BIISUITESS NOTICES. - - ZHINASE-BALIMAJLITY home: of the __papers haVe recently given a most SrigDtfiol.accoun9 oftcattiles 'inflicted upon criminala sn China, and it seems singular that a nation, which pretend& to . so Much refinement and cultivation, should - rival, in these atrocities, anythbsg ever per: petrated by the Nortti.A merican Indians: " But it up' pears less 'strange that the Chinese ' should be so crae se„ criminals, when we reflect that they- put their own daughters to torture, in order to give t)iena Mina" Jarall7, , Small feet. tln this country, elegance and fash.. }on may be combined:with the utmost physical corn ier:, as experieneed by those who get their. Clothing from YANKEES STIJL AHEAD. We thought the Yankee trick was good, Of.uuncing nutmegs out of wood, But , uutV lately 'twits found out, They imitated a bear's snout. • So in Now Brunswick, when displayed A bounty for each snout was paid, • . The Taidm continued snouts to sell, And the game worked all round quite.well. Now, if abounty shoal° be paid ._ Flir all In PEERY s garb arrayed; Fictitious sults, without a doubt, ' w o ad very quickly be found out. For where's the mart that hopes to beat, Or even with the "Smart" compete? And as fir sales! the "Smut." reposes Oontent to count the real noses. Having BOUGHT sINCE THE DECLINE, the prOprie• tors of the "Star" have reduced their prices corre epondhigly. 01711 STOCK OF BEADY-MADE CLoTBING embraces every style of garment now Worn, and every variety of ,piece goods. . Our customer department is condDded by the most competent artists. Give us a AWL , Ctheors, Two,Dorseas Rani. STAB. CLOTHING HOUSE, LOW PRICES AND FASHIONABLE GOODS, 409 CHESTNUT STREET, SIGN OF THE "STAR." - - PERRY dr, CO. BEDUCTTION OF TWENTY PER IlleAr THE P.EGULA E SCHEDULE FRICRI3 Deering to reduce Our larse stock of annul°. and highly finished seven octave Eoeewood Pianos, alms to the removal to our new store, No. INS TNUT street, we have poncluded .to offer them j a i laces below the cost to mftufacture. Persons de. to purchase a first-class PIANO, at reduced, rata, ehotud avail themselves of this_npßortnnitsc • SCHONA dt CO., Waneroortuf No. 1021 Chestnut street. STEINWAY dr. SONS' me i PIANOS WV 'Are noow acknowledged the beat in. igirratients in linrops as well as Amerks. They are Assad i n pump snd private,by the greatest artiste inMurope by VON DREYbCHOON, LISZ ;uid others; in this countryby HELL% MASON, WOLFSOIDT, etc. For sale only by - BLASIUS BROS., 544- , tr 1008 Chestnut street. ph i MEYER'S NEWLY IMPROVED CRES CENT SCALE OVERSTEIING PIANOS, Acknowledged to be the best. London Prize Medal and Highest Awards in America received.. MELO DEONS AND SECONDHAND PIANOS 1a24 wa.m•am Warerooms, 7:1•2 Arch at., below SM. m i CABINET OItGANS AND STECK atm CO.'S PIANO FORTES. The only place where these unri vitlel instruments can be had in Philadelphia, Is at - J. E. GOULD'S, Seventh and Chestnut. 631-stwtf/ INDREDUCTION:. REDD:M[ION !! Steel: & Co.'s W 25 Pianos zor $525 Stuck a Co 's .575 " " 475 Riven &Bacon's 550 " " 450 Raven a Bacon's 500 " " 400 Haines Bro's. 400 " soo • mh24-tfl E. GOULD, Seventh and Lhestnut. EVENING BULL ETIN. MONDAY, MARCH 26, 1866 A STEP BACKWARD - 'One of the moatsalutary arrangements made by Ex-MayorHenry,while he was the chief magistrate of the city, was the forbidding of the ringing of the State House belifor any fire that might chance to take place during the hours of day light, unless the conflagration was of so serious character as to'call for the ring ing of a general alarm and the conse fluent turning out of the entire fire de partment. For all other fires the dis trict station house bells only were rung. During the period that this rule has been in operation (more than two years) el'Oellelice has been clearly demon ` rated,and we have no hesitation in de claring our belief that fires that have taken place in the city during daylight within that time have been extinguished quite as speedily and with as little loss of property as though the State House bell had clattered away an hour for each alar%„ sending half the idlers in town heels over head to thescene of conflagra tion, throwing all the streets in the city into confusion, interfering with trade and travel, bringing about a universal hubbub and disorder, and causing such a crowd of idle ,spectators to gather about the fire-ground as - to seriously hamper the exertions of the earnestfiremen, and affording extraordinary facilities to thieves to ply their trade and ruffians to breed contention and riot. We are sorry to see that a portion of :the fire department is moving with a view to the abolition of thisexcellent ar rangement of Ex-Mayor Henry. A con vention of firemen has been formed for the,purpose of agitating a return to the old system, and a preliminary meet ingof the delegates has been held. Thus far the only argument - that we have heard of being used among the members of the 'convention is that firemen who are at work in the neighborhood of the State House, during ° daylight; 'know _n nothing of a fire until it is out, in conse quence of the failure of the big bell to ring. We cannot see that ads fact furn ishes any reason ' for a return to the old system, If these firemen who, work in the neighborhood of the State House can convince us that their presence is absolutely necessary to the extinguish ment of fires by daylight, or that there is a scarcity of men to manage the appa ratus at ordinary fires that take place between sunrise and sunset, "then we will admit the force of their reasoning and go for the ringing of the Statejiloutie bell on the occasion of all fires, whether they take place at noon or at midnight. The fact is, the great evil of almost ail fires that take place during working 0 hours is an excess of willing and anxious hands, rather than a scarcity of thern, and the work of putting out fires in for m—er times was too apt to be overdone, to the extent of destroying with water what the fire had spared. The commu nity -was literally killed with kindness and "judicious firemen • will agree with us that these evils were not corrected until the establishment of the district system, which pr „vented the gathering of all the apparatus in town to pour Ni agara-like-floods over every trifling fire that might occUr. The establishment of the district system; the appointment of a responsible board of engineers to take charge, of the fife-ground.,to control the fire companies in service ; •the intro . Arluction of the 6salarm telegraph;;the TOWER HALL, No. fAti Market Street, xo3ENNEIT & co. use of steam fire engines and horses, and last,lsi, .the la.' encing,of _the State...gons6 bell, have-worked,a, great reform and made the extinguishment of fires-what it should be, a 'serious, earnest piece of work, and:not the :occasion of a frolic, frout -whiehluen Who work in the neigh.; borhood 'of the State House are not will ing to be excluded because of tlii3irigno . ranee of what is going on. The arrest of a conflagration is just as much a piece of . police 'business as the arrest, rif 'a intirde.rer or a thief, the pre-. vention 'of the spread of pestilence, or the checking of the ravages of a flood- If Mayor lialichael desired to have , an assassin taken into custody at Manay link, he would not ring the State House bell to notify all policemen, and inci dentally the rest of the population, of what he desired to have done and what he was going to do; but he or his chief of police would quietly, telegraph to the proper station house and to the proper officers to perform the required duty,and if it was , possible to be accomplished, it would be done. When a conflagration is •to be arrested...why not just as quietly telegraph to the houses of the necessaPy number of the nearest fire companies, who are 'always on hand, withhorses . „ ready, harnessed, and let them go and put the fire out without any needless fuss and disorder ? That is now the prac. tice during waking hours, and we can discern no-good reason .for a change. We trust that the discreet portion of the Fire Department will •discourage this pro posed retTogremionisand that the Mayor and City Councils will refuse to make a change in a system that is working ad mirably, unless some more powerful rea son is given for it than the fact that fire men who work in the neighborhood of the State House desire to know promptly when a fire takes place in day-light. HON. GEORGE !CHAMBERS. Intelligence has been received that Hon. George Chambers died yesterdayat his residence in Chambersburg. He had just entered his eighty-first year, having been born in the early.part of the year 1786. The old mansion of his fathei, w here he was born, and his own adjoin ing, were burned by the rebels under 3lcCausland, and the aged gentleman and his daughters were compelled to fly to the country. More recently they have lived in a, small house in the town. Judge Chambers contemplated rebuild ing on the site of his old hollse this sea son. The name of Chambers is honorably identified with the history of Franklin county from the earliest period of its settlement. Four brothers of the name • emigrated from the county of Antrim, in Ireland, between the years 1726 and 1730. They first settled at the mouth of Fishing Creek, on the Susquehanna, but bought lands subsequently in other parts of whatisnow Cumberland county. Col. Benjainin Chambers, one of the brothers, settled near the site of C ham berburg, and in --1764 he laid out the town. Judge Chambers was his grand son. Every generation of the family has been noted for probity, enterprise and intelligenee t but in no one were, these characteristics more marked than in him whose death has Just occurred. Judge Chambers was educated at Princeton College, graduating in 180-1. He was admitted to the bar in 1807, and soon acquired a large and lucrative practice. He was elected to Congress by the old whig and anti-masonic party in 1833 and in 1835, and in 1837 was a delegate to the State Convention to re model the Constitution. In 1851, when a vacancy occurred in the Supreme Court, he was appointed by the Governor to fill it during the unexpired term, and was unanimously confirmed by the Senate." Bince he retired from the bench, he has led a life of quiet ease, which was only disturbed by the ruthless savages that destroyed the town in 1864. In that destruction all the household effects of himself and his daughters were in volved. But the loss he felt most keenly was that of his . private papers, mahy of which related to the history of Frain county, in which he took the most loving interest. In Chambersburg, and all Franklin county, Judge Chambers was regarded with the love and veneration due to a patriarch. In the Presbyterian church, of which be and his family have always been staunch supporters, bis loss will be especially deplored. But his time had come. He lived through the troubles of the civil war, and saw the country he so much loved . restored. He could look biek on his long life with a conscious ness that it had beep. well spent; for few men have been. better or more useful citizens. Both physically and mentally he was remarkably strong up to thevery time of his death. He leaves a name that will always be cherished with vene ration by his gdescendants and all , who had the happiness of knowing him. Important Sale of Heal Estate, Stocks, &c. Messrs. Thomas & Sons , sale to-morrow, at the Es • cbange,will 'lnclude a numbsr of handsome country seats, modern residences, stores, 'dwellings, building lots, stocks, &c. See auction head and •pamohlet' Sale on the Premises—Estate or Andrew Crisman. deceased—Wednesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, Fisher's lane, desirable farm, 37 aorta. Ilea! Estate Sale. _Pamphlet catalogues contain 'JIM; descrl'itions of the - properties to be soya on Wednesday next, by James 4. Freeman, Auctioneer. . . . TIDIEN CRUMP BUILDER. IF 173 t C.RESTNIIT STREET and 218 IAtoGE STREET. Mechanics of every branch required for honsebuild- IDS and Iltting promptly furnished. ja3-6m* STATIONERY—LETTED., CAP AND NOTE . PAP/.1113, ENVELOPES. BLANK BOOK% and every requisite in e Stationery -line, selling at the lowt tigaresat J. B. DOWNING' es Stationery Store, inal2.4frpi Eighth street:two doors above Walnut. 461 FOR, LARGE SIZE PROTOGRAPH . S, tine ape. cu u mpns of art, of rare accuracy of keness and natural styles. Sow is the time. Go to RAIMER'S, Second street, above Green. - • PATINT CATTLE 'LEADERS may be attached to the nose of any animal in a few seconds, without the necersity of slitting the cartilage, giving you the entire conttol of it, and , also prevents cattle from breaking clown fences. For sale, with steel Bull Rings and Patent Rope Cattle Ties, by TRUNIAN do BRAW Wow 240-- 11 l (E'er::(E'er::Tiairty-Ilve) /6w-bet' street-. THE DAILY EVENING- BULLETIN : PWILADELPHIA. VOA DAY, MARCY', 26. i 866 HOWELL BROTHERS. S. W. core Ninth and Chestnut sts., Are Manufacturing their new styles of Paper Hangings FOR SPRING,', And Samples and Lots of New Goods are now coming in from their manufactory, which with a fresh Ismer tion of French Designs are ready ibr the inspection of their customers. The !Demised Ihcilities of their new and more ex tensive Factory enables them to produce much hand somer and finished styles. Imitation Fresco Designs FOR • Parlors, Entries, Ceilipgs, &0., diso. I PREPARED. uth7.m.wateixoe NEW GOODS. -- EDWIN HALL & CO., 2s S. Second Rt., Will Open this Morning, Tbree and Linen A:SD ONE CASE BRIGHT PLAID POPLINS (ens AND Wow For Children's and Misses' Wear. imirt.S.2t rp ROLLER, COLLADAY & 001, Successors to Thos.liV.Erans it Co., Still continue the sale of theirstocli of SILKS AND DRESS GOODS, At the sam e scale of resit:este° Below Gold Rates 'I hat they orevlou.sly announcel. „NEW STYLES OF GOODS BELTO3 OPENED CON TM:I:ALLY. Nos. 818 and 820 Chestnut street. t'ABTES LE: VISITE FR O sl.—You will search V - in vain for Pictures that surpass them in style. execution and finish. See srecimens. B. F. lt'S, 614 Arch street. STOIIEUSE, we have heavy Tram Box Mal l' lel s, Bcx Chisels, (TOWS Feet; Box Scrapers.Truok Wheels, Barn and Butter Tasters, Tap. Borers, Bung Drivers, bplgots, Faucets and Molasses Gates. Fe-d nd Anne :traits. heatsand Weights. TRUMAN & Sr A.W. co. 535 (Eight Thirty-dre) Market Stzetc, below Ninth. . • Tj EllUt:Ed) PRlCEs.—Persons desiring Photographs Al of any style, should avail therasives of ehe opp:r. tu, Sty to obtain Pictures executed In superior manner, at ItElid ER' s Gallery,. Seconds street, aoove Green. 13LATED SPOONS AND FORKS, of several quall -11 of plating, and ivory -handled Table Cutlers% fur sale by TRUMAN .5; SHAW, No. VD' (Eight hirty-ere) Market street, below Ninth. CHEAP (. ASSIBIERES? For l‘fen. and Boys. from the lute auction sales, at reddrzed prices. eURWMI BTODDART (t. BROTHER, Nos. 450, 412 and 45; North second street, mb26.3t! above Willow 2E WELL. Efilfir. - dirt — To 1866.pirege, at .K.uPP'S Shaving Saloon,. put in Ezell ange Place and Dock street. 11w:of/ pd. Zvprilo. - office tables, 111 is:flulrtiTgliowrCflyrlgZev,troerez: resks.mll26.rp,a* l a ! e i g. great .Pa ll. r_ety , We follow the Qecllne In W, H. unovE. $20._000 TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE. -- DAVLD WBATELE,RLY. n311.6..5tA 62.5 Walnut street. J E FR& NCH MANTEL CLOCKS.—A fresh hrt portattoo of beautitcd styles, warranted correct TLIE-BEEPERS. FARR & BROTHER. Imparters, r 324 Chestnut street, below Fourth. OOP .SKIRT- MANUFACTORY —Hoop Marts H ready made and made to order: warranted of the beatroateriale. Alet4Stkte rePairea. HMS. E. BAYL.EY, 8111 Vine street . above Eighth.. HOUSEKEEPERS, for cleaning. silver and ver-plated Ware t a NEW POLISHING POWD ER —the best ever MP de: FARE cir. BROTHER, ter. 824 Chestnut street. below •PoUrtlk ,BALE.—To Shippers, iGrocers, Hotel-keepere Al and others—A Very superior lot of Dhampaga. Oder, by the barrel or dozen. P.. J.JORDAN, nog-rptf 220 Pear street. below Third and ; Willits TORDAN'S .110EldtiladaTED TONIO ALE.—The truly healthltd and nutritious beverage, now in use by thousands—lnvalids and - others—has established a character for quality of material and_pcnity of 'canc. facture, which stands unrivaled. It is recommended by physicians of this and other places, as a superior tonic. and requires but a trial to convince the moat skeptical of its great merit. To be had, who legal and stall, of P. I. JORDAN. 224) Pear street. TAA.AO HATRAI7I3, Auctio - aeer and ldoney Broker, .1. N. E. corner of Third and Spruce streets, only one square below the Exchange. ITATHANS'S Principal Lidice, established for the last forty years. Money to loen in large or small amounts, at the lowest ram, Diemonds,oh Silver Plate, watches, Jewelty,Oloth. leg, d R oods " of every description. Oilicehonrs from 4 A. M. till 7 P. M. der.-terp, FTTLICE, WEAVER. di 00.. • Malta Mtwara of • , MANUA AND TARRED CORDAGE. Cords, No. SS North 'Water Street. and No. 22 North Delawar Avenue, Philadelphia. Stow= H. Strum. Afacsrizr. Wionan Oonnwo B. Oparrn„ sa. IIARKHCH WITH INDEMIEL.E3 INK, Embroider AIL log, /braiding,, &c. N. A. TOTITIEY, ism - Silbert treet. „ A rt - FOR HARTFORD, CONN.. VIA - -- DELAWARE . AND RARITAN e swam propeller SUSAN, Vandeveer, water, Is now loading at 'Second Wharf below Spruce au set. Will leave with despatch. Freight taken on reasonable terms. Apply to • Wlll.ll. BAIRD ctc. 00„ No. I.M South Wharves. WE'XIMEW/TEL iiiiLLL attention to our a¢nfllcent assortment or superior Braila% whCch we always have on hand; an d 00 , them at very reasonable PriCell to purchasers: Best of references and NULL EiITABANTBIBI lnvariably given by ' _ VIE MON PLUM BtANUIPACTURING 01); 1022 . it/7 Walnut newt 1 1 Title Is a perisonal Invitation to the. reader to examilie our new atvlesof • SPRING CIOTHONG. Casalraere -Suits for 1161 and! Black Snits fpr *22 Finer Snits, all prices pp to VS. WANAYARBR & ' BROWN, • OAK HALL, SIXTH and 31,6,11,E8T J HAFLEIGH: 9(12 Chestnut Street, Will Open for Inspection and Bale,-his New Spring Styles IN SILK MANTILLAS, On Wednesday,lalareh 28t16 1866. 11. STEEL & SON WILL OPEN THIS MORNING, ONE LOT OF Fast Colors Calicoes. at 10 Cents. 2 Cases FAST COLOR CALICOES, at 1234 cents. 1 Case FAST COLOR CALICOES, atl.4 cents, 5 Cases FAST COLOR CALICOES, at 15 cents. ALL OUR BEST CALICOES REDUCED TO 22c. We are selliinngg the cheapest Calicoes in this city. Yard Wide - ELEA .11ItriLINS,_at 25, 39 and 31c. 42-inch and 5-4 BLEACHED 3IIJSLLNS, at 85, 3731 and 40 cents. - - Yard Wide UNBLEACHED MUSLIN'S, at W, 25 and 80 cents. 9-8 and 6-4 IJNBLEACB:ED MIJSLESS, at 31, 40 and 50 cents. - Will also open this morning, a lob lot of CHA_LLIIS DE LAINEs at 20c. FINE HEAVY ANGLISII GINGEAMS, AT 31c. . _ CLOTHet. LIGHT MIXED CASSOIRRES, Suitable for Ladies' S cones. French, English and American CLO tHS. French, English and American Cesslmeres. In great variety, for Men and Eoys' Wear. Nos, 713 and 715 North Tenth Street. Walnut Chamber and Parlor Either Polished or Oiled , at GEO. J. HENKELS', Thirteenth and Chestnut Streets, Formerly KS and all Clltnnt stree in rat 6: LOOKING GLASSES GREATLY REDUCED IN PRICE. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, 816 Chestnut Street. PENNSYLVANIA ACA- DEMY OF FINE ARTS. JAMES S. EARLE SONS' Fifth Great Sale of valuable Oil Painting the Evenings of Tuesday, Marc 4 27th and Wednes- day, March 28th, at 7 1-2 o'clock. The entire col- lection. now on Exhibition, Free. Open Day and Eve- ning with. Catalogues. B. SCOTT, Jr., mbl.9^t rp GERMAN : OCKS Sparkling Rhine Wines, As iontycrs: sPmtm,3:Np...mosviir 'IMBC.&TEL, SCHARZBERGNR, HOCK, IMPRRT AT,, 30HANNISBERG. PEARL or THE mum-E. SIMON% COLTON & CLARICE, , fell7tu.tit. R. W. Cor. 131i0AD and WA UZI:TT eta PEOPLE DIFFER MA•NY POINTS.. .• • .• BUT ALL AGREE TENT THE • . "LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER AND' • • DRESHLNG" • • • . "London" "Hair Color Restorer" "London"- Is the most • ' "Hair Color Restorer" ""London" "Hair Color Restorer"' London" Reliable Hair "Hair Color Restorar" "London" "Hair Color Restorer' "London" Restorative "Hair Color Restorer" "London" "Hair Color Restorer" "London" Ever Introduced "Hair Color Restorer" "London" ' "Hair Color Restorer" "London" . to the 'Haar Color Restorer" "London" "Hair Color Restorer" "London", American "Hair Color Restorer" "LondODP ' “Hair Color Re3torer" "London" • People "Hair Color Restorer" "London" " "London" For Restorin "Hair. Color Restorer g "Hair Color Restorer" "London" ' "Hair Color Rmtorer" "London" :Gray Adair and "Hair Color R.estorer" "London" "Hair .Color Restorer" "London" Preventing "Hair Color Restorer": "London" . . "Hair Color Restorer". "London" • 13aldness. Hair Color Restorer" PR ESER:VES THE ORIG/NAL COLOR TO OLD AGE "London" ' . "Hair Color Rsstorei" "London" Life, Prevents "Hair Calor Restorer" "London" • . "Hair Color -Restorer" "London" Growth, the FrairHair. Color Restorer" "Lon don!: "Hair Color Restorer" 'London and from "Hair Color Restorer" "London" "Hair Color Restorer" "London" lleautY, Falling. - "Hair Color Restorer" No washing or preparation neforeor after its use; op. plied by the band or 80ft brush. Only 70 cents a bottle. six bottles 14. sold at Dr. SWAYNES, No. 330 North Sixth street, above Vine, Philadelphia and at the leading Druggists and D ealers , . 'in Toilet Articles. mhz4.--na,vvn 1 TILIV'ILAIEILNE4.-500b orces Bunch and Layer • aln 8a) boxes Valencia Itattons,_loo mats EeedZess • Ins for sale by .705., BURP I .II - al a CO.. 3.1. s &Mb .w ler street.; EBELMIRE & THOMPSON, No. .152 North Eighth Street - BeloW itace, Would call attention to their stock of SPRING AND hUMMER • Dress Silks, which is now complete_. and for sale AT THE 'LOWEST PRICES. Nos. 713 and 715 North Tenth _St • H. STEEL & SON Will open this Morning. one case LUPIN'S. Double Width, All-wool De Latnes, 87 .Donble Width, All-wool . De Lames, 81 00. Double Width. All wool De Laines, 2S. ALL GOOD cozona and - - CHOICE SHADES. Nos. 713 and 715. North Tenth Stteet. CIIRWEN STODDART & .BROTHER ANNOUNCE THEIR. OPIMING OR • Spring and Simmer CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, On Thursday Next, March 29, 1866, g To which the attention of the ladles is requested. CUBWBN STODDART & BILOTIcEa, No 3. 410, 4a and 454 North SECOND Street, mh2aSt above Willow. Spring Fashions For Children. • M. SHOEMAKER. & 00 , Nos. 4 and 6 North Elah,h St. Are now opening a splendid assortment of CHIL CLOA BING in the Latest Plain Styles. Ml surpassetl for elepmee of work mao.hip: and mate- The 6 rp/ public is invited to call and examine flonwood, Chamber and Parlor Suites, at Geo. J: Ilertirels", Thirteenth and Chestnut Streets, Formerly SO and 611 Chestnut t. fret* . GOLD AT St 25. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY HAVANA CIGARS. LOndres. conebas and Operas, randne between WI and 1150, just reeelved and for sale In bond and duly paid. by GIIBIPERT & BEG., 106 South lelaware avenue gar Letalt Store, No. 1341 Chestnut strew, rnblS-2.tlrp ELIGRFEi SILVER JEWELRY, BABBITT;. Or, Anti-Frietior 3 e~periur wearing article, as nitair-facture,l for ever 20 Years. • Fo7 sale by J. W. BAKER. ibt:24-ttt 4p* .W.l NORTH SECOND STREET. PA TENT WIRk WORK FOR RAILINGS, STORE FRONTS. GUARDS, PARTaTeNs. &c. i!RON:DEDSTR t)S AND WIRE WORE varietY,.marinfactured by WALKER db SONS, mbr,-fim 4p/ NO. it NORTE SIXTH Street. Bil Y THE i AtCTIONZR. "Evening Telegraph !" TEE GBIT A a r A_F T2ll N 0 ON NEWSPAPER! Contains the Latest l News; from all parts of the World. , • The Beat Editorials horn the Leading New York Papers, _} Full and reliable Financial, Commercial, Local and Legal Reports. Best Stories and Sketches from the ablest authcri of America andEttrope. _ The "EVENING TELEGRAPH" has already the largest circulation of any of the afternoon journals of this cothatry, nah24.-im rp THROTTaa To -ILESTONVILLE. The Cars of the. RACE and VINE Street LISe Pas. senger Railway Company NOW RUN from the ' EXCHANGE. TO. HESTONVILLE Without Change of Cars. 5 ' mh'22.-4tl GROVER & BAKER'S `FIRST PBENTILIf Pr;A slut! STITCH AND LOCH STITCH SEWING MACHINES, With latest 4mpmvemente,' 730 'CRESTNuT street, PhiladelPhia• • 'l7 MARKET Street, Harriabun. jei-am rp tEtt_ SPRING. Mg wm. D. ROGERS. Coach and Light Carriage Baader. 1009 and .1011 Chestnut. Stieet, _lab24.2m IT PHIL 111).ELPITIA, 3. CAPE” , , , T. , PlittiaiOLOOTlter. _ 17 4'l;a; . Successor to Fowler, Wells &CO., giVes 04 ." written and verbal descent - lons of Character 'with Charts, daily at : . [table exo,wlmrpj No. 25 S. TENTH Street. WILL OM THIS;DAY, IthatfiS - FINEST 4-4 FRF.NCH. PERCALES, AT CENTS. H. Steel •Sr. Sort, JUST. RECEIVED, & Co., rig city.swxur STREET PRICE THREE CENTS. -13.0NNET., ; ',-': , :.0P5N,1N.G.,. THURSDAY, MARCH 29,1866, WOOD & CARPS 72 5-Chestnut St. iiih.26tf xp BONNETS! BONNETS. BONNET OPENING, Wednesday, March 28th. E. P. GILL 8c CO , 720 Arch . Street, mh26-3t rp CARDS OF ADMISSION WELL BE REQUIRED AT THE Great Sale of Paintings of JAMES S. - Vi A RT.E & SONS 7 On the Evenings of y, March 27th, and Weth nesday, March 26th. - Sales at Seven u'Otsck. Tlcketa may be Pbtained of James S. Earle ,6 Sons. 816 Chestnut street, and of B. Scott, Jr., 1020 Chestnut street. 0 =26- II MOURNING GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES. 9 3PJEIRAEr. IN S o in. _South Ninth Street. ett 31 A 11-k E T .06 TIT. - e4lO 16 -4 t Have Reduced the Prices of their en— tire Stock to correspond with very lowest present rates. Spring Cloth Sacques. Wool De Lakes. 38 and 50 cents, Black De Laines, 50 and 55 cents, Damask Cloths and Napkins. Soft Finish Camb;ics. Whife Marseilles, 75 cents. Mnsline Much Cheaper, Best Calicoes, 20 to 25 cents, 3,500 yds. Best Cassimeres, $1 75, =CI 111,W f BOYS' WEAR. FINE. ALL WOOL CASSIBLERES, 1 ON BLACK A ND'WHITE CHECK DO., fl • FINE HIKED TWEEDS, ,11 • FANCY STYLE cassnivßrsai FLSE GOODS FOR SUITS, $t to to ft .51. FANCY Hyr'F'n FOR SETTS, it !C. N HENS' WEAR:, NEW STYLE CASSLIIbb.ES. _LIGHT GOODS FOR SPRING WEAR. STUFFS FOR BUSINESS SUITS. BLACK CLOTHS, CE.EAP. FINE SPRING COATINGS. FANCY CASSIMPRPS FOR SUITS. • LADIES' - SA.CKINGS PLAIN IIL DDT.FfiF N CLOTH. FANCY lILDDTXR7X CLOTHS NEW DOUBLE WIDTH CLOTHS. SINGLE WIDTH CA S.srmTRES FOR BAQUES,- , DRESS GOODS. . - ONE.CASE CHKNNE POPLINS, LARGE PLAID SCOTCH GINGHAISS, 45 eta.- GOOD BLACK ALPACAS, SO WHITE GROUND FIGURED 310HA_LES, WHITE GROUND ALPACAS, at as. FRENCH FIGURED JACONETS. PINE, BLUE AND BUFF P.E/ICALMR. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE it CO.; N. W. con Eighth and Market Sts. rp COAL ! 'COAL t BEST QUALITIES OF COAL AT LOWEST MAREZIT nArns„ ALTER'S COAL YARD', NINTH sasialoUPv BELOW GIRARD AVEND'EI. zrBRANCH OFFICE c9Rim 426 ETRLIG GARDEN. Celcuip:-4p
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers