SECOND EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. TIE BALTIMORE POLICE COM MISSIONERS. GOVERNOR SWANN SACKING THE REBELS. The Commissioners Summoned to Annapolis. The Gale on the Southern Coast. The Baltimore Police Commissioners.' Baltimore, Oct. 19. —Governor Swann has summoned the Police Commissioners to answer the charges made against them by the committee appointed by the Con servatives of this, city. The notices were served last night, requiring their presence at Annapolis, on Monday next. ’ The Gale on the Southern Coast. Fortress Monroe, Oct. 19.—The steamer Commoner, which sailed on the 11th inst from Charleston, bonnd to New York, put into Norfolk yesterday, short of coal. She was 4days north of Hatterasand experienced a succession of heavy northeast gales. On Tuesday she spoke the schr. B. M. Haw kins, from New York for Charleston. Price of Go! I By the Amerl New York, Oct. quoted to-day as folio 10.00 A. M., 148 J 10.16 149 11.30 . 149 10.45 149 11,00 1481 Marliets. New Yobk, Oct. IS.—The Cotton market Is dull at 40@42 cento for middlings. Flour has advanced 6@lo cents lor State; sales or 13 500 bDls. at $8 25@|12 10 far State, |lO 60@513 60 for Ohio, 18 25@}1l 40 for Western, and ill 10@?16 SO for Southern. Wheat Is l@2 cents befer: the sales are small. Corn is 1 cent better 80,000 bushels sold at 99 cts.@sl Cl. Fork firm; sales of 1,600 bbls. at $33 C2ja. Lard steady. Whisky steady. High Art Performance in Professional Crime. [From the Cincinnati Commercial of Wednesday, j At about nine o’clock last evening, Mr. Thomas Kennedy, a rather elderly gentle man, employed as book-keeper in the wholesale confectionery of Austin <s Smith, Nos. 66 and 68 Main upon returning to his lodging room, in the store building, from the Mercantile Library, was collared in the dark passage-way leading to the stairs by three ruffians, who quietly told him not to make any noise, as they knew that there was nobody in the buUding or in the 1 vicinity, ■ save him and themselves. Seeing two or three knives displayed, Mr. Kennedy concluded that he would be si lent His captors then explained to him that they were aware that he had the keys of the safe, and > that they wanted him to open that-safe and give them what money might happen to be contained therein. At this j nncture a fortunate idea suggested itself to Mr. Kennedy. He thought of the faithful and powerful watch deg in the store and immediately decided upon his course of action. The store door had already been opened by the cool “cracksmen,” and they entered without difficulty. Immediately upon finding himself in the store room proper, still firmly held by his captors, Mr. Kennedy whistled for his dog. Instead of the growl and rush that he had expected, Mr. Kennedy heard only a response from one of the robbers—the head of the party— who quietly remarked: “Yon need not whistle; we fixed the animal; his throat is cat; Another suggested that if Mr. Kennedy should whistle again or make any more noise they, wonld shoot him; bnt the captain mildly stated that it wonld be better to cut his throat as that would not make any noise. Mr. Kennedy did not whistle any more, bnt proceeded to carry out the orders of the ruf fians, unlocking the safe and giving to them all the cash it contained—§3oo. Having se cured thiß, the thieves gagged their prisoner hound him hand and foot and laid him oat. on a lonnge, and quietly departed, thussuc cessfullyhompleting one of the boldest aid most impudent crimes ever perpetrated in the Queen City. Mr. Kennedy succeeded, after half an hoar’s straggle, in freeing him self, and gave the alarm. CITS BVILLETO. [tree Second and Last pages for additional Locals.] The Cholera.— The reports of the cholera at the office of the Board of Health to-day, showed only two new cases. The ViETtrES of Bowee’s Infant Cob ptat. need no comment from our pen. Thousands of amines daily attest its efficacy. H. A. Bower, Sixth and Green, sole proprietor of the Cordial. Patty Bband’s Brown Sal ye.—Bower Sixth and Vine, sole proprietor. , Druggists’ Sundries in Every Va riety. SNOWDEN A BROTHER,lmpnrtera, 23 Sooth Eighth street. 6-20 Coupons Due November Ist, Wanted by DREXEL&CO., M South Third street. i „ Bronze Ink Stands, Fane, Card Receivers. Jewel Caskets, Cigar Cases, Cutlery, etc. SNOWDEN & BROTHER, Importer, 23 South Eighth Street. Mujavi^!—-This is a new perfnme, yet Ithas alreadyWebieved a success which has established ftorcputalion as the most delightful delicate and du The lapse of time but adds tn itg essential . For sale by all the principal Drngshta.- Ehiiadelphia Evening Telegraph, COURTS. Quarter Sessions— Judge Allison.—ln the case of James Cahill, charged with lar ceny, the jury yesterday returned a verdict of not guilty. This morning the court is engagedwith desertion cases. Shipwreck and Probable Loss of all Hands.— The schooner Taglioni, Capt. Parker, while on a fishing cruise fell ; in with the schooner William,- of Cherryfield. bottom up, in the Bay, on Saturday, and after considerable trouble and cutting away her foremast brought her right side up and towed her to. Scituate. ' The fete of her crew ?s unknown. She is a vessel of about 90 tons,'and is laden with shinglee and other Inmber, and was probably bound to this port: Her cabin and deck honse had been Bwept away. It is barely possible that her crew may have been saved by some ontward bound vessel.— Boston Herald, The Long-Lived Broughams.— Lord Brougham has talked with a lady who lived In the reign of Charles 11. ; shewSshis great creat-aunt, who died at the age of one hun dred and six, in the year 1789. Lohgevity xnnsin titt/BroughaEQ family—ljordßroug hara’B grandfather died at ninety-three, and bis mother, at eighty-nine. ’ Submarine Cables Reconstructed;— The three cables in the English Channel, which were broken by ships’ anchors during the recent gales, have been repaired, and the telegraph communication between Eng land and France,andEnglandand Belgium is re-established. In New York. i Telegraph Co.] 19.—Gold has been >ws: 11.15 A. M., 148| 11.30 148? 11.45 148| 12.00 M., 148? 12.L5P. M., 148? COMM BBfnfAl. RAT.wa OF STOCKS, BOARD. 300 sh Ocean Oil 6% 100 sh Cam&Am scp 45% 47sh Penna & dbill 57% 10 sh do .57% 100 sh Busq Cnl b3O 14% 100 eh Phil & Erie c 32% 100 sh do b3O 32% 200 Sh do S3own 32% 300 sh Gatawiss prr 31% 100 sh do b3O 31% 100 eh do b3O 31% 100 sh do b6O 31% ssh Central NBk 130 . 18 sh Fra &Mec Bk c 134 100 eh Bank & Brokers' FIRST: tSrOOTJS 5-208 ’65 108 X 10000 P S Teas 78-10 No tee Jane losjf 2WO do 108 3000 PS- 6-208 ’62 COU 115 FOO do 114?,' 8200 City 6s new 100 3060 Lehigh 6S ’B4 92H 1000 Cama & Amboy mtg es ’B9 99 15000 Vermont Cent 2dmgt 41 !4 1000 Snsq Canlßds 65 2000 do 651; 360 do scrip 64 a 700 do 64 % 2000 Elmira 5s 67 3 8h SchNv 28 Tel 500 sh Fulton Coal PRICES OP STOCKS IN NEW YOKE. {By Telegraph .) FIBST cm. bid .. 57?* sales .420 X sales ,4131-4 bid ..l'Sk sales .. U% bid .4273 i bid Steady. American Gold Beading Railroad NewYort Central United States 6s ’Bl..*.** United States 6s, &-20 a.... Erie *.*, Hndscn River. Finance and Business—Oct. 19,1866. The Stock Market was decidedly stronger to-day, and the general tendency was npward. Government Loans were active and higher. The Coupon Sixes, *Bl. closed at 113%; the old Rive-Twenties at 115@115%; the Seven-Thirties at 106, and the Tten-ForHee at 99%. State Fives were firm at 96%.: City Loans, of the new issues, sold at par—ah advance of%. AH the better class of Railroad and Canal Bonds were more sought after. Susquehanna Canal Bonds sold up to 65%. -Beading Bailroad closed quiet at 58@58%. Pennsylvania Ball road advanced %. and sold at 57%. Philadelphia and Erie Bailroad sold at 32%@32% b. 30-the latter ah ad vance of %, and Catawlssa Bailroad Preferred at 32% ©32%. Canal stocks were held firmly. Sniquehanna Canal sold at 14%-an advance of %. 58% was hid for Lehigh Navigation; 86% for Schuylkill Navigation Pre ferred; 28 for the Common stock, and 57 for Delaware Division. Bank shares were very firm. Farmers’and Mechanics’ sold at 134, and Central National at iso. 106 was bid for Southwark; 100 for Western; 2)0 for North America; 150 59 for Girard; 68 for City; 58 for Commonwealth, and 70 for Corn Ex. change. In Passenger Railway Securities the only sales were of FCestonville, at 15%. M. Schultz & Co.. No. 16 Bonth Third street, make the following quotations of the rates of Exchange—in Gold: London, 60 dayß sight***.* 44 8 day5.....*........ Paris, 60 days sight,*...**. “ 3 day5*......*.*.. Antwerp, 60 days...* Bremen, 60 days.**.** * Hamburg,6o days Lelpsic, 60 days.***.*...* Berlin, 60 days**.. * Cologne, 60 days Amsterdam, 60 days.** Frankfort. 60 days....*.* Market steady. Messrs. De Haven <ft Brother, No.? 40 Bonth Third street, make the'following quotations of the rates oi exchange to-day, at IP. M.: . Selling, American Gold*..*..* *.***l4B% 149 Silver- Quarters and halves ...141 Compound Interest Notes: “ “ June,lB64.* 16% “ 44 July, 1864... 16% 44 44 Aug 1864... 15% M 44 Oct., 1864.* 14% 44 M Dec., 1864... 13% “ “ May, 1865... 11% " 44 Aug.,1865... 10 H 14 Sept,lB6s.* 9% " 14 Oct.. 1865... 9 Jay Cooke* Qo. quote Government securities, *c„ to-day, as follows.* ' Buying, Selling. U. 8. e’s, 1881.**....m..*w....m*..,...«...113 113% Old 5-20 ....... 018 115& New 520 Bonds, 1864 - „11QX Uo£ 5- 20 Bonds, 1885 ...-OIOX 111* 5-20, July, 1865 ; 1-8 X 109 10-40 99X 10GX 7 8-10, Augu5t............ '* June................ “ Ju1y..... ."..105J* Gold—at 12 o’clock.." ..........148%; Smith, Eanaolph & Co.. Bangers, is Bouth Third street, quote at 11 o’clock, aa follows: q*iii a U. B. 1881 Bonds. 1— 0,8. 6-20, 18g2. m .""."..".".".„..."." W "...Us^@Us’< “ ,"."11Q%@110% 11 IMS. r , U.B, »%«100 U, B. 7-lo’fr-lst serIeB MM o MMM .. MM .M. M M MM . WM IO69(@iO6^ “ 2dseri6B MMMM . M . M . n .. MM . MMMMM aO6 @106% “ BdserIes, M .. MMM . MMM .. M . M . MM _iO6 @106% 5-20, July, 1865..."... "108%@108% Oomnonnds- Dec.. ißfi4 —— ~...,-114 & The Inspections of Flour and Meal In Philadelphia; during the week ending „Oct, 18, 1866, were as fol lows: 1 Half Barrel*! ofSoperflne .. Barrels Of Rnpnrflno —1^.,.,,,,, Philadelphia Markets. Fei day, Oct.l9.—There is a firm feeling in the Bread stuff market, and a moderate home consumption de mand for Floor at yesterday’s quotations. Sales of 1,000 barrels Northwest extra family at |l2 50@fi3 75 9 barrel—the latter figure for choice lots— including Penna. and Ohio family at sl3@sl4 50, fancy at sls® $l6 50, extras at s9@l2, and Buperfine at $7 75@8 75—as in quality. There 1b bnt little Rye Flour here and it is held firmly at yesterday’s' quotations. 1,200 barrels Brandywine Corn Meal were taken on secret terms. The receipts of Wheat continue trifling and it U held very firmly. Small sales of fair and choice Red at s3@3 15 $ bushel, and White at $3 15@3 30. Bye Is in demand with sales of 3,700 bushels sold, part al $l 30® $l 32, and part on secret terms. There Is considerable activity in Corn, with sales of 10,000 bushels at $l 10® $1 12 for yellow and $1 08@l C9for Western mixed-to arrive' Oats come forward slowly and command 59 @6O cents. In Barley and Malt no farther sales have been re ported. Cotton Is very quiet; small sales of middling at 41 cents &Ld New Orleans at 42 cents. Naval Stores are unsettled and Spirits of Turpentine has advanced to 82 cents. Whisky is steady; small salesofiPenna. at $2 41 and OMoat $2 43@2 44. If you wish real fine and strictly pure TEAB AND COFFEES At lower prices than much Inferior goods are usually sold for, go to tue new Tea Warehouses of the AMERICAN TEA CO., 21 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Between Market and Cheatnnt ala., \ AND 932 ARCH STREET, HEAR TENTH. Every person In want of Fine and Btricily Fore Teas, Coffees and Spices, will find It to their advantage to try oars. We guarantee to give satisfaction. OCIB-B,m.w 6*rp . IMPROVEMENTS NOW COMPLETED, EYBE & LiNDELIi, FOURTH & ARCH STREETS, ARE OFFERING A NEW STOCK OF DU, Y G- OOD S, FOR FALL OF 1866. FIHBBT MEBIHOES; RICHEST BRESB GOODS. ' MAGNIFICENT POPIINS. BLACK. AND COLORED RkP* BILKB OF HEW STYLES EXPENSIVE SHAWLS. BROAD VELVETS. * GOOD BLACK SILKS, ftc„ &o. s®. BOTE.IM7 SPRUCE street, has aiwnTwS 164 h “ Lessons In PIANO and BINGING. ocl9-2t« TMPERIAL FRENCH caw m m X canister, and fancy boxes, imported and fbr by JOB. B. BUBBIKB *OOI 1(B Bou»bDtfawSf RAlmiwb AND LEMON&—Bnncb, Layer * p less Raisins and Malaga LemonsTlandlng ftS? talk La Platband fcflfiJeby JOB. S. bubpThbS 00-. ins Boutb Dalawuw awnna HEBOONB OAKAOCABINDIGO now landln. WTNQfbrsals byJOml Watunt stmt. THE DAI — 107X@I08X ... —..108X@1093f -§C 25 ®S£2UC .......~...5t. 2U*@s£ 18* ■ - 78 <a 78V 35 @36 “zr: n @72 .. 71 & 72 4O @ 41 - -40 ®4l 107 ...aos?i ' 106>4 T EVb.s'lNtt BH FLANNELS.;, m : ' - i : . .••<!. ."i -I FLANNELS! , FIANNELSI Real Welsh Flannel. Shaker Flannel. Sivanskin do., very soft and heavy. English nnshrinkable Flannel Persian Flannel, silk warp. Ballard Yale and oth‘r Domestic Flan nels. Domet and Gauze Flannel. Red and Grey Flannels. Fancy Sacqne Flannels. ; Canton Flannels. A fall assortment now received and ftr sale by Sheppard, Van Harlingen &Arruoa, No. 1008 CHESTNUT STREET. ocisetrp} blankets; The snbrcribers are how prepared to offer she larcest assortment to be found In the city, of SUPERIOR BLANKETS. All Wool and extra width for best family use. AIBO, GRIB AND CRADLE BLANKETS, And a fall line of MEDIUM BLANKETS FOR HOTELS, PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS, Ac. Sheppard,Van Harlingen &Arrison No. 1008 Chestnut Street. ocis-6t rp{ A DESIRABLE HOME SECURITY. WE OFFR FOR BALR A Limited Amount OF FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS Off THE CONNECTING RAILROAD CO, At the Low Rate of 93 1-3, For a short time only THESE BONDS, BOTH PRINCIPAL AND IN TEREST, » ' Are Guaranteed by the PSirari YLVAHA BAKSOAS CO. In’ereat Payable Seml-Annnally, CLBAB OF STATE TAX. For ftll particulars In regard to the above security, apply to DREXEL & CO., No. 34 South Third Street, ccl6tfrp* WANTED, NOVEMBER COUPONS, For Which the Higheit Price Will he Paid by JAY COOKE & GO., 112 and 114 SOUTH THIBD ST. OCIMSt] Bp ' 1865 5-20’S EXCHANGED FOR 1862’5, and market difference in price allowed. 7.30’b, B.2o’BvlBBl'B, I(Mo’s and ' - ' . Compound Interest Notes Bought and Sold. DBEm & CO., 84 bouthThird street. BAKER’S ORNAMENTAL HAIR MANUFACTORY. Tbe largest and best assortment of - Wigs, Toupees, Long Hair Braids and Curls, Water-falls, Victorines, Fri settes, Dlusive Seams for Ladies, At prices lower than elsewhere. [m>.io.rp 909 CHESTNUT STSEET, TRIPLE PLATED WARE, ; MEAD & CO., No. 910 CHESTNUT ST.; . MANUFACTURE TRIPLE PLATED TABLE WARE That wlH’give satisfaction, ; *"01 . Money saved by purchasing direct Item mannfao tQ r«r. -MEAD A GO.; - ocLm w a 3mi rp 910 Chestnut street AimnUA OR4PFS,—ioo kegs of these splendM J9B, B. BusaiKE* oa, 6 Kvlouth Delaware ayutr HOMER,COLLAD AY &CO. A FULL ASSORTMENT LINENS AND HOUSEKEEPING With a jeneral assortment of all eoods In this line used In Housekeeping. WOOLEN GOODS. SIX THOUSAND YARDS LADIES’WEAR. Frosted Beavers, English Whitneys, velvet Beavers, Astrakhans, Chinchilla^ WMteSoths, Scarlet Cloths, Middlesex Cloths, Waterproof Cldths. MEN’B WEAR. Silhr Mixtures for Suits. Fine Black Cloths, Fine Black paselmeres. Castor Beavers. Extra Heavy Overcoating*, Fancy Caastmeres, SI 50. Haixla Cassimeres, Biolley Casalmeree. BOYS’ WEAR. All-Wool Cassimeres, SI 00, Handsome Neat Stylea, 91 25. Very Heavy Dark Styles, $1 25, Fine Light Weight and Colora, $1 50. Cadet Grey, All Shades. ~ Boye' Overooatinge. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE&GO:. N. W. cor. Eighth and Market. jyl2tf ° MMJKESPS LINEN STORE, LJ&TEN HANDK’FS. In store, we have jnst opened direct from Europe, a Ladies’ Hemstitched Handkerchiefs. Gents’ Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, Children’s Handkerchief^ Printed Handkerchiefs. French Linen Handkerchiefs. Irish . Linen Handkerchiefs. German Linen Handkerchiefs. AJ.SO, OF ALL KINDS TO BE FOUND IN THK CITY. sel7mwftde3irp. ■■Ks. ■ EMERSON PIANOS. ■M The new style Cottage Square Plano, foil "'■'Seven Octaves, beantlralCarved Cases, the most charming tone. Low Price, guaranteed durability. 914 CHESTNUT Street. oet-tfsp W. H. DUTTON. LINENS. ' Have Now Open,, Off GOODS. Shirting and Pillow Linens. Linen Sheetings, best makes. Table Damask, Towelings. Quilts, in all qualities. ; Flannels and Blankets, American and English Makes, Prices Very Reasonable. 818 and BSO Chestnut Street. ociM2l* ; At Retail. j MOUBNING GOODS. JAS.R. CAMPBELL & CO., No. 737 Chestnut Street.: OFFER AT RETAIL A large assortment of Uie beat fabrics of j. Mourning Goods at Loot Prices. | BLACK BIARRITZ. / B LACK K MPBKSS CLOTHB. j BLACK KEFS. I BLACK BOMBAZINES, ' I SLAGS TaMEBE, SLACK MKRINOSS, BLACK DELAINES, , BLACK POPLIN AtiPACAS, BLACK THIBET SHAWIfi, k -BLACK CRAPE VEILS, jol7wftn6t rp BLACK KID GLOVE 3 Ac-.ic, t 838 ARCH ST. FRESH IMPORTATIONS In addition to the extensive assortment always hep A HEW II VOICE OF 1,070 Dozen Handkerchiefs, THE LAKOEST STOCK OF LINEN GOODS THIltl) iJIMTKMS j BY TELEIQRAPH. Meeting of Inspectors of Sew Buffalo, : Oot. 19,— The Board of Inspec- : tors of Steainbbatsin session in this city for the last ten days, adjourned to-day. They ‘ transacted a considerable amount of busi ness, and examined numerous devices .ap pertaining to the saving* of life on ’steam-' boats. Amongst the most valuable was, the life-saving tackle of Brown and Level, which attracted universal attention, it being a sure mode of disengaging a boat instan taneously from its tackle, by one rnar, ' either under full speed or otherwise. It re- j ceived the unanimous and unqualified ap-' proval of the Board. Marine Intelligence. Fort Monroe, October' 19th.— Arrived brig Harry, from Matanzas for Baltimore. She reports having encountered a storm on the' 12th ■ instant, off False Gape, blowing heavy N, N. W. to N. N. E. ; She lost over board a deck load of sugar, her sails, etc. In the Bame latitude she spoke the bark Castle Howe, 120 days out, bound for New York. ‘ The schooner Annie Bell, for New Haven passed a sunken schooner with topmast heads painted White. i ■ : Heft loading at Matanzas,' brigs Georgie, for Baltimore, and lionise and Alexander Milligan, for New York. ; The Price ef Gold. Nrw loss, Oct, 19th.—Gold Is. quoted to-day at 148}. New York Stock markets. y°» K - Oct. 19.— Stocks are higher: Chicago and Rock Island. 106 V. Com her land preferred, slVOllnois CpohfalSalp, 127‘Z; Michigan Bonthern, 90U; Hew York Oentrfi MX; Reading, 115S£; VlrglnlSj, 67*; Missouri*, M*; Erie R. 8., Sift; Western Union Telei F*Ph Company, MX: Treasury 7 3-loa, 106 K; Ten- U. 8. Five Twenties, 115; Coupon is, UOJU| lw/i> Bales at Philadelphia stock Board. SALEB AFTER FIRST BOARD, (6000U873J0S Jnne 10S I(3oooCamd*Amboy 3a o city fa new mli nogt 63 ’B9 99 3000 SnsqCanl Bds. 65* 1000 do ’7O 9S UOQ. do. 65* 500 UB6ss-20a.’63 110* %s9^ aa -r „ 66 100 ah PennsS C<fcPs7* loco West Jersey Sds 87* 130 ah Saaq Canal 15 ssooo US es ’Bl con 113* SECOND BOARD. Site City 63 new 99*1 1000 Snsq Can bds tax l«»o do Us 99*1 6000 Union Can bds 23* 40»PennaB2mt6a sex 1500 U 8 7 S-10» Juoe 106 6000 oo Its 9614laoshFennaBItsdb ® 1000 do imtg 10111(22 sh Cam A Am.Bcrp is;i L E. WALRAVEN, Mtione ini, 710 Chestnut Street, Elegant Curtains for Parlors, LIBRARIES, DIKING AND SLEEPING BOOMS, In Brocstelle, Satin Damasks, Terry, Beps, Swiss Lace and Nottingham Lace, WINDOW SHADES Of the Newest Designs. Am now offering themoat complete usortment of the : above goods 01 my own Importation. , October 3,1866. ' , BLAN AJitib. BEDDING ___ and WABitilQcflNt TENTH STREET, XKLOW ABCH. Feather Beds. Bolsters, ; Pillows, Uatreaaes of all kinds; Blankets* Comfort ables, Counterpanes, Spring Beds, Spring*Cots, Iren Bedstead*, Cushions, and all other articles In that line of oualness. - AMOS HUiLBOBN, No. 44 North TENTH Street, Below Arch. : BLANKETS, MITCHELL ELETCHER No. 1204 CHESTNUT ST Havingdlepoaedof their goods damaged by the late ffre.INVITK THE BBPBCTAT, ATTENTION of city and country bnyen to their fresh stock consisting in part of V gOOOJcans and j»» Fresh Peache*. 3 OOQf “ “ Tomatoes. 8,000 “ “ Green Corn. 1000 “ “ Fresh Pears. 1,000 " Strawberries. 1000 “ " Pine Apples. 1000 “ . “ Morelia Cherries. 1,000 " French Peas. -And all other Fruits by the ' can or doiem Also, a general. New Stock of FINE GBOUEHIES. se22-tuth BSttrp NOTICE.-HKMILWm * ca HAVE BEHOVED to 204 North FOURTH Htieet, third door above -Race, where they invite their friends and dealers to give them a call, ■ sei2-wA-2mrp} ttot received by ship attie DURKIE, J 3,000 gallons : White Wine, 1865. first choice; per Olive Frances 8000 gallons Red Wine, 1865, superior: 50 boxes of Champagne, first quality, a new brand,and prime Olive Oil; whlchwe will sell low. Wo invite ; onr friends snd public to see ibr themselves. We do ■ not offer lor sale any goods that we dd fiat Import oar selves. - ... , ; REMIX.LOS A CO., ; setf-WA2mrp{ <■ .■ ~ No.264NorthFonrthstreet ; TMPERIAJL PRHNEB.—IO Cases J®. Cmlstgr»,Mtt 1* grade; French Imperial Prnnea. iandhig-''aad fer sale by JO& B. BPBSTER A CO.. 108 south Dels wars Avenue, • COFPEB ANB YKLLOW MSTAXi BHBATHIHG Brutefi Conner. Hallf* Beltt and toco Opppert. constantly on hand ud for ule by HHBSEy WZBSCH m sccui wtfirTw. 3:30 O’Oioote. j carpetings. J, 1. & E. B. ORNE. 004 Che stnutls 1 1* e et» HOW opening: ' ; i fall importations. NEW CARPETINGS. Je E, & E. B. ORNE, •.< ■J* e\ :.r ’ \ ' 004 . ..' ofcestnutStreet; v EXCLUSIVE HOVBLTips . IK i ’ FREHOH CHENILLE CARPETS. J. V. & E. B. ORNES 004 CHESTNUT STREET. ENGLISH EGYAL WILTON , ENGLISH BRUSSELS CARPETS; ' NEW DBSIONB. • JJFI& E. B. ORNE, 904 , CHESTNUT STREET. MESSRS. JOHN CHOSLBT& SONS NEW STYI.KS . 0-4 Velvet Carpets*, J. F. & E.B. ORNE, 904 CHESTNUT STREET.’ 800 Pcs. English Tapestry Carpets, Choice Style, Now Landing ; Steamer Melita. V i J.F.&E. B. ORNE, 904 CHESTNUT STBEET. English and American 3-Ply Carpets. English and American Ingrain CarpetsJ BORDERED DRUeOETS, 10-4,153-4,16-4 Druggets., STAIRS DRUGGETS, J. F. & E. B. ORNE. 904 Chestnut Street. ENGLISH BRUSSELS FOR HATXS AND STAIRS’ * WITH EXTRA BORDERS. J. E. & E. B. ORNE, 904 CHESTNUT STREET. Fancy Bags and Sheepskin Mats. Cocoa Matting, • all widths. English Oil Cloths, for Floors. English Oil Cloths, for Stairs. ces tb cats 2m rp
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers