For the fhiladelphia Evening Bulletin.] Country Residences and the Cholera.' NO. 111. It is well known that in seasons when cholera and dysenteries prevail as epi demics, pure water is essential and that limestone countries especially should be avoided by those unaccustomed to that kind of water. For while those born to that soil may not, suffer more than the residents of other districts, new corners would be very liable to an attack of cholera and dysentery. The same may be said of water from wells near tide water level: being mostly brackish and impure they should he avoided. Pure water, at all times, is indispensable to health, and that from living springs is more wholesome than either rain or river water. Person,. therefore, in search of healthy locations in the country should,first of all, insist upon good water and avoid limestone and seek for living springs. Look then at the geology of the district of country :west of Philadelphia. The primary forma tions, as they were termed by the old geolo gists (such as those of gneiss, granite, mica and table slate), afford pure soft water, or nearly so. • This formation exists in the southeastern portion of Pennsylvania, as far north as .rirenton i ; and a far south as the western edge of 'Tor/L - county. This includes Lower Me rlon township, Montgomery county,and the adjoining section of Delaware county along ,the Pennsylvania Central to a mile above the Paoli. Above Spring Mill, in Upper Merlon, and as- far "up as Norristown, the gimestonelormation is found; betweenthese two'points crosses the Schuylkill, ranging eastward through 'Plymouth and White Xdish to Sandy Run and to A.bington, west of Willow . Grove. This range of limestone on the west side of the river extends up by the'old "King of Prussia" to Downingtown, and so on, narrowing down to a point some fifty-two miles frillm Philadelphia. This Icirms the great limestone Valley of Chester County. The high land on the south side of this limestone country, traversed for twenty Miles by the Pennsylvania Central, offers great inducements for country residences, the water being soft and most excellent, and the climate proverbially healthy. • After viewing the country from Paoli 'down along the railroad, turn in to the northward, just above the nine mile stone on the Lancaster turnpike. We soon reach the Old Gulf Road, and passing on by the Baptist Church we traverse a delightful country, by a fine road, well shaded with lofty forest trees, and crossing to the north side of Mill Creek, at Penn's ten mile stone (8 miles from Marset street bridge), we find ourselves in the romantic valley of Mill Creek, which may be descended in a dis tance of two miles to the Schuylkill, and it may be affirmed that many Philadelphians could scarcely be persuaded that so wild a country exists within an easy hours drive from the Market street bridge. The large volume of water tumbles down over nu merous dams, foaming and dashing among rocks and through glens and meadows till it finds quiet in the broad bosom of the Schuylkill. The drives and horseback rides through the numerous roads of this de lightful wild valley are attractive in the ex treme; On each side of the Creek theland rises into high undulating table-lands, from which the views, reaching for many miles, are 'very picturesque. Clear, cold springs of the purest water abound, and with the sin gular feature in a hilly country that they Clow out near the hill-tops. Mill-creek tows in a circular sweep to the Schnylkin enclosing an elevated knob of country some four square miles in extent, which is over looked by Merion Square, a village at the eross-roads, containing a few houses ' stores, post-office, school-house, and church. From this point a panoramic view may be had of a great extent of country, including both sides' f the Schuylkill over to Germantown and Chestnut 14 i 1 1. This region being quite elevated, the people look dawn on Chestnut Hill and wonder why thefOrgwd in there so closely, when a country, quite as beautiful, more romantic, and certainly quite as ac cessible, exists within sound of the church bells of the city. Manicus. Prof. Lattirenee's Last Beading. One of the most successful Readings given in this city took place recently at Horticul tural Hall. Prof. Philip Lawrence, the eminent elocutionist, assisted by his daughter Mary, and aided by Messrs. Emerson Bennett and Covert, attracted a numerous and intellectual audience. Of Mr. Lawrence's performance we cannot speak too highly, his delivery of "Mark Antony's Oration," was one of the finest Shakspearean renditions we ever witnessed, perfectly true to nature, and in the highest order of the art. "Sheridan's Ride" quite electirfiedi the audience; the black steed rushing on to the battle, was brought so vividly before the minds of the hearers, that they almost fancied they could see it stretch ing away at its utmost speed, with its flash ing eyes and foaming nostrils. Poe's "Fare well to Earth" was a wonderful perfor inancet the modulations of voice, the force of the delivery, the pathos of the farewell, the varied sounds of the tolling, chiming and ringing bells, were most artistically executed. It cannot be praised too highly, and we recomniend all admirers of fine elocution to be present the next time this beautiful poem is recited. Miss Mary Law rence, a young lady about 13yeara of age, is one of the best youthful readers we ever beard. She has a sweet silvery toned voice, and graceful gestures. She proves she has been most judiciously trained, and her de livery of the "May ! , . Queen," and "Excel sior" we have rarely , heard surpassed. Messrs. Bennett and Covert acquitted them selves very creditably, and added to the gratification of the audience. We hope it will not be long before Prof. Lawrence favors us with a similar entertainment. IN A Fix—The Calais, Maine, Advertiser says that the abrogation of the Reciprocity Treaty seems to have placed some of the large lumber manufacturers on both sides of the St. Croix river in rather an awkward fix. Some of those who own mills on the British side, being largely interested in timber lands on this side, cannot manufac ture their logs when cut without taking them on that side and subjecting them to a ciuty; and by bringing them back tothis side in the shape of lumber, subject to another duty. On the other band, some of the lumber manufacturers on this side own timber lands and mills on the British side, and in order to get their lumber to market, would have to bring it to this side and pay duty on it. THOSE who are compelled to hire hone belp willappreciate the following advdrtise• anent, clipped from an Omaha paper: "Mrs. Gl. H. Collins wants a tirst-rate, tip-top, No. 1 girl, to do house work: must thoroughly understand cooking, washing and Ironing. Wages, $5 per week. All the piano playing, fine needle work, visiting, and'entertaining company will be done by the lady of the house. Two ,Fommuntr MmannnEn.--At Savan nah,' greorgia, on Saturday night, a police- Maw, named Tames Bartley, killed two policemen while he was on a spree.. They had attempted to arrest him, but he shot them both dead, according to the evidence given at the inquest. He has been com mitted. liprorcog OF ANOLD LADY.--Sasan Arnold, 60 years of age, residing in Burrillville, R. T„ hung herself in her chamber on the 6th inst. She had evidently made every pre paration for the act, She had a loaded gun, a dirk knife and a phial of mercury in the room with her; and had also laid out upon a bed in another room 04 the clothes for her DISLEY'S CONTINENTAL NAWS'E2COII.INGIA AA. , _ _ CHOICE SEATS To all plae - es of amusement may be had up to 63f o'clock any evening. mhtatt nBOIC.It SEATS AND ADMISSION TICKETS %..; can be bad at THE PROGRAMME On . .taCE 481 LuiuSTNUT street, opposite the Fea t Office, for the ARCH, CHESTNUT. weiffur and ACADEMY OF MUSIC, up to 6 o'clock every evening, 8619.1! FOYER ACADEMY OF MUM, CARL WOLFSOHN'B sErarEs OF TEN BEETHOVEN MATINEES. NINTH MATINEE, Tuesday Afternoon, April 17th, 1866, At half-past Four o'clock. SINGLE TICKETS. ONE DOLLAR. To be had at the MUSIC Stores and at theDoor.apl4-8t MUSICAL SOIREE " AVERY EVENING, , AT TICE City Wiese :and - Reading Rooms, a .16-240 No. 1245 CHESTNUT sine Pallada. AMERICAN ACLA.DEDLY OF =SIR, Lessee and Manager WM. WILEATLICT EXTRA AT rBACTION. Iir..WHEATLEY great pleasure in - announcing an engagement with the DISTINGUISHED ARTISTE, FRANCOIS RAVEL, • After an absence of five years from the city. This Troupe row embraces the PANTOMIMIC 3IASTEI.S OF Tilt. WORLD, {GABRIEL. RAVEL, FRA.NCOIS, RAVEL, ANTOINE, YOUNG AMERICA, THE MARTEN ETTI S, (Six in Number), _ SIGNORITA PEPITA, M. VON RA.MME, AND OTHERS OF FAMED CELEBRIT THIS (Tneeday) EVENING. April 17th, Will be preeented (Ist time the Pantomime of DEV,HALII ROQIIIN ET, (2d appearance) 'FRANCOIS RAVEL M. DECHALIMI GABRIEL RAVEL After wnich, the'new Grand Ballet. entitled THE NYMPHS AND THE BIT ITERFLY. Concluding with THE the GOLDEN EGG Fairy.Fantomime of TORY. by.— RAVEL THE FROG, BY Reserved Seats in Parquet and Parquet Circle, 51: Balcony, 75 cents; Family Circle, 40 cents; Amphi. theatre, 25 cents. Seats can be secured six days in advance at C. W. A. Trumpler's 'Music Store, S. E. corner of Seventh and Chestnut streets, and at the Box Office of the Academy. of Music, from 9 A. AL to 4 P. M. Doors open at past 7—to commence at before 8. ON SATURDAY A.FTWW.Nr , ON, April 21st, THE THIRD GRAND BLATINS.E Admission. with Reserved Seats 75 cents Doors open 3.4. past I—to commence at 2 o'clock. TAu ALNUT STREET THEATRE, N. E. corner TV NINTH and WALNUT Begins I.l° to 8. TUESDAY EVENING, Aprll 17, 1816, Eecond night of the eminent Comedian, MR. JOHN - BROUGHAM, Who will appear in his great impersonation of WILHINS MICAWBER, In his own celebrated Play from • CHARLV-‘. DICKRNS'S Great worE, entitled DAVID COPPERriELD, And as O'CALLAGHAN,.THE IRISH DOCTOR, In the laughable Cornea lens of HIS LAST LEGS. After the Drama the Orchestra a ill perform the NEW BOBALINR POLKA, Composed by Jobn Biougbam. and received nightly WITH GREAT A P PL at SE. CHANGE OF BILL EVERY EVENING. Wi. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH STREW REATRE. Begins at Yto 8 o'clock. ENGAGFIMNT OF SIN" NIGHTS ONLY OF MB. L. P. BARRETT. TUESDAY EVENING. April 17th, 1648, Second and last time of Brougham's Play THE DUKES MOTTO. HENREE DE LAuiARDERE, tMr. L. P. ETT 2HE HUNCHBACK, SOP, f Duke oe Gonzales ..E L Tilton CtuTickferens-----.--...--..—Owen Marlowe Peyrolles —Stuart Bobson Blanche Miss E. Price Zillah ( kith 50ng5)..._..... .......- -.Mrs. T A. Crewe AY—RENEFTT OF M. BARREPt MONDAY NEXT—MADAME CELESTE. Seats secured six days In advance. NEW CHESTNUT STREET THEATRE, CHESTNUT Street, above TWELFTH. WM. E. Manner Doors open at 7. Curtain rises at 7.45. MONDAY AND DAY EVENINGS FIEST APrEABANcE IN ...I'HILADELPEUA IN Mv*Ml MISS - ** - 6 - 01E — Ad - rairrt;„ raISS MAGGLE MITCHELL, MI6'S MAGGIE MITCHELL, In her great Iropersenatlon of FANCHON, THE CRICKET, In the play of that name, which will be produced with entirely NEW AND MAGNIFICENT SCENERY___ u BEAMS FUL AND APPROPRIATE APPOINTMENTS. The performance will consist of the Play, In 5 acta. entitled FANCHON, FANCHON. THE CRICKET. FA NOHON, (her original clamp - ter Miss MAGGIE MITCHELL Miss MITCYI be supported by: J. W. COLLIER AVE THE Ef.TREE GTH OF THE COMPANY. Act I—TB E LITT.LE CRICKET. Act 2—THE SHADOW DANci.E. Act 3—THE FESTIVAL:. Act 4—THE BRIDGE. Act S—THE TRIUMPH. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, April 13, lona GR.- , ND FAMILY MATII . -.114E. COMICAL COUNTESS. MAID WITH THE MILK ING PAIL, CONJUGAL LESSON. SATURDAY. AFTERNOON, April 21, iosTa GRAND FAMILY IL, TECEE. The Romantic Drama, in 3 acts. entitled THE FLYING DUTCHMAN. Admission to Evening Pericrmance, 25c., 50c. and $l. ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENC RS— Corner o Broad and Sansom streets.—The Museum o this Institution, containing the largest cellections in Natural History in the United States, will be open to the public daily, Saturdays and bundays excepted, flomil o'clock. A M., until sunset, during APRI7•, MAY and JUNE, 1866, in order that our citizens may pecorhe better acquainted with its intrinsic value and importance to the city, and the necessity of a new ball. with accommodations for the more convenient display and preservation, as well as future increase of Its col lections. Each ticket will admit but one person during the three months' daily exhibition, and may be obtained of any member, and also of the following. named F entleruen : F. BROWN, Druggist, N. E. corner Eifth and Chest nut streets. T. B. PIIEIH. Bookseller, S. W. corner Sixth and Chestnut streets. ' ASHISLE,AD & EVANS, Booksellers, 724 Chestnut street. ThYON, BROTHERS & CO, Gun Store, 625 Market street EDW. PARRISH, Druggist. 800 Arch street. k 'WILLIAM S. HENZMV, Drugitst, Eighth and Mar. et streets. 1 • JOHN BR: — - streets, IDER, Gun Store, Second and Walnut . . . _... -- A. B. TAYLOR, Druggist, 1015. Chestnut street. S. (.4. CAFF.r.E, Druggist, N. E. corner Broad and Cbestnut streets. EASheltDet - DO., Druggists, Tvielfth and Chestnut streets. AirNo tickets issued at the door of the Academy. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. CHAS. H. JARvIS'S SIXTH AND LASP MATINEE, THURSDAY, April ISM, 1866 , At Four o'clock. Single Admise ion One Dollar Tickets and Programmes at the Music Stores. api4-4ti NEW AMERICAN THEATRE.. WALNUT street. above Eighth. EVERY EVENING AND ON WEDNESDAY AND SATORDAY AFTED. NOUNS. EL NINO EDDIE, The Greatest Living 'Wonder_on the Tight Rope. _ THE BRILLIANT FWLER SISTERS. MISS CARRIE AUGURTA MOORE, THE GREAT BEATER. Grand Balleta, Laughable ComEtilf s, • Comic Pante. mimes, Burlesques •&c. A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS. - .M SIGNOR BLrrys DOABLE SPHVNX SIGNOR BLITZ'S DOUBLE SPHYNX Is still the great attraction at his TEMPLE OF WON DERS. All the best feats, including the POPE DANCFR. GRAND TURK, CANARY BIRDS and VENTRILOQUISM. are also given EVERY EVEN. ING at 7M, and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at 8 o'clock. Admission. 25 cents—Children; 15 cents. Reserved Seats, 50 cents. mhl9 ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHEISTNIJT, above Tenth street, Open front 9 A. M. tal 6 P. M. Bea West's great 'Picture o CHRIST REMELTED, Still on exhibition.- - TESTIeu'VION FOR THE BLEND.— Bahia-Won 1 every Wednesday at 33i P. khL Admission Ten Cents. Store. No.ll South Eighth street. it* &Amoy afternoon at the blue Punt ClEttaLelql.a. Isenearaala every Hall, at half-past three o'clock. Engagementa made by addrevelng 131COBEIE 1111137MLT, agent, 1231 Mon. ergyAtreet4 between Race and Vine. .omit COPARTMMSFEIPS. TAISSOL I noisl OF PARTNERSHIP. —.The 0 0 . partnership heretofore existing under the firm of INFAVE.R. Alt VOLKMAR is this day dissolved by mutual consent, H VOI,IIIIfAR retiring. Either of the partners will settle the accounts of the late firm. JACOB WEAVER, HENRY VOLEIWAP PirimirmiarsrA, April 2d. 1866. 'XTOTICI3,--The undersigned will continue the FTIR NA(o. RANGE and GRATE business at the old stand, No, es South THIRD street. ' JACUB WEAVER. altl-St* APR'''. id. 1866. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN PHTLA.DELPHIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1866. DIE OLDEST AND''LARGEST : SADDLE kt HARNESS Manufacturing Establishment in the Country. LA CEY,MEEKER & Co No. 1216 CHESTNUT STREET OFFER OF THEM OWN MANUFACTURE: BUGGY HARNESS, from JIM 00 to $.150 LIGHT BAROUCHE from ,50 00 to gm HEAVY do do ..... . . ........ 00 to 600 EXPREES,BRAS . S MOUNTED Hattarnas..27 50 tO 90 WAGON and BELF-AD.TUBTING...._ 15 00 to 80 STA GE and TEAM - do .80 00 to 50 LADIES' SADDLE do 00 to 150 GENTS' do do 8 CO to 78 Bridles Mountings, Bite, Rosettes , Horse Covell!, Brushes, Soaps, Blacking, Ladles' and Gents' Trateling ano Tourist Saes and Sacks, Lunchßasko• s passing and Shirt Caim,Trnnks and Valises. rubitLeim No. 1216 Chestnut .13treat. NEW LINEN - GOODS !! o. 828 Arch street. RETAIL, AT IMPORTERS' PRICES. LINEN LAWN BREESE% Npr STYLES, VERY BANDBOX& -r LINEN TRAVELING DRESS ES,entirel,y new design NEW PRINTED LINENS, landing from Steamer "Propontis." GOLDEN' FLAX IRISH SHEETING LINENS, ail the Numbers. These Linens axe Of extra weight and quality. POWEELOOM TABLE LINENS—From 87 per yard. BLEACHED TABLE LINENS—New Patterns, very cheap. • CHEAP VAPRlNS—Landing from Str. "Helvetia." TABLE CLOTHS,rax e styles, with Napkins to match. TOWELS, of every kind from ` . .5 cents up. NUP,S2BY DIAPERS, all the widths required. TOWELING by the yard, Crash, Diaper. Huck, &c. LINEN DRILLS and DUCKS, white, nerd and fancy LINEN II ANDR FS., every kind for Ladies, Gents' and Children. SHIRT BOSOMS, of very superior quality BIRD EYE and OTHER DIA PERS LINEN CAMBRICS and LAWNS. LINEN BUYERS Will Find the Largest Stock of Linens in the City, at AIILLIKEN'S STORE, ci i ,.RLARCH STREET bath Strjped Grenadines JUST OPENED, AT REDUCED PRICES. CIIRWEN STODDART EkBROTHER Noe. 450, and 454 N. SECOND street, aplf.St Abare Willow. COLORED AND WRITE aNOUND MOHAIR FOULARDS, OF CHOICE STYTAM, AT REDUCED PHICIM. OIIRWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos, 450, 452, 454 N. Second St , apl4-etl Above Willow. LINEN GOODS. VERY CHEAP. Brown Tab e Damasks, 623 i, 75 and 573 i. Hand-wove Table Linen, at 75, and el, very heavy. Bleached Table Damasks, at el, EI 123', el Mandel 50. Very fine Table Damasks, of beautiful new patterns. Extra heavy Barnsley Damasks, at et 75 and Napkins, of all kinds. fi owels, at It, 25, 3540, 45, 50, and some that are very ne. Diaperinz, from g 2 per piece op to the finest. 13.1386111 Crash Huckaback and German Roll. Richardson's Eihtrting Linens, In all the numbers. Pillow Linens and Sheetings. All these Linens have been bought lately, and I am offering them very low. GRANVILLE B. HAINES. 101 s Market street, above Tenth. CLOTHE CAcSISIERM AND COATINGS.—James & M i ee nvite the attention of their friends and others to their large and well assorted Spring Stock, comprising, in part,WATT"( G GOODS, Superißlack French Cloth. Colored , Cloths, of all kinds, Black Tricot Coatings. Fancy French Coatings, Super Silk Mixed Coatings, Tweeds, of every shade and quality. PANTALOON STUFFS. Black French Doeskins, the finest texture, ' Black French Cassimeres, the finest texture, New styles of Fancy Cassimeres. Plain and neat styles Ca.ssimeres. Mixed Doesiclos and Cassimeres. bilk Mixed and Plaid Cassimerea. Cords, Beaverteens and Velveteens. .Cassinaeres for Suits, all styles. Also, a large assortment or Goods expresslyaMed to Boys' wear, for sale cheap. JAN.3M: & T No. 11 North Second at., sign of the Golden Lanh. I, , DWIN HALL & CO., 28 South Second street, have 11i now open their Spring Stock of Shawls. Open Centre Broche Shawls. G , Open Centre Square Shawls. Filled Centre Square: hawls. New Styles of Shawls. Spun Sill: Shawls. Llama Wool Shawls. Cashmere Wool Shawls. Berlin Wool Shawls. Long and Square Black Thlbot Shawls, in great va riety. wholesale and retail. EDWIN BALL & CO., 28 Soutkt3econd street, are opening daily new goods. Check bilks, Colored Grounds. check Silks, White Grounds. Bich Rioire Antiques. • Rich Shade. , Pim!) Silks. Foulard Silks, rich styles. Bilk and Linen Poplins. Black Bilks,or sal kinds,for Cloaks. arms AT REDUCED PRICES. QTOICPS & WOOD have received from the large A 7 auction sale in New York, elm lots of Plaid and Stripe I , l:ke. One lot Bleck and White Check 'Silks, $1 25. One lot erownl and White Cheek ttilke. $1 2,15. • (113 P lot Black and White Check Stks, $t 50. One lot Black grid White Check Silks, el 25. One lot Dark Silks, Striped, $l5O. One lot Dark Silks, Striped , 01 62g. 702 Altos at. IILkItNESS, SADDLES, altc RETAIL DRY GOODS DIRECT PROSI EUROPA AT IVELTLALIIKEN'S LINEN STORE. Itt•i ,- ?_it•J: l l? 4 =iffiKillietSzSittlt4DtainAl 1866. Spring IR.portation. 1866 E. M. NEEDLES Has just opened; 1,000 PIECES WHITE GOODS, In PLAIN, FA.NCY,STRLPED, PLAID and Figured Jaconete, Cambric's, Naltisook, Dina. tles. Swiss. Mull and other Musints, compris ing a most completo stoox to which the atten tion of purchasers is solicited as they are of-, fared at a large REDIAITION from last SEA SON'ts PRICES:. NO pieces SHIRRBD MUSLINS for Bodies. NO pieces PIQUES In all varieties of style and price from Soc. to4l SO. 800 PARIS GOFFERED SKIRTS, newest styles, of my own importation. tc o.6lStrarelZit lizic 14 (• Y RE & LAN DE LL,FOD RTH AND AROSI,I3.A.VE THEM. SECOND OPENING OF __ SPRING GOODS THIS MORNING. NEW GRENADINE% NEW FOULARDS 'NEW DRESS GOObS, NEW SACK CLOTHS, CRAPE PONGEES, SPLENDID SI/11.8. RETAIL DRY GOODS GREAT ItEDTTOTION IN .IPELICEO. Having a very large stock of Bilks, bought at the very lowest prices, we are able to sell them at a GREAT REDUCTION From the prices early In the season. fiChene Silks Reduced to $3 50. 1 , lied Corded Silks Reduced to $4. Plain Corded Silks Reduc- d to $4. 1 li s . la p in iain Cor s d n ed ks Reduced topl. $3 Plain Silks Reduced to $2 25, t l ik ed s u Check Silks Reduced to $2 25. 25 Check bilks eeduced to $1 75. 128 Check Silks Reduced to It 50. 1 75 Check lit ks Reduced to II 25. Foulard bilks Reduced to $2. 43ogloatiPdaglVtisiksRedReutedlod to 1i.511 Black Armure Silks Reduced 10 $3. 50 Black Taffetas Reduced to $3 50, - Black Oro ti rain Reduced to 53 50. 50 Black. Gros Grainteduced to 52 50. 50 Black tiros Grain Reduced,to $275. 25 Black Gros Grain Reduced to 42 50. - 75 Black Oros Grain Reduced to $2. Black Taffetas Reduced to $4. lack Silks $1.26. ir 50, 51 75. - . 1 1 12 6-4 Black Queen's Cloth Reduced to 87,4ic. 25 64 Blank Queen's Cloth Reduced to K. 1 ,1 26 4 Black Queen's Cloth Reduced to $1 50. 1 tO 6-4 Black Queen's Goth Reduced to al 2.5. 60c. 54 Black Wool Delaine Reduced to 75c. $1 12 64 Black Wool Delaine Reduced to 87c. In 25 54 Black Wool Delaine Reduced to $l. 81 RI 5-4 Black Woc I Delaine Reduced tosl 25. 51 54 Colored Wool Delalue Reduced to 87c. 11 32 5 4 Colored We' 1 Delaine Reduced to s7O. 125 5 4 Colored Wool Delaine Reduced to $l. • $1 12 Plaid poll de Chevres Reduced to 87c. $1 Plaid Poll de Chevres Reduced to 75c, a7c. Plaid Poplins Reduced to 50c. ! 62c. Plaid Porllns Reduced to 81c. , And other qualities; and varieties of Dress Goods at equally as LOW PRICES. . H. STEEL & SON, Nos. 713 and 715 North Tenth Streets a 16-31, P BBLACK BABEGE BERNANLI, imoit A:QC -4TION, AT RRDUCED PRICES. CIFRWEN STO . DDART ,t BROTHER, 450, 4a. , and 454 NORTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE WILLOW ICII R. .13R0L73k.; FlGUttiar MOLIALP,S, FEDM ALCTION, AT REDUCED PRICES. CURWEN STODDART .' BROTHER. 450, 452 and 444 NORTH SECOND STREET, , ABOVE WILLOW. 6_4 NEAT SILKPLAID POPLINS, PROM ADC TION, AT REDUCED PRICES. CI7RWEN STODDART fi BROTHER, 450,452 and 454 I , .;oßrn. SECOND STREET, ABOVE WILLOW. CARPETINIA it OIL CLOTIEL The Cheapest Carpet and Furniture Warehouse in the City. CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, MATTING% WINDOW SHADES COTTAGE sum or EVERY STYLE. And a general sasortment of Hotusehold Ptonthants, H. R. LEWIS, 1434 MARKET STREET, IbleAzni Pint Purattare Store below 115thZlower aide PHILADELPHIA OIL CLOTH WORKS. Established in 1820. The undersigned invites the attention of Dealers to the most desirable stork of OIL CLOTHO to be Lund in the Union, cerusistlng of Floor Oil Cloths, Carriage Oil Cloths, Table Oil Cloths, Stair Oil Cloths, and Window Shades. THOMAS POTTER, MANUFACTURER. Philads., Warehoiuse s No. 229 Arch Street. New York Office, No 78 Duane Street. mblaamt TEETH. ROGERS' FRAGRANT ODONTOLINE . FOR °LEMMING AND PRESERVING 9rl-I.E. TEETH. Removes all substances destructive to the teeth, prevents discoloration and the accumulation of Tartar, and a spongy re laxed condition-of the Gums, imparting a please/Ft and refreshing fragrant taste to the Illtkuth. Guatanteed to contain no Acid, or any substanee that win injure or de strop the Teeth. Its cleansing and healthful properties are certified• to by prominent Dentists throughout the country. Sold by Druggists, Fancy Goods Dealers and Perfumers, and at the Depot, S 5 Li berty Street, N. T. Ask for ROGERS' FRAGRANT ODONTOLINE and take no otber. JOHNSTON HOLLOWAY SI COWDEN, Wholesale Agents. mb2o-tu,th.a•latt ... - .: . .i-.... - pt:T:*.•:H,.. AND C 0: MALTSTERS, xnhB-e-ra-thta FURNITURE AND i. BEDDING. IJJECINI IrrUIEUE. GOULD & CO.'S Celebrated Farnittue Establishment is removed from Second and Race streets to the splendid NEAT DEPOT, No. 37 and 39 N. Second street, (Opposite Christ Church.) where t h ey purpose &clang for one year, at about cost. Elegant Furniture at Fabulously Low Prices. Also at their Ninth and - Market Streets Branch,' where they are selling equally low, being about token large the premises. GOULD dr, CO.'S PITBNITHBE DEPOTS, Nos. ST and 89 N. SECOND Street, and Corner NINTH and MARKET. nah94yi R OIIS . E ICE-EFEB.E3 I have a large stock of. every _variety of Furniture which I will sell at reduced prices, consisting of PLAIN' AND MARBLE•TOP COTTAGE WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS. PARLOR SUITS IN VELVET . - PLUSH. PARLOR WITS . IN HAIR CLOTH. " PAIILOP. SUITS IN =PS Sideboards, Mctension Tables, Wardrobes, Boolc. cases, Battrsses, Lounges, Cane and Woodseat Chairs, Bedsteads and Tables or every description. P. P. GIISITNR, rob.B-3m N. E. Corner Second and Bace streets. BEDDING • FEATHER WAREHOUSE, TENTH STREET, BELOW ARCH. Feather -Beds,- Bolsters, Pil lows, lliatresses, of all kinds; Blankets*, Comfortablee, Conn tanianes, white • and colored; Bprivg Beds; Boring Cots; Iron E - edsteadsf Cushions and all other articles in the line of bush 1.210.3 HILLEORN, No. 44 North TENTH Street, 33e10w Arch aplo4ll th ea 2m N. ATWOO D, WHOLESALE MANUFACTURER OF • MATTRESSES AND - BEDDING, And Dealer in all kinds of FURNITURE, No. 45 SOUTH. SECOND STREET, aps-th sa to 2m Philadelphia. IPRING MATREti,6 I . MIST QUALITY AND STYLE. AND BEDDMG OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. J. G. FULLER, 1391074 in 9 South SEVENTH Street. " ATCILIA Atail D 1K SW *IL EC, , 41 HOWARD'S MIST-CLASS AMERICAN WATCHES, HAVE THE IMPROVED ' . MerabOn's Patent Regulator. EOLD BY THE PRENCEPAL WATCHMAKER'S Certificates. salt-it LADOArtrs - :, LINOND DEALER & JEWELER, WATCILIES,REMY k SILTER RASE, WATCHES and JEWELRY REPAIRED 8 02Cheataut St :Phils Owing to the decline of Gold, has made a great reduction in price of Ida large and well snorted Stock of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry. Silverware, &e. iThe public are respectfully invited to call and em. amtne our wick betbre purchat ins elsewhere. Jai Itf GLASSWARE. PHILADELPHIA Window GLASS Warehouse BENJAMIN H, SHOEMAKER, AGENT FOR THE FRENCH PLATE GLASS COMPANTIM IMPORTER OF English, French and German Window and Picture Glass • And Looking Glass Plates, MANUFACTURER OF American Window, .Pieture and Car Wass --'olmarnental and Colored Glow. 205 and 207 North Fourth Street, 21:264tm err Prcor.ADELPrrrA. : • I Spidiato $ 1000. 1002." BOYS' CLOTHING. A large assortment of BOY'S FINE READY. MADE CLOTHING ON HAND. Gentlemen's Clothing Made to Order. As line a stock to select from as any in the country. F. A.. IF:Ioyt 13r0., S. W. cor Tenth and rhottint sts goh3l-sa tu•th ASSEMBLY.BUILD ENG.: HAIR BESTORATIVES. EUrn I . INFALLIBLE HAIR RESTORATIVE I I This is no Bair Dye REASONS -WHY T.S..t. EUREKA. SHOULD IDS - It will cleinse the scalp, and thereby promote the growth of the hair. If the bairis dry, flair and it will give it a Softness and lively youttnul appearance.• If the hair is becoming thtn, weak and falling off, it will restore 118 strength and beauty. If the hair is gray; or 1 - o•timing 10. it will restore it to • its original color without staining scalp or head. It Is free from all impurities or polsononadrugs. It is no hair dye. but an infallible restorative, mad WllPdo that la PrOtrased, when used by the directions. SOLD, 'WHOLESALE _e NJ) RETAIL. BY ROBERT FISHER, Solt) ilLgent,, No. 25 North Afth,between Querns/ and Pine, St. Louis ' Agent for Pen Ivan% HYOTT & CO., 232 North Second street , Phi ths,tu FINAIWIAt tzd SPECIALTY. II SET% RABOLPH it CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, 16 South Third et., I 3 Nassau street, Philadelphia. I - Hew York. EMMEN STOOKS AND GOLD BOUGHT AND BOLD ON 001121513831011. INTHInGT ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. al 5-20 7 3-10. COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES WANTED. DE HAVEN & BRO., 40 South Third Street, P. S. PETERSON & CO. ' P. S. PETERSON & CO., 39 South 'Third Street. Stocks, Bonds. &c , itc., Bought and Sold at Board of Brokers. Liberal Premium paid lor COMPOUND iIiTEREST NOTES. Interest allowed on Deposita. fe94l 4 ,60 0 —The snm °TRUK HUNDRED DOLLARS . wanted on nnexeeptionaple first mortgage. Apply to 3. H. CURTIS & SON, Real Estate Brokers, 433 Walnut street. 84 000 FOR BALE—A fast-glass Mortgage of 6112.i . mEy s tl o 3l , : z a s .b . o< e i N a c to n tus tu t 24 7 . Alisecured. J. M. JUL% ILI WV,. RICHARD PENISTA_N'S Ale, Wks and Liquor Vaults, 439 Chestnut Street 9 FiIaLADRLPHIA. Established for the Bale of truadultsr , ated Liquors Only. Special Notice to Families 1 Richard Penistan's Celebrated, Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, Now so much recommended by the hietnal PantOrdr for Invalldn. 61 25 PER DOZEN. ahem Bottles hold one Pint) The above being of the very beat . gaalltY. It Mint br admitted the price Ls exceeding-I,o_ •vv charge.elivered to all pang of the nisi with= extra Brandies, Wines, Gins, Whiskies,&a.,&c. Warranted pure, at the lowest pomade rates, by the Bottle, Gallon, or Cask. a - - mirPAGNES of the beet brands oZbred lowet han oy any ether house. On Draught and In Bottles, PURE GRAPE JUICE This is an excellent article for. Invalids. It Us a mare core for lisePellsts- HAVANA. CIGILlitl, OLIVE OIL, MOUES, SAIME23I. SARDINES, ao Lent on and Dublin Porter and Brown 'Stoat—Ensllll and Sco.x.h delitti • JUST OPENED, BAY RITE, Penista,n.'s Branch Ale. Wine and Liquor Vaults, Nos. 37 and 39 . South Third Street, Philadelphia Rear Entrance on 'Rank Street. mid I HER MAJESTY CHAMPAGNE, 161 so= no ST., 80 LS AGENT. VENES.—The attention of the trade is solicited 10 the following very choice Whim eke.. for JOSZTH F. MINTON, No. 151 South Front a=ltet, above Walnut MADKER.ABI-01d Island 8 years old. ISHERRIEZ—CsnapbeII ~ Co. single, donhlo and triple Grape, E. Crusoe Sons, 11:ndolpla, ' Topaz, Biel, Spanish, Crown and F. Vallone. TORTS—Vallette, Vinho Velho Beal, Denton anti Bebello Valente & Co., Vintages 1e36 to 15 58. CLAMETS—Crusellis Freres and StJestepho anti eau Lnminy, vEronouna-44, Jourdan, Briye CO. Frontignan. CHAIIPAG2 Ernest Irrony, "Golden Star,' de Venotte. ;Her Majesty and Royal Cabinet said other favorite brands. EWE VriIIEJEY.--Cholco lota of old Wheat A7¢ and Bourbon Whisky. fbr sale by B. P. BIZIDDLN. , TON, 5 North FRONT Strwt. BLENDS' AND SHADES. B. J. WILLIAMS No. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET, MANUFACTURER OF VENITIAN BLIND& AND WINDOW SHADES. The largest and finest assortment in tho city at Ur • lowest prfces. Store Shades made and lettered ap3-LP COMPTROLLER'S NOTICE. TRE ASURT DEPARTMENT; OFFICE OF COMP-- TROT:T.7R OF CURRENCY, WenwrVOTON.- Id arch Seth, 1866. IVhereas, Py satisfactory evidence presented .to the« undersigned, it has been made to appear that" THE. NATIONAL BANK OF TEM REPUBLIC OF PELLA DFLPIIIA." in the city of Philade;phla, the" county of Philacelphla. and State of Pennsylvania, has , been duly organized under and according to the re quirements of the act of Congress, entitled 'An act tck provide a National Currency, 'monied by a pledge of United States Bonds. and to provide for the Circuit), lion and Redemption tbereof," approved .Inne ed. 1864, and bas complied with all the provisions of said act re quired to be compiled with before commencing the. tinniness of Banking under said act. zrow.,' 1. Fr. ernan , - Clarke, ifiontiotrouel of the Currency, do hereby certify that " TNE NATRYN AL BANE OF THE. REPUBLIC OF, PHILA.DEL PAIA, in the city of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennnylvania. is authorized to commence the business of Ranking under the act , [mh3ltroysol] seal r of tfs e t t , n t v it whereof thirtieth w Pe e ; e s . 11'1 2Ta bil rt n h dr . t n 8661 J FT:LR MAN CLARKE. COnaptroller, MTURS CAREY lILIYPREEI — ERVEO PROM - Xmoths. during the summer months by MRS, HALE, 429 Spruce street. apit-its
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