Johns, N. 8., mail bags and at 'ten' plitWto tcnin o i rrlatethe•conten-ta forlis.perr., sonal use. OFFICIAL relations between - Peru and Brazil are interrupted, the Brazilian envoy having left Lima in consequence of a misunderstanding relative to the Oriental alliance. GENERAL HOVEY, the American Minister to Fein, had gone to Chile. it is believed with the object of facilitating negotiations for peace with Spain. GincERAL Pont is s • # at the head of the insur rection in Spain. an' it has not yet been quelled. It is reported that P 'm is supplied with funds by prominent bankers in • aris. THE Fourth Natio ' • 1 Convention of Spiritual i-ts will meet In eland, Ohio, on the 3d of September. This .ody is composed of delegates from the various Societies in the United States and Ca s nota.. COMSaNDER Wrrstonn, a prominent citizen of Nashville, was arraigned before Recorder Fisher yesterday. for lewdness. Henry S. Foote appeared as his counsel, and got into an altercation of words with the Recorder, who fined him several times for contempt, and finally ordered him to jail for thirty days. The matter was subsequently settled, the fines remitted, and the order re voked. THE Emperor Napoleon held a long conference with Baron Von Beast, the Prime Minister of Austria, it galiburg yeatierday. The private in terviews which took place yesterday between the Empresses of Francs and Austria, and between 1 Beast and Napoleon,lutve resulted in a good understanding, but no treaty has been made. THE - tlatiOnal,:LaPor.Congresa continued its See sionSattliiengo yesterday. , The Committee on ConsiltittiOrt 'revolted' a draft, which Was dis-'s cussed' diming the., morning and afternoon ses sions,-and referred back to the committee. On motion, conunitteeswere appointed on a - national labor organization, to be composed of one dele gate from each State represented; on contract labor, - on- qualifications -of -sipprenticesoaulthe sbject of taxation of United States bonds, and' on monopoly and currency and on the matter Cif sending delegates to Europe to effect an under standing between the laborers of Europe and America. , . ) &Br* ( Australia ) advices of JOly let report ~ that a most devastating calamity had vial the colon. Five days' rains flooded the country, and five days' gales dashed helpless wrecks on the coast. The highest' flood-marks - were sixty to sevintr feet 'above the4ordinary leveL Hundreds of houses were swept away, and thousands of head ,of. live stock destroyed.. The crops are ruined, ' find many lives have been lost. One family. of Dine persona was drowned, and in an other ease, twelve persons. Hundreds of persons tary a it were rescued fro the tops of trees, hay stacks and roofs of hou iv ,= ' and many were honseless, naked ands 'g. Subscriptions were flowing in. and would do much to alleviate the distress. Whipping Colored People in the South. By Major-General Sickles's order No. 75, dated Charleston, South Carolina, August 17, it appears that certain parties, citizens of North Carolina, were , tried before the post court of Plymouth, in that State, - on the charge, first, of riotous con duct, one specification and charge; second, of assault and battery. The following. is a copy, of the specification, common In substance to all the• cases, except that of Saunders: In this, that the said defendants did, in accord- ance with the decision of an unlawful assemblage of persona L at or near Harman's Cross Roads, take one Phillis Ruffin, colored, from a school house to some woods near by, where one hun dred and forty-six lashes, more or less, were in flicted upon her person, and that the said defen dants did inflict a portion of said blows or lashes. The defendant, Saunders, was found guilty of assault and battery In whipping a negro girl and boy, and sentenced to be confined at hard labor for one month, and to pay a fine of $2O. The remaining accused were fined by the court, and sentenced respectively as follows : Abraham Jenkins, justice of the peace, guilty of the revcification to the second charge, and guilty of aiding and abetting an assault and bat tery, was sentenced to be removed from his office as magistrate, confined at hard labor for one month, and to pay a fine of iii2s. Six other parties, concerned In the same transactions, were severally sentenced to one, or three months' im prisonment, at hard labor, and to pay a fine of $l5 or $25. The order concludes as follows: "The evidence in the foregoing cases discloses a deed of lawless and inhuman violence. It appears that a daugh ter of one of the prisbners, having attempted to beat a young colored girl, met with resistance, which became successful, and resulted In a Chas tisement of the white by the black. This un looked-for reversal of a long accustomed relation filled the neighborhood with consternation and rage. Couriers passed to and fro from farm to farm, inflaming the temper of the people, and concerting measures to produce terror among the negroes. A meeting of citizens was convened at a school-Douse near the residence of the parties scented. Among those assembled was the Magis trate Jet:tidos, who was invited to lend the sanction of his presence and he did 80. Phtllls, the young freedwoman, was sent for, dragged before the self-constituted conclave of angry men, whom she had been accustomed, from infancy, to call meters, some of whom were now heard urging her incarceration, while one swore she should be hung, and all agreed that slie must be imprisoned or whipped. The fright ened girl, exclaimed that she had rather be whipped than sent to jail. • This was taken for the expression of assent which they desired. Some sort of writing was .drawn up called an indenture, by which Phillis, having signed it, was made to bind herself as an apprentice to one Mrs. Harmon, who thereupon consented that her siscalled wars should be flog ged. Quite enough was thought to have been thus conceded to the mockery of legal formalities, and the impatient assemblage, consisting of all the prisoners who have been convicted, except the anagistrate,hastened to execute the penalty award ed. Phillis was conducted into an adjacent wood, where,at a spot some sixty yards remote from any road, she was halted and told to take down her dress. She not obeying with alacrity one of the prisoners snatched it off her shouldemand strip ped her to the waist except her chemise. title was then whipped by five of these men in succession, by whom, according to the testimony of one of them, 126 lashes were inflicted upon her half naked body with rods three feet long and one-half to three-eighths of an inch thick, Her garment -was cut through- and through,and blood ran from 'the wales raised on her lacerated' back. One gash ,in her flesh three days afterwards showed four • inch& in length. The heavy blows fell upon her person at random; she was pushed and pulled and kicked in the abdomen, until at last it seems that one of the accused„ an applauding bystander hot utterly insensible to the suffering and sox- off-the wretched victim, was so far touched by the spec tacle of her torture, that the cry was wrung from him, "Boys, don't hurt her breast." Raving satiated their savage vengeance, her tormentors, fatigued by their exertions, withdrew, not, how ever, without considering the proposal of one of their number to return and give her ten more lashes each to stop her,screaming. Finally, the poor child, wounded and groaning, was permitted to make het way to the house of her mistress, where for days she was scarcely able to crawl to er unreinitted tasks, or even to wear her clothes without pain: In this revolting-crime, ,thus briefly outlined, all - of these prisoners are shOwn tahave been eager partiCipants. In'the interest of justice, It is to be de plored that the perpetrators have ben adjudged to undergo • punishment so inadequate to the enormity of their offences. The proceedings and findings are approved, and in view of the delay which would result from revision, the sentences are approved, and • the common jail at Plymouth is designated as the place of confinement. The commander of the post of Plymouth will see that the sentences are executed. The Old King of Bavaria Hooting for a Street. The Paris Patric publishes a curious anec dote of King Louis of Bauaria. A few days ago he was congratulating M. Haussman on the great improvements carried out in Paris, but regretted that the Boulevard de Coblentz, a most fashionable spot when he first visited Paris in 1804, had disappeared from the map; and asked the Prefect whether he could find out where it was, and take him to see it. To the King's great joy, M. Haussman promised to do so, but not without some inward mis givings. He had, indeed, vaguely heard that name mentioned when a child, but where was the place? Was it neaethe temple, the great centre of all the theatres at that time, or at the other end of the metropolis ? On his re tuncto-the Botel-de - Vae . ; the-Prefectimme— diately made inquiries, consulted a variety of books, as well as some of the oldest clerks, but the Boulevard de Coblentz was nowhere to be found, and had not left a trace in any body's recollection. • On the evening of that very day, however, during a visit to the demolitions of the old Ave Maria convent in the Marais, .M. Ed. Fournier, a gentleman well versed in the his tory of Paris, was asked whether he could solve the nroblefn, which he fortunately could, as the King of Bavaria expected to have the answer next day. li. Fournier stated that the Boulevard de Coblentz was only another name for the right side of the Boulevard des Italiens. During the Reign of Terror it had been given that name •by the people, and had continued to be used even during the empire, but without any official sanction, which is the reason why •it is not to be found in any book or map. The Boule vard de Coblentz was the headquarters of the royalists, where they used to conspire quite as much as at Coblentz; indeed it was called simply Petit-Coblentz. At the Restoration this appellation was dropped, and during the Hundred Days replaced by the name of Boule vard de Gand, all the nobility having taken refuge in that city. Tnis gave rise to the well-known expression gandin, meaning a fop. • Setting a Rogue to Catch a Rogue. One of the consequences of the system of secret detection adopted by the prohibitory temperance societies in New England is shown in the. following report of an occur rence in one of the towns of Connecticut. The report is. from a local paper: • • "The, spies of the Good Templar', on whose testimony the liquor dealers were con victed at Seymour, last week, have got them selves into trouble. One of the dealers who was prosecuted knew beforehand . of their presence, and mixed a bottle of compounds, in which there was not a drop of ardent spirits, , but vitrol or something else to male it 'burn.' The spies drank this stuff, and paid for it, and then swore positively it was whisky. They were cross-questioned sharply as to their knowledge of the kind of liquor they drank, but unwaveringly maintained that it was whisky. The dealer has proof that it was not whisky,anThas arrested them on a charge of perjury." A system which gives riso to such recrimi nate rogueries as this would hardly seem cal culated to produce a moral and beneficial etlect upon the community. WHAT THE ENGLISH "RITUALISTS" WANT. —The London Church Times remarks: . "The truth is, the Catholic party are not satisfied with the prayer-book, or anything i f , m like it; only th do not care to trouble Came aina. But if t e atter is to be stirred, then they will put • a claim to have restored to them everyth* of value that was lost at the Reformation; nd they will never cease the agitation whi h their indiscreet opponents have 'begun f they have gained what they wish. Amongst these things are the invite tories, the antiphons to the Psalter—at least •on the greater holidays; a revised lectionary, fuller and more varied pretes t improved oc casional prayers and thanksgtving, rules for the occurrences and concurrences of holidays, more precise rules as to -vestments, the an cient introits, the ninefold Kyrie, the old graduals, tracts and sequences, the restoration' of the canon to something like its ancient form, the omission of the second part of the words of administration, the restoration of the Allaus Dei, weekly celebration and a set of votive masses, to say nothing of a great num ber of matters of detail." Coal and Coal Oil Statements. The following showe the bruilneea of the Lehigh Coe' and Navigation Company for the week and season end: ing Aug. 17, 1667 Week, Total. Tons. Cwt. Tons•Owt. Summit Mine 5................ 6,426 05 177,959 01 Room Run Mince .... 1,313 02 John Lauback & Co 352 18 W. T. Carter & Co. ... - ...... 574 09 5,797 00 Spring Mountain minesl,262 OB .... Thomas Hull & C 0............ 193 08 6,296 18 Honey Brook Coal Company.. 918 Os\ 19,226 14 German Penna. Company 66 00 . 5;349 12 McNeal Coal and Iron Co 95 06 3,375 15 . Knickerbocker .... 1,327 12 North Mahanoy.... .......... .. .... 636 04 Delano .., ..., ... ... ....... . .... 1,048 19* Walters, Bro th ers . 45h . C 0... - . .• • • 82 10" Trenton Coal C0mpany........ _• ... 184 14 Thomas Coal Company 94 16 1,236 18 Williams & Hereng.......... ... 189 00 A. Pardee & Co- - - ....... 1,27 i Of 39,825 10 G. B. Markle & Co 1,456 14 28,697 12 W. S. Halsey & C 0.... ...... .. .... 2,682 11 Buck Mountain M1ne5......... 791 17 24,944 17 Sharp, Weiss & Co 630 19 17,744 11 Once, Brothers & C 0.......... 339 05 . 5,693 13 Ebervale Coal Co.. ..... . 1,103 16 20,649 08 Stout Coal Company . 480 09 12,225 02 Harleigh ..' ... .• ......... ..... 849 12 10,124 13 Ashburton Coal C 0........... „ 92 04 1,493 11 Highland 689 06 7,413 00 Mount Hall . 98 10 Upper Lehigh Coal Co- ~.... 218 66 6,900 11 Newport Coal Co .... 3,633416 Warrior Rim.... 2,056 10 Parrish & Thomass,s 2 B 11 New Jersey .... 129 19 3,995 15 Lehigh and Susquehanna_ ... .... 2,933 06 Germania.. ... ..... .. ...... ..... 99 10 5,202 08 Franklin.. ~ ... ........ ..... ' 92 17 5,316 04 Audenried.l ...... .. ...... ..... . 4,149 IT Wilkesharre....... ...... ...... 2,09 4 4 17 42,271 05 Baltimore ..........,... ........ 316 03 12,516 10 Union.- •..••• .. • • • ........... 223 02 5,823 08 Wyorilting.... ...... .... ...... .. .... 5,755 11 Everhard Coal C 0........ ..... .... 2,525 16 Valley Coal Company • - 189 06 Other Shippers... •• •.••t• •• . • • .... ~ 5,98012 Total ....... . .. 19,286 01 511,340 08 Corresponding time last yetm.82,805 08 562,138 00 Deereske... , t 8,1569 07' 00.797 12 The following shows the shipments of coal over the De:swine, Lackawanna and Western Railroad for the • . THE DAILY' EVENING BULLETIN.--PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST '2l, 1867 week ending Aug. IT, compared with the same time last eeason: Shipped North Shipped South Total. , .... —31;845 OT 1,065;151 03 ' or corresponding lime last year Vr-eek. Shipped North Shipped South Increase ..............:................. 1 4 0 . 516 140.516 19 The following are the receipts 'of oil by rivers and railroads at Pittsburgh, for' the past week; also,-B ,comparative table witli te same period in 1866: Rivers. .Rail. • 'rota,: M0nday,Aug............... 6 2,106 2,106 Tuesday, Aug. 18 ' 1,0 31 1,930 3,017 WedueSday, Aug.l4• 333 - 632 970 Thursday, Aug. 15- • 681 2,107 2,783 Friday, Aug. 16 - • 1,802'1,802 Saturday, Aug.l7 1,683 1,653 Total for the week. 2,056 1.0,81.0 Since January 1 649,760 .260,6?,1 Total to Aug. 27 Same time last year.. IMPORTATIONS, • Reported for the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. CHARLESTON, 8. C.--Steamship Alliance, Kelly -12 bales cotton H Sloan & Sons; 1 case mdse Lippin cott & Co; 18 bar) 1 piece iron Morris, Wheeler & Co; 12 bales yarn A Whilldln & Sons ; 3 bales yarn 7 do cotton 75 do domestics 1 box Claghorn, Herring & Co; 4 bales yarn Hay & McDevitt; I horse 1 buggy 47 pkgs furniture Jos M Seger; 60,000 feet boards 3 casks iron C E Baker; 4 bbls ale 22 empty bbls 80 bas whisky T J Martin; 20 pkgs mdse Lathbnry, Wickersham & Co 100 do 80 cke clay order. • I I *is goi tiz o • TO ARRIVE. FROM _ FOB _ D#lll. • Wm Penn.,.........L0nd0n..New York ....... Ang. 3 Java.... Liverpool-114)8ton ...... .....Aug. 8 St David Liverpool.. Quebec. ....Aug 3 Halite .. .. ...Liverpool _Boston Aug. 3 Now York....Southampton..New York., Aug 6 Hibernian Liverpool-Quebec Aug. 8 City of Manchester-Liverpl-New York ..... -Aug. 10 Union Southampton.. New York 13 Tripoli Liverpool.. New Y0rk........Aug. 13 City of Antwerp-Liverpool-New York .Aug. 14 Pennsylvania „Liverpool.. New York Aug. 14 Cuba.....• •• • .. _Liverpool _Boston ' Aug. 17 TO DEPART. Juniata... ..... Philadelphia.. New Orleans ....Aug. Alliance .. Pb iladelphia . Charleston....... Aug. South America.. New York.. Rio Janeiro &c.. Aug. 22 Columbia. ..... New York.. Havana ....Aug. '22 Denmark New York..Liverpool.........Aug. 24 Tarifa ..........New York.. Liverpool ........Aug. 24 Star of the Union. Philada..New Orleans. —.Aug. 24 Wyothing......Philadelphia,Savannah.. .Aug. 24 Pereire.... ...... New I ork..Hayre ...... .. Aug. 24 City of)Paris. .. :New York.. Liverpool Aug. '24 Britannia.... ew York.. Glasgow. Aug 24 York.. Liverpool Aug. 28 Palmyra... .... —New York.. Liverpool Aug. 28 Hibernia.. ...... New York.. Glasgow.— Aug. 31 Fu1t0n......... .New York..Havre ' Aug. 31 Erin ...... .......New York..Liverpool........Aug. 31 H Hudson..., .Philadelphia.. Havana ........ —Sept. Ville de Paris... New lork..Havre „Sept. 7 Pennsylvania.... New York.. Liverpool • Sept. 7 SUN Rom, 5,1 T I BUN SETO. 6 43 I HIGH WAY NE, 6 2 Steamer Alliance, Kelly, 70 hours, from Charleston, with cotton, &c. to-Lathbury, Wickersham &, Co. Steamer S F Phelps, Brown, 24 hours from N York, mdse to W M Baird & Co. Steamer Mayflower, Robinson. from New York,with incise to W P Clyde & Co. Steamer Frank. Pierce, 24 hours from N. York, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. Brig A H Curtis, Durgin, 7 days flora Cardenas,with molasses to Geo C Carson & Co. Schr John Whithvf Henderson; 1 day from Odessa, Del. with grain to Jag". Bewley & Co. • Schr Riddle, Quillen, 2 days from St Martins, Md. with grimy to Jasl..-Bmile.y & Co. Sam T Borden, Wrightington, Fail River. 3 days, Schr . E Boron, Jarvßoaton, 6 (lays. Schr J W Hine, -Lane, Hartford, 4 - days. ------ Schr J R Moore, Nickerawa, Boston. - Schr W F Phelpe,Craiumer, Boston. Schr F -Edwards, Boles, Boston. Schr Dick Williams.Corson. Boston. Schr F L Porter. Small, Boston. Schr J Nelson. Cavalier, Boston. Sehr J L Leach. Endicott, Boston. Schr Restless, Baxter. Boston. • Sehr S & D Scull, Steelman, Boston. Schr R W Toll, Robbins, Boston. Schr A Hammond, Paine, Boston, Schr M D Ireland, Ireland, Boston. Schr R Vaux. Whittaker, Boston. Schr Aid, Smith, Boston. Sch; Wave Crest, Davis, Boston. . • Schr . J Kienzle, Lake, Boaton. = Schr M L Vankirk, Haley, Hingham. Schr A R Wetmore, Lippincott, Providence. Schr J,A Hallock, Crowell, Providence. Schr Clyde, Gage, Providence. "Schr Armenia, Cole, Providence. Schr N Potter, Somers, Danversport. Schr W P Cox, Houck, Lynn. Schr J Crockford, Jones, Bristol, RI. Schr D S Mershon, Ayres, Roxbury. Schr Id Van Busen, Corson, Portsmouth. SchrOld Zack. Lynch, New Haven. Schr A Pitman, Lambord, Marblehead. Schr -Ida V McCabe, Pickup. Norwich. . Behr J A Doughty, Dukes, Egg Harbor. Schr It Law, York. Stonington. Schr Katie J Hoyt, Parker, New Haven. Tug Thos Jefferson, Allen, from Baltimore, with a tow of barges-to W P Clyde & Co. • CLEARED YESTERDAY. Tons.Owt. Tons. Cwt. .10,924 19258,491 05 :27,520'08" - 806,809-18- Tons. Cwt. Tons. Cwt.• . 9,063 02 202,939 11 .22,782 08 061,692 13 Total :'...........31,6615 10 084,632 04 651,816 800,231 952,04 T .690,669 212,653 903,322 Increase this yeat c R9ARD OF TRADE. WM. THOS E. ASHMEAD, Morrrmor Comerrm. (MA RLES SPENCER. OIAtilZ113:111 , 111D l ogil FORT OF PHILADELPHIA--Auo. 21 AERNED YESTERDAY - -- - Steamer F Franklin. Pierson, Baltimore, A Groves,Jr. Steamer Ann Eliza, Richards.N York;W P Clyde & Co. SclifMary L Vaphirk, Haley,Hingham, New York and Schuylkill Coal Co. - SclW Julia A Bullock, Crowell, Boston, Van Dusen, Lochman & Co. Behr Aid, Smith, Boston, JG & G S Repplier. . Schr W Phelps, Cramer, Boston, Rathbun, Stearns & Co. Schr Wave Crest,Davis,Boston,ißlakiston, Graeff&Co, Schr J Crockford, Jones, Providence, do Schr R W Tnll, - Robbins, Boston, do Schr R. Vans, Whittaker, Boston, Day, Huddell & Co. Schr Dick Williams, Corson, Boston, do Schr W Wallace, Scull, Boston, do Schr D S 'Mershon, Ayres, Chelsea, Castner, Stickney, & Wellington. Behr Julia Nelson, Cavalier, Boston, Caldwell, Gordon & Co. Schr W Collyer, Taylor, Providence, do Schr Restless, Baxter, Boston, Rommel & Hunter. Schr Nellie Potter, Somers, Anasquan, do Behr F it Baird, Bernard, Portsmouth, NH. Tyler&Co. Schr. J L Leach, Endicott, do do Schr J it Moore, Nickerson, Providence, J R White & Son. Schr. Old Zack, Lynch, Washington, Huntzinger & Co. Schr A Pitman, Lambord, Marblehead, Waanemacher & Co. Schr W H Thorndike, Hall, Salim, Knight & Sons. Behr J A Doughty, Dukes, Petersburg, - W H Johns da Bro. Schr R Law, York, Fall River, Sinnickson & Co. .1 Behr Katie Hoyt, Parker, Fort Monroe, Bancroft, Lewis & Co. Behr J Worthington, Terry, Boston,Street & Co. Schr Annie E Martin, Hewitt, Boston, J It Tomlinson. Behr Julia E Pratt, Nickerson, Boston, do Schr M Van Dusen, Corson, Plymouth, Audenried, Norton At CO. Behr A It Wetmore, Lippincott, Norfolk, do Schr W G Bartlett, Bartlett,Boston, Hammett & Neill. Behr Clyde, Gage Salem, do Schr Armenia, Cole, Boston, captain. beta J L 'darned, Adams, Georgetown, captain. Tug Thomas Jefferson, Allen for Baltimore, with a tow of bargea,W P Clyde Jr:Co. 10EMOitANDA. Ship ,Thomas Harvard, Strickland, for this port, sailed From Liverpool 7th inst. Ship '7 J Southard, Bishop, at Liverpool Ttli twit. from Cardiff. , Ship itoswell Sprague, Ciosby, at Liverpool 7th inst. from San Francisco. . _ _Ship, Samuel Russell ? Lucas, from New York for lion Kong Passed Anper 18th June. Ship Winfield Scutt, Rand, from Shields, at Singa pore 28th June. Steamer Saxon, Matthews, hence at Boston yeetor day. Bark Atlantic, Do Haan, hence at Geestemunde 4th instant. Bark Ghana, Thomsen, hence at Liverpool 9th irust. Bark Merrimac, Marahall,irom Messina for this port., cleared at Cilbraltar 3cl inst. Bark Louisa Cook, Cook, from London for this port sailed from Graveuend 10th tnet. Brig Wm Weleh, Strobridge,hence at Genoa 6th inet: Brig Attie Durkee (Br), Butler, hence at Helvoet oth instant. • BriSamuel Welsh, Iloecker, for Key West, sailed from New York yesterday. Brig David Owen, Chadbourne, cleared at New York yesterday for Buenos Ayres. Brig Benj Carver, Myers,hence at Portland 19th inst. Brig La (Mona, Jordan, cleared at Nassau 30th ult. for this port. •Schr Ruby, Lee, sailed from Newburyport 19th inst. for this port. Saws T T Tasker, Allen ; John Price,Nickerson, and Alaska. Clark. hence at BOstonitth ist. LI OR BALE—PER SCTIOONER SABIN° FROM au jraoo, WO tons Brasilotto wood, 90 tons Futic. 400 barrels salt and 37 barrels sugar. /wolf to WORKMAN 6.(KJ., iB3 walnut atroot I Ott 101 .• ° LADIES Leaving for the Country or Watering Places, will find SPLENDID ASSORTMENTS OF 1.4 Materials for White Bodies, I r. Embr'd Breakfast Bets. , Linen Collars and Cull". Linen Underslceves. Printed Linen Cambric'. Plain and Printed Piques. , 0 AT E. M. NEEDLES & CO.'S, N. W. Cori 11th and Chestnut Sts. "lc ic fi AtiarallSlloL. - 46 I to 84 CANVASS MESII BLACK IRON BAREGE, T • best quality imported. Also, the ordinary qualities. 1141 White and Black Barege. 8.4 White and Sleek Crape Maretz. Rich Figured Grenadines and Organdies. Grenadine and Organdie Robes, reduced! Summer Silks and Poplins. Figured Linens, for Dresses. Materials for Traveling Sults. Summer Dress Goods, very much reduced in price. EDWIN HALL et GO., 28 South Second et. PLANKETS, FLANNELS, MUSLINS.— PERSONS .L 1 about purchasing Blankets would do well to look through our stock before so doing. All the leading makes of Blankets, in numbers. and 124 3 / 4 and 4-4 Ballard Yale Blankets, in all White Flannels, all wool and Domot, 81, 3136, 44 and 60. Red, Grey and Green Twilled Flannels. all grades. Colored FIAIIIIeIIS, of Middlesex and Washington makes. Bleached and Unbleached Muslim, 10, 1236, 14, 16 and 18. New York bill's, Wainsutts. and Williamsville Muslins. STOKES W00D,702 Arch street. ToPLACE AND WHITE LACE POINTES AND 80. tundas. Sea-side and Llama Shawls. Shetland and Barego Shawls. • Spring Cloaks, reduced. Gay Plaid Cloth'', for Circulars. Scarlet and White Cloths. • Broche Shawls, open centres. Plaid and Stripe Woolen Shawls. EDWIN HALL & CO.. 03 South Second et. - UARDWAREo zxi s , . ILqrgtil ; TREET. STANDBRIDGB, BARR & CO., IMPORTERS OF ND DEA VIIS IN Foreign and Domestic Hardware, BALDWIN'S BUTTS, SCREWS, PULLEYS, BM SPEAR di JACKSON'S BAND AND PANEL SA BUTCHER'S PLANE IRONS AND CIIISELS,SI3 AND REVEAL HINGES, _&o.,_dt•G. 1,000 Kegs _Nails, All Sizes, AT EDUCED PRICES. fyf mwilm SPECIAL NOTICES* osslsp. 'BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE.—TECIS SPLENDID Has Dye is the best in the world. The only true and Perfect Dpe—llarmless, Reliable, Instantaneoua. No disappointment. No ridiculous tints. Natural Black or Brown. Remedies the ill effects of Bad Dyes. Invigorates the haeaving_ it soft and beautiful. The genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR. All others are Ira tations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Factory 81 BarclayAtree‘ New York. tir"BEWARE OF A COUNTERFEIT. delf THE INDUSTRIAL ROME. CORNDR OP Broad street and Columbia, avenue, is open for the admission of Girls from twelve to eighteen years of age. who are neglected or deserted by their Darenta, and who need the shelter and instruction of a Chrisuaa home. If the public will sustainthis Institution, many girls may be kept from evil. and made respectable and useful women' Contributions may be sent to JAMES T. SHINN. Treat orer. }hoed and Spruce streets. noilrott DIVIDEND NOTICES. ia‘s,v- OFFICE OF THE LOCUST MOUNTAIN COAL AND IRON COMPANY. Puil4put.vm.v, August 12th. 1867. At iv - meeting 'of the -Board-of Directors of this Com ps ny, held this dad•, a Dividend of Four Per Cent. on the capital etock, clear of State Tax, was declared. payable t• the Stockholders, or their legal representatives, on and at ter the 26th inst. The Transfer Books will be closed until the 27th inst. ' EDWARD ELY, nun. t 284 -• Treasurer. EXCURSIONS. FARE TO WILMINGTON, 15 CTS, • CILIESTER OH HOOK, 10 CWS. On and after MONDAY, July eth, - Oe steamer Ariel will leave Chestnut Street Wharf at 9.45 kM. and 3.45 P. 51. Re. turning—leave sWilmington at 6.46 A. IL, and 12.45 P. M. Fare to Wilmington. 15 eta.; Exciosion Tickets, 25 cta. Fare to Chester or Hook, 10 eta. auSkits DAILY EXCURSIONS TO WIL. 'inington, Delaware. Steamer ELIZA lIANCOX will leave Dock street wharf daily at 10 A. M. and 4P. M. Return• lug, leave Market street wharf, Wilmington, at 7 A. M. and I P. M. Fare for the round blip. • • ••.•• • •• ........... -50 vents. Single tickets. —. . . .... ... ..... ..30 Cheater and Marcum ...... • 20 " For further particulara, apply on board. Jy22 L. W. BURNS, Captain. UP THE RIVER.—DAILY EXCUR: dons to Burlington and Bristol—Touch. Lig each way at Riverton, Torresdalo, Andalusia and Beverly The. splendid Steamboat JOAN A. WARNER leaves Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharf, at 2 and 6 o'clock P. M. Returning, loaves Bristol at 6.60 o'clock - A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M. Fare 26 eta. eachway. Excursion. 40 eta. '1e16,46 SHERIFF'S NOTICES. IN OBEDIENCE TO A RULE (OF THE DISTRICT Court of tho City and County of Philadelphia, Hui Sheriff of Hold City publishes the following writ of Alias StrininonB Covenant: HENRY C. HOWELL, SherifL Sheriff's Office, Aug. 19, 1967. City and Count p of Philadelphia, se. THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, To the Sheriff of Philadelphia County, greeting: We command you, as before we did, that you summon Henry Beliield, late of your county, so' that he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our Distriat Court for the City. and County of f?hiladelpnia, to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for the said City and County, of Philadelphia, the third Monday of Septem• ber next, there to answer Abigail Hankinson, assignee of John Btreeper, Br., trustee, who was assignee of Thomas A. Hankloson and ethers, who were the legal-heirs and representatives of Thomas liankinson deceased, who was assignee of A. B. Carver, who Was assignee of Wm. Rai. Rues, et ux. of a plea of breach of covenant. And have you then there this writ. Witness the Honorable George Shammed, Doctor of Laws, President of our said Court at Philadelphia, the 16th day of August, in the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and sulttlstv2t H. C. HOWELL, Sheriff. NEW PUBLICATIONS. a/ usT ,iIEADY—BINGIIA6III LATIN GRAMMAR— New Edition. —A Grammar of the Latin Language. For the use of Schools. With exercises and vocabularies. By William Bingham, A. 81., Superintendent of the Bing ham School. . The Publishers take pleasure in announcing to Teachers and friends of Education generally, that the new edition of the above work is now ready, and they invite a careful worksination sameo same, and a comparison with other on the subject. Copies will be furnished to Teachers and Superintendents of Schools for this purpose at low rates. Price S 1 60. Published by E. IL BUTLER & CO., 137 South Fourth street, Philadelphia. And Or sale by Booksellers generally. au2l ..LL THE NEW BOOKS. BOOKS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT _OF LITERA TURE. • .- JAMES S. CLAXTON, Suceemor toWm.S. & A. Marlton, ntiChostnut axed. WOOL GATHERING :11i.Gail Hamilton. AN ARCTIVBOAT JOURNEY; By Ritmo L Hayes, M. D. InRY OF DOOM and OTHER IPOEMSII3y Jew w. .AN INGELOW , I3 POEMS: Con .loto in Two Vola. BOAItDINU. LIRISMANENT BOARDING WITII FIRST.CLASS AC -connnodations, on School Lam, 6th !tattoo from Sta tion„on Norriatown Railroad. Good stabling.,n,4 rilitE 'HANDSOME RESIDENCE sot SOUTH EIGHTH 1. street, corner of Spruce, is now open to receive boarders. Suites of rooms, with private table, if de. sired. aud WANTS. in HOUSE WANTEI).—.A. MODERN DWELLING centrally Bituuted. Addrcas flax 1165 Poet °Rice. , WM. LYNCH, au2o-tu th B 311 51arket otrect. rWANTED—SEVERAL GOOD HOUSES IN WEST Philadelphia. Price from 418,000 to $12,000. Also, to Rent, houses upon Walnut, Spruce or Pine streets, or the intermedia Twentieth iming north or south, be. tween Twelfth anstreets. FETTER, KRIGHBAUM PURDY', 83 North Fifth street cUPA ENERSHIP . TE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXISTING between the undereignod_ is thin day dissolved. MI claims will bit settled by W. P. REYNOLDS nt Twenty first and Willow streets. W. P. RE DODSO Y N. NOLDS. D. PIIIIJMELPII lA, Juno 20,1867. nu293t• TURBEX__ PRUITISS LAN DIN AR b . FOR Nl.l sato br J. D. suBSISE m. 00.. ft South Do *Warr avow* KEELEY .& BROWNBACK. LUMBER YARD, SAW AND PLANING MILL, North Sixth Street, above Jefferson PHILADELPHIA. LUMBER FOR CARPENTERS, CAR BUILDERS. CABINET AND PATTERN MAKERS. SEASONED PINE, ALL bIZES, ALL KINDS OF BUILDING LUMBER Alp HARD ^WOOD. ALSO, TRUNK AND BOX BOARDS. LUMBER ASSORTMENT OP WOOtrMOULDINGS. SAWED AND PLANED TO ORDER. jr24u tL 'loan* F. H. WILLIAMS, Seventeenth and Spring Garden Streets. 100,000 FEET WALNUT LUMBER 3Y164u th BM§ "United States Builder's Mill," No. 24, 26 and 28 8. Fifteenth St., PIIILADELPELL ESLER & BROTHER, ILLNIITAOTITHISIS or WOOD lODLDINGS, DRAM, STAIR HAMM NEWELL * PORI, ORAL TURNING AND SCROLL WORK, h. The largest assortment of Wood fdouldlnde in this city constantly on hand. JoßanCt 1867. --S BOARDS &N ELECT WHITE PINE. PLANS. 4-4, 4-4,64,‘11 04Aeh, CHOLCH. RAM., AND X COMMON, pal NI left 44. 44. 64. 2, land 4.113435. MAU BROTHER & 00.. o. 3600 SOUTH Street 1867 —BUILDING! BUILDING ! BUILDING . LUMBER ! LUMBE LUMBER! 44 CAROLINA FLO O R ING R 54 CAROLINA 44 DELAWARE FLOORIN G, N DELAWARE FLOORING. ASH FLOORING, WALNUT FLOORING, SPRUCE FLOORING, STEP BOARDS, - RAIL PLANK . PLASTERING LATH, MAULE N B. 2 0 5 O T O HERTH C sOr eet. 1867. -- cc: INAVINCCAttada 8 8 1 H kr r-% COOPER SIIINGLES, No.l CEDAR LOGS AND POSTa, No. 'CEDAR LOGS AND POSTS, !SAUCE, BROTHER & 00. 1867 —LUMBER FOR UNDERTAKERS! . LUMBER FOR CEDAR. wALNUTAIAIIOGANY_, CEDAR, WALNUT,_?4ABOGAN Y. MA ULF. BROTHER di 00 1867 -ALBANY LUMBER OF ALL, KIND& . ALBANY LUMBER OF ALL KINDS. SEASONED WALNUT. SEASONED WALNUT. DRY POPLAR, CHERRY AND ASH. OAK PLANK AND HOARDS. HICKORY. ROSEWOOD AND WALNUT VENEE MAULE. BROTHE R& R a CO 1.867. CIGAR 1181 ISIALACTLE:I I I SPANISH CEDAR BOX-BOARDS. No. MO SOUTTEI Strut. 1867. --SPRJOL3T.UCE JOIST-3PRUCEJOIST—EIPRUCER FROM 14 TO 89 FEET LONC. FROM 14 TO SI FEET LONG. SUPERIOR NORWAY SCANTLING. MAULE. BROTHER 00.• msl2 WS No. 9600 SOUTH Stmt. :• : :I • : :It . :1: • •IA• to furnish any description of Pitch Pine Lumber, • Bt. Marrs Mill. Georgia„ on favorable terms. Also, 8 • • • Jostokr-, from Maine. EDMUND A. 'BOUDE=, Dock Street Wharf. QPNME • LUND= AFLOAT..-SCANTUNG 4ND kr Joist of length from 114 to 213 feet 10111/asorted uses, axe to axle. about MO M. Leer. For sale hi W 6, • CO.. No. OM Walnut street. [N +ICY►iL'd11::4:i1:1:i1:( 'D7J.i J. W. SCOTT & CO., SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, AND DFALFRA Men's Furnishing Goode, 51.4 Chestnut Street, Four doors below the "Continental." FEDLADELF'HIA. PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY. Orders for these celebrated Shirts supplied Komar brief notice. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Of late styles in full variety. WINCHESTER & CO., je3n4w,f.tf7o6 CHESTNUT. GENTS* PATENT-SPRING AND BET toned over Galion, Cloth, Leather, white • and brown Linen; Children'. Cloth and 4 11 Velvet Leggings ; also made to order -ra GENTS' FURNISIIING GOBl b l utt • of every description. very be e tKS s street, corner of Ninth. The Kid Glom for ladies and dente, at RICHELDERFER'S BAZAAR. miStmon OPEN IN THE EVENING. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &O. ENO & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Sterling,Standard & Silver-plated Wares, An elegant and extensive stock always on hand. Mane facturers of and dealers in Geo. Eno's celebrated Patent ICE PITCHER, which retains the solidity of the ice one third longer than , any other, and la by far the most econo mical ICE PITCHER ever Invented. S. E. Corner Eighth and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia. iny'Aew f m Bit LEWIS LADOMUS & CO., Diamond Dealers and Jewelers, • No. 802Theetnut Street, Philada., Would invite the attention of purchasers to their tarts and handsome assortment of DIAMONDS, WATO HES, JEWELRY, SILVE RWARE dba, ICE PITCHERS, in great variety. A large assortment of small STUDS for EY lost received. Watch& repaired fn the beet numneraul • • SADDLES. lIIAJSBESS4 &c. ouvzs reaultpuram &town mons (stuffed ouvee , = rg:mem Came and Enet' Male 'rein lea exN apemen Ukfrom r :vre, and for sale by JO . 8..8 LER aoooss mouth aware event* T HE "EXCELSIOIt" EAMS,_ SELECTED FROM THE BEST OORN•FED HOW, ARE OF STANDARD REPUTATION. AND THE RUT IN THE WORLD. J. H. MICHENER & CO., GENERAL PROVISION DEALERS And calves of tho celebrated "EXCELSIOR" OUGAP.-CURED HAMS, TONGUES AND SEW& ' Nos. 142 andl44 North Front street. None genuine unless branded 'A )1. M. & Co., EXCEL. BIOR." The justly celebrated "EXCELSIOR" RAMS are =el by J. 11. M. & Co. (in a idyls pocatiar to thomselvteh'esi, prcesly for FAMILY USE; are of delicious flavor; free from the unpleasant taste of salt, and are pronounoed 41 epicures superior to any now offered for sale. my2Sw.Lin.limg NEW NO. 1 MACKEREL, IN KITTS, JUST RECEIVED ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Dealer is hie &omits, Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets. SUPERIOR VINEGARS. French White Wine, and Pure Old Cider Vinegars. For sate bY • -. I IIVME-13- WALNUT and EIGIIITEI STEEWA. COLGATE & CO.'S ] f ,..,44), ~.; - GERMAN NI cvs o .y. v( 11 u *, i ERASIVE SOAP " Is manufactured from PURE Ka- TERIALS, and may be con.eldered the STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. For sale by all Grocers. my2l•taddh43, T ATOUR OIL. . . . ..L.i 500 BASS ETErLAT OCR OLIVE OIL to erviviipor brig "liotelyn," and for oak, by; F. LAVERGNE, Agent. lei Walnut etreet. VIEW GR IMM M AND RYE, FLOUR, WHEAT= /1 Gras, Farina, Corn Starch and Maizena, Rios Rebizson's patent Barley and Groats, in More and for saki at COUI3I7'B East Ea Grocery, No. 119 &nth Baaana street. N EW CROP PRESERVED GINGER, in DRY AND la "tore %Weir tale at assorted 61JE r i l M e W Eaat EDI Grocer ams y, Its South Second Waist. / 11101cE TABLE CLARETS. PINTS AND QUARTO— %./pore old medicinal brandy. wine*. Nina, le, fg eo Z at COUNTY'S East End Grocery, No. 118 Booth greet. 111010 E SW EET OIL, OF OUR OWN USPORTATION. J boneless Sardines, genuine Stilton Cheap, tipleM As. chortee, Durham Mustard. in 6 lb atone Jan, tor,aale at COUSTY , S Eart End Orocerv.Nallii Smith Second street lEN LINE BENEDICTINOREK CHARTREUSE. Aniseed, Cuseeos and Maraschino Cordials.' Just r♦ ceived and for eg streeto at COUBTY'S East End Giveatz, No. 11P South Second . wwgii K. F. BrILLIN. lINENOBLN WIUTEL-11 BALES OP - ORENONiaI -- k/ Paper Shell alnuts, =4 Prince= Peva' SW JJ. mond/ for ale by P. NP.U.L.OI. N. W. U. At . sal Eighth streets. MAtXJABIO. NJ !UM VERMICELLL—US 13033:11 OW LTA choice Peetiorn Msecarord and Vermicelli i _o k Mat Im ..rtati.. la 'tore •nd for sale ter IL V. nr FOR SALE. A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR INVESTMENT'S! offered for a Chort time only, to a few individuals. ha • tract of land in New Jersey. within thirty mites of Philadelphia. and three of a railway station , in every re c4.ect udrptrd to the cultivation of the UIANDLIIRY, - STRAWBERRY. RASPBERRY ' • AN'? BLACKBERRY. lIP well as other fruits. This fa no •tiotntarock" escula. non. Box Ihtn. Killed& I'. V. aciWt• FIRSTAIII , AIiii DRY-GOODS STOIC} . TIM Emost central businesspart of Eighth street for sale. In consequence of deelinlng health, the proprietor frill otter for sale his stock. fixtures. goodwill, &c.. now doing a cash trade of about one hundred thousand dollars per annum. Rent moderate. . ' Apply on the pretnines. nolivi2t4 . N. E. cor. EIGIITII and CHERRY. k Olt BALE—VALUABLE BUSINESS PROPER ties, Fourth greet. above Vine.—Dne three-story Building. 42 feet by 111, extending to Dillwvn street If as a cellar 14 feet deep, heavily arched. Well adapted for manufacturing or other heavy business. Also, large four•story Dwelling aillotning ' For , particu lar, apply JOIINBON, :11,113.18 No. 703 Walnut street. ftELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT FOR RALE, MN taining 8 acres of land, with Large double panted ' stone Residence, containing 18 rooms and every city convenience; pointed stone stables and carrimumhouae. ice house. dm.; situate within 7 miles from the city, and 11g miles from Oak Lane Station. on North Pennsylvania Railroad,. Handsome Lawn well shaded, fine vegetable g.arden, and, fruit of every kind. J. M. aummur & O SNS. 608 Walnut street. SOR BALE—A MODERN STONE COTTAGH Residence, with stable and carriage-house, and lame lot of ground, beautifully improved, with an abund ance of tie choicest shrubbery• situate on 'nogg street. one minute's walk from the 'Railroad Station, fifteens minutes from the city. Large vegetable garden,_ Welt stocked, and fruit of every kind. J. M. GUMMEX & SONS, 508 Walnutstreet. FOR IiALE.—A RARE CHANCE FOR A GEN hal E tleman wing a country reeldence, four acrea,with " good buildings; well of excellent water; in Abe Borough of Doyieetown, Rucks county, Pa. The locauon hi very high and healthy, commanding an extended view over a beautiful and rich country. An abundance of fruit and ehade; 10 minutes' walk from Railroad Depot. For particulan address J. It. PIUCE, •.1 , 5 to th sin* 417 Market strtud, Philadelphia. FOR SALE-960 FRANKLIN STREET. IS x 111 itBlB North Seventh street, 23 x 140. " 1827 East Delancey Place, 213 x 76. 1834 Spruce street, 21 x 70. 1914 Fide street. 18 x 106. -- 1624 Summer street, 211 x Apply to COPPLOK th JORDAN, 423 Walnut etreet. NOR SALE—THE HANDSOME THREE•STOEY Brick Residence, 20 fest front, with three - story double - back buildiage, and side yard, 7 feet wide. situate Ns. 227 North Twentieth street. Has every modern conveni ence and improvement, and is in perfect order. J. M. GUM MEY & SONS. WEST ARCH aTREET.—FOR BALE—A HAND some touratory brick Residence..., with threetstol7 double but. buildings, situate on the south aide of Arch street, near Twentieth. Has every modern convey niencerand jmprovemeAt, Lot 90tc110 feet deep. J. AL GT 'MPA EY & 130N8. 603 Walnut street. jr[FOlt SALE.—THE HANDSOME THREE STORY brieloresidence, 22 foot front, with attics. and was story back buildings, and furrdshed with ever? modern convenience. Situate No. 902 Pine street. • Let 116 feet deep. J. M. GUMMEY &SONS, 506 Walnut street. FOR SALE—THE VALUABLE STORE PROP rERTY, NO. 418 Commerce t. Immediate poo - seraion *Oven. Is four stori n height, 20 feetfroist and lot strafet deep. J. H. GUMfdEY, SONS. 501 Walnut t. rtFOR SALE' -SPLENDID DWELLING, ORE& ton avenue,. Germantown, containfcg fifteen rooms-- ail modern improvements: Lot 80x..9.16, and hand smea improved. Several desirable houses to read— FErl ER, KRIOKBADM. et PURDY. ardent GERMANTOWN.—SEVERAL DESIRABLE SU m burban Cottages for sale. - Immediate possession, W. H. STOKES, nuR Im• Insurance OMse, Germantown. c FOR SALE-ELEGANT RESIDENCE. N0...W1 SPRUCE BTREETL_ bietiLE. BROTER & No. 21 00 South greet. FOR BALE—TWO NEW HOUSES, WALNUT a. lane, filth and elxth houses west of Adams street. 114 Germantown. Apply to .. W. RANDOM North Sixth street, Thilada.l jo2l-Ut ()H SALE OR TO LET—LOTS ON 001,1191131 A F 18th, 20th and 2lat ate. Ake on Broad. 19th ate., and hl ontgoturry avenue, Apply between 10 and 12 o'lock. t al. C. LF,A, 428 Walnut. an2o,w ml 5 TO RENT. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED HOUSE TO relit, $l,BOO per annum. Address K., this offleet. rITo LET A DESIRABLE DOUBLE OFFICE. T first floor, with gas and heat, 227 North Sixth street., opposite Franklin square; Moo the rooms in the third and fourth stories of the same building. Apply,tCW. hi AY HEW. on the preinises. am2l.ltto ------- TO IiENT-TilltEE-111T01tY BRICK -KOMI% 1624 /Manner street, opposite Church of Covenant. Also, three-story house 818 South Fifteenth street. All modern improvements , APPIY to COPPUCK Qc JOIt- DAN, 413 Walnut street • • SHIPPERS , GUIDE. .. For Boston---Steamehip]Gino - Direct, *IMMO FROM EACH PORT EVERY FIVE DAYS. FROM PINE STREET, P ARF HILADELPHIA, ANlit LONO WH. BOSTON. • MkThis lino kr composed of the first-clan Steamships, 1,488 tons, Captain 0. Baker. _._SAAONI., 1, _ 2 l ?N. tone, Captain - 'NORMAN'2OB - tonti, Captain I.:Crowell. The NORMAN from Phila. on ti at urd ay,Aug.trt. at 10 A. m, no ROMAN from Boston un Thursday, A‘le,. 2'4, at 3 p. M. Theme Steamships mil punctually, and Freight will be received every day, a Steamer being always on the berth. Freight for points Boston rent with d watch. For Freight or Passage (superior accommodation!), apply to OEN itY IVINSOR At 00., myBl Itie South Delaware avenue. - THE PITILADEIA'ILIA AND SOUTHERN atat MAIL STF:AMBIIIP COMPANY'S REGULAR LINE (SEMI-310):THI.Y) FOR NEW ORLEANS. LA„ STAR OF THE UNION (1,018 tone) Capt. T.,N. Cookney. . JUNIATA, 1.215 tow. Captain P. n I( OA t Joio tonO t qJ, 'The - STAR OE HIE UNION will leave for NeW Oilcan" on Saturday, August 24, at BA. M., from Her 18 (locoed wharf below Spruce, etr c.d.) - The TIOGA will leave New °thane for ibis part AUguel 17th. Through Mal lading e gned for freight to Mobile, Gal. venton, Natchez, Vicksburg, litemphis, Nashville, Cairo. Pit. Louie. LOtliBVilie and Cincinnati. dente at Now Orleane—Creevy, Nick _neon A; Co. WM. L. JAMES, General Agent, fe23 314 South Delaware avenue. TILE P.UIL/J)ELPH IA AND 801:THElliN MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S REGULAR LINE (SEMIMONTIILY N . • FOR WILMINGTON, N. C. The eteamPhip PIONEER (812 t ona),'Oaptain J. Bennett, Will leave for the above port on Tucaday, Auguet 20, at 8 o'clock A. M., from Pier 18 (second wharf below Spruce etreet.) 13111 e of Lading eigned at throegh and reduced rates to D principal points In North Carolina. Agents at Wilmington—Worth dr. Daniel. WM. L. JAMES, General Agent. lab? 814 South Delaware avenue. THE PIIILADELIIIIA AND SOUTHERN MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S REGULAR WEEKLY LINE FOR SAVANNAH, GA.. TONAWANDA, 850 tons. Capt. Win. Jennings. WYOMING. Sou tons, Captain Jacob Teal. The steamehlp NYYOMING will leave for the above Pert on Saturday. Auguet 24. at 8 o'clock A. M., from the second wharf below Slime street. Through Daman tickets cold and freight taken for all Points in connection with the Georgia Central Rediroad. Agtorta at Savannah—Hunter A Gauunell. WM. L JAMES, General Agent, 1623 314 South Delaware! avenue. 4111MPHILADELPHIA. RICHMOND, AND NOR. a lollt Steamship Line. HROUGH AIR LINE TO TILE SOUTH AND WEST. Steamships leave every SATURDAY, at noon. from firet wharf ahoy.. Mar/et street__ _ . _ ILROUtiII IX-Ki-l 2 kl-T4-.NFAAIRritTEhr Aliao,all points in North and South Carolina via seaboard and Roanoke Railroad, and to Lynchburg, Va, Tenneesse and the West. via Norfolk.Petereburg, and South Side Railroad. and Richmond and Danville Railroad. The regularity, safety and cheapness of this route cern- Mend it to the public as the moot desirable medium for *taming every description of freight. No charge for commission, drayage, or any expense of transfer. Stearnehipe insure at lowest rate. Freight received WM. P. CLYDE At in., 14 North and Swath 'Wharves. W. P. PORTER, Agent at Richmond lin4 City Point. T. P. CROWELL & CO., Agent,' at Norfolk.. spilt" NEW EXPRESS LINE TO ALEXANDRIA Georgetown and Washington. D. C., via Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, with coll ocations at Alexandria from the most direct mute for Lynchburg, Bristol. Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton, and the &athwart &earners leave egularly from the first wharf above Market street, every Baturday at noon. Freight received daily. WM. P. CLYDE (X).. 14 North and South Wharvea. J. B. DAVIDSON, Agent at Georgetown. ELBILIDGE & CO., Agoutis at Alexandria, Vir ginia. aplttf FOR NEW YORK. VIA DELAWARE' and Raritan CanaL Express dteamboat Company Steam Pro tease Daily from first wharf below farket3 Area,. Pro pore Through in Twenty-four bourn. Goods forwarded to all pants. North. East and West, free of commission. Mighta received at the lowest rater- -. • . WK. P. C 14 LYDE co., w ALtnt'i, South hams. JAMES HAND, Asent, 104 Wall erect. New York. • 4,114 DAILY LINE FOR BALTIMORE. Via Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. Philadelphia and Baltimore Union Bteam. lteCumPcny. daily at 2 o'clock P. M. Steamers of this line are now plying regularly be. brim. P this port and Baltimore. leaving the second wharf below Arch street daily at 2 o'clock P. M. (Bundaya siatepted.) Claming all description of Freight as Low as any other la titeight handled withgreat care, delivered promptly sad for warded to all points beyond the , terminus free of commission. Particular attentkor paid to the transportation of au dkamiptlon of Mere-basalt. Horse., Carriages, die.. &e. Par further information. apply to JOHN D. RUOFF. Agent. 5v161,11 —No. lb North Delaware avenue HAVANA STRAW:ES. SEMIMONTHLY UNE. The Steamships WRICK HUDSON . . —Capt. Howes AYS AND STRIPES. .. ... —.. —Capt. Holmes These steamers will leave this . 'port for Havana every other Tuesday at 8 A. M. " The steamship HENDRICK HUDSON, Howes. master. erg] sail for Havana ea Tuesday morning. September 3, at 8 o'clock. -. ' Ant Paal:Havana, CO, currency. No fre t received after Saturday. er PIaug I i gSVATWATTSO N di SONS. sal) 140 North Delaware avenue. FOR NEW YORK—SWIFTSURE Transportation Company Deepatch and Bwitteuw Linea via Delaware and Hari. tan Ctatai, on and after the lab of March. leaving daily at 11 M. and d P. Id.. connecting with all Northern and Last. ecn limes. Forfreig. ht. which will be taken on accomoick diaM.terzna, apply to WM. M. BAIRD th OD.. IF No. 132 South Delaware avenue. DELAWARE /IND CIIESAPEARERTEAM Tow-Boat Company.—Bargea towed between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Eiavre-de•Grace. Delaware City and intermediate point,. WM. P. CLYDE de CO" Agent& Capt. JOHN LAUGH. UN. tilupl, Office. 14 S. Wharvee, Phila. aplltdels XII)TICE.—ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY CAU -1.1 boned against trusting any of the crew of the Bel& bark BRABO, Vander Heydeu, master, from New Castle, as to debts ot their contracting will be paid either by the captain or consignees. PETER WRIGHT & SONS. 115 Walnut street. CAUTION.—ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY CALI. Honed against trusting cayttrin, olticent. or ney of the crew of the Amer. bark ALEXANDER MoNEILL, as no debts of their contracting will be paid ownens or con signee's. :WORKMAN & CO., Agents. atil3 §817311.11' NORMAN, FROM BOSTON .— Consignees 'of merchandise per above steamer will please eend for total' "w Itudlns "0 R & CO. TAB. El. SITHIDLE.R. raceeesor to JOHN SHIN. DLER Philadelp 80Nd‘ Hail Makers, No. MO North Delaware avenue. All work done in the beet manner and en the lowest and =.vorable terms, and warranted to give perfect sada. Partienliu• attention given to repairing. DRUGS. JOHN C. BAKER & CO. OFFER TO THE TRADE -41.1,. C. L 011—New made. Just received- Alcohol.-45 per cent .in barrels. -- . Ipecac.—Powdered,.tp 25 pound boxes. • , pound bottles. U. B. A. Agents for IlofPe Malt Eatract. Agenta for the manufacturer of a superior article of ' Rochelle Salve and Beidlitz Mixture. JOHN C. BAKER & CO.. kb - 718 Market street. Philadelphia. BERMUDA AND GEORGIA ARROW ROOT.—THE New Crop—sweet, pure, and of do , ' Ifnif whitene's directly from the grower*. Bold at standard weight, and guaranteed in frustums' Nod D HUBBELL, Apothecary, myiO-t$ 1410 Chestnut etreet. RROBINSON'SPATENT BARLEY AND GROATS. Bethlehem Oat Meal, Bermuda Arrow Root, Core Gelatin,_Taylors Homceopathic Cocoa,Cooper's tin, he., enrolled to Retail CO at loweet prices. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., Vaolesale Druggists. northeast cor. Fourth and Race etreets. CH ROSE WATER.—JUST RECEIVED, AN .15VOloo of tho Celebrated "Chide triple distilled Roe% Orange, Flower and Cherry Laurel Water. For sate in vans and bottles. ROBERT - SHOEMAKER & CO., Whole. isle Druggists, northeast cor. Fourth and Race streets. TIRUGGISTS, CONFEAMONERS AND PERFUMERS .1." are solicited to examine our stock of superior Fogy ," Oils, Nal Oils, aa Sanderson's Oil, Lemon and Bergamot, A l. Isn't Oil almonds, Winter's Oil of Citronella, Hotchkiss' MI Peppermint, Chirti: Oil of Lavender. Origanttati nraeta, eta. RO ERT SHORMMEER th CO., ela N. R. car. ourth and Race rte.. Philad a. MACHINERY, IRON, &O. ,T. VAUGHAN MERRICK.. WM. H. MERRICK JOHN - E. COPE. SDOVIWARIC FODNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHING! TUN STREETS. _ MEHRA:Ig dc SONS, ENGINEERS AN D MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Preseure Steam .&ithifX. for Land, River and Marine Service. Dollen. Gaeometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, dim • cuttings of all kinds, eitho.riron or brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gar :Works, Workshop, and Rail. il Maons, di Retorts ti and Ga o. e Machinery'. of the Ist* and most im. proved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery; and= rivand Grist Mille, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam actators, Filters. Pumping Engines, etic. Agents for M. Bilieuve. Patent auger BeilineAcrs. gurus. Nesmyth's Patent. Steam Hammer and Aspinwall woolsers Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Machin& Ari FLRTURE6.—MIBKBY• ME Na 718 Chestnut street, manufacturers of Oa Fix. ftna. Lampe. &c., &a, would call the attention of the pub lic to large and elegant amortment of QM Chande- PendanU.Bracketa, dic. They abo introduce as Owe into dwell ings and public buildings, and attend to extesidhig, altering and retaking gad pipes. All wait Mir oes t t o lit r IgleC its BEAL ot Be2 r Etta pa.' a c u r l if i n f °MAP tar : I :RY , Effa 4!‘ 004 'MEMBER ONE SCOTCH PIG - TRON—OLEN_GIA ..IA-nookknand,utstoiliand for- nab- in iota to eint.-by- PETER , WEIGHT OUNS.IIII Walnut pin*, • '.. 1.741 TihtA. V ELJEItS7 iiiiitspi GREAT SOUTHERN MAIL ROUTE, Via Washington and Lynchburg, Offerr to travelerr the ebortcrtand meet expeditioualine to K.NOX VILLE, CHATTANOOGA;LAIffON,ATLANTA, NASHVILLE, MEMPHIS, MOBILE and NEW OR LEAS. Tra N iur leave, depot of P. W. and B. R. R., 'BROAD and PRIME Htretta, at 11.60 A. M. and 11 o'clock P. M., making dorm conneetlone through. PLEASE ASK FOB TICKETS via WASHINGTON and LYNCH BC Iffr, to be had at eliCheptnut Ntreet, depot of P. W. and B.E.- R., and at General Office.= Chestnut irtreet. Baggage checked through. FREIGTIT. A FAST FREIGLIT LINE hum been establiphed over the name route, by which shippera ere aepured of QUICK TRANSIT, A FWVING 01 0 130 MILES LN DISTANCE and LESb HANDLING than by any other. Through Mlle of lading with nuaranteod ratea to above ' and intermediate points. Murk pkp. via"o. andA, ind'Pend to BROAD and CHERRY StreetP. 'For information ielitive to Tic,keta or Freight, apply • JAS. C. wilLsoN, GENERAL AGENT, Jai Em§ ttis Chestnut street. FOR NEW YORK.—TIiE CA3IDEN AND AAIBOY and PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD (X)3l. PANY'S LINES, from Philadelphia to New York. and way places, from Walnut etrect wharf. Fare. At 5 A.. 151., via Camden and Amboy, Accom. $2 15 At 8 A. 61.,via Camden and Jersey City Express Mail, 3 W At 2P. M via Camden and Amboy Express, P. 3 (XI At 5.00 .., via Camden and Amboyd let class, 226 Acco . and Emigrant, f 24 clam. 110 At 8 . M., 2, 5 and tS P. M., for Mount Holly, Ewan. villa, Lemberton, Birmingham and Vincentown. At 5 A; 51. and 2 P. bf. for Freehold. At 6, 8 and 10 A. M., and 2, 41'. M. for Trenton. At 6, 8 and 10 A. M.. 1,2, 4, 6.6 andflL3o P. M., (or Borden. town, Burlington, Beverly and Delance. At 6 and ID A. M. 1,2, 4, 5. 6 and 11,30 P. M. for Florence. At 5 and 10 A. 51..1,4, 6,6 and 11.80 JP M. for Edgewater, Riverside, Riverton and Palmyra. At 6 and 10 A. M., I. 4. 6 and 11.30 P. M for Flab House. toy Thel and 11.30 P. M. Lines .will leave from foot of Market street, by upper ferry. Lines from Kennington Depot will leave a 8 NI lowa : At 11 A. M., 4.30 P. M. and 12 M. (night) via Kensington and Jersey City, New York Expresa Lines ....$3 00 _.,......... At 8, MI6 and 11A . A..M., 7.80, 8.80. 4.30.6, P. M. and 12 M. for Trenton and BristoL At 8 and 10.16 A M., .1.30, 6 and 12 P. M. for 3forrisville and Tullytown. At ii.uo and 10.16 A. M. 2.20„ 4.30, 5 and 12 P.M. for Schencka. At 10.15 A. M., 2.30 and 5 P. M. for Eddington. At 1.80 and 1046 A. 5L.830. 4,5,6 and 12 P.M. for Cornwell& TorresdaleMolmesburg, acony, Wfseinoming Brides. burg and Frankford. and BP. M. for llohneshurg and intermediate Stations. BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD LIVES— from Ken tington Depot_ At ~oA.M.ar_NiattaraYThiffalo—Diinlcirk,Can, andsigua, Elmira, Ithaca, Owego,,Kochesier, BBlaumla ton, Oswego, Syracuse, Great Beiad. Montroee, barre, Scranton, Stroudsburg, Water Gin. At 8.00 A. M. and 3.30 P. M.. for Belvidere, Easton, Lam. bertville Flemington, &c. Tho 330 P.' M. Line connects direct with the train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem. &c. At 6 P. tiL for Lam tertville and intermediate Stations. From West Philadelphia Depot, via connecting Rail way. At LSO A.M. 1.30 and 6.30 P.M.WasilLugton and New York Express Liner, via Jersey City......... . ....* ..$3 25 The I.V.i A. M. and 6.30 P. M. Lima run daily. All others. Sundav excepted. For Lines leaving Kensington Depot, take the cars ou Third or Fifth streets, at Chestnut, at half an hour before departure. The Care on Market Street Railway runs di: et to Witt Philadelphia Depot. Ciotaut and Walnut within one vinare. On Sundays. the Market Street Care will run to connect with the 1,::d A. M. and 6.20 P. M..llnee. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Prwsengez. Passenger,' are prohibited from taking anything ne bag. gage but their twearing appareL All baggage over tifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their re sponsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond $l(O, except by ape cial contract. Tickets , cold and Baggage checked direct through to Boston, Worcester, Spnuglield. Hartford. New Haven, Providence, Newport, Albany, Trey, Saratoga. Utica, Rome, Syracuse, Itocheater. Buffalo, Niagara Fails and limpenslon Bridge. An additional Ticket Office is located at No. fled Chestnut street, where tickets. to New York, and all important points North and East, may be procttred. Persons pur chasing Tickets at this Office, can have their. baggage checked from residence or hotel to destination, by Union Transfer Baggage Express- Lines from hem York for Philadelphia will leave from foot of Courtland street at Lee and tali 'P.M.. via Jersey City and Camden. At 7.63 A. M.. f 1 P.M. and 12 night, via Jersey City and Kensington. At 8,40 A,. M. and 12 NI., via Jersey City and W. Phisidelphia. From Fier No. 1, N. River. at 6 A. M. andl. 4 P. M., via Amboy and Camden. June 19th. 1t167. Mt, H. GATZ3tER, Agent. EiNIPIEPENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL Railroad.—Summer Time.—Taking effect June 2d, 1067. The trains of the Pent:rants Central Railroad leave the Depot, at Tbirty-2 and Market streets, which ls reached directly by the care of the Market Street Passenger Railway. Those of the Chestnut and Walnut Street Railway run within one vinare of it. ON SUNDAYS—The Market Street Cars leave Front and Market streets Mt minutes before the departure of bach train. „Ming Car Tickets can be bad on application at the Office. Northwest corner eLNintla and Chestnut_ Streets. Agents of the Union Transfer Company will call far and deliver Baggage at the Depot Orders left at N 0.901 Chest.. - nut street. or No. 1 South Eleventh street, will receive at. Gentian. TRAMS LEAVE DEPOT. VIZ.: Mall Train . . . .at 8.00 L. AL Paull Accent. No._.. L. .......... 10.00 A. M. Feat Line A. Erie Express at Itlo P. M. Paoli Ammmodation No. 2.. at LW P. M. Harrisburg Accom. at 2.30 P. M. Lancaster !‘ccom. , .at 4.00 P. M. Parksburg Trainat 5.30 P. M. Western Accom. Train. 5.40 P. M. Cincinnati E,xpteee. .at 7.30 P. M. Erie MaiL . . .... ......... . ....... ... 7.30 P. M. Philadelphia at ILIS P. M. Pauli Aceem. No. 3............................. at 9.00 P. M. Erie Mail leaves daily except Saturday. Philadelphia Express leaves daily. All other trains daily, except Sunday. The Western Accommodation Train rune daily, except Sunday. Far full particulars as to fare and accommoda glons, apply to FRANCIS FUNK, Aent, 137 Dock street. .A.LNI3 ARRIVE AT DEPtn. VIZ.: Philadelphia Express . 7.10 " Erie Mail. .. .... . ....... .... ........ ........ " 7.10 " Paoli Accom. No. 1 . .. " 8.3) " =rug Train . " 9.30 " Lancaster Train ... A . " 12.44.1 P. M. Fast Line and ErfeExprese • " 1.10 " Paull Accom. No. 9.. " 4.10 Day Express " tia) Paoli Accom. No. 3... " 7.W Harris bura Accom .. . ............ " 9.50 " For further inf oniiiiilon, Viiipli 1 . .3 '-. JOHN C. ALLENWALLACE,icket Agent, 901 Chestnut street SAMUEL 11. LL Ticket Agent at the Depot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any risk for Baggage, except for Wearing Apparel, and 'V A limit. their respoillr.,A ,- ..9 1 t d Dollars in value. , A A. ~,,, _a:;.. ~ \ ) 0 ,40 V will be at the risk oliEe — oviner, utildeitakeif bYji ntract. EDWA 'RD LLbISIS, . General Superintendent Altoona, Pa. ' PHILADELPHIA. GERMAN. argigig. TOWN AND NORRISTOWN RAIL. ROAD TIME TABLE—On and after Wednesday, May 1,1887. FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Phfladelohia--8. 7 8, 9.05, 10. 11, 12 A. M. ; L 2, 9.15, t 4, 5. 111. 610. /. 9, 10. h. 12 P. M. Leave Germantown—d, 7, 736.. 8, 8.20, 9, 10, 11, 12 A. ;1. v.& 4,4 X, 6, 631, 7, 8,9.10, 11 P. M. The 8,21 down train, and the 33( and 5X up trahut, will not stop on the Germantown Branch. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.15 minutes A.M.; 2.7 and 1034 P.M. Leave Germantown-8.15 A. M. ,• 1, 6 and 9X P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia--8, 8, 10,12 A. M.; 2, 3',6.5X. 7.9 and IP. M. • • Leave Chestnut 11111-7.10 minutee, 8 2.40 and IL4O A. 51, ;1.40, 3.40, 6.40, 6.40,8.40 and 10.40 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.1b minutes A. M. ; 3 and 7 P. M. Leave Chestnut 11111-7.50 minutes A. M. ; 12.40. 5.40 and minutes P. M. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-0, 734, &.11,06 A. M.; 134„3„.434, 534, CB, 8.06 and 11X P. 51. Leave Norristown-6.40. 7,7.50, 9,11 A.M. ;DX 3.434. 8.15 and 8 XP. • ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9 A. M., 234 and 7.15 P. M. Leave Norristown-7 A. M. 4 5X and 9P. 3.L _ _ FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Phßadelphia-6, 734,-9.1L05 A. M. ; 134, 3, 434, 534, 11.15, &05, 930 and 1134 P. M. Leave Manayunk-6.10, 736, 8.20. 954.. 11X A. 3L ; 2, 334. . 104.' ffend 1034 P BL • - ON SUNDAYS. Leave. Philadelphia-9 A. M., 234 and 7.15 P. M. Leave Idans-unk-7X A. 3.1,6 and 9Y, P. 3f. W. S. WILSON,GenerI Superintendent, Depot, Ninth and Green streets. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD—SUMMER TIME 'TA. IILE. Through and Direct Route he -t Ween PhlindelPhin - ilaltirnere; -Harrisburg, --Williams port and the Great Oil Region of Pennsylvania.—Elegant illleePing_Oare on all Night_ Train% • Ou and after MONDAY, April 29th, 1867. the Trains on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad will run as follows: WEBTIYARD Mail Tr . ain leAives P elp ......... 7.00 P. M. " arrives at Erie .. .......... 4.08 P. M. Ma e EcLpressleavesPhiladelPhia Noon. 1. Williamsport ' 8.45 . P. M. " " aniveo At Erie,lo.oo A. M. Rah* BlaU/tWee Phildelphia .. .•.. ; ..... B.OOA. M. Wi11iain5p0rt:............ .. 6.45 , P. "arrives at Lock Haven.. ........ 8.10 P. M. • gasTwAßti. M a ilTrfllnleaves Erie...... ... ... . A. M. • " Williamsport.. ::......... ..... 10.10 P. M. " " err. at Philadelphia. . 7.00 A. M. ErieExp'stileavesErie , t + . 5.00 P. M. po i*. Willi ....... .......... 4.55 A. NI. arr. at Philadiphia LOO P. NI ElmiraMailleaveekHaven.................. 7.15 A. M. 'Wi11iam5p0rt............ ..... 8.85. A. M. " " arr. at Philadelphia. . ... ..... . 5.441 P. M. . • Mail and alltraino on Wan en and Franklin Railway: Paivengere leaving:Philadelphia at 12.00 M. arrive at Lrdneton at 43.40 A. M., and Oil qua- at 00" Loaning Philsamphla at 7.30 P. M.. arrive at 011 city at 11.85 P. M, All trains on Warren and Franklin Railway make clue connections at , Oil City With trains for Franklin and Petroleum Centre. Baggage checked through. ALFRED L. TYLER, ieeott ' ' General Superintendent. ~ .. '.. WEITY ,lERUY RAILROAD. SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN t FOR , CAPE MAY, commencing ki [Me Jan.. Mel: The IMAIL and PASS/U.4OKM -T will leave Philadelphia ? foot of Market street, at 7 . lidfig, retr optncV wilt lea tationa o ir i s i toape May, at. 6P. M.. ataYP at Pare, Ifia. E4cundon . Tickets, J. Good for (hi. day arid:trainWM. J.. tiEWELL, IWO t 9 adti RV No Saporistendont. TEE DAILY EVFNING F[Ll 1 - TIN.-1111IADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1867. ,_ ..,. .. .~ QUICKEST TIME ON RECORD. 26i Hours to Cincinnatti via Yenneylvania - Raltioad tt Pan thindlo. than by competing liner.. Pageengera taking 7.30 P, M., arrive in Clnebitiati next evening' at 10.00 P. M.; 2g3s bour Only one night en auto* The Celebrated Palace State Room Sleeping Can run through from Philadelphia to CineinnatL Pfu , aengets taking the 12 Id- and 11 P. NI. trains reach Cincinnati and all points West and South one train in ad vance of all other routes. To secure the unequaled advantages of this line be par. &lifer and ask for tickets "Via Pan Randle," at Ticket Office, corner Ninth and Chestnut streets, and Depot, West Philadelphia. • JNO. DURAND, .3eneral Superintendent. J. P. SCULL, General Ticket Agent, tur2.4f JNO. IL MILLER, General Agent. READING RAILROAD GREAT TRUNK LINE from Phila delphia to the interior of Pennsylva nia, the Schuylkill. Susquehanna, Cumberland and Wyoming Valleys, the North, Northwest and the Canada.', Bummer Arrangement of Passenger Trains, May 6, 1867, leaving the Company's Depot, Thirteenth and Callowhill streets, Philadelphia at the following hours: MORNING ACCOMMODATIONS.-At 7.30 A. IL for Reading and all intermediate Stations. Returning, leaves Reading at 6.30 P. M., arriving in Philadelphia at 9.10 P. M. MORNING EXPRESS. At 8.15 A. M., for Reading. Lebanon. Harrisburg, Pottsville, Pine Grave, Tamaqua, Sunbury, Williamsport., Elmira, Rpchester, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Allentown, Wilkesbarre, Pittston, York, Carlisle, Chambernburg, Hageretown, die. dre. This train connects at Reading with the East Penn. sylvan's Railroad trains for Allentown, d(c.; and with the Lebanon Valley train for Harrisburg, &a.; at Port Clinton with Catawirsa R. R. trains for Williamsport. Lock Haven, Elmira &c. ;at Harrisburg with Northern Central, Gum.. beriand Valley, and Schuylkill and Susquehanna trai for Northumberland, Williamsport, York, Chamberaburg, Pinegrove. AF'T'ERNOON EXPRESS-Leaves Philadelphia at 130 P. M. for Reading, Pottsville, Harrlsburgh, &c., connect• ing with Reading and Columbia Railroad trains for Col umbia., etc. PC 'rTSTOWN ACCOMODATION.-Leaves Pottetovm at 6.Y.) A. M., stopping at intermediate stations; arrives in Philadelphia at 13.40 A. M. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 6.30 P. M. arrives in Pottstown at 846 P. Si. d. READINd ACCOMMODATION-Leaves Reading - At 1.80 A. M., stopping at all way stations ; arrives in Phila. delphia at 10.16 A. 31._ Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 6.143 P. M.; arrives in Reading at 7.46 P. M. Train)) for Philtelelphia leave Harrisburg at 1.10 A IL, -x...---d-Pottavallsel 41-45- - • A.--Mi-a-vriviag-in-PNlldelphie, LOO P. M. Afternoon trains Harrisburg at 2.10 P. M. and Pottsville at 2.46 P. IL; arriving at Philadelphia at 1.46 P. M. Harrisburg accommodation leaves Reading at 7.16 A. M. and Harrisburg at 4.10 P. M. Connecting at Reading with Afternoon Accommodation south at 6.30 P. M. arriving in Philadelphia at 9.10 P. M. Market train, with a Passenger car attached. leaves Philadelphia at 12.46 noon for Pottsville and all Way Stations • leaves Pottsville at 7 A. M., for Philadelphia and all WaY Stations. All the above trains run daily, Sundays excepted. Sunday trains leave Pottsville at 6.00 A. M., and Phila delphia at 3.15 P. Si.' leave Philadelphia, for Reading at IWO A. 34.. returning from Reading at 4.25 P. IL CII - ESTEP. VALLEY RAILROAD.-Psasemers for . Downingtown and intermediate points take the 7.30 A.ll. and s.uu P. M. trains from Philadelphia, returning from Downingtown at 6.10 A. M.. and I.eo P. Nr.w YORK EXPRESS, FOR PITTSBURGH AND THE WEST.-Leaves New York at 9 A. M, 5.0 u and 8.10 P. M., passing Reading at I, A. M., LC) and 10.06 P. M., and sen.neet at liarrisbarg with Pennsylvania, and North. are Central Railroad Exprcea Trains for Pittsburgh. Chi cago. Williamsport. Elmira, Balthnore. Arc. iteturnhig, Express Train leaves Harrisburg, on arrival of Pennsvlyaula Express from Pittsburgh, at 3 and 8.40 M.. 9.0 • P Ii .passing Reading at 4.43 and 10.30 A.M. and 190 swill 16.7'.111.arriving at New - York 10.10 A-M..and 440 and 5.2 e P. M. Sleeping Cars accompanying these trains through between Jersey City and •Pittsburgh. without e. chang Mail train for New York leaves Harrisburg at 2.10 P. M. Mail train for Harrisburg leaves New York at 12 Noon. SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD.-Trains leave Pottsville at 7. 11,30 A. N., and 7.16 P. IL. returning from TILMII4IIII at 7.35 A. M., and L4O and 4.16 P. M. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD.- Trains leave Auburn at 710 A. M. for Pinegrove and Her.. riaburg, and at 1.50 - P. hi. for Pinegiove and Tremont; re- turning from Harrisburg at 8.90 P. M. and from Tremont at 7.36 A. M. and 6.25 P. M. TICKETL-Through firetelaaa tickets and emigrant' tickets to all the principal points in the 'North and West and Canada, Excursion T stets from Philadelphia to Reading and Intermediate Cations, good for day_ enly, are sold by Morning Accommodation, Market.- Train, Reading and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia good for day only are sold at Reading and Intermediate Stations by Reading and Pottstown Accomodation Traits at reduced rites. The following tickets ara obtainable only Pooch .the street. Philadelphia 8. Bradford. Treasurer, No. 227 Egrath tth sheet. or of G. A. Nicolls, General Superintendent, - Commutation Tickets itt,2s per cent. diacannt, between any points desired, far families and firms. Mileage Tickets, good for 2,000141111 m between all points, - at 1652 60 each, for families and firma. Season Tickets, for three, six, nine or twelve monthis,for bolders only, to all points at reduced rafes en residing on the line or the road will fur • niat ia s e e r Mth cards, entitling themselves and wives to tick obi at halHare. Excurrion Tickets from Philadelphia to principal sta tions, good for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at reduced fare, to be had only at the Ticket Office, atThlrteenth and Callowhill streets. FREIGHT.-Goods of all descriptions forivarded to all the above points from the Company's New Freight Depot. Broad and Willow streets. Freight Trains leave Philadelphia daily at 6.30 A. M., 12.46 noon. and 6 P. M., for Reading, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton. and all points beyond. Mails close at the Philadelphia Post-Mae for all pinatas on the road and its branches at 6 A. M., and for the prin. cipal Station may at 216 P. IL 'NORTH PENNSYLVANIA R. R.— THE MIDDLE ROUTE.—Shortest mid moat direct line to Bethlehem. Allentown, Manch Chunk, Hazleton, White Haven, Wilkesbarre,Mahanoy City,3lt. Cardiel, and all the points In the Lehigh and Wyoming Coal regions. Passenger Depot in Philadelphia, N. W. corner of Berke and American Streets. SIN MER ARRANGEMENT—NINE DIIILY TRAI N 8— On and after WEDNESDAY,May 8,180, Passenger trains leave the New Depot, corner of Berke and American Streets, daily (Sundays excepted), as follows: At 7.95 A. M.—Mornmg Express for Bethlehem and Prin cipal Stations on North Pennsylvania Railroad. connect, frig at Bethlehem with Lehigh ITalley Railroad for Allen town. Catasamma, Slatington, Mauch Chunk, Weather ly, Jeaneerville, Hazleton, White Haven, Willtesbarre, Kingston, Pittston, and all points iu Lehigh and Wyoming Valley!: also, in connection with Lehigh and Mahanoy Railroad for Mahar.ov City, and with Catawissa Railroad. for Rupert,Danville. Milton and Williamsport: Arrive at Mauch Chunk at 12.05 A. IL ; at Wilkesbarre at 3 P. M. ;- at Mahanoy City at li. M. ?samisen by this train can talce.the Lehigh Valley Train, passing Bethlehem at 11.05 A. M. for Easton and points on New Jersey Central Rail. road to New York. At 8.45 A.M.—Accommodation for Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove, Hatboro) and Hartsville , by this train, take Stage at Old York Road. At 10.15 A. M.—Accommodation for Fort Washington, stopping at intermediate Stations. At 1.30 P.M.—Express for Bethlehem ,Allentown. Mauch Ghana, White Haven, Wilkesbane. Mahanoy City, Cen `sant', Shenandoah, Mt. Cannel and all points in Maho ney and Wyoming -Coal Regions. Passengers for Green ville take this train to Quakertown. At 2.45 P. M.—Accomomdation for Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate stations. Passengers take stag e sta g e • wn. At 4.00 P. M.—Accommodation for Doylectown, stepping at all intermediate stations Passengers for Willow WOW, Hatborough and Hartsville take stage at Abington; for Lumberville. at Doylestown. At 5.20 P. M.—Through accommod'n for Bethlehem and* aU stations on main line of North Pennsylvania Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem-with Lehigh Valley Evening Train for Easton, Allentown, Mauch Chunk. At d.. 53 P. M.—Accommodation for Landsale, stopping stall intermediate stations. • At 11.TPA L N — S A ARRmmE d N iPn f L r A DEL W PH h A bi . gtor. • From Bethlehem at 9.15 A. M.: 2.05 and 5.40 P. M. 1106 P. M. train makes 'direct connection with Lehigh Valtes trains,trom Easton Wilkcabarre, Ilahanov City endliazleton: Paseengers' leaving Easton at 11.191 A. M. 'arrive in Philadelphia at 9.05 F.M. Passengers leaving Wilkeetiarm 'at LSO P. M. connect at Bethlehem at c. 16 P. M. and arrive at Philadelphia at e. 40 P. M. From Doylestown at 8.95 A. M., Lip and 7.40 P. M. Breen Lansdale at 7.30 A. , . • _ From Fort Washington at 11.50 A. M. and 3.05 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9.80 A. M. Philadelphia for_Ppylestown at 2.45 P. M. Doylestown for PhlWdelphia at 7.20 A..M. Bethielicio for Philadelphia at 4.30 P. M. ' Fifth and Sixth streets Passenger Cara convey passen. err to and from the new Depot. • White Cars of Secteld and Third Streets Line and Union Line run within a atiorp4i6tarice of the Depot. Tickets mai t her Procured ,at-the Ticket ghee, in order to secure the lowlistr#eil of fare. T, 8 7 FIT,TS cLARB, Agent. Ticketseold and Bagitage checked' through to principal points, at Mann , s North enn.. BaggagerlExpress ilthce, N 0.106 South Fifth art*. •• 11-1111510: ttEfHThWELPlAllltitMrSiarnits I....angements. On and after Saturday June 11117,._thiTe^Whl leave Philadelphia, from the Depot of the we Mar& Philadelphia Railroadmorner Of Thirty-first mad Imaittratetreete,(Weat Philada.), at 7.11 A. hi., and 410 P. K. • Leave Rising Sun, at MIS, and Oxford at 6.08 A. M., and have Oxford at 8,25 P. M. A Market Train With Passenrar attached, will run on Tuesdays and Fridays, lenvi the Rising Sun at 11.15 A.M., Oxford at moum., and ett at 1.00 P. M. con necting at West Chester Junction with a Train ter Phila. &Aphis. OnWedncedays and Saturdays trains leave Phi ladelphia at 2.30 P. M. run throughsto Oxford. The Train leaving Philadelphia at 7.15 A. M. connects at Oxford with a daily line of Stages, for Peach Bottom, in fl.casta• count , . Returning', leaves_ Peach Bottom to connect at Oxford with the Afternoon Train for Philadel gala. The Train leaving Philadelphia at SAO P. lA. runs to MEW& bun, Id& Passengers allowed to take Wearing Apparel only, as Bagged% and the Company will not in any case be reepon dble for an amount exceeding one hundred dollars, uWeas a special contact be made for the forme. rahlg . HENRY WOOD. General Bap% pgILAD "M WILMINGTON 1101Plig AND BALTIMO I # RAILROAD.— " FBRIGHT NO' ox—Freight for Balthnore, Washington, Nod olk, Portsmouth, Lmochburg and all points south and southwest accessible by Railroad will be received daily until 8 o'clock, P. M., attbe through. freight Btation, Broad and Cherry streets. For information regarding rates, ern, apt: et the Pepot, Broad GO _Cherry , aeq, er as the mpaay's Offies.loB Booth Fifth atreet. JOHN 8. WILSON, Freight OW. K. /1:0E, Meisier Traseortition. Agenttfi THAVELEMP OUIDE. 1-2 ROM S LESSTITIE lritANJELF.nir genritia.4, FOR:CAPE . MAY BY RAILROAD. From Foot of market Street (Upper Ferry), COMMENCING SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1807. 900 A. M. Morning Mail. Due 1225 M. 9.0L1 P. M. Cape May Paseenger. Due 7.18 P.M 4.00 P. M. Fast Exprera. Due 7.05 P. M. RETURNING. LEAVE CAPE ISLAND. 8:30 A. M. Morning Mail. Dne 10.997 A. M. PDX) A. li. Pant Exprers. Due ELM M. • 500 P. M. Cape May Panenger. Due 8.25 P. M. The SUNDAY MAIL and PASSENGER TRAIN leaven Philadelphia at 7.00 A. M.; returning,leave Cape bland at 6.00 P. M. Commutation tickets, good for ONE,, THREE, or TWELVE months, can be procured at the Office of the Company In Camden, V. J. Through tickets can be procured at No. n 8 Chestnut street (under the Continwtaillotel). Penman purchasing tickets at this of f ice V eau have their baggage checked at t eirreeidencee. _ . WEST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES FROM IFOOT of Market street (Upper Ferry). A. M om M m nningn M g SA l, TU r ßD ridgeton y Sa 3 em l Millville. Vineland and intermediate points. 9.00 A. M. Cape 3lay, Morning Mail. • 3.00 P. M. Cape May Accommodation. 3.30 P. 31. Bridgeton and Salem Passenger. 9.00 I'. 31. Cape May Express. 9.00 I' M. Woodbury Accommodation. Cape May Freight leaves Camden at 9.93 A. M. West Jersey Freight Train leaves Camden at 13 3L Noon). Freight will be received at Second Covered Wharf be. low Walnut street, from 7A. M. until SP. M. Freight re. celved before 9 A. M. will go forward the same day. Freight Delivery, No. 248 South Delaware avenue. WILLIAM J. SEWELL, Superintendent. APHILADELPHIA. WILMINGTON ND BALTIMORE RAILROAD- - IME TABLE.--Commencing Mon day, July Bth, 1867. Trains will leave Depot. corner of Bread etreet and Washington avenue, as follows: Way-mall Train, at lige A. M. (Sundays excepted), for Banimore, stopping at all regular stations. Connecting with Delaware Railroad at Wilmington for Crisfield and intermediate stations. Express train at lao A. M. (Sundays excepted) for Bal timore and Wallington. Express Train at 3.80 P. M. (Sundays excepted) t for Bal. timore and Washington, stopping at Chater, balmy. Linwood, Claymont, Wilmington, Newport, Stanton, Newark, Elkton, North•Eiwt, Charleston, Perryville, Havre-do-Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's, Edgewood, Magnolia, Chase's and Stemmer ',Run. ..• • . ' Night Express at 11.00 P. M. (daily) for Baltimore and Washington. Connects at Wilmington (Saturdays ex cepted) with Delaware R. R. line, stopping at New Castle, Middleton, Clayton, Dover, Barrington, Seaford, Salisbury, Princess Anne and connecting at Crisfield with boat for Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, Portsmouth and the South. r onrees at ouree'ana or out via - Ban. more will take the 11.50 A. M. Train. Via Criedkid will take the 11 004 P. 31. train. • Wilmington Trains etoiping at all stations between Philadelphia and Wilmington • Leave Philadelphia at 12.30. 2.00,4.33,6.00 and 11.30 (daily) P.M. The 4.30 P.SLtraln connects with the Delaware Rail road for Milford and intermediate stations. The 6.00 P.M. train rune to New Castle. Leave Wilmington 6.30, 7.15 stnd 8.00 A. M., 4.00 and 6.30 P. M.,daily. The 7.15 A. M. will not etch" at station between Cheater and Philadelphia. From Baltimore to Philadelphia.—Leave Baltimore 7.25 A. M., Way Mall. 8.3 b A. M., Express. 2.15 P. M., Ea prase. 6.35 P. M., E.:prem. 8.55 I'. M. Exprese, RO I 3 SUNDAY TRALNO FM ALTIMORE, leave Bait!. more at 8.551'. M., !topping at Havre do Grace, Perryville and Wilmington. Also etope •at North-East, Elkton and Newark to tako passengers for Philadelphia, and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore, and at Chester to leave passengers from Washington or Balti• mole. Thrnugh tickets to all points West, South and Bouthweet may be procured at Ticket-office, 828Clieetnut etreet,under Continental Hotel, where also State Rooms and Bortn4iin Sleeping Cars can be secured during the day. Perkins purchaeing tickets at this office can Transferggage checked at their residence by the Union Com pany. IL F. KENNEY, SuperintendenE. &gmWEST CHESTER AND PHILA. DELPIIIA RAILROAD. VIA ME. DIA. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. On and after MONDAY. Juno 24th. 1867. trains will leave Depot, Thirty-firet and Cheetnut streets. as follows: Trains leave Philadelphia for Wait Ches terat 7 . 16 A. M., 11.00 A. M., 580 . 4.16, 4.10, 7.00 and 10.30 k P. .. . . . Leave Weet Chester for Philadelphia, from Depot on E. Market street, 6.15, 7.15, 7.30 and 10.45 A. 53., 1.55, 4.50 and 150 P. M. Trains leaving West Cheater at 7.8/ A. M, and leaving Philadelphia at 4.50 P. M., will atop at B. C. Junction and Media only. Passengers to or from stations between West Chester and B. G. Junction going Bast, will take trains leaving West Cheater at 7.15. A. M., andigoing West will take train leaving Philadelphia at 4,50 P. M., and transfer at B. C. junction. Leave Philadelphia for Media at 5.30 P. M. Leave Media for Philadelphia at 6.40 P. M.—etopping at all stations. . . Trains leaving Plifladelads at 7, 15 A.M. and 4.50 P. X, and leasing West Chester at 1.00 A. M. and 4.50 P. M. con. nett at B. O. Junction tvitb. Trains on the P. and B. C. R. S. for Oxford and intermediate points. ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at BM A. M. and 100 P. M. Leave West Chester 7.45 A; 9L and 5.00 P. M. . _ The Depot is reached by the Chestnut and Walnut street cars. Those of the Market street line run within one square. The cars of both lines connect with each train upon its arrival. On Sundays the Market' street .cars leave Front and Market streets thirtyfive minutes before each Train leaves the depot, and will connect with each train on arrivaL to Garry passengers into city. Ur Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only as Baggage, and the Company will not in any case, be responsible for an amount exceeding one hundred dol. lam =law specie contract 113 made for the same. HENRY WOOD. General Superintendent. SHORTEST TO THE . E 1 CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD 1 THROUGH IN TWO HOURS 1 . Five trains daily to Atlantic City and one on BlMday. On and after SATURDAY. June 29th, 1867, trains will leave Vino Street Ferry s.s follows: ...... . ....... ...... —.8.00 A. M. Mail . ........... —7.30 A. M. Freight, withW attached. ....... .....9.16 A. M. Express (through in two h0ur5)............. ...... 2.00 P. M. Atlantic Acconanodation. ..4.1b P. M. RETURNING—LEAVE . ATLAN . TIO: Special Excursion 5.18 P. M. Mail Freight 11.40 A. M. Express (through in two hours) ...... 7.08 A. M. Accommodation .. . 5.45 A. M. Junction Accommodation to Jackson-and and inter mediate atatione. leaves Vine etrect... ...... 5,30 P. M. Returninleaves Jackson:, .. . . _ 6.28 A. M. HADD g— ONFIELD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Leaves Vine etreet..... :—.......10.15 A. M. and 100 P. M. Leavee Haddonfield.._ , . 1.00 P. M. and 3.15 ft- M. -SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN- - TO ATLANTIC Leaves Vino street at 7.3).A. 31. and Atlantic at 4.40 P. M. Fare to Atlantic, $2. Round trip tickets, good only for the day and train on which they are leaned. $3.. Tickets for sale at the office of the Philadelphia Local Express Company, No. 05 Chestnut street, and at No. RH Cheetuut etreet, Continental HoteL The Philadelphia Local Express Company, No. 628 Chestnut street, will call for baggage in any art of the city and anburbe, and check to Hotel or Co eat At. !antic City. . . I). MUND Agent. RARITAN AND DELAWARE BAY Railroad.— Regumption of Summer Travel to NEW YORK and LONG BRANCH. FARE TO NEW YORK, $2 00. FARE TO LONG BRANCH, $2 00. EXCURSION TICKETS TO LONG BRANCH, good for one week, $3 00. Through, without change of cars, to Long Branch, in FOUR AND A HALF HOURS. On and alter Moiidai. May 13th, 1867, the Express! line willleave Philadelphia from Vine Street Ferry at 7.45 A. M. Returning, leave New York from Pier n, foot of Duane street, at ILIS A. M., and Long Branch at 13.66 P.M. On and after Saturday, July 6th, a train will leave Vine Street Ferry every Saturday, only, at 4.15 P. 51. for Long Branch. Returning from Long Branch on Monday at 4.25 A. 11., until further notice. FAST FREIGHT LINE FOR NEW YORE. - - - - - - Freight left at the Warehouse, No. 853 North Delaware avenue, before 6 o'clock P. M., will reach New York early next morning. Hates low and quick time uniformly' made. Way Freight Train leaves Cooper's Point at WA M. Tickets for Yew York'and Long Branch can be procured at the office of the Philadelphia Local Express Company. 6:6 Chestnut street. R. H. CIIIPM.A.N. Alta; MO North Delaware avenue. m5~ it w. BREEDEN At CO., Leeeeea. FAST FREIGHT LINE, VIA NORTH PENNSYLVANIA . RAIL , . ROAD, to Wilkeebarre, 211ithanoy City 4 3tatinearinel, Centralia; 'mid all points on Lehigh Valley Railroad and its branches. By new arrankerneßts, perfected this day, Ude road le enabled to give increased despatch to merchandise con signed to the above named pomte. Goods delivered at the Through Freight Depot, B. B. con of FRONT and NOBLE Streets, Before. 5 will. reach Wilkeeharre, Mount Carmel, :Nia.hanoy City, and the other etatione in 31ahauoy and Wyoming alleys before 11 A.M. of the succeeding day, ,r 2& lALLIS MARK. Agent COAL AND, WOOD. JM. ROMMEL, COAL DEAT.FR, BAB REMOVED . from 957 Delaware avenue, and succeeds Mesers. .3 Walton eta Co.. at N. W. corner Distith and Willow streetii Mee 112 S. Second street. The, best qualideis at Lehigh and Schuylkill coal deify cred in the best order and at the ehorteet notice. mhfrem HIEIUTCRINS, . S. E. CORNER GIRARD AVENUE AND NINTH STREET. Keeps congtantly on hand, at the 'Owed market rates, all the bent qualities of • ' EAGLE .vErN, GREENWOOD. &o. COAL. Orden by mail promptly attended to. jel-ly* B. 11.00N_ZEN2111,_____ JOHN F. IttIy..A.IPIP. Trit - INVEItSIONED INVITE ATTENTION TO their stook of Spviug Mountain, Latish anA Lomat Mountain 'CNA. which. with the preparation given by us. we think cannot he exceUall by any other Coal. Office. FrankWhartitate Building. No. 15 South to street. HEVES di EIItEAFF. Wolf Areh street wharf. ealatirldß. AGESICIUIiTURAJIA. TURN/P UAW I •TURNIP SEEM NEW CROP.. By melt at 10 eents_per gm, 76 cents per lb. Grown on our Seed Farm from selected dock. and war. ranted. Send forprlea Ikk , Vat BT/ 11 W 1 Onaaral • LLINEI L AiDERSON CO.. W. Cm& need Warehouse. BW.= DOWN% 11114 ma MARKETS treet lawkw.useii • r, et, LOOK LNG GLASSES. A. S. ROBINSON, 910 CHESTNUT STREET, LOOKING GLASSES, Engravings and Photographs. Plain And Ornamental Gilt Frames. Carved Wn i ta t Y ßn e. aiiAg rtA3 ORDER ,LOOKING-'GLASS - AND FRAME WORKS. We are now fitted up with improved machinery, and have a large stock of mahogany, walnut and fancy framed Looking• Glasses, at reduced prices. GRABFF ow CO., jyl92n 73 Laurel st., below Front. STOVES AND ItEATERIS. R-E VAIL . - W. A. A.INTCOL.I3 Has removed hie Depot for the sale of FURNACES, RANGES, GRATES, SLATE MANTLES, &0., from No. 1010 CHESTNUT greet to 1305 CHESTNUT STREET. lymm.wy THOMSON'S LONDON KITCHENER, OR European Ranges. for families, hotels or public in. stitulions. in twenty different sizes. Also, Phila. • delphia Ranges, llot Air Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Low-down Grates, Fireboard Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stewhole Plates, Broilers, Cooking Stoves, etc., wholesale and retail, by the manufacturers, SHARPE dr. THOMSON, • my 27.m.w,f..dm4 Ne. 509 North Second street. 42 JOB BARTLETT tts SON. Manufacturers of the CiF.LBATED BARTLETT EB HEATERS, Cooking Ranges, Oas Ovens and Sheet Iron Work of event description. A splendid assortment of REGIS TEES AND VENTILATORS, and Sllver's Air-tight Stover, al. • ways on hand, at No. Rl4 Arch Stfeet, THOMAS B. DIXON dc SONS, Late Andrews do Dixon. N 0.1234 CHESTNUT street, Philadelphia. Oppoeite United States Mint. Manufacturer" of LOW DO R, WN. PARL CHAMB O R. OFTICE, And other GRATES, _ For Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood Firea; WARM-AIRFURNACES, For Warming Public and Priva BuiIdIDAPP. REGISTERS, VENTILATORS ORS AND CHIMNEY-CAPS, COCK - DIG-RANGES, BATH-BOILERS. wHOLESALE and RETAIL N IuJIHLANif.IIE. LIVERPOOL AND , LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital and Assets, $16,271,676. Invested in United States, $l,BOO l OOO ALL LOSSROI ENCE O A E I W ITSTE R WITTIOU REFER. TWOOD SMITH, OFFICE General Agent for Pennsylvania. , . No. 6 Merchants' Exchange,•m., T - LIERE lAA CE INSURANCE oomPANY m, or rp adelphia. Incorporated in 1841. ' Charter Perpetual. Office, Na. 8(8 Walnut street. CAPITAL 8300,000, Insures against lose or dam e by FIRE, on Houses Stores and other Buildings, limped or perpetual, and on Furniture, Goods, Wares and' Merchandise in town or country t LORSES PROMPTLY ADJEE'rED AND PAID Assets- •,•• • • -•• •••. .. :: .. t: ... •.. -. ... .!• •• • • ::: • •• ...$ 398395 50 Invested in the following Securities, viz.: First Mortgage on City Property, well secured..SL93,6oo 00 United States Government LORDS ...... ........ 183,000 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans . —........ 60, , 00 Pennsylvania 53,000,0e0 6 per cent. 21.1.1 60 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, first and second Mortgages . . . . . . 36,000 00 Camden and 1 / 1 1 . 60i - - _cent. Loan _ _ . 6,000 00 . , Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company's 6 per cent. Loan 5,000 00 Iluntingdon and Broad Top 7 per cent. mort gage bonds. .. . . ...... 4,560 00 County lire 1.050 00 Mechanics' Bank Stock . . 1,000 130 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock 10,000 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock... „. .„820 UO Reliance Insurance Company of Philisdelp4: os i Stock ...... - Cash in Bank andon hand. , Worth this date at marketprice.. . ........ ... .$013,014 DIRECTORI. Clem. Tingley, . Beni. W. Tingley. Wm. Musser, Marshall Hilt, Samuel Bispham .. Charles Leland, Isaac F. Baker. * l SiinitierCalthier: `- - Wm. Stevenson. . Alfred English.. . Jaynes T . Young. CLEM. TJNGLEY, President. Til " All C. / 11 1 1 .• Secretary. PIIILLIDELP/ILL, December 1, 1.866. Jal-tu.thAtf FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.—THE PENN eylvania Fire Insurance Company—lncorporated 1836 --Charter Perpetual—No. 5113 Walnut street, opposite Ind.). pendence Square. This Company, favorably known to the community ler over forty years, continues to insure against loss or damage by fire, on Public or Private Puddings, either perma=l or for a limited time. Also, on Furniture, Stocks of and Merchandise generally on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, is in vested in a moat careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of. DIRECTO Daniel RS. Daniel Smith, Jr., John Devereux. Alexander Benson,_Thomas Smith. Isaac Dazelhurst,DenrY Lewis. Thoment Robins, J. Gillingham Fell. Daniel Haddock Jr. • DANIEL SMITH, Jr., President. WILLIAM G. Csowiru., Secretary. JEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE. COMPANY OF PHI. ladelphia.-office, No. SK North Fifth street. near . Market street. Incorporated by the Leglelature of Penne* , lvanfa. Char. ter Perpetual. Capital and Aeseta, 1g150,000. - Make luau ranceagainst Loss or Damage by Fire on Public or Private Buildings, Furniture. Stocks, Goode and Merchandise, on favorable term. DIRECTO Frederick Doll, Jacob Schandier. Samuel Millen Edward P. Moyer. Adam J. Glass. Israel Petereon, Frederick Ladner. George Erety, August C. Miller. John g. Belsterling. Henry Troornnor, m. McDsnlel, Christopher H. Miller.r Frederick Etuake, Jonas Bowman. JOHN F. BELS Puma. E. Cot.r.mAx. Sacra ANTHRACITE LNSURANCECOMPANY.—CIIARTER PERPETUAL. Office, No. 911 WALNUTetreet, above Third, Philadta. Will insure against Lose or Damage by Fire, on Build ings, either perpetually or for a limited time, Household Furniture and Merchandise gemerally. _ Also, Marine Insurance on Vessels eargeee and Freights , inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DIRECTORS. Wm. Esher, Peter Bleger. 1). Luther, J. N. Lewis Audenried, Wia. F. Dean, John It. Blakieton John Ketcham, Davis Pearson. John B. 110'1. , ESSIER,_ President. F. DEAN, Vice President. ja29,,tu,th,stf. WK. M. 82dITH. Secretary AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, MOOR, Porated 1810. Charter perpetual. No. 810 WALNUT street, above Third.. Philadelphia. Having a large paid.up Capital Stock and • Surplus In. vested in sound and available Securities, continue to in. sore on dwellinss, stores, furniture, merchandise. vessels In pert, and their cargoes, and other personal proven.. All losses liberally and prumptly adjuaWd. DIRECTORS. ' t Thomas R. Mardi. ' jamas R. Campbell. John Welsh, Edmund G,.Dutilh, Patrick Bra dy . Charles W. Poultney. John T. Le wi s. . .John P. Na Isra g el Morris. 'le THOMAS 11. rli ktitRIS, President. &LEM O. L. CRSW7ORD. Secretary. THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY. South west cot nor Fourth and Walnut eines. Paid. Capital. . . Menl 00 OsabantlibultiMim KXCLUISIVELY. 3O 11 26 Term and Perpetual Incarancea. ouzuroßs. F. Ratchford Starr. Nalbro Frasier. fitk W. Min r intook. john M. Atwood. James L. Cleghorn. eni. T. Tredic. • William 0. lioulton. Georlf. Slued. les Wheeler, John U. Brown. . H. Montgomery. ' F. RATCHFORD 13 ARE President MOS. EL MONTGOMERY. Woo PreddenL LEX. W. METE% &sem mbB SaC,l93 59 e E ERETY,_Prealdent TERLING, Vice President. tneY. INS UHANCE• 1829.-67w1, TER eAt. IE'itA.NJKUrN FIRE INSURANCE-CONIPW OF PHILADELPHIA, Nos. 435 and 437 ChestnutStroot. Assets on .lannary 1,1887,' , ' 02,5453,14-0 1.3. . . . 946. 714 1.206,489 =comp, FOR leent Losses Paid Since 1829 Over 045,450(),000. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Libecal Term Accrued Surplus Premiums.. ..; UNSETTLED CLAMS. 527.481 • DIRECTORS. Chas. N. Banter. Claw. Fares, Tobias Wagner. 1 Alfred Met Samuel Grant, Free. W. Lewis. M. D.i Geo. W. Richards, Peter McCall. Isaac Lea. Thomas Sparks. CHARLES N. BAN s :io ' , President GEO. PALES. Vice President. JAS. W. MeALLIBTER, seareury pro tem. , Blid DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFEPYINSURANCE COM 7 : a p e r l yincorporated by the Leadslatrine of Fellllll/3 1 1. &lice, S. E. corner Third p and Walnut streets,, MAW. hla. . • MARINE INSURANCE& _ on vessels, cargo and tit o ltilkt h to all sp i re of !.ne rano. on goods, by river, canal , lake and land carriage, .to an verb of the 'Union. FIRE nistrakNcEs OD merchandise generally. On Stores,ellirotuarl,___dro. ET OF TEE COMPANY ovember 1, 1866. MIAOW United Staten Five per cent. Loan. 1871.. $114, - 00/ 00 193,000 United ** Pin: . ' 1:4;11:;. . I r 79t<,600 oa $OO,OOO United if& Tressury_Notes.— 211,500 00 194000 City of Ildladelphia . Six ** per cent, Loan (exempts).. . 1 9A,662 60 64,000 State of Pennsylvisidi Loan . . . . 14,700 00 40,000 State offinn . s . 34 . 4lirriii Five per cent. Loan. ........ 44,00 00 Loon 60,750 00 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Find Mortgage 6 ter cent. Bonds. . . . 96,600 00 6,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second: • _gage 6 per cent. Bonda., , 24,260 00 WOW Western Pennsylvania Railroad . Six' . per cent. Bonds (Penns. B. B. 0,000 state of Tennessee Five _ per cent Loan .. -..- . 18,003 01) 7,000 State of . Tesmessee . Oliper cen . t..Loan.' 6,640 00 16.000 800 shares stock Germantown Gas - • Company. principal and interest Guaranteed by the city of Pbliadel* 000 . . . . 101, 0 0 7,160 146 'Alin; et..4:Wkfelis . .tila „Val: road Company'. . . s,oooloo shares stock Penns4ana Railroad Company 8.050 00 '113,000 80 ahares stock Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Company.. 0,000 os 196,900 Leans on Bonds and Mortgage, Snit . liens on city property... .. . ... 1165.900 00 1,046,060 Par. Market va1ue....,...611,00,293 76 .. Cost. 5 1.080.662 06 ' Real E5tate.............. ..... 56.1)30 00 Blue Iteceivaeor.lllBll. . 217.637 23 Balance due at Agenclee-Premlume on Ma. rine Policies-Accrued Intereet and other debts due the Company 88..923 98 Scrip and Stock of sundry insurance and other Cotallniee, 60,173. Estimated value .-.-. ' '2.980 CO Cub in Bank. ..... .............. .... . 1541,102 23 . • in Drawer.. ....... 447 84 ---- 4,649 00 • *MU being a new enterprise, the per le ara dau the market value. Thomas C. Hand. Henry Sloan, John C. Davia, . . William G. Houiton. Edmund A. Bonder, Edward Der Theoribilue Paulding. H. Jones /34 1 1r 4 johnT,. Emma, Edward Lafourcadiv ~ James Trammtr, Jacob P. Jonah C. Dallett. Jamey B. M'Parland., Henry C. Hand. Jr... joehtui'le._EAT,e, Win. C. Ludwig, Hoeuber monviuna, I Jieoli, :Iftill. L - Joeeph H. Beal. Ekioias G. I.elper. I Deem iv. Banae_rre. Johns) rg& Jelm D. Semple. Pltiolimigh. Taylor. A. B. Berger.Pitteburgl B. Stokes. ; • D. T. Merges. kiltklungla . , THOMAS C. HA N D President. JOHN C. DAVIS Vice President. Meow Drum m& Secretary. • ' , •. . , ,delittnol PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY OP . Philadel his, • • Ne.l.lll3osth FOURTH itreek • 11100111POR&TED sa MONTH. lAN 10. ferrAL, Jiro oxer PAID IN. - • • - Insurance on Li r ves, by x early Premiums , or byfi, 10 or 10-year premiums, Non-forfeiture. Endowmente,payable at a futureage,or on prior deems by Yearly-Premiums or--la-year -Premiums—both Non-forfeiture. , Annuities granted on Worship terms, • Term Policia/. Children% Endowments. This Comparw, while giving the insured the wel: a paid-up Capital, will divide the entire Profits ofU= - bustneal among its Pblicz n i v uldere. Moneys received at in and paid on dement. Authorised by charter to execute Trusts, and to act Executor or A dmi nletrator, Amalgam or Guardiem an in other fiduciary capacities under appointMent of any Court of title Commonwealth or of any perm or man . or poem politic or corporate. . • Ca o d o b d u , r 9 . Samuel R. Shipley; H e Wm n ry C. iti oshog * Morris, • MIL L . Rhiliard Mules . Coffin. SAMUEL R. SHIPLEY, ' . notriAND PARRY. ki Preaent„ - ' Agraarl. THOMAS WH3TAR, H. D., J. B. Toil BEND, oce-trit Medical Examiner. .be al Advieer „ ..... , FIRE ASSOCIATION 'OP PHILADEL. ..... phi& Ofh hoe.a. 84 N. Fifth street. i Incor. P . A rated, March 7f 1820. Insure_ Buildings. A. household F urniture and fderehandise w. ; , --,i. gen t =y from Loos by Fire (in - tbefLlty of - - -- P Phis 0n1.Y.) - - T .- Statement of the Assets of the Asedciation published in comylianoe with the provisions - of an. Act of c a mei Vt ro Meeinbly olAyrilh .l . , • - ---... • ' ~. petty fri the City of Philaderpliffi' .'„ „.,,. ..„,:,,,..-. ... ...MINION 17 Ground Rents (in P ............ ....,......, 24.148 id Real Estate.. . . . .... .......... ~ . .::, 26,0'M 28 U. S. Govermiii;ni ( 6.20) 1aii...........,. :.:,-...,,,10,000 00 U. 88. Treasury Notes Total ilitrikAtiii"" *. ' . 1.0660~ 9D Wm. H. Hamilton. Levi P. Coate.: John Bonder, Samuel Sparhawk. ' Peter A. Keyser. - Charles P. Bower. ' LA: Philbin. JOIIBO 14311100 k ' • ohn Carrow. Robert Shoemaker. George L YbunS . Peter Armbruster. Joseph R. LYndu • H. TON.___President, SAMUEL SPARHAWK, Vice President, AVM. T. BUTLER. Secretary frigCOUNTY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.-OF. e, No. /10 South Fourth street, below Chestnut. "TheFlre Insurance Company of the County of Phila delphia.. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania in Iflea for indemnity against loss or damage by Ore. ex clasiveiy. CHARTER PERPETUAL. This old and reliable institution, with ample capital anti contingent fund carefully invested continues to insure building 1 urnituremercheuidise, dm, either permanently or for a limited time, against loss or damage by fire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute safeV dins ens tomer& Loom adjusted and paid with all poSeible despatelt.' D ORS. • - , Chu ll . J. Sutter. : Andrew IL Miller. enryßudd„ - James M. Stone, ort John Dorn, Edwin L.lleakLet. Joseph Moore. Robert V. Massey, Jr.. lleorge Mocks, * Mark Devine_ •_:, El J. BUTTER, President. . Bneustris F. HOZOILLEY. Secretary and Treasurer. HIICCENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF PIIIIADELI IL i Ida. NCORPORA'PED 1804.—CILARTElt PERPEUA.L. No. PIM Walnut streeto_pposite the Exchange. In addition to Marine and Inland Insurance this Com DRIIY insures from loss or damage by Fire, on liberal terms, on buildings, nierchiutdise, furniturs6 for limited pezio&, and permanently on buildings by dwell °T I T; i . ua any has been in active operation for more than .years, , during which all losses have been promptly adjusted and paid. DIRECTORS. - 'John S. Dodge. DavbilLewis. N. 11. blahony, Benpamin Minx John T. Lewis, Thos. H. Powexv, William B. Grant, A. R. Ntettoita, Robert W. Lehman. • Edmond Castillon. D. Cleric Wharton,_ Samuel Wilcox. Lawrence Lewis, Jr., Louis C. Norris._ . JOHN R. WUCHERER. Praddent, BA.mozr. Waxer.; Secretary. A AtERICA.N MUTUAL INEIERAII.I 3 4:I2ANT,—.. zwifi aa F a r q uhar Building, No. MB w street, Min. rine and Inland Insurances. Risks taken on essela. Car ioca and Freights to all parts of the world, and' on goods on inland transportation on rivers; canals, • railroads. sad other conveyances througheot_the ifflitesl WILI.T An CRAIG} Ergot. TTER CBTALEK-V rissident ROBERT J. MEE, Orel& - Tri, T. Irri=ir, Ye i te n l a go l Ron, t a ilenson mi. o a ten Dall i tt,d e r giejr. , ' mu lti A. Igtry w os_Dalltt, Henry L. Elder, Beni. W. Richards, lit Rodman Mersin. Menu.Balrk Pennon Benin. 4.1. Aallett. • jab FAINZINBIIRAMONI conurAmr. NO. 106 GOIraTNUT FIRE AND FI V E NYMNBI7IIANON. a: 1,1 'B B . r, .O 1 111 es 4es 411,14 noit . k e S t uti arce4 A. w iz . ilt. L BEmieuich ,', ' .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers