NOTICES. .• A sponauTh mA.TING. The floWere that meant to welconie May Were all prepared to " come out" In light and delicate array. But shrank backward with a pout When they felt such rough-edged breezes And heard,fewer songs than szeezes.,! . But now their dainty heads they raise, And their rosy smiles recall And now each well-dressed youth displays His Spring suit from Tower Sall Wil BAVID••• dia 4 V (4 i Fancy 0:1180riere Coats, as iota as " Vests " Making cm enitreall-wool fancy suit for /ii-wool black Sant Coats. aglow as " Cassimere Pants " aoth Vests Making an entire all-wool black suit for 110 00 455.t000i good style .Fancy Cassimere Suits, to mate), 1114 50. Astonishing as these prices may seem, compared with those to which we have been accustomed for several years they ABE NOT lricrrriovs—WE NAVE THE 60088 IN QIIANTITIES AT THE PRICES MENTIONED. We make lip no trash—they are all serviceable goods. Advancing from these rates we have goods of all grades up to the Very finest fabrics, in large supply at a proportionate reduction from former prices; comprising BY PAR she barifst and most complete assortment of Clothing in PhilaMphia (hen's, Youths' and Boys'), surpassed by none, and equated by few, in style, make and fit, at prices guaranteed lower than the lowest elsewhere, or tae money refunded, Gentlemen who usually their clothing made to measure, can be as well or better. fitted from our stock Lagar/AWI equal in every raped, at from 25 to 50 per vent, lower prices. Those who prefer can have their goods made to measure in the best manner, with aline assort: meat Qfpriceamods to select from. 411 -. TO - CLOTHINti DEALERS:SA • Our Purchases for this season having been delayed smiting the expected , decline in goods, we have now on hand the largest and but assorted stock of aothing in Phitadaphia, purthased for CASH ZECLIHOYELT, AT 121:15 VERY LOWI9T BATES OF THE SEASON, Which enables us to, realize a fair profit and eat at prices less than the cost of same goods in most °the . ..establishments We can supply aothiers doing a fine city trade with goods adapted to their sales, at prices so much lower than Vie cost of their pres an t stocks, that, by making an average of the whole, they will be enabled to dispose Of their goods at prices covering the average cost, and even paying a prod& BENNETT es CO., TOWER HALL. 518 MARKET STREET. A LETTER (FROM BLIIMSVILLE). • Messrs. PEEILY-1. address you From this village distant tar; Woald that I could say, Heaven bless you! But I can't—l hate your "Spelt:" For since there arrived a stranger In these parts, who wore your Clothes, All m' peace has been in danger, Sabjectlo the direst throes! All was right with my Susannah • Till the man came with that SLUT: Now, the has a chilling manner, And is sometimes strangely mute. Won't you send me by this measure, Which with cash I now enclose, Such another priceless treasure— Such a TAXING SUIT OF CLOTHES Then. if I regain my station In that lovely darling's heart, I will spread throughout the nation Ids, opinion of your Mart— To that "Sivas" I once detested Send all others in de pan*, And my cash shall be invested, Always for the future, there ! . Would yOn be attired in the best Clothing to be ob tained in Philadelphia? Go to the Star. Would you obtain the lowest prices, and the best sad Latest styles? You can obtain them at that emporium. Do you wish a snit made to order? The Star has every variety of piece goods, and employs none but the best cutters and workmen. We solicit an examination of our stock. N. B.—Clothing made to order at short notice. STAR CLOTHING EMPORIUM, 609 CHESTNUT snamr, SIGN OF STAB. PERRY & CO. M(CEO. STECK & CO.'S - NOS.— These beautiful instruments are as atronly recommended by the follow tag among the leading artists in America as any Pianos made in this country or in Europe, Wm. Mason, S. R. Mills, Theo. Thomas, H. C. Timm: Max Maretzek, Geo. W. Morgan, Carl Bergman, Carl WoMahn, Chas. H. Jarvis, M. IL Cross, Carl Often. C Ear, G.: Thunder, J. X. Beck. Joseph Rizzo, B. C ross. thisctrLsesi of certificates as to their duraWity. and the rettrentes of one thousand purchasers in Fiala delPhlo and vichriliY, to be had on application. For sale in rhiladelphia only. by J. E. GOULD, jart-sa-tfi Seventh and Chestnut CHICK ENDIO IFFM(RAND, SQUARE AND lIPRIGIII PIANOs.. are recognized as the most perfect and permanent in. atrnmenta in America and Europe. 61fty-siz Medals. SUDO in use. Large as ortment of ORGANS and Id& LODEONS, 914 irfritSTNTIT ;street mhg-thAa,tu MEYER'S 'NEWLY 1.1111.M.PF.E.0 U ES SCALE OVERSTRUNG PIANOS, Acknowledged to be the best. London Prize ld'eds3. And Highest Awards In America received. MELO DEONS AND SECOND-HAND PIANOS. ap2Bwn.mBra Warerooms,72.2 Arch at. below Bth. *ITEMWAY & tIONIEl• PIANOS WrnilAre now acknowledged the beet In-1 1 0M ments In Swope as weal an America. They are =Bed in pub& and private, by the greatest artists nIJ by 'VON BULOW, DREYbCHOCK. JAELL. end others; In this country by MILLS, N, WOLFBOI3II, etc, For sale only by BLASIUS BROS., INV! iThootmit a,troet. EVENING BULL6IIN sELTURDAY, MAY 5, 1866. 1:4 s,Tivtlm]iov:imalp•lß:fvs:gtiaiwtliA On and after Monday, May 7th, this paper will be published at the New BULLETIN BUILDING, No. 607 Chest nut street, above Sixth. In conse quence of having to print our issue of to-day upon auother press, as an incident of the removal, several adver tisements have been unavoidably left out. The omission will be made up in thck,future. We trust to have every thing 'Nyorkixig smoothly in a day or two, and in the meantime we ..titist our advertising friends will have pa tience with any temporary shortcom ings. TUE INCDSILE TA. C. A morning cotemporary, of large circula tion, in a recent article upon the interesting subject of the Income tax, says : "Rent of homestead actually paid may be deducted,but the rental value of the property owned by the tax-payer is not a subject of de duction." We are inclined to believe that our nsu sually correct neighbor is in error in respect to taxpayers who live in their own houses. The printed blanks that have been circu lated among citizens the present year haye a space appropriated to deductions for house rent; but they say nothing - concerning the "rental valne"of the homestead occupied by the tax-payer. But the law under which the tax is levied is not thus silent. Section 117 of the amended internal revenue laws of March 3, 1365, contains a clause, that in estimating the annual gains, Profits and in come of any citizen, shall be deducted "the amount paid by any person for the rent Of the homestead used or occupied by himself or his family, and the rented value of any homestead used or occupied by any person, or by his/amity in his own right or in the right of his wife." This is certainly very plain language, and it was framed in order to explain away the vagueness and indefiniteness of the ori ginal law, which was construed to discritni nate between the citizen who lived iu his own homestead, and the person who rented his dwelling, to the prejudice of the former. Some assistant assessors refuse to go behind the printed blanks, and they will not make an. allowance for , house rent or "rental valnelirraartione who live slion their own propertY. Theie officials bad better study the la* before attempting to make decisions under it. and they should sCrupulowaly avoid doing anything that is calculated to bring an annoying system of taxation into worse odor than it really merits. The nearest approach which has been made to unanimity in the present Congress, was the vote yesterday upon the bill re viving the grade of General in the army. With oily eleven dissenting voices the House conferred this new distinction upoi the man whom the people delight to honor. Lieutenant General Grant is not named in the bill, as the appointing power is vested in the President, but it is, of course, understood that it is for him that the grade has been revived. In a speech of great eloquence and ability, Mr. Deming reviewed the glorious career of our Ameri can Captain. We read with just pride this glowing tribute to a man who, four or five years ago, was a quiet, unknown farmer in Missouri, and who to-day stands .confessed the greatest and the most successful soldier of the age. It will be as gratifying to the country at large, as it must be to General Grant himself, that our Repreaentatives have conferred this new honor upon him, under circumstances of such almost unpre dented cordiality. No pecuniary emolu ment that could have been bestowed upon could have had any such value in the eyes of this most modest of soldiers, as this ex pression of the unbounded affection and confidence which he has 'won by the per sistent courage, the distinguished ability and the lofty devotion which he has given to the cause of his country. Congress has another duty to perform in this same• direction, which we trust will be discharged without delay. As there was no possible grade of army rank from which General Grant could properly be excluded, so there is no promotion in the navy which the name of Farragat would not honor and adorn. • His present rank of Vice Admiral is a most distinguished one, bat it is not high enough. The services of a naval com mander involve the exercise of some quali ties and the possession of some talents in higher measure than are ordinarily needed in the direction of military operations on land. The personal risks of an admiral are precisely the same as those of the commonest seaman in his fleet. He is always "at the front," and whether engaging an enemy or battling with the elements he and his crew must share all dangers alike. His respon sibilities also, are of the moat trying nature. The emergencies of naval service occur, or dinarily, .at points remote from home, where every officer is expected to act promplly and wisely under every difficult and dangerous contingency, often involving the most deli cate diploinatic questions, the wrong deci. sion of which may plunge his nation into war. We remember once to have :beard Admiral Farragut himself laughingly re mark: "I have never yet been able to find out what a sailor is not expected to know." And yet there is a singular disposition, on the part of Western men especially, to un derrate the services of the Navy, while theyjustly extol the prowess of the Army. "This they should have done, and, not have • left the other undone." Con gress should create the grade of Ad miral, and confer it upon the weather beaten hero of New Orleans and Mobile. For fifty years—a whole life-time—he has carried our flag gallantly in all quarters of the globe, and General Grant, with all his glorious record, has displayed no quality of bravery, patriotism or ability that does not find its counterpart in the splendid achieve ments which have linked the name of Far ragut inseparably with his own. 2 50 su 50 ill 00 5 Co 4 00 W. H. DUTTON In Common Council, on Thursday, the Chairman of the Committee on Fire and Trusts presented an ordinance requiring the State House bell to he rung for all alarms of fire. This bill was, we presume, pre pared to meet the - views and wishes of a convention of firemen held recently. The convention referred to utterly failed to give any satisfactory reason why the rule of silence established by Mayor Henry should be interfered with, and the experience of almost every day demonstrates the wisdom of the arrangement. Common Council, we are satisfied, simply followed in the wake of enlightened public opinion by indefinitely postponing the ordinance which was de signed to re-arouse the "dreadful bell" that has so often scared the town from its pro priety, when there was not the slightest cessity for such a scaring. ~ ,W e respect the zeal of the firetnen whO desire to have the town turned topsy-turvy whenever a fire, whether big or little, takes place; but we also admire the nerve of the members of City Councils whol go for public quiet and good order, without considering the votes they may possibly lose, by following a com mon sense course. We trust that this is the last we will. hear of this attempted retro-. grade movement in the history of fire de partmental reforms in Philadelphia, and we hope that the custom of striking the State House bell for ordinat7 fires will continue to slumber, along with the town criers, the fire buckets and the hand engines of the more or less remote past. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. —The Trustees of the University•of Pennsylvania have elected Charles E. Stille, Esq., Pro fessor of the English Language, in place of Professor Copp6e, resighed. The selectio is an excellent one. Alf. Stilid is a gentle man well known in this community :or his high scholarly attainments, which he de voted, during the war, to the cause of the Union. Some of the most • remarkable and useful contributions to our patriotic litera ture were from his pen, and his treatise, "How a Free People Conduct a Long War," issued in the daskest days of the rebellion, was especially of inestimable value. We congratulate the University on this most judicious addition to its Faculty. Very Handsome Residence, North Broad bit reet, Pubite Inelnded In the sale to be held oy Messrs. Ikr,Thomas Ltti•ms, et tho Ex Image, oo Tuesday next, is a very bands map and dest ab e Pluton at° e re-Idence vetth pressed brick back building's. No, 1622. Nom Brost' str. e , . It is bell and aub.tan CI Ty built, and has all the mod• ro csnveniencSs, s ru Ate on one of the most desirable squar sOn b ottb Broad street. Immediate p xsp"Aslon ntav he had, • • A,ON & et es 0 A. B I h-F T 0 It 44 A tq L El rfnlike and snperl•-r to any and all reed Inatenturuts •lec..)mmended by Ma leading br ganbus an. artistes In America and Europe. J. E OOULD, apialks,tu,tl [ Seventh and Chestnut streets. THE 1)411 4 1 JAtiILETApi,L. SATURDAY . , 11.A.1 5, . 1886. , THE NEW ARMY GRADE. LAID AT, RES r. . . TORN INZUBCP. 31:11:LDKB. OF izzte#Llo3Mrl7l . EMMET - arid 218 LeuGJE Iderdianica of every branch, required for housernatit WE and titling promptly tarnished. jar -6m• aTECK. et W., PiAltoB. Nearly one thousand of-threw pope- Meatinstnly fa y inenta Inusetu Phdripl i dt,tf. rp Seventiv . and Chestnut. QTATIONFAY—LETTEE, Clap- AND ' NOTE PAPERS,..ENVELOPES. 8LA.301 BOOKS, and every requisite in the. Stationery line,'selling at:the lowest figures at S. R. DOWZIING'S Stationery Store, matt-tfrot Eighth etreettwo doors above Walnut, 4 SPRING ST ti LE HATS.—WARBUBTON, . 430 CH_ESPNIIT.Street, next door to the Post - Office. , N. B.—Nowhere else can thepurchaserobtain greater value for his money. apia-lm,rpf 4 Iff.'OALLA'SiNEW HAT STORE. 613 CHEST- Nur. Jayne' Commonwealth . Building, three doors above pew Buraarrirt t flice,largest as , ort. ment of HATS &TAP"' and greatest variety Every article has the lowest price marked on in plain figures. Just received some entirely new goads from New York. Yon will find Spring goods 2.5 per cent. lees than elsewhere. • ap3Stf BARRY B. DUCALIA. HATTER, well known In Chestnut strt et above Eighth, for five ell , years, and Market street. below Eighth, solicits the patronage of his numerous friends and customers at c - DUCA LL,a'S N F W-RAT S'l ORE, Jayne's Com monwesith Buildusg,tbree doors abovenew BuLLwrrir office. He can positively sell Spring Bata and Caps 25 per cent. lees than elsewhere. Call and examine the immense stock anti great variety before purchas ing Remember No. 618 CHESTNUT Street, first Hat &tore below Seventh. north side. • apBo4l Y/lALS .li.lalitte It D. —All styles Photographs. artlatic and truthful in arrangement and execn entinn. - Dow is the lime to have them made at B. F. REIHRB'S CA .3 rob street. reE AXES, Tomahawks and Tongs various kinds of Ice Picks, 'co Mallets. with a pick in the handle: large Iron rpoons tor Ice Cream Freezers, and other, liaraware. For sale bi TRUMAN & AHAW. No. 835 (Eight Tnirty-five) Market skeet, below Ninth. IA • LY St FO.‘• LARGE SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS. at. 1 ../ RP THER'S Gallery, second street, above Green SeespecLmens, and note the taste and accuracy evinced In their ex.' cution. . BRACKETS AND HUOZS and Chains, of several patterns, for suspending Hanging Baskets or Bird Cages, for sale at the Hardware Store of TRUMAN At • MAW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty•five) Market Street, be`ow Ninth. 6 VOR .1.--Eaqtasito styles Carta de Visite suiting all in 'heir ariety'. S.e obtain satisfactory Pictures pleasing at B. F. v RECKER'S and Aich lit. - PLUMBERS' wNDOAS FITTERS' PIPE BOOKS, Oaa Tongs and Wrenches,Melting Ladles and Pots, Shave Bowls, Tap Borers,. limps Sc., for sale by TRUMAN (t, SHAW, No.. WA (Eight 'lhirty•tive) Market street. below Nlntb. 1866 Haig rTO PLR ARE. at KOPP'S HairBHAVIN er and Whiskers dyed dyed .and Cbildrea'Auar cut. COrn anti Dock 110) Q. C. NOPP. .I=7=TrEiMINS.IITT 'N , EA %Away Lace and Chintz Borders at Mrs. E. R. WAGNER'S, 4303 Arch street, above Eighth, north side. NOTICE.—The Good Will and Fixtures of e.tore for sale. myS-61rpt L ACE PoINTES. LACE POINTEB, LLAMA LACE SHAWLS. CAMBRIA. LACE POINTY S. SHETLAND SHAWLS. Bought at Auction, Bargains. mys-6t4 ./• CHAMBERS, MO Arch street. SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODta. LARGE PURCIIASKS AT THE LATE AUC TION Ser.vs ENABLE US TO OFFER GREAT INDUCEMENTS IN THE PRICE OF ALL TEE POPULAR STYLES OF DRESS GOODS. CIIRWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. on, 152 and 454 NORTH bECOND STREET, ABOVE WILLOW RICH BLACK BILKS OF ALL WIDTHS AND GRADE 4, FROM AUCTION. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 45 . 2. and 454 NOME( SECOND STREET, ABOVE WILLOW FRENCH CASSIMERES AND COATINGS. :FROM AUCTION. PRICES GREATLY REDUCED. LTf SVEN STODDART & BROTHER.. NOB.:11.50, 452 and 454 NORTH SECOND STEP-EP, ABOVE WILLOW L IGHT FANCY Cs S.sIHpREs, FOR LADIES' SAeCtIIES, &c., &c., AT REDCCED PRICES. CIIRWEN STODDART & BROTHN.R, Nos. 4.50, 4.52 and 454 NORTH SECOND STREET mySst ABOVE WILLOW DRY AN , NINTH STREET, ABOVE ARCH.— Hoop Skirts, Ladles' and Misses' Hoop Skirts, latest styles; Ladies' and Gents' hemstitched and plain Hdlrfs.; Linen Cuffs and Collars, cheap; best Pre-ch Wov•n Corsets; bargains in Hosiery and Gloves: Gents' &aspen ders, Nerkties Undershirts and Drawers; large lot or Pocket Books, cheap; Tooth Brushes. 6,10, 15 and 10 cents: Combs, Brushes, Soaps. Perfumery, In large variety. • roys-2t DECITYLTON'S RENOVATOR, DR. HYLTON'S RENOVATOR. DR. HYLTON'S RENOVATOR. DR. HYLTON'S R NO VATt. R. DK. HYLTON'S RNOVATOR, DR. HYLTON'S RENOVATOR. DR. El Y.LTON'S RENOVATOR, DR HYLTON'S RENOVATOR DR. HYLTON'S RES 0 VATOIL DR. Hy tatiN'S RENOVATOR. DR. HYLTON'S RENOVATOR. DR. HYLTON'S RENoVATOK, DR. HYLTON'S RR NOV ATOR. DR. HYLTON'S RENOVATOR. DR. HYLTON'S RENOV ATOIL DR. HYLTON'S RENOVATOR. DR. HYLTON'S RENOVATOR. DR. HYLTON'S RKNOV.ATOR. DR. HYLTON'S RENOVATOR DR. HYLTON'S RENOVATOR. DR. HYLTON'S RENOVATOR. DR. HYLTON'S RENnVA TOR. DR. HYLTON'o RENOVATOR. OR. HYLTON'S RENOVATO DR. HYLTON'S RENOVATOR - DR. HYLTO '8 RENOVATOR. HR. Hti LTON'S Rts:NOVATOR. DR. HYLTO v'S RENOVATOR. DR. HYLTON'S It ENO V.A.I OR. DR. HYLTON'S RENOVATOR. DR. HYL'ty RENOVATOR. DR. HYLTON'S RENOVATOR. DR. HYLTON'S RENOVATOR. DR. HYLTON'S RENOVATOR. DR. HYLTON'R RENOVATOR. DR. HYLTON'S RENOVATOR. DR, HYLTON S RENOVATOR. DR. 33Y.rirowA REKovaToR. DR. 111 LTON'S RENOVATOR. DR. HY.I TON'S RENOVATOR. DR. HYLTON'S RENOVATOR. DR. I.IYLTON's RENOVATOR. DR. HYLTON'S RENOVATOR. DR. HYLTON'S RENOVATOR. DR. HYLTON'S RENOVATOR, DR. )-• Y tiki , N'SßFlNotsAn/R. DR. HYLTON - 8 RENOVATOR. DR. HYLTON'S RENOVATOR, DR. HY LaTON S RENOVATOR DR. HYLTON'S RENOVATOR. DR. 13 YLTON'S RENOVATOR. DR HYLTON'S RENOVATOR., DR. .HYLTON'S It .NOVATOR. JOEL HYLTON'S RENOVATOR. R. HYLTON's RENOVATOR. DR. HYLTON'S RENOVATOR. • DR. H YLTON'S RENOVATOR. D.K. HY LTON'S RENOVATOR. DR. HYLTON'S RENOVATOR. DR. HYLTON'S RENOVATOR, DR. HYLTON'S RENOVATOR. DR. HT LTON'S RENOVATOR. DR. HYLTON'S RKNOVATOR. DR. HYLTONIS, KENOVATOR. DR. HYLT ON'S RENOVAToIt. DR HYLTON'S RENOVATOR. DR. HYLTON'S RENOVATOR. DR. HYLTON'S RENOVATOR. DR. HYLTON'S RENOVAT OR. DR. HYL TON'S RENOVATOR. DR. HYLTON'S RENOVATOR. DB. HY ...TON 'S RE , OVATOR. The great Remedy for Coughs. Coles, Weak Lungs, etc., etc. Read the annexed ()evil:lWe. CINSUIEPTION' CPSED. DR. HILTON: I take this opptirtura.ty to inform you that I consider you the greatest doctor on diseases of the Lungs in the country. I had a spitting of blood, with large rumps of green matter; aviolent pails in My breast and shoulinert.; a straining cough. and severall of the most eminent enysicians gave me up as a hope less case of consumption. I tried all the' remedies of toe day and gained no relief. but grew worse when a irletid advised me to try your Renovator, satisfying me that you were a regular graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, and not a seltatylad doctor. I used but nL e bottlee of your Renovator, and, to the Box vise of my friends. I am now a well man, and able to attend daily to my business. Any one needing further particulars of my case, can call on me and be satisfied. NICHOLAS BILGES. .No. 235 Race street: Dr. ifyiton's office. 227'Nor Is* Sixth street, where those desirous of having tteir Lunge F,Areined, tan have it done FREE OF-Ca&ILGR. APRHS. Dn. Hytmost—Dear SiSir ellt my duty to offer Soli the follow ing - letter - of the efficiency of ytnr Con. emotional Renovator, for the cure of lung diseases. After suffering eight months' captivity m a rebel prison, and escaping therefrom wilt a wasted frame and diseased longs. lean state with truth that by the use of pour Renovator am t now restored to perfect health. Vet Pi. e street, Philadelphia. Sincerely yours, Taos, R. Asa/men, late U. B.N. Lungs examined tree. __ Da. HYLTON. = North Sixth street, CONSDIIPPON CAN RE CURED. Da HYLToN to thank you for the c're your Constitutional Renovator has made of nae. - I was for a long time afflicted; my whole nervous system was prc z i ns tp i i, a d I had a bad rotten, sleepless nights and w is sure the Consumpthn bad taken hold on me am paw perfectly wet. I oestre you to use this so that others may be alike benetit.d. CRABLEi H. ECKSTEIN,' - N. W.- corn r Eleventh and Idroter Da. HyracnesOftlce 217 North Sara street. .E.gam auto, a “fitinge free of ch,rge. Principle Depot—Ds. . 1 1vvrotv's No. =7 North hixth street. For sale by all'reepectabie Dnagg tits. GERM4NTOWN RESIDENCE FOR RENT. large house, with all the modern convent Fnce9. extensive grounds and plenty of shade; stabling for taree hntare within ten minutes' walk of Railroad. Staltnn Will be rented either with or -without-the stable. Address Box l Philsoa. P. 0; 13331-rptz ISM sir Excuse a -little Inconvenience arising from alterations and improve ments going on in our ~tore. ,It Is more than compensated for -by the EXTRA :_BARGAINS we give onr custonierc. As we want to re• duce our stock to avoid-its removal out of the way of the workmtn The Finest Ready-Made Clothing fn the City and the largest assortment to select from. Piece Goods to make up to order. WANAMASIER & BROWN. OLE HALL ; 801711333A8T comma SIXTH and MARXIST Bta. THE HO bIESTE AD. Itla not iot it used to, he! - When you and I were young! When round each elm and maple tree The honey suckle clang: But still clove the cottee., where I passed my earl. years Vnial] not a single face is there That memory eadears. It Is not as it used to be! The moss Is on the roof. And from their need , beneath the eaves. The gwa , lows keep aloof. T 1 e robing—Wm they used to sing When you and t were young; And how would flit the wild bee's wing The opening towers among ! It Ls not as It used to be! The voices, loved of yore, And tne forms that we were wont to see, Vie see, and hear no more! Yet still we should not be csst down, Nor discontented be: While we can bum of West & Brown, The choicest kinds of T%a! The price, at which they sell their Tea; le wonderfully low: . And those. who purchase once or them, Are sore again, to go I - For flurt the orient leaf they get, • Without adureration, At such low sates, that grocers fret With ill concealed vexation. If you want the very best TEAS in the market, and those too, at a price, Mto S 3 per cent. below the canal rates, call on WEST & BROWN, €309 Chestnut St. mys-2t, PLATINA POINTS FOR LIGHTNING RODS. WM, Y. MoALLISTER, (Established 1736), No. 7-9.?..S Chestnut St. NOW IS IHE TIME TO LAY IN YOUR SUPPLY OF PRESTON COAL. For the coming winter, as tbehe price is as low as It will GEO. A. 00011 E, N 0.1914 Washington avenue, Is selling EGG and STOVE SIZES at $6 75 per ton. Also, the genuine EAGLE VEIN COAL, same sizes, same price. mye-aint AT RETAIL. JAS. R CAII.PBEGL & CO., 7:27 Chestnut St., Have made extensive additions to their popular Stock of • AND 13RJOSS 1 61•00130 S, WHICH THEY CONTINUE TO SELL At Moderate P'rices. Wholesale Rooms Up Stairs. tny+lmrp J. T. ER, 'GALLAGH „ vv,. Late of BAILEY & CO., FORMERLY BAILEY et. KITaiIIEN, Invites attention to his NEW JEWELRY ZETA mrV;;HLMNIT, S, W, cor, Thirteenth and Chestnut Sts, HIS STOCK OF WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND OTHER FINE Sterling Silverware and Silver Plated Ware. will be found very complete. Those wishing to par chase or examine w.ll find It much to their acivanmv to favor him with a calL All goods W,.e.BRANTEIII of FIRST QuAlsrv, and prices satisfactory. The Cht.Enassulo VACHERON and CONSTANTINE WATCH, of all elms, Ibr Ladles and Gentlemen. Special attention given to DIAMONDS. Watches and Clocks candidly Repaired and War ranted. mht. thmato tv LARGE SIZE WHITE SHETLAND SHAWLS AT fd.—GEti. W. VOGEL, lON CHNSTNII't street, has, In fo r ord te , meet comoetltion and not be under sold. made ther redactions In the prices or Shetland Shawls. The "quality sold last week sits 50. is now offered at 504 the fine ti and 16 Shawls reduced 50; the fine Shawl with fringe. reamed to n/7/43tr P s LToop BBIRT hEANUFAMORY —Hoop Skirts LA ready made and made to order; warranted of the ma=terials. Aldo, Bklrta rll5 E t . E. BAYLEY, tea-ami 814 Vine street. ahoTe Eijnita. TE H HARRISO.N BOILER, A. SATE STEAM BOILER—The attention of Manufacturers and others using Steam in confidently called to Gila new Steam Generator, as combining essential advantages in absolute safe 7 from explosion in cheapness of first cost and cost of repairs In economy of fuel, facility of clew - ,ing and transportation. &c., n. t possessed by any other boiler now in nee. This boiler is formed of a combination ofcast-iron hollow spheres; each sphere inches external diameter, and of an inch thlog. These are held together by wrought-iron bolts, with cos at Use ends. • Muir's' one hundred of these Boners are nuw in i PPer this ion. Borne of theta Li the hest' establishments n city. ' _For drecrictivedrcalars or price. aPillY to JOSEPH HARRISON, Harrion Boiler Works. Gry'e Ferry Road, adjoining the 17. Allenal, Philadel pha apaanarpf VOR &LE—The Stock. Fl'vnres, Lease and Gond Willa? a finstmisss Jewelryttore lathe City. For particulars, inquire of E„ Q. FLRENTOm, 519 Market street. znye444, Paame., May 4.1886. EVERY SATURDAY. 'Contents of Pio. 19. THE PIBST• BLOW AGAINST CHOLERA, The AN ADVP.N'ItiRE IN THE GREAT PYRAMID, by FBA.Nrcas POWNECOBBB. Onee A Week. M. GUIZOT. PAVE , nemerst. MR. THOMPt3ON'S UMBRELLA, AU ihe Year PERSONAL REMINISCENCES OP BEAU BRUM ME I L; Chamber's Zournat. DEMI-MO DE LITERAIURE, Saturday Review. SIR RALPH'S FIERIOT, aware Family Paper. TOUCHING TIGERS, .4U the Year /taunt!, HOW FISH-HOOKS ARE MADE, The Workirg Man. THE EDUCA.TION DP WOMEN, London Ecuteur. ' FOREIGN NOTES, Our 11r -changes. LABOR, Die Working /fan. • PRICE 10: oE:errs. Fbr Sale by ail News•deabers BOOKS RECENTLY PUBLISHED. ST. MARTEN'S SUMMER. By Anne H. M. Brewster. , 1 voL Buno. GEOLOGICAL SKETCHES, By. L. Agassir. I vol. nmo. $2. 2.5. • HONOR MAY. 1 vol. 16mo. 12 CO. LEIGHTON COURT. A Country-House Story. By Henry Kingsley. 1 voL 16m0.. gt_so. Ai3IIIODEL. An American Story. 1 voL limo. $1 50 . FIFTEEN DAYS. Bo the Author of ".Record of an Obscure Man," etc. 1 vol. 16mo. 11 • THE QUEEN MOTHER and ROSAMOND. By A. O. Swinbume. 1 vol. 16mo. g 2 00. THE 'SOUTH SINCE THE _ WAR; By Sidney • Andrews. 1 voi. lGmo. $2 00. THE MAcQUERADE, and OTHER POEMS. BY John 0, Saxe. I vol. 16mo. $1 75, *** Sent,lustpaid, on receipt of price. "Ticknox 8 - , Fields, Publishers, Boston BOSTON WELD FARM CIDER, (Celebrated.) Higbly recommended by the medical f.culty as a cello:dial aperient. and pronounce° by oonnoi•seura to be the purest and best ardcle ever offered to the public. • —ALSO— Weld Farm. Otrrant Wine, - An inexpensive and delicious article, for families. NOUN & SWEENY, So e Agents, No. I.Z fit. Front Street. - Partio wishing samples can be supplied by Messrs. John Wyt-th & Bro. No. 1412 Walnut at. mYS-B.,a'nvitt PRICE & WOOD, WILL OPEN THEIR NEW STORE, N. W. C' itIGHTH AND. FILBERT, On Wednesday, May 9, WITH A FRESH STOCK OF Pancy and Staple DRY GOODS. spry - 5 m w itrPt IVYcELRO Y'S EMPORIUM FOR BLACI $ IA S Gros Grains and Taffetas, in great variety. SILK MANTILLAS. Now Open, at No. 11 B. Ninth St., abv. Chestnut ONE. PRICE CLOTHING. JONES' Old Eist,ablished One Price CLOTHING 116113 E, 604 MARKET SUP., ABOVE SIXTH. Prices reduced to the lowest point. A fine assortment of Ready _Made Clothing con stantly on hand Custom S. ork made to order at very sh 'rt notice. in style and durability unsurpassed. ap2S Ina 4pl BUY YOUR COAL NOW. WILLIAM W. ALT ER Has on hand and Is receiving daily the best qualities of Lehigh and Schuylkill coal, which he is prepared to furnish at lowest market rates. As coal has Touched its lowest point, and with a prospect of an early advance, ha would reap° tinily advise all his customer. and housekiei-ers generally to lay in their coming winter supply at once. Delivery depot ar d office, Ninth Street (957), below Girard ave.; Stanch Office, cor. Sixth and epring Garden. e+3/Pl - 1.1..N G (.4 . 0 4 011.)04 SPRING STYLES ? EDW ARD P. KELLY TAILOR. Aitia - Chestnut 4.14 PATENT WIRg WORK 808 RAILINGS, STORE FRONTS, GUARDS, PARITIIONS, dto IRON BEDSTEADS AND WIRE WORN in variety, manufactured by M. WALKER it -ON$ iniumin (pa NO.II Nr)RTII SIXTH Stmt. fIRIT rENDEN S COMM. Ci AL COLLEGE, 637 J BI SrNUT st. eet. , orner of Seventh street. Fractcal Ins' ruction In SOOK-K Kw - PING, in all its branches, PENMANSHIP. plain awl ornameut.l. COMMESCIa L CAL‘ 'IIL ATIONS, ~./2113SLNE F RMs.&', Students received at -nv time. No vacation.. ThLyGßaPtil vG taught in a superior manner. LA I , IFS rkocived for In3truc ion to any of the above branches. - PA RD and ornam •ntal writh gash. kinds exeo - nt ed In the oest st;ylh. - o.talognes . may be obtaired gulfs at the • Cul. FASHIONS 1866. J. W. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRTS • TRXY will not Bran or . Baas like the Single. Springs. They are acknowledged by all; LADraft thretighOtit the LENGTH and BILEADT - El et the LAND to be the most TYZEMZOT and AOSEZABLR ESriT scrim .arvkisintu, and lINFAIIIA.LILD to • Elegance, Elasticity,. -. Lightness, Durability, Comfort and EconotnY.: THE LAST NEW STYLE IS THE CELEBRATED 3EMPR,V4SIS grJELAI3L.,, Which Is the MOST BELITITIrTa. and ALOILZMAMLE- Eaxam avnu *OEN, being particularly adapted to the present S'ASIECIONAIME style of dresses. So says Go* dey's Lady's Book, F rank Leslie's Fashion Magazine's Monthly Magazine of Fashions,. Le Bon Ton, The Boudoir of Fashion and the Fashion .Arti cies or the different newspapers. Bee OPMTXONS of the PRESS and PASMIOM "ALMA- - =TES generally. raocnanano the GMBAT 81:trim/loa /TT of these CELEBRATED SKIRTS. At WHOLMSALE by the .EICLUSIVS EANZFACTMEt- Itas and Seim 0w...... - ans of the PATENT. WEBTS, BRADLEY & CARY, WARDROOMS AND OFFICE, Noe. 97 Members and 79 and 81 Beads streets, New York, FOR SATE In all the FIRST CLASS STORES In THIS CITY, throughout the UNITED STATES and ELSEWHERE. At Wholesale by the Leading Jobbers. MICEZEI Ea TI.T.R'S GALLERIES, 818 Chestnut Street. ON EXHIBITIvN FOR A FEW AY oNLY, Tr A I YITT, D TON' S S NIAGARAS, Comprising "THE FALLS OF. NIAGARA," By Moonlight. "NIAGARA, bIINSET." "THE WHIRLPOOL," BIAGARA. Al, A MOST REMA RKABLE LAND SCAPE BY DURAND. "THE KAATSKILLS," FROM HILLSDALE. AND A VIEW IN "YO SEMITE VALLEY," BY BLERSTADT. LOOKING G.LAL.SES. A. LARGE AND .FE NE ISSORTMENT, AT VERY MODERATE RATES. EARLE'S GALLERIES, sio Chestnut St. almatrp- FOR. S A Desirable Country Seat it Riverton, NEW .TER'EIi". eight miles above the cle9. In on the River Bank a , accessible by Rail or ver eight or ten times a ay,commanding one of the finest views on the river. consisting of a substantial. pointed Stone House. with grounds of about IS acres. The house la f• ridstted with all the modern contra-- nieucee. and supplied with water by a windmill on the prembes. There is also a Goon STAB f E with ICE ii OBSE, &c. Nor_full particulars. apply to soli -12t 4p PETER T WEIGHT, . 214 CHESTNUT STREET, . myl•►n th :lan. 4p* UP SUMO ALBRIGHT & lIUTTBNBRAUCK, BaU*<!Ulak:r invite the public to a biwitwn w smwt meat of Sprint Goods at their new Store. 915 Ohestnut. Street. apstn.thAzo MISHLER'S HERB BirrEßs, Wholesale and Retail, atyt-lin rpi pa 8 math SIXTEENTH., St., ranada.. RECOMMEND Or Double Spring Tailors, 3, GRIST, & BRO., GEN. BRAY. AGEOrTS,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers