SON PEiWOCIK. Editor. VOLUME XX.--NO. 178 HUMMED. - • BROADBENT—BEED.--On the 31st ult., at Brook side, Montgomery county. by the Rev. T. L. Janewast. D. D.. "Mr. Samuel W. Broadbent to Miss Mary W , daughter of Itobt. S. Reed, JAMES—D sBE.—On ' Wednesday 31st ult., at First Baptist Church, Broad ana Arch streets, by the Rev. Geo. Dana Boardman, John K. James to Julia Bare. * WHEELER—TOWNSEN D.—ln St. Peter's Church, Niagara Falls, on the 29th ult., by key. 0 F Starkey, Edmond S. Wheeler, of New 'York, and Jeanie H.t daughter of D. J. Townsend, Esq., of Niagara Fails. _ DIED. 11.LeaucKER..—At New York, on the 28th ult., in the 40th year of her age. Sarah Bache, wife of Anthony L. Bleecker. and daughter of Anthony J. 'Reenter. EMLEY.—Suddenly, on the Slat instant, William P. Maley, aged 68 years, The relatives and Wends of the family are reepect. fully invited to attend his Inners], from his late resi dence. No. 1021 Morgan street, between Tenth and Eleventh and Race and Vine streeta, on Friday after. noon, at 2 o'clock. interment. a; Mount Morlatt Cemetery. - • EIIIIGHT.—At St. Pan), Minnesota, on the 27th inst., Jonathan, eon of Edward C. and Ann M.Rnight,ta the 28th year of his age. His relativesand friends and those of the family are respectfully invited, wthont further notice, to attend the funeral from the residence of his parents, No. 216 Pine street, onr lath day morning, E eVentli month, 2d. at 10 o'clock: To proceed to Woodlands. * LANOLOIB.--Sndorenly, a; New 'York, on the 25th Margaret, widow of the late Charles .Langlots. LVKENS.—On Fourth day afternoon, ,glut nit., 7. Ellwood I.ukens, in the 40th year of his age. Funeral, on Seventh day. Eleventh month, Sd, at 10 stA. M t .. from his residence, No. 1540 North Thirteenth ree . . MITCHELL—Suddenly. on the evening of the Slat et October, Elizabeth Tyndale. wife of Edward P. Itchell. in the 54th year of her age. The friends of the faml'y are invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband, No. 1407 Filbert street on Monday, the sth inst , at 10 A. M. Interment at Laurel Hill. se* REIFF.—On the 29th inst., John R. Reiff, in the 64th year of his age Funeral from the residence of his son, Benj. Reiff, .348 North Seventh street, this afternoon. 'Nov. is;, at 2 o'clock. P.M. Interment at South Laurel ELM * SUMMEBS.—On the 31st ult., Agnes McArthur, in fant daughter of George and Elizabeth MCA. Sum. niers. DIED.-30EN 9 CROSBY, one of nature's noblemen, died on theSothnit. Death and th. grave have claimed him ifor their own. Heihas yielded to the decree to which each of us, in turn, most bow, and has passed away to sleep by the side of his companions, friends and relatives who have preceded aim. ?day he rest in peace. is the wish of o:.e who knew him only to love -and respect him for his plain and unpretending man ner: his Incorruptible htnesty ; his frankness. and his unflinching support of whatever he believed to be .right W. gi*YRE & LANDRLL UV -PORTED FOR FALL -Ca SALES, Sc. Bernard Woolen Cloaking& Daginsx Woolen Shawls, Mosaic Woolen Shawls. Splendid Plain Silks. Metmiflcent Plaid Poplins. WRATIERD STRIPS AND WINDO.W MOULDINGS. ocl2 s,tu,tham* 119 South VENTS Street. 101ESSON & SON HAVE RECEIVED : D BLACK GROS GRAIN SILKS, e: Z. BLACK BARATH_EAS, b 0 CANTS. " ALL:W O.L REPS and EMPRESS CLOTHS. FRENCH AIFRrNOES, ano $l. JOUVIN CO. RID GLOVES, ALL SIZES. and GREY STBIPa D KIRTLNG.2 yds wide. MOURNING STORE, No. 918 CHESTNUT STREET. n7D 7 ViTTVIWr - Tr - V1 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC JOHN B. GOUGH, Monday Evening, Nov. sth. Under the auspices of the Young Men's Christiaa As. soclation, HIS WORM RMOWNED LECTURE, "LONDON BY NIGHT." Mr. GOUGH has been persuaded to entirely revise this popular lecture, which is so often called for in all parts of the country. and will deliver it for the FIRST TIME In its new form, on 1d.01% DAY EVENING next. On TUESDAY EVENING, November eth, he will deliver one of his great Lectures on TEMPERANCE." The sale of Tickets sill begin on FRIDAY MORN. _LNG, Nov. 2d at ASHMEAD'S, (late Auttmend _Evans) Book Store, 724 chestnut street. ~ ..1 1 .dinisaions 25 cents and 50 cents llteserved seats In Parquet, Parquet Circle and Bal 1-ciiny, 75 cents Private Buxes lu Balcony, 1 4 00. LeP&RDEE SeIIUNTIEIC COURSE. frAtily4 4:,111i0/111:4W4 In addition to the general Course of Instruction in Skis Department. designed to lay a substantial basis of timowlsolge and scholarly culture, students can pursue Shoes branches which are essentially practical and technical, viz.: ENGINEERING, Civil 'To o pical and Mechanical: XINING and litET ELEGY; ABGETTEcTuIIIg„ and the application of Chemistry to A6l = TUBE and the ARTS. There is also at. tbrded wi_opportnnity for special stady of TRADE awl AOI*E, of MODERN L 4fIGUAGES end PHIL OLOGY; and of the HISTORY and INSTITUTIONS .of our own country. For Circulars app.y to President CATTFILL, or to Prof. B. B. I OUNGMAN, EssTow, PA. April 4, We. Clerk of the Faculty. my3.41m0l WD TO THE PUBLIC.— I would call the attention of the public to the fol lowing RECIPE. which I have tried in a num Der Greases of SDATIVET FEVER, TYPHUS FEVER, and in one case of the moat malignant Satenn Pox. I have not known a death to occur where it was us according to direc tions. The following Is the plan that I have always adopted: Put one Peek of charcoal in a furnace and burn the gas off in the open air ; then take it to the sick-room, and sprinkle over It gradually fi oil pounds of common brown sugar; then sprinkle over it one gallon of cider vinegar. It should be tried every day for three days to make it effectual. Of course, medical advice is required besideL SIMON GARTLAND, 35 South Thirteenth street I''}U:LAI3ELPHIA, I.oth Month 29th, 18E6 SIMON GAUTLAND; Berpected Priend—lt is alike a rnrastrar and a nary to recommend thy receipt fbr curing cases of Typaorn and um:men DISEASES. Having tiled it with ENTIRE succrms.- s in the case of a SISTER we thought past reco very, and having heard of ethers whit administered it with- like success, for the good of my fellow-man, I would ea) , to every one, G/VB rr a VITAL, Tour friend, oc I4trra 10'THE WOMEN'S NATIONAL ART ARSO 014TION • EIHST ANNUAL EXHIBITION IN PHILADEL PHIA, No. 921 CHASTNIIT street, opening November 19.1866. Ladies throughout did country engaged in Art pur suits era cordially invited to contribute to the exhibi tion. The works received to consist and Paintings, ori gins! or copied. in oil, water colors and pastel: Designs. sketches, Smdies and Drawings. of . all descriptions, included in Ari Ecolpture, Models - in plater, Wood and Steel Engravings, and Lithographs. Persons having such Works of Art in their posses sion, executed by women, are also requested to aid she pause by loaning them for the exhibition. The name of the piece, the owner's or artist's name and residence, and, if for sale, the price, must accom pany.each article sent. °Carta th P.ENNEITLVANLA. BALLSOAD CZAND GREEN LOBE dTAIION. residents of Germantown can have superior Tea COAL delivered to them from the above place atsB 00 per ton. Prompt attention given to orders addressed. to Sox 62, Gtrmantown Post-office. Office,ls Booth Seventh stre et, Philadelphia. or to yard at Green Lane Station. 02 . LituP BIN= dttiILITAYA THE PHILADELPHIA NATIONAL BANK, Pin-LADELp thi s 0v1,1866.- The Dlrectore hs day declared a Dividend of BIGHT FHB. CENT., for Me last six months, payable -on demand, clear of taxes. B. B. COMEGYS, Cashier. OU'irErt3 HAM TONIC. TEA MOST INIMBEIPDAL, BEAUTIFUL, AND HIOMLY PERFRIEED PREPARATION =- TANI% ileNO3,la,Ol-tt rPi ReNATIONaL EXCHANGE BANE, Patna- DICOLYA Nov. 1 . Bank ßl as declaredlB6 6a dividend of POUR PER CENT., payab!e to stockholders on demand. aol-612 J. W. GILBOOGR, cte3l-3ti I ALFRED EL LOVE, 6NI North Sixth street Z. C. HOYT, President. SPECIAL NOTICES. NEW LECTURE TO-NIGHT REV. T. DEWITT TALM . AGE, AT THE MUSICAL FUND HALL, at 8 O'CLOCK, SURTECT—"OUR NEW HOUSE: or PLEASURES OF HOUSE HUNTING." Under the auspices of the Philadelphia Literary Association. • RESERVED BEATS 50 CENTS. For sale at Trumpler's, Seventh and Chestnut, And at the door of the Rail, boors open at o'clock. lto VPHOWARD NOSPITAL, -Nos. 1518' and 1570 Lombard street, Dispensary Department. Medi reatment and toodlcmea furnished gratuitously to the poor. :Acadelltr of Natural Sciences. It will be remembered by many of our readers that an effort was set on foot, list spring,to raise the sum of one hundred thou sand dollars to enable the Academy. of Na tural Sciences to erect a building better adapted to its purposed than the one in which its splendid collection is at present cramped and crowded. and which is such an eye-sore among the handsomestructures which adorn Broad street. A prompt and generous response has already been made to this appeal, and rather more than half the requisite sum has been subscribed. Be tween forty and fifty subscriptions of one thousand dollars each have been made, conditioned upon the whole amount being raised before the end of the present year. About forty-five thousand dollars is still needed, and but two months remain in which to secure this most desirable object. The Academy of Natural Sciences is well know, as one of the most important and celebrated scientific institutions in this country. It has a fame throughout Europe equal to its American reputation, and the citizens of Philadelphia should take a just pride and an active interest in placing it in such a position as will extend its usefalness and make , it architecturally, as it is scienti fically, an ornament and credit to the city. In Boston or New York, we are sure that this end would be promptly secured for such an institution, and Philadelphia must not come behind in such a work. Although the time remaining to secure the handsome subscriptions already rqade is short, we trust that it will prove long enough for the purpose, and that the liberality of a portion of our citizens will not be thrown away, on amount of a lack of public spirit on the part of others who are as able to promote this ex cellent enterprise as those who have already contributed to it. Italian Opera. The Huguenotslw as well played last even. ing,though not so well as we have had it in in former years, nor so well as it ,might be by the present company, after more careful rehearsal. Mine. Poch is scarcely at home in the part of "Valentine," and Mlle. Ron coni cannot sustain that of "Marguerite." Mme. Testa was most excellent as "lar bain," and Mazzoleni. Antonucci and Bel lini were good in their respective roles. Still, the Huguenots is a trying opera, and requires more care and time in its prepara tion than has been given to it. This evening Crisping is to be repeated, and we advise all who wish to see a capital and most amusing performance to avail themselves of this last chance. To-morrow evening an extraordinary bill is offered, for the benefit of Max Maretzek. La Sonnain bula will be_performed entire, together with Figaro's great scene in the Barber of Seville, by Ronconi, and the magnificent fourth act of the Huguenots, by Mme. Poch and Maz zoleni. The Weather for October. B. J. L. sends us the following table, of he weather at Germantown for the month ust passed: OCTOBER, I. . . -4 -9: 1:1 •bl 4 .. °a Wind and Weather. 11; ;0 <Tf ' 4 '1.4P4 '&4E+ RI . ou y. 58 60 73 30. 74 S. Clear. 55 65 66 30.0 65 N. W. Clz. 37 48 56 30. 56 Clear. Frost. 31 42 51 30.7 54 N. W. -Cl . Frost. 35 48 58 29.6 60 N. W.' Clear. Frost. 38 53 66 30. 68 W. Clear. 52 60 71 30.. 75 W. Clear. 55 64 62 30.3 60 N. E. Cloudy. 50 57 62 30. 59 N. E. Cloudy. 1841235 60 30 . 2 11 5-113 Cloudy. Rain. 45 52 57 29. 55 I 4-10 N. R. Cloudy. Bahl. 41 51 58 30. 57 N. Clear. 45 55 67 30. 67 N. W. Clear. 40 52 64 30. 65 N. W. Clear. - 49 59 70 30. 72 B. Clear. 50 56 65 30. 66 N. W. Clear. 44 57 65 30. 64 W. Clear. Fog, 48 54 66 80. 67 S. W. Clear. Fog. 44 57 70 50.3 72 S. W. Clear. Fog. 49 64 71 30. 72 4-10 8. W. Cloudy., Shower. 47 58 64 30. 0 64 W. Clear. _ 38 46 52 30. 531 N. W. Clear. 36 45 51 80: 52 N. W. Clear. Frost. 30 39 IV. 30. 53_ E.. Cloudy. Frost. 38 51 55 30. 55 W. Clear. 32 47 57 30. 55 S. W. Clear. 40 60 66 30.1 65 2 5-10 8. E. Cloudy. Rain. 50 61 62 29.7 62 8. W. Cloudy: 35 58 53 30. W. Clear. IMlrelligrlnfEr Loweetrolit. Eight olElock. Twelve o'cloc: Three o'clock Depth of Max 4: 940 54 7-10 61 8-10 61 1-10 4 8-10 in WHAT Tam' MADE.—A leading politician in one of the States in which an election has recently taken place, has, with more disgust than gusto, narrated the result of his efforts to get the Fenian'vote. "During the can vass," he confessed, "we drank limitless quantities of whisky with the Fenian men ; we danced at numberless balls with the Fe nian gills; we bought Fenian bonds, wore the Fenian green; tried to get a little brogue Under our tongue, and posted ourselves on the manners and doctrines of the ancient Phoenicians. And after suffering in this style for three months, we found, after the election that we had'nt got a hundred Fe nian votes in the whole State." Mss. DEBORAH REuwonn, aged ninetY three years, the sole survivor of the histo rical Wyoming massacre, which occurred during the Revolutionary war, is still living with her son, Dr. A. Bedford, in Waverly. She is still capable of describing in a per ly clear and connected manner the cruel scenes which she witness as a six year old child. PHILADELPHIA, , THURSDAy, NOVEMBER 11866. THE FEICLOX TRIALS. Daniel *John Quinn Placed in the Dock ---His Trial Postponed Until December---Patrick Mc- Grath's Trial Also Postponed. A brief report of the progress of the Fenian trials appears on our Sixth page. Below we give a fuller account. TonoNin, Oct 3L—The Fenian trials were resumed to-day. Long beforelhe hoar ap pointed a_large crowd congregated in the vicinity of the county buildings, and the Court-room was again densely crowded. The Court opened at 12 M., Justice Wilson presiding. Messrs. R. A. Harrison and McNab, County Attorney, and J. Pierson appeared for the Crown, and Mr. Kenneth McKenzie, Q. C., for the United States Go vernment. The Sheriff haying balled over the jury, Daniel John. Quinn was placed in the dock. He is a man about six feet high, dressed in a blue overcoat, of light com plexion, with sandy-colored hair, and ap peared to be suffering from some scorbutic affection, his face being partially spotted -,with cut aneous eruptions. Mr. Kenneth McKenzie, Q. C.—l have to apply to your Lordship, on behalf of the - prisoner, for a postponement of his case, in consequence of the absence of material wit nesses who cannot be found, and other grounds set forth in an affidavit which is being prepared. Your Lordship has no idea of the difficulty under which we labor in ob taining the necessary evidence. Mr. R. A. Harrison—My learned friend, although be claims to be laboring under dis advantages, forgets entirely the trouble and expense the Crown is put to in these mat ters. It was the prisoner's own choice to be ready to-day. The prisoner was here sworn to an affida vit in the dock. Mr. K. McKenzie—My Lord, the follow is the affidavit on which I ground the appli cation. It reads as follows: The Queen vs. John Quinn, in the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail De livery for the United Counties of York and Peel : Ist. John Quinn, late of the city of Rochester, in the United States, now a pri soner in the city of Toronto, above-named, makes oath and says as follows : I am informed, and believe, that, since I was indicted at the present assizes as one of those concerned in the invasion of Canada in the month of June last, at Fort Erie, i statements have appeared n print, in the newspapers of thlis province, particularly those called The Globe, The Leader, and The Daily Telegraph, published in the city of Toronto, highly calculated to prejudice the minds of the public against me and the other prisoners charged with the same of fence,and such papers, I verily believe,have been extensively circulated, and have been read by the witnesses who are to give evi dence against me, as well as by the jurors bywbom I am to be tried, and I have great fears that the publicationof such statements as aforesaid will have the effect of unduly in fluencing and prejudicing the minds of said , jurors and witnesses, and of preventing my obtaining a fair and impartial trial. I have never had any intimation of the nature of the evidence against me, and for thiareason and because I. have been until lately en tirely destitute of the means of making in quiries for the purpose of ascertaining who would give evidence in my behalf, I am not prepared to go to trial. My attorneys have been and are now engaged in preparing for my defence, but I am informed and believe that they will not have time to do so before the time before my trial, nor in all proba bility during the present - assizes. I verily believe: if my trial be postponed until the next assizes for the united counties, which, I understand, will be held in January next, I shall then be prepared with my defence. Sworn to before me at the city of Toronto, this 31st day of October, 1866. A. FLEMING, a Commissioner. Your Lordship has seen that the first part of the affidavit makes allusions to the press, which, as a powerful organ for influencing public opinion, is in some cases exceedingly injurious to the interestlkof certain classes. The affidavit sets forth' that 'Litt, Toronto Globe, Leader and tha t Daily Telegraph have, during the progress of these trials, publicly printed certain notes and com ments which would be likely to prejudice the public and influence a jury in the trial of the prisoner. The Globe, as it is well known, is ajournal with a large circulation throughout the Canadas. The Leader is also an influential sheet, and the Daily Tele graph. The next ground that the affidavit sets forth is to establish the prisoner's inno cence. Under the circumstances I would ask your Lordship to postpone the case un til the next Assizes. Mr. R. A. Harrison—l can assure my learned friend that the Crown has manifested no desire throughout the entire course of these proceedings to press any matters against the prisoners, or to place any ob stacle or raise any legal impediment in the way which might prevent the prisoners from obtaining a just and impartial trial ; but Ido think tat when the prisoner, at his own desire, has nominated a day for his trial, and that the Crown has to keep their witnesses here at a great expense and in convenience, all the grounds set forth are not of that character which would warrant the application being granted. I have read daily the papers alluded to, and I do not be lieve the name of the prisoner has beett mentioned in any of the articles contained n them. Mr. McKenzie—Yen are mistaken. There has; and such sentiments are calculated to prejudice public opinion, and consequently influence a jury; I am prepared to go on with the trials of Drummond and Slevin to- Mr. R.A.Harrison—The Crown witnesses are not here. His Lordship--The prisoner Drummonds trial was fixed for next Monday. Mr. H. A. Harrison—l think my learned friend has no cause to complain. The Crown has shown a great deal of indulgence al ready, and these trials would be endless if these applications are constantly to be made. I see that the affidavit is printed. I sup pose, therefore the same will be made in other cases where the prisoners claim Ame rican citizenship. Mr. K. McKenzie—That depends upon circumstances. Mr. R. A. Harrison—There must be more regularity in future; otherwise the delay of the Court will be interminable. His Lordship—Certainly. Mr. McNab--The articles to which my learned friend alludes, which he has not read, I believe, refer to comments made on extracts from the American press, with which we have nothing to do. - 01311 WH.OLF. COUNTRY. His Lordship—Will you please let me see the papers? ' • Mr. McKenzie here handed up copies of The Globe, The Leader and The Daily Tele graph, containing the statements com plained of. His Lordship, having looked over the file, said: I 'must say that I have glanced hurriedly over the articles, some of which may be in temperate, but -the press have a perfect right to make any comment they,choose on a matter which is public. Therefore, that portion of the affidavit which relies on these grounds, Isbell overrule. The remainder of the affidavit •is defective. Although it is set forth that this man you speak of is a material witness, there ismo allegation of reasonable exertion having been made to procure him, or any cause assigned why he 'has not been brought here, or when you would be likely to have him here. If you amend the affidavit so as to meet these facts, and the Crown do not oppose a rea sonable delay, it might possibly be granted. The affidavit was then amended as sug gested. Mr. 'McKenzie read the affidavit as amended to the Court, and asked, that the case should be allowed to stand over till next assizes. He alluded to the fact that the witnesses referred to were seafaring men, whom it was difficult to find. Mr. R. A. Hal•risan—The affidavit as amended I consider sufficient, your lord ship, to warrant me on the part of the Crown, in acceding to a postponement, but as the present assizes are likely to last for the next five weeks, I see no cause why the trial should be deferred till next year if the witnesses can be obtained before. After a consultation with Mr. McKenzie, Tuesday, the 13th of next month, was agreed upon to proceed with the trial. Patrick McGrath was then brought into court. The prisoner Is a man apparently about 30 years of age, and about five feet six inches high, dam complexion, well chiseled features, and carefully trimmed beard and mustache. He claimed to be an American citizen. Altogether his appear ance is respectable. Mr. K. McKenzie made a similar appli cation for a postponement in this case. His Lordship—ls it your intention to make the same application in all other cases where the prisoners claim American citi zenship? Mr. McKenzie—l do, my lord, in Morton's, Magrath's and Kane's, and perhaps in others; but in Drammond's and .Slevin case lam prepared to go on to-day. His Lordship—Yes, but the Crown are not ready, Mr. McKenzie. " Mr. McKenzie—l believe, my lord, that my learned friend, Mr. Blevins, who de fended the prisoner Drummond, is ready to go to trial. His Lordship—Who defends the prisoner Lunsden? Clerk—Mr. M. C. Cameron t my lord. His Lordship—When is it toted for? Mr. R. A. H a rrison—Saturday next, my lord,. The prisoners were then allowed inter views with the counsel, in order that the ne cessary affidavits might be made. Ma 'path, the Fenian prisoner, was holding an ink bottle in his hand whi le his counsel was engaged in amending his affidavit, when his Lordship thinking that the ink bottle was a portion of a hand-shackle, said: "Mr. Sheriff, I hope none of the prisoners in Court are shackled?" The Sheriff—" Certainly riot, my Lord." Pero It in the Peruvian Fleet-Attempted Revolution In Jima-Plans of the Allied Nations Against Nimbi, dm. • [Ccaxespondence of the N. Y. Times.] PALNAISIA Tuesday,Oct. 23, 1866. We have by the British mail steamer dates from Val paraiso and Santiago de Chile to the 2d,and from Callao and Ltma to the 10th October. From Quito, capital of Ecuador, our dates are to th e inst. Ecuador. I wrote you that Mr. Coggshall, United States Minister resident, was presented to the President of Ecuador on the 20th of Sep tember. On the 18th the Government gave a grand banquet in honor of Chilian independence. Speeches were in order, and were made by the representatives of l republics, by the President and chief officers, and were pub lished in the America Latina of the 28th. The banquet was succeeded by eight days of bull fighting, with the accustomed scenes, THE AMERICAN MIN ismkat. The United States Minister addressed the President on the occasion of his reception as follows : Ms. Prmsnimur—Sir : I have the honor to present to your Excellency a letter of the President of the United States, by which I I am accredited as Minister Resident to the ' Republic of Ecuador, I am confident, sir, you do not require re-assurance on my part (.4 the friendly disposition of the Government and people of the United States toward the Government and the people of the Republic of Ecuador in all political, commercial and social relations; but I may remind your Excellency that a prominent result of the late triumphant struggle in the United States for Union and freedom is witnessed by enhanced ardency of patriotism and elevated regard for republican Govern ment. In the very degree of that regard, manifested by untold sacrifices, embodying potent lessons. is every representative of the Republic of North America authorized to assume, on behalf of his nation, political sympathy aad material interest for the Re publics of South America. In accordance with the instructions of my Government, and in pursuance of personal wish and de termination, I assure your Excellency that it shall be my highest ambition and my greatest pleasure so to represent in Ecuador the Government and people of the United States as not only to strengthen the friendly political intercourse now existing, but to facilitate such interchange of, commercial information as may be calculated to pro mote the practical interests of both Repub lics, and augument the ties of good will maintained betweenollem. President Carlon responded as follows : MR. MINISTER-61r : By the official com munication of his Excellency, the President of the United States, that your Excellency has just delivered to me, I am informed with pleasure of the high confidence which has been placed in you by your appoint ment as Minister Resident in this Republic. The unhappy civil war which has agitated the Union, although it has honored its in terests and exacted sacrifices of every kind for its termination, has given additional evidence of the inseparable adhesion to liberty of the Government and people • an adhesion which is shown wherever their voice or that of their representatives is heard. In my administration, and in the country over whose destinies I preside your Excellency will find sympathy and regard for the Government and people of the United States, and I have the resolu tion to conserve and cultivate the relations AXERICAL. of friendship and harmony which unite both Republics identified in political principles, endeavoring to make them closer for in tonal benefit. The fit election of yoar Excellency .hnd your kind feelings expressbd toward Ecuador, will contribute, I hope, to the suc cess of your mission, as you will and in me the necessary co-operation for the realiza tion of your devoted purposes in protection. of the commerce and indstry of both coun tries. The American Minister addressed the Chilean Envoy, at the Government banquet given in Quito, on the 18th of September, In honor of tlbiletui Independence, as follows: atn:—As a representative of the Republic of North America, I greet you, sir, and the representatives of the Republics of Ecua dor, Peru and Bolivia, here assembled in honor of Chilean independence, with much pleasure. I appreciate the emotions of South American Republicans, on this occa sion, because it brings home to my heart the revered memories of 1776 and the glori ous results of the Struggle for independence then begun in South America. I regret my inability to express my emotions ina lan guage familiar to those whom address; but,sir, let me assure you that I represent the people of my nation, when I trust that the prosperity of the South American Republic may be so marked that when a new century is ushered in they will be independent not only of Spain, but of any other Power dis posed to interfere with the advance of Re publicanism upon this continent. PERIL The papers are still discussing thechances offurtber war with Spain, andprognosticat in the result if it takes place. Speaking of the reports that the Queen of Spain was co quetting with .Napolebo to induce him to use his influence for a settlement of the matter at isane,they say : "Spain can obtain peace by an apology for the seizure of the Chincha Islands; by the refunding of the tbree millions of dollars paid her by Peret'd Government; by -the payment of the dam ages done to the public and private edifices of Valparaiso, and the value of the goods destroyed in the bombardment." It is fur ther threatened that a "formidable fleet will go into the Atlantic under Admiral Tucker; that Salcedo has already gone to the "United States to arrange about supplies of coal, pro visions and munitions of war, and to induce Confederate officers from the Southern States to join the fleet on its arrival in Cuban wa ters." This is stiff talk, but where is the money to come from ? News from Valparaiso had been received at Lima of a revolt on the morning of the Ist of October on the Peruvian war steamer 'Union, at Valparaiso. It was started by Capt. Varea, of the Marine Corps, ostensi bly in favor of his uncle, Col. Bahl, for the Peruvian Presidency, and to get rid of Tucker, the Confederate American asCom mander of the Peruvian fleet. A Peruvian cflicer of the fleet gives the following ac count of the affair: "The leader of the mutineers is Captain Wares, of the Marine Corps of the Union, son of the ]ate General Varea and nephew of Colonel Balta. He was with us at Abtoa, but being of such a turbulent character he Is as dismisses from there and sent to Callao. When the Government sent down the Chalaco with Admiral Salcedo to place Tucker in command of the squlldzbn, this Capt. Varea mune down in her with his company of marines, and was sent on board the Union as senior marine officer. "The Peruvian !Meister in Santiago wrote to Admiral Tucker that he should like to see him in Santiago,upon matters connected with his command, as would also the Secre tary of the Navy, and stated that a grand ball was to be given by the President, and be should like him to so time his visit as o be present on the occasion. This the Ad miral did, and was for the first time since Le has been in command absent from the ship; and Varea, taking advantage of his absence, put his plan into execution. "At 3 o'clock in the morning I noticed that there appeared to be something unusual on board of the Union, but did not suspect the real state of affairs. A little later the smoke began to arise from the chimney, and there were cries of ' Viva Montero ; death •to the Yankees; death to Tucker.' I immediately beat to quarters, and as one of the water police boats pulled past me, I told the officsr in command to notify the Union that if they attempted to move I would open my fire upon them, and run them down. By this time the allied squadron were cogni zant of what was going on, and all the com manders got their boats ready to board the Union and quell the mutiny. As we pulled Tor her the mutineers jumped into their boats and pulled for the snore. They suc ceeded in gaining shore, although closely pursued by our boats. By 6 o clock the crew were all arrested, and at 3 in the after noon Versa was taken prisoner, and they are all confined on board of the Admiral's ship in double irons. The Chilean authori ties wanted to try them by a court martial and shoot them, but this was opposed by Admiral Tucker, who will' await orders from Lima about their disposal. "This Varea depended upon his marines to accomplish his object, which he states was to create a counter-revolution against Prado; a large amount of correspondence with manrof the principal malcontents in the navy was found upon him." The night before this news was received in Lima the Government was apprised that there was an extensive conspiracy on foot in favor of Balta in Lima and Callao, and seventeen arrests were at once made Among them were Generals Rivas, Echenique, Bengolea, Col. Halts, the op position candidate; Dr. Maraleque and son, vocales of the Supreme Court: the first three are in prison. The latter two have been ban ished from the country; Great excitement reigns throughout Lima, and many persons believe that there will be trouble on theilsth at the polls. The Dictator Prado has expressed his de termination to set aside the entire proceeds of the guano islands to pay the expenses of the war against Spain. Prado seems to be losing ground considerably in Peru on account of his course against the Church, he having attempted to curtail the rents and immunities of the Bishop and some of the clergy. The poll tax on all natives and for eigners alikeof one dollar per month causes great discontent. It is proposed to make street railroads through the city of Lima. There is nothing new from Bolivia. • oarnE. There have been some changes in the ailean Cabinet. Seffor Errazuriz, who was -Minister of Justice, has been made Minister of W9r, his place being supplied by Sefior Blest Gana. The new Mister of War immediately proposed to make four Generals, five Brevet Colonels. ten Brevet Lientenant-Colonels, and one Post-Captain. In regard to money, the Valparaiso Merr curio says : _ "We are in want of money, a great deal of money, to make war ! Neither the custom ary receipts, nor the loans recently con tracted are sufficient. The loan of fourmil lions and a half has slipped away liksZt Watg F., L. FE,TIIERSTON. PriblWmi,r DOUBLE SHEET, THREE CENTS. between the fingers, or morning dew when the 61313 ariseth. "There is no thought of loans now, bat of. taxes. Until now Chile has been very_lightly_ taxed., Some of these new taxes have bass already approved by Congress, and some are; still'under discussion." • • - The Chilean debt, which amounted t0519,-, 000,000 in January, 1864, will in Janaary,, 1867,1 e 1t30,000,000, and very little tashow for the money. • TRAGEDY IN NEW YORK. A Husband Shoots hie Wife and her His Arrest, &c., [From to-day's Y. Timm] A very sad affair occurred last evening in the Seventeenth Ward, where a husband seriously wounded his wife and her parts mour,whom he surprised in jlagrante delicto. The facts of this case are these, as gathered by our reporter from the lips , of the heart broken husband and father:. Mr. William T.Anderson married a lady in Boston nearly seventeen years ago, and resided very hap pily with her in that city for twelve years, two children being the fruit of the union. About five years ago the family removed to this city, when Mr. Anderson procured em ployment as a clerk in a down-town house. Prior to this removal the husband became suspicions of his wife's fidelity to her mar riage vows, and endeavored at different. times to determine their truth or falsity. His efforts only tended to confirm his pre vious suspicions,. although he could not obtain any positive proof. He noticed, how ever, that his wife became visibly indiffer ent to him, and was at times quite intent perate in her habits. Last summer the family removed to Belle ville, N. J., for the season—the husband meanwhile attending to his business duties in this city. While thus sojourning Mr. Anderson became convinced that an im proper intimacy existed between his wife and a Mr. Whitfield, who kept the village grocery, and he at once brought his family back to New York, and engaged house room for them at No 173 East Twenty-third street. Since then Mrs. Anderson has sited Belleville two or three times, despite the express orders to the contrary of her husband. About three days ago Mr. Anderson was compelled to go to Boston on business, and informed his wife that he would not be back until Saturday. Contrary to his expecta tions, the business he had in hand was transacted on Tuesday afternoon, and he took the night train for New York that same evening. When he arrived in this city Mr. Anderson did not returnhome but proceeded directly down town to business. About 6 o'clock last evening, he proceeded to his dwelling in East Twenty-third street, but failed at first to find his wife, notviith standffig that he made search for her. On coming down stairs, he , heard whispering in the parlor, and on opening the door, his worst fears were confirmed. Maddened be yond expression, the infuriated husband drew a revolver, and discharged three cham bers at the guilty pair; one of the balls tak ing effect on the woman's forehead, but glanced; the second bullet struck her in the left breast, inflicting a severe wouncL Police Surgeon Kimbark, who was subsequently called to attend her, pronounced neither wound to be of a fatal character. The pars mourescaped in the confusion, and it is sup- . posed the third bullet struck him in the fore head, as a man was seen on the avenue bleeding profusely , from a wound in the bead, which he said bad been received by a fall from the roof of a stage, and that he bad lust his hat and cane. Both of these articles belonging to Whitfield were found in Mr. Anderson's parlor, and are now in the possession of the Eighteenth Precinct Police. Roundsman Leary and Officer Little arrested the husband, and he was locked up for examination at the Essex Market Police Court, this morning. He ex pressed deep sorrow for his rash use of the pistol, but stated that he could not control his passion at the moment. Mr. Anderson is a native of the United States, and gave his age as 42 years. The occurrence caused great excitement in the neighborhood, for several hours. DuanAnc.—The theatrical event of last evening, and a memorable one, too, was the appearance of Mr. Joseph Jefferson at the Chestnut. He had every good honse,many of his old admirers having gathered to wel come him back to the city after his long absence in &reign lands and in other cities of the Union. The play was Boncicault's version of "Rip Van Winkle," which dif fers greatly from that presented by Mr. Hackett and Mr. Frank Drew, and is so fancifully constructed that it would amaze Washington Irving.. Mr. Jefferson, as Rip, more than equaled the expectations of hie friends. His personation of the character was literally perfect. No actor alive could improve on it. The fun, the pathos, the quaint humor , the recklessness mingled with gleams of shrewdness and catltion e were exquisitely out, while the ad juncts of costume. titc.. were charmingly true to nature. Miss Orton, as the terma gant and then the tamed wife of Rip, acted with grace, taste and discrimination which excited the admiration and applause of every one in the theatre. Miss Orton is one of the ablest actresses on the stage, and she proves this whenever she tones down her natural exuberance and acts quietly. We do not think any lady in the -profession could have supported Mr. Jefferson more admirably. Messrs. Mackay and Woolf had ungrateful parts to play, but they did them excellently,- and Mr. Foster and Miss Cooper also gave great eclat to their charac ters. -The scenery and effects were superb, and Manager Sinn may plume himself on them. As to the play itself there are some parts painfully out of nature; in fact, almost Billy, and only fit for the ears and eyes of "tbe groundlings;" but they do not inter fere with the perfection of Mr. Jeffereon's personation. "Rip Van Winkle" will be. repeated to-night, with the last new faros, "Caught by the Cuff." At the Walnut Mr. Booth, appears as rago, in "Othello," this evening, supported by Messrs. Hfil,Roberta• and the strength of the company. _At the Arch Mrs. John Drew appears in "Women Will Talk," At the City Museum and the American light and lively bills will be given. On Wednesday next : the 7th inst., Mr. Bogumil Dawitin,the eminent German tragedian, will appear as Shylook, in "The Merchant of Venice," at the Academy - of Music, SIGNOR Erzrz 'appears this evening and during the week at Assembly Building. His entertainments were never more attractive. THE himovrunr.,s at the Eleventh Street- Opera House present a varied and agreeable prograrnme .to-ntiOtt. - Paramour. 11.3111SEIIKRTS.
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