BUSINESS NOTICES. VERY DEAF.. Young Reuben to old lifogyi applied, T o d am M.'a daughter fortis bride, But idoggs was deaf, and all the more Because he knew that Rabe was poor. days Rube, "Good eir,'l love yotir Bet," Said htoggs, " I never betted, yet" "I love your daughter." cried the youth. "Tor het I bring thLs suit, in truth." • you bring a suit for whom ? Young man, - , • I think "twould bey our wisest plan, If with your milt fbr elothes you part, To tress yourse/f at Bennett's mart!" 11vx • Good style Casstmere sults to - m0' . .1 es low as 110 itiriest SVench agasimens Suits ma2ch And all the intervening gro Ake., 6e W 'Ws SAVA Good, alinoool Mack 6 , _ s iota _ _ Aloud Black .11-eneh oo d and .... mere Butts up t 0.... ............. .4nd all intervene sus. ou WE 'Hama The iargert , r ,tat assorted, and most complete stock of Me . A'a, Youth's and Boys' aothing, in rhaclaf - .has—equal to any in the city, in style, Inr,,ke and lit, comprising all kinds, styles. ?hoes and qualities, adopted to the wants of ail. and layer prices than the lowest oushere, or the money regrutelel. NI:4IW between Bay navy eL Co., AND Tewmat Harz, Brant STE. 618 MARX= STREET. tie our prices are knoer than for several years, n BADWAY'S PILLS (COATED) ARE I • LISLE as a Purgative and ?tarter of the Blood. BILE. Bala in the Stomach can be suddenly eliminated by: one dose of the Pidts—say from lour to six. in number. 'When the Liver is in a torpid state, when species of acrid matter from the blood or a serous field should be overcbrne, nothing can be better thamßadway's Begu taling PiUs. 7 hty give no unpleasant or unexpeattd shock to any portion of the system ; they purge easily, Sire mild in operation, and when taken are perfectly tasteless. being elegantly coated 'with gum. They con tain nothing but purely vegetable properties, aod are considered by high authority,the best a. d finest purga tive known. They are recommended for time care of all diem dem of the Stomach, Liver. Kidneys, Nervous -Macaw, Iraftgest on, .Dyspepsia. .73i/towns:a, Bilious jetty, Ifni onmetion of the Bowels, P.Les, and'symp tame remitting from Disroders of the nisestive organs. Trice2s cents er box. Eioldby Druggists. nattus, im• IsTislN WAY & isON S direct special ratan. tention to their newly invented "Upright" Pianos, with their ".Patent Resonator" and double Iron Frame, patented June 5,1866. Stile inven tion consists In providing the instrument (in addition to the non frame in front of the soundboard) with an Iron brace frame in the rear of it, both ftmes being east in one ptree, tht reby imparting a solloity of con. struction and capacity of standing in tune never before attained in that class of instrument. She soundboard is supported between the two -frames by an apparatus regulating its tension, so that the greatest possible degree of sound-producing . capacity is obtained and regulated to the nicest deal. ruble point. The great volume and exquisite quality of tone, as well as elasticity and promptness of action, or these new Upright Pianos have elicited the unquall&d ad miration of the musical profession and all who have heard them. BLASIUS BROS. confidently offer these beautiful in struments to the pub is and invite every lover of music 30 call and examine them. For sale only by BLASIVS EROS n011.6tl 1006 Chestnut street.l *F A A_LBREOHT, 31.11EKEB & fICHNIDT, Xanufacturers of first elan PIANO-FORTES. Ware Room. No. 48 North THIRD street, PHILADELPHIA. [n22th,a,tu-3m CHICEIIuING PIACEOB IL4 EUROPE,. —Hu.Nd voN.BuLow., the great German Pianist, by letters Ma received frond Europe, proposes to play only the MUIEC.EI3ING PIANOS dating his concert tour in We United !States. .9. H. DUTTON, 5e24411 No. 914 Chestnut street,. - PIANOS.GEO. STEOK dt CO'S. tale- PIANOS PIANOS. brated Pianos. for sale ONLY PIANOS PIANOS.) by J. E. GOULD, PIANOS Seventh and Chestnut. mitA IaBICICERING GRAND PLANOwe i played by Samba% the great Plants , of Zu.rope, at Florence, Italy, wee Considered superior in all respects to the Instruments -Of the Bro world. adwood &Ruud, hitherto regarded as the beat fo New Room 914 CIEENSTNUT street. selgtf W. R. Di:PITON s anit a CHIKEEKESING GRAND PIANOS.m —The New Scale Cbickering Grand 1111TITIPianos are acknowledged the beet in _Maitland, Germany and Italy. Notice the great testi- Monlsle received from Europe in August laat. Mag. .1:l cent collection of these instruments. ÜBD.III3IBING BOOMS, 914 UMISTNOT STREET. 90541 f W. H. DUTTON. CABINET ORGANS. These beantifcd Inetrnmenta CABINET ORGANS. are made ONLY by MATSON CABINET ORGANS. HANIAN, aid for Rale in rldladelpbla, only by J. E. GOULD, Seventh and Chestnut THE CHIC:HERING lIPRIGHTm TI PIANOS possess quality of tone and Mlamount of power next to the Grand Piano, and ate particularly adap•ed to the Parlor, the Boudoir or the Study. These beautiful Instru. silents, in great variety, at the Chickering Rooms, 914 Chestnut street, ocgetf OBGABS, MIELODEONS, EVER Yi STYLE.—The oelenrated Gem Organ Immense assortmen4very_low prices. PIANO BOOMS. W. H. DUTTON, seSti4fi No. 919 Chestnut Street. IenTHE BEAUTIFUL NEW STYLE EMER SON PIANOS, seven octaves; alarming tenet guarante edCHESTNUT durability STR ; very IowEET. price. PIANOtS. 1 HAINES IlitO'S. elegant Ins'rumeats PIANOS. and moderate in price, I. have dealt in for PIANOS, fourteen years, and give a Sve years' IPlarantee with each. J. E. GOULD. zio2rtf. Seventh and Chestnut. AVENING BULLETIN. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1866. -THE FIREMEN AND THE AUTIIO BITIES. A portion of the companies comprising the Fire Department are already making an active, organized egQrt to defeat the proposed reformation of the system of .managing the department. This re form, in brief, proposes to plit the imme diate control of the Fire Department in the hands of a Commission to be formed - 11:1 the manner which we have already described; by making the Chief En gineer elective by City Councils, and by giving the Commission power to suspend or remove either the Chief or his assist ants for what they may , deem sufficient cause. Our Fire Department, as at pre4 sent managed—except in the num ber of men forming - it, and In the completeness of the apparatus in use—is scarcely an improvement upon the primitive condition of things, when, on the occasion of a conflagration,every able-bodied citizen sallied forth with his leather bucket,.and each working "upon his own hook," threw water directly. upon the flames, or supplied the engines, and did just as he individually pleased. After the city had become more wide spread and populous, fire companies were formed. As these companies were at first composed of the best citi zens, their work was accomplished,for many years without the need of any general organization beingfelt. In time, however, the zeal of some of the younger members out-ran their discretion; emu lation ripened into fierce rivalm rival _ries bred dissensions, dissensions wer e followed by disgraceful riots, and the better class of firemen deserting their companies by sebres, irresponsible, and, too frequently ; vicious men, got the, upper hand in the department Various - plans were from time to time devised as -cures for the .evils which grew out of the Irresponsible volunteer system, the virtual control being always left in the undo - qf the firemen themselves. We' iiitif-13oards of Control, Boards of Di-' sectors, Committees of the Fire Astsocia 4inne and _intiny other exped lents which, we haire forgotten, until thi3 present en gineer-system was adopted. How this has operated, the newspaper reports of the paßt . few years 3 the police returns and ie evidence of the most earnest well withers of the firemen, will bast ane mer. Disgraceful rioting has been ,e frequent; incendiarism for the sake et a '-'run," a fight or the "christen ing" of a new apparatus, is notorious; the unchecked destruction of property by water, long after small fires had been extinguished, has been frequent and scandalous; fires have been allowed to get headway while rival< companies squabbled over plugs, or allowed them to _lie idle while they scrambled for addi tional attachments, and last, and most disgraceful of all, shameless robberies have been committed in endangered property, by scoundrels who assumed to be firemen. We do not bring this as a bill of indictment against the mass of the fire department, which we know to be composed in the main qf brave, gal lant and generous men; we only enume rate these serious grievances of the citizens at large, by way of showing that the firemen are now, as they have been in the past, un ble to correct these abuses in their own department, and that a reform,in which' some more powerful agency will be-felt, is necessary. Cincinnati, Baltirnore and New York labored under all the evils Ma Volun teer Fire Department, in which a few bad men nullified the best exertions of the many good ones, until the lawful authorities made a clean sweep of the difficulty by abolishing the volunteer system in toto in each of the cities named. Paid Fire Departments were then established, which have proved cheaper and more efficient than the old no-system, without counting the bene fit accruing to public morals. Philadelphia pays directly out of the treasury about one hundred and twenty thousand dollars a year for the compensation of engineers that it can not control, and for the maintenance of companies and apparatus that are as in dependent in their action as though they were self-supporting,' and with carte blanche to do precisely as they please at a season of disaster, when perfect order and strict dis cipline are pre-eminently important. How much private citizens may pay towards the support of the department, in the way of levies and contributions, no man can tell; but the annual aggro gate is very heavy. The public is weary ing of this, and it demands that it shall control what it:pays so dearly for the support of. It is unwilling longer to stiller under the evils of an unrestrained and irrespoßsible volunteer system, while bearing, directly or indirectly, the expense of a most onerous paid de partment. We say it in no spirit of unkindness to the genuine firemen, for we are well aware that they -generally concede the difficulties which we have pointed out; but we nevertheless say it in all earnest ness and candor, that the old irresponsi ble fire system has outlived its useful ness; that it has utterly failed to keep pace with the necessities of the times, and that its members must consent to be controlled, as all other citizens are controlled, by law and the legally con stituted authorities, or stand aside and make way for a departnient, no mem her of which will deny the authority of the representatives of the citizens who appoint, control and pay him for his services. W. H. DITITON W. H. DUTTON. The business of speculating in tickets of admission to places of public amuse ment may not be either immoral or il legal, but it is so very unpopular that all managers of public entertainments strive to prevent it by all means in their power. A concert or opera ticket is per haps as legitimate an article of sale as any other token of value, but it is very. provoking, after standing en queue for two or three hours to secure reserved seats at some popular entertainment, to find that they have all been gobbled up by speculators, who will accommodate the disappointed public at some moder ate advance of fifty per cent, or so upon the advertised prices. There are some considerations,howevar, for the consola tion of the public, of practical and philo sophical nature. If the speculation re ferred to is an evil, it is a comfort to know that it is unavoidable. There is no plan yet discovered which can confine the sale of admissions to public entertainments to those who intend themselves to use them. "First come,. first served" seems to be the only fair principle in this matter,and if the earliest birds catch more worms than they require for their own break fasts, there seems to be no sound reason why they should not open a market for those who prefer to breakfast somewhat later. The impossibility of controlling this branch of speculating is so fully re cognized in New York, that ticket of fices have been established whose pro prietors regularly purchase a fourth or half of a house at a small advance on the advertised prices, and the pleasureseek ing community regard the additional price paid for their seats as no more than a fair compensation for beingsaved the time and trouble of going or sending to the theatre ' opera house or concert hall to secure their seats. In the case of the"Stabat Mater" per formance of next Friday night, we ima gine that there was very little of this speculation carried on. The legitimate demand for seats was unprecedented, and within three hours after the sale was commenced on I:Saturday lase, nearly a week before the performance, • every eligible seat- was gone, and yet every precaution was taken, to make the distri bution as impartial as possible. Thi s. extraordinary result was mainly attri-: butable to the great success of the Bate man Troupe last week, and the conee- THE DAILY EVENING E ICILLETIN.--PHILADELPHIA. THU RO NOVEMIIPIi 2'.158 AMUSEMENT SPECULATORS. quent eagerness to hear these ftne artists again. In a city as large as Philadelphia, with the rapidly growing taste for good musical entertaimnenta, it must often Liappen that there will be more appli cants than can be accommodated, and whenever this is the case there will be a certain amount of spect4tion in tickets. All that can be asked of agents and managers is that that they will make the best arrangementa they can to give the public at large the fairest possible chance to secure cbmfortable seats, anti beyond this it becomes a question—well, not to put too fine a point on it, unfavorable to the hindmost. SIISQIIEHABN.A. BRIDGE, The opening of the new bridge across the Susquehanna at Havre de Grace is an eveitt worthy of special note. Yes terday a locomotive passed over the bridge, and on Monday next the regular trains to and from Baltimore are to be gin to use it. This superb bridge, nearly two-thirds of a mile in length, is a per. feet triumph of engineering skill and of the energy and enterprise of. the Com pany. Commenced in 1861, the work of its construction has been steadily pushed forward,and millions had been expended upon it, when it was almost totally wrecked by the tornado of July 2,1866. Scarcely a vestige of the eastern end of the bridge was left, except the massive piers themselves; but its reconstruction has been prosecuted with such amazing energy that now, after the lapse of only four months since the disaster, it is com pleted and ready for travel. The open ing of the bridge will, of course, do away with the delay and trouble of transport ing the trains by boat, and will shorten the route between Philadelphia and Baltimore at least half an hour, besides avoiding the risk of obstructions from ice in winter. NO MORE DEMOCRATS TO OFFICE. The Washington correspondent of the New York Commercial Advertiser says, under date of yesterday: "No more Democrats are now being ap pointed to dike, with the exception or Gen. Slocum. who appears to have been booked for the New York Naval position." The Washington correspondent of the EVEN INC; BULLETIN telegraphed as fol lows on the same day : "Secretary McCulloch has sent to the President the name of Toe Severns as Sur veyor of the Port of Philadelphia. This settles the matter." The appointment of this sound Re publican to this lucrative place is strong evidence of the correctness of the Corn mercialman's statement. "Joe"Severns, in his active connection with the old Evening Argus, with Col. Thomas B. Florence's Constitutional Union, and with several other newspapers of a like kidney, proved the earnestness of 111 r. Severn's republicanism and the entire reliability of the Commercial's corres pondent. Salem of Real }:saato by order of the Or- pianism' toilet. James A. Freeman. Auctioneer, advertises el be sold on the 12th of 1 ecember the Estates of 271cnnia GuiscAn, deceased: 0/Washer whore. Leh er minors. DO Margaret Rail, deceased, by orderof the Orphans' Ocurt. Valuable Boohn at4Publie Sale. 7bia and to-morrow eve& init. at 7 I , ck. at the Auction Boo= of Davis & Harvey. 421 Walnut Mae t, ticlu , tug many English and lasu editions of cnole authors, in fine binning:3. Now arranged for exami. nation. Large Sale of Valuable Real Estate. Messrs. Tbomm & Sons' sale, on Tuesday' next. will Include a number of valuable emates, by order of Or pbara' Court and others. Bee Tbomas & Bona' pam phlet catalogues and auction column. MASON & HAULM' CABINET OR OANS. trona $75 upwards. Only at GOULD 8 SEVENTH and uHEnTNIIT. n0.1041;4pf QTATioNICRY—LETrzsa. OALP AND NOTE 0 FARMS. ENVELOPDS, BLANK D'XSIS, and every requisite In the Stationery line, selling at the lowest thrum at 1. B. DOWNING'S BtationeacrEtore, ingVettrl4 Eighth street, two doors abovb Walnut. JOHN CRUMP d BUILDER, 171 iucsxbiumfr atart and 213 LO Mechanics of every branch required for honaebuild• Sag and fitting ProcuPt l 9 thrldsbed• 1723.6nir0 SAMUEL W. LEINAU,Jio. 111 South SEVENTH street, Philadelphia, PLUMBER. GAS and 6TFAM FITTER. Work done promptly and in the beet manner. Pumps, pas tiktares, and all material aced in the bnainees furnished. ocS-Arrapf 4 FALL WPYLk. HATS. TRIM liL i t foCaLLA, Eat an OM Kraporkun Bairns/ gB4 alCani - urr sinnwr. A WARBURTON, PABILIMABLR HATTER, 4X) Oheetnot street, 5e18.17,4p/ Next door to Post office. Aj RWSPAPER ADVERTISING .—.JOY, DOE& CO 4 . 1 N. N. corner of PlElat & GRESTNIIT Streets Philadelphia, and . TRIBUNE BIII6DINGS, New York, are agents ler the Buraarrm and for the Newa papere of the whole country. jyl7.4lmrpi Jai', OCR & 600 IBONWW Urßiaa. 600 AtiwABE E _ BRACKETS, WOODYTVit ARE, 6,1 e a • : 0 : • . • : 49 E STIINERIXTLITERT. 49 IN. WOOD, WIL LOW .1 ND MON WARE, SAPEs, BETT.Lr. TABLES and eurraha wittriasats. • HOLIDAY GOODS, no 9 8m rp, THOS W. 'V OW. Agent. 4 /4 P 30.27213, Wsr.Thieuro, Joers JUICKEBSON. JONES, TEMPLE & WHOLEI.ALE AND RETAIL EAT MAISIIPACTIYILERB, 29 South RISTH street, first store above Chestnut. 0c,541' nPFB.S, GLASSE% lJ Paris.e Opera Glasses, made by M. BABDOII, of Fin Imported and for sale only by O. W. A. TRIIMPLER. oc2o-4p,tf Seventh and Chestnut streets. D— AGURRREOTTPES, AllIBROTYPBS„or small Photographs copied Into lifesize or to Size midi— ciently large to frame, at B. F. RISIBLER'S Gallery, 024 Arch street OPARICLING ANORLICA.—e subscriber has SPA received an invoice of this Justly celebrated California Wine, to which he wishes the atten tion of conno seems, For pure quality and exquisite bouquet, it stands unsurpassed. It will compare ta w, ably with the highest grades of Furopean wines, and can be famished at about one half their cast P. J. JORDAN, 220 Pear street, below Third and Wal nut et. .... yoy-A huge Opptr of English and Beach Ales, Por ter and Brown Stout. t ger with Jordan's celebra ted Tonic Ale, Pine Cider, &0 . , always on hand, • HOOP SKIRT NA.NUFACITORV.--lioop Skirts and Comets ready made and made to order; war ranted of the beet materials. Also Sicilia re Y paired. Mita B.a..LEY, aelB-Ymnif Rl2 Vine stre . et. above Stighth. ROCKHILL 65 WILSON FINE CLOTH' G HOUSE, 603 • and 605 Chestnut Street, LATEST STYLE SACK & WWMG. COAT. . • BOYS' CLOTHING. CLOTHING MoCLEES & McOANN'S PIRSTOREAT SALE OF ft merican and European Oil Paintings, FINE GERMAN, FRENCH AND ENOLIRIZI CHFIOMOS and MaONJFICENT PROOF COLORED and PLAIN a f ram ed . Ali splendidly mounted and elegantly Will take plane on • Monday, Tv:K.Bday dc Wednesday Evenings Nov. 26, 27 and 28, at 7% o'clock ascii evening, at the ' IMRE GALLERY OF FINE ARTS, 92 7 Chestnut Street, below Tenth. it( MrPi VANKIRK es CO.. No 912 Arch Street. MANUFACTORY AT PRLYMYORD, PHILADL We would respectfatly call the attention of oar friends at d the public aenerallv, to our onoice and elegant aasortrrent of GILT and BRONZe. ORAN- Ind OAS , atant y on hand, all of them of the very. latest and BFST 13 &MANS. Also a fine selectiox of PORTABLE. with FANCY LBINA, row} LAM and other SHADES, to trait nrchapens. A sT A b BAB Y oCicAeM sele cti BECRJTEds. RTEDBNOQNUZEg VAPES. IMESTANDS, THEP MOMETERS, &c., always on band at very reasonable pica& W. would Invite those who are viesirou.s opm:urine any of the abo e enumerated articles, to call at our no.. before r urchesli.g'elsewhern. and examine oar anon= ex t. feeling cor ddent that they will be favora bly in,prseaed with the ebarseter of our goods. UDR PRICES ARE BEAsolvA la LE, and the work in all caaee guaranteed to give satisfaction to the our. cltter. R—Particular attention geld to the renewing of old wort. nos 4m-rpi BLANKETS„ REDDING AND "'EATERS W4BREOUBE, TRNTR %/R r, Wittier - Beds. - Batten% Pillows _Matressee of all kinds Blankets, Ocuntort ables. Counterpanes, Spring Beds, Spring Cots, Ir..n Bedsteads. Cashion, sad all other articles In that line of ..uslness. AMOS. HILLBORN, No. 44 North TENTH Street, Below Arch. BLANKETS. THE EUREKA FLOUR AND SAUCE SIFTER.. for c eantna and lightening flour for baking, and malting fruit sauces and Janie smooth by rem vibg the skins or norm. It.r vale by TstiMAN et -HAW. No. KG (Eight Thirty-live) Market meet. below Ninth. rico SUPPLY alitiNtY rItIENDS, GET 12 FERRO -21-PktS for 10 c.nto; to supply the few cholas friends get six Card Photographs for 11: of the holm bold coos 01 large Photographs tor IL of REIMER, Sewn' strett. above Grven. Ili LITURE TOOL CELS.., , TB for small lads. An 111 asto.trrert received by TM:MI.3N 6* saaw. gm (Sight Thirty•five) Market street. below Ninth. bBOTOGBAPHIC ALBUMS Ftsl3 ttl- HS As pless.nta. REIMER S Lenore Mass and Picture Frame km porlum, Arch strset, east of eev mth. WITH LESS IN.TURT to the nip of yoar carpet. T Eva er pet it km tit ‘73 a broom ano Minh/I-flea labor, a Patent Carpet Sweeper will gather up ditt, dust, 'bruin and Ecraps when quickly DuebFd ov r ' , our floor. Threa of the mutt approved h Ltd. =tally for able by TRUMAN & SHAW. No. Sal (Right Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth. IJLE.S ILYRGTrINSEIsPE—The hoes t Watches bat sP ported. An =torment for sale by FA RR dt BROTHER, 'raj:otter of Watches chc . s a ehrstout street, below Fourth ALIdEI•IA GRAPES.7I CENTSr pound. BOBS= DUN'N.ELL St SON. nel7-6up RC* Walnut street. FITLEB, W EA V .111 A a t.u., hi annfaanyers of MAMMA AND 'PARKED CORDAGE. Cords. Twines, age., 40.'2 North Water street, and No. 22 North Da:war avenue, Philadelphia alWre H. Prrrais. tironahr. Waavin. 00zatam P. atcenztrata. TirC) HOWSE , =.?"=xv: tbr cleaning silver ant ellver-plated ware. a NEW POWDER, the bad Mr made. PARR & BROTHIER, IBM 2!4 Chestnut street. below Bonne wmEMERSON PIANOS. The new style Cotten Square Plano, ftln Seven Octaves. beantUni Carved Cases, the moat charming 91 tone Low Prlce rrster .mmteed d 4 atta iv, H. DUTTON. ocs-tfdp implOlt .11 7. • ra y ocs4f4p W. $ DUTTON. TI.e,VeN & ORANGES, FRESH CANTALOUPES, , II Peaches, Tom aloes. Corn, Peas, Mushrooms As. parsmia, Dates, Wb ite Clover Honer, new Raisins, Currants, Citron, Figs in small boxes. BORSHT DONNKLL & SON, 805 Walnut street. nol7.6lzrp DEARNESS' BAZAAR. NINTH AND 13.A.N8011 SVREETS. ,L BALE OF AN 'LEGA= ESTAbLISR _ On SATI:IIIDAY 11011.1011 4 :43 NEXT, at 10 o'clock, 15 ill be sold at the Bazaar , the followingnroperty of a genttsman going to .imrope, viz: is pair or elegant mahogany brown matched hones, IS bands high, coming? years otd, with long tathr: sound. gentle at d kind. belected in Kentucky for the present owner, regardless of expense. • i, • Black Horse, 5 years 01d,16 hands high with long tail; will drive in with either of the above. ALSO, An elegant Clarence Coach, by Wood Itroa. Mew York. .A Park Phaeton, by Wood Bros.,SN'etv York. A an eerior light double k leigh and Belts. Handsome Single and Double Harness, by Galla gher. For Robe, 'Hersey Covers, Whlo, &a. jgr May be examined by applying at the 'Bazaar, ALFRILD st. HJERKNYR.9, no7l-21.1f - Auctioneer. FINE INS STANDS- - a Beautiful Assortment for Holiday Sales. _ _ w: PERRY, Stationer, 738 Arch BLIEIB nols,tb,s,tu,Strp BOOHS FOR ORLLDREIN,IN.ORRAT I ; , ARIEFY, _ _ W. 6:PERRI , Stationer, 728 Arch street. nois t tb,s,tu,6trp WBITING . DESKS, TOURISTS' CASES, FINE Pocket' Wallets and tames. Stereoscopes and sews, Backgammon Boards, fine Pocket Cutlery and Water Colon, all fresh goods, put in stock expressly for Holiday sales, and selling at low cash prizes. O . PidttßY. nol64h,e,tuAtna ROCIIHILL & WILSON FINE CLOTHING HOUSE 003 and 605> Chestnut 'Street FA3la4 & WINTER OVERCOATS IN - GREAT VARIETY. ICMAT PP YOUR iN Etnence and • " em. In the Beef Styles, made With care and ele gance, eriltable for the Wardrobe of any Gentle- WANAMAKER AND BROWN, Sixth Street—from Mu- IrfA to Minor Street. VAMEIREC & CO. _ HOME CERTIFICATE. HOME CERTIFIC.A.TE. I. HETCHENt"ON RAY. Mayor's Clem, S. W. corner Fifth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, says: • I was troubled very Tatith with an eruption on Inv fsce; tried a great, many remedies witormt tindinis roller; finials. procured Sznayne's 3ft-IT.rvino Ointment. Alter using it a abort time a perfe-scure was the result. J cheerfully recommend Ras a cure f w Tetter and all. Skin Diseases. as mire was an exceedingly obstinate case." SWATNE'S OINTMENT ' ITCH" - "TETI' Eft." "ITCH" NEVER KNOWN "TEETER" "ITCH" • TETTER" "ITt H" TO FAIL "TETTaTt" "ITCR" • 'TETTER" "ITCH" IN ctuuso THIS "TETEER" "ITCH" "TE TVER" "11 CH" TORMENTMI "TEETER" '•ITCH" "TrsETER" "ITCH" COMPLAINT. "TETTER ' T AI TETTER" Tula valuable Ointmentrepared on ditE by Dr.sW &TN i•G SON, No 330 North SIXTH street, above Vin & e, Philada. Sold by druggists, se26-tu,th-terp CTITITIKERING GRAND PIANOS„ 914 4111.9341'21 UT STREET. ocimtip W. H. DITITON. .11:4:11e` : i.• a s:I :,771:77r. 14 ing, BraltUng, StaXaSalt, to. : 11.. Tommy. MOO Filbert atreat A LA11.318 FOR THE CHAMBER AND FOR .01L,Wrtiveler'e MM. Just imported by BARR A BROTHER, polo WA Chestnut street. wit HAINES BROS.' PlANOS—Moderate in price, and sold with Ave 3ears' guarantee, J. E. (MOLD n010444p; SEW:term. and OHESTS,IIT. .11n13 NATHAN% AIICUOIIeet es MOM* , muter, . corner of and Symms I 4LamMts, iumw mly one Mrbelow the ltfoluallfe. NATHANBiI s, established lb: the bat dirty years. Money te loan in large or small amounts, at the lowest rates on Diamonds, Sliver Plate, Watches, :Jewelry. Clothing an JG till 7P. N. d gooft of every description. home deltS-tfrp from f MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED UPON DIAMONDS, WATCHES.' JEW. ALBY, PLATECLOTHING, dm., at Jow'its & co , s OLD 'ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE, OD= e t of THIRD and GASRILL Streets, Below Lombard. °DNB N. B.— DIAMONDS, W.A.TCHES. JEWELRY. , &c., YOB SALT AT BIM ARV ARTY LOW PRICES. , n 022-1130 WEBER'S PIANOS! • mri ' There aremore of these celeorated There sold in Few York airy than any other mak e. They are need in the Conserve,- tortes New'York and •Brooklyn, and are rennin. mended by the leading Musicians for Brilliancy and Dur bty. For Sale by J. A. OETZE , 1102 Chestnut a, street. , ORGANS AND MELODEONS, f ore l From the celebrated Factories o curt I Treat, Linsley & oo.i Eiloninser Mel. t. 0., and Taylor and Farley. Wholesale and retail At envy. .LA.Gi.T ZiI, ,th.lo3,lmil UM Chestnut street. CHIOKIERING UPRIGHT PIANOS. OHENTHOT STREET H. . 005-tf W. DUTTON. 728 Arch Street. ROOKHILL & WILSON 603 and 605 Chestnut Street. Foreign and Domestic Fabrics Made to IitEMCONTAT-A. J. B ENRY Tailor, Hu removed from 321 North ?HIED street, to 'BLEW BULLETIN BUILDING, 140. 607 ChESTNUT STREET, SECOND FLOOR, FRONT. no'r. lmrp/ FOR. RENT, The Second and Third Stories, trent and back build inge of No 724 CRESITINT Street. Aliso, a part of tbe first floor. Apply to DUFFIELD ASITMEAD, th lu trrPl On the premises. FOR a aLE OR TO LET. WHARF AIM DOLES. I.OI,(BARD STREET AND DELAWARE I.*Tc-13 This property begins within io feet of the north line of Lombard etre et nd extends southward 133 feet I inch; has a pier 95 feet in whrth by Ist feel in length, and wide docks on either aide. erma alfon mort gage for five years; remainder cash, with a dediction of Sll,c(u for ground late' y taken for Delaware avenue, as now evened and paved. _ Apply to A. COTELBERT, n 022 12tt 28 Eonth MOMS street, 2d floor. WM. GRANGE & SON, Have opened their new and cammodlcrus 711 North Second Street, And stocked the same with a choice selection of goods. comprising Plain Gold Band and Decorated French, China TEA, Dlb NY. R, TOILET and TAIL E-A-TAI E. SE T% CHINA and GLASS COLOGNE BOTTLES, CHINA, FABIAN and LAVA VASES, (BINA and CBYtTAL CARD RECEIVERS, BOREILTAM. TOILET SET*, STATUETTES, etc. Constantly on band. a, furl assortment of the best makers of WHIM IRON STONE WARE. no imp SUITE O 1 NINE ROOMS, Carpeted and Elegantly Furnished, COMPLETE AB PARLORS AND CHAMBERS. GEO, 3. - .IIENKEL9, LACY & 00., 1301 and 1303 Chestnut Street. nomia ..f i rja t t COJEL The;Stramship MIINDBICIC HUDSON, Howes, Mas- ter, will sail for Havana on Saturday Morning, December lit, At 8 o'clock. Far freight or passage apply to - Thlo a AIS Wal SON ,t SONS, North Delaware avetme. Passage to Havana, t5O. ITCH, TETT.E.R. ALL SKEW DMEASICS. SALT RHEUM, SCALD HEAD, ALL ERUPTIONS. SIVATZ.: - NS "ALL-REALTNO OINTMENT." swAysrs "ALL-HEALING OINTMENT." SWAYNE.'S " ALL-13 RALMO OINTNMNT." Ctires Itch irs from 12t048 Boers, Cures the -VW Metnate Cases of lett er. Fine Clothing House, :_Order, Reasmiable, Serviceable and Fastionable. TO FAMILIES. GREAT REDUCTION. OWING TO TEE ORRAT DTCLINE EN-GOIIP WE ARE OPIII§u:NG OUR STOOK ON PURE OLD Sherry Wines, Port Wines, Itye Fine Old MEadeirass, Choice 13i-undies, FII.teLY 20 PER CENT. DowEß•THAlcir ANY OM> ROVES. IN THE TRADE. H. & A. 0. VAN BELL, WISE MERCHANTS, 1310 Chestn.ut Street. .4022. th a to GEO. rpi THE LARGE STOCK OP TRUNKS. BAGS, & AT NO. 708 CHESTNUT STREET, Selling out Cl cost to close the badness. BROWN 453 M AGEE, noM-1211 No. 1138 CHESTNUT Street. SIMON COLTON 6; QT ARRT, Have received in Store and in Bond uo C A AIM .TETLES liftriincS WINE, consisting of PRIVATE STOCE. CABINET. IMPERIAL ROSE AND DRY VrIV - RRAY, Also, lUD Baskets BEITISTECE & I 0 Cases Sparkling BCH A RZ EBERGEP.& MUSE LL.T7- 25 Cases VRIIVE cuQuar. 25 Cases GERMAN HOCKS. 130 Octaves (23 gals ):Ft nrerior CROWN SHERRY. a> Casts YOUNGER'S SCOTCH ALE. lee Cases FINE TABLE nLARET. For Sale at Importers' Prices. 8, W. BROAD AND WALTUT.,- ocar.s CO B . MITCHELL FI.AETCHER' No. 1204 OFIESTNIIT ST Eismixtg disposed of their goods damaged by the Wee.- fIre.EVVITE TICE 1322,PECIAL A rxisavriON or el*N- and country buyers to their fox& stock anustatin ie Dart of 2,000 CMS and Fresh Peaches. 3 000 " ' Tomatoes. 3,000 " " Green Corn. 1 000 " " Fresh Pears. 1.000 • 1 " Strawberries. 1 000 " " Pine Apples. 1.000 " * 1 *rolls Cherries. .1,000 " French Peas. And all other Fruits by the can or dozen. germ's' New Stock 0fF32 , 7E G se=-tuth entrp H. SUNDERMEIkI3. MANUFACTURER OF Plain and Fano' Oonfeotionery 'WHOLESALE AID RETAIL. No. 529 A.rch Street_. RpLOW NINTH ST PAII ADELPHI A. no 3 o to tlatrp _WOOD es OAR!, 725 Chestnut Street-4V, BONNET"; AND HAM% Latest Styles. Every variety of BONNE+ NATEBIA_LS ; AND TBXMI,XiNGS. no3-11orD TO I=it Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth 3torie Of Warehonae 325 CHESTNUT STREET: ROOMS r'S PEEP DEEP. Pow es: ion January lat. Maguire on prelates. no 2144'4 ROCKHILL &WILSON FINE CLOTHING ROMA Coachmen's Cow, Coacimen's Cotdai, HITIM:11G CKIATEI;
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