Transylvania-11s Products and People. Under this title a London House has pub; lisheel a work which gives a fall account of the singular country of Transylvtglia. The author, Charles Boner, seems to have studied the Reople with care, sand' his sketches are piquant. Of the two million inhabitants of Transyl vania, 536,000 are Hungarians and 192,000 Germans; but nearly twice as many as both of these, numbering about 1,230,000, are the Wallachians, relics of the old tenants of the soil, augmented by a great many strangers of all sorts. "A Wallach peasant of-to-day, (says Mr. Boner) will take all the fruit in your garden or orchard—he having none, and being too indolent to cultivate anyand on remonstrating with him he will not allow it as a theft, 'for what God maki3s grow must belong to him as much as to you.' By the same mode of reasoning he steals now,- as lie did three hundred years ago, the trees from his neighbors' ‘ forest - , and drives his herds_ into their carefully kept meadows. In 1599 They bored 's, gimlet into the back bone ()Idle clergyman of G roman, and .hung. him-upltylais own sacristy; and during the late Hungarian revolution, they daily com mitted similar cruelties, if not worse." Gipsies abound, and one of their settle- Ments is thus described :' "It consisted of earth huts about seven -feet high. You might as well have been in New-Zealand, or- among the aborigines of Australia, for any-signs of culture--to be found here. • The habitations Seen by Liv ingstonein the intelior- of Africa showed far more neatness and skill in their con struction. - Childten - were sunning about quite naked, and as dark as Nubians. No thingpan.eideed the. misery of these hats as human dwellings. Within, on the earth, for cooking purposes or for warmth, they make - a small fire; as there is no chimney, the whole interior is filled with smoke. On one side is a board vith a miserable' blan ket or some rags, and this is the bed of the The sides of the hut are made of mud, well mixed till it assumes a consis tency, and within this place, like a large beehive, squatted on the ground were wo men - and children, occupied with their 'household work, listless or at play. Asleep en the bare earth was a naked child—a state more befitting a wild animal, the whelp of a beast of the forest, than a human being. But its face was nrettz, and it lay with-that exquisite grace vihich is inherent in infancy. "Some of the huts had a division, and the inner part served as a store-room for corn, an old barrel, as a lair for some of the family. In one hut a mother was on her knees, bathing her babe of a year old in a sort of large wooden tray,' and with her handstnlashing the warm water over the brown young animal. She was herself very:Stung, and it was a pretty sight to see her delight as the little creature chuckled and enjoyed the rough bath. In each such settlement one man is named the overseer of the - colony, and has to keep order and prevent quarrels. In the one where I was to-day it so happened that the son of the overseer had beaten his father, and separa ting himself from him had gone to live apart in a hut close by. In our approach both parties came to complain of their wrongs, and the mother of the worthless son immediately took part against her hus band. The young wife of the delinquent was standing outside her hut, and seemed rather embarrassed at hearing her hus band's behavior so publicly canvassed. "r went into every cabin, and, accotripa sled as I was by an officer, they thought I came . for some purpose to inquire about their conduct or relieve their wants. The whole colony was in a state of excitement. Each dwelling was emptied of its inhabi tants, who stood outside, looking on in wondering expectation. Old and young, with the whole litter of children, came forth In one there was really a most beautiful child with exquisite expression. To some of the 'little wee things I gave kreutzera, and even the babies in arm seized on them with' avidity, and held them last with the same instinct as a wild animal seizes its prey,, At the sight of silver coin the native eagerness awoke, and the tiny hands were outstretched in supplication. I played with the children, patted their-pretty cheeks or bare backs, and it was felt, I suppose, that 1 took an interest in them. For one not of their own pariah race to do this—one, too, so high in station as they, in their igno rance, supposed me to be—was in them in explicable; but it toncued their hearts. "Their head man, if I remember rightly, spoke German; the rest, their own Gipsy tongue and Wallachian. On the counte nances of some—of most, indeed—was at first an uneasy look, as I walked into their dwellings and stared about. But it soon changed into one of wonderment, such as may be that of the Africans when they see a white man coming among them. One little girl and I were soongood friends. She amused me highly by her archness and the .pleasure she evidently felt at the mirth her' appearance caused me. She was about six years old, and her whole costume consisted ofa short blue silk spencer, cut sloping a la _postillion, as it is called, in front, and reach ing behind to the small of the back. Where the bit of finery came from, who shall say? But she was evidently proud of it, and was anxious it should be seen. I laughed heartily on seeing her, and she laughed too; and afterwards wherever I went she was suddenly at my side, looking up with in tense delight at the surprise she was every moment causing me. And then she would ;proudly march on, as proudly as if she had been at the Queen's drawing-room, and had behind her a splendid train instead of nothing at all." A Chapter on "Fences:9 The New York correspondent of the Cin cinnati Commercial writes : Scarcely,a - day passes but some member of that übiquitous and iniquitous fraternity, known as "fences" (or receivers of stolen goods, se cures a disagreeable notoriety in our police records. They_ are, as a class, such a mod est set that aavertieing . entirely out of their line, and publicity m any forma most distasteful experience. And yet they are the very inspiration and life of most of the crime in a large city like New York. In the rural districts these creatures are compare= lively unknown, except among the thieves themselves, unless some unusually active deputy Sheriff makes the discovery; but in the cities, especially in New York and ilrooklyn, they are well known to the police officers as the city halls of those places. These officers are sure that everything they have in their warehouses is stolen; they are acquainted with their ways of doing busi ness and they know what thieves resort to each, and where they dispose of their ill gotten property. Yet this knowledge avails but little in promoting the ends of justice. It is but rarely that any of this °lags are convicted of their offences. The reason is that strict legal proof of their guilt can very-"seldom be procured. Yet they do a stiff stroke of business, and it is a branch of business which requires expertness in a remarkable degree. The study of the means of rapidly and effectually removing the mark by which the property in their hands can be identified, is the main business of their lives, and they acquire a degree of skill and - dexterity in altering or effacing these marks which is truly surprising. A meltng-pot is always over the fire, to' •whichall silver Ware is consigned' the an stant itis received, The marks on linen, towels and handkerchiefs are removed, sometimes by chemicals, sometimes by fine scissors made' expressly for the purpose Jewelry is atonce removed from its settings, and the gold is either melted or the engrav ing is burnished out; so as, in either case, to make identifiCation impossible. Rich velvet and silk, garments are transmogrified by the nmoval and rearrangement ,of the bat tens and trimming& Pointed edges are rounded, and rounded edges are pointed, entirely changing the whole aspect ,of thegarment, With, 'such celerity, that the lady who had worn the dress =in the morning would not have the slightest Suspicion' that: it was - the seine in the evening. Cotton, wobl, rags, andiold ropes requiie no manipulation. When once thrown upon too heap they defy the closest 'scrutiny of the Owners... There is scircelY an article whichmixt be the .subject of theft which the resources 'of these men do not en able them, in a very short time, to disguise beyond the power of recognition. Their premises are skilfully arranged for con -cealment. They are abundantly provided. with secret doors and sliding panels, coin rntmicathig with dark and hidden recesses. Apertures are cut in the partition, so that a - person coming in from the frontcanbe dis tinctly seen before he enters thirapartment. The 'ffence" is, moreover, as well skilled as any lawyer in the nature of evidence. He knows the difference between probability and proof as well as Sir William Hamilton himself. He does not treuble himself about any amount of probabilities that the 'detec tive may accumulate against him; but the said detective must be remarkably acute if beds ever able to get anything against him which will amount to strictly legalprobf. It, is very plain that the removal of this class would very nearly put an end to theft, but their conviction is rendered very diffi cult by their own ingenuity and a ridicu lously loose law which does not hold and punish them. Our laws should be amended so as to catch these creatures in the net of probabilitiei, and thus reduce the necessary quantum suf, of proof to convict them. And until some change is had, here and else where in large cities, in this respecktbievery and burglary will continue to flourish, and knavery of every degree will hold its own against the moral sense and the statute law of the community. MUMMER RESORTS. SUMMER RESORTS ON LINE Or Reading Railroad and Branches. MANSION HO USE, MOUNT CARBON, Mrs. OaroLine Wunder, Pottsville P. 0., Sany'l co TUSCARORA HOTEL, Mrs. Hannah Miller, Tuscarora P.O.. Schuylkill Co MAHANOI CITY HOTEL. G. W. Frost, Mall alloy City P. 0., Schuylkill Co. WHITE HO USE, Mrs. Bus= Marsdorf, Beading P.O ANDALUSIA, James S. Madeira, Beading P. O. LIVING SPRINGS HOTEL, Dr. A. Smith, Wernersville P. 0., Berke co. SOUTH MOUNTAIN HO USE, H. H. Manderbach, WomelsOort P. 0., Berko co, COLD SPRINGS HOTEL, Lebaaon co., Charles P.oedermel, Harriabruz P. O„ BOYERSTOTVN SEMINARY, J. B. lien,Boyerstown P. 0., Berke co. YELLOW SPRINGS HOTEL, A.ll. Snyder, Yellow Springs P. 0., Chester co. LITIZ SPRINGS, Samuel Lichtenthaler, Litlz P. 0., Lancaster co. EPHRATA MOUNTAIN BPB.INGS, Alex. S. Feather. Pro.. Ephrata P. 0.. Lancaster eo Aiwa. 21st, 1.866. - ann..= -1- summer Resort. Carlisle White Sulphur Sprints. These celebrated Springs will be open about the first of June. They have been recently purchased by the undersigned. The grounds refitted, the house repaired and repainted, and E.171133.F.LY Bat FURNISELSD, in modern style. They are situated about four miles from Carlisle, Cumberland county, Pa-, among the gorges off the Blue Mountains, air of the purest, drives of the beet, accommodations of the most particular. Bulk* loons Bowling Alleys; Walks. Bathe, dtc. Adapted to those who sees a secluded, yet most ac cessible resort from she approaching sickly season of the cities. Two hours' drive from Barrisburg. a delightful road and through our best scenery. Thirty minutes drive from Carlisle, For further particulars apply to W. G. THOMPSON. Proprietor of the State Capital IS. Hotel. HicCUL Larrisburga. L. 3CKIH, Carlisle Springs, Cumberland co., Pa. REENRRNOP S.—Gov. A. ti. Curtin, Hon. Simon Cameron, Alit. Gen. Russell. George Bergner, Harris burg 7eteprraph; Richard Haldeman—Barrlsbnrr. Judge tWatts , Judge arahano. Judge Hepburn, J. B. Parker, John Roble, Gen. - F.—cArlisle. Gen. tglier,Najorßoyal—Carlisle Barracks. my4 lit CON O-nmss HALL CAPE ISLAND, N. J.. WILL RECEIVE GUESTS ON Thursday, May 315t,1866. zonufai J. F. CAKE, Proprietor. AMONG THE MOUNTAINS.— "HERDIC HOUSE," WILLIAMSPORT, PA. The largest Hotel in the State,. outside of Philadel phia. entirely new, and strictly a first-class house. Lo cation unsurpassed. beautiful grounds, splendid drives. line hunting and fishing, and the scenery all that could be desired. Itsferences—Hon. Judge Grier. Daniel Dougherty, Esq., Dr. 0. A. Judson, John Anspacb, Esq. A number of fine, large airy rooms yet unengaged. For terms, Ac., address GEORGE HOPPER, Proprietor. myls.lot* Williamsport, Pa. ATLANTIC CITY.—THE SURF HOUSE AT AT lantic City is now having a new front added to It, and otherwise improved. The pro prietqr !son the spot superintending the reconstruction of the building. Parties wishing to engage rooms will please address myll-St* H. S. BENSON, Atlantic City, N. J. SUAMPRBOARDING—Fitst,cIass eligible Rooms,at No. 3915 LOCUS street noy9.l2ts West Philadelphia. CARPETINGS & OIL CLOTHa CSR rwrirq6l-s 9 OIL CLOTHS, mAziwrrNst3l-S. REEVE L, KNIGHT /a SON, 807 CHESTNUT ST. C.E1.1a.11)0. The Cheapest Carpet and Furniture • Warehouse in the City. OAIiPETS. OIL CUMB, TIATTINGEI, WINDOW SHADES COTTAGE SUITS OF EVERY STYLE. And a general assortment of Household Earnitura H. R. LEWIS, • 1434 MARKET STREET, ibmoma First Eurnltare Store below 15th. lower olds OPPIEEt AND YELLOW METAL arrannme C Brasier' Dimmer. Nails, Bolts and Into Cpopppppert. oonstantly on band and for sale by HEN Y WntolliOS 00..832 slotttb Wharsat VELLOW PINE FLOORING BOA_RDS.-130.000 1 feet yellow pine flooring boards, afloat. For sale A. 80IIDER,& CO,, Dock street wilar4 aPI6-5t THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN ; PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, -MAY 16,1866 i''l,. - ..;:.;.'-'4LitiIiIISMI3MT'S. .. ptiI#LEITI3 - 002WINENTAL NEWEIEXCEELA.ZieII , , ' CEEDDICE SEATS' • . . Of amusement ma7i be bad uplici Welot„k antevfmang. nHOICI/VIBEANS AND AD3E(RBION TICIOCTD 01131 be had at • THE PROGRAmmr OFFIOE, 431 uldiutemiefT s treet opposite the Post Office, for the ARCH, CHESTRUT t wA.D.NDT attcI.A.CADE OF 1111R110.tre to fro'cloor Emery eYetdrig. sei94l NEW CHESTNUT STREET THF.ATRE. CHESTNUT street, above TWELFTH. L. GROVER. dr. WM. E., SINN, Lessees and Irminger% DoOrtoren at 7.15. _ ' ' Cnetain rises at 8. WEDNESDAY EVENING, May 16, MR. EDWIN ADAMS • Will appear in his great assumption of• ROBERT LANDRY, In the powerful Drama, entitled THE DEAD HEART ; THE DEA.D HEART - THE MAN OF 1 ; HE PEOPLE. on - NEW AND ELEGANT SCENERY By. 'Richard Smith. • ELABORATE EFFECTS, And a completeness hitherto • lINEQUAI , FII IN THIS CITY.. , The performanCeNill consist of ttieGreaiDrama, in a Prologue and three Acts, entitled THE DEAD HEART 08. T MAN OF THE PEOPLE. Robert Landry Mr. ED WIN ADAMS (Ae originally performed by him In this country), Anda _ POWERFU L C.AST. _ STORMING AND TARING OF THE B &STILE. Halra A PiE OF PRISONERS THE DEAD SEAT. _ACT 2. THE DUEL TO THE DEATH. ACT 3. THE GUILLOTINE. THE DESTINY OF THE DEAD IMAM: . SATURDAY AEI ERNOON. May 13, SECOND EDWIN ADAMS MATINEE. A fine bill in preparation. Admission to Evening Performance, 250., 500. and $l. WALNUT STREET THEATRE, N. E. corner NINTH and WALNUT Begins at 4 to 8. THIS (Wednesday ) EVENING, May 16, 1866, Twentrarat Night of the Brillisint Engagement of MR. EDWIN BOOTH, Who will appear, for the twelfth time, in Shake peare'a Tragedy of HAMLET, Which Lass been placedon the Stage in a style, It is hoped. cembining splendor otoprodaction with strict historical correctness. No expense or effort has been spared in the endeavor. by stageresource pictorial ar rangement of the ordinary , and by the fidelity, appropriateness at d superior execution of the several means of scenic illusion, to carry oat the spirit of the play into the most minute details. XS. EDWIN BOOTH AS HANIMET. Laertes--.. Charles Barron Mr. J. H. Tail , r.— the bliost (dB au:ilet's Father HAMLET EVERY EVENING. JOHN DREW'S NEW AMOR - ST/lEZER IIIBS. THEATRE. Begins at 3 to 8 o'clock. BENEFIT OF MB. MACKAY. THREE FINE PIECES. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING. May 16, 1888, First time in this city of the beautiful Drama, called OLD PHIL'S BIRTHDAY. Old Phil.------- Mr. F. Mackay Harlan_ _ Miss E. Price Alter Which, the comic Drama of THE OLD GUARD. Haversack —Mr F. Markey Melanie. --Bliss E. Price To conclude with the WILD DUCE. John Duct .. ''' . _ . . _Mr. S. Hemple THURSDAY—Ho. '''''' OF . MR. S. H EMI' LE. FRIDAY—BENEFIT OF MRS. THAYER. CARL GAERTNER'S GRAND CLASSICAL MATINEE Will take place on TiIIIRSDA.Y. Stay 17t AT THE FOYER OF THE ACADEMY OF _music. GAERT.NkR will be assisted by MADAM ABEL. The Great Classical Pianist of New York. MR. GRAFF, Tenor, (of Philadelphia,) And the Philadelpnia Classical cluintette Club. Messrs. CHAS. H. JARVIS. • THEO. RAMMEEtER, - C. PLAGESI AN, CHAS. M. SCHMITZ. Matinee will commence at i o'clock. Tickets of Admission- . . 00 To be had at the Itlnsic - gi;r7s - isitTai the Door. It* ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. • THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD, THE CAROLINA TWINS, An astonishing freak of nature. MILLIE AND CHRISTINA. AGED 16 YEARS, Intelligent. Musical and Educated. Will exhibit, first time in Philadelphia,oammencing - THURSDAY, May 17th. DAY LEVEES from lo A. H. to 6 P. M. EVENING CONSERT—Doars open at 7' commences at 8. Admission, 25 cents. Reserved Simla to Midst Entertainment. 50 cents. myli act SOIREE ACADENIQUE. Third Annual .I.,..bibition by the BROAD STREET CADETS, In Singing. Gymnastics, Tactics and Elocution. at the ACADEMY OP MUSIC, on RURSDAY EVENING. May 17, 1E65. Admission, 50 cents. No extra charge for Reserved Seas. Tickets for sale at E. CUMMISKEY'S Book Store. 1057 Chestnut street. Exercises commence at 7iY precisely. myll-511/ NEW A.MERICAN THEATER. WALNUT street. above Eighth, ANOTHER STARTLING NOVELTY. Engagement of the unrivalled MISS LEO ECUDSOIg and her tralnedateed "SENSATION." who will aPPaar in the grand spectacle of MAZEPPA: - OR, THE WILD HORSE OF TARTARY. First appearance of 3lr. HARRY PEARSON. ASSIGIOILY BULLDLNOB. SIGNOR BLITZ'S DOUBLE BPI:LYNX SIGNOR BLITZ'S DOUBLE SPHYNX. Is still the great attraction at his TEMPLE OF WON. DEES. All the best feats, including the ROPE DANCER. GRAND TURK, CANARY BIRDS and VENTRILOQUISM. are also given EVERY EVEN LNG at 7.14, and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at S o'clock. • AdziaLmion. 23 cent—Children, is cants. Reserved Beate, 60 cents. mhl9 BIERSTADT'S LAST WORK—"STORH ON THE ROCKY 'MOUNTAINS:" now on FahMitten, bY per mission of the artist,for the benefit ofthe"Lincoln Insti tution. and Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphan Soya Home," at WENDEROTEI, TAYLOR BROWN' ,912 and 914 Chestnut street. For one month only. Season tickets, SI; single tickets, 25 cents. Open from 10 A.M., to 10 P M AK: ta.! • a : is: At :: wet.: • a gwoy. Tenth street, Open from 9 A. M. till 6 P. M. BeaV in l T aab'sgrAsst. , Picture o Still on exhibition. rAHRNAHLL 0110HICSTAA..—Publio Rabeartale 13 every Saturday afternoon at the Hasler.' Fong Hall, at half-past throe o'clock. Engagements madi by addressing iIiEOBGE RASTFAS.T. agent. 1231 Mon. erev street. betleeen Race ands Vine. ocl4ll • HARNESS, SADDLES, dzo THE OLDEST AND LARGEST SADDLE & HARNESS Manufacturing Establishment in the Country. LACEY I MEEKFiR &Co No. 1216 CHESTNUT STREET OFFER. OF THEIR OWN 3WACITIREt BUGGY HARNESS, fr0m........ 50 to 1150 LIGHT BAROUCHE from .50 00 to 956 HEAVY do do 75 00 to 600 EXPRESS,BRAE3S 26.01TNTED -. Hen Nnaa.27 50 to 98 WAGON and SELF.A.D.IuoIING .15 00 to 80 STA GE and TEAM do .80 60 to 50 LADIES' SADDLE do 00 to 150 GENTS' do do 800 to 75 Bridles, Mountingir, 'Bits, Rosettes, Horse Covers, Brushes, Combs, Soaps, Blacking, Ladies' and Gents' Traveling and Tourist Bags and Sacks, Lunch Basket Dressing and Shirt Cases,Tranks and Valises, =him= No. 1216 Chestnut Street. We are Importing by every Steamer the fbllowing Brands: LET.IOINE, TITLES JODOT, LEVEN, • „ BEADISEEVELLE. CARRIER DUPONT, CONELIAN GIIILLOT, SOUCIN CORBIT, To which we invite the attention of the Trade. CHA.MBERS-& OATTELL, myl2s&w3mi 82 N. THIRD Street. GEORGE PLOW.MAII, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, 232 CARTER STREET, And 141 DOOR muzear. Machine Work and Mlllwriting promptly, attended to Jyl7-rpi [• 3-- 81: 11"C r to Geo. W.Gra -1- .Z\l :Th $3 13 P. :VF E, R, , 24, 28, 28 and 80 South Sixth St, Philad'a. - .k . ,.,.. Ene Old Stock It Nat-Brom Ales, __J, - ' 4.e88 • for Fanifts , and Medicinal 139 el„heS.T.N.e. QRA-Naitt3.-4,000 boxes Sweet Messina Oran in prime order, 'wading and for sale b 7 . : . 108 S. I • e E2G141321 OATS'OPS, EIAII0112,"; 0. . Crosse dc. Blackwell's alien Pickles, Oatenta dances, Dtutata fdttetard, o llvee , ,sbe... l ark olp Yorktown and for eala by 7013., B. 2 Ifd @out& Delmare avegne. ~. . , . DE CA FRENCH CALF SENS, FIMWIBHI3IG GOODS ~ a. V. SCOTT & Co,. SHIRT :MANUFACTURERS ; AND nTlat, a M IN dies Furnishing Goods, No. 814 Chestnut Street Four doors below the "Continental," PHIMADELPHIA. PATENT IHOULDESSEAIi SHIRT _ .ItANUFACTOBY.- Orders for these celebrated Shirts supplied . promptly at Inlet pENT.LEMEN'S Furn.iratittg' Goods, Of late styles in fall variety. , WINOTIESTER ige bo. • 706 - O.Figh3rl"XUT.. . JeSm,w.f-tt 131-LASSNIVMM ' PHILADELPHIA Window GLASS Warehouse, BENJAMIN H. SHOEm/milis AO NT FOR THE FRENCH PLATE GLASS ikepsvAos:Kl IMPORTER OE English, French and German Window and Picture Glass And Looking Glass Plates, MANITFACTITRER OF American Window, Picture and Oar Gtaea Ornamental and Colored Glean. 205 and 207 North Fourth Street, itY3-8311 PHIELLDSZLPHIA. BOOTS ANTI SHOES It F. Al 0 V A. L. . BOOTS AND SHOES. C. ]3enkert Sr. Soya Have removed from their old stand, No. 48 South FOURTH Street,which they have occupied for nearly 20 years, to the large and commodious store No. 716 CILT.S - UT Street directly opposite Masonic awl. i We take pleasure n stating to our patrons and the public generally that we are enabled in consequence of extraordinary stock of goods now on hand to make a material reduction In our price. In connection with our regular business we have al ways a large stock. of Youth's fine Boots and Shoes, made with the same care and attention to comfort, durability and style that is bestowed on our best Men's t=ons. We have also the best arrangementa for mak. lug to order the beat and most substantial Boots and Shoes for Ladies. apl9th.s,to2mf , . MEDICINES. HVIIPIERKYIEP HOMEOPATHIC SPEAMPICS trays proved, from the most ame_expezienm,ar .91entire 59 Simple-Prompt,- : , ment, and R• liable. They are the only Medicines perfectly ride. red to popular use-Bo simple that mistakes cannot bt made in rising them; so harmless as to be free fruit danger, and so efficient as t 6 be always reliable. They have raised the highest commendation from all, and will always render astisfactlon. No. Dints. 1, Cares pmixEs, (1391415ti011„ 9, WORMS, Worm-Fever, Worm-001ic.....—.-E 8, " CRYING. COLIC, LIC, or Teething of infanta....-2: 4, " DIARREICSA of children or adults 5, " DYSENTERY, Griping, Bilious Car 9' 8, " CHOLERA MORBUS, Names, Vomiting V. " CO .I.IGHB Colds, Bronchitis 8, " NEUR&LGIA, Toothache, Pace the 9, `1 'HEADACHE, Sick eadach Verti r ip 10, " DYSPEPSIA, MonsH e, 11, " SUPPRESSED orpadnfal 19, " WHIT.ER, too pro!bse Periods _ 13, " CROUS B Oo m Nb difficult " SALT Eroptlons..—= 16, " RIIEUMATIS9I, I3 g=cPairm.---21 16, " FEVER and Ague, Chill Fever, Agnea----5( 17, prr.wound or bleeding„,„„„_„,—.- OPHTHALMY, and sore or weak Eyes ....-.. 6F19, " CATARRH acute or chronic, Inlluenza......f JO, " WHOOPING COUGH violent Coughs—a SI, " ASTHMA, oppressed itresitany ii .----,5( " EAR DISCHARGES impaired earing.....-15( 23, " " SCROFULA. el iri t4ands, GENERAL D , Physical Weak " DROPSY and scanty becreuon.s.-- 15, SEA,SICENESS. sickness from riding-5r 27„ 4 ' KIDNEY DISEASE. Gravel.---- " NERVOUS DEBILITY, Involuntary-Dia . cnarces -29, 0 SORE MOUTIL URINARY Incontinence, winung 81, " PAINFUL Periods, even with Spasm ..._.6t 0 SUFFERINGS at change of 1119.....0t EPILEPSY, Spasms. St. Vitus' Dance.— 1 34, " DIPHTHERIA. ulcerated Sore Tbroat...—.-5I ZiLLLFAY(`aaS. 65 vials. znorows case, and hooka—. 00 35 large vials, in morocco, and 6 to 10 largo vials, plain case and 6 Of 15 boxes (Nos. Ito 151 and book.— --,. a (6 • YETF.Itn6 ART P.P.FfirVICEL Mahogany cam, 10 vial a Single vials, with din .e 1 a These Remedlee Sy the lase or single box, art sent to any part of the country, by mail or express tree of charge on remit tof the mice. Address `/lIIMPR ARTS' SPEIMPIC HOMOEOPATHIC RIIICINE COMPANY, Of and Depot, No. 562 i taNew York. tr Dr. HicrasErs Ls consulted at his ollice personally or by letter, as above, for forms of 646 Ma& EDYOTT & CO., JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY & OOW. DN, T. B CAT , X 'DER and AMBROSE SMITH, Wholesale Agents. PhlladelPtda. 1527-th.e.ttilYrp IRON RAILING. 13BILADELPHIA AND NEW YOBS ORNA MENTAL IRON WORKS. The subscribers. Ibunders and mannfacturers of CAST, 'WROUGHT IRON AND BRONZE RAILING, for enclosing private dwellings, public squares, Came. terles. &c, PATENT 'WIRE BAILING. WINDOW AND DOOR GUAB.DSi for offices, store fronts, bulwark nettings for ships, &c., &c., made under the JENKINS PATENT being the only authorized manufacturers of Wire Work under said patent In the city. IRON STAIRWAYS, SPIRAL AND STRAIGHT, IRON FURNITURE, STABLE FITTINGS, of every;Varlety of new and improved designs SPThrTraL CARE BENTOWE ON GARDEN AND CEMETERY EMEBELLIBH. ENTS, Our varied assortment of Fountain Vase, Statuary, Allng us superior Iltellities. orders shall receive careftil and promptattentiort. 1a 254 h,e tn.emrpt ROBERT WOOD & CO., Office and Warerooms. 1136 RIDGE Avenue. Or THE BENEDICTINE MONKS OF THE ABBEY Or DECAMP. This:Cordial, which dates as far back as 1510, is an anti,apoplectic tonic, digestive, and of an exquisite taste. The salutary plants which compose it, gathered on the slopes of the bills of Normandy, saturated with the vivifying emanations of a Northern sea, makes It one of the best cordials and one of the most efUclent preventives against epidemic affections.' Of late, the French medical corps has been almost unanimous in prescribing its use to the sick who, by their imperfect gastric disposition, were more liable to the attacks of fevers and cholera. A, LEELLIND, Ben., Fecamp. Also, RUE VIVIENNE, No. 19, Paris. This Medicine is found at the Wine and Spirit Stores, Apothecaries, Confectioners, and Groceries, /to., dtc., all over , the World. , aptSsiti RIIIIBII3I' MACHINE BELTING STEAM . ii PACRINcI, ROBE, &c. ME ,T 48 40 111 . 7 2 1 E ez i s I r s will a FULL TRNT WM4 RUBBER BELTING, PACKING, HOSE , ate* , at t he Idantd:acturaea Headquarters_, COODYEA_It E 3, Chestnut agree% ` South aide. N. B. We balie a NEW and CHEAP •ARTICLE GARDEN and PAVEMENT HOOK,. very WIMP. to Istdcla the Attention of the public l 0 {Rlllva FURNITIIRE AND BEDDING FIJJELNITILIRI2... The largent, cheapest and beet stoolt. of Furnltureln the world, Is to be found et r• - , GOULD & CO.'S UNION FLUE EITTIEE DEPOT, Corner NINTH and 'MARKET Streets, ind Nos. 37 and S 9 North SECOND Street. Parlor emits. in Hair;'BrocadO Plush ; Damask or Rep; Dining Room, Chamber, Library, Kitchen and Office Furniture, at fabulously low prices , and the newest sts and patterns; public buildings, whoop, colleges ands hop learn num In endless variety. All kinds of Furniture wanted by hOusekeepers, at exceedingly low prices, at either of their immense establishments. If you want to save money and get well served, go to GOULD do-CO' before purchasing elsew 4 liere, - - COrner NINTH - and Nos. 87 and 89 N. SECOND Street, 3101713EKBEPIC118. mbs43l I have a large stock of every variety of Furniture which I will sell at reduced prices, consisting of PLAIN AND MARBLE-TOP COTTAGE SUITS, WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS. ' PARLOR SUITS IN VELVET PLUSH. PARLOR SUITS IN HAIR CLOTH. ' PARLOR SUITS IN REPS. Sideboards, Gairtension Tables, Wardrobes, Book cases, Mattasees; Lounges, Cane and Woodseat Chairs, Bedsteads and Tables of every description. P. P. 431J1e1/11.14 __nab,Sam N. E. Corner Second and Race streets. BEDDING AND FEATHER WAREHOUSE, TENTH STREET, BELOW ARM Feather Beds, Bolsters, Pil lows, liatrosses, of all kinds; Blankets, Comfortables, Coun terpanes, white and colored; Spring Beds: Spring Cots: Iron Bedsteads; Cushions, and aII other articles in theline of buai. MEWL Amos 1131,LBORN, No. 44 liarth TEN= Street, Below Ands. aplo-ta th sit Ita N. ArrW€lloolDo, WHOLE:SALE BfANUFACSIIDER OB MA.TTREIBBEES AND BEDDING, And Dealer in all kinds of FURNITURE, No. 45 SOUTH SECOND STREET, apS L tl/ sate 2m Palladel • hla. SPRING MATREi3. REST Quazrry AND STYLE, AND REDDING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, a. G. VITILLEB. mht:•3m 9 South SEVENTH Street WATCECES AN]) LA_DOIM - S , DIAMOND DEA YR & JEWELER, WATCHES, JEWEL= i SILTSII RABE, WATCHES aad JEWELRY REPAIRED 802 Chestnut St., Phill3- Owing to the decline of Gold, has made a great reduction in price of his large and well asserted Stock of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry. Silverware, &c. The pnbllc *re reepectthfly Invited to call and et- ... ...' s HOWARD'S ANTI THIS - A lm - RICAN WATCH COMPANY'S WATCHES HENRY 'HARPER'S aro Arch arreet. RCHIERS'S PLATED Brows AND'PORKS.— HENRY HARPER, ED Arch street. myl24m VERW.9.RE.- myl:3-1m RMNII Gr-JE . A. C 0.0 .1E1.70 No. 1334 Washington avenue, Invites the attention of the Public to his PftrAPON COAL, which is an article that gives unbounded satis faction to all. My customers generally are laying it in at the present prices, in preference to LE,HIGH COAL Egg and Stove sizes at ZS 75 per ton. Also the genuine Eagle Vein Coal, same sizes, same price. A superior quality of T.R.13 - IGH COAL, Egg and Stove. at r 50 per ton. Orders received at 114 South THIRD St. rI:IS6-3rdi S. MASON nnsgs. frHE UNDERSIGNED us v.trE ATTENTION TO I. their stock of Ruck Mountain Company's CoaL Locus Lehigh Navigation Oompanra Ooal . and t Mountain, which then are prepared to sell at the lOweitt female rates. and to deliver in the beet condition. Orders left with S. MASON BaIMIL, .Franklin tote Building, SEVENTH str_egt._below. Market, will be promptly attended to. & v4O Arch Street Wharf, Schtinkill. neIA.L.—SUGAR LOAF. REALITIES MEADOW AND 1J Spring Mountain,' T,pitgh Ooai. and best Locust Mountain from prepared T Trcaudi v it family use, Depot, N . corner AfOB end LOW 'greeds. Mee, South SECOND street. tnh2, J. WALTON Oa :ID 41101 01E11-Y 1: A. S. ROBINSON, 910 CHESTNUT STREEr. LOOKING GLASBES. PAINTINGS' Engravings and Photogaphs. Plain and Ornamental Gilt Pramea. Carved Walnut and Ebony Frames, ON HAND OR 11ADP, TO 01110EIC, A Great Chance to make hioney on a Small Capital. SPENCER'S TIN SIFTER Invaluable for use in all oases where a Strainer or Sieve is required. It will FLOUR, 11:EA.I.; SQUASH, APPLE, BIJOK"WIDL&T, ac., and will Strain ftaitzsvms,SAticoas, - &e.. AREAL FXOTLY COMFORT. ' In .the KITOHNIq it is the right thing in the right Pace. No Horutehoid would be without it after a .Mn gle trial. - • It to the only Sifter now in use that gives sensate cl3. Every Sifter is warranted to give peribot satis faction. E. SPENOKS: • 'Factory, No 630 BIAIMET street, Pftilada, state and County Bights forßale on easy terms. Wholesale Trade supplied on reasonable term'. 'Ban*lea eent to any - Ailditea recelpt II 00.- ge2o . ItIL.NRY HARPER, 51 Arch sta-eet. PATENT STRAI lETAIL YYiY GOOM LA* itz rk: rz? Fourth and Arch NEW GOODS.FOR SPRING SALES AT PRICES TO MEET THE VIEWS OE nu szip t i ARE OFEZ : Z I NG TO-DAY FOR - - skoitara -sA.-7_,ms, FASHIONABLE NEW SILKS, NOVELTIES IN DRicSS GOODs NEW STYLES SPRING EurAvria. • NEW TRAVELING DRESS GOODS, FINE STOOK OF-NEW GOODS; • MAGNIFICENT FOULARDS, SPLENDID BLACK Ell - 1.103. P. B.—The above are all new goods, and at ream guit. 1024 CHESTNUT STREET'. E. N. RUS, 2024 CHES'I.N UT Street, OFFKBB AT LOW PEN3SI, 2,000 PIECES WHITE GOODS , Including all varieties Shirred. Purred. Tacked, Plaid. Striped. Plain and Figared hitanDers, suitable for White Bodies and Dresses. 100 pieces printed LETRN LAWNS, dental' styles for Dresses. Cluny, Valencienne and other Lace% inset ings,:ltdzinset_Flormeings and Banda, Hand , kerchieb, yam, Collars, Sleeves,ete. The above are offered for gale CB3III. an. In great VARIETY. 1111 s LADIBB WOULD DO WELL TO IMAM- /141c4c *UN Az.% OM 11=}c MYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ABCBt STEEL D, HAVE A FINE STOCK Of DESIRABLE SUMMER GOODS: BLACK PUSHER LACE POINTS. BLACK LLAMA LACE FONTS. PURE WHITE LLAMA SEEA.WLS, WHITE SHETLAND SHAWLS, WHITE BAREGE SHAWLS. BLACK GRENADINE SHAWLS. 'IwO YARDS WIDE GRENADINES, SUMMERBILKS, REDUCED. SUMMER DRESS GOODS, RIMMED. FULL LINE OF BLACK GOODS. FULR LINE OF WRITE GOODS. BUFF, PINK AND BLUE PERCALES. BUFF PEN. 7 K AND BLUE LAOONS, TOURISTS' DRE , - - S GOODS. ORGANDIES AIL FOULARDS. • BEST BLACK SILKS, &e., dc. nLOTECIS, CA CB AND COATINGS.-4agnen V, flee invite the attention of their blends a others to their large and well seasoned Spring Stook,. comprising, in part, COA.TncG GOODS, Stipmfßlack French Cloth. Colored Goths, of all kinds, • Black Trimt Coatings. Fancy French Coatings, Super Silk Mixed Coatings, Tweeds. of every shade and qinalny.. PANTALOON STUFFS. Black French Doeskins, the finest texture, Black French Cassimeres, the Sneed, taxi:Ora ICCTV styles of Fancy Cassimsree. • Plain and neat styles Cassimeres„ Mixed Doeskins and 0 4 .simeres. Silk Mixed and Plaid Cassimeres. Cords, Beaverteens and Velveteens. Cassimeres for Salts, all styles. Also, a large assortment or Goods'egrossly__ d L to Boys' wear, for sale cheap. A g'S .No.ll North Second at., sign of the Golden r EDWIN HALL CO., South Second street, have now open their Spring Stock of Shawl& Open Centre Broche Shawls. Open Centre Square Shawls. Filled Centre Square ehawls. Flew Styles of Shawls. Spun Silk Shawls. Llama Wool Shawls. Cashmere Wool Shawls. Berlin Wool Shawls. rie Long whole and Square an Black etail Thlbet Shawls, ta great Vap ty, sale dr. EDWIN HALL & CO., 2 South econd sires. So+ opening daily new goods. Check Slikm, Colored Ground& Check Silks, White Grounds. Bich Moire Antiques. Rich Shades Plain Silks, Foulard Silks rich aryhes flak and Linen Poplin& Black Silksof all kinds,ixrCissin‘ wo - r.Trg, AT B.EDUCRD P.BRIZE. TITEELME GOODS. FROM AUCTION. TV Plain and Plaid Nainsooks, White Jacoaets and Camberley. Dotted and Plain Swiss Ifuslin.s, Plaid Csattecs, all prices, Victoria and Bishop's Lawn. Shirred Muslin. for waists. Soft finish Cambrics, for Skirting% Piques. for Basquea and Dresse4,. At STORMS & WOOD'S. 702 Aroh street, .Ih/M,ILIOAts. RICHARD PENISTAITS Ale, Wine and Liquor Vaults, 430 Chestnut Street?" liVniziElb)34l4,lsll Es*Lblithed for the Zale of Unadn'ter eted labzuore Only. Special Notice to Families Richard PeTO stares._ Celebrated, Ale, Porter and Allrovz . Stout, 2s - ow so much recoramer.cled by the idedleal Ihamiria for Irtvalliu' s. 25 PER DOZEN. (These Bottles hold one Pinta The above being of the very hest qealltr, it roan I* , admitted the price Is exceedlnglyLOW. lawet Is delivered to all parts of the city without extra. Braadier, Mmes, Gias, Whiskiesoka.,&a. Warranted Imre, at the lowest possible rate% by OS+ Bottle, Gallon, or Cask. CHAIEPAONFB of the best, brand. attired Iwo ban by any other hone. On Draught and in .Bottles, PURE GRAPE MCI!. This loan excellent article for Invalid& it is a ts= =mice Dyspepsia. lUk.VALNA OIGA_RS. OLIVE OIL. PICKLES, SAITGEEL - B.9IIDINES, ac London and Dublin Porter and Brown Sioat—EntlVA and Scotch Ales. den= BAY RCM, JUST OPENED, Peuistauls ]3ranch Me, Wine and Liquor Vaults, Nos. 37 and 39 South Third Street,, Philadelphia. Rear Entrance on B ank street. mh18; HER MAJESTY CHAMPAGNE, J. iu=o-N-, 151 sotrili MOST ST, SOLE Anal. rIATAWEA, ISABELLA, WINES. J. NEWTON KLINE, No. 316 WALNUT Street, Sole Agent for the famous Pleasant Valley Wine- CoMpany, New York. Constantly, on hand d the season, Catawba and Isabella Wines, drnll sweet. Also, Sparkling Catawba, put up variety Wigr.—The attention of he trade le 'Mated to fallowing very choice Wines, de. fOr milady JOSEPH F. DTON, No. 151 Eolith UMW MADELEOId Island.B yearn old. BECIERIUMG—CampbeII t (30,, eine% _unable silk triple Grape,_ Crusoe Sons, EndolPh, 1:14114, Bac. Spanish Crown and P. Vallette. Vinho Velho Real, Deualcori ane• nebello Valente dc Co. Vintages ISIS to lase. -- cmARETS—Crase File Freres and Gt...Beterthe tom. PERM° Tli.—G. Joardan, Brlvedixich. MITBOA.T—de Froati. > ssa. aErAmp.A.GNEE; = est .trren7 6 % % Merl Star,,{ de Veneto, Her Iffelelt9 BerYal Nstet aga Antal taisbrite brands. /ALD WHISEIES.--500 Cases Pure Old Wheat Bye r Bonbon and Mbnongatiela Whiskies, for sale by - E. P. MIDDLETON, 5 Islorth Front etreeL _ _ - • - ' FP.ENOB.' PR lIN - ii:tte—tie- amen in' tip .I — niititers- and:Piney boxes, imported and Int Bala. by 3cos. .tt EtUBSTKEt di 00 lie tionth Delaware 16Yeaue,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers