SEW PUBLICATIONS. •■Women of the War;.their heroism and self-sacrifice,”' is the title of .an elegant volume by Frank Moore, published by S. S. Scranton <fc Co., Hartford, and for sale by o'. D. Paimelee,, general Jsigeat, corner of Sixth and Minor streets, in this city. It comprises the record of the labors of oyer forty ladies who particularly distinguished themselves during the late rehellibn' d^'the Mends of the sick and . wounded , soldiers, and, in some cases as combatants, spies,-&e. The work is unique. No such record of the : devotion of women, to a .patriotic cause has. j been known in [history, juSt as ho such earnest self-sacrifice has ever been shown. ! 'Such narratives as those of Mrs. Mary Ai Brady, Mrs. Ricketts, Mrs. Fogg, Mrs. M, W. Lee, Mrs. John Harris, Mary E. Shel ton Mrs. Booth, Anna Maria Ross, Nelly M. Chase, &0., thrill! tbe heart of the reader and bring baok the memory ofthedaysof 1861 when, 'through the hoble heroifam 'of women; our soldiers and t saUors; were cared for as if they were kings and! princes, and when nearly all the women in the loyal States vied with each other in generous deeds in hospital andcamp. The work is weU written, well illnatrated and beautifully . printed. It will have a large sale and will loDg remain a,monument of the nobility of the women of loyal-America during the ■ great rebellion. : ■ : :: i “ The Diamond Edition ” of the complete works of Alfred Tennyson is a triumph of taste, evehin sG tasfeftd a publishing house as that of Ticknor & Fields. Here we have sll the'poems-of 'theLaureate, printed in good clear type, on excellent tinted* paper, hound,ln Magenta colored muslin, and'mak ing a volume that can! easily be carried in the pocket. It is cheap, too, for who is there that loveis letters that Will not be glad to get Tennyson’B Poems for a.dollar and a quar-. ter? The diamond editions of these and other works promise to surpass in popularity even the blue and gold editions of the-same house. Mr. G. W. Pitcher has the “ Dia mond Tennyson” for sale. The forty-second number of “ Every Sat urday” gives its readers a welcome instal ment of Mr. Kingsley’s fine novel, “Silcote vof Silcotes.” This serial appears in monthly chapters, instead of weekly parti, : much to the tantelization of those readers who have become involved in the career of Silcote. A large portion of the present issue of JEuery, Saturday is devoted to thecontinuousstoriea. The briefer articled Me “ An English Oc tober,” “Reverence .for lnferiors,” from •- The Leisure Hour ; “ Cousin Jane;”h tale from All the Tear. Bound, and “ Theßoaten Commander,” by the apthor of! “John Helifax Gentleman.” We have received from Messrs. J. B. Lip pincott <fcCo. a copy of a newhnd yery handsomely printed edition, of that capital ' Bovei “ WhO Breaks—Pays,” bythe author of “ Skirmishing,” -Cousin l ’Stella;”'<S:o; It is published’by Ley.poldt:&? Holt,;New York. ’ • ■ v ....■■ • ran BUkiUETEJS. Coroner’s Inquest.—Coroner Taylor 1 yesterday concluded the inquest in the case I of John Williams, who was found in the 1 Delaware, at League Island, on the Tthfihst, I Lee, who was with the deceased when he I disappeared in the water; stated that he and I Williams left- Reed street wharf -late on I Sunday night, September 30tb, for the pur- I poses of going' on board of a schooner in I which they had shipped. When about I thirty yards from the shore the two quar-, I reled. During the afiair Williams drew'a knife from his pocket and stabbed Lee several 1 times [wounds shown]; whenthey ctinohed I and both tell overboard, Lee then swam 1 ashore. The last he saw of Williams was when,he was getting into the boat. Lee then went to the Shipping House and made his statement, when he was arrested and locked up for a hearing. Dr. Shapleigh xoade a post : mortem examination, but there were no marks of violence on the Sn of the deceased sufficient to cause his l. The jury rendered a verdict of found drowned. A Visiting Fire Company.—The Rolla Fire Company, of Elizabeth City, New Jersey, will reach this city on a visit on Monday afternoon next. At' a meeting held at the Globe Engine House last evening, arrangements were made for an appropriate reception. The Companies represented were the Kensington Hose,' United States Hose, Globe Engine, Me chanic Engine, Taylor Hose, William Peun Hose, Good Intent Engine and Pennsylva-: mia Hose. The route decided upon is as fol lows: Down Frankford road to Laurel, up ■ Laurel to Second, Second to Coates, Coates’ 'to Fourth, Fourth to Arch, Arch to Eighth, Eighth to Coates, Coates to Fifteenth, Fif teenth to Girard avenue, along the Avenue to, Otis, Otis to Richmond, Richmond to ; Kensington Hose House, and there dismiss.! C. K. Smith, of the Kensington Hose, was chosen Chief Marshal,' and G. W.. Master, Good Intent Engine; R. A. Gorman, Penn sylvania Hose; and A, G. Enser, Taylor: Hose, Division Marshals. Election Officers in Trouble,—Jas. Dillon, Judge of Election of the Sixth Divi sion of the Fourth Ward; Frank Finnegan,/ constable of the Ward, and Thomas J. Dag ney were before Alderman Beitler yester day on the: charges of assaulting Jacob L. Baugh, an election officer appointed by the Court' of Common Pleas of the county Of Philadelphia; October Bth, 1866, as return inspector for the Sixth Division of the Fourth Ward, forcibly ejecting said Baugh from the room in which election officers met for the purpose of conducting general elec tion October 9th, 1866, and preventing said Baugh from discharging the duties as ah election officer. Defendants waived a "hearing and were held 'in §6OO bail each to answer at court. Appeals prom Assessors’ Returns. Messrs. Thomas Cochran and Wm. Lough lin, the Board of Revision of Taxes, will meet next week, at the office, No. 11, State .Mouse, for the. purpose of hearing appeals from the Assessors’ returns of taxes tor the; year Two Wards will be taken up on each dav, commencing on Tuesday with, fhe First and Twenty-sixth Wards. Stoppage -of the- Sunday Cars.— Mr. McGrath, the: President of the Union Pas senger Railway Company, give 3 notice that in consequence of the injuncttoh granted by Judge Strong, the running of the cars on that road, on Sunday/ will be suspended for the present. ' - - Found Drowned.— Adolph Hand, who; was formerly employed at League Island,in the magazine, was found drowned at that place yesterday. The Coroner wasnotified. 'workshop of the Nothem Railroad 3 - rs f. y ’ , loca ted. at Piermont termi-, destroyed by fire at three morning. _ Three loco-, motives, ffie J. M. Dederer,.Palisade- and; -Englewood, the latter just completed, and a ! new passenger car, were also destroyed. The .workmen employed, in the shop lost most of their tools. The damage is estima ted at about eighty thousand dollars. 1 Pin •oxigiu of the hxe has not bean ascertained iILK&DKI GOODS JOBBERS FALL. 1866. BANCROFT, BACHE k CO., 330 MARKET STREET. Our Fall Stock is Now Complete, COMPRISES FULL LINES OP NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS, Consisting of EOBIIEYAHDOIOyiB. SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. u '.‘ ; SCARFS, HAUDEERCHEKFS. SHIRT FRONTS; EMBROIDERIES, LACES, RIBBONS "WHiie Goods. Furnishing Goods, Tailors’ Trimmings, Combs, Brushes, Threads, • . Bindings, Braids, Buttons. NOTIONS AND VARIETY GOODS. We call particular attention to our NEW METHOD o 1 doing business. We sell onr goods at COST, and tor* a profit we add i> per cent,only to the amount ol out Our only Terms are Cash in Far Funds at Time of Purchase. We with It'to be understood that the term ;C9BT with us means the A(f PTTAT. BONA FIDE FIRST COST of an article, with all extra trade discounts de ducted, excep.lng only the small percentage allowed ns for cashing onr bills. The COST PKICE Is marted on every article throughout the establishment in plain figures, so that buyers, -by examining• onr stock, can easily satisfy themselves as to the advantages.andmeriti of our sys tem,' • Our plan Is entirely new, and must commend itaelf to all wh° w lah to buy goods ! CHEAP FOR CASH. ocll-lmrp BANK STATEMENTS. Cfcaarterly Report OF THE NATIONAL BANK OF THE IS, E PUBLIC , 809 and 811 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia-, October 1.1555. BESOUBCES.- Notes and bills discounted. |2,4c2 82 United States bonds deposited wit h the Treasurer of the united States 67.000 00 United States bonds on hand 83,W0 CO United States legal-tender notes 65,953 oo National bank notes 17.169 oo Due from banks and bankers........ Fractional currency and cash l4 257 97 „ 54,075 54 2,783 10 7.699 23 Banking House I'urnit'me and fixtures. Expenses and Taxes.... LIABILITIES, Capital stock paid In Deposits Profit and L 055.....— - X, JOSEPH P. artJMFORD, Cashier of the NA TIONAL BASK OF THE REPUBLIC, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best oi jny knowledge and belief. JOSEPH P. arUMFORD, Cashier, WAISTS. AGENT® WANTED! To Canvass for ihe “Women of the War,” RY DRANK MOORE. LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO IN 'HTLIIGENT AND ENERGETIC MALES AND TF.MAT.TTR ADDRESS FOR PARTICULARS, O. L. PARMEI.EE, Gen. Agent, oc!2-St» Cor. Sixth and Minor ats., Philadelphia. @ WANTED.—A convenient DWELLING, cen* traL Rent from $l,OOO to f 1.600. Family small; best security and reference. Aadrees M. C„ Box 1853, P. O. 0013 -lot? WANTED.— AN ALTO SINGER wishes a Situa tion in a Choir. Address ALTO, at this Office , y ocll-8t» TT7IANTED—By a young man of experience, a SITU YV ATION as Assistant Book-keeper; Entry Clark, or General Accountant. References unexceptionable. Address B. 8,, at this office, y . ocu-3t* ; MATRON WANTED.—a member of the Episcopal Church Is wanted for matron of a. home lathis city. Api licatiODS may be made at 1803 Spruce street on TUESDAY, between Ilandl2 o'clock. ocatfg YJTTANTED.—AN OFFICE AND STORAGE ROOM . YV- on a ground floor, on Delaware avenue, between; .Arch and Vine streets. Address box No. 127 Phliadel phiaPost Office. , 1 • •• • seB tfg » WANTED TO PURCHASE-A first-class DWELLING HOUSE, pleasantly situated in nantown, and convenient to the railroad. Possession not required until about the first of April, 1867. Address W. w., Box 1706, Philadelphia Postof fice, stating terms. Ac. se4ta sai2t* ALE! ALE! Wm. Younger’s Sparkling Edinburgh For Sale by the Cask or Dozen. 81MOW COLTON & CLARKE, ’A W COB. BROAD AHD WAMFIT? rNDIA RUBBER MACHINE BELTING STEAM 1 PACKING, HOSE, Ac., " /-..vy ■ ' , . Engineers and dealers will find n FULL ASSORT. MEN TOP GOODYEAR’S PATENT VULCANIZED RUBBER BELTING, PACKING, HOSE, *o.y»* tb» MKan'gctarer’a Hcadqcartcre, GOOAYEAR’S, 1 -808Cheotuutstreet} ■! ' - ■ ■■ • BonUielfia. N. B-—W6 have a NEW and CHEAP ARTICLE b GARDEN - and PAVEMENT HOSE very cheap, t which the attention of the public la calls • THE DAILY EVENINGBULLETIN; PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY,: OCTOBER 13,1866. a watches AND JKWEUSY WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND ELATED WANE. I. J. TAYLOB, (SUOCESSOE TO N. ETJLON,) dealer in - v- • Diamonds, Fine,Jewelry Silver and. Plated Ware,' - MnSlO BOXOS, No. 1038 Chestnut St.; •kW- Particular attention given to Repairing of Watches and Music Boxes. seas-tn tn a sm 1866. DIAMOIO) DEALER & JEWELER, WATCHES, JEWELEI A SILVER WARE, WATCHES and JEWELST BEPAIBEP. St.Phil^^ DIAMONDS. WATCHES ' '-'V■ Aid) ! Persons attending {the Convention wishing to pur chase Watches, Jewelry or - Silyer-Ware Wni find it greatly to their advantage to call and se lect from my large stock. My prices will Be found much lees than the same quality of woods are usually.old for. - , DIAMONDS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. WATCHES REPAIREB in the very beet manner precious stones bought lbrcash. Also, old Geld and saver, Jalilf S’ | ' .* w I .. a ? i. $ 4 sI W H 3 i. W E f s * ' > g g a> “ ® - (j <2*. • » selS-lm - - CABFEHTEBS AVDBTJILDSBB OAK SAVE_ TEN PKR CENT. Bt trarchsalng oi zoe • - W, PINB BOAHDB, RT7N 07 THE liOG. w. AFFORDING BOARDS. FTBBT ABD SECOND COMMON BOARDS. THIRD COMMON BOARDS W. PIKE AND BAP PIKE FLOORING, CABOLIKA FLOORING. ' W. PIKE AN» CYPRESS eeH-lml T UMBEB.—The undertlened are prepared toreoelv, Xj orders for si. Mary's, Georgia, Lumber, or any de scription, which will be promptly executed. ED MCSD A. BQUPEB «fc 00. Dock Bt. Whart. fanlgtf FURNITURE AND HERDING JJUY FURNITURE OF GOtJLD&OO., UiaOK DEPOT, N. KGoraer NINTH. and MARKET Su«nt, aiidSoB,H7and»North SECOND Street* The largest, cheapest and best stock of Furniture of very description In the world. Furniture f**r Parlor, Drawing Room. Chamber or Bed Room. Dining Boom, Library,Kitchen. Servants’ Rooms, Offices, Schools, Chnrches, Odd-Fellows, Masonic or other Societies, Ships,lnstitutions*^Clubs, Colleges, Public Buildings, Hotels, Boardix g Houses, Hospitals, Fairs, or a Single Piece of Furniture. Orders sent by post will be executed with despatch and with liberality anc Justness of dealing. Parties at a distance may remit through our Banker, the Far* mer's and Mechanics’ Nat. Bank, Chestnut street, or the Union National Bank,Third street, or by Express. CHtcx or Post Office order; immediate will be given and satisfaction insured. GOULD <£. CO.. N E. corner Ninth and Market and 37 and 39 N. Second street. Phil a. $152,432 S 2 SPRING MATRISS, BEST QUALITY AND STYLE. AND BEDDING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. f J. G. FELLER, BelOtfJ 9 South SEVENTH Street. >326,150 02 $200,003 00 119,340 99 6,809 03 >326 150 02 B. J. WILLIAMS, Ho. 18 NORTH SIXTH STRBBT, M ANTJFAOTU KEB OF VENETIAN BLINDS AND wnmow SHADES. The lusest and finest assortment In tbs city at ts lowest prices. Store Siades made and lettered., ant'd CHILDREN ’JSC LOTHING. GRAND OPENING OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING OX THURSBAY, OCTOBER IS, AT MRS. E.KEYSER’S. No. 1227 Ghestxut Street. se22»lm . • , CLOTHS, :CABBIMERES AND VESTING®. JAMES & LEE invite the attention of their friends and others to their large and well assorted stock of Goods, adapted to men's and boys’ wear, comprising inpart - ißlack French Cloths, Blue French Cloths, QIfANijCETS, . BLANKETS BLAN¥BfTS.— Pina . JL> and heavy.lo-4ißlankets for $6 50. ■ Good heavy 114 Blankets for $7 so. , , All grades of Blankets, up to $2O. . ;: FoU assortment of-Cloths, forLadies’ Baques. Frosted .Beavers, for Cloaks an a Overcoats * Fuinine orcioths and Cassimeres, for men and bovs. - .Ballardvale and Domet Flannels,-jfor ladies and ,phildren. ■ >. And a large stockofFall and Winter Drees Goadslat . • STOKES ifc WOOD’S, 702 Street. • |7DWJN;HALL 4 & qo., 28 SOUTH SECOND Street, ..El are-now opening their Fall and Winter Imnortai tiOUB Of Sil/ES;-BREeS- GOODSrCLOTHS Heavy BlacXSUto. . ■ , • Heavy Colored Silks. ' "Pim's” Real Irish Poplins, French and German Poplins; •• Black Goods in great vatiety, Breche Long and Square Shawls* JEWELRY. LCHBEB. . JANNEY, NOBLE STREET WEiBP, soo N. DELAWABIS Avenue. BUSTS AUTD SHADES. BJASCIOTHIISO; iSEIAIIi ÜBI eeODB : ■ Colored French Cloths, OVERCOAT CLOTHS, Black French Beavers, Colored French Beavers, Black Esquimaux Beavers, - Colored Esquimaux Beavers, • 1 Blue and Black Pilots, : •' • Blue and Blank Paletots. PANTALOON Black French Cassimeres,.' Black French Doeskins. ' Fancy Cassimeres, Mixed ana Striped Casslmexes, 7 ■ • Plaid and silk Mixed Cassimeres. Satinets, all qualitlea,- Cords, Beaverteens, Ac., At wholesaleriß -• : J^CH^tfcL^Sf 68 iNo. ll North Second st., bigirof the Golden v'owlh, BETADD DRY GOOD. WOOLEN &OODS, SIX THOUSAND YARDS LADIES’ WEAR. Frosted Beaver*, - , English'Whitneys, velvet Beavers, Astraokhsns, Chinchillas, White Clothe, Bearlet Cloths. Middlesex Cloths, . Waterproof Cloths. Silk Mixtures for finite. Fine Black Clotha,; Fine Blaok Caßßlmeres. I'.. Castor Beavers. Extra Heavy Overcoatings. Fancy Caaßimeres, $1 50. Harris Caaßimeres, Blolley Casaimeres. BOYS’ WEAR. . All-Wool Caßsimeres, 60, Handsome Heat Styles, $1 25. I Very Heavy-Dark Styles, $1 25, Fine Light Weight and Colors, $l 50. I Cadet Orey, All Shades. I Boya’ Overcoatings. J.C. STBAWBRIDGE& CO.. N. W, cor. Eighth and Markets jymr - ° CARD. OPERA AND PROMENADE CLOAKS; BASQUiNES AND CIRCULARS. In consequence of the Inclemency of the weather on our opening day, we will make a special display on . Monday, Oct. 15, When several novelties will be added to onr extensive Stock, to which we Invite the attention of Ladies. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Hob. 450,452 and 454 Sorth Second St,, ABOVE WILLOW. ocli-iQ CLOTHS, For Ladies’ Sacqnes, Cloaks and Cireuhrs. OF CHOICE 3TYLES. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450,452 and 454 5. Second St., ocll-st ABOVE WILLOW CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER. KIOH COLORED MOIRE ANTIQUE, 85 00. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nob. 450, 452, 454 N. Second St., ocli stj Above Willow. QKEY PLAID POPLINS, For Misses and Children. NEW LOTS IN CHOICE STYLES. CURWEN BTODDART & BROTHER/ Nos. 450, 432 tint! 454 N. SECOND ST., OCH-3t ABOVE WILLOW. McCURDY & DUUKLE, ’ 140 North Eighth. Street, HAVE OPENED, A CASE OF NEW STYLE PLAIDS at 50 cts. per yd, PlaJds at >l 00, $125 and |i 50. Verv handsome at per yard. Colored Si.ksfrom*! SOtofiOO. Black £Uks at all prices. Irish Poplins, beat quality, $3 00. Shawls, Blankets, Balmorals, Mds'ica: Sheetings, Hosiery and Gloves, IN GRFAT VABIEI'Y AT PRICKS BELOW COMPETITION, McCURDY & DUNKLE, Eighth street above Arch, No. 140. oCS.B<fcWtf? KSTNUT STR t- C.T. E. M. NEEDLES. £ Strangers and others will find at 1024 NUT Street, a large and compl »ts assortment of SSB LACES AND LACE GOODS. EMBROIDERIES. WHITE GOODS, HANDKERCHIEFS, VEILS. LINEN COLLARS and CUFFS, SLEEVES, &c., <&c., &c.,j in ireat variety and at LOW PRICES. E. M. NEEDLES. •aaa»a.e aviLNXsano ffilEßOßb AND FRAMED GEORGE C. REUKAUFF, - Manufacturer of LOOKING-GLASSES, PORTRAIT, PHOTO GRAPH. PICTURE FRAMES. GILT MOULDINGS and CORNICES, No. 829 ARCS Street. Philadelphia. Chromo-Lithographs, Paintings, and a great va riety- of Engravings on hand. Frame-makers supplied • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. . 8e22-6m* . LOOKING GLASSES. A large assortment in Ornamented SILT and WAIr KTJT.SItAiIBS, Xor Bale by J. CGWPMND; 53 South fourth Street, near Qheatnnt ge7*4mS O®fJ®SSS« WE OPEN TO DAY CHOICE It OTB EMMA CIGARS, OF FAVORITE BBAOTS, Received per Steamer Moro Castle. H. & A. C. YAN BEIL. WINE MEBGHANTS, 1310 Chestimt Street. Goods delivered free of charge. an29w smBm 4p CALIFORNIA PUBE WINES AKD BBAJJDIES, From the celebrated Vineyards of B. D. WXtSON * SOU. San Oabrlal, Los Angeles. California. . MOUND VINEYARD, SPARKLING CHAM , PAGNB. WINE BITTERS. ANGELICA, HOCK, POET GRAPE BRANDY, 6HEBBY, The above are guaranteed to be perfectly FURR at madeftom the Grape, suited for SACRAHRN .TAD arid MEDICINAL purposes. We claim they are equal In richness, Savor and parity to the beet Im ports at nearly half the cost, , : I or sale In wood or by the case. Carmick &. Co. SOLE AGENTS, N. E. corner Front and Chestnut Sts, ft 1127 ip2 REMOVAL JEB BY WAX, KE B, WINE MERCHANT, TTAR BEHOVED to No. 421 WALNUT STREET, oC4*l2t{ PtfITtADELPHIA. A BTI jjsj * Sse-Msc: to Goo. W- Gray. J B R E W E It. 24,26, 28 and 80 South Sixth St, Philad’a. v.* File OH Stock iSoS-BrnniAiei, .a *SS§g»sl y for TVrmn-g gnd HER MAJESTY i CHAMPAGNE, ij. CP.' 33TT3STTOIN, Si ■msce^rsms^ssuiAem. WHOGB.— The attention of the trade Is sollcttas u the following very choice Wince, Ae-. for salat-; JOSEPH P. BUSTOS, No. rn Bottih Stoat Brct aboreWalnid; ■-■■■■-■ KADEIKAB-014 Diana, a jean eIOL wmniTtneß—namphall A On.: single, doable ex; tuple Grape, E. Omeoe * Sons, Bndolph, Topas, Bitt Spanish, Crown andP. Valletta. PORTS—VaHeae, Vlnho VelhD Bee], Dtutioa csu KeoelfoValenteAOo., Vintsgeß ISSSto 1356. OLARETO—Onn POi Preree and StiEMaphs tauo- VERMOUTH—e. Joarflan.BriTliOo, rnT*Sn»AailK»—Ernest Irrony, -‘SolSis sasiv de Venn**, Her Msjmty and Rcyal Csbffist andlctit tsTorile brands. _____ OU> WHISKIES.—SOO Cases Pure Old Wheat , Bye Kirn «hnn ffrt Myrnnagah Jla WhlSklea, for sals fry 6'North Pront atraet. THEFCIE IBIS EARLES’GALLERIES, @l6 Chestnut St. Xiooking Glasses. Oil Paintings. Engravings. Picture Frames Rogers’ Groupes A Large Free Gallery of Oil Paintings, P* pm HANGINGS & fsII AJD paper hangings AND WINDOW SHADES AT WHOLESALE. 40 IN.) PLAINS. FIXE DBCOBA.TIOXS, LORD BBS. 2IODLDIXGS. STAMP GILTS. ENGLISH BATINS, ’ BLANKS, tic., IN GREAT VARIETY, R. T. HAZZARD, So. 819 Arch Street. ae29»-* n -‘b,2m SF. BALDERSTON «fc SON, DEALERS IN • WALL PAPERS and WINDOW SHADES, No, 9t 2 Spring Garden street. Philadelphia. seZ7-lm{ __ EDWARD DUFFY, For many years the well-known chief manager at "Guy’s,” H Seventh street, near Chestnut, Has Opened the Tontine, (One door above Guy’s”), on his own account, in con nection with WM. DUFFY, late of the St- Lawrence Hotel. Their success is great, and deservedly so. ocg-im BOYAL VICTORIA HOTEL. NAfeSAU, N. P.- The undersigned late of the Stevens House. N. Y., and of the Hotel De Inglaterra, Havana, will open this Hotel, November Ist. The rooms la this house are large and airy, and finely furbished. The climate delightful. All the faults of the tropics grow here in abundance. The steamer Corsica will leave New brk for Nassau, November 3d, Ocll-th,B tn6t| J. M, STAPLES, IADHS’MOE STORE. CUMMINGS & KERPER No 304 North Eighth Street, ABOVE VINE. Have now ready their Fall Stock of ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Shoes, comprising every { variety of styie and finish. ... Bv employing only the',best workmen and uslngsu petlox materials, we are certain to please our patrons o&Cw<&s2L£ Is to execute and SCOURING with promptness and despatch, in the very bMt man ner, at h. w. Sto ITU’S, 28 North Fifth street, between Market and Arch, - se4-tn,th^i3inf. 1 JB BUSSIKR * CC„ ICS B* :Dfi2aw*rsAVMme DjiEY'B CfiGNTINENTAI,NaiWB JhAt-HANeaf CHOICE- BEATS To an places of am 'clonk any evening, wtl~R.Tr! AT? ACADEMY OP MUSIC. ITALIAN OPERA. SEASON OP FIFTEEN OPERA NIGHTS AND THKEE MATINEES. OPENING NIGHT MON DAY, October IS. First Appearance of GIORGIO BONCONI. : MONDAY, October 15. at 8 o'clock, First time in Philadelphia of Bleci’a Contic Opera, CRISPINO E LA CO MARE. The principal parts by MISS CLABA LOUISE KELLOGG, BELLINI, TESTA, ANTON UCCI, STOCKTON AHD” GIORGIO RONCONL ,: TUESDAY EVENING, October 18, at 8,- * I IL TROVATORE, WITH SIGRA. CARMEN POCH, AND MDME. NATALt-TESTA. . Wednesday Evening, Octoberli.ata, ..FRA DIAVOio. ’ ’ The principal characters by MIS-I CL. KELLOGG, ' MTOtK. NaTALLTEBTA;tr* And second appearance of SIGNOR GIORGIO RONCONI. THURSDAY EVENTS G, October 18, at 8, DEBUT OP MISS A. M. HAUCK, SIGNOR BARAGLI. LA SON.NAMBULA. ; ADMISSION: To Parquet, Balcony, DreeaClrcle ,_4l 6C • Hecnrea Seals, extra.- ...,.— —.a.,—. sc - Family Circle - .. 75 Amphitheatre—l I ——. a. 4C - SUBSCRIPTION TICKETS, Including a secured choice seat for the fifteen nights, TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS EACH, ThesaleofTlcketsforanyof the above named per formances commences this morning at the Box-office of the Academy and at Trnmpler’s Music Store, 632 Chestnat street. , ocU-4tj P 8 I-C £ L V V N D HALL. IIP.. H. X,. BATEMAN Has the honor to announce a short season of nVE GRAND CONCERTS, Commencing on MONDAY EVENING, October 22d,. .•. < . A By bis celebrated Concert Troupe, newly organised In > Europe, and universally pronounced oy the entire press of the Old World and New the Grandest C/mtri* nation of Musical Talent ever presented to the public. The following unrivaled Vocalists and Instrumehlal-- ists will appear: MADAME PARED A, Prima Tonna Assoluta, (Her first appearance in this city.) SIGNOR BRiGNOLI, SIGN OB FERRANTI. csIbNOR FORTUNE, MR. S. B. MILLS, MR. CARL ROSA, MR. J. Lu HATTON.. RESERVED SEATS V sl 50 EACH.. Can behadon Wednesday .October 17lh, at the Mo3lc Store of C. W. A. Tmmpler. ociltf NEW CHESTNUT STREET THEATER. CHESTNUT street, above TWELFTH. Doors open at 7. Curtain rises at 7.45. Third Week of the EMINENTLY SUCCESSFUL Engagement of the distinguished Comedian, MR. JOHN E. OWENS. ' MR JOHN E OWENS. • MR. E OWENS. MR. JOHN E OWENS. THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, Last performance of UNCLE SOLON SHINGLE. UNCLE SOLON SHINGLE UNCLE SOLON SHINGLE UNCLE SOLON SHINGLE. Eolcm BhiDgle To be followed THE LIVE INDIAN. THE LIVE INDIAN. THE LIVE INDIAN. THE LIVE INDIAN. K&u ne-Eo-Be-an......... Toconclcde with THE DEVOLUTION OP ’95. THE DEVOLUTION OK ’95. .. THE DEVOLUTION OP S 5. THE DEVOLUTION Off ’95. H/TBS JOHN CHEW'S 2fBW ABCH STREET ill THEATRE. Begins at S* to 8 o’clock. I ULL HOUSES. FULL HOUSES, DESTINY A GREAT SUCCESS. SIXTH NIGHT OP MB. BAND MANN. BANDMANN. THE TRAGEDIAN. * this (Saturday) EVENING, Oct. 13,1866, Be Walden s great Play of DESTINY. DESTINY. Corporal Ahtolne~-~~— Aided by the fall company After which the nautical Drama of THE SPITFIHE, MONDAY NEXT- NAECISSE. THF FAST FAMILY again shortly. Walnut street theatre, n.b. corner NINTH and WALNUT. THIS (Saturday) EVENING, Oct. l& 1865, FAREWELL NIGHT OF Mr. J. H. HAtKETT, Who wUI appear In bis original character of RIP VAN WINKLE As performed by him in the principal cities of EUROPE AND AMERICA To be followed by the exquhiie dramatic sketch-, written by Mr. Hackett, entitled - MONS. MALLET. OB THE POST OFFICE MISTAKE. MONS. MALLET -..Mr. J. H HACKETT Monday—Mr. EDWIN BOOTH as lAGO. HFLLIK’B LAST NIGHTS. HELLER'S FARE WELL NIGHTS, AT BUILDING. TENTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS. LAST WEEK POSITIVELY -Of the Wondrous Magician. Pianist and Wit, ROBERT HELLER. First nights in America of the great Hindoo Trick. the Birth and growth of flowers. The TlantiDg of a Seed—The Germinating—The Growth of tfce Plant. Us Budding and final GROWTH OF FLOWERS. PLAYING WITH GHOSTS, with eight new. startling and laughable illusions. farewell Matinee, Saturday. EVENING—Begins at S. Admission, Wand 75 cents. ocs-612 XTATIONAL HALL, J> MARKET Street, above TWELFTH. The Great LINCOLN MEMORIAL TABLEAUX, are now on exhibition. The Pictures. 60 in number, are from the pencil of GEORGE WUNDERLICH. Esq. Descriptive Lecture by SAM’L K. MURDOCH, E3q, Choice Musical Selections by M’Ue DESILVa. A dmission.2s cents. Reserved Seats. 50 cents. Matinees every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons. Admission,2scents. Children, 15 cents. ooS-6t» XTEW AMERICAN THEATRE. Last appearance of JO -E- H PROCTOR. SATURDAY, O.tobpr 13th, TWO GRAND PER *ORMANC SS, AFTERNOON AND EVENING. The ereat Pl«v ~f \aMRI" TON. *VTEW KTi-EVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE ll yT.FVFNTH street, above CHESTNUT. “THE FAMILY RESORT” OPEN FOR THE SEASON. CARKCROSS & DISHY’S MINSTRELS, The Great Star Troupe of the World, in their GRAND. ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, SONGS, DANCES, NEW BURLESQUES, PLANTATION SCENES. Doors open at 7 o’clock. Commencing at 8 o’clock. At! 28- 3m| J. L. CARNCRO93, Manager, ui NNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, Jl CHESTNUT, above TENTH. Open from 9 A, M. to 6 P. M. Benjamin West’s great Picture of tiHktwr R& still on exhibition, Je4tf ¥ L O TJ. E . the attention of Shippers to South American Ports> and the Trade generally, is called to the following Ce lebrated Brands of FLO URmade from NEW WHEAT' and of which they are the sole receivers in this city. IVORY SHEAF. ST. LOUIS,- LANGLEY’S CHOICE. NED’S MILLS, RURAL, . PASCAGOULA. 'ANTi-PANIO, GRANITE, This Flour is put up In the very best ronnd hoop packages and wifi be sold in lots to suit, ■ ', R. J. RIDDELL& CO-, S, W corner Broad and Vine itreots* se22-tf SEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, FIRST OF THE SEASON. Albert G. Roberts, Dealer in Pine Groceries, ELEVENTH and VINE STREETS. . SUBGEON DENTIST, - - - : ■ AROH Street Particular attention paid to filling and TEETH, -Nitrous Oxide.or Laughing Gas, and au administered. Makes every sfcyle of plate in nsb; Mineral Plate Teeth, which ax surpass all other kinds—a'epeclaity, se!9 ua muj Had «p to nfi mha-tir Hr. JOHN E. OWENS ,31r. JOHN E.OWENS ..Mr. BANDMANI7
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