ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. New Lines to Heart's Content. Nnw Yank, November lat.-=-The New York, Newfoundland and London Tele graph Company have decided upon several important improvements and new enter prises, in order to insure perfect telegraph connections with the prominent commercial cities of the United States and Europe. LL new land line is to be constructed from Heart's Content to Placentia, in Newfound land. Prom' thence a new cable will Abe laid to St. Pierre, Miquellon, and from that island across to Sydney, Ca.peßreton_,where it will connect with the present land lines. An entire new line will also be ,bullt from lleart's Content, N. F., to Port Hood, Cape Breton, where itwill connect with the'pre sent lines coming to the . United States. The present land line in Newfoundland is to be entirely rebuilt of the best material, and great care will be taken in the construOion of the other two new lines above mentioned. Only the best workmanship and stock shall be employed. The two cables across the Gulf of St. Lawrence are and have been in excellent condition. It will be seen by the above statement that the New York, Newfoundland and London Telegraph Company will soon have three„distinct lines connecting with the At lantic cable, which will leave no chance for sweident by severe weather preventing , the 'United States from being daily and hourly In telegraphic communication with Europe. Mexican News—lmportant Liberal Sue- ceases. The following important letter from Gen eial Escobado was received yesterday at the Mexican Legation : HEADQUARTERS' ARMY OF THE NORTH, MEXICAN REPUBLIC, GENERAL-IN-:CHIEF, MONTEREY, October 15th.—Our affairs here are progressing very favorably. The States of Neuva Leon, Tamaulipas and Coahuila are now entirely free from the presence of foreign forces, as are also the States of So nora, Sinaloa and Chihuahua, and in eac h of them considerable forces are now being raised to expel, once for all, every foreign invader from the national territory. From this State an- advanced column, composed of four - - thousand men, ' well armed, munitioned and equippe d, has Idieady marched to operate against San Louis Potosi, and one thousand two hundred have been sent to co-operate - With a column from the State of Zacatecas, under the command of General Auga, in a movement against Durango, from which the best results are expeoted. Advices from Brownsville, Texas, to the 27th ult., have also been received. - Colonel Gillespie, of General Sheridan's staff, arrived there on the 25th, and was kindly received by Canales in Matamoras. General Tapia had "sent Colonel Benitz to Canales, ordering him, in Juarez's name, to surrender the command of Matamoras to one of the three officers under Canales, and report at Chihuahua to Juarez in person. The three officers refused to accept the itommand. Colonel Benitz then went- to Cortinas, who is closely investing Canales, and is ready to support General Tapia. The, result of this interview is not known. General Tapia was expected daily before Matamoras with a force of 800 (? 8,000) - men. The snecial agent of Ortega arrived at Brownsidlle at the same time as Colonel Gillespie and Colonel Benitz. He had plenty of arms and men. There was every probability of Canales declaring in favor of Ortega. - R. L. Richardson, the new Collector of Customs for the Dis trict of - Brazos St. Jago, had arrived at Brownsville and entered upon his duties. on - r. - F.Aus, November I.—A private letter received from the city of Mexico, an nounces the departureof a regimentorMex leans, organi?ed with Austrian officers, who surrendered all the officers and went over to Porfirio Diaz, at Oajaca. The Austrian band at the Capital has ceased to give its open air concerts,because of the riotous con duct of the populace. - The Emperori'in consequence of sickness and distress of mind as to the health of the Empress, had shut himself up in the castle of Chepultepec. His early abdication was momentarily expected. Naval News. The Navy Department, this morning, re ceived despatches from Acting Rear Ad miral Bell, commanding the East India squadron, dated Straits of Sirnonasaki, Ja pan, July 31st 1866, The Hartford (the flag ship of the squadron ) was at Nagasaki on tbe 13th of July, and Admiral Bell ex changed visits with the Governor, an officer the Tycoon,whoseemedsomewliat anxious the motives of her arrival at that time. Iri consequence of the arrival in port of the Hartford, and of the British Vice Admiral King,with the Princess Royal (73 guns), and four other steamers of his squadron, and silk) Of Sir Harvey Parker, British Minister at Japan, who, it is understood, had granted several interviews ,in that port (notwith standing the treaty with the Tycoon) to the agents of the Prince of Latsurna, a discon tehted noble, whose territories lie in the southwest of Kursin, and who is Lord also of the Sew Chew Islands. Before the departure of the Hartford from Nagasaki, the Governor of that city in formed the foreign Consuls that the Tycoon was at war with the Prince of Nagato, Lord of Simonasaki, and requested that no men of-war or merchant vessels should pass through those. Straits and the Inland Sea. Admiral Bell had previously determined to take that route, and, calling to mind•the in sult that, was offered to the Wyoming, the last American man-of-war that displayed the flag there three years ago, and feeling assured also that it would become a serious inconvenience to commerce with Hioga, situated, within the Inland Sea, and to the Pacific line of steamers shortly to be started to run for China, if that important pass was allowed to be closed without the consent of our Minister, he decided to go through the Straits, but to quiet 'any uneasiness the Go- Nernor might entertain about it, sent word that he would hold no intemourse'with the rebellious Prince of Nagato. ' Admiral Bell informs the Department that several cases , of dysentery and fever had occurred on the Hartford and Wyom ingicontracted at Hong Kong and Shanghai, but the change of air from the pestilent conk of China had such a beneficild infiu foes that the disease has nearly disappeared. Despatches have been received. ,at the Navy; Department from; Rear' Admiral Pearson,_ Commanding the South Pasta° sapadroxi, on - board the United States steamer" Powhatan, at 'Callao, Porn, under date Of Oot. 13th; a All well. Fortress Monroe. FonTunas Monnox, Va., Nov. I.—The schooner' Luc* Alexander, from Arecielm for Baltinicire, arrived here last night. ,:She rep - orb:l:that Ma brigs Castaaand F. W. nob,' for - Bal.tinneie; with cargoes of sugar, were lost illthe early part of October near Armlet*. -She brought part of the crews and the pßElSelflgen. Major-General Schofield, accompanied)* Brigadier-General Blunt and his staff, ar rived this afternoon from Richmond, on an inspecting tour. He was received by a sa lute from the fort, and reviewed the troops of the garrison. He will return on Satur day to Richmond. ' ' b ho p McCloskey. Mr. McClo , of Ney, brother of Arch- York, President of the American College at . Rome, has been here on a visit to some old friends. He went North to-night. The United States District Court was held. thin training. at:Norfolk, Judge Underwood presidjug..., Very little blueness was done beyond. the deli Very 0f...a , charge to the iGrand Jury, consequence of the absence 01 the pOtrtcp Attdr4ey, The Court adjourned until the il.'ret Tuesday in December. In administering the oath to:-the jurors, the_ portion'- the oath'of allegiance to the Government was omitted. ,In the charge, the Judge said their attention would be called, when the Court next met, to some criminal business, such as offences against the revenue and:postal laws. No „reference was made to the case of Jefferson Davis. The Excursion Party to Fort Riley. celeb ST. Lours, Nov. I.—A. large excursion Kansas, p to left this rate afternoc the completion ofin for Fort Riltheey, Union Pacific Railroad, eastern division, to that point. Among the prominent Western gentlemen invited are (3enerals Sherman, Pope, Hancock, Marcy, Easton, Haines, Nichols, McKeever; Governor Fletcher; Senators Brown, Henderson; Congressmen Loan, Hogan, Anderson and Blow, of Mis scar]; Senator Howard, of Michigan; Schuy ler Colfax, and Thomas Nelson, of Indiana; Governor ^ Dennison of Ohid; H. J. Jewett, of the Ohio Central Railroad; Thos. L. Jewett, of the Pan Hajidle Road; Wm. H. Clements, Little Miami _Railroad; Mayor Thomas, of. St. Louis; John D. Perry Pre sident; •Adolphus Weir, Vice President; General Palmer, Treasurer ; Charles B. Lamborn, Secretary, of the Union Pacific '• Railway; the officers and directors of the Missouri Pacific Road, and a considerable t number of the prominent citizens and ladies of St. Louis. Another large pally, consisting of distin- Anisbed- railroad men and prominent aid .zens of New York and Philadelphia, will ;join this one •at Leaven Worth, to-morrow, and immediately start for Fort Riley and Lewistown City, the present terminus of the ,road. From Georgia. MILLEDGEVILLE, Nov s ,l.—The Governor's Message strongly opposes the adoption of the Constitutional Amendment. It says the Amendment is equally novel and unjust. The funded debt of the State is computed at 65,840,000. • The Governor says the planting interest of Georgia can never be what it once was. He deprecates the.oppression of the debtor class by creditors. The message is very long and mostly de voted to State topics. The Speaker of the House opened the ses sion with a speech opposing the Constitu tional Amendment, which was received with applause. From Louisville. LOUISVILLE, Nov. I.—No new cases of cholera have been reported to-day. All the former cases are reported as convalescent. Resolutions were adopted in the City Council to-day, protesting against the exe cution of Lynch, and requesting the inter cession of the President. Tennessee. Nxsavrtax, Nov. I.—Mr. Lellvett (con servative), has been elected to the Legisla tare by 800 majority. THE STATE DEPARTMENT.—The work of removing the archives and documents of the State Department to the Protestant Or phan Asylum, on Fourteenth street, which has been leased by the Government for five years, was commenced yesterday, prepara tory to tearing down the old State Depart ment building to make room for the Trea suly extension. n 0:s. la lAA 5).3=.111 `B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 NORTH !SIXTH STRIINI swirmturinzum VENETIAN BLINDt WINDOW suArms. lo Twest he Mud tined asso rt ment in the May at It t3tme made and lettered. mita F L• 0 U R The attention of Shippers to South American Ports, and the Trade generally. Is called. to the following Ce lebrated Brands of FLOUR made from NEW WHEAT and Of which their are the sole receivers in this city. /WRY sireAr, ST. LOUIS, LANGLEY'S CHOICE. NED'S MILLS, RURAL, PASCAGOULA. ANTI-PANIC, G : . • : This Flour is put up In the very beat round hoop packages and will be sold in lots ttYsult, RIDDELL& 00., B. W. corner Broad and Vine streets. 8•322-1: NEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. FIRST OF THE SEASON. Albert C. Roberts, Dealer in Fine Groceries, ELEVENTH and VINE STREETS 1 IDUNTA.IN 3I BUCKWHEAT ME AL We are again in rec Opt of this superior Buckwheat Meal, which we offer 'tn bags, halt bbls. or bbls si lower rates than last season. Also. on hand the bast brands choice family FLOUR, at lowest cash prices. AT.TmAISI & ZEHRDER, oCZO-24t Fourth and Vine. GEORGE PLOWMAN, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, 23:2 CAIyrIFER /LIM HI war 9TRILINT. MaoMs Work and Killwritftlir proalpl34 attends. • • 1117-rri War Eagle Silver Mining Company Of IDAHO, Moe of the Company, 144 8; 7017 1 11T8 areet• WWI COVIMED WITH -• JOHNS' 'MOLISE BOOTING. CLOTH, AND •-. • . coated with' 'LIQUID (MITA MAGNA PAINT. g_them nerfectly water woof HT GRAVE p HOOFS repaired with Gate Peron& Paint, and warranted for five Years. - • LOARY SLATE HOOPS coated with liquid which becomes as hard as slate. • ' • • TIN, COPPER, ZTDC. or IRON coated with Liquid Ontta-Percha;at small expense. Cost ranging from one to WC cents per square foot Old Board or Shingle Bookten gents per square foot, all complete. constantly on bane and for sale by the PHILATUCLPHI A AND PENNSYLVeNIA ROOF. ING COMPANY., • OB0.• HOBART,'" • . =0 North FOURTH Street. rt.& r NEDPRUIT, VgGETABLES, &C.-1,000 casee- J 7sec-hes: SOO clues 'fresh Canned Pine Apples; ISO ,gatses fresh ki nejApples g i atm l . ooo ciume Green Corn end'Oreen reas; SOO cases fresh Kama, la , canap2oOrasea•fresh 'green Gages; `Stro ewe Chsrries in sylnp; SOO, esoltralArbherries In syrup; eases:Straw• berries in syrup; 600 eases fresh Pears in syrup; 2 oto eases , canned Sots attosteiSVO cases Oysters Lc bstArs and Clams; SOO cases R oast. Beef Mutton, Veal, Goups,:&e. For saleity. JOSEPH .13. Bye:at:it uO., 108 Bout& DELAIVARIS avenue, oe2o THE - DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1866. Rieman/ 1 8 CON 11 •,' WO .21.1 / . - • . giEfgrfag EDIATEI' . • To'allpiaois of &amassm ant flay hat sp So iiolooirany evening. --' zoble.lll MEEICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC, ITALIAN OPERA.. LAST NIGHT OF lIIIISEARON. BENEFIT OF MAX NARETZEIC. GRAND GAL THIS (FRIDAY) EVENG at 8 GRAND COMBINATION PE RFOR MA NC E, On which occasion the following EXTRAORKNABILY BRILLIANTARD VARIED PROGRAMME - Will be presented in the following order: The entire of Bellias charming Opera, La SONE. ARAI:WA. MISS ANALLA M. HAUCK,__ F. STOCKTON, - BARAGLI; .ANTONUCCL Bet v. een the first and second acts, Grand Scena and Aria from . THE BARBER OF SEVILLE, BY GIORGIO IiONCONL To conclude with the entire fourth act of ,) HE HUGUENOTS. , SENNORA.-CARMEN POCEL_. MAZZOLEB , I, BELL [NI, ANTONUCCI, BERNARDI, FOsSATI, BANFI, etc, apirbuormes SIGNOR T O BRIABI, - cam, BERGMANN. TO-MORROW (SATURDAY) AFTERNOON, No vember 3. at IN. GRAND FABEWALL MA.TtNICE. BY UNIVERSAL DEMAND, TITHEND SPFAJALaII. OPERA, STAR OF TEENORTH. ADMISSION TO ALL PARTS OF THE HOUSE, ONE DOLLAR ONLY. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR RESERVED SEATS. AMIN ZWICK. 13PZOIAI, - - Ae the Company will leave on Saturday, by the six o'clock train; and the Director being desirous that the Opera shall be given complete and unabridged, • • THE MATINEE; ILL COMMENCN AT HALF- PAST ONE.' DOORS OPEN AT A QUARTER BEFORE ONE. The side of Tleketa iur any of the , above named per mamas commences • _ THIS ORNING, At the Box office or the Academy sad at Trtnraer's Music Store. t 32 Chestnut street. corner of Seveath. A MERICAN ACADEMY OF 1 , 1.11±1C. BUGDMIL DAWDSON. ' he eminent Berman Tragedian, will appear on— Wedneeds4 , Nov. Tth. as SHYLOCE, IN THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. Thtuiday, Nov. Bth. as HENRY, • IN AND LORBEER33AUM AND BETTEIBTAB. Friday, Nov. 9th, as NAMES:SE, IN NARCISSE. Saturday, Nov. lab. as HANS JUERGE, IN HANS JUERGE, oder ale PERLIMSCHNIIIt ; And as LEBRECHT FALICE, HIPPoLIT FAT RE. and CH AB LES FAIICON, TN TEE lINGLIICRLICHEN. Monday, Nov. 12th, as RICHARD, IN RICHARD LEL Reserved Seats can De second on and after Monday, November sth, at the Academy; a‘ Wittig's Mute Stare. No. 1021 Chestnut street. and at Scbaler Boradi's Book Store, B. W. corner Fourth and Wood streets. CITY MUSEUM. THEATRE. CALLOWHILL Street, below FTFTH. Lessee .....Mr. J. K. MURPHY Stage Manager„. BENICHT .„ROBERT lONE , Business Agent J. C. McOORMICK , BENEFIT BENEFIT BENEFIT BENEFIT BENEFIT AND LAS BENEFITT NIGH B ENE T KUOF T B EMI ZEIT MISS ANNIE HOWE. On which occasion MR S. T. FANNIN 'Mir appear in one of his CHARACTERS. THIS (FridAy) IFCELEBRATED XRNLING, November 2, 131,6' , Will be acted the slay of THE ROBBERS. THE _ROBBERS. THE ROBBERS. THE ROBBERS. THE ROBBERS. Charles de hloor--_... .Mr. J.l”. Fannin Count de HIS Moor -Mr. I). Rainey ( FIRST APPEARANC E.) Overture by Orchestra. To conclude with the CLOCKMAKEIt'S HAT. Sally Smart---- -Annie Howe To-morrow night , ihe thruunc .. orarna of the LONE MAN OP THE OCEAN. ON MONDAY--STILUIT \ROBSON. pwepeß, OF „Lira' Dress Circle and cents. Orchestra Chairs cents. Gallery-- .- ._.-115 cents Private 80xe5.... ----p and es beats In Private 80x.._.... .._.........._. -75 cents. Doors open at Vo'clocr trtain will rise precisely at Quarter before 8. The Box Mice will be open daily from 10 A. M. until 4 P. M., when seats may be secured without extra charge. • IVE CHESTNUT STREET THEATRE. rlOore open at 7 o'clock. Curtain rises at 7.45. EINTEUST S,TIC RECEPTION OF MR JOIEEPH - JEFFERSON, Who will appear in Dion Roncicaria's ENTIRELY NEW VERSION OF RIP VAN WI MAD NEVER BEFORE PERFORiN THIS CITY, WITH NEW AND MAGNIFICENT SCESER Y, entitled RIP VAN WINKLE, __ on THE BT.TIPP FOR TWENTY YPARsc The Play will be presented with A MOST POWERFUL CAST. The performance pill conclude with the _latest London Farce CAUGHT BY TITE CUFF. FAMILY MATINEE, SATURDAYIDE. AFTERNOON. JANET Pli PRICES AS USUAL. its. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH STREET AllL 'THEATRE. Begins at,7% o'clock, ANOTHER. NEW ROMANTIC PLAY. 70 NIGHT (Friday), Nov. 25, We. BENEFIT OF MRS. SOHN DREW. BEN EFIT OF MRS. JOHN DREW. The new Romantic Pia, of THE WINNITNO SUIT, And the successful Comedy of - w 03,1 EN WILL TALE. MIR.. JOHN DREW In Both Pieces, Aided by the full Company. SATURDAY—MBE. DREW'S LAST NIGHT. MONDAY—MR. I%.tiN BRYANT IN TWO FAVORITE CHARACTERS. WALNUT STREET THEATRE. N. E. corner VT NINTH and WALNUT Sta. Commence at 73i. THIS (Friday) EVENING. Nov. 2, 1666, BENEFIT OF Mit. EDWIN BOOTH, Who will appear in bla great impersonation of RICHARD 111 In Shakepeare's Historical Tragedy, in five acts, of RICHARD fir; OR, THE BATTLE OF BOSWORTH FIELD. Mr. EDWIN BOOTH a 5..... ....„ Mr. I. B. ROBERTS as IYENRY vi hi r. BARTON MILL ea..— —...E ARL OF RICHMOND To conclude with the laughable oumetitetta of a PBEPi'Y PIECE OF BUSINESS. NEW AMERICAN THEATRE. BENEFIT OF EL NINO EDDIE. THIS (Friday) EVENIG, not , . 2d, WEB HATE FISHER in two great piece!, 'I HE YOUNG ACTII4BB GATARAUT OF T n E GANGES. ni AsBUILDINGS. i3E.IigILY SIGNOR BLITZ will commence his popeLAR ENTERTAINISERNTs ON. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, continuing every evening and WEDNEBDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. NEW ILLUPIoNS! • 'MIRTH! MYSTERY! VENTEILOQUISN.! ceNARY BIRDS! Admission. 28 cents. Children, /5 cents. Reserved Beata. Se tents. Evenings begin at 7l o'clock. Afternoons at O'clock. . 0c15.1m• libbinST IN 4 isILI ACADEMY OF FMB . On exhibition a superb collection of by modern wilds of the French, German and Belgian school& Season Mcketa, 21 cents. Catalogues. 2OO cents. Open during the day. • nol•Ilt• ``, rtHE HOLY BAXILY "—an acknowledged u. , ,terrnece of elarlstian art-1;1+1'1NA by 0. ptusseldorf, la one of the greatest attractions In the ex hibition of isiodern Pfetnres a 4 the PENNSYLVAN tf IA f - I • t 0, a - . not-St• r.HE TOMB OF OLIMELLi. METELLA," Rome. Mae magnificent Picture by Oswald Achenbach may be seen at the PENNSYLVANIA. ACADEMY OF FINE - ARTS. - nol3t* M.A GLIMPSE O' THE ANDES," palhted . by Chtireb—a charming Attie 'gem. 4xe inches, at• trade much attentlonth the new collection of Pictures oat 'tee' PENNSYLVANIA. AC IsEstr OF , PINE AIM 13, CHESTNUT street.' ;' ' nom* N a -111 Id l~ 808 LADIESGEBTLBIdairN and CRTOREIT, - B. CDIINICS oF NINTH AND ARCS STREETS, The Institute. which again has been greatly Im• oved for the coming season; Is now open for snb seriptions oil des arid evenings. • • • :Bodily exercise Imparts 'health and strength, and te, highly;recommended to both Beam and all Ages, Terms fin Instruction, months • - - .. .... 00 Terme for Self-practice, rinolithe ' ' co For particulars. send for a circular, or give us a call. 0c24 6t4 ' - Profs. BILIBBRAND Lib Lzwirs. 110LIBIDAL A.IID - 110IIIDAT FMB/MT& .D • The roost beautiful gifts of the 'Season can be ;found in the collection. et new and ex_omisite little .OIL P„&INTIBIOSof AMERICAN AND BEBOP/UN SOBBBllY,Tainted from nature by Buggies, New 'York,now view and for sale at -• , • • . ASEIBIBATI de. EVANS', ,oe22'4ll,w,ffit• • , 733 Chestnut Street. . qtai: • .:0• Roma r . a.E • UVAINTIE etreetoibsiye • ••:••.:Tmir, I • 'PEE -FAMILY n.msultlm OPEN FOR • THE SEASON. OARNOBASS &BLOW'S KENSTEII74, The Great Star Trotipl•sittlie World, • in their ORAIEL ETHIOPIAN- .13431, EONOS, 5-sharins, NEW 1t'11R,L.E13603/IS, PLANTATION: BOUM% _ poorroind• rorc,aock: commencing at 8 o'cloolt. p,enmirot • • OARNOROns, Manager. RRNSYLVAITIA. 8041.1M3MY OB ZINN AIITS, ORREIT/4113T above earlir 9 tO 6P. 71. TEEN T IL West's_ great Picture et mum:Err RP. , &!istin on exoceinon NOTICE GOODS FOR tADIE4. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. GRAND OPENING FRENCHf ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. J. S. BORGENSKI, NO. 21. N. NINTH STREET, (EAST SIDE) Importer and Dealer in FRENOH ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. BRIDAL WREATHS, Feathers, Ribbons, Velvets, etc. 1.1 : (i) A )4:7.1 P1 , V1 , 112 W. 4 b 7131 s old established and well•known FRENCH AR TIF.IOIA.L FLOWIiR STORNI, has lw en yltared throughout and refitted in true French style, and will ,open on • Wednesday, October 24 1 " With a magnificent assorts, ant of Fine French Flowers, Wreaths, Leaves. Grasses, Feathers, Velvets, sibbons, Bonnet Frames. and Mill nary amxis of every description and variety. J. B. BORGENSIC.I. No. 21 Non]; ITZITH Street. 0e..3 tu th f-tf MISSES THORNHILL & BURNS; 1208 Chestnut Street, WAVE ZZOW OPEN S WOVEN WOOLEN SKIRTS, Real Paris Werley Corsets, REDUCED TO FIVE DOJJ,A RR, Marchionet Corsets. ATSO. 4tit The New Palanaise Trail. oc2 400/114. COAL. E. D. .A.SEE r rIDN'S VERY SUPERIOR FAMILY COAL. COMMONITY'S DEPOT, oc3i•lm BROAD AND WOOD STR TITEB. YAM= NM& MATTE MX= saw 17NDELEOMMED WPNTLXN thelr stoat of Bock Motadaus Com Lehigh Coal, and Locust Mensal% • M which thgr no', 'prepared to sell at the lawst marlss os. and to delivar in bia s cxelditiost. Orders left with S. MASON the ItIN/03,11'ranklin Inri tote Brdbling, EINVICEMS stomt,belew_ ,Marlest wl be prinapar idittalisd ta. =CB BMW,. seti,tt Azth Street Wharf. Schn7=l. CCIAL.-450SIABLOA7.BICANEES XIDADOW AM Necmtean, iehigh Coal. iusd bell 34oir. PiLoun E Wlrnat 6%074= _. .oeuee use, De__Zi. .carte r it rea ssul WIDI eet& ~m , No. Ust Boasai S 'W ZEOND stress. addle x. ALTON AOM 1 izti : I ski:AV:lloa J. W. SCOTT & CO.. SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, AND DEALERS 1151 Men's Furnishing Goods, No. 814 Chestnut Street Pour doors below the "CcuatlnexitAL" PHILADELPHIA. PATENT SHOULDER SEAM VIM MANUFACTORY. Orders for these celebrated Shirts supplied preempt at brief notice. ' GENTLEMEN'S Furnishing Goods. Of late styles in fell variety. WINCHESTER & 00. iesza,w,r4t 706 CHESTNUT. VI :3 DI V Oart=li Arch Street Carpet Warehouse PALL IMPORTATIONS OP C.A.YI , I 3 9EnCTINTG-S, • NOW OPENING, LATIBT STYLEB AT LOWEST PitME& JOS. BLAOKWOOD, 832 ARCH STREET, aerm,w,nan Two doors below Ninth street. G OVEN. OPERA GLOVES, H AL. "Sr& C 0., 928 CrIESTNUT ST.: Have Past received a large assortmeniof , LADIES' ADIDiGELITLIESEMS °REBA; aLaysa, SINGLE AND DOIIIILE BIT/TOPS, consisting of white, lavender, violet, and other lash ionable colors. • • &Um wgm lIIOTEIiii. EDWARIY•DI7FIFY. F o r many Fetus' the well-known ebbe manage; al • , (31ny'a,"in seventh' street; near - Oheatnnt, Has Opened ` the Tontine, . (One door above Cloy's"hfm his own tginLnt, In con-- neotion with WM. DIIPIry late of 'the c: St. Lawrence Hotel. Their =Apse is are!at.anddeeervellyno. VANTED.-41..•SITUATION. by a young Aman or several. years' eXPerleNCe,. na an, ACCOUlltank Entry Clerk; or tiltYpostllOn Vvller- he can farther the' beet Interests of his employers., • B Itefereneetyrnexcep tionable. 'address 1."11. 4 ,, ot Ole office: oe3lAti TiTAETED.—Wanted an OFF. OE AND STOILA.DE TV ROOM on either 'first or second Door, on Dela . ware avenue, between Arch and Vine streets. Ad. dreeo BOZEO..l.27,.PhilpAelphia POSt oMoe. ocl9:tt •.%• ' - Above Market, east side. ULOTMIN. CLOTHING 'HALL, mx_sc-E.L Bios xt. CLOTHING HALL. COR. CLOTHING HALL. F. eor, Second and Market PHILADELPHIA. CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VESTINGS. Department for Custom Work. Agents for Clothing. EDW A RDS & LAWRENCE oze.4-ir inning ALBRIGHT & HUTTENBRAUCK, 9C.A.EL:c011,13 5 - No. 915 Chestnut Street, Respectfully invite the public to a handsome assort wfuguit or Fall and Winter Goods. ITIFFM lo to :iwtv't :I DI Ilia ;1 • IMPORTANT TO ALL Great Reduction in Furniture. Persons wanting 'Furniture shonld not purchase until they hare looked in at the Great Western Furniture Depot, 1019 MARKET STREET, EEPT BY GREENLY & NORTH And examine our large stock, which we are CL SING orr AT A GREAT SACRIFICE! ott:o tf 'BIIY FURNITURE OF • GOLD & (1 0. lINION DEPOT, ff. U le..Uorner NINTH and ILLEGENT Btreero, and Nos.r7 and =North SIOXerD Street. The Largest, cbeapest and best stock. of Furniture of very description in the world. Furniture far Parlor, Drawing Boom. Chamber or Bed Bocun.Dining Boom, Library, Kitchen, Servants' Booms, °daces, schools, Churches, Oa d-Fellows, Masonic or other Societies Ships, Instituti2ns. Clubs, Coliecres,,, Public Buildings, Hotels, Boardis. g Rouses, Hospluds, Fairs, or a Single Piece of Furniture. Orders sent bFp post will be exccnted with despatch and with Ilberality ant justness of dealing. Pant of a distance remit through our Banker, the Far , mer's and ' Nat. Bank. Chestnut street, or the 'Union 'National Bankahird street, o: by Express. Check or Post Office order; Irma ediate =onion will be given and ashafaction insured. 0013LD s CO.. N E. corner Ninth and Market and nand N. Second street, Phil& EM9IY SPRING__ MATRESS BEST QUALITY Alar STYLE, AND BEDDING OF EVERY DESHUTTIOI9. J. G. FULlyrn., BEIRA 9 South SEVENTH Sheet. F. H. WILLIAMS, .LUMBER Seventeenth and Spring Garden Streets PHILADELPHIA. 0c23 ESTE, LUMBER, Seventeenth and Callowhill Streets. PHILADELPHIA. °c3l.= Ltmeed are prepared to receive il orders Ibr St. Marra Georgia Lumber, of any di. ecripdoA.which will 1:41 promptly execatect. bitiblD SODDEB di CO.. Dock St. Wharf. [aunt! BElltßOßei AND FEAREEN. A. S. ROBINSON 910 CHESTNUT STREET. LOOKING GLASSES. PAINTINGS Engravings and Photographs, Pialn and Ornamental Gut Frames. , (Wired Walnut Rd Zbony Frames, ON HAND OB MUM TO ORDrit. GEORGE O EXITS-AI:MP, Manufacturer of .t00K1NG141.0.88.1 _l3 vortimdrr, pace°. • GRAPH. Plvrulg wad:Ewa , mommoras , MO. 929 - ADM •Street, • Chront-Lithogr be, Paintings, and a great va. rley , Of vino on band. rramentakere- atiajdjAd - WHOLARA 1C AND RET LOOKING GLASIES. leam am_ertmerit In Ornamented OILT abet WAL law rprisale by. • . • • L L • ' t •J . 00WPIAND: 53 South. Pourth-street,. near Chest nut sOBEIV-The 11:1141.T.zarkid Tindeiefitned new receiving into store, theabove udebrated Meat; put up - in Fiikins bfaa'and 6811%:; aledin 13arreltsedd1 Wass-Tam =dime prep:y*4lo disninn it td the trade at the lowest mann.facturer'a prices ..I'oBs, B. EtrtISIER it CO . 108 SoutliDentivare•Avenne ' , Twenty-Five Barrels. Prime. (Irannerries,..ianding and fbrsale-by7 B BL'iti3lEß'sk lOB Sprat. . C 0... Want Avenue, RETAIL DIY tIOOD. 413 E„ D. _ No, 7 North Eighth Street. I have now in store and for sale a most complete and elegant stock of • POPLINS! POPLINS! PL9.IN POPLINS PLAID POPLINS. EXPRESS CORD POPLINS, • ral'H POPLINS. COKDED. SILK POPLINS. One cue - of SILK BTRTPR, POPLINS, only 75 cents , worth fL idERINOES! MERINOES! have geeg f u 11 7 11121- 6t, all e endgtiel Z Ev additions in Attroei eitIODS =nue daily from the Philadelphia and New York Auctions 11118LT:11131 - - MUSLIM I The Cheapest Itteß l7, lStore th the city. JUST OPENED, 24 CMG r yards extra heavy Brown Sheeting, Wide, fo cents. One case of Muslim, beet, for t 3 cents. giVEMS &CALL. Ify Stock of FLA.INTBELS is large and cl;eap. 5e . 24-m,w,f-aat • iIIARY A.. KERR, W. -Cot, Tenth and south Streets, 'the cheapest and most serviceable dress you can obtain is 414 yards of superior quality - • ENGLISH MERINO, At 41 25 per yard, its 61 fcif the'pattern. We guarantee these goods to bathe widest and finest in the market. oen 1024 C h STN /Pi STR] E. M. n7EDLES. Strangers and others fnd at 1024 CHEST- Street, a large and complete aasortment of AND LACE GOODS, EMBROIDIES, • WHITE GOOPS, HANDKERCHIEFS, VEILS, coLL,A,RS and CUFFS, c... 4kt - - In great varlery and at LOW' PRICES E M. NEEDLES. 1 - . 1. 1 321 gas ...maNaSaHO 17-2.-01 JF. IREDELL, . No. 147 NORTH EIGHT STREET, East aide. apace Cherry save:, has now on hand a Put Ina of FALL and WakITIII. GOODS, at reduced prices. Ladles's Merino Vests and Drawers. Gents' White, Clouded. Grey and. Red Merino Shir_,Peu and Drawers. Boys' Merino Shirts and Dzawer2.7; HosietT. Gloves. Suspenders, Ties, Scarfs, &c.l White shirts on hand and =de to order. d perfect fit guaranteed. oicls-3na 1101ABGAINS nc PLits.E BLAt.S. 31.AELAnts. I One lot Black hfohai.-s,,a:ood, at One lot Black Mohr.l,-s, nue, at 'Z. • One lot Black Mobs irs, very fine, at 873:. One lot Black Mohair's, extra fine. at $l. One lot Black lltohairs, superb, at #1 - One lot Ri..k Mohairs, super super. at ,11 25. ' Also; a full line of Marl. - Alpacas, from 44 to V.. Also, a full line of Black Delaines, all prices, at STOKES I,t WOOD'S, 701 Arch street. EDWIN HAIL & CO.. 23 SOUTH SECOND Street, are now oping their Fall and Winter Intportar tons of Si LES, DTVPS'S COORS , CLOTHS, .an„ Heavy Black Silks. Heavy Colored Silks. ' "Pines" Real Irish Poplins. French and Gun= Poplins. Black Goods In grey: variety. Smell e Loan and Square VARBI4GES. 30.11_41EG1 - A.N9r FAMILY CARRIAGES BECKHAUS & ALLGAIER Desire respectfully to cal.; the attention of the Public to their extensive M'arralsztory of FIRST-CLASS VEHICLES ; sum A Landow!, Round Front Coupes, C eoranee Coacher ) Caleches, - Barouches, - Phaetci c. Dog Carts, &c., Oi the latest Improved Eurcpean (Reigns, specialty adapted for private family us P, of which they have a fine assnrtment constantly finished, on hand and in piece's of construction. The residents of Philadelphia and vicinity are in formed that they can be accommodated with (kirriages of modern styles superior workmanship and superb finish at home, without reference to New Y orit or the. East. • FACTORY AND WARDROOMS, 1204 FRANKFORD AVENUE, 0e..6-lni2 Above Ofra.-1 Avenue. PM.FOR SALE.A largo assortment of neat and second-hand Carnages, top and no top . Itockaways and Ge=nantowns, and Express, Wagons. OEO. DODD & SONS, No. 430 RACE street,. Ens. Mi and = oROWN Street- WA.TeIfEES - &ND 217EW EXAM &`E DIAMOND DEALERS .& JEWELERS ATCIIn;7EWELRY k SILTER VilllE. WATCHES and JEWELRY 'REPAIRED. .802 Chestnut St„ Phils . , Raw on hand and are constantly , receiving a Wye and - splendid assortment of GOLD AND sILVTart, WATCH:RS Or all styles varieties. makes and Isrices. All Watchsa van - anted to keep good time. • DTAEOIVDB IN GICE.iT'VAIII:II"TY at, iew t121U3 1181111:11 Priee&,, A laxge stock Co select trout. ;SILVERWARE and JEWELRY of all kinds. In duding EANCrr SILVERWARE StMrARLI4 B 0.& WAIOICES REPAIRILD Ls the bat.manner and . , . !DIAMONDS Bought for' Cash; Ale°, Old Bold , - - , 0018
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