Fron our Fpuitii Edition of Yesterday. TRIAL 6rtH|>ENIAN PRISONER^ A Descendant of Qoltuhbus to Visit Canada. Fire at Providence. I|ic Trial or the Fenian Prisoners. ~ijßy tbe United States Associated Press.) tSWEETOBUBG, O. E., Dec. 6, 10.30 A. M.— The Court has just opened and resumed the 1 murder trial. There are some circumstances connected with/Madden’s attempt last night to set fire to the jail which Indicate the pre sence .of.confederates outside. The vessel "which Madden had filled with live coals was not one of- the jail drinking cups, as pre viously telegraphed, but in a tin box with a cover, . which ' could not . possibly have been in the possession of the prisoners when admitted tothe jail, as all of them underwent a mi niite search. It is certain that it must have been conveyed to them. in jail. Another circumstance also. indicates outside con federates. .On Monday, P. M., a person re siding in: the district wasldisobvered in the jail yard, conversing with the prisoners. The police allowed him to escape, but he is known. Guards are -now posted at every point outside where it would be pos sible to hold communication with the pri soners. Madden is to be kept in bis dell for 48 hours, on bread and water to allow him to meditate on the failure of his incendiary scheme. Montreal, Dec. s,— lt is reported here that the Fenians are holding meetings in St. Albans, and subscribing funds and arms for somespeeial Undertaking. The military authorities are fully advised of all their movements and proceedings, and are taking measures to prevent any serious trouble arising therefrom. . A large number of French Canadians are returning here from the States, for want of employment. The Victoria Rifles, of which the late Col. Coward had command, purpose raising a monument to his memory. A private letter received here to-day states that the only surviving descendant of Co lumbus will shortly visit'this country. A cavalry school of Instruction is to be established here, Under the supervision of the officers of the 13th Hussars. A man named McDevitt was arrestedyes terday P. M, on a charge of using seditious language. He will be brought before Court this morning; Fire at Providence. [By the 17. s. Associated Press,! Providence, K. 1., Dec. s.—The Wad-: ding Mills in Olneyville, adjoining this city, owned.and occupied by Dud wick Bray ton, were destroyed by fire this morning. Los 3, $12,000. Fire in Bbode Island. [By the New York Associated Press.J , Providence,’ Dec. s. — The Turner Wad ding; Mill,' owned and occupied by Dud wick Braytoh; in Olneysville, near the City line, was burned to-day.' The loss is $12,000., A slight fire occurred to-day ia one of the Col lege buildings, bnt little damage resulted. Stripping* Intelligence. New York, Deo.. s.—Arrived,ship Young America, from Liverpool, tlarbeis, [By the United States Associated Press.] New Yobk, Dec. 5.1.30 P. 2L—Breadstufls-Fiour maiket is raider more active, bnt prices wltfcoutaay decided cbatge; &aiPB of 7.800 barrels at |7 50®f9 so for super state; |9 6: @slo for extra State, |lo 25&i|tl 15 for choice dOi. 17 si@sd ao ior super Westerns? totaSlo fjr ex western. slo 7t<a)ll 45 lor choice do,|lo oy@ii isfor Bound Ho#p Ohio. (11 2£@J3 00 for tiaae brands, the market clrslng quiet. Southern hoar is doll *aldrooo tog; sales of *5O barrels of common affix 20@i2 65- and for /aLcy and sl2 70@lo 00. com meal is dull; fitles of 51. bar/eis Jersey a*fs 50. Rye iloar Is atiief Bales ox 200 . ban els at fo@7o cents. Wheat quiet and prices rather more steady, with but little doing however; sales of S,HQ bushels Common No. 2 Mil walked, at $3 OP. Rye is doll; sales of suo bus.. State at >l 25; sales of 5.500 buahelo Canada Peas at fl 41. Bane* Is easier; sales ot. 6,0t0 bushels at 90@9ic. for Canada West in bond; $1 itf for Canada Wes; (free).' Corn is without a decided change: sales of 8- too bufbelsat $ll5 for mixed Western in store, auti $1 16; afloat, 51 iSforvhite Western (afloat.)Oas wereheavy; sales of 83 000 bushels at 6l@62*c. lor 15hi cagojind Mllwankie, and 62*@63c. lor now Ohio, wnisky is quiet. Pork heavy, closing fimer: sale* 6250 barrels at|2o 25@$2m SOlornewtcess; «9 75®i20 5a for old mess; closlDg at sgo, Reiula*. and forrtlme Raid heavy; sales 2 sioufev at li*@t3 cents, - hurFAEo, Dec. 5, iP. M.—Breadsiufis quiet—Flour unchanged. Wheat-Sales of io.i 0u baahels on private terms. - Corn inactive—No, 1 Illinois, held hy cargo at tL. 'Oats quiet—Abont toe. Barley—Sale?. 36 bushels tateatli.. Bye9sc@si. Mess Pork,|2tsi@22. i*ard 14a-Receiptt-ito day-Flour, 140 barrels; Wheat, 356 bushels.- 1 No canal exports, abe weather mild and clear. Receipts at t>e porta 0 * Chicago, .Milwaukee, Toledo, Detroit and Cleveland for the ypedk ending December Ist— Flour, 89 129 bb;s wheat. 548,785 bushel*; Corn, 192,16 L busnela; Oats. 93,008 bushels; Barley, 61,024 bushels; Rye, 48,283 bash Tue Kew Torb Money Market. NEw ToBKj Dec. 5-2 30 P. M.— I The stock market Is unsettled. Governments are firmer wlthoat mach ac tivity. Railroads depressed by rumors ot a possible stringency and disinclination of the public to operate m stocks. Gold has sold, down to 139* oa rumors of heavy sales making and to be made hy Government. The loan market is more active at 6@7 cents-not so much easiness, -The change however is not positive. -Lißc .unts dull names at short dates, longdate paper Jsregarded with dislike and passes After the stock board the market wasdoll and drooping. * r • . , :■ Coal Statements following stats ment sHowb to business of the LeMghCoal ana Navigation c£rananv forthewMk andeeaaon ending *, igffi; -"“pany «» me week Week. _. i - - , . Tons.Cwt< leblgb Coal and Nav. C 0... 8.2 M oj Packer, Spear & Co 1,289 06 John Lanbach & Co. 10,1*4 15 ... 879 07 W. T. Carter <& 00. Spring Mountain mines.. Thomas Bull & Co New York and Lehigh,... Honey Brook Coal Co German Penna, Coal Co.. McNea1..,.........;.... Knickerbocker BortkiMahanoy.., Primtoafe„n.i....... Walters,-Brother <£ C 0..... Trenton Coal Co GltDdon... ... Thomas Oal Co.- 356 12 A. Pardee «St C 0,.... 377 19 G. B Marhle & Co 712 00 W. S. HaUey & Co 98 18 Sharpe; Weiss & Co. 192 10 Enervate Co*l Co —736 H Harteigh mines..... Wl2 Stont Coal, Company..,—.7 328 04 BuckllounteJnmines......... 396 16 Ccae. Brothers & C 0...;..... 490 15 Tjn10m......;..,. 855 07 Baltimore....; 53205 Wilkesbarre 848 04 Frank1in......... 860 14 Aodenrled.— ie2l6 Germania.. 217 10 Lehigh and Susquehanna— 183 16 Nouift iEina_ - New ‘Jersey Warrior Bun... Wyoming;.. Other shippers........ Fanrfift A-Thomas; Newport Coal Co. 100 00 1, 00 00 Total toLVate*.., . .20,332 04 Sametime last year.. 27,39!) 19 ' la areas Decrease... Preston Steam Laundry. WASHINGj. STARCHING, SCOURING AND.CLEANSING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES ■i Be#t work: at lowest prices. 1 . Office, 1 1309 Chestnut St. The Fourth Story Back Boom, ■ - v?"''i-'W'® o *. Tf."'T'iiT HEW BULLETIN BUILDISJ®, With entrance by a spaclona-Hall on Chestnut street, and also an entrance on Jayne sheet. Per farther particulars apply at the 607 Chestnut Street. ocmt 1 - • TO RENT. Y;;- ( The Second Btory Back Boom of Ho. 607 Chestnut Street APPLY TO . » M ANDERSON & WORRELL, “OW tf . ON THE PREMISES. ! r FOR SALE 6R LE ABB. WHABF AND DOOKB, : Lombard Street mid Delaware Avenue. 1 This property begins within 10 feet of the north line oi Lombard street and extends southward 133 feet one jlncb; has a pier 45 feet In width by 134 leet in length j ana wlaeaock:: on either side. -Terms—HaH oh mort igage for five remainder cash,with, a Redaction of about lii.oco, lately received ffcr ground taken for utJaware avenues as now open and paved. Apply to . v A. CTJTHBEP.T, n022-mj 28 Sonth EIGHTH Street, 2d floor. For Sale or to Bent Furnished flonre, 1610 Spruce St. 22 Feet Front. Apply to C. H. arOTRHEID. del-6t{ 203 and 203 South SIXTH Street. M FOR SALE, Elejant Brick and Brown .-tone DWELLING, No. 2.-20SPRDCEStreet. Immediate Possession. SLaULE, BROTHER <c CO , de4lm» 2300 SOUTH Street. UOR" rent: " Desirable OFFICES in Buildings, No. 325 Walnut. No. 210 Walnut and No. 120 South second. ALSO Large and small Booms suitable for manufacturing purposes, together with the use of a steam endue. Apply to gs ORPHANS’ COURT SALE.-Estate of LKI .Bllr PER,'iNINORS.—JAMES A. FREEMAN Au ctinneer.—Genteel DWELLING, No. 829JVINE street. -Underauthority Ot the Orpbans’iCourt for the city and;county of Philadelphia.—On WEDNESDAY. Da ram her 12th, 1860, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at Public Sale,at tbe PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described Real Estate, the property of LE] PER. Minors, viz: A three story brick bouse, with the two-story brick back building and lot. situate on tbeflortb sldeof Vine street. Thirteenth Ward; ® feet front, and extending la depth 94 feet, when th 9 «ald lot contracts by an offset on the east Bide thereor to the breadth ofls leet, and conth nlng that decreased wld'h the further depth 50 feet to Wood street, with a two story brick shop thereon. , One-half the purchase money may remain on mort gage. tar $2OO to be paid at the time of sale. By the Court, E. A. MERRICK, Clerk O. O. .■ MARY H. GIVIN. Guardian. JAMES A. FREHMAN. Anct’r. ! n022,29de,6 . . t v Store JYalaut- street. |fjg} ©BEHANS’ COUBT SALE. —Estate of GAL JSiii! LAGHEB, Minora.- JAMES A. PREKMAN. Auctioneer;—Three-story BRICK HOUSE, KATES street, beiow Broad. Unaerafathority of the Orphans* Coort for the City and Connty of Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, December i 2,1866 at 12 o'clock hoon will be sn'd at pnblicsale at ihe PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described Beal Estate, the property of Gallagher, Minors, Ttz: Alt that certain irt of ground, with th« three-story brick m ssaajre thereon, on the north side of Kates street, 3ca feet east of Broad street in the Third Ward; 16 feet front by 47 feet6incbes deep,including on the east side thereor half a certain alley thirty Inches wide, Subject to isu ground rent per annum. fiß'tso to be paid at the time of sale. By the Court, .BV A. MKBRICE. Clerk.O. C. MARY GALLAGHE-*. Guardian. JAMES A, EREBMAN. Auctioneer, n022.29de6 - • , . Store 122 Walnut street. MORPH A.NS’ COURT SALK,—Estate of THO Mm McGUIGAN, deceased —JAMES A.FRbiasi AN Auctioneer.—Fonr-story BRICK STORE. No •> TR AW BERRY street. Under authority of the Or rh&D5, Coart joc - tbe City and County of PhllsdelohL , cm WEDNESDAY December 12, 1866, at 12 o’clock noon, will be sold at Public Sale,at the PHILADEL PHIA EXCHANGE, the r ollowing de3c ibed Real Estate,late ihe property of 'ihom<xs Afcff«/ffan, de ceased, -vJz: All that valuable fonr-story brie*- mes suage and lot of ground, situate oa tbe west side or Strawberry street: containing in breadth 14 feet 6 irches, and in depth. 41 feet, with the use of a three feet wide alley. J9®“ Clear of incumbrance. JGS~ $3OO to be paid at tbe time of sale. By the Conrt: E. &. MERRICK, Clerk O. <X BERNARD OWENS, Guardian. JAMES A. FREEMAN. Aucttone-r, n022,29d6 Store, 422 Walnut street. ORPHANS’ COURT SAXE—Estate Of atAR U±& GARET HaLL, deceased. JAMES a. FREE MAN, Auctioneer. 4-STORY STORE, No. 207 MAR KET street. Under authority of the Orpliaiia’ Court or the City and County of Philadelphia, oa WED NESDAY, Lee, 12, 1£66, at l2o’ciock,n'M)n. will be sold at public sale, at tbe PHILADELPHIA EX CHANGE, the following described Beal Estate Ute the property of MABGaBET HALL, deceased, viz- A valuable 4-st*uy brick building and lo on Ihe nmb side of Market street, between Second and Tnlrd streets: 33 feet S inches front, and extending thence northward 303 feet 5 ir ches. jmt Clear of incumbrance. Jtes*s2tn to be paid at tbe time of sale. By the Court, E. A MERRICK, Clerk O. C. EDWARD A. HALti, Adii’r. JAMES A.' FREEMAN, Auctioneer. !n022,29,de6 Store, 422 Walnut street, S PUBLIC SALE.—JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer.—THßEE STORY BRICK DWEL- G, No. 705 NORTH EIGHTEENTH Street above Cpatea.—On WEDNESDAY, December 12, 1866, at 12 o,clock noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHI-' IiALELPBIA. EXCHANGE, the following described R«al Estate, viz: All that certain tore* story brick dwelling with double two-story back building aud lot oi ground on ihe eastaide of Eighteenth street, 140 feei I% inches north of Coa’es sfcreet; 18feet .front,-and ex tending in depth on toe souto line 86 feetss£ inches, aud on the north line 83 feet 10& inches lo a 4 feet alley leading-into Olive street. r • iJET* The above is a neat dwelling In good order, $ rcoms, hot and cold waterybatb, rauge, &o. JBST Clear Qf incumbrance, $1,200 may remain. Pos session with the deed, JCSf* $lOO to be paid at the time of sale. JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer, po2229defr - v - Store, 422 Walmit street, . ® SMALL HOUSES, ,> . ‘ No. 919 and s?i Sergean street, near Ninth and Race streets. Also, TWO jrIN a DWELLINGS;Nos. 228and230 North Nihth street. For sale by J. H. MORRIS, de34t* 233 North Tenth street, Total, Tons.C*n 39i,819 08 84,218 05 1,475 OS 4S5 r 313 ; 01 25,576 12' 6,268 19 IV3O 12 .1,693 06 32,327 07 25,282 03 2L270 01 9,708 03 8,385 15 1,342 1!) 5,305 54 12,755 16 379 03 6,784 19 3,085 10 78,473 oi> 53,597 07 , 6,457 12 •29,804 15. 27.758 04 ; 16,721 07 18,521 01 24,485 15 7,266 Oi 3,982 07 ''13,195 10 44,635 04 12,552 17 13,527.04' 10,715 07. e GEBMASTOWN-FOB SALE.—A handsome, double pointed STONE RESIDENCE, with pointed stonestable and carriage house,and acres of ground, situate In one.of the moat desirable parts of Gprmaotown. and within ten-minutes’ wa’k from the Bailroad Station, J* M, GUMMEY & 50N8,503 Wal nut street;. .• gEf- ARCH S'l’RfeET. 6 —i'OR SALE—The handsome Iffiii fo«r story brick Residence, 22 teet front, situate on the norihwest cower of Arch and Twentieth street-. Has parlor, two kitchens, eight chambers billiard-room, bath-room, &c Is well built end in perfect order. J. M. GUMMEY & SONS, 508 Walnut street, - : ’ • ® : FOR SALE—A handsome four story brick Re sidence,, with three-story double back: buildings. Ayerj convenience, and in perfect order. Situate,oa the west side of Twentieth street, below Race/ Lot 18 feet front bj 90 feet deep. Ji M. GUMMEY <£ SONS, 508 Walnut street,. • fite FOR SALE—The handsome modern three story wilt brick: Residence, situate No. 227 South Twentieth Bii eet, below Walnut., Lot 18 feet front by 88 feet deep. Imn ediate. possession given. J. «. GUMMEY <& SONS; SCB Walnut street,: . ■ -4B3?! SALE-A FOUR-STORY DWELLING, feiil with 3-Etory Bbck Buildings, No.. 422 .S.-FIF* TjijBNTH fatreet. Lot feet. Immediate Posses sion. COPPUOK & JORDAN, 433-Walnut street,.:- ..v- ,k t w -j nj. = 4,327 02 , 5,301 15 6310 19 1,552 18 18,4t»5;13. 405 Oil 1,524 13 *1 HOUSE AND FURNITURE FOR‘ BALE -3 North side of Walnut street, between Twelfth and irt«f nth streets. Possession at once. Terms easy. Apply to ; - :C. H.-MUIRH&VD,-r v- r . noso-10. ;; l, iNp.2^SouthSixth." fS? FOB SALE—The three-story brick Residency with double three story back bulldiacs.fiitnate No! wy North E lihttLatreefc;; Has every'moaern'coiive nlence, and is in goed .order, possession given, J.M.jGUMMEY Walnntßtreet; l: 1,066,138.11 879,558 16 186.569 15 f£| "* FOB; 8 ALE—A lafge brick. Stable; with" adconi »£ znotiatioDS for. seven” .horses ; and as many car Bimafeon Cberry street; near Twentieth. J. M. GPMMEV. &SQN3,s'JBWalnutßtreet.~! \ » FOR SALE—A Valuablethree-story DWlCLL lNG.suitablefor.ntore.or hot*-!; w; E. corner' oi iAD. andCOLt’MBTA avenue..29 by 92fee-.deem app-y JORDAN, 433 Walnut street]. FOB-SALE,—A Desirable three story DWEL IBi-iKG. N 0,1.11 North Sixteenth street- Prie® fsooo may remain. Immediate Possession. W JUGLBY & CO.j No 12J south Fourth st. rHE BULLETIK.—PHIIAI)ELPEIAj THTjJB'SDAY, DECEMBER 6 1866 BEAI^ESTATE. JACOB M. ELLIS, Office No 2, No, 325 Walnut street. BEAt ESTATE. ORPHANS' tCpUKTSALKf;ESr AT a ijOF ®*yu»- SW A. £HM AN, AUOTlONEieH,—Under, authority ol i the Orphans’ court for the City and Oonnty of Phils , fl elpbia, on WEDNESDAY. December i9tn, 1835, at 12 ! ?’fiiS k, Jt < ?Pst, wlu *» Sold at Public Sale, at the ! PHILADELPBIA EXCHANGE, the following de i scribed Beai Estate. late the property of Davids. . bon,!; v-FRONT street, 1 ?o?ve Amber.—A:- lot 'at ground wltn'the two brick , build togs the) eon erected, situate on tbe easterly side [ 2-f ? rr>lj *’ 84 feet 9>a inches northerly from the ; r*.M. corner oi Front and Amber streets; thence ex < lerdioe northerly along tbe easterly sue of Front | street 36 feet, thence eaatwardly on a line at right an* I toche*; -ttjeoca south-, t inch ri to tbe north-westerly side of BBid**raber-street; thence alongthe j same 36 feet; thence at right angles with amber street i 37 feet 5 Inches, ana thence westerly at* rlghfc angles to Front street, 87 feet 5 in cues to Front street, the place of beginning. Subject to MO ground rent peraenum, ;;gp* r-yflßw.B-B'l ORY BRICK HOUSE' fAD* G) —A t t of Grouno: with the three-story brick messUßge thereon ejected, ou the east side of %££H * j e^Tiorthward from Araber strlht; a’oug 1 Front street lsfuet; tbHQceeastwMdiyat right angles with Front street 37feet 5 lrebesto apornt; thence at rightnjigles with Amber Btreet. «7 feet 5 inches to Am* : ter street; thenc-* along Amber street 16 fest: thence ; northwesterly at.right jangles; with- A mber street 30 • leetsincbes; thence westerly Bo feet^s'inches'io place : of beginning. : No. a-rFhAMB HOUSE, BLAIR StrfeeK, A lob of ■ ground, with ihe two-smfy-frame m&snagA thereon' ;• erected, cn ihe east side of Blair street, 35 feet 2*£ t inches southward irom Otis street (late Wood street), lin the Nineteenth Ward, containing in front 14 feet, and m depth 49 feet to a three-feet wide alley. • Jo9*fioo to be paid on each at the time of sale, By the tonrt. • MERRICK, Clerk? O. C. | SABAH ANN BROWN, Adm ? ni*trft:rix.: ■ „ JaMEu a. FBBEMaN, Auctioneer ’ _ n028de613 , Store, 422 Walnut street. j til; C~E%«' fJS BEri.—Estate of CHARLES HRMMA «N, de .ceased.—Ja WAS ATFREK'UAN —Valua bleFA qroRY sndXoT, FOURTH streets, Nineteenth Waro.with Engine House. Engine. Boilers, &c, .-Under autboiitynf-the Orpbaos’«Coart [fojjffie City and County of Philadelphia, on FRIDAY APrEßNLpNiDecemoer2is6,lB66;vat 20*cl‘iclc. will be sold at Public hale, on tbe premises, the following described Real Estate, late tbe property or Charles Hemmann, deceased; -All'that certain threestory brick Factory, with basement and one-story engine bouse in ibertar._tbereof,sltia*te upon a certain lot of ground In the Nineteenth Ward; beginning at the southwest corner of. Fourth,and Hackle? streets* thence extending southweacwardly Along the souW eestwardly side of Backley street lot feet c laches* thence southeastward!/^at right angles with-Hackley streetB6feetiSflnch'sfttenceeastward atrig> tangles with Fourth street, 57 feet 9* laches to Fourth street* thence along the west side of Fourth street 118 feet 11H inches to the place of beginning. - Subfect to s24ugroa&drent per annum. - tBT Ihe above is a valuable three-story brick Fac tory, with engine bonse;2ft horee power engine, made by Morgan. Orr & O'., flue boiler, In perfect order. Tbe entire buildiugsand machinery have been erected within a year, and the location Is rapidly improving for manufacturing purposes. * * O“$soo to be paid at the time of sale.- By iheCo’.rt, E. A MERRICK, Clerk. O. C. _. _ _ __ . THOMAS FINLEY, Administrator. _ SALE OF MACHINERY—I 6 Looms, Sh&ftlog, Pul leys, Belting, Spoolers, Bobbia-WJndei, Worsts and Cotton Yor* s, <kc. immediately after the saio of the Real Estate, will be sold by order of Administrator of the estate, tbe machinery in tbe bulldlug, including sixteen looms, shaft! jg, pulleys, belting, spoolers bobbin wiDder, <fcc. / A Ipo, Worsted and Cotton Yarns. t 5&» The mar hi iery it nearly nei o. * .. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. no2S,des,l3 ; store, 422 Walnut street. EXECUTORS’ SALR—Vstate of PETER RO ISd VOUDT. deceased.—JAMES A. FREEMAN. ucMoneer.-Undtr authority contaiufd in the will or theiaie PeterPovoudt.deceased on WEDNESDAY Lecemter 19, IBCo, at 12 o’clock, n, will be solo at PubiicSale at the PHILaDELP HI a EXCHANGE the ibllowingjdescribed Real Estate, viz; No. L- VaLUABLE BIORE.No 256 N. THIRD street.-All n three-story brictand graolte baUdljg or siore. sltuateen tb** west eideorThird street (So 2-W) near Vine street; containing in front ou Tnird stieet abont 3 inches, including a 3-feet wide alley left open for the use of this and tbe property adjoining on tbe Fcutb, and extending of that width indepta west ward 42 feet, then narrowing on the south side thereof to the breadthoj about 2)feet flinches, the fur ther depth westward of that width 42 fee; 8 Inches with the privilege or said alley, and also of another alley 4 left wide, leading northward into Vine street Clear of incumbrance. Jrartcf the purchase monev may remain. - - No 2-GENTEEL DWELLING, No. 4SO North Fourth street. All that certain three-story brick dwelliDg house with three story back banding*, sitaate on tbe west side ofFourth street, 40 feet nortn of Noble street; containing In fronton Fourth- etreel 19 feat 2% inchrs. and In depth westward on the north line 84 feet 8 inches, and on the south - line 79 feet 3 Inchw, and in braedthonthe rear end thereof 19 feat !!>»'iuebex. Baloon parlor, dtrjtpg*room and first floor mar ole vestibule gas. bath, ranges, hot and cold water, beater in cellar, private stairway, &c. JGST ClearOfincumbranco, J9S* t2CO to be paid on each at the time of sale. By order of i*x*cntors. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, n028.dc6.13 Store, 422 Walnut street. 6 ORPHANS ,r COURT SALFs—Estate of RO 3ERr M. LEE, deceased.—JAMES A. FREE , anctioneer.—OFFlCE BUILDING, N<x worth SIXTH street, above Arch.—Under authority of tbe Orphans’ Court forthe City «nd Couuty or Phila delpbis, on WFdnkhdAY. December 19th, 1863, at \° o’clock Noon will be sold at Public Sale wUbont re serve, at tbe PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE; the fol lowing described Real Estate, late the property of RO BERT M. LEE. dfwasei. viz: a three story double messuage, with large back building, acd lot or piece of ground, on the east side of Delaware Sixth street, be twr« Race streets, 34 feet ftoutby 74 feet deep, morn or less. - i Subject to SIS 6 ground rent per annum, ■ SSF* The above is a desirable property, containing 17 n-oms. ibe main bul dlog u«ed aa a dwelling; m» lire llocr divid< d into convenient offices, together yieldim ofsl,:«>o. 9S~ (2uo to be paid at ite tlmo of sale By the Conn, E. A. MERRICK. Clerk O. C. RICHARD WASHING i'O V, Administrator. JAMES A. FRkEMan, Auctioneer. Store 422 Walnut street. OR PE A NS ! COURT SALE.- Estate of s a MU EL XmX P Mal4K*4,decea?ea.-JAMEs a. FREEMAN auctioneer. DWELLING, No. FIFTH Bireet Under authority r.t ihe orphans’Court for nbe City ano County of Philadelphia, on We.DN«cs- DAY. December 19, 1866, at 12 o’clxdc, Noon, win be sold st Public Sale, at the PHILADK«,PHIa EX ( HANGE tbe following described Real Esta-e late ibe property of SaMUEI P. MARKS, deceased.' Al. that lot orgreurd v.dtb the tbrefrstory mpssuage thereon erec ed. Bituatoon thowestsldo of Fifthstreet 172-feet toutn of Carpenter fttreet; containing infroni 16 feet, and in depth so a twenty &ot wide street tor SHK» to be paid at the time of sale. BytheComt, E. A. MERRICK, ClrrkO. a T ., EJCHAROir. BATTUR3.Trustee. JAMES A. FREEMAN Auottoaeer, t no7Bder.i3 Store, 422 Walnatitreet, PEREMPTORY SALE.-JAMES A. FREE BUfLDrNG LOTS. Bt / eet * below Pine street. On WEDNESDAY. December 19,1866 a: 12 o’clock, Noon, will resold at Public Sale, without reserve, at the PHII.JUILPHIA BXcHAKGE tbe folio vlog de aiTlbed Heal Estate, viz; Nol I.— all that lot orgronnd sltnateon .the west aide or Twenty-second a tree t, ss feet south of Pine street; id feet front by 83 feet deen to a fenr feet alley ltadlnu Into Pine street. »0.2.-A lot adjoining, 15 by so feet deep, to a four feet alley leading Into Pine street. '■tßt Clear of lncombraneo. Sgr They will be sola witbont rererve. AS* SIGO to be paid on each, at the time of sa-e. JAMES A. PKEEMAN, Anctloneer, no2B,deC 13 . ■■■ Store, 422 Walnut Street. (Bj FOB BAL EI—PREMISES So. 1504 and 1500 EE» Cht stnut street, each 20 feet front by Ho feat deep apply to , a H. MUIRHEID, dcti-6t , 205 South Sixth street. SS DESIKABLE COTTAOE RESIDENCS, N. W HJa corner > Ighieenlli and helancey Pl.ce. Lot 8S by sa Prlce reduced to *12.000. Inquire on the PRE MISES. ■■■ deg St* TO LET.—TWO ROOMS. .. front and back, first floor, - u _ —-- 72? flASSoMstreet. GASI OB WSEE3& AND STRENGTH USE CAPE ; WELL & OO.’S PATENT GLASS CASTOI These wheels are designed fbr Pianos, Bedsteads,’ Ac. We claim that they: give to Pianos a greatly increasec force ofsonnd, without detracting from the harmon.’ and melody of tbe Instrument, rendering every not more distinct to.the. e*r, This i« »n R pp ß r a ut are now being applied by many to these valuable mu oical instruments. Dr. valentine Mott, previous to hh ceath. pronounced the Glass Castor* Wheels an In valuable invention for bed feat invalids, who an guardedngalußtthe damp floors after undergoing th» process of cleaning, or where dampness is proaucet rri mnny other cause. Aside from this. Housekeeper are relieved from the dread,of having their carpets cm or torn, as frequently happens from those now in use . often caused by a rust, which adheres with glae-lik« tenacity. No such annoyance can possibly proceed from the Glass Castor wheels, as we all , know that glass is non corrosive* There are no rough or untin • ished edges to the Glass Wheel*, such as we often flne in.those of iron, and ihe’latter, though smoothly flu ished, will soon rust, from the dampness of the atmos phere, if nothing ££& producing ronghnesaon thesur lace, or edge, wfirnae: former will always Tuafritfifr the am ootbnet-s of g»is, J ust as they are finished, By sleeping upon glass wheels yon retain all the elec treaty you had In your body on retiring, and yon g& up in the morning feeling as fresh and active as f young man, Glass being a non-conductor, the elec trjelty gained while Id bed cannot pass offi Ask you* a°&°£ what he thinks of the Glass Castor Wheels , Ask him if all diseases, with the exception of chronh diseases, are not caused from the want of electricity we have a man in our place whom the doctors pro non Deed past curing,"• with the inflammatory rheu mutism. The wheels cured him in less than ftjUT a stout healthy, man. Thes- arc. frets which cap he proven on application at our office. No. 203 Ra<» street, Philadelphia, or-at’ our Factory,af Wsstville, New Jersey where wq h&YB some elxß hmids employed in the mMtfuwtttte of toe Glass Cas tor w neeiSv - •• •.» - sjoo$joo w ill Xro paid to any oae who will say they bav* reci Ived any bene&t or relief after using Oapewell patent Gilds Castors. A sample set (4) of tot Wheels sent to any part of the United States, on re ceiptofll&O. S. B. CAPE WELL & OO , oci 3ms No. 205 Bace street. SMOItICHABka: i & ' - MARTTN"LEAN6, NO, 402 OHHSTNUI . i/AX-.- STREET, - Pint Premium awarded by Franklin Instf* iKPJC tbte to MARTEN LEANS. Mano&ctnrer oj ' MASONIC MARKS, : . ' :r. yjLNS..,EMBTiEMRy.Ao.t AOr ■ New uid orlgliud designs m Masonic Mask., Tens* planL-Medals, Arm; MeOate and Corps Radge, oi every dcecriptlen. .nal^vr,tlT,fjisni> ■ ~ ;-r.iLUAIKICK. HD Gf IV, 340{.Mtfrlwf Street.. A fairMßonment ef ■ ■' - ( BuiidingLnmber. d.anpeilorlotoftboroiiKhly - ■ ■ -dWITiOT. CABOUHA KtOORIHG.*OABOIiINA BTfiP- ' BOABOa. i *l 7 i- 8 * 8 IB<*MiOHIGAK,i*I.Ara; \ ■ 'SWißmuwfetocjr- CHARLB6 EBTE, LUMBER, " Seventeeutli and Streets, oc3i*3xn phiudelphia. 1 CCC -SELECT WB3TE PINE . AOOD. t -iOAUDS AND PIiHK, CHOICE feet lon*. Praß'jß^Ei" S PATTMt C N PLANK, IiBGE AID SCPEBIOR bTOCK ON HAND. 1866.~8m2w^ G G . ! BUILDING,. LOItiJERI LimBEH! XTJMBEBI S 4 4 CAKOLINAELOOBING. B-4 CAROLINA FLOORING. 4-4 DBLAWABE FLOURING, MDRLAWABE FLOOBING. WHITE PI«-E FLOORING. ABH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOOBING. SPBUCEFLOORING. STEP BOA IS t. „ BAILPLAMI. , , PLASTEBDSO LATH. t F fifi -<^li&B / ANr OYPRiEBS SHINGLES. J-CUU, LONG CKDAB SHINGLEB. SHORT CEDAK SHINGLES, - OOOPEB SHINGLES, FINE ASSORTMENT, FOB BALE LOW. No. 1 CEDAR LOGS AND POSTS, No. l CSDAK LOGS AND POSTS. 1 ftftA —LTJMBEB FOB UN lEKTAKERS! lOUU. LDBEEk for UNDERTAKERS ! Bad OEDAB, WALNUT AND PINE. BED CEDAR, WALNUT AND PINE 1 oee -ALBANY LUMBEB OF ALL KINDS. LOUD. aLEaNY LUMBER 0E All. KINDS. Sh..- SON ED WALNUT. SEASONED WALNUT. DRY POPLAR. OHEBRY AND ASH. OaK PLANK AND BOARDS. MAHOGANY. ROSEWOOD AND Walnut VENEERS. 1 —CIGAR BOX MANUFACTURERS. IOOU. CIOAR BOX MANUFACTURERS. SPANISH CIGAR BOX-BOARDS. Ifififi' 8 PRUCE JOIST-BPBUCE JOIST ICDD. spruce joist. SPRUCE JOIST FROM U TO 32 FEET LONG, i FROM 14 TO 32 FEET LONG. SUPERIOR NORWAY SCANTLING. MATJLE, BROTHKR * CO., No. 2500 SuUTH Sueet. OPRUCE LUMBEB AFLOAT.—ScantliogandTolat IJ of lengtß fnm 14 to 28 leet loce, assorted size,, Ba-l to Bxl4, a boot 1(0 M. leet. Fortale oy WORKMAN A C0..N0.323 Walcutstreet. LUMBER.—ITbe 1 Tbe undexilxooA aro prepared torocelvi ordPia tat St. Mary's, Georgia, Lnmber, of any de scrtption, which will be promptly executed, trn MUND A.-SOUDKR <6 CO. Docfc 8L Whart,-faol3tf PLEASANT TALLEY WINE CO Fpsjklingand Still Wines. G. W. MIDDLETON. Solf Agent, 109 Market Street, PMladelpbia*. .. noso-iai ... ■ f/ v* " Suctesut u G«u 1? Gray, 9 'vk [/ B B B "W E It, j] U'B4, as, 28 and *0 South Sixth St,PhU»fi’»- A '^e t _ Fae <M Stock & Sct-Brosi iiai, tnr ana MeaieU^L-g^y^ HER MAJESTY! CHAMPAGNE, ! J. TP. hvr JjTTO IS'J WINES.—’ Tbe attention of the trade is solicited tc the following very choice Wines, Ac., fer sale by JOSEPH F DUNTON, No. m South FRONT street above Walnut: MADEIRAb—OId Island, 6 yearn old.- SHFRRIES—CampbeII & Co., single, doable anC triple Grape, E. Crusoe <fe Sons, Rudolph, Topaa, Blm rpanish.Crown and F. Valiette* iPOMß—Valleue. Ylnho Velho Real, Dan ton anti Pebeßo A’alente Co., Vintages IS>6 to USA CLARETS—Cruse Fils Freres and St, Estephe Cha teau Lnminy. VS RMDUTH-G. Jourdan, Brlve A Co. MUSCAT—de Frontignan. .CHAMPAGNES—hruest Irrony, “Golden Star,* de VfcUQge, Her Majesty and Royal Cabinet and othe? fhvorite orands. OLD WHISKIES,—aw Cases Pure Old Wheat, Ryi Bourbon and Monongahela Whiskies, for safe by B. P. MLDDMTON, > . s North Front stwa>l tutuvii^uia. Fine Coilees Old Government JAVA, Fine MOCHA, EAST IN DIA mnd JAMAICA. Ear Sale by JAMES R WEBB; WALNUT and EIGHTH Strea TJRIME NEW JERSEY LEAF jast received X and lor sale by E. a KNIGHT & CO.. bol6-lm S. B. comer Water and Chestnut streete. jyOX’S FARINA OR ACHEBS. X Freab Crackers of this unrivaled Brand always on band and for sale in bbls. and E bbls., by I ALDRICH, y ERSES A CARY, t 18,20 and 2a Leticia street, boMmt Eiclnalve Agenu. rn nnn Cans fresh peaches, WINSLOW Xv/.UUUCorn, Fresh Tomatoes,Green Pess, Stra v berries. Mosbrooms, Ac, in store and for sale, whole sale or retail, by M, i. SPILLIN. N, W. corner Arch and Eighth, DRIED FRUIT,—Very handsome pared poaches, m pared do. dried apples. In store and tort He by M F. SPILLIN, N. W. corner Area and Eighth. Buckwheat, buckwheat.— s,ooo lbs. of tn celebrated Silver Flint Buckwheat, In store ad for sale by M. F. SPILLIN. Tea Dealer and Grocer. N W. corner Arch and Eighth. NEW RAISINS AND FlGS—tnperlor new Layer Batslna and choice Elm a Figs, for sale by it. F. SPLLLINjNf W.corner Arch andEighUxstreets. aUEEN OLIVES.—3OO gallons choice large- Queen Olives, in store and for sale by gallon or narrel. at (X Ut TY’S East End Grocery, No. 118 South SECOND street. . . NEW BETHLEHEM BUCKWHEAT & WHITE C over Honey, in store and for Bale at OOUSTY’S East End Grocery, No. 118 South SECuND street. ■\TORTH :CAROLINA HOMINY GBITS, NEW X. Bcmlny, paied and unpared Peaches, jnst re ceived and for sale at COUSTV’S East End Grocery, No. 118 Sooth SECOND street. STUFFED MANGOES AND PEPPERS.GENUINE ; Chutney Bauce, Robinson’s patent-Barley and Groats, always on hand at COUSTY’S East End Gro cery, N0.,118 South SECOND street. CLOTHB, tlAßSmiattEa, &o. pMTHS; OASBIMERES AND VESTINGS. ~ JAMES& lee Invite the attention of their friend, and others-to their large and well assorted stock ol Goods, adapted to men’s and boys’ wear, comprising Inpart , ... . m , . . DIRS* French Cloths, • Bine FrenHt Cloths, . _.. Colored French Cloth*. OVERCOAT CLOTHS. Black French Beavers, - , ; > Colored French Beavera. . ; Colored Esqnimanx Beavers, ’ . Bine and Slack Pilots, <- - : Bineand BlachPalc-toU. PANTALOON STUFFS. Black French CBeßlmeres. Black French Doeskins. casalmeres. ' Plaid and silk MlkOd Oasslmeres, Satinets all qualities, Cords, Beaverteeos, Ac., : - Veatlngß,aUgradeß. At .wholesale and retail, by JAMES* LEE. No. 11 North Second et. Sign of the Golden Lamm - A PPUra— 76 barrels BeUe Flenrs. and'uther Cholos A varieties, jnst arrived and for sale try J, B. BUB BIER * €On its South Delaware avenn&f STOCK BROKER, GEO. HENDERSON, NO. 223 DOCK STBEET. Havlnereenniea bnslness, I ana prepared to make Purchases ana sales of Bteoka, Bonds' e «oitoMrtea at « per cent. Interest, wttturatany Oraeia, axeentefl ta New Teak, Boston and BalH. ®o*e. ■ ■ -- • sezr-iim. 6 SPBGIALTL 1 SMITH, RANDOLPH * CO, BANKERS AND BROKERS, H BOdttilfeMm I I Hama iwa, Philadelphia, I Hew York. STOCKS AND GOLD SOTJBHT AND BOLD OS ' TOnifMTßTff nsTJEEiOTAiiowm) as Dapoarra, a BANKING HOUSE OF i JAY COOKE & GO., 112 andH4S Third St* } Philada. Dealers in all Government Securities. OLD sgo's WASTED IN EXCHANGE FOR NEW. A LIBERAL DIFPEBENCE ALLOWH Componfld Interest Notes Warned IHTEBIBT ALLOWED OH DEPOSIT. Collections made; Btocta BougM and Sold oa Cam mission. „ spedsl business accommodations reserved tor Zstdiee. : tem ■ e « O-SO’s, 7 3-10»s, l©81»s, 10-40 s s, OOMPGUin) rNTEJEtEST NOTES K.--- ■ » BOUGHT AND SOLD. DE HAVEN & BEO, * -i 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET. NATIONAL, EXCHANGE BANE CAPITAL $300,000, PULL PAIB, Has Bemoved To Its Mew Banking House, Nos. 633 and 635 Chestnut Street. A. BOYD, Frasidont, J2SO. "W. GHJ3OCGH, Cashier. noTtl Ann “ 500, $1,600. $7OO. to loan on mortg&gp, tIrU.UUU. by J, H. HOSKIS, 233 North TENTH Street. deS-U* OOAla. C. M. PALMER & CO.’S TAMILY CO AL YAR D, No. 721 North Front St,, PUTT.ATVET.PTTTA. Lehigh and Blscismitha’-Coal always on band, of the best qualities and lowest prices. ' de4-tuths2m2 GOAL. COAL. COAL JtCKSON & TEMPLETON'S Family Coal Yard First Tara on Sintb St., bel. Jefferson. '“Lehigh, Schuylkill, Eagle Vein, Qrtenwood, White ash and other brands at theloweat market stantly on hand and prepaid expressly for family use. noMlm} . w 2050. J. ALCORN, -v 2050 DEALER IS Lehigb, Greenwood 9nd Locaßt Moun tain COAL, v :' Yiud, 2050 Mark*t Bt„ Philadelphia. JSPBeiected from themost approved MineS. Orders addressed through the Post Office will be I rompUy attended to. deß lmj rM,nfl.-sntnr— . imm-i.-w.w rrCHE UNDERSIGNED INVITE ATTENTION TC A their stock of , - : Bnck Mountain Company's Coal. I “* whloh they arePreparedto sen at thalowsetuaik* rates, ana to dellver-ln the hestoondlßoa. : - J Ordersleflwtthß,MASON BlNES.FrdnkllnHut) tote Bonding, 1 SKVEKTHstreefc below Market, wF be promptly attended to. . BmKS ASHEAFF, . ae»,tf ‘ -Archarert Wharf, sohnyDcni. f'*JAXu"BUBAB LOAD, BEEVES MBADQWAiSJI U Spring Mountam.-Lehlgh-Coal.-andbeatLoctul Monntalnftom Schtnohin. nrenarod'akwrater- foi familyMt' PfWtjN. W.oornerSoßTHTteawn. nowstmn., Mo*.No.iuaouthSEOqin)street. , P)hW .. ' ■ T WAt.TCS . CXI -; CHIP J. e. RICH ARPBON. Kendall, master. Is now Q discharging under genera) order at Bonth street wharf. Consignees will please attend to the reception of tbelr goods. PEfEB WRIGHT & SONS, 115 Walnnt street ncMtf ■ SItiPFOO FORJNEW YORK, Via Delaware and Baritan Canal. The PfcUadelpnlaaiidHew Tork£xpie>l • Steamboat Company. . i Ptopelleia leave DATLYCrom I MABKKr W jTOaldirecopffcta vdai; all Wortham andßaitern JnelcUnoelved at lowest rates. . >< • ■ ' ; mhlt-tf ' - ... 117 Wan street. : ‘*GB SaVAMNAH, GA. SaUsSaS' 'The; Philadelphia and; Southern ■ ar.n steamship Oompanyf» Regular Xmeß, second wharf below Spruee street. The steams!! In TONAWANDA Capt.W. Jenntogs, for SAVAHNAHIwIIi commence receiving frelant on THUKaDAI .December eth, and sail QnSATDB i DAT,December lO o’doci: A.M„ and every : alters thereafter—viz.: December £2. Jan nT2ls‘ o&nier- hasflhißState Booms and other ao commcdatlonafor o&esengers. ■.?..■ Cabin,passage, $.:& Deck-do.. $l5. •Throngb>uiSels sold to the lotlowlng polnts—Macon, Ga., *36; Colambos. Ga. $46: Angnsta.Ga„ s32;' Atlanta, ; Ga;, Albany.Gaiitfi); Montgomery,'Ala. l$4B; En lanla, MobUe, Ala, -; New Orleans, s6o^, Through.rec6lpt*.sjven at thrcngh rates to Motion, Aogoota. polnmbns,, Atlanta, Ga; Knoxville, Chatta nooga. Nashville; Memphis Tenn.' Canton, Miss. reqefved'or, bills ot lading signed on' sail-- A gen ts at Savannah, Hooter * GammelL For freight or passage, apply to : - ’■ Wil. L. Jamies General Agent, > 314 Sooth Wharves. . JtQBr.EtEW ORLEANS, DIRECT, i flwJTfiß P HTTYA DEX.PHIA AND oOUTH KRHMAILSTEAMSHIPCOMPANY'S RKam.AB The fit6t«daMStftami>hfa • r - JUIftATA. IJZDOtonB register. P P. Hozie. Master. . will commence receiving freight for the above eon at' -econd wharf below Spruce street, od WEDNESDAY. DecembOT'iah, and sail,on SATURDAY, Dec. ISA, at 12 o clock : \M.. _ .Returning, will leave HEW ORLEaisS on SATUR DAY, December 29 th:. v .. • “ - This Steamer haa snp n : State Rooms and other adommoflatloiisfor pa3?eLwr.‘. Cabin passage.feet; Decs do., $3O. Freight taken at low rates. Ho freight received oi hills of lading signed on sail ing day;..-.--. ...7 . . . Agents at New Orleans, Messrs. Crevy, Nickerson & - lo.,wbowlU give caxerol attention to shipment of * goods to Galveston, Mobile, Vicksburg, ana interior points. .. : . • - For freight ox passage, apply to - WM, I*. James, General Agent, 814 South Wharves. POB WIIMIHGTON, N. C. Smlm& THE PHJI.APEI.PHIA AND SOUTH hKfl MAIL STKAMSHIP COMPANY’S HEQTJDAB LIKE. from Second Wharf below SPBDCE street. Tha firs&claas steamship PIONEEB. captain J Ben nett. lor WIDMINGTObi, will conmieace recelvtnc freight on THURSDAY. December 13th, andaailon fc ATeßDAY.Deeeember 15th. at 10 o’clock A. M.. and every alternate Satnrday thereafter—viz.: December t9th, January 12th. Ac,' Passengers will And superior accommodations and best attendance. Cabin p usage, |2or DOclc do., * 10. Frelgat carried at low rates received or bills of lading signed on sail Agents at Wilmington, WORTH A DANIEL, who will give especial attention to forwarding goods ad dressed to their care to and from the interior. For freight or passage, apply to ": WBCl; JAfrfES..General Agent, 31*&onlh Wharves jruts Bosxuj>. BHhK STEAMSHIP BESTS OXBEOT, SAILING fSOM MACS'POET 3JVMDAX B. FBOM.PINB ST. WHABP. yBTr.ADTEi-.PWT. AND MSG WHARI\ BOSTON. ThesteamahtpNOßMAN, Captain Crowell, will sail tram hblladelphlaon Satnrdar, Dec. s.h, at 10 A. SI. The steamship SOMAN, Captain Baker, will sail from Boston bn Monday, Dec. 10th, at 3 P. M. The line between Philadelphia and Boston la now composed of the SOMAN (new), Captain Baker, 1,433 tons burthen. BAXON. Capttin Matthewifidtso tons burthen. NORM AN, Captain Crowell, 1,103 tons burthen; These substantial and-well appointed steamshlna will sail punctually as advertised and frelihVwill&e received every day, a steamer bem; always on the berth to receive carte. Shippers are requested to tend Bills of iadln* with their eooda. Forfra&ht or panafe havlnz superior accommoda tions, apply to - HENKY winbok d> uu,, ana . , 332 Soath Delaware avenue . 4ffiTK thbocoh «p the south PmSIRELFHIA RICHMOND AND NORFOLK . STEAMSHIP COMPANY, . THROUGH RECEIPTS TO NEW *EBN. Also, to all points in NORTH and SOUTH CARO UNA via Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad, and to LYNCHBURG, YA. TENNESSEE, and the WEsT, via NORFOLK .PETERSBURG AND SOUTHSID3 RAILKQAD. • The regularity, safety and shortness of this route, to gether with the moderate rates charged, commend it to the public aa themoat.desirable medium tor carry* ing every description of freight. No charge lor commission, draysge, or any expense of transfer.- Steamships Insure at lowest rate?, and leave regu larly Lorn the first wharf shove Market street Freight received daily. WM..P. CLYDE «fe CO., eelO . . 11'North and li South Wharves. jggSfK HAVANA STEAMERS. Sfia&O. . SEMI-MONTHLY LINE. qhe Steamships HENDRICK HUDSON Cnpt.Howes STABS AND STRIPES _.Capt. Holmen These steamers will leave this port for Havana every other SATURDAY, at s A M, The steamship STARS AND STRIPES, Holmes, master, wtU sail tbr Havana cn SATURDAY MOBN* ING, December Is!h, at 8 o T clock. Passage to Havana f5O. No freight received after Thursday. For freight or passage, apply to THOMAd WATTSON & SONS, DO North Delaware avenue HKW «m»ft »«*■•< IJ.NI: TO a i.aT. a&EßsSs&b ANURIA, Georsetcwn and Washington, Tin ChssapeaSe and Delaware Cmsl, with connocaoni it Alexandria, Ya., fijnn the most direct route for Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest. Steamers leave Bint Wharf 'Above Htrtll (treat every Wednoaday and Saturday at 13 M. For freight apply to the agent*, W. P. CLYDE o. CO,, „ ■ ■ It North Wharves. Co * Aaentat Beorgetown; M, EMridga a XRMU FOB NEWBEEN. N. C.. VIA. EB'ZA.. TraarMfjji beth city, edenton and pey- I t iiTTT N • Tie steamer HANNAH SOPHIA, Toif. master,will commence loading on MONDAY next mm lost., and having) early all her cargo engaged, will be promptly despatched. For freight, apply to des dtf TJS lON EXPRESS LXNETOEALTI aBBpggfI MOB 3& Via CfiESAPBAKIC AND thhadelphiaaiJi Baltimore Uxuon Express Steam >oat Company will leave theaecond wharf below aw»h i&eet every Wednesday and Saturdav at 2 P. M. Freight token at low rates. For stefght or passage, apply to JOHN d: RUOFF, No, 11C North Delaware avenue. / v jSBBBti .«>* **» YORE.-pnliadelphia Meun HHK- Propeller Company—Despatch and Swift sore lanes, via Delaware and Bari tan Canal—Leaving dally at 13 H. and 5 F.M. connecting with all tbs Northern and Eastern Linea ' - For freJght.whlch will v e taken on accommodating terms, apply to _ ra, M. BAIRD * oo„ mhifttf - No. 152 South Delaware a verms. —BTKAMER -FOE SALE.—The. fast JhsSl sailing coppered and copper fhsfehed Steamer HELEN GETTY (side wbtel), 40StonsO. M., 180 reetlong, 24K- feet beam; depth of hold 8 faet B inches; draws 5 feet 4 inches water ballt of live oak and red cedar, Apply to B. A. SOODEBti 00,, r eel2-lf . • r Dock Street Wharf. - - <*1 — E- araw TOW-BOAT unis. . : JHBBBCSIEUIUJS and. CHJSAPAAEj WSnTmW-jBOAT COMPANY. BARGES towed to' and from PHILADELPHIA! HAVBE-DIW3KACE, BALTIMORE, WASHES® TON, end intermediate points. ; WM.F. CLYDE & 00,. Arents. ' No. it Bonth Wharves, Philadelphia; Captain JOHN XiAPGHUN,.Saperlatendenh FOB ANTWERP —Petroleum.—l be drat tßpjß class ship UNCLE JOE, Captain Sewall.'wll] have immediate despatch for tie above port. For f, eight or passage, apply to WORKMAN & CO., 123 WALNUT street ' ■ nos ~ FOB ANTWERP.—The A 1 bark EITHER «SJK Captain Prince, Is now loading for the above “Ha® pert. For freight or passage, apply to WORK- IiAFA 08., !23Walnnt street. se24 ga* WANTED TO PURCHASE —A centre-board «gS Vessel, snttableior grain trade. Not over three' years old. and Pot over-ss fe-t 4 Inches beam. Apply to EDMUND A; BOUDEB & CO., No. 3 Dock street.",: - no 3 CCHCONER TWO BIBTEBS, from wreck orahip O Merrlmac, will commence discharging under general order, on Wednapisy December oth, at l P.iT. consigners will please attend to the recep’toa of their goods. PETER WEIGHT & fcONS, 115 Wihlut. street, : -• : - y ! .y v-a - . '■ r■ ■ y de6 if CCHCONER FAREWELL, from wreck iof -ship. O Merilmac, will commence di-charging; nmOerr general o der. on Thursday, December 6th at,7 A..M. lons gnees willpleaseattetd to therposption of their' goods. PETER WRIGHT & SONS; lis wainnt street. :~■ 1 - ■V - ■ ' ■ .' ' deS-tf CCHCONER A. ROBERTSON, Merritt, master, from... . O wreck Qf ship Merrimsc, will commence discharr'' ing,.unoer j;eneralorder, at Shlpp-u street wharf .o i • Batnfdayv'Deoember' let; at l P. M. Oooalgnensw't please atiend tothe receptionof lbelr goods. PiW'*- ' WRIGHT&BON3,IIS Walnntstreet. STEAMSHIP APIES.,,FROM_ BOBTON.^ya* 0, ilgnees of: merchandise per above «£»■&>-.'-liui* / please Bend for. their goods. now lendlnt#**?® wharf.. (drt3t) .V .HENRY wmWSSto&Pt;.'' JAB S. SHlNDLER,snccessor to JO & BONS. Ball Makers, 8Q.300 NortbStofr' ■ TUMth Avenne, Philadelphia.v y > r ITST- Sf JW>'i Alt work done in the best m&nner . ~?T and most favorable terms, and warrant22j&£ M ' •.. fectsatiaiaction. r.eSfPM»Uj?ii<2i ; " Particular attention given to repair* f '"■ »- . . . • »;■ BISHOP, FON & CO., Ko, 105 Arcb stxeet.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers