From our Third Edition - of - Yesterday°, • The stinilay' . 6 HARmsnund, Mardi 3 - .3oth,' , 1866. It is'; understood - that the POstinCtiter'Aleneral haw_ declared the - Union City Passenger Railway; of Philadelphia to be a post road, and that` the cars will accordingly be privileged to run thereon every day of the week, includ ing Sunday. This renders all legislation at Harrisburg on the subject entirely un necessary.,.6 • • : . • - Pennsylvania Legislature. HARRISBURG, March 30. SENATE.—The resignation of Senator Heister Clymer, of Berks, was received. Mr. Ridgeway-read :.a bill incorporating the Fairmount Gold and Silver Mining Company. Mr. Donovan one equalizing taxables in the Twentieth and Twenty-fourth Wards. Mr. Nichols ' one incorporating the Lin coln - Institute for Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans. Mr. McConaughey, one incorporating the Gettysburg and Chambersburg Railroad Company. , HOUSE.—Mr, Freeborn presented a peti tion from John Edgar Thomson and thirty three bribiness men, for a revision of port charges. Mr. Lee called up an act incorporating the Pennsylvania Canal Con:pin:lY. Passed - . Mr. Subers read an act to incorporate "the Home for Little Wanderers. Passed. Mr. Marks called' up the act preventing bone-boiling in the Twenty-fourth Ward, Philadelphia. Passed. The bill submitting the question of run ning; ' , Sundarif cars to the at - ttext _election, cams. up. In =order to avoid a lengthy debate, Mr. Quay of Beaver, called the previous question, which prevented all remarks. The first question was on the amendment of Mr. Rad- Oiman, as follows : "Provided that it shall be a condition precedent to said vote that said passenger railway companies shall carry passengers at rates not exceeding five cents, and without any distineticin on • ac count of race or color. This amendment was agreed to WA voteof 45 ayes to 39 noes. The Philadelphians voting aye were Adams, Davis, Freeborn, Ru.ddi man, Sabers, Thomas and Wallace. Those voting no were De Haven, Don nelly, - Gbeghan, Hand, Josephs, Lee, Marks; Quigley and Steiner. Absent Kerns and Watt. The question then recurred upon the fol lowingsubstitute for the original bill, the anbstitute being offered. by Mr. Myers, of Northampton, as follows: 'That the several passenger railway companies of Philadel phia are hereby authorized to run cars on Sunday, provided:that this act shall, go into effect when a majority of the lawful voters or electors of Philadelphia shall, at the next general election to be held in October, by ballott, determine for Sunday cars. "`• This substitute was defeated by viva voce Tote, the ayes and noes not being called. When the substitute was defeated, the amendment of Mr. Rnddiman, in regard to five cents fare and colored people, being part of the substitute, was also defeated, and the question then,recurred simply upon the original bill, as follows : Be it enacted that at the general election to be held in October, 1866, the voters of the City of Philadelphia shall vote for:or against the passage of a law to authorize the several Railway Companies in said city to run their cars on Sunday. The ballots shall respect ivelTebntain thewordei "Per Sunday cars," or "Against Sunday cars," and on the out side have the word,.•!Butulay Travel."_ Stich - citizen's as are '„qualified (qualified voters, agreeably tol i the ectistingvlaws alone, shall 'vote and the election officers shall receive ballots, count up the votes and make .such returns Ai they are by law required in reference to elections, and the returns made by them shall be deposited in the office of the Prothonotory of the Court of Common Pleas. . Tide otiginal bill was defeated by a,vote of 37 - ayes to .49 noes. The _Philadelphia members voting ayes were Messrs. Adair, Davis, De Raven, Donnelly, Freeborn, -Ghegan, Marks,, Hand, Josephs, Lee, Quig- Steiner," Sabers, Thomas and Watt. The noes were Messrs. Ruddiman and Wal lace. Absent, Mr. Kerns. An, act to incorporate the Erie City Pas senger Railroad being considered, Mr. McCleary offered an amendmentforbidding the company to make any distinction on ac count of color. This amendment was agreed to—ayes 49, noes 26. The' - Philadelphia members voting aye -were Messrs. Davis, DeHaven, Freeborn, Lee; Marks, Ruddi man, Thomas, Wallace, Watt. Those vot ing. ;no were Donnelly, (absent), Adair, Gheghan, Hood, Jesephs, Kerns, - Quigley, Steiner, Sabers. - The bill - then passed. rom Rio de Janeiro. Rio DE JANEIRO, March 3.—No - further mews, has been received from the River Plate since the defeat of the Argentine ,vari,, guard ati Passo de la Petrie, The loss on each side is -about 600. ' All is quiet in Rio and the provinces. A modification of the ministry is rumored. Exchange, 25d. Freights are in demand to New York- at 405.@428. 6d- • Rare is a Banking. House. NEW YonK, March 30.—The banking bouse of Duncan, Sherman it Co., ' William street, was on fire this morning. The build ing was but little injured, but considerable damage was done to the books, papers and furniture, The Steamer Prevent's. BosTax, March 30. —The steamer,Propoe tie. for Philadelphia, sailed from-below this morning, having repaired the slight damage to her maehinery. - Markets. Niaw YORK., March 30.—Cotten is quiet at 41c. Flour dull; sales 01'4.500 bbLs. at unchanged prices southern Plour unchanged; 350 bbls. sold. Canada drooping, 280 barrels sold. Wheat firm; sales of 14,500 bushels; Milwaukee Club No. 1, $1 SS.. Corn firm bet quiet. Beef steady. Pork heavy at $2B . (inlet at lefoglSc. Whisky steady. The Stock- and Gold Boards are not in session to. day. The following are the , street.,bldJling prices fOr stocks, the regullu'lloard being closed--Chicago and Bock Island. 112%: Michigan . Southern, 83%;.New York Lentral,9l; Beading, l 00; Hudson Bliteri' LOW; Canton Company 473,6; Erie 7s,N, with a sale at 77; Cleveland and Pittsburgh 783: Pittsburgh And_ Fort Wayne 823; NOrthwestern preferred 55; G0br127%. Coal Statements. The following is the.amount of cog transported over the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, during the week ending Thursday, liarch 22, 1866; TOna.ewt. 19,725 08 —.. 8,551 00 .. - 555 - 01 21,522 Os - - 578112 8 10 From St. Clair Pon Carbon "--• . ... Auburn • i. Yort Clinton Harrisburg and Dauphin Total Anthracite Coal for week ' 60,175 17 331tura in inolis coal from Harrisburg and Dau ph Total of f nii IPreviotusly, this year.... flame time lass year-... ..... . Increase - - ' - - 24.340 is 7he following le the amount of coal transported o er the Scbuy.-Will .Canal,. during. the week ending 71.inrsday,111.arch 20;,106e -. ' - '„, ' Fr• .., -: •L, . Kons.Owt. op Port Oarton --" -;" - • . 11,234 00 Pottsville...—. . --- • 1,251 06 " Schuyiklliaiaven..—. . , , 22,171 Od " Port Clinton ' 2,170 Total for week previously this Year.t Total To aantie time last year. Zricrease BOARDING:- B _ OAEDING IN POIVATZ- FAMILY with finely furnished room,at 2a6 h orth FIFTH street. nr29 at* IlVie DIEB. BOAIVD/NGl,nt,the •HAPIaikiTAMEON, St eea Mlles from - Philadelphia, - immediately on e Pennsylvania Railroad, For partdcolttrairlaire • lit 225 fimet i ‘ c k till : l 3 Tf t S ll 4'eet• ~A tet, , 3 l l ealiAle -R 3 a - - -00 n44414.11,-., IiKE BB . II %L.ORANGEBI.--Loos' boles Orangee_ in prime order„Aptellag and for retie by 131;138LEZ & CO., 108 8, Delaware Amami% 65,664 08 :.778,935.04 ..... 844,699 12 42A290 .. 38,834 (X) 24,218.09 IMMMI EpR FNEw YORE,' Via belaware and Raritan Canal. The rhOadexplita'iiitd,Bi.evii . lroi r k Express Stetlinbcitilt Compay. Steam Propellers „leave DAILY from making t .sPl9l4rEißelltil?"7 MARKET ! re"' This Line connects with all Northern and Eastern Transportation Companies. Goods forwarded direct to all points free ot commission.? ' , Freight received at lowest rates. WM. P. CLYDE &CO., Agents. 14 South Wharves Philaaelphia. JAS. I FF 117 Wall street, New York. k• STEAM 10 .41.V.F.R.F00L. QtrEENSTOWN, the Inman Line, sailing szhiL.W.llvirr,Y,„ carrying the U.S. Malls. .. . Wednesday, March 21 ern - of , .. Saturday, March 24 - WednesdaY,March 28 CITY . OF WA ISIANGTON, .12atardaY. - March 81 At bloom, from Pier 44 North River. RATES OF PASSAGE, PAYA742.10 2:4 CIIRIVIENCY, BY TRIG;-MAIL aTEAMEn EaTLING IME33.Y SATITSDAY: First eabin .120 Steerage. .42.5 ° to London... 1251 -" -• to L0nd0n......... I{ IA to Paris. IaSI to Ptiris.. ....„. so , _ ' - rASSAGE SY Rip WIEDICESDAY STE t lani.WB. First Cabin ' ...PO I Steerage. -r tas Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Hamburg, Bre. men &c do., at moderai e rates. Steerage passage from Liverpool or Qxieenatoms, $45. Tickets can he bought_ here 10 7 Persees sending for their friends. Foces r ituthar Information, apply at the Company's - - JOHN G. JULE mh22 111 Walnut street, Philadelphia, T 4, 4. FOB BOSTON. STEAMSHIP LLNIC G FROM AMR" PORT EVE,BY YIVIE DA ra FROM PINE ST. WPLA.III7_ , PHILADELPHIA, AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. The steamship SAXON, Captain Matthews. will eat) from Philadelphia on Saturday, March si. at 10 A. M. The a p.AIGE3, Captain Crowell, will dab from Boston on Friday, Marcel 80. The line between Philadelphia and Boston 14 now com d e SAXON of , C th aptain Matthews, 1200 tons burthen. NORMAN, Captain Baker,l2oo tow burthen. ANEW, Captain Crowell, 000 tons btuthen. These substantial • and well appointed steamships will sail , punctually as arlver, and freight will be received,every day, a .steamer being always on the berth to receivecargo. • ShippShippers are requested to send Bills of . Lading with ers good!. For freight orpaw* 13, 13 1at0 Y WINSOR dt 00.1 812 South Delaware avenue. PHILADELPHIA. RICHMOND AND NORFOLK smut/nap Gobi:PA:4(Y. - The fine steamships of this Line theme at the lowest rates and sail rrgnlarly from the First Wharf Mow Market Street, every WEDIVIRDAY and SATURDAY, AI Noon, Connecting with Railroads from Richmond, Norfoli and City Point, forming the most direct route for ths Southand Southwest. Ilona For, app freight or passage, with excellent accommOda ly to • Mit P. CLYDE & 00., 14 North.and Beath Wharves NNW 2C,X.P.RICBB LINE TO ALEX. ANDEL& Georgetown and Washington 40 E l e and Delaware Canal. with oannectiOm at Alexandria Va., form the moat direct route fru Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest. Steamers leave First 'Wharf. shove Market strew every Wednesday and Saturday at 12 M. For freight apply to the agents. W. P. CLYDE & 00., 4-North J. B. Davidson, Agent at George 1 town; M Wharves, . Eldridge & Cb., Agnate at Alexandria. • FOR NEW YORK.—Philadelphia Steam Propeller Company--Despatch and Swift. sure es, via Delaware andlltaritan Canal—Leaving daily at 12 M. and 5 P. M., connecting with all the Northern and Eastern Lines. For freight, which will be taken on accommodating terms, apply to South M. BAIRD mhl6tl No 132 South Delawareavenue. . eu - Dzia WA.44. and CliEddßildri tr t_ -.BOAT CO3 Y. EAREata towed to and from PHILADELPHIA HAVEtIf,DE-GBAOK, BALTIMO R E, WASHING TON. and Intermediate pointer WM. P. CLYDE at CO., Astute Mo. 14 South Whntwer Phdadelphin. FOP. SAN FBANOLBCO. ROBThrBONS CiALIFOBNLA CLIPPER BALLING REGULARLY AS ADVERTISED. Freight for this Line sent to New York by Swift Burn Line at reduced rates. The splendid Al extreme clipper ship GRANITE. STATE. . Jacobs, Ckinummder, _ Is now rapidly . loading at pier 11 Beet River. • This beauUfal vessel is one of the sharpest and best vessels now loading, and having a portion of her cargo on board with lane eogagentuanft, will have quick despatch. For meu reeteh op t. &opal:Nil CO., 105 Arch street. gaiFOR BOSTON, Masa.—ExpressLine.—Om Tnesda ,April ad.—The flne schooner SEARS , Sears, master, is now loading for the above. port at Willow street wharf. and will sail as above. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER, 18 North Wharves. - mtial FOR BOSTON, lialla.—Express Stamm Line.— The tine steamer MILLVILLE, Renear, the Sav m an a n s a t hS i t s e nmwsh li Wharfsa th v a b V ov in e po r t e e at . and will sail on bionday. April 2 For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER, 18 N. Wharves. mb3o HAVANA.—The Br. brie EXPORT Bent, mast.r will commence loading tor Ha. vane on 30th inst., at Almond street wharf, and have prompt despatch. For freight. apply to JOHN MAt•ON & CO., 500 South Delaware avenue. FOR PROVIDENCE.. B. L--Express Line.— The fine schooner BRANDYWINE, Corson, master, is now loading' for the above port at yVallow street wharf, and will have prompt despatch. Forfreight, apply to DAVID COOPER, 18 North Wharves. rah 26 FOR LIVRIMXIL.—With Quick Despatch.— The first class packet bark COBURG, Gibson, master having a large portion of her cargo en gaged,' will sail as above. For balance of freight or Passage apply to PETER _WRIGHT It BONS, llb ;Walnut street. , rnhle-tf FOR REY WEST.—The brig G. T. WARD, Captain Lindsay, will be despatched for the above port in a few days. For ireight, apply to wow; isir kW & CO., 113 Walnut street. ruble CONSIGNEES' NOTICE.—The schooner MERCY TAYLOR, Nickerson.master, from Boston, is now discharging hpr cargo at third wharf above Race Street. Consignees will please attend to the reception of their goods. DAVID , COOPER, 18 North Wharves. Mh3G-3t SHIP JOSEPH CLARK, Sherman, master, from Liverpool, is now discharging under general order at Shippen street wharf. lXinsignees will please attend to toe reception of- their goods. PETER WRIGHT & SONS, 1.15 Walnut street. rutt2B-tf BR BARK COBURG. tilbson, .naster, from .Liver ' pool, streetw discharging under general :order at Phippen wharf.' Consignees will plesattattend to the reception of their goods: P.ETIGI WRIGHT & 115pOZQB, Walnut street, inh2o tf IkTPTICIE. , --All persons are hereby cautioned against I. trusting any of the crew of the Br. bark tYDBURrii. (iibstes, waster. from Liverpool,". as no debts of . their Contract's:in Will bepard by the captain pr . consignees. P.ETEII WRIGHT dtfiONS; 115 Walnut street. zgady7tl oncx,-Au peasona are hereby cautioned agalun barberinuand _trusting an,y of the crew or the :•1 A Daniah brig D .... RE, se ne debts of their contract. Mg will be paid by captain or.consignees. WORK. r&Co.. 00=11018es. LW Walnut street. HIP DICTUM—AII persona ,are hereby cautioned L. 'tnt trusting any of the crew of the Er. ship il a Y, whereof Cann la muter, from City Point, N'a., _as no debts of their con e will be paid by captain or conaluirs. EDzaw - A.. EIOUDEIr. a cw). Dock street wharf. dela 4 - es. elmaamEn, to 40132• T SEIRDLEIP la BONS, Fall lialumg IWO liferth DELAWARE Avenue, Phfladelphia: x-k-- L iLlL '''' I All work done in the beatinanacr and on toe lowest and moat Aworablaterroile acid wartninot. t 1 )11 4• 41 P a . feat, aatiathrtioMe- , '-''‘ •'-'‘ • ' - '. - Particular atlantic!' Itt BTovrm WiFIVIREALTEBI9I' : s :r:2l Ftl• rt • 's :11:4` sB ZUBLOPHA.N titralliess_„ho A. or Dublin Institnisons, • , TW3II7TYDUITEIiMITI Flamm. Also, Plinadelpbla llanget, Hot-ab Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Lowdown grates, Biro _board Ski Batik Bailers; Eitewholeliates t _itrollern. woktag Stoves, etc., at s:Lalonde and retain, by the nienufacturere en saitutit !awn% = o26 LthAtiZtall A " No. Ma North. Second Meet 2 ..... 1 Tlizepieevaztwesz „ ', . - .. 151ormal crazempr atrae_,_tarlitlawaina Konica IJrdtedlitatca aunt; i . i , OFFICE L , . r TICS - And cith ang3ltut and Wood Prim ter Anthracite, RI, wAa.m-ent AL • B4 Arav I For Warmth Public and Pritrate:_Bondiatt, EEG •IrEaTii,A., Tone • AND azuweirEy-cutpi - Cocuabra.B.Arie43l.BANH•Boirams. ea.. twzi iniar,lo4•,... er , and ItIVI.A.II. -_,...„ 74 ....,qjk,....._„ . , Ax0,,:.•,.,.0.,H,.,.,....:.:.::_. S MALTST E inba*ta-thtfp ,11114F e.V.. 4.4 1 , ,1P.11114 0 1F44 ) 414,1.8A3URDA1411A1te1l M0:866 miamma. 1 P - sifft 41 )ELPIELL Leave Baltimore at &25 P.M. t stopping at Havre de Grace, Perryville and'Wilmington. Also stop at Blk ton and Newark (to take passengers fbr Phlladelphia and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore) and Chester to leave passengers from Baltimore or Washington, A special train will leave Wilmington fbr Philadel phia and Intermediate Stations at 5.30 P. M. yreri t raina with passenger car attached will leave n fer Perryville and intermediate stations at &SS . M. Leave Baltimore for Havre deQrace and Intermediate Stations at 445 P. M. H. F. RENNEy. Buverizaendent. • 7s: PHILADDLPECLe. • GEftimAle. TOWN AND tionmEtrown TA_BLE.,-On and after WED. NESDAT, Nov FOR ember_ h_A 4262tmtil f N tether notice. w..m.ssuOW. Wave Ildiadelrghta-e. 7, 8, 2, /0, 14_12, A. M.; 1,1, 210 1 minutes; EX;4; sX, 6,7, 0,2, /0, Li, 14 P.M. /Alive Germantown , -e. 7,7%, /o, is, A. M.; 1,2, 2,4, 41‘; 6,61 i, 7,8, 9, 10,11 P. M. i The am down . .s,M; and Ma ift( and la up trains de not stop on Germantown Bram*. 'OI7I2IINDATE: Leave • l'hi/a4l2l2thia-ajo minutes, A.-M.4 2, r o'ave Germantown-84,M,, a, ••and eic, P. M. • C 1 11243TD uT SIL7. RA.M.,DO(Ag. Leave PhftedulpWar-6.2, 8,10,12, A. M 4 2. VC CIL 5. end 11, P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill-7.10 znintitek,S,ll.o, and 11.42 id ...1.40 840 8.40 (1,40.-8.10 arid 10.40 P Leave tobstiteu. A.:112.4 I, aka? L M eave Cheithut • 22111-7.42 minutes, A. M.; Imo. Lie d 2.22 minutest , • FOR CQNEID.ORMIEXET AND. NORRIBTOWN I A Leave Pl/ 11,0 51 , 121*-6. BM, 11.06 in/natal/. A. St.; tg. 53(, 6X, 8.01, and 11%, P. M. I Leave> Nopititewn-614,87, 740, 9 , 11, A. M.; and WM. _ I The 5 P. M. train wil ;tap atDohool Lane Whom, Mahon, Manayunk , - ftpting mut o ne ..„ •1 r ` ON Btn7NDA.TEL. - • ' LeswelPhombilia4o- . - - 2 and 7 P. M. Leave ZiorristOwlA..ls2.„ and BP. N. • MANATTTOL - - Leave PhftWielnida-6.2.25,11.06.A. B.ookand 1.13 i P M Lm, , ve Manaytaut7l34, Ix; gm / 234,17,3 c A. ; s4 ' l. !' 0N5112211A40..... ' • ' Leave A. ht.; t ana M. Leave Manali M. Mad - W general perintendeni. • Depot; Ninth and Green Ann% ; , _ _ renal:dam rr. i' 017/Cdil OP THE A.1).12&& XX ' . ~,,..., 1 . ...„, , WOES vurfPAN'lt,ll2o. MIES* , i .• : te: ~alta.c.mtiirattatunuul2rth;l niarr rad )The,Adadrat 3 ._. neN ' Matting' s . hate e th ei r facilities at':Wngtort; IV G. .3ty balding a •- liepot; and having 'sag auditioned capita roll transportation are now Pre/laud to forward eavr • Exprew freights, packages and Parcelw_tcy-liratehinV On, Georgetown, Alexandria) Annalmils, Frederick, ,Adametownrrortanalton and otnerfaageggo u th r . occupied by the army, at Minded mks.. .-- , }Special' agreements for - Ifercluindiae in large Ea. Sutler's poodle and army auppiles at Ellithialctorr i*Et t r:on applicatiolVat oar .0/Ece. ;,Ekildte nawroe s, en at man lees than our akuatrateet. IRtavyand•intikydal=auMeived , and 'ramekin:ld. en for at our depot, South corner of BROAD and ra- OLlff streets. . ,r 1 ' ' -4-01 4 2 %,_ 4 4e1iwit L -: i,.., : ~. ~ r.r. 4o . l ariptelidens., , . •HATUTENtIAEFE.DEL.A.W.A.RE BAY ,7,RAniEntril.- NorICEL—On na er ,'Yebruner !Writhe IMpraur Train_ suite diaamtinned..l,= an ;Awes (WWI lermat2 WciaoluE:io.i dallYr 1 4 1 01 V.upew York next tags:tat low rate& H _ TRllNHDrzywara ..fagsfAi •ii t• :11 VOTHIP niTEGGORD DE smvANT.4,_ THE scartriumx-_,___Erusg_trkus.B.l t3A., 471M113.0 AND Wlfunu DIG _vADitres; TEDRNORTH _NORTHWEST and the GANADAS. AXWANGHHEGT r PASSENGER TRAlNS . :.!,leavgara oUg.: TEENTH and Sweets, at the following holm: MORNING MAIL. Al 8 hr." 107, aiiiiiiiig,..Lehanon, Itarrisbarai POOWI.II_ ,e Tinto Grope,. yfunaqtta; Sunbbry, Port! - Elmira, itochester,Elapra Enftlo, Allem town, Wilkesbarre, Pittston York ! 9irlialepounbert. Efikemtown; dm.;llfc. • - - This train connects at BEAD/NO with the Eul Pennsylvania , ' - Railroad trains Ibr Allentown,: - *O4 and with the Lebanon Talley train tor: En.; at PORT , CriaNTON- Oatawissa salfroart trains fbr Williamsport, Lock .Hafren.' Elmira. ac e! HAEILISEI73IG with • NOrthern °antral, embank= Valley, and Schuylkill • and Sosquehamut_ trains El , Northumberland,EfilliamspOrt, York; usuunb, ;PinetizOrsi _ Leaves Philadelphia at itBo-PaLlor rata. ville,.•Harrisburg; dcs., 'connecting with and Ccdambla R.B. trains for eoltimbla dte., and with Oats wiasaltallroad train thr Milton Willhimisport Zitaira, 3 ,BEADING 4qOOICH_OD4TIO.;?., • LOMB Reading at 8.50 A. M stopping at ail wala* tions; arrives in Philadelphlaat 9..:% Am. Returning, leavesPhiladelphis at 4.30 P. M,; arrive 1n Reading at P. K Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at Le A. M. and Pottsvi ll e at 8.30 A. M.. arriving In Philadel phis at 12.45'P. M. Afternoon trains leave Harrlsbunt at 1.45 P. M., and Pottsville at Ste P. M.; arriving at Philadelphia at 9.05 P. M. • Harriet accommodation leaves Reading at 7.15 A.'M and rin at. 9.09 P.M. • Market train, with a Passenger car attached, leaves Philadelphia at, 13.45 noon ftmlleading and all way stations; leaves w-Plunr‘g 1).80 A.M., and Downingtown 12.50 P. M. for Philadelphia and all way stations. All the above trains run Sundays ex ean trains leave Polle at 8 00 A c . e t x . L and phia at 5.35 P. .M • • at . l:C4llo4.El_. Passertrs ibi 7 Downingtown and intemediat= take the 00 A. M. and 4.80 P. M. trains from P alskreturning from Howningtowr at 7.05 A. M. ani 28n Noor_ NEW YORK HIPPM FOR PlMl3=l/211.- WEST. Leaves New York at 9.00'A. M. aid B P. M., lbuisht Reading at 1 A.M., and 1.48 P. M.. and connecting a Harris!) BailtOlid tur T e . Permsyvanta . and Northern Ceram rains Ibr P a l , Chicago. liarasnort, Ba t t/mom dm. - Returning, Express Train leaveslllarriabq k •on arrival of Pennsylvania from Fatah ,at 8 and 9.05 A. M., 'Rasing at 4.49 and 10.58 M.„ arriving at New York 10 A. M., and 2.45 P. M. Sleeping Car aocorrum.these trains throsgh between Israel" City and ttab , without Mail train lb? New York lealel li Narrisburg at 1.45 P. M. Mall train for Harrisburg leaves New ,York at /I Noon. /RXIIDIMICH,I; VALLEY RAILROA.D. Trains leave Pottsville at 8.45,11 A. M. and 7.15 P. M. returning from Tamaqua at 7.85 A. and 1.40 and 4.15 P. M. ISCHTTYLKELL A.NDEITISQUEILSPNA RAILROAD. Trains leave Auburn at 7.46 A, M. for Pinegrcrve and Harrisburg, and at 1.50_,P. H. ibr Pinegrove and Tre mont; returning from Harrisburg at 4.00 P. H. and from Tremont at 7.60 A. H. _ and 6.00 P. H. TICKETS. Through ;first-claw tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points in the North and West and Canada& The following tickets are obtained only at the Office of 8. Bradford, Treasurer. No. ea South Fourth street, Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nicole, General Iniperintend eat, 11 - '"livlr. COMMUTATION TICKETS, At 25 per cent., discount between any points desired for Zmffies and firms. TIW3:ETS, Good for 2,ooenles,between all pointa, at in 150 each, roallllea and firma • REASON TICKETB. For three, els, nine or twelve months, for holders only, to all points at reduced rates. CILERGYX:Eaq Redding on the line of the Road will be furnished with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets al half-fare. EXCURSION TCKETS, _ _ . Prom Philadelphia ltor sererney, Sunday and,_at reduced rare, to be bad only at the Ticket mist Thirteenth and Callow. hill streets. FREIGHT. _ _ Goods of all deecriplions forwirded to all the above points front the Company. New Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. PEIGHT Leave Philpdelphi ß a daily ate= Jt. IL, 12.45 noon and 6 P. M., Par u~ling, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all priplits bc7ond. Close at the Philadelphia Post Moss far all Vaasa on the road and its branches at 5 and tar the prin. CipallgatiOES only at lad P. M. PHILADELPHIA WILMER% TON AND BALTIMORE BAH, on meaning MONDAY, March Uth, 1866. Trains will leave Depot, corner el Broad street and Washington avenue, as harms: press Train, at 4.15 A. M. (Mondays excepted), ihr n.ltimere and Washington, stopping at (totter, Wilmington, Perryville Havre-d- sOrace, Aberdeen, Pemyrean's, Navel* Chase's and Stemmtr"a Rn. Delawsse Tral . B.ltlll.ll4Szin day excepted), fOr Prince= Anne. Milford and Intermediate stations. wey-mall Train, at 8.15 A. M. (Sunday", ex eePted), for Baltimore, stopping at Chester, Tharlow, Linwood, Claymont, ainfa ll regular stations between Wilmington and Baltimore. Express train at 11.45 A. .111..Mundayis excepted) for Baltimore and Washington_ Express Train at 2.45 P. aff; (StindaTit excelded), for Baltimore and Washington. Mopping at Cheater, Claymont, 'Wilmington, Newark, Elkton, North-East, Perryville, Havrede Grace, Aberdeen, Peruman's, Magnolia, Chase's and Stammer's Bun. b Night Express at 11.00 P. IL for Baltimore andWaah. s y engers by boat from Baltimore fbr lb:waves Monroe, Norfolk, City Point and Richmond will take the ILO A. IL Train. • WILMINGTON ACCOMMODATION TRAINS, stopping at all stations between Philadelphia and Wil mington. Leave Philadelphia at 8 15,11. is A.ILAsco 80 mad 11.00 P. M. The 8.10 P. M. train connects with the Bela ware Railroad for Harrington and intermediate sta. time. _Leave Wilmington 7.00, 8.13 and 8.80 A. X, 8.00 and 5.00 P. Trains for Newcastle leave Philadelphia at 8.15 A.. M., 8.30 and 5.30 P. AL THROUGH TEAMS FROM BALTIMORE Leave - Wllmington at 11.0031.0140 and li.oo P.M, _ CELEST FOR PHILa DELPHIA. Leave Chester at WU, 1348 and 10.14 A. M., 12.37. 3.44 5 .01, 0.44 and 10.36 P. M. Prom Baltimore to Philadelphla.—Leave Baltimore 8.30 A. M., Way Mall. 9.. t) A. H. Express. 1.10 P. IL, Express. 6.55 P. M., Express. b.. 25 P. 3t., Express. for Baltimore leave Chester at 4.49 and 9.52 A. EL. and &U P. M. Trains for Baltimore leave Wilmington at 523, and 10.34 A. Id., and 4.00 P. M. SUNDAY TRAM. Express Train at 1.15 A. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chester, Wilmington, Perryville, B avre-de- Graze, Aberdeen, Perryman's, Magnolia, Chase's and Stemmer's Run. Night Express am P. M. for Baltimore and Wash- Ington. Accommodation Train at 11.1 P.M., ter Wilmington and Intermediate Stations. s rgrie Express Train LEAVE WHY . 3T14 ARD. e Mall Train 9.00 P. M.. a - Express Train...„.. . ' . .12.00 AL eassenger Cars run th rough - . e . triiii; lila Rah and sprees./ rains without change, both ways, between huadelphia and:lb:ie. NEW YORK CONNECTION. A eave New Yerk at 9.00 A.M., arrive at Erie 9.15 A. M. r L e av e Ertees.l,ss E. EL, arrive at NeW York 8.40 P. hf. I, Elegant bleeping Care on all Night Trains, , • , For informatlon respecting passenger bus no's atm* t Corner THlElasx.l4. and MARKET streets, Puna; delphia. , And for Freight bushiest of the Company's Ageniat I ili, stre ß s .Kn u gst d o enphr.i corner Thirteenth , and Market --' - - • , J,,iiv. Reynolds, Itrie.. Wm. Brows, Agent N.l). R. R., Baltimore. 1 - - _ H..-Hc.bOII,STON. . • , , - General Freight .AgenkPhiladelphia: -- ,-. ~ • . 11,W. oWINSMK,, . --- thaii - endTleket Agent, Philadelphia, i t - 7 -- ::r. r . `-- WAST • CH:MB ICII AND BILt. A. L. TYLER, p ' .-- -1 ~- ' ~..., ,_ General Itaipl., Williamsport. . 1 . ' ..... . DELPHIA RAILROAD, VIA !Elio I kinijarcr _- -Aviiizriaiittikik , 14A ,5 1 and after MONDAY, b March 19th 1965. the I will leave ae follows: .._ IL - 1 - - `GREETER :realms, -I • Leave Philadelphia fttrWeirt) 4149aatew. Atom Depot ; thiry-firat d a l nd MarketMarketatzeet,'7,29 A. M., .u.uu A. at., • 8,15 r 4.4.5 an i ,oca4„,m, ..,. tt ~-. ._. ,_ ,-, • Leave Wadi:heater for Philadelphia, from Depot on ,R. Market street, 6.2 D, YAW. 10.44 A. It., 1.40, 4.50 P. M. i i=atlit i vlsea r alt.....liteeterr i t I . l. 2ai t4ll .l..te rtcv and will stop below B. C. Yonction at licella only , . ' . ' _ _ .- PENNEKRO,TRAINS.- , Leave Panit atoMa.lbr P est -t,15 and 10.31 L leave Pepnelton for, Philadelphia 8.19 A, !Ai r , .7.35 jr.l•, , '. TheeMains 4m mt, an lap*, Btat/OnLv f ' A -*' MEWED • r „ ~, ~.,,,,,, , _, .-Aidit.ooP.-91Lir.: , - .l' [-A. -) 71 A .-- -.. s.'"fi "`,,,„ ,L - 7 ,_ I , mit westCheitte s ( talitinaw.bor , tt _,...,,, len*lmaldlidel MY.XOAt*M: 1 3, 4 •0 e. • , M., and abwma West 5h,141.--A;!-.3f.;" d4.511P.:' M,. connectattifethes-frith-Tirtils Bk.R.R4brOstford atalbtersnedialreat - I '!uuseniiieth arehlhAftdl4fttake ,hPVirel-- .0 NIB 114111ftheVand.th64 w14....130 ,-ln• any ' - reiponsiblefatan'anumat exWolng one him-- dred dellagarifsh'spettiM- 'hionhact Made - forth() fame. Y WiJuD, General up s nristendent . 1 .L 4 wuni ""NORTH'PiEDIZ4I3 LVANIA B , MIDDLE ROITTEL-. ho an most direct line to Bethlehem, Allentown; blanch Chunk, Hazleton, White Haven Wilkesbarre, , MaltruselY City, and an PllintFin the; l#4olol',,nl 'fining -Coal Regions. -• • • , Passenger Repots in PhilMiel his THIRD street above s Ttreets. hompson, and Corner of and ANEW CAN' WIRFEII. ARRANGER:IMT. • • NINE DAILY THUM?.. On and after diondayNolt. 20th,1285,Passenger trains leave • the Depot, Third street, above Thompson, daily (StatilaXlCarcePW), as follows: • • AT 7.20 A. 21.—monmsg Express for B eth l ehe m and and Principal 'Stations on North Pennsylvania Rail. road, 'connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Railroad for Allentown, Cara/sangria, Edatingans, Man 01/lIIIk_ "Weatherly, Jeaneaville, Hazleton, White Hst. _von Wilkesbarre, Kingston, Pittston, and all points in Lehigh and Wyoming Volleyer, also, In connection with Lehigh and Mahar:by Railroad for- Ittahanoy,,ty and with CataVitum Railroad, for Rupert, Danville, Milton end Willbtunspert. A.rrive at Manch Chunk at IL4SA. M.; at Wilkesbarre at 2.45 P. M.; at Eahartoy Oily Paatterment by this train can take Che Lehigh Valley Train, visaing Bethlehem at 1200;-M. for Es& ton and points on New Jersey Central Ballroad to New York. AT 8.85 A. Id..Accosanlodation; for Doi/lee:town, stopping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove, Hatboro'. and Hartsville, by this train, take Stage at Old York Road. • • AT 10 A., 181.—Accornnewation. fin Fart Washing. toni stopy at all intermediate Stations. . • . 2.WF .Aocornmodatlon for Do letdown, stop ping at ' intermediate stations. take stage at Doylestown for New Hops , _ AT &SOT. BL---Evening Repress for Bethle hem and principal Stations on the North Penneyiveuela Ban , ad,_lhakil=e connection at Bethlehem with Le. high Valley for Easton, reaching thereat 6.45. P. M.. Passengers thr Plainfield, Somerville and other 'elute on New Jersey Central Rat take N. X. C. Train at Esaton, wlncn arrives in New York at 10 P. AL_Pas senders for Semmeortosern take stage at at Wales. and tor Nazarethat Bethlehem and Ibr Greenvi ll e at Quakertown AT 6.15 P. ISE — Accommoditton, tor Doylestown, 'topping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville take stage at Abington Lfor Lumberville" at Doylestown. AT 5:15 M.—Through Accemunwatton; for Bete 'ahem and all Stations on main line of North Pennsyl vania Baltread, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh vanes , . Evening 'Frain for_keito.“-m Lehigh ValleY Railroad and fbr w Catawbura Railroad. AT 6.15 P. M.—Accommodation, Per Lansdale, stop. ping at all Intermediate Stations. At U P.ltte o wnenod FOß PHI LA ation for Port Wsuthingemt. ELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem at 6.25 and 10.08 A. M., and 6.18 P. • Pawsmintre• lesiving 'Keaton at 9.10 A. M., connect at Bethlehem and arrive in Philadelphia at L 7.25 P. M. Parma leaving Wilketbarre at 1 P. M. connect at Bethlehem at sarip. M., and arrive In PU1%410124218 at ass P. IL Leave Doylesinwn at 5.80 A. M. 8.15 and 5.30 P. M. Leave Lansdale at Sao A. M. Leave Fort Waahington at 10.50 and 2.15 P. M. ON SUNDAYS.- Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9 A. 2L „Thlladelphia ter ,Thilyietho7lll at P..M. Doylestown - ler Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia art P. M. Fifth and Sixth Streets Passenger Cara cony y paw Wlto and from Barks Street Depot. Cars of Second and Third Streeta Line convey passegnera to Third Street Depot. Ticketsmust be rocaredat theTicketthinces,THlEtD street or street, in order to secure the loweit rates of fem. ELLIS CLARK, prinman's Baggage Express will call for and deliver at e Depot, BNIMeNo. the South THIRD street. r. FOR NEW YORK.—The DEN AND AMBOY and PRIMA. .;15 • t g TRENTON RAILROAD COM PANY'S LINES, from Philadel Ida to New York. and way places, from W STREET WHARF, w ill leave as follows, viz: At 6A. hi., via launder' and Ainboy, Aroma., ire 183 2.5 At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey Cit Express, 300 At 2P. via Camden and Amboy Express, 225 At 12 M. (noon) and BP. M., via Camden and Amboy. Accommodation , (Freight and Pas. imager.) . . . . . . . 225 At 6 and 11.80 P. M., via Camden andAmboy, Aocom modation. (Freight and Passenger) 131 Class Ticket, . 2 M 2d Class Ticket, . 150 At 6 and 10A.M.,2 and 6 P.M. For Moint Holly ville, Pemberton and Vincestown. At 6A. re:i4 l.' l 2 P. I. far Freehold. At 6 and 10 A. 31. 12 M. 2.00, 5, 6 and 1130 P. hL for Pal myra, Riverton, DeLanco, Beverly, Edgewater, Bur- Florence. Bordentown, ,tc. The /0 A.M. at ill arn'. M. Line runs direct through to Trenton. LINES FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT will leave as follows • At 11.15 A. M., 4.30 P. M and 6,45 P. ISL via Ken sington and Jersey City s 12 Empress fo A - p. Id, (Night) via sanangton and Jeraftii 2 The 6.65 P. M. Line will ruziAally. All others Sun -25 days excepted. Attie and 11.15 A. _M. 71.3fi, 4.39.5 and 6,45 P. M.. and lithUdnight, dm Bristol, Trenton. d:c. At 7A. IL, t 0 60,6 P. for Cornetts , ror risdale, Holm , Tscony, Wissinoming. Brides. burg and and at SP. for - .IMMesiburg and intermediate Stations. _• BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAIIROAD, Air the Delaware River Valley, Northern Pennsylvazda, and New York State, and the Great Lakes. Two through trains daily (Sandaya excepted) from Kensington Ds pot, as follows: At 7.30 A. M. and 3.30 P. M, ibr Niagara FalLs, Bur _ ,talo Druskir_ ,k CanandalgomElmira, Rochester, Binghammon, Oswego, Byradase, tireat Bend, Montroee, Wilkesharre Scranton. StrOndsburg, Water Gam Belvidere, Beaton, Irmbertville, Mem be Tra ngton, in .to. leavin The 3.30 East P. on M. Line Ma conn nch Chunk ects direct with g ter town. Bethlehem. go. , Allen- At P. ILtorLambertvilleandinittationa gfir For New York and Way Lines leaving Len elusion Depot, take be fo rers on filth street, rumen into half an hour deparmre. The cars run into the Depot, and on arrival of each Train, run from the Depot. On Sundays_o:/mathasses will leave Walk not street when at. 6P . M. to connect with 6.45 P. hi line. gerkutp pounds or Baggageprohibit onlytallowed etakin g ach P/155811. . Pamengers are ed zrom anything aa baggage but their wearing appareL baggage over nny pounds to be paid for cairn.. The Company limit their responsibility far briggage to One Dollar per wend, and will not be liable for any amount beyond gm, except by special contract *enacts rotd and baggage checked direct through tO 804107%. Graham's Itagga,ge Express will call for and deliver baggage at the Depota. Orders to be left at No. 3 Wal nut LINES FROM NEW YORE FOR PHILADELPHIA: Will leave from foot of Cortland street, at 12 M. and 4 P. M. via Jersey City and Camden. At 7 and 10 A. M., 6 P. M. and 12 Night via Jersey City and Ran- Pier No. 1 N. River, at 6A. IL and 2 P. M., 'a = via Amboy and Camden. At 12 M., 3 and 6 F. M. (Freight and Paasenger),_via Amboy and Camden. WM.. H. as and Agent. - eIIIDALEL.PRIa. & BALTI S %11±u Itti2 l O O E R M E, CE T N S T .— RA N A N A L RAOPADE— it hlo.tilta.V. March 19,1666, the Trains will leave Paila hla, from the Depot of the West Chester ez Phtla delphia Railroad. corner of lairty-first and Market Streets, (West Ph hada ), 72u A Oxford d 4.45 P. M. • Leave Rising Sun, at 5.30, anat 6.05 A. M., at d leave Oxford at 3.25 P. Al. Thl June Is. a Market Train with Paesenger Car attached, will ran on Tuesdays and Fridays. leaving ;The Rising Sun at 10.45 A. M., Oxford at 11.45 A. AL,, irud Kennett at 12.45 P. Al., connecting at West Chester Junction with a Train for Philadelphia. On and alter June Ist. this train will leave the Rising San at 4 P.M., ;Oxiora at SP. M., and Kennett at 6P. M. Marketin mill not be taken on Passenger Trains. The Train leaving Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. con nects at Oxford with a dully' floe of stages for,Peaca ottom, in Lancaster county. Returning, leaves Peach (Bottom to connect at Oxford With Me Afternoon Train er , Philadelphia: • • • 1 The Train leaving Philadelphia at 4.45 runs to Basing Dun, Passengers are allOwrd to take Wearing Apparel only as Baggage, ar.d the 'Company will not In any b e be :responsible for an amount'xceeding one bun- Bred dollars, unless a 19ecial contra&r. be made for Me time. -- - guhl9 - WOOD, Gen'L Sup% UM. PRILLDELPHL AND ERIE RAILROAD. IVA talk teak e traverses the Normern and North *est eotuntlw,of - Pennallvanla to the- eltYntErie on I It has been leased and Is operated by the Perinsyl ain& It slimed Company., . __ , 'TIME OF eASSENGEB. TRAINS AT' PRICLAIVELPHIA. ,ABELIVE IWTWARD. Stile Nall Train - • 7 7 I II J. . •;- PENNIECTILVAINLII,• ' IMNTILAX. Itrarata&D_,_. -• • • •‘' . ''' ••• r PRINS ABRAM e •Jatmiumi• ' • • , , Tile trains of. the Pennsylvania Central .B.• B. •••• leave the , Depart at Thirty-first and Market streets, which la reached by the airs of the Market Street Passenger hatiw se rooming to and from the Depot 'rimiest car leaves ; Front street about thirty, minutes, prier_ to the departure or each Train. ~• , ONltiramsys—Ther z West Philadeltthia - Passenge cars wit leave Eleventh and Market streets, halftan r Our before the-Train.leaves tbil depo't,.and will leave depot on the arrival of each train to convey passengers into the city.• .-••• M • , ANN'S BAGGAGN.E.X.PRIUNII9I/1 call for and deliver Baggage at the Depot • Orders „ left at the office. No; 631 Chestnut street, will receive attention. ,- T RAT.S is 'AND Althatirm -AT DEPO T - mud', TB , 6 'at ROO A. It 4 FASOPA AC s 4 COH., No. 1 • • " 10.00 - - T LI LIN-E. - -• • - . • " -12 - ( X ) M. • PAluTEssljßig-", ' • . 2 • 0 4 HARRISBURG AC0021.: • " LA_NC.ASTER ACCOIILi - • •••••‘1 PAO.LI TRAIN, No. 2 • • " 5.80 " ERI LAJJ S MALI * PHILADELII S IA - • 11 9.00 EXtellyßSt • " 11.10 ! 1 . Animas. • CINCINNATI EXPRESS, • " 1.10 PHILADELPHLS. EXPRESS t . " 7.10 PAOLI ACCOM., No. 1 - • . 1 8.20 " PARKE:6IIIEG - • ' 1 9.09 "• '• LANCASTER num • •• " /2•20 P. ' FAST LINE - . . . " 1-10 - " PAOLI ACCOM., No. 2, • • - " L4O ~ DAY EXPRESS - • . 11 540 " HARRISBURG AOCOhL. • •• " 9.10 " _ except SaturdaY• IDallY. Wally, except Monday. a ' . All other trains daily, omen tEinday. • - The Pennsylvania Itaitioad Co. isru, not aestunilpj risk for Baggage, except far WeeringA_pparel, and their respozisibility to One HineiredDollare In value: All Baggage exceeding that amount in value. will be at, the rsur sof the owner. unless taken by special. contraeto TICILET. OPTICS'S.. Have been opened fat No; 616; Chestniit 'street, Conti; mental Hotel. and Girard House: where Tickets may, be procured to all important points in Pennsylvania.' as well es the West, Northwest and Southwest; and lull particulars_given as to time And connections, by L N C ALAN, Ticket Agent The Ticket Office at West 'Philadelphia will be con tinued as heretofore. where all information respecting mutes as well as Tickets, can be had - on application to • THOILS.S .rARIC.E. Ticket Agent, at the Depot. An Emigrant Train rens daily, except Sunday. 'Ear tall inftmxuation aa to fare and accomnaodations, apply, SO FRANCIS PUNK. No.• 187 Dock street. PITTSBURGH,__, COLUMBUS : ' AD CINCINN.A.T/ .11401.110tALD THE PAN HARDLE 11010 TE W Imt• w AHD. Owing to the great distance saved by TB:D3 ROUTE the Government has asalgned to it the carrying of the U. S. MAIL to the Principal Cities of the West ,and Southwest. - =ERB BEING BUT ONE CHANGE OFCARS BETWEEN PIILLADELPH/A .ANDCINCINNA.TI, AND BUT TWO TO ST. LOUIS. . PASI3E.NGERS AY THIS ROUTE WILL ARRIVE EV CINCINNATI. INDIANAPOLIS CAIRO AND Sr. LOUIS ONE TRAIN IN ADVANCE OF ANY OTHER LUTE. Passengers leaving Philadelphia at U.SO A. N. will W r o v dr aA s l C n e a r n t e t d e Pa v a enng ta fo e r •RomS l w p he n r g e Cars will be attached, and run through to Columbus without change, avoiding changing cars at Pittsburgh at midnight.. a comfort never before afforded to the traveling e c t mm ach ty se tickets "VIA STEURMr. ViLLE.." at PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD OFFICE Corner Thirtieth and Market Streets. Philadelphia. Gen'l ticket S. F. SCUL L, Agt. Steubenville. 0. Jorn.; H . siTT.T.VII Gen'l Eastern P 8514. Ag't. Saproad, New York. JOHNDUItAND, Gen'! . WEST .DIR.s.EY RAILROAD lalDi ES—Rrom bet oahlarket street 7,_,A46 • E& saltot%ev .ro Sundays. FALL AND IS Commencing WEDNEDDA t Y, NOVEMBER Seth, For Bridgeton, Salem, and all Stations on Weed Jer sey and balem Railroads, at 9A. M. and 3.80 P. M. For and all intermediate StatiOns, at 9A. M. and B P. 11, For Cape May and intermediate Stationa, at BA. IL, to Miliville connecting with freight train (Passenger car attached) far Cape May,due 3.45 I'. M. and 8.00 P. M. through passenger, due 8.00 P.M. For °Lamborn' and intermediate Stations, at 9 A. M. 3 and a.Z) P. M. For Woodbury, Gloucester, dam, at 9 A. M., 8, 8.30, and 5.30 P. M. - • • low Vt ig ' Fre abouw t iht ll be received at semnd covered wharf be street from 7A. M. until SP . M. Freight received befbre 9 A. M.. will go forward same day. Freight delivered at 528 South Delaware Avenue. J. VAN .R.MNIQAPT.A FR gaveranseuaellt. W THE Tam JERSEY EX:Pwle b hsl co p. ill attend to all the tome' ranches of Fseturso Bus kiaSS, receive, deliver. and forward, through other re sponalble Boopreas Oo m panies. to all parte of the coun try, anyarthde entrusted to them. A Special Neaten ger accompanies each through train. Mos, No. 5 Walnut street, Xt:VT A. It 11,ANti EIKE SIT.—PIII L AD If,LPHIA. TO WiLIii.A.PAS .O / emaxictE OF CARS VIA CANA. WISsA.:ROUTE.- • - -- On and Mier Monday, April 2d, 1866, through cars for Williamsport will leave thePhdadelphla and Read. lug RaProadDepot, Thirteenth and streets. at BA. M. arriving at Williamsport at 6 P. M.. and malting close connections for Almtra. Oil Regions. Buffalo. Erie, Bit/gars Palls, Suspension Bridge and all places In the Western. Borth Western, South Wwlern States and the (A/nada& •1 BROUGH TICKETS to all points can be promred at the Compans'a °nice 425 Chestnut street, under Philadelphia Bank, opposite the, Custom House, at the Cr Led States Telegraph Office in the Continental Hotel, *no at the Depot °file Philadelphia and Read lag Railroad Ttdr. eenth and (Aillowhili streets. N. VANILORN. Passenger Agont. m ati ropELLADth! B el; X S *lll 94 ADVIA 114LTINCIRR ABD oaio RAILROAD. . . THROUGH PREIGET DRPARITERNT____ , DEPOT, BROAD STRE E T, ABOVE - The underalgtted_ continue the General Agency of the Pblisidel Ida, Wngton and 7re at i ! tin:tore Railroad, Air by way of the ahem route to the West. • • Shippers and the public generally . are waxed t h at the organisation - of trains seouree to Freight rt . :tutor trawl; and prompt deliveryto all parts parts. M• through rates and Itrther 00WTON dt 00., General,.. ,, Frelght Age.et4 JOHN B. 'WILSON, t A a tellt, Fifth street. 2d ddo;lrerwir eitaut. WILLIAM M. WILSON, 208 MARKET STREET, Philadelphia, LIIPOItTFit OF DRUGS CHEMICALS, tiC .1 Pine Essential Oils. . Goods sold in bond at this port or New York. and so delivered when required ' uctintil , LAIR'S CHOCOLATE FOR INVALIDS ANI) FAMILIES—made from the true Caraccas Coco t , free froth all adulte ration. The above article we can !recommend as reliable for:perltY; exceedingly nutri tifius and acceptable to weak and delicate stomachs. \ Tor wbich, It Is especially Intended; also .Sultable Arany use: Put up In tin cases to preserve Its peculiar and delightful flavor. HENRY C. BLAIRPIS SONS, !Apothecaries, Eighttrand Walnut-, 1 - 401) LIVER (AL.—Twenty-five banal, mew'reade, ki Cod Liver .oni vit•ver7- superior- qualltv; - ,Carb. [ Ammonia, just r•-•toisi, in. also, Last received 14twenty•five barrels. very Emperior warratited Percent., ln , the beet of per, and Ibr sale o . =-1.7 • ' • Mr 758 Market istred„ .7.00 A. M. 1.00 P. M. trAxTBART OF ,BEEP tor beef tea Air .Essence of W.I Beef In 'alcknios or for soups - for table. Use.. Blade In Elgin, Illiriols, by Gall Borden. trola the.inkaa of ij nice beef and le auperior in uleliclous•fillVer WO quality 'to any hitherto known. Packetav wittLfhll dl. ' ections. one .dollar each. HUBBELL, Apothecary, ~410 Chestaut street. - •, . • ~, ... , .. ^ NOLISH -AND FOREIGN ' l3 / 1 1B38.=English, .Vst. lerian, Croton Oil, Tayioralint, Whies of ..Colchl. rum, ComposideniTortars;9ll-Neroil petit' gpin,- Oil Turkish Geranium dotible distilled,. 011 %Nu= alien's Extracts, Oil Sweet " almonds, -Ahoonds,- Cream Dare, aconite :Root, White Chamomile, French Rose Leaves, W.glha'r".. -nr Oliquarter-pluts to Ithartalzesi - Rio Tapioca; Fresh Fennel Seed, Cardamoms; in store and for sale by WILLLIN BUMS At , CO. TN and 7:0 lit atket etreet; Philadelphia e, , : ..,. g ~, . , • ---- TiOIXISO3II3_IIItIOOII3I3=4.. T om .- The Alle .I.At 'dation of Blonthlatt. %terra, Roartaanees_,•.and Similar poroplaintiog 'the Organ" of the Wm roblio . Spmkfts, ti 'laid ' .A.tnatenra bays been VeAtly benefited by-as am Mildew, and their blab apprecladdn, et their intaitdommdt, .ponlatly to Commends' - .them; to al affected with .33.110N MUM, /I.R ~And,-,EGATAItaII .of thi laE.llD , antl. "PwAST. rot aaleby Dmggla qenetally- I Prepared 'only by LaNeoksTEß, & ApOtho I dar t e t o 4q 4 4 l o9ZenlerlAZltt antl , Tentb streets* PhUal delP :. i Y ~ 1 01 OCl2ar , lyiUGgAnir,-EnMatila•;;; - Gailluatell'Am Italt. iPill Wdes , Comba, - 43takhee,,iffltromi TWlZitSeri pc;elli'filorn agropis,4l3unia4,l3lstrumenou:Trasses ' Hard - and - Sett' aodibet', Weds, Vial , Gana, ,0141 all ant ** 3 4lEettbaceli, pa., all at l'Firatilatele Drinni.. ;3 , 1 ' . ' * ` n - .' .' . '. 14NOWDEN dr:13110311311/4: -, . 0 I ltArkf tj_LL .2 : l —,--2380ntb. - Xliththstrefk. , R moT auorect.AM - di 130.6 , N FS •0081 ICli` _4k.FOTAVTI__ L oz tapntEms, , WholosariP Encoggista„ and Dealers In zWtotki./ii " . fr a V iut kt ii r B i t.:o, l l,Potots ot,eVerY degarlptioni , o • the e; ' conaixagre, acomplete Mock v r boiypisg., Anti itr loirolit market rates.i c%:t HO - - lrionneastcoro<7.Fo AtINTOBTA-4;exalnee 4.284e1ned, loilklnataltba, "a nd 1 5 4634 :4 8 0 43;bata9% L. Jenninga Carbonate of -s.yeoaati 2.n.L' and 4 3 osd r aerez,AimvliesleibeidA 3141,aarlfteand for , ELLIEVI 000.;'„pwata t . ps-amli .Seveulli_streeta,-f' DAY Runs.—Amtreeetved.,, an...inv,owi t „ofew ar __, „pH_ ilityporce -- , Ram' for eels brthe, 0n137, , 1111M..A.E1ER../00;, , Amstal and awe strew. • -Ns DEIItiMt. PERUVIAN '. SYRUP - IS A PROTECTED SOLUTION OF PROTt , XIDIk L . OF IRON, _anew discovery in medicine which • • Efi Itir AT. THE RuOT OF Dig ART; By supplying the Blood with its 17TTAL Piturar2LE, es raze ntasusvr—lßOst. - . This is the secret of the wonderful success of this re medy in curing Dys_pepsia Liver Complaint. Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhoa, Bolls, Nervous Affection, :Chills and Pavers, , Humors; , Loss of Conatitn. - tional Vigor, Diseases of r the E.idneys . and , Bladder,l e emale COMplaiignintas' BAD.STATEF r THE. E.BLOOD Or accompanied by DEB/TATTY Or a LOW. STATE OP MS sYsTrat. Being free from Alcohol Roy, form , ener gizPag eftects are not followed by corresponding reaction, 13116 art permanent, infusing sramiopa, vreon. and 3rE 177 LIFE into all parts of the system, and building up ars IRON COI , STITUTION. DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY. A CASE OF 27 YEARS' STANDING CURED. From I.I%,SLaY JravETT, No. le Avon FLOCS. Boston. "I have suffered, and sometimes • severely, for 27 'years, from dyspepsia. I commenced taking the Pe ruvian f'yrup, and found immediate cenefit from it.. In the course of three or four weeksl wan entirely re .lleved from my sufferhigs. and have enitrYed uninter ruptedce health ever sin. ' One of the most distinguished Turista In New England' - writes to a friend as follows: • "I have tried the PERUVIAN SYRUP, and the re sult fully sustains your prediction. It has made a new • man of /22 inft sed into my system new vigor and energy; I am no longer tremulous and - debilitated, as when yon last saw me, butetronger heartier and with , larger capacity for labor mental and physkal,thaa any time during the last five years." address. A pamphlet of it 2 pages, will be sent FREE to any 'Alit-See that each . bottle has PERLMAN SYRUPblown In the glass. FOR "BALE BY , , d. P. Disirm.okig, Proprietor, 36 Dey • . Street, New 'York, AND BY ALL DRUGGISTS. .. SCROFULA- - • - All 'Medical Men agree that - lODINE is THE REST REMEDY for Scrofula and all kindred diseases ever discovered. The difficulty has-been to obtain a Puna SoLovrioN of it. - Dr H. Anders' rodine.Weter - Is a Pure Solution of lodine, WITHOUT A SOL VENT ! ! Containing s, Pi= to each ounce of water. A. MOST POWERFUL VITALIZING AGENT AND REsTORATIVE. _. • It mus cured and \cu.'. care SCROFULA in all Ito • &c. manifold forma. ULCERS, CAN manifold SYPHILIS, SALT RHEUM, &a., Circulars will be sent FREE to any MEI' sending their address. 6 Price 81 00 a bottle, ors for IS 00. Prepared by Dr. HAN DERS Physicianand Chemist, FOR SALE BY I. P. DINSMOB.E. 36 Dey St., N. Y. AND BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Jag;-s to th3n2 VOX. ENUE"CTILI. WRIGHT'S TAR SYRUP, PRUNCIPAL DEPOT, 771 SOUTH THIRD ST. PRICE, $1 PER fiOTTLE $5 PER. HALF DOZEN, The undersigned citizens take pleasure in cheerltilly recommending the use of Wright's Tar Syru for coughs, colds, consumption, whooping cough, spotted fever, liver complaint, pains in the breast, bronchitis, inflammation, and constriction of air vessels in the lungs. The remedy should be in every family: Charles C. Wilson„Forney's .ereas Mace. Charles H. Graffen,Rundcy -3fercury offiCe. James Nolen, Inquirer °flirt.. Wm. F. (*orbit, Associated Press. Wm. B. Carpenter, Fire Alarm and Police Tele> graph, Fifth and Chestnut streets. A. Randolph, Front and Lombard streets. James W. - Perrine, 1129 Charles street. John Davis, = Gasl,lll street. Waodslde. ISM. Franklin street. Robert Thompson, 1609 Walter street. • R. G. March. 626 .Franklin street. J. Gebloff, rat South Second street John beymour, Sla South Front street,. P.W. Howard, I Dock street. 'H. C. Bartlett, I= South Second street. • L. Bates, 605 Arch street. • Albert martin. 07 South Second street. Mary Caldwell, 1032 Sansom street. W. Themes, )North Fourth street. T. M. earthy, leg .11.1freth's alley. George Wilson. =6 Race street. W. F. 8r00k5,69 North Second street,. M. J. Elamett,ll9.Canal street. S. Seymour Itose,,Buttleton. Charles Rogers, 911 South street. R. T. Wellington Second and Quarry streeta. Thomas, 1.16 South Sixth street. William Barns, 519 South Front street. S S;Sanford,l3pera Manager. • John Maginnis, rear of Ise Dell. Second street. Mrs. S. It. Choate, Newark, George W. White it Co. No. 56 South Third street. • .Ifr. WWiam 23. Wright: Sin: We take pleasure havef:MD:ding yotir TAR SYRUP (of which we already sold con. aldemble quantities) as a mostexcellentand efficacious. remedy for the complaints set ior.h in your printed bill already submitted to the public. As a gratifying act to suffering humanity we_ will cheerfully recom mend your preparation to all afflicted w ith diseases which It is designed to cure. • Yours, &c., BILKS & SON. Druggists, E. corner Pine and - Sixth streets. Also to be had at - JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY do COWDEN, DYOTT & CO. • and all principal druggists and deaaers. The sabscribsr would beg leave further to say that he is prepared to fill orders and forward the Syrup to any part of the country. Persons resiring other inhumation by mail will enclose &postage stamp and answers will be returned as soon as the exigencies of business will admit, Address WILLIAM E. WRIGHT, ;71. South Third street: . Philadelphia, CLEANSE THE RI. - 10,15 - • With corrupt, diserdered or vllated Blooa, yon are sick all oVer It may bonit o= in Pimples, or Sores, or, in some active disease, or it may merely keep you list less. depressed and good for nothing. But you cannot have good health while your b ood is lainure, AY ER,S SARSAPA RILLA :purges out impurities and stimulates the organs of life into vigor ealth and expelling digests. variety of complaints which. are caused by impurity of the blood, such as Scrofida,. or Ei ps' Evil, Tumors ' Lleers, cores, Eruptions; _Ma ples Blotches,Boits..Sl..Anthorly's Fire, Bose or Hryii. pelas, aetter or Salt. Rheum, Scald Head, Bing Warne, : Cancer ,or Cancerous gumors, Sore Byes, Femaie eases, such as Betention, irreCridarittt , Suppression„ Trhiles, SteTleily, also Syphilis or Venereal Dieeases,- Liver Cbisplaints, and Heart Diseases. Try AYERS , , SABSAPARIT,I 4., and see for yourself the surprising' sal - city with which it cleanses the blood and^cures , tt ese disorders. Daring late years the public have been misled by , large , bottles, _pretending to give a quart of Elnan , . of Sarsaparilla for one, dollar. Most of these have been , frauds upon the sick, for they not wily contain lit tle. any, Sarsaparilla, but often no curative properties whatever. ;Hence, hitter disappointment has followed itheuse of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla "whirls. flood the market, until the name itself nas becnne ,sYnOnymous with imposition and cheat. Still w o oed.: ithlstompound „"Sarsaparilla," and Intend to supply: I such a remedy as shall rescue the name nom the load: of, obloquy which rests upon it. ,We ,think web:Ewa % ground for believing it has virtues whiell'areirresistiw, ibis by the ordinary run of the diseases itis intended:tor : cure. We can only assure the sick, that we Wes then% tie beet alterativewhich we know how to - lorodlice t and "we have reason to believe, it is by far the most. eflhet y ttal purifier of the blood yet discovered an O y! tbod I AYETVE4 CHERRY PECTORAL Is 'So universally a:howl; to surpass every other remedy for the enrEt of Coughs 'Cb/ds. Influenza, Hoarseness, .Croup,!fßrtm....' !M I itts, ncipient Consumption and for the relief of l i on. Burnt:di - VS Patients in advanced stages of Vie, disease. is useless here to recount the evidence of Pe -- virtues. The world knows them. - . • Prepared by DR. J. C. AYER& C0.,-LoWell, Mass., and sold by M. MARS d; CO Philadelphia,' and by - • mh 17 a, at w,2to TIPAL superlorart lute lin' clean- Mg the. Teeth, destroying anim.alcutre in feat th em ;giving tone to illegal:co, and leaving a feel-, i ng of fragrance and perfect eeanlit, est in the mouth.. It may be uted daily, and will, be found to strengthen, weak and bleeding guins, While the' aroma and deter- Siveness will recommend it to every one. Being coal. posed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physiciao and Micro copist, It iS confidently offered as a. RELIA BL substitnte for the uncertahl washes formerly ln*ogue- Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constituents of the DR.NTALLINA, advocate Its.usez contains nothing -to , prevent - 1W unrestrained employment. Made only by JAMES T. SHINN , , Apothecary, ,, - Broad anftprece streets. Fled toile hi Druggists generally, and II red:Brown, D L. Stackhonse, Bastard dt, Co., , '. :Robert C. Davis, , It.'Reeny,Geo. C. Bower. r Isaac H. Ray, Charles shivers . , • H s eedles, G. .T. Scattergood. T. J Husband. - J. C. Tartipenny.ll Mt. Ariabrese , Charles H. Eberle, Wit Tb oatiMN 6 ave . Jamea.N-lefarks. - N. Bringhurst CO, .., 38/ P" ;* B 4 sPhains Dyott& Co, r t. it. - , Henry,A. zower • •-) t . .i Wyeth &Bra; ,u,. tSTLACR'S DIP4PECERIA,LOZENGNIV-4hese ,lozengee are attars and spo:' Ore for,,DWErlap. ,Cteigliti,:lsortp.nknet- - Hbarsettiess .ILII6 , paiaa Try theca. THOS: `ES Dn2gglst. S. . ,4 1 tre6te.Phinitibla - . • , i 1 ao ty )i elj4,,,,ov,eaty-tive.osirrestWcf iikyi,ttatid tOAstre .coTl,l . rM) 4 CO. Tiro 125 WRlinit Oreat i 7tl o: `lll ..^rrn A I MERI GRAPES.-100 *legs - or • theee - Vleaellet *Ore fa line Order landthelted for sige by 408. B. B'OBBIRB & CO., 10Q South Delaware avenur
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