From ieuriliird- Editiott Yesterday' .11.rotn".. as _ng ' t SO • '- {Special Ilespatch to the Bullethul " •• WASIIINGTO./q g dune 13ili.ffne of the President!s s "Organs`asserts, to-dlty, that it . does not intend to interfere di tectly or indirectly in the'CaSe of Davis, bat that justice must take her 'course,,aud fart tlier that he maintains 'that he, Davis, is in idyll jarisiliction; Thiasetiles the queiPion iindhe will have to remain where he is un til tried by the court. The'Sens.te Finance COunitittee to-day, passed'the free list in the ,tax bill. They have only added one article to that lists The Senate Judiciary Committee to-day, agried to report a bill, increasing the sala ries of 11. S. District Judges to fourthousand and .. four thousand five hundred, making them two classea. ' , , . The Ways • and ;Means Committee are -making rapid' rogress with the tariff.' It will be in every respect a protective measare. [CorrispiiadEir a of.ifte.Associate.d Press.] Wesu.niumox • June 13.—Froin the let of duly next., letters posted-in the 'United States and addreSSed to 'the Dutch West Csinloon, Saba, St. Eustatius and. St. Martin, may betransmitted to their destina tion via, France, in the . _French mail, at a imitage of thirty-three cents for each single rate "of one quarter ounce or under,• pre payment heing optional with the ender Of `the recently established or re-opened _Poit oEices thSSouth there were few in ythich postmasters or post mistresses, ap- Ixiiiited could not take the oath The people tinerally are beginning 63 understand that the oath is indispensable, that - every post- Master's bond must be approved by the Deparbinent hefore the commission is sent, ieridthat no Post Office can be'pnt in opera tion until the postmaster has his commis sion.' - T4ti Fenian& BUFFALO, June - 13.—P, O'Day, Head Centre of Buffalo, returned from New York, and bee applied to Gen. Barry for the re turn of the . arms _and munitions of war seized here. O'Day claims the arms as his ,private property, and says he bad made ad yancee on them as an auctioneer and com mission merchant. Gen. Barry replied that w,aionly the`custodian of the arms, and had eetzed them by order of his superior officer. The Board of Trade, yesterday, subscribed 1500 to furnish - supplies or transportation to destitute Fenians. Only about 160 Fenian accepted transportation under Gen. Barry's order up to noon. Destructive Fire at Mayaguez, P. R. NEW Yottx, June 13.—The steamers Louisiana, from. Liverpool, and the Eagle, from Havana, have arrived. A great part of the town of Mayaguez, Porto Rico, was burned on the 29th ult. An American man-of-war sent 150 men ashore to assist in extinguishing the flames. The loss is unascertained. James C. Gallagher, U. S. Consul at Ponce, P. R., died on the 28th ult., in an apopletic fit. Steamers sailed-$3.500;000 in Gold. NEW Youx, June 13.—The steamerd Per sia and Marathon sailed for Europe to-day, taking upwards of $3,500,000 in gold. Among the passengers in the former is Col. E. S. Eianford, President of the American Tele graph Compapy. NNXIXT.II CONGRESS-FIRST SESSION WASEUNGTUN, J/1110 13. SEZTATE.—A resolution to print4,ooo copies of the report of the Commissioner of Patents - was adopted. Mr. Doolittle (Wis.) called up .a resolution Coffered by him yesterday, calling Apon the President for information m his possession as to the departure of Austrian troops for Mexico, which wasadopted. A bill to grant lands in aid of the con struetion of the Kansas and Neosho Valley Railroad' was taken up, and, after ,discus slop, postponed. The. Legislative AppropriatiOn Bill was taken up. • HOUSE.—Mr. Stevens (Pa.) introduced a Embstitnte for the bill introduced by him on the 28th of May,.to enable the States lately in rebellion to regain their privileges in the Union, which was ordered to be Printed. Mr.. Jenckes (R. I.), from, the Select Com baittee on the Civil Service, reported back thabill - to - regulate the civil service of the United States. Recomitted and ordered to 'be'printed: - Also, a resolution. which was adopted, re quiring the Heads of Departments to furnish the Committee with information concerning the mode of appointment to the inferior grades of office, in their respective depart- Extents. ,: ffiLtitkEirl, Yoldt, Siliat 13 —Cotton dull and drooping; Sales at 40@.4r, for middling. Flour is steady for good " brands; common do. s@loc. lower—sales of 65,000 bbls; btateVi 70@950; Ohio VI. 70@1375; Western $670@940 Southern heavy; sales of 400 bbls. at former prices; Canada dull; sales of 300 bbls. at 68 65@13 50. Prime; Wheat firmer—common declining; - sales ot 12 Mixed bushels; new No. 1 Milwaukee V. 24; Bed 12 49. Mixed Corn lc. higher—sales of 60,000 bushels at 831483)4c. Beef steady. Pork firm at 63175. Lard dull. Whisky! dull. _ - Slacks are dull. Chicago and Rock Island, 9134, 111,1 Central, 1204; Michigan Southern, 79%: N. Y. Central, 08%: Beading. 109%; Canton Company, 591", Erie It 11. gl4: Weetern Union Telegraph Oompany. ' s7%; United States Coupons, 1882. 102.4 ditto, 1885. 'fen-Par.! Ides,s6X; Treasury 7 lue.- lcr23-..i,g)1029ii Gold 1443%. - ; 33aLTriannE, June l3. — Flour is quiet; fresh ground: firm. :Wheat firm, with a scarce supply. Corn active; and higher: white. 08@1 09; - yellow, 93094 cents.: Oats dull. Provisions firm; Mess Pork. $32. Lard 72% lit 23 cents. Coffee heavy. Whisky dull and drooping;; western. 62 30. Cl:Tie 'BULLETIN. 1.0. or G. T.• GRAN? Lonetr.-The an-, mild meeting of the Grand Lodge I. 0. of.G.; T. commenced its sessions at 10 o'clock in, the , Assembly , Building. The - following, officers were present : -Rev. J. F. Crouch, G. W. C. T. Daniel Rife, G. W. C. Mary J. Holtzworth, G. W. V. T. L.. Ellen Wright, Cr. W. S. C. Moore, G.W. T. L.,ltev. J. W... Edie, G. W. Chap. W. V. Mace, G. W. M. Sallie Conrad, Cr. W.O. Samuel G..Behmer, G. W, 0. G. Ballie G. - NeWell, W. - - The - meeting was opened with ,prayer by the G. W... Chap. The largest delegation: ever in attendance in any , Grand-Lodge of G. T. were present this morning at the open-. big hour. ,Great interest was manifested, and this great temperance organization bids fair to wield'a tremendous power for the furtherance of the cause. This Order has, within the past year, more than, doubled the number of its organizations throughodt the State, and increased its - membership more than three-fold.:-There is at, present no temperance organization in the State that equals it in numbers and'influence;: em bracing as it does both sexes, in, its ,social and moral influence, and recognizing; sig nally the interest that both.male and female have in the advanc,ement , of ; temperance,. Tins annual session, which is held for the firsttime in this city, will continue its ses sion for threedays. _.E,Lva - rAVY ROn,BEELY--TICE THIEVES FOILED. —The . clothing store of J' r McCul lough, No. 2228 Callowhill street, was eAitere(i. by, the rear, this morning. .The thievea.—zeade—a—selection—of—various. goods, to,th,e- ,vale of S6,QP.CL, ;The stolen articles'*ere tearr Ont find' placed in a _ wagon. ,w nen. -about „to,start, the.,wagott was seized by citiziefnanied-Groliver, who resides in- the vicinity., The robbers suc ceeded in litilting their esciape, but they left their plunder, behind. 51P14361 aE Phllcsdetphla Stack Board. SALES. ARTICIS T..A04.11D. 6 1 C 00 Lew& Nav te,'Sf ,:1200 ah PAU. 4, 'Ede c 'aog 5000 . Pa.R 24 mgt. 95 ~ tag sh N 1 and Middle , 1000 Allegheny City .Coal Ilelds _6s 'BO .tks 90 34 60082 t Ocean Oil poo sh Sett Nay pf ' axe 83%, 300 six 11,1ead BlO 54% 400 sh' do 85 34 10) do b3O 55 , 15ahNPa.13. - . 39 SECOND 12000 17 85 201065 102%1 • 100 du . c 102 g 90 Mx - Ridge Avenue 1112 Consalidalln 41 200 ah, umiak on 61i 1100 oh. .do b3O 63,1 1400 sh do • 6:q IL't&& V ib. - ILILIV to kiWXi. A. HEADING GOAD . GREAT. TRUNK LINE ..IO in• - TO THE INTJIRIOR OP .PEZTN. SYLVAN/A, THE SOILITYLKILL, SUBQUEHAN CUMBERLAND AND WYOMING VAILLtiES, THE NORTH NORTHWEST and the CIANADAS. SUMMED A hR&NGEB&ENT OP . PASSENGER PRAMS, June 4, men, tearing the Oompany'a Depot, LEENTH and OAILLOWIEF.LL Street.. WI& ',Orb ft at the .Phtin. , lnr 1100113: MORNING ACCoMODA.TIONS. At 7.30 A. M. for:Reading and all intermediate Efts; tiotu3. MORNING EXPRESS At .15 A. M., ibr ~Beading; Lebandn, Harrisburg, Potter:qua, Pine Grove, Tamaqua, Sunbury, Wilname. port, Elmira, Rochester, Niagara Pa ll s, Buffalo, Allen. town, Wllkesbarre, Pittston, York. Oarliale.Chambers. burg, Hagerstown, dim, dm. This train connects at WEARING- with, the KM Pennsylvania Ballreasd 'trains •Ibr Allentown. AC.: and with Reading and Oplumblaß.R.trains for Colum bla;&c; with the Lebanon Valley train Mr Harriseurg, Ac,; at .PORT CLINTON. with Oatattilisa Railroad trains ftir Williamsport; Lock Hem: Elmira, dtd. at HARRIELBIIRG with Nertherti Central, Cumberland Valley,- andadraylkill and-Susquehanna- trains-for Northumberland,Willianummt,. York, Ceuunbersberg, glnegroye, dsttr AFTERNOON 36XPIZEM. Leaves Philadelphia at &80 P.M. for Reading, Petite.. vole, Harrisburg, As., connecting , with Reselling and St Columbia .R.tralas Goluinbia, AC. - - "/3,EADEtta ACCOMMODATION. Lamm Reading at 6.09 A. M., stopplag at all imam. lions; arrives in Philadelphia at 8.56 A. M. Returning; leaves Philadelphia at 6121 P. 114 arrives in Reading at 7.65 P. M • • Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrell:mai at 8.10 A. M. and Pottsville at &45 A. M.. arriving In phis at 1.00 P. M. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg at 2.10 P. M., and „Pottsville ati2.46 P. M.; arriving at Philadelphia at 6 45 P. M. Harrlabnrg accommodation leaves Reading at 7.80 A. M. and strut at 4.10 P. M. Connecting at Reading with Afternoon Accommodation south at 6.30 P. M., arriving in Philadelphia at 9.10 P. M. Market train, with a Passenger -[Jr aciaclied, leaven Philadelphia at 12.45 noon for Reading and all way 'Antidotes; leaven Reading 11.30 A, M., and Downingtown 12.80 P. M. for ptdiso -lphia and all way stations. - All the above trains run daily Sundays excepted. Sunday trains have Pottsville at B.fil - 144.. and Philadelphia at 8.15 P. M. ; leave Philadelphia, for Reading at &GO A. Ed.; returning from Reading at 4.25 P. M. CHESTEB. VALLEY RAILROAD. Passengers for Downingtown and intermediatepoints ake the 7.3 u and 8.15 A. M. and 5.00 P. M. trains from Philadelphia, returning from Downingtowr at 825 A. M. and 12 30 Noon. • NEW YO.I3.3I'..ESPREIR,z. " FOB. PIITSBURGH AND Tiny WEST. Leaves New York at 7, 9 A. M.and 8.00 P. lit.passing Reading at 1.t5, Ito 3 andl.43 PM. and connect at Harrisb with Pennsyivania,' and Northern Central Railroad rem Trains for Pittsburgh, Chicago, Wil liamsport. Elmira. Baltimore,. dm. Returning Express Train leave . * Harrisburg on arrival of Pennsylvania Eirpress from Pittsburgh,at 3 and 9.05A.M.,9 15 P.M. passing Rauh Irg at 4.49 and in sy, A. M. and 11.30 P. M. arriving at New York 10 A. K., and 2.45 P. M. Bleeping Oars awzamPanimg these trains through between jersey City and Pittsburgh, without change. Mail train for New York leaves Harrisburg at 2.10 P. M. Mall train for Harrisburg leaves New York at 11 Noon. SOHDYLHELL VALLEY P. A TT.RDA 11. Trains leave Pottsville at 7,11.30 A. M. and 7.15 P. M. ramming from Tamaqua at 7.35 A. M., and 1.40 and, RCELTYYLHELL ANDSDBQIMfANNA 33.A.11M1LD. Trains leave Auburn at 7.50 A. M.' fbr Pinegrove and Harrisburg, and at 1.50 P.'M. for Pinegrove and Tres-. mont returning from 'Harrisburg at 320 P. X. and from' Tremont at .7.85 A. M. and 5.25 r. 1,1,16tFil 'vo 1:41 Through: dl-ciass Uckete forth emigrant Michele to all the principal points in the ora! said Weed and Canadas. The following tickets are obtainable only lathe Odice of B. Bradford, Treasurer No . ZS Booth Palter! street,' Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nicola General !Superintend ent, R.PA C - tXRCEIITATION TICKETS, At ES per cent., discount bennien any points desired ihr families and firma.: Tiqg:eTl3, Good for 2,000 mitee,between all points, or 153 50 each, For Amines and dims. • SEASON TIOSECTS., For three, Isla, nine or twelve months, Ibr holden only, to all point" at redn...ed rates. 'balding on the line .of the Road will be insulated with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets at : half-fare.. _ . ItiXOURB.IOS- TICCECRTS. From Philadelphia ti l l :r ig/ I = I PM a‘tiuds d for satunday, Sunday and oddity, at reduced'fare, to be bad only at the Ticket Office at Tlarteeati and Callow. hill streets. • • FREIGHT. • Goode of all descriptions forwarded to all the above; notate from the Caraway's New Freight Depot, 'Broad and Willow streets. FREIGHT TRAINS Leave PlalsdelVtis , daily it &SO A. M.. 11.45 noon and 6 P. IL, ibr , Lebanon, Ilarriabarg, Pottsville. Port Clinton, and Pointa beZond 14TA TT Olose at the Phlladelph&iost Office for all places on the road and its branches at SA. IL, and for the fain! Obsal Stalol3B only at 3.15 P. t".• PHELADEJ.PIELL, • TON AND BALTIMORE BAIL , co, ABLE.-Commencing MONDAY, April 16th, 1866. Trains will leave Depot, corner ot Bread street and Washington avenue, as follows: Express Train, at 4.15 A. M. (Mondays axcepted), for Baltimore and .Washington, stopping, at Chester, Wilmington, Newark. I ikton, Northeast. Perryville, Havre-de•Grace, Aberdeen, Perry's:ma's, Magnolia, Chase's and Stemmer's Bun. 'W mail Truitt, at 8.15 A. M. (Sundays ex cepted), for Baltimore, stopping at all regular stations between Philadelphia andHaltimore. Delaware.B.B. Train, 9.0 e A.BL(Sunday excepted), for Princess Anne. Atilftrd snd intermediate Express train at 11.45 A. M. (Sundays excepted) for Baltimore and We ahington_ t Express Train at 8.00 P. M. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore and: Washington„ stopping at Chester, Claymont, Winnir.gton, Newark, EMton, North-East, Perryville, Havre-de Grace, Aberdeen. Perrynuttes, Edzewood, Magnolia, Chase's and Stemmer% Sun. - NIW; Express at 11.09 P. M, for BaltimOre and Wash ington. r: toe"' ngezes by boat from Baltimore for Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, City Point and RJ, 'mond will take thelL4s A. M. Train._ t WILMINGTON ACCOMMODATION TRAINS, stopping at all stations between Fhiladelphia and Wil. MiligtOla• Leave Philadelphia at 950,/1.15A.1L,4.80, COO and 11.80 P. M. The 4.80 P. M. train connects with the Dela ware Railroad. for. Harrington and intermediate sta tions. _ Leave 8.45, 8.00 and 9.80 A. M., 4,00 and 6.88 P. M. _ Trains for Newcastle leaVe Philadelphia at 9.60 A. X., 4.80 and 6.00 P. X. THROUGH TWNl3ll43 , Oht BALTIMORE Leave Wilmington at 1/.00 A.M„ 4.86 and .10.00 P.M. CHESTMI. FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Chester at 7.46. 8.46, 10.14 and '11.40 A. AL, 4-48;15.10, 7.46 and 10.86 , • From Baltimore to Philadelphia-Leave Baltimore 7.25 A. X., Way Mail. 9.20 A. 131xp 1.10 P. M., EgE t s m ss. 6.85 P. M., Express. M 6.25 P.M., Express. , . for. Baltimere leave Chester 88' 4.49 and 8.58; A. M.. and RASP. M.. , Trains for -Baltimore leave WOtrongtonat 5.24 and RIGA. M.. and P. M. • - • . - ear attached wi w=t trains with passenger dlleave gson for Perryville : and intermediate stations, at . &eft P.. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre de-Grace and intermediate Stations at Lave vine for for Wilmington and intenxtediate at stationa at 5.00 A. M. connecting at Wilmington with. the LOO train for Phila.delphia. SUNDAY TRAINS:. _ Express Train at 4.15 A. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chaster, Wllmingtoni Newark,' Elkton, Northeast, Perryville , „Havrede-Grace, Aber-, dean, Perryman's, Magnolia, Chase's and Stammer's: Run. Night Express 11.00 P. M. far. Baltimore and *ash.' ington. . . Accommodation Train at 11.80 P.M.. for .Wilmthgton and Intermediate Stations. • BALTIMORE FOR lOUs JADELPHLA. Leave Baltimore) at 8.2.5 P. IL, stopping at Havre de : Grace, Perryville and:Wilmington. Also stops at Elk-: Don and Newark (to take passengers for Philadelphia 'and leave parsengers from Washington or Baltimore) and Chester to leave passengers from Baltimore or Washington. F , Accomcdation train will action ~t on for Phi., ladelphile and Intermediate at 6.80 P. M, F. KENNEY. Superintendent. I'l 0•: . .wr. WEST .TEESEY Ft ATr ROAD LENES—Prom foot of Market street —1 pper erry. Commencing THURSDAY May 31, LEAVE PHTLADELPHEA. AS 'I7OLLO'WS : 8.00 A. M. Mall for Bridgeton, cistern, and. au inter. , mediate blatione. • 9.C0 A. M. M ail for Cape May, btoppirtg at Woodbury; Glastbor o',Vlneland and all stations be low Duei12.3.5 M. 3.00 P. M. Accomodation for Cape May, stoppin g at Woodbury- and ulaaeborp',_and. all stations below GIMESDOXO. _ 3.80 P. M Passenger , for Bridgeton, Selena and all intermediate stations:- 6.00 P. M. Womibury Accomodation. }3ETURNING TRAINS. • . _ Leave C,ape lifay 43.80 arid 11. A: - • _Bridgeton 7.00 AM. and MOP. IL ' . Salem Ms A, M. and 535 P. Freight will be received at second covered wharf bet low "WeJunt street from A. 3L' until SP. M. Freight received fit or before A.:153., will go forward same day, Freight deltvered at 288 South Delaware Aventie. ' • -J. VAN .110,1186 F T A RR, Eittoerintec.dent. • 71:1ED wsst JIMELBEY' lisg . "Ba COMPANY Will attend to all the usual branches of Ex_razas Btre. smse, - receive, and'. forward:` through other ilFoPlible /tem Companies , to all Parts ,of the conn• any article entrusted to them. A Specidl bien.sen ;.macCompardel mach throngh, train. No, 6 "ffarnatatreet, • ' •• . • , THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN : .PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, - JUNE 14, 1866. BOABD _1: '" AIVNJEJR. NORTH PENNSIDTANIA. ii WIRIELP II • 7 SON- MIDDLE BOUTIL— Mortest and most direct line to Bethlehata,Allentown :blanch Chunk, Hazleton White Haven WM:adorn. Maluoloy City and all palate In the Lehigh and Wyti ming Coalßei „P a. _ Passenger, po ts-in lilladelpTEMlD street 'above Thompson, and Canner Of: , EIGULS and AMMO- StaihrEß ARRANGEMENT. NINE. DAILY TRAINS. . On and alter MonW - ,May.215t,181.6,P hobo have the Depot. Thi. rd street, above Thom n, daily ,(Sundays excepted), .118 follows: _ • AT 7.80 A. H.—.lli ening Express for Bethlanto and I 'and Principal, Stationa on North Pennsylvania 'Rail. road, connecting at. Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Railroad for Allentown, CatartanDatington, Hands Chunk, Weatherly, Jeanesville, Hazleton, White Ifia. IN ten Ilkeston°, Kingston, Pittston, and all ppooints in Lehigh and Wyoming' Valleys' also, in connection with Lehigh and iwnb noy B.:dined for Mahartoy,ty and with Cstawasa Railroad, for Rupert, Danvftle,Mthent and Williamsport. Arrive at Mauch Chunk at 11.18 M.; at Willresbarre es 2.45 P. M.; at MalranoY.olt3 at ' P. M. Passengers by this train can take the Y.nbigh. "Valley Train, passinO Bethlehem at 1200 H. for Ens. ton and points on N eav JerseY Central Ballread to New AT 8.85 A. M.—Acconixnedation, an Doylestown, stopping' at all intermediate Stations. Passengers far Willow Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville, by this train take Stage at Old Yon Road. - AT 10 'A. M---Accortuntidztion. Ibr Fent Washing. atopp a i t z at all intermediate Stations. At P Accommodation tor Doylestown, stop ping at intermed_sti te stollens. •Passengers take 'stage at Doylestovni for New Hope. • AT 8.80 P. M.—Evening Expnas for Bethl ehem and principal Stations on the North Pemnsylvania Bar. road maki ng close connection at Bethlehem with Le. high Valley for Easton, reaching there at 6.45 P. Passengers for PlainAeld, Somervi ll e and other points on New Jersey Central RR. take N.Y. C. Train 'at Beaten, whine arrives In New York at 10 Y. M. Pas. -zenge_rs for Sumneytown takes tage at North Wales.' and tor Nazareth at Be th lehem and, for breenville a AT 4.15' af...--Accesnratielatitan, for , Doyiestuwn, Atoning at all intermediate Stations. Passengers fin WARM Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville take stage at "AblagtOn : for Lumbenille at DoylestostaL aT bas P. AL--Through Accommodation, for Beth. Lenexa and all Stations on main line of North Pennsyl. vanla Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh - Valley Evening Train for Allentown, Manch Chnack, AT 6.15 P. 31.--Acoonurnsdation, sor Lanzdioa.stop ping at all intermediate Stations. At,ll P. M. A ^e^mmivtiotlOD. for Fort Washington. TRAINS FOR PITT r• A 111 mPECIA. , Lane Be th lehem at 8.25 A. IL. and 12.45 M , and 6.38 12.23 train makes-direct connection with Lehigh Val ley trains fr ono Easton, Wilkesbarre, Mahoney City, 'Hazleton; and arrives- in Philadelphia at 2.80 • Peasengera leaving Wilkesbarre at .1.0 P. lif.,conneet at Bettdehenaat 6.16 P. M., sad 'retire In Pidladsdphis P. M. - ' Leave Doylestown ASIA° Al M. LIS and 5.50 P. It Leave 0 A.M. LeaVe Port Washington at 10.EO and LIS P. X, ' - ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at eA., M.. PtAladeaphia , for Doyisetown at 2.38 Doyleatovra for Philadelphia at 7 - 20 A. M. -B et taebe t a fin phiheielphla at4.30 , P. M. • Fifth and Sixth Streets Paesenger: Cara Deny 7 pas enders to and from Berka Street Depot. White Cars of Second nod Third Streets Line convey passeguere to Third Street lsepot. •. Ticket!' must be procured at, the Ticket Offices, THU.= street or BURR street, in order to secure the lowest, rates of tare: . 'ELIAS CLABS,..A ,vnt. IT 11l rn ava'a REPMSII will call for and deliver Bade the Depot. Office, No. 113 South THIBD street. in= - • FOR NSW YOBS---The OeM. DEN AND AMBOY and PHILA.- A TRENTON RA IT ROAD CXJ-Ii- PANY'S LINES, from Philadelphiato New York, and way places, from WALNUT STREET WHARF, will leave as follows, viz: .Fore. At SA. hi., via Camden and Amboy, AcconL, $2 28. At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey Cii7 Express, 800 At 2 P. M., via Camaen and Aniboy Ea. presa. s oo At 610 P. M., via inmden to B. Amb•: y, Amara. 225 At 6.00 P. M. via Camden and Amboy Accom. - 2d class-. • . 180 At 8 A. la., TA Eti 7.ZZ' azas, Ewena ville, Pemberton and 17bacentown. At SA. M.. and 2 P. M. far Freehold. At 5 and 10 A. M. 12 M. 4,5,6, and IL3O P. M. tbr Fish Rouse, ralmyra, Riverton, Progress, Delauco, Beverly, Edgewater, Burlington, Florence. Borden. town,:dtc. 'The lO A. Id.and 4 P.M. lines runs direct through to Trenton. LINESFROM KENSINGTON DEPOT will leave Ota follows At 11 A. N., 4.80, 6.45 P. If and 12 P.M. (night) via Kensington and Jersey City S 3 00 The 6.45 P. M. Line will ran daily. All others Sun daya excepted. Amu) and II.W A. M. 2,8.80, 4.53, and 6,45 P. M.. and 12 Midnight , for Bristol. Trenton. dsc. At 7 and 10.15, A. Si., 12 M., SS and 6 P. P.M. M. for - Corny ells,Torrisdale,Rolmes , Tacony,Wissin ming, Bride: burg and Frankf and at 15.15 IL' for BristoL - Schencks, •Mdington and 8 P. for Rolm esbnrs and intermediate Stations. 7, BELVIDERE DELAWAtut StA I LarlAD, Dor the Delaware River. Valley, Northern Penny/van* and New York State, and the Great Lakes. wo through trains daily (SundaYs eseePteo from Kensington Die pot, as follows: At 7.30 2g, lbr Niagara Falls, Buf falo, Dunkirk, _ Canandaigua.Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, Rocheste, Binabamplon, Oswego, Syracuse, Gnat Bend. Montrose, Wilkesbarre Scranton, Stroudsburg, Water Gap, Belvidere, Easton, lambertville, Mem ngton, dr... The &SO P. M. Line connects direct with ho Train leaving Easton for Mauch Ctausk. Allen town. Bethlehem. &-c. • At 5 P. ILlor Lambertville and lntermedbtteStatloas SAY - For' New York. and Way Lines leaving Ken aington - Depot , take the cam on Fifth street, above Wanut, hall an hour berme departure. _The cars ran Into the Depot, and on arrival of each Train. run from the Depot. On Sancloys,_Qmnibrisses will leave Wal nut street wharf at 6 P. M. to Connect with 6.45 P. M piny pounds of Baggage only, allowed each Paasere ger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything sa baggage bat their wearing apparel. All baggage overfifty - poundis to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not. be liable - for any amount beyond VOC, except by anecial contract. fta , Ws said cod b 4 l9eaoe checked direct throng/1 to Boston, Wor, eerier, SPrtaddeid Karr/Ord, New Karen, Newport, Alden!!, Troy and Saratoga. Grahams Baggage tr.:press wilt mil Mr and deliver baggage at the Depots. Orders to be left at No. 8 Wel. nut or at No. 102140mb Twelfth street. LINEN hi NEW USK For. r Will leave from foot of Cortland street, at 12 M. and 4 P. M., via Jersey City and Camde.a. At 7 and 10 A. LL, 6 P, N. and 12 Night via Jersey City and Ken. From Pier No. IN. Blver,at SA, and" 4P. M., via Amboy and Camden. • - WM. EC GATZMK:a. Agent. ...:,•,--,=-44se•;.,es, WEST CHEST= AND PRLLI, '..6.1; 7" DELPHI& tt err,stas ID, VIA. SUMMER ARB.Lsormwrs. On and after MONDAY, June 4th, 1866, the trains will leave as follows: WEST OUSTER TRAINS, Leave Philadelphia ler West, Chester, from Depot Thirty-first and Market street, 7.20 A. M., ILW A. a., 2 30,445 and 7.(11) Leave West Chester for Philadelphia. from Depot on E. Market street. - 6.187, 7.30. 213.45 A. nt., L 35, 4.50 P. 51, Trains leaving West Cheater at 7.84 A.M. and leaving Pbtladelphis at 4.45 P: not atop at Pennelton. and will atop below B. C. Junction at Media only. • PBNNBLTON TRAINS. LeaVePhiladalphis for Pennelton 517 and 10.90 P. Leave p ean a ten ab r pboeseiphia km A. M., 7.85, P. The IL se Trains' step at all Intermediate Stations. ON BIINDA.YIS — L -ftve Philadelphia at 8,80 A. /L and 200 P. M. Leave West Chester 7.85 A. M and 540 1 1- . M. Till otherwise ordered a Market Passenger Train will leave West Chester for Philadelphia, on Tuesdays' and Fridays only. at 6.45 P. M. •ON SUNDAYS—The Weat - Philadelblds Paseenger. MTh wil leave 'Eleventh and Market streets, half-an.: hour before the Train leaves the depot, and will leave depot on the arrival of eatth train toConveyPassengebt into the city. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.26 A. X. and 4.45 P M., and leaving West Cheater at 7.80 A. M, and 4.50 P. K.: connect at B.C. Junction with Trains on the P. and B. B.C. R. B. for Oxford andintermediate paint& - • ; SS - 8 - Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only as Baggage, and the Company will ; not, in any, responsible loran amount exceeding one htm dred. ludess a special. contract is made for the. um%dollars B 3 WOOD.General SaperintenEent „7, PHILADRLPICIA, GERMAN; ••• ~ 't TOWN- - AND - - NORRISTOWN C. TALE.—On and alter MON. P ArY ' l . "7l6t3 iDß GiiiRMANPOWIL Leave Philaileluhia-0. 7 ; a, 9,10 /1, 19,A. M. 1. 2, 310 minutes, 2X, 4,5, 511, 6,1; 11, P. M. Leave Germantown-8. 7,7%, 8, 8.9), 9, 10,11, 19, A. M..; 1,2., 8; 4, of !i, 7 8,9 10, 11 P. N. , . The 2.20 down train, mind the sX and bX up trod= do notstop on Germantown Branch. ,• ,7 • • ON SIINDATS: Leave Philadelphia-9.10 minutes,A. k.; 2.3, 5;8 and 10X, P. .M.. ' Leave Germantown-8 A: MA9%, P. M. CIT - I , KTNUT ATT.'''. RAILROAD. L eave PhilAde4,l4o6 8, ' 10,12, A. X.; 8,3 X, SX, 7,9, Le L Chestnut B.SII-7.10 minute/18,1.40, and ILO A. M.; 1.40, 8.40, 5.40,11.40, 8.40, and 10.40 F. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia--8.10 minutes, A. M.; 2,5, and 8 Leave Chestnut HSII 7.40 minutes...lL X.; /5• 40 , 6 ./0 and 9.23 minutes P. M. FOR CONSHORMIREN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-8, 635;10.05 minutes, A. 91.; 13f, 3,4 X. 3%, 8%, 8.03, and 1134, P. M. . .. Leave Norriatevan-11Xa7.. 7.50, 9,11, A. M.:1%, 4X. and 8 P. M. The 5% P.M. train will stop i at School Lime, What. hickon. -519,3211.Taa, tlprin¢m ) 13 and OonEnnnoanen only. • • ON SIINDA4I3. • - = Leave Philadelphia-9 A, X., 2%. 4, and P. N. Leave Norristowm=7 A. 117... 1 and 5% and 9, P. M. FOR MANAYUNK. tesie Philadelphia -6, 80, 11.05 A. M.; 136 8, QC 4X, 9%, 8.03, =41134 P M Leave MAna.vnnir.-61(i. 731. 8.20, 934,11%, A. M.; 8, 51 63fi 443 d 8.34 ' ON stiNDAya. • • • • Leave Philadelphia-9 A. M.; 2% 4. and 734 P. M. Leave Idana_-_•7% A. M.;1% 6, and 9% P. M. 14. General Supesintendens, ~. 4Depot. Ninthand Green streeM. r. .—,x...t.tzt • MARIT -kN AND DELAWARE BAY ItATLROAD - COMPANY.. Lk..— en and atter MONDAY, the 14th of May, trains on this road.will leave_the Depot of the Cam den and Atlantic - Railroad Company, at Cooper'e Point, Clot den, as follows: 4 . Expreeerf9r Long Branch, New York, and ,Interme dlate stations,aV9.2e • • , ,; • FXLISII t, for NeW York And Intermediate ;stations, at Mai}hool°.- • - - - antl,ExpreSSr--:r for New York, at IWO AiM. , :Xeturnlng,trairialeiproPier =North River, foot Of Wave streepintel2.oo:A4l4.; end 400 T; of and Ple No. 3,44 415 P.I4E vbiotlaggage taken At Pier No. 3. IIarC , V.4F,II trinn. 2Creiist Yolk. t'S 00. ' 13417 'WaTA rzeirioxlMANlA MUMMA ISLIsII-2111BANGEWIDIT. .;The dolma' at the Pennsylvaxkla Central 3.'11. bum' the Depot at•Thirtytfirst and 'Market streets!, which Is' reached by the cars-of tho:s -Market Street Passenger Itanstar running to and from-the Depot . -.The-last car leaves goat -'street street about thirty ralutit . Aprior tO' the departure ofeseh Train. • .N; SIT/mtle—Cara leave ?Seventh And blarlteet streets 4b minutes before departure of .Rvenhag trains. - l i artzve.itsuu.sen MEPlriteS will caller and deli Mr Baggage) at the Depot • Orders left at the office. No. Chestant,street. will receive attentiOn. 7014.73 C. AND .1.1?..R1V1L DEPOT • • MAIL , TRAIN• • . 1 4-0 0 0 A. N. . DAY EXPRESS " 10.10 PAOLI ACCOB. No. 1 • "-11.00 v '" PAST LINE &ERIE, ICCPRESS "12.00 M. ITA Z RTSRURG 8. 1 3001da. ' • " 5480 P./g• LANCASTER A0001L; • • " 4.00' ~ PAOLI ALIMILLNo.2 , • • " 15.00 P TS SUB 011 dr. ERIE MAI/ ,* 1 " 9.00 PAOLI ACCOM. No. 8. - • " 10.00 • " PELCULDELPICeA OTVp REBSt • • " 11.10 Asarni. (TINCINITATI --1 11A X4 MIES t PAOLI - ACCOM.. Nro. 1 COLOMBIA .7BAIN. LANCABrat TRAM • AOLI ACCOIL, No. 2, • • " 10 n _PAY , EXPBEBS n SAO .* PAOLI A eel:fill., , 3. • - "730 " HARRISBURG 'A.OOOaL, . " 9.10 n *Daily, except Bata:witty. troailY. IDsIIY, except Monday., Iltunning through from Philadelphia to - Pittsburgh and Fzie without change of car& All atter trains Catty, except omets. • • - - Are -located at No. Sal Chestnut street, Conti nental Hotel. and Girard Hoag. where Tickets , may be procured to ail important points in t Penrutylvanta, as - well as the - West, Northwest and Gouthwes and full information given as to time and connection's. by JOHN C. ALLEN, Ticket Agent, - Also at 'lldrty. first and Idarketstreets,on application to 9 DOb. li. PARKE.Ticket Agent, at the Depot. as .azats.ransTaism Lana daily, except , litsmday; Par Soillinfornuttlon as to lire and aooommodaticou_ ate to THANCIB NO. 137 Dock street: The Pennsylvazda Itanroad CM. will ina 111603:116 any AR r i ntl ic r t r ir ety exc itt r =loVi= 1114rexconEng that amount In value, wIR be ttu3 owner, tudeselaknaby swots. reontranti PITTSBURGH COLMLBUEI ANA GEtieualterz RAILROAD lav:‘,47.l.7ll:f.lh:oll:xilqm:Va:.zft7/11:411 Owing to the great distance saved by THIS ROUTE the Government has Assigned to it the of the U. B. MAIL to the Principal Cities of the Weet and Southwest. - THERE BEING BUT ONE CHANGE OF CARS BETWEEN PHIADELPHIA. AND CINCINNATI. Alin RUT TWO TO ST. LOUIS. PASSENGERS BY THIS ROUTE WILL ARRIVE IN CINCINNATI. INDIANAPOLIS CAIRO AND ST. LO HE UIS - ON E TRAIN IN ADVANCE OF ANY OTIt ILN Passengers leaving rausuelpma at D. 50 A. M. will arrive at Altoona in the evening for supper, where Woodruff's c elebrated Palace etate-Routn 13leeping Cars will be attached and run through to Columbus without change. avoiding changing care at Pittsburgh at midnight, a comfort never before afforded' to the traveling community. Be sure to purchase tickets "VIA ESTEUBEN. VIT.T,F," at PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD OFFICE Corner Thirtieth and Market Streets. Philadelphia. S. F. SCULL, Gen'l Picket Ag't. Steubenville, 0. JOHN H. briT.T.vrt. Gen'l Eastern Pass. AWL VA Broadway, New York. JOHN DURAND. Gen'l SW t. fell-tt Pennsylvania Railroad Office, 631 Chestnut street ; and 'I biz tieth an I Market streets, West PhUadel phis. • 1868 . -. PHIL ADELPHL9. AND KRIS RAILROAD. 1866 great line traverses the Northern and North west countles of Penns3 lvania to the city of Erie on Lake Erie. It has been leased and hi operated by the Pennayl. vents I:enroad Company. TULOP PASSR.VGKR TRAINS AT PR ELASPELPIUA, Erie 2d all Train.. Erie Express Train -- - - - Erie Hall Train—..9.oo Erie Express Train—. . . - -MOO M. Passenger Cars run through on the Erie Mail and Expreasl rains without change, both ways, between Philadelphia anq Erie. New YORK OGNNICCTION. Leave New York at 9.00 A.M., arrive at Erie L A. M • Leave Erie at 44t P. hi., arrive at New York 4.10 P. hi Elegant bleeping Qua on all Night Trains. For inform ati on rrepeg passenger bwrOriers apply at corner THIRTIETH and itAndllo.l streets. Phila. And or Freight bush:leas of the Company's Agentic' B. B. tringston, Jr., corner Thirteenth and Market streets, Philadelphia. W. Reynolds, Erie. Wm. Brown, Agent N. C. B. R. Baltimore. H. H. waturcer, General ,Preight Agent, Philadelphia H. W. GWUCHER., General Ticket Agent„ A.. L. TYLER. General Bunotintendent, Erie. i".?- PRIDAVIMPHLI. & RA.= MORE CENTRAL RAILROAD.— tArgisit g*lf- OEMENTS.—ON AND AFTER MONDAY, March 19,1/66, the Trains will leave Phila. delphis, from the Depot of the West Chester &Phila. delphla Railroad. corner of Thirty-Ant and Market Streets, (West Philada ), at 7. A M., and 4.41 P. M. Leave Rising Sun. at 5.30. and Oxford at 6.05 A- IL, and leave Oxford at SM P. M. Till June Ist a Market Train with Passenger Mir attached_ will run on Tuesdays and Fridays. leaving The 'Rising BIM at 10.41 A. IL, Oxford at 11.45 A. M„ mid Kennett at •?..43 P. X.. connecting at West Chester Junction with a Train for Philadelphia. On and atter June lat. this train will leavethe Rising Sun at 4 P.AL , Oxford at SP. AL,, and Kennett at 6P. M. Marketing will not be taken on Passenger Trains. The Train leaving Philadelphia at 730 A. M. con. needs at Oxford with a daily line of Stages for Peach Bottom, in Lancaster county. Returning, leaves Peach Bottom to mintet at Oxford with the Afternoon Train for Philadelphia, The Train leaving Philadelphia at 5.45 rang to Rising Sun, Md. - Passengers are allowed to take Wearing Apparel only, as Baggage, and the Company will not In any case be responsible for an amount exceeding one bun dyed dollars, unless a swan' contrast be made far the same. mills HENRY WOOD. Gen'i. &net. NEW ARRANGPAf PHIL AD TO WII.LIA M - 1• Trio CHANGE OF CARS VIA CATA WISSA ROUTE. On and after Monday. April ISI, 1566, through cars for Willisrostr t t leave the Philadephia and Read. Ing Railroad t, Thirteenth and Oallowhill streets. at it A. M. arriv ing at Williamsport at 6P. M.. and, making close connections for Elmira, Oil Regions, Buffalo, Erie, N !agars Falls, Suspension Bridge and all places in the Western, North Western, South Western States and the iL,%usadart. 'IHROUGH TlC±Le,tb to all taints can be procured at the Company's office 4.m Chestnut street„ under Philadelphia Bank, opposite the Custom House, at the United States Telegraph Office in the Continental Motel, ma at the Depot of tbe Philadelphia and Read ing Railroad Thirteenth and thalovrhill streets. N. VANHORN. Passeneer Anent. PROPOSALS. TVA PARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, Office e n s corner wALITaT and FIFTH Streeta,Pom wire, June 11th. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. PEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Otlici of the Chief Commissioner of Highways until it o'clock 11., fol l owingAY, 18th tnst., for the construction of the ew , ra, to be built of brick, circular in form, and with a clear inside diameter of two feet six inches,vlz. • i On Jefferson street, between Thirteenth street and west curb line of Ontario street. On Rhoads street. between Nineteenth street and west curb line of Eighteenth street. • On Alder street, between Poplar street and south, curb line of Girard avenue. • • On Market street, between Forty-first and Wyoming streets. With such inlets and man boles as may be directed 133 the Chief Engineer and Surveyor. Therade.ratand ing to be that the contractor shalt take bills, prepared against the property fronting on said sewer to the amoun- of one dollar and twenty•five cents for each lineal foot of front - on each side of the street as so much cash pkid, the balance to be paid by the city. All .date are invited to be present at the time and place of opening the said propose's.' Each proposal willbe companied by a certificate that a bond has been filed in the caw Department, 84 directed by Ordinance of May 15, If the lowest bidder shalt not execute a 'contract within five days lifter' the work is awarded t he hWill be deemed et declining and will be held liable on is bond for the dlif...rence between his. bid and the next higher bld. Specifications may be had at the 'De partment orSurveys, which will be strictly adhered to. W. W. SMEDLEY, Chief Commissioner of Highways. NOTICE.—SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed "Pro. posals for furnishing. the Public Schools with Schuylkill Caul," will be received by the undersigned, irom mineral and shippers only, pursnant to ordinance of Councils, at the Co.arollers' Office. S. E. corner of SIXTH and ADELPHI streets until MONDAY, June 18th, 1866; at 12 o'clock M. .'he proposals must induce the storage of the Coal. - LL Zillah District—Comprising the Twenty-fourth and Twenty•seventh Warns. There will be two sizes required, Egg and Stove, and the ton to be 2240 pounds. Each and e ery ton of said coal shall be weighed aE the place of delivery, in the presence of a nroper per akr. to be del toted by each $3 ectional Board as weigher (sub,hct. to' the apprvval of the President of this Boardi who shall keep an accurate account ‘of each load coal delivered, its exact weight as ascertained by tor+ rect keales. And no bill shalt be approved for such seal unless an affidavit of the weigher shall accoM• pany such bill,sei tin g forth by what contractorthe coal was delivered, the date of delivery of each load, the number of tons, and the quantity of coal dellvered,and whether weighed at the place of delivery. By order of the Committee on Supplies, Je12 , 5t1 H. W. HALLIWELL, Secretary. ditA.SONIC MM(tKS. MARTIN LEANS, NO. era CIEMSTNEIT ) ,A. STREET. , 4. First Premium awarded by Franklin Imiti , • :c- - tate to MARTIN. LEANS, Manufacturer of MASONIC MAIMS, . PINS. EMBLEMS. to., dtz. 'New and original designd of Masonic Marks -Tem plars' Medals Amity Medals and Corps 01 every description. myl6-w,,th.f,s,smi , . o.oBOHlJM.—Ohinege Sugar one ti*Vilsan dram e JCI exticle, for, sale by JOlikri, BUMLISirsd 0U., 108 South Pe/Wirers avenue 1 w413 1. 10 viN 444*0 A. The New g, No. - 607 Chestnut Street; IR A' BMW DAT% WLL Mr, The piopiletorel are prepared iorettatsreialninaß renting such maws 103 tnny_do not We Pmmaim% • --1733 c SECOND STORY FRONT BOOM' - • . - - 60 by 24 fear • • THE w3ioiar. OF TEE SIONTS3DRN . HAW ON Four Stories High. with , Entrance, wide ball on Suitable fora Jobbing or Ckiininiasion Howe, a liana. Or Ina ranee f.)l!Ekt - "18.40A.M. 6.10 • .• " 8.55 18:0 P. • Lip For Further Particulars apply at the NEW BUT, LETIN .11 SALE BY OBDER OF THE 001 , 31 T OF COMMON PT.V. A S.—Estate of WILLIAM R. X FIELD:L-3EI - 31ES A. 'FREEMAN; Auctioneer. --IC,LEGAAT BUILDING SIT, 42- ACR r.S, ,HAD, DIN GTON. Under authority of a decree of the Court of Common Pleas, for the City of Philadelphia. Oa WED.N.ESDAY, June 21, 1 tiffi, at 12 o'clock. noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILAVE LP NIA. EX CHANGE, the .following described Beal • Ehtato All that certain tract or piece oflandaltuatein there-1h Ward of the City of Philadelphia; beginning at a stone on the easterly : side 'of the Iderion road; between the Haverford road and the l kincaster Turnpike road, on the tine Orland now or late Lewis Jonea rr,thenceby, said Jones's land, crossing the said Marion road, south 7930. west 18.2 percheit to a corner; thenceatill by the said Lewis 'Jones's land, and partly along a public road north 28% 0 , west. 18.'1. perches to a corner; thence by land late of Berj. E. Valentine, being part of the tract of lard whereofthis was part-1:3 glO, W. 37 perches, to a stake set Mr_ a corner, and N. . perches to a corner of land now or late. John Prentice's; thence by the tame along the middle of tl e public read, S. 863i 0 . W. 22.6 rwrches to *stone corner thence by land now or late of John Franey, S. 4 0 : E_ ELS perches to a corner In the line o fiend now or /steer Hamm; thence by the Barite N. 87K. 0 ; E.. 30 perches to a corner, thence still by the Barr eland, S. ZP). F. lea perches I' a cor. ner on the north ride of .the Merlon road aforesaid; Umbra .by land now or late of Henry Helmbld, cr saing the said road 'diagonally, N. .E4X, O 31.7 perches to a stone on the south side of said ro ad, a nor-. ner of land now or late of John Prentice; thence by the seine course by the said Prentice's land 2 perches to a cursor; thence by laud now or late of Samuel Jones, crossingsaid road and along the westerly sioe thereof 21.4.E.3ope.rches to a stone; the-ce still by the said. Samuel Jones's land, crossing the said road diagonal N.lO O , 46 pe.rches to the place of beginning. Grntain inn 41 acres and lt7 perc'res of land. - . B.—The abovep tg it on the first range of Adis west of the s chop,/ a short dtatcroce from the Paw:Ti ger Bat/road Station. The ground is very elevated and commands a fine prospect' o.f ilte City. Delaware River, and.•.A'rw Jersey, II can be =untried at arty time: rirg - Terms a/ sate f5(4 to be paid when the property is struck oil. By order of JOsitPH PA RRIe H. Committee. JAMIM. A. FR.V.FI4 AN. Auctioneer, Je7,14.21 Store, 4. Walnut street. Kg, ORPHANS' COURTSALE .— Rotate of AMOS C. MARGERUIif. deed. JAMES- A. PRICE MAN, Auctioneer, under authority of the Orphans' Court for the City sfet County of Philadelphia. on RDN SDAY, June 27tb., 1866. at 12 o'clock. noon, • tli be sold at Public Sale at the PHILADELPHIA. I.XCHANGE, the following described Real Estath, late the property of AMOS C. ISARGBRUM, deed., 3' os. 1.2 and 3 dwellings, Nos. 1330. 134 and 1331, MARSHALL Street—NO. I.—A: Lot of ground, with the three-story Brick House, with three-story back b.,lldirg thereon, No. 131.0 Marshall street. Twentieth Ward. commencing on the east side of seventh street, 234 feet north of Thompson street,being it feet front on Seventh street. ane In depth at right angles with Sev enth etreet,l74 teet 10 Inches to Marshall street, wing IS feet on said Marshall street. Sub!ect, to ;tiiS ground rent per annum. No. 2. A three story brick dwelling with threestory back buildings and lot adjoining No. 1 on the north, (No. 1 , 32) beteg Is teet front by 74 feat 10 inches deep. Clear of all incumbrance. No. 3. A threeetory brick dwellng with three-story back buildings, No. 1334 Id atithall street. Same descrip tion as N 0.2. Clear of all incumbrance. No. 4. DWELLING, No. 1337 North Seventh street. A three-story brick house and stable, with the lot of ground, 74 feet IN inches below Master, Twentieth Ward, 18 feet front by 174 tea, 10 inches deep to Mar shall street Sobject to;r2 ground rent per annum. No. S. BUILDING LOT adjoining a lot of ground adjoining N 0.4 on the south i 2 feet IN inches south of Mater, being 18 feet front ouSeventh street by 174 feet 10 inches to Marshal: street. Subject to i9O per annum ground rent No. 6. BUILDING LOT ADJuINING.—A lot ad joining the above on the south 590 feet north from 'Thompson street, being 18 feet front by 100 feet deep. Subject to $63 per annum ground rent. No.:. LOT ADJOINING—h.Iot adjoining No. 6, on the south. 173 feet north of Thompson, being 18 by 100 feet bubject to $53 per annum ground rent. $lOO to be paid en each at the time of sale. By order of the Court. EDWARD A. MERRICK, Clerk. 0. C, 82,-RAH, B. seARGF • ITM. Executrix. JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer, No Walnut street Fr ORPHANS' COURT BALE. —ESTATE OF •JA SI •F" A. STEWART, deceased. IA NrEA EEMA Auctioneer.—Under authority of the Crphans' Court fbr the city and county of Philadel phia, on WEDNESDAY, June 27, 1646, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the PHILADSLE, FRIA. EXCHANGE, the following described Beat Estate, late the property of James A, Stewart, dec'd. vint—NO. 1. DWELT ma, S. E. corner trourth and Wharton streets. All that certain lot of ground. with the three-story brick m..suagetbereOn erected,situate :Attie S. E. Corner of Fourth and Wharton streets, ccntaining in front on Wharton street 16 feet, and in depth 70 feet to a 3-feet wnds alley. Za - Clear of .ncumbrance. ;No .—DWELLINGS, Second street, above Whar ton, with house on Rye street. All that lot of ground, with the three-story brick messuage there3n erected on the west side of Second street sa Second Ward at the distance of 90 feet northward from Wharton street, containing' in front on Second street, 12 feet, and in depth 1( 0 feet to Rye street, with a threeetory brick house on Rye street. N. B. .2hisproperty trill- he divided into two proorr- Fost—A three story :Prick dweVing and tot on the west ride of & rend street, 12 feet front and f 5 feet deep. No. 'l-4 small dwelling and lot on Bye street, 12 feet front, cad Si. feet deep. Clear of incnmbraoce. Alf - WO to bepaid on each as the time of sale. By the Court, E. A. MERRICK. Clerk 0. O. ANNA STEWART. A.dministratrlx. JAMES A FRE,EIIIAN, Auctioneer Store, 4 Walnut street. OR. ORPHANS' COURT SALE—Estate of i.ISE RIUS ROSE. deceased.—JAME• A. FREEMAN', Auctioneer.—LOTS, CUMBERLAND and ADAMS tireets,igiineteenth Ward.—Under authorityiz of the Orphoort for the City and County of Philadel phia; on Wednesday. June 27,1866 at 12 o'clock. noon, wilt be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILA.OELP HU. EXCHANGE, the fAllowlng described Real Estate, late the property of. Liberins Rose, deceased, viz; No. I.—A lot of ground b"ginning at the southwest side of Cumberland street, 104 feet soutneast of nd street; being lb feet front, by 125 feet 10t5 inches deep on the n orthwest line, and 125 feet :X inches deep on the southeast line to Bose street. No. ^—A lot of ground beginning on the southwest side of atreet,Bs feet southeast of Almond street; 18 feet front, by 131 feet .14' of an inch deep on the northwest line, and 125 feet 1034', inches deep on the southeast line to Rose street. No. 3.—A lot of ground situate on the southwest side Of Adams street,c. feet northwest - frorci Almond street ; being 36 feet front by 65 feet .e.,c inches deep to a 6 feet wide alley. Clear of all locumbrance. Sir fa) 10 be paid on each When the property is struck off. By the Court, EDWIN A. MERRICK, Clerk O. C. LOUISA ROSE. t BERMAN ROSE P a ' z ' eell ' Urg ' JAMES A. PRERBEAN, Auct'r. Store 423 Walnut street. tp t - ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE.—Mate of 10 BM 111-8 BOYD, deceased,—JAMES A.FRERMA.N. Atm. ttoneer.—PBOPERTY. No. 220 Werth WATER street; Due er authority contained in thewill of the late John Boyd, deceased, on WEDNESDAY. June 27, 1866, at 12 o'clock, ncon..will be sold at Public Sale. at the THILADELPHIA. .EXCHANGE, the following de. scribed Real Estate,vir. All that certain messuage and lot of ground on' the east side of Front street and on the west aide of Water street, between Race and Vine streets, beginning on the east line Of Front street. as a corner -of ground the of,lsaac Norris; thence southward along the said Front street. 2f feet 4 inches toe paoint.'thence emtward about 24 feet 6 Inches to the middle of the wall dividing the houses on this end the adjoining lot, to the southward, now or formerly of George £cott, and through the middle of the said wail to Water sweet aforesaid; thence northward along the west side of said Water street 27 feet 4 inches to Norris' line aforesaid, and by the same line westward passing through the middle of the wall dividing the houses on this lot and the adjoining lot to the northward, about 45 feet to Front street aforesaid Zir Ft al f e purchase money may remain. .1100 to be paid at the time of sale. JOSEPH R. RHOADS. Administrator, c. t. a. JABrWsi A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, je7,14,21 Store, 422 Watnnt street. ORPBANe' COURT SAL I T—EiTATE tr; MARINA ARDIS. DECEASED—JAMBS A. EMAN, AUCTIONEER—HOSE, MARRI OTT'S SIREET. Second Ward. Under authority of the Orphans' Court. for the City and County of Phitsi, delphia, on - WEDNESDAY, June 270866, at 12 o'clock, Noon, will be sold at Public Sale, atihe PIIILADE4 PRIA 1 XCHANGE, the following described Real Es, tate, late the property of Marina Ardis. deceased, viz: M A threestory.brick house on the north side of arri ott's street (No. 7), being 15 feet front (including one, half of the alley), by 56 feet deep. kir $5O to be paid at the time of sale. By the Cow t. E. A. MERRICK. Clerk O. C. JOHN LINDSAY, Administrator. JAMES A. FRY EMAN. Auctioneer. Store 4= Walnut street. REAL ISTATE —JAMES A. FREENIAN, Auctioneer.—DESlßAßLE RESIDENCE 4Su outh Third street, On WEDNESDAY June 27, ism tl2 o'clock. noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PRILADEI.PHIA ESC:RANGE, the following desezibed real estate, viz:—The well built three-story briek dwelling house with back buildings and lot of ground, on the west side of Third street. below Pine, Fifth Ward; 193 i feet front and 64 feet deep, to a 44eet alley; Ed - 60,000 may upancy with rema the deed. in on mortgage. Aar Occ SW - Clear of all it cumbrance, 1:(5.4100 to be paid at the time of sale. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. Store 422 Walnut street, BULL. ESTATE. TBR zw:mwe, Chestnut street, And s Front. of 25 feet on 7asrne street; No. 607 Phestnut Street. MO' BE LET.--EOIIIITH AND FIFTH FLOORS, 105 1. Swath SECOND street. Apply to J H. ,CURTID SON, Real Eelate Brokers. 433 WAX...NW elate. BELL ESTATE* OFICANS' COURT.. SALE.= ESTATE OP iii SANIIEL OGOEN„.4eceaaed: JAMES A . RE .Auctioneeer. 'Under authority of-the Orphans' Court for' the City - and 'CotmtY of Philadelphia, on NVEDNEfDAY..Tune 37th, 1565. at Li o!cloctc, oon, will .he sold at .Fublic Sale, at tbe FELLADEILFHIA_ n EXCHANGE, the - following - described 'Real-Pittate, • lath the oraperty of Samuel Ogden, decesaid: eta: 'No. I—PROPERTY No. sp eouth Street. with KEOPtIENn. 936,i30pea1l street. in the reek. Alt those twrt brick • messuagee and the frame raesmaista Ofgrbund, on•which they are all erected.situater ow the north ale ofSoutb.street, between Ninth and; Tenth sires ,18 feerfuthat by feet deep; to a 36 feet wl4antreet...Wled Ronsall street. • k • • - k. No. .I—GROIIND RENT of $lOO per annum; moss%) . A Yearly ground rent of 4100 per annum, oat ofa lotrof pentad on atesontbiside of-liteed street, and t'ulde Church street thence along Reed Street 60 feet:7l4MM southward 80 feet 9, inches; thence westward• 611405 inches to Church street; and along the _same Sti,feet 4 Inches tr, the place of begit Wag. - No. 5--GROLEND RENT _ot $llO 50• per annum, •($1.991. A yearly ground rent arena 50 per annual., - aut ot a ot of ground east side ofPront, between Race ar d.Rine str4ets. 20 feet 4. inches front. by 40 feetdeep. Aar $llO to be paid on each when tit*); property' Is struck off. By the Mini, Z. • A. VERRIOE. Clerk 0 C. NOIL JAMiR TAfitillf.librecuter. JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer, 3e7,14,21 store, 422 Walnut street. ft 4. ASSIGNEE'S SAL.E--JANERS .A.:FRERMAN. Auctioneer.=:4-atory BRICK - Divmurf NG, MO. KWIdARR_ET street,with 6 Court homes on - rear. DU WEDNESDAY Jnne 27. rl/386, - ,at :12 o'cittoon, will beanie at Poblic Sale, at the Pliff.AD 3=t:HANGE, the following described real Zs to :Alt that. certainlot of ground; situate on thawestaide of New Market street 58 feetß Inches north of Holmes' silef; together with the fouveterY brica .Inl.ls3gAge thereon erected, fronting on Neer Market streaWbeing No:308: withthe six adjoinieghrickraeasuligee on the court, In the rear tiu3reOteoutabliog infra* On New - Idarket 34 feet, and eitendbig,depthweetward Of that width-14G feet, 9 inched- where It barrel:vs on the north side thereof to the widtb,Of feet 10 inches; slid thence extending, harther._ westward of Alm lastirten - Von ed width tfeeti makingther 'depth thereof - IYMa New Market street on the southern line .1511 ,et 9 N.33:--Dpon theabove lot is laid out cntirivittyof . about 13 feet in width in front on New Marketed:treat. called Conxtland, Place. which opens into [another - courtway or passage of the -width of 19 feet hi itches; with the use of raid courtways. 0,000 of the purchase money tOremain On Mtn - te , skirrJO to be paid at the time of Im* -By order of aeskele. ' • • - A...191.EEMMl Auctioneer. Je7,14,2l . Store 422 Walnut street_ AnORPHANS' COVET SAME- 2 Estati liA:vin ' g. MROWN,-decessed. JAMES A. FREEMAN, . oneer... PROPERTY, FRONT-STRE,ET„I shotre AMBER Nineteenth Ward. Under authority .of the Crnohans Court, for the City and Coupty of Philadel phia Oil WEDNESDAY. Tone 27th,-1866. at 111o'cloelt nnon. will be sold at polio sate, at.theI'HILADEL PHL9. EXCHANGE, the rtextrlbed -neat 'Estate, late the property &David 8. Brown, decanted, viz-A' lot of ground with -the-two'brick- build ngs thereon erected; situate on , the- easterly aide ofFroull street, 84 feet IX inches northerly from the N. E. comer of Front and • Amber -streets: thence e •xisatdissg northerly along the easterly Bide of Front Intreetie feet: thence eastwardly op a line at - right angler with Front street 44 feet 234 inches; thence - sehtheaetwl,y44 feet 254 inches to the dorthwesterly side of said Abet street; thence - southwesterly along the ' eamele.feeM thence at ilght angles with Amber street: 37- feesg inches.' and thence westerly with., right angles to'Frorte street, 37 feet 5 inches to Frontstreet; the place of bah ginning.. - Subject to 1-10 ground rent, per annum. re'jr• 8100 to be paid at the time of sale. - By the Court. E. A. MERRICK.; Clerk, a a ANN BROWN. Admistratrix. • JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, je7,14,21,3t • Store, 422 - Walnut, street. .ADMIKISTEATnES' 8 I.TI--ESTATE OP Jr SEPH B. WILLIT... deceas•4l.—JaME2 A. len EMAN. Auctioneer.-GENTEEL WELLING; No. 1118 VINE 1 , 1 BEET. On. WEDNESDAY June 27, ls• S. at 12 o'clotk, Noon, will he sold at Public Sale, AT THE. PEELLADFLPie rA. EXCHANGE' the D3l - described Real Estate, late the property of Jo seuh B. Willits, deceased, viz : All that lot of ground with the genteel - three sto•y brick residence; with double two story brick back buildings thereon erected, situate on the S.R.corner of Madison and Vine streets, in the Tenth Ward of the City. (so. HIS): le% feet front, and 101 feet deep to Graff etreet.' .Houss hal is /con partor, hot and cold bath, kitchen range, - Par fix tures, and is in cave/lent order. , _ t'Clear of col incumbrance. e_Three 'marten of the purchase. money may main if desired by the purchaser. . a—t2Co to be paid at the time of sale. By order of Administrators. JAidlgs A. • BEEMAN. Anetionee4 tetore Waltuat street. &PUBLIC BALE JAMES A. FR.ERMAN, octioneer.—RESIDENCE. LOCUST and FO Et- It•sT streets, W.s.ST PIIILADELPHIA:—On WADI:I:BOAT, June rah, 1866. at 12 o'clack, noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHIL &DELP EXCHANGE, the following described Real Estate, All that certain new three story brick and stone meet silage, and lot of ground on which the same 15 erected, situate at the bouthwest corner of Locust and Forty first streets, in the Twenty-fourth Ward: containing in front on Locust street 35 feet, andha depth on Fortj first eireet 190 feet. - - - Immediate pas:session. Reps at the Auction Star& Two-Thirds of the purchase , money melt' remain. air 1F1.60 to be paid when the property iastraek J VITA A. FRET lAN, Auctioneer. je7,14,2i Stoze Walnut stzee-t. oFinrAdvrow - N.—Pc63, &LB. ' RiItUKR past; turnishc ed or untaniislied, with immediate pos session, a large and coma odiona -Mansion. situate-In. one of the most - desirable parts or the town, - within five minutes' walk Of Railroad Depot.. It Contains fourteen rooms with all modern conveniences, hot and cold bath. gas and water in all the_ chambers. A first-class stable and carriage house, a good vegetable garden abundance of fruit and flowers.- in fact it com bines all the advantages of a City and Country Resi dence.- Lot 10 by WO feet des p. Apply to C.:l3.:MULEt gyur),los South Sixth street. • • na.t29:lsti I.l*. FOR SALE—A HAINIDSO3LE COUNTRY Residence in Woodbury, N. J ,SS minutes' ride from the city by West Jersey Railway. with 1.34 acres of gronno well planted with fruit and shade trees, with good vegetable garden and stabling: The house is lo caled on lielaware avenue, is 40 feet front by SzT deep, with extension, well built and in good order. Will be solo. by THOII & SuNS. at Philadelphia .Exchange, June 26, at Et If. The premises may be examined on anplication to Wm. Surat, at County Clerk's OftiCe, Woodbury. Possession immediate. jj,.9 s tu,th.St* I. H. TOs.ttPli, CENTRAL BEAL ..h - TATS ES Agency, No. 271 S. Third street, Philadelphia, Pa. Real Estate bought . and sold on commission. Loans negotiated. Manes -, procured on Bonds, Mort gages, ana other securities. House and around Benin collected. - .osinrcilestoner ofDeeds for all the States. mySenap maGERMANTOWN RESIDENaII FOR SALE OR TO PENT—Reatitiftilly and convex:dm:MY situated, within two minutes' walk of Church Lane Station. A commodious and elegant BMEILDIaNCE. with all the modern conveniences; stable, coach-house, &c. Lot 1.90=3. Apply between 10 and 2., at 'a North THIRD street. 1 - 14 Cr/ W. P. WILSTACH. inGERMANTO &aim.— A. handsome double pointed stone residence. - built In the best manner and having every city co cvenience, situate on Chew street. between r-hoemaker's and Manua lanes. Lot 193 feet front by 240 feet deep, with stone stable and carriage house. Immediate possession given. J. 31. GlAidlit.EY d: SONS, SO Walnut street, FGERMAZITOWS—FOR SALE.-8. handsome Double Stone Residence. with stable ao d carriage us e and large let of ground, situate within four minutes' walk from the railroad depot, Has every city corrvenience. and is in perfect order. J. H. GLOW. IdST & EONS, stB Walnut street. . Ift - FOR SALK.—Alaabdsome tbree-story modern .1.1 , 11 brick Residence, with attics, threestory double back buildings and side yard. situate on Nineteenth street, above Arch. Is finished threngboat "in a supo• rho manner and is in perfect order. .1. M. (1112.f.ff.. SONS, Nos Walnut street. rjFOR SAI,E.—A. fourstory brick Dwelling, with double threestory back buildings, situate on the west aide of Nineteenth street above Arch; has every modern improvement, and Is in nmfect order. Lot 25 feet front by 103 feetdeep. Immediate poac.mden given. J. tiVMMEY sow% sos Walnut street._l 13 FOR SALE—A BROWN oTONICDW.BILING, with all the modern improvements, on Forty decond street, north or Ringsanang . e,v,enne. Imme• diate porausion. Apply to C. H. CHEYNE. - sOS Arch street. giFOR SALE—The modern threeatory brick RESIDENCE. with - double back-bulidinge, lled throughout in the best manner. with every convenience, and Ltt perfect order.• Situate So, PINE street. 7. M. GIOMMEY Lt. SONS, us Walnut street. E., FOR SALE.—A: large four:story bro 'stone ri BUILDING, Slfeet front, with - Steam power; and actruirably adapted for Mechanical purposes; c.ntrally located. FuU particulars furnished by M:1311151- MET SuNS, tfli Walnut street. • • • tgTO RENT. , •‘• - A COUNTRY Zfaisracirr, stabling for five horses; lee blame filled, milk house and garden, 10 minutes' walk from 'Doge station on the l'uorth Pennsylvania Railroad. Apply to Ca - A.S.'M. EVANS, No. 631 Arch street. - • ieS•Oti r,:rl FOR $. L 1 dwelling,. No. 521 South Ninth street, with three-story double No, ..bulldings, ontaluing all the Modern conveniences. Built ex pressly far tbe present owner._ Tea - ma easy. „Apply at Ito. 519 South NINTH street.' myti-tf_ tFOR SALE OR EXCHANGE:FOR carpno n" PERT Y-418 acres of Valuable'rimber and Farm and in Luzexne county. Pa. Also, 200 acres of land near Lock Haven, Clinton connty,Fa. X. GUM -2,IEY SONS, 54303 Walnut street,- , - air CAPE ISLA.ND--DESIEELB LE TIOURL.E COT TAGE TO LET, with 11 rooms.. Plenty of shade, excellent water, good cellar, fine 'view or the ocean. For farther partmolars incicure at iitcOALLA'A New Bat etore, 61a Chesnut street. • jOl3-tr TO LET—THREE STORY HOUS El, double baek Jai buildings. All modern conveniences. For lom non. &c.. inquire of W. W. FISHER, 41 North Tenth etrett. • ' jel3 tf trAT . FOR SALE ORBENT.—The three atorY beck dwelling, Situate No. 6n9 South Telatti street; has, every convenience and bas recently been thoroughly repaired.' J.ll. 01121231EY 4k. SONS. 5011.Walnutstreet rrO RENT.,--Three and foaratorles 'New .13tene I. 131 MARKET street. ,7" and CIIIIIROH: street, extending I€o feet. Best light In the :city. 'Very, de. eirahle for manufseturlng business; Aprdy at once. jel3-19t• GEORGIE uG OEN' CO. _ - rl l O BE. GET—SECOND' _TECIRD, FOURTH AND FIFTH FLOOR/3. 339 Walnut street,. suitable for offices or any light business. Apply to 7. H. CURTIS & t 3014, Real Estate Brokers, it 3 Walnut street. TO BF LET.—Third and fourth floonivrith theofilee en first floor: also, part of a large cellar, :No. le South Front street. Apply to J. H. UURrIS & BON, Real 3i3tate Brokers, UM WfilnUt street . _ _ •
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