Riot at Hall—Police 3ian iJs'JUEED.—LaetElgtit a flremen’o ball was given at the Musical Fund Hail. Tnisrmornlngabouthalf past two o'clock, an Intoxicated individual' went Into thecloak room and comm»ncea puiilag do\yn some of the overcoats. 1 he-man iff charge or the apartment protested against such condnct.abcUiafUlyordered the other out. This led toa distufbance. Thedranken fellow squared off fora figtit, and the'noise drew to gether a crowd In a ahort time there was arongh and. tumble fight in the bar room, in which abont one hundred men participated. Borne pistbls were fired, and it was reported, that'several persons had been wounded, but as far as coaid be ascenained such was sot the fact, Wm. J. uvens, who was formerly Sergeant ofPollce. lud his nose partly bitten oft Axnanw&sMa bed in the neck, bat was carried away by his friends bet ore his name could be learned. Officer Steel was cat In the left thigo. The wound Is about three inches in length, and la serious. Officer Wood was knocked .down and.badly beaten «bont the head. l Ho a jreata were made, as the policemen present were completely overpowered by the roughs engaged in the melee. Musical.—There was a concert- given at Liberty Hall, Lombard above Seventh, on Tuesday evening Ist t, for the benefit of -Wilmington Ai M. E. Church, which was largely attended and everything passed off In a most satisfactory manner, reflecting much credit on all concerned. The einglng.-of Allas Greenfield (tne Black Swan), and the recitation of Malachl B. Dunworth were received with great ap plause. Hr. Dunworth Is a gentleman of great ability. Pennsylvania Branch of the Pro. tbstaj-t Episcopal Fkebbmbn’s Comkissiosi.—a Subtle meeting In behalf or this society will be bell In t Luke’s Church, Thirteenth below Spmoe streets, next Sunday evening, at o’clock. Addresses bv Rev. Drs. Howe, Newton and Watson, Major General 0. 0. Howard and others. A collection will be made Episcopalians and the public generally are most re', spectlmly Invited.. ; Oil Paintings.—The commencing sale of fine on Palnlings takes place at Bcott’s Art Gallerv 1960 Chestnut street, tMa evei lng at Hi o’clock, when a choice collection will be sold without reserve. advise our readers to attend. Messrs, Fowler ■& Wells’s - works phrenological and other, are advertised In to-davs character 67 ate of a very valuable .and popular A Fine Display of Confectionery. The . demand for sweetmeata always increase as the holidays draw near. George W. Jenkins, ;No. 1017 Spring Garden street, displays a choice assortment of Bon-Bons, Caramels, French Secrets, Candy Toys. &a.. <Sc., whlch are exceedingly attractive. He has also, at nil times. Foreign Fruits, Nats, Almonds, Sardines. Preserved Ginger, Syrups, *c. ' All Flavors of Ice Creams and Ices made to order by Morse & Co., 902 and 904 Arch street. Finest White Wheat Flour. MITCHELL & FLETCHER, 1204 Chestnut street. it The “American Cow-Milker.” on ex hibition at 413 Chestnut street, is dally beejming more popular as one of t»e most ingenious and efflcieot labor-saving inventiooß of the age. Their manufacture *nd sale mutt very soon become one of our moat im portant Industrial interests. We advise all oar readers toexamue iu v . x . When Will Winter Come?—Does the large display of Wlcttr Clothmg at Chas. Stokes & oa ' e - .’K der the Continental; make Old Winter ashamedof himself to see ns thus nre oired to meet him ? He need not hold back.we are not going to be caught napping, ws are’ protecting onr selvts as fast as we can against , any cold “snap" dude £ia 7„? 6 .'i? n springiDg on us. Remember Stokes*Co.. Clothiers, under the Continental are the conquerors of Winter. Elliptic Sewing Machine Company’s premium lock stitch sewing machines inccmpa -1 f SJ famllynse. Highest premium (gold medal), Fair Maryland Institute, New York and • £™nsylvania State Fairs, 1866. No. 923 Cheetnnt street. . Dr. Deon’s Electric Hair Reneweb. perfamed for the toilet. PrononnCel by all y. ho have used It the very betl preparation for ■ “.posiwva enre lor baldness immedl, J**®J*f falling out of the hair, and restores gray tSSsm^joo^ color andlaxuriance, One trial The Cable News!— JOHN H. SURRATT! FINE SUITS FOB GENTLSrg N INTIELIJ9ENCE: DO. DO. FOR YOUTHS... . DO. DO. FOB BOYS. • DO DO. FOR MILITARY MEN. DO. DO. FOR CIVILIANS ROCKHILL & WILSON,’ EVERYBODY. BROWN STONE CLOTHING HALL. 603 and 605 Chestnut street. Frames and Pictures,— The best nlaee te get frames for youraplcturesanaplcturesforvour frames—Walnut. Gilt,' Velvet, frames- EngrivlSSf Cbramos, Photographs, &c Frames madetomde?’ pSp4 HOiri) ' Pi °‘°’ Gaods ’ 62 ™Arch street; Yarmouth Bloaters,— ' Jest received by IHOMPSON BLACK * SON, Broad and Chestnut attests. ffl&?aiS^ssai,sffissis£s a ® Fbbnch Confections made oi pure loaf Bngar, French Naugat, mete, Jordan Boasted Almonds. CbMSSS crSS' manufactcrtd by A. L Vansant. Nlnthami naijSJS?' Sweet Aimeria GrapMiHavana Also just received a aaperb'aMortmenter choice Fails Bon Bon boxes via late BteamerT™ ‘ of Selves Plated Ware.—Two hundred amountof Patent Spout Ice Pitchers IhSunentof OtSlO snlt ' atthe mana,ac taring eata£ FRED. LEIBFREID, 233 South Fifth street. F. C: MEYER, Snpt, Misses’ Hats, Children’s Seta, OAKFORDB’ Continental Hotel, Dr, Leon’s Infant Remedy.—A mild ?fh?? re T?.?^, B *^f, <3 *- carerorco llc. cramps and windy palnß. Invaluable for teething, children Excellent f{?°- *“ r d J l , luren of a restless and freilul habit, lid hi all cases of looseness, griping, vomiting, or other in Jggj Br‘ef, it gives immeSiate ease. Sold by M aras- Christmas Presents. Brldel Presents. Presents for yoor wife, in the style of™**'* foryoar Da ”ehter. Fine Set of Furs CHAB, OAinSggglggjf 01 Under the Continental Hotel, l™?®®?and Catarrh.— S^KstS al^foo^’e^e *“ e^s™ t wS liable sonrees in the c^can'bes^^afh^ofn'J? 4 !/ 0 ' filftPinestreet. Themedicalfecoltyare invited’tnaol company their patients, SE2S ff ?£ HTEW FPJBLICAHOSS. IETERSONS’ LAST PUBLICATIONS. PRICE OE EACH SISOIN PAPER, or |2 IN CLOTH. ' SARATOGA IN 1787 An Indian story ory .f^RW'^S^BySlafeay A WOMAN’a_IHOUGHTS ABOffT WOMEN s, ® nly Wooa ’ 8 new book. - th “SrSonyT° rth - I £iffofmte U a t WhKto!i on9Qelo ” *COEA BKIiMONT; or. The sincere linvai * By ■T^lmvE^l^Si. HOSEDOUGLaS. acompaniSSto“l?]rScrie„.„ gffissg FAMILY PRtDE. Byauthorof•‘pfsne”°° d ' SELF I SACH FK® IP S„ & FAMTJ.Y SECRETS. A By mt o h f or“f r ®Fampf p?Me>’ XOBD OAKBDRN’S DAUGHTEBS By Mrs w™h OSWALD CRAY. By Sirs. Henry Wood W ° od ' SHADOW OF ASHLYDYAT. ByMrs V Wood SQUIRE TREVLYa'S HEIR. By-Mr. H* Wood THE OASTLS'S HEIR. By Mrs. Heary Wnnrt 4 ' -VEBNRRS PRIDE. By Mrs Henry Wood 4 ' (PRICE OF EACHJI SO IN PAPER, OB |2 IN CLOTH. Send for our Mammoth Descriptive Catalogue Address all cash orders, jetall or whole3ale to - • - y T - „ B PETERSON * BBOTHEBS, No SOS Chestnut »t., PhlladelphlaTpa (Books sent postage paid, on receipt of retail Mice All NEW BOOKS are at PETERSONS' cleStt rrooD bo> ks fur presents.—new fhysi 'VI OGNOMY, with 1,000 lUnstraßons, (5, »8 or |lo7 It is a beautiful book.-, iESOP’S -FABLES, People's Pic torial Edition, tinted paper, onlrll, ILLUSTRATED FAMILY GYMNASIUM, |l 75. HOW TO WRITE. How to Talk, How to Behave, and Ho w to do B islnets in one Volume, 12 26. THE PHRENOLOGICAL -JOURNAL for 1867, only (2, Address FOWLER * WEILS, 889 BROADWAY. New York, or J L .-OAPKN, 722 CHESTNUT street, Philadelphia. de6 2t [BPEB'S and other MAGAZINES BOUND |BEaP, at the new Bindery, No. 29 North Thir. iATH street, op stairs. de6-3t* Wfi* - ***''' ———— .—All persons are hereby cautioned against >g*nyof the crew of the Br bark BALTA MSnmaster- from New Castle, England.-as will be paid either by SfigSieee. E a. SOUDER A GO. No. 3 HHfeß-. - - . desst tons Gas and steam COAL Just re flyoastle, Ragland, for sale by E. A. 3ck Street Wharf. ;• ds6-Bt ifpsxN *» K OTICE TO GENTLEMEN WRAPPERS v * rvh:) ' \* s 'l WRAPPERS. The largest ind beat Stock can beseen at ■ JOHN 0. ARMSON’S, Nos. 1 and 3 N, Sixth Stfeet, PBTT.AnwT.pnTA, ' ALSO, ' . , Hosiery. Gloves, Underwear. And all the latest NOVELTIES FOB GENTLEMEN’S WEAK. Pilceß to suit the,timea. deajal j PBESEKTS FOR GENTLEMEN. TIES, SCABFS, FINE SHIBIS, DEESSING BOBES, BBEAKFABT COATS, SEATING JACKETS, CABBIAGE BOGS, SEATING BELTS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, SOABF BINGS, GLOVES. WINCHESTER & CO., Chestnut St. des-lm rp GENTS’ FUBNISHINB GOODS. F. HOFFMAN, Jr., (LateG. A- Hoffman, successor to W. W.Knifrht.l FINE SHIBTS AND WBAPPEBB. „ ITOSIEBY AND GLOVES. Silk, Lambs’ Wool and Merino UNDER CLOTHING. 835 AROH STREET. n 027 laths 3m rp SXJITE OP NINE ROOMS, Carpeted and EleganGy Famished, COMPLETE AS PARLORS AND CHAMBERS. GEO, J. HENKELB, LAOY & 00., *l3Ol and 1303 Chestnut Street. . noio-lmrpi VANKIRK4CO.. ©IS Arch Street. MANOFACTOBY at FSAVKFOED, PHILADA, 0811 ‘he attention of oar °°r choice ami gjgsgjaaaa a*ss?-&avsfi PTAIuiRYf e a VASES, IN’k STANDS, T^ERMOM^TERS I^ 8 always on hand at very reasonable dtlc*»l ® c *» invite those who are desirous of preenrina any of the above enumerated articles, to'caUat nS? J "chasing eßewhera ind JiSmtae cm assortment, feellDg confident that they wUlbefhVora b) y i“PJSK?S, w ith the character or our good? ARK REASONABLE, and the work cbSPe?. enaranteed to give satisfaSuon to the™ . oidwmkf >aitll:nl * r * tteilUonpal<l to tlie renewing of no 2 4m-rpl VANKIRK 4 OO," NEW OLIVE OIL.. Just arrived In the Brig DAN, from Bordeaux, 150 CASES SALAD OILj Imported by ns of the finest quality, without regard to cost. For sale atthe lowest market price by the o£e orßottie. SIMON COLTON & OLAEKE, B JL C t? B< BBOAD ahd walibt H. SUNDERMEIER. manufacturer of Plain and Fancy Confectionery, WHOLESALE ABU RETAIL. No. 829 Arch Street, BELOW NINTH ST. no 3 s tn THE LARGE BXOCK OP TRUNKS, B,A G.B, &c., AT HO. 70S CHESTNUT STBEET,- Selling ont at cost to close the business. »®™ BRo as & tion of cooao asenia, Forpnre bouquet, It stands anrarpafSed? It &3H!Ss£spS •:•.••.•? 46tt*tfirp •_ THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-^PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY. TtKnV.MRffB tl NOTICE. CARPETINGS, ' AT REDUCED PRICES. LEEDOM & SHAW, »10 ARCH ST„ sel2 Sm n>l Between Ninth and Tenth; GREAT REDUCTION. OWING TO THE GBEAT Dipr.mß n, nnr . WE ARK OFFEBING 008 BTOOK OF PURHj old FDiLY 20 PEE CENT, LOWER THAN ANY OTn SB HOUSE IN THE TBIDII OTH ' H. & A. 0: VAN BEIL, ‘mSS-SS®*i“ at Street. SHAPES! GRAPES! ALMEEIA BRAND, IN LARQE CLUSTERS, % 75 cents per pound. DAVIS & RICHARD?, ° CBttf} ARCH AND TENTH STREETS, .fiftnai NEW PH EIGHT route - To the Sonih and Southwest, ' VIA THE • Philadelphia, - Wilmington and Balti more and Delaware Railroad, thenca b ? Steamers of the Greet In ®° <l Navigation Company to Norfolk Va rnTS r^'°? 6,phla - Wilmington £me BammSra Dave sot been afforded Heretofore hv nnwAtk WiUcli 9 f Lading given toallprorntneSt&£»?: Xorfoither loftrzn&tlon apply to ' CHARLES B. "WILLIS, Agent Broad and Washington Avenna CHARLES E-DEUEES, Agent, Only at J, E. SOCLD-sßeventh * Cheetrint, n«»,tfBp “THE OHABITY PATIENT, Jl BOGEBS’ NEWEST GEODP, ‘ NOW BEAD 7. ■ * 'ALSO, M»’S SCHOOL” “TAKING THE OATH.” " ■ • *■ “THE WOinVOEO NCoilT.” “ONE MOKE SHOT.” “IKE BISHWHACKEIt.” “}JJK lIKTTJKJVED VOLUNTEER.” KEEI7GEEB.” “THE HOME GUAJBIE.” |IS each. Boxing, 75 cents. ' "i -“ 91 All. DAY.” «10. “JH® PICKET OirABD.” “SHARP SHOOTERS.” “THE TOWTV PI MP.” “CHECKER PEA YEBS.” t Am^, l i^ WITUT « E COOK -” “I HIE SLAVE SAME.” ■ “TRIAGE SCHOOLMASTER.” “THE CAKIJ PLAYERS.” - s6,eacb. Boxing, 50 cents. JAMES S. EAELE & SOU’S, SOLE AGENTS; desetrpj Bl6 Chestnut Street. ! LOOKING-GLASSES. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, LARGE STOCK OP LOOKING GLASSES, OB VIRY MODERATE PRICES. EARLEB’ GALLERIES, noa 816 CHESTNUT STREET. CABPjEMNaa. TO FAMILIES. Sherry Wines, Port Wines, Rye "Whiskies, Fine Old Miadeiras, Choice Brandies, WISE MERCHANTS, CL ARK & BIDDLE, Jewelers and Silversmiths. 712 CHESTNUT STREET 1 Have now wady for Sale the most oompleteand elegant aiiorfanent.whlch they, have ever offered, compriung eve; ything usually found in a JEWEL RY establishment, at the • r -\' ; - .' y. '. • '. LOWEST CABH RATES. no2o tn th [latdMrpi 1 |k STERLING SILVER, [ KJplAMaanlactnred en)remvftirinnT>AT.p rninnll NEW JEWELRY, Of all the late Styles. WATCHES Of the most Celebrated Haken, PEARLS. DIAMONDS, and other Fiedons Btones, Wedding and Engagement Rings. Old Beta of PEA KT. or DIAMOND JEWELBYw mounted In modern style* Watches and Clocks repaired and adjusted by 00m petent workmen. * All goods warranted of first quality. Special attention given to DIAMONDS. J• T, Gallagher, Late of BAILEY A 00., FOBMEBLY BAILEY * ETTCHEN, o 3a 3 sm 0 Esa NTJT street. KITCHEN & CO*, Have oponed their New store, S. .E, corner Tenth and Chestnut Sts., WITH A POLL STOCK OF "W atches, J ewelry, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, &o. 2* H. CH£N. T ti nr tij N. BTJLON. Salesman. noS&jJ?^ SAM’L K. SMYTH. EDWABD P. inim SILVER-PLATED WARE. Smyth Sc Adair, PBAOTIGAL MANUFACTOBEBS * OF FIRE SILVER-PLATED WARS, HABD AND SOFT METAT., 1884 Chestnut Street, Opposite D. 8. Mint, 2 flo or. Factory, 35 Booth Third Street, nol-th s tn sstrpl Up stairs. Dlotjoiwg: REMOVAL. J. HENRY EHRLIOHEB, Tailor, Has removed Horn 321 North THIRD Street, to NEW BULLETIN BUILDING, NO. 607 CHESTNUT STREET, SECOND FLOOR, FRONT, n0221m rp) JONES’ Old Established ONE PRICE PINE Kesdj'Made Clothing House, 804 MARKET STREET, above Sixth, Stocks *of *^2ay^maa?cs^Sngi“sorted . od-Smrp) EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, 612 CHESTNUT STREET, Has now the «*• FALD AND WINTER GOODS. CLOTHES equal or superior to A 1 .. FiretClasa Tailoring fcSSfitehniiSßfSl prlcee. Batlsfa«Jnn piffiy jpoderatu show the new and prevalentetrtai*o of-customers and pnbUcT w ** “« R^PecUoa UNION LEAGUE HOUSE, BHIXADA., Deo. 3,186,. of LEAGUE HOUSE, Monday evening, December 10th, At 8 o’clock, p.M. By order of the Board of Directors. QEO. H. BOKEJEt, SBOHETABY, | SSS&iSW££e** : BETAHPBia9BOT. J. C. & CO WILL NOW SELL Great Reduction, The Entire Balance of their very Ele- LADIES’ CLOTHS SACKINGS. jil : J. C.STBAWBBIBBE &CO., N. W. COB. EIGHTH AND MMtKET. LADIES’ FANCY PUBS. JOHN FAREIRA No. 718 Arch at,, above 7th,, At to old established Store, IMPOBTEB,HANUFACTUBKB and DEAIEB FANCY FURS FOB Ladies and Children? My assortment of Fancy Fora fbr ladles and fihn Orwi is HOW complete* emhrarlng gYgfo raWaHi ♦sl!i wgl be worn dnrln* tne rommSilaliS 7 ***“ Rfgnemoer the name and number* loss FABEIKA, • No. 718 ABCH Street, above Seventh n l .sflS? op “ to “ " connection with any other store n tnectty. ocanstntham LADIES’ FANCY FURS A. K. U F. K. WOMRATH, 417 Arch St., HAVE NOW OPEN A Full Assortment of LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S FURS! Also a treat variety of FANCY and Sleigh Bobes. CTBTAIHS. NEW LACE CURTAINS. rec «^ NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS. lrom ordinary to rich style. FRENCH LAOE CURTAINS, From the geysomeol them ALSO, VEBTIBULB LACE, BMBBOrD MTXSIiIir CURTAIRH. JACQUARD do., And Caitain Mualln* in great variety. Sheppard,. Van Harlingen & Arrison, 1008 Chestnut Street. 0c25-thsa tu-tf rpj * ffllilUDAU ELECTRICITY WDICUBE ti ‘emo»Uta«^te^O e O gb S y tand I n s diseases f>RS. GALLOWAY, WHITE &BOLLES iTRE OLD AND QNXY RET.TaRr.p; Ul ~ o > HBDIOAL 2LECTSIGIAHS, S. E. cor. Walnut and Thirteenth Sts. f«.^2‘? rThon^ 11<1 Persons have been successfully J^f***! by ns ’ Beaa certificates of Important cores In ‘‘Press” and-Telegraph.” Mre. Prot BouS glv®la special attention to the Female Department of the In stitntlon. Coresgnaranteed. Consultation free. .. N ’ ?' and Students can enter at any time for a lull coorse of Instruction In this Great Dis covery to the healing art. Our former Students, "to. now practice onr old system, are especially invited to cauand become Instructed In onr late discoveries, so that they may learn how to core more ?^““ p a ‘ “d in a much less Mate than by the old syß ‘e“- Wh ? baye tele<l Electricity and failed in getting cured are especially Invited to call, as we have :z e , a , obst loote diseases after beta| Seated others in this city, without any benefit BHOCKS GlvaT PUCt malle4fr “ °f charge, NO BOOKS AND THE MOST IMPKOVED INSTBU MEJ\TS FUBNISHED. nos th 3 tn 3m 803 WAJUTfr. A SfflflSSffiSSS? “ THQMZ>(t6N Apply to 1250 street, below ——— ra^^—, nol& t£rn?M MUS iCfAI, f°i2^a£2i£g^MDa^attS^^^^ ■DEMOVAD.— it THE °“ABD KKK INSUR OV Bb to Uielr • Northeast corner GHEBTN UTand SEVENTH streets. Philadelphia. de»tf g*gsq=s«ate *j it ?ssSF now,HBp Seventh and ehs#n«. - AT eant Stock FUBS. Second and Third Storefront and bacb bond-, ~ 1 No. 724 CHESTNUT St'eefc ' Aibo, a part of tie first floor, apply to ijUPPIELD ABKME!AI> n 022 th a(u tfrp} % OntheSk. fil BUSCtt& Soi? 3 !® 49 , 0f VITO gWiLLiHo^K^rsissfShfouaTH l .^! 8 ™-^ Mrf f^K‘a r£SS«' 3SM°iK.22£ ssr gf?"*£ of Vito Vitl, deceased- estate, late the property Hooee, !|SSISS!gfSS therennto belonging. subiect newrthef^fs>S?' ,s^ J-hlladelphla, containing in front or ™ «?/ SO f€€t, and in depth southwardly 62 ff^ii^ebea-, Bounded northward fiy the° am street, southward by ground granted ta Ta/'nh no^iv. 1 Vlßa*? S“M wea * wart »* ground...taS S By the Court, . X, - i .#» i S!K ; -2vw|S‘f,ss |TS£SSKJ^;sI«s£S D | gs s«aiaSss£Kes :a,r s ssa'&sa so’S'e^S.p'^^SSl o ” 6 "-residences, with band wtadows7£X!?££?o, ’ < * ttaSs at me floor, sitting room ahnsJ°2!s<i, a S <I kl iShea on beaters baths raneetandh??JSa Wl fs ba y windows, chambers- two watt* tfosefc? I nii D M,« 7 at 5 r ’ water in “^wer- one b ™ eaa f3mra*£ e wator dlalna !M° Xirtl noo may remain If desired? L ln cn m h ranee. , three story br!dr^iden<»Mdlc>? B nS lr s? t—Also ' 4,10 of'Wallace street, 23 feet east of Bide feef!)*: Inches f-ont and l s i roet ' 27 sSßlffiKffSafeaJa* T?mr!C,s-" ld ?? 1110 DJUBLK MAIfSIOW ot.t -LACE Street Also, thfidonhlft «t« if_l WAir* sion house and Jot of m U^?Sh y .M 11 V. 1 ?r* ,, - SfSlcisSSr* *£ss^ wtot^Koiu » s wf«m?o® “ a &*“ Clear of incumbrance. fip.wo may remain, if desired. J^JJ ~ ES A - IBEE&tAir Auctioneer, Store, 12 Walnut strSt. SB-VKSTh'^WA] sasffSoS^&ss prS^ST v * 1I “ ble lot “ di ? «"* »*r for to- I 2l ®*" bepaid at the time of sale. BytteCB “ t ’ JOHN WISE, '} Executors. EEEKMAB', Auctioneer, at6, Store, 4a Walnut street. fej Ui'AiX’3 TAI7V fl 3 BSGAIf, deceased-—JAMES a. pßrairS Toctloneer —STONS «rY iOT t J2I MECHANIC sSrGEEKffiww d tender authority contained Jnthe wf n nftftJriKJWir’ Began, deceased, orwraNEDAY IS6S at 12 o’dockTnoon, wijlbe 19 - the EXiMiNO^hi'r^ij,“ described Leal Estate vie all rt, o r in r 7, w l n £ liet^story^eeh^e^^fr^eatlSe^heSnn erected, sitoate on the sonthetst side of* street. K3* feet south west of Morton Strait gSSS? JS£ Twenty-second Ward; *5 *St“rfS^S^gS* t BOW occupancycan at^de P r^ e oS»S°s n^r^SS^f^ JAMIuS A. FiySKMAN, Auctioneer, Store, 422 Walnut street. sssisis^asiPiii STOBY BRICK HOUSE, EIDSE abore Rnt toDwood street Under aathoriS of th« Coon for the Oitvand County of WEDNESDAY, bec.SS, isss, £1? o?to(*fno P o a Vm bp’Ol" at pnbllcssle at the EHILa «’ Sit 1 CH* NGE the following described real estate the property ot (ts-lizabelh Bsr E erflate cea.ed.yic All that three-stoiy brick mSsSelert lot of ground on the south-west side dr t be S nffi2 Road. 81 feet HE inches northwestward from BnttSnf wood street: conta-nlngln front is teet, and ln dernh’ ou ihenonhwestlineirfeet 2E inches tnd m E southeast line, 2S feet IIE inches. 1 ana on tie JW“ Clear of all xncombranca. 49“ |l<X‘ to be paid at the time of sale By the Court, E. A. MEBBICK. Clerk O C desiaax JAMES de6,13-ax Store *g Walnut street. ffS} _ SX.'CITIORS' BALE—Sstfite aj v*t>V a Ira ■RIDGWA'V. deceased!,—JAMES A. PfißhftX w 4 SSSS^SS»S?. ,^gS^g«®3? PHlS^^Hl^fiXCHillGk^e 11 'fItoSaS d£ dwri "d V '‘bJick’ho^ s '‘aS info? gionnd.Nosl6 Coates street; 18 feet front and lit foot renfOede-mabfe? P^ace ‘ &*>«*»wVjSSSJSg |rj4^^ t g? a ‘?*S f !S!(S£SiSiSf e,p - Sobject “i* 36 ft d MS~ Half of the parch* 86 money may remain s** S 0 the time ofaSe.^^ By order of the Executors. Auctioneer. - <te6iKf2o Store, 422 Walnut street, t PUBLIC SAXE.—JAMES A. FBEEMAN. AncUoneer.- 1 HREx-siORYBRICK DWELtr ,Np. 520 Sooth FRONT street. On WEDNESDAY, uec, lD 1 1866. at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at Pablic Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the fol lowing described Beal E state, vfz: A three story brick messuage with two-story brick back budding and lot on side ofVroct street (No. 520), being 23 feet t?& Inches front by dee P to a 4*feet alley, with ;he ose of said alley, ruiisu?» * r ooi Spnth to Belief street. Rents for $6OO per annum. $3,000 may remain on mortgage May bo examined any time - - JBS" Clear of incumbrance. f2OO to be paid at tho time of «ale JAMES A. gtorefa Walnnt atSi.* IIEGAI. JfOTICXEh. . EifiCUtOfS of th6‘ TciotA nf Pr.r/4 a • balance to thf. S iS reporl; distribution of the oar a °,f llse accountants, will meet the oalMsnlv e iH,J}! e Pn p ° se ol”bi« appointment, P lf '.'be ’Slb OrDecember. ISS6, at 4 o’clock, rht£' at ‘ 0 ‘ W-i-hNUT street, fu the City of Pbiladell dS-th THOS, COOHRAW, .it; Auditor. I 1 *? HE ORPHANS’ COURT FOB THE OTTT COUNTV OF PHIUADELPHIA.-Eitateof SHHB£W J. PAGE, Becea ed Notice 1$ hertby given ttat CATHARINE HUBER, late Page, wdosr decedent, has filed la said Coart her petition in vvbtch sbe claims to be allowed ftQQ In cash, oat or the estate of said decent, fn parsa*nce of the act or April 14,1851, and its supplements, and that the craver of said petition will be granted on SATURDAY De cember 15th,.1866, anle&s exceptions thereto be filed •• WILUA4£ B HANNA Attorney f or Petitioner. dc6-th, f.ltj rs IHR ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE firrv AND COUNTS' OF PHILADELPHIA" Estaten> ANDREW J. PAGE, deceased, The andttoranoointnd by tie Conrt to audit, settle and adjust the account of JOHN HANNA, Executor ofihe estate of AND UR <r J. PAGE, deceased, and to report distribution*?!? th» balance in the bands of the accountant, will meet tha parties inteiesied for the purpose oi his BDnolutinen t on MONDAY, the 17th day of December laS nh * o’clock P. M., at No. South Fonrthatreet’inthl city of Philadelphia, detS^h^* JN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE rrrrv- AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA “&.tS?X WII.LIAM,KATZ,Deceaied.-i ho Auditor by the Coart to audit, settle and adjust final aceonnt of MICH AS L BA’iZ Admin toStor or the Estate of Willlam Katz deceaaetTaSd to R«Kt distribution of the Balance In the hands of theArl conn tan t, wlllnieetthe parses interest-d for* therm?' pose of his appointment, on WEDNESDAY, the isth SWtu.ttJ, ' THOMaHOICHRAN.^
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