BECOND EDITION. tBY TELEGRAPH. Price of Gol< I By the A meric New York, Oct. quoted to-day as folio 30.00 A. M., I4Bi 38.16 1481 31.30 • 1481 30.45 148 g 11.00 1483 CITY BChhIETIX. I6ee Second and Last pages for additional Locals.] Contemplated Improvements. The large property known as the “Bull’s Head,” at Sixty-fifth and Sixty-sixth and Vine streets, with the ad j oining grounds has been Snxtuiased by Robert J. Mercer, and the uilding, containing eighty rooms, is to be put immediately in order for a first-class boarding house. The Market Street Passen ger Railroad passes these ground.s. Mr. Power, of the firm of Power & Weightman. has also purchased about 150 acres of ground adjoining the Burd Asylum, and, we under- j stand, intends erecting upon it several man sums in the spring. Mr. Thomas has pur chased a large lot on Blookley avenue, or Sixty-fourth and Vine, and will immedi ately commence ereoting a mansion for his own residence. This is one of the best lo calities near-the city for the erection of resi denoes. I|The Visiting Piremen.— The Perseve rance Hese Company, which has been on a visit to Jersey City, returned home last evening. The Rolla Company, of Elizabeth, N. J., which has been in this citv for sever al days past, left for home yesterday after soon. . . . The Water Witch Fire Company, of Wil mington, Del., passed through the city this morning on the way to Trenton, N. J, The members were accompanied by a fine band of music, and had with them their steam engine. A Youthful Thief. —John Hogue, aged 11 years, was before Alderman Jones this morning upon the charge of the larceny of avalise and clothing valued at §77, the pro perty of George W. Sheppard. The valise Was stolen some time ago from the baggage wagon of the Westchester Railroad Com pany. It was recovered, as was also a por tion of the clothing. Hogue was committed for a further hearing. Elizabeth Riley for receiving some of the stolen property was held m §6OO bail for trial. Fatal Run Over. —This morning, about nine o’clock, a lad named . Henry Kosch, about six years of age, residing at the N. W. corner of Third street and Girard ave nue, was run over by a lager beer wagon, and was instantly killed. Fred. Schick the driver of the wagon, was arrested, and was locked up to await the result of the Coroner’s mquest.- Larceny of Mone?.— Margaret Russell was before Alderman Hurley, this morning for the larceny of §lOO from another wo man atahouse near Walnut and Water streets. She was held in §6OO bail for trial. Served Right. —Charles Hannon was arrested yesterday afternoon, at Ridge Ave nue and Jefferson street, for cruelly beating a horse. Alderman Pitch held him in §6OO bail to answer at Court. Riot.— Andrew George and William Gi dion were arrested last evening, at Ridge avenue mid Master street, for riot and as sault and battery. They were taken before Alderman Pitch, and were held in §BOO Serious Burning. —A coal oil lamp ex ploded last evening, at No. 215 Prosperous £Uey. Mrs. Pedgan and daughter were badly burned by the scattering oil. The Cholera.— The reports of the cholera at the office of the Board of Health to-dav showed eight new cases. . The Virtues of Bower’s. Inf ant Cob c??l?f£t f IP m our pen. Thousands of umiiiea daily attest its efficacy. H. A. Bower sixth *nd Green, sole proprietor of the Cordial. ’ 631x111 e,^ tt 7tt? rand ’ s Bbow n Salve.—Bower and Vine, sole proprietor. Female Trusses, Braces. SuDDorters Elastic Belts, BtocMnes. Ac., at “Needles ’’Twelfth’ street, first door below Race. Lady attendants, MujAvrßO is the name, (Drobablv Bus tie most delicious Perfume that ever came in contact with our olfactory nerves. We recommend to try It For sale by all the £X[?liss Uruggista.-iorton Unify Traveller. principal Dbxjggistb’ Sundries in Evert Va SHUT, SNOWDEN <fc BBOTHBB, Imp^rtera; 23 South Eighth street. 6-20 Coupons Due November Ist. Wanted by DKEXEL & CO.. 84 Sontb Tbird street, _ b ßonzk Ink Stands, Fans,Card Receivers Jewel Caskets, Cigar Cases, Cutlery. eta 1 _ SNOWDEN * BROTHER, lmporter. 23 South Eighth Street. COURTS. Qdabter Sessions Judge Allison.— Yesterday an attachment was issued to tang inMrs. Evan and Mr. Mooney, two Witnesses Jbr the Common- When the tipstave attempted to servethe attachment upon Mrs. Ryan she Mm from her house, and Mr. Mooney kept out of the tray. This was reported to the judge who directed the tipstave to search eecnred the parties to have aiem locked in prison until this moraine. This moraine the two witnesses were in *5?- ®yan excused her conduct on tte ground that she had agreed to meet the i a ? Sixth and Chestnut streets, JESg“KSSS «sa,"Kffjs out of the transaction in which was convicted yesterday. 1 wmte I portSd. WaSI ‘ otCOnoludedwh6no « «- Mtjbdeb in Ohio.—A horrihle is reported in Ohio The a“ “un| man named Alexander T. Stewart »bont three miles from Blue EickSpri^ 8 rnd been m the habit of visiting the ffl to e eta JPPles. She had p”. nission of the owner ofthe orchard, anold jratleman, to take fruit, but on ker tat 8116 overtook tocarry iff more than he was willing. Some hard words passed between thenff when them* “*? nw me “5 her hXa hat the old, man had" insulted her. This heaShim? idf with a butcher knife,andwent in search if the owner of the orchard. Kndtohi m *““8 b*»ck in a chair at his aught him by the head and cut his throat henext dayf 1 ’ was arrested "SW.” i “• pphed to flocks ofvarious kins., lame-a blunder In which wotiffifi ettle one’s character as a sportsman TSn2 ne ought to say: a brood o? IS "a Wv a of | Thbee Hokses Drowned.— On Saturday last, a young man named Peter Schriver, residing at Conemaugh Station, Cambria county, Pa,, undertook to drive a two horse team, with a wagon attached, across the Conemaugh river at that place, A com- E anion was driving immediately behind im, also with a two horse team and wagcn, and as the stream was swollen from recent rains, and the current very swift they hesitated about entering the water! After consultation they concluded to tie the bridles of the rear team to the tail board of of the forward wagon, believing that this arrangement would add to their mu tual safety. When they had reached the deepest portion of the stream the current pressed so heavily against the wagon beds as to carry them down stream, and the horses were unable to keeD their feet. The men, finding the horses begm to struggle desperately for their lives, and fearing they might receive serious in jury from the animals, jumped from the wagons and with great difficulty succeeded in reaching the shore. The horses were carried down the stream to a bridee where h h n e^i, ?j vided against a pi^^ h ®i d °n one side, and the other on the other side of the pier-the harness Th^otferteem UntU were drowned, ir. t T~! r t l am was tarried off by the cur n‘°„nly one °, f the horses was drowned, ine to Tvf?°cnL? ere The horses belong ing to Mr. Shriver were handsome matches °£L r W*- The“we being of ft? owner, and he was so 22! Misfortune that he almost iofitrtfwn; He should rather have re joicea that his life was spared. Stobt.—A Buffalo paper has a m^^i 6^l7 / 0^ 0 effect a trout, four *? et and a half in length three feet around the body and weighing « 6 J® nty Pounds, was caught in the lake fifteen miles from Dunkirk, on the 3d hut, by Messrs. Johnson <fc Brother, of Buffalo, it is the largest trout ever caught in the lakes, of which there is any record. In New York. a Telegraph Oo.] ' 18.—Gold has been iws: 11.15 A. M., 1481 11.80 148 f -*-145 148 i 12.00 M., I4ga _12.15 P. M„ I4st first: fIOO US 6s 'Bl con 112 3* UOB Caznd A Amboy ’B9 mi 1500UBS-20S ’B2 coil 1135 i 100 do iisj; 100 US 10 40a con 99>? 8000 City 68 new 99K 1000 Db Teas 78-10 “ Notes Jane 10534 9000 Lehigh 63 ‘B4 935? 2000 Snsq Can! Bda 62M 1000 do 625? 1000 do 6254 8000 Sch Nav ’B2 93)6 15 sb Fenna R CAP 5656 500 eh Fulton Coal 53? American Gold. Beading Railroad' : " New York Central United States 6a ’Bl Unltedstates6a, 5-203 Erie Hndson River “ Finance and BtuUseao—Oct. is, 186 C. The Stock Market, notwithstanding the abundance of money, and the cheapness with which almost all classes of securities can be carried,continues dormant, government Loans closed firm at 112* bid for the Cou pon Sixes, 'HI; in* for the old Hve-Twentlea-an ad “** a6w da; la5 «@ 108 for the Seven-Thirties, and 9971 for the Ten-Forties. Gity Loans rose * and closed at 9971 for the new issues. Beading Bailroad sold ats7*-a decline of.*; Penn- Wlvanla Kailroad at 5571@57-the latter an advance o %, and Catawlssa Bailroad Preferred'at So®sU£—» de f - dine of*. 129 was bid for Camden and Amboy Bail road; <5 for Lehigh Valley Bailroad; 39 for North Penn sylvania Ballroad, and 57 for Mine will tonal stocks were very quiet. Schuylkill Navigation Preferred closed at 36*; Lehigh Navigation at s s* Susquehanna tonal at 14. The Bonds of the lattw were in demand at 6t74@62*. In Bank shares the only was safe Of Mechanics', at 33*-an advance. Pauen gm Ballway securities were more inquired after Chestnut and Wahmt Streets sold at SO£; Thirteenth StreBtB at a «< “<» HestonviUe at lo?£(y §SS^Skrssnsss=S^ Compound Interat Notes: J " June,1864... 16* „ „ July, 1861.. 16* „ “ Ang. 1864... 15* „ Oct., 1864... 14* „ Dec., 1864... 13* .. „ Me?. 1885... 1171 ii .. Ang.,1865... 9* 5ept.4865.„ 9* “ Oct. 9jS qUOte aOTl!nm ‘“'w«Maet,4a,’s.issi Old 5-20 Bonds.-,,,. """iml New 5 20 Bonds, 1864 -“"'.‘.llio* 5-20 Bonds, 1865 {{Jog f|"rt _ 5-20, Jnly, 1865 : its * .ys* ° 7 mo, August. :~z\im IS* II -ath20’c10ck..._....„...... _ _ Smith, Randolph <Jfc Co’.'BanieS, IS atreet, quote at 11 o'clock, ns follow!: Wrat “ C M a,a 5-20.180. n. a io-«i “.““HZ!.™'. v. a 7-ws-nt M seria.^" — Sgggig* • ", M series. ...—..lflo^gios B-SO, July, 1865 ™" imviarrSL Compounds, Deo.. 1854. - ;^ji3Xa lW * Pliiladelphla Harbets. Thuesdat. Oct. 18.— la cat muoh doing in Seeds. Small sales of Cloverseed at *7@«-the latter new - Timothy ranges from *3 50 to *3 62K; 25# bushels sold at the latter rate. Flaxseed canno the qnoted over $3 20@3 25 ¥ bnshel. Cotton is unsettled; sales of middling Upland at si cents as d New Orleans at 4211013 cents. I The Flour market presents no new feature-the da mand being confined entirely to the waits of the home consumers. The receipts, hpwever. rontinne small and prices are well maintained. Sales of B#o barrels Northwest extra flunily at *l2 60@»13 $ barrel, l#o barrels fancy at *l6, small lots of Penna. and Ohio family at *l2 500*14 50, extras at*B@l2, and superfine at *7 75@8 75—as In quality. • Bye Flonr Is firm at the advance noted yesterday, and further sales are re ported at *7. ,In Com Meal there Is nothing doing There is not much meat here and it Is steady at yesterday’s quotations. Bales of 4M bushels fitlrand choice Bed at *3 05@3 15, In White w “ nte( J «*l 2S@i 2o, buttherela m l ?s ß, nS ,rn 18 '“fee and yellow may be quoted at *1 12. One car load of mixed sold at *l lB q onte«s£ steady at EOcentsfor Southern and Penna/ ° &ta 819 —and Malt remain as last quoted. ■S acarce; salesofp enna, at*2u aidOnio at BAKER’S ORNAMENTAL HATH MANUFACTORY. The largest and best assortment of Curb, Water-fall*, Victoria**, PriT ■..-■WttWi PlnsiTe Beam* for At Price. LOWBBthan eUewhere. ImhSrp 909 OHESTISnJT STREET. 1866 EXCHANGED FOR 1862’5, and market difference in price allowed. 7.30’5, Kao’s, lMl’s, KMO’s and Compound Interest Notes Bought and Sold, DBBXEL & CO., & SOUTH THIRD STREET. COMMERCIAIi. BALES OF STOCKS, BOABD. 100 ah Gatawlsa pf s 5 sa 100 Bh do asown so 100 all do 303 u 100 ah Phil & Erie a2;>! 3eh 13th A i£th St B 21* 60 ah Cam&Am sop c 4ft ft ah do 400 ah Lehigh Crane Iron Co so 200 Bh Bead B bio 57* IQO ah do cash 57*4 18 sh Tioga B *5 44 360 ah PhU & fikle - 3234 9 ah Mech Bk 33^ 2 ah Penna B 57^" 100 sh New Creek 56100 PRICES OF BTOCKS IN NEW YOKE. (■By Telegraph.) 6-20’S THE DAILY EVENING nm,T.KTIN.-inill,AJ)Kl.P|||A. THIJISDAV. ncmnvii W \ T RETAIL. No 737 Chestnut Street. SILKS, SHAWLS, ' VELVETS. OLOAEINGS. - MERINOEB. POPLINS, BEPS. PLAIDS. HOHATBS, AND DBESS GOODS OP EVEBT DESCBIPTION. HODBEKBBPme GOODS, Of reliable qaalltlea, cheap, Including a fall line of BLANKETS, ' QUILTS, SHEETINGS. SHIRTINGS, TABLE LINENS, napkins! TOWELINGS, Ac., Ac, oclSa tuth,6trp| FLANNELS! Real Welsh Flannel. Shaker Flannel. Sivanskin do., very soft and heavy. English unshrinkable Flannel. Persian Flannel, silk warp. Ballard Vale and othir Domestic Flan nels. Dometand Ganze Flannel. Red and Grey Flannels. Fancy Sacque Flannels. Canton Flannels. A foil assortment now received and tor sale by FISST HAT.T., o4B* bid Sheppu d, Van Harlingen&Amson : •No. 1008 CHESTNUT STREET. ocls 6trp| s7* sales -..118* sales - Jl2* bid ll4 bid Bl* bid l27* sales Steady. blankets. SUPERIOR BLANKETS. All Wool and extra width for best family use. ALSO, ORIB AND ORADLE BLANXETB. And a full line of MEDIUM BLANKETS FOB HOTELS, PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS, Ac. Sheppard, Van Harlingen AArruon, 08 Chestnut Street. J. M. HAFLEIGH, \ RETAIL dry goods. [ 90s CHESTNUT ST., Will Open on Monday, Oct Bth, 4 C “^! t ? rinseyS f ° r LadieB, Walking Silk Plußh, (New) for Ladies’ Cloaks. White Woolen Petticoats. Hew Style Cloakings. Silk and Woolen Dress Goods. SjfraL°th£iot telH7ltM * recitl attention. WANTED, NOVEMBER COUPONS, For Which the Hieheit Price Will be Paid by JAY COOKE & CO., 114 SOUTH THIRD ST. PRUiTIS, PBESH AND PBBSEHVED. ®w»li U 4 Preserved siulta and ▼»»«. ‘jblea.taTlnand Glass, for sale Wholesale and K» BIMON COLTON & CLARKE, 8. W. COB, BBOAD AID WALMUT S^fec^ry^ri«B,to^fS Sta “ Boda " less than S S2 r A yOmQ MiEgS) i! 7 * 1616 k© can maka himself siwakbSth ftr a atonTSn enc« glVen. canor sS«£2?“};- cltvjofer .tr«t%e.oV d £™n& JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO., EAEGAINS in FLANNELS. No. 448 NMthfteconf street, above Willow. WOOLEN GOODS, BIX THOUSAND YARDS Frosted Beaver*, English Whitneys, Velvet Beavers, Astrakhsna. Chinchillas, White Cloths, Scarlet Cloths, Middlesex Cloths, Waterproof Cloths. MEN’S WEAR. Mlxtn *es for Salts. Pine Black Cloths, Fine Black Casslmeies Castor Beavers. Extra Heavy Overcoatings, Fancy Cassimeres, $1 SO. Hauls Cassimeres, Blolley Cassimeres. BOYS’ WEAR. AH-Wool Cassimeres, $1 00, Handsome Heat Styles, 91 25. Dark * t y lß ». $1 25, Weight and Colors, $1 50. Cade* Grey, All Shades. Boys Overcoatings, FLANNELS J. C. CO jyistr' Cor ' Eighth and Market. THREE TESTS !!! SUCCESSFUL TESTS!!! GONVINOE&G TESTS GREAT FIRE TRIUMPH OF MARYm»S SAFE. jSSSNssS®®« »» y y*** ™)i*« UD9 Of thftro wu fbukitm) «**«% wa mama thortJi* 11 * ot^er * when ve were directed to leave .M* ® misaeuoa oi cheerfoßy recommend them as belne-D**- S£$ ,y towoof, uwe have examined two oto£S?r Bre^S e ih2hSSkI erB a n ' Ule “ mefire botholwhich preserved the books and papers that were In them. 1 oars reepectfbUy. DESOSWAY, GUION & 00.. W DkS-g^ThS , ?^^ , “^^‘^ 6 ' SH^kSSuCT 1 at ™y store one of your safes. “ D ‘ “fg^2g B ?/io°Se°»S B 0 l S f S. e^book 18M ' yonr safts start a most severe l«v«tas? If???,?* I * £ * flp e on Kiddle street. Isn th » wJiJ?*" 8 ?. 11 ? a row of *"*» woofien bofld m*dB * most Intense heat. i. e T?f*' b ?“ *“• ■«*» ami oat victorious. pe°?.«^*orplS3 T sS>l“ a *'*** w “ to ’ mata » Very respecfinliy. MARVIN & CO., No. 731 Chestnut Street. (masonic hall), and 265 BHOADWAT, N. Y. Marvin’s Patent Alum and Dry Plaster _ Fire andßurglar-Proof SAEES S^. neT6r &Ued W pieserre * helr contents lnlcasea for mastrated Catalogs e.*s£t A DESIRABLE HOME SECURITY. WE OFFB FOE RAT.Te A Limited Amount OF FIRBT MORTGAGE BONDS OF THE CONNECTING RAILROAD 00, At the Low Bate of 931-2, v Fop a short time only THES * BONDS - aud nr. Are Guaranteed by the PIJJHIYLVAIIA SAILBOAD 00. Interest Payable Semi-Annually. CZiBAB OP BVAVB TAX. apply to“ P “ UCQlara 11118881,110 1118 al >ove security, DREXEL&CO., . 3* Bontli Third Street, QCl6tfip 1 Fire Proof Safes. Twenty-five Year* Experience. MARVIN’S - PATENT ALUM AND DRY PLASTER FIRE AND BURGLAR SAFES MuimM NEVER MOULD THKTR OONTKNTS. MARVIN As 00-721 721 CHESTNUT St , Kaaonfe Hall. Senflfoc Illustrated Catal o l?*. KßQA^S'^h> TRIPLE PLATED WARE. MEAD4tGO., No. 910 CHESTNUT ST.; ' MAHTOTAOTUBB TRIPLE PLATED TABLE WARE That win give satte&ctlon, Money saved by purchasing direct from mannKc sio^^tieet A . ** it Al , -pa-—iou ran n i thigTisi-ian LADIES’ Wf AR. NEWBERN, N. C. LBAFTt, third edition. by telegraph. the reported resignation of SECRETARY STANTON. Statements of Washington Papers, General Sherman Probably to be Secre -1 tary of War. The Beported Betfrement of Secretary Stanton. Washington, October 18th.—The Na tional Republican of this morning says it has the highest authority for denying the report that Mr. Stanton has tendered his resignation as Secretary of War; while the National Intelligencer remarks that the statement that he had written a letter to the President, requesting to be relieved of his position was at least premature. But the tatter paper saysis understood that Mr. Stanton has signified his intention to aafcto be relieved as soon as his annual report is completed, and also that on ac count of hishealth he would not he averse wf Pe ? <^ afeVfyeara in Spain, as Min ister at Madrid.” converting the authority oh Which the above publication is made by the Intelligencer and without attempting to ■tote particulars, the substance of the general newspaper despatch of yesterday y be repeated, namely—there seems to beno doubt that Mr. Stanton will soTr£ ore ftom his present position, and in that Sownl 8 a stron * probability that Lieutenant-General Sherman will be in- J"'””" 1 * “ ■ i—.<* I m federation. “ D °t decided yet will accom pany the Confederation delegates oh their mweion to England. The probabilities are that he will follow them in a few weeks af- I t ®^ war ds. No reliable information can be wsar ding the discussions in the late Cabinet meetings, but it is supposed was the main topicT A Ministerial dinner took place at Mon breal on the 30 th of September. It was a iMlil*! . affiu f iand 1116 Confederation scheme, it is believed, was discussed at length. In consequence of the trouble about the Larmrande extradition case, the Judges in Montreal have agreed that in future, when necessary, they will issue a writ of habeas corpus immediately when applied for. The Baltimore Troable. Baltimore, Oct 18.-The committee ap. pointed to wait oh Governor S wann, and ask ° f 4110 PoUoe Commissioners, left here thismoming, antfhad an interview with the Governor at Annapolis. ora Ho to i Proprietor. _ WiiumiPOßT, October 18th.—V. s Doebler proprietor of the United Stated Hotel, died very suddenly last night at half past eleven o’clock. The Fenian Prisoners. Buffalo, Oct. IS&.-Special despatches from Toronto says that theFenianprison ers will probably be brought up for trial next Monday, Most of the prisoners are apparently without friends, money or counsel. „ . Markets. N*? Oct. IS “Cotton doll at 40fi442e. «<«,» ssssr t “ t ' at "®»& fc** i«£S*‘wiSLl sSSS&rgSK®*^ suady, Provlalonadolt^Shw^mM^g” ■all" Iphtn lem at Fhlladel) RATiHB AJTKB 12000 City 5a new KSO 89?il 5006 Com <5: Amboy \ rntg 6s ’B3 82 I 200 0 BTre«B 7s-ioa i Notes ■ Aug log £OOO Saaq CanAl Eds t 5 63 | mo„«!o mnn <n% ,2“A M S “te sB '«93 106 >h Reading R| eso 67. es WBh Ocean oil* DIED. KIRKPATRICK.-—On the 17th inat Andrew Va. “ckfg the" th £& AdeaWe v - Ata iSwSsfsassfftt &•»“&“? tberealdenceofhjßtather hn 1511Lp-mh^'.^^ L E. WALRAVEN, MASOKie liu, 710 Chestnut Street) Elegant Curtains for Parlors, LIBRARIES, DINING AND SLEEPING BOOMS, In Brocatelle, Satin Damasks, Terry, Beps, Swiss Lace and Nottingham Lace, WINDOW SHAD B S Of the Newest Designs. Am sow offeringthemen complete amoitmentef the above goods ol my own Imputation, , October 3, itw, ■ ■■ 8:30 O’Oloote. BtNb Beard. gIRST RfIARTI [ II 2s 1.82 Peana 5s ggir IJoooDSfa'si coa mi f£S?& a B . asiP s ‘ |3uo ah Sch Nav pf sgv 100 all Cataw pf soS *OO ah do bio 30$ BOARD. * ISSS Ca^ wb “ pf •>»»}< ft 5° Mown SO* 1W BA do SXO 30*tf 5 Bh Rontbwarkbk lor 53 Val B ©& l ah Far&ifecA Bk i&iJ elS*s (3 Btore 111111 sale a moat complete an 4 i POPLINS! POPLINS! PLAIN POPLINS, PLAID POPLINS. BMPBESS UOBD POPLINS, IRISH POPLINS. OOBDSD SILK POPLINS' One case of SILK STRIPE POPLINS, worth |L - . ■ . MEBINOES! MEBINOE3! I have jut opened a fhjl linn ofPRUNrjr wiitot NOES, ofall desirable shades andqoßlluiP® l ' New additionsin DBB3S GOODS the Philadelphia and New Tnrfc am-»nn Ti «OSi MUSLINS J MUSLINS l Ihe Cheapest Muslin store In the dsy, JIJBT Q^BKrp.TV, 2*£%& na * ««ja h»»Ty Brown Skeettos, wide, ft* * One cage or beet, ft* S 3 cento. „„ . eiVB raACAii. n^f^^?*** 1 ** I ***** «« <*«.*. FOURTH EDITION. BY TELEGBAPH. I Commercial Intercourse with Japan Washington, Oct 18,-Tha.. President j has proclaimed the convention between the I United States and the Umpire of Japan, for I the purpose of encouraging and facilitating | the commerce of the citizens of this country I in Japan. Sheet lead, matting, ratan, oil I * ol j indigo, gypsum, firing; pans I baskets, all of these articles being used I in the preparation and packing of teas, shall J be free of duty, and the following articles j are to be admitted at the reduced rates of I five per cent., viz,: machines and machi nery. dmgs and medicine. [Note—The pro hibition of the importation of opium, ac- I 010 treaty, remains in I • '] Iron in pigs or bars, sheet iron to plates, white sugar in loaves or crushed, glass and glassware, clocks, watches and watch chains, wines, spirituous liquors. The citizens 2(~ hl9 lted States, Importing or export fhEs 8 fL >da always’ pay the duty,. whether such goods are in tended for their own use or not The Presi dent has also proclaimed the Convention be tween the Empire of Japan andtheGovem ments of the United States, Great Britain, Prance and Holland, providing for the pay ment to these Governments of the sum of $3,000,000, this sum to include all claims of whatever nature for past aggressions on the. part of Nagato, whether indemnities of ran som of Simonosaki or expenses entailed by the operations of the allied squadrons, which were sent to the straits of Simonosaki in order to destroy the batteries erected by the Prince of Nagato and Suwo, destruction of foreign vessels, and the stoppage of trade, the government of the Tycoon on whom devolved the duty of chastising this rebellious Prince being held responsible for any damage re sulting to the interests of Treaty Powers, as well as the expenses occasioned by the ex pedition. Marine Diaaaleaa. New York, Oct. IS. —The steamer James S. Greene, from Georgetown, D. C., arrived this morning. She reports having Been a large brig ashore twelve miles south of Feminck’g Island. The sea was breaking over her. On the 17th she saw a schooner ashore six miles north of Bamegat. She also saw the steamer Empire, from Wilmington, N, C. for New York ashore on Sandy Hook.- She tried hard to pull her off but the hawser broke. She will probably be got off on the next tide. On the 16th the steamer Monticello, from Savannah, for Boston, put into the Dela ware Breakwater, short of coal. The steamship Wm. Penn, from London, reports on the 16cb, during a heavy gale, having passed a bark-rigged steamship laying to. She had a red funnel. She also passed a quantity of deal and wreck matter floating. Sasdy {Hook, Oct. 18th.—The propeUer Capt. Price, from Wilmington, N. C., is ashore on the outside of the HooF opposite Station-house No. 1. She is hogged and has three feet of water. Her cargo of rosin is strewn all along the beach. She went ashore last night. The Billiard Championship of Wn^- etaosetta. Boston, Oct. IS.—A game of billiards for 1.500 points up was played last night between E. Daniels and William A. Tobin. The latter won—taking the puree, gold cue,[and winning the championship of Mas sachusetts. ENGLISH HOSIERY. J. M. H AFLEIGH, 902 CHESTNUT STREET, has now open his FALL IMPORTATION J HOSIERY. EMBPACING, Merino Vests Merino Drawers, Silk Vests, Silk Pants, Hose and Half Hosey, Ladies’Striped Hese, Children’s Tartan Hose, Children’s Merino Hass. OCI3WJ m wsts \ G. B. WISHAM, No, 7 North Eighth Street,' 3:00 O’Olooli
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers