CITY El WmarRELTGADELPHIA.--While everything 3resterday afternoOn shone blue above, the slough remained, beneath. • Every garden has its rose bushes, and almost all the varie ties except the "running sorts," are in bud and blossom, filling the atmosphere with fragrance. Here, perhaps more than in any other portion of the country, flowers of all kinds are part and parcel of the domestic arrangement. Scarcely a house bat has its garden in front, radiant in their respective seasons, with the rarest varieties in bloom. A walk up in Mantua repays itself. At Mr. Henry A. Dreer's establishment, on Fifth above Bridge,very wonders in floriculture are now in the highest state of perfection. Year after year Mr. D. has expended a deal of care in the cultivation ofthe Heart's Ease, —the pansy (viola tricolor), and taken every premium of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society. Never before has he had such va rieties in bloom ; while the different lists of "Monies," of almost every shade and hue, numbering nearly a hundred kinds, ought to be examined by all. In selecting lowers of this last, one ought to observe the habit of the plant, and choose accordingly. His vast beds of "Gladiolus" in a very few weeks will attain similar perfection. The roads were entirely too heavy to examine the tipper nurseries at Belmont, and the condi tion of things in that section of the District, although often requested. We congratulate every one who has taken the subject at all at heart, on the rapidly approaching completion of the Chestnut Street Bridge. The whole flooring (iron) is put down from shore to shore, and work men are engaged in laying the cement, pre paratory to placing the rails. This is some inches in depth, overlaid with coarse gravel stones, making is sla t solid almost as the Rook of Gibraltar. VOn the Western sides workmen, yesterday, commenced paving the street. All the material seems to be on hand on either side of the river—granite, sleepers, croas-ties,rails,,which looks like earnestness at last. One span of the bridge, City wise . , has been painted; but as only one hand is engaged on the job, it will take some time to complete it. The contractor (iron) has erected a high fence on the city side, and promises, so we learn, to have the bridge in running order on the first of July. All the unsightly dericks have been re moved. The bridge excites general admi ration. The only drawback is the engine house on the centre pier ; but this, like its companions, the dericks , will soon pass away. Ten cases were heard this morning at the Police Station. There were three of intoxi cation one fined, the other two committed. John bisbery, Henry Chace and Joseph Disbery, all colored, got into an altercation with James Simpson and Daniel Stare, • whites, in Oak street near Fortyfirat. Simpson and Stare belong to the Tay . neans," "roughs" from the Seventh Ward, perfect desperados, who came over to make a raid on the "bloody naygers." The colored men succeeded in procuring bail, when they caused the arrest of the others, who were committed and went below, swearing vengeance. Peter Maderson, a German, was arrested last night, by Officer Glass, on a charge of vagrancy; he made a desperate resistance, taking off his boots and beating the officer over the head, seriously damaging his up per works. He was also sent below, after a serious attempt to escape. It was with difficulty he was secured. The other cases were trifling. At the Almshouse there were 18 admis sions, 6 discharges, 3 deaths-1 in medical; 1 in the nursery and 1 in the children's Asy lum, with 1 birth. Census, 2,918; last year, 2,469. Increase 449. THE SHIPWRIGHTS AND CAULKERS.- This class of workmen held a meeting last evening, at Sansom Street Hall, to hear the report of a committee appointed to inquire in regard to the men at work on the "Carrier Dove," a vessel that was brought here from New York to be re paired, because of the strike for the eight hour system in that city. The committee reported that they had some t*enty-five men at work upon the ship, sixteen of whom quit when the state of the case was made known, but the other nine refused to leave, unless therewas to be a general strike for eight hours a day and four dollars and a half wages; and further, unless the men at work in the Navy Yard would agree, each man, to contribute for the support of the strikers one day's wages out of every six days. The committee could not agree to this and left the men at work. A motion was then made to strike for four and a half dollars a day and the eight hours. This gave rise to considerable discussion, some advocating and others opposing it. It was moved to amend by making the resolution read eight hours and three dollars per day. This was not agreed to, and the question was not taken on the original resolution. A re solution was adopted to the effect that no shipwright or caulker should work under any circumstances en a vessel brought here from New York to be repaired, on account of the strike there. AMERICAN PROTESTANT ASSOCIATION.— The following officers for the worthy Grand Lodge of the American Protestant Associa tion were elected yesterday and were duly installed: W. G. Master, Jacob Heckendom, of No. 24; W. G. Master, Jos. M. Hill, of No. 78; W. G. Secretary, John Fitz, of No. 67; W. G. Treasurer, Jared Craig, of No. 44; W. G. Conductor, Jos. Maxwell, of No. 66; W. G. A. Conductor, Charles W. Harts, of No. 72; W. G. Tyler, James Lewis, of No. 50; W. Cl. Guard„ David Young, of" No. 18; W. G. Chaplain, John Craig, of No. 15; Rep. to. R. W. G. Lodge, A. R. Readstreake, of No. 31. A SOLDLERS' HOME.—The large armory building located at the corner of Sixteenth and Filbert streets, formerly used for State purposes, having been fitted up as the Sol diers Home, will be formally dedicated on Thursday evening, 15th inst. Gen. Meade will be present to preside on the occasion, provided hia official duties will not interfere with such an arrangement. His Excellency Governor Curtin, the firm friend of the sol diers and the soldiers' orphans, will be pre sent. It is expected that other distinguished men, civil and military, will take part in the proceedings. INTERESTING TO BASE BALL PLAYERS. —By an advertisement elsewhere it will be seen that at the strawberry festival, at the church at Nineteenth and Green streets, now in progress, a silver mounted bat and silver,bass ball will be voted for. Base ball clubs shonldlake notice and enter the lists. The fair will be'open for four days, begin ning this afternoonat 4 o'clock. LARCENY OF Wry.—V. D. Brown and and Henry Alexander were arrested yester day on the charge of having stolen a lot of wine, valued at $5OO, from the cellar of the house of Mr. J. Taylor, in West Philadel phia. The wine was found in a room in Larkin street, below Lombard, which had been rented by the defendants. They were committed by Aid. Butler. DrvrerrrY STUDENTS' Am SociETY.—The report of the Divinity Students' Aid Society states that the receipts for the past year were $5,565 57, and the expenses $5,274 92. Thirty-two students were aided; four were ordained; one hundred life members have been added to the list, and four scholarships established. A HANDSOME Cowman: prim—The fami ly of the late John P. Crozer, of Chester, Pa., have given in trust to the Barrtist Pub lication Society $50,000 as a missionary me morial for the literary and theological in struction of freedmen by means of books and missionaries. Pannomm.—John B. Ein,yder • who was. convicted at the last term of the 11. 13. Dis trict Court of forging Government claim' and sentenced to two year's imprisonment,- was John son pardoned, yesterday, by President . • RELIGIOUS.-At the North Presbyterhin church, to-morrow evening, Rev. Alfred Cookrnan will preach. THE FEruArts.—We continue to receive the usual contradictory reporta in reference to .the movements of the Fenian leaders and their "troops,' arid Head Centre Stephens also continues to mak e speeches to his admirers In various cities. The people of Philadelphia, in the mean time continue to purchase their coal, at the lowest rates, of W. W. Alter, 957 North Ninth street, and at Sixth and Spring Garden streets. Aou& DE MAGNOLIA..—Thig delicious article for the toilet has no rival ix its line. It is supe rior to any Cologne, and as a bathing article. fbr the face and person, to render the skin soft and fresh, and allay inflammation it has no equal. Actresses, opera singe Magnoliahe fashionable generally, regard Sodqua de as indispensable to their toilet. by all deers at el, in large bottles, and by Damao, Barnes & Co., wholesale agents, New 'Y Ork. 'PRE VERY BEST TEA. KETOREILL & 'FLETCHER, 1204 Chestnut street. FROM ALEXANDER N. DOUGHERTY, M. D.. LATE ONE OF THE MEDICAL DIRECTORS U. S. A., NEwask, N. J.—" Having been made acquainted with the composition of the preparation known as BOZO. DONT, I have, for some time past, permitted its use in my family. where it has given enUresatisfaction. It is an elegant toilet article, well worthy of the enco miums it has received." Beware of Imitations BOYS' CLOTHING. GENITARKE 'S burrs, MILITARY UNIFORMS. SUMMER GAILEIDNTO READY MADE OR MADE TO ORDER. CHEAP. PIEGANT DURABLE. Boomuna, a WILSON BROWN STONE COLTHING HALL, 603 and 605 CHESTNUT Stine GROVER & Bexsx's Highest Premium Elastic Stitch and Lock Stitch Sewing Machines, 730 Chestnut 'treat. Pcran LtBRIII7WIIII3I lateD.--Prefferred by Dealers, as It always Well satlatectlon to their all& tossers. Hoot Smarm, of Hopkins' "own make" have no equal; wholesale and retaiL No. 6 Arch street. "lubricative steam engine packing.—for terms see 723 chestnut et.. plula., and 26 dey et., new York.' .: PuBB Lreasenr Wan% Lnux—Orders daily increasing. DRAFTma, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH.— Isaacs, X. IL, Professor of thelkie and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the UMW% Ma:Ea% Testimonials from the moat re. somas in Thee can qty at his office, No. Sis Pine street. dical are Invited to ac. company their P tients, as he "as had no secrets ishis fo tliatiOil Practice. chi' eyes Lose) ed. No _charge made r px.m. Wn of Tar Syrup for Coughs, Colds and Affections of' the Lungs. This' mixture is entirely vegetable, and affords speedy Relief in all Pulmonary Diseases, each as Asthma. Spitting of Blood, Bran. chitin, dce.mdpnly by - R. 11 9 & OLIVM,i• Druggists, S. E. Cor. Tenth and Chestnut streets.Phlla= PURE LIBERTY Warm LEAD.—Tryit,and you will have none other. SUNDOWN HATS.—The popularity of these desirable hats is ever increasing. Oakford's are re ceiving new supplies every day. Ladies will never re. gret the cost of these beatttlfhl articles of wear, when they once experience the comfort they give. Nothing more suitable for country wear has ever .been made. Stores under the Continental Hotel. !few Jersey Matters. AitoTHEB New FERRY BOAT.—The im provements which the Camden and Phila delphia Steamboat Ferry Company have been making at the foot of Federal street, are to be increased by the addition of a new and substantial ferry boat, the work on which has been already commenced. It is to be constructed on the same model as that of the Camden, only about five feet more in length. The CENTRAL ScaooL.—The managers and teachers of the Central Public School. have resolved upon a very excellent and commendable measure, that of having mu sic in the school. To carry out this purpose, and to assist in raising means to procure an organ, they will give a Concert at the Court House in Camden , on the evening of the 7th instant, the entire proceeds of which will beappropriated to that object. LAWLESSNESS IN BRIDGETON. For several months past a gang of lawless char acters have been onerating in South Jersey, committing burgliules and highway rob beries. A few nights ago they forced an entrance into the watch and jewelry store of Mr. F. M. Lewis, in Bridgeton, and suc ceeded in carrying away some $1,500 worth of goods. BIBLE SOCIETY.—Last week the fifty first annual meeting of the Cumberland County Bible Society, was held at Deerfield, and the usual number of gentlemen were elected Managers for the ensuing year. . The receipts of the Society amounted to $574 55, and the number of volumes dis tributed during the year was 505. MunnEnaus ATTEMPT.—A. night Or two since, as Judge Carter, of Woodbury, his brother, and a gentleman named Ogden, were driving through a piece of woods, on their way home, they were fired at by some villain hid in the thicket. The ball passed in close proximity to the head of the Judge, but did no harm. WORK COAEITKNCED.—Workmen have al ready commenced the erection of a new and commodious church edifice at Long-a-com ing, for the Methodist Episcopal congrega tion, which, under the pastoral charge of• Rev. Mr. Johnson, is in a flourishing con dition. SAD ACCIDENT.—One' day last week a little son of S. H. Miller, who resides at Paulsboro, Gloucester county, while play ing on the banks of the Mantua creek, fell into the water and was drowned. AMUSEMENTS. DRAMATIC.—Those lively singers and burlesque artists, the Webb sisters, are drawing good houses as to numbers, and excellent ones as to enthusiasm at the Chestnut. "The Forty Thieves" was capi tally given last evening and will be re peated to-night, with a favorite afterpiece. The weather does not appear to influence the rush to see Mr. Edwin Booth at the Walnut. To-night he repeats "The Fool's Revenge," and every seat will be filled be fore the curtain rises. At the Arch Miss Lucy Rushton is playing a new version,ap parently, of 'The Sea audiences Ice" called "The Sea Flower " and her have been good. She ' will repeat the play this even ing. At the American the Hanlons, Zan fretta, the Siegrist Family, &c., appear nightly, and Harry Pearson and the com pany appeaii in dramatic performances. SIGNOR BLITZ, the renowned magician, appears each evening and on Wednesday and' Saturday afternoons at Assembly Building. ONLY TWO NIGHTIE! remain of the exhibi ions of the Carolina Twins. TREE PLANTING IN THE WEST.—The House Committee on Public Lands, under the lead of their Chairman, Hon. G. W. Julian, seem intent upon arriving at some tangible conclusion concerning tree-plant ing in the woodless Western plains, which is attracting such wide-spread attention. They have asked a report on the subject from the Agricultural Department,also from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, as to the character of an Indian college in Kansas, which proposes to plant ten thousand acres of experimental trees within five years. THE WASHINGTON ELEOTION.-At the municipal election at Washington Mayor Richard Wallach was elected Mayor of Washington over H. N. Easby. These, and the candidates for members of the City Councils, with several exceptions, had pledged themselves to the working men to sustain the principle of eight hours as a legal days' work. No political question was involved in the election. THE DAILY EVENINGBIILLETIN PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY JUNE. 5,`1866. We at Home me. Life tia Hotels. Among the novelties which have grown, np of late' years—and grown up yery talk too—are the Great Hotehi. Those plasma - residence, where you 'are tuidertaken, if the : phrase may, pa allowed, on such a large scale, ' where everything is done' for you, and all trouble taken off your hands, surely; ought to meet the requirements of a great number of persons. The advantages of the system seem, at first eight, enormous. You pay no rent, you sign no leases or agree ments, you have nothing to do with taxes, no servants' wages, no butchers' Ms. You have no trouble in engaging servants, in drilling servants, in getting rid of servants— If the pipes be frozen In the course of a hard winter or if they happen to burst when the said winter breaks up, they are no business of yours. The young man does not call to speak to you about the new kitchen range, nor does the gas man wish to see yon in the hall "relative to the state of the meter." Then, what you want is always to be had. You want a bottle of soda-water the last thing at night; you are not told there hap pens to be none in the house. You want a sandwich in the middle of the day; no un compromising servant. informs 'you that "there is no cold meat in the house." You want a basin of broth, and are not obliged to wait till the next day for it. You want to know where somebody lives: there is the last Post Office Directory to refer to. You want a messenger;'he is ready in the halL You have a telegram to send off: here is a form, and in another moment it is despatched., For all these advantages you pay one weekly bill. When yon think of the number of bills to be consiciered once a week by any ordinary housekeeper, the file of little red books to be gone through by some trustworthy person or other, this seems something , lore than a small advan tage. A check is drawn once a week, and all is over. Rent,,taxes, wages, housekeep ing, are disposed of in five minutes. If the check in question do sometimes strike one as rather large, it is fair to conaidar how very much it represents.—Dickens's All the Year Bound. Importer and Manufacturer o Gentlemen l s Fine Furn. ishing Goods. JOHN C. ARRISON Nos. I and 3 North Sixth Street , Invites attention to his "IMPROVED PATTERN SHIRT ) " Which, has given such general satisfaction for neatness °Mit on the breast, comfort in the mck, and ease on the shoulder. It is made in the best manner, BY HAND, and is confide ntlyrecommended as THE BEST IN THE CITY. Also, a well selected stock of Goods, consisting of GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS. - (which he makes a specialty.) COLLARS OF ALL KINDS A ND LA i'n,sf STYLES SILK SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. FLANNEL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. BUCKSKIN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. TRAVELLNG SHIRTS. Stocks, Ties. Gloves. Handkerchielh, Suspenders. Ho. elery. and other goods appertaining to a Gentleman's ardrobe. PRICES MODERATE. le4.llcn rp FIRE WORKS IN GREAT VARIETY. •FOB SALE AT MANUFACTURERS' PRIM, A. R. FRANCISCUB & CO., 513 MARKET STREET, AND 510 COMMXECE STUNT. GOODS ORDERED DIRECT FROM FACTORY. No orders accepted after July Ist. ram Gyirpt JESAI33EII"III ORNAMENTAL HAIR MANUFACTORY. The burst and best essortinent of Wim Toupees, Lon Hair Braids and Water-falls, - Tictorines, settee, Illusive Beamsfor Ladies, At prices LOW= than else - where. [xtdaSsi-rp 909 CHESTNUT STREET. HIESIELL'S MAGIC OIL CURES TETTEEL ERYSIPELAS, ITOH, SCALD READ, AND ALL SKIN DISEASES Warranted to care or money rervnded. For eels by all .Drugglete. Principal Depot, N 0.53 SOUTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. AV - Price 25 cents per bottle apat-81n rp REFRIGERATORS. SMITH ft RIOHERDSON I Agents for the sale of the Justly Celebrated CHAR COAL LINED REFRIGERATORS: Whole , ale and Retail, From Six to Twenty-five Dollars. 611 MARKET STREET. myl2-lni rp limy& W A wrrr.riS 'PABRAGE OFFICE. NATIONAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. .4IM2WWFRLY TO AND FROM QUEENS TOWN, (CORE HARBOR.) AND LIVERPOOL. The elegant Al iron screw steamship ERIN leaves on SATURDAY, Zane 9th. Bates of passage, payable In currency; Ist Cabin. $100; Steerage, $3O. - Passengers also forwarded to London, Paris, Havre,Hamburg, Bremen, &c., at moderate rates Steerage passage from LIVERPOOL or QUERNS. TOWN through to PHILADELPHIA, 140 In, cur rency. For fhrther information, apply at the Company's Office, W. A. HA TITT.T,, Agent, MI Walnut street. SPECIAL NOTlCE.—Having been appointed Rolm AGENT of the above "Favorite Line. In this city,- would caution the public aiptinst, pure/using their tickets elsewhere apzi-tll JORDAN'S CELEBRATED TONIC ALE.--The truly healthful asideutritious beverage, now in use by thousands—invand others—has established a character for quality of material and purity of manu facture. which stands unrivaled. It bi recommended' by physicians of this and other places as a superior tonic, and requires but a trial to convince the most skeptical of its great merit. To be had, whOlesale and retail, of P. J. JORDAN, 220 Pear street. , AA lasrEaLi. GRAPE:B.-100 ken of these splendid _ .white in tine order lan. . ,y If'"111 : 4 . e . .13 , • • PANTE.II OLIVES.-100 Kep bean Spanish Olives, OP Jost received and for sale by J. B. BIIRS DAY IttlX.--,Tust received, an involoe of eferatine .1.1 Imported lazy Brun, ror sale by the Winn, by IWISERT SHO :ZOLASER ds Druggist, id, A, cop, Per ron t rtis Kul PAO° etresnek RETAIL DRY GOODS J . OIIN W. T 110111,48 405 and 407 North Secorid Street ' •fJnu atteelah to hla • LABOIL . AND HANDSOME STOOK OF 151 , ,'Et.INCI. AND 111755hTER DR] 4Slig 43t . C101:389 Which will be sold, at the LOWEST TerABIEET BATFS. my24-Et zp FRENCH - LINEN G . OODS• The subscribers have Just received a choice assort • meet of the above rare and desirable Goads. Among which are FRENCH LINEN SHEETING 114 and 124 wide. - FRENCH PILLOW and BOLSTER LINEN do and 45 inches. __ FRENCH UNDRESSED SHIRTING LINEN. FRENCH WHITE LINEN DO YLIEZ, long fringes. FRENCH UNBLEACHED do do. FRENCH FRINGED NAPKINS. FRENCH “LORESTER" NAPKINS. a new article. FRENCH COL'D BORDERED TOWELS OR NAP KINS. SILESIA. and FRENCH TABLE LINENS by the yard. -Sheppard,Van Harlingen &Arris' on l Importers of Linens and Honselbrnbaling Goods, ' No. 1008 Chestnut Street. Inrao BOOTS AND SHOES E NE Co V BOOTS AND SHOES. C. Benkert Sr. Son Nave removed from their old stand, No. 411 South FOURTH Street,which they have occupied for nearly geyears, to the large and commodious Store No. 713 Street, directly opposite Masonic Ha'l. We take pleasure In stating to our patrons and the public generally that we are enabled in consequence of extraordinary stock of goods now on hand to make a material reduction in our price. In connection with our regular business we have al. ways a large stock of Youth's fine Boots and Shoes, made with the same care and anent:ton tt, comfort, durability and style that Is bestowed on our best Men's ponds. We have also the bestarrangements for mak. lug to order the best and moat substantial Boots and Shoes for Ladies. api9tb.a.ta2mi CLOTUIIG. SPRING GOODS I SPRING STYLES ! EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, 61a Chestnut St. 17Tirr . ' - n‘MTCMM . nMI4 B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 NORTH SIXTH STRRET. MANUFACTURER OP VENITIAN BLINDS wrND ow SHADES. The la lowest k-est and finest assortment In the city at th Stant= =de and lettered. ard-tf I:4 al rttFOR SALE.— A FARM centaining lie acres. situate nu the scnitheast bank of the Schuylkill . 13i utiles west from Pottstown, and 31( mile from Reading the property is bounded on the north by the Schuylkill canal. Said farm contains about 100 va rieties of pear trees in good bearing condlllon,and other fruit in proportion. Buildings large and convenient. For particulars apply to BJD. PRICE, 51 North Sixth stree_t, seCond story. Jes•tit&fSt* Ma CAPE MAY COTTAGE United ENT Hotel,Ma nisi:zed COTTAGE, near the Suites a desirable and pleasant location. Rent moderate. Address "CA PE MAY," this Office. jes.2t* qTO BENT—A STABLE, room for nine or ten horses. Broad street above Mt. Vernon street. quire at rclernauxo BOUSE FOR RENT—In SPRUCE, above BROAD street, by my2s-aarpf C.R. IiIIIRREM. AVUTION SALMI. pOWELL dr, WEST, AUCTIONEERS, No. Zit South FRONT street and 29 LEITTIA. at. 330 EARRELe DAMA9ED FLOUR. At 3O N WEDNESDAY AFTERN OO B , o'cleek. at Messrs. Hoffman & ennedy's Stores, No. 3M North Delaware Avenue, WILL BE SOLD, for account of Atom It may concern -180 barrels Flour, damaged by fresh water. it THE SUBSCRIBER (for many years connected with "Mitchell's Saloons," No. RS Chestnut Street.) would respectihlly inform his Wends and the public generally, that he has OPENED AN Ice Cream and Refreshment ffaloon FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, No. 1121 CHESTNUT STREET, where he hopes, by strict attention to brininess to merit the patronage of all who may favor him with their custom. no/ JACOB H. BIIRDSALL. eonzzar „ READY MADE No 824 CHESTNUT ST. QIPOER ZE D C E O L tias 11%! 0 TEL INSTRECTIONS FOR SELF-SEASERESENT. I COAT. Send Size from 1 to 2: from 2 to 3: and from 4 to 5. and around the molt prominent I part or the cheat, and around the waist. - State whether erect - or stoop Me. _ VEST. Same as for coat. de seam; outside seam to hips, and PANT& vain. . e** -- 0, 13 --- int SPRING. Ma WM. D. ROGERS. Coach and Light Carriage Builder. .1.1509' and s 1011 Chestnut Street, sairmn-rpt Parransa.pras. iSAAONATHAIVS Auctioneer and Money Broker, N.S. corner at Third and Santos streets, only one sonare below the Stachange. NATHANS'S Principal Office, established for the last forty years. Money to loan in large orsmall amounts, at the lowest rates On Diamonds, Silver Plate, Watches, :Jewelry. Clothing, and goods of every description. Office hours from A. X. till 7 P. M. de23-Gfrp ELATIN, TAPIGGA AND SAGO.-oox'S &obit _ Gelatin, Rio Tapioca and East India Pearl eago, landing and for sale by J. B, BIISGIER & 00.,109 8. Delaware-Avenue QALT.,24ou.sacka LIVERPOOL OROLTND SALT al.o 200aacka Fine Salt, afloat, and for Bale by WORICALAST.4.OOp.I2.3 Walnut. - ' " 29, " 13013 E MODTH.7.-- .$6l so, tranzAny Incontinence, welting bed..-50 PAINFUL Periods, even with Spaama 50 SUFFERINGS at. change of lire -.41 00 8 3 1 ' EPILEPSY Spamaas. Eit. Vitas' Dance.— 1 OG 11, DIPET I'aDMMLIA. nicthated Sore Throat..---50 NTLFAY CAEIDs. 115 villa morocco caae, and booas.------.110 00 SO large vials, in morxce, and 6 (0 20 large vials, plain case and 5 00 15 lames (lcoa v A z lard b00k..1 OD aim SPECIFICS. ames, 10yial VE IOO , with ' P7O. 12t4 Ch Agle direc lons. I tie sir Tbes;t Reinedlee 7y the case or — single — box, are sent to any part of the country, by mall express, Doe of charge, tor the price. .Add orr ess HGMPH ttEYB' SPEIHFIO HOMEOPATHIC KEDICINE OOMPANY. Office and Depot, No. SEORroadr u sNew York. Dralmartraare Is consulted at his oetoe papersonally or by letter, as above, for bunts of dis. re EDYOTT &_CO.. JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY & COW. DN, T. B. CiaajoNlot ER and ADERBOSE SHIM Wholesale Agents. Philadelphia. 1927411.5.tu1prp IDRILA.DELPIILA AM) NEW YORE ORNA. MENTA_L /RON WORE& The subscribers. thunders and manufactarem of CAST, WROUGHT IRON AND BRONZE RAILING, teem.air enc l osin c., g private dwellings, public squares, Cieme. t PATENT *MI RAILING, WINDOW AND DOOR GMAR,Tha, for offices, store fronts, bulwark nettin Ibrahim, ffiffi, dtc., made under the JENKINS PA . being the only authorised manafacturere of Wire Work under said patent in the city. IRON STAIR WAYS, SPIRAL AND STRAIGHT, LEON FURNITURE, STABLE hzia INGS, of evemvarlety of new and improved design& SPECIAL CARE BESTOWED ON GARDEN AND CEMETERY rescßier.r.vittn. RENTS, Our varied assortment of Fountain Vases, Statuary, giving us superior facilities. AU orders shall receive careful and prompt attention. taffi-th.s tu.emrpf RoBERT WOOD dr. CO., Office and Warerooms. Ilse RIDGE Avenue. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TII A.l' A. LIBILTED PARTNEESHIP has been entered into between tbenuadersigned, under the laws of the CommOnwealth of Pennsylvania, upon the following terms: 1. That the name of the firm under which said Part nPreb ip will be conducted is JADIES L. REBER & ,BROT R b. 2. That the general nature of the business Is the wholesale and retail death:it/1n FLOUR, GRAIN, MILL FEED, HAY, STRAW, ac , ac. a. The general partners are JAMES 1.. REBER, No. 1752 Marshall street, and ALFRED L. REBER. No, 212 Green street: and the special partner is EUGENE LINNA RD, Johnson and Greens tree's, Twents , second Ward, and that Philadelphia is tae place of residence of the parties respectively. 4. The amount of Capital contributed by the special partner to the common stock is Two Thousand. Dol lar s (VIM) In cash. 5. 'ra partnership is to Commence on the foerth (4) day of June, 1866, and to termine on the third (3) day of June, 1867. _ _ JAMES L. REBER. 1 General Partners, ALFRED L. REBER, j jes-tu6t* EUGENE LINNARD, S eclal Partner. AABRIS'S PRPeCIPLEs AND PRACTICE OF DENTAL SURGERY. NINTH EDITION. 320 Illustrations. READY THIS DAY. OTHER DENTAL BOOKS. TOMES'S SYSTEM OF DENTAL SURGERY. 207 Illustrations, TAFT'S PRACTICAL TREATISE ON OPERA TIVE DENTISTRY. Illustrated. RICHARDSON'S MECHANICAL DENTISTRY. 100 Illustrations. FOX AND HARRIS ON I:li.s, HUMAN TEETH. A New Improved Edition, with 261 Illustrations. GGOTT'S DEN TA 4 CHE WISTRY AND METAL LITRGY. With numerous Illustrations. HANDY'S TEXTBOOK. OF ANATOMY, for Stu d BONDSaI Surgery. WI b over log Ilstratn PRACTICAL TRRA.TISE ON-DENTAL MEDICINE, as connected with the Study of Dental Surgery. Third Edition. ROBERTSON'S xr,t NUAL ON EXTRACTING TEETH, With Illustrations. Published by FOR HARTFORD, CONN., DIRECT, via the Delaware and Raritan CanaL—The s4memer ANNIE, capt Bidden, now loading at the second wharf below Spruce street, will leave as above on THURSDAY, the 7th inst. Freight taken on 'easonable Lerma. Apply to W3l. M. BAIRD & CO., JO No. LU South Wharves. riOTTON AND LINEN BAIL. DUCE of every width J from one to six feet wide, all lambent. Tent And Awning Duck, PapennakersM.Agiu si di AN Twlttik.lo.. JOAN? W.. dt uu , No. /02 ionto's dila! 71'..r'••=71,71“ I a . "GLEN ECHO MILLS," GERMANTOWN PA. hie,eguuts,CßFASE & SLOAN MANUFACTITM littPO EA Maa a AND WHIMS CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS. &c, WMOIEIOI7BE, NO. 509 CHESTNUT STREET, OPPeette the State HOU% PEEELADIMPHIA. Retail DeDartm.ent, No. 610 Chestnut St. mbeasze rp . 1 0A..11,1".1VT1N GE. LEEDOIII & SHAW Invite attention to their aosortment of Foreign and Domeatio NOW OPEZOTTG AT No. 910 Arch Street, zobls-am rip/ ABOVE NINTH. CAJEt ExErrrN4:3l-S, OIL CLOTHS, IVIA.TTINGrS. REEVE L. KNIGHT & SON, 807 CH:ESterd ute ST. MEDICINES. ELEMPIER E Y?3' HOII4FAIPATHIC SPECIFICS gsra proved, from the most ample experimoe, sin entire en Simple-Prompt- - Mclent, and Re liable. They are the only Medicines perfectly adapted to popular use-so simple that mistakes cannot be made in using therm so harmless as to be free from danger, and so efficient as to be always reliable. They raised thehest conamendation from all, and will always ren d e rs atisfaction. Be. 1, Cures FEV:=I:B, Congestion, Ciente. woximee, Worm-Pcrver, Worm-Conc.-43 3, " CRY INGHNOILIO, or Teething of Infanta-25 4, " DIARRIREA of children or adults 5, " DYELM."THEY, Griphi& Bilious Coll " CHOLERA MORBUS, Nausea, Vomiting 2 5 7, COUGHS. Colds, Bronr%lrlq —.23 3, " NEURGlA,_Toothaclre, 9, HEADACMh hick Hmdar. Vertigo.—.. 23 10, " DYSP ,EPEJA Bilious Stomach 11, n ismssamwe, or 12, " WHITES too Periods....__.ffi 13, " CROUP rizi ft i difficult Breathing le, " SALT Blevale=olini.agLions..-..-23 15, " Binztrzuerm.ll, . .....23 ls, " FEVER and Ague, Chill Fever, Agae5.........50 17, " Prr.' 9 H_,_l3llnd or - bleeding /31 " opaTHAlary and sore or weak Pyes..—.so 19. " CATARRH, ac u te or chronic, Iniluenza.„ 20, WHOOPING COUGH Oong 21, " opprm-ed .59 M, " EAR DM.A.: 3,l 4 .rry iTiepalred " SCROFULA_, enl Glands, Rwellilis--50 at." GENERAL D PhYslcsl oak. new 23, " DROPSY and scanty S - erretions.......---50 gr. 2s, " SEA-SHIEHESS. sickness from riding.—.so RIONEY DigRASEr " NERVOUS DEBILITY. involunta Dtato I tioks tfve fo gal rill) ki,3 i j: • :ill! NEW PUBLICATIONS. LINDSAY & BLATKISTON, N 0.25 South Sixth street. above Chestnut mmmzsmi. k&: (11IOICIE 8EA.113 To MI NN= of amneea►eut - may be bad up o'clock any evening. _ _ _ 11 , 1: • * : zl:4. .1: I AI 'riot. • ire 1-, cwt be had at THE FROGEANIED OFFI_ON, 491 CHESTNUT eoppeelte the Poet Ottioe. the ABM, CHES T NUT t WALNUT and AOAD .4 OF MUSIC. up to 6 OtIOCK every evening. saw AIMEUCAN ACADEMY OF 31D81.0 GAZZANIGA'S RE ENTRE. D. DE ITTVO respectfully announces that Ef'nai. MARIETTA GAZZAIROA. "the greaten tle Prima Deana, and th e great favorite of the Pubi rag to of Philadelphia, will make her re entre, after taz years, in A GRAND r"ONCERT ON 'FRIDAY EVENING, J ULV24 8, and will give a GRAND MATINEE ON SATURDAY, JUNE 9, at 23 o'clock, assisted by Signor ANASTASI, the celebrated tenor digrasha from Gran'a Havana Opera Company. Sign or H - ARDAVANI, the well:known baritone. celliMr. H. MOLLENAUER, the celebrated violin.- Signor ALRITES. must , al director and conductor. Admission to Parquet, Parquet Circle and Balcony. $l. No extra charge for reserved seats. Family Circle, SO cents. The sale of tickets commences son Wednesday. at 9 A. M., at the Academy of Mimic and at Trumplans Music Store, Seventh and Chestnut streets. ja5.84 N EW CHESTNUT STREET THEATRE, CHESTNUT street, above TWELFTH. Doors open at 7 % Cattalo rises at 8. SECOND'AND LAST WEEK Of the Brilliant and Versatile . WEBB HESTER . S. WEBB SISTERS, LAST WEEK FALL OF THE AND WiN TER SEASON. The performance" will commence with the spar tacalar Brame, in two acts, entitled the FORTY THIENSES. FORTY THEEVES. FORTY THIEVES Ganexn ............ EMMA WEBR. Morganza.. the To conclude with pr otean Farce of THRICE TCARREEn. THRICE MARRIED. THRICE MARRIED. MISS ADA WEBB IN FOUR CHARACTERS, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, - June 9th, LAST WEBB SISTERS' MATINEE. WEER PIKERS' MATINEE. WEBB s B SISISTERS ' T ' MA MAT TINEE INEE. ERS. Admission to Evening Performance, 25 cants, Se cents and IL TUAUNITT STREET TIEILATRE. N. B. corner II NINTH and WALNUT. Begins at to 8. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING. Tune 5, MS. Thirty-eighth night of the brMlant engagement of HR. MR. E DWIN ROOTHDWIN OOTH,. Who will appear on this occasion as TE DUE's J FSTER, THE E DUKE E 'S .r.z iER, In Tom Taylor's Tragedy of 1 4 / I E, FOOL'S REVENGE. BERTCCCI _O. ....... Mr. EDWIN BOOTH_ DeIPA . Charles Barrett To conclude with the beautiful Comedy of -FAINT HEART NEVER WON FAIR LADY, Roy Gomez—. . H. Taylor WEDNESDAY - L.oin. STRAI% GEE AND HONEY- N THURSDAY—THE MO F O OL'S REVMNGE. Chairs secured three days in advance. AraTJOB:ISI DREW'S NEW .ARCH swizz& HEATRE. Begins at 8 n'elnek• RE.PNGA GEN:ENT FOR SIX FIGHTS ONLY Of the Beautiful and Brilliant MISS LUCY BUSHTO.N, When sbe will supear in a new grand specialty, rea stinting three different characters. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, June 1,1866, And Every Evening Oa Further Notice, - The New Romantic Play in tour Tableaux, THE SEA FLOWER. MISS lITCY RITSB'TON—__as Lucy Latouchs MIS LUCY BUSILTON.—as..---.__The Sea Flower MISS LUCY BUS bPanvreLatonche Captain Barry Latonche _ McKee Rankin No. Tilton A p... . .. S. Hemple F ca Friday—Farewell Benefit of Mica Luci Rushton. _ _ ASBEMBLY BUILDINGS. LAST THREE DAYS OF THE WONDERS OF NATURE. Tri.e, CAROLINA TWINS. Two intelligent heads' on one body. Pronounced by the Medical Faculty of this city the MOST ASTON IMMO FREAK OF NATURE ON RECORD. JUNE 4th„Sth and 6th, ONLY DAY and EVENING. vichtbitions from BA. li. to 5 Y. If., and from 8 to 931 P. M. Adroiton. 25 cents. Children, 15 cents. jet-3fl IS I TEW AMERICAN TBEATRE, WALNUt, above EIGHTH. NEW MANAGEMF.NT.T stree FAMILY RESORT. EVERY EVENING The world renowned HANLON BROTHERS, hLL The test Gymnasts of the FRETTA and the SEEGRIST FAMILY. with a popular Drama and Farce. MATLNEE EVERY SATURDAY AFTERNOON. pXNNSYLVANLS. ACADEMY OF FINE ANTE, CHESTNUT, above TENTH. Open tram 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Benjamin West's_ great Picture of CHRIST BE. lECTED still on exhibition. Jett!' I I .'ll I DM% .t• .14 every Wednaday at 33i P. H. Admission Ten Cents. Store. No. U South Eighth street. Its Hitvg4 1. still the asst l attraction at his TEMPLE OF WON DERS. All the best feats, including the ROPE! DANCER. GRAND TURK, CANARY BIRDS and VENTRILOQUISM, are also given EVERY EVEN- EsTO at 73c, and WEDIs s q DAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at 3 o'clock. Admission. 2.5 cents—Children, 15 cents , Reserved Seats. 50 cents. mhIS HAIMESS, SADDLES, to THE OLDEST AND LARGEST SADDLE & HARNESS Manufacturing Establishment in On Country. LACEY,MEEKER & CO No, 1216 CHESTNUT STREET OFFEB, OF THEME OWN 11ANUFACITOM BUGGY HARNESS_ 30 to MO LIGHT HARM= 00 to 330 HEAVY do do 00 to so E.XPRESS,BaASS MOUNTED FLisereasszt b 0 to 93 WAGON and SELEADJUSTING.----15 00 to 173 STAGE and TEAM do 00 to MI LADLES' SADDLE do 00 to 133 GENTS' do do . 300 to 73 Bridles, Mounting% Bits, Bottettee . , — irt;nto Covers. Brushes, Combs, Soaps, vuarving, Ladies' and Gents' Traveling and Tourist J3ars and Sacks, Lunchltaakets_ Dressing and Shirt Cases,Tranks and Valises , Mblagoi No. 1216 Chestnut Street, • CITY ORDINANCES. A N ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE 1 - 1. Expenses Incurred in the Laying of Pißee fox Water in and through the streets of the city 0/Phila delphia. Whereas. The General - Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania did, by Act approved March. 39,1666, direct that all charges and rates to be made by the city of Philadelphia for the la} log of pipes for the conveyance of water shall be fixed from time to time by ordinance of Councils. Therefore: SECTION L The Select and Common Councils of the city of Philadelphia do ordain. That whenever any plies for the conveyance of water shall be had in any of the streets or highways within the city of Philadel phia, the owners of the ground in front whereof the same shall be laid shall pay for the expense thereof the sum of one Millar for inch foot of their ground upon such street. Provided, that on all corner lots an allow sure shall be made of one-third the length of one of their fronts, but such arowance shall be always and only on the street or highway running at an , angle to the street or highway in which pipe shall have been previously laid and pall for; but in nase shall the allowance exceed fifty feet on any cornerlot If allow ances have been made on corner lota previous to the adoption of this ordinance, and not In accordance its provisions, the same ahall not be entitled to addi tional allowances. Sac. 2. That the supplement (approved May tenth. eighteen hundred and fifty-five,) to an ordinance , approved January twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, entitled an ordinance to provide for the payment, ofexpenses incurred in laying of thepipee for the conveyance of water in and through the streets of the city, and any -other ordinance orparts of ordinances. conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance. r ba and are hereby repealed. Sac. a. That it shall be obligatory on the Chief Engineer of the Survey Department to furnfsh the City Controller with a statement of all bills for the lay-ingot Water pipes in any street. or streets, in the city or Phi. ladelphia, at the same time that they are sent to the Resister of the Water Department. That at the expi, ration of four months from the time the RegisterOf the Water Department receives the bills for water ripe. be shall then furnish the City Controller with a state_ pent of all unsettled bills sent to the City Solicitor for collection. WILLIAM B. sTolciarr. President of cOmmon Council. ATTEST—BENJAMIN H. HAUTES, - Clerk - of Belect Conned. JAMES LEND. President of Select Council. Approved this second day - of June Ann . Domini one thousand eight hundred and itxtralz (A. D. IM). MORTON bicMICHAIEL.. it Mayor ofPlaladelptda. WA MM WANTED—BY a middle aged man of large expert , ence, a situation as BOOKACKEBBJ3- Best edty references, Address Box 2,691, P.O. jeri.dte- WANTED—A MORTGAGE of $5,000 on a good mo w pe t ty in an improving pith:ay. Au relia /DAN. at this office, • - ja.otaps . . .
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