From New Orleans. ------- NEW ORLEANS, March 24.—Cotton weak and unsettled. Sales of 1,300 bales; receipts 'to-day, 1,350 bales. Low Middlings, 371'. 124. Sterling, 33i. . New York Checks, 4-discount. The high water has broken through the levee. The French Government has issued pro posals for six million pounds of tobacco, which cannot be filled here as formerly. • Three cargoes of Cuba sugar for St. Louis detained at quarantine. The press calls for the removal of the quarantine, as there is no cholera or fever on -the Mexican gulf. • The French steamer Louisa brings a large number of Mexican letters and de ',.ispatches for New York and France, and ;also special letters and despatches for -the .Yrench,Belgian and Austrian Governments. INDIAN AFFAIRS.—The Confmissioner Of Indian. - Affairs has been officially informed that the Cheyenne and Arrapahoes have agreed: to go to Arkansas for the purpose of signing a treaty of peace. These Indians , were preparing for an attack on the stock :and property of the Overland Despatch Company, when the courier from Major Wynkoop arrived to invite them to meet for the above-named object. The Commis sioner is in receipt of letters from Omaha, Nebraska, stating that all the Indian tribes :are now at home and preparing for spring operations. The "prophet's" announce that the unusual quantity of snow that fell du ring the winter is indicative of a prosperous and fruitful agricultural season. SOUTHERN CLAlMS.—Certain persons No .siding in the so-called Confederate Stata .during the rebellion, and who had a (lanai `cile in said States before the civil war and during its' continuance, now come and de znand of the Government balances which they allege were due and payable to them before said civil war began, but the Second Comptroller of the Treasury had decided that they are not lawfully entitled to the payment of these balances. The laws of nations, the laws of Congress, and the deci sions of the' Supreme Court, he says, justi fies that opinion. AMERICAN VESSELS.—The United States Consul at Port Mahon, Minorca Island, un der date of February 28th, infornpAhe De partment of State that the United " States merchant vessels are eagerly sought after about the Mediterranean, and preferred by freighters to the vessels of any other nation. He says that within a very short time past American ships could have bee'n chartered to advantage. The grain trade from the Black Sea offers profitable employment to American ship-owners, and is now nearly monopolized by the Greeks. TREASURY DISBURSENLENT.—Last week , the Secretary of the Treasury made the fol lowing disbursement on account of the here inafter mentioned departments: War,. $7,789,702 Navy, 4,033,729 Interior, - - - - 1,908,813 MR. HUMS. a Republican journalist, whe is involved in some railroad difficulties in Missouri, which, from their connection with the Legislature of that State, have given rise to general discussion, save that "any one who, after the experience of a political editor for the last five years in MissoarOs , not proof against anything less than a can non ball, is not fit for the business." B. RUSH. PETRIKEic, Esq., who has been prominent. in Pennsylvania politics for a number of years, died at Lock Haven a few days since. He was an energetic Republi can and was recently a member of the Union State Central Committee. THE Loyal Georgian, published at Atlan ta, in the interests of the freedmen, claims to have among that class regular readers and subscribers to the extent of twenty thousand. THE Lexington (Mo.) Express says the war so thinned out the live stock in that •county that cattle, mules - 7and horses will have to be imported to meet the demand of the people of the county. A WOMAN has been arrested at Newbury port, Mass., far having three husbands, all -of them now living and resnectable men. Her last husband is a man of considerable property, who had a wife who has left him. . THE entire route of the Russian-Ameri can Telegraph has been explored. BOARD OF- TRADE,- SAMUEL E. STOK.M, GEORGE TATHAM:I/tom= 0011:111TVES IL JAB. CAMPBELL, arrival and Sallinis of Ocean !Steamers - - - TO AIUELIVE. . SHIPS FROM 70It L.l! Pereira Havre...New York March 8 Washington Havre-.New York March 8 .ICangaroo JAverpoot-New York .March 9 City of Limerick-Liverpool...New York .....March 9 J)elaware Liverpool-Boston&Phil..a:March 13 - . . . . . . .., .Fulton Havre....New York March 13 Helvetia Liverpool-New York ' March 14 Warp's__ - ... Bouthampton-New York .. Starch 14 City ofßaltimore.Liverpool-New York March 14 'CitYOl - 8081011.....-Liverpool...New York March 14 Moravian Liverpool... Portland March 15 China .. -.----Liverpool-Boston March 17 City of Dublix......Liverpool-New York March 17 Tripola .Liverpool... New York March 20 Scotland Liverpool... New York March 21 Bavaria Southampton-New York March 21 +City of Bianchester-Liverp__.'l..New York. ..March 23 TO DEPART. - Eagle ...New York... Havana.. March 28 Kangaroo ...New York...Ltverpool ; March 28 _Africa : Boston..-Liverpool March 2 Havana New York... Rio Janeiro March 29 -Germania New York... Hamburg March 3l Pennsylvania .....New York...Liveroool March 31 City of Washingt'n-N York... Liverpool March 31 Peruvian. Portland... Liverpool March 31 ....Arizona New York...Aspinwall March 31 BellOna New York... London April 4 .Anstralasian .New York... Liverpool April 4 ...City of Dablin..._New York... Liverpool April 4 Washington ........New York...Havre April 7 Helvetia New York... Liverpool April 7 BIiARII I 4 111JELET1.1%. ~~ S t :~~ 1.11 . _ ~ .. y. Bu MBEs, 5'53 I SUN BETS, 6 7 1 Mall WATER, 10 23 ARRIVED ON SATURDAY. Behr Eliza Pharo, Falkeriburii , from Tuelterton. Bohr Northern Light, Ireland, from New York. ' Schr J B Allen, Case, from Oreenport. Steamer Hannah Sophia, Teal, from New York. Schr J Bewley, from Newbern, with stores to U S Qr Behr White Squall. Adams, from Boston. Behr Ile ma 1.1 Finney. t om Newark. Behr Gale, Shropshire, f um New Haven. Behr W F Phelps, Cranmer, from New Haven. Bohr Neptune, Roden. from New Haven. Schr W C Atwater. Glover, from New Haven. Behr B Hotchkiss, Beckett, from New Haven. Schr H Simmons. Godfrey, from Salem. -Schr Geo Edwards,Weeks, from'Wlirnington, Del. Schr W Bement, Penny, from Boston. Fehr J Aliderdice, Stites, from Boston. Seim V Sharp, Sharp. from Boston. Schr I G Babcock, Babcock, from Boston. Schr C & C Brooks Preston, from Greenport. Behr 14 Hand Brooks. from Greenport. Schr .T Benedict, Ring, from Greenport. . Behr Silver Magnet. Barrett, from Providence. Schr W Collyer, Taylor, from Providence. Behr Sally Gay, Fowler, from Providence. Behr y Price, Garrison. from Providence. Behr Mary Haley . , Haley t. CLEARED ONSATURDAY. , Steamer Aries. Crowell. Boston, H Winsor & Co. ;Steamer Alexandria, Hetrick, Richmond, W P Clyde & Co. SteamerF Franklin. Pierson. Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. eSteamer PhUadelphia,FultziWashington, Wm P Clyde Co. Brig Saran E Beatty (Br), Walters, Barbados, E A Souder Ar. Co. Brig Nati:Wang. Lath. NeW York, J E Bazley & Co. Schr E Richardson, Thompson, Boston, do Bohr Garland, Norton. do do Schr White Squall Adams, Wilmington, NC. J G & S Ripener. Schr h H Huntley. Nickerson, Boston, do Scbr M H Read, Nickerson, Boston. do Schr D Britton, Sanders. Boston, E V Glover. Schr Gale, Shropshire, Bridgeport, captain. Schr NetAune, Roden, do do .Schr H Simmons. Godfrey, Salem, Mass. Tyler & Co.' Schr W Bement. Penny. Boston. St Clair Cud Co. Schr Jas Aliderdice. Howell, Boston, captain. Schr W el Bartlett, C. nnelly, Boston, Blakiston,Graeff & Co. Schr Silver Magnet, Par y. do do Seta' W Collyer. Taylor, Providence, . do Schr M Hand Brooks, do do Bohr T Benedict, Icing. Norwich, L Audenried & Co. Bohr S Hotchkiss, Beckett, Boston, do Schr Fair Wind: Smith. do : do • Schr W F Phelps, Cranmer, Boston, Quintard , Sawyer & Ward. • Schr J Walker, Aldrich, Cobra set Narrows, do Scbr Sally Gay, Fowler. Providence, 'do H May. Franklin, Sometert, captain Behr W M Wilson, Brown, Boston, Castner, Stickney & Wellington. Scbr Potosi. Opdyke Greedwich. Sc Fehr W H Dennis. Lake, Boston, do ..• Fehr Rind Law, York, Stonington, Sinnickson & Co .Sclir. Mary Price, Garrison. Caunwitlgeport, do Seim C W LOckejilluntley,Dorchester,Day & Trodden' Sam C Z Bayles ' , Vroman, NorWiCh, captain. Schr Roanoke. Barrett. Stanford, W Hunter, Jr. & Co. Bohr V Sharp, Sharp, Boston, Caldwell, Gordon & Co. Schr S T Wines, Hulse, Cohasset Narrows. do Behr Mary E Smith, Smith, Boston, Sch Nav Co. Schr Polly Price. Yates. Boston, Rathbon,Stearns&Co. Seim .1 . G Babcock, Higbee, Bostos, N r& Sch Coal Co. Scbr W C Atwater, Glover,—, , Bancroft, Lewis &Co, Behr C & C Brookii, Preston. Norwich, captain. Scbr J Cooper, Taylor, Washington, Bacon,Collins&Co Schr Charm, Starr, Georgetown. Bancroft. Lewls&Co, Seim Evergreen, Benoste, Newport. R H Powell. Bohr Sarah Clark, Griffin, Providence, New York and Schuyl Coal Co. Behr Deborah, Warwick, New Haven, Rathbun, Stearns & Co. Behr Eliza Pbaro. Ealkenburg, Pawtucket, Quintard, Sawyer & Ward. Scbr Northern. iight,lreland,Providence, W H Johns. Scbr Wm Wils n. Bacon, Salem, do. Schr R.l Mercer. Newell, Providence, John It White. Behr J B Allen, Case, do Schr C L Vandervoort, Chase, Providence, Crowell & Collins. Schr. Ira 13, Monroe., Chincoteagn. captain. Salm A H Cain. Simpson, Bath. Ar Hunter, Jr. & Co. Bohr E Richardson, Thompson,Bostonj B Bazley&Co Bohr Saarland, Norton. Boston, . • do Schr John Dorraace, Rice, Rrovidence, Tyler et CO. , MEM ORA_ND " . Steamer Claymont, Allen, sailed from Richmond 23d inst. for this port.' Steamer Montezuma. Hamshaw, for Kingston, Ja. cleared at New York 24th MA. Steamer lllanbattan, Deaken, cleared at New York 24th fast. for Havana and Vera Crnz. - • - Steamer Gen Costar, Beckett, cleared at Baltimore 24th fast. - for Charleston. It Steamers Fung Shuey. Gough. and Geo Washington, Gager, cleared at New,York 24th inst. for N Orleans. Steamers The Qneen, 3fcGrogan; City-of Boston, _Kennedy; Union, Palmer, and St,' Andrew, Scott, for Liverpool, cleared at New York 24th inst. Ship Crimea,. Baker, for this port, was loading at London lOthinat- Ship Hate. Prince, Libby, cleared at Beaton 24th inst. for San Francisco. , • • . Brig 3' 0 Nickels, Means, hence, below Boston 23d Brig Marla Wheeler, *heeler, at Boston 24th inst. from Mobile. , ' Schr David Smith, Raker, and not the 'R L Tay. as before supposed; is ashore 8 miles N- of Barnev.t. The D 8 registers 188 tons, was built at Denniavllie in 1847 and hails from Philadelphia. GENTS' nMNISHING GOODS. PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY. Orders for these celebrates Shirts supplied promptly at brit.' notice. GENTLEMEN'S _Furnishing Goods, Of late styles in Orli variety. WINCHESTER & 00. 706 CH.ESTNITT. lesmov.f-ti J. W. SCOTT & CO., SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, AND DEALERS IN Men's Furnishing Goods. No. 814 Chestnut Street. Four doors below the "Continental," PHILADELPHIA. A. S. ROBINSON, 910. CHESINUT STREET. LOOKING GLASSES. PAINTINGS Engravhigs. and . Photographs. Plain and Ornamental Gilt Frames. Carved Walnut and Ebony Frames, ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER. -,5137,322 1 294 CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. 1866. SPRING. 1866. OPENING On Tuesday . , March 20, AT Mrs. E. kteyser's Children's Clothing Emporium, No 1227 CHESTNUT ST., Below Thirteenth, North Side, PATT,a DELPHLA. PERSONS willing to invest in a profitable and safe enterprise, in an adjacent Stuns, requiring a mode rate capital are invited to communicate with X. A. Z., 144 Philada. P. O. mh24-3t• A LADY DESIRES A SITUATION TO TEA. O H to the English branches and Music to young chil dren; is also willing to assist In sewing. References exchanged. Country preferred. Address A. M. F., BULLETIN Office, mb2i,Bt* A LADY who has had e ereral years' experience as .1 eacher, is desirous of obtaining a situation as VISITING GOVERNESS, or to teach Music and the English Branches in a school. Address Box 990, Poet Otlice. ra112.2,26,2t* frA WANTED.—Before August Ist, by a small l2ll . private literals, a House, within live squares 01 our store. Rent not to exceed teoo. Address MIPEZEI. & CONARD. ICE! 10E! ICE! Chas. S. Carpenter,Jno.Glendeuing. JosALTrnman,lr CHAS. S. CARPENTER & CO. Have REMOVED to their NEW DEPOT, 717 WILLOW, ABOVE FRANKLIN, Where their enlarged facilities will; enable them to attend to all who may need • A GOOD PURE ARTICLE OF ICE, which will be furnished either "WHOLESALE OR RETAIL at lair rates and in a satisfactory manner. mh2.3-fm w-12t* A Great Chance to make Money on a Small CapltaL 1 SPENCER'S lititiO In the ElTe.tte,N it is the right thing in the right place. No Household would be without it after a atn• gle It is the only Sifter now in use that gives satisfac tion. Every Sifter is warranted to give perfect satls- Motion. E. SPENCER. . Factory, No, 846 North SECOND Street, Made, State and County Rights for Sale on easy terms. Wholesale Trade supplied on reasonable terms. Samples sent to any Address on receipt of ill 00. ifeo2 ENGLISH toiCiaM. UAYCuYB, isALTOII3, dio.— Crosse & Blackwell's Roglien Pickles, Catalina marines. Durham Mustard, Olives, &a. landing 07 snip Yorktown and for sale by JOB. B. Bussiulit a CO log Son th Delaware avenue. DAME DOPE AND TWINE 31L9.1sTDBA • I : :4. and for bale by FITLER; WEAVER & CO., :23 North Water street, and 02 North Delaware avenue GELATIN. T aPIr/CA. AND SAGO.—Cox.'s Sento]] Gelatin, Rio Tapioca and East India Pearl Sago, landing and lor sale by J. B, BUBBLER & CO., 10.4 S. Delaware Avenue riumrea AND YEZLOW METAL ESHAATI:IINb Bnaderll Conner :"Nails, Bolts and Ingo Conner., constantly on hand and for sale by HENRYWMcop &co..= eolith 'Wharves. . QHBATEENG BELT.—LOWELL PATENT ELAI , wo tic Sheathing Pelt for Ships; also, Johnzon'a P a t h Wooiding Felt for Steam Pipet and Boilers, In atm and for sale by Wrror.rArd 8 GRANT, Eo. :ill Sono Ilelsarareosvanna • A LITERLA GRAPES.-100 kegs of these splendid wbne grapes In tine order landing and for sale by TOB. B. BUSSIBB & CO.. IV South Delaware avenati THE DAILY, EVENING` BULLETIN; PHILADELPHIA, MO initspowsa wit titil S. E. corner Ninth and Market s.t4i. 'PATENT TIN SIFTER BTSAIBEE. Invaluable for use in all cases where a Strainer or Sieve is required. It will sift FLOUR, MEAL SQUASH APPLE, BUCKWHEAT &c., and will Strain PRECKFIVICS,SAUCEEI, &C A REAL FAMILY COMFORT. N:EDICAL. VCOX.PCIPILLI. WRIGHT'S TAR SYRUP; DEPOT,, 171. SOU TH THIRD ST. ••-. . . . PRIDE, 81 PER BOTTLE; PER HALF DOZEN. The undersigned citizens take pleasure in cheerfully recommending the use of Wright's Tar Syrup, for coughs, colds, consumption, whooping cough, spotted fever, . iver complaint, pains in the breast, droned:ls, inflammation, and restriction of air vessels in the lungs. The remedy should be In 'every family: Charles C. Wilson, Forney's tress office- - - Charles H. Oraffen, Sunday _Mercury office. - - Joules Nolen. Inquirer office. Wm. F. Corbit, Associated Press. Wm. B. Carpenter, Fire Alarm and Police Tele graph, Fihh and Chestnut streets. Randolph, Fmnt, and Lombard streets: James W. Perrine. 1129 Charles street. 11. A. Davis, 023 Grakili stre:.a. John Wcodside, 1.&31. Franklin street. • Robert. ThompF on, 1608 Walter street. R. G. March. 626 Franklin street. J. Gebloff, 731 South Second street. John eeymour, 513 South Front street. F.W. Howard. 1 Dock street. • • • H. C. Bartlett, 327 South Second street. I. Bates, 6C5 a rch street. Albert in artin, 417 South Second street. Mary Caldwell, 1632 Sansom street. W. Thomas, 20 North Fourth street. T. M. earthy, 109 Blfreth's alley. George Wilson, 236 Race street. IV. F. 8r00k5,69 North Second street. M.' S. 'Hassett,ll9 Canal street. 4 S. F.eymour Botte;Buqleton- Charles Rogers, 921 South street. R. T. Wellington Second and Quarry streets E. E. Thomas, 136 South Sixth street. William Barns, 515 South Front street. S. S. Sanford, Opera Manager. John Maginnis, rear of 134 North Second street. Mrs. S. R. choate, Newark, Del. , GeorgeW. White &co. -80. 66 South Third street, Mr. William B. Wright: Sin: eve take pleasure in recommending your TAR SYRUP (of whith we have already, sold con siderable quantities) 48 &most excellent and efficacious remedy for the complaints set Melt: in. our printed bill already submitted to the public. AL F. =allying act to suffering humanity we will cheer& retain mend your -preparation to-all aillictedw Ith elseases which it is designed to cure. Yours, - &-c.; DILES & SON, Druauts, N. E. corner Pine and Sixth streets. Also to be had at • JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY & COWDEN, DYOTT do CO., • and all principal druggists and dealers. The subscriber would beg leave further ' bo say that he is prepared to fill orders, and forward the Syrup to any part, of the country. Persons desiring other infanta anon by mall will enclose &postage stamp, and answers will be returned as soon as the exigencies of business will admit. Address WILLIAM B, WRIGHT. 771 South Third street,' Philadelphia, Pa. CLEA.3. - SE THE BLOOD With corrupt, disordered r Vltatad Blood. you are leis all over It may burst it in Pimples, or Sores, or I some active disease, or it nay merely keep you ' - list. tins, depressed and good f 'othing. But you cannot tve good health while our b'ood is !mouse, ER,S SA.P.S.APA ;ILLA. purges out these tpurities and stimulates to organs of life into vigor all-and expelling &seas.. lets' of complaints which re caused by impurity of the blood, such as Srroluta, or Kt , fle Evil, Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, Erupt tor.s, Pim ples Blotches, Boils. Si. Anthony's Fire, Bose or Eryri pelts, letter or Salt Rheum, Scald Bead. Rtsg Worst Cat , err or atllLerOti3 Yumors, Sore Byes, :Roth. _Me m/ea, such as Beterdion, irregaktraty. Suppression, Whites, Steil/fly, also Syphilis or Venereal D1A , 41.1 , 1. Liver Complaints, and Heart. Diseases. Try AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, and see for ,yourself the su rprisi og activity with which it cleqeses the- blood and cures these disorders. During late years the public have been misled by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sari aparilla for one dollar. Most of these It tve been frauds upon the sick, for they not ooly contain little. It any, Sarsaparilla, but often no curative properties whatever. Bence, bitter disappointment has toll owed the use of the carieus extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself nag be: 'me synonymous with Imps Wort and cheat. Still we call this compound and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name Isom the load of obloquy watch rests upon it. We think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irristir his by the ordina .s ry run ofthe diseases it is intended :it cure. We can only assure he sick. that we offer them the best alterative which we know how to produce, toed we have reason to believe, it is by far the most effectual purifier of the blood yet discovered by any body AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL is so universally known to surpass every other ,remedy for the cure of Coughs, Crlds. frylutolza, .ilocirsen:ss, emu'', I:roa r/lilts, incipient Consumption add for the relief or t.„'od sumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease. that it is useless here to recount the evidence of its virtues. The world'knows them. . _ Prepared by DR. J. C. AY EH. & CO., Lowell, Mask, aid sold by J. M. 'MARLS S CO , Philadelphia, and by all .T. ruggists. rata: s,m w.2m OPM., DHh3ALL,I24.II A sciparlor article Mr Meanies the Tect.b., destroyiri tnlmalcalis which Inks; them est= tone Tama , and Matins a feeling of Alcune and periets clesnlinees in the month. may mod daily, ant will bo lona. to et renr.han weak and bleeding en= while the aroma and detersivenew will recommend I to every one. Being composed with' the az.a , Istamie C the Dentist, Physician and llilemscopist, It Is cent ienay ovzed R 5 - FtWr.r TALE substlMts In the at ertnin truMee formerly in vogue. 57:minent Dentists, acquainted with the °constituent 3f the DENTALLIMA, advocate Its rates it contain. iothing to prevent Ito unrestrained omploynea blade only by JAHZS T. SHINN, Apo:lamest7 t _ Broad and Spruce UNCM /tor sale by Druggista generally, and fired Broom. 3O. L. Stacieiv:lu, award dr, co„ Hobert C. Day% 3. B. Itee, Geo. C. Bowers, 'sup H. HAY, Charles Shivers, O. H. Needles. 1 G. J. Scattergood, Y. J. Husband, , J. O. Turnoenny is CZ Sir?rose Smith, 1 Mules H. Mi. erle, Thomas Weaver. Jumps N. Mute, Webb, tames BLephara, tringbee & Coombs, Seery A. Bower. 4STLACKI3 DIPHTHERIA LOZENGES—Theat lozeng . es are a safe and speedy care for Diphtheria oughs, bore Throat, Hoaisences and Bronchial affections generally. Try? them. THOS. MSTLAGE. Jr., Druggist. S. W. - ter of Eighteenth and Market streeta.Philadelphis. fes-amt Ell PUBILIVALTION6. CHOICE ENGLISH BOOKS. Standard and Illustrated Editions SUITABLE FOR FIRST-CLASS LIBRARIES. Selling off at Reduced Rates for Two Weeks Only. To make room for fresh Importations. 0. J. PRICE, Importer of English and French Books, &c, 21 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, mh2lwsm6o Above Chestnut. k 800M:3._ AGASSIZ'G GEOLOGICAL SKETCHES. 1 vol. limo. Fully illustrated. ST. lIABTLIC'S KUMMER. BY Anne H. M Browner. _ . LIVINOSTONE'S EXPEDITION to the Zambesi and its 'lributaxles. With Maps and Illustrations. I vol. Bvo. LUCY A_RLYN. By Trowbridge, author of Cludjo's Cuve." etc. MRS. L. IL SIGOTTRNEY'S LETTERS OF LITE. 1 vol. 12xe o. THE OLD MANOR HOUSE. From the "Sun Pt Magazine." J1.5.t. 4 1E. BOWER. or Mrs, Schaffer's School. Miss M. Bamford. • WBITTIER'S NEW POEM, SNOWBOUND. For sale by > JAMES S. CLAXTON. Successor to W. B. & A. Manful, WS Chestnut sheet. MEMOIR OF THEIREV.WM:METCALFE,M. .tt. D., late minister of the Bible Christian Church, by his son Bev. Jos. Metcalfe. The above includes a nopsis of the principles and history of the church and of the Temperance and Vegetarian movements. Paper,2o cents; muslin, 35 cents . T ot, J. L. CAPEN, 25 S. Tenth street, it 11ara'8 LIVE OF PEILIDOII.—THE LIFE OS PHLLEDOR, htuiddlasi and Ohms Player, by Georg. Allen, Greek Froftesor .in the UniverSits. of Pew 17 1liesa vai ruthO th r suilidlrlaPeenill'entahlyel743Bon rhin o vol do u rE e w l debrand and de Laze, Envoy Extraordinary and EU. later Plenipotentiary of the Ring of piegate, as sbc Ocrart of Saxe•Welnier. 1 vol.. . .seavo, 34 Vellum, CV top. Few 91 tB. Lately published b yy E. H. B M. floe South Fourth s=all. TAXES BABE'S Blank Booka and Stationery, 1101 U Market St. Old Books bought and exchanged. oclatri TNDLA. RUBBER MACHINE BELTING STE.Ahi 1 PACKING, HOSE, dm. Engineers and dealers will find a FULL ASSORT. MENT OF GOODYEAR'S PATENT VULCAN I RUBBER BELTING, PACRI.NG, HOSE, , &c.,at the Manufacturer's Headquarters, • - • GOODYEAR'S, SOS Chestnut Buser, South side. N, B.—We have a NEW and CHEAP ARTICLE of GARDEN and PAVEMENT HOSE. very tcheari, to which the attention of the public Is called. • TA'aiw , i A, FREEMAN, AOC • lONEER. No. 422 WALNUT street. FIFTH SPRING BALE BEA_RCH 28. 1288. i Thia two, at the . Exchange. as /2 O'clock Bowl. WEB include— STOCKS. On account of whom it may concern, 10,000 shares of the Philadelphia and Cherry Run' Oil Company. 8;000 do hlc2 ate Oil Co. . . _ 200 do Penney Ivan's Petroleum Co. 100 do . Girard . do do 00 do Ch.rry Run do • do 1,500 do Pittsburgh and 0111 Creek Petrona 011 100 do Chester an alley RallroadCo. • Por other, Accounts. , 2'ooo shares People's 011 Co 1,000 shares Boyal Petroleum Co. LOT, 2978 WARD—A vacant lot. Cathedral avenue, east offfi d ss: 00 by about 270 fert. Executors' Sate--Es• tote oqcujamin Davis, dec'd. _ _ A r•A ON 1) ST—A three story brick house,-Annend st below Front: 204 by 67 feet. Orphans, Court Sale— Ls' late of Peter Xuntz. OT S ST—A frarae house. Otis at above • Tulip, 19th Ward:2o by 95;,i feet. Orphans' Court Sate—Estate of Black minors TOWNS) ND ST—Two brick-hones on the rear of the above, on TOwnsend et; also, a vacant lot adjoin. ing. far They wilt be sold separately. Orphanst court Sale—Soule Estate. N 0.1705 N. NINTH ST—A. gentesl three story brick dweldng with back buildings, 1714 by 100 Let. Has gas. bath, rangel c. g6O ground rent. GERM. ICTOWN .I.o.a.D—Titm three story brick houwa and lot. Not 2314 and 2316 Germantown road: above Dauphin st. 40 feet front on both Germantown road and 1 anphin at, and about 116 feet through 650 w gro - d rc nt LOT ADJOINING—A lot adjoining to the south, 40 feet fsont on Germantown road and'extending through to Dantddn at.„ • ' BRA NOiITOWN—An eligible site for building pur• r ores, on the Limekiln pike, Brancbtown, 22d War,l. • very accessible. Na JooB CP.Z.ASS 'ST—A. three story briok'hosse and lot..Crease r late Crywn at, above Richniond, Ward-51 by= feet. gir Bantibias, Piahs - ,"&c.; may be had at the -auction st' re. iMPORTANT A "UP' "OF VALUABLE COAT, LANDS, APRIL 4. The attention of miners and nitalista Is partials. larly directed to the: sale of a valuable tract of 400 acres or Coal land in Lnzerne county,' Pa., to be abso. lutely sold en the 4th day April, at the 'Exchange. The tract adjoins lands of the "Delaware and Hudson Canal Co the "Boston and Lackawanna Coal Co." George X. Piolenbach and . clhers It is very advan tageously situated for min ing,beln then both sides of the Lackawanna, about 1 mile trom town of Archbald and 9 miles from Scranton, and is entirely-underlaid by all the veins of .coal known In, that region. The coal Las all been thoroughly laroved upon the land and is the best Pennsylvania anthracite coal,well known as "Ecranton," and sold qy regular auction sales in the New York market; the tract Is accessible by railways and canals both to New York and Philadelphia. .1!W Plans and Reports at the Auction Store. sfir - It will be sold icithovt any reserve to close a con. cern. • Bacet 1.:4,7.t0 spogioc..T.gpr."Avairryijaid kl!!'?_tA-17!"f3I'it'14'4ia.Ve)'" ELEGANT WALNUT STREET ISLANSION—Ons of the most elegant residences on Walnut street, St feet front: large ground. stable. dto. Also, BROWN STONE MANSION, Walnut neat Broad at. be sold. at very low rates, to a party who wt take them all In one lot, Bye desirable &mutt , gm in the heart of the city. Immediate occupancy can be had l desired. This is a very favorable opportunity to par ties who seek good real estate Investments to bay to old prices property which will pay well and Incresas !n value. Fcr particulars apply at the anction store. STABLE—A very desirable property in the neigh oothood of Twelfth and Locust eta TAVERN STAIKD and 9 acres Of land. on Itldat road. 9 milm from toe State Rouse, known as thr 'Sorrel Horse.. Pleats, surveys, ac., at the afore. Property No, 402 tooth Front at, 41 by 100 feet, do do 11:9 and 1140 Lombard at 99 cores, Germantown ..37 do Fiaher's lane Valuable Lot, 3Siarket street, above Nineteenth do do Barker do do do a Building Lots, south Twenty-second et Property northeast corner Fourth and Spruce ns Duelling. with side yard. Darby road Brown-stsne Store, Second st, near Chestnut Residence and large lot,Buslington do No. al south Tenth st do do 418 south Eleventh at 410 Pine st do &8 Pond st S am-es of Land. Federal st. Twentpeizth Ward VALUABLE STORE, CIEI .3r: r NIIT ST—A ver —skiable business properzr on Chestnut st, having tvr. , renta—in good order, .5.c. Occupancy with the deed, DI" JOHN B. MYERS & co.. AucfrioNE., u• Non.:, and f::14 tAßKETstreet.cornerofSank, LaltGE P.EREILVIN3RY• . SALiti OF 8 , 30T1a, bfOEb will be so.d, at 10 cecloc.k, by catalogue, on km mouths' credit. about 1,9.10 packages Boots. Shoes, Pal morals. &e.. or City and Eastern manufacture. Open for examination with cainlognes early on the morning of sale. LIRGE PEREUPTORX VA T.P OP BOOTS, SHORE, NOTlCE—lnclnded to our large sale of boots, shoes • ON TU'vsDAY 210IINING, March will be found in part the following &eel% »or desirable assortment, vlz Men's, boys' and youths' calf. double sole, half we) sue pump sole dress boots; men's, boys' and youths kip and buff leather boots: men's fine grain, long lei ess boots:: men's and boys' calf, buff leather Congress boots and balmorals; men's, boys' and youths' super kip, buff and polished grain half welt and pump sole Oregans; ladies' tine kid, goat, morocco, and enameled potent sewed ban:corals and Congress gaiters. women's, misses' and children's calf and buff teatber balmorais and lace boots; children's tine kid, sewed, city made lace boots; fancy sewed balm°. reds and ankle ries: ladies' tine black and coloree. , lasting Congress and side lacegalterstwomen.s'. misses and children's goat and morocco copper-nailed lace tt•oots: ladies' tine kid slippers; traveling bags; metallic overshoes etc. . . - Also, a stick of Boots and Shoes, &c, In great Variety. NOTICE TO "TATTERS Also. at commencement of sale. at to o'clock, part of ftc ptock of a fur hat monuthanrer, embracing a Large variety of superior goods. LAEOE SPECIAL SALE OF EMBRIIDEIt.I, We will bold. at 10 olclock. by ca . alogne, ON POUR MONT/IS' CREDIT. a large:Spectra. t• ale of Embroid erit's, ildbfls, Laces, &c... embracAng tOO lots of rich im ported Ooor a. of recent importa;lon, for boat Lity re tail trade, includin g BROIDER7S 200 dozen tape bbrdered town' bdkfs, tine to best (nudity. 400 rro bntion edge do do do 400 do bon isacd braid do do E. Bring,hurat. & D H. C. Blairyott. & , Wyet.b. & arc. 300 dozen twenty inch all linen shirt fronts. Itn.o pieces baud emb'd and namburg cambric in settings. 100 do band emb'd cambric flouncing. ileVo do thread and point lace collars LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BRITISH. FRENCH, GERMAN AND DOM - PiTIC DRY GOODS. We will bold a Large Sale of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, by catalogue, on four months' credit and part for Cash. On THTIRSDAY MORNING, March 29, at 10 °clock, embracing :about 800 pabk ages and lots of staple and fancy articles. In woolens, worsteds, linens, silks and cottons. R—Goods arranged for examination and oats. intim ready early on the morning of sale. DAVIS & HARVEY. AUOT/ONEERS (Late with M. Thomas & Sonr.) Store No. Sal Chestnut street. FURNITURE SALES at the Store every Tumidity SA raps AT 12iinTlIENUIES will receive porticals Attention. Sale No. itt3 Chesut street. SUPERIOR Ftn URNITURE. BOOR.CASES, TAPES TRY uARPETS &c. ON 'I ITESDAY MORNING, At to o'clock. at toe auction etore.sunerlor second hand furniture, pair handsome walnut secretary book cases, handsome walnut chamber snit, damask parlor suit, office tables, bedding. &c. May be examined on Monday. Sale NE. corner Nineteenth end Arch streets. SUPERIORP FURNITURE. teRENUR PLATE MIR. ROBS,,__FtosEwooD MELODEON VELVET CALPETA t itc. _ .53 OLkWEDNESDAY MORNING, At lo o'clock, by catalogue, at the N. B. corner Nine. teenth and Arch eta., the superior furniture, French plate mantel and oval mirrors, elegant , rosewood me. lod eon, fine velvet carpete. &c. May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of the sale. Sale corner Seventeenth and Tloga streets. EIIiPEEIOR PITRNITURE, ELEGANT TAPESTRY AND BRUSSELS CARPETS, &c, ON THURSDAY htOSNING, At 11 o'clock, by catalogue, at the corner Seven teenth and Tioga,streets, toga Station, near German • town. U. e entire furniture, including elegant parlor suit In lair cloth, superior chamber suits In hair cloth, superior chamber suits. flue hair matreases, tine tapestry and Brussels carpets &c. May be examined at 9 o'cl ck oath() mornidg of the Tale. rrHE PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLLSHMENT .1. S. E corner of SIXTH and RACE streets. • Money advanced on Merchandise generally: Wntches,Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Silver Plate, and on. all articles *of value, for any length of time agreed . WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SALE. Fine Gold Hunting Case, Double Bottom and Open Face English, American and Swiss Patent Lever Watches; Fine Gold Hunting Case and Open Watches. Vne Wetchas: Fine Geld Duplex and other Me Silver Hunting Case and Open Face . English American and Swiss.. Patent Lever and' Lepine Watches: Double Case English Quartier and other Watches; ladies' Fancy Watches: Diamond Breast. E` l ginr: ix ' ' lt g f e e r C a i lliOn s; • ElTrZnetg:: Studs, &o inl 3ll 9°l l Pins; Finger R 1.1401 cases, and Sewoiry gene rally. • FOE. SALE.—A large and splendid Fireproof Chen suitable for a Jeweler,price $6 50 . Also, several Lots in South Camden, Fifth and Chestnut streets. searr, ATIOT/0NE.E.13, n2o orRESTNITT at*o. , JAMES S. EARLE & SONS' FIFTH GREAT SALE OF VALI:TABLE ORIGINAL AMERICAN AND FOREIGN OIL PAINTINGS. To take plate In the Eastern Gallery of the Pennsyl vania Academy of Fine Arts tin Tuest ay and Wednesday Pvenlngs, March 27 ann • At '734 o'clock precisely. Open day and evening, free. BY BABBITT & CO. ATICTIoNEERS. CASH AIIOFION HOUSE., No WO MARE ET street. crrner of Bank street. Cash advanced on consign ateuts without extra charge. AIUCTION MUM!. BRuGA:I 4 .:S, TRAVELING RAGS, &e. ON TIFDAY 'MORNING, ]LARCH - - - _ lIANDERROGI RFS. L 4-CE3 &c ON WX.DNESDAY MORNING, MARCH S . • 230 do ' embroidered button edge, butterfly and fancy corner do. 103 do hemmed an' braided emb'd. hemmed em braldered button edge, chintz and cord . lawn and linen do. 00 pieces emb'd cans uric and book collars. 4(0 do band eneb'd linen sets. DAT, MARCH 26, 1866. MTHOItrAB & SONS 'ADernoNßEus. • - - rzos. issiand 141 Smith EOURTEL street. STOCKS AND BEAT. ESTATE—TUESDAY NEST. --Pamphlet catalogbesnogr_ready, containing fell de. .scriptions of all the Property to be sold on !TUESDAY NEXT, 27th: inst., with a LW -of sales 28th March and ad..loth, 17th, and /Bth , comprising . a. large amount - and - great variety of. roalnaole Property, by order , of- Orphans'. Conrt, Executors! Trustees and others; tobe sold peremptorily. PALES OF STOCKS AND BEAL ESTATE; At the hachange, every TUESDAY, at 12 o'clocklon. Say - Aandbills of each property lamed separa ely, ano on the Saturday previcins to each gale 2000 ta lognes in pamphlet form, giving fall e escrlptions. HEAL - E6TATE AT PRIVATE. SALK Frbatea catalogues, comprising - several hundred thousand dollars. Including every description of city anti :country propertyorom , the smallest dwellings to the moat elegant mansions„ elegant country Beata, farms, business properties, . the , • - tOr FURNITURE SALES, at h Auction - Store EVERYRTIRSD.B.T. . Partiznlar attention given to sales at 'Private alesidensee,,te. - -870:M.3.LOANS, &c. - On I'UIaiDAY. 312113.0 H 27. ' At 12 o'clock, noon: at the Philadelulda Phcchange, IP shares Prank lin Fire'lusurnaace Co: 333 shares Plicenix Insurance Co. _ ' 25 shares IVashingtcn Manufacturing Co., of Gion• center, hr J. 12 shares union E-nk of 'l'ennessee. 20 Shares -Steubenville and Indiana Raitroad. (reor - shares ' '•do do'" do _.._do do 5 sharee West Chester and PhUadelphia 6,00 shares Rush Farm 10 shares Stewart Gold Mining Co. , • . ; 1 shape Mercantile Ltbrary Lot section 13, and lot No. 13, section 17 Mount oriab Cemetery. , 1000 Shares Philadelphia arid California Patrolman...CO FOURTH SPltniG SALE.' MARCEL' . 27th. = EXI.P.A. VALUABLE B.F.A.a, P STATE. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of W. W. Knight . ; dec'd. VY.B.Y7. VALUABLE , BUSLNESS- STAND - POUR. STORY BRICK 'STORE, 509 Commerce street,extend ing :through to ,North street--:2 fronts. Same Estate—TWO-STORY BRICK' DW.S...LLING. No. 1012 Spring 'Garden street, with Two-story Brick Dwelling In the rear on Nectarine, street. Same Irstate.-2 HANDSOME MODERN THREW STORYSTONE RASIDENCE. Clapler street, GER MANTOWN. They are new, handsomely finhshed And have the modern conveniences. Near Wayne station. Same Estate ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT and STONE COTTAGE. S. E. corner of Clapier and Mo- Bean avenue, GERMANTOWN,near Wayne Station. 'Has the modern cOnvettiencel,and the grounds beau tifully laid out. Adjoins the very elegant country seat of Pratt llCKean, Esq. . Same Estate—VEßY E:LEGANT roL.NTFA) STONE COUNTRY RESIDENCE, Clapler street, GERMAN TOWN. Built in a very superior manner. and has all the modern conveniences, .Near Wayne station. sir he above COUNTRY SEATS are in one of the most elevated, beautittil and desirable locations in the neighborhood of Philadelphia. Same Estate—VA.LUABLE BUSINESS PROPER TY, No. 144 Dock street . Same Estate—VALUABLE BUSINESS PRO2E ' TY, No. 146 r ock street. tame Estate-4 LOTS. 2bl Ward. ala.. Handbills for each of the above at the Auction Rooms. Executors' Peremptory Sale—Estate of Powell Stack house, deed—Yeam... r. LE Br srsm3s LOCATION-2 FOUR STORY BRICK 41.1wir.T.LTNGs and STORE,, :Nos. r. 56 and R 8 _North. Front street, above Race Clear of all incumbrance. Sale absolute. Terms—Half cash. Same Estate—VALUABLE LRON FOUNDRY,' MACHINE SHOP, &c.: north side of Craven street,: between Front and Second and Race and Vine. Terms —Half cash. Sale absolute. ICANDsOIkIE MODERN FOUR STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, with three story back buildings, south west corner of seventeenth and Pine streets. It is in plod repair, and has the modern conveniences. Pos session istApril next. EX. - ECUTORs' SALE—VAT...reIax BUSIN — ESSBTAND —THREE-STORY BRICK sTOR.E. No 39 South Sesond street, between Chtnut and Market. It is a well-eatablished stand, occupied as, a Carpet Store, and in the most desirable square on Secono. street. VALUABLE BrsiNEss STAND—FOUR-STORY BRICK STORE, No. iIA.3 North Second street. between Vine and New. Clear of till Incumbrance. VALLABT E BrOINESS STANRS-2 THREE-STORY BR] t K STORES, Nos. 3 and 5 De6stur street, between sixth and Seventh and Chestnut and Market streets. They are well and substantia'ly lbult. Terms, WOO may remain on mortgage on each. MODERN DOUBLE STORY ROUGH-CAST B. W. comer of Thirty fifth and Trans script streets. Twenty-fnarth Ward, with Stone Tenant House, Frame Stable. Sheds. &c.i garden planted with cl.cilee fruit and shrubbery. L t :135 feet front, by 165 deep. Clear of alt inctunbrance. Terms-49.0W may remain on mortgage. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLF-N - G and STABLE. Nes. 1515. 151; and 1519 South Front street, between Ta.sker and Dickerson. First Ward. Clear of all 'nen mbrance. RUUD '0 LOT. Front street, north *of Greenwich, First Ward. BUSINESS • STAND—THREE-STORY BRICK STOLE and DWELL.DZG. No. 460 North Front street, south of Noble. TWO STORY FRAME DWELLING}. No. 315 Centre street, near. Wilson street, GERMAN TOWN. THII.EE•STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 345 Dugan treet. between Spruce and Pine. and west of Fiftsentb street. TWO-SIORY BRICK DWELLENGS, east side of Bucknell street, south of Brown. TWO-STOBY, BRICK DWI-Ia:MIS, east side of Judson street. south of Brown. _ _ 4 a Wo-sTORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Moyor street, north of Norrl3. ' 'SI DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS. 23 Bull ding LOTS, N. \V. earner of f..;:h street and Girard avenues. _ .•BRIT,DiNG LOTS. east side of 28th street, north of Girard avenue. SALE OF MEDICAL BOOBS. ON MONDAY AFTERNOON. MARCH 26. At the suction store, valuable medical books, a por • tion trom the library - of the late liapo..eon Leidy,M. D. Also, gun. pista.s, &c. S.UF-ERIOR FER'NITITRE: FINE OARPETS, tt.c. ON Trk. - DAY SIORNING, MARCH. 27, By cstalozne. at No. 2 Pine street, superior walnut drawing room. dining room and chamber furniture. line carpets, etc. ;Ilse, the kitchen utensils. • • May be examined at a o clock on the morning of sale. SALE .BY ORDER OF HEIRS—ON 1..±1n. PRE -2dlsES.—Estate of ANDREW CRISMA.:s.Z. deeo. DEI,TRABLE FAR. 11,37 AIME? FISHER'S LANE, between Germantown and Fr. . - ford.=d Ward. On 'A EDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MAR :231 25, At S o'clock P. M.. will be sold at public sale, ON THE PREMISES, all that valuable farm of 36.14: acres, situate on both sides 'of a road leading from Germantown to Frankfi)rd. called Fisher's Lane, about i of a mile east of second street turnpike, and I.?; miles from Fisher's _tare Station, on the North Pennsylvania Railroad, and at the intersection of Wyoming avenue. The im provements are -a stone dwelling and frame barn. There are several very valuable country sites. It ad joins lands of Messrs. John Ganlbert . and Frederick • ERM S—One-third of the purchase money to remain on mortgage. jar Plan at the Auction Rooms. larFor further particulars apply to Messrs. Roberts & Bro., Germantown. ELEGANT FURNITURE, PIANO FORTE, BOOK CASE. PINE CARPETS, AGRICULTURAL 131- PLEMEIsITS. fic. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, April 4. at 10 o'clock Armat street, south aide. first house east of Willow avenue, Germantown will be sold, the entire household furniture, comprising sane riot' piano forte, elegant parlor and charaber furniture. in rosewood, oak and maple; large bookcase, fine car pets and matting, &c. The cabinet furniture was made to order by Moore & Campion. and is egurl to new. Catalogues will oe ready the day previous to sale. Cars leave the depot, Ninth and Green streets. every hour. and visit ors from the city will get out at Church Lane, wil bin five minutes walk of the place of' sale. THON.AB 13111/LTE a SON, AUCTIONEIMS .1.11 1:1011miTARION EMIRCCE No: 1110 CIDDSTNETT I L l M reko, (Barentrance 1107 Bans= street.) Howlehold Fhrnitnre °revery description received r. Consignment. BALES EVERY FRIDAY NORNEET43. Bales of Thualture at dwellings attendedSo on the rata ItassonahleTerms. PALE OP REAL INMSTOCXIE4 AM. AT TS? GB. Thomas Birch & Son re3pecttally Inform that tends and the pnbllo that they are prepared to often! to the sale of Heal Booth ction and attmlyste sal, Pale at Nr.. Its Eleventh street. HOUSEHOLD FIIENI • ÜBE BENCH PLATE HIREORS DENTISTS' LABORATORY, ON TUESDAY morouNo. At 10 o'clock at No. 188 south Eleventh street, will be sold a quantity of Household Furniture, including French plate mantel glasses, Brussels and Venetian Carpets, walnut parlor furniture . secretary and book. case, chamber furniture, gas fixtures. dtc. l DENTISTS' MATERIAL. At the same time will be sold , the machinery, &c. of a dentists' laboratory, SALE OF STOCK AND FARAllic G IMPLEMENTS. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 28. At 12 o'clock en the farm of the late B. Gerhard, Esq.. on the Blockle➢ and Merlon road, one mile from Hestonville. in the Twentylonrth Ward. will be so'd. the horses, cows, heifer, calf, pigs, chickens, &c. Also, hay and grain wagons, cart, harness, plows. harrowei wheat, corn. potatOes, Sale at No. 1110 Chestnut street. NEW AND SEOOND HAND HOUSEHOLD MEM, TITRE, MIRRORS. CARPE c• ON FRIDAY MORNING. At 9 o'clock,at the Auction Store, No. 1110 Chestnut street, will be sold— BY oatalegUe, a large assortment of superior horse. hold furniture, from families declining housekeeping.' Sale at No. 2032 Mount Vernon street. _ HOU-IRGOLD F RNIT , RE. dm. „, ON wEDNFA - Rivir MORNING APRIL 4, At if o'clock, at No. 2032 Mount , Vernon street. will be sold the furniture of a:family declining housekeeping.. DRUG STORE AT PRIVATE SALE. A well established Drug Store, handsomely fitted up with lease of the premises, for sale. Apply at the auction store. p " - gT T ifoaD a co., averioNNIEEM. - No. 150E1 MARIE VT street BALE OF 350 f CASES BOOTS AND SHOE& ON THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH '29 Commencing case s o'clock, we will sell by' catalogue, for cash. 1501) men's. boys' and youths' Boots, Shoes, Brogan a, Balm Oral s, Congress Gaiters Am. Women's,. misses' and children's Boots, shoes. B a l. morals, Congress Gaiten, Slippers, Basl‘MS, Side Lace JFITZPATRICK & CO., AUCTIONEERS, - J . No. 416 'North SECOND atreet. above Cellowhilt.. Fes, BRINLEY CY , CO., N 0 .615 CDIE.SI alidl , lo. 612 JAYNE street. A!J7flOiV ____ Sale N'o s`Dzs Pine street Sale in Germantnan. *limos mums. fr L. ASIIRRIDGE & CO., _ • . AUCTIONEERS, : No. 505 3fAIGIET str , et. above Fifth, POSITIVE SALE OF BOOTS. `BROES. WOOL ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, IiWICUT 20, :At 10 O'clock,lby catalogue. will be, • oid.without , re. serve_ 500 cases men's, boys', and/youtha'. fineinalf and kip bo• ts, shoes; Congress boots, slippers, atc.rladiea'. Misses , and children's goat kid, morocco, ts'f,, lisslna" Conkresa.boorsobalmorals. slippers. &c,of. _OltY.alld Eastern manufacture. The attention of ,City and country 'buyers Is called to this sale, as the goods have Just arrived. and will be sold without res.rve, - • jeo c.NSES MEN'S WOOL BATS LOO cases men's.. and boys' wool French hats, ince from the rranufactrirer. mh2s 2tt WOLBERT.— - -- C' PURE CI.D_WTNES, BEANNIES, &c. Obi TUESDAY NORDUNG. NEXT, 28th inst.. at 11 o'clock, at No. 16 Routh Sixth street, 0 different brands of Per , Old Wines,•Brandies; Holland Gin; Jamaica Rum, Whiskies, Wild Cherry Brandy. c, in cases, demijohns and bottles, , all warranted pure as imported: and recommendedihr family or me. (Urinal purposes. • " CataloguPs now ready; CITY ORIIINANCES. A 1.108 DINA.Nea TO MARE AN APPRCTIITA - : Tials.T to the Controllers orPablic Scnools of the First School Dlstricrof Pennsylvania to pay ertaln. claims. Sitoriost 1. The Select and - Cot:2lmin Ceuncils of the city of • Philadelphia - do ordain; ;That = the enni of eightefn hundred and ninety-three dollars and thirty three cents be, and the same Is hereby aPPrOpriated to the. Controllers of Public Schools for the.following purposes. to wit: to pay certain claims for rents, enbi riel3, and cleaning, Mr the Near 186.5 as foliocos: t• - 'item For rent: , Second section, sixtytwo .dollars and fiftycents. _ Item 2. For rent, Third section, one hundred arid fiftyy dollars. , *, - • Item 8. For rent. Fourth section, five , hundred and. flfly-eit dollars and twe,.ty-five cents. , , Item 4. For rent; fifth section, tbree hundred' and twenty-eight dollars and twenty-five' cents,- and Mr salary, same section, twenty-eight dollars and thirty- Item 5. For rent, Ninth section, one hondr ed l - Pact thirty; dollars. Item 6. For rent, Fifteenth section, one kttin4leclana twenty-five doll-ars. Item 7 For salary, Twenty-fifth section, one hun dred dollars, and for cleaning same section twelye def - lars, an d fifty cents. ItPm 8. To pay for rent of Robert Baikal, school buildinu:Second section, from February I, Ise:4,w Feb ruary 1,186"5, four hundred dollars. And warrants shall be drawn in accordance with ex isting ordinances. ___. A If S. STOKLEY. President of Common Council. Anrrnsx—ROßEßT BETHELL, Assistant Clerk of Select Council. O . A.m ES LYND, " President of Select Council. Approved this twenty-third day of March, Ammo Domini one thousand eight hundred and slaty-six (A. D, - • MORTON IicIIICIL&E.L. 7514 - or of Philadelphia. A ORDIN.A . ).:CE to make an appropriation for the repair of Germantown Hal..and to accept a certain. sum from the united States Government therefor. S'Ec-ru.s; 1. The Senate and Common Cotuacils of the City' of _Philadelphia do ordain, That the Commissioner of City Property be and he is hereby authorized to ac cept from the Waited States Government the sum of t ^ ebty-live hundred and seventeen dollars, ln lien of the said Government repairing the Germantown Hall and grouncs, and that the saictsum be paid to the City TrOs surer. Sze. 2. That the auto of twenty , five hundred and seventeen dodars Is hereby Appropriated to the De partment of City Property. for,The purpose of repair ing the Germantown Hall and grounds. Provided. That the Control' er shall not approve of any warrants for said repairs until the said sum to be r , ceived from the United States Government shall be paid to the City Treasurer. SEC. 3. The warrants shall be drawn by the Commis er of City Property, in accordance with existing , ordinances. WILLIAM Et STOELEY, President of Common Counca. ArrEsT—DEN.TA_MIN H Clerk of Select Council. JAMES LYND. President of Select council Approved this twenty third day of March, Anno Dctuini OLe Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-six, (A. l&b). _ _ _ MORTON McMICH &EL. Mayor of Flaw' elphist. A N ORDINANCE TO MAKE A TRA.NSFER iti rx the appropriation to the Department of City Property, for the year ISt, to pa'3 - certain gas bills of SECTI”N 1. The Select and Common Councils df the City or Philadelphia do ordain. That the SUDS of seven teen hundred and fort: -three d, liars and lorty-sig cents be and the same is hereby trans:erred from Item 22,f r expense of gas for public halls, Sc of the ordi nance entitled "An ordinance to make an 'appropria tion to the Department of City Property for the year .I;:f4,".arprovEdF..brnaryf.T.l9sß; to pay the following ttillE. for gas of 1565, to wit - Gas bills due the City Gas Works, 15t5. the sum of sixteea hundred and eighteen dollars and seventy:eight CE Gas bills due the Northern Liberties Gas Work 3. one hundred and twenty-four dollars and atlty-eight. cents_ And warrants for the same shall be drawn, by the et mmis.ioner of City Property in conf,mmity with ex istanz ordinancEs. WlT.t.i AI( S. STOKLEY. President of Common Council. AT EST-r:EZCSAMIN H. HAH'iES, Clerk of Select Council. _ _ j.A.AfFS LYND, President of Select Council, ..A.pproced this twenty-third day of March, AlltiO Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eix D. 1146). _MORTON McMICHASID., It .Nlayor of Ph'ladelphia. suppr:RALENT TO AN ORDINANCE TO nisk.e an appropriation to the Inspectors of the County Prison for the year 1566, approved February 1566. SEcTicii..: 1. The Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia do ordain, That the further sum of eighteen hundred and fifty dollars be and the same is hereby appropropriated to the Inspecairs of the County Prison tor the expenses of ISSS: That the said sum be added to the sum appropriated to Item 24 of the ordinance, to which this is a supplement. entitled "An Ordmanc e to make an Appropriation tofthe Inspectors of the Cf nosy Prison for the year ldes, and that the said Item 24 be and is hereby amended, so as to read. when amended, as follows : ."Item 24. For Salaries of one Assistant Superinten dent and eleven Gatekeepers, ten thousand two bun dled dollars (,;10.2.)0,." WILLIAM S. STOKLEY, President of Common Council, AtTrEsT—BENJAMIN H. HAINES. Clerk of Sele t • .TAMES LYND. President of Select Council Aprroved this twenty-third day of March. knna. Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-sit (A. D. 1566). Mayor of Plaladelphla. Rasotrn.os TO LAY WATER PIPE ON Milllie and other streets. Beached. By the Select and Common Councils of We city of Philadelphia, That the Chief Engineer of the Water Department be and is hereby directed to have wet er pipe laid in the following streets: 'Mifflin street, from Otsego street, to Swanson street, in the First Ward. Twelfth street, from Barks street to Diamond street. in the Twenty-tirst ward. Cameo street, from Berks street to Diamond street, in the Twenty-first ward. 'WILLIAM S. STOELEY. President of Common Council.—BENJAMIN Ti. HAINEs, Clerk. of Select. Council. JAMES LYND President of Select Council, Approved this twenty-third day of Ma-ch, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, (A, D. 1566). MORTON MeMICHA EL. Mayor of Plilladellihia. - LEGAL NOTICEN. TNTHE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF. PIiLLADELPHIARstate of SUSAN BYERLY, dec'd. .1. M. Collins, the an uditor appointed bj , the Court to audit ,settle and ad just the second and final account of Samuel Wagnsr and Tobias Wagner. Executors and Trustees under the Will of Mrs. SUSAN BYERLY. - deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accoantantsmill meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on TUKSDA.Y. April 3, 1666, at 4 o'clock. at his office No. 201 South Sixth street in the City of Philadelphia. rat.23f,m.w,st& TN VTR COURT OF. COMMON PLEAS, FOR THE I CIT Y AND COUNTY OF PAII,ADELPHIA.— Estate of THE NORTH AMERICAN LAND COMPANY.—The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle and adjust. the ac cant of The Pennsylvania Company for in surances on lives- and granting annuities, substituted Trustee of the North America,u Land Company, and to report distribution of the balance in the:hands of the acoountantwill meet the3ntrties interested for the pur poses of his appointMent, on TUESDAY April 3, 1566, at 11 o'clock, A. M. at the Wetherill House, No. 605 SalL9olll Street, in the City of -Philadel phia. mh234.m,w,5t* TN THE ORPHANS' C.PHRT FOR I. COUNTY OP PHLLADELPHIA.—Estate of HENRY M. LAW, deceased.—Notice is hereby given that ELIZA. LAW, widow of said decedent, has filed in said Court her petition, in which she electa to retain WO in money, belonging to said estate, in pursuance of the ACtof AUrill3, 1831, and its supplements, and that the said petition will be approved and granted by said Oomt on .PRIDAY, April 6, 1866. unless exceptions be filed thereto. M. ARNOLD, Ja., inb2l w,m-lt* Attorney for Petitioner. ETTERS' OF ADATTNISTRATION on the estate of CAROLINE, hOPHI A. FRITSCR, deceased,for metly of Lobenstein, having been granted to the un dersigned, all persons Indebted to the estate will make payment, aid tboae having claims wilt present them to ,CHARLES W. CiltX.E, 407 MVO street. mhl9-mot DYEING. THE STATEN. ISLAND. FANOV77 EING „ • ESTABLISHMENT, • T THE °I'D .sTAND, NO, 47 NORTH EIGHTH STREET. (EAST SIDE.) NO OTHER -OFFICE IN,THIS CITY f. With the benefits of an experience of nearly FIFTY YEAS , ON STATEN ISLAND. and - facilities UN EQUALEHRY ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT in this country WOOLENfferperior inducements to those having sILK,_or FANCY. GOODS tor • DYEING OR CLEANSING. • - BARRETT_ * NEPHEWS & CO., - • No. 47 North EIGHTH Street l'hiladelphia:' Nos, sand 7 JOHN Street, New YOrk. .No. 718 BROADWAY, New York. FITL'I'ON Street, Brooklyn. nalinnot mh24 2t"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers