BVSTIFEISS NOTICES. THE WHEAT EUROPEAN CONTROVERSY. /Atria—" You let them bite of ground alone, Touch not, a single Duchy." .Prossia—" Why, all this property's my own; You need not be so touchy." „Austref—" Your's. in it ? Very well—we'll see; This spree shall coat you dear , II you don't let my Schleswig be And 1• and that holstein here." ittarico--"My lave of fighting nought can tame; No threats my nerves appal; And well established is my fame, As that of Towel Hall. inb HAVE— otit-wool Fancy Cassfsner Coats low as a , as 600 ma I 11 P a w, II 4 00 • g. " Vests 360 Making an en/Antall, wool fancy suit for • Su 50 441Pw00l black Back Mats, as low ar 511 00 " Cassimere 707111 SCO " Cloth Vats 400 Making angentire alb-wool black suit for VD 00 Allgwoo/ 'good style _Fancy Cassimere Baits, to match, for.sl4 50. .dstanishing as these pricermay seem, compared with Vane to which we have been accustomed for several years they ABE NOT EICT/TIOI7I9 —, WE HAVE THE GOODS IR 111517E22TITIES AT THE EMCEE MENTIONED. We make miasa no trash—they are all serviceable goods. Advancing from thae rates we have goods of all grades. up to the very finest fabrics, comprising BY NAN the largest and 117103 l complete assortment of Clothing in Philadelphia, de en's, Youths' and Boys'), surpassed by none, and ,equaled by few, in style, make and jit, at prices guaran- Med lower than tius towed elsewhere, or Jae money re- Onded. AtirTO CLOTHIEIRS.-SA Our pnrchases for this season having been delayed, Winne the expected decline in goods, we have now on hand the largest and best assorted stock of Clothing in .Philadelphia, purchased fOr CASH XXCLOSIVXLY S AT IffiLE VERY I.OWEST SLATES OF TEE SEASON, which enables us to realize a fair projlt and sell at prices less than the coat of same goods in most other establishments. We eon supply Clothiers doing a fine city trade with goods adapted to their saes, at prices so much lower than the cost of their present stocks, that, by making an average of the whole, they will be enabled to dispose of their goods at prices covering the average cost, and even 'vying a profit. BENNETT & CO., DESTINY ! There is, however, one part of the Emperor's charac ter which always affords him a support, on which he Can always rely, and that is his belief in his lucky star. That star, he says, has never deceived him, and will continue to guide him as the star in the East did the Magi of old.—Paris Letter to the Mobile Mmes. It's just the same with PERRY & CO., They believe in their "STAB" as well. And all the crowds that to Perry's go • Tales of reliance tell. E. For where so CHEAP they get such attire, When enrapturjd they often call? Always obtaining what they &sire— Fanny's STAB becomes star YOB, ALL And whenever the customer comes along, If bit to that "'Swat" he goes, To foretell his fate will not take long— He was DirssurtEn—to buy GOOD CLOTHES! All who purchase at the STAB are surprised that our TRICHS AEA 80 MUCH LOWER THAN THOSE OP ANY OTHER CLOTHING HOUSE. We would say, however, that It Is not from any desire to injure ether clothing houses that we are selling:our fine clothing so much Cheaper than they, but for the following reasons: lat. We buy for cash exclusively, and laid In our present -stock when prices were at their lowest ebb; and hi doing an Immense business,we are satisfied with small profits. We solicit an examination of our goods. • Vests at one dollar each. Constantly receiving, fresh assortments of fancy -Casaatieres for our Custom department. STAR CLOTHING EMPORIIaI, LOW PRLCLS AND FASHIONABLE GOODS, Me CHESTNUT STREEC, SIGN OF STAB, PERRY & 00 s ami t= A REDUCTION OF 25 PER CENT., or from $125 to 5200 lemma upon each INSTRU wiIy" BLEST than ear BIGULAX, SCHEDULE PRICES. Desiring to reduce our large stock of superior and highly improved richly finished seven-octave Rose wood Piineft, previous to the removal to our new store, litrard Row, No. 1103 Chestnut street, we have con tended to offer them at the actual coat to manufacture, and at prime equally as low as we sold them before the War These instruments have been awarded the highest urns at all the principal exhibitions ever held in is country, with numerous testimonials from the drat artists in America and Europe. They are now the leading Pianos, and are sold to all parts of the world. Persons desiring to purchase a first•eisas Piano, at greatly reduced rates, should not fail to avail them selves of this opportunity. Circulars of the rr-gular schedule prices, with precise cuts of the styles of our Pianos, can be had at the warerooms, and on appiica fon be-sent by mail. SCHOMACEEM & CO., apetmyl Warerooms, No. 1021 Chestnut street. (CEO. STECK St CO.'S PIANOS.— These beautiful instruments are as strongly recommended by the follow- L ff-n -tng among the leading artists in America as any Pianos made in this country or in Europe, Wm- Mason, S. B. Mills, Theo. Thomas, H. C. Timm. Max Maretzek, Geo. W. Morgan, Carl Bergman, Carl Wolfsohn, Chas. H. Jarvis, M. H. Cross, Carl Gaert ster, G.; Thunder, J. Beck. Joseph Rizzo, B. • C, Cross. OISCIILABB of certificates as to their durability, and the references of one thousand purchasers in Phila delphia and vicinity, to be had on application. Nor sale hi rhiladeiphia only, by I. 3074a-in OHIHRING IMGRAIirD, SQUAR CK E AND UPRIGETTM PIANOS, are recognized as the most perfect and permanent in. ointments in America and Europe. Plity.sLr. Medals. 80.00 e In use. Large assortment of ORGANS and Ale,- LODEONS, 014 CHESTNUT street. mh3-th,sa,tu W. H. DUTTON. IR MEYEB.'S .NEWLY IhIPAOVED ODES CENT SCALE • OVF- 11 .4TRUNG PIANOS, Acknowledged to be the best London Prize Medal •nd Highest Awards in America received. MELO DEONS AND SECOND-HAND PIANOS UM ws,m an Warerooms,7Z2 Arch at., below Bth. MARSHALL & MIPTAIIER'S Grand and Square Pianos, superior to _ any other make in the Union. if_indtinl &Mana's well-known Pianos, for sale by A. SCHER.ZER, 525 Arch street. rrhal-s t m,w4m VIDIIHNE eh SON'S FIRST CLAS'NEW YORK PIANOS Unexcelled In purity and Tiois ono! tone, durability and fine finish. C. .I'. HIIPFELD, 929 Chestnut street, Etecond floor. dTELIYW & & PIANOS lifillAre now acknowledged the best loin% am :L e n t s InEiglype as well as America. They are Med in public and private, by the greatest artiste Mfin Europe by VON BULOW, DREYbOHOCK, r, J , and others; in lois country bylltays, warzsogN, etc, Pnr isle only by BLASIUS BROS., 1006 Chestnut street. EVENING BULLETIN. SATURnAY, APRIL 21, 1866 SENATORIAL MANNERS. We wish thattheUnited States Senate would show its-elf as strong and stead fast in maintaining its dignity as it has been in asserting its Constitutional pre rogatives. On several occasions, during the present session, the proprieties of the Senate Chamber have been grossly out raged by exhibitions of noisy drunken ness, on the part of Senators Saulsbury and McDougall. Saulsbury has been taken out of the Senate in a helpless state of intoxication, and McDougall has disgusted and shocked the country with a tirade of profanity and indecency which we had supposed would force a crisis upon the Senate and compel the 'expulsion of the offender. We are sadly disappointed in this expectation. Sauls bury, without even the formality of an apology, continues to talk his insolent treason almost unrebuked, and McDou gall, with a shallow and unmeaning apology, retains the seat which he so habitually disgraces. He tells the :Senate, in effect, that he went to bed 4irunk and disorderly, and awoke with a headache and sober, and his apology appears to have been accepted as amply zufficient. How much good is effected by such a course of mistaken leniency on the part of the Senate,is clearly demonstrated by what has followed. Any man, with a ray of proper feeling, would:have been 130 humiliated by the disgrace which he TOWER HALL. blB 'KA RRIFT STREET J. E. GOULD, Seventh and Chestnut. Large Sales Extra Valuable Real Estate, Messrs. Thomas de Eons' ; amph let catalogues, issued this day. (twenty-lour pages) -include a large number of valuab:e and desirable properties, to be sold on Tuesday next. Ale o. valuable Stocks and Loans. The catalogue likewise contains lists of very large and Im poll ant sales. FORST MAY—On the premises, at TEN O'CLOCIC, at No. 1514 Pine street, handsome it;sidencs and Furni ture. FIRST MAY—AT THE ExCITAITO Including Some of. the most valuable Business c:tana and other property sold this season. SECOND MAY—Orphans' Court le, at Beading, Pa. SATURDAY, STH MAY—Trustees sale, ON THe< PEN , miegu, elegant Country SOU a d Farm, 54 acres, Holmessurg, wentv- third Ward Facteuxic Ilitsy —.Estate of F. M. Drexel, eleven eguares of ground. Also, other Valuable estates. SIXTEENTH MAY—A number of sales by order of Crphanb' Court. Auction Notice—Sate of Boots and Shoes. The early attention of buyers Is called to the large and attractive sale of 1,300 cases Boots and Shoes, to be sold by catalogue, lbr cash, on Monday morning, April 21;. commencing at 10 o'clock. by Philip Ford 41 , Co., Auctioneers, at their store No. 506 Market street. • : ..s• : a :s: 1781 04LESTNUT STREET and 213 LOuaE STREET. Mechanics of every branch required for housebuild ing and fitting promptly tarnished. jaa-fm• MASON & HAMLIN'S IM CABINET ORGANS, Unlike and superior to any and tillM reed instruments Recommended by the leading or ganists and artistes in America and Europe. J. E. GOULD, apl94h,s,tn,tf r Seventh and Chestnut streets. MtSTROH & (XI., PIANOS. at im i Nearly one thousand of them. pope lar Instrumento In ÜBO In Philadelphia. Mtn For Sale only by J. E. GOULD,. apl7-tu,th,sa,tr.rp 'wool' and Clatetnut. had brought upon himself aid upon his State, that he would have been content to keep himself in the background, and make himself, if it might be, forgotten for the remainder of the session. Not so Saulsbury. The impunity with which he has inflicted his drunken . disloyalty upon the Senate, has onl y made him more arrogant, and yesterday he under took to repeat his sentiments of defiance to the authority of the United States. He was promptly met by Senator Clark, of New Hampshire, with a bold and stinging rebuke. Saulsbury attempted a blustering and abusive reply, but was met by Mr. Clark with such dignified firmness thatthe bullying tone of Sauls bury dwindled away , to a whimpering request to Mr. Clark to be more cautious in the future. How far Mr. Clark was alarmed by Saulabury's language may be inferred from his closing the discus sion by saying: "I have heard the Senator's remarks, and Ido not recede one jot or tittle from what I have said. I meant no disre spect to the Senator, but simply to re buke a spirit manifested here. If I have occasion to say again what Ihave mid, Ishall certainly say it." Will not the Senate assert its own proper dignity and rid itself of men like Saulsbury and McDougall, both of whom have so flagrantly violated every prin ciple of personal decency and so grossly dishonored the States which they nomi nally represent? RINGING THE STATE HOUSE BELL. A number of fire 'companies; through their delegated representatives; have pe titioned City Councils to have the State House bell struck for all fires that may occur, whether by day or by night. The reasons for the desired change are set out in full in the petition which was published in the local columns of the •BULLETII yesterday. There is but one reason among the whole which carries any substantial weight with it in our es timation. This reason is the alleged fact that an insufficient number of fire men are sometimes upon the ground at a conflagration. This is a matter of opinion and somewhat a question of taste, and a very large number of old firemen and the great mass of the citizens will agree with us that it more frequently happens that there are too many persons upon the fire ground than that there are too few. We know that the stopping of the ringing of the State House bell for fires between six o'clock A: M. and ten o'clock P. M. has contributed greatly to the preservation of good order in the city, and we have it upon the authority of those who are in a position to judge most correctly, that less loss by fire and water has been sustained during the last two years than if the State House bell bad been struck for all fires that took place, whether by night or by day. We trust that Councils will stand firm in this matter, and consult the public good rather than the desires of a few zealous firemen. • THE SOLDIER MESSENGERS. The Soldiers' Messenger Corps has made an excellent beginning, and as the community becomes better ac quainted with the working of the or ganization, it will meet with growing success. We have a suggestion to make which, if carried out, will greatly add to the efficiency of the Corps. It is that the Messengers be allowed the privilege of riding on the platforms of the street passenger cars when on duty. The loss of time incurred' in making their trips on foot will deprive them of many commissions, and as the police have al ways been allowed the privilege of using the cars without charge, we hope the railway companies will extend the same facility to the Soldiers' Messenger Corps, many of whose members are wounded men, and all of whom deserve all the aid and encouragement that can reasonably be afforded them. John E. Myers do Co., Auctioneers, Nos. 232 and 234 Market street. will hold du.ring next week the following Important sales, viz: four April 22, a about 'clock, by catalogse, On months' -credit, B5O lots Of French, Saxony, India, and Brlthh Dry Goods, including 25v0 pieces Paris and saxony Dress UOOOll, 200 pieces Black cod kan ey Dress Silks, I,tho pieces Swiss a., u•-I ius 1,18.10 dozen I:ll4l3llkerablehl, hummer Shawls in large Va• riely 75 cases Umbrellas and Parasols. Also. 800- car tons rich styles Paris Bonnet Ribamla. Trimmines.,te. ON TUESDAY, April 24, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on four u-onths' credit, about 1.300 packages Boots, Shoes. BaIMOI ats, em bracing a prime and fresh assort mentjof first-class city and Eastern manufacture. .afr UN WYDNEauAY. April 24, a large seed., vale Of Clothing, made ezpressly kr this spring and Summer trade of the latest styles an 4 superior manufacture, In French, En glish and Anierin Cloths and Cassimere3, in large variety. ON TillyßeDAY, April 26, at: 10 o'clock, by-cats logue, on four months' credit, and part for cash 800 Packages and lets of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, including Cloths , Fancy Cassi Meres and Coat ings, Meltons, Diagonals, Satinets, Tricots, Tweeds, Pal,- tots, &c. Also, Drees Goods, Silks, Shawls, Linens Shirts, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, swings, Ties, Hosiery, Gloves dth. Also, 175 packages Cotton and Woolen DoMesties, ON FRIDAY, April 27, at 11 o'clock, oy ctalogue. on four months' are dit, about 250'pleces of Superfine - and Fine Ingrain, Royal Dam4Sll, Venetian, 14101, Hemp, Cottage, ana Rag Carpetings, Mattings, &c, Sale of Real Estate. The catalogues of Tames A. Freeman's sale for nexC Wednesday are now ready. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN PIIILADELPHIA. 411 4 AO \ o' e 4\> \ AMILY SEWING-MACHINES. SALE OF Agate, Bardiglio and Castellino Vases, ORNAWENTB, Alabaster Statuettes, Marble Statuary, On Tuesday Evening, April 24th, AT O'CLOCK. AT THE ART GALLERY, , No. 1020 CHESTNUT ST. nt l- Importation of Maisie VITT BROS. The Collection will be arranged for examination on Monday Afternoon. B. sooTT, ap21.81/ AUCTIONEER. STATIONERY—LETTER, CAP AND N 1.771:. PAPERS, ENVELOPES. BLANK EOM% and lowest re igures a quisite t in the Stationery line, selling at the f J. R. DOWNiNft'S Stationery Store, mal2-tfrp,) Eighth street,two doom above Walnut. 4 SPRING STYLE HATS.—WARBURTON MI CHESTNUT Street, next door to the PO9 Office. apia•tm,rpi TINATENT HERB CUTTERS at extra large Toba co I. Cutters, and for VarletteS of the usual alas of Tobacco Cutters for sale by TRUMAN & :IIAW. No. US (Eight Thtrryllve) Market street. below Ninth. a FOR O.—Cartes de Visite. of superior style and ex a cation, admixed for arouse , ' and tasteful arrange ment. done at B. V REIMER'S Ga.lery, 624 Arch at. T~INAhR Ar 7 14*, a. 1V ES AND FORKS, coin- Prising tbose with bar. dies of Ivory. born. bone. India rubber, ebony. COCCEL dke.. for Nate, with a general variety of HOnsekeeping Hardware, by_THEr NI AN SHAW No. a 35 (Eight Thirty-live) Market street, below Nlab. ON"tl FOR LAMM SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS, jun the thing to auk the flumes, beautiful styles. ¢ ate, durable ano cheap. unlink:ally executed at REIMER'S Gallery, Second aueet, above Gree • ' T _ O PROTECT FROM RUSTING, paint-your metal roofing, Iron railings, or other metallic manurac torts exposed to the weather, with stead's Weather Proof Cement, which has been satisfactorily used for the peat six years in the Few Ragland Stews; as well as for stopping leaks In all kinds of roofs. Sold by the agents, TRUMAN & SHAW. HP. 835 (gigot Thirty-Ave) Market street, below Ninth. REDUCED PRlCES.—Photegrapbs,of every variety of style, executed in most perfect manner. at B. F. REIMER'S 5a11e:7,124 Arch street. Secure the best. at in‘derate cbarg«. IInIERSTADT'S LAST WORK—"STORM ON THE ROCRY MOHNTAtES;" now on F.,rhlnltlon, by per of thearthst,for the benefit ofthe"Llucoln Insti tution, and Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphsn 'toys Home,". at WAND.I.ROTH, TAY LOB EROWITS,9I2 and 914 Chestnut street. For one month only. Season tickets, St; single ticketS, 25 cents. Open from 30 A.M., to 10 Pat .ai2i-1m 31 _CENT BLACK AND PLAID POLLS, sold last J. year at 50. 33 anT35 cents Black and White Plaids. i 47-cent Green, Blue, Lilac, and Brown Plaids. - 40-cent fine quality Melanges. 5o cent plain colors Poplins. tO-cent mode colors good Alpacas, 44-cent Plaid Poplins. being sold at 75. 40-cent all-wool Pearl Delalnes, le-cent Lupin's finequality Pearl Detainer. BLASE ALPACAS, From 5n cents to 31 25; prices gusrantead, Black Wool Detainer. single-and double widths,.from 10 cents to It 15; prices guaranteed. 75-cent 6-4 Black Wool Delatries; worth $l. PRINTS. Best American Calicoes, 20 to 25 cents, Yard-aide heavy Madder Prints. 23 cents. 10 cents for yard wide printed Percales. Best Frerch printed Percales, 56 cents. Buff, Pink, and Blue Percales, finest goods, 62 cents. hints Figured Percales; good assortment. Earlston Ginghams, finest quality, 55 cents. Gordon's Gay Plaid Gingbams. an cents. Beat American tringliams. 31 ctints. WR GODS. Stock complete. Cambric lTE % 25 0 cents up. F -finish Cambrics, 50 cents and Real Isisinsooks .Plaln, Plaid, and Striped. Swiss, Plain, Plaid. and Striped, Tucked and Shirred Must ins. Muslins, for dresses, bodies, and sleeves. White Marseilles. for dresses. White, auction lot, Pique, 75 cents. Finest White Pique imported, $1 to $1 50. White L. C. lidkrli.; wide-hemmed. tidgfer. 0 ISSIMEItt S. For Ladles' Cloaks, 11. 25,31 50 and 31.75. Wide French Fancy r looking's All-wool Casslmeres, from II np, Black Cloths, of finest grades and most approved. makes, bought direct from importers. Cloth and Casslmere stock complete, and at lower prices than for three years. _ _ _ COOE Mark, It B. E. corner Ninth P an ß d et AR streets. TIIMIT.I3A NDS,ruffied,for pillow case trimmings, if a epecialty, will be Bold at V 50 a dozen bands' about half their value. TRANSFER FIGURES. A. very large assortment of medium and large 8129, ibr Infants' Caps, &c., at low prices, wholesale and re tail. IMITATION VALENCIENNE EDGINGet. The largest essortment at the lowest possible prices. Parties purchasing doss. have advantages given them. PLAIN BLACK BRUSSELs NET For Veils, &c, Several qualities of this desirable net under reenter prices. BLACK, also WHITE SILK DOTTED NET, For veils. SILK ILLUSION AND 3.1 ALINES, White, also black. 808 NY.T.--old time English net for Friends' use. Several elfalitlea at reasonable prices. Also DOBINET FOOTING—Most widths, constantly on hand, wholesale and retail.: CONTINENTAL vs. NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, and CONTINEIsITAL LACE, by the yard, for Curtains. Invite special attention to some of the most beautiful goods in this line, ever Imported, having rare facili ties In obtaining the largese quantity and lowest prices, we are prepared to faVor large or small buyers, at WRNE'd Lace and Embroi d ery Store, Its No. as North Eighth street. B, I,RP, 43 North EIGHTH :street, below Arch, ban opened, from the late Auction Sales, FRENLH ORGANDIE LAWNS. 50 Pieces, White Ground Polka Dot, 81 cents. Wb he Ground Figured, 31 cents, Elegant quality Brown Ground Organdies. The above goods are warranted fast, colors, - BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS. Glossy Black alike, from Auction, 111 50, Dull Silks, from Auction; bargains. Superb quality Black Silt, for Coats, . The celebrated Fyalle SU ,for Coats. Closing out our entire stoc at greatly reduced prices 300 dozen Linen Towels, a 10 cents; old price. Elegant Real Val. Hdkfs, 88, reduced from 614. Jouvin Kid Gloves, HOOP SHEETS, HOOP SHIRTS. The Galnille Skirt, ,specially adapted for the new style dresses, to be had only at E. R, LEE'S Ita ea North Eighth street. WHITE SHETLAND SR k.WLS, at 83 57 41 5D and TT $5 00.-OEO. W. VOGEL, No. 1016 CHESTNUT street, has reduced the prices of WHITE SHETLAND SHAWL% largest sizes, to $3 50,14 50 and $5 00, to close the im portation. Also, a few very fine SHAWLS, at same proportionate reductions. ap2o.6trp* PERSISTENT SOAP BUBBLES, of— wonderful strength and durability. penetrated ast with knives minutes to ten hours, may be with knives. de., without breaking, and may be blown ' to a foot or more in diameter, showing the moq brilliant prismatic colors, anti furnishing a delight(' 1 entertainment both for adults and children. The solution sold by Mc. ALIII3TEE, QUEEN, ac., and by the manufacturer, JAMES T. sHINN, Bread and Spruce streets. iiplB4trp Trim le a personal Invitation to the reader to examine our new styles of SPRING MOT - RING. Oundmere Salta for $l6, and Black Snits fbr tea Finer Suits, all wisea up to eTh. WANAXARER & L BROWN, OAX HAL, SOVTIMMIT CORNER SIXTH and MARKET Ste. NO. 720 CHESTNUT ST. .PUBLISHED THIS DAY. Mrs. Ann S. Stephens' New Book The Gold Brick. !!! The GI old "trick BY MSS. ANN S. STEPHENS. Author of "Fashion and Famine," "The Old Home atead," "Anent, Struggles," "Mary Dement," • "Rejected Wife," " Wil'e's Secret," etc. OOKPLETE 1N ONE LARGE DUODECIMO VOL. OMB. Price $1 50 in Paper; or, $2 in Cloth. We have also jut issued a new and complete edition of the other popular works by Mrs. Ann 8. Etephen's Their names are as follows. Price of each, V5O in paper; or, $2 00 In cloth. . TEE GOLD BRION. THE REJECTED 'Wien, THE WIFE'S S ECRET, SILENT STRUGGLES FASHION AND FAMINE, THE OLD HOMESTEAD, MARY DERWENT, THE H Bend for our Mammoth Descriptive Cahill:Cue. Address all cash orders, retail or wholautle, to T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Books sent, postage paid, on receipt of retail price . ALL NEW BOOKS ARE AT PETEBBONIV. THE WIDOW MACREEII The Widow !decree, who as happy m As she sat in her kitchen, a drinking her Tea! The miser may gloat o'er his glittering store, and feel keen delight as he counta it all o'er, But I envy the bliss of the widow far more, As she sits at her Tea Table. Sipping her Tea. No king on his throne Is as happy as she. The Widow Ideate. as all do agree, 'Was a notable housewife, as ever you'll see. Though she gidn't tend Operas, Parties and Balls, And wear Gipsy Bonnets and Big Waterfalls, Still I think she was happier far than them all, AS she sat at ber Tea Table, Sipping her Tea, Sometimes she drank Sonchong, And Sometimes Behea. The Widow one day, as I have heard say, Was conning the papers, a very good way, When yon've eaten your breakfast, and Con% feel In dined, For physical labor, why then feed the mind. If yon don't, you will surely oe left far behind, 3n this wide awake age, when steam is the rage, Surely none but a laggard will ride In a stage. Thus reasoned the Dame As she poured out her Tea. And doubtless the reader With her will agree. Now between you and me, the Widow Macree, Was reading her paper, In good humored glee. Of the marriages, deaths, and thrisprirninal news, Of the thipwtecks at tea, and theSdeol the crews, And about the late murder, all this she'd peruse, And so after reeding each column adown, And gleaning therefrom all the news of the Town, elm espied the advertisement of J. Wad &Brown, The r eaters in Tea, at sts, Where aU the best grades may be had superfine. Here's a card about Tea, Quoit' • the Widow Mame, I'll read it sad tee. What its meaning may be. And in order to add to the lento!' ortrieullietcm, We'll append the advertisement, cut from the Bin,. L.1.T111 Mews. WEST & BROWN, Proprietors of the Pala• thil Tea Warehouse, No. 89 Chestnut Street, are now offering extract •.• • duce • • • • •• . • For instance they are selling Superb Oolongs. - 65 to 61 00 Fine Imperial Tea $1;00 to 1 25 Fine /mghell Breakfast do 1 00 to 1 20 Fine Your g Hyson Tea, 1 20 to 150 Fine Japanese Tea, , 120 to 1 30 A Sample will be drawn of any particular band de wed. to prove Ha strength and flavor before making a purchase. WEST & BROWN, SOD Chestnut St: Good Mlstri ss Macree, as you will now see, Was disposed to economise even in TEA. And when she observed that the prices were :ow. She made cp her mind to get ready and go. So without more ado, she started down town To the far-famed ettablist merit ofJ.WEST‘b BRJWN The dealers In 1-ouchong, Imperial, Bolles, Young Ilyean, C. hop Howqua and due Japanese, In CHESTNUT STREET Number 809, The Store like the Teas is In truth very fine. Well. to cut matters short,you may well guess the rest: The Teas she got here wele the cheapest and best That she ever bought. In fact it is clear She has made np her mind AB" to always deal here. COMP'D CAMPHOR TROCHES. TESTED IN Ha A Safe, Agreeable and Patti ive Preventive of all CHOLERAIC bYMPTO,ALS.. Compennad excla.ively by a H. NEEDLES, S. W. °Or. IWELPTH and &ACE, Phllada. Sent by mall to any address, on reek Ipt of price, 50 cents per box. ap2.ltf IN NEW YORK. BY HENRY H. LEEDS & MINER, On the evenings of Thursday, 26th, and Friday, 27th p , ll; at each evening, AT THE DIISSELDORF GALLERY, 548 BROAD WAY, Nii.W YORE THE SUPERB PRIVATE COLLECTION OF BIGII. CLARE OItI(4.IIkAL oth PAIN LINOS of the most celebrated masters, being the entire. well known gallery of Robert Smith, Esq., Of Philadelphi a. They are of the most pleasing subjects and finest paintings ever brought to thi.. country, nearly all of and m having been seenecl in Europe resid e de, and have not been by any one out of ht ce in Milled, iphia.. Be is about to leave f mEurope, and will therefore dispose of his entire collection. They icill be on exhibition at our Dusseldorf Gallery, im and after Friday, the 10th nay of A pril, until the sale. Amens ether celebrated masters are the following: Vandyke, D. Tenter's, P. Cortona, Rubens, Wouvermanns, Gilbert Stuart, Titian, De Herm, Rottenhammer, ltenb'n&V'nDyke,Lncca Giordano, Geo, Dforland, Calo Dolci, Molinter, Schidani, lechbein, C. Polembers, - Queliinus, Laucret, Neoax, Coypel, Cart av agio, Diepeu beck - , Gerard Hoet, Guido, Ling.eback, P. Veronese, Greene, Van derwerf, Palamedes, Le eueur, Ostaae. Perugino, Imireese, Ifeucheron, F. Teich!, A. Cuyp, Casacri, P. Patel, Mut-Mo. P. Champagne, P. Brill. A Cabinet Picture, representing a lady, child and cavalier at the window, equal to Meissonnier, by TISCH REIN. Also, an original portrait of Napoleon First, when first consel, by David. Also, those four highly celebrated pictures representing the you, Seasons, by LUCCA GIORDANO. These are undoubt edly the most beautifUl pictures ever painted by this art st. A guarantee was given to the I present owner, which will be handed to the purchaser. Also, an ex quisite picture by F, Monis, purchemad by the present owner, and was ceded in Germany "27te GrandPloris." Also many other wonderful pictures, Comprising 160 in all. We think we hazard nothing in saying that It is the most Valuable and authentic collection. by the old masters, ever exhibited in this city. All we ask Is that the public Will examine for themselves. They are the entire private gallery of Mr. smith , and none others are in the collection. ap2l-2trpl H - ENRI. JAMES, • A CCOUNTANT. Disputed and Confused Accounts Adjusted—Sets of books opened—small sets kept by contract. State ments and Balance . Sbeeta prepared fur Bankrupt Estates. FRENCH AND SPANISH TRANSLATED. opl9-Grol Room 34, No. 413 Chestnut street, SATURDAY; APRIL 21, 1866: BATH BRICKS (all whole).- 40.000 28,000 pounds Black Lead Luino. Best. 10,000 pounds Black Lead, powdered. Best. 10,000 pounds Antimony, 1( olb. boxes. 2,1(0 pounds Gum Camphor tu barrels. 2,500 pounds Yow'd and Gr'd Gentian Root. 2,000 pounds American Drop-black In 1001 b. boxes. 1,500 pounds English do. do. 540 pone ds Chloroform P. dr, W bottles. 2,000 pounds Cream Tartar, pow'd, pure, in Ws. 2,000 ounces Sulph. Quinine, P. dr. W.. in 10d oz. cases. 500 ounces Sulph. Biorphtne, PAW., 50 oz. cases. All the above in Store and for sale at lowest market rates. Mir Weinvite increased orders for our popular PUDE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD AND PENN TREATY WHITE LE AD, Of BUY IT! TRY 1T which lt we are the sole manufacturers. PUTTY I PUTTY I! PUT T Y!! t best in the market. MADE Ow PURE LINSEED OIL, With power and facilities to fill orders to any extent to Orders daily increasing.. We invite Inquiries. ZIEGLER e SMITH, Wholesale Druggists, Proprietors of the Pennsylvania Paint and Color Works, Store and Ofttoe, No. 137 North THIRD street, apl9.l2upt ' Philadelphia. METALS! JUST ARRIVED, And Now Landing Steamship Propontis, Steamship City of Limerick, Steamship Delaware, Ship Coburg, Ship Tonawanda, Ship Wyoming, Ship British Lion, Ship Duncan, Ship John Clark, Ship Ma)y Russell, Barque M. F. Corning, Barque Coburg. Barque I izzie Marrow, Barque Kathleen, 5,000 Boxes Tin Plate, Assirted, ' 500 Pigs Lead. • 400 Pigs Tin, 3,000 Bundles Hoop Iron, 2,000 Bundles Round Iron, 30 Toms Speller. 50 casks Zinc. 20 casks Aatimeiy, 10 calks Files. 5 casks Rake Pans, 3,000 lbs, Steel Wire, 3 to 25. 6,000 Ponds Tinned Wire, 3 to 23. FOR SALE AT LOWEST MARKET RATES, 13T N&G.TAYLOR CO. 303 and 305 rtira, EVERY SATURDAY. Contents of No.-17. PREVOST PARADOL. A RIDE ON SKINS DOWN THE RAVL AN AWKWARD DLL eILMA. VINES AND WINES, THE BARRISTER'S WIG. HOCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. THE OLDEST RELIC IN THE WORLD. FOREIGN NOTES. IN tom ON, M ARCH, 1866, by Boar. BUCHANAN TOO LATE, by IRAN INcismow. Price 10 Cents MONTHLY PART for Arum, now ready, contain ing Weekly Par: s Nos. 14, 15.16 and 17. Price, 50 cents. Subscription Price of 'EVERY SA.TURD AY, in Weekly Or Monthly Parte, SS 00 a in advance: to subscribers for any other of our periodicals, 14 00 a Yew'. Back numbers can always be Punished. Ticknor & Publishers, Boston. For Eale by all Newedealere • - • r.E .v ical • • 14: With latest improvements. 7so TNUT Street, Philadelphia 17 EARICNT Street. Harrisburg. .1.31-Bna rD SPECIAL ATTENTION" IS OALLED TO A °BEAT WORK 01' ART, NOW ON EXHIBITION'AV F. Gabrylovitzrs Philadelphia Art. Gallery, 1305 CHESTNUT STREET, CAMMARA NAYS' • GREAT HISTORICAL PICTURE' OF THE SACKING OF ALTAMURA; BY CARDINAL BUFFO, IN 1799: • Painted by order of the Italian Government For a fall description of this extraordinary prodner tion, we refer to the printed details in the Gallery. Admission to the Gallery, M cents, To be engraved by John Sartain. PRICE & WOOD, 113. 113., NORTH NINTH BT.; ABOVE ARCH. Havejnat opened; a new lot of White Goods. 100 Pa. Nahisook P.ald Muslims, 5734, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 55. 70 and 75c. a yard. Soft Finish Cambric and Jaconet Muslims. Nainsook Muslims, 25. 28,33, 5a.14,40..up td Soc. a yard.- A cheap lot of Vittoria Lawns, 'very fine, 40c. yard.- Hair Cord. Stripe and Plaid la uslins. Swiss Muslims. 20, M. 58, 31, 40, .93 up to Ste. yard_ FiguredSeise Muslims, 28 and 45e, LINEN GC ODS. LIN= GOoli2- 7-4 Colored Table L's ens, 62Xc, a yard. Power Loom Table Linens. 75.87 f and $1 a yard.-- Double Damstak Bleached Table Clothe. and $8 Napki 00 n a s, dozen. warranted all Linen, $2 38, $2 50, 1200, ta 75 A cheap lot of Linen 'Powebi,2o and 25c. Handsome Damsak Towels. SLINS ! Beet makes Bleached and Unbleach Mll ed Moalins at. the very lowest mkt ice. Bleached Muslin ar % 1e pr 5 20 and 22 cts. a yard. Best Bleaches Muslin la th. city for 25 cents a yard; ReaVY Yard-wide Unbleached Ma. line, 24 cents. Sine and Heavy yard-wide Unbleached Muslin, a 1111 r o d W Case and Sheeting Muslin. RID GLOVES. BID GLOVES. Best quality imported Choice Spring Colors Lsidies r : English silk Gloves. Ladies White and Buff Berlin Gloves. Ladles! Lisle and Berlin Gloves, 25 cts. np to 50 cts. a pair. BONNET RIBBONS. CHOICE COLORS. Numbers 5 and 5 Corded Edge Ribbons. Black Velvet Ribbons: White Silk Malimea. HOOP PRIRL—HOOP est. quality; ;made expressly for our sales. Price & Wood s 113 NORTH NINTH ST., Above Arch:, N. remove to the northwest corner of Eighth and Filbert streets about the last°, April. ight Fano) Cassimeres and Coatings, RnD:at FANCY CASSIMMFS DARK FANCY CA ESIEfERES AND COATINGS lIDERD CLOTH , , &c , &c. FANCY STYLES FOB LADIES' SACQUES MIXTURES OF ALL GRADES FOR BOYS' AND HENS WEAR, FROM THE LATE AUCTION SALES, AT. F-11 4e. REDUCED PRICTS. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER; Nos 450, 452 and 454 Borth Second St., Emporium for !lac, silts! An immerse stock now open at low prices. commis. Ins every variety from meaium to sublime quality. Heavy Taffeta Silks for Coats at 1.371.2', and 1 621-2 Heavy Gros Grain Silks for Coats at 1 88 and 1 95. 2 Lots Black and White Check Dress Silks at 1 2.5 and 1 50. AT NlcEl_4ll.oll('S, No. 11 IC Ninth St.. abv. Chestnut. TIGER GOLD MINING COMPANY OF COLORADO. Capital Stock, : - - - $500,000* PAR VALUE OP SHARES, $lO EACH. PRICSID3CtiT, FRANELIN BUTIXR TREASURNEEL, GEORGE A ENO. SECILSTAItY, GEORGE H. RECRTE;CL DIRECTORS, FHAFHLII , T BUTLER, THEO 11"EGAROBUE, WM. H. FLITCRAFT, (GEORGE H. BECHTEL; bEt. I.J. BOWE ADAMS, J. HE HVBY BRYAN, ,GEORGE F. LEWIS, The Mines of this ,Company comprise 6,600 feet of gold-bearing Cedes, near CENTRAL CITY, Colorado. and assay VERY RICH. They also own a fine water power upon South Clear Creek, upon which their trines are located, which they Intend louse for driving all LI efr machinery, The machinery is all order,d,and will be on its way to the Mines by the first of May. Their Mines are within a shoit distance of the Eaglet Mining Com p.ny, whi his now PAYING DIVI DENDS IN COIN. he Company sxpecta to pay di videcds by li , vember nest, 5068. The Company have reserved a working capital of to (00 shoats, a portion of which is now offered for sale. For particulars and prospectus call at the offiee Ot Company, arokst NO. 716 ARCH STREET. Spectacles • Mathematical Instruments, Microscopes, Spy Glasses, Stereoscopes and Views, Magic Lanterns, Opera Glasses, &c., &0., WM. Y, McATUSTER I No. 728 Chestrint Sta .A. t 3 U JEt, Y PIANOS I ! I l ogA BRADBURY'S UNEXCELLED ma PIANOS TREAT, LINSLEY di CO.'S PREMIUM ORGANS, Planos of yarlous other makera,al.l at reduced prices;. GrErTZE, ap74 pa to Lh 6t .1 772 CHESTNUT ST. tirl, J. T. GALLAGHER, Late of amixy & Ca, FORMERLY 'RA rr.rY & KITCHEN, Invitee attention to his NEW JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT, S. W, cor, Thirteenth and Chestnut Sts; MS STOCK OF , WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND OTHER FINE JEWELRY Sterling Silverware awl Silver Platee' ware. will be found very complete. Those wishing to pnr chase or examine w.ll find it much to their advantage to favor him with a call. All goods w- ARRAtii , of FIRST QUALITY, and prices satisfactory. The • CELE/Meta:l VACHFRON and CONSTANTINE WWI CH, of all sizes, for Ladles and Gentlemen. Special attention given to DIAMONDS. _ watches and Clocks earefally Repaired and war. ranted. Mill- th ea tti AP • AND COATINGS Above Willow:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers