.-:.- »^^ST.*Sv--.~v 2 THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN; PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1866. ■»l 11 1 '*"" ■”' '■■■ I! —— - 1 rr-T - ~~ rr ■ ’■■i. '. .. ■ ’"' . 11 "' '" ' ' '' ' " ■ " ' 'T 1 -. 1 "^ ——"' ' *' >' rror the Filin. Evening Bulletin.! increased, blowing even worse than the, day, - SIIMuINERY. 'W&TOIES AID’ JXIWISItBiHv. BETIII DBYfIOOD. '.: * ALL ABOUT A. J. ES»I. before, heavy seas washing over the vessel, ■>?, .■., : 1 : !t- : : —: *1 T ~r:.r - -~r — —---■ t ~ The subjoined capital poem was sent to and the situation exceedingly precarious. , & ir in i htit .|S. OTATPIU?H- rbIFET PV JJ«l>h - 3 sxtaAHaa „ro,p„u li .nb. f 0 1 . a ,., M „,ba. - magasin .. ®v watches, jewelry, • OPEVL ' u was accidentally overlooked. go two of them exploded, scattering a mass _ • - OP ' o-asS^ l^?Mto^“ emant 6 wished it all overboard before an yT.mSS DEB MODES PARISTEMMES I 6IDVIE AHDPLATED wabe. • MEBICAMACADEMY OP MUSK)! SR&.ttRS-a-“i-SS s- " ' L PAIL AND. TOTTER CLOAKS, am , ■ With mighty visions in his head. be gone, adding to our list of misfortunes. —V (successor to n btjlon i tl V ' «. « , n «. opening night l5 Hedreamed of Aldermanic fines At SP. M. the hurricane moderated; made ‘ ( dealer in U ThurjdaV, Oct» 11. 1866« And glittering revenues of gold, sail on the vessel to keep her from rolling OPENING DAY . - ' V f ujausutau. (Forgetting, once amidst the pines, so heavily. Twp tfclpck next jnprnixig. ....,-. T ~ .- -ir,! ; -Diamonds.-Fine Watched, Jewelry in addition to" tie above we have a targestock of First timet^Pbi^defobianrTM a^.i’?ploc ?'r.- ■He often under-garments sold). found the braces vessel aU gone, bat ~ „ Silver and Plated War., - Radies’ garments of the newest and most novel ,-^ e oßWFmo^Ll f^l^ copera .. rrf.T- .. u is™™. ♦„sncceededm faxing them with ropes, a tre- Saturday. €>Ct«vl3«> r '..mW vlHnsio Boxes, styles. The principal parts by “AH this —hedreamed— was given to me ,mend C ussearnnninga t thetim e ,bntßh o rtly ' --- ‘ * '_, , rtftr . . . Also, a new Department lor the sale of JJoUona, vpxiJiJi l lliT^vTns^?fl!S osa By masterstrokes of policy.” afterwards the head bolt broke off the rad- -w-toti —-- No. 1028::: Ghestmit -St. • JPancy Arhcim, *&, *c. % bbxuhi, rEfa and And he dreamed od, of every stage " rad er and wenr by the ~ q " ,P lYen CURWEN STODDART & BROTHEB, TrFSDAVEv^^tobens.ats, gTeafon history’s page, saw a large, side-wheel:: steamer, °whioh s^- 1 :!?■Mfol—w-.-.-.iu -ni'.r." 1 Nog. 460,452 and 454 North Second St., i J^ ITE (Her*m appearance f 0CH ' ssaafi’t'Sfa: ‘ „„„„„ ■ ■■ ■ ~«. ■But one more station yet to fill, signals, which were immediately answered! ■ . . : • • . ... ■■— r Wednesday evening. October 17, at ? 'He longed, he sighed, wished he was there;: At 9 o’clock the North Star had reached, „ n „ Al „ T iTWTT n inm«™r,n, //DIAMOND DEAIEE — : The "principal ch a facttrfi^ VOLO ' A bullet gratified his will, i but coming too dose, became unmanage- NO. 904 WALNUT STREjET. I( -' watcub3, jeitkijiv *silvekwike, II . OHIi.BINUa B'l k f BjA 1 -5 lI S'I9 T I " :KELLn ' :!G - And so he reached the higher chair; able, rnnnmgintannr quarter and doing •* >C,J3i . %WATOHI!S BEPAIBEB;# ! b " %, MDME - NAT^B T E *fTA,atAZZOLENi, An^m pty honor that, - MADEMOISELLE KEOGH. ' g ■■■'■' A SIGNOTE e GIORG P IO ea BON(X> f NI Made President by John Wilkes Booth. one of the passengers! running forward, mnucmuiOtLLC IVtWUn, K■ E ‘M' NTSEDTiES' "a' ! thdesday eveniSg, October is" at* .. * and looking over the bows, seemingly fullv A*-.-,,. - j . DIAMONDS WATCHER K Xl. lfl. IN JGiEIUIIILO. Q: skbut or «Js v ats, Made President, but not enough; impressed with her dangerous condition, Milliner de Fans. . -B » W ?£*»&£•=&???• He must be people, Congress, State exclaimed, “My God, what will become . . straDg«ra»nd otiera will find at iomchest- m ' la sonn asibu'XiA, And Constitution (rather tough of us?” . TCinrvT t> v klt street, a large and complete. , & • • —• -Ftir one of his peculiar hatej. ’ fl^ h !^ c^? re “? wd ® d w . Uh P a l BB ?e er ft »;&»^er^w bnßk “ B,B,ao * t JEWMjKY. W, To p t> 8e1c0n^^f ]e ............. n w l. n o^r,t n «j n and the effect of the hurricane had told i<eaßlmM e hr7u.TcftTAUT.TRTrirD - £ J; .! S Behold <be Mighty, as he stands, sadly on the :: upper works. She then kept And well-known fMhiormbiop?Seofbna!nes3, where • r ■’ whit^goops 13 ’ -v m 75 With chosen Cops on either side; . ofi, and setting her colors anion down; bore Sfif S^f£j£gJ Il<l ke6 Pl n a coMtantiy -persona attending [the Convention wlahin* to pnir 3D - handkebohilefs, veids, .. ••> *«■ p eM roßSCßti ; TioVTic’KEfiS'' i —• 40 ‘ Behold the bounty that he hands down to her and signaled a large sailing x ■ . A *cHbIOEST and B.viomi'prwe- ® ha " a ■* ” ladnding»second choice seat to# tbeEtieen nidus • > Toithose who foster up his pride: ship several miles off, whether to obtain . fashions in,MifiLmEßv, 11 w , v T OM w V m atiow pbioes pont.aKS each, «h* hMten sonestef sane for herself or hs we'could not Keceived^p K oM eubopf Watdheß, JeWSliy 01 Sllvei-WaTB j bemceived^^^SSSfy,-;^ Tmmpier-a Vb. hasten, nere, tnat sang ; divine. We hanled our colors down, as the Thus erabUngherio with thn ~ ,A, . . . „ ■ v : . : : / ft! Mnsic Store. 632 Chestnut street, corner nfSeve“ Pl Ohatmerry song, “The Bomerang.”; ship could not render ns assistance and ! newest Itylts of “ pply ' pt 01 Willfind It greatly to their advantage to call and Be- rj( ' - IT . M MKni.Be t £: The sale ofTlcketa forany of the above named p-r -■ i 0 ' ; f-rvt VV v iwiuw ub aoiuatttmiß, auu DnNMVTHs 'rp in ti-r-bcoren, i>c -om«mvi-Hnn' lect from my large Stock. . V Ci ill* HC>vL/K-5>9« formarcea commencea Tomorrow m n-nTn t , . ... IhiS was the* last we saw of them, which ! My prices will .be found-much Jess than the name Ociober I2ih, at the Box-office of the A^demr^ndftt The homerang’s an instrument: ~ . , was latitude3l degrees 27 minutes. ■ ' ~ ft ■ . Cafle! %ii% a * Used by some eastern savages, longitude 75 degrees 20 minutes. We now akin and proficiency as a , -“wrymm f 1 ' ; 1 ; if uei.c.a i F. u n~d ha l l, Which will return from where’twas sent. 1 ngged a temporary, rudder by means of the bALBiMOMS ' ' v> JimsliSaHO ; intw ' Regardless of its ravages - , spars with hawsers attached trailing over Will contain the most fashionable readymade artl- ,tonal bon * ht —“ rr ; r — : 1 : —: Has tl e honor to aiinouncealifnrttS.'on of Begarfliess or its ravages. each of the quarters; sails double reeffd fore a V e ?f'?^r^ o . s t !l^?v. 1 J : . n . itce geand conclbw/ • and aft. ' color and style. /-ibotbs, oassihebes and vestings. cmscn Although he reached not up to JVfame, ;On the 6th the weather was better,thesea Her attendants are selected for their experience and PA PEltilANl GINJ GS <& SHADES vy JAN invite the attention ofthelrfrlenda MONDAY EVENTTSm nr>fr.V,QT. OOJ Waif Vita nwn sniium-a nlin hla nrimr had nartlv eove down lint tha winß rooa taste, thus ensuring fatlsiactlon to those who may ———■—■■ , and others to their large and well assorted stock 01 x JbV JilM tjr, UCtGOer22d,. Felt his own sotssor3 Clip ms wrng, nau paruy gOEe aoWD, put tne wind was favor her with their orders. w ■ Goods, adapted to men’s and boys’wear, comprlsins - . t * Which forced him fluttering back again— still fresh and cloudy. At midnight plea- bbench, gkiman_andEnglish D A DT?D IT A W/mT/iC' ' K ilmS* . .. ■ , . ~ . . b fiant weather, and noou-of the next <lav - SPOKEN. r’A K HrK H A |Vf-r l[\! French Clotha, , - iH n i? pronounced oy -the entire ’Midst voices on the route which sang, : m«d« » rtMin<»l»ndd«Sh. THE MODBNING DEPARTMENT. ;A iXA.JUAV • UAoUin\Ti , . Blue French CSotbs, , . . P^f^ O L , ?r, OW 7^- o T W . aclS sew theoranderf c* /j A itnrnc. u»nma ilinn hnmArnmr .mad© a steamer boUDu south, immediately Will contain all the latest styles, where any number '- - Colored French Olotlia. ,u %rH2£!i£f u ? tca * Ta ! ent . **** presented to the public. Go home, go home, thOU bomeraug. hoisted JSigDa)s of distress. Which she an- required for funerals can be supplied at a few hours’ AND - OVEBOOAT CLOTHS, ; f« r 2^fn?L l « wll,g pariva»ed Vocalists and InatnSaenial sweied and at on re hore down ‘tii nc notice- Blfick French Beavers, ism win appear: v Now on some head his wrath must fall; proving to be the Haze, bound to Mobile! : -’JraNtS:'abtkts; w “ h : WINDOW SHADES MADAME PAREPA, . Spme.patriot tried, with wounds and scars, from Hew York. She came within bailing fbench goods, . ; ' Colored Esquimaux Beavers, Frima loima Asso’uta; Must give up station, ofilce, all, distmice, and agreed to tow nsto Charleston - AT WHOLESALE. i ' ~ ne ~Blueaud BlackPaletola. SIGNOB L*iGNOid ~pe * r “ ce to tWs . ci ‘y-> To one that served the stars and bars • for the sum of §20,000, and no less. It we Allherproductionsare characterized by elegance. .. T -vr -nx . T „ ■ ' PANTALOON STUFFS. - SIGNOB FERBANTI. ao one mat servea me stars tutu oars, accepted this she would take us In tow if ueatßeexandtaste. 40 IN. PLAINS. Black French Cassimeres. sidBOBFOETCXi The Union man, the brave, the true, not desiened nroceedintr on hw So indies dealring to he pleased, can, by visltlug her Blade French Doeaklaa. > Rkst E iiiixi, The foremost soldier from the ranks, disabled as this schooner was. Agreeingto * pike - ana striped cassimeres. ' WK ' CA MK. : j?L i 'HATrox Must bow before Ms greatest foe, this charge demanded, a hawser was sent . BUREAU DE PARIB, Stamp gilto. • • —- ’ And thus receive great Andrew’s thanks, him, anti he started, bat the hawser getting . • : , cords, B can uieMn^ Whose only thought from morn to e’en fet'^^o^ ’ ®O. 904 Walnut Street, Philadelphia iv gbe.t Vabifttv At wholesale ardretau, by __ocn£ E-Where to use his guillotine. course, fromv°“vabom one Select from the latest-Freueh Modes,’:.thus giving VARIED, _ Vo . v North second at, Mgn ofihe Bolden Lamb. ° H^^^lS^«.'K^LFTH.'" ' - p vFi, b. t. hazzabd. . >«"*w« S l!a ® ixreai neaasman, oi a coppery caste. Sixo’clock on the morning of the Sth, -■ ■- ■ - ■ • • Good heavy 11 4 Blankets for »7 to. eminently succe&fcl Great Sacrificer of the race sighted the steamer Saragossa, from Charles- “ “ Ho 819 Arcb Street. Pn l n ß^BnrtSi f .m I i, I rGimili p o.„„„ Engegement of the diatinggished oomedian. That took you up when sinking fast, ton, bound to New York; at once made fleXa * ■ aos £‘^ i^i^^, TTm d,™, «eiws.ih.im ' . Frosiedßeavera. fort leaks anaoveraSSf 1 And put you in its highest place; - signals of distress, which were answered. . open' this day. ’ q f. baldebston * soil dealers in 1- R^-S- Vs - Tfltft wnrninf* from the stertlintr qmmfl She immediately passed US a hawser, and d i^ t „ I1 'f^? ) L“ s ° rtlnentof Felt and SilkHata for La- p-WALL No. ;a gg“dvale and Domet Flannels. and OWENS. - Take warning from the startling sound taking ns in tow arrived in Hamnton dl 2’i?fb d .t w.-.r aasorinnOarden street vhnadeiphiA sea-imi , cn j^i a w ß at n et f nfv n '’' ’ m&g&tiMSlSZi v That Scared you from the woods Of Maine, Koads. The Mary MeGfee was built at Willow, Ostrich and Pheasant Plumes. : mnnai>k l*n r-mirru ~ . STOKES & WOOD S, 702 Arch street. Nightly received "by For when our voting dav comes’round Milford. Delaware, in •)». bran new waaaal _Brown..Drab, White, and Garnet Bonnet Velvets, ■**“®"* *««■ IfDWIN HALL * txt., 2» SOUTH SECOND Street, CBOWDED DELIGHTED AU __ , . ", 'j m . *cwci, It oval Velvets, Uncut Velvets, Gros d’Afriqnes. :■■■ -la are now opening their Fall and Winter Imturta. DIENCE3 We’Jkmake you hear it o’er again; three-masted schooner, and this was her Frosted Velvets. H ' uonsof si lkS/dbess goodsthis (thue3Day> evening, i,..a t m ;n , - first voyage. , The same guods In every other shade of color • I Heavy Black Silkß. ' ’ ' CHANGE OF BILL. Whtise head, I wonder, will be seen The arrival of the shiD James F Patton .V,lvet_ Bftbons. Ttlmmlng Ribbons’ Bonnet Bib- ~ Colored SUks. _ CHANGh OF bill. 1 Beneath the avenging guillotine? l - __ VT,, amp oatuea x. traicon, bons. Paris Ornameats. tine French Flowers. GEORGE C. BEUKAUFF "Pirn's ’ Beal. Irish Poplins. second night of the Owens specialtv, Menearn tne avenging gunioime. from Callao, With a cargo of guano for French and New York Hat and Bonnet Frames. . ManDfkanrer of ' Fren&andGerman Poplins. THELIYF. iNoian. Harry GODOLPHIN, has .before been reported. Shehas leces Illustons-all at the very lowest market LOOKING-GLASSES, PORTRAIT, PHOTO- Black Goods In great variety. THE LIVE INDIAN. been "ordered to Baltimore to dUcharge Pr ‘ ce3 ’ AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. • i and SquareShawlA - cargo. Her master reported the ships At- Coentry orders prompUyattended Give os a No- 9-M Philadelphia LtMBERT : To ccmn-eiicewith Terrible Marine Disasters—Particulars op A ~ ■ <l*e Loss of thc OnfiCn Victoria—Frarfni 7 having sailed 101 the States fTs. MISSFS O’RRVav vn iia” iFiT'wrr Kw»qa.witkft>t cupnlied USCLESOLOS SHDtGLE. Kenort from a Sea Captain—PrbbaMe rom Callao, with guano, and are now st^Sve^Yvtd MILMNimV I 1 WHOLEBiLE AND |‘ '• B ° leD |^TuI^YAnSNOON J oSS,S P, WEN 3 X ™ : due. The ships Dreadnought and HB&- icr Fall, to which they inviw the attention u r - neß-ftn* 3 ’ Ixtss of tbe Sfeamsbip North Star—Fbe Electric SDark had arrived m. fltlian LaoTes. . wilt also eoniloue to receive from ! Y ! Y • . SECOND OWENS MATINEE, Andrew Johnson Beached on Currituck i j, ihetr Paris agent, monthly, the latest and most selwrt , „ BtBS. JOHN DREWS new arch strf.hn> Irom San Francisco, and were loading siyiee. ociim* : Crt M M theatre. Begins at eto s o'clock ’ with cargoes. He spoke, 10th of August, fry v-h » n THURmny- _„ „ 2 __ another new play-destiny. Fcbtbess Monrok, Oct. 9.-The steamer H®^w, Arg ?S 3a ’ fr °m. Callao bound t° milixnebt*S I £ >^athNKTH t e t of LOOKING GLASSES = * blltomann. STS•t Ga^v ftom Wmißg ! OB '> r . c ’. AS- w T.B.^S^£y E Y?tSIi EV ™' bound to Baltimore, was spoken in the ,- 4U ae B re ” west. I|K street, will open THURSDAY, OctabSll a Alarge assortment In Ornamented GILT and WAI t- CD , E DESTINY, J Chesapeake Bay yesterday afternoon bv the fine weather the entire passage, and HE handsome assortment or Fall and winter sun;- lut frames. For sale by W destiny. : quaraSine SteaYner City Of Albany, Captain whtchhasbeen very Also. Head Dresses and Dress caps, oca tv J. CGWPLAND; B f S • CgS^‘gfeSs?^”-Slr 'tfsasfeSsatssaasKSsa speouul notices. . Mjga -f; s q •®sassfo , rBs. , te i aB& - 5 # S. wmssa*^»^. « T wttttamq ®■. f S P 15. J. WILLIAIWO, ■ ■e» m N THlS(Thnredayl^NlNaoct.n.,s l6 . Gary, and obtained the following particulars gß^e ’ nt T % f}. 1 E ‘^ el 7 landed - and have WO. Iff NORTH SIXTH STBES* .I Of theDisUngnlshed"^ mE-cac" Cmnedian, relative to the divaofer • 61 - arrived at Norfolk. This completes the re- the Incidental expenses thereon, unless the amoaai-i ■ Y S- Y ~, Mr. J. 11. HAvKiSTr, The -gale commenced on the morning of F° rd ,/ or tb . e . P resent > btlt will doubtless belore thaulme l^are Pa:<i l ° tße Treasuter on J. MANUFACT URES OF J j s * 3 | ‘ pp SIB JOHN I ALSTaPF, the 2d, and increased every moment. iaan» be other disasters to report before many James h. stevenson, TTR NETTAW Tl T, T Tff TV 55 » d t^'mfrpv wtwo op wixu-mt with terrific violence. The next day th? da js e apse. In pomt of seventy, great Ilf. Murer - »Ih HJ.I A W _D lj IJN Hi 3 g in wmeJvoT'hkP£,Si ' WINDOW SHADES. * waf washli overboard'by will be long remembered as one of the most given that an imtaiment n: - “d anest assortment la to. uty *» u - " * . Wf 7 YFF 11 ”' whit* swept her fore and aft. In fearful on recoid. StoreWesm.de and lettered. ' ' i H EELiiEs.!..- -I ..''.farewell nights, noon the topmost-gave way by the rolling of .. : wUbedus ana payable at tbeolUceof theComr-anV ;AT aSSCKBLY BtHLDrNG thevessel. and the mate Who3e name was Commodore Stocßton—Tlte Funeral Cere- No- Alt WALNUT Street, on or betore SATURDAY, — flinirniSFK’S'iTTiniTiniH'a - ' TENTHandchestNlV STREETa. while heroically cutting away the rig- Hbincetun, N. J„ Oct. lOth.-The funeral ocs-tccso F ’ K - ' fJFlTTjTiß'Ei'N’fi' CASPERSESB AHD BUILDERS urn nights i»iML?i?e L |£»t Hrndoo Trick, .. ... ... . ofthe late Commodore Stockton took place officrVif thf pW.t nvr c/mLU/nun □ GDUIIUiHi. can save the Sirth and growth opplowkrs. save the snip as this afternoon. In order to accommodate o^sowraMN P mSI P Bvtmreh M iSffS« PJSK OENT * G^tto C ofthe md*fi“ , 2~ T!,e dS™S^S."fi,“ e S£SiSSVr “affillifessK t boats were launched, faclu-d to ihe Jafns’ fiXS FALL. AND WINTER CLOTHING f amd ptac&tg tne crew and passengers in the morning. - These special cars, as well !««•»»toubth Md bat imtaiiment of ' v«JWA*ii«o bojrls ? Admtiou m kn<t 75 them, with the necesatary provisions and as ail thedfnot bnildini^^andTnVif o , W *t! ■ _k.__ X AT , r , , c^rol^l^ori^. 2 Fioosll ' a - a. .. Aum.A.ou, oo ant,., water, consigned them to the c-harge of the the Camden and Amboy and Phifadelphia "lied into be duelndiky.bfSt fhisofflS’onMos MRS. E. KEYSER’S. w. pine and oypbfbs shingle . ion a l ha l l." CiSlc&ts and tne mercyof the asd and railroads weredraoedinhlftpir DAY,ta6i7thinBt, * wai. DEMins. TWTr\ T OOV nv»/%t>+w __ 4. p« , JANXEY, ■*•/»_ stakket btrf**** .\uore tvv yaves. vShortiy after they left the Victoria, At kaat three hundred Phil*! -■■■_■. Secret «y.yia Treasurer.;. N0fJ.227 GhestiUt StTCSu : whasf, tableaux her stem wefct dowa, and with a few fitful delpbia, aDd the same number from New Reivimj soo^ . Delaware Avenue. . .The Picture, r.u in are from the pencu ot spterges tne enure hullrapldly disappeared York, t’ook part in the obsequieL Among HOTELS. Murdoch Em wj l and stafT EDWARD DfJFFY Hon, Martin For .. Monday; Wednesday and Saturday . State Senator Wright, ex-speaker Amos ih* iwnff Lectures of the Course will commence “GnyV In Seventh aueet, near Cbestnnh • qmimi »u.in.i M Adnilaaloc. 25 cents. Childreo. t; cents. oc«-6t» -If 3 , Bobbins, and numerous members of the emelin e. h. Cleveland,m.d„ Haa OnaneH ih.Tnniina , FBBKITUBE MB aftMwaiM they were all safely transferred legislature of New Jersey: Hon. F. Mills m ~‘ tu 111 f 3t * secretary of the Faculty.. nas uponed Ine I ontlllO, ' a ~’ a " xastweekofMr. jo-ik rpsoctos. Wltamaa y a thanksgivihg for Mayor Ol Trenton, and officials of that city! ITx?” north PEKNSYLVANIA BaILROAE (One door above Gay’s"), on his own account. In cm -i-wTiv rtnTJXTTmTTTin _ _ Thebeantlful Fla^n their opportune delivery from a watery Hon. A. M. Hudnut. Mayor of Princeton (Mf AND.-REENLANEaTA'iieN, ?KfL < i n J ate ,?V Ul<! sa ,Ettwrenw UUI FURNITURE OF Thebeanttruipiay .n av_egts.ot grave. •Die utmost attention to the wand and the CitV (SSncU. y "mceton, _ *““*»« have mperlor success is treat, and deaervedlyao. X>.. . - and the Scaffold ocS of the unfortunate survivors of the Victoria The navy was represented by Commo- dto them from the above place att3oa perton. - (rOULD & GO-. NEW eleventh strket opera house was contributed by the master and crew Of dore Kngle and other nffiraTs Prcmpt attention given to ordera addressed to Box OL . . ‘ UNION DEPOT. N. EOorner NINTH and u* ov-vn ELEVENTH street, above UECESTNUT. e mfs o,B Ga?l’ a Z d k^ e th P3SSeng r ? n James Garv speak in the most eulogistic railroad interests of State were the fol- ocznnrp binesasheaff. 1 AJ V/ U 11 vety woHd CA^"Ci^ iDISB -!G 3 m.instrelB, terms of their kindneM and liberality. Yea- lowing: Hon. E. A, Stevens, president of the FT^*^ ) A p S7S, E sli,r'?. HE American fire insf- Drawing Room. Chamber or Bed Room.DhticißTOm; ETmoliAN r soStSles steame . r Jaln ® s A- Ga f yi from Camden and Amboy; Wm. H. Gatzmer, !unw?s A 1 E ' COMI ’ Arn 1 PHILAI ’ KLPHrA ,Octobar an^esj^-^^mnMasonhfor^ burlesques, plantation g enora l. agent; Mr. \an Rensselear, super- da Y dec l»rea a dividend of fheattentlon of Slilppers to South American Porta Mtlps, ImUtutloiis, Clubs, Colleces. Public Buildings utSs'sco? 611 &t " °’ C! J k L C ca RNCRof 8 l am,Ki' °f those on board the brig were taken care mtendenl; R. F. Stevens. Auditor- Maior ENDOLLaRS AND Fienr CENTS per Share and thefTrade generalhMscalled to the following Ce- Hoiels. Boardirg Hoiisea. Hospitals, Fairs, or a Single «Q-aSmt — ; J- h. CARNCROSS, Manager. Of. The second engineer Of the Victoria General Mott navmaetAr WalL.Vw’™oi,iir laatsirmonths, Which will be I aid to the Stotki lebi ated Brands of FLOUR made from NS W WHEAT EJeraof Fnraiture. PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, died from exnntnre on hrmrii tZp n mf™f «*ier a l Mott, paymaster, Walter Freeman, or thelr legal representatives, on and aller the and of which they are toe sole receivers In this city. Orders sent by post wm be executed with despatch • if CHESTNUT, above TENTH. aiea jrom exposure on Doara tne Fomfret, agent, and Messrs. J. P. Murphy and K, S. isih lost clear of alltaxes, a. C.L.CRAWF4RD „ ■ and with liberality anc Justness of dealtng Par Ora a*. Open ftem » A M. to 6P. M. and in addition to the mate, who was Trowbridge, attached to the Central office cirfl ' !ltj • . ' • . RlwcteA. rVORY SHEAF, a distance may rusit throngh our Banker, the Far Benjamin West s great Picture ol CHRIST RE. ■washed nvprhnar/i made the nn!wtn7«n™o nr ““erf rf ncral om „’ BT.LOUIS, me^aandMet&anles’ Nat. Bank, Chestnut street.or JECTEDstiII on exhibition. jettf r-.r.."';??? 11 ’ maael ““? n .*y l F? uves G 1 the Philadelphia and Trenton were V. - ' . . LANGLEY’S CHOICE. the^Union National Bank.Thlrd street, or bvEfDrkss 111 ji —V.I.W ■ lost, amidst all the scenes or trial and danger L.; Bradford, president, and a number of NtUsICAIs • nedb mills, cateck or Post office order; immediate attention win LADIE& 9 TBIMMIWfiS. ~ aaffing^naster C of'the a, Fictorhi te^me > of ffie A^^enSa^r^Td«ini? r^^ ,ril ? d fc rete ' M r OLOWSK I w<)u,d KTm PASCAGOULA. GOUL^c»!!^E? 0 5traelNtato and Market and p rand opening.-iihs. m. a. binder, * oi tne V ictona, tnree Ol the A. Li. Dennis, president; F.jaft'it.Jackeon, lu-m.orm his friends and theipnblic generallythat he ANTI-PANIO, S7and 89 N. Second street, Phlla. mh9Jy U NO. 1031 Cbeatxnt street. Philadelphia, crew and_ one passenger were left on the superintendent, and Col. J,’ ' 3l Woodrufi pioS? r :?5, y T eiii T ?„ ln sP Dctloria in t ' ln ß* n s °nd on the granite. ——— importer of Ladies’ Dress arid - cloak Trimming*. o mo^Eßfthe iC 4fli riaWaBabimdoaed ' ??a a wJ? U Sil ri W®‘ ,d n & W^” T £ la rlm l^ w ,n «»* WhsiimnudW RPPrNFG AT A WI£SS - L?d°^Sfchi?d?S’s o! 'mg?* I 'SSM Y? ra _r® Olttte 4 til. , , tin A. Howell, Hon. D.S. Gregory and Other FS*,¥i? 1 r ? n ,?. me ’ odiou 4. and at the same time impart- packages and wiu be sold In lots to suit. •“ OiT VT IVIXA t IXIxOO, . Cloak Making in alllts varieties. Ladies furnlshms The ; steamer Saragossa, .Capt. M. B. directors. Of the Delaware and Raritan n.L, accurate reading of the rest quality anti stvt v tbelr rich and costly materials may rely op being ar arrived harbor late this aff canal were Hon., A. W.Markley and all the poplis B to execute o pe S Sc l and r c^xs"cßi I tmSic R«J- RID DEL L& CO., AND BEDDING 7 the Jo4ret^iSble twnocm, from Charleston. S. C., bound to directors. Of the New Jersey Central were W T^ e JL 3 , e .'iil e ii L^ aEd hnlhaucy. __ _ , _ j. 15. FULLER, prlces. ln twenty-foar hours' uotice. Cuttlnganit baat- SS^feryMcK^olandf^hpiU 6 .J-.?- Johnson. and -tosiaht O'. COrner : VIM .tnstl. setot, 9 south seventh street ' ”Fs^r7Y/ Mary .. “ f, if; e ®>.P ra ? d from Praia- Stearns, general superintendent. Numerous oc ' > ' lro} No tcs a. washing ponshiiw, ■ ■ ._l. —— • • ' — ....-u —» “?• baying fallen in- directors of all the remaining roads in New T eemxngton fairlamb, —: r "—: — : ratFirisrrota —r-Ba-E’va.XMmßßxrsrw witfc fj&r in diAtresajOnthe Bih mst.,twenty- Jersey were present, while Pennsylvania ”* Mnsicmector. organiat'and WHITE PBESURiVTKfft RRANDY i k__ .•***”,,• - Hatteras, her rudder and was represented by Hon. ThomaAA. Scott, Residence, NofSSOTBiNQ , QARi)EN W , ; SBAHIII. • -rgrAETED.-A first-class cloak cutter and a magBMLWBJAtTTiT-i; ’SI iitrtmm badly. The 8a- vice President of the Pennsylvania Central! ; white wine and pubs cider 1 n on , and re * Hon. Asa Packer and John N. Hutchinson, PIGNOR p. RonDTNF.T.T.x'n vin eg ab, mustard seed, youngMeuofßbiiityto learn t'hclleufl and Dry Goods [ I ' f { ■ bad Tice weather. She encoun- ofthe Lehigh Valley. The commercial in- 9 0^“^5^ mo V H Y oealMM! bee?ren ' ss? CBB,Ac ” <ftCi buaiDeas reaiimme, a. b, c. A co.. bul- ri/nl g g f?l, r ~tef©stai«gal@©fth«2donhertriptoCharles- terests contributed Megsrs Wllliam M. TOranm“t«« ouai “ ,t ;Co,nBr »n“ EveryKqntallefbrPreeervlngand Pickling purposes. ijTiNOffice. octo-2i» T feu. test did Bet meet With damage to any Ttnirß, S A.- .T xf r Ttj nP yj ßm I- - ” I m nrnr n nnnrnvc TI7 ANTED AT ONCE-Id a Dry Goods Jabbhic a IV/A1lllUIOTaml«HuSl-I=lJ the am s Express;' Mr! “vinS.oTthe ALBERTC. ROBERTS, . an extract from the log American Telegraph Company; P. Dicken- , , ; .... t -•. oc2*ti? dealer tn pink gkooeries net d apply. Address Box No. 2791 p. o„ with real \ Ta ■ afe'SSSS'SiS-S . eo, ««««, VI« 8V...., gm4,wA» g^. *>ack. , the deceased at two P. M.. the nail-bearers almn’ssis south ntfJ!* 3 *' : •; ~.• ~ ! TT"- rr : —— qivTUesday, between 11 and 12 o’clock. : ocstß. , orpnpils. - - - ■■■■ ■ MeKee, Capt, David being George M, Wright, . General Mott, mu ■ ~sssessss*~L. erufmm? AWr Tl7abtkd.—an offick aud storage koom 11 ® 1 eWBI ■ fcatamy, &■ ■ J&Srm 1 freahvS oTtl^uf B ? l^ 68 * tbe win( s Wowing spectators. Business had beou entirely sns- ALARGE assortment 533 CARTER rate rent* Aggress Bos t277 t BhUada. a r ocmi* >■ .Pocket-Books,| ; —the around ponded by request ofthe Mayor and Council. ott^ ctxytur* v AndUinocrar aromw. \ • Ip| WANTmTORBOT-Byasmaii family pi Poriemoiinales, e H sails;Ait!no’docl?nU«°» d 0 V b L e / eef t,le Among those in the line was the American tAEPE Machine Work and iii fuTp««2ffiS?b?xi a B : piSSiffi^ 011 '' fsS g |g % 1 and tbwaSs nriduu-St it 8 ., 3 had acisen, Whig Society. Dompoaed of students of Nas- wotci, *«•■. <»c, I ■' ''' -"■ ’ ' -■■■ W7 ' rpl ■ 'ii . . ,- r iVn"..ti W fo .U ( )?c: highsea^SMcM i sfnk 1 l t h« a fi n ° r , ea f ed ’ witb Bau Hal) - Of'bis society the deceased has !o “m ra , TT , - • ■ ^ BBl to . labor town .a number,many, years Binoa.. ; The in- ,th,2mj ' Change ■. ■ of . -Hottr. ,-- T - • M'Y' . Ms a.-g 0 ißiuiftcrs’i Cases. 1 ?>v 'Je Th e 3 fim - boom, wJhich’Saip edoff d ith thlre the j . ih " «rave were conducted by Bishop Oienhei- -IT. noxu tv o, ‘ff re,74 gj Batohelaand " h » 1 a blowing a terrific on B t U <Smpftlu™ Uy Ilonorabie ""'flegltlmate. andwlth- , Jk?d v-u?'.. g Travaiing Baga, fi \ OneO’dJOct next day the hurricane it”a h6EP ‘ S ' “owUbb,at the American hoot.f or it\ T^p? g®P°‘' TH « TE ™THandCAULowaiLL S maUatyire. ' Dornttu BOtjTOH'JB(BOUIT.-BonH-s£o!h>Q'iinnr U 4 MWc Biscuit, Undlnrfittm steams? .Nobbse 1 emlflMsaleby JOB. & BUSSnEB * C 0„ A«en<*foi Sonfl, 108 Bwllj »T6aß« • * ~ :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers