CITY BULLETIN. THE ESNET ON TOE SC I I Lh I LL. - aring yesterday afternoon Fairmount was visited by a great'number of_people, who crowded the old round honk, mound dam and porch of the man the flood as it . poured over slob house, watin the dam. The river g was at times covered with old logs, trunks of trees, fences, &c., but nothing Of any value was seen to pass down. The half of an old barge, which had evidently long lain on the bank of the stream, floated down, and on reaching the dam was gracefully lifted almost out of the water, and then dashed into the whirling and foaming current beneath. As predicted in the BULLETIN yesterday, the water reached its height towards evening. At one time during the afternoon 'there were seven feet four inches of: water passing over the dam. • The water below the works, in consequence of the high tide. was within a few feet of the top of the dam and 'eight feet on the floor In the wheel houses, thus stopping the entire operation of the works. About four o'clock in the afternoon the river commenced to fall and continued to do so during the night. About half-past 9 o'clock last m citing the water in the turbine wheel-houses had subsided to a sufficient extent to admit of the working of three wheels. These wheels can be worked at low tide but cannot pump an adequate supply of water. 'Until the freshet has fully sub sided, it is therefore necessary that our citizens should use water as sparingly as possible,or there may be serious inconvenience in contequence of the reservoirs not kolding more than enough to supply the city for more than forty-eight hours. The Spring' Garden Water Works have been seriously damaged, and some time will be required to make the necessary repairs. The Pennsylvania Railroad wharves, extending from Market street to above Race, on the west side, were entirely under water, and a large num ber of cross-ties were carried away by the force of the current. There were a large number of coal oil barrels on the wharves which also shared a similar fate. The wharves belonging to the Philadelphia Gas Works were under water, and a large quantity of coal and coke,&e., were submerg. The lime kilns and puriying house of the company were also under water, and at 3% o'clock yesterday afternoon the river had risen two feet above the high water mark of the great freshet of 1828. The boiler and engine in the tube works of John H. Murphy tt.'Brothers, at Filbert street wharf, were submerged, and the floors were cov ered with about two feet of water... The firm was compelled in consequence to dfscontinue work. The water at Arch street extended up as far as Twenty-third street, and the railway track of the Schuylkill Railway Company was completely covered for over a square. , On both sides of the river the wharves were' totally submerged yesterday. but this morning they were all visible, the freshet having subsided to a sufficient extent. A great quantity of the rubbish which was washed down the river I was left upon the wharves by the receding water, and the scene this morning was curious and in teresting. - This morning there were about five feet of water passing over Fairmount dam. and the tide was still falling. The rain of today was not sufficient to cause any . further rise- The current was very swift. but with the exception bf some trees and the fragments of fences sweeping down, *there is nothing to show that any serious clarruige has been done upstream. As the freshet is rapidly subsiding, the probabili ties are that the Schuylkill will resume its usual quiet appearance wfthin the next twenty-four hours. CHARGED wtru Bcectstrr.—Thomss Ward, a yonug man who shipped at the Navy Yard yes terdiy, was arrested yilterday afternoon by Po liceman Grant. of the Seventh district, on the charge, of burglary. It seems that about a week ago - the beer -- saloon of Chrlstoph - Klenk, at America street and Montgomery avenue, was en tered through the transom over the front door. A young woman who came down stairs observed a man behind the bar and seized him. 'he two struggled, but the man finally broke away, seized a chair, blew out the light and then escaped through the transom. The thief got about $3O in money. _ Ward isidleged_to have been the fellow._ He had a hearing before Ald. Neill and was com mitted in default of $2,000 bail to answer at court, IN , TFITTE OF RENVAR rote Oarx.s..Ns OF PA- Triers.—This Insti.- ates from April 18, 1861, and is now pre 4 •d to offer a free pass to edu cational adv • es in various schools and col leges. sui to t.e needs and individual charac teristie- Patriot Orphans, who may , apply to the Corresponding Secretary, David P. Holtoa, M. D., 12 , 1 West Fifty-fourth - street, New York. Dr. Holton having been for the past five months laboring to perfect the workings of the Institute in the Western States, is now in this city, on his way to the East. 'The Society's purposes and ef forls are to secure the establishment of Agricul tural Colleges, Experimental Farms and Patriot Olphaa Homes in the several States. .AUCIDE . NT. —At a new school build ing in course of erection at Twentieth and Wood streets,yesterday afternoon, a derrick upon which stone was being hoisted gave way. Two men, named John Evans, aged thirty-eight years, residing in Carlton street below Twentieth and John Gyner, aged twenty-eight yea're; residing at S.eN enth and Sbippen streets, were seriously injured about the head and body. Mr. Evans also bad one of his legs broken. Both of the sufferers were conveyed to the Pennsylvania Hospital. CITARGE.—Pat. McDonough Was be, lore Alderman Fitch this morning upon the charge Of attempting to break into a house. Yesterday he paid a visit to a house No. 1335 Warnock street, and, being, somewhat Intoxi cated. gas ejected by the„ occupant, who then locked up all the doors and went away. After, wards McDonough was found attempting to break in the front door. He was sent below, in default of $l.OOO bail, for trial. LARCENY OF A BOAT AND RAILROAD IRON,- Michael Neary was arrebted yesterday, by the 'Anchor Pollee, at the second dock above Dock' street. on suspicion of larceny. He had a white skiff t 1 feet long, called "Lookout," and about 410 pounds of railroad iron, some rags, several brass candlesticks andlamps, and three patent scales. all of which are supposed to have been stolen. Neary was taken before Recorder tineu and committed in default of $l,OOO bail. GI:Al LAIICENY.-A colored individual named Edward Robinson, aged 57 years, was overhauled this morning at five o'clock, at Seventh and Pine streets. with a bundle which ho was scarcely able to carry. The policeman instituted an examina tion, and foUnd three iron gratings, which- had been stolen from the pavement at Seventh and Locust streets. Robinson was committed by Ald. Morrow. • Tug DELAWARE.—The tide in the Delaware to day is very high, and nearly all the wharves along the (rout of the city are submerged. Every thing destructible was removed during yester day, and therefore no serious damage has been done. The strelm is pretty clear from rubbish, and there are, as yet, no indications of a freshet in the interior. SUNDAY EXCURSIONS.-A verypleasant way of spending an afternoon or evening is by an ex cursion on the river. On Sundays the steamer John,A. Warner leaves at 1.45 and 6 o'clock P. M. the Pilot Boy at 9A. M. and 2.30 p. M. Ilk Gloucester boats leaye South street wharf every half hour. POINT BEEEZIE Penh.—On Tuestinv next there will be a race for $5OO. "Boston Girl," "Belle of Washington" and "Ida" will be the contending As the Parisians found out that the Sultan is so remarkably moral a man; and that he was proof against the seductions of the vir tuous belles, and the aristocratic prostitutes of the'deriii-monde, they said it would be a good idea to send him to Florence, in order to give Victor Emmanuel a sound lecture on morality. It appears that the Re Galan 'lmmo sadly needs such a lecture. - His late mistress, a drummer's daughter, on whom he conferred the title of Countess de Mille holt has already bad a great many fair suc cessors. The I4dy who possesses t "heart of the naughty King is a pretty danseuse from Venice. who accompanies him on all his ' hunting expeditions in the moantains. Even Madame ltatami thinks this is too bad. The malicious Italians are wicked enough to assert that Madame would not object to take the tli,nsetise's place. fa N rrl U hlt.-.k THE Pone GRAPE lx NEW JERSEY. -- le . 0 cannot fall, to satisfy any skeptical persons about Speer's wine being purely a grape. Juice wine: PASS A", Oct. 23, lattn. This is to certify that I lim a been' trresident of Pas saic for the past .twelve years, during which time I have known Mr. Alfred tipeer, and been thoroughly posted in the manufacture by him of his celebrated wines, and can testify to the fact derived from: a per sonal knowledge that his excellent ,port Grape Wine is made entirely from the Oporto Grape, which he e 4 tensively cultivates in vineyards in sight of my resi dence. The Port Grape vine is a variety of his own raising, cultivated exclusively by himself, and is a su perior grape C. M. K. PATILIBOti, r. S. Deputy Collector Internal Revenue. Our drugmets have.some of this wine, direct from Mr Speer. . ' • ' SUMMER CONFECTIONEHX.—In these times, of excessive moisture and oppressive sultrines r e it is a blessed thing that we can find such refreshing dainties, in the Way of sweetmeats, as are made by h.% (4. Whit man & Co., No. 318 Chestnut street, below Fourth. The most delicious articles are gotten up by this popu lar firm, in the most convenient form, and with entire freedom from any unhealthy or 'deleterious coin ponents. Their preparations of ginger ;tint mint stand deservedly high among this class of confections; while their general stock of articles, embracing, Chocolate preparations, fine bon-bons, cream-fruits, roasted Jordan Almonds, Caramels, &e., are ni3 famous as they are excellent. BEDDING overhauled, renpvated, and made up equal to new, at ratten's,lloB - Chestnut street. • GENTS' STRAW HATS.- Gents' Soft Felt Hats, Beautiful Styles. Or.xsouns, Continental Hotel. • Fon Aers of Charity ' and Benevolence Phila delphia standtr prominent among her sister cities. During (hexer we had our refreshment saloons where thousands wXr i e fed while on'their way to the "front," and now, 'ill( order that the good work may be COll - it is proposed to provide for the Orphans of many of these brave heroes who fell in defence of the stars and stripes. For this purpose the Washington Library Company was organized in aid of the River side Institute of New Jersey. Here the Orphans of oldiers and Sailors in all parts of the country will he gratuitously educated and made useful members of society. The just and honorable plan adopted for raising the necessary funds for this charitable object has received the endorsement of every one.. The principal office, No. 121.5 Chestnut street, is open froth 7 A. M. to 11 , I". M. • PorrtAn opinion is bound to be respected and maintain its power, if founded upon correct basis. Popular opinion is that the American Sewing. Over seaming and Button-hole Machine is"the only perfect apparatus for going all kinds of sewing ever offered to the public. Popular proof of this fact—a: "fact is a stubborn thing"--can be promptly,easily and substantiated at the exhibition rooms, corner of Eleventh andthe-- -, bant street-s, where the public are respectfully requested to call and examine. The mind is lost in wonder when contemplating the marvellous workings of the great machiie. • GN - rs' STRAW HATS.— Gents' son Felt B/W.. Beantifal Styles. Oarrosos, Continental Hotel. A BEAvrtFrn Assortment of Rare Hot-house Praha and One Confections, emteacing elegant bon bons, lamb Jordan Roasted Almond?, and s great may novelties in French and American confettOnery, at Mr. A. L. Vansanrs, S. R. =my Ninth and climt mt. streets. Vesnertz Laces and Rods, also t aints Nliadow Shades and rphedgeryj at Patten's, 14% Chest:int street. MOTHS A 371 Fitsciaxs.—The only relLsbie rem edy for brown dfmaalonstloca called. Kars and Fucks" i 3 lboncr's Morn AND Puccacta Lama. Prepared _by_ Dr. B. C. Pima:, Dermatologist. 4 Bond street, New York. Sold by all dru,ggiata. THE Ex-SECRETARY OF WAR TO CONE Nowyn -31r. Stanton leaves Washington to-day for the par pose of making some invti;, ,, ation as to the trath of certain rumors that have gained credence in the dffer ent departments at Washington, in reterehee to the value and cheapness of the Ready-made Clothing sold .it Chas. Stokes Zr. Co.'s establishment, ander the Con tinental. . GENTS' STRAW HATS,- . S.4ente' Soft Felt -Hate, • Beautiful Stylee. • Oa}moans, Continental Hotel. MORSE'*. DINING SALOONS, 902 .and 901 'Arch treet, Tor Ladies and Gentle Men, are now the popular erort•for tholie in search of good dinners—visit them• E. J. WILLIAMS. B. J. WOODWARD. Tux Musruzy HousE-Fvnlitaimio STORE," No. 922 CIIEOTNET ST.. BELOW TENTU. The undersigned desire to inforn I*, public that they have purchased the Old Estabr hed House-fur nishing Store of John A. Murphey, o. 922 Chestnut street, and design shortly, us soon as alterations - and repairs will allow, hipresenting one of the largest and most complete stock of goods' in this city or elsewhere. This store has alvoys maintained the supremacy over all others in the stvne line of business, and the present proprietors; are determined to spare no .expeuse or pains in pr,eserving and adding to its already extended reptitatiom` We only solipit a call to convince.,, GLASS AND EARTHENWARE of all kinds; largest and best assorted stock in the city at Fetherston .'s, 270 South Second street. SAMUEL S. FLIMEitsTON & CO., China and Glass Store, 270 Sonth Second street. ALE drawn as cold ag Ice in three minutes by using the "Patent Ale Coolers," for Bale only by Fetherston & Co.. 270 South Second street. &mum, B. FETIHRSTON 5y Co., China and Glass Store, 270 South Second street. CiIINAWARE of every description at lowest cash -pricers at S. S. Fetlaerston Co.'s, 2TO South Second iltreet. JOHN R. DOWNING, John R. Downing, John R. Downing, Bookseller and Stationer, Bookseller and Stationer, Bookseller and Stationer, 139 South Eighth street. 139 South Eighth street. • 189 South Eighth street. Blank Books, Blank Books, Blank Books. • . All the Publications, • All the Publication, All the Publications. Catholic Books of every kind, Catholic Books of every kind, Catholic Books of every kind. Downing's American Cement, ... Downing's American Cement, Downing's American Cement. Call at 139 South Eighth street. Call at 139 South Eighth street. Call at 139 South Eighth street SAMWEL S. FETHERSTON ct CO., China and Glass Store, parties, suppers, pie-nies, etc., fur niebed with all kinds of Glass, China, and other ware, at the 'lowest prices, by S. S. Fetherston & Co., NO South Second street. rii , RELI'A.ItS In want of China and Claw Were should not fan to visit the cheapest and best place of the hind in the city. Felher6tou & Co., 2to South Second etreet. BALLS, parties, suppers, pic-nics, etc., fur nished with all kinds of Glace, Chinn, and other ware, at the lowest price,,l yS, S, Fethert , ton Co., 270 south Secondstreet. • ALE drawn as cold as lee in three minutes by using the "Patent Ale Coolers," for salo only by Fetherbton Co., 270 South Second street. GLASS AND EARTI/PNWARE Of all kinds: largL4et and best assorted stock in the city at Feihe:sto:t & Co.'s, 270 South Second street. THE DAILY EVENING BUL LETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1867. WILLILAIdB . &. WOOD*ABD 270 South Second street - floilmiciar.ri.mits in want of China and Giusti Woresliould not fail to visit the cheapest and nest place of the kind in the city: retherston & co., 210 South Second street. JOHN R. DOWNING, John.R. Downing, John R. Downing, Bookseller and Stationer, Bookseller and Stationer, Bookseller and StatiOner, 139 South Eighth street. 139 Sciuth Eighth street. 139 South Eighth street Blank Books, Blank Books, Blank Books. All the Publications, • All the PalicAtions, • All the Publications. • Catholic Books of every kind. Catholic Books of every kind. Catholic Books of every kind. Downing,'s American Cement, Downing's American Cement, Downing's American Cement. Call at 139 South Eighth street. Call at 139 South Eighth street. Call at 139 South Eighth street. JONES' HOTEL, 235 Dock Street, below Third, revived by W. P. Larkin on the European plan. Meals from 8 A. M. to 12 P. M. Good lodgings for guests. House open all night. Join.: R. DowNix°, John IL Downing, John R. Downing, Bookseller and Stationer, Bookseller and Stationer, Bookseller and Stationer, 189 South Eighth street. 189 South Eighth street. 139 South Eighth street. p ll the Publications, All the Publications, ." 4- All the Publications. Catholic Books of every kind, Catholic Books of every kind, Catholic Books of every kind. Downing's American Cement, - Downing's American Cement. Downing's American Cement. • \ Call at 139 Sonth Eighth street. Call at 139 South Eighth street Call at 139 South Eighth street ALE druivn as cold as Ice in three minutes by usiu , the "Patent Ale Coolers," for sale only by Fether-ston Co., 270 South Second street. DEAi ss, IsLriim-mss AND CATAECRIL—, J. Isaam, M. D., Professor of the Bye and Han, treats all , appertaining to the above members with the utmost encees& TestimonLabi from' the moat reliable sources in the city can be seen arida office, No. StV. Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to ac company their padents, as he has no secrets in his practice. tatincial eyes inserted. No charge made for ex minar;Qty CARS - AWARE of every description at lowest cash prim - 1W S. S. Fezhenitou 210 SA. >call Second t•thset. GLASS A 513 £ARTIEKVWARE of all kinds; largest and best assorted stock in the city at Fetheraton 2TO South Second street. Cms.tWAEE Of every description at lowest cash re st S. S. FetherAon .t Co,.:e no S. Second weer. &mum S. Frvlicesros" & Sumer S. FelWE=& Co., Samael S. Fedu....*Aan& Co., Scrt.em . .e' u , d Retail &arm in RebLE desie-a. 4 11 inkerKL-v!r smd litetaS deaLtur la tu.d.QmeewirrP- Cetrr-a. Glue sad Q-eerzware. Carms Gliaa sal (t.ace..u.• we. 174) Scuth Second fm-eet. Seeuk fleeced _ StysZb SeCur4 sttele. • " Ca Z e,,•• d exze Cu .:1 =.leurre Call aril emaele ow stock. -Efor - rampEms is Wain of C''.r - ra =pi Glass Were .f-boal. - 1 fsil. to vtez the...sgen4t szd best `plate of tke;dr.,--A re - 2=5..^.= k. Co., 270 SVathSceoadtr-reet.-. BOOMILL & WLEJ3O3, COLV-r.g,, CV:W-4. 603 5a2600 Cher.= nreet. White Linen ThriCk Pant& White Linen Dick Pant& White Linen Duck Vesta White Linen Thick Vesta. Genoese Linen Etartere. Genoese Linen Dusters. Boys' Linen Garibaldi& Boys' Linen Garibaldi& A great variety of white and colored linen clothing. Summer Clothing of all description& Alpaca Coat& Roolcuu.r. t Clothing Howe, 603 and 605 Chestntit street FINANCIAL and COMMERCIAL Bales at the Philadelphia Stock Exchange. IoTIOIT BOARD.' 8500 OCity 6s old 97.34 100 eh Read R b3O 52 5 .' 6sh Mech Bk 32 1200 ieh do" • slO 52.56 27 ah do ' • 31U,100 sh do b305°2.56 10 sh Penne R 53x '5OO eh do 601)2130 Is 525„ 42 sh do Its 53,;41 WS sh do transf 52% 46 sh Leh Val R b 5 57%1 P/lILADZLPHIA. Saturday, August IT, There was but little business effected at the Stock Board this morning, and no essential change iu prices, except for Canal shares, which were remarkably weak, as it is feared most of them have suffered from the flood. Government Loans closed quiet st 111,;@,111"y„,' for the Coupon 6's, '81; 11334(311334 for the old '62'e; 110@,110X for the '64's; 110; , ,,'@,119,V, fur the '6s's; 102'/ s @lo3 for the Ten-forties; 101i.4@107: - ti' for the February, and 10TX®107,; for the' June and July Seven-thirties. % State and City Loans were held very stiffly. Reading Railroad was rather dormant and clostid dull at 52;',i. Pennsylvania Railroad sold at 53%, and Lehigh Valley Railroad at 5Th. 127% was bid for Camden and Amboy Railroad; 125 for Phila delphia and Trenton Railroad; 42 for Elmira Railroad Preferred; 55 for North Pennsylvania Railroad; 29 for Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, and 28 for Catawissa Railroad Preferred. In Bank shares the only sales were of Mechanics' Bank at 81 . , 3 ‘,®39. Passenger Rail way shares were but little sought after. 78 was bid for. Second and Third Streets; 66 for Weet Philadel phia ; 19 for Thirteenth and Fifteenth Streets; 29 for Num and Pine Streets; 26 for Girard College, and 30 far 'keen and Coates Streets. Smith, Randolph & Co., Bankers, 15 South Third street, quote at 11 o'clock, as follows: Gold, 140)1; United States 1881 Bonds, 111,;®1117; ; United States 6-20's, 1862, 113X@118%; 6.20'5, 1864, 109%@11031 ; 15-20's, 1866, 110X®110%; July,, 1866, 108,y,(4 los,,I; 6-20 e, July, 1807, 108%®10895 ; United States 10-40's, 1029;@103; United States T-BO's, Ist series, lOTR ®IOTX ; 1-80's, 2d serits, 1073®10754 ; sa series, 1073-r.@lOT%; Compounds, December, 1864, 117 X. Jay Cooke & Co. quote Govermeent securities, &c., ro-day,as follows: United States 6's, 1881,111X@li1;1‘, ; Old 6-20 Bonds, 113%®113%;:lslow 5-20 Bonds, 1564, 1(u3a40101;; 5-20 Bonds, 1865, 110%@11034; 5-20 Bonds July, 1865,1083 , 0'C/108U ; 5-20 Bonds,lB67,loBK(dt I0S%; 10-40 Bonds, 10214'@103; 7 3-10 August, 107,4' T 3-10, Jane, 107,4@)1011f ; 7 3-10, July, 10T,3 44101 , i'; Wild (at 12 o'clock), 140%414075', hieasre. Do /lawn Brother, No. 40 South Third , treet, make the following quotations of the rates of exchange to-day,at 1 P.M: American Gold 140%@140%, Sliver—quarters And halves, 138%®135; Compound Interest Notes—June, 186 i, 19.10; July, 1361, 10 40; keens% 1864, 10 40; OCt., 1864, 18%; Dec. 1864, 17:'„ : May, 1965, 16%; August, 1866, 15%; September, '966; 11%; October, 1866, 14%. Philadelphia It! , AY, Aug. 17.—There in not much demand Gm fb.llr, and no change from yesterday's quotations. About 700 barrels Superfine were taken for shipment at +7 00 /17 barrel; 200 barrels Northwest extra family l $ll 00001 75; small lots Of fresh ground new Wheat oNtrik bluffly at $ll 0041112 50: fancy at $13;14; new extras at $9 OU®lO 50, and old do. at sB®,B 75. Rye Flour is Kai ce and selling at $5 75attl—M1 faVallekt. In Coin Meal nothing doing to fix prices. The receipts of wheat contmte light, and it .meets a fair nquiry from the millers at steady prices. Sales of 2,500 bushels good and prime Pennsylvania and Southern Red at $2 300 2 35 It bushel.. Rye is in better reonest, and . 2,000 bushels 'Western, to arrive, sold at $1 45. Corn comes in slowly, and is held with much confidence. Sales of 3,000 bushels Yellow at $1 22, and mixed Western 13. OalWare"Steiniy - ittilic. - for - novr, and 90c—for old Pennsylvania; 500 bushels Barley mail Fbid nt. $1 58. Whisky.—Prices are nominal. - A TM P 91 3 VT 1 °NS ' Reports for for the hla eph a Evening Bulletin. LEOBORN—Bark Esther, Prince-1215 bales rags tiO cs oil tal cks mdse 119 blocks marble, 3T50 marble tiles 'l' A Sartori ; 285 pkgs sundries Vitt Bros. Vir Sec Marine Bulletin on Third Page ARRIVED THIS DAY. . • Brig Ennis, Yates, 5 days from Boston, in ballast to captain. Schr William & .Tames, Outten, 6 days from Norfolk,: with lumber to captain. Selo . Margaret, Nichols, 7 days from Jacksonville, with lumber to J P Geloin & Co. Schr T R Baird. Seduce, 5 days from B islon, with mdze to Crowell & Collins. Schr N& H Gould, Crowell, 5 days from Boston, with mdze to Crowell '& Collins. Schr Rebecca Florence, Rich, 4 days from Province town, with intim, to G B Kerfoot & Co. Behr Susan H Gibson, Bartlett, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to captain. Schr C Hill, Cheetiman, from Boston. Schr J Stockham, Risley,from Boston. Schr E T Allen, Corson, from Boston. Schr L & A Babcock, Smith. from Boston. Schr Cornelia, Carroll, from New Haven. Schr C Fadden, Wamunght, from New Haven. Schr Alexander, Ireland. from Norwich. Schr Caleb Stetson, Somers, from Braintree. Schr .7 L Harmed. Adams, from Petersburg. AT QUARANTINE. Bark Esther, Prince, front Leghorn. CLEARED THIS DAY. Steamer Hunter, Rogers, Providence, D S Stetson & Co. Behr L Mager, Lawrence, Norfolk, Bacon, " Mine Blank Books, Blank Books, Blank Books. et Co. • Schr Alexander, Ireland,Waahington,Rathban.Stearna & Co. Schr George II Bent, Smith , Cambridgeport,Day,litid dell & Co. Behr John Stockton,Rialey,Marblehead,Blakiaton&Co. Schr Caleb Stetson,Somers,Braintree,Castner,Stickney & Wellington. Schr J L Harned, Adams, Georgetown, Dovey,Balkley a Co. Schr C Hidden, Watnwright, Washtngton,Hammett Schr Bashtl Sharp, Sharp, Boston, Blnkiston & Co. Schr E T Allen, Curm, Bciston,Borda,Keller &Nutting Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. LEWES, Del., Aug. 15-9 PM. Ship Arnold Bollinger, from Philadelphia for Bre men, arrived at the Breakwater to-day, and is detained by head winds. One bark, (me berm brig, and too fall-rigged brigs past•ed in this afternoon. Steamers W W Colt and Jas Bready, for New York, with peaches, left here this afternoon. Wind ESE, and rainy. Yours, &c. JOSEPH LAFETRA. MEMORANDA. Steamer Roman, Baker. hence at Boston yesterday. Steainer Carroll, sailed from Baltimore yesterday for Liverpool. Schr James Neilson, Hackett, hence at Taunton 14th inst. ' Schr 811 Jones, Davis, sailed from Fall River 16th inst. for this port. Schr S L Russell, Smith, hence at Salem 15th inst. MARINE MISCELLANY. Bark Lycnrmis (Ital), Castaglioni. from New York 13th inst for Tarragona, put back 15th. On the day of Failing, when 60 miles E of Sandy. Hook, had a heavy blow from SSE, with high sea, during which the vessel Fpning aleak. Had atone time three feet of water in the bold, and was obliged to throw overboard the deck load of staves; also some of the cargo from between decks, to lighten the vessel. Has now 15 Inches water. Bark Rainbow, from Pictou for New York, was towed into Halifax I4th instant, with loss of sails, bul warks stove, and leaky. Schr Gen Knox. from New York for Galveston, re cently ashore on the beach at Body Island. has been off, and arrived at Norfolk 16th lost,. Two ochry, with her cargo,, reached Norfolk 16th. RISLEY'S CONTINENTAL NEWS EXCHANGE, CHOICE SEATS To all places of amusement may be had up to 834 o'clock any evening. mh29 tf Wrta. N. E. CORNERt 8?E NLNTH and WALNUT etrv c THlS AND EVERY EVENING, Shakespeare's Fairy Spectacle. In five seta, of A MIDSUMMER mcirrs DREAM. With ita unrivaled Scenery, Panorama, Costumes, Accou trements, TRIPLE TRANSFORMATION SCENE, 6w. The whole constituting a UNIFORMITY OF EXCELLENCE Never equaled in the production of this Play. Chairs secured six days in advance. 10IMCNBYLVANTA ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT, above TENTH. ° Open from 9 A.M. * to 8 P. M. Benjamin %Veet' great Picture of CHRIST REJECTED etill on exhibition. je4-tf LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION HAVING BEEN giant' d to the subscriber upon the Estate of BERNARD PONAHHCE. deceased, all persons indebted to the same will p ake payment, and those bacilli( claims present them to MICHAEL DONAGIICE. Administrator. 1403 N. Tepth st! , et, or to hie Attorney, JOHN McINTYRE, 611 Wqnut street. aul7-s.dts rrd r iF ESTATE OF GEORGE ERETY. DECEASED.— .1/Letters of administration upon the above estate having hsten granted to the undersigned. all persons indebted to the ell id estate are hereby requested to make payment. and Om.e having claims or dil•Mifillds against the said ertate. to m> ke known the same, without delay. to WIT, LIAR( El: ETV. B. B. SHOEMAKER, Administrators. No. 4114 Wood scree; or their Attorney, nollEirr M. LOGAN, No. 444 N. Third it., Phihtddohm. aul7-A6ta E I) \o. 1 1PkWitar i e l L 1 4 I( id August NOTICE TO (A:TRACTORS. Scaled PropOIININ will be received at the Office of the Chief Commissioner of Highways until 12 o'clock M., on MONDAY. 10th inst. for the construction of a sewer on the line of Story street.from 'Thirty-ninth street; eastward about -- feet. to be built of brick, circular in form, with a clear inside diameter of three feet six inches and with such inlets and loan holes DO may be directed by the Chief Engi neer and Surveyor. The understanding to be that the contractor shall take bills prepared against the property fronting on said sewer to the amount of one dollar arid twenty-five cents for each lineal foot of front on each side of the street, as so much cash paid; the balance, as limited by 0 , (finance, to be paid by tlw city, and the Contractor will be r.• (mired to keep the street and sewer in good re pair for three years after the sewer is !Lashed. When the street is occupied by a City Passenger Rail road track, the Sewer shall be constructed alongside of said track in such manner as not to obstruct or interfere with the safe passage of the'care thereon; and no claim for roininetation shall be paid the Contractor by the comp:tw itting said track,' as specified in Act of Assembly approved Mav Bth, 1866. All bidders are Invited to be present at the time and place of opening the said Proposals. Each proposal will be accompanied by a certificate that a Bond has been filed in the Law Department its directed by Ordinance of May 25th, 1860. If the Lowest Bidder shall not execute a con tract within five days after the work is awarded, Ito will he deemed as declining, and will be held liable on his bond for the difference between his bid and the next highest bid, Specifications may be had at the Department Of Surveys, which will be strictly adhered to. W. W. SMEDLEY, auls-3tl Chief Commissioner of Highways, TAEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HIGHWAYS, OFFICE, If No. 104 South Fifth ntreet i f.Antff.riti A, Aug.l7, 1867 NOTICE TO CONTRAC't ORS.—Sealed proposals will be received at tho,Oflice of the Chief Commissioner of Ilfghweyn until 12 o'clock M., Monday, 19th toot, for the conch fiction of a Sower on the line of Nineteenth street, from Pennsylvania avenue to the North' line of Green street, to be built of brick circular in form with feclear side diameter, with such inlets and man-holes as may be direeteo by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor. The under. standing to be that the Contractor Hindi take for the con struet ion of the Sewer, bills prepared against the property fronting on said sewer to the amount of one dollar and twenty-five eentt for each lineal foot of front on each aide of the street RH Bo much earth paid; and Nine Hundred Dollars fit9o4.) as limited by Ordinance, to be paid by the City. ), , When the street is occupied by a City Paneenger Rail rend track, the Sewer shall be constructed alongside of said track in each manner he not to obstruct or interfere with the safe passage of the cars thereon; and no claim for remuneration shall be paid the Contractor by the corn finny using said track, us npecified in Act of Assembly ap proved May Bth, INA All bidders are invited to be present at the time and place of opening cold propontln Each proposal will be accompanied by a certificate that a bond has been filed hi. the Law Department as directed by Ordinance of May 25. 1860. If the Lowest Bidder shall not execute a contract withindive days after the work in awarded, he will be deemed as declining, and will be held liable on his bond for the difference between his bid and the next highest Spechirationn may be had at the Department of Surveys, which will be strictly adhered to. W. W. SMEDLEY, .• fit:ls,3ts Chief Commissioner of Highway)). - ENO & C-0., MANUFACTURERS OF Sterling,Standard & Silver-plated Wares. An elegant and extensive stock always on hand. Mann. faetureni of and dealers in Geo. Eno's celebrated Patent ICE PITCHER, which retains the solidity of the ice one. third longer than any other, and is by far the most *mono mical ICE PITCHER ever invented. S. E. Corner Eighth and Chestnut Sta., - Philadelphia. anyskoßt in67t MARINE B PORT OF PHILADELPHIA-Atm LEGAL NOTICES. PROPOSALS. Old .17,ve iskies. THE LARGEST AND BEST STOOK OF OLD FINE IN THE LAND IS NOW POSSESSED' BY HENRY S. HANNIS & CO., 218 and 220 SOUTH .E7EZ,CON'T Who offer the same TO THE TRADE, in Lots, on very advantageous Terms. Their Stock of Rye Whiskies, IN BOND, comprises all the favorite brands oz. rant, and runs through the various months of 1866066, and of this year, up to present date. Liberal contracts made for iota to arrive at Penney'wattle. 'U R. Depot, Erricat sonSidne Wharf, or at Bonded Wa.whonses, as parties may elect. SUMMER RESORT'S. UNITED STATES HOTEL, CAPE ISLAND, N. J., Will remain Open this Season later than mug Paso visiting us in August and September will find it a very pleas ant portion of the Sea Shore Season, and have the benefit of a certainty in securing Ocean front rooms, WEST & NuLL.F. FL, PROPRIETORS. nultf bp§ MOUNT 'VERNON HOTEL Atlantic Avenue, Nearly opposite the Excursion BOUM Atlantic City, N. J. The Most comfortable and convenient 'Hotel on the L. land. For Information as to Terms. RODDY% etc., apply or address, Ery, ALBERT BROTHERS. Proprietor. CHERNAN HOUSE---11APE ISLAND. NOW 01421 for reception of guests. Board from $l4 to 1418 pt week, according to rooms. Woe:trim jell-tf• MO& CLIFFORD, Proprietor.- I j IGHT-HOUOE COTTAGE, ATLANTIC CITY. JONAH WOOTTON, Proprietor. The mod desirable House on the bland, being the near est house to the surf. No Bar. ITEEMONT HOUSE, CAPE WAND. IS NOW OPEN for Boarders. • Temps moderate: SUMPECREY HUHES. Im• Proprietor. .OTHING. EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, NO. 612 OKESTNIIT STREET Complete aesottmmtt of choice SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, REDUCED PRICES. PATTERN COATS, AN!) CLOTHES NOT CALIrn FOR, FOR SALE BELOW COST• f '••\ • L HENRY EHRLICHER ) MERCHANT TAILOR, Keeps nehfailataralsßna•aadeelrecAntlotohe m° in the NEW BULLETIN BUILDING, 607 CHESTNUT STREET. KEEP THEM AT HAND! PATENT 2ni.tpoi WHISKIES RYE GROCERIES, LICIITORS, &C. TOMATO SOUP. JULIENNE SOUP. TERRAPIN SOUP: These Soupe are put up in quart cantatere s hermetical( pealed, and when wanted for the table only require to heated. FOR SALE BY . THOMPSON BLACK & SON , BROAD AND CHESTNUT STB. mh.9B-th o tu.lyrpti THE FINEST STOCK OF - HAVANA CIGARS LAT THE CITY.: Figaros, "Regalia Britianlos e ' Pomerigos, "Conchas," Limenos, "Conchas," Rio Sellas, , "Londreti," Partugas, "Millar Comna," La Escepcion, "Regalia Brittaniol," And many other Brands. CLARETS, SAUTERNES, HOCKS, CHAMPAGNES, All Favorite Etrands. BY BEIL, 1310 CHESTNUT STREET.,tu.Bm6 SPEEFL 9 S PORT GRAPE WINE sp9l4yr. VINEYARDS, NIEWJERNEY4 SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE, FOUR YEARS OLD:" • Tilii! Jastly celebrated native Wino Is made from the Juice of the Oporto Grape raised in this country, Its to valuable TONIC AND STRENGTHENING PROPER TIES are unsurprived by any other native Wine. Bob= the pure juice of The grape, produced under Mr. Speor's own personal supervision. its purity and genuineness axe guarantied. The youngest child may partake of its gene rous qualities. and the weakest invalid may use it to ad.. vantage. It is particularly beneficial to the aged and do• bilitated, and suited to the various ailments that allitzt the weaker sex. It Is in every respect A WINE TO BE RELIED ON. Samples at the store of Johnson, Halloway & Cowden, No. 23 North Sixth Street. Dyott & Co., • NO. 232 NORTH SECOND. Invalids use Speer's Fort Grape Wine: Weakly persons•find a benefit by its use. Speer's Wines in Hospitals are preferred to other Wilmot • Sold by Druggists and Grocer% jy3Odu,th.eXtrn PICTUUES. FRAMES, are. WOKING - GLASSES OF THE VERY BEST u At J 24 rir EVERY NOVELTY IN STYLE AT THE LOWEST Possnnui PRICES. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, 818 CHESTNUT STREET. 1)OY WANTED —IN A WHOLESALE HARDWARE House. Address IMPORTER, at Oleo of EVY.ti LIEQUIrk RENNET FOE MAKING IN - A FEW MINUTES DELICIOUS DESSER rs. HENRY C. BLAIR'S SONS. EIDER IND. WALNUT BEM MPERIAL k NCHPRUNES.—ISO LAS3Ed IN TIN canisters and fancy boxes, imported and for sale bei JOB. B. & 130.108 8 oath Dolawate avenue. -d WANTS. BLAIR'S mhl2tn th ■ itmAD)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers