■Soldiers’ Bounties—lmportant Decision of the Attorney General. . $••.• v -..j Washington, Oct. 10, 1866.—The follow ice opinion of the Attorney General was re ceived by the Secretary of War yesterday Attorney General’s Office. Wash, jkoton, D. C Oct. Bth, 1866..— -Secretary of i bave confadered-thetouestion which yon have referred to nie, cin the point whether the Secretary'of War has lesal power to exclude authorized attorneya and agents from collectmgbounties, and whether son. I understand these questions to arise HP°“ therules ah presented 8v “ a » “» •s*£ K.*“ t W-Si! ?“ fintf: ho' -provision the claiihant to present his or that requires the pay kotnade to .the claimant in person. *w ther ? oo expregsprovlsjons'to tnat (effect, and there is nothing from which is true the language i® the . soldler » 01 in certain cases his Widow, minor children or parents, “shall be,pam the additional bounty, and that When application is made by . any soldier for such bounty, ifcc.”. ’t r a / i ; Ido not infer an intention, from the use of this language, to. requirh .the soldier to : mate his Nappifcation in‘ person, or to re ceive the bounty in person,, nor can I-find any policy of the. Government which, in these or similhr cases, forbid the usual and convenient right- of substituting an agen t i fl 16 same langaage which would require thh, soldier to make the ap plication ana collect the bounty in person, | is applied to his minor children, and if we hold it to be a matter requiring the per sonaTattenhon and action of the soldier?we a £P!y “e same rule to the infant children. But these can onlv act bv the agency of others,, such, as guardians, executors -and - ’ administrators, 6 and are incompetent to act for themselves. To construct this language so as to re ■quire their personal intervention would de feat the bounty intended' for theith 'until tney ; should become sine jure. Whenever the right to be asserted,or .recovered does not from its very natoreVrequire the actual personal intervention of the claimant, the xight pf substitution necessarily prevails. This right IS valuable'and often absolutely necessary, and it seems to me that its denial in the maiter of claims for bounties would m many 'cases totally defeat the claimant, and m nearly all cases lead to great ex pense and delay. ThShdnnty given by this act is hot given to each soldier by name, in the way of an absolute gift, where nothing is to be done but only claim and receive it. But the per sons who claim must prove their claim, and must exactly conform to the various forms and regulations before they can tonch the m°ij6y v The pursuit of a right to bounty is well called a claim, and might as well be ■called a suit. It is a right that is not ac- Enowledged, asofcourseit must be estab lished by proof made according to certain forms, and finally adjudicated and allowed or rejected. -- . - ' " ■••••• It ls yery analogous to a claim' made in a -eourtof law, especially to that class of suits whioh are ex parte, and in general may just as much require the intervention of an at torney.. It is certain that if this act- should be construed, eoas to require every-soldier and every child of a soldier to make the •claim m person,’ and collect the money in .person, comparatively few coiuld avail themselves of the bounty of the Govern ment. Before I : could consent to put each a construction upon this act I should require the olearestjßyidence that it was the: inten tion of Congress. I find no evidence of that i intention in this act, either expressed or so much as implied, iior is there any public policy from whioh such an intention can be inferred. I The statutes of the United States recog nize such a class of persons as claim agents' who prosecute' claims against the Govern ment and pay a license under the revenue act. Theirfees are-in some cases regulated iby statute. They are required to take an hath of loyalty to the Government, and are punishable for frauds committed in the pro secution of claims. Furthermore, as to all claims against the United States, whether allowed by special acts of Congress or arising under general laws or treaties, express provision is made for ihe payment of the claim toan attorney, and direction given as to the manner in v-hich the warrant of attorney m to be exe cuted. Under the general acF passed in 1846, and Bince amended and now"in force' every claim against the Government may be prosecuted and collected by an attorney pr claim agent, and any one who pays the license as such claim agent, except only officers of the Government, persons em ployed,in the executive departments, and members of Congress. I find, also, that by a joint resolution passed on the 20th of July, 1866, in relation to bounties and pensions to colored soldiers, tne intervention of claim agents who apply for and collect these claims is specially regulated,-and the agent is required to make affidavit that he has no interest in the bounty beyond the fees for the collection of the same. So far, therefore, as the public policy is concerned, it seems clear that by regulating the business and deriving a re-: venue from'its existence, as well as by ex-' press recognition, the : intervention of claim agents is deemed lawful and expedient, ; I am. therefore; of opinion that you have sw legal authority to exclude authorized at torneys and agents from collecting bounties,- and that 1 in the presentation! and payment of claims the claimant may act by attorney. I see nothing in the rules and regulations’ prescribed for tbepayment. .of ..these.'' bona? ties, which excludes the intervention; of at- ■ tornejß. They are silent oh the subject. !,Ihe form of affidavit prescribed to be made by the soldier, and referred to in. the rules, contains the clause: “and he desites all •communications concerning the claiih to be •sent to him.”. ■ ; - - This is no part of the oath, hut only a re quest, for the convenience of the soldier in the matter of correspondence, andis subject to change by another subsequent request : «ven as to correspondence, and is not at alt inconsistent, with a special delegation to ah -attorney of power to present and collect the •claim. ' - • • ■ - - I have the. honor to be, very respectfully jyour obedient servant, ';;: . : ' Henry Stanbebry, : Attorney-General Appointments. The President has appointed the follo wing jpostmasteis i ; • ■ Massachusetts—John B. Bass, Quincy, New York—Levi! Darbee, Williamsburg; "Geo. H. Quarterman; Flushing. : Pennsylvania—Matthew P. Welsh, Charn bersbnrg; Coltoni B. Davis,' Milton; Henry <luilman, Nofristownr David H.Missimer, Ohio—Wm. H. Harper, Lima: Wm, H. Woodrow, Hillsboro’/ ' 1 •; Michigan—Fritz' Hi Stevens, St. Joseph; Jas. Monroe, Marshal; Foster Pratt, Kala mazoo. ‘irvt > Indiana—Samuel M. Graham, Delphi. ! ' Illinois—James F. Coop,; Hock Island; Benjamin A. Griffith, Mohmoutb; Joliffe Kimballj; Elgin; Everson L. Freyman, Ma comb; W. P. Cook, Geneseo, Henry L. "Weeks, Lookport. ... .. .. * lowa—John E. Page, Marshalton. Wisconsin—Heniw Bertram, Watertown; Isaac W.Webstef. Kenosha; Oraig B; Bee bee, Beaver. 810 .Emellne, Ryder—2367 baca coffee S & W Welsh. J . HARBOR Tl*—-Erfg B5O "busiielasalt to A KerrjiSßroi. ; 'ij i. - x j.- — ...^,”5 Hew York—... Southampton —Send® SJ? 01 ora - -Liverpool...New York .Sept. 22 I Dgaware.... •.iiverp oo L.-.Boat o n&Pima ; . i ...Sept. 22 I CSty of hew York—Llvero’l—New. York....—.. Sept. S I Yhe Queen. Liverpool-New York .....Sept. 26 I it— 80 "; Havre-New York —-.Sept. 27 I Hibernia Glasgow-New York .Sept 28 I Hprope.... Havre—New Y0rk..... Sept 29 Allemanla .Southampton... New York— .Sent 29 I ,...——Liverpool—New Y0rk...... ,jSepW29 J Aalk-U —. ......-Liverpool.;,Boston—la..—...—Serf! 29 1 Wm Penn....... ....London—New York;..:’.: • 3ent 4 2iH i TO DEPABT. w II Ttonaw«jida..„PJillad.elphla;.JiaTOmBlL^.a^w M ;’r.OcL 13 Bjemetff. .w.JSfew Yorfc;;Breitten.:.'.r.;i‘;: "rlOct 13 ®eo Cromwell ...New York...N;e» Orleans Oct, 13 I Celia..... jNew York... London oat. is I 10wa..,.,...............New York.. .Glasgow—, net. 13 I Teutonik.....«;.;.^New.York A ,Hamburai„_. * Ocl 14 1 Pfrala..... JSTew York...LiverpomT”Z 7 l7 New York...Liverpool-.:.::: Z*JOc£ 17 Eag1e............,;. —New IT I Kangar00............New York.;. Liverpool Z.Zl Oc£ 17 mbern1a...........^New ■ u. l OnL 20■ I Stars and StTipes...Philad’a...Havana Oct 20 H Chauncey. ; ..._New York...Aspinwali...l7* * *Oc** H T Asia ll Amer!ca “* N York.'Rfo Janeiro I £c™.*.*OcL 22 TKAI,ifI F^BEBIoi H #^EY,' mAMaaEi JBuisiaEn^, Ih3RTO?PHIDADEI,PHIA-CCT;inttK iT ■3o Eis3B.6 6iStrg Bets, s »IHiss w«n.B 6 ■ ' A.KBT VKD. YEBTJEBD.4 s ” .’ W to^&^ lhonr3 wfthSetoW^^Sf 3 .’ 24 honl9 from N Yolfel from York. Galestown, Md. to JT Hunai? 88 ’ WaU “ e ' £tom Dorchester,in ballast c—Sl ll , l ® lll ..* James,' Oaten, 7 days from’ City lumber to. Bacon. Collins & Co. . bauSttoXTJ& eB, -5I imlp3 ' &*'■.****•*• i“ D§^i?h P c“StoJ& day from,Camden, Schr Cora, Townsend, .1. day from Brandywine, DeL w JUi flonrand meal to Perot, Lea & Co. Bchr J B Austin, Davis, from Milton. ; grr- ftom Baltimore, with 10 bargee Brig Coamos. arrived on Tuesday; with Ice, Is con slgnedto Cold Spring Ice and Coal Co—not as before. - „ ITT.IItAW.II VKH-I'KKIIAv - . Steamer Chester. Warren. New York, W P Clyde* Go. Steamer Bristol; Charles. New York, W P Clyde <6 Co. Steamer H L Gaw. Iler. Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. fimp^pocabonta 8 , Delano, New. Orleans, D SBtetson Schr Eclipse, Munroe, Rlch'niona.Tßactm. Collins & Co. *Co with 12 barges 1 for Baltimore. W p o,!SRr? h l p Langdon.Davls, cleared for Acapulco. Bth inst. by Merchant * Co .and not as before reported KBHOBAXnUL eo WUrlwin<t ‘ Far SO. hence at Charleston In Steamer Tentpnla.ftom Hamburg Sept 23 via South. ferday 8 Itlh ' with S7i P assea seta, At Hew Yorkyes- Steamer Coata Elea, Furber, cleared at New York yesterday for Hong Kong via Cape Town.; NewYork l^ liona ’ Hovey ' at 9 a ‘7eaton sotji nit. from tb tefWr N t *w'aS l * clearedhtNew York yes- ln^&^ajtlmo^ ioarnan ' al Kew ftlß.'RHuitS 11 cl KX 3 “P?f?| <l Capt Beir.'whicb sails! ftom Melbourne <th April for t?bam}, la stated nndor I£££l saprevlonsiyreportedc 85(1 not the Y?“ySt2AS : .^^. C ? UB< ?.-^ !l Jone ' at Q % ai ? 1 « days from Rio Janeiro, with coffee, at New York (yesterday. Had heavy weatherdurlng the passage; stove bulwarks, lost and .Bark Horatio, Sprague (new, 607 E5-Iooth tons) cleared at Boston 9th lust. lorSan'Francisco. ’ Si} 8 JjPlS BlBta if' Shnto, hence at Portlond sth Inst. hea P B at Bristol sth Inst. . SchraGen Forbes, hence fbr Newbern. NC. and Jer feraon. hence for Georgetown, sailed Horn Old Point «t Charles ton6th init. Cole, hence at Cbarlestoa 7th Schra Grey agle, Mnllln.for this port, and North for Wilmington, Del,- oleared at Baltimore .St*™ Heading KB Non, Smith; G S Kepniler. MII -- Nlekerson, and G TwlbUl, Miller,hence at Richmond Btb lost. .... . . r~..’ c. S ??f 8 J J 8 Hgvertne. Gorsoo. hence, and Hickman. S^i?a’;sS, m Q'^ odbrl l.S 8 ' NJ ', at Boston 9th Inst. fofwimtafton 1 ! dS Piafie - Cleared “ Boston sth Inst. Sthina? Croakey, Potter, hence at East Greenwich Sehra E W Perry, hence,ana Transit, front Delaware City, at Newport Bth Inst. Delaware Amelia, Beebe, from. Providence for this port, at Newport Bth lnßt. * ' DBtea. rtrEITEGUM ARABIC.-For Bale by WILLIAM street iLlJS * c 0" Druggists, No. Til MARKET ROSE WATEP..-Double Distilled Rose Water, con , hani ? and for "ale by WILLIAM nnJilS dt CO., Dinggista, No. 72-1 MARKET street »FEAM OP TARTAR—Pore Cream of Tartar and ’ fcoda. for sale by WILLIAM ELUs &CO , Drun ists.No. 721 MARKET street. • • " WATER, fresh from the lo^Sebrfheß^Vbfrre?. 180 ' “ d , In qoanUty - HEN H i , C. BLA.TR'S SON 3, . .Eighth and Walnut streew. i TOD LFSTEB OIL (new m&del regulariv r&ceivea 11 \ j quantities suitable to tbe traae. • a 96 0613 fißeBt quality In best of pack' Defined gamphoe, in ofigin&i paciaaee /ffiSsMiSisas johkc K ; ' , OF BUIi&F for beef tea or Essence r>; or for-soups far'tablenzse." Haflc u Elgin, Illinois, by Gall Borden, from the juices a ; la superior In delicious iiayor ant iDßlity to any hitherto Known. Packets with full dj dollar each. HtTBBELL, Apothecary -‘LOjjiiestnut street, -• fyagegTS'Sß: BBKDBI3& - QisfloaKs - Itcrfcm '■^rSF-SSS’e o ®*** Srasiiej, JOirons, TWO33£3,PnS -P^S 3, Som_Eccop;, Barries! Ingtramgr.tc, Trtasa and B°ft. Snober Goods, Ylal Cases, Glass ATT '3lol hjxlasea. Sc„ aU at “Slrst Hands” prtcaa : SHOWDICH <& SBCfcjEEJS, BS Sooth EUghth stress, F' ““ ' jQBEBT SHQKVAT?ga a rtn. w v KACS STBteTS, WtiGlcsali Mftnnmctorerß aafl Dealers in WJ niter? :rVm?4h% i i ! (^S^ 1 l, EHa piir:fcl °-* every astoriptlra •i!er to ths trade, or conraunert, acamplsio ttocfc O' soofts lc tnelx lino, at the lowest insrk”!, rates, “ < ’ , KO3EBT SHOEMAXKB it 00.. _ gortaeant corner ffoartai ana Baca streets, BAT KU2L—Jnst recre*’ D ' a ' Tp-infM*** waived,. *n lnyolra ctfUeauim aj Imported Bsy Snu. Jo? c&le bytbo m -TOMJEMf BHOm6sSB J A 00« Broobfe WlkiS ner Fourth And Saco streets ABD.XDBA.TBRefc GOLD’S PATENT IMPROVED CAST IRON LOW STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING AP PARATUS.for Warming and Ventilating Public In. stltuticns and Private Residences with Pore External Air, without contaminating It by; over heating It. or the possibility of dust or coal gas. For sale hy - ?-,KvJS! i yjJ I vSaE&. M South Fourth street. KITCHENER on the European prln* clple of Substantial Construction and Neatness ofAn. pearance, various sizes suitable for Hotels, Public In-: sHtutlons, and the better class of Private Residences Water Baeksfor heating large or small' .qnantltles of water for .Batlni or Culinary Purposes. ■ _ , * JAMES P, WOOD & CO.’B hut Ventilating Eitaonah^ent, B. Ut FfiltWO 1, oQpt» 41 SOllthPflUfttt fitrpfr BATH <& Ellis Patent Cast Iron Bathßollers for’sale at ■ JAMES P. WOOD 4 CO.'S ’-n nr^?> r . m i ?F and Ventilating Establishment, - • ?Supt. 41 South Fourth strMt aimneys, Pore lng VenlUatlon’.Bemovlng ewam&oS ente| Breweries, Sugar Betinerl«i Pieter Booms, and all manufactories. B ■“ ennarlc a, _ ' JAMES P. WOOD & CO.. Sole Agents. 1 B. M. Felt-well, . ',4i South Fourtffstreet Superintendent. : ■ ■* au2s-sa.tn.thTami JOB BABTiiHOT * SO*. jSsßt Manufacturers olf the Jnra ‘ • ' CEUiBBATED - BABTBETT HDiTEBS Vooking -Bangea. Gaa Ovens, &.'Sheetj Wn»* •md BlJyer's Alt tight Stoves! ’ . always on hand, at _r No, 924 Arch Street, ' V' Philadelphia. -, ■,. -. -enso-u tbomabb. DlXbs * soisb, ; - ~ £■s H°.US* ~ •'-wjw-dowbt;- - FABIiOB, - fTFTATVniIgR, AiwotAerakATßa. Bor Anthrifllta. BltnmTnnn-j WootKm i . W ABM-Ala BtrBHACKS, >,» - V *" ■'..* fi.. n ’. i •“ ' OEM! T*TIOIJBaAXB Mi 8" War Eagle Silver Mining Cjmpany Of IDAHO. Offioa of t’ie Cojapstay, IMS* FOURTB Street Jyi2tf? THE BAILT/ IgygJilKG BPLLjgfltl ? PHILAPILPHIA, Tli UE OCTOBER 11 1886 j c-sci’s, ; ; v r . ■ ' J - ■ !: . ■ ' ; 10-4 Q’s, OOMPOUKD: INTEBEST NOTES, I , •V: l w . ; ./ 9 i BOUGHT AND 80LD. ■ !; L ; • i ’ ;DE HAVEN & BRO, 10 SOUTH THIRD STREET. ; ""NXpMAL EXCHANGE BANK WILL BESOVS TO ITS NEW RANKING HOUSE Nos. 633 and 635 ; i . j Chestnut Street^ ON OB ABOUT ; ' THE istfi OCTOBER NEXT. A BOYD, President. STOCK BROKER. GEO. HENDBBSOIC JK. NO. 223 DOCK STREET. fiavlngresumed business, I am- prepared to make Caalior Time purchases and salesofßtoSta,Bonds' em£'sii£s? led M 6 per cent interest, without anj Orders executed ln Ne* York,'Boston ud Bald more - . i - KST-sm. ISAAC C. JONES, JR., STOCK BBOKEB, No. 140 S. Third St. Government Loans, Stocks mid othsrSecnrltle. •» tie Philadelphia Board ofßrokers. ■<> "' '." "■;. ■■- v: £ SPECIALTY, if mm RANDOLPH ft €O, BANKERS AND BROKERS, i«s Sontb Third tst., i * Sanaa bJmxm, Philadelphia, i Hew HorSs. STOCKS AND GOLD SOUGHT AND BOLD QN nm.-rtrTigiTq; BANKING t|OUSE OP J\yCooke&(o. 112 and 114 So. THIRD’ST. PHILAD'A. Dealers in all Government Securities, OLD 5 go’s WASTED . IN EXCBAKGE FUR A LIBBE AL DIFFEEESC3 ALLOWED OompoflDd Interest Botes Wanted, INILKEST ALLOWED OH DEPOSIT mS°ipn C . Uol!9 “ ade ’ Stocts 2008111 sod Sow ob (torn- accommodations reserved tor esi.' ■ - 9021 15MK STATEMEHTS. Quarterly Beport OF THE NATIONAL BANK -ja,.; et-jp jj jb t, i e, , 809 and‘ 811 Chestnut Street. v RESOURCES. Notts and bills discounted 12 432 United States, bonds' deposited 1 " with theTreasnjrer of the united 1 * «-•“ States v 67 000 00 ~ United fctateabohds on hand. 53,000 CO J United States legal-tender, notes es.w 00 82 National bank notes-...; 17169 no Duefrombanks and bankers .—«» 5!730 ss * Fractional currency and cash items. 14 257 97 > r~ —- 109,154 83 54,075 54 - 278810 7.699 23 Banking Furniture and fixtnrrau. axpenaea and Taxes Capital atock paid Beposlta Profit and Loea.„.. '*• i;.U.. KM 160 02 JOSEPH P. MDMTOMC r> i Total.. ® !if ‘ DR; M; KElftf, . BTOOEON DEKTIBT, .. r . f^HO^pald £ll '2&%£RSU3$W'*4? .ftsKSSf* FEffAJffcirAii ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. rl OF THE Philadelphia, October 1.1555, •-,-64362 87- .... 1326.15Q.02 •• .*» r’K ■: S $200,000 do 119,W0 99 * 6,809 03 PireMCATiOßrs./, tk I'litw. beahy next Saturday l -*• TUi. JLOST BttAtJTY: J T he I-OST BEAUTY: I THE I.OST BEAUTY; •» • THE LOST BEAUTY; • • the fataL krros. t*«^Qneefi. n Tho same au ! Jnlghthayebeea foretold, that of the various kinds of novels, the romantic and spirit and that in-order for-a writer succastfaiiv fPJ - ktopas: ionate attachment to the na tionaj-maPpers and- characterSucs.'and a oorre- SmSfwSH^H 8 ! and Dew; such are the flpd .united In the author of “this work. u l fine*tstory V thi autho: . Its advent la a real literary .event, xhe moat have iji^a t authoress to be the mannM? A^^ tbe Painters Of ; 53? best, without doubt, are the Spanish ?Siw«?L e^fe^ rtWn W fi ud there troth; Joined to ?^l«7,5 e . es and .piquancy-of details; and above aU, a their recitals v’ dibgularly heightens and sets off Co®Plete.ln op® large Duodecimo Volume. Sj n^-?2i“i? ap<!r: or B- 00 In OJdih. th^rcaS a wl?. 1 .??.? eB wi iclt f? W; or<Jer at once -whet tbe ah() je Book, so that their orders ct uLr?S „* n advance of the day of publication. A e i?R™fc? eter6 . o “ H:DeB crlPt ,ve Catalogue. price. 2oo6B Bent poBtage Paid'on receipt of retail Address all cosh orders. retail or wholesale, to & BhOTa:E“s -■IC6 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Pa. «/ or OOJSDUCTfNG BTJSItTESS in SSItiSSI? BoDlttS Byßß^imS .;*'■ ■ NOT) CBS OF THE PRESS Sneekeranf 11 ? ln manner by the a P;n ®.‘ *u® Senate at d Souse of SeDrAsnntktivoa •■Jmm^SPSS’SSSf ♦Triw ra OI R e Legislature, a more useful nnhiirou ■exJns«dSa® ffafflflS?* WUI gaartt “ tee «* ™£«fi fonnd aoat useful to politicians and cm. 9a account of Its simplified parlla ““'K dJrecUonß.--Penr.lyhw.U2n~ P lU * Pcbllahedby LINDSAY & BI,kKISTO!!r, BfibllsbeTS.Dooksellera and loiporters, 25Sonth Sixth street, above Chestnut; , (i EI f ; r ITH G AUNT , ; ~ U BY CHARLES It BADE. ■ • jILI.OSTBA.TED onh?i«h£S r othe , r now books by various authors. publHhm' prlc5 € S ; ' for aalefltli al3COUQtfro!n „ , ni O. W. PITCHER’S, Cheap Book, Picture and Frames to ra j ■: j • t ■ 808 Chestnut street. vinlm' 'with'P 16 or Penns“ pi^2« , A^Jw>v. fc . a ss? ; PJ eiri^l tAry on Phllidor, V CheraPiayer, byixhasllie Von He) r e -^ sa » -Envoy KrtJßordlnary undKlß °* 4118 of Prussia, %t tin Court ofSejc»-Wfclmer. ivoL, oct&vo> ££ veHcm «fi top. Price C 25. lAtfljy pnhUqhSvfay* * T J* " '3ta BTOLZH 4 CO., : -1-. 137 Sonth Fourth, iSSk teu&iMijjti'i,: USESTARJN’SGONDItION POWDERS HORSES AND CATTLE. It cures Worms Botsand Coital It cures colds. OoDchß and HMe Bound. r-}} k *«w**lto lor Horses and Cattle now In cso, bavin g a reputation o!J!0 years’ standing, pit; * SUTe preveatlv ® lor the much dreaded Binder- S?.SiFi er 4?J.P¥ ryza * a «konld be without It., For sale in Philadelphia by DTOTT & 00. Zt2 Jforth nvS?sf *£& £pH*«TO2C £“V Sixth street, and by Druggists through out the country. Address all oidoa w BTABOr.& FLOYD, Proprietors. ;s» Deane street, New York. Av—• A superior article for the .Teeth, animal col* wiilch intet them, giving tone to the toms, and leav -5b rf {n &%nce and perfect cleanliness In be month. It may betneddaQv, and trill ba fnnmi “J.*?®? *Z re 911,5 hleedlDg gums, while the urozna asd detain!venera still recommend It to every DlSml^c^^MT^p^^aSLul w.lhS “ mlri “^c^ ahSUtata ftr tte ance «* ln acquainted with the constituent* ?£Hi?r£ IS !i T,A £ LI ** A ’. advocate Its use: it contains by Pre ,W _ unreatral!! ed employment, i JA3IS3 TV SHINN, Apothecary. For sale by Druggists gengS&^d* l "'“* B“*eU £re<l. Brora, ........ D.t. Stackhouse, r? * Ci> " Robert C. Davis, f.®'§ ee °- v ' Geo ;c. Boner. Charles Shivers, •r' - . 3. il. McCollin. Pißffltai.l 3.0. Banting, An-broseSmitu. Oiaries H. liberie, Adwardrarrish. Marks William RWtbb. ‘ aßring^frS*bo.. James L. Bispbam, Djotl«fcOo., Hughes A Goombe, a. C.Blair's Sons. Henry A. Bower, Wyeth <fcßro. TT'NTIBELY Kt - BELIABUS-HODGSON’S Eroachla! ■V t -^ bI, ETS- for the cure of coughs, colds u«ss. bronchitis 'ir.d cilairh of the head and breast £? b i;f. a H e 5 ktr V lD & era aud amateurs sriU be greatly B r R gf^ D a£X bSS raUon for eve^^oasehom^PubUcSpeSe^ 1 * c a Wes era celebrity, end has been fcmiwL e T? I tte mo ? t , obstinate and almost hopeless esses It laagreeable, fttrenctheniug andeoothlng, BBC& ’ Ko 254 *£Sg|tt nORN OP • ’ nfVKRTSD NAILB.-DB. J iVC.? A r CWropodlat. Operator on Coma, Bud °rimiS T ic 1 25. 1 ' al i s ’ ” 41111 oUjer <U-«SB0« of the feel, eoraer of MINTH and CHEST DB. DAVIDSON wUI wait on patients at their resi uftncfcs. — ' ' leZUfl aii«l©wjsa. REMOVAL JERRY WALKER, WINE MERCHANT, HAS REMOVED TO IFo. 42r WALNUT STREET, oci-litj ■ PHILADELPHIA. /KcTs- JC §/ ** Siiccftisot to Oeo. W Grar, ••; y ? I BEE¥E B, il 24,26, 28 and SO South Sixth St., Philad'a, - FmeOld Stock & Sat-Brown Aks,- . . > for F»mlly and hlwllci-a&LS^y HERMAJESTYI CHAMPAGNE^ cr. if. D-cr isrTo asr» < j t w* *o<ms aoekt*. ; SMpWM. Anrim. i*. s^^K#a. Enaoip!l '' To »“* Ei * ) .■TORTS—Valletta Vtoho vemo Eatr,.Btotos *s" ; jUbelloJWente*co./Vlntasa«iSBatoißEB.' . Rrerai ana BUEStepfcj tsu iTUSOAT-de FttmUrSn; ~ IV *.T UD < . ! . .. lrron?; "Golden BteV | a'<toi>tt ana;oas O^nrWnitaaScinon^SwS^ffl^r^eS 4 " B. P. MIDDLETON, ; - ; : - : ft North Front gtreat. ? :<MS>Aib- •J7OE GOODt OOAL. AT 'AOW KATBB APPLY TC>” OLARKSCN & WHITE, oc4 tn a tn-lm* 2(U'i Market street. r i ■:. JOHA U.-oxl»ajj4 T^heS^S^ 3 ®® 3 in »VrPB ATTENTION YC < Snck Mountain OoxQp&ny’a ooal. * el * '•* 4118 iowesS markt-" SS s ®**** •w* > rob Street Wharf, Schnylkm Mjwteeejfc «Smca.irA UiEanth SECONDstreet •t*"" • r WAITON A Oft H SUSTAIi BHaATHXSc£ V ffTOlar’s Ootoot . Kalla Bel’j eatt'xa&p'TOfemgti ooMUntlyonbans and ftrsals if,, H.2NTS' ’WISFOa moo., m HoaOt Wbazrcs: AIWWIOH: SALES® - 0 TAJifA«;ffjftKBMAN. ATTHrmygigrr,' ->.-, -, - . fcIXTH FALT, 841,33 f)H°il^L^si4 tr^ D ; L. . , SI OCKB. OCTOBER 17, 1886. '.u^ 1 fije 0n ’ WBOWESBAT'j at ‘IS o'clock 1100 a. At the yvili inclnu- the Joliowipg— . “Yp fn^nib? re^JY‘ td , <iDtown ,- C)aB C°. Stock. ,par|Ss; cv,r, p «i™ T W to one-fourth Interest of the entire : Sa'ewiawount or whom it mayconicrn. ifaoreßSlHwd. kP . lllla!!ell ’ Bi “ Wilmington anußaiti e>T—A three-,tory brick honse fif adjoining, is by is&s^SSSr4F^ L: beineTtfi fm S incbi* deso B^^.^!formla t: «n «S@BaSSSBSar^ „ gFuDnd Mr annum (silver) ont of lot. with improvements (s%£?£ street, below J, flerson, 68 by Bo feet ’ • tl| -“ th . Bo; 90sFHA.vLOTT« STREET —A two-story brick above -Poplar street; 15J£ by .73 feet. Clear a 2£P2 lr Z§Sl e c ,J ! ' tate t'S s ™ i ‘ h >ni..ora. H AO. -335,N. 7TH- ST.—a t rice slaughter A'SSi/’p«o?fe IBg ’“v.betow York.Mby lttfeet. , li?r*hEll^^ I h L l ST i -T "° 2 J tor ? briek dwellings, ’ W P dwellings, onebrick hnd tire °toer ffiK I ®. N f s .« a, l lB May land st- (north of Kace a rcrt € i' ee t* Sold teparately. Ciear. ho, 12M KeL-S AOKI II KT.—a three-siorv brick b °£? e \ ot - by »■*»». o?pw olrt -Ann JSfcQuig'm. dec'd. 19TH AISD TATI.O W STS.—Three-story brick te,re W ' angertia-by 56 feet. Orphan*'Emrt&di Estate of Georoe J 2. O'dmns.detfd. I ,J' O - -16» k. N.STH ST.-A three story brick Btrel- f c 5^5. 1 ?5.' auove Btitionwood 17 by 58 feet. Or ph?rrf Chart Site. Etlau of Mtry L Amlin, de?d. ' LOT. TWENTY SEVENTH BT.-A LotTWeaty feJ™^i'mt b i«a£ a3ter ’ Twentlelh Ward, 18« byioo SEVEN acßn-»,S*CONDST. ANDMOYAMEtih. TNGPOAD. FIBST WARD,—A valuable tract of *“ 61 Ward, near the sombern termini of ihe cars, and valuable for building nnr. ba divided Into 7 tracts and sold as*m- K e^ y u becond - S“ ,rall ' Winton and JaSson r ?? le ? Bin ?iS7 ellna Plans, Ac. at the if lilnVfZrrv ZtS CSUri x&- CATAIajQDES READY ON FRIDAY. TO BENT—MANSION AND FURNITURE. .*. v <“r7 elesant Double Mansion, inrnl»hed com plel ely, In a fashionable part of the city. TotwrenS StctonStoiA 3 from l9tor November. ApplyS toe -B * Noils ana o/BaLi ON FBI DAY— , . 25.(00 DOZEN HOSIERY, Of me celebrated importation or MRS--Kb. 8. HOC -.MAN & CO _ ~ , Comprising— xoil lines ofmen a,women’s.boys’, misses’ and chil * aren s bi-ached brown colored and fancy nuTmerta£ Bd 111166 qaarter Sose > ,Q Won do Kent’s, ladies' and children's gloves, in every vat lety . f material, styie ana quality 150 medium. black and white, splendid good* forcitys-i s. do silk and wool brecbe scarfii and mafflem oo meiino ve ta. including Borne of tae dnest imported.. Aieo, traveling and ncder shirts and drawers aewinc -H I*' 1 *' S' 01 ? cotlon ' Pntf nl -thread ‘ silk ties and scarfs shirt fronts, suspenders, nmbrelas <tc. XiAßge foarrrvE op „ ■ ox FRIDAY MOENTSS. Oct. U; ll o'clock, wm 06 sold*b}cttatoftus.il £?®3 fe ‘ s s^^sSL2 r iaffi cirj on lb? nowtoj of mio' fiABQKTKKkMPTOBY fiAliS Qg.lFßW!*gfrß A2TD woolens, linens &nd.cottons. 1 N. B.—Goods aimnied Sot ex*«nlnsttoQ sad ai» ; losses ready early on morning of sale. LißO£_ foBl'l'ivg SALS CBt BOOTS. HTTniK BRCGAKB. TBAVELTKGISS I^™ 0^ . . i. ,V ,OTJTIEB33AY HOKNISO, OCT. IS •A* lOoclods, will be sold, 67 casalome, on S*® 414 * pacfcsgea Boots; Bho», Bal morsjs, dx., embracing a prime and fresh assort of first-class (Sty ana Eastern marraftctore Oner with cauiosnaa early on the xnonlnj _ No. IHO -CHESTNUT street, Cxwbm fcutr&poe HOT Sanaom atrcpt.* FURNITURE OP EVERY D* scr ??tS' ?££????: Q y cosaiGXMßsr? ‘ EVEBI FRIDAY MOBNINS cu Furniture at; Dwellings' attended to an 1 - Reasonable Terms. 3ALB OP RE A T, ESTATE. STOCK6/&c„ ATTH 1 EXCHANGE. respectfully Inform ifctj £???!££&«&? th*i they are prepared to alien: to the sale of Real Estatehy anctJosandatprlvat* sal* Sale at No mo caestnot street tsUPFRIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURF FTNE - PIANO FORTES, FINE uUlsb, <tc. M _ ON FRIDAY MORNING, •BwlTrtU&iSw? AOCt!; ' s B ‘ ore ' N 0 A iarce assortment of superior Walnut and Gak Parlor, Dining-ro m and Chamber Furniture. Carpets, miriois, Ac. “ , FlN'v GUNS. Also, an invoice of flna Doable Barrel Fowling 4 €C &c. one ® nct <Jjn ' ° n « Henry Repeating Bide LABGE BAB MIRROR. . , ON FRIDAY MORNING. A- i- o ciocj, at the auction store, will be sold a S?' k <r r a bar room, containing site large IrenobPla'e Glasses, la frame, IS) feet long by 6 fett in height. Costs3so. J Sile at No. 1713 Fitzwater street. HGCBIBOLD FURNITURE, Ac OB FKIDAT MORNING. . c Vi o clock, at No. 1713 Ftowater street, will be sold- the Furniture of a family removing, comprising Paricr, Chamber and Kitchen Furniture. 8 Sale at No 1534 Walnut street. SANDPOME FuRNI TUBE, i ARGE FRENCH FBATFi MANTEL ANb PIHR MIRROR. CHICK ERINQGHaNi) PIANOFORTE PIMECARPICTS CURTAINS. FRENCH CHINA CHjT W&DNKiDA Y MORNlNgToctfw. ibooi 6 H > i J c Ct- » ,No Y SSJ walnut street, will basold the entireFumiturenfalannly leaving the city, com !lilSi »r 8 rt c i?P^,? arpeI ' Sf,'™ n :ar s e FrenthPJa'e Ma“ M.rrore. Chlckerlns Grand Plano Forte 1 ’<? l 4? s '. ro i om 3?J niI, S roon > and Chamber Fur niture, toe Curtains, French China, lotof Gla s. Plated W arc, Ac. Catalogues will be readv for distribution at the Ane. tlon an re on and after October to. a ' ac to SCOTT, li .. >Jt.'rH'Nlti.ir - ton CEJSSTSCVr su. • CARD.—We are now prepared to make arrangement for speelarSales ofOll Paintings or any other works ol art > O'?. 1003110 ,?, being In thecentre or the most fash, tunable thoroughfare of our city makes It a deslrab’' resort forconnoisseurs and lovers o: artln general, N. B.—Sales o, merchandise In general solicited. Personal attention given to outdoor sales. LARGE SALE OF VALUABLE WORKS OP art COMPRISING ALABAS .KR visls BUONZa GROUPES, FIGURES AN. CLOCKS Vißl P ANi'IQUK STATUARY, ITALIAv MARBLE CROUPES AN u.F CURBS Act Ac ' LE «4iLi o £ lhe io>pori*tlon *f MESSRS. vm pSwSof l ?? t° take place a; Scott’s Art Gallpry, li 20 Chestnut street. ' jON DNKSDAY AND THURSD iY. 1/tb land 18th Inst., at U o'clock a. it. and 7K P. M. (acn day. - ? bis choice and valuable collection of Works of Art will he arranged tor examination oa Tuesday, isth Inst,, and will comn'lse lb: part— ■ . !, KARBIE STATU ARY. Finely executed Boat of the late Mr. Lincoln, by Prof Xazzerinl. ' i Valuablec Groups of Bertolini, Charity and Inno cence, by Prof, Merrgni. A copy of Cu usl's celebrated master-piece, Fidelity. A copy of Powers’s celebrated 'treek slave. Four handsome Garden Statues. Nemesi Bacchus. Mercuxlo and Painting. >. Figures of Resignation. Reace and War die.: I .VEKDE ANTIQUE SI'AiUARY. La Lotte.' Romance. L. Ercole. Wild Boar, Rune of the tablnea. Apol'o dl vel Vedere, Panno. Lions of -Canovaand Switzerland Venus, Vases Ac, ' | ALABaSTsR ORNAMENre. VasM and Urns of entire new.destens. never hereto fore exhibited in this country; valuable Castellina Agatejand A’marmo Vasrs, Urns. and Cantaarea. o} Gredah, Foman and Gotnid designs; fine artistic Grout < s and . Figures of Diana, Snonatice. Povesella Musa, Loxe and Vennr, Venus el Gaby. Ac. ’ . j i. BROhZES. The largest and most c tnylete ever offered in this market, comprising agnres of Old and Bor tie Thole Ralattjon dela Moselle Reverie Polonais Huanenota Charlemagne,’ Mareppa. Black Prince Horaeßattle.’ &C V jtce gllt sl (la. Olocka,, with CandeUrasto match: elaborate Card Receivers, die. nr The itoypcpllectlon. is one of the finest /ever exhi bited la tbit market, and is wel> worthy the attention ofthe lovers of art.. .! m,T:i“ l • J. WOLBSBT, ATJr - ‘ ] ON FRIUAYIfQBNIJjQ'KEXT.i ~ s ( Oct. p, at precisely a o’cloclc.atNo. ie'Sodth Sixth £*e?ch Otaa, Comprlsuig Jaj*», planer .set Hr Boyai • !-FurHe; Birds and Flowers; large set 1. Green and Gold; elegsnay;Oecoratul;ViiaiB;rMug»,'Plat»s, i SplU' toors, Cnamner Sew, *o.'Also, the oontentacftNeuty.,' , crates imported Whltfe GraaiteAndO. & ware. > i Ax' wlU ooojmence.wlttt tae Granite, Ware.,' ; The French China wlllbeeeia At precisely 11 .p'olocir - ' ou Thursßay; anernoon.! octal* ; Y’ * OQ,, i L 1 NO. 60S MARKETstreet, above Fifth.; HOIRAKD, AUCTIONEER, -0-. 1303 MARKET street. j^eaapggaagas^Eau if” REAL EBtl™ W^rVATOaST*?*' farms, fenajpesa properties, Ac. - “ “ ,B Anoaa “ « attention klTon to ula m p*traw STOOKS.JkC, aa,w • ON TUESDAY. OOT* 16, - At 12 o’cloafc noon, at the PhUadelpkla Pfrrhinmw 25 sharea'American Incruatatloii Co , "■ ■ l ahare Point Kre&ze Park : 1 5 stares Enterprise losuianc© Cd 50 shares Green and Uoates streets Pass. Railway Co* 2w> shares Le® is Gold*Mlning < *o 60 shares Provident LifeandT»oBt Co. •5 shares Academy of Jttnslc with ticket* ion snarfcsPhceniz XEsaranceCo. • -—•_ - l share Philadelphia lilbraiw Co. s> it share Mercantile library Co . n a^ Bres North American Ins Co. /shares InsuraaceGo. Stave of Pennsylvania. BEAL ESTATE SALE, OCT. 18. . Willinclude- Orphana Court Sal e -Estate of Admiral Qeogga § E THREESTORY BRICE CtimSfX’ with ttre&Btory back buildings, No. * of Eleventh st; has all the modern nSSS.'SS??J?~ G S onna -®e nt iM 31 a year. ; ■jSSm? ■■^g&isgSE BRICE DWELL* EfUCK I*™ Brnne Estate—THßEE-STOP. T BRICE nwrr r BJg.ramjn.j, wret or Twee ty.second. D wELEr... n?« m w-S® ta i?t THBBM TORY BRICK SWS£> IJSG, Hancocksi^northoiMonroe * i>wjH*r> DWELLD '' G ’ Palethorp at. Estate-FRAMEDWELLING, adjoining Hw llG m 4e^MS^ 10BT BfiICE D ™- ii^ m eh.^ t St;J',f E S^ aTO]BY BBIOE DWELL* Jr , ts Philip Bt. sotnii oi Diamond ir w£S52 to i? *““»>P*oiy Sale—Estate of Joseph Hl* Esq., -deceased. Very valuable BUSINESS b . rick - Store, No. 51 Soath Fonrai IS.’ l" e Rotate 3Ue6t; “ eicelleat Nasties* t Esecutor , a Sale—Estate of Jnlvann and Ann Schiv !i y ; r-Y eI 7. ™inab e BUSINESS LOCATION. Third f 5S e ‘l mDt^ at SS eJ 'i. two desirable buildidgj, Nos. ISO JSS, I^L? on L h ,T hlr , tl sf ree ‘, south of Chesmnt streete c^ pie d as brokers’offices; ss feet tropt. Term. nSe Sale-r Three-story Brick*’HOTEL and 4 ~es2 rth Eounh street, between w 1 onw< *pd Btreels, with a two story brink: isi”lsg, ln . th l rear - ®> ,sn er*7 occupied aa a brewery. Sale—estate of Catharitie tw-o-story Brick DWELLING. Cherry street. between Broad and Juniper. TO CAPITAUBTS, BUILD tP. 3 , iS-Eitra vain ableLOT. N. R: corner of Pine and Sixteenth stream seventh Ward; 20e teat front on “neTms feet mtta*: tef-mh.and 200 feet on Randolph street. Three vab* able fronts. Plans at the anctioa rooms. i ■ \ J arge and Handsome RESIDENCE No. 2008 West between Sprnce and Pine, add wretof street; las ail the modern conveniences. jSSom^rffiS 511 - KeS3 nelt . door * TBr “»> Handsome tonntry RESIDENCE, 3 acres of tits Bonaparte Estate.-’ on the high bluff overlooking the t ilt. J ,^2?’ tre ’ “ s Bordentown. N. j. It ii bout tn conralm«' mßto 14 room3 ' “id has themader* : . Tnreestory Brick RESIDENCE, with dou ble back bniioings No. 1622 Wallace street; baa aU the modern conveniences Immediate possesion? ~™d K , D. t ? l f fe?t oryJ ?r lct RESIDENCE,with fonr story back bnUdlnga, No 919 Pine street; itas all tba modem conveniences. Immediate possession. Keys, at the auction rooms. 30 feet boot. - f ? UMU,r y “rick RESIDENCE, Ns. 121*. Green street, west of Twelfth street; has the modern conveniences. Immediate possession. Keys at the auction rooms . .. . - ory Sale—Genteel three story Brick DWEL EHJO. 1014 f =utll Thirdstreet corner of Bussell ’•Jg*-. Has modern conveniences. Sale absolute. Tmsttea bale—Valuable three story Brick FAG* Ileverly 5 N' 8 j 1 en Slne. ahaftlng, Ac., Warren street, Three4toVßrick STORE and DWELLING, 8. E. M 4 rd and George streets, and two frame Dwellings on i*eorgeatreet. Tdree-sioir Brick DWRLIRNG.NA «s North Ninth s *!, eel sonth of Noble street; has gas. bath, Ac. TbreeAtery Brick D WELLES a No. 1543 Christian street, west of Eighteenth: has gas, bath. Ac. Sale—Eight Moant iloriah.Oemetery SALE 23d OCTOBER wm Include— Eifcntors BjJe —Estate of Jsiugs n. Dtcttou da. cessed—Extra Valuable Business Stands—Two four- ' story Brlcfe STORKS, Nos s2s and 423 Market street fto^fljs^eetdeep 11 to Merciiant street. Lot 33 feet . Erecutjr3' Sale-E3tate of Wm. WUberforce Wls tir-Tlie Elegant CD ON TRY SEAT and FAttU known as Hilton," late residence of Wm. Wilberfonsa Verree road, 10 miles from the e.ty. near the Fox Chase, and 2 miles from Bnstle barns^s-c!* SEOne tenall t house, two commodious scone r^ r /SK2r y^?JSrVEEY VALUABLE BUSINESS Jf’fvJTTOE—THEEE-sTORY BRICK STORE, Nm ir 14 *—f Ateodlng through to SANSOU valuable fronts. Sale absolute. Farther panic ulars hereafter. ___ Sale No. 211 Pouth Seventeenth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, MIRRORS, CHANDE LIERS, VELVET CARPETS, &c. ON FRIDAY MORNING. _-“A ie ° cl °?' at No. ;u South Seventeenth street, by catalogue, the superior >arlor. Dining-room and L timber Pornlture, Mirrors. Chandeliers, \elve. turrets, Bair MStresses. Beds, <Lc. Also.tha Kitchen Utens,ts. ggy Thehonse Is to rent S 4. LU^® LE LAW LIBRARY. ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON. OCT. 12. auc f l ,?“ stoie * by order of Executors, theva- Inable Law Library of the late Garrick Mallory, Em , Including th> Pennsylvania and other Renans. * Also, superior oak Bookcase with glass doors SALE OF A L AW LIBRARY. _ . , ON MONDAY AFTERNOON, October 15, at the auction store co in in euc 1 n rat * eulocfe. the Aaluable Law Library of the late LO Van Dyra-Etq.. Including a number of Pennsylvania, and other Reports. THE PRIKCUPAL MONEY ESTABLISH MEOT S. E. corner of SIXTH »ni RACE streets. Money advanced on Merchandise federally, Wa-ches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Silver Plat* agreed on U * rtiCiea of ™ lue ' for any length of Urns WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SALE.' Goid II anting Case, Donnie Bottom and Ojtss American and- Swiss Patent Leva Watcheu: Fine. Gold Hnntlng Case and Open Foes Ls- 1 P-S?W a Fine Geld Duplex and other Watchm rtne Stiver Hunting Case* and Open Face English, American and Sw&o Potent Levetr and LspSu Watchs; ponb.e Case English Quartler and other Watch®; Lad.es’ Fancy.WatchesrDiamond Breast-' .hihat Fingor Kings; Ear Bings, Stnds, Ac.: Fine Gol* Dpalns: Modalllons; Bracelets; Scarf Eton BreSsf Pins; Finger Rings; Pencil Canos, and Jewelry gens* rally. POS SALE.—A large and splendid Fireproof ones udtable for a Jeweler, price JSSO, Also, several Lein In South Camdos- Fifth ass Chestnut streets B, SOOTT. Ja. riAVIS a HARVEY. AUOTIONEERB, U (Late with M. Thomas & Sons,) • Store No. S 3! Chestnut street. FURNITURE SALES at thp Store every Tun Idas SALES AT RESIDENCES will receive pariSvte (tiAntioo - MISCELLANEOUS THEOLOGICAL BDOIta ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON At 4 o’clock, at the auction store, Miscellaneons and Theological Boohs, ' SaleNo .1539 Soring G°rden street, SUPERIOR FURNITURE. OIL PAINTIHGB FIMB TAPESTRY CARPKTsTac _. , ON WEDNESDAY MORfcING. ■ October 17, stTG- o’clock. Pattlcolars hereafter. - DY BABBITT: A OD„ AUOTIONKEBS. ■* ■ ■ (Rsh AnrJlon House, ...?«• 2SS Market street, comet ofßxnk street char?*: NOTICE TO CITY and COUNTRY MERCHANTS. ON FRIDAY" MORNING. LARGE SALE 750 L'ITS FALL AND WINTBB -•/ - DRYGOODS. . •■■■■■■■• Sh rtiuge. Sheetings. Ginghams, Checks, Dress Goods,- Hoslery,Notions. «Sc; Cloths. Casshheres. Satinets. He.- Also, lio cases Umbrellas, Boots Shoes, Felt Hate, Stocks of Assorted Goods. &c., dtc., suitable fbr flrst class city and country trade. dheLip fobd a CO., . t AUCTIONEERS, No, at* MARKET street. , SALE OF 1600 CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. We will sell , i ON MONDAY MORNING, OCT. 15. by 'catalogue, commencing at ten o’clock, 1600 cases prime Roots, Shoes . Brogans. Balmorals, Oongrest Gaiters, Slippers, Ac.,' comprising a prime and desira. bit: assortment of goods, for fall sates. ~ . ... rnHB HAKDSOMB REeiDßyfiß. RtmtH • Kftc r .« - ■ A.- ner ofSPRUCK and EIBHTH Stnoti; ta onpn tn ■receive BOdBDEBS, EooimL.Slnfelß / j privateTableif desired, T; ..< ■.■ Taniffinja . bOtJTH BRQAP streets;j ■ ■. T^two^tSnrdan3h!tßS?^Sn*§£<??J*aetftUMJsMu«; 'o?My Itws *** D ° W toVtt * lil!a > batl&oWOsfiibi*' >' ■' ■' location,terms, &,C! s<-' > * ■- Afldresa 4i6i.PniladelpblaJ*. - r,ocl&r3ll • *l**«J»t iso!* r v. r ./ withpriKSAt»ii‘e,*osaiiMU fiaaajrwt@M*«- - 6tbd. Apply Jto, Ul3,.y.»jayOT.at»ab , . -oca-ati. ' DOARDXNG.—Tftrfo BnS afcond atorv comomnlMt; • X> Ibe_Boou s; alto .two thlKl atory rooms, *t !® Boa tb sit* H.TK Street. : oeI&SSM AUCQDiaMg R« T.HBB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers