BEOOND EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. IaATE FROM WASHINGTON. Freedmen Going to Louisiana. National Fair for Soldiers' Orphans. From Washington. WARRINGTON, April 21st.—Last evening forty-eight colored prisoners at the jail, men. women, boys and girls, contrabands snd natives, were with their own consent started for ouisiana, under charge of an ifficer of the Freedmen's Bureau. They mere all charged with petty larcenies. The District Attorney has entered a none plosequi In each of the cases on condition tint the prisoners would go South; and the Carrt will issue an order for the recovered Bilden goods to be turned over to the owners /7 the property clerk. &bout 125 other colored persons, nearly a/ of them freedmen, left at the same time kit the South, where they are all promised rod wages. Extensive preparations are being made fa a fair in this city next May, in aid of the National Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphan Hone for friendless orphans of soldiers aid sa ilors in every State and territory of tin llnion. Mr& Liftlitenant General Grant isPresident, and Mrs. Major clioaeral W. T. Merman Vice President. All contributions should be addressed to "The National Sol diers' and Sailors' Orphan Home," Wash ington, D. C. The Release of C. C. Clay. TORTRESs MONROE, April 21.—C. C. Clay left here yesterday morning for City Point, intending to join his wife at Petersburg, and proceed to Alabama. The Trial of Bruner at Nashville. lomsviLLE, April 20.—The trial of H.H• Bruner, formerly Superintendent of the Government corrals, is still progressing at Nashville. He is charged with conspiracy with other patties, principally contractors, in defraud ing the Government by causing falsevocich era to be issued eto them, upon which the said contractors were enabled to get pay for mules whilst they never delivered them to the Government. The principal Govern ment witness is W. McKay Hoge, who ac knowleges issuing the false vouchers, and who has been released to testify against the others. The parties accused charge that Hoge is testifyingfalsely In order to convict them and save himself from punishment after having attempted extortion and failed; NASHVILLE, April 20th.—In the Bruner case yesterday, Col. Charles Irwin was ex amined in relation to business conducted in his Department. W. C. McKay Hoge, formerly clerk in Captain Irwin 's office, and subsequently at the corral under Mr. Bruner, was next called. He testified that he had given one false receipt to William Davis for between twenty-five and fifty mules, three or four to J. Henderson, amounting ra $22,000 or $23,- 000, one to W. H. Brier, and one to D. Hen derson. He believed vouchers were issued on each of the false receipts given the par ties mentioned. The Court then adjourned in order to procure the books of Mr. B. Bruner. To-day McKay Hoge was recalled. He stated that be gave receipts for $23,000 to Isham Henderson at Henderson's request, in several receipts at different times, and he always was in the habit of giving receipts for more mules than were received. He also stated that Henderson told him it was dishonorable to defraud the Government of large amounts, but contemptible to cheat the Government out of small sums. The witness received for issuing the false receipts to Henderson $lO,OOO. The proposition to issue false receipts was stated by the witness to come from Mr. Hender son. False receipts were also given to David Henderson, of Nashville, and W. R. Brice, of Danville, Ky., the former for $12,000 and the latter for several compara tively small, amounts. From D. Hender son, through another party named George Barber, the witness received $4,000, and from Brice $2,500. The witness's highest salary while employed as clerk in the De partment was $BO per month. He stated that he frequently gave receipts for mules without seeing them or ascertaining their number. The witness stated that Bruner loaned _him $6,000 at his request to cancel a mort gage on his father's estate. The testimony of the witness entirely exculpates Bruner from any complicity in the issuing of frau dulent receipts, he having kept carefully concealed from him all knowledge of the transactions be had been engaged in, and that no false receipts had everbeen given by 'him with Bruner's knowledge or consent at the corral of the Quartermaster's Depart ment here.' The witness issued receipts to contractors simply on their verbal statements. Discharge of Colonel Wheeler. TORONTO, April 21. —Colonel Wheeler, one of the prisoners at Cornwall, and formerly of the rebel army, became so pugnacious in court, during his examination yesterday, and dwelt so effectively on the fact of being an American citizen and living under .An drew Johnson's administration, that the Canadian magistrates nnanimously decided to let him go. He is now on his way to New York. Arrival of Steamers. NEW YORE, April 21.—The steamer Hi bernia has arrived. Also, the steamer Eng land, from Liverpool, via the Halifax quar antine. Price of Gold in New Pork. _ [By the American Telegraph Co.] Nnw Yonn, April 21.—(01d has been quoted to-day as follows: 10.30 A. M., 1261 12.00 M. 126 a 11.15 1261 12.15 P. M. 126 a 11.30 1261 Markets. NEW YORK, April 2L—Cotton dull at 37 cents for Mi ddlings. Flrmr Is unchanged: sales of 600 s barrels, in cluomg 750 t arrels of Southern and 480 barrels of Cana dian. Wbeat dull and nominally unchained. Corn dull. Beef steady. Pork firm at 826 564®2.6 62)g for Ness. Lard firm at 17@09Y, cents. Whisky doll. COURTS. - • • - DISTRICT COURT—Judges Sharswood, Hare and Stroud —Under the recent act of Assembly, autho rising the appointment of two Phonographic reporters for the District Court, the Judges this morning an• Bounced the appointment of Joseph J. Gilbert and Washington F. Pedrick. QUARTER HEssioNs—Jcidge Alllson.—Henry Platte, charged with arson in firing his store,3to South street, on the 27th of March, had a bearing on habeas corpus. The tet tird^nY was substantially the same as that be fere the magistrate. The accused was remanded. A SPECIAL despatch to the :Globe, from Eastport, Maine, says that Gen. Meade an nounces a determination to line the coast with 50 , ,000 men, if necessary to prevent Fenianmischief. The meeting of Parlia ment is postponed until June. CITY . _ WEST PHILADELEHIA..—After climbing the almost interminable stairways of the Police Sta. tion4we found only two items to reward m for our la bor. A. man named William Francis, was arrested for assault and battery, as well as larceny. He was promptly committed by Alderman Allen, In default of ball. Dennis Brainerd shared the same late, Air intox ication.- • We are again indebted to the gentlemanly House Agent fer Alms-house statistics. There were fifteen admissions, eight male, seven female: two deaths, one in the men's medical, one in the small-pox hospital. It was a cue from the sheets. sent to the Mediml as a fever patient, when confluent small-pox developed it self, He was'.at once removed to the small-pox de nartmnet to be sent to the Municipal; but ti,atta en sued before the change cons be effected. There were thirteen discharges. five males, eight females, while eleven eloped. ten of the sterner, one of the softer sex. Census, 8,e78; last year 2,615. Increase,46L There were two additional admissions this morning, both colored, to the Insane Department; and one death from latthials in that portion of the institution. REV. HENRY GILES. The testimonial leeinre to this gentleman, which was announced to be read by his Mend, F. J. ~last Wednesday, in the church. corner Tenth and Locust streets, but was unavoidably postponed, will take place next Tuesday night, at 8 o'clock. Mr. Nicholls 's efforts in New York, for Mr. Giles, were quite successfhl, netting di,ooo. while his rendition of the lecture waspronounced admirable" by Dr. Bellows, and received the highest erleer011:11121.13 of the New York preset.) he tickets, which are placed at will admit two persons, but the admls- Dion tee to the lecture will be fifty cents. This change has been made to secure a large audience, Con tribu butions to the ""Mlles Testimonial Fund" may be for warded to the Rev. Dr. Farness, 1426 Pine street; Mr. T, B. Pugh, corner Chestnut and Sixth streets, or to Mr. Nicholls, at the Girard House. Tickets are also for sale at Mr. Pugh's store. It Is hoped that the friends and admirers of Henry Giles will Improve the present opportunity to offer him, In this his day of sickness and sorrow, a substantial token of their esteem and affection. A GOOD ORDER.—The congregation Of young men in front of hotels And stores on Chestnut street, for the purpose of staring at the young lady promenaders, has long been an annoyance to every body who uses that thoroughfare The nuisance has become so insufferable that the storekeepers sent a combined remonatance to Mayor McMichael. Chief Ruggleretben issued an order to the police force, that all such gatherings must be dispersed, and during the past few days Ihe instructions have been pretty well carried out. The order,bowever,bas been greatly mis construed in some quarters, and even by some of the policemen. It is not intended, as has been asserted, to prevent citizens who happen to meet on the street from stopping to exchange friendly greetings, but is intended to stop corner lounging and impertinence. Sometimes it is almost impossible to pass the corner of Eighth and Ninth streets, on Chestnut. on account of the mobs collected there, and the order of the Mayor will afford relief to many people. A FEMALE STREET FIGHT.—This morn ing between one and two o'clocas the realdenta in the neighborhood of /glint and Vine streets, were etertlf.d by tbeabrlll ery of murder. It was soon ascertained, however, that a couple of young women had got into a quarrel. and were engaged in mauling each other p.r rectiy regardless of bonnets. hoops or dresses. The amazons pulled each ethers' hair, scratched faces, and even drew blood from the "smelters." The bonr eta were demolish' d, and the shawls were torn into rib bons. The belligerents were soon taken into custody and then presented quite a dilapidated condition. The prisoners were aged respectively 18 and 20 years, and were rather prepossessing in appearance. They were introduced to Alderman Massey by the polite police oflicer and were placed under bonds to keep the peace. Jealousy is supposed to have been the cause of the trouble. THE COAL HEAVERS' STRrICE.—TbIe trou ble among the cral heavers at the Port Richmond coal wharves. in regard to their strike on account of a de• crease of wages, still continues. Many of the strikers have expressed a willingness to go to work at the re duced rate, but the Railroad Company refuses to em ploy them, having supplied their places with other men. Those who are now mat of employment still con. gregate in the vicinity and frequently use threatening language toward those at work, but the presence of a strong police force prevents an outbreak. and no at. tempts have yet been made to carry out any of the threats made. Yesterday, seventv•tive special police men were sworn in by Mayor BicMichael and were sent to the scene of the trouble. The strike has nut interfered with the business of the Company as yet, and there is no probability that it wilL ATTEMPTED MIIRDER.—This morning be fore Alderman Butler Wm. McGinley wascharged with assault and battery with intent to kill. It seems that he was in a tavern at Front and Dock streetn S ester day afternoon and a woman accused him of robbing her of $l2. McGinley, it is alleged, thed drew a pistol and fired at the woman.. The ball passed close to her head and lodged in the wall behind her. The police arrested the man before there was time for any fur ther damage. The accused was committed in default of $1,200 ball. Be la represented to be a bad fellow. and the police have been looking for him for having robbed a man of s2oon Frontertreet about a month ago. DEFACING CITY PROPERTY.— Two hand some summer houses have recently been put up by the Chief Engineer on the Fairmount Reservoir. They are not only an ornament to the place ,but will be a great convenience to visitors. Yesterday Otlicer Thorn of the Park Police caught four yoang men in the act of defacing these structures by cutting and writing their names upon them. The despoilers were arrested and were held to bail by Alderman Massey. Writing and cutting names upon public property is in• dulged in to an unlimited extent and it is gratifying to see that somethin is being done to prevent such conduct. SITPPOSED ROBB "Y OF BONDS, CHECKS, &c.—A young man who. the name of Wrn. Foster was arrested yesterday at nd and Race streets. Re was attempting to sell fo each counons of the Cape May and Miliville Bei which called for $l5 each. Upon his person numero a checks and bonds to the value of $15,000 or j 20,000 w found. Some of the checks were on Cincinnati bakand the others were on institutions located in dliT nt sections of the country. %be prison.r was taken' fore Alderman Burley. an, was committed in defatilt of $2,000 bail for a further hearing next week. RECEIVING STOLEN GOODS,—Henry Wil liams. residing at No. 1204 Parrish street, was ar raigned before Alderman Massey this morning noon the charge of receiving stolen good%. It seems that early yesterday morning Borae if a Meat establishment on Thirteenth street. near Mount Vernon, was entered by the back way and meat valued at $l2O was carried MT in a wagon, which also belonged to Mr. Boraeff. The stolen meat was subsequently found in the house of Williams. The latter was held is $1,500 ball for a further hearing. SUPPOSED LARCENY.—A woman named Kate Russell was arrested last night, at Seventh and Bedford streets. She had In her possession two rolls of rag carpet, which are supposed to have been stolen, and which await as owner at the Second District Po lice Station. Rate was committed by Alderman Tit termary. PREMATURE ExmomoN.—Michael Sul livan, aged thirty-seven years, residing at Darby, bad his lace and eyes badly burned by the premature dis charge of powder while blasting rocks In a quarry at Darby creek yesterday, He was taken to the Pennsyl• vania Hospital. Boy KILLED.—A bOy named Mooney was run over by a milk wagon. at Eighth street and Marriott's lane, this morning, and was instantly killed. The parents of the deceased reside is the neighborhood where the accident happened. ATTEMPTED ROBBERY—Margaret O'Brien was arrested, yesterday, for attempting to . rob the money drawer of a grocery store on Trenton avenue, in the Nineteenth Ward. She was held to answer by Alderman Clouds. Ti e aroused is a pedlar. THE GREAT REMEDY OF THE AGE, for teething pains, croups, flatulency, sleeplessness, in children. is Bower's Infant CordiaL Laboratory. Sixth and Green. Bottle, I 5 dents. "FELT CORN AND MINION PrasTnits."— Mailed for fifty cents. Bower. Sixth and pine C—C—Valuable furs, woolens,clothes,&e., saved by Judicious putting away, with "Cedar Cam phor." For sale by C. H Needles. at 12th and Race streets; one dollar per pack. BRONZE Ink Stands, Fans, Card Receiv rS, Jewel Caskets, Cigggasesautkrig i o imra. Importers, 23 South Eighth street. "LADIES' SPECIALTIES."—TfiIISSeSIBracea! Supporters! Belts! Bandages! exclusively for females light, easy and elegant, for sale, and adjustel by a competent female. at C. H. Needles', Twelfth street. first door below Race. DRUGGISTS' tiI7NDRSES IN EVERY VA- ItIZTY. SNOWDEN & BROTITER, Imparters, 23 South Eighth meet. 7 3-10's wANTED, DeHavenh it Brother, 40 South Third Street. SPIRAL LIGHTS, from Magnesium, mar velous in brilliancy! The effects in a dark parloror con servatory are exquisite and artistic: Wholesale and retail at C. H. Needles' Twelfth and Race. 50 cents per box, seine mailed for 65 cents. 5-20'S 'WANTED,- DeHaven it Brother, 40 South Third street. Com - rounn interest notes wanted by De Haven a Bro. 5-20 COUPONS due May let, and COM noun d Interest notes wanted, 7 ace and 5Ws bought and sold by DREXEL dt CO. 84 South Third street. • CHOLERA—"NEEDLES' COMPOUND CAM YR on TROCHES."—The t•est, preventive offered for Cho leraic symptoms. Tested and proved in 1849. Made by C. H. NEEDIANS, S. W. corner Twelfth receiptce streets. 50 centa per box. Sent by mail onof price. PURE FRUIT SYRUPS—For soda water; also bottled for domestic uses. HANCE, GRIFFITH & CO., No. 509 North street. HEADACHE, Languor . and Melancholy generally Poring from a Dlsorded Stomach,Costiveness or a Torpid Liver. Each may readily be removedby Dr. D.Jaynes's Sanative Pills.a few doses of which will. be he found to stimulate the Liver and Stomach to healthy lotion, removing all Biliousness, and nro during regular evacuations of the Bowels. Prepared only at 242 Chestnut. CEDAR CAMPHOR defence Furs and Woolen from Moths and Mlllsrs. Made by HARRIS dr. CHAPMAN, BostOn. Sold by Druggists everywhere. • TESTED BY TIME.—For Throat Diseases Colds and Coughs, "Brown's Bronchial Irsches" have proved their efficacy by a test of many years. The good effects resulting from the use of the Troches have brought out many worthless imitations, Obtain bray "Brown's Bronchial Troches," THE DAILY EVENING .BULLETIN nuLADELPinA, - SATURDAT, APRIL 2.1,1866. TOWNSHIP STATEMETITS. By a lanf passed by the Legislature of New Jersey a year ago, township clerks are obliged to publish full statements or the receipts and expenditures of their resuective townships, under a penalty or a fine of fifty dollars. This is a good law, as it will enable the taxpayers to ascertain what becomes of the money raised for the • . STREET CLEArrxrro.—he following 'were the propositions for cleaning the streets of Camden, re cently made to Council: David Creevy, $450; Charles C Icon , 5600: John licGlonchlin, $700; Jonathan Birk bride, Jr. fat; S. H. Wood, Jr., $565; Campbell & Bro ther, $340 . These gentlemen being the lowest bidders, of course, received the contract, and have set them- selves to work In earnest in cleaning the streets, To BE MUSTERED OuT.—The friends of the members of the Thirty-fourth New Jersey Volun teers, many of them being from Camden city and county, are anxiously awaiting their arrival home. They are on their way hither for the purpose of being Mustered out at Trenton. DIRECTORS' MEETING.—The annual meet ing of the stockholders of the West Jersey Railroad will be held on the first of May,' In Camden, at which time thirteen Directors will be chosen. /MBT $3OO If Ss 5-203 7 MAX 55011 B 10-80 con 93 1000 II B Tress 7 3-10 _ - Notes June 101% 2000 Bch Nay es 'B2 77 100 sh Catawlsa pfd 80% 100 eh do 810 30% 100 eh do 81 800 e do 15% 100 eh h do 31% 300 eh do awn 8134 100 sh do -85 81% 100 eh do b3O 81% 800 sh do isswn 31% I 100th do s 5 31% 1 1 400 eh do b3O 82 200 sh do 85wn 82 nO eh do 82 85 eh Bch Nay pfd 84 100 eh do b3O 84AC 100 eh do 345i* 850 sh do 3434 400 eh do b3O 34% 100 ell do 14% 200 eh do b3O 34% 116 ah Cam &Am .11 112 114 eh Penns B. &Lob 56% - .1173•1 AMOAmerican 6014 , 3T • Besellog Rafroad SI?. New York OecotraL.. 923 11. S. ®8'87»...»..... ...»......108 U. B. oa, .104% ..... 734 H.nagoicifriiir--- Jos% Finance and Business... April 21,1866. There was quite an active speculative movement at the Stock Board this morning in Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, Catawissa Railroad, and Schuylkill Navigation Preferred, but otherwise the market was quiet. Philadelphia and Erie RallroatPopened at 82'%, then advanced to 95, but closed at 24 b. 5. Catawissa Railroad Preferred sold up to 32% b. 30--a rise of 2. Schuylkill Navigation Preferred opened at 34%, and sold up as high as 35%—an advance of 2. Reading Railroad closed quiet at 51% bid. Camden and Am boy Railroad advanced %, and Lehigh Valley Railroad receded %. The other Railroad shares were without quotable change. Lehigh Navigation was very firm at 54%, and Morris Canal Preferred at 115. There were but few Bank shares offered, and the sales were unim portant. Government Loans were held very sillily. 105 was freely bid for the Coupon Sixes, '5l. The Seven Thirties sold at 101%, and the Five-Twenties at 104%. Oil stocks were entirely neglected, and prices nominal. Passenger Railway shares were dull. :0 was bid for Second and Third Streets; NU for Tenth and Eleventh Streets; 40 for Filth and Sixth Streets; 19 for Thirteenth and Fifteenth Streets; 41% far Heetom vine; 35% for Spruce and Pine Streets; 25 for Girard College, and 10 for Ridge Avenue. There were no bids for Union or Seventeenth and Nineteenth Streets. Jay Cooke OS Co. quote Goventniesa Securities, dlr., to4lay, se follows: Burled. Selling. U.S. 6's, 574 Mc% Old 620 Bonds 101555 New " 106% 5.20 Bonds, 1865..........*„....1114% 105% 10.40 03Ni 93$ 71.10 11:0V " Jtma— uax " July USK Hernicaus of ludebtedness..—... 99 ,4 100 Gold—at 12 Hegira. DeHaven a Brother. 810. 40 Bann Third street, make the follk,wing quotations of the rates OJ 01Ch/10103 today, at 1 P. IL: Doylnt. Amerkan G01i11.„.... LUX Silver- - Quarters and balvis..Mal Compound Interval lqotos: JunelBs4- 104 11 o " Ju1y.1a54.... 103 s 1054 " _ " Ang.1854.- 9X to " Oct. 16ai- lik " 7" Dec. PM- 7 a - o " DLayloss- 53. 53‘ `; " Aug. ltit3.- SX 4 " gept.lar..- Shi 354' o Smith, Randolph dt Co.. Bankers: . la South Third street, quote at 11 o'clock as asllosok Gold.- . -.....----.1.26% 12sh' U.S. lar -iii-az.................................. _ma 105 g, 0, B. b-SM, 18P---.-.--...-- - --104% 105 .. 1363.-------....-.lolli 105 11. B. 10-40 -- . ----------- 815 i 0 9334 U. B. 7-clYek-- let 73ereer......---....-........._131,744102 2dseries.—.-....».—.... —.101102 8d series.- --NIA( ice S. Certificates of In6.3o.CjiliZT... 92% 100 Compounds. Dec.. 1861 8 ® PATURDAY, April 21.—There is less activity in the Breadstuffs market to-day,but with continued light re ceipts and small stocks, holders are very firm at the late advance. There i, no shipping demand for Flour and only a few hundred barrels were taken by tee trade at $%,4 $lO 10 * barrel for low grade and choice extra family, 610@11 for Penna. ar d Ohio do. do., .12@15 for fancy, $740 forsuperfine and ifSra,`9 for extra—according to quality. Small sales of Rye Flour at $4 75@.5. In Corn Meal nothing doing. The receipts of Wheat arelsmall and it is in etc acly demand at the late advance. Sales of 7,060 bushels good Red and Amber at 6042 65 Qt bushel. 1,500 bushels No. I Spring at $1 91), and .500 bushels Western White at $2. 75. Rye is now held at 95 cents for Penna. and:Bo cents for Delaware. Corn is coming tbrvvard more freely and prices have f.llen off 5 cen.s bushel. Sales of 11,000 bushel ' s yellow at to cents adoat and white at the same figure. Oats are scarce and com mand 60©61 cents. In Barley and Malt no change. In Seeds but little cols g. 4 Cloverseed sells from ft fir common up to 115 75 for choice. No change in Timothy or Flaxseed. No. I Quereltron Bark is steady at $29 •{; ton, but without sale& Wbisky—The demand is limited. SFliAli orPentm, bbls. at $2 25@2 26 and lo at $Z 27@2 233 f barrel. PHILADELPHIA, April 21, ISM—RIDING SCHOOL, I%;o. 1411 Arch street—Madame INNA, with great pleasure, begs leave to inform her patrons and many friends that she is enabled to cou t Dine giving lessons in tbe elegant accomphshm.nt of Horsemans4 fp until The first of July next, on the most reasonable terms Saddle Horses, Saddles, Bridles, &c., are now befog offered at private sale at very reduced prices. aptl-3trp FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, etc., a com plete assortment at recently redacts prices. Eit PARR & BROTHER, Importers of Watches, etc., - - VA Chestnut street, below Fourth. WEHERICWITH CALL attention to ont Wtircent saeortment of animator PIANOS, we always have on hand, and offer them at very remenable prime to parchaaere. Beat of rererenceg and BULL QIIARANTNE Invariabb given by To uNION PIANO MAIMPAiTIVRINO arm 1017 Walnut streaii WALNU'IB AND ALMONDS.—New crop Grenoble Walnuts and Paper Shell Almonds, for sale by J. B. BUSEMER. & 00. los s. Delaware Avenue. QPANISH OLIVES.-100 liege fresh Spanish Olives 0 pet received .and for sale by. J. B. BUSKER dt CO:. 1011 R. Delaware Avenue. BOND'S BOSTON BlSOuri.—Bond's Boston Butte and Milk Biscuit, landing from steamer Norman, and for rale by JOS. B. EUSSIER & 00. , Agents: for Bond. 108 South Delaware avenue- QOROHITM.—CibIume Sugar Cane Syrup. handaome fJ article. for sale by JOS. B. B 13::: & 00..106 Sonth Delaware SVAIWIA. WEESSIDIA. ORANGES.-1,000 boxes Sweet Messina OR Oranges. in prime order, landing and for sale by J.B. BIISS.ER & CO.. 108 S. Delaware Avenue. A LIMBS& GRAPEE3.-100 kegs of these splendid LI white grapes In fine order landing and for sale by yos. R e grapes & 00. 100 gtonth rwaararA woomic DADE ROPE AND TW/NE ILANUEAOTUREN L 1 acad. thrßaleg nam WEAVER & =North Water street, and 92 North Do'aurora avenue 122 from RAC E OA B IN , D 3 Ira? v i s: y laja i ni DALLETT, & CO. 792 Walnut et•aat VELLOW PINE FLOORING BOARDS.-180000 feet yellow pine flooring boards, afloat. For sale by E. A. SOUDER dr. CO.. Dock street wharf, aplebt LONDON LAYER RAISINS.—WhoIe and Half boxes best quality, London Layer Raisins, for sale by Y. B.BUSSIER & CO.. 148 S. Delaware Avenue. DICKLED HEERING.—soo barrels Bay of Island's 1 Herring, in store and forsale by E. A. 801TDEE a C9D.. Dock Rtreot Wharf. lOST OR MISLAID.—PoIicy of Insurance No. 5703 A of the MUTUAL ASSURANCE COMPANY for #3,000 issued in the name 'of JNO. E. MITJFIELL- Any person finding the same will be suitably rewarded by leaving it with C. H. MITI RHEID, aple•lnAte 201 booth Sixth street. New Jersey Matters. ttAILES OF STOOKS. BOARD. eh Lehigh Val ral 10 sh Hazleton Coal 55 10 811 Shamokin C 16 eh Girard Life IDS Si 200 eh Phil & 333 i 100 eh do 3814 200 eh do 33,1( Re eh do 34 400 eh do 815 843( 200 eh do - 353( 160 tth d o 400 sh d bbs 3 15 8 4 5% 1 00 eh 00 alt do do b 5 3 2 ds 34% 10 ell do 34 4 X 100 811 do b3O 341 i eh do 3416 b 5 800 100 34v eh 500 eh do 810 344 100 eh do 830 3411 1300 sit eh do 33 e3O 34 4 do 100 eh do 2 de 3434' 50a eh 0 eh do :do b 810 34 e ' 5 344' 400 eh do b 5 34% MO eh. do b 5 343 i PSIS OF 8 IN NEW YORK. Ph.) sales sales sales sales sales -sales sales Philadelphia Marketa, RAF GAINS IN FINE CLOTHING ,ROCKHII.4L& WILSON "Brown Stone Clothing Hall," 603 and 605 Chestnut Street. NEW STOOK AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Haying sold Out our stock of Clothing for Gentle men and Boys, carried over from the late fire, our en• tire stock of Fashionable Ready-Made Clothing is the Newest, AS OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST. Magnificent Spring Stock Now Ready, CUSTOM DEPARTMENT, Our newly-fitted up Custom DepartMent no* erne tame the hugest amortment of all the faahlonable New Fabrics for oar patron's to select from. SUITS, OIVIL AND MILITARY , ltf_ADE . tl.l. TO ORDER, PROXPIT,Y, In the highest style, and at moderate prices. Boys' Clothing. In this department our stock is also unrivaled. MOO= Wall% ....sales . sales ...... sales —. sales ...." salsa . sales sales At The Lowest Prices. Orders executed M shortest notice, OF READY MADE CLOTHING ROCKHILL & WILSON Brown-Stone Clothing Hall, s i gat i pgs Chestnut street. ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE! THOS. B. CAHILL 'President. JOHN GOODYEAR, Beetetar7, HENRY THOMAS, Stip; COLD SPRING ICE AND COAL CO. DICALEIII3 IN AND SHIPPERS OF BM and COAL. We anise,' prepared to ftrnish BMW QUALITY ICS 131 large ar mail quantities to notelaßtaamboata Ice Cream Fah:wile. Faro Mee. Mote, Ac.,Qa,ani a the LOWEST MARKET BATES. ICE sorted DAILY in all paved limits of the con. solidated City. West Philadelphia. Mantua. Blck• mond and Germantown. Your custom and bananas is respectfully solicited. You can rely on being fur• Imbibed with a MEE article and PROMPTLY. Send your order to OFFICE S.W. corner Twelfth and Willow Street a. north Penna. It 8.. and blaster street. Lombard and Twenty-fifth streets. Pine Street Wharf. Schuylkill. apS.hss 4pl KNICKEBBOCKER ICE Wholesale and Retall.Detders. Importers of Eastern Ice, Having secured a fall supply of the best quality of ICE, are prepared to furnish it throughout the season, as usual. PROMPTLY, at the LOWEST MARK I 5 RA TES. Hotels, Wonfectioners and qhipping supplied with large or small quantities. Particular attention given to the delivery of Ice to Families. Stores, Offices. dtc. ICE served daily In West Philadelphia. Mantua, Richmond, I logs and all parts of the city. Your order respectfully solicited. E. P, KEIISHOW ) A, HUNT, OFFICES AND DEPOTS; Nos, 118 and 1201 orth Broad Street, W_ s itlo th w thi S m tr m e l et Wharf, Delaware Ave. SPRANG/. IaOCIEIS SPRING . STYLES 1 EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, 4312 Chestnut St: SELLERS BROTHERS, No. 18 North Sixth Street Having added to their former business that Of MILL AND FACTORY FINDINGS, Intend keeping a fall assortment of everything in that line, which they will sell at the lowest rates, including Pure Oak Tanned Leather Belting, Gum Belting and Steam Band and Harness Leather, Roller cloth and Skint,. Card Clothing Belt Rivets, &c. Also continue to manutcture as heretofore WIRE CLOTH, SIEVES, SCREENS,&o, Of which A FULL ASSORTMENT is kept constantly on hand. sp7-3mrpj_ GROVER & BAKER'S IMPROVED SHUTTLE on "LOOK" Emma SIDW LNG MACHINES. No. I and No. 9 for Tailors, Shoemakers, Saddlers, 17 o MARESOr EST ed uT Slree% Philadelphia. treet. Harrisburg. fel-3 arirp VOIR 13ALE.—To Shippers, ;Grocers, Hotel-keepirs and others—A very superior lot of Mammon Older; by the barrel or dozen. P J. JORDAN neregptf 820 Pear street. below /TM and Wa lnut To Suit Everybody. THE BR ET IN THE CITY, The Choicest Stock IN PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated Mi. NO 435 WALNUT STREET. DEPOTS. CArtl3. I have now open a large invoice of EMBROIDERED LACE CURTAINS. Jost received from Bmritzerlatia. Also, 910 t of LEN CURTAINS. MUSLIN OffiITABSES, lOTTINGILAR CURTAINS, FROM Arcnow. Some of widch I offer st. 50 per cent. less than recent prices. I. E. WALRAYEN, MASONIC HALL; 719 Chestnut Streets MARVIN'S PATENT ALUM AND DRY PLASTER FIRE AND BURGLAR SAFES NEVER LOSE Timm FIRE PROOF QUALITIES• NEVER CORRODE THE IRON. NEVER 'MOULD THEME CONTENTS. FIFTY THREE HOURS in Charleston fire, ye booka were perfectly preserved. M.A.YLVIN & 721 Chestnut Street, (Mationit Ha%) Philadelphia, • And 265 Broadway, New York, Sideboard and Parlor Safes for Silver Ware, Second-hand Safes 'of all the other makers. Satin received in exchange fi3r new ones. Send for illustrated catalogue. mbB ata.thitm 5P DREXEL & CO., BANKERS 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET! 6-20 9 5, 7-30 9 5, ISSI 9 s Certificates of Indebtedness, Compecnd Interest Hetes and GOLD AND SILVER, Bought and Sold. DRAFTS DRAWN ON ENGLAND, IRE LAND, FRANCE AND GERMANY. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Philadelphia, Sept. 20,1866 I 1.13 N izIOZI ;11:1 INTEREST AT THE RATE OF Faint PER CENT. PER AN. NUM WILL BE ALLOWED BY THIS BANK ON DE ' POSITS, FOR WHICH CERTIFICATES WILL BE ISSUED, PAYA BLE AFTER FIVE DAYS' NOTICE. INTEREST WILL NOT BB AL , LOWED UNLESS THE DE POSIT REMAINS AT LEAST FIFTEEN DAYS. — C. H. CLARK, President. WM. PAINTER & CO., BANKERS, 110 SOUTH THIRD STREET, BUY COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES OF ALL DATES And pay the Accrued,lnterest, less a Small Discount. apl7lan 5p SUPERIOR PICKLING VINEGAR, PICKLES, KETCHUPS, PRESERVES, SAUCES, JELLIES, SYRUPS, MUSTARDS, &0., &c. All warranted to be of a eaperior quality. MANUFACTURED BY EMIL MATHIEU & SON, Nos, 120, 122 and 124 Lombard Street, Below Second. ap9 lm rp BAKER'S ORNAMENTAL HAIR MANUFACTORY. The largest and:befit assortment at a Wigs, Toupees, Long Hair Braids and Curls, Water-falls, Viotorines, Fri settes, Illusive Seams for Ladies, At prices LOWER than elsewhere. insh29.rp 909 CHESTNUT STREET. SALE OF ITALIAN_ MARBLE' fiT A T. , ITAI. "V THOS. BIRCH & SON respe?otw fully announce that on Tuesday' Morning, April 2A-th, at 10 o'clock, at the Auction. Store, No. 1116.. Chestnut Street they will sell by order •of Signor la. B.• Pandol an invoice of Camara Marble G roups an d Figures; also, Garden Statuary, Vases.. Ornaments, Bo hemian Glass Ware, Plated 'Ware, &C. FOIL SALE LOW, IIVE SECOND:MUM BILLIARD TABLES, Phe lart's Cushions. N. E. cor. EIGHTH and CHESTNUT Billiard Saloon. &NS Stip/ FINE SUGAR CURED HAMS, N. W. Thomas's Celebrated Cincinnati Sugar Cured Hams, Loyd'a Draby Rams. Stewart's Trenton Hams, Dried Beef and Pine Tongues. SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, O. W. Cor. BROAD AND WALNUT. spring Fashions For Children. M. SHOEMAKER & 00., Nos. 4 and, 6 North Eighth St. Are now (vetting a splendid assortment of CHIL DREN'S cLol RING In the Latest Paris Style's, nn. surpassed for elegance of workmanship and mate rial.mh2fam rud The public in invited to call and examine. JOHN C. ARRISON, Nor. 1 and 3 NORTH SIXTH STREET, Would invite the attention of Gentlemen to his IMPROVED PATTERN SHIRT, Made band, in the b eet manner, GIVE ri.TFA ON. ALSO TO A COMPLETE , STOCK OF Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Sa liable forthe Season aril= rpf REFRIGERATORS. slum & RICHARDSON, Agents for the sale of the justly Celebrated MAR. COAL LINED RRFEIGERaTOES, Wholesale snd Retail, From Six to Twenty-five Dollars. 611 IMOKET STREET. 'A '" 1101 ► 108 RAILINGS, MRS FRONTS, MUSD% PARTITIONS, ac, IRONMEDSTEADS AND WIRE WORE In variety, ri:uunillictured by M. WALKER & BONS. NO.II NORTH SIXTH Bine% stahbam 4pf PEOPLE DIFFER ON MANY POINTS. BUT ALL AOREZ THAT THIT. "LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER AND DRESSING" "London" "Hair Color Restorwr" "London" Is the most "Hair Color Restorer" "London" "Hair Color Restorer" "London" Reliable Hair "Hair Color Restorer" "London" "Hair Color Restorer" "London" Restorative "Hair Color Restorer" "London" "Hair Color Restorer' "London" Ever Introduced "Hair Color Restorer "London" "Hair Color Restorer "London" to the "HE it Color Restorer' "London" "Hair Color Restores "London" American "Hair color Restorer" "London" "Hair Color Restorer' "London" People "Hair Color Restorer , "London" "Hair Color Restorer' "London" For Restoring "Hair Color Restorer' "London" "Hair Color Restorer "London" Gray Hair and "Hair Color Restorer' "London" "Hair Color Restorer' "London" Preventing "Hair Color Restorer" ' London" "Hair Color Restorer' "London" Baldness. ' Hair Color Restorer PRESERVES THE ORIGINAL COLOR TO OLD AGE. "London" "Hair Color Restorer' "London" Life, Prevents "Hair Calor Restorer' "Loddon" "Hair Color Restorer' "London" Growth, the Hair ' Hair Color Restorer' "London" "Hair Color PHOCrer' "London" and from "Hair Color Restorer' "London" "Hair Color Restorer' "London" Beauty, Falling. "Hair Color Restorer' No wasbirg or preparation cetera or after its Use; ap plied by the band or soft brush. Only 75 cents a bottle, six bottles 114. Sold at Dr. SWAYNE'S, No. 310 North Sixth etre+ t, above Vine, Philadelphia. and at the leading Druggists and Dealext in Toilet Articles. mia24-m,w,s THE BARRTeoIq BOILER. A SAF SSTEOM BOILER.—The attention of Manufacturers and others using Steam is confidently called to this new Steam Generator, as combining essential advantages in absolute safety from explosion in cheapness °flits& cost and cost of repairs in economy of fuel, facility of cleating and transportation. &c., nf possessed by any other boiler now in use. This boiler is formed of a combination of cast-iron hollow spheres, each sphere -11 inches external diameter, and of an inch thick. These are held together by wrought-lion bolts, with caps at the ends. Nearly one hundred of these Boilers are now in' opperation, some 01 them in the best establishments' in this city. For descriptive circulars or price, apply to TOSEPEE . HARRISON, Jr.. Harrison Boiler Works, Gray's Ferry Road, enjoining the U. S. Arsenal, Philadel phia. apt-2mrpf HooP SKIRT HA_NITFACITORY Hoop Wile ready made and made to order warranted of the beet materials. Also, Skirts rer as ed. . E. BAYLEY. • 812 Vine street. above Eighth. rtAE NATHAN'S. Auctioneer and Money Broker, ''. E. corner of Third and Spruce streete,only one square below the Exchange. NATHAN'S'S Principal Moe, established for the last forty years. MoneY to loan In large or small amounta, at the lowest rates, on Diamonds, Silver Plate, Watches,. _Jewell7, Cloth ing, and goods of every description- OMoehotiorfrern A. M. till 7 P. M. dATI-trro. FTTLIEEt. WEAVER Co., Mannikunthers of MANMA AND TAR nes RED CORDAGE. Cords, Twi, dco., No. s 8 North Water Stree andNop. hla 92 N . orth Debiwar venue, Philad ea EDWIN H. Erman?. Minos= WAAviel CONRAD P. kiboyarssa„ - EdNE FRENCH MANTEL CLOCEB.—A. fresh ha -I,tation of beantlfal etyle3, warranted correct " ETIDi XIEFFXJ34 FARR & BROTHER. Importer% 824 Chestnut street, below Fourth. TORDAISII3 `iiiiiiaaaatATElD TONTO 'ALE.-The If truly healthful and nutritious beverage, now In use by s— and others—has eatablished a character Air qualityinvailds of material and Yuri of mann facture, which stands unrivaled. It is recommended bY PhYsiciana of this and other placea. as a- superior fonts. and requires but a trial to convince the most skeptical of IM great merit. To be had, whn leas' and stall, of P. L JORDAN , 220 Pear street. 111 I , arnrat l d ' eel Otat i T ug H p S r ir.—Sholr v eg .. etaAat 1 1 1 NORTH POURTH..—Desks and Mika TaefeF, Of a superior =fake. [apMet,* . GROVE,. GOLD AND SILVER CUES, DIAMONDS and - \ PEARL JEWELRY, • at greatly redueFd prices. it .. ) ap17.80 T. W. BALLY, UZ2 Chestnut stieet; MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED _ 4 . % UPON DIAMONDS. WA.TORES, SgiVEl.l. • RY, PLATE. CLOTHING, dm., at ;4 , JONES et CO.'S. • I. OLD•EBTABLISPEED. LOAN OFFICE, s . Corner or THIRD and GASKILL Street, Below Lombard. OURS i N. B.—DIAMONDS, WATT, JEWELRY; ke ' __' Yon H ai ! At , BIIMANICAtabY LOW-PRICES.- ,- - . , J. L. CaPEN, PHRENOLOGIST. Successor to Fowler, Wells & written and verbal ~ dencriptlOnti -Of Character' ", with Charts,- daily at _ rapain i se,s4hurpi NO. 25 B,an.LVEld fti3-2illl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers