CITY BULLETIN. PitrrADELPITTA CATTLE Mitracyr, July 15th.— The Cattle market 15 , 116 more active this wook. and prices were rather firmer; 1,150 head sold at 17X0y183. cents for extra Penna. and 'Western steers, 14017 for fair to good, and 11@13 cents lb for common, as to quality. The following are the particulars of the sales: Rend. NO'. !'rice. 61 Owed• Smith, Western 16 @lB 40 A. Christy & Bro., Western, 17 @lB .p 9 P. MeFillen, Western, grs 7 (010% 80 P. Hathaivey, 8 @lO 58 James S. Kirk Western 16 @lB% 35 B. " . 8 @ 9 . 105 J. MeFillin, W.:stern, grs 9 @MK 130 E. S. Merillin, " 44 9 @lO% 54 Uhlman & Boelnnan.Western,grs. 9 ( 1 00 100 Martin Fuller & Co. 'Chester, grs., 8;00.0!4 .180 Mows."' --' - ' - ,'f.: 1 k..:Ur5;Ln.;744. - a,. ,1 ?: (0°'3 4 50 nos: 45 H. Chain, Western. grs 7 OP 9 35 D. Smith, Western, grs 835'640% . 66 L. Frank, Western 16 6.08. 1. 2, 66 Frank & Sehamburg, Western 80 Hope & Co., Western 15%02)17 8 D. Branson. Chester co.,grs 8 @ 8% 100 lien. Hood, Chester co., 8 (00% :20 A. Ketuble Chester co.. grs... ..... 9. @ 9A. House, Delawale ' 12 - 014 53 D. N. Gemmell. Maryland, grs.. 5% % @ 6 Hogs were firmly held; 3,000 head sold at the different yards, at from s9@ilo 25 100 lbs. net. The fatter rate for extra. Cows were in fair demand at an advance; 150 head sold at 4 450080 for Springers, and $750 4100 11 head fi . or cow and calf. Sheep were dull and rather lower; 5,000 head sold at from 5@6%C. •11 th., gross, as to condi tion. • - A lu;nr AND Myftmutors day evening, about 8;4 o'clock, James Haggerty and James Casey, who are known to the pollee RS thieves, passed. along Locust street and at tacked Mr. James Gaitlin in front of-his store, which' is between 'Tenth and Eleventh •streets. Mrs. Griffin went to the assistance of her hus band, and both were roughly used. John and Pat. McConnell and Pat. Dever then went to the as sistance of Mr. Griffin, and a general fight en sued. The _police interfered and arrested the whole party. The prisoners were taken to to the lifth District Police Station, and, after a hearing before Alderman Putchel, were held in $lOO bail to keep the peace. Afterwards, Casey and Haggerty went to John McConnell's liquor store, in Locust street, and Mr. McConnell was struck upon the head with a billy and was badly injured. A policeman gave chase and captured Casey, but Haggerty escaped. Casey was taken before Alderman Swift, and was held in iiloo9 bail for assault - and battery with Intent...to_ kill. r:rm Ss's onct r IT ROCTISSTON.-The Eicelsior Fire Company, of Bridgeport, Cow. necticut. will - arrive in the city this evening, and will lie tendered a reception by the Philadelphia Fire Department. Daring their. stay here they will be the guests of the Good Intent Engine Company,by whom they will be shown all places of public interest. On the arrival of the visitors a procession will form and march over the fol lowing route: Up Walnut to Third, thence to Chestnut street, thence to Eleventh, up Eleventh to Girard avenue, down Girard avenue to Fifth, up Fifth to Jefferson, down Jefferson to Germah town road, down Germantown road to Thomp son, thence to Shackamaxon,down Shackamaxon to Girard avenue. down Girard avenue to Marl borough, thence to Richmond street, along Rich mond tokhackauarixon, thence to Allen _street, and along Allen street to the housc.of the Good Intent Eng-kir/Company. CITY MORTALITY.—TIICTIUMber Of interments in the city during the past week was 127, against 473 the same period last year.' Of the whole number ]39 were adults and 252 children-205 being under one year of age; '222 were males, 100 females, 148 boys and 13.7 girls. The. greatest number of deaths occurred in the Seventh Ward. being 32, and the smallest nuniber in the Twenty= 'second Ward, where six nerd reported. The princhTal causes of death were: Congestion of the b On, 14; cholera infantum, 99: cholera morbus, 2; consumption, 43; convulsions, 2:1; diarrhoea, 12; drowned, 11; dvsentery, 73; debility, 18; scarlet fever, 6; typhoid 'fever, 13; itifiamma don of the brain, 18; marasams, 23; old age 10, and palsy, 6. Sri:.Uiiion•r BfttNEip."--LThe steamboat "anion;" belonging to the heti Batik Ferry Line, Was part& destroyed by fire about half-past twelve o'clock this morning, while lying at Me,gargec's wharf, at the foot of Poplar street. The fire originaMd near the boiler. The deck and other wood-work were. burned. The wheel-houses are still standing. The machinery was somewhat damaged by fire . and water. The total loss is estimated at it.2..500, upon which there is no insurance. The boat is owned by Henry W. Miller, and is run by his sou, Harrison Miller. ALLEGED SWINDLER CA Sny der waS arrested hist night in the First District for swindling. His plan of operations is to as certain the names of persons in the military ser vice, and then go to the residence of their reli dyes, represent that the soldier is very ill in the hospital and wishes elothing and a small sum of motley. In that way sonic six or eight persons in ' that section of the city hag.•. been duped. Snyder was committed by Alderman Mink. Fon CAPE MAY.—On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of each week the steamer Samuel tl. Felton will IcaVe Chestimt street wharf at 9 A. M. for Cal c• May. returning on the alternate days. Particulars in regard tofare, &c., will be found in the advertisement In another column. This is a cheap and pleasant mode of reaching the - 'island, and it will doubtless be selected by those who prefer a sail on the water to the heat and dust of railroad travel. SALE I,F ELEGANT FrUNlrritE. — TllolllllS Sons Will sell-to-morrow the furniture of the premises; 2010 Afeh street, as will be seen by their advertisement in another column. - Tivr. furniture is nearly all new and hi excellent con dition. Before the sale the house will be put up for rent. The house itself is 20 feet front by 120 deep,,and is in thorough repair. Its location will commend it to persons desiring a first ()lass resi dence. lha s , :ftonntmv.—The dwelling of George 'l'. Barnes, No, 1106 South Eleventh street, Was en tered early this morning, by a back window over a shed. Two bureau-drawers were ransacked, and all the clothing in them was carried oh'. The stolcv`property was recovered by a Second Dis trict policeman, having been dropped by the thief, who ran upon being tired at by the Officer. Gi:ANo Ilor.—There will be a grand compli -,Tentary hop at the Surf House, Atlantic city, on ''next•Saturday evening. The music for the occa sion be furnished by' carneross &t Dixey's full orchestra. There is a fine company at the Surf Douse, and Mr. Caleb, the proprietor, will take good care that the hop goes oil' with proper cclut. MAN Silmins:o.—ltobett Flinn was arrested Yes terday, tit the Falls of Schuylkill,' upon the charge of having stabbed John Metlowen, during a fight with him. The wound inflicted was not serious. -Flinn- was_ taken before Mauritian Whalley, and was held iu ii 1,500 bail for trial. .Stsmefos to , AnsoN.—Thomas Duffey, a tailor at lieE , tonville, was arrested on Saturday on sus picion of having . set fire to his store ehrly on Saturday morning. Ile was taken before 'Ald. Beiller, and was committed for a further heating. A Pmroj. IN enTitril.—Daniel ,O'Donnell alias Frank McDermott, was arrested,, yesterday morn ing, for disturbing the congregation at St. Philip Ncri and flourishing a loaded re volver. Alderman Tittermary Wilt O'Donnell to prison. ATTEMPTED Alt,ON.-JOllll Osborn was ar reked ou Saturday for breach of the peace, and attempting to fire the carpenter-shop of Wink= Frankford. He was committed by Aid. 1191fue, in default of $l,OOO bail. A SUCCESSFUL EXPERIMENT.--The hope Hoge Company has been experimenting with coal oil' as fuel for its steam engine. Two trials have been made and have been very satisfactory. , AF..sotamtalo_A PericsmAtie—Dattiel . Fleming, charged with having knocked down a policeman In Germantown, was committed yesterday by Aldaman Good. • Ab9AV LT UPON ARA I !MAY CO:OW(11'011.—w° WCII Delaney was before Ald. Senox yesterday, on the chart. of assault and battery ue lu4 some trouble with Conductor Long, on the Sceohuyadd Third &meta Passenger Hallway, on Saturday night, and was elected from the car. While Mr. Lung was on his houie afterwards, and was passing Itlchmond and Ilunting - don streets, he wr.s attacked by Delaney and was knocked down. The accused was held to answer. ‘tr Ea. 1.1,1NG LIQUOR ON St7NDAY.—TIMOttIy HUI loy has been,hbld in $5OO bail by Ald. 1-lohne, to answer the charge of selling liquor on Sunday, at MeCartyville, Twenty-third Ward. Simi.: the city of Mexico has been captwted by the Liberals, nothing has beau heard by the Vrench Government of its Minister at the late Court of Maxithilian. Napoleon has signified his intention of sending a strong fleet , to Vera Cruz, to release his Mexican Minis - ter if he is a prisoner, or to resent any indignity which may have been offered him by the . Government of Jharez." - CITY NOTICES. THE OVEESTEIING PIANO SYSTEM—ITS TRIUMPH AT THE PARIS EXPOSITION.—For several months past the two insignificant Paris musical journals, ha ace Musicale and Gazette Mii,irate, both- in the interest of the principal piano manufacturers 'ofraris and that of. MeSSTS. Chickering of Boston—all ad herents of the old system of parallel strings—have persistently attached the ov&strung, system in pianos, which in its new application, was first employed by Messrs. Steinway & Son, of this city, and has since been adopted by a number of prominent makers in Berlin, Leipsic, Vienna and other cities of Germany, Holland and Switzerland. . - - The articles in these papers have invariably been translated and reproduced here by the equally disinter e.. ted Wateon's Art jourilal( e believe that is its present name), the well known local month-piece of liessrs. Chickering, and have been by the latter dis seminated broadcast over the country. In its issue of July dth, the In Journal has an ar ticle, tilling three pages, in relation to the late award of piano prizes at the Paris Exposition, glorifying as usual the house of Chickering, and attacking Messrs. 'Steinway in the molt Malicious manner. But while -passing over its tissues of glaring falSehood without comment, we quote the following editorial opinion from this shining light of musical journalism ; "While all the sterling and acknowledged. authori ties of the Parisian press give their welt considered ver dicts in favor of the Chlckering pianos, condemning the overtitrung principle in the Steinwayiirands, as producing positivt3 confusion of vibration, Proclaiming it not only bad, but showing that it was old, and that it had been tested by the best European Makers, and abandoned as.worthless, stillpietadmitted excellence of each instrument, the superior qualities conceded: and elaborately illustrated in the - articles published, was evidence incontrovertible, that the Pianos of the American firm, and of the German firm hailing from America, had no superiors, if any equals of EurOpean manufacture. We feel profound content- Mem at the result of this international competition, because we think the judgment was entirely juSt. That Chiekering's pianos should receive the superior award to Steihway's was reasonably expected, ,where -b"th were to lie submitted to the critical examination and teat of relined and cganpetent judges." 'clime is but one little drawback to the "profound eonien fluent" of the .1 rt .lonr,tnl, and that is there is not a erain of truth in it. The International Jury, climn it admits tube "refined and competent judges," have disti»ctly classified the Steinway piano first and b. for , . the Chickering, and thereby tiwarded to Messrs. stein way the, first gold medal of merit, and the second to Chickering, notwithstanding the most strenuous t • ttlltt, by nearly all the adherents of the old system in Paris, to have the names arranged alphabetically, • which the Supreme Jury as well as the Imperial ,Com mission refused to du ; and the »antes remained in order of merit, as the official report of the Jury will show. • We , repeat that the securing of a ribbon—the towel made of the Ltlgion of llonor—by Mr. Chickering, through influential friends. fronathe French Governs, ?arid, is all entirely per,tal and !Ale suit r, with out the stighteAt ,•oilheet ion . icith the a trard.s . at the E.e po., ,t being ret'annthended by ,fir known to the Jury; and however it may he used as an "advertising Oodg:e," to make people believe - the contrary, it will never make the Chiekering second medal haorder of erit equal to the Steinway first—so distinctly classified by the International Jury, whose decision alone. must reearded as the tune standard of excellence. The twaddle of the Anrftat, respecting r the overstrung system, is simply ridiculous, and, in fail, iiisultimito New York piano -makers, who exclusively use that system. f Besides the 31essrs. Steinway, all our eminent maims facto] ers, such as Welter, Decker Brothers, Sleek, Kranieh. Bach ‘4.; Co., Hazleton, Rustic, Haven Si; Essen, Mal ma fly • others, have,-for a number of years, applied the overstrung system in their grand and square pianos, vault of these skillful makers, in his own way :aid peculiarity, bringing his instruments to great per t, ction, and establishing a reputation for theta. • Instead of being "anandoned as.worthles9," it is simply a patent fact that the Messrs. Clicked - Iff, of Boston, are to-day the only makers left in the United Stitlefi who SIN a Ihcre to the old European system of parallel strings in gramd pianos„inst as they were the very last to adopt oversi ringing in smiare pianos, still clinging to the old system of stringing—to the old de tached name-board and the English action, after cri•ril 'maker, ieit h wit it si,tle exe ,, vt ion, had been 131 nk ill overstrung square pianos for several years. At the 'Paris Exposition, the most persistfifut efforts were made be the adherents of the old system of con si Ia:1101a lo • defeat the success of the overstrung faiinos; and, now that the latter has become triumph at, they will endeavor to r Tit,. the new system to death. We predict tin inuna:roon of reckless news psper attacks in the small French musical journals:, lets ods from European manufacturers. interested artists and writers, skilfully prepared for—the purpose, and published to throw discredit upon the victovious over-. sating pianos and their successful makers. All these, as a mat ter - of course, will be reproduced in the Chick critic organ lafre, and 'disseminated over the country by their agents. Notwithstanding the bitter mid persistent opp , sition of the powerful combination of all the adherents ot%the of,l tqt.,elll; the triumph Of the Ili:MOS with overstrung ...war action, at the Paris Exposition, has been grand in the extreme, far greater than could have titivated by its moat ardent friends.. A cable telegram to this office brings the gratifying intelligence that, 01 eleven exhibitors with overstrung pianos, two received :,;old medals kthe first and third prizes), and eight received silver medals, while of about four inuffired with the old plan of stringing, only three received gold medals, and twenty-two silver Medals, or a proportion in favor of the overstrung sys tem of about twenty to one. This stubborn and incontrovertible tact effectually refutes all past and future slanders and attacks made upon the overstriwg system, 'by interested European or American makers and their partisans. It must cer tainly be a matter of the greatest gratification to our New York piano-makers that the new overstrung sys tem of construction, which all of them in+e in their nrand and square 'Minot . , has, by the skill of our various eminent manufacturers, given the amines tioned supremacy in piano-mai:M . 4 to New York, and has met with sodh unqualified endorsement at the ';;real piano tournament in Paris.—Aew. ToF. stock now being sold by the Washington Library Company, in aid of the Riverside Institute,, Is at 4 off so rapidly that. It is the Intention of the Com pany to have the distribution 'of presetitei filice place a soon us the necessary number of shares tire disported The principal office of the Company is at No. 1125 Chetdmit street. The. officers in attendance I ' oll cheerfully give any information desired, :Ind If any ad ditional checks or safcguardS.can he suggested, gover and above those already adopted, to insure fairness and etawklencc, they will he gladly received. It] will be pleasant in after years to reflect Una we had a baud in erecting such a noble monument to the memory tj our departed Soldiers and Sailors. CHILDREN'S DATA, HATti, • BellUtifili style:, °al:fords', Continental Hotel FOR THE BALE OP LASH'S Five'-dollar 'Washing Machine. Clothes Wringers, and Step Lad, dera, 727 Market street, Philadelphia. -NIA( giNAIr-SUNDoWiss! blnotaNAU • A forge variety . : • Oakford , ', Coutiucittal THE DAILY EVENING 1317 LLETIN.PHIL.A.DELPMA,, 'MONDAY, J ULY 15. 1861. rum among the newspaper Panel= eorrea pondonee we eclect the following: oThe..inveation of the Amerieau Combination Iluttenhole and Over seaming Elewlag brachia°, Company, of Philadelphia, now at the Exposition. Paris, attracts great attention. It in daily examined by thousands, and all unite hi the opinion that It well deserves the medal of honor , it is cure to receive. There is nothing more worthy, more beantiful or more .11401110 as at the great World's Fair." Three days after the date of the ahove correepon- dence the Theiial was awarded. , This great machine may be seen in operation daily, at the salesrooms, corner 4Eleventh and . C.:liestuut streets. It is the only perprt Soring Naehinc offered to the public. CONM;ESSMAN SCIIENCIi..Of Ohio, introduced resolution into Congress to bestow a vote of thanks on Petroleum V. Nasby for the good he has done the country in gearal, and, we suppose, Mr.. Schenck in particular. «'e hope Congress, when it passes .the vote, till also puss one of thanks to Chas.. Stokes A: Co., the eminent Clothiers under the Continental, on account of the number of good habits they have spitad through the country. pun FRUIT SritUPS for Soda Water; also bottled for doni..stic uses. Hance, Griffith & Co., N. W. corner of Marshall and Callowhill streets. BROWN'S JAMAICA GIN(;EIC is now - an indispen sable article to one traveling. We nud everywhere a difference in the water we are accustomed to in the city, and this causes an unpleasantness at the time, in fact with many sickness. A little of Brown's Ginger soon counteracts any injurious effects front it. With chil dren it is an invaluable remedy against the effects of green fruit, which we all know they will indulge in. No family leaving the city should be without a good supply. GENTS' WHITE HATS: GENTS' WIIITE 'EATS! JONES' HOTEL, 235 Dock Street, below Third, revived by W. P. Larkin on the European plan. Meals from G A. M. to 12 P. M. Good lodgings tor guests. House open all night. A SWEET SPOT. Mr. GeCI. W. Jenkins is emphatically the man for the. people.. Ills store; No. 10311pring;GArden street; is at all times stocked Wojth the choicest Confectionery, Foreign Fruits, Almonds, Syrups for making summer drinks, etc. Tins NE* "Fula" HAr, sold only by Wood & Cary, 725 Chestnut street, is now all the rage Ju our large cities, and at fashionable watering places. Messrs. W. S., - C are selling off all their tine trimmed Hats and bonnets at les's than half .the cost of impor tation. uk of that! For beautiful novelties . in a: great hargains, Wood 4 CarY!s is the fate: DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH. J. Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost 'success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city can be seen at his office, No. 619 Pine street. The medical faculty are invited to ac company their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice: Artificial eyes inserted. - No charge made for exanlination. ROCKUILL & WILSON, Clothing, Clothing, Clothing GO3 and 05 Chestnut street. 1 - White Linen Duck Pants. White Linen Duck Punts. White Linen Duck. Vests White Linen Duck Vests Genoese Linen Dusters Genoese Linen Dusters Boys' Linen Garibaldis. Boys' Linen Garibaldis. A great variety of white and colored linen clothing. bummer Clothing of all descriptions. Alpaca oats. RooKnitt S WILSON, _Clothing House, 1503 and 605 Chestnut street. FINANCIAL and COMMERCIAL 00 iii Read R !i-15C0 U S 5-20 s '65 c 109 100 sh Read R WOO Pa 64 t:eri e-t 100 eh do b 5 Its 52.50 int 101 f: 44 rli Lehigh Vail: db 50 The meagreness of the business at the Stock Board this morning was The subject of general remark. There was no spirit except in Reading Railroad, which was in demand and sold up to 52; , ,;--ap advance of ever the closing figure of Saturday. All the other speculative shares • were neglected and rather weak. Leibigh Valley Railroad sold at 56. 130 was bid fur Camden and Amboy Railroad . ; 52 ; ;.; for Pennsylvania Railroad; 31 for Little Schuylkill Railroad; 351;', for North Pennsylvania Railroad; 28% for Catawissa Rail road Preferred; 253 for Philadelphia and Erie Rail road, and 43 for Northern Central Railroad. Canal stocks were nominal. Government Loans - were re markably quiet and steady. The Coupon 6's, 'Bl, closed at 110?,(/;1110 , ,g; the Five-twenties, 'O2, at 111%; the 'o4's at - NW.: ; the '6s's at 109%; the Policy at 10S Go 1053; ; the February Seven-thirties at 107,:, and the June and July do. at 109?„. State Loans were not offered to any extent : the tirsl i series s old at City Leans were steady at 99;? ; _;100 for the new and t.;;;..• for . the old. - Passenger Railway shales were nut inquired air er anti prices generally were weak. Smith, Randolph t Co., Bankers, 15 South Third street, quote at 11 o'clock, as follows: Gold, 119,14 . ; n S 5-20's, 1662, 1111;;(al13 ; 5-20's, 1864, 10ib1193,4",; 5-201 s, 1865, 16934®109.n ; 5-20's, July, 1065, 1034 las?,; ; 5-20 s, July, 1067, 10 , ,; . 4108%; United States 1O2(.3.1021 ; ', ; United States 7-10's, Ist series, 157w103; "211 series, 107 . .,;(,.t107 . 5,-;; 3d series, 107 ; :a..1073i ; Compounds, December, 1604, 117. Ale,srs. De Haven Brother, No. 40 South Third street, make the following quotations of the rates of exchange to-day,at 1 P.M : American Gold 139@,,13934, Silver-Quarters and halves, 131@133%; Compound Interest. Notes-Jane, 1864, 19.40; July, 1861, 19 40; ATIWIIet, 1064, Oct., 1864, Dec, 1664, 17; May, 1865, 1636 ; August, 1665, 15:',;; September, 13G5; 15; October, 1665, 14%. - Jay Cooke S Co. quote Government securities, &c., to-day,as follows :United States G's, 1881,110.V@MX ; Old 5-20 Bonds, 111.24@11134' ; New 5-20 Bonds, 1664, 1.1,934 1 09 X; 5-20 Bonds, 1865, 1094t_4109,q; 5-20 Bonds cu1y,1,865,1077,i(aj10614 ; 5-20 Bonds, 1867, 107).Vg; tus3.; ; 10-40 Bonds, 102@102g ; 7 3-10 August, 107 OilOs; 7 3-10, J tine, 107 , 4®10T . ;1f ; 7 3-10, July, 10T,Ig (6107 , 4 ; Gold (at 12 o'clock), 139@,129%. 314,s , DAy, July 15.—There is 110thillg doing in CM versced. Small sales of Timothy at $3 tiO and Flax seed at 3 bushel. The receipts of Quereltrou Bark are trilling and No. is iirm at $42113 tqn. The &mild for Flour continues extremely cOntined entirely to the wants of the biome con sumers, but with trifling receipts and stocks, holders are enabled to realize former quotations. Small sales of Superthre nt $84513 50 13 barrel, extras at $912, :10 50, Northwestern extra family at $lOBl 2 to, Penua. and Ohio do. do. at $1 1®51,3, and fancy lots at higher lipmes. Rye Flour is scarce 101 d 1 . 01 . 11111/111(is y 7 573 There is nothing doing in Corn 'l cal to 'IIS. .. ' The tared Iltf3 of - Wheat ha cc Somewhnt increased, but millers hold oft and the transactions limited. Sales of trt - i bushels new Southern Red at $2 1;002 75' TI lmshel, a choice lot at $3 Uri, and a lot 1,! . Caliemnin at, Bye is held at $1 70. Corn lower and yolln\ IS nomMally held *1 15 and W4; , tero mixed AT $1 12. Oats are selling at. 1(6 1 05 -rchtishel. ROCKHILL &WILSON, CLOTHING HOUSE, No. 603 and 605 Chestnut Street. Newest Styles Spring and Summer .Walking and Sack Coats, Over coats,Coachmen's Coats. A large stool; o Linen Clothing, Dusters and Alpaca Coats. J. S. LABIL & CO. OAK FOR Continental Hotel Sales at the Philadelphia Stock Exchange. 1:1:Foar. ItOJtt DV. rIIILADELPHIA, Monday, July 15 Philadelphia. Plamicets. ReArteMhEdegagulnNnlloUrt. WI SOB, NS.—Brig Venus,' Rspy-230 tonn plas ter L Westergaard& Co. BOSTON—Steamer Saxon, Matlhews-32 pkgs dry goods 0 Brewer & Co ;)15 do Bailey & Cascadeu;_43 do Coffin & Altemus ; 15tT B W Chase & Son; 196 Froth- Ingham & Wells; 14 A II Franciscus & Co; 61 A R Lit tle & Co; 55T T Lea & Co; 242 Lewis, Wharton & Co; W II & R Italguel; 23 Suttou,Stnlth & Co ;13 Stokes, Caldwell & Co; 5 H P & W P Smith; 65 sacks worsted W 32 do A T Stewart & Co; 20 H H Soule; 14 J T Sproul & Co; 68 ce boots and shoes Claalin & Par tridge; 152 do Foster & Bennett; 261 Munroe, Srnalty. &Co; 65 sbumway, Chandler & 25 A Tilden&Co; 16 F Modell; 161 es furniture 'Miro & Gates; 13 pkgs glans Ware Murzey & Monroe; 148 rolls paper J . 73 Longstreth ; 58 do Howlett & Onderdunk; 71 Sidle do H Fllteraft ; 54 do 4 cc do C Magarge & Co; 20 bbls mock! Atwood, Ranck & Co; 130 do shad Crowell & Collins; 51 do J L Nicholson; 50 bass . pea unt&J Ds Bossier & Co; 147 bbls sugar W. T McCalm & 00; 46 do !barons & Smith; 06 do A W McGlancey & Son; 25 do firatiO'S; liegrit , e; 25 bbls roots..T Cannavan; 23 do oil Kirkpatrick, Kinsey & Co; 'lO do do Pritchard, Baugh & Co; 227 slabs spelter ilisrshall,Philllps & Co; 133 bills nail 'rim W F Pote?; 13 casks pot ash Ills' Smith; 100 bxs C liins Graybill & Co; 91 pkge mdse 48 balcs skies 10 blds oil yarn, &c, &c, order. CARDIFF— Bark Arbutus, Knowlton-810 tons rail road iron L Westergaant & MARINE BULLETIN. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA-JuLy 15 ICIV - See Marine Bulletin on Sixth Page. ARRIVED THIS DAY. Steamer Saxon, Matthews, 42 hours from Boston, with mist. to Ileury Winsor & Co. Bark Arbutus, Knowlton, from Cardiff May '24, with railroad iron to L Westergaard & Co. Brig Venus (Br), Espy, 9 days from Windsor, NS. with plaster to L Westergaard & Co. Schr M Van Mitten, Corson, 13 days from Jackson ville, with lumber to D S •Stetsou & Co. Schr S T Garrison, Chase, 5 days: from Boston, with mdse to Mershon & Cloud. Schr W Kallahan, Clark, front Georgetown, DC. with coal to captain. Schr President Andrew Johnson, Demnilek, 3 days fror - Dorchestervirrhallast to PP Justus. 'bchr W Kennedy, Rogers, 6 days from Georgetown, DC. with coal to captain. Schr L M Duffield, Rayner, 5 days from Portland, Ct. with stone to captain. Schr R G Whillden, Messick, from Boston. Schr Stowe, Rankin, from New York. Schr J B Myers, Elwell, from Providence. Schr G C Morris, Artis; from Boston. CLEARED THIS DAY. Bark Ironsides, Tapley, Antwerp, J E Barley & Co: Bark Isaac It Dnvis,Hnud, Wilmington,Del. Lathbury, Wickersham & Co. Brig Executive Gorham, Bangor, E A Solider & Co. Schr Rebecca Florence, Rich, Boston, Blakiston,Graeff & Co. Schr J Paine, Rich, Chelsea, do Schr A Myrick, Stevens. ProvincetOwn, do Schr Broadtield, Crowell, Boston, Tomlinson & Co. Schr G C Morri4, Artis, Boston, Street & Co. Schr J It :Myers, Elwell, Wicktord, Hammett & Neill. Schr E M Duffield, Rayner, Providence, Dorey, Bulk ley & Co. Schr Frankitun, Tice, Mihlville, WhitalliTatum & Correspondence of the Phila. Evening' Bulletin. READING, Jnly 13, 1867. The following boats from the Union, Canal passed into the Schuylkill Cam), bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: . J W McFadden, with lumber to Ciouldy & Co; Elite,• do to Malone & Trainer; Emma, do to Maul & Bro ; William, do to Trump, bon & Co: Deckle & Lizzie, do to Ilamiltou & Co; New Hope, bark' to Downing & Price. F. MEMORANDA. Ship .Amie, Reed, eailed•from Liverpool '2d instant for this port. Ship Fidelio, Kindt, sidled from Liverpool 29th alt. for this port. Ship Florence, Rathbunte, entered ont at Liverpool 2d inst. fOr this port. Ship King Philip, *Bickford, from San Francisco 24th Feb. at New York yesterday. Steamer Mariposa, Quick, front New Orleans Gth, S \‘' Pass 7th lust. at New York yesterday. 9th inst. off Sombrero, saw U S steamer Susquehanna, bound W. Steamer Geo Cromwell, Vaill, troth New Orleans 7th inst. at New York yesterday. Steamer Germania (Ham), Schwensen, from Ham burg 30th nit. and Southampton 3d inst. with 42,i pas sengers, at New York yesterday. Steamer Wilmington, Spencer, 0 days front Galyes um, at New York yesterday. Bark Harriet, Jansen, entered out at London 29th ult, for this port. Bark Maximilian, Hatfield, hence, sailed from Fal mouth:lst inst—for-London— Bari: %alma, Hewitt, hence at Barbados 28th tilt— err 22d, dischg. Brig Or..olina, Cacace, hence at Liverpool Ist inst. Schrs 'Union Flag, Mahoney, and Hattie Ross, Fl rick. cleared at St done, NB. 12th inst. for this port. NEW PUBLICATIONS. TEAN I'NGELOW. e-I _ [From the Loudon Chronicic.J 4 .• "Taking 'A t , toty of Doom' ail tile prelude to a longer few finer fragment: have appeared in English • poetry cincu Hyperion." Wren! the London Athenteuni.] sECOND scrims or I.ol:Nti moan Tit is 1 t '111111 . 1:4 011;0: oy 1..[E5 . r. ,4 We have already printed .even thouinind copies 0t . 311.4 In gelow'r new volunno. of noeno!, and the book will now be ready to publirli in a few dap. 4 ROBER.TS BROTHERS, • Publishers, Roston. All o f IngeloWA I took:4 can be had at , a dieewint 11.111 price, , , at G. W. PITCHERS GEEAT I! )SING OLT SALE, chestnut Street, Philadelphia. moor SKIRTS. 62 0 Jr NS' 6,8 MAKE." • lIIMEMME It affords ue much ple.,nre to announce to . our numer ous patrom and the public, that to consequence of slight decline in Hoop Skirt material, together with our inPreased tacillthis for manufacturing. and a strict adhe rence to BUY INi; and SELLING for CASH, we are elm bled to offer all our JUSTLY CELEBRA TED 1100 P SKIRTS at REDUCED PRICES, and they will, to heretofore, always bit-,found in every respect more Beni. ruble, and really chdaper than any single or double springil loop Skirt in the market, while our assortment is unequaled. Also, constantly receiving front New'York and the East -111 Slides lnli linocof low-priced Skirts at very low pricer!, SOW-11g Which tot lot of Plain Skirts at the following rates: 15 springs, 55 cents; 20 opt cents ; 25 spring, 15 cents; '6O springs, 05 00nt0; 15 springs, 95 cents, and. 40 springs, $l. Skirts, niude to order, altered - and repaired, wholesale and retail, at the Philadelphia Hoop-Skirt Emporium, No. 628 Arch st r eet, below Seventh. • inhs-inovisrP WM. T. HOPKINS. HOOP SKIRTS AND CORSETS.—MRS. E. BAYLEY No. 812 Vine street, is now manufacturing all the varieties of Hoop Skirts, Corsets, etc. She. has also the Real French Corsets, of now styles; Loop i,,,. Skirte n altered and repaired. h tfrp • AUCTION SALES. M . THOMAS A. SONS, AUCTIONEERS, NOR. 189 and 141 South Fourth atreet. In addition to the sole of Furniture, TO-MORROW, at 9040 Arch street, the houee le for rent. KEEP THEM AT HAND! j 3 9-2 m Vp§ LIALT.-2,500 BACKS LIVERPOOL GROUND SALT alro 2.00 otters Fine Salt, afloat apd for sale by WORE MAN io CO:;1211 Walnut. ROCKHILL &WILSON, 603 dz 605 CHESTNUT ST. In Custom Department the choicest stock of Coatings and Cassimeres ever offered. Our patrons can de pend on-getting-a-good fitting and well trimmed garment. Olti I?ke nOies. LARGEST AND BEST STOOK OF THE FINE OLD RYE WHISKIES IN TrtE LAND IS NOW POSSESSED BY HENRY S. HANNIS & CO, 218 and 220 SOUTH IFIZONIE I STREET, Who offer the same TO VIE TRADE, in Lots, on very advantageous Terms. Their stock of ye Whiskies, IN BOND, comprises all the favorite brands mt. A B tant, 'and nibs through thevarlous months c.. 4 1.•:1-WOO, and of thls year, up to present date. Liberal contracts made for lots to arrive at Pennsylvania. RAC. Depot, Errico. son Line Wharf, or ut Bonded Warehouses, as parties may elect. • • • RETAIL DRY GOODS• .- e , MARKET di; it ACV ep NINTH. & 01\.- WRITE BASKET DUCK. The Extraile ay One Dollar Fifty per Yard. All grades and weights'White Linen Thick. All grades and weights lirown Linon.Ducic. Linen Drills, good qualities, only' 27 cents up. Fancy Drills, good qualities, only 45c.entS up. Coating andlitouto Llnous, from 25 cents up 131LA.CI-K. OR IRON BERAGE. A fresh lot, good qualify, at the lowest old gold Price of 6.; cents; also, the two yards wide in large 'mesh, at ro• duced prices. 90 cent Lurdn's Black Tamil.lnca. 84 White Tamartine I.liniu'n make., 37 ctn. Black Ground figured English f;renfidines, 37 cit:White Ground figured Engli,di Grenadined. ctn. Plaid Grenadines—extra cheap. COLOREID ALPACAS GOATS HAIR For Snits:4l good assortment; beet coloring., nt very Moderate prices. Excelsior Jacquard- Quills. A New, Serviceable and Beautiful Article. • Superior to any. Quilt Imported.. DIRECT ' FROM THE MANUFACTURERS. Hotel., Boarding Ilotige4, Imtitnti.ln4 and Fami lies will find a large mock of all a • DESIRABLE QUILTS, AT LOW PRICEI. CURIVEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 12 and 151 N. Second Strict, Aar, Willow. syl. :it 1101 CHESTNUT . STREET. - TO THE LADIES. LINEN CAMBRICS. PRINTED FOR DRESSES. WHITE FOIL BODIES. There goods are estiential for Summer Year and we are nnµ• Belling the balance of our 1m portation xt u Great Sacrifice, . E. M. NEEDLES & CO., N. W. Cori llth and Chestnut Sts,, 1-1 ;LS 5.,1 IN .1",551 I-1 D 101:1. , L Fourth and Arm.. . Large Stock of Summer Quilts, 1e..1 and 11 .1' Lancaster Quilts. 11.4 IIOTa ycninh Q•ults. - Illue Marseilles Quilts. Fine-.t White Quilts Ituported.' d with Quilts, Napkins, Towels, Table' Sheeting', etc., etc. ite,t opened another case Silver Poplins, for Ladies' Suits. Tlal k Lawns French and English. 'I hin (;ood , ;(1111 variety. Summer Silks, reduced. I'. 5.--White Shawls, wholeenle and retail. delbm w L OOHING GLASSES. - LOOKING GLASSES OP THE'VERY BEST QUA. LIT Y. EVERY - NOVELTY IN STYLE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, 818 CHESTNUT STREET, ROCKHILL &WILSON, 603 and 605tCheitnut Street. BOYS' CLOTHING, New Styles. SPRING & SIMMER Boys' Suits 4, • ' GA RIBALDI SUITS, , Made to Order. ure Linen reduced to WATCH EN, JEWELRY, &c. . 41t11;? JuBt Re ceived , Direet • 4 1, from Paris —ltl A. l :Sc., BY STRAMSIIIP "ALEPPO,'' LADIES' COIFFURES, In Entirely New Designs TO SUIT TILE LATEST MODE OF ARRANGING' THE HAIR. JAMES E. CALDWELL & CO., 822 CHESTNUT STREET. fel.f ni w•tfrpt 10`28. Cy I. 4 I. J. TAYLOR 9 00 4 ) . JEWELER. ' ' An elegant etock comprising FINE WATCHES, DIAMONDS. ELEGANT JEWELRY, SILVER WARE , PLATY!) WARE. CLOCKS. Offered at reduced prices. Watches warranted for two years. Silver ware suitable for bridal presenta. , WATCHES REPAIRED AND WARRANTED. 1028 CHESTNUT ST. ,-.41L 41; BY STEAMSHIP ‘IRUSSIA." SILVER FILAGREE JEWELRY, Dlrectlrom Cenoa. FANS AND FRENCH JEWELRY, Dlreet from Paris. JAMES E. CALDWELL & CO., 822 CHESTNUT - STREET fel•f.m.w.tfrvs GErvirLiEftEres FURNISHING GIUSLIGs. THE FINE SHIRT EMPORIUM JOHN C. ARRISON, Nos. 1 and 3N. Sixth Street, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in every description of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, In great variety and at Moderate Price. Particular attention given to the man- ufacture of Fine Shirts, Collars, &0., warranted to give satisfaction. WINDOW SII DEN., &e. ' - • AR-1E INI 0 V A. TA C. M. STOUT & .004 LATE 1026 CHESTNUT •ST., DAVE REMOVED To 1106 Chstnut Street, Where they open in a few days with a full line of CURTAINS, • ' . CURTAIN "MATERIALS, • • I.:PHOL3TERY GOODS, d PIANO AND TABLE COvnits, LINENS, QUILTS AND HOUSE FURNISHING DRY GOODS, AT LOWEST PRICES. mvl-wfm lyrn CLOTHING. EDWARD P. KELLY, • TAILOR - NO. 612 CHESTNUT STREET , Complete assortment of choice SPRING AND SUIVNIER GOODS, • REDUCED AMES. PATTERN COATS, AND CLOTHES NOT CALLED FOR, FOR SALE BELOW COST no2l.l,r6 gmt, • D. lti. LANE , CARRIAGE 131,1ILDER, iIIARKET Street s three squares west retina. Railroad Depot. West Philada. A large assoatinent of superior built Carriages constantly on hand; also, Carriages of over) description Atrilt to ceder. zuyas-t m w2m rp ROCK ILL &WILSON, OLOTHING,, 603. and 605 Chestnut Street. FASHIONABLE Ready-made Clothing MEN, YOUTH ifiliA-EIOYEL- 1,5-w f tf rpf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers