THE RACER. RACILY BY THE E; p . 0N7%.1 , 8v_ Jn." - ine tWo races , are, -e of man called the human / race, and the horse race, which some consider inhu-' man. The Indian race is nearly run., - mill race or a race to a ".mill" occurs when a prize fight is announced. Of all the races that have'been upon the tapis recently, the black race attracts the most. of public attention. Congressmen make' ape,eches upon %clergymen_ preach upon.' it, and Wendell: „Phillips laready to bet, his money on it. I flatter myself that I know something, about the horse race. • . I - had ,a paision for lionie- reeling when' a lad, and used to run horses with a neighbor's boy in Tompkin's lane. How vividly do I re call my lastrace. I rode the Governor's grass-fed mare,,a • sorrel roan, If I re member correctly, with two white] feet in the forehead.. She was a little found ered in one eye, but with the exception of soinething like a wateinielonlfin each knee,. her hitellect was unlinpated. j She was sired by Canal" Horee, - and A.-.d by every one who drove her. Neighbor's boy rode a creamtcolored chestnut, with •• a spring halt to harness '-On the home •steetch.l wiiisc: neck and halfa .teir encouraging e oldniare,tuduher ,level heiit;by the application of a•-corn • outter to, her aged ribs. The limp which she had in he % eye prevented her taking a clear view of • a heap of Cobble stones in the lane, and when she struck them there was a stumble,„ a clatter of stones, horse-shoes and old hones, and the • old mare • was wrecked and no insurance. I was picked up bleeding and insensi ble, and I made the -remainder, of the homestretchon a stretalier, coming in under one blanket. The race was decided in my favor. The judges al lowed, although I was-a neck, behind when thu'eld mare stumbled,- yet; as I ' -escaped; withoutniy neck being broken, I came : nut a neck ahead. ' : ' '• Although . , exceedingly fond of the races, I don't , attend them very often now-amlays. My corpulency is too an- They charge me double for my ticket, and I can only get in through the horse gate. Then the boys yell, "Here comes the prize ox!" and insist on me being trotted over the course to show my points. - ._The first thing that struck me at a race course—no, not the first thing,'-for that was the shaft to a sulky, but the next thing—was the open disregard of the rules of the course. Although "public stand" was painted upon a shed so:large that the horse that runs may read, there were the public sitting down. But the public have to stand a great deal at Ibis race course. I saw another shed label ed "reporter's stand." I asked 'a re porter what it meant,and he whispered, `stand-treat." I stood it. . • "Bidding off pools for the horses,"was the reply I received when I inquired the . meaning of an auction scene o n the course. . _ - I innocently inquired, if 'those pools were horse ponds, but lie only gave me a look of silent contempt. I finally dropped fifty dollar note inane of .. those pools. IN o more "pool" for me. Foot ra es are not popular as they once were. P ople are too lazy to run now, unless the run for office. I ran for a prize once 'n, a foot race. I was not quite as fa as lam now. I only weigh ed four hundred and forty-seven pounds. It happened thus: I was attending the , Oneida County fait at - Utica. They got i,. up aprize for ,ther - _-fastest runner. In those days (this, was ; beforethe - onerous tax or whisky) leuSCii-to indulge occa sionally iii.tbat - _,Chp which makes us cheer and bc an inebriate, asCowper has it. "In a playful Moment I - asked the boyis to get - Me tight and have fun - with Me, and they took meat my , word. The bar-keeper - asslated them by putting li -piordn mykin.cocktail; while my back was tprned, adding alcoholic stimulant, to my whisky, and pouring decoctions of malt beer. I have since sus . pcoted that tobacco was mingled ;with my cigars, but on that point I inn not quite clear. Although it exhausted the contents of nearly every bar on the grohnd to do it, yet I got "full," and the fumes of the li -plor arose from my stomach to my , . braliv as from an immense caldron, causing me to behave in the most ridicu lous and insane manner. I felt as ethe- rial as a sylph,and actually went through with'a flip-flap,, landing on my back. I -attempted to throw a back summersault through a balloon, resulting in the total annihilation of - a confectionery .stand, into which I dove head first; I ruth -lessly -seized the "litt Woman" in her tent, and: spun- her round: in a waltz until she shrieked. I offered to permit the "Living Skeleton" to hold me out at arm's length, sitting on his palm. •Xy. absurdities drew a crowd of delighted . Spectaters, , and.when it was , suggested to me that I should compete for the: rize, at the foot race, fool that I was,l eagerly _ jumped at the offer. No Athenian athlete ever . entered the area amid - such tumultuous aPplause as greeted my appearance upon the course, pßaled for the race. Talk about . the •Greciazi games; they afforded no , such game as I did that day. There I stood among the other contestants, pants se cured around the -waist with several pairs of borrowed suspenders (my own were insufficient to go around),shirt col lar unbuttoned, and bald head shining in the surrhke polishedsnuff. bladder, ten cent. Watermelon. 'The - - crowd jeered anti 'yelled. One advised tb lie down and . roll: around "the Course'. Another said if. I' Couldn't 'run - around' I -lad better black my face and try a "walk - around." I think he was ,a minstrel. "You' run a foot e?" said a butcher, derisively,' taking i my size and and flatness, with a protssional eye "there is only one thing y u are fit to run." "What is that?" said I. , "Run candles!" , Frenzied by the insult'and the yell of laughter which went up from the crowd, I rushed at, my tormenter, who turned and fied. Aa I pursued him; devasta tion followed upon my track. I over turned threshing - machines, got en tangled among cultivators, upset bee hives, crumbled patent fences like glass, in getting over thorn, dashed through the floral department, anild the shrieks -of the women, os flower'pots were top -pling to the ground, : and finally, in my lolind frenzy, stumbled headlong into a vat of crude petroleum.. . A huge dredg ing Machine,. for use in our harbors, being on the grounds, was brought into requisition - and I 'was scooped up and , left in the air, to dream. If I had had any itching tobe "in oil before, that ex ' )ieriendo -satisfied me. Thus 'ended My , first and last foot race. Yours racily. ONSIDE tirrh. Key to BILI3iIIBBB 811008133 ithiaja. The above publics on gives every different biudnees now :co'ndnotedln number „engaged in each butane/3e and the capital .required to establish Price Sent postpd: • Address . TRAINE-M0R8.17, • , . . - _--sHarrlaburg, Pa. References: • • -; ;, • GEO. 'WEGNER, 440 r .rroprietor; Evening — ffelegraph.— • • - [spa s St/ MILLEtt. & hicALARNET, Attorneys at Law: . _ ISETERESONEr ,NEW. - .E001113: - ; ". • JOSEPH. GRIMALDI. • • , JOSEP 7 / 1 GRIMALDI, liiryL/FE,AND ADVIOTTURES. written out from Grirnaldps own ..nd i ts z imiS and notes. One Volume, Octavo: "Price 75 cents. THE GOLD BRICK: Bylirs.'Ann S. etepnens, au thor of"Eashion and Famine!' One volume, 12mo. Price $1 50 in paper.-or $2 JA cloth.. THE THE BORDER RIFLES By Gustave Atmore!. au thor of "The Prairie Fl ower." • The Indian Scout," etc. One volume, octavo. Price 75 cents. THE IN, TIALS. A Story of Modern Life. By the Baroness Tautphoeus. A new and beautiful edition. Comple! e In one large duodecimo volume. Price et 50 in paper, or $2 Oo in cloth. 'THE MAN Or THE WORLD. By William North. - One volunie,^ Price el 54 in paper; or $2 ad in cloth. LIFE BERVICV S, MARTYRDOM, AND ETTNERAI, .OF ASA N9M.LINCOLN, Sixteen* - President of the United States; and the Hon. George Bancro ft 's Oration. Full or Diustrationa Price ILSO in paper; or $2 001 n °loth._ • ST. MARTIN'S EVE. By Mrs. He Wood, author of "East Lynne," "Oswald Cray," - "Verner's Pride," etc. Complete in one large octalo _volnme. Price 00 *cloth °ls° ' IIP 4 II /I er EtriUESPICARE NOVELS THE Y OUTHO IC OF SELAI3Pwa 'SW - Price 81 DO. giz AND HIS FRIENDS..Price $1 08. THE SECRET PASSION - Pries Ohe Dollar. THE FORTUNE SEEKER.. By Mrs. Emma, D. E.N. cruthworth, author ot the "Lostileiresti," etc. Com plete in one large duodechnovolume.. Price it 50 in Paper ors 2 00 in cloth. • • FALSE ,PRIDE OH,- TWO,' WATS TO MATRI MONY. A companion to • "Family. Pride" and. "Family Secrete?' Complete in onelarge duodecimo volume. Price $1 SO In paper, or.s2 In cloth. .17ALOUSY. By George Sand, author of "Coosuelo," "Countess of Rudoltdadt," - "lndiana," "First and True Love," etc., eto. • • Complete in one large (*ode. Chtto volume. Price 50 *paper, or $2 CO in cloth, Send for our Mammoth Descriptive Catalogue, Address all cash orders. retail or wholesale, to T. B. PETERSON & BROTHEEII: . No. 806chostnot. street, Philadelphia, Pa. Books sent Postage paid, on receipt of retail Price. • EAR NEW BOOKS are P °NS'. myart. A THE NEW BOOKS! _ A .compact and. practical Handpbook on Cholera. By a Burgeon in the Honorable East India Company's service. A copular work for the people, treating the subject in every possible light; imparting exhaustive information on ita history, making valuable sugges tions for avoiding and resisting it, and explaining a suceessfbl • treatment at once so simple and effective that It muet be almost a necessity for every family to possess - so useful's volume. l2mo, cleth bound. Price si. Also a pocket edition with paper covers. Price A • new work Of absorbing lute-eat, by Edmund Kirke, author of "Among the Pines." dm. A book with all the excitement of a novel. but. pervaded with s trathfulnesa which stirs the blood of. ewers reader. Ltmo, cloth. Price $1 50. • - • RECOMMENDED TO MERCY. A powerful new hagfish novel, that has been re• cently issued' In London, where it is making a great sensatlr n among all lady readers, 12.m0. cloth. Price fl 75. . Single copies of any of the books sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of price, by . , CARLETON, nasl.w.s,tf Publisher. .New -York. IXTORES ON CHOLERA.— 'YY ASIATIC CHOLERA, by F. A. Boorsll, M. D., in one volume. . _ . DIABRECEA and CHOLERA; their origin, proxi mate cause and cure through the agency of the IsZervons system—by means of Ice—by John Chapman, M. D. JAMESON on - EPIDEMIC CHOLERA.. OTHER NEW BOOKS. HERBERT.SPENCER'S PRINCIPLES OF BL. QLOGY. Voles. LNDLft.N CORN ITS VALUE, CULTURE AND USES. By Edward Enfield. THE REUNION OF CHRISTENDOM. A Pastoral Letter to tbe Clergy. By He Contnry Edward. COMPANION _POEM: aining extracts from Longfellow Tennyson and Browning. THE bTogy OF wat.NNETT. By Bayard Taylor. ORIGIN OF THE LATE WAR By deorge Lunt. HISTORY OF TrPNB.Y THE ;FIFTH. By George M. Towle. . . .LIVINGSTON'S EXPEDITION TO THE ZAM BESI. . . . . SEwELL'S PRINCIPLES - OP EDUCATIqIs:. OOTTLIOTRITS DEVOTIONAL STUDY OF THE SCRIPTURES. All new and standard books for sale as soon as Pnb. lished by Pub• LINDSAY dt BLA.KISTON, lishers, Booksellers and Importers, 25 South Sixth street, above Chestnut. A ITRACTPTE NEW 1300118.—JAIMALL, a nlendid novel by Victor Hugo, author of "Lea Iliserables." BALED MEATS—Of the Funeral. A rich new comfolxiok by the grese,"Private Miles O'Ecilry." "RECOISIM.MCDI.D TO TLIERCY." A novel by, the author of "Taken upon Trust." 1 vol. ismo. ADRIFT lakl DIXIE: or a Yankee °dicer amofig the Rebels, with an introduction by „Edmund Kirke. 1 EPIDEMIC CHOLERA. A practical handy•book. For sale by JAMES S. CLAYTON, • - Suemsor to W. S. & A. Hartle% a 6 Chestnut street. I,IbI2PILLLIDOIL.—TIEB LT2II 02 *.llO, PICELIDOP., Marmon armature Player, by Georg Allen, Greek Brofeseror In the llalverelty of Pont. Wren* with *Supplementary ft•- say on Phifidor.Yt Moo Author and Ohm Player, by Ma,.:a VolHo! debrarm and de Lana, Rim) , Extraordinary and Mu later Plenipotentiary of the King of Fronds; at the Mart of Baxo-Wehrmr. 1 vol., octavo, 3i vellum, gji top. Pepe% U. Later Published I IC mam E. H. B OM, nee • 187 South South street. TAMES BABE'S Blank.. Books and sta tionery, 1101 J AMES Zl*.•• a , • : • ,v,C1741, 0 -4' ay 't t :.:..SPECIALTY. sarr.-iii . ~.ririviDatimi ••4.k. .co., ' -. . -- '6ANKEFis AND BROKERS,`., .. 18 sottut Third fa., I At_Netwati - iireet, Pidladelphis±. New York. _ STOOKS AND' GOLD iotrGirr SOLD:, ON 002LNDIEMON. iNTEMEIT ALLOWED ON DNPOID39. al P. S.. ,PETFMON , di CO: _ - P. S. PETEaIsoN lk CO. 39 soutb. - Third street. - Stooks, Bonds, &c., dco,, Bought and Sold at Board of Brokers.' Liberal NOTES. Premium paid for COBTOIIND Interest allowed on De ta. $314-1' COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES,, 7- 3=lo, 5-20, WANTED. DE HAVEN. & BRO. 40 South. Third Street. LONDON LA.YE.P. RAISINE—WhoIe and Halt boxes beat natty, London Layer Raisins, for wale by I. /1.11 CO„ WI Id. Delaware Avenue. THE DAILY EPIDIIKIQ CHOLERA. f~ ~ ~ it ~~.`i ~]►:~ ~:~ FII~ANUIAL.. E,A:- •e,, LI 'i.u..E.A J., - .- , ,- . - .., Alo ~ .,h,Li._ ip o i A. •c '-..; •;• _ - : 4f ,:. '..'-.=.i..,i , i . -, ,.i1_ 7:3 ..':si.l ;OL-2_'l i-:i i.q_l',, 14 ~ - '.U. ,-, 4 ..;..':-..'.: E VENING - BULLETIN:I_ PHILIDELPIIIA, SATURDAT,. 4,A.T._p,,1.V3.q.,_._. LOA 4DV 0 idrizr AD) Kau) :(s , . CAM PE96/NGI-S, : - OIL CLOTHS; • r, BEM L. KNIGHT & SON' : .., 'Bo7' 'CUES TNUT ST. PhILADt.LPHIA . , , OIL CLOTH WORICAS. Established in 1820. _ The undersigned invitee the attention of Dealers to the meet desirable stock of OIL CLOTHS tube Zulu" In the Union, consisting of Fleor Oil Cloths. Carriage Oil Cloths, , Table ~ Oil _Cloths , , Stair Oil ;Cloths and Window Shades. THOMAS POTTER, , „ NAZIIJFACTUBER. Philada. Warehomuse. No. 229 Arch Street. New York Office. No 78 Duane Street. nahiS•fni/ CARD. The Cheapest Carpet and Furniture Warehouse is the City. ETS. CARP arAyrn . 011 mk.riallos, WINDOW BEAM, COTTAGE SUITS OF EVERY STYLE. And a general assortment of Household Furniture. H. IL LEWIS, 1434 MARKET STREET, miasma First Furniture - Store below 15th.7ower Bide l.ttsuut. RICHARD PENMAN'S Ale, Wine and Liquor Vaults ' 43 Chestnut street, PHILADELPHIA. Established for the Bale of Unadaltar. aced Liquors Only. Special Notice to Families I Richard Penistan's Celebrated, Ale,Porta' and Brom Stout, Now co much recommended by the Medical lrectat for Invallon. • - ' 51 25 PER DOZEN, • (These Bottles bold one Pinta The above being of the very beet_ quality, It must be admitted the price al l gyLO. It Is delivered to parts of the city without extra charga Brandies, Winn, Gins, - Whislidesolkolko, Warranted pure, at the lowest possible rates; by the Bottle, Gallon, or °Lek. CHAMPAGNES of the beet brands offered lemur ban by any other house. On Draught and In Bottles, PURE GRAPE lUICE. Thislbr fa an emollient article tbr Invalids It Is a Inn care DyorPrill• HAVANA CIGAI23. OLIVE om, MEMO, SAUCES' BAIT SUS, BARDIRBS,ac Landon and Dublin Porter and Brawn Staat—Bnalla and Scotch Ales, 6=3 JUST OPENED, Penist anls .13ranch Ale, Wine and Liver Vaults, Noe. 37 and 39 South Third Street, Palladelphla. Rear Entrance on Bank street. ifIER MA JESTY CHAMPAGNE, 7..)-(7N-Ticow, 1. sans non it, MI AUNT. lairlNEl3.-orke attention of winee is solicited k v the follovrinai2 choic, Ace, lb! . 4 , 14 , v JOSEPH F. 1)u /ii. No. 151 Santo Mont e above Walnut HADHERAS—OId /eben,d, Zeus obi. stremirraszt—eampbell a Go., alngle, doable an! triple Grope, E. Greene a Sons, Itedolpn, TOPA; HAL Spanish, Grown and F. Valletta. SGHTS•r,Vallettetitthe Veltto Beal Denton an! Bebello Valente & :Vtageo we to ism. GT. A RETB-4,lttie Freres and Bt....indephe IMal• .laHLtornin • ~ VERMO s..a. l o..Toordan, /rive & MIIISCIAT—de Frontijpean. CHAMPAGNES Henan Tinny "Golden. Stare de Venom Her Miganr Royal es end MU , favorite brands. " i .1911 n ndrY.—Cholce lots at' old Wheat, FILd licla Bourbon . , far sale by P. idIDDLIS IabrOATION. ABDEE SUES tiTIFIVILROB. LAFAYETTE coizactr, EASTON. PA. - • In addition to the- general Coarse Of Instruction in -*this Department, designed to. hiy.a substantial basis of khowledge and scholarly. culture,'students can parsue .:those branches which are essential.practical and ech- I d e al, viz.; ENGlNEERlNG,Civil,Topogra_pliical and +eoh :: Mechanical; ALINING-and•METALLURGY;ARCHI -TEC/ URE, - and. the application of Chemletryto RICULTUIiE andthe'AßTS.• There - is' also afforded . an oppiztunify for special study of •GRADE am COM•: IiERCE,of MODERN LANGUAGES - and PHLLU LOGY; and of the HISTORY and INSTITUTIONS of of ourown coun`ry." For Circulars apply to President CATT'lr.r.r,, or to Prof. R. R YOUNGMAN, • ro,y3,lmof Clerk of the Facraty ' WOWED FALL SESSION OB arres Aimange BBEINAMY , 808 YOUNG LAM will cam :cameo on WednWV. ..Eientomber nth. at hem residence. corner', of reinar and Sixteenth: otreeta - pl i lladea - pbie. • Hwaxonrialts:—Bev,ol, Emlen Hare. D. D. Bev. Themes Brainerd, D. D., W. B. Allen Ens- Date Pregnant ot, Girard Collars. FOR SAME. marri,LE MO ULDS.--Bottle Moulds lar Flint and Green Mara: . • [apaam• ' O.OBMAN' & SON. G. W., corner of York avenue and •Nobleztreet. •—• pairo ..t .ay oarrjate Horses, sound and kind, and well ma ed . Price $BOO . Third stable from Thirteenth etreet; in Kingston, etreet, below Virainnt street, before t) O'clock. - MYB-30 A' great variety of Sun U igsTAßragEgai rn• bristles, Fancy : and Mourning . Parasols, Sun-shades and!. Child ren's Parasols, at reducjitLpricee at RINOIE/,BY'S Old Stand, 905 VUUS SKIPPING •! Viii , ,lloga*aroitctitarita*Catat The plata and New Yorik Xxiiirefis Steamboat - - Steam Propellers - leave DAILY 1 from T ' 2 - ast‘9o - trik NAM= Street, ,• . ertm in 24 HODES. ' - 'This ins (=recta With elf 'Northern and• Eastern Transportation Companies. Goods itirwarded direct to all points tree of commission. - Freight received at lowestrates.: WM. P. CLYDE& CO.,Agenis, •14 Smith 'Wharv_ , _es Phhadelphia; JAB. H_ATID__, Agent, - A 111144 1 - ; : - 1 U 7 Wall street , New York. JAM rketiTOlN. - STEAMSHIP LINE DIRE Y!, • ..Erisitt. zzaltf BACH ,PORT .BVEBY JIVE DA Pd. NUM PIAB ST. _a 'RP PHILADELPHIA, AND - 10Na WHARF, BOSTON.' The etelmelliP AB,IES. Captain Bogge, 'tan from _Philadelphia on Saturday . evening, May 5. The atealxuship t*ptain Crowell; will Sall from. Boston on Friday May '4 atl2 Thei line between Philadelphia and:Boston Is now : NA NON, Captain Matthews , . 1200 tons bnrthen. NORMAN, Captain Crowell, 1900 tons btirthen. ATUMB, Captarn 'Boggs, £OO tons burthen.l These substantial atm aPPointed steamanlPlL will sail punctually:as advertised, and freight will be received ever" , day, a_ steamer being - always -On .the Shippers are requested to send Bills of Lading With sorirelQhtor ttesugezato WXBD3OR CO., nrY 2 114,15adth Delaware avenue. PEEMADELP__ ,HIEL TIICIEMONIC 113,11) NORFPLIE /ATLAWIMOg'I4O4 I ;P 4 -Inr. • The fine eteanaddps of thhi Ltneintere at the lowan iates and WI regularly, .frate, the 3 nralVilarf abon , WEDNESDAY and. SATURDAY, Connecting with Railroads bona Norfolk end • City Point, toucans the stoat direct zoWe for the Booth and Southwest. - •,• • •• • - ' • For f=it or gunge: with exaell ent tlona~ , IF/74. CILTDBIS Can 14 North and South wnerveic AIakNEW EXPEJI23I3. WNW TO t ALBX• ANDRI _Georgetown and wiamnipon. esapeake and Delaware slianid. with (*an-.salons at - Alexandria, Va. form the moat direct rents for Lynchburg, 1 , Ilaaltsille,Xelirm and the Southwest.. • - Steamer!' leave Jilret Wharf - shave Market street every Wand hist=is . t 12 At Air to the W. . CLYDE 800., _, 14 North Wharves.' J. B. Davidson. Agent at Cleorpnowin M. E l dridge di Oa Agents at Alexandria. - . %FOB NEW YOBlL—Philadelphla Stearn Propeller oempany—Despatch and Swift, via Delaware and Raritan Canal—Leaving daily at 32 M. and "5 P. M., connecting with all the Northern and Eastern Lines. For freight, which will be taken on accorinnodating terms, apply to W 51.111. BAIRD & CO., Want No. 132 South Delaware avenue. NEW TOW-BOAT LINE. DBLAWABE and CUESSLeLPZILFER W-BOAT COMPANY, BARGES towed to . and from PHILADELPHIA. HAVBZ-DE-GRACE, HAITI:KOBE, WASHING TON, and intOnnediate pointa Nal. P. CLYDE di 00.; Agenti No. it Booth Wharves ~Pal sdPip Captain .TOHN LAUGHLIN. Superintendent. FAR BAN PRANCIbAO. BABINBON'S CALIFORNIA. CLIPPER LENS SAILING B.D3IILARLY AB ADVERTISED: Freight for tide Line cent to New York by Swift sure Line at reduced rates. The splendid Al extreme clipper ship • GRANITE STATE, • Jambs, Commander la now rapidly loading at pier 11 East River. Mils beautiful vessel Is one of the 'sharpest and best vessels now loading, and having a portion of her cargo on board with large engagements, will have quiet despatch. For frehrht, apply to BISHOP, SON .St CO., mh2att Arch West FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER —AI Br, bark KATHLEEN, Williams, master,. 490 tons re gister and 6.500 bbls. lionr. Al Br. bark JANET. Kinney, master, MO tons regis ter and 3,000 bbls. sour Al Br. bark HAMRA SARA., Wilson, master, 284 tons register. and 3,50 bbls. dour. A 2 Br. brig WA, Timing, master, 2.10 tons register and 2,50 bbls. capacity, _Apply to EDMUND A. SOLIDER & CO., • sp2l 3 Dock street wharf. FOR LIVIEGFIXIL.—WIth Quick Despatch.— The first class packet bark COBURG, Gibson, master, having a large portion of her cargo en gaged, will as above. - For balance of freight az auge apply to PRTHEI WRIGHT & SONS, ua Walnut Street. sable-if WANTED —A Vessel of about 100 •M fest Lumber, to carry timber fron; Denton, Md . to Wilmington, Del. Apply to DAVID COOPER, 16 N. Wharves. ap27 IsFOR LA OUAvRA AND PUERTO CA.- BELLO.—Tne hark WHITE WINO Wilkie' master. will salt SATURDAY, tall Inst., for the above rtri For freight or pa,sege,apply to JOHN & DALLETT CO., M Walnut street. my - 3 riONSIGNEFS' NOTICE—The schooner ISAAC RICH, Crowell, master, from Boston. is now dis charging her cargo at Vine street wharf. Con signees will please attend to the reception of their goads. DAVID COOPER, IS N. Wharves. trty3-3t SHIP BABY ELWELL. Weeks, master, from Liverpool, is now discharging under general order at Walnut street wharf. Oonaignees will _please attend to the reception of their goods. PETER WRIGHT & SONS, 115 Walnut street. area•tt 11;, I TOTICE. , —All persons are hereby cautioned against trusting any of the crew of the Br. hark LIZZIE B ORBOLY , as no debts of their contraction will be paid by captain or consignees. PETER WEIGHT & SONS, 115 Walnut street. spa. tf 11JOTICE—All persona are hereby cautioned against .11 treating any of the crew of the Br. bark GOBURG, Gibson, master. frontliverpool, as no debts Ot their contraction will be paid the captain or consignees. PATKR, WRIGHT& SONS, 115 Walnut street. r0h1741 Tatl3.l9lDNDLlM,enixeesor to JOHN SHENDLEM EONS, Sall Maker% bid. 800 North DELAWARE Avenue, Philadelphia. All wvirk done ha the beet manner end on Lae lowed and MIMS favorable tenzia, and warratoad to FPO pr tact tatidaction. Partiordar attention elven to roaairtne. i i TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR 'Vete: CITY 1. AND COUNTY. OF PHILADELPHIA.—Estate of Lieut. B. B. MONTGOMERY.—The Auditor ap pointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the ac count c f Elizabeth Brown, Administratrix to the Es tate of Lieut. it. B. Montgrmery, deceased, and to 're port distribution of the Balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties in"emsted for the purposes of bis appointment, on MONDAY, May 14, 1866.. at 4 o'clock, P. lit.. at his 001 e, No. 220 South FOURTH street, in the City of Philadelphia. • TAMES 'W. PAUL. mit-th,s,tuSt* Auditor. VSTWIE OF ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL, 'He ceased.—Letters of Admin4tration having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are letmested to make payment and those baying claims will present them to HANNAH. E. CAM PBEL Adria' trig, No. 1931 Cherry st. capVl-5,6tt CELO 4:l,lMErr. The Game of Croquet .originated In England some tour or five yeasts ago. and has now become the most penlar among die nobility and gentry. It is highly exciting, and may be participated in by both ladies and gentlemen.' The implements for play ing the game consisting , of BALLh, MALLETS. &.c., may be had of. . A_. Schwarz, IMPORTER OF GERMAN FRENCH, AND ENG LISH TOYS AND 'FANCY GOODS, NO. 1006 CHESTNUT STREET, ap3o.Bte PHILADELPHIA. Z P ' AND. Co. AI.ALTSTERS, ROVAL:--ADA.MB' EXPRESS COMPANY—On and after TUESDAY, Id ay r the FREIGHT DE PARTMENT of this Company will be'fREMOVED to the Company's Nesti• I:Wilding, S. E. corner of ELE VENTH-and 3L&RKETstreelai Entrance on Eleventh Street and on Marble street. _ _ • .11Er ALL MONEY and COLLEMION ,RDSINESS will be transacted as !.heretofore at 820 'Chestnut street. Email - Pturels and Packages will be received at eitbercilice. _Call Books wilt be kept at each office, 'and any calla entered therein Tireiiions to 5 P. M. will receive 'attention tteme da,y , within a .reasonable dis tance of our offices. Inquiries for goods_ and settle• menta to be made ' t 82a Chestnut street.- ' ' - • .JQIEEti B.I2iGHAM - ,Sup't: lEPEatatiEr.rma,,April24, 1866. • aP5Olla 11/EUGENIE AND CHAMPION OF. ENGLAND PEA& A new Importation or these celebrated foreign varieties., tist, received per shin British • Queen. For sale by , ROBERT BIIIST, Jr, • Seed and Agricultural Warehouse, Nos. £6.2. and 924 Market street aboVeMinth., . AP3O-6ti En:MIRK RIVETED BACK LA.WK GRASS SOTTHEBITtiveted Back Grans Hooke, Welsh iscy the Stones : G ran Border ; I:ditears. Hedge and Box bhearsi Grans Edging Knives; with all other ;English and American Garden, Implements. for sale try , ROBERT BIILiT.Tn., spoo-oti, Noe. 824 at 925 Market-strew , . aboYo Ninth: AWintra-A - GRAPES.-100 keg s of these splendid white grapes in line order landing and for esdo by JOB. B. B Ifl lEB sk Q 0 .4 lay Booth Delaware at,elins AVOTION laj Tlitimess & bozs, .a.LAJMONMaIteSL %SU.: - Not 3 . -189 and 141 South PINNITH street. • kutiatiOF BTOCXS AND REALRATATE, - At; the litchange; every TUESDA.Y, atl2o'cfocknoon. .; each property leaned seParateN, . And, on the . Saturday pre ous to each sale 2000 cater - Wows in plunphlet form, giving DM Oesori- ptiona, AT PRIVATE s.A.LE. Printed. catalogues, comprising several ; hundred thousand dollars, including every • description of city and country proPerty, from the smallest dwellings to . the most elegant mansions, elegant country seats, ' • ferias, business properties, /gar FURNIT SAL 3E3 at, the Auction Store EVERY THURSDAY. • Jar Particular attention 'gives to Baer at Private 3,esldences.&c. • • SIXTEENTH SPRING 'SALE, MAY S. Executors'. • Yerenapiguy Sale—Estate. of F. M. Drexel,'dec'd—SQUAßE OP GROUND Broad , at, be tween Reed and,Dickerson, - • • • - Barna Estaie'QifAir. OF OFOUNO, Reed. and 'Dickerson sta ' ' Barre Estate SQUARE OE GROUND; Thirteenth st, REed Clartou st; and Dickerson at. Same Estate—TRIANGULAR I, )2. N. E:cciiner of Thirteenth and Dicker, on sts _ • Same Estate—LAßGE LEJT, Bread and Dickerson Same gstate—LOT or EQUARE, Dickerson and Taa- Same Estate—SQUARE OF. GROUNU, Thirteenth Same. Estate—LAßGE. LOT,. Thirteenth st., be, tween Dickerson and Tasket - • , BanieEsta , e—LA.RGE LOT, Thirteenth st., Teaker et.. and Ruck roso. ' . _ Same Estate—LAßGP, LOT, Thirteenth st., Task& st. Clarion st., and'Buck, road. • Same Hatate—LOT • Lasker st and Buck rciad, - Sale absolute of the whole estate. Clear, of all incunitirance. , Lith , grapalc Plans may be had at the Orph ems' Court Rale-Estate of Joseph J.. Bedner. deeNti= . -NEATISIODERN RESIDENCE. No. 824 South 21st street. below. spruce-has the modern convent enea tied In excellent repair. Immediate possession. Keys at the Atiction Rooms. ' • . On harts' Court Sale-Estate of William Diehl, decd TERRI. STORY BRICK TAVERN and DWELL ING, S. W. corner Ninth and Depot , streets, above Spring Garden street. Orphans' Court Se e-Estate of Woo. R.Bannen,dec'd -TBREEISTORY BRICK - DWRIJ.TNG, :Warnock Street, north of Poplar. Same Estate-LOT, Union- street, Township of Blot kley. - • Duals. &Court Pale-Estate of Daniel Elvreeney,decod -TILBEE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, Caller/hill street. west of 24th. • • Trostec a* Fele —2 VALI7A-13L.E BUSINESS. STA:h.TDS— FOUR I-TORY BRICK k TORE. N. W. corner Market Same Fetate-FOUR STORY BRICK STORE, rah street. above Market; adjoining the above. Busurasa LocaTiorr—sTO az and DWELLTNO,NO. 214 South Tenth street, between Walnut and Locust Execators' Sale—Estate of John Patterson, deceased —THREEBIORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 1600 Sansom street Clear of all 'Membranes. VALUABLE COUNTRY PLACE. gr ACREIii, 12.9 Perches. Lower Marian Township, Sion ornery twin ma., 7% miles from Market Street Brie, 1% miles Manayunk Rallroad Station,l% es N. E. of General Wayne Station. • Sale by Order of Heirs—TEEREE SWIM BRICK STORE and DWELLING, No. Su4 North Tenth street, above Buttonwood. . Same F.state—THEREESTORY BRICK m0w.4.1.- LUNG, No. 506 North Tenth et, Same Estate—BUSINESS LOCATION-4 FRAME DWELLINGS NOB. 814 and 816 Spring Garden et., ad joining Waßl3lngton Hall - MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, N 0.1132 south hleventh et., below Waohington Av enue. NEAT THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. lay Lombard Street. P LEGANT MODERN FOUR STORY PICTOU STONE Its SIDENCE, aith Pressed Brick Back Buildings, No. 1622 North Broad et.—well built and has all the modern conveniences. Lot 24 feet front, 200 feet deep. Immediate possession. HANDSOME MO -ERN FOUlt-STORY4 BRICK RESIDENCE. No. a)44 Arch street, east of 21st. Im mediate po session. Peremptory taIe—ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT and FARM. 16 ACK" S, near Bustleton. 25d Ward, 10 miles from Market st., 5 mites above Frankford. and 236 miles Dons Holm esbnrg station on the Philadelphia and I renton railroad. VAL'CAFLE BLSr ESS STAND, No. 235 Arch street. LAPGE 3t DEirN POW •STORY BRICK RESI DED: CE, No. Kai Rano street, west Seventeeuth 5t.,22 feet front, in perfect order and has the modern con venlences. iso. BUILDING LOT, Race st.. S. W. cor. iTtli at. $3 feet front. DOUBLE NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE, No. MI4 Race E. corner of Friedlander. THREE-I , ' 'TORY BRICK ['WELLING and LARGE BRICK STABLE. No. 715 Gellford st., between Second and Third and Shi. pea and Monroe streets. .E.x..CMOIS' Sale—Estate of Samuel Aahmearl. deed— VALI:An-LS BUSINESS LOCATION —FOUR-STORY BRICE. BUILDING, No. 2ttl Dock st.. east of Tb !rd. time Estate—AM 11-STuRY • BRICK BUILD ING. Nos 204, tee and tlt , S Gold et. 2 , lE:tutors' Sale—Eatatn .of . Wm. Mason, dec'd— THEE,. oSTORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 227 Ly , brand st, betlref n Rare and Vine. - - - - . Same Estate-8 TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING, 2Z7 Juniper st., between Race and Vine. Same Estate—TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLG, 811 Wood et. west of sth et. Sam eEstate-:TIiREE-S . TORY BRICE DWELLING Di Lombard at east of e ecoi,d. 5 'II3ItEESIORY BRICE. STORE, and DWELL INGS, N0:1.1725,1727, 1731, 1733 and 1735 Lombard at., weal of 17th. iitODEILN FCDF-STORY BRICE RESIDENCE, 2iln. 14. Nlorth Twentieth st., near Arch. Immediate potsest h DSdon. 031 - 2 E MODERN THREE STORY BRICK RESIDENCE N0.4 , *,:i North Sixth street. north oflCo- I& —has the modern c. , t vetienees. THREE-STORY BRICK Montrose et. 2 7.IIREE-6TOBV BRICK DWELLMVS Nos 2210 and =lt Christian } t. NEAT THREESTORY BRICK RESIDENCE, No Vine at. ILA N DSO3I E COITN TRY RESIDENCE, with about time acres of land, near Eiohnesburg, with tine mo: dery Improvements. --- STOCKS. &c. :ON TUESDAY, MAY ls, At 12 o'clock noon. at the Philadelphia Exchange. for account of whom it may concern, without arrears of dividetds— le: shares. Capital Shock of the Princeton Gas Fight Co., Yew Jersey. 39 shares Augusta and Hallowell Gas Light CO , Maine, par $5O. 700 shares Acadia Free-stone Quarrying and Manu facturing Co.,ZZova hcotia. par Rale No. 1318 Coates street.. SEAT lIOLTSEE OLD FURNITURE, PIANO, PINE VELVET CARPETS. SUPERIOR BAT 11A RR% 'WATSON WAGuN. &c. ON MONDAY MORNING. At 10 o'clock, at No. 1318 (bates st by catalogue, neat household lurniture, pla"o, tine carpets, superior baY ware. seven years old Watson wagon, harness, &c. Also, a quantity of line wine. May be taw:ll3lnm at 8 o'clock on the morningof sale. Sale No. ]566 Chestnut street. RANDEOWE WALNUT PARLOR AND -MAX IIER FURNITURE. FINN CURTAINS„__ELE. GANT yrILTOII ANIIRRUSSELS CARPETai.. dtc. ON fr ITEr•DAY 31ORNING,3fe.Y 7 s, At le o'clock. at No. 1.50 t Chestnut street, by cats. logue the elegant furniture, suit walnut and plush drawing room turniture. elegant carved rosewood and walnut dining room and cham'ler furniture, fine CCM. tains, handsome Wilton and Brussels carpets, glass ware, kitchen utensils and furniture, &c. May be examined at S o clock on the morning' of sale. THE PRINCIPAL MONEY 11'04 R oPEAGKRINT B.E. corner of SIXTH and RAM streets. Money advanced on Merchandise generally; Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and &weir Plate, and on ' 1r,..:!!...103 of value, for any length 'of time WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SA-LR Fine Gold Hunting Case, Double Bottom and Qpen Face English, American -and Swiss Patent Lever Watches; Fine Gold Hunting Case and Open Face Let pine Wetches; Fine Gold Duplex and other Washer, Fine Silver Hunting Case and Open Face English, -American and Swiss Patent Lever and Mettle Welchem Double Fancy glish Quartier and o et Watches; Ladies' atches: Diamond Breast. pins: Finger :Rim; Ear Rings, Studs, dm: Fine Gold Chains: Medallions; Bracelets; Scarf PfiFlread Pins; Finger Rings; Pencil Cases, and Jezn , gene za FOR SALE.—A large and splendid Fireproof Chest; suitable for a Jeweler, price iE65O._ Also, several Lots in South Camden, Filth and BY JOHN B. MYEIR4 & CO., AUOTIONEERS, Nos. 2 and 234 MARKET street, corner of Bank. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF FRENCH AND OTHER EUROPEAN DRY GOO1)8. dz. ON MONDAY MORNING, MAY 2, At 10 o'clock, will be sold, by catalogue. ON FOUR MONTBSOREDIT, about 900 lota ofFrenclkindia,Ger. man and British Dry Goods, embracing a full assort. ment of Luny and staple articles In silks, worsteds, woolens, linens and cottons. N.S.—Goods arranged lby examination and cats. loves ready early on morning of aale. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OP _BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, TRAVELING BAGS ,_&o, OR TUESDAY MORNING , MAY 0, Will be sold, at 10 o'clock by catalogue, on !bat mouths' credit, about 1,200 pac kages Boots, Shoes, Bal • morals, of City and Eastern manufacture. for ez.vot %Lion with catalogues early on the mOll% . of sale., THOMAS BIRCH do SON, AIICTIONEF,ES AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. DE CHESTNUT street. (Rear entrance 1107 Sansom street.) . HORS^ HOLD FURNITURE OF EVERY DE SCRIPTION RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. LEL , EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. Sales of Furniture at Dwellings attended to on the meat Reasonable Terms. SALE OF REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, &c., AT THE EX CHANGE. THOMAS BIRCH & SON respectfully inform their friends and the pubic that they are prepared t o attend to the sale of Real Estate by auction and at . private DRUG STORE AT PRIVATE SALE. A well established Drug Store, handsomely fitted rip with lease 01 the premises, for sa/0.. APPLY at the auction store: DAMSHARVIIT L AUCTIONEERS. - Mate with M. Thomas & Sons.) Store No. US Chestnut street. PMINTITIRE SALEI3 at the Store every Tueaday, BALES AT RESIDENCES will receive vortleolia attention. . Sale No. 1223 North Eleventh street. , SiTpitiu9R,.TIURNITT.IIIIi.I. COTTAGE SUIT, VEL. VET CARPETS dro, _ON MONDAY mOBRING. . • At 1.0 o'clock. at No. lssa .north Elevent h street. above Thompson, the superior. fbxnitur_e, including f al] dsona e snit 'walnut chamber . furniture, cottage Set, Velvet carpets, &e 4. Also; the kitchen utensils. May be examined on the morning °reale at o'clock Rscow, AIICTIONNIt Essunn 1020 0110% CA.RPETS, PARLOR FURNITURE, BLINDS, CHANDELIERS. ON TUESDAY MORNING, At 10 o'cicch, at 214 West Washington Square, the surplus furniture of a family removing, comprising Brussels carpets, chandellors, emit ofparlor furniture in oil blinds, dm. -- Administrator's Sale—Estate of T. B. McCormick , GOOD WILL, STOCK AND PrxTuram OF AN lINDEIITAXER. ON 'TM:MS.OAI killkisNlNO. At 10 o'clock, will be sold by order'of the Adminis trat or, at No. 221 South Sixth street. the entire Suck, Fixtures, &c.. which were of T. R. McCormics, comprising Cabinet Makers' Tools. Coffins, Office !furniture, llie's Fireproof Cheat, Desks; Signs. &c., with all articles used in the calling. Also, a quantity of Walnut. Pine and Mahogany Ltunber., Public Sale. by order Of tbe United States. PENNSYLVANIA BANK PROPERTY, SECOND STRP.ET. AB'iVE WALNUT. tinder direction of the TreastnyDepartnient, will be sold atpublic sale, at the Exchange, at 12 o'clock noon, on the 16th of May the valuable .nroperty known as the Pennsylvania Bank, bounded by Second. Dock. Gold and Lodge streets. It has a front of 75 feet on Second street and a depth of about 250 feet. and has . been prepared by the construction of the moat substan- • tial foundations to have erected thereon extensive additions to the present marble building. VALUABLE STORE, CBCOSTNOT ST—A .vory valuP-ble business property on Chestnut st,ltsving twO fronts—ln good order, d.n. Occupancy with th. No. SO6 MABH/CT Wrest BALE OF 140 r CASES BOOTS AND suora. ON MONDAY MORNING, MAY T. Commencing at 10 o'clock. we will sell oy catalogue, for cash. 1400 easPs prime BOOL9. Shoes, Brogars, Ha morals, Congress Boots, Oxford Ties, &O.,comprising a general assortment of goods, • BY BARB= & CO. AUCTIONEER% CARR AUCTION HOUSE, • .1 , :o =0 MARKET street, corner of Bank street. Cash advanced on consignments without extra charge. M L. .A.SEBRIDGE it CO., • . A.I7OTIONERBB. No. 505 MARKET strEet. above PIM]. j 'FITZPATRICK. & CO., AUCTIONEERS, No. 4I North SECOND meet. a trove uNnocvh M. Maple Syrup Molasses, New Crop, Very handsome quality. 808 SALE BY JAMES R. WEBB. jante WAISTUT and EIGHTH Streets. DWELLING. /go. =1 GREEN PEAS , Green Corn, Fresh Peaches, Fresh Tomatoes, Plums, es. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN sq.ect, GROCCIDUES, Cosner Eleventh and Vine Streets. POTTED YARMOITITI BLOATERS, Strasburg meats, ham, beef and tongue, essence of anchovies and Anchovy paste for sale at MUSTY'S East End grocery, No. 118 South SECOND street. "ATE'Vir BURLINGTON HAUS, just received and for .1. 1 1 sale at COUSTY'S East End grocery, No. /1 3 south SEVOND street. WHEATEN AND HOMINY GRITS, real currant 1V lelly, In store and for sale at COUSTY'S East End grocery, No. Its South SEOOND street. rtß OICE TABLE CLARET.-100 cases Inn received and for sale at COUSTY'S East Eno grocery, No. US South SECOND street. QPANISH QUEEN OLIVES by the barrel or gallon, at MUSTY East End grocery, .No. Ils eaoat4.. SECOND tared. VQI ADIS! DiAldb !!—J zteverinis Trenton, Davis's. Star Rams, Briggs & Swift's celebrated Cincin nati Rams, and J. Bower's City Cured. Warranted to give satisfaction. For sale by M. F. SPILLIN. N. W. corner Eighth and Arch.. , . _ (ALIVE OIL.-100 baskets Latour and other favorite 'kJ btsndsef Salad Oil, for sale by M. F. BPILLIN, N. W. corner Arch and Eighth. JAVA COFFEE.—Pure Old Government Java Coffee, for sale by M. F. SPILLIN, i7.W.corner of Arch and Eighth streets. TEAS! TEAS ! l-100 packages of very chOice new crop Green and Black, of the late importation. As these leas have been bought since the decline In gold, we are prepared to furnish families at greatly reduced. prices. For sale by the box, or at retail. M. F. BRIM LIN; N. W. corner Arch and Eighth streets: 'TREASURY DEPARTNEENT,OFFICE OF COMP TROLLER OF CURRENCY, WAREcnieTo N . • March 80th, 1868. • Whereas, By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that " THE NATIONAL BANK OF THE . REPUBLIC OF pwrr.ADELPHIA," in the city orPhilade.plila, in the county of Philadelphia. andSeate of Pennsylvania, has been duly organized under and according to the re qtdrements ot the act tot Congress, entitled pledge ac to provide a National Currency, Secured by a of United States Bonds, and to provide fbr the Circula tion and Redemption thereof," approved June 3d. 1864, and has complied with all the provisions of said act re quired to. be complied with befbre commencing the business of Banking under said act. Now, therefore, I, Freeman Chuke.,Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that "THE NATION AL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC OF Pl="l7. BEL PAIA," in the city of Philadelphia, in the county of " Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the 'business of Banking under the act e-k—, In testimony whereof witness my hand and =Ay }seal of office, this tlitietot. Marth, E 1668. ; CLARK, %-y•-• mhSltm73o/1 Comptroller. . EPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS. LANCASTER CO., PENNA. This delightfurand healthful, watering place will be °permit far the reception of guests on the . FIRST OF JUNE NEXT. Since this property has been pn.r. chest dby the undersigned every part of it has been completely renovated and beautihPiL The entire 83- lablisbment has been repaired, papered, and every thing done to - make the place more pleasant andlat tractive than ever before. Passengers ran take the Reading railroad oars at Thirteenth- and Callowhill streets. at 8- A. 11., and reach the Springs at 12 M. Or br . the Pennsylvania Central rallroad,Thirty.first and Market streets, at 32 M., and reach the hiprings at 3.30 P.M., all rail by both .F or terms, & ddress A x A In ‘.. --Pa& ap2B-sa.tu. th 3.m* ! - . _Proprietor. ALL PERSONS ABE HEREBY CLAXITIONED Ad. aminzt trusting Any of the crew, of the ship SRIVISH LION from Liverpool. as no debts oP Mae contraction will be paid by the captain or consignees. PETEER WRIGHT dt SONS. 115 Watult stfeet. apifetX AUCXH k 4 EtS. JAMES 43,, PXOLFM.AN. -AUG. lONEER. No. 422 - WALNUT street. Sale N 0.214 WapE Washington Square. TENTH APRING-. MAY 9, ISM This sale. at 19 Welonlr Lunn.t the Exchange. All Include the following ProPetiden— • BELIEDING - LOT 4; - FLORENCE—Twent74IE lots, of ground, each haying a front of 20 lest by DO feet deep; actuate in Florence, Mansfield Township. Bur. lington county, N, J., Bee catalogue. Peremptory Sale on account of whomit may concern. 8834 ACRES; BUCKS CO--Three tracts of land. con taining 61 acres of hand. Tinicam township, Bucks county, Pa. See catalogue. peremptory Sale on ac count of whom It may concern, . TWO ROUSES, (BERRY ST., FRANKFORD— Two brick-houses and lot, on Cherry at, 103 feet S. W. from Foulkrod at. 40 by 110 fee . Orphans' Court Sale —Estate of C. E. 'Wonderly. dec'd. LOT, 10131EROD ST—A lot of ground SO feet N.W. from Cherry at 20 by 104% feet, Same Eatate. NOS. 1642 AND 1644-NORTH SECOND ST—Twor threeetory Wick hous.s, on. Second street, and two on' the rear on Philip at. 84 by 121 feet. 176 . 50 ground rent. Part may rt. main. NO. 469 NORTH -NINTH ST—Three story brick - *ousel and lot, 17 tr-y 30 feet. Orphans' Court Sale—; Feats of Mary T.. Haines. dsc'd. WT. TWENTY SEVENTH.' ABOVE MASTER: —) sby 100 lARI. Stone Estate.. LOT, FRONT ST—A lot of ground.: above Vine st, by 42 feet to Water at. ;lei 55 ground rent. . 217 NOR) H FIFTEENTH ST=Two 'story brick dwelling and lot, 15th''st, above Vine, 15 by 65 feet. eCotors' Sale—Fatate TiloMaa Taylor. 223 NORTH THLETEENRIE Br—Three story brick dwelling. above Race, 17' by 112 feet. gar Immediate possession. Peremptory Sale' by Order of Heirs—Es tate of Rachel W. Orem, dec'd. • ' - LOTS RACK Sl—Four houses and lots, Race et.. below 20th et. 60 by 140 feet to Boring .at. Orphans'. Court kale—EState OfJacob Sees. dec'd. VALUABLE RESIDENG333 AT PRIVATit SALA TO vm sT, 'ESTATE OPERATORS. ELEGANT WALNUT STREET MANSION—On. of the most elegant residences on Walnut street, SD feet front, large ground. stable, &c. Also, PRAWN STONEDiANSION, Walnut at Broad et. Will be sold: at very low rates, to a who will , take them all In one lot, five desirable dw in the heart of the city. Immediate occupancy can be bad 11 deers& This is a very favorable opportunity to par ties who seek good real estate investments to bzt% old prices property which will pay well and iner in value, For particulars apply at the auction store. START•m—A verydesirable property In the nelgh. borlicod of Twelfth and Locust sts. TAVERN gram) and 9 acres of land, on Ridge road, 9 miles from the State House, known se the "Sorrel Horse." Plans, surveys, &c, at the store. Property No. 41r. south Front st, 41 by lre feet do do 1122 and Ills Lombard st 80 acres, Germantown • 17 do Fisher's lane Valuable Lot, Market street, above Nineteenth do do 'Barker do do - do 8 Building Lots, south Twenty-second at Property northeast corner Fourth and Sprats Els Dwelling, with side Yard. Darby road Brown-stone Store, Second st,• near Ohmura& Residence and largo lot, Darlington do do 51.8 south Eleventh st . 5 acres of Land. Federal st.Twentysirth Ward HILLY FORD it CO GEOVEBEES. €OMPTxtO I. I .4IfItIMER BOARDING. n'is NOTI.C/Ei.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers