MY)RETGN NEWS BY THE STEAMER AFRICA. HALIFAX, NOv.2l.—The steamship Af rica, from Liverpool November 10, by the - way of Queenstown November 11, has ar rived here. OBEAT BRITAIN. The usual banquet was given by the new .Lord Mayor, of London on the 9thinst. AU the Cabinet Ministers were present, and the Earl of Derby, in his speech, said the Minis try desired to earn the good will of the peo ple by their acts, but he thought it would not be well at present to state bow they pro pose to carry their desire into effect. He re joiced at the return of. peace in both hemi spheres. He could not but believe that the great and powerful nation in America would speedily know how to quell the _agi tation which at present existed within it, and that peace would reign from one end of its shores to the other. He looked upon the completion of the Atlantic cable as an other proof that England was mistress of - the seas. The London Times says that Earl Derby made one of his happiest after-dinner speeches, and it notices as of great-impor tance the intimation thnt the proposition for the arrangement of the differences between England and America with respect to the. Alabama claims would be favorably enter tained, and that the duties of neutrals in maritime war might, if necessary, be recon sidered. • The representatives of about one hundred and fifty trade societies met in London on the 9th, to arrange for a great •metropolitan reform demonstration by the working 'classes on the 3d of December. It was re solved to recommend that that .day be ob served as a holiday, and that the employers -of labor be called upon, as far as practicable, - to close their shops. FRANCE. The Moniteur says, i n regard to the trop ble with Core that in consequence of palace - reactionary intrigue, several missionaries in •Corea have been put to death. The French , Government was but imperfectly acquainted with the facts, and sent Admiral Roser to cruise off the coast of Mevis. A recent tele gram' by way of China, says that the Admi ralhas declared war against Corea. ITALY. Several persons of Poidtion in Palermo had been arrested for complicity in the Septem ber insurrectionary movements. Among inhere, the Bishop of Moncale had been dis icovered to be implicated. Victor Emanuel still continued his visits to Venice, and was engaged in inspecting the public institutions and principal places of interest. He was meeting with enthusi -oldie ovations. BONE. Mr. Gladstone had had another interview with the Pope, and had visited many of the Cardinale. Rumor attributed political mo tives to his visit, and the London Morning Herald charged that his design was to reconcile the Pope to the fate which awaits him, and says that he has completely failed :in his efforts. Earl Clarendon has also reached Rome, and would have an audience with the Pope. BUSISItt. Monravieff Kausky, the conqueror of Kars, died on the 4th of November. A St. Petersburg telegram says the ru mored alliance between Russia and Prussia is totally unfounded. The marriage of the Czarowitch and the Princess Dagmar took place on the 9th inst. In celebration of the event the Czar issued a manifesto commuting sentences of pri soners in all parte of the empire, excepting Poland and Finland, and remitting pay ment of arrears of taxes. INDIA. Count Berge has been appointed Field Marshal in India. An. official telegram dated atDelhi, on the 9th of November, from the Viceroy of In dia, says the distress in Orissa was believed to be diminishing. The harvest prospects were very good. • BOMBAY, Oct. 30.—Cotton quiet and droop ing. iEauxusen, Oet. 27.—Exchange 2101. Freights to Liverpool 15. Cenovrra, Oct. 29.—The holidays are over, Int business has hardly resumed. THE WESTERN COAST OF AFRICA. The October mails from the western coast of Africa had been received, but the news go - was unimportant. - Trade generally was od. King Pepple, of Bonny, is dead. From Fortress Monroe and Norfolk. FORTRESS MONROE, Nov. 20.—Maj.-Gen. AI. S. Burton, Major C. P. Muhlenberg, of the sth United States Artillery, and Major W. R.Putnam, 12th United States Infantry; officers garrisoning the Fortress, and Colo nel Benzoni, left here this morning on the steamer Georgiana,to attend a court-martial at Richmond, convened by the order of Major General Schofield, commanding the . Department of Virginia, to try all cases of mutinous offences committed in this Depart ment. The labors of the court, it is ex pected will occupy some weeks. The ex-blockade runner Vixen, whose arrival at Norfolk from New York, bound to Brazos, Texas, has been previously an- Tiounoed by telegraph, is still at Norfolk un- Alergoing some repairs to her machinery, which became disabled coming down the -coast. The Vixen was built in the Mersey, :England, for the rebel Government, espe cially for a blockade runner; ana made several very successful trips,but was finally -captured. Her build is especially adapted for speed, and 'when heavily freighted, as she is now, lies very low in the water, pre senting at a distance a hardly observable black outline. Her machinery has been placed in perfect order, and her o ffi cers -speak of her as one of the fastest steamers -afloat. A party of Norfolkians recently visited the steamer and were introduced to many of the passengers on board, among whom :are General Barandi and staff, of the army of the Mexican Republic, Senor Benitez, .Surgeon General,Captain Lewis and others. "These officers were elegantly entertained by Nathaniel Burress, Esq., Vice Consul of Portugal, at his residence, one or two even sings ago. The Vixen sails immediately for ',Brazos. The Methodist Episcopal Conference con -venes to-morrow morning, at 9 o'clock, in - the Granby &met Methodist Episcopal •Church. The Right Rev. Bishop Dogget will preach the opening sermon and preside .over the deliberations of the body. The 1-session will probably continue through the —week. Sylvanus Hartshorne, Esq., one of the -oldest citizens of Norfolk, was taken ill yes. "terday morning, and without any alarming premonitory symptoms, died suddenly du :zing the day in a fit of apoplexy. His aged .consort, with whom a few months ago he --celebrated his golden wedding; overcome by the great calamity, was taken ill, and -died within two hours of her husband, the 'victim of a nervous shock. FORTRESS Mormon, Nov. 31.—The An must Conference of the Methodist Episcopal .Church South opened its session this morn ing in Norfolk. Bishop Pearce 'presides -over the deliberations of the body, whose labors will extend throtighotit the week. Several changes in . the politics of the Church are expected to come up for discus aton, one of which, recommended by the -General Conference, contemplates altering the name to the Methodisti Episcopal Chaltch, -dropping the word "South," which was -annexed in contradistinction in 1844, when - the separation from the Northern brethren -occurred. Robert Onld, formerly Rebel ComtnisL sioner of the exchange of prisoners, ac companied by a niece'of Jeff. Davis, arrived this morning on a visit to the prisoner and .his family. Also three Methodist ministers from Richmond, who had interviews with Davis. Judge Ould returned to Richmond thie ititattoon. Grand Army of the Republic. IrmierraroLre, Nov. 21.—The Nation% Convention of the Grand Army of the Re public decided that their proceedings should be made public, and the secretary was au thorized to publish therein the bliowhig list of officers of the Order who were elected Commander-in-Chief—S. A. Harinnr of Illinois. - r Senior Vice Commander—J. B. McKean, of New York. Junior Vice Commander—R, S. Foster, of Indiana. Adjutant General—B. F. Stevenson, of Illinois. Quartermaster General—A.ugust Willieh i of Ohio. Surgeon General—D. C. McNeil, of lowa. Chaplain—W. A. Pile, of Missouri. Council of Administration—J. R. Proud fit, of Wisconsin; William Vandever, otT Iowa; J. D. Osborne, of Illinois: T. C. Fletcher, of Wisconsin; T.T.Taylor, of Ohio;: H. K. Milward, of Kentucky; T. J. Bram,- ball, of New York; Nathan Kimball, of Indiana; Clayton McMichael, of Pennsyl vania. The convention adjourned this_evening. The following resolutions were unani- mously adopted. before the adjournment. First—That the Grand Army of the Bepab in is organized to maintain.ln civil life those great Pe riCiales for which it stood in arms ander the national flag; that h stands pledged to -crash out wtive treason, to ad vane*. and Support active loyalty; to secure sound con- Binational liberty to all men,.and to vindicate every where and at all times tinfoil and complete rights of every loyal Ameriuma citizen agates; all combinations of force or fraud that may attempt to dens or deprive them of such rights. • Second—That we pledge all the power and influence which as bidtvidnala or as an association we can le. aim:lately wield, in the most especial manner. to those gallant men who stood fast by the country in the hour of its agony, in the rebellious States, and who through all• manner of losses and Injuries, persecutions by force, and persecutions under coinr of law.maintained their Integrity and vindicated their loyalty; and we solemnly declare that no p thoroughly'-we and completely shall be neglected until they are and completely protected In The active exercise of the American free. man. through the entire country over which our flag floats, • Third :That Congress, injustice, and not in charity, should pass a law equalizing in a just manner the bounties of all 'Union soldiers and sailors. - Yourth-1 hat we now, as heretofore, pledge ourselves to use our bast endeavors to procure appropriate State and National legislation for the education and main tenance of the orphans and widows of our deceased comrades and our maimed brethren, and to enforce a speedy adjustment and payment of all lawful claims against eirs. the Government due soldiers and Bailors and th h Firth—Tnat In our opinion no man is worthy to be a free citizen of a free country who is not willing to bear arms in its deronce, and we therefore suggest to Congress the passage of the law making It the inexo rable duty of every citizen to defend nis country in. time of need in person, and not by substitute. fitzth. That as a matter of Justice and right, and be: cause the sacrifice made and dangers encountered by the Tinton soldiers and sailors who served in the late war for the preservation of the country cannot ever be hilly repaid, we respectfully ask that those in authority bestow upon needy soldiers and sailors such pqaltions of honor and profit as they may be able to fill ; and while we seek nothing for ourselves or those of our comrades who are able to n alntain themselves, we do earnest recommend this request to the considera tion of all in authority; and we especially ask the atten tin of the President to his policy heretofore declared on this subject, From Mexico. NEW YORK, Nov. 21.—Advices from the city of Mexico to the 9th inst. state that the Emperor had not yet returned to the capital, and although expected there on the 10th or 11th, he was known to be still at Orizaba on the 14th. , It was still doubtful if he would abdicate, or would accede to the wishes and views of the conservative party, which in sists upon the continuation of the Empire It was still assured that be was determined not to abandon Mexico. It was Maintained that be had asked of the Minister of the Treasury the necessary orders that the Custom House at Vera Cruz be delivered to the Inspector Rolland, by virtue of the Con vention of June 30th, but Secretary Lampes replied that the said Convention had not been published in Mexico, and could not, therefore, be a law of the State. He would apply to the Emperor for instructions. The Petrie asserts that a petitionbas been presented to the Emperor, signed by over a thousand Mexicans, not to abdicate. Advices from Tampico state that there was no security of life for the inhabitants nor unity of command among the Liberals, who, besides the loans imposed in August, exacted others to the amount of $lOO,OOO. The Eatafette advises the Emperor to ab dicate in an article which plainly fortells the consequence if he does not—a military coup d'etat. The Era of the 7th says, that according to a letter from Tapia, a new division among the Juarists had arisen. Palacess, whom Juarez appointed Governor of Sonora, re moving Pesquira for that purpose, had pro nounced at Hermosillo in favor of Ortega. The Squad Bights Convehtion. ALBANY, Nov. 2L —ln the Equal Rights Convention to-day, Parker Pillsbury of fered a resolution against the adoption of the Constitutional Amendment by the State Legislature. Mrs. Anthony urged giving the ballot to females, as it would tend to increase their wages and mitigate their toil. A motion was adopted to establish Equal Rights clubs throughout the State. - Pillsbury then reported an address ex plaining and maintaining the object of the Convention, which was adopted. At the afternoon session speeches were made by Mrs. Stanton, Parker, Pills bury and Miss Bessie Best**. At the even ing session the Convention was addressed by the Rev. Olympia Brown, after which H. B. Blackwell oftered a resolution that Mrs. E. C. Stanton, Fred. Douglass and Susan B. Anthony be a committee to present to the Legislature our protest against the adoption of the Constitutional Amendment, and our declaration of right to be repre sented by women on equal terms with men, as members of the Convention to revise the Constitution of the State. The resolution was adopted, and the Con vention adjourned sine die after addresses ny Mrs. Anthony, Charles L. Remond,Mrs. Stanton, Mrs. Elizabeth Jones, Mr. Pills bury and Lucy Stone. Attempted Wife-Blurder and Suicide. PROVIDENCE, Nov. 21.—At Valley Falls, near this city, last evening, Rufus W. Cow den, a young man who had parted from his wife, called at her residence, and after an effort to induce her to enter a -carriage, at tempted to cut her throat with a razor. She struggled desperately and successfully for her life, although terribly wounded M the face, arms and breast, until her grandfather came and drove off the murderous wretch with a club. The surgeon who attended the woman was compelled to sew up the gashes made by the weapon. The husband eluded arrest until this forenoon, when he appeared near his father's residence and out his throat so thoroughly that he will proba bly die. He was partially intoxicated. The Seizure of the Mexican Brig on the JF'acHe. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 21.—Alater account respecting the seizure of the Mexican brig Basco, says that D' Artois actedunder orders from orona, attested by Consul Goday, of this city. These orders directed D'Artois to proceed to the Pacific Ocean and seize any vessel belonging to France or to the Mexican traitors, together with all the goods belonging to the enemies of the Republic, and to use sufficient force to carry out his instructions. As Corona receives his power from Juarez, the stories of illegal conduct fall tcothe ground. - • A Southerner's Opinion of Brazil. • NRW ORLEANS Nov. 21.—Andrew Mc- Callum a sugar planter, of Louisiana, who went to Brazil with a view to emigration, has returned, and pronounces against it as unsuitable and less favorable to the South erners than their own country. The great Fair progresses finely, though the inventors of machinery and implements have been backward in putting up and bringing forward their entries. There is an immense concourse here from Alabama, Mississippi, Texas / the interior of Louisiana, and from more distant sections including all the Western States. • CARACAS COCOA.—I 24 ftga Caracas Cocoa In store and for sale by JOHN Aiwa= QQ,, 12 Walnut Meet. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN. , --PHILADELPHIA; THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22 1866 PB4OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH COAL AND NAVIGATION COMPA.bIY, PMILATML .:,NoveMber 15, 1888. • , TAO blockholders of this Company, whose names ► ppeart d as such on their books on the Bth dry of Serp i ember last, at 8 P.M., are hereby notified that the privilege to subscribe to new stock at par, on Atka terms of the circular of August 29, 1886, will expire on the Ist day of December next, at 3 P. M. SOLOMON SHEPHERD, nol3,biel Treasurer. OFFICE Ot THE PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN MAIL STEAMSHIP COM ?ANY, 819 SOUTH DELAWAItE AVE DOTE. Notice is hereby given that by a resolution of the Board of Directors of the abovemamed Company, adopted Ansuat29th, 1886, the FOURTH' and las as statiment of the Capital Stock of said Compels", b sin gTHIRTY PER OERTUM or SEVENTY•FIVE LABS per abase, has been called In, and is due and payable at this office. 014 ICE OP THE irHiLADELPITIA: rad) u SOIJTHE,RN MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY, 314 SOUTH DELAWAIIE AVENUE. FIIILADIZ. PBIA, November Bth, 1868. STOCKHOLDERS' POTlCE.—Subscribers to the Capital Stock of the Philadelphia and Southern Mall Stsannibip Company are. hereby notified that cella• cates for the same are now ready, and will be issued from this office In exchange for the installment re ceipts. WILLIAM J. MALCOLM, no9-Iro becretaiy and Treasurer. SPECIAL NOTICE —The annual meeting of u z y the stockholders of the NORTH PENNSYIr VANIA COAL COMPANY will be held at the office of the Company, No. 217 WALNUT street, 2d floor, in the city of Philadelphia, on MONDAY, December 3d, 1866, at 3 o'clock P. M , at which time and place an election for officers and directors for the ensuing year will take place. nols-th,s,tu.6t• WM. H. GORDON secretary. THE 'ANNUAL MEETING Of THE STOCKHOLDERS of the RUSSELL FARM IC. I ;?COMPANY wilt be held on MONDAY. Decem lx. r 3d, 1866, at 10 o'clock A. M.. at 112 South FOURTH Street, Second story, front room. DIVIDEND NOTILUEIS: rr: OFFICE GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE IN- Oar r SIIRANCE COMPANY, PHILAbELPECCA, Nov. 17m, 1666—A dividend of Fly& PER CENT. has been declared. payable to Stockholders on and after MON DAY, December Sd, clear of taxes, at the office, 637. N. N. corner .CHESTNUT and SEVENTH streets. nol7-s,tn,th.Sti A. B. GILLETT: Treasurer. 10'PRNNBYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY TEtRANIIBERIS DEPARTMENT. Ihnlansirras. November 1,286 A _ NOTICE 10 STOCKNOLDERS. The Board of Directors have this day declared a semiannual olvidend of FOUR PER CENT; on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of National and Blanktax payable on and after November 80, 1888. Powers of Attorney for collecting dividends are to be had at the office of the Company, NO. D 8 B. fILIRD street. nos 301 THOMAS T. FIRTH, Treasurer. CLOTHS, CASHMERES, ttO. LLOTES, CtASSIMERES AND VESTINGS. JAMES& LEE Invite the attention of their friends and others to their large and well assorted stock at Goods, adapted to men's and boys' wear, comprising French Cloths, Blue French Cloths, Colored French Cloth& OVERCOAT CLOTHS. Black French Beavers, Colored French Beavers, Black Esquimaux Beavers, Colored Esquimau Beavers, Blue and Black Pilots, Bl uelack Palatal. PANTALOON STUFF andB S. Black French Cassimerm, Black French Doeskin& Fancy Cagaimeres, Mixed and Striped Cassimeren. Plaid and Silk Mixed Ossaimeret Satinets, all qualities, Cords, Beaverteens, - Vest:lnge &linden, At wboleeale and retail, by JAM t L No. 11 North Second at.. Sign of the Golden Lamb. HOOP SKIRTS. • . so . Ie : •oy II • LE PICTTP TEAIL,2br the Promenade, 23 yds.ronnd. THE CHAMPION TRAIL, far the Drawing-Room, S yards round. - These Skirts are in every way the most desirable that we have heretofore offered to the public ; also, coda. pieta lines of Ladies', Misses' and Children' Plain and Trail Hoop Skirts. from 24 to 4 yards In circnmfer• nce,of every length,all of "our own make." wholesale and retail and warranted to give satisfaction. Constantly on band t low-priced Mew York made Slarta. Plain and Trail. 20 springs 90 cenhu in springs, at; SO awing% el 10, and 40 springs, Z. Skirts made to order, altered and repaired. Call or send fbr Circular of styles. sizes and prima. Manufactory and Salesrooms. No. tin Arca Street. WEL T. HOPEI:Lin n0148m2 1. DUBOW BIIS ZOICN Z. 11181L1117 raUNDKRBIONSD ATIMBIThrOI TO ft. stock of Buck Mountain Oompany's CoaL Lo Latin Mo Na untainvigation coal , and cust villa QM , arkpiePared So men at the /await =sake ism and to meaner In theater. oondition. Orden lef with B. MASON ILINM, Yrankltll Zinn .ate Building, EDMINTE , kebelaw Mar we be promptly attended to. BM= /11 sea,tf Arch Street While, SChttlakill _ _, WAN, REALITIER 1 be w Wom=gMomotain, Lehigh Coal. and n • • • • from Schullolll. d o • - Is two, Dw ... S, N. W. cont i MM et o Ilk inte 2. Ca - streets. mos. No. 312 eon BECOND nowt. Table, J. WALTON AY MI Fuliorlbuicclik , rtri GRAND OPENING.—MRS. M. A. BINDER, 10.1031 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Importer of Ladies' Dress and Cloak Also, an elegant stock of Imported Paper Pattern s, Ladles' and Children's Dress. Parisian Dress - and Oloak Maid= in all its varieties. Indies fbrutshine their rich an costlymaterials may rely on battier ar. tisticaily fitted, and their work finished In the most prompt and efficient manner, at the lowest possible prices, in twenty-four hours' notice. Dating and bast- Ing. Patterns in seta, or by the single piece ,for mer• chants and dressmakers now ready. fiela4v J STEWART DEPIIY. at No. 253 South 'SECOND . street., above SPRUCE, Keeps constant ty on hand; A LARGE ASSORTMENT CARPETS. OIL CLOTIIS, MAPPINGS. DRVGGETS WINDOW gGIADES, &c., to which we would invite the attention of all who wish to pnrchase. oce-tn,th.s.2nal T 0 LILT. one prisms pleasant YURN*SHED ROOMS, for gentlemen, 124 South r FV&NTH street. Reibrence required. noin-2t* THE HANDSOME RESIDENCE S. E. CORNER of SPRUCE and EIGHTH streets, has been opened co receive BORDERS. Single rooms and suites. krivate table. If desired. n01.2.1m• LOST OR MISLAID. COST OR MISLAID.—A Perpetual Policy of In. el:trance. No. 469. issued by the Fire .Association Dec. 7, 1823, for 11,000 on premises, S. W. corner Callow• hill street and York avenue, to Jesse L. Stelwagon, 113 d assigned to Clayton French, et al. Any lo• formation of same will be received by. FRENCH, RICHA_RDS dr. Co. 0c27-s, n tb,i2t/ JOHNS' ENGLISH BOOFIN9 CLOTH, AND coated with LIQUID atrrrA PREtaKA PAINT,' making them perfectiy water woof LW ARY GRAVEL ROOFS repaired with Gatti P>rcoa Paint, and warranted for five years. S LATE ROOFS coated with liquid wawa becomes as hard as slate. TIN, COPPER, ZINC, or IRON coated with Liquid Butts Percha at small expense. Cost ranging from one to two cents per square foot. Old Board or Shingle Booth ten cents per square foot, all complete. Material constantly on hand and for sale by the PHILADELPHIA AND PENNSYLVANIA. ROOF= ING COMPANY. GEO. HOBART, oc2O-6m. 230 North FOURTH Street. SIMON GARTLAND— No. 85 SOUTH THIBTEENVI STREEr. n01.7.3m/ • TING OASES AND DESKS, DE LA. BUNS and other fine English makes MASON & CO., 807 Chestnut street. GRAIN D'ORGE; AZTVREE AND COQUILLER.— The new styles Carte de Visite. MASON 9t7 Chestnut !street. TrIBNNA AND SWISS CARVINGS. in Penholders, V Bookmarks. Paper 'Knives, match, Stamp and Card Bores and Baskets, and a variety of other useful articles. MASON CO.. /10/74.9t 997 OkOillilt; WWI SPBDIAL NOTIOEZI. WILLIAM J. MALCOLM. Treasurer.. SAMUEL P. PRIMER, Secretary and Treasurer HOOP ISHIRTS. COAL CAIWETINGIS. BOABDIThI ~~11;ii5ht~~ COVERED WITH 17NDEB,T LUCK% VIIIPPENEI FOR NEW YORK. , Via Delaware and Baritai Canal. The Philadelplda and New Yoelifkapesne • Steamboat Company. , Meant Propellers leave DAILY 'imm FIRST WHARF below JEMLIKILT stem, m , • a run In 24 140171tE1. _ . •,- • This , a connects with all. Branham sea MOWN Trm.wrhatioa Gozapanies. Goods Ibmardaddirost Ss an inw tree of commission. llrelCht received at lowest mho. 'WM. P OLYDIC h epo :jc ! E ntli . Maas Wharves P `mh.l4-tt • ' Ur Wall street. I d eal Torii ;ay, i POE 8A VANNAR, GA. The Philadelphia and Southern Mall -tesausb Company'a • Iteipalsx Lines, Second wharf below Sprueo Street. The ataanaphip TONAWANDA., Captain Z._ •Tail, for SAVANNAH. will commence receiving fredeld on _THURSDAY 'November 22, and sail on btATURT DAY, November24lll. at 10 o'clock A. M., and every alternate Saturday , thereafter—viz.; December S. 22.&c. This steamer has unit:sate Rooms and other ao. comniedations for osasenwara. Cabin ',usage, s"s:.Decic do., $l5. • Through tickets sold to thelollowing pointa—Macon, Ga., $36; Columbus, Ga. $4O; Aogusta.Ga.,M* , Atlanta, Ga., pa; Albany. Ga. $4O; Montgomery, A.W., $46 ; Ens faula, Ala $4O; Mobile, Ala., —; New Orleans, $6O. Freight taken at low rates. • Through receipts given at through rates to Macon Augusta. Columbus AtiantaGa.; Knoxville, Matta: nooga. Nashville, Memphis Tenn.: Canton, Kim No freight received or bills of lading signed on ea* hag day. gents st Savannah, Hunter ei For freight or passage, apply to • WM. L.T.A.H.M. General Agent, 314 South Wharves. • ` • •• - • • • T y r . • 191• Alls .e.11124AD -•'• • , STRILIMELP ALP s AND 411.313 TR: LINE. 002 &PAil/P.B B.Eara.A.s The wellknown firztclara Steamship • STAR OF THE UNION 1.202 tons register, T. N. Oeoksey:Master, Will commence receiving freight for the above wet at .anond wharf below ispruce street, on TUESDAY, No vember 27th, and sail on SATURDAY, Dec. Ist, at 12 o'clock Returning, will le.ave NEW ORLEANS on fiA.TUR• DAY December has Thls Steamer has =pat :1 2, 133 Booms and ether accommodations for lismehgeni. Cabe.iin inBßage s6o;ftere do., fid. Frt taken at low rates. No ftight received or bills of lading signed on sail. ins day, Agents at New Orleans, Messrs. Mary, Nickerson t: a., who will give careful attention to shipmentW2 • %HAG to balveston, Mobile, Vickshtug, and interior Per freight or pasaage. aptM cs o WIC L. J . General Agent, 814 South Wharves. • "It 13°814" . STRAMSKEP R. LIMB DIRE:47I`, • . 'sore.* : YBOM AACN.POBT.II74II7IF/PHD.d74 /FROM POOL ST. WHARF_ , PPLIMADIELPHIA, AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. The steamship SAXON Captain Matthews, will sea from Philadelphia on Tuesday, Nov. 27, at 10 A. M. Tee steamship BOMAN, Captain Baker, will sait from Boston on Saturday evening, November 24 The line' between P hil adelphia and Boston is now cOinpeeed Of the BOMAN- ( new), Captain Bake:L.o;mo tons name& SAXON, Pia= __ttaieWe, 1,8.50 tons bonbon. • NORMAN, Captain crewel', 1,201 tone burthen. These substantial and well &mantel steanishit s will sail punctually as advertised and freight will be received every day, a storms Whit always on the berth to receive came. Skipg oods pers are requated to send Bilis of Lading with , their . Per Ulm,freinht or passage having impeder worm:nods &PAY to sus 1133:NEY WII7SOB & Oa, 832 South Delaware avenue 57 V FOR WILMINGTON, N. C. . THE AND SOUTH Trios STEA PMSHI P HILADELPHIA COMPANY'S REGULAR Lim from Second Wharf below SPRUCE street. The first-chine steamship PIONRER. OaptatnJ Ben nett, for WILMINGTON,_ will commence: reoetvtos freight on THURSDAY. November ?Bth, and nail on SATURDAY. Deceembex let. at 1D o'clock A. H.. and every alternate Sataxday thereafter—via: December 15th, 231.11, dtc. Passengers will Ind superior best sttendrulce. Cable passage, aft Deck do., 110. Frefgat carried at low rates. No freight received or bills of lading signed on sail ing day. Agents at Wilmington, WORTH & DANIEL, who wl3l give especial attention to forwarding goods ad. dressed to their care to and from the Interior. Bar freight or passage, • to vela WM L. JMO.N. General Agent, 314 liouth Wharves T 1 THROUGH AIR-LINE TO THE SOUTH AliTi 'WEST. - 1. - 111.1M i a mp raIMEMOND AND NORFOLP COMPANY, THROUGH BECEIF I S TO NEW MEM. Also, to ail points In NORTH and SOUTH CARO. LINA, via Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad, and to LYNCHBURG, VA. TENNESSEE. and the WEST via NORFOLK, PETHasErRo AND SOUTIUMIA RAILROAD. The regularity, safety and s,hortneas of this route, to. gether with the moderate Wes charged, commend to the public as the most desirable medium for carry ing every description of freight. No charge for catrumission, drayage, or any enema of transfer. Steamships inane at lowest rates, and leave reirla• tarty from the drat wharf above Market street Freight received daily. WAS. P. CLYDE & sell) 1 orch and 14 South Wharves. HAVANA HIMANICIts. *3IThiI•HCINTIELY ISNIL HENDRICK ROMS STABS AND STREPRE.--Osps. Mama These steamers will leave this port ibi Sava= every other SATURDAY, at 8 A. X. The steamship 11.13a8DRICK HUDSON, Howes, master, will sail ibr Havana on SATURDA Y HORN 1:NO, December let, at 8 o'clock. Passsee to Havana $5O. No he igh t received after Thursday. For ...ght or pamin r apply to MO WATTSON SONS, ma) . 14 0 North Delaware smuts; FOR GA_LVESTON. TEX • E S. TEXAS LINE DIRCT. Il ifr* Steamship EUTERPE. Eldridge, com mander, is now rapidly loading at Pier Se Rest River, and still sail with despatch. (No charge made for drayage on goods forwarded to the Ulterior by rail road.) FOr freight or passage, having adPerldr wpm modations, apply to BISHOP. SON & CO., No. 105 Arch street. D 033 dtf MNNW RKPBEN3I LINE TO dLLIilt ANDTLIA, Georgetown and Washington. enke and Delaware Canal, with conneshont at Alexandata,Tia, form the most direct route An Lyncht u arg, Bristol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalian and the Sothwest. Steamers leave Sing. Wharf above Nubia Mee !vary Wedneaday and Saturday at 12 M. . Yor freight APPLY to the agents.Ws CLYDE, a. CO.. 14 North Wharves. .1. B. Davidson, Agent at Georgetown; K. Maeda • 00., Agent' at Alexandria. FOR NEW YORK.—Phlladelphis Stem • Propeller Oompany—Deepatch and Swill inre AA, via .laware and Raritan Canal—Leaving Sally at 12 M. and 5 P. H. connecting with all thy gorthern and .Eastern Linet. For freight, which will e taken on , acco.minodatlns wins, apply to WM. M. RAIRD & CO., N 0.132 South Delaware avenna s ia giT = L% STEAMER FOR SALM—The lard Balling coppered and copper fastened t•teateer HELEN GEM (side wheel), 408 tons O. lA. - ISO feet long, 243 i feet beam; depth of hold 8 feet e inches: dreamt 5 feet 4 inches water. built of live oak and red cedar. Apply to E. A. SOUDER & CO., gar2.4l. Dock Street Wharf. NEW TOW-BOAT LINE. 'ESA WARN and CMBILLELIIAR, -BOAT COMPANY: BARGES towed to and from PHILADELPHIA r LLAVRE-DMORACIE, BALTIMORE, WASHING eON. and intarmedlate points. WM. P. GLYDE £ W .Agents No. 14 South WharvmPatutrielphia Captain JOHN .LAUOMESL% Superintendent. EA•4=.4% THE FAVORITE STE iMBOAT - JOHN A. WARNER for Burlington sun Bristol. Leaves Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharf, at 2P. M. Returning leaves Bristol at 7.10 A. M., stopping each way at Riverton, Torresdale, An dalusia and Beverly. Fare, 25 cents. Excursion 40 cents. ce-6411 FOR ANTWERP.—Petroleum.—The first . C 11438 ship UNCLE JOE, .Captain Sewall, will have immediate despatch for the above port. For freight or passage, apply Lo WORK/LAN . 00., 123 WALNUT atreet. nos FOR ANTWERP.—The AI bark ESTHER Captain Prince, is now loading for the above pert. For Treight or passage, apply to WORK. M &AN 00023 Walnut street. ae24 WANTED TO PURCHASE.—A centre-board' Vessel, suitable for grain trade. Not over three years old, and not over 26 feet 4 inches beam Apply to EDMUND A. BOUDER de CO., No. 3 Dock, street. no 3 CONSIGN AZ' NOTICE.--Conslgnees merchan (Ilse per ship JOHN G. RICHARDSON. Kendall. , master, from Liverpool, will please send their permits, on board,at South street wharf,or to the counting house of the undersigned. The general order will be issued; on Thursday. th e WA inst., when all goods not per-, ranted will be sent to public stores. PETER WRIGHT , & SONS. Ilia Walnut street n021.-2t _IA.IIII HELEN SANDS, Otis, master, from Liver i .4-) pool, is now discharging, under general order, a liihippen street wharf. Consignees will please attend to the reception of their goo - . - PETER 'WRIGHT & SONS, 115 Walnut street. ' nol4tf JAS B. SlClNDLliat,success or to JOHN SHINDLER & SONS, Ball Makers, No. SOO North DELAWARE Avenue, Philadelphia. • All work done in the best manner and on the lowest and moat favorable terms, and warranted to give per fect satisfaction. Particularattentioegiven to repairing. - MASONIC MARX& MARTIN LRAM NO. 403 CHBEITNIT/1 A,/ BThi r. • -awarded by Branklin lnzU. Ude toIiARTIN LNAWfaziadmytaxer ea; MASONIC PING, EXIN.ENI3. 40:ack Prea/A131187211111"11311gilialigg-J-r141195"4,21118cland;1°134P4MilrageliWitlistAgallal EitaiON SALE . iktr TIi%:ALAB BONS, AuCrrIONXIESB. _ ma.. Nos. 119 and al South YOORTH SA.LES STOMA AND SEAL ENTAIN At the every TUESDAY look noon. Handb of each petty Issued and on the , p one 50 each isaltra rat crat: /agues in_pamnhiet orm dyinsfl_4l deteriptiOnii. • warn T. mTATE AT PRWATE Ra Printed catalegnes, Comprising several hundred thousand denim Loebailing every description of city and country property, from the smallest d.weftiner the moat elegant mansions, elegant Mini= 00 4 Tonne, business parties, an, • BALM at the Anslign Store EMT THURSDAY. Particular attention given to Wm at Private Reeldenex: he. • BEAL ESTATE SALE, NOV. 27, Orphans' Court Bale—Fetate of John Skirvtag, dec'd NEAT and SUMITANTLaL STONE ItESIDENCE, Edenton avenue. near Fisher's lane, GERMANTOWN, about two minutes' walk from the railroad station. The house is built in Italian style, contains 11 rooms, and has all the modern conveniences: Also a Stable and Coach House, fruit and ornamental trees, _ Orphans' Court Sale—i, state of Thos. AL Zell, a ec'el— GROUND RENT. SoDkyear.___ Same Estate—GßOD MT ;108 a year. ' lerne Eatate—GßOUND RENT SBB :5 ayear. Same Estate- LOT OF GRoUNL, Lancaster Tarn pike, S E. of Haverfordroad. VALUABLE FARM AND COUNTRY BEAT, over 78 ACRE---, Willistown Township. Cheater county, Pa., near the Paoli sration on the Pennsylvania Railroad— : Sto VALUABLE n, LOBEr out banding. FARMI,O. Tredyffren Town ship, Cheater county. Pa., 13 miles from the Paoli Sta.: lion—Stone Dwelling Carriage House, Spring House and other out building& • VA LUA BLERARref 108 ACRES, adjong the above—Large Stone H ouse, Stone Barn. Wagon and . Spring Roue e, de Ter ms of each farm half cash. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Miriam Cridiand, deci., , LA_Tio2lE and VALUABLE PROPERTY, North Broadet., Lehigh avenue, 12th, 131 h. 15th and 16th ste., 21st Ward, viz—Valuable Lot. s 37.160 acres: fronting on Lehigh avenue, Township Line road. 12th and 13th sta. The improvements are a large Stone Mansion, containing 18 rooms. Same Estate—VALUABLE LOT, 4 37 100 Acres, fronting on Broad street, Lehigh avenue, Thirteenth street and Germantown and Norristown Railroad. The improvements are a Stone Dwelling, containing 8 rooms and Frame Stable. kerne Estate—VALUABLE LOT, 39 perches, front ing on Broad street. Lehigh avenue and Germantown and Norristown Railroad. Same Eritate—L &ROE and VALUABLE LOT, 9 Acres 143 27410 Perches, with extensive fronta Broad street, Fifteenth street, Sixteenth street. Han. tingoon street Lehigh avenue and Germantown and Norristown bailroad. air The above is well worthy the attention of caPl talista and others. Bee Lithographic Plans at the Auction Booms. THREE.42,TORY BRICK DWELLING, No 193: Filbert street, with a two-story - Brick Dwelling in. the rear on Jones street. THREE.STORY BRICE STORE and DWELLING, No. 4eB Richmond at., N. E. of Hanover. TrusieeirFeremPlorY Sale-Estate of Albert Coffin, dec'd- Bustrunts STAND-TWO,STORY FRABIR TA VERN and DWELI ING, 1 ACRE. S. W. corner of Rock lane and West Fenno k road, tat Ward. Sale by order of Heirs-Estate of John Lowery. dec. -TWO STORY FRAMED Wair.r.rNG, No. r2A9 Mont gOnterV overate, south of Thompson at , with a Three story 'Frame Dwelling in the rear. Same Estate-2 FRAME DWELL' NGS, Nos. , A 0 and 942. Beach at. Perertiniory EaIe—THREB43TORY BRICK DWEL. .tv o. tus Germantown road, south of Jefferson st-2 fronts. . . Br at:sass Loc.anorr-25;-STORY BRICE DWEL • LING. N. E. corner of Third and .I..omhard decd—VALUABLE irCaO— U E N a tTaR Yof JuE4T L. oCheenht Rill and Snringhouse Turnpike, Whitemazah Town. ship. Montgomery County. Sale by order of Reim—Estate of Geo e Ramble, decd-2 THREE STORY BRICKI Cie, NOS. "la sod 211 Wood et 2 THREE-STOBY BRICK DWELLINGS, Nos, 616 and 618 Ilinn , gamery avenue. 2 THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Non. aes and aio „New ei, between Third and Youth and Race and Vine tie. VZBY LARGE WT, WHARF and DOCK, CBE-TN - UT bTBEET. Schuylkill river and 24th at-- De feet front, 344 feet deep, See plan. Peremptory Sale-aIILLIIING LOT. Lombard SG, between Peremptory- Mel eta. Sale amolute. MODERN FOUR-STORY BRICK RESICKSOR No. le 7 bummer et west of 16th et.—in excellent re. .pair and has all the modernfnnveniences. possessionJ nix- 1. 1667. 2 'THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS. Ydarkoe et„ south of Lancaster avenue, adjoining the matole yard. Lot 44.1 feet front; 100 feet_deep THREIt.hTIMIY BRICK DLLING, No. 4.1.1 N. Thirteenth st., south of Buttonwood at. VALUABLE XIBMZI•LANIX11:18 BOOKS FROM On THURSDAY AFTERNOON, Nov. tbe auction atom valnarde Ed I .4. l l l kneotts El 800 id ks from Libraries. .Also. 34 fine Magic Lantern es. WRAPPING PAPER. ON TELTYREDAY AFTBRINDON. At 5 o'cloct, 30 Hearne Wrapping Paper, ea by 40-00 posads. 101 : :. 0 ..•0.10... • t BIRCH MAB OO ON AITOTIONEERS T ED NMIEI B No. 1110 033113TNUT street. Bear entrance nor Bansom street.) HOUEFIGIOLD FURNITURE OF EVERY DI DURIPTION EVER RECEIVED ONOY 0010RIOMORNING NMENT. SALES FRI. Bake of Furnlture at Dwaine attended to on moat Reasonable Tecrms, OP MULL ESTATE, BTO GE. CCELS, act., AT_TED SATE, THOMAS BIRCH a 13011 rarpeaftaty inform that Moods raid the public test the/ are • - • -• to anon Sala at No. 1110 Chemin street NEW AND SECONDHAND HOUSEHOLD I'ORNI- TUBE. P1...110 Forams, CARPETS, MIRRORS, giT.T.TA RD TABLES, oft ON FRIDAY MORNING. At 9 o'clock, at the auction store. No. MO Chestnut street, will be sold— A large assortment of superior Walnut Parlor, Chat:et her Imo Dining room Furniture, Piano Fortes. Bras. sele and Ingrainsftrts. Spring and Hair Siatreases, Mantel and Pier Mirrors, China and Glassware, Stoves, Kitchen Furniture drc. BILLIARD TABLES. Alpo, 2eeperlorlidera Tabled, with marble beds Pbelancuehior?,lhc:. WLNEE3 AND LIQUORS Also will be sold some superior Sherry Wine, Port Wine, bandy and Whisky, in demijohns, from a pri vate stock. • DAVIEI 0 HARVEY AUCTIONEER& (Late withM. Thomas& Bons.) Store Ea 4.M. Walnut treet. SALE OP VALITABLE 'MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. ON THURSDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS. MI and insta., at 7 o'clock. at the auction rooms, No 42.1 Walnut at., a valuable collection of Engi!sh an d.A merican Mtscellaneons Books a portion from a private library. including tine editions of choice au thors. illustrated works in the bindings. Among which may be found the following—Jardline's isituu ralbsta' Library. 40 vole with 1200 colored plates, hal l Ronda: Duyekenck's Cyclopedia; Bobbe's Complete Works. 16 vole; Gwllt's Rudiments of Architecture: Baron Hunchansen, illustrated by Dore; Book British Ballads: Pligin's Gothic Architecture. 3 vole* Cassell's Bible Dicilonary; Gems European Pictorial Galleries; Quarle's Emblems, lull calf; Knight's History of Eng. land, 8 vole; National Portrait Gallery Eminent Ame ricans, t vols, quarto, cloth; Bell's British Theatre. to vols. Gaelic Gatherings. folio: Royal Victoria Gallery, a aeries of 33 beautiful Engravings. folio; Pyramids of Gesezeh, folio: Bell's Anatomy of Expression in Paint ing; Ccarstable's Graphic Works, folio; Goodrlche's Illustrated Natural History of the Animal Kingdom; Michael Angelo's Works. quarto: Soverby's COnehOlo gical Manual. Also, a large number of the Catholic P blications of James Duffy, London. Low open for examination with catalogues. PTIMTIIIRE SALM at the Store every T0m0.% attentiSALM AT .11.1MDENCCES will -waive particular on. BY JOHN B. lILYELiB d CO.. AUCTION - BIM Nos. and 234 MARKET street. CWNTI3O" MIID. LABOR POSITIVE BALM OF CIABPBTINGB, ON FRIDAY MORNLeirt, Nov. 23, at 11 o'clock, will be sold, by natalomm four months' credit, about 200 pieces of an and fine ingrain, royal damask, Venetian, llet , Dutch hemp, cottage and rag oarpetings, embracing a chola assortment of superior goods, which may be examined early on the Morning at sale LARGE PEREMPTORY BALE OP PEENOR AND OTHER EUROPEAN DRY GOODS. atm - ON MONDAY MORNING, NOV. 26; At 10 ciiii L oc7k - ia.The OR ROM MONTHStatmoIT, abont7oo lots ofFrenclt, Indiratiler• man and Britlah Dry Goods, anti racing a fall sawn. meat of fancy and staple articles In silks, worsteds, woolens. linens and cottons. N. B.—Goods lognee ready early on mo arranged Ibr rning of examination and Cala. sale. LARGE_ POcIIIINIC /RALE OP **TM _13H0103. BRROGANS, TRAVIIMENG BAGS. ON TUESDAY MOItNING, NOV. 27. At 10 o'clock, will be sold, by catalogue, on fOnt months' credit, about 1,200 packages Boots, Shoes, Bat morals, Mo., embracing kprime and fresh assortment of thstcless City and ..,atern manufacture. Open ibr examination with catalognai early on the merntng of sale. :0: • :4e• our • • • B. B. corner of SIXTH and RACE streets. Money advanced on Merchandise genersilly Watches, Jewelry, Dlamends, Gold and Sliver Plait • and on all articles Of value, Mr any length ,of Dm on. W ed THITEB AND JEWELRY AT PRITATB SAL) Pine Gold Hunting Case, Double Bottom and Opal Pace voglish, American and Swiss Patent Love Watchot,.- • Fine Gold Huntirog Calm and Copen Pace I pine Watchtm Pine Geld Duplex and other Watches Fine Silver Hunting Care and Open Pace Eagilzb American and Swiss Patent Lever and Le ins Watch= Double F a n :Loath Quartier and Otho • Watches; Ladies' Fancy • Watches; Diamond Breast =pier Rings; Bar Rings, Studs, ilt ry rine Goh • medallions; Bracelets; Scarf Brest 1 pinto Finger :Rings; Pencil Quiet, and J gene Vic BALB.—A large and waned rireWool atm% Aim,for a Jeweler, price several Lots in South Clantdant PIM Ohistriut streets. • , A HOLLAND. AUCTIONEER, - • •_ • 1208 MARK strata Sales of, Furniture at the A.uctlon Etto ET re EVERY WEDNESDAY, at 9 o'clock. • .denParticusd_ ± Idteatlon to • sides at Private Bed THE NEW CENTR.A.I, AUCTION HOUSE, Capacity—Four, floors. eaclin by 24 feet. - • Location—ln the very Centre of the Oity,and lug the Farmers' Market._ • s • Advantages—/faa been•a Ant Clan eleodnithcsnd Ear nlture Stand for over thirty years , I •Storage—Baperior acOosonoodation fir Sto rage Of Eurnlture, - - I InducetneniaLYeri 'Shirai terms offered to persona having Furniture and IS err-handles dank,. , Raferencee—Over One hundred of the 13104 p=oint.; - mut cltipen4 pfi rb.nActelphuh , r : AIIIDTION SALM. TAILIES A. FREEM,fug, - Aucrnor No 422 WALNUT street. . 1 trkscrurn PALL SALE OF BEAL ESTATE Ar THE .F...XOHANGE NOVEMBER 22.1866. Tbia gale; on WEDNESDAY, at 12 0 411000 k the Exchange, will incrinde the following- - • - HUME . - Particulars te.niariow S. NO. 123 CA LLOWHILL ST-A two - A(.16 0- .6dt* bone, above Front, 20 by 60 feet. Orphals , Court Scads -.Estate of H. .Brandstetter. dec'd WI 2036 LOCIIeT 11.7.--A genteel -three-story-brick dwelling, 18 hr 80 fcet to Stewart at. $lOB ground rent. Executors' Sale-Estate of Tame.: P: 'Vita eke& ADJOINING-Dwelling DM, edit/bring, saws? description. Same Estate. 7TE and GREEN isTi3,-4. desirable trusinessloca tion saw dwelling. N.W W. co r ner 7th and Green stag 1.83 i. feet on Green at, 62 feet on 7tast, and SIX feEglyide oa the rear Same Estate. DELANCO, N. building lot, Detaireo, N. i. aear, CHRISTIAN ST-A building lot, Christian at, above Gray's Ferry ro ad, I 6 by 116 feet. $1.3 grocuad rent. 52D and LOCUST-A banding let, 20 b3r.773; feet. Nth Ward.. CENTRE AND MONROE COUNTY LANDS-48Y acres, Rush township. Centre county, Fa. Also, 58 acres 'Tuna hann ock township Monroe county; on the latter Is a good mill a tte, and coat is suppOSed to be on the tract. LOT 7TH ST-A building lot, 7th above Tacker at, First Ward. 15 by 80 feet. LOT, GERMANTOWN ROAD-A building let near Angle at, 2 - lat. Ward. 2834 be 200 feet to Elder at.. RESIDENCE, TENTH BELOW ISPE.I7OE,A. handsome three story brick residence. with back buildings, &c, No. 300 South Tenth st; doable parlors, high cedit gs, private stairway, dm: Clear. Two thus may remain. 01 en for examination any time. Im mediate ponsession... .Trustees' Scde-Estate of James Wray. dec'd NINTH AND CHERRY STS-A. very desirable and valuable business location, S. E. r orner 9th and Cheer? BM, Is feet 10 inches on 9th en, by 95 - on Cherry at $lO,OOO may remain. Clear. Posseari , m Or 90 days. IRREDEEMABLE GROUND RENTS-7 desirable irredeemable ground rents, $7350 175, $75 Ibo. faf 60 and 112 50 per annum, out of ground with the icehouses and other improvements thereon. Mantas and the Schuylkill river. They are well secured and panda. ally paid .ddminLatrator's Peremptory fkste.-Estate qr Ron. Richrrd Peters. deed.. CATALOGUER ON FRIDAY. BY 8., SCOTT, dn.. AMMO No. 1 1 1 31li akerxl UT S . GREAT AUCTION SALE OF PICTURES. OM PAINTINGS PASTELS AND CRYSTAL MEDALLIONS, Belonging to the American Art Gallery, N. Y., to be sold at Scott's Art Gallery, 1020 Chestnut street, On the evenings of WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY and FRIDAY, Nov. 21and At 734 O'clock eac e v eni ng. 23. , . SILVER PLATED WARE. FORKS, SPOON% at% ON FRIDAY MORNING. Nov. Si, at 11 o'clock, at . scott's Art Gallery. -10 S Chestnut street,-a fall assortment of Silver Phtlett Were comprising Tea Sets. Trays, Urns,. ac. Also, an invoice of Knives Forks, opoons, ac. Mc(ILEES & MoCANN'S. First Grand Sale of AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN OIL PAIN'ITNGIS, FINK GERMAN, FRENCH AND ENGLISH CHROISIOS. AND MA GNIP'ffiENT PROOIf.CG. LOBED AND PLAIN ENGRAVING& An splendidly mounted and elegantly framed will take place on the evenings of MONDAY, TUESDAY aad WEDNESDAY, Nov. 26; 27 and 2S, at 7% o'clock each evening, at the FREE GALLERY OF FINE AB 927 Chestnut street. below Tenth. The Pictures will be arranged far inspection for four 'demist:le evenings previous to sale, with descriptive catalogues. R—On account of the simian capacity of ther Gat lery, tickets of admission to me sale will be issued, which can be oroenred at the Gallery, or of the Aso. doneer. B. Scott, Sr„ 1040 Chestnut street. - -CIELI3D.—We are now prepared to make arrasgenkaps for special sales of Oil Paintings er any other works b:1 art. Our location being In the centre of the most fash ionable thoroughfare of our city makes it a desirablit resort for connotsseurs and lovers o 2 art In N. B.—gales of merchandise in general so l = Personal attention given to outdoor ashni. B. SOOTS. .Tzr. BY BABBITT & OD Ancti., ADOTIONMERS. Cash an No. 180 Market street, comer Meet 'ash advanced on conalramentn minim:ankh.* champ LARGE FKIUZMPTORT BALE OF I= LOTS FALL. AND WINTER DRY GOODS. Compng the Stock ensof a Jobbing and Notion House D De ecffniag .13ushi. ON FRIDAY MORNING. NOV . 211. At 10 o'clock. comprising every variety of Dry Good% Notions &a, suitable for city and coon.ry retailers, including 600 dozen Hoop Skirts 2000 dozen Hosiery and Germantown Goods, 600 dozen Shirts and Drawers. Knit Jackets, with various invoices Stock Goods, elbc. pauar /MUD a t. 10.. AIIMIONIMILEI3, 606 MARKET street. BALE OP MCO CASES BOOTS AND SHWA ON MONDAY MODNICTO. NOV. 28. commencing at ten cielamr, we will sell by cataloosa; for cash, 1806 caws prime Boots, Shoes, Brogan, BaN morab Am, of city and Eastern nanntactore r embea• clog a fresh and desirable aaao rt ment of goods. t ABEXIMMti a CM, 11XIITUNIEBIKEws o.•FlL'edri_lk:4:4:lC;77E7lFlMl7'll:,l.4.l LIQWOBI9. Isif.A..-TZT.Z . z auccessay te Gem W. Gray_ .7 BREWER, 24, 26, 28 and 30 South Sixth St., P12.7.1aNa. ?Raffia Stock & sat-13nm Mes, 16.2 45 =Panay' d 3164 HER MAJESTY CHAMPAGNE, ro=i-Ecsw•, tei sOtIM VIM? V., $Ollll AMT. 'ES.—The attention of the trade is soUcited to VY the following very choice Wines, for sale by JOSEPH F MURTON, No. 151 South FRONT sire% above - Walnut: _ _ MADEIRAS—OId Island, 8 years old. SHRHRMS—Csunpbell ,6 Co., single, double sad triple Grape, E. Crusoe & Sons, Rudolph, Topaz, MIL Spanish, Cr own and F. Vallette. TOR'lS—Vllette, Mho Velho Real, Denton and. Rebello Valente & Co., 'Vintages 1836 to 1816. CLARETs—Cruse FRB Freres and St. Esteplae Ma te= Luminy. PRRIMMITH—G. Jourdan, Brive & Co. MIISCAT--deFrontignan. CHAMPAGNES—Ernest Irrony, "Golden Star." de Venoge, Her Majesty andßoyal Cabinet and other favorite brands. OTWHISHIES.-600 cam Pore Pore Old Wheat, ourbon and Monongahela Whisk[ashlar sale by M. P. MLDDLETON. • s North Frontsires* lititS A LCOHL 95 per cent. NO CHARGE FOR PACK AGES. C. L. Oil. new made. Invoice just re ceived and for sale in quantities suitable to the trade. Ipecac. root and powder, in bulk and bottles of Shia each. hloroform of the best quality In carboys and deml ohns. • JORN C. BAXE.II. et CO., nol9 718 Market street DLAIR'S:SPFLTIA_LTIES FOR THE K 1 4 goN. // Glycerin Lotion, for hands and face. Pectoral Lozenges,for sore throat, hoarsens:m..2e. Camphor Ice, for chapped Hands. Wild Cherry Compound for cold, cough, &c. Olein, for chapped hands, &c. Troches Chlorate Potash, for ulcerated throat. HENRY C, BLAIR'S SONS, Eighth and Walnut eta 'WHITE GUM ABABIO.—Fur sale by WILLIAM VV TIT.T.TS & CO., Druggists,. No. 721 MARK atreet. ROSE WATER—Double Mittlied Bose Water, con- Stan on hand and for tale b WILLIAM ti o ►• I r. . . . : a . rtitirdat OF TART/LB.—Fore Cream of Tartar and Soda, for sale by WJT.T.TAM ELLIS &CO , Drug gists. No. 724 HABILET greet. E . XTRAOT OP BREW for beef tea or Essence al Beef in sickness or for soups ibr table use. Matta n Elgin, Illinois, by Gall Borden, from the its al choice beef and is superior in [delicious fin r and finality to any hitherto known. Packets with a callous, one dollar each, HUBBELL, App pry, MO Chestnut street. TWIGGISTS' ISITHDBXI23..-Graduatsa== Tiles,Oombs, Brushes, Mirrors, T Box, Horn Scoops. Surgical Instruments, Hard es sad E3oft Rubber Gootts,Vlal Oases, Gra ul a dotal S7rlll [ ai, iO., all at "First Hand es. EMIOWDECT Its South BUM& Una 11M °EMT EIZEDIIIIWFOIR h CO. N. B. =Meal Et, 1?0IIBISII AND Ream snamrs, Wholes Drugs:Ws, Bliumutactarers and Dealer' In Wlnania Oar, While Lead, and Paints of every desodolem odte to the trade, or common% a complete stook of gOOdS In their line, at the lowest market rates. BOBIOIT SH.OEMAKEIR 00. Nerthemt corner Fourth and Base Bra stresia,- - JAI B1:121--,Ttun reselved, an Invoice of Gingival 43, Immiten Brun, Mr sale bythe ganlis 4.08.M4: V -SHOlnkr BavA Ma DrUalle. N. coh M au You b and Base street& JEDIIVATION. vixt THE PIEELADELPHIA ItEDING 80H.00Ia FOURTH street, above VINE, ls now open ittt the Fall and Winter Beason. Ladies and Gentlemen will • find every provision for comfort and safety. IA that - a thorough know ledge- of this twantiftd aooma eeat maybe ebtalned by the moat timid. Saddle rrs trained in the best manner. Eiaddle horses. horses. c tuatl,Vehbiles to hire. Alan. carriages Da , fune rals to;ars. &a • mese - • i • • THOMAS IXRAIGE -4030 N. - It O 1) Glrit 8 WOBTESTROLWEI -POOEMT TAN ilni Curag °4l & B talt' W " Wil .Bctsls. and &U./Uncle of Cutlery graand and at P. ILttD/F ERA.I3.' ;go. Ifb S. below -Chastain. - • • • OciSioir vir barnis-Prlass : 0 124A niff Ilir h el l " lull'jrir°63449 b7WUMU CAII . I a,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers