HE `FRESHNESS OF THE BIBLE. BY !!LLFSED BENIN, D. D. "Father! that book, with whose worn leaves the careless infant played, must be the Bible. ' Therein thy dim eyes will meet 43 cheering light and silent words of mercy breathed from Heaven, will be ex haled,from, the blist page into thy withered heart." Queen Elizabeth, who spent much of her time in reading , the best, writings of her own and former ages, has left on record the following evidences that she.did not neglect the Book. of God. "I walk many times is the pleasant , fields of the Holy Scriptures, where I pluck the goodlisome herbs of sen tences by pruning, eat them by reading,. zu di gest•the by-musing, and lay thenfup at length in thehigh seat of memory by gather ing them togethez: - •so that, having tasted their sweetness, I may less perceive the bitterness of life," , • , • • . I ask attention to-the name lirwhich - the Queen - designated the venerable ,volume. She tegitriledsit'aii.eonsisting of "pleasant fields.' There is important significance in this descriptive phrase. It was certainly possible for,God to ; make his revelation to the race in '-aftch form . that (according to the demand of the infidel Strauss), "a man ifhould be able to lay his finger upon a pre cept or a doctrine for each occurring need, and to fold - ii - ' ont *place, and Under one head, all which relates to one matter." It might have been given tons as a systematic body of divinity, or as a statute-book, - wit.... a digest and indei and accompanying It; io that in a moment, as it were, all might be seen that it contains, touching any of its .credenda andmenda or its articles of faith and its rules' ofjpractice. - - But - suppose this arrangement had been adopted, lhopld ithave carried with it any advantage to ns? Think for a moment. How much- -more' pleasant is it to wander over a broad and .-beautiful field, with its graceful - undulations, its alternate lights and shades, and its freshly growing plants, with the dew upon their leaves and the mould about their roots, than to walk in. straight; hard, level and narrow pathof garden, whieh is entirely the product of constant labor and forced culture! How much less agreeable to traverse sash a confined and stiff enclosure, all of which falls under the eye at a single glance, leav ing no •variety to delight, and no discov eries to be made as the step advances, than to pass over an expanded territory,on which the systematizing influence of art has not yet been brought to bear, with heights and valleys,forests and streams on the right and left of our path, and close about us, full of concealed- wonders and choice treasures! Now, this is the manner in which the Scriptures have been given to ns, and it is impossible not to perceive the wisdom which it indicates. As thus before us, - - these holy oracles constitute an abiding stimulus to research, and an unfailing source of variety and interest. "It is only," says one, "when our energies are roused, and our attention awake, when we are ac quiring, or_correcting, or improving our kntwledge, that knowledge makes tae re quisite impressiOn upon us. God has not made Scripture like a: garden, "where thA fruits are ripe, and the flowers bloom, and all things are fully exposed to our view. but like a field, where we have the ground, and- seed of all precious thing, but where nothing can be brought to view without our industry, nor then, without the dews of heavenly grace," "I find in the Bible," says Cecil, "a grand peculiarity, that seems to say to all who at temptio . systematize it, I am not of • your mind . . Istand alone. The great and the wise ehalrnever exhaust my treasures: by figures and parables I will come down to the feelings and understandings of the ignorant. - Leave me as I am, but study me incessantly." - This is a true view of the Bible. It is so constructed as to develop constantly some thing new. It cannot be disposed of at one reading. It demands a vigorous exercise of the understanding. No man that has ever lived could be said to have read it through. Many, indeed, have perused its pages from beginning to end, but these have always been the first to admit that it required, and would bear, perusal again and again, and that the more men study it, the more they 'will be amazed at its wonderful depths, and:attracted with its magnificent beauties. The learned Le Qlere tells us, that while he was compiling his Harmony, he was so struck with admiration of the excellent discourses of Jesus, and so inflamed with the love of his most holy doctrine, that he had but just begun to be acquainted with what he scarcely' ever laid out of his hands from. infancy. During the time that Dr. Kennicott was employed on .his Polyglot Bible, it was the constant office of his wife, in their daily airings, to read to him those different portions to which his immediate attention was called. When preparing for their ride the day after this great work was completed, uponthee asking him what book she would take, 'Oh!" exclaimed he, "let tali begin the Bible!" "The fairest productions of human wit," ramarks 'Bishop Horne, "after a few peru sals, like gathered flowers, wither in our hands, and lose their fragrancy, but these unfadmg plants of Paradise become, as we are accustomed to them, still moreand more beautiful, their blocon appears to be doubly - heightened; fresh odors are emitted, and new sweets extracted from them. He who hath once tasted their excellencies, will de sire:to taSte them again, and he who tastes them oftenest will relish them best." "I know not a better rule of reading the Scriptures;". says John Newton, "than to read it through;from beginning to end, and when,wehave finished it once, to begin it again. We shall meet with many passages which we can make little improvement of, but not so manyirt the second reading as in the first;and fewer in the third than in the second.". "The Bible," says an eminent - divine "re sembles an. extensive garden, where there is a vast viirietyr and profuSidn of frints and' flowers, Mute of ,which are more essential,. or more splendid than others,.bnt there is not a blade suffered to grow in it, which has not its use and beauty in the system. Salvation for sinners is thegrand truth pre i - • • sented everywhere, and n all points of light, but the pure in heart sees a thousand traits of the Divine character, of himself;. and of the world, some striking and'bold, others cast, as it were, into the shade, and designed to be searched for and examined." "A man's love of Scripture at the begin ning of a religious course," remarked Dr. Arnold, "is such as makes the praiSes which older Christians give to the Bible seem exaggerated, but, after twenty or thirty years of a religious life, such praise always sounds inadequate. Its glories seem,so much more full than they seemed at first." And this experience of the inexhaustible ness of the Bible, let it be noted, was not confined to the persons' just named. Ten thousand times ten thousand witnesses there have been, and there are, that the love of the sacred volume grows with the perusal, and that it affords to the student of its`pages ever-fresh delight. It is not so with other things. Interest in them is abated by repe tition and• familiarity. The sweetest song that minstrel ever-sang upon earth, soon' becomes hackneyed, and we get tired of it.' The richest viands, by becoming common,' lose theirrelish. The most beautiful land scape loses its power to inspire by being often surveyed -Most books we read, even those ,which are most intensely interesting and exciting, will not bear reading more than twice or thrice. This, however, is -not true of the bible. The more, e read it the more we desire to read, and the. more we find to read. It still has, after assiduous and repeated perusal, the charm of novelty, like the, great:orb-of , daw, at Which we are wont to gaze with unabated astonishment from infancy to old :age. After all our delving, there are yet profounder depths to be sounded, after all our soaring, , there are stillloftier heights to be scaled. The.yeterati, whose: whitened locks, and wrinkled brow. and beaded form, indicate that the time of his departure must be to him the absorbing theme, tarns over the pages of this volume with an inter est undiminished by accumulating -years. The legate of the skies brings fofth things new from it, as certainly as he did when commencing its exposition fifty years ago. The public assembly listened ,to it, when read, from year to year, with -eyes fixed,. and ear awake, -end attention that neyer tires, and an interest that never clogs. "Select, if you can." says Robert Hall, "any other composition,. and- let it be ren i3ereci equally familiar to the' mind, and see whether it will produce this effect." SPEC I.AII NOTILCES. ii;tp.oug colstiptavy.—The Annual Meeting . of the:StockhOlders' W. of the ROOK OIL CO PA will be held at the Company's office, No, 206 South FOURTH.atreet,gn MONDAY, the 2d of April, at 12 o'clock, forthnelection of ilve - DireCtors to serve for the ensuing year. JOHN F. GE.A.FF, mhl2.tap2ll Treasurer. WALLEORENYIYALLEY RAILROAD. c93a- P - Javy:--pnT9Butaa. Match W,1868.i e CoUpohe dfsthe Second Mortgate'Bends ofth , s Company, doe the td - pro'ximo. will bepaid on presen ttition at the Office of TOWESEND. WEE t,51 , 7 & CO., 309 WALNUT Street. :mll3O-60 .1110. 11.2%.1.LASITINE, Treasurer. LINCOLN .1510NoMENT ASSOCIATION. A meeting of the Executive Committee of Rile :Lincoln Monument AttOclation'r at the ROARDDF TRADE .KOOKS, No. SO CHESS['- NUT street, on TUESDAY, April Scl, IRS, at twelve o'clock', M. RanclUal attendance Is requestad JOHN W. HASELTINE, , mb2S•St* Secretary pro tem. ..L.IiCTURE,s, okst.erAe4 y, .. tk.,Dxf UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIIIL ' • ' - BY em0V.11.,. O. WOOD, Di; • . • The inbroductory;to' which toe Public are invited, will be delivered, 4 P. M. on MONDAY, April 2d. Subject—"Botardettl GeoaranllY." . The course will Consistof thirty.fthir lectures. For further Information apply to Dr. WOOD after lecture, or at his office, 144 North TWELFTH street, before 9A. M., or,,at 2P. M. • •mh29-80. o°l OFFICE OF TIM WESTMORELAND COAL COMPANy; No. =0 South Third _street, corner of illinlrealle9. •Pnit.ADELPEre, March 17,1_66. ' ; The annual 'meeting. of the Stockholders of the WESTMORE'L AND COAL COMPANY will be held at their office, onWEDNESDAY, April 4th, at 12 e'clock ' • - aiielectlar.mill be held for eleven Direelers to serve for the eneulng year. F. H. JACKSON, 'mbl9-tapit • - Secretary. DELAWARE MINING COMPANY OF MICHIGAN. Notice is hereby given, that the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Delaware Mining Company; of Michigan, will be held at their office No. 326 WALNUT street, Phlladelpbia, on WED.isT.DAY. the fourth day of April. 1866, at Li hi., at which time and place an election, will be held for Directors; to serve the Company the ensning year. mh 22.t,ap3.1.ncl B. WYATT WISTAII, Sec'ry. Philadelphia, March 21st, 1866.' P.KNNSYL,VANIA MINING COMPANY OP MICHIGAN.—PHThaDA., March 91, 1666. - otice is hereby given. that the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the PENNSYLVANIA MINING COMPANY, Or MICHIGAN, will b.. held at thel - Office. No. M 6 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. o MONDAY, the second day of April, MC at UM.. at which time and placean election will be held for DI RECTORS to serve the Company the ensuing - year. mh22-tangi - . S. M. DAY. Stcretary. BZONTONAGON MINING COMPANY tOF MICHIGAN. - • ICE is hereby given that the annual meeting of the StLckholders of this Con:Tony will be held at the office of the Company. No. 122 WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, thellth of April next. at 12 o'clock. M.. at which time an election will be held for officers to serve for the ensuing year'. - L. Itf ACT CER, marlo.sst* - Secretary: ta , Fluk.; ulb"; tIYDE FARM. OIL COM uty 147 South Fourth street.—PHILA DELPHIA, Ma'rch 16th, 1166. Ibe annual meeting of the stockholders will he held at the office of the Company, on MONDAY, APRIL 2d. at 1 o'clock. P. M. Transfer Books will close on March 27th, and open April Id. m THOMAS S. WOOD, b16,2A,23,Z6,29,ap2/ Secretary 10. CAMDEN AND. AMBOY B. B. TRA.NS• ROUTATION 'OO3IPANY, OFFICE, Bonnie: TOWN. March 'lBth, 1866. NOTICE.—The annual meeting of Stockholders of the Camden and Amboy Railroad and Transportation Company will be held at the Oompanra Office, in Sordentown. on Saturday.,2B , ll Of. April. 186+1, at 12 o'clock, M., fOr the election `of Seven Directors to serve for the ensuing year. ' • SAMUEL J. Itn.Y.A.R.D. mh294,ap2.8 - Secretary. 10. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, AUFIT.ARY FACULTY OF MEDI- E.--Th e LECTURES In this Department will commence on MONDAY, April 2d.— Prof. HAlr *PEN'S first lecture will be on that der', at 10 A.M. Prof. WOOD'S and Prof. ALLEN'S, at 4 a"d SP. M. Prof. RRFSE'S and Prof. HARTSHORNE'S at 4 and SP. lif.on TUESDAY, Aprli Id. Tickets will not be required during the first week. H. HARTSHORNE, Dean, Aux. Faculty, EmhZ)-34 1701 Filbert street. OFFICE OF DENSMORE OIL COMPANY, 134 South THIRD Street.; he regular Annual Meeting of Stockholders of the DENSMORE OIL COMPANY." For the election of officers and Board of Direltors for the ensuing year. and other business. will take place at the office of tee Cdmpany, on Wednesday. April 11th. 1868, at 12 o'clock M. T. TUTPI,E. Se N. B —Stockholders are requested to bring cretar* y. th cer tificate:3. m 1128.104 101. OFFICE OF THE EGBERT OIL COMPANY, No. 147 South Fourth street.—PRILADIMMILL, March 16110866. Te annual meeting of the stockholders will be held at the office of the Company, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4111. at 1 o'clock, P. M. Transfer Books will close March Seth, and open April sth. WISS. M. CARTER, mh16,3123,27,81,ap41 Secretary and Treasurer DELAWARE MINING COMPANY OF MICHIGAN.—Notice is hereby given that the eleventh and last Instalment of TWO-AND-ONE. HALF DOLLARS per share on each and every share of the Capital Stock in th e Delaware Mining Company of Michigan, has this day been called by the Board of Directors of said Company, due and payable at the Office of the Company, No. ns Walnut street. Phiadel phia, on or before the 19th day of February 1866. Interest will be charged on all Instalmenta after the same shall have become due. By order of the Board of Directors, B. WYATT WISTAB, Secretary. Dated Philada. Feb. 7 th, 1866. fe7 llt.&te.tha,talli FEN - IANS, ATTENTION!—A beautiful Card Photograph of the IRISH FENIAN EX/LOC- I E. comprlslnglikeitessesfrom life of STEPHENS, LIIBY, O'LEARY, 3117LCAHY, O'CONNOR, ROAN. TREE, RICKBA7II, O'DONOVAN (ROSSA.). together with a fac-simile of the Bonds of the Irish Itepublic, now published and ready for sale. Every - Pestle should have one. ,Single copies, 25 cents. The trade supplied atgla per hundred. Orders accompanied with the money will receive ( prompt attention. Single copies sent post-paid. Copyright secured. Address ' ' • NV. O. BLELOCH; Box 149 P. O. or 28 South SEVENTH Street, mhafslt • :Philadelphia.' WATOII.I2 s AM) J.E.W.E.1.111. r 1 1, - E,VTIS' LADO.lrcrs , 11AMOND DEALER JEWELER, WATCHES, JEWELRY AI SILVER RARE, WAT . OIEEB ana JIWEDIY REPAIR2D. 80 2 Cl estnnt St.,Pfina H#l3 just received a large;and, splendid assortment of LADIES GOLD WATC HES, , • • Some in plain cues, others beautifully enameled and engraved and others inlaid with diamonds. Purchasers wishing a handsome LADY'S WATC win 'do well to call at once and make a selection. • . PRICES MODERATE. ALL WATOIthES WARRANTED. Also a large assortment of • Gentlemen's and Boy's -Watchesl In Gold and Silver eases. jall-tf . RlGEiti 'lt . BROTHER I n - C.H.RONOMETER, CLOCK WATCHMAKERS, . . - ' • • • - • No 244:South Front Street . • Have constantly on hand a complete ,assortment of CLOCKS, &c., for Railroads; Banks and Counting Rouses, which they offer at reaaonable rates. N. B. Particular attention' paid to the repairing of ••fine Wato4eo sod Clocks _--' ' - - . •JallArd - DIcIRLRD'RERRING.--soo Carrell' 33sy: or 'mien/Pe -1-• • Herring, in store andfor sale by B. A. SODDED. & CO.. Dock EUeet Wharf. IME DAILY EVENINGBIILLETIN-: - TIIILADELPHIL-MVADAY; MARCE3I, 1866: The Providertee WASHIN GI ON INSURANCE . CO., CAPITAL STOCK' PAID_Thr, CALIC, TWO HUN BRED THOORAXO DOLL&Re.„ &SETS. Real Estate held bx , the C0mPar1Y—....4.. - ..;.-.,1 .157,800 00 Cash on hand ' ' • ' 1,696 19 Cash in Bank 2.850 58 Cash in .bantis t of agenta and in -course pt trartsraltislon ' ' 8,155 42' , Citz bf Provldencev 6's bonds..., 110,000 00 I'mted States, Ws 19881 21,090 00 do 5-20 10,500 00 600 shares Eratumal•BOcchange Bank• ro P'vt . dertee 33,600 00, Interest on Investments clue and unpald.:;... 3.387 ats Allotherassete -- -1,000.00-. • tutitTLITEES Amount or di on vi se d t e tl n ed ds l u ose ned.p e a f d I do mmlEs'loan do all other claims INCOME: Cash premiums received Amount of premium earned do interest receivod r do other income Losses, paid during the :12.1,704,4.5 IMOD= paid Tor re=insurance 769'83 do do returned premiums-- 5,190 42 do of dividends paid. 6,506 00 do of expensts paid including Com- Mt/ Mons p and lees to agents and officers of - thdromany.:—.. , 3,51 . 31 - 63 Amount& taxmpaid by. the company--; 8,405,87 do of all other expenditures 6,009 06 NO. 230 WALNUT STREET, mb29.Sti PHILADELPHIA... 9t9 9 -CHARTER PERPETUAL. -I ` . ""` IBIELA.NT:KIALMT FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA; Assets, on 'January 1, 1866, $2,50€1,551 00 944.61316 UNSETTLED cadaus, /NOOllll POE 1366. 111,467 53. • $310,500. • Losses Paid Since 1829 Over $5,000,000. Perpetual and 1 emporary Policlee or Liberal Term/ Btaperoits, Chaa. N.•Bancker, Edward C Dale, Toplas Wagner, George Samuel Grant, Alfred MUM Gee. W. Richards, Fria. W. Ur* M. D. Thaaelies 'ClTAELES N. A N Petereeall- E f ßPlealdent. RD WARD C. DAdLLEE,, Vice 'President. JAS. W. Mc.% t.r.ARTER. Secretaty pro tern. (Mardi INSURANCE COMPANY ' • OP' PHILWELPHIA, No. 150 South Fourth et, abOve Wal nut 'street . CHARTER PEREETUAL. This Company Msures against loss or damage!), FIRE on PUBLIC and PRIVATE buildings, FURNI TURE and ItIRRCHANDISE generally, City or Country. Also insures dwellings perpetually by do. posits of premium. DIRECTORS, JAMES BROWN, . LgMUEL COFFIN, CHARLES A. BUY, J. HILLBORN JONES, WILLIAM D. LEWIS, JOHN WOODSID WM. N. NE • TILES, WILLIAM B. BU JOHN B. TAYLOR, WM. C. LONGSTRETH.' THOMAS EIMBER, Jr., JOHN N. HIJTCHLNSON. BROWN, President. CHAR, A. BUY . Vice President. THOMAS NEELSON.SecretarY laiu.turnly GIRAIID FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. OYFICE,SIS WALNDT STREET PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL PAID IN, IN &BEL wo_, This company continnee to write en lire ..tatats onir. Its capital, with a good surplus, Is safely Invested. • 701 . - Lome by fire have been promptly paid, and more that. 8500,000 Disbursed on this account within the past few Years. For the present the office of this company will re main at 415 WALNUT STREET, But within a few months will remove to its OWP SCALDING. N. E. COB. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. Then, as now, we shall be happy to insure oar patron, at such rates as are consistent with safety. DISECTO. THOMAS CRAVEN AL FRED 8: GILLETT FURMAN SHEPPABD, N. S. LAWRENCE . THOS. AiACKNT T. A 8,„ CHARLES L D U P O NT, uu .11,10, sip ppr. - sur 7 HENRY F. KENNEY .TNO. W. CLAGHORN, JOSEPH KLAPP, M.A. SILAS YERKIIS, Ta.. - THOMAS CRAVEN, President, ALFRED 8. GILLETT. V. President and Treasurer. .TAMES B. ALVORD. Secretary. land 1. HE 'RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY Op PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated in 1841. Charter Parpetisal OFFICE, No. 308 WALNUT STRILET, CAPITAL, 6500.000, Insures against loss or damage by FIRE, of Houses, Stores and other Buildings, limited or per pettal, and on ,Farniture. Goods Wares and merchan dire in town or country. ASSETS LOSSES PROMPTLY A, LISTED AND VPAIDOSS** 79 . Invested in the following Securities, vin First ed Mortgages on City Property, well as- cur 112400 United States Government Loans 1M , ,0 1 00 q Philadelphia city per cent. Loans_ 55,000 tx Pennsylvania 63,000,0e0 6er cent. Loan 21,000 0 , Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, first and se cond Mortgages. . . 85,000 a Camden and Amboy Railroad Companis 6 per cent. Loan 6,000 Philadelphia and. Reading Railroad Com pany's 6 per cent. Loan 5,000 Ot Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 percent. more.' gage bonda...— 4,560 bt, County Tire Insurance Company's s took.—. 1,050 Mechanics' Bank Stock.. 4,000 te Commercial Bank of PennsylyaniaStock... 10,000 Ou Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock.. 880 00 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadel phia's " • ... o.fri 1,000 Ou Cash in bank and on hand 5,914 79 rzaEcroßs. 1408,004 79 • Clem. Tingley, Benj. W. Tingley, Wm.•Musser, • Marshall - Hill , Samuel Bispham, Charles Leland, H. L. Carson, Thomas H. Moore, Robert Steen, , • Samuel ca.stner, - Wm. Stevenson, •• Alfred English, James'Y . oung. CLEM. T/NGLEY, President, THOMAS C. HELL; Seereial7. PKIZADELPHIA. December 1, 1885. A NTHRAOITE INSURANCE 001d:PANY.- AIL CHARTER PERPETUAL. (Hilt No. Mi WALNUT street, above Third, PULL, w theare against Lays or Damao by:Fire, on Build: him either perpetually or tin a litniMd ume, geruseheie Furniture and Merchandise generally; - • Also-Marius Insurance on Vessels, , Cargoes ant Freight. Inland Insurance to illiparte of the Nfujou 4 DIBERT 9 Iis.' Wm. Esher , • I DaileiPearldoll, D. Luther Peter Peter meter,. Lewis Atmenrien, J..... N. Batun,_ .f. Blakfaton, wEL-34.19egni jos. At an4e ld. - John Ketcham: . , WM. REM_ ~_Preoldent. Wm F. Dram,. Vice-Prealdent Zit:BMITH. Secretary tali mimm grongIIBANOE EXCLUBP7HLY TH3 r PnagIagYLVANIA PERSI INSURA111:1711 . 001/. PAHY—In rated ,legts—darter alerpetual—Na 1510 WALNUT Street, %re bidePendenoe Sown Tbin Company, favors known to the comae:inn) for over forty years, oon nes to insane t lo ft or damage by .are. on . Public or , Private eith e r penmatfmtly ar for a lloilindLtime, .lAlao, on nurnitare=r i a of Goods and Zderahandise generally , on liberal Their 43apital;tolfatbar with - ICllirtel . .ftgiMirend in . Invested in thereon mirefed manner, ',web e t yma them to offer to the Insured -an- undoubted Miourigent the case akin: '' '. ~ • . - , I Daniel Smith,.jr. - ,. - - --John Hgegre t ur. Alexander. Benson, - ~- • " Tbunuia Stunk r - -::), ; ' Inilatiladent,;‘: ‘i . .Zewlig ~ •• ..„,, ^' Thomnantibbia, : ' ;..7:0 ~. irigg. , .; ,i- ~ .• I; ', ,V L , INtalet 4 llwidixdr - Jr. , '• ^ --, ---,, DAXLEL shOra, Jr., Preeident: lirxmLut G. cisowaiz, seereitatt UNUIL9iI9OIg. rr.a.rl"l4gYne. T OF THE CONDITION OR the Slat of December, 1865 SABINE,' DUY & HOLLINSHEAD, AGE NTS, TEE .SOME naLweitin =WELL sem= dxsussarcta nrooßroaherzfr). EY. swig iaccriEuTtaix.ei PENNSYLVANIA. mos. orszcz A E: CORNER TBiB I AND *A.1.1634 STR HABIL EETS & INERT/LAN REEIMADELPHLL ON vzsszta, . - CAILGO • ' To a parts Olueworid. ' ntswirr, a . . ~ l om tranraiiicam On 'Goode, by Rivet, , Lake, and. Lana Careligg. On gletchandli FME e generall y , CMS ' On Stores, Dwelling Elontwir &n. AfgROTS.OR TEEN 00)51:PANY, • November 4 • 1865. , 00,090 United States 5 per cent. loan, '71...... ISM 00 ~ 000, United States 6 percent,-loan 'R.:- 00 200,060 United States t 8.10 per ceni. lora Notos..-. .. - . _ 19 , 1,875 00 1.06,6911 Sla r t e tWeantrylvaAs Bi . vs . Per Cent. Loan 6!,000 State oFFEEnsylilta '58,250 00 p6,ocio City or Philadelphia' Biz • . 112,812,50 20,000 Penne If:L . :a; Railroad Plra6 gage I Per Ceztt. , Bonds...- 20,000!00' 95,000, Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mort- , • _gage Six Per Cent •80nd5...„. . - 28,750'00" 25,000 w estern Penna. Railroad ratirtgage 00 Six Per Cent. Bon_ --ds.. interest IS, .11,000 800 Shares • Moog Germantown Gas . 750 Company, isrincipal and guaranteed by-the City-of Blilladel. 4087 50 9450148•S'Eafee 8;44 FeroisT,lOGra' 5,00,100 55 , 00 k North PerlllB7iiira . 8,250 00 49,40 Deposit with the`l7riltek 86,000 sti v = t e ntdecti° e. l l;rg l, •••—'•• 40,00 . 0 00 170.900'•LoansTnillita "Wifit . llens 011 Y 170 , 700 00 11347.989 I+ $31.691 00 $138556 87 139,460 10 19,156 48 1,628 43 bl 3 -21 Par . .' MatYet veins .: 096 00 ateat 28,000 00 Bills receivable for insurance made...—. • 121.012 10 Balances due stAgeacies.--Premituna onJaa rine -Policies: Accrued Interest. and other debts lb°• the Company... "40,1nt44 Scrip and - Stock . of sundrflasuranue and-: other Comnuales, 2.5,119. EstlnuEttel value... 8,91000 (36811 in - 4 5 5. 95 8 89 - Omit in . 878 48 - 458,836 77 132. . no Samuel E. Stokes, J. Peniston, Henry Sloan, - Wiwi:ot G. Boadica, Edward Darlington, H. Tones Brooke, Edward Lafonrcade, Jacob P. Jones, James B: McFarland, Joshua P. e, Spencer .21.cIl.vaine, J. B. Semple, Pittsburgh. A, H. Berger, Pittaburgh. D T2forgaittsburgh. Q.. 7 A 071), President. DAVIS, Vice President. Kerry. dentnol $160,U5 In Thoinas O. Hand, John 0. Davis, Edmund A. Bonder, Theophilna Spalding, John IL. Penrose, Janlee Traquair. 1317 C. LaDeli., Ir., Jam Hand. Willia es m o C. Ludwig, Joseph IL, Seal. George 0. Hugh Craig. Robert Burton, John D. Taylor. TH JOHli ° HMTRY LYLIITTILN. - $175.168 PB I :VA • Of: 0 s 46'.11: • t : • • r IF Affiatielfa ND INLAND .19LAN8 MI Third Office,Proast *Atkin street, tenth aide, east al No. ThePropertlee of this Company are well invaded and fnrninh an syslable fund for the amtnrotialty of all us who Madre to be protected Insoramoa RDIIREt taken on Vessels, and silirgOaL INLAND TRAVEIPORTATIOR RISKS on Mar cbandise oar Railroads, Camas and i tSeambots. •ptuoza on Merchandise, Furnture an te d MUM. Imp in City and Count. UKOORPORATED 1191—CAPITM ir mAICD PAID LIS AND SE01:111MLY TOTAL PROPERTIES, 111,130,000. PREPETVAL omurnts. Arthur G. Oodin, James N. Dlckena, Gamma W. Jones, ' & Morris Waln, John .A.Glrown, John Hasok anuaz Charles Tnylor, George L. Ambrose While, Francis B. Cope, Diehard D. Wood, Edward.H. TroMar, William Welsh, IL S. Clarke, Will/Sin N. Bowen, WU= C2P , T. Charlatan Henry. ARTHUR G. 00.71=. Proshinni. Cliasmin PLATT. Secregart. FIRE ASSOCIATIO:iT, Incorporated March 47,1850. A OFFICE, No. MS. FIFTH street. In sure BIIiLDL US HOCEEHOLD FIIP.- : NITURE and MERCHANDISE tenet. -- al Lose by - sire, (in the City o plata only.) STATEMENT of the Asseta of the Association January 1, 1866. Botta and Mortgages on property in the City of Philadelphia-------4V16,461 17 Groundßentra. ' .-Viii.i 20 SG at Real Palate (Offic e iriklTScero 11,200 18 11. S. Government 5-23 Benda-- 45,000 co otea...-.-- 0-;_vto ati - Wirran 646- 00 Cash on V. 46 --- 'sl'u4 10 GEORGE W. TRYO . President. w3L mr,RAsiLLTON, JOSEPH R. LYNDALL, JOHN SOURER LEVI P. COATS , PErAK A. KEYSER, EtA3II7EL SPARHAWIC, JOHN PHILIILN, CHARLES P. BOWER, JOHN CA RROW, JESsE LIGHT ,POOT GEORDEL YOUNG, ROBERT suo slIBLAB9M.„1: WM. T./CUTLER, Secretary. O MEN= orstraszraii :COXPANY OP PHILA. DELPZIA.. reiconpoßATED 18:4-4mAlrrica PXBPETUAL NO. es WALNUT Street, ,:tte_the .6trcissuse. In addition toNIABENIC and ~.S.BMINBUBANCOS ads 00.1:12MY Snores from loss or damage by_HISS on liberal terms, on buildings, merobandLse, =nlinro, Ac fbr ltmited periods, - sad permanently on InsUdlno AY deposit of premium. than tior4wWf Tha been d li r l i4 eot wnlc ol u g l iar e been prireitly . --. ll4hLs and Paid. B.; Sohn L. Hodge DIREOT D a d vid .Lewis, ILL B. Mahar* , Benjamin Ettln& John T. Lewis, Thomas H. POWEIL Wrniam R. Grant, A. B. McHenry. • Robert W. Leamirilt, Edmond Osabtllom D. Clark Wharton. Samuel Wilcox. Lawman Lewis, Jr B Lords O. Norris. JOHN . GERBER, President. Reetnix. Wrieex. Secretary. T H E COUNTY YULE manuorez COMPANY.- OPTION NO. 110 SMITH POUNTH Marl BZLOW CEOBIT3BrZ. "The Fire Insmance Company of the County of Philadelphia." Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania in MS, for Indemnity NNW 100 or damage by Bre, exclusively. er , M.A.P.TIER PERPILTILSX. This old and reliable institution, with stli t p n ie ilaPilli; and contin g ent rand merely invested con ries to in sure buildings, furniture, merchandise, AA , either per. manently or fbr a limited tins against loss or damage by fire, at the lowest rates oonaiaient with the absolute safety of Its customers. Lessee adjusted and paid with all possible denial& L•MWPOR.S. th i Charles J. Sutter, • Edwin L. Reakit, Henry Crilly John Horn, .Robert V. Mitssey, Jr., Joseph Moore, Henry George Necks, Andrew H. filler James N. Stone. J. SIMMS, Presidium Bes.rAlcog P. HOBOZIZY. Sec'v and Treasurer. I - EPPERSON FIRS INSURANCE COMPANY 03 J PHILMINEPECIA.--oMoe Northman corner ca THIRD and BUTTONWOOD streets(laus Tamma ny ), Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennia. OPEAETEB PERPETUAL Capital authorised by law, POO,OOO. Make Insurance against Lass or D hi Fire of Publto or Private Buildings, Furniture, Bsoc i Goode and Merchandise on favorable terms DEROTOES, George Ere_l7_,_ Christopher H. 31111dr, Angola C. Nam ''rederick Steaks, Jonas . John F. Beb , Bowman , Henry Troomner Frederick Doll. William , . Jacob Eichandter, • George Buts, Jr., Stephen Smith, Henry [darker , Samuel Millar, Edward oyer. GEORGE ERETY Preeldent.' JOHN a. RIMS: . I . M.T.,MG, tice Freeman PH/LIP B. COMMON . EfecMp.ry. NXBIGAN MUTUAL INSITSANDs COMPANY ;_orib x , Farquhar Naming. No. IS WALNEr Street. MAP= AND INLAND INEILDIANCEIDS, Risks taken on vessels, cargoes and freights to all pant of thEworla, and on goods on island transportation on rivers, moils ralsAs and other con shrourjuna ths'United Staten. "Y all ° 3l 'WILLIAM CRAIG President PNPIIIR CULLN, 4 irkle Prelasit, ItDBERT Z. NM Secretary.. William era*, Peter Callen, John Hallett, Jr ., William H. rieniek. Benj. W. Bieharda, mines Dail__ ,ett Wm. M. Baird, reareare deP-th.s,tn,ti biERICIA2P VIRE IIiERTRANCIE 032dPAbri'. XNOORPOitA.TED 1 810.--CEEEALIITIat PEEPS . - '-- 110 WALNUT fteetabove THIRD Stmt. PEEILAD •=xIILS.. Nevins •lane paid up CAPITAL STOCK and SUR PLIN3 invOM In mum and available Securities, eon. dune to imam on Dwelling Storm, Parnitnr% Nab cdonn dj lise, Vassals in part„and their grgom L and Whoa Personal Property'. All Loam ub era," gar PrCIMP63 'ItOM'S 8. mar% John • waxotalm T. ' .b_ . ewre . John; wealth , 1 Simnel O. dorton, James B. Camilbeln rawer _ Braly. . Edm rrm ond G. inttflh, _ xtriwa ( 0 7harlea W. POaltner 2 Annum 0. 1..4 . 2a4 M0NAS R. MAIUB, President Wrenn. Secretary. Inyll TWIPROVIDENT LINE AND TRUST :00M. NY, _OP PHILADELPHIA.-- _ lecerporate4 by the Stat , e NA or l Pennultrania, ea month, INS _ VDDS LIVEN ' ALLOWS , "INTEREST ON BE. posrlu A.l4l) , EtitANTs ANNOTTIES. 4411 VITAL-..",. ' " .... ..,.........415e,000 ...., _ ---- 16:16purosik• __- - •• • • • issunum Ar....:.1e7.1 ,•,, • Richard oedema?, Jeremiah ' ....r. eri .'-' -. , Rehr' Haines, • , ' . Joshua T. wretar Brownh. • - ' . Richard Weed. - We). o .,,L o J,MgEitremi -- • I - •It _ OWLA • , NID „' • P ..._ SABST A.lll ctuTha. h. EiEEEP LEY , Proddent. , Aary. 01/17014 5024-17 Dio. 11l Itioulak Fourth Street . 0181011,113/011 DIHYO - Heart a Date% 7m. Lober. Johnston w Brovril Samuel A. Baba, Moon Hatchlmi, Ifigu7 L. Elder, B. nnanigin Mani &aril]. • Ma INS JIIAI%Tt?E TRAVELLEM INSUILANOE 'OOllPArf, PROVIDENCE, R. L Cash_ Capital, $200,000. Insures against. Accidents of all Kinds. General Accidents include the Traveling Risk, and also tel forms of Dislocations, Broken Bones; Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Gunshot ,Wounds. Burns, and Scalds, Bites of Dogs. Assaults by l 3 arglars,Robners or Mur derers, the action of Lightning or Sun Stroke theef fects of Exv losions, Floods,and Suffocation by Drown. ing or Choking. FIVEt dol per Year will secure a ilalle7 . far THOUSAND DOLLARS in the event of death by any description ,Of Accident, with Twentydive dol len, per week compensation. Smaller Sums in pro. portion. - No medicalexamination required. BETH PADELFORD, A. E. BITRNSiDE, .L S. PHETTEPLACE. ALLEN 0. PECK, HENRY ORMSBEEC, JABEZ C. KNIGHT. THOS. G. TURNER., ALEX. PARNOM, - J. S. PARISH PRANK.. L, B 1 PRI - P7lr, = - ROYAL C. TAFT, = J. H. DE.WOI,P • = - BEND. BUPPEAL._ JOHN T. M.A.U.s.AN. • = HENRY H. - ORMSBEE, President. r J. S. PARISH, VicePnrsident. - B. M:. RAWSON, Secretary. ' • ' SABINE, BUY & HOLLINSIEM • No. 230 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. STATE. A.GENTI4 FOB PENNSYLVANIA, W W .TEDISKT - and DIMS, Lie Wante(L. First CM MUTUAL ARE i PRLLADELPHIA-- I btfeet—lxisare Baildings„ chandise gentralry. ASSETS-8 DIRECTORS FOE•Me. • • - CALEB CLOTBIEB, WM. P. B.Ezince., BENS. MALONE. JOSEPH CHAPMAN, TRONA B MATHER, ED W. M. NEEDLES. T. ELLW'D CHAPMAN, WILSON M. .TENRINS, SIMEON MATLACK. LUKENS WEBSTFAt, AARON W.FIRTIT CHARLES EVA:NS, AT.FR - CLOTHIER, President. T. FiLmoon CEULPIEAN. secretary- sezazmi I Fa"INEURANUE oompAiri. No. 408 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. FISH AND INLAND /NEVUHANOB Brands B RIG Buck. /um W. Everraau. diardssou. Robert it• Potter, Henry ino. Sender, Jr. Samuel'lTS D. Woodruff.' P. S. Justice, Mir . Stokes, Geo. A, Wen, Jos. D. EMI. FRANCIS N. DOB Preeddeut. CHM& ENUIAZDSthff, Moe PraiSdisz L Riearenuorm searaSary 5-20 7 3-10, COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES WANTED. DE HAVEN & BRO., 40 South Third Street. P. S. PETERSON & CO P. S. PETERSON & CO., 39 South Third Street. Stocks, Bonds, &a, &c., Bought and Sold at Board of Brokers. N Literal Premium paid tor COMPOUND ENTICEOM OTES. Interest allowed on Deposita. feSqf .001:71 v-' >_ l 47 . • Ad SPECIALTY. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, 16 South Third st., Nassau street, Philadelphia. I New York. STOCKS AND GOLD Borinur AND BOLD ON ameamision. INTEREST ALLOWED . ON DEPOSITS. so WALL PAPER. I=l LT. I sof). 4z° h . ~ ~3 En 1-3 CC WALPMI. 20.000 AGENTS WANTED.-; Fifty Cent Sample sent free, with terms, for any one to clear VS per day. Business new, light, and desirable, can be done at home or traveling, by male or female. Address, MhBo.6ti _ W. LIMEY & 77 Nassau street, New York REBIOV,4M. 11QiiMOVF.D.—S. 8S .TAISrFs M. FLANAGA.N.bave -4•11, removed from No 804 to N 0.410 South Delawar e Avenue. • ' . ' rah29l2t* . Iptatat ROPE,AND TW/PC, MAIWEACIERRit, al and ft Rale bY " grriatg, WEAVER di OM, Ds North Water street, ana 23 Mutat Delawme avenno4 NEW YORE 1110 101ENCE13. NATIONAL CIETYBANIC HOYT, ' SPRAGIJES & ORO. S. EOESItHqS 4 SON. ANTHONY 14 HALL, ' 7. C. HOWE & 00. Kum . , madwoman co. Low jiATERTM A TT, Dtrhaucc co; reunn th 83m1 - SIC f • OOSIPA.NY OH Office 1170. S South MYTH ousel:told Gixds and /deo. 103.765 ;86. )1 3 ao tt C o t Bwmr pmuchiloars. OHOIOE EITGLISH SOBS. Standard and Illustrated Editions, SUITABLE FIRST-CLASS-LIBRARIES. Selling off at Reduced Rates for Tie Weeks - Only: To mike room for fresh importations.' O. J. PRICE, Importer of koglbat and French Books, &c., 21 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, nu 2l wam64 Above ClCesbutt. RMS. ,B:ENIty WOOD'S LAST NOVXL. . ST. MARTIN'S EVE.. • - '• - BT. MARTIN'S B. - - ST. MARTIN'S EVE BY . ST.MA. JUN'S EVB. MRS. 10ENRY WOOD. Complete in One Large Octavo Volume; ' • • Printed from the author's manuscript and advanCe proof-sheets, - P.ItICE $1.50 IN PARER; OR, $2 00 EN MOM ' • NEW BOOKS JUST PUBLISHED BY T. R PETERSON dr BROTHERS.. THE FORTUNE SEREIRR, By Mris. EntraaD. E. N. Soutbworth, author of the "Lost Heiress," etc.. Co mplete In one large duodecimo'volume.* Price St 50 in paper, or 42 00 in cloth. Second Edition Now Beedi; FALSE PRIDE; .- OR, TWO WAYS, TO MELTRI. -d .cempanion to "Framilv e rde,' and "Family Secrets." Complete in one duodeci mo volume. Pricell BO itipaper, or .12 in oth. JEALOUSY. By George Band, author of "Con suelo," "Countess of Endoistadt," "Indiana," "First and True Love," etc., etc. Cemplete in'one large duo. decimo volume Pricell 50 fa paper, or 12 00 in cloth.. THE BRIGAND; OR, THE DEMON -OF .T.EZ NORTH. 'By Victor,Huga, author of "Les Misers.. bles," etc., etc. One volume. octavo. Price 75 cents. THE QUEENS REVENGE; By Wilkie Collins, an' thor of "The Dead Secret," dc., de. One vounne, octavo. Price 75 cents, - - Send for otur - sfammoth Descriptive Catalogue, Address all caatt orders. retail or wsolesale, to T. B. PETERSON et BROTHERS. No. toe Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Pa. Books sent Postage paid, on recel tof retail Price. All .D. -- EVT BOOMS are at P ONS'. nah3o-2t A.DOZEN NEW BOOKS- (3 inn PUBT.TRITEDO3Y.C.ABLETON) The Prince YPAhrm. NoveledtltedbyHimself.-42 03 Country Love va. City Flirtation. Illustrateci..—.. 200 Poems by Gay H. 1 GI Love LLtb of Dr. Kane and Miss Margaret Fox—. 1 75 The Humbugs of the World. By P. T. Barnum_... 175 Paems by Mrs. Susan T. Bolton----... What - came Afterwards, Arthur's new NoveL.... i SO A Spin/ tere Story. A new Novel by .1L A. F.— 176 Arteraes Ward's Travels. Comm Illustrations.—.. 150 Glomery of Montgomery Looking Around. A. S. Tine's new 160 Oar Artist In Cuba. Illustrations by Car1et0n......... 1 5 • • All handsomely bound In cloth, and sent by mall tree on receipt or price, by CARLETON, Pal/sker, New -York jal3-wAtf BATARD TAYLOR'S . NEW BOOK NOW READY. THE STORY OF RENTI&TEIT. by Bayard Taylor, in one voluxue.l.2mo., cloth. A LSO LIVINGSTONE'S EXPEDITION TO THE ZAM BESI AND ITS ;TRIBUTARIES. With intlStTA- Huta. HISTORY OF HENRY THE FIFTH. By George Idakepeaze Towle. SEWELL'S PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION. THE IDLE WORD. By Edmund Myrick Goul bum D D. GOUCBURN'S DEVOTIONAL £3l UDY OF THE SCRIPTURES. • CO3IPANION POETS, Containing poems from Longfellow. Tit/. NYSDN AND BROWNING. SNOW-ROUND. By ohu G. Whittler. LrCY A 11.1.T.N. Bs J. T. Trowbridg e. THE HEM OF REDCLYFFE. New edition. CARLYLE'S FREDERICK THE GREAT. Com plete in six volumes. AN ETRENICON. By E. B. Pusey. D.D. • ORIGIN OF THE LATE WAR. By George Lunt!" An new and standard books for sale as soon as pub. listed, by LINDSAY & BLAEISTON, Publishers and Booksellers.' No. 25 South Sixth street above Chestnut. TUsT PUBLISHED.—BAY ARD TAYLOR's NEW BOOK. "The Story of Kennett," 1 vol., 12010, cloth. CHEERY AND VIOLET. A Tale of the Great Plague. By the author of "Mary Powell." THE CRITERION: or, The Test of Talk—about fa miliar things. By Henry T. Tuckermain. RUSKIN'S NEW BOOK—Unto this Last. THE IDLE WORDS. By E. H. Gonibourn, D. D. AGASSIZ'S GEOLOGICAL :SKETCHES, 1 volume, =m°. Fully illustrated. ST. M.A.RTI:s..^S summPß By Anne H. M. Brews ter. For sale by JAMES S. cLAsrox, Successors to W. S. & A. Maruen, 606 Chestnut street. A L.Ln443 Liza UN LIFE' or PRILTDOR, Moak:lan soda:less Player, by George. Allen, Greek Proftssor in the University of . Penal sylvanit4 with a Supplementary z''-•• ay on Philidor Chess Author and Ohms Player, byMaa.n. a Vol Hal. debrend and de Lark Envoy lßxtraordinary and Istez Plenipotentiary of the Kin& of Prussia, Ih6l Court of Baxe-Wetroar. 1 vol.,=ay°, .34' yellow', o top. - Price 'fately poblibed by • E. H. BUTLER & nos iB7 South Fourth ann. REMOVR— AL.—HENRY C. LEA (late Lea & Blan chard) has removed from No. 10.5 South Fourth trFet to.Nc s. 7C6 and SANSO3I Street. mh2s-124 p_: a an. • jai lonery, jO5 a : • a: • a, bo. . . LEGAL NOTICES. TN THE eOUBT OF COMMON PEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHJELADN't.PHIA.— Estate of The Globe Insurance and Trust Company. -The auditor appointed by the Court to andit, settle and adjust the aecone encomia of H. T. Grout, assi‘nee 'of the Globe Insurance, Life Insurance, Trust and An nutty Company, and to report distribution of the ba lance In the hands of the accountant,. will meet the parties interested for the purposes of Ins appointment, on MON DAY.the second day of April,lB6s,st 4 o'clock, P.M a'. the Walther 11 House, N 0.633 SANSOM street, in the City of Philadelphia. mhti..ttisa to so , W. J. MCELROY, Auditor, - v AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. sq.— THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENN.tYLVANIA.. TO NICHOLAS KELLY A, , 5.13 PATRICK KELLY', GREETING: We command you, that laying aside all business Mid excuses whatsoever, you and each of you, be and appear; In sour proper person, before the Honorable theJUdges of our Orphans' Court, at a Court to be hod on FRIDAY, the sixth day of April. A. D.. 1866, at 10 o'clock of the forenoon, to abew cause why the ,prayer of the petition of B. Sharkey, guardian of James and Catharine Kelly. minors, for an order to sell real estate In said petition, mentioned, should not be granted. and further to abide the order of the Court on the premises, and hereoffail not, under a penalty of ore hundred pounds. 'Witness the Honorable Joseph Allison. Eat'. at Philadelphia... the 24th day of March, one thousand' eight hundred and sixty-six. It. M. BATTLERS. Deputy Clerk 0. C. mh24-B,tn th,st/ TN TkiJi. ORPHANS' COLMT FOR THE CITY AND TN COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of CHAMBERS , MINORS.—The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and aljust the account of J. COOKR LONtiSTRLTH, Guardian of CHARLES 8..' ITF.t.'FN E. and THOMAS CHAMBERS, minor chil dren of THOMAS CHAMBERS, deceased, and to re port distribution of the balance in the hands of the as will meet the parties interested for the pur poses of his appointment, on MONDAY, April Rh. , 8_60 . L at 4 o'clock, P. M. at his Office, No. *South FIFI ' LL Street. in the cityot Philadelphia. mh27-tu,th,sst HENRY PHIL tapS, In.. Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS'sCOURT FOR THE CITY JL AND COUNTY OF PIJILA_Drr.pRIA, Estate of MARTIN BAUMAN, deceased. The Auditor sp. pointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of Lewis C. Bauman, administrator of Martin Bauman, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, Will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his ap pointment, on MONDAY, April 9th, is 66, at 4. o'clock P. M at, his Office, No. 217 South Third street, Phila delphia. S. ITTINEY NORRIS, inh294h,9,tu-Sti • Auditor.: EVELINE IT.r.t7A ROWAND, by her. next friend, William H. Todd, VS CHARLES A. ROWA.N.D.. Common 'Pleas, Dec. Term. 1885, No.= alias Di vorce. Dear Sir: Take notice, that a rule of Court in the above, case' has this day br en granted to shew cause whys dtvorce should not be decreed in favor of Libel eat, returnable on Saturday. the l 4 th'Auril, 1866', at lb A. R„ pee tn i ny, AARON THOU C PSON, for Libelant. To CHARLES A- ROWAND, Re spondent above named. ' - mh3S-f541,10 1- NDIA RUBBER DUCHENE ',BELTING STEAX PACEING, ROSE, &c.. Engineers and dealexs will find a" rci,t, ASSORT. 31Els T. OF GOODYEAR'S PATENT VULOA.NIZED RUBBER BELTING, ,PACEING, SORE, mac., at ,the lifulttfaotarer'sHeadoLtiartere, 7 • GOODYEAR'S, • ' ' 808 Chestnut street, • South side. N. B.—We have a NEW and CHEAP ARTICLE of GARDEN and PAVRmiz.zip HOSE. very .cheap, to Which the attention of the public is A newlTovel--- 2 00
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers