The Literary "Bets" of Boston. This classification of the literary lions of I3oston comes to ,us via the Sacrament) Union, whiCh has 'a daring Boston -Corre sPiondent in' personalties: ' [ '"There aregrades inllteraiy soCietnets in fashionable, some two or three in . -number. The, highest is - obtained only by a few— thosewho have‘vren a world-wide reputa tion as: writers, and there are at least half &dozen of those among us. Such men as George Ticknor, Robert C. Wintlirop,whose literary labors 'have not been equal, how averi•to his abilities or his °allure; and two orttnee others, make np this upper eiroie. Then comes the ',Atlantic clique,' as it is called, of which James T. Fields, the pub lisher, is the central figure. It embraces Di. Holmes, Emerson (if the latter may be said to be linked with any clique-or faction, so independent and self-poised is he),Long fellow—to a certain extent, for he more pro perly belongs to the upper circle; D. A. Wasson, Tneo. Parker's successor; Gail Hamilton,• J. T. Trowbridge, and a few 'Others. These people' constitue the_ taq of the Atlantic, hardly 11, number or that-peri odical appearing that does - not contain an article, from one or more of them.'' Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, between whom and the :Fields' party;there is a deadly feud, arising from 'the fact:that Mrs. Fieltie "Ode to the Great Organ" was accepted insteaduf Mrs. Howe'il, lead 'another, ,but 'mall faction. James Russel Lawell stands alone, and is notelaimed by anyparty issalmember. He is - a man -of-eccentric—habits, and he writes- but • - now-a-days. Nominally ' one of - the editors 45f the North' American, Review, "he Writes very:little of itr-the bulk of-the labot being done by h 1 associate, Charles Eliot Ncirton. Fields, thipublisher, is'a rernarkable man. He`entered thebookstore of W. D. Tioknor 456 Co., nearly thirty years ago a poor, boy, 11.44 . g0 his education from his surround ing-is in 'the : business. Now he is esteemed .one tifthe beitt mad. men in English M inara :tare the world. His fine ' taste - and:good judittnent have given the house of 'flee-nor Alßieltisliteir present high reputation 'as publishers of books of high character. His wifeis a datighternf Rev. Dr. Nehemiah Adams, pastor. of the Essex" street (0 r tho ,dox) church—who went. South_ some years tago, , ,and coming' back. wrote' a book called the "South Side "View of Slavery;'-a'rose'- Colored picture of Southern society. Another of - his daughters is a painter, now at Rome,.whence she'has just sent home several pictures of the moat exaggerated pre-Raphaelite style. Below the "Atlantic clique"are several others which it would take too much space to speak of particularly —embracing men and women Wuo havej asc failed of getting a -hearing in the Atlantic, and who occasionally, vent their spite upon that magazine and its writers in the Com monwealth and other - papers. An inside view of Boston literary society woald pre sent some very interesting, features." 4 •Father Pront." Rev. Francis Als.hony, better known as "Father Prout," whose death in Paris was recently announced, was a remarkable character—a scholar, a wit, ai "madcap priest," _a newspaper writer, an anthor, and a rollicking, hard-drinking liishman. Born in Cork, he was educated by the Jesuits in France, but eared less for religion than for letters. He became, in fact, a leading mem ber of that curious body known as Bohe mians; his pungent wit and marvelous facility in writing giving him ready access to magazines and public journals. For many years he lived in Paris, dili gently performing the duties of a newspaper correspondent. Described by an English biographer as a "little elderly man, with an intellectual head, whose keen, bluish eyes had a queer way of lookitlgnp sharply over the rims of his spectacles, his peculiarities made him a notorious person in Parisian society. He was a "clubbable man" as well as a skilledtheologian; a song:writer and a profound Latinist; a gossippmg old man, and a companion of wild roysterers. His pseudonym of "Father Prout" was one of his own invention. His"Reliques of Father Front," begun in Fraser's Magazine in 1834, .collected into a volnmein 1836,and reprinted in England in 1860, were a characteristic series of humorous sketches and learned disquisitions, which met with great success. He was also an indefatigable traveler and a linguist. He composed verses in various languages, wrote incessantly on all, aorta of subjects, and died in newspaper harness in Paris, at the age of sixty-one.--Eve. Post. BLONDEN OIITDONZ.—Yon may recall one DeLive, a tight rope performer, who a long tithe ago astonished the natives of. Roches ' ter by his feats above the Genesee Falls. He has just returned from many years spent in South America and Mexico, and is going to give the public a new sensation. He proposes to cross the Falls of Niagara on -a small wire, as "the American Eagle." To explain, he is now having a large leather eagle made here in the city, which is to be "stuck full" of feathers and otherwise mani pulated so as to resemble a live one of MOll - proportions. This is to fit closely about his body, and on walking` the wire -he will balance himself by flapping his ,artificial wings. At the same time a rope is to be suspended by him below the wire, to :which his son, a boy eight years old, cling and go through with various athletic'performances as the father advances across the falls. DeLave likewise proposes to walk on a wire over the falls, carrying :both his 'wife and son on his back. This promises to be the great sensation' of the season. - DeLave has been performing at the City of Mexico, where he occasionea a con siderable furore. He brings with him a medal received fr,om the Emperor Maxi milian.—N. Y. Cor. Hartford Press. SuxcxnE.-We learn from the Buffalo Ex- ness that about 11 o'clock last Saturday night, Charles Springer, about thirty years of age, stepped into - the pistol gallery of Mr. Werne, No, 66 West Fayette street, and! after firing some twenty, odd , rounds, aimed' the pistol at his ownh'ead and fired, the ball passing'clear through it..- He expired about one o'clock, and in less than two hours after, the commital of the rash nit. Upon the per son of the deceased was found a number of, papers. Among them were three letters, one directed to his mother, residing in Ban-; gor, in which he referred to there being something the matter with his head ; ano ther was directed to Secretary Stanton, re-: signing his position as a clerk under that officer; the third stated that he had been robbed of $1,400. An inquest was held, and a verdict rendered that he committed suicide while in a state of tempory derangement. His body was taken in charge by the Free Masons of Buffalo. THE BISHOP OP OXFORD ON DULLNESS. Dullness, according to the Bishop of Ox ford, is worse than ignorance. At a late , meeting of the. Society for Promoting Christ ian Knowledge, he said: "It is more diffi cult to get books and tracts read than to get them,written. , In:this , matter there is terri hie danger, ahead, a danger which never can be - escaped,-a . fault which mivi3r can be for given. We can forgive - almost' everything in , _a man who comes to talk to us if he avoids - thicone unpardonable offence of dullness. We may not agree with him, but so long as he avoids dullness that is of little import ance." A SENSIBLE YOUNG PRINOE.-It is stated that Frisco Humbert, son of Victor Em-, manney, was recently offered the command of a corpi of the Italian army - , and declined it. "If I command a corps,?'-he said; "and am defeated, people will say this comes of giving important commands to inexpe rienced 'princes. If I am victorious, my chief of the staff will get' all the credit. I prefer commanding a division and doing vita ram tirdereci." The Graphotype Process. 4 There are. at present exhibiting at the Photographic Gallery, 46 Church street, a number"' of beautiful specimens, drawn by Holman Hunt, Sohn Tennis!, 'Ef. Bro wne (Phi,s)..John Gillaert, G. Da Maurier, and other' well-known'artists, of the new process celled Grarthowpa process which seems likely,in time,to supersede wood engraving, because pictures by it can be produced' at one-half the cost and exactly as drawn, being, in feet, drawn by the artist. ' The process is very sim ple. . On a plate of beau tifully, 'enameled chalk Surface, furnished with a substratum of metal—merely to give strength to the block—the artist draws with a sable or camel hair pencil . dipped in ink compounded of ' glue and lampblack. With a' little - practice, the boldest and most 'Sweeping, or the finest and most delicate lines are executed with as much' facility , as with the ordinary drawing pencil. The ink immediately dries, and the graphoty , pe proceis of engrav ing then commences. The surface Of the Plate is, rubbed over, with along haiied . dry brush or a rubber of velvet cloth. The pile of the velvet or the hairs of the brush pass between or "juriar over" the 'lines ` - of the picture and rub 'away the interstices on the chalk surface, without in the ''slightest in terfering with or rubbing out ths lines of the picture, as would natutallYbe supposed. When the plate has been rubbed or brushed out to the required depth a solution of sili cate is poured over, the . plate, arid it is ready', for printing 10,000' copies, ,- if need , withoutdeteoration. But as there would. boa ' natural wish to preserve the original work of the artist, the, picture is repeated any number of , times in stereotype , or electrotype., The,grapho.: type - Nan American invention, the primal ple Of which was discoyed adoidently by an engraver in the course : of his, profesaion. It is patented in Europe; and the patent for the United has.been in the hands of a London firm - of engravers, who have been so overwhelmed with eiders, that to extend this working of the process a limited liability Company has been formed under the most favorable, artistic and. business auspices, and promises to be an' eicellent investment, as the cheapness and rapidity 'with which every class` of engraving or imitation of lithographing can be produced must bring custom to theicomptuay.—Liverpool Courier. Coni'feted of Muider. . CmowNATr, June 10.—The second trial of ealnuel Covert for the murder of the Roosa, family t at Lebantin,Obio,yesterday,resalted in a verdict of murder in the first degree. Harrison McNeal, a brother-in-law of Covert, hi to be tried as an accessory. " ; BOARD OF TRADPS• JEDW'D LAIO[IIEO349.OE, J. PRICE WETHERILL, Mativii:LY COMMITTEE, D. C. bIcCAMMON, AMP IeftWATIONB,. Eeporsea Ibr the mums nvening mustin. Cehlin...N Air hark Thomas, Peterson-4.= hhds su gar 100 bas do 24 hhds molasses. BEMEDIOS—Schr Hodsden,Hodsden--111 hhds molasses 44 tcs Clo 1 bbl do E C Knight & Co. SAGUA—Schr Fannie. Kenny-380 bbd sugar 46 too do 40 bits do 8500 cigars 2 bbls molasses S dr W. Welsh. BOSTON—Steamer Saxon, Captain Matthews— ,Bo pito dry goods Frothingham & Wells; 15 do Bangs &•Maxwell; ES 410 G Brewer & Co; 25 do Coffin & Ane mias; 12 do T T.Dea; 26 pkgs mdse C M Bailey; `M4 do boots and shoes J B Harmer; 20 do J B Myers & Co; 25 - do sundries J B Bossier &. Co; 25 cs scales Fairbanks & Ewing; 56 sewing machines Grover & Baker; 42 pkgs mdse J Dawson: 43 bbls syrup T M Knight; 2$ boxes tobacco McDowell dr, Duncan; 40 bdls car mats Phila delphia City Passenger Halle ay Co: 100 bbls potatoes R S Dyer; 156 do Duval & Martin; 850 do Ash 600 do pO - Tao pkgs sundries order. lizzlval Nod EiallithAresaßle,mers 1017111 _ 'SOX .POS 21137 "Eamorna...;...sciatharopton...New Y0rk....--Diay 16 Menai ....-..Strathampton-New York-- -Ma/ 16 17 City of Maackeiter-tivarp'l...New York ----May 18 --LiverpooLlievr York...—. -Hay 28 illy of Ltmerick-LiverpooL-New York . i-iday 26 Etna. —... Y0rk...... litay 30 Louisiana. - --.Liveroool.-New York - May 30 Hibernian. .Liverpool-Quebee...--... --May 31 Kangaroo .-.--LiverpooL-New York--June Heins dr. Phila.-Juno k00tia.......... -Liverpool...New York 2 - TO DEPART. Nerthern Light-Near ......„..Jane 11 Persia- .-.New Yark-Liverpool ----Jane is York.-Liverpool.--..-..June is Hors Castle.....-New York--Havana-.........-..Jake 13 Edinburgh.-...-New York....Liverpeol ..............June IS Baltic ....._.....«::. York-Brernen.-,,.-.......Jane 14 Hermann New June 16 Etna.- ...... York.-Liverpool June 16 Hibernia ...New York-.G1aag0w.....-.--June 16 Hibernian.. ,_..Quebec - - Liverpool...--... June 16 Coridea- .. ....... - -New York-Nassau& HaVa....Jnne 16 Villa de Paris .New York...Havre .-.......---... Tune 16 Allemania ---NewYork.-Hambarg.--.....--Inne 16 .--Boaton-LiverpooL._,. ?A .;an liege de Cuba-N York-Ban Juan, Nic.--.June 20 Ce11a...-.............-New L4.1.1:4 scp 41:11) if M VI • R 617 !M :mu Minas. 4 2fl 1 BUN HESS. I SO I HIGH WAT5:8.1259 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamer Nevada. Grumley, 40 hours from Hartford , with =lse to 'Wm 2,1 Baird Co. ' Steamer Saxon, Matthews, 42 hours from Boston, with mdse and passengers to Henry Windsor dr Co. Bark Frey (Dutch), Gallas, 60 days from Rotterdam, with gin. wine, din. to A Stephan!a Co. 1 Bark Thomas (Br), Petersen, 7 days froth Cardenas, with sugar and molasses to order. Echr Fannie, Kenney, 7 days hom Swat, with sugar as d molasses to S W Welsh. Buhr Ella HOdsden,Hodsden.lo days from Remedios, with molasses to E 0 Knight & Co. ARRIVED ON SATURDAY. _ . Steamer Philadelphia, Fultz, m hours from Wash ington, with mdse to Wm P Clyde & Co. Steamer Geo H Stout, Borden, 36 hours from Wash Moon, with mdse to W P Clyde &Co. Steamer Bristol. Charles, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W P Clyde & Co. Steamer C Comstock. Drake; 24 hours from X York, with mdse to Wla Baird& Co. Steamer Concord, Norman.% hours from New York, with mdse to Wm 211 Baird & Co. log Commodore. Cropper, trom BaltimOre, With 10 barges to Wl' Clyde & Co. Tug Hudson, Carr, from Baltimore, with 10 barges to NY P Clyde & Co. Behr Helen P, BroOke.from Portland, Ct. with stone to captain. ' Behr Wait Dennis ' , Crowell, from Boston.via Chester, Behr Mary H Banks. Haley, from Boston. Behr Dant Thompson, Thompson, from Boston. Schr Diadem, Blanchard, from New York. Behr E J Pickup, Bowen, from Washington. Scbr J kr Vance. Bovine, from Providence. Behr Neptune. Roden. from New Haven. Schr W from Bangor. • CLEARFfI ON SATURDAY. Stearoer Neshannock, Winchester, San Francisco, E A Sonde? tt Co. Steamer Norman, Crowell. Boston H Winsor & Steamer A_C Stimers, Knox, Washington, Wn2P Clyde & Co. Steamer Norfolk. Vance. Richmond. W P Clyde & Co. Steamer Buffalo, Jones, New 'York, W P Clyde & Co. Steamer Beverly. Pierce. New York, W P Clyde &Co. Steamer Gee H Stout, Ford, N York,W P Clyde & Co. Steamer Ann Eliza.Richards,'N York, W P Clyde& Co. Steamer Sarah. Jones, New York. W M Baird & Cu., Steamer H L Gaw. Iler, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Bark Bellamy', Svendsen, Falmouth for orders, L Weetergaard, • Bark Minna, tstunkel, Cork lor orders, G W Bernadon Bar ao"bn A Griffin. Foster, Boston, via Wilmington, Del. Day. Haddell & Co. Scbr Ann Rambo, Wheeler, Washington, J T Justus. Bohr m B. sacks, Haley. Boston, L Audenried & Co. Behr Diadem, Blanchard, Portland. .7 & C StoCkham. Scbr Leoneaa,'Hunt, Bostonj X Barley & Co. ' Behr Wm Pickering, Quinn, Boston. W Johns. Behr C X Elmer, Haley. Bolton. captain. , .chr .kanl Thompson. Thompson, Beaton, captain. Behr Golden Gate, Miller, Boston, captain. Behr Marietta Tilton, Fritainger. Boston, captain. Bohr M B Somers. Somers, Egg Harbor captain. Behr S Gamier, Todd Baltimore, captain. Ton Hudson, Carr, with 8 bargee for Baltimore, W P 'Clyde & Co. Tug Commodore.Cropper,with 7 barges for Baltimore, . . w p Clyde dr, Co. NCEMORANDJL Ship Queen of the East, Stoddard, hence for Hong Song, wee spoken 9th nit. lat BO N, lon 37 W. Ship entwater,Dnight,cles;red at New York 9th fast. for San Francisco . _ Ship Zouave, Blair, was up at Liverpool 26th ult. for this port immediately. Ship Cremonse, Gates, cleared at Bad Francisco 17th ult.•for New York. . steamers Star of the Union. Blanchard: MOnterey. Williams', an d .41abam a, Lim eb urnes, cleared at New 'York 9th-inst. for New Orleans. • • , . . •• Steamer Teutonia (Ham), cleared at New York Bth for Hamburg. • Steamer °mime Washington, Gager, at N YOrk 9th , 'inst.' from New Orleans. Stetnner Alexandria, Allen, hence at Richmond 7th inst. and Salled*nszt day tg return. Barks A Houghton.. Barrett, and Orchilla, for this port po.nalled from Barbados 25th Alt. L Brig D 0 Canner, Schwartz, hence at Salmis Bth hist, '=Brig Nelite Mowe, Leeman, hence, at Portland Bth • Brig Elmira, Norton, hence at Portland Bth inst. " Brigs &Means, Wells; Hell Coltimbla, - Brereton; D' - B Doane.•Bedman; Rolersot.-,Scott, and Abby Watson Watson, hence at Boston Bth inst. . • r Brig A 11 Curtis, hierryman,• for this port, was at `Caidense jet inst. . Brig Joseph Baker. Nickerson, cleared at Neer York - 9th inst. for =tab ethport. Brig Mechanic; for this port, cleared at Portland Bth instant. iftmlas. Evans, hence, remained at Cienfuegos' Behr S Troy:Elan, Slocum,' hence at New Bedford itt,h' inst, reports off' Montauk; 7th, Bohr Dirigo.from-Phlla lielphis for,Portland_, with oaths split, mid loss of mein' boom in a squall the night , previous. THE DAILY EVENING BULL TIN : PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JUNE 11,1866. t ct 7_ AN --AWJOITRNED •MEETtNG .OP TEE. Stockholders of the JERSEY WELL OIL CO PANY will be held at the Board of Trade Room, No. Eta ORESTN UT street, on TUESDAY,') one 11th. at s o'clock P.M.-: W. _ _ _ __-- - - M. BARLOW, Secretary. Pima., Jane 4. 1888. , • - • jet-m 24 CRTBAREAKE AND DELAWARE CANAL ik•ey' COMPANY..— DIVIDEND NOTIOni, -. At a general meeting of the Stock and Loanholders of this Company. held on the 4th inst.. a Dividend of THREE PER CENT. (WOO per share) on the Caplttl Stock of the Company was declared, clear of United states Tax, payable on demand,:_.__,.._.g. V. LESLEY, jee-611 Secretary. crolUN/TED STATES TREASUAI , Partountn- PHIA, June 8, 1866. • ders of twenty coupons, and upwards, of 'lgnited States Seven.thirty loans,due 18th inst., are hereby no tilled that they may present them for examination and count, at this Oftice, on and after the 9th inst. N. B. .B.SOWNE,, je9-3t Assistant Treasurer United States. U. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE "WEIKEL RIJN OIL-COMPANY." The Directors have postponed the sale of Stock for non•payment of assessment of oneand-a.half cents a share, frcim June Ist to 2.6' day of July, A. D,1866, at 3 P. M., at their Office, No - 21.3 South ciath street. -- JOHN COCHR AN, Jel-mots : Secretary and. Treasurer. PHILADELPHIA • An, GRAY'S FERRY WPASSENGER RAILWAY CO., TWENTY 8n STREET below SPEUCE.—Pninenztaqua, June 1. 1868. IsICT ICE TO BONDHOLDERS.—ThIe Company is now preparcd. to redeem.a portion of their Bends. The Bondsintist be presented at this.offlceon or before the 12th inst., and wilt be redeemed at par in the order in which they are presented._ GRUBS FRY, je2,tl3 President CZOFFICE POURING-BOOK , ATM EAST BANDY OIL 'COMPANY. 619 WALNUT B ET, PHILADELPHIA, June 2d,1666. Notice IS hereby glyen_limt ~certftin shares of the Capital Stock of this company, forfeited for non-pay ment of an assessment of one (1) cent per share, will be aold at public ariction. at the °Mee Of the CornpanY. 012 the 234 day of June, MC, at 12 o'cloCk4 M., if not pre vionaly redeemed. By Order_Of the Treaeurek, C. d. GILLINGHAM, Ja2. 4 ,7 11.14,13.20,-q,23-3t Secretary. IYb• •PIECLABELPH/AJTME L 1868.—oAuTioei All persons are forbid negotiating the following Stock: Nos. 829, 1,199,1.255:and-I,sBo of the CLINTON COAL AND DION CuMP ; N 0.244, of the VR NANGO OIL COMPANY; , Nos. 597 and 743, of the C ONNECTICUT MINING CO.:'Nos: Wand 91, of the S 1 RnillAN OLL CO. of CR E RRY4RUN,and a reJelot for two hupdred Shares of the COTTER FARM OIL W. Stock, NO. - 595, in my tame; os the same was stolen, from me on. the evening of May 31,1366—re Issue of the said Stock been &milled for. " Je2,1.30 - • Wrir.T.f A tif REUI3S. TVOFFICE OF TESESCHUYLKILL : RIVER PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY,TWEN -SECON D. Street; belovr Spruce.,lllmAnaLmna, June 8, 1866. - At an election bald this day the fbilowing gentlemen were duly elected officers ofthe Company: • - , And at a subsequent meeting Of the Beard, B.OROSS FRY, Esq., man elected Treasurer, and A. W. ADOLPH, Secretary. 10. N OTICE.—The undersigned Corporators named in the Act_of Assembly, entitl,d '`An Act to incorporate the Pennsylvania Canal Company," ap provtd the drat nay of Men A.D. 1866, will open books and receive subscriptions to the capital atonic of said company at the places and times following: PELLADELPHIA, at Room No. ZS, Merchants' Exchange, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 213th day of June,lBte._ - HARRISBURG, at the Tom , lel House, at le o'clock A. lc, on the loth day of July. late. . , HUNTINGDON. at the Morrison Home, at it , o'clock A. M. on the 19th day of July. 1866. L. T. Wausau, Alex. at Lloyd, John A. Lenten, David Blair, Goo. B. Roberts, James Barns. F. F. Wiry:rum, W. J. Howard, John Lingafelt, John Scott. R. B. Wiz ten. Santee Gardner, John N. Swope, J. J. Patterson,Wm. Davis, Jr. i i my:„M-tieUl, TO FA.ivinui..lo S RESIDING IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS. ...tY:erthiLrliPartit.ll. l =ZT to su . PPIY 24121111 " AVERY DESCRIP;7 9 N NNW -GROCERIAS, TEAB I &C, ALBERTO. ROBERTS, Cor. Eleventh and:Vine Streets. HAVAN CI,GrA-litS An invoice of genuine EAVANA CIGARS, from medium to very high grades, for sale by the box at moderate prices, by JAMES B. WEBB. Mita WALNUT and EIGHTS streets. A N EXCURSION to the coast, or inland, la not corn 211.plete i cewnitts h opuetr Lemuel: b Smith' s LEMON oc S UG AR. r je m et* -I4MUEL T SMITHI o S NoethFrontst. FVILEST( TOMATOEI3.-110 Cases Fresh Tomatoes I"just received and for sale by B.BEVEE3 & PARVIST. je7-4t* ' 45 ISortli Water street. P TA_RhiglITE BLOATEES,,-Strastatri .L meats, ham, beefiClad tongue, essence of anchovies and Anchovy paste for side at MUSTY'S East End grocery, No. Ds South SECOND street. • NEW BURLINGTON HAMS, just received and for sale at COUSTY'S 'Haat End grocery, No. llf South SECOND street. Iv :6: •x` 3• I t Agit , • e . 11 - rea (=yam 'ally, In stare Southr sale at CO I STY'S East End grocery, No. 11 SECOND street. riBOICE TABLE CL ABET.-100 eases just received la and for sale at COUSWY'S Nast End grocery. No. 118 South SECOND Street _ SSPANISHQUEEN OLIVES by the barrel or gallon, at COUSTIPS East End grocery, No.. US math BEt.A.ND street. HA.318 HANS Stewart's - Trenton, Davis's Star Mums, Briggs .4 Swift's celebrated Cincin nati Hams, and J. BOwer's City. Cured, warranted tc corngive satifoPtion. Per sale by /d. F. B.PTT.TaIq. N. W. er Eighth and Arch. 0 1 T 3 cPs I cirlial ILO:nisketa Latour and other tavoritt _ by M. F. SPLLLIN. IN yr Cum TANS ' S. COl•Fitz.—Pare Old Government Sava Coffee, for sale byY M. F.BPILLIN, N. W. corner of Arcb and Eighth' btreeta 'MASI TEAS li-100 packages of very choice nest crop Green andl3lacY of the late importation. At these Teas have been bou t titidtice the decline in gold we are prepared to Ihrn families at fatly reduced prices. .Iror sale by the box, or at retail. 'IL Bril LIN. N. W. corner Arch and Eighth streets. FIIBNITIJBE AND_ BEDDING The largest, ches_aest and best stock of Farratters in r the world, Is to be onnd at GOULD & CO.'S UNION FMAZITTEME DEPtYr, ' Corrter NINTH and MA RET Streets, and Nos. 87 and sto North SECOND Street. ' Parlor kilts. in' Hair, Brocade, Plush, Damask or Rep Dining Room, Chamber; Library, Rita= and Odice Furniture, at fabulously low prices. and the newest styles andpatterns; public buildings, schools, colleges and shop Furniture in endless variety. All kinds of Fnrniture_ wanted by housekeePers. at exceedingly low prices, at - either of their immense establishments. If you want to save money and gel well served, go to GOULD & CO. ' S before purchasing elsewhere, Corner NINTH and Xiamen'. and Nos. 87 and 89 N. SNOOND Street. mho-lyt SPRING MATHES& 3 ThEer QUALITY AND STYLE, AND BEDDING OP .IPMEY Dmaturnozir, J. G. IFULLER, rnhl7-Bui 9 South SEVENTH Street. g rong( irt ' ilema!ammor I on w „, Cheitililt Street . BROWN & MAGEE 3stanufacturer. of SOLD) LEATHER TBUNKS AND VALISES Gents' and Ladies' SOLE LEATHER TRUN KS. Ladles 7rench, Dram and Bonnet Trunks. Leather Traveling Bags Excursion Bage,Tourist Bags, Morocco Reticules and Traveling Bags for Ladies, Trunk Straps, Shawl Straps, Hat Oases. Dressing Cases, Flaaks. Pocket Books, dk,e, BsrTxtmlts suitable for European Travel. 70$ Chestnut Street s OPPOSITE / . .tABONIO HALL. RAIMINEI.-600b oxesttob and Lamate Yer 8a1 155 800 boxes Valencia Bu Seedless `Raisins tbr . gabby 166, B. B i CO.. U 5 South ' Wi.ter street. SPECtiI. NOTIOEB. PRESIDENT. JOHN P bicFADDEN, DIRECTORI3. S. GROSS FRY A.; W. ADOLPH. WM. HARBNrON. -WAL , X. PARR, CHAS THOZtEPSON, THOS. E. CAHILL. 61SOV~KLIQs. FURNITURE. ~6~B~Q~ T111.A.1 WARR XIITUAL fIARZYY.INMIANCID Ar COMPANY tercoapoßwrzb BY TX.X LBOD3LATURE 01 PENDBYL yANIA OM= :et "X. CORNXR Twilit') AND WALISII3T ON VIIERELB MARI24I , IMUBABI-C3l* CARGIO_.- T o au parte of the world. RXEIGST: /2 0 031311,AN " On %gide, by River, Canal, Lake., a nand Wrists, toeaten 'of the Ltnion. Oa Xerehandie ge orally, CCIMII on Stores, Dwelling Souses, an. 411J3SETS OB THE 0011:PANY • - • November 1 38615. 1100,000 United States 6 per cent. loan, in—. 1195,000 Co IMAGO United States per cent, -loan, 'Bl. 198,/50 00 200,01 V United Staters 7 8-10 per cent. loan Notes. ' • 191,873 100,000 State MI wionvortaniffeirr peat. Loan ..« of,oso BMW of fininififelist — iiii . ier Cent. 155,000 City orriliaTaiiiria oeni: . tux* 50 50,000 Veit. • glige,six. Per tient. Bonds. ' mow es _ 45,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Hort gage Six Per Cent 80nd5.... .• 28,750 00 20,000 We tern Penna. Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent. - Bonds... 66,75011 11,000 800 Shares Stock GernanGai - lf;r; Company, principal -and interest guaranteed by the City of Philadel -18,687 60 8,180 i i 43 share; gar_ /47 4 - 747 Railroad Company-- ...... !,58000 5,000 100 Shares stock North Railroad Company..-...... . in; 843000 40,000 Deposit with the United Sta G overnment, stated to to days call.-- 40,000 00 80,000 State of Tennessee Rive Per Seat. • Loan .. 18,900 00 170.700 Loans STi a nd Mo r tga g e. lltfat wens on City Property. r 70,700.80 ... 'Market value—. 996,550 00 1.886.850 Par. 3%000 Co Bills receivable for insurance made—. . ISI PI so Balm:wed due stAgenclas.—Prenalmns on sta. rine Policies. Accrued Interest. and other' debts One the 9onapany Egill 41 Scrip and Stock of aundry Disuranoaand other 00132 Panit5145.13& Animated value... %BO 00 Cash in Barka 89 Cash to Drawer-- „ iS .-- - - Thonuus O. Ptaild. john O. Davis, Zdratuad A. Bolder, Theephilna kipaldiAg. Sohn R. Penrose, Dunes Traquair. Henry C. Lanett, Jr. James O. Hand, William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Beal, George G. Ledpew, Hugh Robert Bors, John D. Tayint, THO • . .roari ItmerstY LYrouraar, TATION I z u : - • CTE. 011ice,N0.521 wArANvr street, south Bide, east a Third'emreet. The Propertl of tide thmpany are well invested and an avitliable rand for the anaC hu annnity Of all De whorl ereto be protected Inanranon DJBKB taken an Venal?, and THADIRPORTATION BIM on Her Cili ttliD . • chant:Use perEallreada . CtruaLs and Etteamboata. _BALE Bret re on Herchasdlse, Barnhart andalind' MIS - ln Clty and Coehry. twooßpolgATm.t. IN 1794—CAITI'ffi r ga i 3 ANT PAID IN AND HVOIIEELY TOTAL PHOPEETTES, ' PER.PETU "°°4 CHAETHEL DIESOTOB & Arthur 8 . Corn, .Taraee N. Dictum Samuel W. Jones, • B. Horns John Aatrown, t ca l c e A re Hato Waln, k arrtion Charles Taylor, 1.. . Ambrose Whit e, ' Brand!' B. Cops. William D. Weod. Edward H. Tzterst. web); IL EL Mirk% William B. Bowen, William Oraruntan M tuit harlekm Henry. , €4, 00,w, Predden. Onaltias PLAT?. Secret:am EIRE ASSOCIATION, Incorporated Mareh 10' - A OFFlWy_fio. 34 N. FIFTH street. In sure BtftLDINGS, HOUSEHOLD PUB r NTIURE and. MERCHANDISIC - _ ally, fromhl Laaonly.) se by Jilre, On the Patty o Padelp STATEMENT or the Assets of the Aserwtiablori J'anzutry 1, 1868. Smuts and 'Mortgages on property in the City of Phlladelphl. IMAM 17 Groundllesta-.... mats al Beal Estate (Office No iiircart hirh threat) 1 4 ,836 18 U. S. Government 5-M Beadso7,6 03 U. S. Treasury Notes. 0.603 00 MG e W llat on hand-- ..... 87,444 R1 00 43 Total 10 GEORGE TBYON President. WM. B. HAMILTON , , JOSRPH R. zortinerz, JOHN SOI7DER. LEVI P. COATS PETER A.•KEYSER, SAMUEL spiultrevar. JOHN PHILBIN, P. ROWER, JOHN CABBOW JESSE LIGHT „ __FOOT GEORGEL YOUNG, HOBERT SHOMLAMMI: WM. T.BUTLER, Secretary. THN COUNTY FEBN INFROLUMES COMPANY.... OPPION NO. 110 SOUTH POMMEL STREW • "The pbaiVire Iruntrance Com pa llir it theCOuitf a P the .MIEIIII2I=II of Pennsylvania in 11512, ter indeauthar against loot or Ilaullge _ o _.._ e alli a= el P ' lERPILTVAL w old and reliable Iretitation, with ample mew and contin=ent fund cieretttly invented =Una= to La sure irniminsp, farialture, merchandise, act. ether per manently or ibr s limited time, against loss or= by fire, at the lowed rates consistent with the ii sty of ha customers. Lome adjusted and i aildi no rith all potable tiegpega BEL Joseph Catlike?. Ratter, Edwin L Beat& Seem , Cain John Horn, - Robert V. Messen Jr., Joseph Moore, Henry Balky _ George Mecke, Andrew li. Miller Jansen N. Grose. liglasscret P. Itukracurr, DELPIELLDNOINIZ 3NSIINANCOM COMPANY OP PHILA. reqoaßPonsTiCD tax—ciEwrnm NO. ItbtWALNUT Street. o • 'lnaddlidon to MARINE a , ="1:5713 a t? 0/ 11 Mama from lass oz laminae by STEIN term, on trandlnga, znacie. =edam Ake,, for limited periods, and permanently on =Law by.deposit of prectalom. The Cornms has been In salvo °Maid= ftd =Orli a ugn yEA.w, dating which all loom hart been promptly Warted to d paid. John L. Hada% David Lewis, K. B. Mahon, Benjamin Edam Jelin T. Lewis, Thomas Powers, Wllllana S. Grant A. B. hio= in. Robert W. Leamnkt Edmond D. Clark Wharton. Samuel Wilcox. Lawrence /awls, Louis C. Norr is. JOHE WIMFAXGEE, rrealdant Banana, Waco*. Becrelawy. TEX`VERIIIet: N FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OP PHILADELPRIA.—OFFICE,_ No. Si NORTH FIFTH STREET, NEAR bLARKW STREET. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsyltrazdat. Casamant CIAPITAL AND ASSETI3, St 50;000. Make Insurance nail= Loas or Damage by Fire or Public' orTrivate Buildings, Furniture, /Decks. Goods and MezeWindion_favorable terms. • D George Eret, ' • • Frederick Doll, 'August C. Miller, Jacob &handier, Jobn F. Belsterling, Samuel Miller, Henry Troontner, Edward P. Moyer, William McDaniel„ Adam I. Glass, Christopher H. Miller, Israel Peterson, Frederick Staske, Frederick Ladner Jonas Bowman,_ t. GEORGE ERETY, Pres i dent. ” - JOHN F. BELSTERLING, Vice Praddent. PHILIP 3. COLIDIAN, Secretary. ICAIA weal Ii MP.ABY. NlKruna. ale wAlawaT Illtmo *wee UMW Etreek AD PEED .1137 A. • Having I Fold ITAL EITOIIB Ana MI. PLID3Invo In Doom and available Eienirltleooon• Vane tolnatiro .Dwellinioi, 00. , obandlso, Venda In port Land Itu 3t lrnt Foramina !mann 4/I Lanai 11banakr inlinatiaL • Thou= 13. !dart% .Tobn,Weasl2, Samuel C. matzos. Fatriolc rat% Dna • Ail' alit C. L'ea T 11036 1 WORD. A 3113810.1.1‘ ritUTUAI. INEWBANCEIS COXPAINT ..m. —Once__ ~ _lllohnr .Ikdtding, No. is WALNUT. Street. mArtutsp AND INLAN D nemuusroza.- Risks taken on vane% dkreore andfrotio all Tarts of the'world; and on roods on Inland ,spm.uttion az stye* oanalo,,_ n...tdiii and other anivinuttel throughout the United Mates. . WILLIAM anaie Preel p = o. PETKR COMM, ince ROBERT J. DEIEB. elearets" Remy_ a must; POw Men. ~ Win. el. Loivher.. ; John Denett. Jr., ' J. Johnston Brown) William R. masa; • Samuel A. Salon.. Bent. W. Meutnis, Maxon Hutelans, 1 -- , Gunn. Dallets. Elite mA Win. Jai Biaril A. R.ro_ I,_ .1 0 n , Pause* mania 1 , WI , , WPROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST DEW ANT, OP PHILADELPHIA.— Incorporated by the Mote of Pannoylvaals, sd =alb; HMMINS pniaT , Tu IaVMSLT.OWS 1865 'INTERENT ink GRANTS ANNIIIP/323. . Samuel B. Shipley, richoid OadboXp. Jeremiah - Framer, H Halloos, Joshua H. Horns, T. Brown Richard Wood. wm. Ohm. P, Coffin. SAMUEL D. EMMET, ProsNeolh BOMA= Palos, - MKT • --swigs . r - - 11.253.6110 32 88. , - • Samuel Stokes, J. P. Peniston, Henry Sloan, William G. Boniton, I . Edward Darlington; EC Jones Brooke, Edward Lantureads, Jacob P. Jones, James B. P MeParlandDkure, Joshtus „ Spencer Hcllvnins, I. B. Semple, Plttsbnigh. A. B. Berger, Pittsburgh, D T.Moman, Pittsburgh, HALM P resident. DAVIS, Vi ce Prdelthsol.esident. . . _ Stlrrrxs, Freiman BetYv and Treasara. Jahn T. Lew% • James B. Granptilnli a Edanuid GG. Dina. Ohades W. Ponltas3 1 nis. `e R. KART% Freddy/g r. 45011051. ' nTGI INSURANCE. 1829 -01JAItTIKEt . 13 E 1 !4i-IVILEI-4 1 Dr FIRE . INSURANCE (XIMPANY .PEEILADELPHIA: Apsets Olt Jaw:wiry 1, X 866, 6,2,6450,551 OCT. • • ...... 00 . 044,548 .. . .. /0 taisErrlamo trircomm 70$ nee. 1A 467 63. r . 03140021. Losses, Paid :Since ' •1829:Over $5,0009000. Perpetual and '1 emporary Policies on Liberal Tern EIRPOTORI3, _ Banker, Edward O. Bale, - • 'repine Wagner. George Fatah Samuel Grant, Alfred 'Hitler, Geo. w, gicharts, Pres. W. Lewlsi M. A. Isaac Lea, Peter McCall CHAItLEI3 N MEG hidden:. ED WARD 0. DALE, Vice 'President. JAG. W. ntroALranuta. Secretary pro tom. *swum GIRARD FIRE AND MAIM 'INSURANCE COMPANY. , aim= 41BIVAL1413T STREET MOM& DELPTITA CAPITAL PAID LN, &SR. $2OOAOg. Tis company continues to writs en Are isssxs . only. Its capital, with a good anzp l ins, lq saftly Invested. 70 Lows by Axe laavabeex Bs promptly pa* awl more that _,OOO Dlablonen on this ISOCOnnt 0 'ALUM the was few yews. mainForth° prompt the oftice Of this company win re at 415 WAIN-1M STREET, .But :villas a new months' will remove to its OWN BUILDING. N. B. COB. MAN ./toms* AND °IMMO:IT, Then, as now, we shall be happy to Lewis enr pm= at web rata: ea me consistent with safety, • THOMAS CRAVEN AranazD v EgguarrT. SIMPPIaID, N. S. LA THOS. MACKELLAR, CHARLES LI Dam% SNO. SUPPLE:WI HENRY F. KETSNEY_, MO. W. CLARHOEN, JOSEPH KLAPP, M. M. SILAS YEREES,Sa., _ .; THOMAS CRAVEN, Preddent. A.LFERD B, GILLETT. V. Preddent and Treanaren SAXES B. ALVORD, Seacetann taint AIRBIIBAROE , EMILI3I3IVKLY... THB smirtiom/074.1SELS. IMRE 131131:131A.NOX 0021. Intorrpo~ted I.B2s—Ctrarter Perpetual —Wo WALMlTindePentlonoo &ma= Thu Company, g vor known ka tbs coinzannitp Ibr_over /tray yam,continua to insure ackinzt loel araMlite - bY ere, on Public or Private - Rowans .ettits , or far alimited time. Alto, on _ Iramttom,Stocke Gifted/I and NerahmuSee gemerany ma liberal team. Thetr Capital, together with& large Smotoe Rom it Invested In the moat metal mule, wUch meat them to oini to the Insured an multabtag security lL the cue alms. Dardelßrallh, Alexander Benson, Haslehmst, Th lsaac onlasitobine, Daniel D. • s: WILLIAM G. Ctsovramx.. puns r 92IIteco aI OOZIPANY. WIB AND INLAND INSDBABIDD ... . _ .. .. Mande lc Buck, .1 W. leverrsas, Obsslesißleherdsort. 'Robert -B. PolAer. Beery /no. Kessler, Jr„ Samuel W S. D. Woodreal P. S. junto% Ma . Stokes, ea.. A.' Joe. D. Ellis. t rit tilWil If li GELS& DJUSARDepea. Mom Prtablairl yr. 1. atiantalunii. Ellserigarr I.I4VOICS. RICHARD PENISTAN'S Ale, Wino and Liquor Vaults, 489 Chestnut Street, PEELLADELPMEA. Established for the Bale of Unadulter ated Liquors Only. Special Notice to Families! Richard Perristan's Celebrated, Ale, Porter and Brows Stant, now eomti reeccaurt m e=tue MAIM Fawn) $1 25 PER DOZEN. (These Battles hold one Plata Tim starabelas of the veil, beet w vatur, U mom! bs admltsedis le delivered to aU part l city without situ Brandies, Wines, Gins, Whiskiesoba,dits Warranted larvae lower e rle Wee, by th , O:IIAMPA9NEIS of the bed brands Mind lower tr."-atn.hz-kgrott., PURR GRAPE JUICE. This la an excellent ankle for Invalids. It Is amy Care Dragnets. HAVA.NA CIGAR& OLIVE OM. BAY BUM, SARDINES. ax tendon awl Dublin Porter and Brown Btost—MlZll o and Scotch Alen. eel= JUST OPENED, Penist a,n's Branch Ale, Wine and Liquor Vaulte, Nos. 37 and 39' South Third Street, Phllodelphlo. Bear Mamma on Bank street. =WS HER MA JESTY _ CHAMPAGNE, d_ DI? N . ', tat 4013111 IT, OM AMT. WENZL—Theatteation of the tragle soltailed T T the ibilowleg_verr choice Win_ es,_dW. Ite sale b) MOMS N. le)ON, No. 111 boom Mont West above Wahron • MADNIItaB-.ole Mind aram old. EGINERLEB—CumbeII uo. double au triple Grape, , llL Crosoe & Sons, B l adolph. Topaz, Meg _, Crown and P. Valletta I TG—Valiette,_, Vinho Velho Ite4 Denton ant Rebello Valente & oo._,_Vintseen 1885 to UK CLABICTS—Cnnse NUM and Glahtephe OW, lalnilli fTE VARMO —G. Jourdan, Brive & 00. liCaT—de Eton CILIMPAGNIeiI -- ta itTt any, "Golden tater; de vorite m Venom ends. Ner Naletter and Baal ainwa and An y fa - rum VMSZEMECE3.--500 Cases Pure Old Wheat. Bye, ‘J Bourbon and Monongahela Whiskies, fbr sale by E. P. MLDDLIFI'ON, - 5 North Front street. ~~i GrECO. A. COOKE, No, 1314 Washington avenue, invites the attention of the Public to his PRESTON COAL, which is an article that gives unbounded satis faction to all my customers generallY are Wing it in at the present prices, in preference to TORMI43OI COAL. Egg and Stove sizes at $6 75 per toe. Also the genuine Eagle Vein Coal, same sizes, same price. A superior quality of MUCH COAL, Egg and Stove. at $7 50 per ton. Orders received at 114 South THIRD St. my6-Sukt FOR GOOD LARGE NUT, $650 FOR tit, STOVE or RESTER COAL. J. ARMITR, rteenth and Washington avenue. •1:019.1m* 21. MASON B. JOHN Z. MOWN 1-11VUNDERSIGNED INVITE A'rriaGriON TO h C eir stock of Bnck Mountain Company's Coal. lebith NaViliktion Cronipany's 00a1; and Lemon hroo.mou. • which they are prepared to sell at the lowest market rates, and to deliver in the best condition, • Ordersleft with &MASON- BLEiligii„ Franklin is* Ode Fulidbili; SEVENTH streelow limi llmwal be promptly • .n.issiso SeMf ~,robEareptl3nt*ltEabnylkill. COAL,I3IIGAB MAR. BEAVAR. VALICADOW AND Mot=Mountain. UM& 001LV. an& Mot I.4ontat front BohuyAtiLli. prew.ed. , . WALT use, , llDenot N. Wi 002 <! unpro LOW - atrootai ON O% Zit% 11 . 11501 A SZOOND whir . . - 11 . . WiLLIONAM , . John Doverenn. Thomas Smith, MLes, T*, wi MIT I r e aU Jr. SMITH. Jr., President; ELMMM, ssFOR BOSTONMass.—Express , Lina—Thog fine schooner 'mit& L. SMITE. OitPtah" Smith. is now loading for the above port at Willow street wharf, and will have prompt deeps di. For freight. apply to DAVID COO P Morns WANTED.—A Vessel of about 100 M mat • Lumber, to oarry timber from Denton, Md. to ilmington, Del. Apoty to DAVID COOPMB. is W W burres. ap27 WANTED TO PURCHASE - A. good Vessel sultablelor Lumber trade: 1.25.003 to - 150.tre fees capacity: not over four pears old. Apply tom A. SOITDER & CO., Dock street wharf. . je+-41.. , O,TEAMEHLP PRON.BOBTOlT.—Cket eignees of merchandise. per abeve steamer, twilit please send for their goods, now landing at Piste street Wharf. (d ell-st) RY WlNno2c 3 (XL QU P MEBBLUAG Leckle, master. from Liver la pool. Is now dischargiag under genersd order at Shipisext street wharf. Comsignees will please attend to toe inception of their goods. PETER WRIGHT Os BONS, 115 Walnut street. mint tf TAEI. EißlNDLlCll,snasesso to JOHN EIBINDLBIIII M t3ONS, Ball Nakao, No. SOO North DELAWAN.II Avenue, Philadelphia. dB work done in the best rummer and on toe lowan and most favorable terms, and warramml to site ME est 11105ftInalL • Particular attsmticsi elven to renatrinr. WILLIAM G. PERRY,. Stationer and Bookseller, HAS REMOVED from 13. W. cor. Fourth and Race, to No. 72 Arch Street.; myBB4f ' 6 P LANE , ZABRIAGE MAXIM 3336 MARKET i3treet, West Pououelpolo. 3 slam* • est of 31arketstreet bridge. •A n wimrtment 0 own doges Constantly 011 hand nar3s-Itn* 'CIARDNIER Ak FLEXING, COACCED. ' . 114T(V11 - 4 s 21.4 Bonin Rif/ street, below Amin. elPhio• • alr An assortment of NEW and Cloxr.Brii.GEl3 19W0.y0 On hand, et PRICEMS• 81UPPIIIR FOR- NEW YORIE,,__ 7 7 -. 11 Dela - W-11re and Raritan Canal."'" This Pidladelnbia and New York NaPrese Steamlboat Company. .11.1rfro1n 1 1'4 . Timm WHARF bplow mAa nEcET straar making e ran in 24 HOURf3. This Line connects with, all Northern and Eastern Transportation CompanieS. 'Goods forwarded direct to all points free of commission. Freight rebelred at lowest rates. . - . WM. P. CZYDE&OO .. .,Agene% • 14 South WharvesPialladelpela v I.AJ3. HAND_ Agent, tahl4-tf • - - - 117-Wall street, New York. s air at. V • FOR SAVANNA G. OA THE' PHILADELPHIA ANT} SOT/111- =I/IL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S BEM/LAIC LINE SAILING EVERY SATURDAY. - . • 'The, new and splendid steamships PIONIsFJI Captain P. F. Howie Captain Jacob Teal Cabin Passage Deck . " The steamship PIONEER. P. F Hoxici, commander, will commence receiving freight for the above port an RACE street wharf onTRURSDAY,June 14th,and rah on SATURDAY. rune 16th, at to A. M., Shippers are requested to send 'Bills of T,sullng with their goods. The etate Room accommodations of this Steamer are of a superior and commodious character. Freight taken for CHARLESTON. S e, and fbr 'Warded via SAVANNAH with quick despatch. No Bills of Lading signed atter vessel leaves the wharL • S. & J. M. FLANAGAN, 420 Betlith Dela Ware avenue. For freight or passage, apply to. WIC C. LA.RRIS. Freight and Passenger gent, 208 North Delaware avenue. FOB B OSTON.. T t . ' STEAItEIBIP LINE DIRECT: :rani/ • PROM XACarPOBT&VXRP //VA DA P& PROM PINE ST. WHAJIP, PHILAMELPHIA., • AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. . The Moen:whip SAXON Captain Matthews, will sea firm hia on t , June 15, at 21.. The p_ A.BIE i S, Iday Captain. Boggs 10 ; will nail from Boston on Wednesday. June is, at I'2 IL The line between Philadelphia and Boman Is now of the - • 4"131 = 1 )N, Captaln Matthews, 1200 tong burtheeb. NORMAN, Captain Crowell, 1200 WEB barthen. ARIES, Captain Boggs, 900 tons tmxthen. • These-substantial and well appottitet win Ban punctually ma 'adoerUsed, and fredght s '3t4'l m u23 U received every day, a steamer being alwaps on the berth to receive cargo. . Shippers axe requastot to send Bills Of Lading with teir iW Por refight or passage. af to Hi'l3•Y WTNSOR & CO., :._Je11....322 South Delaware avenue. - ,__PHIMADELPPELA. RICIIMOND AND MOP.PO ,f/.3Y - 71151' COMPANY. The fine steamahippee of this Line Insure at the lowest rates and esil regularly from the First Wharf above Market street, ever/ s WKDIMEDAY aid SATURDAY: At Noon, Clonnectil o with Itzdtreads !rum ItichtnondiNerfolk and aty int, forming the moat dim% route Au the South and Southwest. Fbricrelipial app f or paasageowith ecrealleinaccammoda Mulls, ly WK. P. CLYDE & 00 Is North load South INlusrvea. FOR SAVANNAH, GEORGlA.—Pioneer Line.A. first-class steamship leaves Pier o. 4 North River, New "York, every SATURDAY for be above port. Cabin passage, $l5, - Freight 10 cents per foot. 50 cents Tier barreL oona from Philadelphia and other points received. by any trans nation line, and promptly forwarded free of on. Apply to LBWIS L.Jo.`Mkt _ 13 Broadway. New Yoria, JOHN H. AT WOOD je4-tjyl 5 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Agents in Savannah, Messrs. Hunter & Gammell. FOR GALVESTON. TEXAS. Tv - VAS LINE STEAMSHIPS, STOPPECG AT REY WEST. FL a.. The Al Steamship GENFR A T SELDGWICK, J. N. sawyer, Commander, Will receive freight at Pier 23 East River (New York). and sail with des For freight or passage = 6 g superior tions, apply to gapHAVANA STEA.SrwwS.-13ESEL -2,IO'NTHLY 10317.—The s- - CF. HUDSON, Capt. Howes; STARS AND STRIPES, Capt. Hamm These steamers will leave ' this soon for Havana every other SLTUBD &Y. at 8 A. The steamship STARS *ND STRIPE 3. captain Holmes. will leave -for Havana on SATURDAY BORN/NO, June 22 at 8 o'clock.. Pass. ge to Havana $5O. • For freight or passage, apply to THOkilas WATTSON SONS, jell 140 North Delaware aveame. 4lnn . NEW =TOM LINE TO ALEX:ANDNIA. rigetlywn and W c =sn. rosipesare and DP ware Canal, with as at 4.lexandr* Va., form the moat direct route far Lynchharg, Bristol, /Clusxville, Nashville, Dalian and the Southwest. - litetuners leave First Wharf above Market &ref t every W and Eatardey at I M. linr freight apply to the egehtei. aLTDB & OM W. . 14 North Wharves. .7. B. Davidson, Agent at Georgetown; IL liadirldge ft- Cki., Agents at Alexandria. aIkPOE NEW YOWL—Philadelphia &mum Propeller Commny—Deepatch and Swift. sure es, via Delaware and Raritan Canal—Leaving daily atl.2 M. and 5 P. M.. connecting with all the Northern and Eastern Lines. - For freight, which will be taken on aceonuswelatbsif terms, apply to midst! WM. M. BAIRD & (XL, No. 1= South Delaware avenue. NEW TOW-BOAT LIRE: ALA WARN and CHMAPILLEZ BOAT COMPANY. - BARGES towed to and from PHIMADIMPMAi . HAVRE-DE-GRACE, BALTIMORE, WAS TON, and IntadWa point& . WM. P. CLYDE & 00., Agents, N 0.14 South Wbary Plaladeipbda. Captain JOHN LAUGHLIN. Superintendent. nosrasobrs OALIFORNTA CILIPPKB, LINE. GAILThie TOMILA_BLY AS ADVIIEBTIBICD. :Freight for this Line sent to New York by Swift. dare Line at reduced rates. - The splendid Al KIN extreme clipper ship G FISHER. Harding, Commander, stals now halting in the balance of her cargo at Pier 11 East Bayer, and hating large engage ments shippers may rely on prompt deepatcla. For freight, at reasonable rates. apply to BISHOP. SON CCL, iny=tf , 105 Arch street. gaFOR PREP HT OR CHARTER—AI Br. barX KATHLEEN. Williams, master, 490.C0na gister and 6,500 bbls. flour. Al Kr. bark JANET. Burney, master. 280 to= regle. ter and 8,006 bbls. flour. Al Br. bark BALTHABARA, Wilson, master, leig tons register and 3,500 bbls. flour. - - A 2 Br. brig /DA, Miming, master, 210 tons ?Water and 2,500 bbls. capacity Apply to muND 13. 8017 DER &Oa., ap2l • • 3 Dock street whart REMOVAL. CARRIAGES _....._.41509 Cia BISHOP. SON dr. 4:30.,, • No. 105 Arch street.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers