Froo Our Third EdltionrofYesterday. The ITnlon Paelfic Kallroad Excursion. '■ (Special Despatch to the Bulletin. | Alliance, Ohio, Oct. 30.— The istsivho are about to take a run along the XJnipn Pacific Railroad have arrived here. They had a very pleasant run firom Philar delphia to Altoona. Below Altoona a freight train met with an accident,. which delayed the parly five hours. The excnrsibnistaifhoweVei’, started ®n their way rejoicing, and so far have had a good time. At Pittsburgh the party was joined by Capt. John McCoull, Elias D. Kennedy and Josiah Coply, of the Pitts hurgh Gazette . The trip so far, has been exceedingly pleasant. c , St ' From Canada. Hamilton, C. W., Oct. 30,—A grand din ner was given to the English Confederation delegates last night. Speeches were mafo the Hon. JV A, McDonald, Mr. McDou gall and others, all in the interest of the Confederation. The speeches were remark able for the absence of any allusion to the Fenians and to Secretary Seward’s letter. A Yellow FcverSlilp at New York. Nbw York, Oct. 30th.—The United States stdamer Bienville, from.. St. Thomas,' is lying at quarantine, with eighteen of her crew sick with yeU'oW and interihitfent fever. Fourteen others died on the passage. . Railroad Accident. Peekskill, New York, October; 3011*— The Albany train, due at Peekskill about nme o’clock this morning, ran off the track when two miles south of Peekskill owing to the washing away of (he track bv the storm. , "A Three cars were thrown from the track but none of the passengers were seriouslv injured. Both tracks.willbeObstructecTfor several hours. Obituary. Washington, Oct. 30th.-Jacob Uowen thal, well-known as a claim agent of this city, died here last night after, a very few hoars’ illness. , -; v '-<i - ■ ..... The Gold Market. , New York, October 30.—Gold, 146*. _ r, . .Marfeets., "•’/aSiO/jC. for Middlings. Floor firm: sales of 1° snn for sta *? * l2 ®* l4 re for Ohio; ' B ? r Western: and 112 75@,17 for Southern. JJoeat «y, ance !! I< t@ 3o '; sales of isooo bushels at Mllwankee lffiib. and, *3 is for State, qom-; 6c -@ 7c -a sal's of 120.000 bushelsat S}; 0fl t? ii” better. Pork firm; sales steady **' at 71 - *-ard quiet. Whisky Stocks are lower. Chicago and Rock Island, 110’; Cumberland preferred. .'lllinois Central, Michigan Southern,.92li; N. Y. Central. 119 V- ReidW J Ps, 83H: Erie, grajih Company 53Ji; Treasury 7 3-10’s, 10S«; U r J en-Foitles, 100; Five-Twenties, 1141.1; Gold, lisk BAi/nuoKK, Oct. 30. —Floor Is firm-and extendingM upwards, wheat is very firm; Red, $3 35 Com 1 scaice;new nominal; oldye low.n 17. Oats firm at 60&61 cents. Provisions * quUt with a light Sock' Groceries steady, needs steady. Clover scarce Whisky dnU;..Pennsylyanla. %2 37. , W!arce ' CITY BUXJ.ETIN. Scalded,—Win. Jones,aged twenty years, was badly scalded this morning by the ex plosion of a boiler at his father’s silk dyeine establishment, No. 2132 North Front street No damage was done to the building bv the accident. COURTS. Oyee and Tebsiineb- Judges Allison and Ludlow. * afternoon Jamea-MoDaghan.lcbarged with !£§ 1 S! rder °f Moore, on the 16th ofttogSm frrafgned for trial. After eight jurorawSe obtained the panel was exhausted and a special venire was Issued.returnable this morning. The jury’ was theft selected and the tilal proceeded. . y w “ vSt™?.?* 111 .. of f Mr.- Moore resulted from a fight at Steelection? Sanßon> . atTeeta on the night of ardele- AOMteiimßdthii; he attended Mr. Moore: first °° thefront part of the abdomen; there was also I ."a -wound In the oS C t>,£Tff'>,f I IS.^ glon , °L the k Wney: Moofe died ?£i h h^ 9 ? ! wlt „ D6Ba Informed Moore that'he could not hut made no declaration as to the manner In which he received the Injuries.*: aimer in f °r-Shapleigh testified to the post mortem examina .ti ,a? n i§ DdlDg wounds, one In the back and one In the abdomen. The deceased csme to his death from hemorrhage In consequence of the wound In the ab Tril am^Mc^ a J 7^h,in teBtified *0 the occurrences at SLt and. Bansom streets; a meeting of .debates was betog-heldj and he saw Moore present as a dele gate; a row occurred; but the witness dlda’t see Moore receive his wounds, inasmuch as witness was attacked at the time; believe Monaghan was. there, bat could not swear posltively.thathe is the .man; iloore waa stabbed about the same time the witness was attacked’ didn’tseeany one with a knife.' “•“‘•W-aso,. Alderman/McMuUfn l testified that u <saw Moore anerhewssstabbedjsawhimathis honse; went there to takahis dying declarations;nothing -was said noon his dylng;. the night before his death saw him, and, he cottld not speak to witness; that was the first the witness thought he was going to die. and th e n it was too laie to ...minp titrn Jane Flaherty testified that sue was the wile'of Moore, the deceased; he was sensible until within five 1 minutes of his death; he' was'conscious .that he was dying; be- said he was dying; the'clergyman visitld him at half-past seven and he died about eight o’cl ick" the clergyman bade him good-bye, add told hlm. he ’ s£rm£i I rtS r fl ee „ h .l m again; at that time he had-per formed thelast rites of ihe cbnrch; Moore said nothing that morning about the manner in which he haf reoeivtd his .wounds; he .did .before-that; hesnoke' on Thursday and Friday. ■ ? apoKe Thecsse Is still on trial. v. ; Bistsict Coubt— Jndge Bharswootl w XT Burned & Co., vs. John Ciendenntng. 'An ‘action to ■recover for yarn sold and delivered to defendant? Th 2 alleged that the yarn was defective in quality. , VB - George Kurts. Am action to establish the ownershln of certalnregalla. Bistbict -Coijbt,- Judge Hare.— Pollock A lelgned Issue, -..Verdict fhr plaintiff, - ■ * ■Whitney & Son vs. EF. Prenti, <fc Co. An "tion in a book account. Verdict for p’alntilTfor $1,370 ‘J6. James M. Gillian vs. John Hunffi. Ah action on a promissory note. Verdict for plaintiff for *239 25; - Annie Bhoads, widow of Wm. T. Bhoads, deceased and Alexander Bhoads, minor child,-Ac- vs. the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Bailroad S k)1 ?i ,a s^rAß,-SS? 01 i to recover damages for the death ofWm, T.'Bhoads, who was runover and killed Bt Sixteenth end, Washington, on -the 26th of March 1865, by attain of cars. The plaintiff' alleges that the defendant’s agent neglected to signal by whistle or bell. The? defence-alleged that the deceased' could have seemthe approach of, the train had he - used the ordinary caution/- On trial. “ - - “ Sales at Philadelphia Stoeh Board. „ _ SALES APTEB WEST BOARD, 1300 TJB 5-2DS *65 July 108% 2008 h HestODV’eß 830 14% ICCO do ’62 -con 114% 3ssh Lehigh Val -67 ; 2000 Vermont Cent 1 100 ah ~do Bat’y 67 ' _ 119 50 ah Penna E Bswn 67% 10COU8Treas78-10s 50 ah do Jsswn In 58% Kotes AugßSwn 106% 200 sh Cataw pi - 27% 500 . do.’ .July- 105%i . ' ' ’ HEOOND $500511 85 20S *63 106% tOOO Pittsburgh cp sfl 74% 60C« do • , .05 74% .. Flnanclal and Commercial. TOeftnowimt BtattmgntßUowß.tMß DnSneas of the JeTijgh .Coal and Navicratloh 'Gotbpany for tbp ™ p(l w and season ending Oct, w, “ e week .• . .iWeek.- Total; lehlghtgal and Nay: C0...1i,55i°w t ' ' “Shoos 5neM&Cp............2.112J7... w Johnlianhach * 00..._...... 44121 i|iB7 10 _ _ - ' 11,068 09 W.T. Girtai A C0...—.y._. m J 5 Boring Mountain mince.... .159 >2 - Thomas HnU«&C0.:.,......._ . 881 03 Hew York andEehigh.. ; Honey Brook.Coal'Co 1,476 01 Serman PennaycoalCo...... 279 18- McHeal . 295 08" Knickerbocker a...,.;.;..; N0rthMahan0y........... Delano ■Walters, Brother £ Co. Trenton Coal Co 1,06116 Bathburn, Stums & Co A. Pardee & 00.............. 3133 ji O. B. Markle *dm - }« 11 W. a Halsey * Co.. §5 06 Bbarpe,Weiss & cdZ JflB Ebervale Coal C 0.... 1 mi T? Harletebmines„.:i" ;••••’ 1-SgiE SieutcSial Company ™ r ” ’m? m BackHoUntainmlnes. ri« is > Cone, Brotbers ifc C 0.733. 733 8a1tim0re;.;;;..;:..;..; “~T » w? ?? eerman1a;....;...,..... SjiH Behigh and Susquehanna.. 190 lR Mew Jersey ..i......“ ■Warrior Bun Wyoming Other shippers,...,... Parrish tfc Thomas..... Totel to 15 Same time last O3 Increase-..,™: 5,80412 BOABD. ;i-i : -<- 150 ah Little Sell BE 3S 1106 ah SusqCan j X b6O 1614 sl-- 4 ' '• 420,970 08 ?.» 2*,285 06 •- 6<71». 08 10,845 16 1,693-06 , 25,165 05 . 24,12218 19,358 04; 9,28111 8,254 01 -5*805 54 < 12393 08 . 37903 <3<lS3 16 887 10 60,345 00 .. 47U63 03 J 5,566 04 25,754=08- 21.479 ot. ■ 13,862 ! &) ' - v . ( 20,705 00 : 4,4280 D 2.325“ i8 J -10,777 4«\ 37,927 tKP ' 10,457 01'- •10,45712 8,874 03 11655 08 .-4,827 02 . > 5.013.11, 582317. 1.358 02: 10,069 05 908,160 13 729,656-17 l* -SSftrtiuwin? shows aa recetpts of th» DMaware jjivisjon .canal for the week and season,compared with Ban% time last-’year: "rf r-- Ocu 94 Previooeiy in 96 Week ending Oct 28, i5ee....*.... Previous in 1865. ! Jtocrease In 1866 ..<„ ......*82.709 76 . i The.receiptß of oil at Pittsburgh, last week were as follows: . u/i.., .i Rivers. • -11811. Itotal Monday, Oct. 22 1,972 1,50# 3,472 Tuesday, let 23 620 1,841 1 Ml Wednesday, Oct. 24.. 1,333 3,515 4j« Tfcursday, 0ct,25.7.._.i.,i ,7,228 -jV.i,482 ISS Friday, Oct. 26—210 1,453 1 663 Saturday, Oct. 27..... 415 2,000 2|315 Total fitr week. —•,.... 4.778 10,991 . - “ 15,769 ;............947,855 328.356 ' ' 1»5J01 Since January i". Becelptsto Oct. 27 Same time In 1865........ Increase In 1866. 5 enware A F Eberman; 129 do W G Pierce-<7 n Pierce, Bon A Oo; 22 do A Rlobarde; 5 do J rlrre°P * Y S? ng: i? tai blSchine powdis Powara A Weigbtman:BB casks soda ash Wiltaii 19 do GATH ballett; « do Smill & 9* i&ss&ass&gH Hilson A Co; -fine salt John sacks common salt A Kerr A Bro; l.oooptesleadMiSS toims KHo P S od‘a 6 orter nW6re 281 30da ** •« ,2* sla5 la *PWtsS7Wo , WBiii-JWB' do ;tar 32 hlioa feeUnm^^lSwE^ o^ 1 S o **™' Bussell<SsOo; 5293 fflpmftjWZw 005 W»ds 10emptybbU jMSj! ‘"lSbblß potatoes 23Ji hair cords wood ? ro . vld f. ce b teamed 106 ana bailing or Ocean Steamers. I ffllfl ’•• • • -■ : Oty of LimexlckJUyerpooL. J7ew*ork Oct. e uKJX lta . •■-L 0 13 MeUta... Llveraool... Boston & Phlla Oct. 16 City of London...Liverpool...New York. Ocu n gffeun- —.—.Liverpool.Quebec.: —OcL 18 Quebec..—— Oct. 18 L SJ® 10 ! 1 !*- .....Glegow—New York. .Oct. 19 r Etna.—... _L.lverpooL.J7ew York .Oct. 20 Australasian Llverpool...New York.. 0.-L vn ! Fn1t0n.:.,'.:.,...-. York, iu~Oct £' Palmyra Liverpool-New York. oS 23 Bornssla.... -Hamburg-New York.. '"oct m’ Hansa .-.—Southampton-New York... rw* il City of Parra.......Liverpool...New York.... T^Ocrli Britannia.. Glasgow-New York .Oct Is Cuba. i.—. .Liverpool—New Ydrk....;”. S 5? Ocean Queen...... New York—AsplnWll L - Nov U Star of theUnlon-Phllad’a-New Orlean3;-""Nov s Hendrick Hudson-Philada... Havana , Pioneer.’. —Philadelphia...Wilmingtonlng'nov 3 Whirlwind Yhlladelphia—Charlrotoa— Nov I Peruvian.-.. .Quebec...Llverpool.-._ 3 OgofLondon.t.New York...Llverpool "v°y I Vlrelnia New York-Llverpool..... jjov 3 ■St. Lauret .New York-Havre n?l’ 2 Hermann -New York-Bremen .V"'.'" 'Nov I -AJlemanla -NewYork-Hamburg...... .Nov 3 Corelca..„i.:...—J7ew Yorfc„.NasaanA“Hav'n N™’ 2 City Manchester—..J? York.. “'"'Nov 7 Atalanta—. -New 7 China. Boston... Liverpool —.— Nov - Manhattan. .New Ycrk-Havana<6 vc“"Nnv’in City of Paris JSew York-LlverpooL. —Nnv?X Caledonia .New lO Arizona- —New York-Assmwall..~ Ngv 8; MOBISs^TOATEHA : MTOBsg 1, [monthut Oomcrmn. MAEOE BMiLEna. POST GS PBfLAJ)EipH> *-Ocraßgp ai f ,Pe iBISEa. 6 80 1BCT awrs, , 56 I HIBH WaymTTki arrived yjutjekday! S m fth“n P »« t »^M il «n bonDd soutii. TVok offGrosa ISU X4gbt Boat, Capt Q E Klmmcy' of anhy Fuqt Bavannabior Philadelphia, dji. The Fie ashore oa-Joe Flogger. with ttireefaet pblafOT tSffiS Captata ■“»»*> to W 3? Ovde&'fco! honis New York. wft“ frour New York. YfrT D wlfh G m “di! 9 to H N| t ®e r i & hOUI3 fro “ teZefZcg: Shute ’ with lumber Brig J Baker, Lhompson, from Boston. ItmJfe mi BS“cJ‘? keraon ’ ®°“ Norfolk ’ to^ptS?i g ® dnCe ‘ Kennard ’ from Baneor, with lumber Frederica, Del. hf?o r &.^i5 0 & m co Nanocolte Elver ' wlth h mda e e n to T^ r pSlA. ThQmP3 ° D ' from N ewbern, NC. gchr W B Mann, Stanford, from Boston. Flah ' D^ v , 1 ?' f 1 0” Georgetown. - BchrF Nlcaerson, Kelly, from New York * _ CLEARED YESTERDAY. SteamerEC Biddle. McCns,N York, W p Clyde «fc Oo bteamer GHStont, Ford. New York, W P Clyde dt Coi Steamer J 6 Shriver.Dennis,Baltimore. AGtovm j? Port Spain, Jauretche&to gphr J-B Austin, Davis, Boston, Caldwell. GordonA-nn iehr r i N?wfc&v ,V^4 b ’?i ort MoD f°e. Preston Coal Co S araSr & ® antle y. Providence, Blakiston, SchrCWLoose, Huntley, Dorchester, Day,Huddell schr Standard, Kay. Paiem. NJ. W H Johns. 1 * W D illto|wL Bayle3 ' New Haven ’ C“tner,Stlck s^Jj^tatlerlh"alte,Long, Providence,Wannemacher WUUalnson ' Wlnsmore. Apponaug, Stnnlckaon Sghr B'ead KB No 45, PoweU, Washlngton-Tyler & Co r ctjuie * Ce® arr ’ wl * b 30 bar Eca Sir Baltimore, W P | Correspondence of the Phlla. Evening BnEetln. ; The following boata from the Union Cana?°DaMMi Into the Schuylkill -Canals tOKlay, bonnd to phlajadea and consigned as follows: x-nuauej- C.thWlthers, wiih lumber to D BTaylor-fc Ron- Convey, do to Norcross ASheetz; Lizzie* Fanny/do S°t r 1 if 1101 l e *ss°: ■ Virginia and Anna * Kate, do to J H Deysher & Co: Vienna, limestone to P Brown. ! ■ , . MEMORANDA Steamer Saxon, Matthews, hence at Boston yes terday. - Steamer Crescens, Wilson,, hence at Baltimore 2Sth instant. Steamer City'of Manchester (Br), Jones, from Liver pool Oct 18 and Queenstown 15th, with ’ 226 passengers. atHew York-yesterday. = • , t ’ Steamer Santiago de Cuba, Bohm, cleared at N York yesterday for Grey town, Nlc. ' Steamer Heda tßr), Edmondson,.;from Liverpool OCt 16 and Queenstown 17th, at N Yorkyeoterdav Bteomers Scotia, Judkins and; ManhattanTPrlce cleared at New York yesterday ftor Liverpool. ’ Steamer Louisiana CBr),',Thoinnson,’for New York sailed frem Liverpool 11th Inst.J ’ Ship Templar. Rogers, fromßoslon 22d April, at San Francisco 29th Inst. ' a J Snip Winged,aitw, Chase,, cleared at New York yesterday for San: Fran cisco., N ester,Clontm an, trom Calcutta 16th Juae via StNelenallth Sept. at Bostonyesterday. Brig (IB Allen Baker, hence atßoston yesterday. , Brig Nathl Stevens, Saunders, from Wilmington, ■ Pal. forßMton,sailedftonf Newport27thlnst: ■ Schr W H Tiers, .Swain, hence at Wilmington, NC., Schr -E Dorohj Jarvis, hence at Boston 29th Inst. i ' MARINE : MISCELLANY. : v ‘ : ' flve Per-centoalvagehas been awarded at' on .the‘materials ofbrig Joseph Baker, at tbit port, and fifty-five per cent on those ofibng Julia Bartlett, also wrecked. i Tu£Sa l .£'’Hudsomarrlved at this port on* S? d .ty/ ro , m ' l ' lv fS' llool • reports: Oct 23,15 t 39 65, Ion" lar ke'tip steering tits, with mainmast gone by the deck (patent blocks,Trim whitestreaka). OOAXt. Kffl 9 ™ nivrra ATTENTfosnS ? Buck Mountain final aeaitf Arch Street Wharf, Schny'v^V| £ovrtte36lDoSlo»,k£iu Bonth^KOONDStelf^l _»m» ... .y - J. WALCTstm PEHT>ftTRYi 4983 k „ D- KOLPH LKE has administered Nitrons or Laughing Gas, to thousand with per-: Yectsuctess ior Dental, Surgical and Medlcal DM for amnsemeittoly fifty cents(«(ta)wr : tooth ;ibr extracting. No charge for extracting when artificial teeth are ordered. Ofifce ’No. 25? West WasMngton Square below Locust street., Seventh street cars ■ the door. Don’t be foolish enough te go elsawhereaad pay ?2 and t3for.thagas,., N .8.-I continue to Slolu attimijonsto the Denial profession. ocao-ima THE MOST DELICIOUS'S/; ft 'llf SOLD TVERV WHERE THU DAITrY HVKNINC. WFBNK<I»Y nrTOßfi, 31 . 1866 —291,633 88 ..... 10,241 27 .'....198,682 85 •208,924 12 .982 333 339.847 1,271.680 ..416,165 195.066 644,211 144.281 ■ 647.44 s REGULAR LINE FOR HARTFORD. JSSSsfe—c. CONN., VIA THIS DELAWARE ACL RARITAN can at. Thgsleamer NEVADA Capt, Grnmley,bow loading at tt* second wharf above MARKET street, will leavt as above, on THURSDAY next, Nov. 1. . Freight taken on reasonable terms. Apply to ■ ! WILLIAM: M. BAIRD & CO„ Qc2B-st No. 182 Booth Wharves P - STEAMER FOR BALE.—The - last coppered and copper- lhstened GETTY (side wheel). 408 tons O. M. lsqieetlong,24« feet beam; depth ol’holds feet d In 9fSi. dr A , V s.feet 4 Inches water, bnilt of live oak anftted cedar, ; Apply to B. A. SOUDER A CO., - ssLtf ■ . ■ Dock Street Whart : OHMBA2MAXJ and from PHILADELPHIA y Captain JOHN LAUGHLIN, BnpSfntgSeSS pn ** “ FOR BOSTON, Mass,—Express Ltn.e—The fine schooner THOMAS HOLCOMBE, Captain JH5 T Godfrey, is now leading for the above port at above Market street, aod will have ? elgllt ' apply to . DAVID cuurEß, is JN. wharvee. _ , , ocls Sir, mwgn^tt^r BB6 ' apply to w °gp ©TEAMSHIP ROMAN, PROM BOSTON.—Oon* merchandise, per above steamer, will please send for tbelr goods, now landlne at Pine street yrhaxf. (0c29-3t) HRNRY WXNSOR <ft CO, .T J; ®HK>Dl.EK,BiicceasortoJOHN SHI NDX,E R «^ ,l^,°^H done |SUiebeatmannSranil onMellowest teiS UsaMtaSf ® fijoper ; vEarUcylar attention given to lenalrlng. ~,, Adams’ express company.—on" »nd *nm May 1, the FREIGHT nEPVRT. calls entered thefeta ; prevlouH ‘tc? s p. M wfti om?SffKS ea ? lG d ,*7’ a reasonable distance oJ S£&®t e fflo®tett“ d aetUementa 10 JQBJJ; bikqham, soirt.':-’ ;Wd Established BERffUUERY Implements, »ndGood-will. Adi drees H. H. PITCH, Trustee, P, 0.. Phils. oc2Mt* BBnopyiiie-' ~;, "~''—.• T : for NEW YORK, i Via Delaware and Baritaii OanaL The HbUadelpbia and Hewrroi&JSxprewi Steamboat Company. JcttfK • Btetot- Propellant leave DAILY , front fllMHflb HBST WHARF .below MABKHTatTOaI mating the run in 24 HOURS. ali Nerthem and Rasters jmhlW 117 •W^fatreet.s’ew^rV: —: J£J* e and Southern wan Ltaeß - Beoon<l wharf SR TiiURSDAI, Wbvember 8. and sail onSATuH s^y„*-i?„ oV i n i'!H l!lt^vat ' lO o’clock A. Mi. and eve*? SwSSS&fiFSc* “ a oui “ «> iSS Mn *S ,a Wt*.laitDeCk-da,MO.-- n'J h I?, l ' s Al icS ? tB “Id,to thefollowing polnts-Macon 2®- Atlanta, friuia^Alt. 1 , kS 7, Ga ’’ * 3B| Monl S° m “y. Ala., »11; Ku ! Fright taken at lew rates. - . receipt* given at through rates to Haoon Augusta. Columbus, Atlauta.Ga.;Knoxvine, *hSva ooogajNasbvlUeiitemphls. 'Term.: Canton .MlssT' freight received or bills of .lading slgnedon sail. [Agents at Savannah, Hunter <fe Gammell. For freight or passage, apply>to. . . - . WM. I* JaAIEH. General Agent. 3X4 South Wharves. ■ POB NEW OBLKANB. DIRECT!-. LAJDKLPHXA AN3> bOUTH STEAMSHIP COMPANY’S REGULAP .The wellinownflrat class Steamship .. . STAR OF THE UNION. : 1.202 tong register, T.N. Cooksey, Master, f ' Will commence receiving freight for theabove port at secondwharf below bptncesi.reet. on TURSDAAT. 00-' tober 80tb, and sail on SATURDAY, Nov. u, at 3 o'clock p M. Returning, will leave NEW, ORLEANS on SATUR DAY, November 17th, • ,u . | r . This Steamer bag superior State Rooms and other accommodations for psssengen. Cabin passage (ocißeck do., $3O. : Freight taken at low rates. Freight received until 12 o'clock M. sailing day. Agents at New Orleans, Alessrs. Crevy, Nickerson A Co., who will give, careful; attention to shlpmenttol goods to Galveston, Mobile, Vicksburg, anf interior pokits. For ftelght or passage, apply to <: WE L, JAMES. General Agent, 814 Booth Wharves* K- JOB BOSTON. , ~ ~ i*^®M3tS&£ESt3Ss*s*._ The< Bteamdilp BOM AN, Captain Baker, will aal) from Philadelphia on Friday, Nov. 2, *t 10A.M.' The steamahlpAßJßS, Captain Bogss, win sail fromßo&ton on Wednesday, October si. at 3P, jl - The line between Philadelphia and Boston is no* composed ox the BOMJIK, (new), Captain Baker, 1,483 tons bnrthan. SSSS!PM«M!®SB®BSE- These substantial and well appointed steaman Id wUlsaU punctnallyas advertised; andttelgbtwlll6» received every day, a steamer belni always on the berth to receive cai«e. * Shippers are requested to send Bills of Lading with their soocii. . * . For freight or passage having snperler aecommoda turns, apply to HENRY WTNSOB £ 00., ane ■- , 832 Sonth Delaware avenue. FOB WILMINGTON, N. C SSfififi THE PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTH FAUN MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S REGULAR LINE, from BecondWharf below SPRUCE street. The nrat-class steamship PIONEER, captain P. F Hoi Ib, lor WILMINGTON, will commence receiving ftflsht on THURSDAY November Ist, and sail on 6ATUBDAY. November 3d. at 10 o’clock P. M„ and every alternate Saturday therealter—via: November llth, December Ist, Ac. Passengers will lind superior accommodations and best attendance. r C*bln passage, ,20; Deck do., SlO. Freight carried at low rates. No freight received or bills of lading signed on sail lug day. sijenta al Wilmington, WOBTH <fc DANIEL, who will give especial attention to forwardtife goods ad dressed to their care to and from the In tailor. For freight or passage, apply to ~ ' JAMES. GenezvS Agent, ai4 oonth Wharves 4jggk THROUGH BOUTS PHTT.ADKLPHIA. RICHMOND AND NnßPnut RTRAVsmpjgpMPANY. THROUGH RECEIPTH~TO NKW3ERN. Also, toall points inNORTH and SOUTH CARO IJJSA. via Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad, and to IYKCHBURG, VA., TENNESSEE, and the WEsT via NORTOUK, PETERSBURG AND SOUTHHTDB RAILROAD. Tie regularity, safety and shortness of this route to i [ether with the moderate rates charged, commend it o the public as the most desirable medium for carry lug every description of freight. No charge ior commission, drayage, or any expense of transfer. ...... Steamships insure at lowest rate!, and leave reen larly from the first wharf above Market street Freight received dally, ■ WILP, CLYDE <t CO„ selP I ■ »North and Hgonth Wha»™», HAVANA BTKAMKK&. SSBfifi , SEMI-MONTHLY LINH. xEeßieamiQilp* , HSNDHICK rmt TTnam STABS AND STRIPES .. CapUHoLmS These steamers will leave this port fox Havans every other SATURDAY, at 8 A M. The steamship .HENDRICK HUDSON, Howes master, will sail for Havana on SATURDAY HORN HSG, November sd, at 8- o’clock. Passage to Havana $5O. No freight received after Thursday. For freight or passage, apply to . THOMAS WATTSON&SOWB. an2o ; HQ North Delaware av*™*^ FOB GALVESTON. TEXAS. ■SWmtg TEXAS LINE ST&ASISHIPS. STOP PIJSG AT KEY WEST. FLA. The A 1 Bliamahij GENERAL' SEDGWICK, Whitehurst, Commander wUI receive freight at Pier 20 Eaat River, and sail with immediate despatch. For freight or nassace having superior accommodations, apply to BISHOP, SON&OO., No. 105 Arch street, * NEW kxfbkbs like to «r.m 3pMßa&> AKDRIA, Georgetown and Washington Via Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, with coninectloni at Alexandria, Va., fbrm the znosi direct rente lb' Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxville, KaahvUle, Dalton ant the South west. Steamers leave Bint Wharf above Market strea every Wednesday and Batnrday at IS M, For freight apply to the agents, ] W. P. CLYDE * 00.1 ol\ i^uatAi^d^ Q6OIK^™r^^S'* ~^ggJOß MEg YORK.-PhUftilJmn» Hta^i Eaaterajijiiee. ““**"« For freight, which will be taken on »«v»mnn<itHh t ttHBB, apply to 1 mhlfitf " ' WM, M.BAIRD <k 00., Ho. 132 Booth Delaware »venue. I EIPEBM ■^ r ' fobsAi,E. XRAI VEEJHO BVIDK *§» “pliilWOTB B!Ba®saaffiPiM*wMgs 7.80 A. M. for Beading and all Intermediate Btai At USA. «JSS E SS^^& joya. WPfceabane. rittatoCTS^^fe^SfcivfiSS: oonn’eS H —- BajQxoaAtratna .£* "aESchSS, S FliliiSpMantMO OTotta. , BEABIHQ ACCOMMODATION. 411 W,7rt ■ giudpua at «ao ft X.; arrives leave Hantttam att.IOA. “ye ll ®fSJ^ffl 6 ■*§:*sA. M - arrlvingln PMadSi K?inVTrffi 6 *?, 0011 , t'felae teSveHanUim B^MpUaSeispT® “ I4S p> «! KwKFH SS^^”^SA‘ M 6 -80 tfMwt train .with a pfli«mgaf cap utumaLlAftTM FMlftrtglphia afr~12.45 norm -ftw •Rftaflfnr aty my ■All (ho iboTO trains nu daßy. Sundays Axcentad*’ at &w returning flrom~ißead4n£ at *,?* CUnSSTEB VAIJJSY TtATjmtiy «t 7.00 A. BMW TOBK Hew York at 7. 9 A. Mjind fuxrp. M..nan*lmr aSrSSnri'yfj, Alt. ana 1.48 PM, and connect at with Pennsylvania, andNorthem Central iMniipoxt.Btotea. BalUj4orß.dS^ ..2?S rn 5 I fr E*P,«*a Tratn . leaves Bantstxin; on ■nival of Pennsylvania Express froia PtttsbnflEtnat a *?^& (lE AjU.,9.Is P.M. pwwing Beadlncat 4.49 and 1&52 &• snlvlM at New York Joa, m.. £23 3J£ *• M-.. aeooropanymgYhese S&t^^. tetwee^ er * w “"^“Sbnrgh, HarzMta* at 200 P. M. Mail train fer Hanrlabnr* leaves New York at 13 CTOOO4 . «•■•'■• ;-? -■. _T, .--■ •■ . • - - ._. i BCHpqmLj.VAT.Tncv-ii<TT.Tin»T. leave P&tt«vllle at 7,1R80 A. M. and 7.15 P. k., Tanuiqna at 7.55 A, M., and 1.40 and SCgUYIKKi ANDSUBGCEHANNA BAILBOAB. Trains leave Anbom at TJSO A.H. fbr Ptnarove and HarrlsDnrg, and at L%P. H, tor PtamovAand TrS. f ' TlCK■■•.•' Through -first-class tickets and emigrant-tickets naUthe principal points In the Hozth and Wat and The fbUowtng tickets are obtainable only at the Offloe or 8. Bradtord, Treasurer, No. fflj SoathFoortb street. or ofG. A. Kleoils, General OOMMCTATTOH TICKETS At 25 per cent., discount between any point! desired tor tomlllM and Anns. .MUJEAGE TICKETS. to?S^ Bj2dto 8 j2dtoS )etween * Upoln, * ,, * ,a “ e * clll : HKABOH TICKETS. For three, six, nine or twelve months tor ho Idem only, to all points at redoued rated. m.vßflvtraw Besldlni on the line orthe Boad wfflbe mulshed with cards, en titling them selves and wlveo to tickets at half-tore. _ ’ EXCURSION TICKETS. From Philadelphia to principal stations, rood tor Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at reduced tore, to be had only at the Ticket Office at Thirteenth and Callow, hill streets, - . - 7BXH3HT. floods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above polnta than the Company*! Hew Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. FREIGHT TRAINS. iUsve Philadelphia dally at 6JQ A. IL, 11.45 noon and Bori Slpal Stations onlyatkis P.M. ' BCCBUiffiggHg ware d, and hula DKLPHIA nin.itnin VTi VINTJCEt AERARffiESnjNTS. On And »«« MONDAY. Oct 15Ui, 18M, Uu tmu will le»re ta tailowm: WEST. CHESTER TRAINS, awiniMMi. lirWat Obester. from Depot S^SS^^- 8 *”^ 7 - 50 ** 21 - 11 - 00 ** Leave West Chester tot Philadelphia. from Denot on & Market street. &30. B.oa A. M., us, ijiop. w Trains leaving West Chester at t oo AM. and leavtais Philadelphia at 4-45 P. M., will not stop at Penn el ton and will stop below B. C. Jnnctloa at Media only. PKOTTELTON TSADJa. Leave Philadelphia IbrPeimeiton 4.15 and u.OO p, m. Pennetton tor Philadelphia 8,47 A. M,, uta These Trmlns stop it ell Intermediate Stations. OH SUNDAYB—Leave Philadelphia at BJO A. 2L and 2.00 P.M, Leave Weet Chester 7.53 A. M and 4.00 p X. Os Burmara—The West Philadelphia Passeseer cars wll leave Seventh and Harket streets, halfar hour befbre the Train leaves the depot, and will leave arrival oleaeh train to convey passen*ata Trains leaving Philadelphia at T.SO A. IC. and 4.45 p H., and leaving West Chester at &no A. M, and mop. *L. connect at 8.0. Junction with Trains on the P. and B.C. B. R. tor Ozlbid and Intermediate points. AS-Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only as Baggage, and the Company will not, In any rase, be responsible fbr an amount exceeding one hun dred dollars, nnleea a special contract la made lor the same HENBY WOOB. General Superintendent TBfi PAH HANDLE ROOTS WESTWARD. Owing to the great distance saved by THISROCTB the Government has assigned to It the carrying of the C. M AXL to the Principal Cities of the West anf aODIDWBBw THERE BEING BUT ONE CHAHOE OP GABS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND CINCINNATI AND BUT TWO TO BT. LOUIS. PASSENGERS BY THIS ROUTE WILL ARRIVE CN CINCINNATI. INDIANAPOLIS. CAXBO ANP BT.IA)gIB v ONK TRAIN IN ADVANCE OP ANY Passengers living Philadelphia at 1IN) A. U. wll arrive at Altoona In the evening ibr supper, where WoodralTs Celebrated Palace State-Room &eeplm Cars will be attached, and run through to Columbus without change, avoiding changing cars at Pittsburgh at midnight, a comtbrt never beftre afforded tothi traveling community. • Be Bare to purchase tickets “VIA STEUBEB VXLLE ” at . ■ PENNSYLVANIA KAILBOAD OFFICE . Comer Thirtieth and Market Streets, Philadelphia, „ „_ . &I. SCOLL, .<« JOHN ft JOHN DTJBAND. Gen’l §^ D ?£°* dw »y- N6 fe?tu Pennsylvania Baflroad Office, 631 Chestnut street! and Thirtieth and Market streets. West Philadelphia, This great line, tra 1865. PHILADELPHIA. AND _ —-4®BIB EATLBOAD. 1884. great line traverses the Northern and North west grantles of Pennsylvania to the dtp of Brie on Lake Erie, _ __ It haa been leased ana Is operated bytbe Fexmayl yaniaßailroad Company. . : «jcb oy PAsasarasß toaihb at pfiUhan^pazA. j A881V.3 KABTWAEB. Erie Mall Erl© Express Train _i,oo p. it „ . WEAVE WESTWAED. Erie Mall Train.—. S.OO P. M, Erie Express Train™™-.... n»oojr . Passenger Care rnn'thronghon the Erie Mall and Express drains without change, both wajß. between Philadelphia and Brie. ! , ~ .. nbw -tobk oormxonoK. leave Hew York at 9.00 AIM., arrlveatErie 9.50 A. M Leave Erieat 4.15 P. IL, arrive at Hew York 4.10 F. M - Eleganthteeplng Cars on all Eight Trains. Foilnformatlon respecting passenger bnslness applv at corner THIRTIETH: and MARKET a treeta, PhUi. delphia. ■■ And lor Freight business of the Company’s 'Agents - ’ 8.8. Klngaton. Jr., corner Thirteenth and-Marhet streets, Philadelphia, > r - J. w. Beynelds.Ene. Wm. Brown, Agent; H. C. 8.8., Baltimore. _ " - , H.H.HOTJSTOH, General Freight Agent, Philadelphia. _ , H. W. GWINMKR, General TicketAgent^PMladelphla. ■ - General riuporlutendent, Erie. BjBjBB *ngw yor^-raritan AMD DELAWARE BAY RAlL *<!?* ot ™ at., Philadelphia. SP. M—FMlghtlbrlCew York aud Way Stations. Company's Depot,-320 north Wharves, Philadelphia, By fpTM., forwarded by this line, arrive in tfclock nert morning. •' r 2> ® raCTenger Steamer Jesse-Hoyt leaves pier 32 g*«B^K^2sr'?.^ . at Pier B North Blver. N. Y„ by J- 30 P;?■ 7 1 !} 1 rea <ly for delivery la Philadelphia early the following morninsr. ».<■■> \ - x sss'sss*«axis Horth “ ■ ‘ Sto®: “ N ° rUi ™ , ftot : of ; ■ Or atGebeiral Freight and Passenger office, Phili deIphIa.No.fIICHI&TIIIJT Street. 8 . • W.N.OLAYTON, . i Red Bank.N.J. S. G.-HASTY, . General Freight Agent, Red Bunk.N. J. • T. BRENT SWEARINGEN, . . « Genera] Agent, Philadelphia. ' * 8922-ti XBAvaamie ctoidk Jgrfgq- jPPMJi Boinm -ISasmSsssss^W^^i - K 'Hh<lelj)hla, TH3BD street, C*!&«*«« ofJpSksang AMERI* BTOHZB'ABBABrOICHEBT. J •••'•' : On and titer Monda?ihsy£i3aB«LPB*senßer trains ■HMpiasg* P.lC^iS^SmovCStvii s '£^nan '**■•■ 1; mSSSS?S!SSS.‘'ffISSi SR ■Njg DgylaatevmforßewHopk ■ w " an « eß ‘ »“e [issssl i AT. <Jtji^P.'HL—AncmfimodaMonl. jnr, OrariataWn. SnifiES^,* 1 Pwaeranifin . yffi*? Grove, JTatboro’.. and HartßTffle -staaeat^i “LoylestowSr ’ <*£il, S^£:,?k~Z htoa Z tl Anrarmninrtatlon. ta Seth-: 16limaqa»ll Stfcflpnß on suin' line of Koitk ’Pnunris 2~w Brentag Train for Allentown, Maucb te "W*' p l*«veßethlehematsJs;A. M-.and J23BM.,aadSJI i„J?vS£“£ “‘•Si?* <Ureetisonnec«on with Lehigh Val ley trains from £aston, Wttkesbarre. htahonswOttv Hazleton, and arriveß In Philadelphia S2SOFM: ' : ;I*ave’Doyleatown at A. H. Wi and BJb p. M. Leave Lansdale at s am. Leave Tort Washington at law and US P. it gi k. :: Bethlehem for EiuSdSpSrltTso p.m. 1C Hfth and Sixth StoeeS Passenger Cm odar y naa Sneers to and ftom Berks Btreet Betot^;: r *** Whlto Cara of Becond and Third Rw& nT — P*g««»wrs to Third Street BepoL ■neketamnstbeprocaaedatth&TlclmttMHiwi.TOTim iteeet or B£BHB street, In order to secnre Omro. Boms Sooth THIRD street. ■ . mjffl fMtMWma!—ID gOB HBW YOBg—ThanAHii TE^TOK^BAnSoiD^K- I will leave as fellows, via: ■ i! -f -H" 13® Camden and Amboy, Aocom,, »2 a I „ £■-Jff* Camden and Jersey City Express, geo I bpdAaSboyigtpresa. - goe lAt 6JX) P. M.t via Camden' and Atti.itil i* !*«, *2B I biy, Accom Mill Emigrant ' red class iso I Ata, AM.,*and sZoptiLifor Mount HoUy. Ewans. 1 vllle. Pemberton and Ylncentown. At s A.if. and I P. M, Sir freehold. ■“•AiL.ina Ats andiPAjM. 12 M.4.SA and 11.30 F.M., for Pish I P 3 Btvmom Progress, belanco 3S ,B?te =as JumMs? 801 * KENBmGTOH DEPOT will l*av4 At UA. M, tso, #,« P. 1L and IS ip Jt CnifhO via , S^SsssffiSKTyrajsS!! i fZS,¥ :l ?y' o^ iL ?fo*'^ ! £iABo,sandslOP. I OP. K., and I 12 Midnight for Bristol, Ti enton. Ac. . At 7 and ltlS, UM.,t 4,6,and8 P.M.toi Tacony.Wlaslnn {g lo !* Bridestonrg * n< * Fr&nkfbru and at id.IB a » tor BrJstoL Bchencks, Eddington and £P. M for i Holmesbnr* and In term odlate Stations. BELVtDBBEJ&ELAWAKE BAHEOAD, for Uu Delaware BlverVaHey, Northern- Pennsylvania, and pot, JL3 follows:. . . Booster, Btngtgmpton, Oswego, Bynooae, Groal Bena, Montrose. WJlkeßtairre Scranton, Stroudsburg, Water Gap, Belvldere, Easton, lambertvllle. Ptenl ngton.ic., Line connects direct with he TrninleavlngEaston forManr.h Chnnk.Allem town. Bethlehem,Ac. _, --i *»uMr AtSP. JO-For New York, and Way Lines leaving Ken •lugton Depot, take the can on Plfth streetTabavi I Walnut, half an hour before departure. Tbe on run I IheDenotf** 1, and on arrival of each Train, run from I An acdlUohal Ticket Office Is located at Mo. S2S due- I not street. Continental Hotel, where tickets to New 1 1 ork and all Important points North and East, may I be procured. Persons purchasing Tickets at flits 1 Office, can, by leaving orders, have their baggage I checked at their leeldences, by Graham’s Bagnxe I Express. * I Ktty Ponnda of Baggage only, allowed each Passes I ter. Passengers are prohibited from taking anythin! I as baggage bnt their wearing anparel. all 1 over nfty pounds to be paid for extra. The Comnaav I limit their responsibility for baggage to One DoUacsei I pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond iiOO. except by special contract. : LINES FROM NEW YORK POE PTTTT. A TWBT.PTTTA Will leave from foot of Cortland street, at 12 M. and 4 P. M., via Jersey City and Camden. At 7 and if A M., 0 P, M. and 12 Night via Jersey City and Ken slnrton. , . ncan Pier No. IN. Elver,at 5a M. and 2, 4 P.M. via Amboy and fintrwion, ■ : ~ : : WM. B.QATZM wk, Agon,, I7K I PHILADELPHIA. GEHMAK ■Wf«*Wg"," > i!ir,>TOWK AND NOHBISTOWH TABLE.-on and alto MON- DAY, May I6th. XWJ* UriUnl n PI *vTfJl» LeavePhiladelphia—*,7,B,9,lo, li, 12, A. K.; Li s.lO mlntltca, 33i, 4,5,5 X,«, 7.8,9,10,11,12, P. hL Leave Germantown-*, 7,7 K, 8, ASO, 8, 10,11, U, A, 1C; L2,8,t.«,a,6X,7.8,9,10,11P. i. The &£G down train, and the 8K and 6X an train* do aot (top on Germantown Branch. ' . , , iON StTUDATB, FbUadelplila-uomlnmeaA, it; 2,8,5,8 ana lOS(i *• hu Leave Germantown-* A. M.: l, 4. 4 X and (X. F. K. CHiOTNTJT HILL kMLBOAB. B, M, u, A. IC; 2, «, w, r, i, leave Fhlli andu.P. M. Leave Cbestnnt HII.I—T.IO mlnntan. 8,9.40, mrtu 11,40 A, !£,; 1.40, 8.40, E. 40,0.40, 8.40, and 10.40 P. IC. , ON SUNDAYS. -’-Ma-fclO nunnteß, A, M.;2,5, and 8 Lem Chttgui mi-ftiQ mlnnie* A/*L; 11.40, M« ind mlantea P. ££. " - FOB COKBHOHOOKKN AND NOBBIBTOWN. mlnntee, A. ic.; U<i Norriitown—6s£,7, 7.50, 9, U, A. M.;«,«,«* The SXP.H. train will atop at School lane, Wlssa niekon. Manaynnk, Sprin* MHls and OoniionaDkan onl7* * ■ . ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia-* A. u., 2Ji,4, ana T% F. M. Leave Norristown—7 A.M.. ijmd 6k and 9, P. w. ' - 808 MANAfTOK. - Leave Philadelphia—e, 11.05 A; It.; Df, 8, 068.05, and 11* B U .vaia.wa.wt, !x£d a s“ W ’ U °‘ »,*, .OK atUTDAYB. teave Philadelphia-* A. M.UX «, and ni p. X, iicays Manaynnk— 7X A. M.; lji 6, and 9>i p. s, 'i i W. T. WllfiON, Gteßßral Snperlntendeiu, v : • ■ L Depot, Slum ana Green meatt. I>tiUCaajaSa.j WEST JERSEY RAILROAD * LINES, ttonx foot of Market streec upper Jb'elty, commencing MONDAY; September 24, 1860, - • ' J LEAVE PHILADELPHIA AS FOLLOWS: For Bridgeton, Salem,Millville, and all intermediate atations, at 8 A.M., Mali. a. 30 P. M., Pass eager. For Woodbury 8 A. M .7-8-30 P. M., and 6 pTm. For Cape May at 3 SOP. M. i BEfTtJItNINGTBAINB LEAVE Woodbary at 7.15 A. M., 8 40 A. M., and 4.54 P. M. Erldgeton at 7,05 A-M. and 3.20 P. M. Freight 6.30 P. $L Salem at 650 A. M. and 305 P. M. Freight 5.45 P. M. .Millville at 6.65 A. M.and 3.08 P. M. Freight 6.10 P. 21. v . . Cape Slay at 11.45 A. H. Passenger and Freight. FREIGHT -win be . received al, Becond Covered Wliarf below Walnut street, from 7 A. SLontil 5 P. SC Freight received before 9A. M. will go lhrward the same day. . . . . ~ . FREIGHT DELIVERY. Sol 228 BOTTTH DET. A . WAKE AVENUE. ■ ' I ’J. VAN THE WEST XEBBEYEXPBESS COMPANY, will attend to all the usual branches ofexpress bualneoa. A Special Messenger accomp. nles each-throngh train. Office foot of Market street, Philadelphia. , seM-lP J. g. MARK-LEY. General Agent. Bt—D ’PH 1 liAPEIiPJHIA ' dt BALII MORE CENTRAL RAILBOAD.- WiSTEB AND AFTER MONDAY. Oct. 15.1866. the Trains wUI delpbla, ftom the Depot of the Weat Chester Arma is ¥?£« A Market Train wlth -P»«senger Car attached, wlll ran on Tneedays and Fridays, leaving the Rising Son .at 11.15A.M1, OxfordatlzooM,,and*Kennettat 100 P.M...connecting at West Chester Janotlon with a Train tbr Philadelphia. Oit TTetaffldlS3 t* daysT trains leave Philadelphia : throngh to Oxford. .■"« . - f : j ~ The Traffi-leavJng Phlladelphla. at 7.50 AvMrCon neaBat adally. Knnofßtaps ffir Peach Eottom'to connect at Qxibrawlththe Afternoon Train fer Philadelphia. leaving Philadelphia at *.45 runs to Biffin : Passenger* are Allowed to take Wearlng Apparel only, an baggage, and the Company will noflnany case be responsible fta an amount exceeding one ban dred dollars, nnleea a special oontraet be made far the same mhl9 HENRY WOOS. GenT. Sop’S, TRATEirag svxmsu ■RBESpnai and BAT.Tmfmiii.rßatt- . Broad street and Waflhlngton avenue* m r -il6 A. Mm /,* .llfe3g3a^s%gß;; - Qbue’a and Btenunez’a Bonl ."fa™ I** 1 ** ; ; yJaymopt, Wllmlneton. Brewaik, mktoa, Narcb-Sut, < Expiaaat 11.00 P. K. ftoßaWinare and W»H* jif*®*® l1 *®™-. 11 ? boat from' Baltimore ftor 'iartraaa , toe 11CA < M b fes^ tyralllt 11114 BlcbmondwUltak* - gaaiamsi" gJJB B*Hxo«l for Harrington and intermediate ata- * r > T ,y^^^P&HTBAIKBPROM RATyrrMfmii' ", 3 ; grsm.Baltlinor6. , inPMittiffti^v>«.. •i .; a**.;iwi.M vntelhrWllinlpgtonaatllntflrTnAfiitttfl --♦ : :v ‘ • •SOIT.DAY dTRA!!®. ter*- PgrryvllJe, H*jTrg&ek£ ? *£s Baltimore and w«*. : • ■'rll-iHf?™”™™* WTTr;<nw.aint .! tonandNewarfc(to UsSjraXeßgeratorlhSaSlSS i.^TO ,^a ?s n A blto will &r pm. and Intermediate StationsateSo rm” ra^ •' ; '' ~~ ."'' * : -S. f. KSaagy, BaperJr**'**' _ '“““A* _ ' . .Th®. t™* B of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad Depot, at Tnlrty first anff Market streets; naay. ue reached, by tne cars of the Market StreetPasseneer : Railway, as weilas'by-Qiose'ol the - Te ■pSS»,HF? 1 e i 2 s ’T 1? ? e i . stt f kat street Cara leave' SpStnra ® trectS 45 ““«<* before; the atthe Depot. Orders left at the office 631 Chestnut street, will receive attention* ■ * ~ TBATK3XELA.VE DEPOT, YIZ.. ' at 9.00 A v PAOU ACCOM..- HoaTl : <fc iT Wii PITTSBURGH & fiBIE *fATT. / / ■ |*{sj p’ S* PHH,adedphia S lTm p w* d^ ttS^ Erl o Mall leaves daily, except Satur <^.«SSttSSyfSleav“aaUy - Another trains Ptssoigersby.Day Express goto Williamsport iIOP'W hal!Be ° f<arS ’* n<l arTive at £°<*Haveuat Paie.Dgera by Day Expbe=s go to Carlisle and Cbamberabnrg without a change ofcara. - “ Sleeping Car Ticketscanie bad on application at ; the Ticket Office, S3l Chestnut street “ . TRAINS ABBIY.E .AT DEPOT. VIZ : DAY , — ♦——«»-» (i HABBISBDBO a<XOM.JZZZZIZZ “ 9ja **- Philadelphia Express arrives daily, except Monday. d*l?S“pts3^J mra<l “ li, ‘ A ll oaier Passengers leaving Doci Haven at 7.00 A. M.;and Vf iliiamspon at 8.40 A. M. reach BhiladelphJaTwith- ' preßj^SaSwEAS 3l from WUUams P^byDayEx- The Pennsylvania Railroad Company Will not aa. SWJ?XiSff: for Baggage, exceptfor • rel. and limitUieii responsibility to One Hundred BcE Baggage exceeding that amount in ' speS&Sm?!cfc ° fl owner, nnless takenby Por farther ir fbrmatlon, apply to ?¥£«? 631 street fcAMUEI. H. WALLACE, -ticket Agent at the Depot. EmfiRAXY T&joz; runs dally, ezcept Sunday. Forfall to fare and accommodation* apply to FPNg. 137DocfcYtreet ft4i tJgiii3ls~TO ' PLEAJauKK TRA gßr.wrgg* XBmsHOBXHar eoutb NIAGARA FAIiLS IS VIA THE CATAWTSSA RAILROAD, Connections Immediate and sure, , No road so free from dost, „ I»ra pfciiadeiphla from - h PHILADELPHIA. AMD BEADIKQ BATT.pnin . DEPOT, , V o THIRTEENTH AND CADLOWHXLL, Si 8.15 A.M., NIAGARA PAT.TJ, 1 . EXPRESS raagstag Williamsport without change of cars at(3a P’~l* (supper), arriving at NfacaraEalls at 9.55 * m wfSui^ lroas ‘ 1&om tcaSch^ JfS* Passengers remaining over night at William s procured at the Oompans^sofflceT 110811, whl<ai eanb * H s£?f reets ’ „„ n. van horil General Paaaangar Apmt a. xn.ns TATnurm ctc '~»Tffr>vr JOfiJ? A- WAK2JER for Burliuffton. and. »*® etnrn S lff leaves Bristol at 7.10 A* S&n! *SX£S S ®ach way at Blverton, Torresdale, Ai£ and Beverly. Fare, 25 cents. Excursion, 40 : CC2frtf> CAST OB WHEELS, T?°® heal-th abb strength toe capS WTTFlIrj' & CO - a PATENT glass castor These wheels are designed for Pianos, Bedsteads..**. they give to pjanoa a greatly Increased tw>ot detracting-(tom the harmony andmelody of theinsiroment, rendering every note SS’JMSfiSi 04 40 ***B e ,*f- This la so apparent that they a i! pli S i b -£ 60 these valuable mo «S^i. ill s5 mneiltB - J £ r - valentine Mott, prevlona to his %£SSZi,¥ ta ? omic S iQl ? Glass Castor an ha- Invention for, bed&st invalids, who are or torn, as frequently happens from&ose now in use. a , roflt i Which adheres with glue-lika SSSS^*^ 0 80011 annoyance can possibly proceed ftom the Glass Castor wheels, as we all know that' glass is non-corrosive.: There are no rough or unfin ished edges to the Glass Wheels such as we often And p those of iron, and the latter, though smoothly fin- • ishea, will soon rest, from the dampness of the atmoe* < phere, If nothing else, producing roughness on thesur fece, or edge, while the former will always maintain ' of glass, just as they are finished. 3Jy Bleeping upon glass wheels you retain all the elec tricity you had in your tody on retiring, and yon eet up in the morning- ffeeling as - fresh and active su& y<mng man. Glass being a non-conductor, the elec* tricity gained wnDein bed cannot pass off! Askvonr doctor what be thinks of the GlasiHOastor Wht!sZ Askhimif all dlsessS, with the r diseases, are. not .caused from the want of electricitv behave a man incur place whom the doctore pS* nonncea past ctnlng, vwith -the. tnflammatoryrhet£ miaS? 4 * it ', w^ Gels ■ cured him in less than four a stouthealthy man. Thesenre 5fS l .J 011 ca E be . p JS^P n oi application at onr office. WcsMl?b < NiS- e ToiS hfl - lie il pllla ’ or at onr Factory .at F ev , Jersey' where we have some sixty to“wh^ loy 6,1 ta 1110 of the Glass oS jiOO will be paid to any one who wlllsaythey have s.°f’^ e ,S s -uY9 £4 “ybenetitor relief after using Capewel] feJpA.s Patent Glass Castors, A sample set (t> of the to any part of. the United States, on re. oeiptof SI SO. " J. E. CAPE WELL & CQ, \ gAßflriESs. dfeo ■ IQS Booth DeUwmraaranne J< ”-«-goSSnEfr«oo- >. AND «u > '
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