1-1114INESS NOTICES. WE 11AVE REDUCED ALL I'ItICES. --We haoe reduced a aPrie"d We have redoord all prime • - We have reduced all pricy • We have reelueed ail 'Prices • • We ►rave reduced all prices Of Summer Clothing to.Cl.oBe Out Stock. ria4f-wetv between BENNETT & Jetfth and TOWER HALL, htxth &8. 618 •Remor.r STREET, PHILADELPITIA, And 600 Broadway, Now York MEYER'S NEWLY IMPROVED CRESCENT SCALE, . OVERSTRUNG PIANOS. Acimowledged to be the beet. London Prize Model end Ellithees Myer& in America received. MELODEONS AAND SECOND-BAND PIANOS. • 3 315 / 0 m w P-Rint. Warerooine. 723 Arch et. below Eighth. BTECK dt CCM3ITAINI3ROW PIANOS N & HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS. tadlS-sJO J. E. GOULD. Seventh and Chestnut p DUI *WM an Pi MIN Nl6 Saturday, August 17, 1867. ARE REPUBLICS USGRATEFULI Not always, not even generally. There are many cases of public men who run well, for a time, and win premature renown from some adventitious circumstances, but who fail to maintain their positions by reason of - want of capacity or integrity. The war fur nished so many notable instances of this class of public men, that it would be invidious to single out particular specimens. But all such men "go under," and are forgotten. The age judges by results, and he that is not faithful to the end of his public career, will inevitably find that the country allows him no lasting credit for his earlier services, no matter how important they may have been. Then when such a man is retired from office to private life, "urtwept, un honored and unsung," it is common to hear the trite saying applied .to him, "Republics are ungrateful." And yet the Republic may only have been just. It gives no crown ex cept to those who are "faithful unto death," and from such it rarely withholds the reward Pensions, .peerages, monuments prove the gratitude of monarchies; the lasting %remem brance in which the people hold their tried and trusted servants is the token of Republi can gratitude. The position which the long line of American worthies, from Washington to Lincoln, hold in the hearts and memories of the people is proof that Republics are not always ungrateful. The question of the gratitude of Republics comes up, in connection with the crusade which, the President is now preaching and proseauting against Mr. Stanton. That Mr. Johnson has acted in the affair with the most graceless ingratitude, cannot be denied. That his little pack of curs, who exist to do his bidding, are yelping and snapping at the heels of the great war minister, proves noth ing against, but much for the object 9f their spite. But neither Andrew Johnson nor his Copper-Johnsonized journals are the "Re public." They neither constitute nor in any true sense represent it. The President "sus pends," because. even he dares not dismiss Mr. Stanton, without an word of recognition of his transcendent , public services, but the people have not forgotten and are not un grateful for them. The time has not yet come to write the history of Mr. :Stanton's connection with'the grave events of the late rebellion. He is still the Secretsayof War, and probably has much work yet to do for the country before he lays aside the portfolio of the War Department. But it will need a lapse like that of Lucifer to cast him down from his present lofty, position and to forefeit the enduring gratitude of a Republic which he has done so much to save. It will not be easy to forget that Mr. Stanton was not only, in Mr. Seward's words, "the greatest organizer 'of war since Carnot," but his was the strong arm on which Mr. Lincoln learned to lean with ever increasing confidence; his was tie band that seized the helm when the ship of State was left without her com mander on the dark April day of 1863; and kept her, by his own single will, steady in her course until order came out of the con fusion, and safety out-of the country's •great peril. It has been Mr. Stanton's unwaver ing adherence to principle that has interposed the one serious obstacle to Mr. .Johnson's mischievous schemes, and has prevented the total destruction of Republicanism in the Ex ecutive branch of the Government. It has been to his devotion to, the cause of freedom that the oppressed classes of the South have owed their improved condition. It has been his earnest co-operation that has protected the Freedmen's Bureau from the assaults of its enemies at the North, at Washington and in the Southern States. He has prosecuted his duties with an enthusiastic disregard of per sonal health, comfort and aggrandizement, which can only be fully appreciated by those who have watched, patiently and carefully, the ceaseless workings of the complicated ma_ chinery of which he has been the controlling, vitalizing power. Very much of all this the people know, and they are not ungrateful for it. The tempo rary retirement from active service, has only baought Mr. Stanton out among the people, and attracted fresh attention to him. Mi. . - . JoliOiniiiiiirsonly done him a service in sus pending hith from his office, for which the Secretary of War may well thank him. He has awakened a fresh sentiment of gratitude toward him in the hearts of the people, and as he goes out, for a. \ time, from the official asso ciations with which he has been so inti mately connected for five and a half years of unintermitting labor, it may well be said of Lim "Among the faithless, faithful only he ; Among innutherable false, unmoved, Unshaken, unsedueed, unterrified ; His loyalty he kept, his love, his ual ; Nor number nor example with him Wrought To swerve from truth, or change his c'oustaut mind, Though single. From amidst them forth he passed Long way through hostile scorn ; which he sus tained • superior, nor of violence feared aught;. And with retorted scorn, his hack he turned On those proud towers to swift destruction doom d." WALRUSSIA. It is, perhaps, too much to expect that the Euggestionoof a staunch Republiciin paper like the BULLETIN, that our new territory be ,named "Walrussia," would find favor with Abe administration, the Copperhead press, or even mild-mannered journals of doubtful principles. We were not surprised, therefore, to learn that the administration in instructing General Rousseau, styled the acquisition Alaska, and that the name has found faVor with a few individuals. That steadfast Re publican,. Edwin M. Stanton, between whom and Mr.. Johnson "aslight unpleasantness" is. thought to exist, used the name "Walrussiat several times in the course of his conversation at . the Continental the other evening, and it is believed that he represented the sentiment of . the Republican party. After all, has not Congress, rather. than Secretary Seward, 'the authority to name the Territory? If so, they will very likely give \Valrussia the preference. It is a joke,.to be surd, but then is not-the purchase of the "corner," and the . theory that it is to prOve of incalculable value to . the country, a jeSt of the most stupendous if not the most melancholy character? Mr. Seward would do more credit .to his cap and bells, and oflice (*kingly jester, if he would fall into line and carry out the joke to its con clusion. Quite unexpectedly, Col. Roberts; . of the `Y'aitSni3rotherhood, turned up in New York on Thursday last, after a lengthy sojourn in Europe, whithei he went to fulfil his "mis sion." Precisely what the character of that mission was, it is impossible to tell, for the ex-President is ominously silent in regard to it. When asked the question, he even refused 'to say whether he had had an interview with 'the Emperor Napoleon. As there was no earthly reason why he should have done so, even if the Emperor had been disppsed to listen to him, and as'no great moral'''or poli tical result in which Roberts figures has yet transpired or seems likely to transpire, we rather incline to the opinion that Napo leon was bored by just one man less than sanguine Fenians think for. The fact is, Roberts went to Europe to enjoy himself, and this lie did thoroughly, traveling through Europe in the compaty of four cler gymen,--none of whom are at all likely to be laboring for the freedom of Ireland,—and vis iting various places of interest without re maining long :enough in One spot to effect any important object. This is according to his own account. On the same authority we learn this herok hailed everywhere as the only head of the Fenian Brotherhood, and that in that capacity he has returned to Ame rica to assemble a Fenian Congress, which shall be the forerunner of events of great im portance. - There are men weak enough to believe that this man has been engaged in Some subtle Kleine to free Ireland,and that he has returned with the intention of carrying his plans through to a triumphant conclusion. We have only to say that we believe him to be a transparent humbug, who ,will follow the example of Stephens as soon as he has the same pecuniary - inducement to do so. European powers have enough to do to care for - domestic matters just now, and there is not the slightest probability that any of them intend to assist Roberts. His former failures and broken promises should warn honest Irishmen not to trust him in the future. If these do not, let the -dreadful fate of their brave countrymen who are languishing in English prisons teach them that Fenianism is a deception,' and that any attempt on the part of an unorganized force to free Ireland can end only in misery and disgrace. Ainid the multitude of rumors naturally en gendered by the hasty and singular visit of the French Empress to England is one that at least seems to give a reasonable explana tion of its object. Now that . the excitement of the Exposition .and the congress of sov ereigns in Paris is nearly at an end, and the dazzled aid bewildered people are to have a chance to think calmly of the true position of France before the world, it is not unlikely that their thoughts will °turn to Mexico and the dead Maximilian, and that there will be a better realization of the shame and disgrace that Napoleon has brought upon himself and them, by his utter failure to establish an Em pire in America. There may be also compli cations arising with neighboring poiyers; with Austria, for instance, whose Emperor rimy call upon France - to answer for his brother's blood, and who may take advantage of the present warlike attitude of Prussia, and the relationship of Belgium, to induce those powers to assist him in . inflicting retri butior, upon Napoleon. In view of these probabilities, it does hot seem unlikely that Eugenie visited Victoria "to commu nicate some letters of Napoleon and Max imilian calculated to throw a new light upon the Mexican matter, and to dispel any prejudices that may have been entertained in England respecting the part played by France.'' England is a good ally to have in time . Of trouble, either us a peace-maker—as witness her intervention in the Luxemburg dispute—or as a combatant, as she was in the Crimea. She has, moreover, a large family influence, both in Belgium an Prussia, and may be able to induce these countries to keep , hands off in case of war, if she does not suc ceed in entirely adjusting their difficulty with France. This may not have been the true character ofEngenie's mission, but the rumor is at least plausible, and we can accept it until we have a better story. The .iYatioita/ bacUigotecr, in one of those sprightly editorials of two columns in length in which the opponents of the admin istration have of late been smothered, asserts, with an air of exultation, that Mr. Stanton was opposed to the Civil Tenure Bill' when it was before Congress, and that he was the au:, thor of the veto message which the President sent in against it. From this, the editor con cludes that Mr. Stanton's condUct in taking refuge tinder the provisions of the law, when Mr. Johnson requested him to resign, was scandalous and dishonorable. It requires more penetration than is vouch safed to ordinary Men to perceive it. If Mr. Stanton had protested against capital punish ment, and then murdered somebody, would the Notional intelligenecr have contained two-column editorials insisting that he ought not and should not be hung? The cases are not entirely analygous, but they are surely enough alike to prove the folly of the Intel ligencer's argument. The Civil Tenure Bill is a part of the law of the land,notwithstand ing Mr. ( Stanton's alleged opposition. That he denied the President's right to violate, it, and chose to avail himself of its protection; proves rather that he has a respect' for law and la*-makers, which Mr. Johnson might emulate with advantage to' himself and the country. THE DAILY EVENINGIBULLETIN.-:PHILADELMHA, SATURDAY, AUGL j ~EvEtry Sxruno.iv for ,t is week has_ a, very readable sketch entitled "Mistress Barbara," translated from the German of Karl Neumann fitrelp; a racy account of "Rustieus at the Bel gian Ball;" something abodt 'Blushing;" the third stage of the ' 'Man in Dltilefilties;"ariother in stalment of Henry Kingsley's well-prolonged story of "Silcote of Sileottis;" and, besides other good things, a flue poeul by William 3lorris, author of "Jason." John It. 21Iyers dc Co. Auctioneers, Nos. 232 and 234 .Market street. will hold during next week the following important sales, viz.: ON TUERDAY, August 20, 2.000 packages Boots, Shoes, Brogans, 'l'raveling Bags, Shoe Laoots, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on four months' credit, • ON TrionsnAy, AugustA . by catakmue, - on tour months' credit, at lots of Foreign and Domestic' Eiti Isoerre,—keeinding 600 "Plecce Clothe, Car 44. meres, Beavers, Italians, ; full lines Dress Goods, Silks, Linens, 11 osierv, Gloves, Ildkfa., Shirts and Drawers, Balmorals, Blankets, Tailors' Trimmings, Also, 1.600 superior lined Army Blouses. Also, 200 packages Cotton and Woolen Domestics. ON FRIDAY, August 22, by catalogue, on four months' credit, at 11 o'clock, about 240 pieces now styles of Im ported and Domestic Carpetings. Auction Notice-Sale of Boots 'and The particular attention of the trade is called to the large and attractive sale of Boots, Shoes, Brogans, Bal morals, &c., to be sold by catalogue, for cash, on Monday morning, August 19, conunencinKat ten o'clock, by Mc. Cieiland & Co., Auctioneers, 506 Market street. TS Paper Manufacturers and Other%. John B. Myers & Co. Auctioneers, Noe. 232 and 234 31arket street, will include in their sale of Friday next, August 23d. 15 lIAT.I 8 !MT:ACHIM LINE'S WASTE, of extra quality, selected and clean packed, just imported. DOWNING'S AMERICAN LIQUID CEMENT, FOR mending broken momenta, and other articles of Glans,_China, Ivory, Wood, Marble, iko. No heating re. (Mired readye article to be mended, or the Cement. Al ways for nse. For sale by JOHN It. DOWNING, Stationer, fe7tf 189 South Eighth street, two doors ab. Walnut. MTALLA , S NEW HAT STORE, N. E. CORNER TENTH AND CHESTNUT, FORMERLY CHEST NUT ABOVE SIXTH, .AND CHESTNUT ABOVE EIGHTH. Your Patronage Solicited. • 1e134140 FRENCH CIRCULATING LIBRARY. PAUL E. GIRARD, French Bookseller, Stationer and Engraver. 202 South Eleventh street. Igir — Note paper and envelopes promptly and neatly stamped. voy3l-4p-ly THEO. H. M'CALLA. • AT HIS OLD ESTABLISHED. HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM. jaldthrP . 804 Chestnut street._ lIWARBURTON'S IMPROVED, VENTILATED and easy -fitting Dreee Hate (patented), in all the ap pieced taehione of the eeason. Chestnut etreet, next door to the Poet-office. eol3-Iyrp 600 ARCH STREET. 600 GRIFFITH & PAGE, BEST • . ' REFRIGERATORS AND CROQUET GAMES. H. P. & C. R. TAYLOR, , PERFUMERY AND TOILET SOAPS. C 4 North Ninth street. 1) EIMER. OND STREET, ABOVE GREEN. makes the Photo3l What're for only 11. Examine El' celiac ne, Eix Cards or one large Picture prsmvs , s SNIP SHEARS OE SEVERAL SIZES, 1 Soldering Irons. Rivet Poaches, Cold Chisels, Wall Nails, )laDeis; & c., for sale by TRUMAN & SHAW, No. E:35 (Eight Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth. • OOKINI; CIL:ASSES AND PII;TERE FRAMES, whole,alt , and rctnil, ut REIMER al. CO.'S, 62-1 Arch street, Inauutacturere. IL -1 0It BOILED CORN, PARTICULARLY IF OLD AND willtough,youtied the Patent Corn Grater a deeirable article, as it opene the grains and scrapes out all. the nu. tritious pulp, .leaving the skins attached to the cob. But it is more particularly intended for grating green corn in making fritters, oyistrre,_&c. For sale by 'TRUMAN & SHAW, No. 1i.35 (Eight Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth. C.A FOR A PORCELAIN 11.INIAT ERE, AT B. F. REI• L MER'S Gallery, ea 4 Arch street. Six Cards or one large Picture $L Pictures made ns wen in cloudy as clear weather. UILVER-PLATED SPOONS AND FORKS, 'MADE kJ from the beat quality of "Albata Metal or Nickel silver." and having double or treble plating on them, for eale by TRUMAN At SHAW, No. 835 (Eight 'fhirty-fwe) Market street, below Ninth.. - 1.4 1 1 NE CIKNEY LACE COLLARS. FINE THREAD LACE COLLARS. Just received, a small invoice of new and pretty real Lace Collars at low prices. 'ROYAL SAN DRUIGHLANI RUFFLING. DAISY Olt NOU - VEATTE RUFFLING. Will opr:rite-day. several widths, at low prices. REAL VALENCIENNE EDGFNG. Will open to-day, a lot of 70 pieces, each 20'4 ells, or 13. 1 f yards, at $3 a piece, or 22 cents a yard; are very chexp. 11 AM BURG EDGINGS, INSERTINGS AND Flouncings. Will open in a day or two, over 300 pieces. coins of which are Linen, new and choice designs. under regular juices, at WORNL'S Lace and Embroidery Store, 38 North Eighth street. It 4p. IPERA GLASSES.— ~./ Fine Opera Glasses, made by M. Bardou, of Paris. Imported and for sale by C. W. A. TRUMPLER, oc.ai4pif Seventh and Chestnut streets. J. NATHANS. AUCTIONEER, N. EL CORNER J. Third and Spruce streets ! only one square below the Exchange. x.". 60,000 to loan in large or small amounts, on diamonds, silver plate, watches. Jewelry, andall goods of. value. Office hours from 8 A. M. till 7P. M. WEstab lished for the last forty years. Advances made in" large amounts at the lowest market rates. iseqf rp 1 NPIA RUBBER MACHINE BELTING, STEAM A. Packing Hose, &c. Engineer! and dealerif will find a toll arem . tinent of Goodyear's Patent Vulcanized Rubber Belting, Packing Hoge, &c., at the Manta acturer's Headquarters, GOOD YEA It's, SUS Cheetuut street, South side. • _ . N. R—We have a New and Cheap Article of Garden and Pavement lloee, very cheap, to which the attention Of the public ie called. I_l OOP SKIRTS AND CORSETS.—MRS. E. BAYLEY, .11. No. 812 Vine street, is now manufacturing all the va t ieties of Hoop Skirts, Corsets. die. She has also the Real French Corsets of new styles. Hoop Skirts altered and repaired. rah264frp INESL Mfl - gr ) t i rdT(rerr Pig CIDERS. DOMESTIC P. J. JORDAN, ...al Pear etreet, below Third and Walnut Weds, begs to call attention to his large and varied stock of goode now on hand, embracing Wince of all grades, amongst which are come very choice cherries and clarets; Brandies, all quango! and different vintages; Whiekiee, some very old and superior; Scotch and English Ales and Brown Stout, together with Jordan's Celebrated Tonle Ale now to extensively need by familiee, phyciciane, in valids and other. Cider, Crab Apple Champagne and Sweet Cider, of qualities uneurpageed. Thee(' goode are furnished inpack ages of all eizee, and will bo delivered, free of coat, in all parts of the city. LIFE. GROWTH AND BEAUTY.— "London" Gray Hair Color The only Restorer" "London" Hair Color Restorer" "London" Hair Hair Color Infallible Restorer" "London" Hair Color Restorer" "London" it/STORED Hair Color Hair Restorer" "Loudon" Hair Color Restorer" "London" without flair Color Restore. Restorer" "Loudon" Hair Color Restorer" "London" Dyeing. Hair Color tivo. Restorer" It is the only known Restorer of Color and perfect Hair Dressing combined. Delicately perfumed. "London" Goes Hair Color Removes Restorer" "London" Hair Color - •. - • Restorer" "London" not ' Hair Color all Restorer" "London" Hair Color Restorer" "London" Stain Hair Color Dandruff Restorer" "Landon" Hair Color Restorer" "London" or Soil Hair Color and Restorer" "London" Hair Color- Restorer" "London" Anything. Hair Color Itching. Restorer" MAXES THE HAIR sore, GLOSSY ANT) LUXURIANT. KEEPB THE 80ALP OLEAN, 0001. AND LIEA.LTLIY. "London Hair Color Restorer" "London Cures all Hair Color It will Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Diseases Hair Color prevent Restorer." "Loudon Hair Color Restorer." "London of the Heir Color the hair Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Scalp. Hair Color from Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." • "London Hair Color Falling. Restorer." No washing or preparation before or after its nee; ap plied by the hand bottle. brush. Only 71 cents a Sold at DR. SWAYNE'S. .. . Bao N. Skt Arcot above Vine. jeae.w-f-F-in•rp-tf And all Druggbite and variety stone JONES, TEMPLE Ai CO., SOUTII NINTH STREET, 11. FASHIONABLE BATTERS, jyls-tfrp FOR CAPE iitAY.----ON TUESDAYS, ... 15 = 41 Thuredays and Saturdays the new and swift steamer SAMUEL M. FELToN, Capt. L. Davie, leaves Chestnut street wharf on Tuehdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 9 A. M., and returning leaves Cape May on Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 7 50 A. M. Fare,........52 60, including carriage hire. Servants.— 1 76, " Children.... 1 25, " Excursion tickets on Saturday good to return on Mon day, $4, including Carriage hire. C. IL lIUDDELL. N. D.—Mann's Express Company have arranged to at tend tc baggage, will check baggage through to hotels, cottages, &c.; also sell tickets. at their office, 105 South Fifth street. aul3-ot.rtol SUNDAY EXCURSIONS.—THE SPLEN ttdid Steamboat .101.15 i A. WARNER. - 'for Beverly, Burlington and Bristol, leaves Chestnut Street wharf, Philadelphia, at 124' and d o'clock P. M., stopping at Megargee's wharf, Kensington, River ton a nd Andalusia. Returning, leaves Bristol at 84 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M., touching at all the above land ings. Fare, 26 cents; Excursion, 40 cents. IGS STEAMER PILOT BOY.—SUNDAY Excursion for Burlington and Nieto!, Mov ing second wharf below Arch street, et 9 o'clook A. M. and 2.80 P. AL Retu rn ing, leave Bristol at 11.20 o'clock A. AL and SP. M. stopping at Megargoe'a wharf, Tacony, Riverdale and Beverly, as usual. Faro each way, 25 cente. • .EXcureion,4o cents. It THE COOLEST SPOT LN THE VI cinity of the city is Gloucester Point. Boats leave foot of South street, daily every three.quartara of an hour. Fare 10 onto. my *) ALWAYS A REFRESHING BRED= at Gloucester Feint. Boats leave fodt of South street daily. every thre&quarters of es hoer. Fare 20 cents. myleareffi Shoes. FIRST-CLASS CLOTHING. I ' Loftiest Assortment. Best Styles. Lowest Prices. WANAMAKER & BROWN, Gents' and Youths' Clothing, OAK HALL, Sixth and Market Streets. Prices Reduced on Summer Goods. CITY AGENTS WANTED, ' FOR THE Equitable Life. Assurance Society, • The most surceesful institution in the country. To Merchants, Salesmen, I lergymen and Business Mon generally who have thought of entering the Life Insu rancr business, and experienced Agents, liberal terms will ho offered. None but those who can give reference need apply. BETTS & REGISTER, General Agents, It rp§. 432 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, ONE PRICE CLOTHING. JONES' Old Established ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE 604 Mar'tot Stkeei, ABOVEESIXTHS We combine style with 'leather/ of flt And moderate prices with the best workmanship• mhl4.thAtutan4te CHICKERING PIANOS AT THE PARIS EXPOSITION.---The First Premium---Grand Gold Medal—has been awarded to Chickering & Sons for the best Pianos; and also The Grand Decoration and Medal of The Legion of Honor has been conferred upon Mr. Chickering by the hands of the Em peror of France for entire superiority in Pianos Fortes over all others exhibited at the Exposition. W. H. DUTTON, 914 Chestnut Street. atai. tf INDIA :c RUBBER d , 0431:05, No. 708 Chestnut Street. MANUFACTURERS AGENCY. Vulcanized Machine Betting, Steam Puking, Car Springo, HoeC : Booth, Shoes,Vulcanite Jew elry , IhAgeo g t aA:IL=PL; b:r Voe.WL and ; 1144 * RICHARD LEVICK. ai4dmrpi CHAMBERS & CATTELL 32 N. THIRD STREET, IMPORTERS OF FRENCH AND. GERMAN CALF AND KIP SKINS, CALF, KID AND PATENT LEATHER, RED AND OAK SOLE LEATHER. aul.3m rp3 REMOVAL. 0. W. A. •TRUNIPLER BAB REMOVED HIS 'Music Store From Seventh and Chestnut Sts. TO 926 CHESTiIIT STREET. 9.02-tf 411 REMOVAL. wm. E. HARPUR, Chronometer and Watch-maker, Respectfully informs his friends and customers that he has removed from over Messrs. Bailey (9. Co.'s, 819 Chest• uut street, to • 407 Chestnut Street, Where ho intends to keep on hand a supply or first quality Watches,Chronometers,Clocks, Ladies , and Gents' Gold Chains, Seals, Keys, &c. Chronometers rated by Solar and Siderial Transits. Especial attention given to repairing Watches. }y2 3m rp• G''B IMPROVED PATENT LOW STEAM AND HOT WATER APPARATUS, FOR WARMING EXTERNAL AIR. UNION STEAM AND WATER HEATING CO.. JAMES P. WOOD & €O., ' NO. 418. FOURTH Street. B. M. FELTWELL, Bap% 7e6.3m rig PATENT WIRE WORK RAILINAMUNT FRONTS. UARDS P . COAL adamos, m FOURIMINIMR by WIRES. dm4: , anufactured M. WALKER & BONS, te204m4181 No. u North Sixth Street. MAMINO WITHINDELIBLIALNK, EMBROIDER- Log, Braiding, Stamping, dm.. M. A. TORRY. - 181J0 Filbert street; ST 'l7, 18En. INIMITABLY FINE CONFECTIONS FOR TOURISTS. STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, No. 1210 Market St. nuli BLANKET& BLANKETS, 1,000 PAIRS BLANKETS. We now offer for sale one thousand pairs fine Bed Blan. kets, purchased for cash during the early summer. at greatly reduced prices. We will sell a gpod sound Blanket for leas price than soiled or damaged ones are sold for. All-wool Blankets, $3 per pair. • • Good size wool Blankets, $4 per pair. Fine all-wool Blankets. $9 50 per pair. Large size Blankets, $5 to $6 50 per pair. Very large Blankets, $6 50 to $8 00 per pair. 9.00 FAIRS SLIGHTLY DAMAGED BLANKETS WILL RE SOLD AT ABOUT HALF PRICE. NOW IS THE OPPORTUNITY TO GET A GOOD BLANKET FOR A MALL SUM OF MONEY. COTTON GOODS. We have now open for examination one of the !must etocka of SHEETING AND SHIRTING 3IUSLINS In the city, and will yell them by the piece at the lowest wholeaale Prices. 1 care'yard•widc Shlrtingr, 1 case tine Shirting MIIOIIIII, 16c. • 1 canto extra heavy Shirting's, 18c. 1 care very tine Skirtings, :'ale_ 3 camas beat Shirting Merlin, 25c. PILLOW 31 USLI NS. • 6.4 Pillow Mnalln. V.C. • - 5-4 Pillow Muslin, 2.5 c. 5.4 Pillow .1115.1in,•..e. 54 Utica Pillow -Marlins: WIDE SIIEE'II.NGS. • 84 Fine Sheetingr. 8-4 Fine Sheeting. P. 4 Fine Sheetinge., P-4 Fine Sheetinge. . • 104 'Waltham Sheeting. 10-4 ttica Sheeting. 131 Iluguenot Sheeting. • CANTON FLANNELS. 1 cape Canton Flannale, 25c. I care Canton Flannels, 25c.• • 1 care Canton Flannelr. TiCKINGS, 'PICKINGS. Yard•wide Tickinge, 33c. Yard wide Ticking, 45e. Beat wide Ticking., 45e. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., p IiTri W IMIRSMrNIT, " II7/31/13M19 RITTER & FERRIS, No. 36 South Eleventh Street, IMPORTERS • or lEITE GOODS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, . LINENS, • AND HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, • Which they otter to the trade at greatly reduced prices. ------- - .. • • ' mr_l . . 4 . >,,, „,•• \ Fourth and Arch. _ . . . . 'Large Stock 4Summer Quilts, 10-4 and 11.4 Lancaster Quilts. 11-4 llomycomb Quilts. Pink and Blue Marseilles Quilts. . ' Finest White Quilts Imported. • hotels supplied with Quilts, Napkins, Towels, Table Linens, Sheetings, etc., etc. Have Just opened another case Silver Poplin, for Ladles Suite. Dark Lawns, French and English. Thin Goods, full variety. Summer Bilge, reduced. P. S.—White Shawls, wholesale and retail. dellim w a 1101 CHEST T STR-EET TO THE LADIES. LINEN CAMBRICS. PRINTED FOR DRESSES. WHITE FOR BODIES. 'These goods are essential for Summer Wear, and we are now selling the balance of our im portation at a Great Sacrifice* E. M. NEEDLES & CO., N. W. Cor.llth and Chestnut Sts., ,Ls.azi,Ts ,LIIN.LSaHO 1011 THE FINE SHIRT EMPORIUM JOHN C. ARRISON, Noe. 1 and 3 N. Sixth Street, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in every description of Gentlemen's Furnitihing Goods, In great variety and at Modemte Price. Particular attention given to the man■ ufabture of. Fine Shirts, Collars, &0., warranted to give satisfaction. WINDOW GLASS.. AMERICAN GLASS, ENGLISH GLASS. FRENCH GLASS. FRENCH PLATE GLASS,. FRENCH SKY-LIGHT GLASS.. ROUGH PLATE GLASS. FLUTED PLATE GLASS. DIAMOND \ PRESSED GLASS!. • COLORED GLASS. Invoices above varieties arriving. and to arrive per Ship E. C. Serant4, Ship Hosea Rich, Steamer Cleopatra, Ship Gessner, For sale by Light, Box, .or original' Invoice, by BENJAMIN H, BHOEMAKERS, Sole Agent French Plate Glass Companies„ Nos, 205, 207, 209 and 211 North Fourth Street, Above Race, Philadelphia. Rule - f r tut rpl Great Firt in the West Indies, 1,300 BUILDINGS BURNED, BUT NOT THE HERRING'S SAFE. CONTROLLER'S OFFICE, ST. Krrrs, 11th July, 1867 We, the undersigned, 'hereby certify that we' were present at the opening of a FIRE PROOF" SAFE, made by Farrel, Herring & Co., of Phila delphia, which Safe had been exposed to one of the severest fires that has ever been witnessed in the Island of St. Kitts, and a gentleman who was present at the severe fires in Demerara, in the , year 181;4, says they were not to be compared to this, by which the entire mercantile property was entirely destroyed, and the store in which this , Safe was, was burned 'to the ground, and cop tinued.burning for over two days, and was taken out on the third, and from thence brought to thin office, when the Bank Notes, Gold and Silver Coin, Papers and Books were found intact. ' In witness whereof we have hereunto at tached our seal and signature. G. J. EVELYN, - JOHN CARDEN, Ist. Clerk. 0 ,A.I.O2 , 4TAGUE GIBSON, of J. (Olson A: Sod, Antigua. R. F. LORRE CoNsuLATE or Tuts UsiTEn STATES OF AME)O , A St. Christopher, ,Ittly 17, 1+367. I, Emill Lapnine Deliele , Consul of the U...`5. of America for St. Christopher and dependencies thereof, do certify the above signatures to be en titled to full faith and credit. Given under my hand and seal of this Consu late, the year and date as above written. EMILY, L. DELNLE, U. S. Cowin]. FARItEL, HERRING 6: CO., 629 Chestnut street, Philaderphia, the only place these cele brated Safes can be obtained in this city. aul•l-w the-ttri_ wirlAyr io.A.p, WHERE TO GET The Largest, Best and Cheapest Plaeet IN THE CITY." IE A. C S N. E. cor Ninth and , Chestnut Streete., Prices Greatly Reduced. Gentlemen occupying rooms can obtain their meals aT Most eatlefactory,rates._ anl•lm 9p• FINE WATCHES We offer a full assortment of warranted Time-Keepentit at greatly reduced prices. FARR k BROTHER, Importers of Watches, Jewelry, Musical Boxes, e 324 Chestnut street, below Fourth. ICJ! - M• T. STEWART B RO WN, ro „,r ' , S.F. Como of .....!=IM t;i:, at, EOTIRTIT & CIIEST_YUT ti TS. S. § l,r NANUFACTURER OF TRITNREI, VALISES, BAGS, RETICULES, SHAWL ' STRAPS, HAT CAS72.B, POORET BOORS, FLAS4S. and Traveling Gooda generally. POINT BREEZE PARK.—Tr August 20th, 1867. Pe and stake s6oo. Mile heats best three u I rsn five to harness, Good day and track. Homes to kart at 4' o'clock P. M. J. TURNER names b. ni. BOSTON GIRL. J. E. MOSES names title. in. BELLE' OF WASH INGTON. R. STETSON names b. m, IDA: Omnibuses willetart for the Park et 2.l6o'clock P.M.,froni Library street, between Fourth and Fifth, Chestnut emS Walnut Streets. The privilege of a member introducing a male friend Without pay is suspended.. auld3tl DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES.—GRADUATES—MORTAL Pill Tiles Combs Brushes, Mirrors, Tweezers, Pitt Boxes, Horn Scoops Surgical Instrumonte, Trusses, are and Soft Rubber Goods, Vial Cases Glass and Meta Syringes, dm, all at "First Hands" prices. SNOWDEN & BROTHER, SOU TP • ' 29 South Eighth street.. SECOND EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. LATEST BY THE CABLE. Money and Cotton Unchanged, "ifiV S I INT r r 0 N . The President and Judge Holt, . . Resumption of ravel. PACIFIC MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. ANOTHER BOND ROBBERY. FROM FORTRESS MONROE. Liquor Seizures in Norfolk The Ram Stonewall at Gosport. By Atlantic Telegraph. Lo - sneN, Mig.ll7.—The markets for all sorts here and at Liverpool are without quotable change. The sales of cotton are estimated at 10,000 bales. The weather is still unfavorable for the crops, the rain still continuing. From Wmihington. jBpetial to file Hint EvcT dningelßelle utin by the l. ra Fnklin and Inm e graph W.Asurswros, Aug. 17.—The Intellillateer this morning criticises Judge flolt's action in the Conover ease. It declares that the President would be justified removing him, and calls . - upon him to resign his floltien or to call for a Court of Inquiry. — The &Wage' te'crapr - ty by the severe rainS will b very heavy. It is clear and pleasant here to-day. The first train from Philadelphia this way since Thursday morning arrived here late last night. [Cerrerpondrnee of the Aseoeffited Prere.) THE I'tISITMN WAsiimyros, Aug. 17.—1 t can b' confidently I.tared, in contradiction of prevailing reports, that the subject of the removal of General fat eridan and Judge Holt was not ye.-terday under Cabinet deliberation. TDE PO,T-OITICE • DEPARTMENT, The law in relation to the mail matter for Cali fornia, Oregon, ac., is that it not especially di rected differently, it must be sent overland. While the Indian disturbances continue this mode of•conveyance is not altogether safe. Parties mailing lettert“or the Pacific coast should, there fore, be particular to . superscriba them "via Pa nama" or "per steamer," in order to Insure their transmission by the Atlantic and Pacific route. Another Heavy Bond Robbery. PortTLANo, Me., Aug. r.—The store of D. W. O'Brien, at Cornish, was entered on the night of August 15th, and a safe' robbed of $20,006 in Government and other bonds. From Fortress Monroe. For MONItitE, Aug. 15.—The Government officers in Norfolk made a seizure of a secret dis tillery, kept by a man named George Tomkins, in one of the small streets. The locality had -been-long- suspected, and the visit, which. _was.. made oy LT. S. Detective Shacklock;' resulted in the capture of two stills and a quantity of whisky. The proprietor made .his escape by jumping ont of one of the back windows, and making a precipitate retreat. A small grocery store was used in the front part of the building as a blind to the unlawful operations which have been car ried on very successfully for quite a long time. The Lower Cedar Point Light vessel, which has been removed from her station in the Potomac river by order of the Lighthouse Board, has ar-• rived at Norfolk to be thoroughly overhaulecrand • repaired. The cause of her removal is the erection of a lighthousecon or near the spot where she was formerly stationed. Commodore Kelly. the new commander of the Gosport Navy Yard, vice Admiral Rowan, who has been ordered to the command of the Asiatic, squadron, arrived there to-day and assumed the direction of the works. He was received with the usual salute from the battery on the receiving ship New Hampshire, which was fired at noon. The Ram Stonewall. which recently arrived at / the Gosport Navy Yard from Washington, D. C., is now in the Dry Dock, and is being thoroughly overhauled and fitted ont for her long voyage to Jspan. The Japanese officers on board pass their leisure time while their vessel is repairing by visit ing. Norfolk,and.partaking of the hospitalities of the citizens. The Stonewall will be ready in a few days, and when coaled will adjust and men 'sail immediately for her destination. The Board ofoflicers is now in session in Nor folk, under the direction of Col. F. NI. Corley, of General Schofield's stafi'.•actively engaged in the revision of the late registration, and have been able to make so far very few material alterations in the original lists. A heavy southwest gale has been prevailing here to-day, accompanied by heavy showers of mint A large ship is reported outside, her name un known, heating into Hampton Roads. Shipment of Specie. ts ped 41 Despatch to the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin by Ilareon'e Independent News Agency.) Nzw Yom, Aug. 17.—The 'steamer Teutonia, nailing to-day for, Hamburg, takeS out $176,1m0 in specie. The Oltyof London also sails to-day, taking $65,769 in specie. The Gold Ilfarket. Medal Despatch to the Evening Bulletin, by Masson's Independent News Agency. j NEW YORK, August 17, Noon.—Gold is now ° quoted at 1405,f,. Ship News. Nv.w Yom: ' Aug. 17.—Arrived—Steamer Pal myra, from Liverpool. THE COURTS. QuAirtErt Sk.su,:s—Judge Brewster.—ln the case of Henry Becker ' charged with keeping his bar open ou Sunday, the jury returned a verdict of guilty. E. Henry Baxter, committed to prison on a charge of felony, had a hearing on a writ of habeas corpus, and it'ivas in evidence that the accused was arrested at Germantown whilb lying on a bow-window. When found he thVeatened to kill the owner of the premises. Ufton this testi mony the Court discharge d the dere hint upon the charge'of felony, but held him in $1,500 to keep the-peace: CITY BULLET • • STATE OF THE THERMOMETER THIS DAY AT THE BULLETIN OFFICE. 10 A. M.... 78 deg. 12 M.... 78 aeg. 2P. M.... 19 deg. Weather cloudy. Wind Northwest: Aut;TTO:g SALT': Or STEAME,IL-i.--The side-wheel steamer Edwin Forrest, built at Chester, Pa., hi -3865, by Rennie, Son & Co.; 'length 197 feet, breadth 28 feet; hold 74 feet,,and registered 1107 tone, was -sold at public sale by Sarni. C. Cbok, auctioneer, yesterday, at the second wharf above Arch street; also, her tackle, ap parel and furniture. The purchasers were Messrs. ti. &J. M. Flanagan, of this city; the amount realized was $28,000. Also, the steain propeller, J. W Hall, built at Syracuse, N. Y., In 1%3; length 87 feet, breadth 173 feet, depth of hold 8 feet, 163 tons register, with a carrying Capacity of 1,500 barrels. The J. W. H. brought $3,450, and was 'purchased by R, C. White, of New York. ParsitruL.—There are few operations more,pain ful than cutting teeth. A little of Bower's Infant Cordial rulthed upon the gums of teaki,ez infants le a good soother. WARRANTED TO CUREOR THE MONET RXe riMIONL —Dr.Fitler'e — Rherunattc - Remedy has cared 9,600 cases of Rhein:intim, Neuralgia and Gout in this city. Prepared at 29 South Fourth street. GOLD MEDAL PERFUMERY. -- Napoleon HI. awarded the prize medal, at the ParliExpositlen, 1861, to R. & G. A. Wright for the best Toilet Soaps, Ex tracts and Perfumeries—for sale by all the principal druggists. R. &G. A. Wright, 624 Chestnut streets. BIi:NBOW'S &ANS.—Elder Flower,Turtle 011, felycerLne, Lettuce, Sunflower Musk, Tase, &c. Smoworu &i Thioruzu., Importers, Sowtb "Eighth street. SENNA FlCji; lux - andliabitnal CCIB tivenesa Depot, Sixth and Vine." Fifty cents a box. Dam:tams' SUNDRIES and Fancy-Goods: Suowuzu t Baortrea, Importers, , 23 South Eighth street. WEST JERSEY RAILROAD. Owing to the heavy storm during the past week the travel has been somewhat obstructed . on the above mentioned road. The Sunday mail train will not run to-morrow. The road will be in good order on Monday morning, and trains will run on regular time. WM. J. SEWF:LL, Sup't. MOONLIGHT .. THE SEA. IIU Ni.gffM.E"a . . . N n 1?" 9 S TENTH ANNUAL MOONLIGHT EXCURSION TO ATLANTIC CITY, Saturday Evening, Aug. 24,1867. Parties , from the Workshops, from the Mille, Manufae torier, Halls of Industry !cam hardworking, honest, toil lire Merhanfee, and their WIST 3 end Children, who cam siot leave their buelnees through the week have now an excellent opportunity to visit the far famed CITY OE THE F.A.B remain over SUNDAY, and lone no time. A eutlicient number of comfortable Paseenger Cara have bet:met-cured for the occasion. TICKETS FOR TILE itt/UND TRIP $1 611 but boat leaver VINE Street Ferry at 8 P. M. Returning, will arrive in Philadelphia at 6 o'clock Mon. day morning. Remember, this TB the only MOON I tIGIIT EXCURSION of the Seaton. • D. H. MINDY. niilS-At rip§ NORTH MISSOURI IL R. FIRST MORTGAGE 7-PER-CENT. BONDS._ _- having purchased SWAM OF THE FIRST MORT. GAGE COUPON BONDS OF THE NORTH MISSOURI RAILROAD COMPANY, bearing 7 per cent. intexeat, having al yearn to run, we are now prepared to nell the same at the low rate of 86, and the accrued interest from this date, thus paying the inveetor over 8 per cent. inter eat, which is payable eemi-annually. This Loan is eccured by a First Mortgage upon the Corn. pany'e P.. R., 171 miles already conetructed and in running order, and 52 miles additional to be completed by the let. of October next, extending from the city of St. Louts into Northern and Central Mineouri. • , Full-particulate will be given on application to either of the andireigned. E. W. CLARK & CO. _ JAY COOKE & o&o. =DREXEL CO. I'. S.—Partin' , holding other recuritles, and Iwiehing to change thorn for thin Loan, can do eo at marketrater. aul7.e to tli2mrpt 7-30'S, CONVERTED INTO 5-20'S BY 120111E.X__IEL, `Sir, CO., 94 South Third Strodt. E t NEW STYLES T 4, JEWELRY, WATCHES And .... _Sterling Silverware. Cor 11, I tru ran, Malachite, Diamondo, Pc art Ame auk, Best American and English Plated•ware, London Fie Ilouqoet, French Clocks. J. T. GALLAGHER 4 , 1.800 Chestnut Street. je2o th,Ntit 11!pt THE SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY. The Fidelity Thsuranee, Trot And Safe Deposit Company, FOR THE SAFE KEEPING OF BONDS, STOCKS and OTHER VALUABLES. ..$501,000 DIRECTORS N. B. BROWNE, MIARIES MACALESTER„ CLARENCE 11.•CLA_RK, EDWARD W. CLARK, JOHN WELSH, ALEXANDER HENRY. J. GILLINGHAM FELL, S. A. CALDWELL, HENRY . GIBSON. Films Office in the fire-proof building of the Philadelphia National Bank, 421 Chestnut street. This Company receives on deposit; and GUARANTEES THE SAFE KEEPING OF VALUABLES upon the follow. lug rates a year, viz: Coupon 80nd5..... ........., ... ........ ...$1 per *l,OOO Registered Bonds and Securities.. ...... ets. perl,poo. Gold Coin or Bullion ........................$1 25 perl,ooo. Silver Coin or Bullion.. . . .$2 perLOGO. Gold or Silver Plate..... —.,...„ • —"Si per 100. CASH BOXES or small tin * boxes of Rankers, Brokers, Capitalists, &c. contents unknown to the Company. and liability limited, $25 a year. The Company offers for RENT SAFES INSIDE ITS VAULTS. dt $ ..0, $lO, $4O, $6O and $75 a year, according to size and location. Coupons end Interest collected for 1 per cent. Interest allowed on Money Deposits. Trusts of every kind accepted. N. B. BROWNE, President. Roiwrn, PATTERBON. Secretary i d Treasurer. ITALIAN VERMICELLI.-100 BOXES FINE QUAL ity, white imported and for sale by JOS. B. BUSHER & C0..108 South Delaware avenue. COD OIL - 42 BARRELS COD LIVER OIL, LpIDINO kl from schooner Comet, from Halifax, And for eal6.by 111 WIN SOR & CO.. mhla.f • - 99 South Whomon• FOR SALE— YER t3CHOON ER SAR NO FROM UU ram 100 tone Drasiletto wood, 20 tons Fustie, barrels salt and 87 barrels sugar. Apply to WORKMAN & CO.. 128 Walnut street. mv24-if RESERVED TAMARINDS. —BO KEGS MAR. Y tbairme Tamarinds in sugar, landing and for 281 e by J. B. BUBBLER & CO.. 108 South Delaware &vent" TIIE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.- - PHILADELPIIIA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 17,1867. THIRD EDITION. LATER CABLE NEWS. Financial and Commercial Quotations. LATER FROM FORTRESS MONROE Steamr4iip IDisabled ,Y.'osno.N, August 17th, 2 P. M.—Consuls 91%, Eric Illinois Central, 78; U. S. 5-206 weak at 7:1%: Atlantic and Great Western, 21g. LIVERPOOL, Auu . .l.7th, 2. P.l4.—Cotton quiet; Breadstuffs steady.; Corn 38s. 3d.; Flour 345.; Cheese declined to 495. 9d.; Refined Petroleum declined to ls. 33 d.; Whale Oil at £4O. -other articles unchanged. FORTRESS Moraton, Aug. 17.—The steamship Georgia, from New York for Vera Cruz, has put in Imre with her machinery disabled. It will be repaired at Norfolk. NEw Youx, Aug. 17.—Stocks are steady. Chi cago and Rock Island, 103 X; Reading, 105%; Erie, 70%; Canton Company, 49 1 A; Cleveland and Toledo, 123 1 A; Cleveland and Pittsburgh, 93; Pittsburgh and Fort Wayne, 105%; Michigan Central, 1107 4 ; N. Y. Central, 105%; Illinois Cen tral, 119%; Cumberland Preferred, 35; Virginia Sixes, 50; Missouri Sixes, 103.; Hudson River, 123%; Five-twenties of 1882, 113%; of 1861. 110; of 1865, 110%; new issue, 108 X; Ten-f ortles,lo2X; Seven-thirties first issue, 107%: sterling ex change, 9%; sight, 10X,; gold, 140%.' iiiipecial to the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin by Eamon's Independent News Agency.] Ni w Youk. Ang. 17.—Flour firm; low. grades active; southern, $11(i.i. , 11 50. Wheat scarce and firm; lied Winter, $2 20(82 35. Corn $1 10@1 12 and firm. DatS dull. Rye very firm at $1 .15® $1 lA/. Pork; $23 20; dull. Beef dull. Lard firmer; 123!,(id:;, 1 c. Bulk meats nominal: short ribbed, 12;"e.; Cumberland, 12c. Tallow firm; 11312 c. Whisky dull. Cotton firm at,283aa,29. The following are the closing prices. of flour: low grades 3 better': Wheat firmer, Amber winter s'2 l;*:; 137;. Corn firm at $1 1201 11; for export. Oats quiet. Pork dull at $2:l 15. Lard and tallow firm. Cotton firm and moderate; busint-s holders asking full prices; Middiug Up lands. 29. WEST JEIt',EY ItAir.noAD.—Owing to the heavy storm during the past week. the•travel has, been somewhat obstructed on the above mentioned road. The Sunday mail train will not run to morrow. The road will be in good order on Monday morning, and trains,will run on regular. time. Philadelphia Stock Exchange.. BETWEEN BOARDE. VW US 10-40 s cp 103 27 Eh Morris Cnl prof 1400 City 613 new , 1013 b 5 lts 1103' 1060 do old -973 i leh do 110 500 Warren & Prank- IS sh Penna R 5334 lin To 79,1; 100 sh Phil & Erie h3O 29 1000 Susi Bda c 61 100 sh Girard Col It 27 100 oh Bch Nay prf b6O 29 200 oh Big Mount b 5 33¢ 100 oh do hat 2634. I E. WALRAYEN. 719 Chestnut Street, LACE CURTAINS, From the beet Mamifaeionee; Notting-ham Lace Curtains, OF VERY BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS. MOSQUITO NETS, WHITE AND IN COLORS. WITH THE MOST AP PROVED FIXTURES. WINDOW SHADES, NEW STATE LOAN. THE NEW SIMPER CENT. STATE LOAN, FREE FROM ALL State, County and Municipal Taxation, WILL BE FURNISHED IN SIJ , MS TO SUIT. ON APPLICATION !SI TO EITHER OF THE UNMAN GNED. JAY COOKE & CO., DREXEL & CO., , E. W. CLARK &Co. ten. m-51)§ Silver Filagree Vulcanite tutd Jet, Coin Ringo. ALTEMUS, rti• - :Acaticit or ASO -lit Singing, informs her pupils and .he. public ' hat sho will resume her professional duties on Monday, Sept.S a. At ply plow pally or by uuail at 1920 Spruce street, 1' • 1 OBEDIENCE TO A RULE OF THE COURT OF J Common Picas of the City and County of Philadeli:hla the Sheriff of said city publishes the following writs Alias 81rnemono' Covenant: _ ItY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Sherifri4 Oflice, Auguot 17.1487. City and CiatiapPhiladelphia, RI. THE COMMONIV HA OF PENNSYLVANIA, To the Sheriff of Philadelphia County, greeting; • Jalo.th.l.tn,rDlv We eounnaiid you, as before we did. that you summon Sarah Baum tt, late of your Coanty.ll4o that she be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphiaott our Court of t 'outrnon Pleas for t Ito City and County of Phllada.,to be holden at -Philadelphia, in and for the maid City and County of PhUlld(4l4ll_,ll the first Monday of Scpternhar next, there to answer David Lewis, Trustee of atary C. Phillips, of a plea of breach of covenant, etc. And have yen then there this writ. Witness the lionoratdo Joseph Allison, Doctor of Lawe, President of our said Court, at Philadelphia. the seventeenth day of August. in the year of odr Lord OTIII thousand eighlibundred and sixty.seyen. aurVjaw..2t T. 0. WEBB, pro Prothonotary. 2:15 O'Clock. BY TELEGRAPH. By the Atlantic Telegraph• From Fortress Monroe. Financial. Commercial. CITY BULLETIN. BULLETIN. MASONIC HALL. SAS NOW OPEN A FULL LINE OF Embracing the Neweet Deeigna; A Large Assortment. FOURTH EDITION TELEGRAPH. FROM NFWYORK The Late' Whisky Frauds. FIRE AT DA.YTON. A Fireman Killed. New York Whisky Frauds. (I3pecial Despatch to the Philadelphia Dvening Bulletin • by linsmon'a Independent Newa Agency.] NEW YORK, August 17- Messmore, ono of the Commissioners of the Metropolitan Board of Internal Revenue, was called to Washington on Thursday. This sudden call is supposed to be the troubles arising out of the late sales in this city of whisky that had been under seizure, from the proceeds of which the informers who caused the seizures In many cases received much more money than was realized by the Government. Another large quantity of whisky, on its way to Boston, was seized in this city this morning. Two large distilleries were seized in Brooklyn yes terday. Considerable excitement is also produced by the delay of the report of the commission ap pointed by the Secretary of the Treasury to in vestigate the alleged fraudulent seizures of Spanish wines at Boston and in this port some time since. Fine and Accident. DETROIT, Aug. 17.—The store No. 110 Wood ward avenue, occupied by Gage Brothers, cloth ing and gents' furnishing goods, was burned this morning. The loss on the stock is $15,000, partially *insured. John Miller, fireman f fell from the fourth-story window to the &Mewl:ilk, and was instantly killed THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE PURCHASED THE NEW SIX PER CENT. REGISTERED LOAN OF THE • Lthigh Coal and Navigation Conipany, DUE IN 1.897. INTEREST PAYABLE QUARTERLY,' FREE OF UNITED STATES AND STATE TAXES, AND OFFER IT FOR 4 3 Atr AT THE LOW PRICE OF NINETY-TWO, AM) ACCRUED INTEREST FRO]I AUGUST I. Tide LOAN h secured by fist mortgage on the Com. f=g ß itrimlngger:k d b=t 4 ,:r'y b Of Tirteufoth,,exi Mauch Chunk to the Delaware River at Easton, includin g their .t g l e e together t m i r l i e t halal rive r of ire l :c ties and franchisee appertaining ' to the s aid Bilk." Ana Btidg. Copi e es of the mortgage may be bad on application at the office et the Company, or to either of the undersigned. DREKEL & CO. E. W. CLARK & CO. , JAY COOILE & CO. • W. H. WAMBOLD, SON & AEBIIIIIIII3 elstf 5. • NATIONAIJ BANK OF THE REPUBLIC? 809 ANb ill CHESTNUT STREET. :numendasins. CAPITAL, DIELOS0.88: Joseph T. Bailey, (Edward A. Biepham,loegood Welsh, Nathan Mlles, Edward B. Orne, Frederic A.Hoyl Beni. Rowland. Jr., William Ervien. Wm. IL Rhawn. WM. H. BRAWN, President. Late CasAier pf the Central National Bank.'" JOB. P. MUMFORD, Caelderj myllltf 844 Late qf the PhtlatelphiedNational Bank. BANKING. HOUSE JAXCoGKE &GI 112 and-114 So. THIRD ST. PHILAD'A Dealers in all Government Securities. jr36.3m rp§ • ENGLISH CRYSTAL 1:11.Double -End Bottles, = ELEGANTLY MOUNTED, _Olk FOR SMELLING SALTS AND AROMATIC VINEGAR. Alto, another invoice of ENGLISH PLATED WARES, JUST RECEIVED BY JAMES E. C;LDWELL & CO., 822 CHESTNUT STREET. fel-f m w•tfrp¢ , ..„ 102 s. ) op , ..,• • I J TAYLOR, es ; JEWELER. „4,,... An elegant stock comprising FINE WATCHES. DIAMONDS. ' ELEGANT JEWELRY. .SILVER WARE, PLATED WARE, CLOCKS. Offered at reduced prices. Watches warranted for two years. Silver ware suitable for bridal presents. WATCHES REPAIRED AM) WARRANTED. 1028 CHESTNUT ST. CIANTON PRESERVED GINGER. PRESERVED 'J Ginger, syrup, of tho celebrated ChYloollg 1 1 / 1 11.1d also, Dry Preserved Ginger, In boxes, Imported and fot sale by JOSEPH B. BUSSIER do CO.. 111EI South DOIiVWI4I4. W 79111111 BfiglV'AufaiTor4i—nllot'L2,ll9l,F!" OF THIS feW minutes. Always 014 hand and for sale by JuisEPß B.,BUSBIER & CO., Ina South Delaware avenue. l RITE OASTILF, SOAP.—IQO BOXES .GENUINJIC White Castile Soap, landing front Brig Yennervanis role Geeea. and for sale by , JOB. B. BIIIIIIIyA ds !aO.. 10 oath Doiaware avenue • • CROWN BRAND LAYER RUBINO WHOLES holes sand quarter boxes of this spl_edidtruit, lendiful and for ease by JOB. B. BUSI3I,Ea • M.,1011. Booth Delo ware avenue, BOND'S BOSTON • BISCUIT —BOND'S BOSTO N HUT ter and Milk Blectilt , landing from enamor Norman and torrid° by JOB. B. BUEIBILR & Agoura for Bond 108 Booth Delaware Avenue.' • • 3:00 O'Oloolz. es.w t m rp; NEW TU RKEY PRUNES. cußßAters, ase.—New Turkey Prunee, quality very tine; New Crop Currant", Orange and Lemon reel: 'New Malaga Lannotug. and for sale by JOS. ff EIiSSIER.# CO.. lita South DeL sayar. Arnmul.; ' L'RUNES.-10 CASES CANISTERS, Prunea, landing and for sa . let 011.1 1 11EaV ri dt i CO, leti South. OalaWant ifermawre AND AI,NONDS.-NRIV CROP OW T noble Walnuts and Paper Stoll Almonds, Wattle by D.BDRSIER C0..101, S. Delaware avenue. FIFTH EDITION - BY TELEGRAPH.- LATEST CABLE NEWS. RAIN STORMS IN ENGLAND. The U. S. Naval Squadron at Cronstadt. THE INDIAN WAR• Reported Battle Between the Sioux and Pawnee Stoats THE LATTER VICTORIOUS. By the Atlantic Telegraph. LONDON, Aug. 17.—The rain storms still con tinue throughout the country, and it , is thought the crops have suffered extensively in some dis tricts. • Banr,m, Aug. 17.—The general creation for members of the new Parliament of North Ger many takes place on Saturday, August 81st. Sr. Prransneno, Aug. 17.—The United States men-of-war Franklin, Ticonderoga and Frolic, forming the European squadron under command of Admiral Farragut, arrived at Cronstadt from Stetten last night. "The usual salutes were fired froth the fortifications in the harbor, and were answered by the Americans. LONDON, August 17.—The British Parliament will be prorogued on Wednesday, August 21st. Poi:v.3l°l;m . , Aug. 17.—The British man-of war Serapis left this port yesterday, forlreland, whence she' will take a regiment of national troops to Quebec. The Indian War. ST. Lours, Aug. 17 —An Omaha despatch says: A battle is reported to have occurred near Plain Creek, between.live hundred Sioux and two hun dred Pawnee scouts, lasting six hours. The Sioux were routed with great loss, the - scouts being reinforced by United States troops. This report needs confirmation. The Indian Commissioners reached Omaha yes terday, and held a secret session after which they proceeded up the river. An encounter took place yesterday at Fort Harker, Kansas, between Gen. McCall and Mr. Edgar of the Commissary Depart ment. A challenge passed between them, but Col. Crane. commandant of the post, put them both into the guard-house, and prevented bloodshed. All the settlers at Big Creek have been driven away, and their goods cenfis'cated by the military, on the ground that they had no United States licenses. F. Sr; ..11.:1301)IN-E, 128 South Front'Street MANUFACTURERS AND PATENTEES OF PROTECTOR FRUIT ARS, They are made air-tight with certainty and ease. Readily opened. without Injury to the covers. Each Cover will fit all the Jars. Handsome in Style—Low in Price=they are all the needed for use by Families or Fruit Preservers. For sale by GEORGE GAY, N 0.1022 Chestnut street JAMES STEELE,I4.IO9 South Eleventh street WM. GRANGE dc SON, No. 711 North Second street T. dc, J. TYNDALE, Na. 89 South Second street. E. STILES, Car. Eleventh and Spring Garden streets. And other respectable dealers. )ylB.tu th s.tf rp THOMAS - vv - Ens, (Buccesoor to Wm. F. Iltishos.) FORKS OF SECOND AND CHRISTIAN STREET.. BALED, FED3II, SALT AND PICKING HAY, BALED, WHEAT, OAT AND BYE STRAW, - • FOR ' SHIPPING AND CITY USE. mytro w&orp FIRST PARIS EXPOSITION. . PATEK PHILIPPE & CO.'S E l , WATCHES. The above makere have received the FIRST GOLD ,MEDAL at the Parte Expeditor'. 13.411_4E - Y . Sl9 Chestmit Street, Sole Agenta for Penneylvania, jeti-th e te.til F" IT' WEAVER & CO. NEW CORDAGE FACTORY NOW IN FULL OPERATION,. . No:23N. WATER and 23 N. DEL avenue 1a22 WILLIAM B. CARLUE4 MAURICE JOY. CARLILE & JOY, Home and Sign Painters and Glaziers, No. 437 Arch Street, Philadelphia,. Glazing and Jobbing attended to with promptaeas and deenatah. Give us a ealL • niy4 tI4 • II M B. M. LANE CARRIAGE BUILDER, 8408 NIA flit GT 2treet, three squares west Penna. Rallro‘d Depot, West Philads. A large assortment of superlonbuilt Car. rimzes constantly on hand; also, Carriages of every de scription built to order. aul.w f in 2m rp 4 4% MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED UPON DIAMONDS, WATCLIES, JEWELRY. PLATE. CLOTIIING, dto., at JONES dc" CO. OLD ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE. Corner of Third and Gaekill etreete, Below Lombard. N. B.—DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWE &0., BBi t T REMARKABLE I(MPtla. 1100 P SKIRTS. 628 HOPKINS' "OWN MAKE." PRICES REDUCED I It affords us much pleasure to announce to our Dinner. one patrons and the public, that in consequence of a slight decline In Hoop Skirt material, together with our increased facilities for -manufacturing and a strict adhe rence to BUYING and SELLING for CASH, we are ena bled to offer all our JUSTLY CELEBRATED HOOP SKIRTS at 'REDUCED .- PRICES, and they will, as heretofore, always be found In every respect more ell. rable, and really cheaper than any single or dottlllo springllloop Skirt in the market, while our assortment is unequaled. Also, constantly receiving from New York and the East ern States full lines of low-priced Skirts - at very low prices, among whirl; is a lot of Plain Skirts at the following rates: lb springs, 55 cents; 10 splines., 65 cents; 25 spring, 75 cents; 30 springs, 85 cents • 25 springs, 95 cents, and 40 springs, 151. Skirts made to ii . der, altered and repaired, wholesale and retail, at the bile delphia Hoop-Skirt Emporium, No. 01 Arch street, below Seventh. inh9-I,m,wlyrp W3I. T. HOPKINS. PANNED FRUIT, VEGETABLES, Am.-1,000 CASES fresh Calmed Peaches; 6411 C71.140$ fresh Canned Pine Apples; 2tILI egret , fresh Pine Apples, in ffillPP; IMO onset Green Corn nod Green Peas; 600 amen fresh Plume, in cans; 200 cases fresh Green Gages; 600 cases Cherries in syrup; 600 cases Blackberries to syrup; 600 clues Strawber• ries in srep; 600 caste fresh Pears in syrup; 2,000 cases Canned Tomatoes; 600 caret, eysterA t Lohstera and Clams; WO cases Roast Beef, Mutton, Ve tionps, die. For sale by JOSEPH ft BUSSIER 'At CO.. 011 South Delaware , &Venni. 4 :OO ~O' Ulock.. anti!, the grossearn jogs, VI. in consequence of the aid it receives from the Gen eral Government. from the State,of California, and from municipa I. corporations, the animal interest ob ligations which the C'entipany nre called•upon...to sumo are very light. The net earnings upon an av— erage of-mibent 75 miles, lu 1866, were nearly three • HIM'S Hie aM mint anitnal 'interest thibilitreS to be ONstoned in (mild iny it, ttiii u'eu' Cm 000 /nom than. the alloy& interest on the enure amount q( Fast .11ortua ligualN hieh the Company can 'tame upon the.fir.t 150 mites. Company offer for sale, through us, their First . :Mortgage, Thirty Year, Six Per Ceut. Coupon Deeds, Principal and interest pay ablo in gold coin. in Nem. York city. limey are In smile Cl $l,OOO each, with mommannnal gold coupons attached, end are belling for the present at oo per cent, and !teemed interest from July let added, in currency, at which rote they yield nearly Nine per Cent, upon the Threstinent These Bonds, au• tool iced by Act of Congress, are issued only is the work progresses, and to the same amount only as the Bonds granted by the Government Bad represent, in all case -', the first beitypon it comp invested equipped, and productive railroad, in which hare been' Goverunumat sub sidies, stock subscriptions, donations, surplus earning., and w high is worth mom than three times the amount of Eiret :Mot tgage Ponds which ern he issued Wpm - ft. The agreement of this IJompany to pay principal and in terest of their Bonds In coin, bviug made under the lire etc eentrnet Law of Cal(ornia. authorizing and ea forcing contracts to pay gold, fr 17),(11 1 e bind, of,, eimihn Ilgreerni:utn nuule by compunien In StOtes \l'here no tett legh , hitiVe nanction exists, 'ln these important particular , the S.... Mille t, of the Con- . trot Pacific Company offer nu 11 sommt deyres stiet etubilits ml pi mit r , m. hived. 1 . 14e,T • Nina , : 1h,501; Or THIS COSIPANv are destined 10 occupy 0 Immanent place among. FIRST CLA Ss SECURITIES it, the money markets of 'this country and Lamy t • • 111(11011, W/111(111t doubt, be eagerly sought for, Old (111N1•11Wly dealt in hereafter., at gullet materially in advance of the price at which they are now ' offer, d. Baying carefully investigated the resources. Pre:4:mo% and ivrorpeCto of the road. and tins management of the Con, r liny'S tth fly, we cerdinnY MC011)111014 these Road.; to TrllHlrle.• Executory, Institution.. mind other:. as sneer nmrtly U 1,1,11, relic IM and remunerative form 151 re:011. helot 11ir1.41111'1,1. 0111V19 , frfir , of Gus ernment Securities into Caw , at its eine nit )mtata e Boo& now realtzl for tho holden. tout To sirs C. jit. advantage, with time same rat,n inter 4 et. For sale by Bfinke mind Bankers geue. ally, of whenn son ipbee Pamphlets end Maps van ht. obtleined. anti by, • • • FISK m NADAL Baulk ere end Dealer,. hi Gnvellanient Seetlriti9d , AEU • mumial Art, Ms of the C. B.' ItftGa, No, IS Nassau merevt, N. Y. • .. N. Be—All It lids nt Boyernment B,ettri , ll4l , Wlngt,t and Soot: Peposits and Accounts of Banks, Millirem and el Ned on favorable tenor. 1iti1 7 414 Sept. AA tlu BARRELS NEW t w e I ttt!ok;Vat‘ditigte.rvtetintehiß Star of the # (1114 end for vole by J. CO.:lth . POOPOm* SAL'].-.2.60u BACKS LIVERPOOL GROUND BALI_I aleo earlo , Flo.o Salt, afloat and for rale by WORN KAN 114 100..1W Walnut. , inassoi UNION PACIFIC R. R. The First Mortgage Bonds, [INTEREST, SIX PER CENT. IN GOLD. Are offered for the present at Ninety Cents on the Dollar ttild Accrued " Interest at Six per Neut.' In Currency from July let. , The Company would state that their work continues to be pushed forward with great rapidity. An additional section of 40 miles will be completed during the present week, making 425 Miles West of Omaha in Operation, and stocked with locomotives, cara t and 'all the appur tenances of a first-class road The amount already paid hay stcaholders of iheCom. puny JO 55.000.030. The aid received from the U. S. Goverrunent in con structing this portion of 425 mtios is: ' 1. A DONATION of. 12,800 acres of adja• cent lands to the mile (nearly all ,! • • very valuable), amounting acres. 2. 11. S. Six per Cent. Currene3r interest bonds, which ale a second lien, at the rate of $113,800 to the mile, amounting. for 425 miles, to The amount of the Company's own First Mortgage Bonds on 425 miles is It will be seen thatexciusive of the land grant, the First Mortgage Bonds represent only about one third.of the value of the property on which they are secured. The Company Is also restrained by its Charter from flaming Its bonds except as the work progresses, and to the name amount on the variotursectfons as are issue,d, by the Go vernment. The mortgage which secures the bondholders is made to Hon. E. D. Morgan. U. 8. Senator, from New York, and Hon. Oakes Ames, Member of the U. S. House of Representatives, from Massachusetts, as Trustee*, Who alone can issue the Bonds to the Company, and who are responsible for their issue lu strict accordance with the terms of the law. A statement of the equines for the last quarter will be published in detail at an early day; but the accounts' are already sufficiently balanced to show that the net amount is much greater than the gold interest on tha.bends that can bo issued on the length of road operated. It should be remembered that theao earning& aro only upon a way bu siness in a new and undeveloped country, and are no in dex of the vast traffic that must follow the coMpletion of the whole line to the Pacific in 1870. These facts are only intended to show that these Bonds aro strictly one of the safest as well as ono of the most profitable securities, and arc fully entitled to the conidence of the public. The Company make no appeal to the public to plltehase its Bonds, as the daily subscriptions are large, and fully equal to their wants. Many parties are taking advantage of the pr i e l ltnt high price of Government stocks to exchange for these Bonds. which are over 15 per rent. cheaper, and, at the current rater of premium on gold, pay Over Nine Per Cent. Interest. „ Subscriptions will bereceived in Philadelphia by THE TRADESMEN'S NATIONAL BANK, DE HAVEN .1; BROTHER. WILLIAM PAINTER & CO. TOVYNE END 'WHELEN & CO. • J. E, LEWARS-4 CO. • F. STEER. In Wilmingtozi, Del., by R. R. ROBINSON dt CO, JOHN HoI,EAR & SON. And in New York at the Company'sOfilee, Nos 20 Nafsatt street, and by the CONTINENTAL NATIONAL BANK, No. 7 Nasesn et' CLARK, DODGE ds CO., Bankers, No. 81 Wall at '• JOHN J. CISCO &SON., Bankers, No. 23 Will at: ' And by BANKS and BANKERS generally throughout th United States, of whom maps and descriptive pamphlets may be Artained. JOHN J. CISCO, Treaerarer, Ana. 503.1867. : th s tu 5t.5 MILE cENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD, I. TEE WESTERN HA F R O THE GREAT NATIONAL TpUNKIJD,TE ACROSS TIIE CONTINENT. • Being. constructed with theAID - A — WEI SUPERVISION OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, is destided'to be One Of the MOOT IMPORTANT AND VALIIABLE RAILROADS IN TIER WOILLIL as it is the sole Unirof communication be toreen the Pacific Coast and the Great Interier Basin,and the PRINCIPAL PORTION OF THE MAIN STEM LINE BETWEEN THE TWO OCEANS.—The present western terminus is at Sacramento on the navigable watertrof the Pacific; but it will ultimately extend from' Sim Francisco across the tidiest and most populous parte ot - California,' Nevada and Utah. contionous to allthe groat. Mining 'Re gions of the. Far West. The Company are authoriced to continue their line eastward until it shall meet and Con nect. with the roads now building east of tin 'Welty 31mintain ranges. • Assuming that they will build and controthaM the entire distance between San Francisco and the Alissoitti - river, as now seems probable, the United States will have In vested in the completion of 865 miles' t828,592.0w, or at the aversge rate of $25,000 per tulle—not including.= •abto lute grant of 10,000,000 acres of. the Public .Lands. By becoming a joint investor in the magnificent enterprise, and by, with ing its first lien in favor of the First Mortgage Bondholders, 'rug GENERAL. GOTEILMIRNT, IN- RFPIATC. I N EVES 1 I E (Os PERATII IN OF eutvATE PAP ITALI frrn, and has enreftely guarded their interests against all contingencies. • . The Central Pacific Itailrand enjoys all the privileges, . grants and subsidies conferred by the Acts of Congreus neon the other ports of the through line, and has, in addi tive. sprrral special, ea•eknee advantates applicable only to the Western Half. I. The Company has received from the State and chief cities of Callfornia, assistance in mono% errata mod r•nirrablc pro pert north over filt.ooo,ooo in gold, in ad dition to the full benefit of the GoVernment subsidy. 11. The hardest nod costliest part of its construction has be.ztevcceseJurllporerconrewithin.the first 150 miles. In a few weeks the track will be completed entirely ;terms the Simla Nevadas, after which progress to Salt Lake will be easy and rapid. IH. The local bedlam alone of this road establises its complete 'Mantis I success, independently of the vast through traffic which must pass over it. The gross earnings for the months of Juno and July, upon the 84 miles then open for business, were upwards $1197,000 in gold; of which riner,offlr were net earn ings. IV. it can have no competition, but will carry, beside its own lucrative local troth% the whole valuate of through business which is shored among its Eastern connections and their branches. • V. The road lies wholly in territory yielding the preciOue metals. and its revenues are eal !Med in coin. It s . rates for trans I: ortittion are very advantage 3118. being more than three times those of roads lying east of, it;. an dI he rittio af peratin fl expenses is less titan 25 per s6.NoXtioo Se,wooo NEW YORK;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers