NAPOLEON:_" WILTING," To keep hittorown Nap has well sped, But he cannot insure his head From achee Induced byes/ e. ippon his throne he al to with pride, But sickness, that won't be denied, Hustles him even there. Far happier each lad of twenty Who bas of health and spirits plenty, With means to buy him wholesome thre, • And Clothes from Tower Ha/1 to wear 7•? ., Oos stock of Men's, Youths' and Boys' buithing to IMe Adlist and most complete In Pldisidell44 ,Ifsltes are lower and nearer those of old' Mut ltAltait _ for several pears. ~map betwe..n l BENNIITT & CO„ .Firrst AND ) } HALL, B ITH BTO. 518 11,4.stFars• Benurwr. I;;M;III:MIMI WELI.MADE ' CLOTHING, A T YALE RUCH& FIERY & 00., • 8TA.19 CLOTHEIO EMPOBIIIY, • No. 609 CHE-STNIIT-ST.. • ABOVE RATH, •16N OF 'STAR." • ••••• • • S • S s no 2 2t • : : C • 11. I • : t :/e • . VON BULOW the great German Pianist, by 1. vat received from Europe, proposes to play only th ii:/ MERINO PLSEOIi during his concert tour United BMWs. W. H. DUTTON, ite24-tn No. 914 Oreectrint street. 10W1ENSaNWAY & BONN PIANOS _ Have been awarded thlirly•two WWI premiums at the principal Pairs In this country in the bat seven years, and thc first Prize Medals at the Grand International Exhibition, London, in 1.8 0 4,,1n competition with 289. Pianos from all Parte of the world. Eve instalment is constructed with their Patent eerane arrangement. For saISIUS E e only by • BLAROS., No, 1006 Chestnut street 41:1 I :4:4:11 • t c :rro I • ills • played by Scambati, the great Planis Mot Europe, at 'Florence, Italy, waa nunaldtred superior 1D all respects to the Instraments of Broadwooda Erard, hitherto regarded m the best hi the world. New Boom 014 (111203TNUT street. swift! W. 8. DUTTON lei:4o. .40 C e :1.10 1 • it. • --The New Scale Cbickering Gran Pianos are acknowledged the best Jai angiand, Germany and Italy. Notice the great testi monials received from Europe in August mat. Bag. STTONTIINET. W. H. DU. Intl THE CHICH BRING "IJRBIGHT PIANOS ssess pityqual of tone and amount or power next to the Brand'M „P/ano, and are particularly ads!) , ed to the Parlor, the Boudoir or the Study. These beautiful Instru. =Lents, in great varlety,at the ()Weltering Booms, 914 Chestnutstreet, oc2ketf • W. H. DUTTON. $ . • .1, STYLE.—The oeleurated (hem Organ Immense assortmentvery low prices ?LINO ROOMS. W. H. DIPPION, semtri No. 914 Chestnut street. I NN HINDT .11LANZ'S (FORMA at WITH Steiaway) unsurpassed PLANOs, at mode rate price.s. Marshall Mittatter's powerful Flamm, others for *275. A. SuELEItZ ER, 0c24-w,f,an•l3t 525 Arab street. :a: :OE • s• • `• ,• •it : IMBON PIANOS. seven octaves: charming tan gtarlik lila . low ?rice. g EVENING BULLETIN. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1866. TREE awrizaar.o . TROUBLE. Governor Swann has taken a bold and dangerous step, in ordering the re moval-of the Police Commissioners of Baltimore. It is earnestly to be hoped that no serious -popular outbreak may be the consequence, though in the excited state of the public mind in Baltimore `there 4Elno knowing what may happen. The Commissioners will -insist on testing the Govern or's right to remove them before the Troper -court. If the court sustains the 'Governor, of •coUrse they will submit. There is danger, however, that the ' Governor will not consent to an inquiry before the court, but will call on the President of the :United States to furnish troops to•compel the Commissioners to give up their offices. These-two func tionaries have been an such frequent .confidential consultation, of late, that there is .reason to fear that some such,pcogramme as this has been long arranged between them. Both are very anxious to procure a Copperhead victory at the State election next Tues day, and this can he effected if the Com. 4 missioners are removed and those men are allowed to vote who were traitors during the civil war. It may be done even without the removal of the Com missioners,•under the registration that Swann las lately caused to be made. On this subject the Baltimore Arize,tZean of yesterday has the following; "The. Registrars appointed by Governor Swann to 'liberally-construe' the Registra tion /aw , completeu their labors yesterday, and, if one tithe of -what we hear is true, they have certainly carried out mosttaith fullythe behests-of their master. The most nottyrioueoutspoken and malignant revilers of the Government during the entire,period of the rebellion; the men-who were , wont to sneer at the Union troops as they marched through our streets; who were always jubi lant at every reverse that befel our arms; who -delighted to revile the National .flag, and were longing to see it go down forever, and be no more known among the nations . —such men, by the thousands, have been permitted with perjured lips to swear that they 'never •ezpressed a desire for the tri umph of .said enemies over the arms of the United. States.' Monsfrbus as this seems, it is literally true . ! And not oply is this so, but, as far as we have been able to learn, the Registrars in this city have utterly ignored the - action of the Registrars of 1865 by registering as quali fied, all these who were disqualified upon sworn evidence last year, notwithstanding that the law expressly says they 'shall not' do so,and the Constitution says that no per son so disqualified 'shall ever be entitled to vote of any election'- 'unless he shall I be res . :'ored to IciB full rights of citizenship by an act of the General Assembly passed by a vote of two-thirds of all the 'members elected to each House.' in face , of all this the thing has been done, and in reply to inquiries on the subject, the Registrars very com placently say they had Mr. Price's opinion that it could. be clone, which they deemed amply sufficient to warrant them in igno ring both the , la* and Constitution. We also learn that in many instances these officials utterly refused yesterday to listen to any evidence against any of the' nume rous parties improperly registered 'by them." It is action like this that so disgusts and enrages the loyal people of, Balti more, who stood by the Gkwernmant during the - whole war, and who were insulted and outraged by these men on all pomade occasions. Johnson and Swann are laboring to punish the loyal. Inen of Baltimore end - reward the dis loyal; to make loyalty a crime which ought to be made oclious, and treasoria virtue that deserves the highest reward. They may succeed for a time, and "con-- time to:,receive -the applause of every ex-rebel at the.soutband every Copper head -of-the -North. Butthe right will triumph in the end, for the American 01153LIEMI ft • AZICETE. STYLISH. W. H. DUTTON. Italima Opera. Max Maretzek deserves an overflowing nonse at his benefit this evening at the Academy of Music. Amid many disooar , aging circumstanoes, he has given the POl laderphia public a delightful season of Italian opera, Ikrith fine artists, superior orchestra and chorus, admirable scenic dis play, and with several novelties, and has lostimoney in doing so. To-night an unu sual attraction is offered. The whole of .La, &fl - tnambuta will be played,with Mit3s Hauok as '"Amin," Baragli as "Blvino,"and Anto nucci as the Count. The great Ronooni will sing the capital scene of "LergO:al facto tum'," from the Barber of Seville, and the splendid fOurth act of the Huguenots will be performed by Mine. Pooh and Mazzoleni, It is long since such a bill was offered here. This will be the last night of the NUM. To-mOrrOW; fora matinee, the splendid 'gear of North will - be given. The company then proceeds to Boston, stopping at - New Haven, Hartford and Springfield for one performance in each place people are not going to give up any of the frhAtkoktherfictory won after such fearful-siteritl;Ces-as have already been offered. 4iftp-AYitfa. Ili CANDL4.. iln the. , jOnriitiyings of. St. Paul men tion is Made several times of the island ' of -Crete; now the modern Candia. tmill'ne, is, the territory of this member of tliGreek archipelago, it has been the t heatre of important events at vari one times Ilttring many centuries. In Mythological fable, too, it has figured, and it is said to have received its name from Cres, a son of Jtpiter. Homer refers to the island and its savage In habitants called Eteocretes: and it was here, in the labyrinth of Dmdalus, that dwelt the monster Minotaur, to' wham King Minos served an annual feast of seven Cretan boys and the same num ber of Cretan virgins. The foreign despatches have, for "natty weeks, referred to an insurrection going on in this island of Candia, the ancient Crete. But it is so far from our world, and to,us •so insignificant in territory and in population, that probably not , one American reader in a thousand has taken any interest in the news, or has taken any trouble to inform himself concerning the nature of the difficulties. The island of Candia ' belongs toTurkey; but of the whole pop ulation, consisting of between 00,000 and 300,000, only about one-fourth are Turks, the rest being Greek Christians. These latter have suffered severely un der Turkish persecution, and several times, in the last few years, there have been serious reydits, which have been suppressed, but generally after Turkish promises of redress and reform. Lately the Greeks have suffered new oppres sions,and an army of Egyptian soldiers, with Mustapha Pasha as their com mander, have made their condition intol erable. The General Assembly of tke island called upon the people to rise and drive out the oppressors. The object is tito casting off of the Turkish yoke and the annexation of the island to the king dom of Greece. England:France and Riassia are appealed to to assist them, either by forcible intervention, or by their moral influence. There have been various conflicts be tween the insurgent Candians and the Turco-Egyptian troops; but it is very hard to arrive at the truth concerning the results. The insurgents have opened communication with the Greek govern ment at Athens, but it is . not probable they will receive from it any material aid at this time. Delay is advantageous to the Candians in many ways. If they can maintain their resistance through the autumn and winter, it is believed that other Turkish dependencies .will join in the revolt in the Spring, andthat a general revolution in the Sultan's do minions will take place. Russia is on the alert to take advantage of it, and the general situation makes the "Question d'Orient" nearly as interesting now as it was twelve years ago. It would be strange if the downfall of the Turkish empire should date from a revolt in the small island of Candla. THE GREAT WEST. As our readers are aware, a party of gentlemen left this city via the Pennsyl vania railroad last Mondayiforan excur sion to Fort Riley, the present terminus of the Union Pacific Railroad, Eastern Division. Fort Riley is on the western border of }Kansas, at the junction of Re publican and SmokinHill forks of Kan sas river, on the great emigrant route to New Mexico and California: It is one hundred and forty miles from Fort Leav enworth, with by an excellent :military road. The post was established in 1853, end it has ac commodations for.quite a large force. military i The completion of one of the Pacific Railroad lines to this point shows the zeal and energy of its managers, and their work is rivalls &by tke•labors of the managers of the Northern Pacific Railroad, which Is also steadily pro gressing westward toward - the Rocky Mountains. When we consider the vast distance to be overcome and the huge amount of capital _required to keep tbese Western enterprises on foot, we are 'otruck with wonder, and are not surprised at the words of the eccentric parodist who un ry th micalky -sings or -sus: "The shades of night were falling fast, As through an empire quickly passed A party, who bore, 'cniast snow and ice, A banner with this strange deviee-- "Passengers for China this way." Amid all the political eommrption of the time it is encouraging to see how the resources of the great West 'are being dev i eloped, and that consideration makes us ' a bate not a jot of heart or hope" for the,resplendent promise of the future of the. Republic.. TEE DAILY EVEN I NG,BULLETIN.--PHILADE.LFIEIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBtIi 2, 1866 _ . Holm INTvestmesrrs.The, present high Prices of. Government-- securities- and the high figures to which the speculation in the stook market bas carried so many really worthless stocks, have occaaioned quite a demand among cautious capitalists for the best of our home seOurities. Messrs. Drexel & Co., inform us that during the past few months they alone have sold over $2,000,000 of bonds issued by the Lehigh Coal and Navieation Company, the Pennsylvania Railroad Compapy and the Connecting Railroad Company,,and they are now ne gotiating a new loan for the Northern Cen tral Railroad. The high character of this house and the largb amount of capital seek ing investment, leave no doubt that this loan, which is quite as good as any that have preceded it, will not remain long upon their hands. Business Stands Dwellings, Country Messrs. Thoro l t a et ta l;ols' sale s , , on - Tuasday nmt. in eludes a large list of valuable property. Pamphlet ca _Ganes tomorrow. Real Estate Sale next Wednesday, by James A. Freeman, Auctioneer. Freetalue* of the &tie next Wednesday. by James Aman Auctioneer. are now ready. OTATIONERY—LETTNRS, OAP AND NI6I PAPERS. SINVNLOPES, SLANE BOOBS, and every requisite In the Stationery Une, aelllng at the lowest agorae at DOWNING'S Statlonetv Store. nutneterpi laahth street. two doors abovt Scab:nit JOHN CETIMP,_III3ILDJER, 1181 CMIEBTI , IIYr and 213 LOD4riligigT. Mechanics of every branch req Wa uired for housebnlid- Ing and fitting proniPUY fundshed. batman _ _ SAMUEL W. LETNAU..No. 311 South SEVENTH etreet,_Phlladelphia, PLUMBER. GAB and STEAM MUER. Work done promptly a mat e rthe best manner. Pumps, - Gaa fixtures, and all ial used In the business punished. ocl7-ernipt if 4. FALL STYLE HATS. • ji b • TH.IIIO. H. MneA.LLA.. _ . Eat and CAtp_Smporinm,_ 804 CELESTNITT STREILTI: 4 1 - WARRITRTON,, FASHIONABLE HATTER, 430 Chestnut Next door tr rA.ost office. 38 / 3 4,794 4 JONESTEMPLE &CO. bHIONABLE lEuvrrEßs, First store above Che , 29 BOuth street, min. NNEWSPAREFI ADI7ERTIHING.—JOY, 00E di 00 N. E. corner of FIFTH & CHESTNUT Streets Philadelphia, and TIC:RUNE BUILDINOS, New York, are agents for the Bon rawer and for the News papers of the whole country. IYI7-srorP3 600 nEt mi mic STREET. 600 RE, BRACERTS, TINWA • WOODERWARE, FANCY BRONZE MATCH SAMS. c c 23 GRIFFITH &PAGE. SIXTH A ND' ARCH. OPERA GLASSES, Faris Fine Opera Glasses, made by M. BARDOII, of Imported and for sale only by C. W. A. TRITMPLER. Seventh and Chestnut streets. c 00.2 4p,tf IT THE ISUPERWR PiedIIBIM THAN AT irart you to B. F. KEIBLER'S Photographic Gal. lem 614 Arch Stzeet. biz Card or One large Photo graph for .$l. R OLL PAN'S, Mullin Pans, Whaxinsin Pans, Omelet Pans. Wattle Irons, and other Culinary Haroware. fur sale by TRUMAN & StiAW, No. £.15 (Bigot thirty-Ave) Market street, below Ninth. - L LVR THE L.A.TEST AND MOST IMPROVED style looking Glass or Picture Frames on hand and made to orderzo to REIMER'S, Arch strett,tast or Seventh. frOn b t LNG FORKS AND BACKS of several kinds, I. for sale by TRUMAN dc SHAW. No. 835 (Night hirty.flve) Market street, below Ninth. R..Alk 31 Mit THAT THIC DATE:, ARE eillOBT, therefore come early in the day, as toe demand is greet for those superior Paotoaraphs at REIMER'S , allery, Second street, above Green. elLx Bard or one large Photowaph 51. reATENT KEYHOLE AND COMPASS SAWS. In which, by I evolving the ferule, the blade may be taken out. thus being more convenient for carrying or replat-hg a broken blade. For sale, with the nasal kinds. bs TRUMAN & &HAW, No. 3.311 (Eight Thirty five) Market street. below Ninth. lir ARRINGTON . HOUSE.—This old and well known Family Hotel bas not changed hands as has been feporte.f. On the ntrary, it has just been reflita d by the old management for tue corning winter mien Transient gown, Families or single gentle men will be accommodated with nicely furnished apart's , nts, sults or aingle, on BEA.SONABLE TERMS. ' nte:DAP• FiIIENCH THAYF.R, & COWPFTITHWAIT, 417 Commerce street, are agents for the sale of this ar. tide. It can be had by the bottle, at the principal re• tail Shoe Stores. 0e...44:trq BALLARDI3. 37 NORTH EIGHTH STREKT. and 1815 CHESTNUT street, have no connection with any other establishment In the city, ocv 11?.api . p.K Z.L.ilf OYSTERS received daily, at ORM& U WELL =CHARGE ItlbsTallit ChT, :IV DO 3K Street. Oyster, served in every style, and all the de licacies of the season. Get your dinner at CROhl wEL.vs. not-Mrp• GENT,, BOYS AND YOUTHS' FMK C&LF and Patent Leather Boots, at B&LLAILDVit "ONE PRICK." oc3 -I.2trpt Gkrantur. TAPIOCA. with directions for use. Bethlehem Oat Meal. fresh ITOM the mills; Ber muda Arrowroot, Racrhout Robtneon'e Patent Bar ley, Pearl Sago, and other Dietetics of the ne3t quality. For sale by JA S T. KB EVN, S. W. corner hrtOA.D and SPRUCE streets. oc3o-Strpl oargnacid:Ebr. BOYS, HISSES, &ND E hildren's Napoleon, Highland and Polish Boots and Eboee, for the Wet and Cold neasons, In great vit. rlety. Crimp. at Ballards, 3T North EIGHTH =Feet, and 1315 CHEIsTNUT street. 0e..10./itt,rp} Int' Briac : • .. 1 1/111:4,1: a . dinS. eatiuking, do. A. 741laugY. utoo Filbert 'tree& - DA LLARD'S SHOES ALL WARRANTED AS .13 represented. ocso.iztrpj nom. sKIRT ILANUFACTORY.—Hoop Skirts AL and Corsets ready made and made to order; war ranted of the beet materials. Alms_ , Skirts re EMS. LEY, Bel3-BntrA 812 Vine streeev e Eiglsth. 11,, DEM To rli zteatLE BER B ito s o :T ati sh 'Et e OggA z,jmzpo Pi i llS u ms D , Le E n i t want of Good Fall and Winter Hoots and dhoes, 37 .North EIGHTH street. and 1315 cELEBTNur street. oc3o 12t.rpf THE SMUT .A.MERICAN ROCS Et C CROFT'S COLTIIFOtYr ROCS CANDYANDY, Fold by all the principal Doggish'. NUFAI,MOEY, ocls-im4p? 145 North SECOND street. I:ICI:1S, GUM BOOTS, GUM SOLIS BOOTS, AT Who.esale Prices. Misses' and Children's Levine and Anklets In great variety, at EAL -I.A.n.D'S. oeSP•l2t.,rpf Gans +3ALLII.—To 'shippers, (+racers, RotelAKeepera P and others—A very superior lot of Obam A rip• Ades, by the barrel or dozen. P. J. JOBB , ring-rptt 1) Pear meet. below Third and %valuta CIO TO BAL.LaRD' CHESTNUTrth EIGHTH street, near Filbert and 1815 street, for Fall and Winter Boots ant Shoes,•Chean. ONE PRICE. OC3O 12tirpi ott.lbar'ts usl•left • ATED TONIC 4, truly healthful and nutritious beverage, nowln ÜBE by thousande—invalids and others—has established • tglitrantiioliziartrilvarg guritYlfmmenadigi ay la hysleituus of this and other places, aa a al/perks tow, and requires but a trial to convince the most akentleal of its vest merit. To be had, wholesale ate retail,ef P. J. JORDAN. 220 Pear street. PIANO TIININ4 AND KR. SARGENT'S orders are received as .11 r• • mortal (during-the pint eight years) at Ma. & 907 Old afaNUT ritreet. Banos re. leathered aillhout removing, to sound as good as flew, pram for Tuning, 11 SO rn rISAAOMATRADIS__ Auctioneer and Money] roker, 1 N. z. corner of Third and spruce streets, onty on* ittnare below the Exchange. NATEAN , B prindpej Alice, establiahed for the last forty years. Money to loan in large or isMall amounts at the lowest Wee or Olamonds, Silver Plate, Watchee,p_ewelry. Clothing_ and ods of every deearlgEon. =ft hours trout * a. If ° « l , 'DAV 4.2slLtfirrt Int_ _ - PIANOS. The new style Cottage Square Plano.fall Seven Octaves. beautiful Carved Came, the übt, charming tone Low Plies, guaranteed durabllll7. 14 Street. ocs-tfip W. H. DIT/TON. ROCKHILL & WILSON FINE CLOTH NC HOUSE; 603 and 605 Chestnut Street. LATEST STYLE SACS & WALKING BOYS' CLOTHING. Mr, COE & CO GOAT. CLOTHING EDWIN HALL & CO. No. 28 S. Second St., Will Open To-. Day, two qualities of BLACK POPLIN ALPACA. OF THE ErEAV OORD, each as we had early in the Reason. Price 873 c. and $1 per yard. no2,3trps2 BRIGHT PLAID POPLINS. EDWIN HALL & CO., No. 28 S. Second St, Hive now in store of the best stock of • IRISH PLAID POPLINS, FIMNOR PLAID POPLINS, • IRISH PLAIN POPLINS, FRENCH PLAIN POPLINS, Ever exhibited in Phllndelpbia. not-36rpe FINE CHOCOLATE CONFECTIONS, MANUFACTILREM PEON New Cocoa Beans. STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, r,r 3 1210 Market Street. NEW itudirma • Route to the South and Southwest • Via the Delaware Railroad Line. ON AND AFTER • Monday, November 5. Trains will leave Depot at Broad street and Washing ton avenue, at 11 P. M., (SaturdsYs ktuelf:ed). •rziving at Crisfield, Md., on the Chesapeake Bay at 7A. M. thence by the New and Mega= Steamer City of Norfolk, arriving at Norfolk 445 P. M., connecting with Sea board and soll3loke Railroad, for all points South and Southwest. Elegant Stateroom Sleeping Cars from Philadelphia to Crisfield. For farther information, apply at Ticket Office, It2B CEEENTRDT street, or at Depot BROAD street and WASHINGTON avenue. H. F. RENNET', no2.nt/ Superintendent P. W. and B. R. R. RICH DECORATED DIN NER, - DESSERT and TEA SETS. KERR'S CHINA HALL. Now opening per ships Aristides and Marianne Not ! tebohm, a left e assortment of rich PARIS DES.ORAT.E.s DINNIkR, DESSERT AND TEA. SETS. •-f entirely new ahapes and decorations never before Imported. DINNER ETS From ftit'S to la S MO a set. TEA. SETS From 145 to ttoo • set. Those in want of Decorated Dinner and Pet Seta cannot fail to make a selection from our large assort ment. THE SAME ARRIVAL W . P also hav es variety of RICH PARIS DECOR ATED COFFEE CUPS and DE-SERT PLATES. JAMES K. KERR CHINA HALL. 509 Chestnut Street, oalw f a :it spi FOR SALE, 13 . Very desirable property on GREEN LANE, Ilex. borough. Two commodious dwellings. in geed Order, Peet with large and handsome grounds, stable, car. riage house, an. Also. splendid building lot adjoining, apply 17 itiouth TRIED sitreet. 0025 614p* MICE FRENCH MANTEL CLOCKS.—A teeth Int 172 a. rtatlon of beantifel styles, warranted corm KEEPERS. FARE its BROTH Kim, Itn E 24 Chestnut street. below Fo . DALLA BD'S 'D latest, styles Ladles' and Gents' Boots and Shoes now ready. North FIGHI H street. -and 1315 CIEBSTNITTstreet, near U. %plai n t . 0,20.12tr0 OOKIIIIMXPE&Sativer—and ildiversmed ware, &aim P0.1.G POWDZIR; She beet ever roads. • • Wilt & BROTH3SER,_ 7615 &I Chertnnt meek below aroma. ROOKHILL & WILSON Fine Clothing Hon% 603 and 605 Chestnut Street. Foreign and Domestic , Fabries Made to Order, basonable, Serviceable atd habionable. Soli lI:PART OF, YOUR IN. lA. p2d FaCronage cited. ' Out in the Beat Ety/ell, made with care and ele gance, i-nitable Dar the man, Wardrobe of any Gentle- WANAMAKER BROWN, Sixth Street—from Mar ket to Minor Street. VABRIRK tic 00.. No 91,2 Arch Street. MANUFACTORY AT PRAIXPORD, PEILADA. We would respectfully call the attesstlan of our friends and the public relnErall., to our °WACO and elegant aaeortreezt of GILT and Haosza CHAN DELMER end OAR PIXTURaco, stoutly on head, all of them O the very latest. Ern , DEsimes. Also a fine salectios PORT with FANCY FORCIII.A3 of N and other S .123, to snit ynrchalers. A line a• d choice selection of Ild'PoliTED lIROISZR P.TAI CARY. CARP RECEI 17R6it, ANT/QUIS VASES, MR STANDS, TRZERMOKIVTRERS, do always on band at very resamtablepdces. We would Invite those who are desirous ofprocnring any of the above enumerated articles, to call at our aCc re before r tockuodeg elsewhere. and examine our smoothy cat. feeling our fident that they will be favora bly impressed with the character of-our goods. OUR PRIM, ARE REAtktNABLIC, and the work in all cases guaranteed to give sarl.o.ctton to thepuo. chaser. N. B.—Particular attention paid to the renewing of old work. nue tf-rp/ VANICIRS CO. R. A & J. J. WILLIAMS, N. W. core Broad and Green Sts. 30,000 Feet 54 Ash., 16 Feet, Dry. 50,000 Feet 5-4 White Pine, 16 Feet. For sash and Car Work, ace. Lat fo i l Cl ing OA RE' The follow Exhibition pro. gramme Will be offered to the public, for Me benefit of Mr. S. . , znee. on MONDAY nezt,.November Stb, commencing at :SS P. M.—good day and track. Purse and stakes °J IRO. Mile beats best in five to harness. John Lovett exit b. h TERN YON ne lE3a Douglass. Vim. Dcble ent, b. h. STRATHMORE. P. Daly ent b. h. DAN. Between the three first heats the - celebrated horse DEXTER will exhibit his unapproachable fast time under the saddle ridden by Mr. BUDD DOBLE, - Members are respectiutly requested to tcsi.,:e the Privilege of lntrodnolng a friend without pay on this occasion. Tickets 11 each. may be Obtained . at Office 144 South Fourth street, Risley's, Continental Hoteh Girard House, Merchant's Hotel, Van Osterea, Tcr- Der's PPtt,d'R PAnis , an'S Rotel& nnl arpl r iu.a.o ...uu .P , --- rut z. r dttERZE Pd.HIL—A _Ai apecial train of cars will leave Br .1C btreets on MONDAY next, at - o'clock P. M., for the races at the park , dellvering' Passengers *la the Petroleum Railroad at the Station on the Penrose Ferry Roan. close to the Pask. A re turning train will leave the same titation at 5 o'cloak P. M. nini-2trp* ORKTECERINOSPRIGHT PIANOS. Mt CHZEITNIOT MUM% --\ PM oDS-tf 4p W. H. DUTTON. DRSTORE YOUR GRAY HAIR AND PROMOTE 1 -111,8 LDXHRIANT GROWTH BY MING. London Hair Color Restorer The most London Hair Color Reetorer London Hair Color a estorer Reliable Hair - London Hair Color Restorer London Hair Color Restorer Restorative Ever London Hair Color Restorer London Hair Color Restorer Introduced to the london Hair Color. Rsstorer London Hair Color Restorer American London Hair Color _Restorer Limon Hair Color Restorer People. don Hair Color Restorer For Restorin London -Hair Color Restorer g London Hair Color :Restorer; London Hair Color Resto Gray Flair and London Hair Color RestoTair London Hall. Color Restorer Preventing London Hair Color Restorer London Hair Color Restorer Baldness. London Hair Color Restorer London Hair Colorßesto r er The Great Loudon Hair color Ilestorer • London Hair Color Restorer Lumay of London Hair Color Restore: London Hair Color Re the DreSsing- London. Hair Color Rea s to ki r r er er loom. London Bair Color Restorer I. It will restore gray hair to it, original color, 2. It will make th e hair grow on halo heads, 3 It will restore the natural secretions. 4. It will remove all d.ndruff and !Whinge. 5. It will make the hair soft, glossy and flexible. 6. It will preserve the original color to old age. . It will prevent the hair from Ibillut otr 8. It will cure all diseases or the scalp. Only 75 cents a ,bottle six bottles *4 Sold at Dr. SWAVNES'S, No. Z3O Ncirth Sixth Street above vine, and. all , . the leading Druggists and Dealers in Toilet Artie. s.m.w.ttirn ROCKRILLez WILSON 603 and 605 Chestnut Stredi FA )141, & WINTER IN einz.wr VARIETY. AUCTION NOTICE. JOHN B. MYERS & • a. Auctioneers, WILL SELL By Catalogue,on Four Alontha' Credit At 10 o'clock, ON MORDALBOVEMB A large and desirable assortment of Eroche Shawls, Prom late arrivals, by order or 111188R8. 080 AR PROLLB, & CO, AS FOLLOWt3 Pill line VIENNA BROOME LONG melon% chaise sole and chains Line and filled and open centres. • Full line VIENNA BROGHE SQUARE SHAWLS, chains' sole and chains lathe in filled and open centres. Full line BECOME CAPINMKEUS LONG SHAWLS. Full lire CAEBISEELE .131t0OBE BORDERER:URFA. R e aalr. special attention to the above Shawls • and Scarfs, embracing full assortments of new and select pa ties ns from medium to very high coat, for best cloy trade. ALSO; Sall lino Dress Goods. Silks, Balmorals, &c. JOHN B. MYER% 00., Amenomanam. nra.3t rp MAGNIFIOEfiT ESEBOH - GOODS AT UNPRECEDENTED LOW PRICES. LUPIN'S T °UWE, WIDTH D3LAINTs. roc. . Ll)Pllves DOL-BLIS WIDTR X.ERINOES, WIC. - LUPIN'S LOBEL Is WI r.TH P BIM/All 00. Elba PARIS PLAID POPLINS, la 00. 111 , 1sT FREI. CR PLA ID POPLIN__ 12 and Et V. REAL FRANCE BROCILE; SELAWIed, worth $lB only IS CO. LUNG SQUARE BLANKET SHAWLS, .4 to and 8 25. LADIES FRENCH CLOAKINGS - in less gr th ea n v a a y e y be f r q W ua h l ol yan e d obßeai l a H t 2 u P r in Pnhit - ladelpha. BLANKETS, BLANKETS, BLANKETS and all description andlualitiets of HOUSEKEEPERS' GOODS, LOW PRICE'S. LOW PRICES.' MORRIS & HOFFMAN. 310 North Eighth Street, non- nt ABOVE VINE. 11:11 • y... ' I-11` r • 4 •J:*:._ •DT STREET; 0054/4P - • .• DIITTON. FINE ' . CLOTHING HOUSE, ...OVERCOATS. - . JUST ARRIViII And Now .Landing NLETA.I46, Tin Plate, Russia Iron, etia.; Bark Heiress from Cronstadt Russia Sliest Iron, all numbers. Russia Sheet` Iron, all umbers. Ala% PROM LIVERPOOL, _ Steamship Delaware. Steamship fropomis. Ship Tuscarora. Ship Hudson. Ship Uncle Joe. 4.900 Boxes Tin Plate, 450 Pigs Tin. 575 Pigs Lead; 401 ons Spelter, 25 Casks Antimony, 52 Casks Zinc, 930 Bundles Hoop Iron. 502 Bundles Round Iron, 260 Bundles Teazle Iron, 400 Bundles Sheet Iron, 200 Bundles Tinned Wire.. 3.700 Pounds Steel Wire, 27 Casks Emery, 10 Casks Borax. 5 Casks Bake Pans, 7 Casks Files. For Sale at Lowest Mar ket,Ratest NAG.TAYLOR CO.. 303 and 305 BRANCH STREET. rp* OPERA. OPERA HEAD DRESSES. OPERA GLASSES. OPERA FANS. PARI3 NOVELTIES. BAILEY & Co. SLOO ClaßSrrNiarr SP POTTSTOWN IRON COMPANY!, PO2 TEITO fr, PA PRESIDM , 7T • THEO. H. MORRIS, Of Eforris, IVi_ee4er & Co. TREASURER, EDWARD BAILEY. - • SEMETARY,. • WILLIAM L. BAILEY, The Commis are now prepared to execute orders for BOILER PLATE, FLUE, SHEET aod TANK MON. PLOITGE PLATES, etc. Also for the ANVIL Brand of. Cot Nails and hpikes Orders may be ad dressed to , POT/STOWN IRON CO., Pottstown, Pa.. Or to MORRIS, 14 ten,ELER tt Sixteenth and Dlaritetat., Phlladalphia.... oz.:la.:et 4p; 'Or 24 (RIFF Street, New roil% 411% Itl ON .b... r 0 .A :0 /I 1 I .."- rraKIVELN* upozr . DIA &I ONDS, WATOECES. JEW-- . ILI4tY, PLATE t CIik.)THLIII3, dx., at JO'. - FS & CO 'S ' OLD ESTs B Lis BEL LOAN OFFICE„ Owner of li BIRD and GA.sECILL Streete, Baow. Lombard. zr. B,— DI.9IIO.NDS, WATCHES., JEWELRY ;- elms, 4.,e., TOR SAVE AT LY LOW PBACIES. - ,k T I : II teIIEsT.ISTUT street:near U. S. Mint, and .37 North NIGHTH etreetja the place to buy Water Proof Boole and Shoes cheap. - oc3o-124711 fIOTTON Ann MUM BAIL. DU= of evasy width 4-; from one to eft &et wide, all namben. gentand Awning Dock. Papermakerst6win.lw. roruo w. rov.m..a.m um, cr, Ins Janos'. A Dim. masa CHICNCRINO 013. OHFBTNU9I33TREET PIANOS, 1117- Y i oes4f4P W. H. :DiuTroisr. ROCKHILL & WILSON OLOTEM HOllB4 Coachmen's Coats, Coachmen's Conts.. HUNTING COATS.- - HUNTING GOATS. Cr'''-'lin„
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