From our Third-Edition of Yesterday. XXIXth CONQIIESSL--EIRS'E SESSION. WASHINGTON, Feb. 28th. HotisE.—The House resumed the conside ration of the proposed Constitutional Amend ment. ' Mr. Davis (N. Y.) -being entitled to the floor, Mr. Stevens asked him to yield, in order that he might have an important document read. • _ - - - - Mr. Rogers (N. J.) rose at the same time ; to a•personal explanation. He said he was represented by the Associated Press as en dorsing in his speech on Monday, the speech of William H. Seward in New York. He did not endorse_ him . or his_ speech, but Henry J. Raymond. m' No name having.been mentioned, the re poiter naturally fell into a mistake. He had not - yet forgotton the tinkling of Mr. Seward's bell, and should be ashamed to endorse him or his speech, and let it go be fore his constituents. Mr. Stevens—Bb did not endorse Mr. Seward. He endorsed me and Mr. Ray mond. [Laughter.] Mr. Rogers—l am again represented in the New York Tribune as wanting the con federate debt paid (alluding to a head-line in the Tribune). I did not make any such argument. " I simply stated that each Stato should be left to do as it pleased about the rebel debt. But I am now here to sav, and I wish to be so reported that if I hail thecontrol of it, I would oppose the payment' of the Federal debt, in, IC oto . Several members—The Federal debt? Mr. Rogers, (correcting himself, amid much laughter). I mean the rebel debt. Mr. i Washbuine ' (Ill). The gentleman desires to be reported distinctly, as opposed to the payment of the Federal debt. [Laughter]. Mr. Rogers—l am not. lam opposed to the payment of the rebel debt, but I am in favor of taxing the Federal debt. Mr. Stevens now wished to have his docu ment, which had been sent to the Clerk's desk, read. Mr. Davis refused to yield for the purpose. Mr. •Washburne (11L)—It is merely a des patch stating that the Union members of the Pennsylvania Legislature had a caucus last night in which they unanimously endorsed the action of Congress. Mr. Davis spoke against the Constitu tional amendment. He believed that the Southern States were not out of the Union, and had . not lost any of their rights as States. Deiforture of the Europa NEW YORE, Feb. 28.—The steamship Europa sailed to-day, for Liverpool. She took out no specie. New "York Stock Market. NEW TOM Feb. 28. Stocks are higher. Chicago and Rock Island, 10638; Cbmberland Coal Preferred, 4134; Illinois Central, 11438; Michigan Southern, New York Central, 9238; Pennsylvania Coal, 55; Read ing, 100%; Hudson Inver, 1033 Virginia 68.64; Mis souri OS, 77; Erie, 853.1% Western Union. 6886; 11. S. Cou pons, .1881. 104,%‘: ditto 1864. 102%; Ten-Forties, 914; Treasury Seven-Thirties, 993.1@99,18; One Year Certift cate, 98%; Gold, 187. ,ftlarkets. BALTIMORE, Feb. 28.—Flour is dull and inactive. Wb eat steady. Corn dell at ii@72.c. for white. Seeds Leavy—Clover $6 50@if6 75. • Provisions firm. Coffee firm. Sugar dull and drooping. Whisky firm and advancing. BIFISINESS CABIN,. HOOP STS, 628 X2B NEW FALL STYLES NOW READY • of Hopkins' "own make," at No. 6 ARCH. Street. These Skirts are gotten up expresslyto meet the wants of first-class trade, and embrace every sirs and style for Ladies, _Hisses and Children, which, for finish and durability, have no equal In the market, and warranted to • give satisfaction. Also, constantly on hand, a fall assortment of good Eastern made Skirts, from 15 to 40 springs, at very low prima. Skirts made to order, altered and repaired. Wholesale and retail. n012.6m/ C. %NIGHT dr, CO., WM:IT:FIR ATM GROOMS, Cor. WATER and CIIIESTNUT streets, Phil adelphia. Agents for the sale of the Productil of the Southwark Sugar' Refinery and the Grocers'. Sugar House, of Philadelphia. jal-lyr • GCAEORGE SHARP, Patentee aml manufacture, of the BALL PATTERN SILVER WARE, 'No., 4i Prune street. ja233nto* JAM A. WEIGHT. • TIfIOYINTON rum CLEMENT A. OILISCOM. TIEEODOBE 'WRIGHT. FRANK I. NE LL. PETER WRIGHT do bOli S t • Inaportera andof Earthenware, Shipping and Commission hferehants, 11.5 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, T. VAUGH4USI. E. CO MNBRICK, PWME.. H. HERM= .Th7o QOUTRWABX FOUNDRY, MTH AND WASMI /NGTON STREETS, - PErrAnkrautre. LENRIGOIC di SONS BiNGINNEGIS AND BIACIANISTS, Manufacture High and Low. Pressure Steam Nuidstal Stir Lana, liver and Marine Service. . Tanks, Iron Boats Ass; Jastinks fall kinds, either iron or brass iron frame Boors for Gas Works, Workshops 0 as, .road Stations, &a. set-ma and Gas ArArb nary, of the latest and most Improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery: ant, Sugar, Saw and lariat Mills, Vacuum Pans, Opts Steam Trains, Defacators, Filters, Pumping Na lanes, &e. Sole Agents for N. Billeux's Patent Bog= Bo Apparatus, Neemyth'e Patent Steam HammerT n ai Aspinwall & Draining )51-aphine. Woolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar -VIIENNEYLVANIA WORKB—on the DELAWARE L River, below PHILADELPHIA, CESEMIII, Delaware county, Pa. BEANEY, BON & CO., Engineers and Iron Boat Builders, Manufacturers of Ail kinds of OONDENSING AND NON-OONDENBING INIB, - Iron Vessels of all descriptions, Boilers, Vats, Tanks Propellers, &c., &c. T. REANEY, W. B. RRANEY, S. ABADHIBOLD, Late of Late Heaney, Needle & Co., Engineer in MSS Penn Works, Phila. LiYIS-tri 11. S. Navia PHILADELPHIA RIDING • SCHOOL.... TBFOITItTH street, above Vine, will reopen for the Fall and Winter season on MONDAY. Se pt. , Ladles and gentlemen desiring to acquire a utorougli knowledge of. this accomplishment will find even/ , :facility at this echooL The horses are safe and welt trained, so that the moat timid need not fear. Saddle horses. trained in the best manner. Saddle horses horses and vehicles to hire. Also carriages for failei Tale, to care, steamboats, &c. THOB. Ow a TOE a SON. CIAS H.Ls.TURES.—MISKEY, _ MERRILL & TLC - KARA., O. 718 CHESTNUT street, Manufacturers of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, &c„ &c., would call the attention of the public to their large and elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackets, &c. They also introduce Gas pipes into Dwellings and Public Buildings, and attend to extenck ing, altering and repairing Gas pipes. All work war ranted. jaBo PRIVY WELD.—OWNERS OF PHOPERTY.—The only place to get Privy Wells Cleansed and Disin- fected, at very low prices. A. PETBSON, Manufacturer of Pondrette, Goldsmith's Hall. Lib street ram, PROPOSALS. EPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HIGHWAYS D Ottiv, S. W. Corner WALNUT and FIFTH Streets. 2HILADELPECIA, Feb. 27,1866. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. _ . SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Office of the Chief Commissioner of Highways untiS,l2 o'clock, M., on MONDAY - , March sth, for the con struction of a Sewer on the line of Market Street from the Westline of Wyoming Streetwestward - about three hundred feet and connect with the Sewer now laid in said Market street, at that point, to 00 built of brick, two feet six inches inside diameter, and circular in form, v Ith such inlets and man holes as may be directed by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor. The understanding to be that the Contractor shall take the bills prepared against the property fronting - on said sewer as authorized by act of Assembly and without. recourse to the city, as so much cash paid, and in full for all amount to be paid by the City for the construc tion of said Sewer. All Bidders are invited to'be pr.sent at the time and place of opening the said pro. posals, Fac proposal will be accompanied bra cer tificate that a Bond has been tiled in the La Dpart ment as directed by Ordinance of May 2.5, 1860.• If the Lowest Bidder shall not execntea contract within five days after the work is awarded, he will be deemed as declining:and will be held liable on his bond for the difference 'between his bid and the next higher bid. Specifications may be had at the Department of Sur veYs; which %ill be strictly adhered to. • • . W. W. SMEDLEY. Chief Commissioner of Highways. MAL. 8. MASON Emma JOHN J. examine , MEM UNDEBSIGNED INVITE ATTENTION TO their stock or, , .Buck Mountain Company's Coal. • Lehigh Navigation erompanre Coat. and Waist Mountain, they atelinTared to sell, at the lowest market ratee, and to deliver in the beet condition. Orden leftwith B. ra_Asox Lute Building, BB'aIF,NTH !Arm below Market: will be promp tl y attended ,4 ;t. BUFF ees,trArch Street Wharf, Schurntin+ riOAL.-43IIGARLOAFiBRAVIZEt MICADOW AlcjD EPring Moradaint Lehigh C0a1..: and best LomaM ml ly ~ n.9e. Mountain use, from Depot, N. - W. cornerreP Aued EIGHTH d ..&resslcdr . - an 1.,0w streem Office, Na. in South SDOOND street Inh27 J. WA_LTON CO ~~IPH'IN~o .7E<Dia NEW. EXPRESS STEAMSHIP' LINE, Have commenced their regular : OUTSIDE trips. , aft& The NEW drat ohms Steamships . WASHINGTON, Captain Chichester: NORFOLK, Captain Vance. ALEXANDRIA, Captain Ilattrick. ,VIRGINIA, Captain Snider. Leaving from each city on TUE‘IDA.YS, THURS. DAYS and SATURDAYS, from fist wharf below Market street, Philadelphia, and Piers 14 and lb East River, New Yurk. These Steamships Insure at lowest rates. Freight received DAILY at our usual low.rates. • WM. P. CLYDE . Bt, CO , Agents 14 South Wharves, Philadelphia. JAS. HAND, Agent, Jas-tfi 117 Wall street, New York. g. - )z. .1371414 mTO LIVALUPOOI.. ""4i, , at QUEENsToWN, the Inman Idne, sailing SEMI-WEEKLY, carrying the U. S. Malls. CITY OF LONDON -Saturday. March 3 CITY OF MAINCRESI ER Wednesday, March 7 hDIN BURGE Saturday, March 1 0 Ar, Noon, from Pier 44 North River. RATES OF PASSAGE. - . ' PAYABLE EN GOLD. First Cabin $9O I Steerage....— .i'B: Firm London 95 Steerage ~ to_Lonilon.. 84 .165 Steer- - .. 4First to Paris .165 I Steerage to .. Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Hamburg, Bre men, &C., .to., at moderate rates. Passage by the Wednesday Steamers, First Cabin, p9O. Steerage, gss, payable in United States currency. Steerage passage from Liverpool or Queenstown, $& gold, or its equivalent. Tickets can be bought here by persons sending for their friends. For further information, apply at the Company's Of Bees. JO 'G. D 4TH. Agent fe2B ill Walnut street. Philadelpl4,. FOHBOSTO EerVA 'KR= LINE DIRECI e4Th NG FROM ZACH POBT EVERY 11VA DA YS. FItOM PUCE ST. WHARF, PHILADELPHIA, AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. The steamship r AXON, Captain Matthews, will sail from Philadelphia on Monday, March 5 at 10 A. M. The steamship NORMAN, Captain Baker, will sail from Boston on Saturday,Mar= s, at 12 AL The line between Philadelphia and Boston is now composed of the SAXON, Captain Matthews, 1200 tons burthen. NORMAN:, Captain Baker, 1200 tons burthen. ARIES, Captain Crowell, 900 tons burthen. These substantial and well appointed steamships will sail punctually as advertised, and freight will be received every day, a steamer being always on the berth to receive cargo. Shippers are requested to send Bills of Lading with their goods. • For freight or passage amply to 'HMV. AY WINTBOI3, . CO., fen 522 South Delaware avenue. .117. '•• PHELA_DELPHIA,_ RICHMOND AND • NORFOLK ISTF 14:4131P COMPAM. The fine steamships of this Line insure at the lowest rates and sail regularly from the First Wharf above Market street, every WEDNESDAY md SATURDAY At Noon Connecting with Railroads from Richmond, Norfolk and City Point, forming the most direct route for the South and Southwest. For freight or passage, with excellent accommoda dons, apply to WM. F. CLYDE di CO., 14 North and South NV-barren. .„.... 3 .•,-;:... . ~s : • :A• OE ~. ` a • r _ .....,.,. 0.8. L , S, LA., DIRECT FROM PHLLA- I SAILS POSITIVELY on SATURDAY, March 10th, at 10 A. M. The new Iron U. S Mall Steamship HARLAN, Forbes, master, 1,500 tons register. will be ready to ret elve freight at steamship Wharf above Vine street, on TUESDAY next, and having nearly all of her cargo engaged, Will sail as above. For freight or passage, having splendid stateroom accommodations, apply to BISHOP, SON & 00., 105 Arch street. Cabin Passage-- Steerage Passage su Agent at New Orleans, Mr. L C. Harris, Esq., who will forward all goods addressed to his care for the in terior or Texas. mhl-tf 4 t14111M NEW EXPRESS LINE TO ALEX• ANDBIA., Georgetown and Washington. rrus . pealce and Delaware Canal, with connections at Alexandria, Va., form the most direct route for Lynchburg, .Blistol,Enoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest. Steamers leave... First Wharf above Market street every Wednesday and Saturday at 12 M. For freight apply to the agents oria-DEA cxx, 14 North Wharves. S. B. Davidson, Agent at Georgetown; M. Eldridge • Co., Agents at Alexandria. NEW TOW-BOAT LINE. DELAWARE and CMITSAPNAELA W-BOAT COMPANY. BARGES towed to and from PHILADELPHIA HAVRE-DErGRA* BALTIMORE, WASHING TON. arid Wenn points. P. CLYDE & Co., Agents. No. 14 South Wharves, Philadelphia. Captain JOHN LA.IIGHLIN. Superintendent. anTHE OLD ESTAPIanwEI) US-DEPEN DENT OIITSLDE rs receiving freight daily at lowra tes. second wharf below Spruce street, and will insure at low rates. • P. R. CLARK‘Agent, fey-tll 314 and 316 South Delaware avenue. FWVTI'IFTV:VVE.I ROBINSON'S CAISFORNIA CLIPPER LINE. RAILING REGULARLY AB ADVERTISED. Freight for this Line sent to New York by Swift. Sure Line at reduced rates. • The splendid Al extreme clipper ship CARLYLE • L. Hopkin. Commander, Is .. a/Q4 . Is now rapidly loading at pier 11 East River. This beautiful vessel is one of the sharpest and SM : be vessels now loading. Raving a portion of her cargo on board with large engagemems, will have quick despatch. For freight, apply to BISHOP, SON & CO., Jaziti 105 Arch street. iIkFOR BOSTON—Express Line.—The fine schooner owErs.: BFARsa..Paricer.`master, Is now loading for the above port at Willow street wharf. and will sail with despatch. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER, 19 Nor:h Wharves, leg *FOR TRINIDAD. Port, Spaln.—The fast sail ing regular packet brig,litorkli, master, will commence loading at Almond street wharf on the 29th Inst., and have prompt despatch as above. For freight, apply to JOHN lifAriOls: & CO. fe26-gt Bombard street vchai-f. T, FOR PONCE, P. R —The fast sailing schooner TRADE WIND, Clark. master, is sow loading and will be despatched as above on sd of March. For freight, apply to JOHN MASON & CO., teas st Lombard street wharf. CONSIGNERS' NOTICE.—Tbe brig GERISIA.Ma., G. Flelke, master, from Rotterdam, will commence discharging at Lombard street wharf, under general order, on '1 hursday morning, March Ist., when all goods not permitted will be sent to the public stores. Consignees will please attend to the reception of their gc ods. ALPHOI SE STEPRANI & CO.. fe27• 137 and 139 South I?ront street, NOTICE.—AII persons are hereby cautioned against trusting any of the crew of the brig GERMANIA, G. Fielke, master, from Rotterdam, as debts of their contracting will not be paid by captain or consignees. ALPHONSE STEPHAN/ & fe26 6th 137 and 139 South Front street. SNOTICE..—AII persons are hereby cautioned 0 against trusting any, of the crew of the Br. ship S L. TILLY, whereof Cann is master, from City Point, Va., as no debts of their contracting will be paid by captain or consignee. EDMUND A. SOITD.ER & CO. Dock street wharf. - dels QTEAMBHIP SAXON, FROM BOBTON.--Oon -140 signees of merchandise, per above steamer, will please send - for their goods, now landing at Pine street Wharf. nahl-3t HENRY WINBOR dc 00. NOTICE-All personsare hereby cautioned against harboring and trusting any of the crew of the Danish brig DitZTALARII, as no debts of ttteir contract, ing will be paid by captain or consignees. WORK UAW & OCY., Consignees.l2B Walnut street. Tea. B. BHINDL.I3IR, snocessor to JOHN SEUNDLEB 1, & SONS, Sail Makers, No. 300 North DELAWARE Avenue, Philadelphia.' All work done In the best rummer and on Lao low eBt and moat favorable terms, and warranted to dive pal feat satisfaction. Particular attention riven to repairing. COPART 10)3KN.TAMIN F. ARCHER, having purchased an I.lin terest in our business, the ROPE AND SHIP CHANDLERY DEPARTMENT will be continued at the old Stand, No. VS North Delaware Avenue. The name and style of Firm as heretofore, JOHN S. LEE & CO. On the Frst day of March, 1866. we will open a large and well assorted stock of GROCERIES AND SHIP STORES, at the elite now occupied by J. F. Baker, Nos. 138 and 140, North Delaware Avenue to which the attention of Ship owners end Captains is respect frilly colleted. JOHN S. LEE BENJAMIN F'. ARCHER, RICHARD B. WILLIAMS. PirmAnit.trztrA,,February, 1866. fe.2l-12ti - kr °TICE OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP.—The un dersigned have this day, formeda limited Partner ship, in accordance with the provisions of the Acts of IGI the eneral Assembly, of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, relating thereto, under the name or firm of BOTOrWR COLT. A DAY -44. 4 .0..f0r the purpose of trans., acting the business or importing andselling Dry Goods, in the city of Philadelphia. _ The general partners are BENJAMIN HOMER, THOMAS HOLIER and FRA.NOLS S. COLLA.DAY, all residing iti the city , of Philadelphia. The ecial partner is THOMAS W. EVANS, also re siding said speciallq•rPio • The partner has contributed in cash to the common stock of the said partnership; the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, and. the limited part nership formed and entered into as above stated, is to commence on the Ist day of February. 1866, and will terminate on the 81st day of January 1869: BENJAMIN HoMER, • THOM A S liOAIEA, FRANCIS B. OOLLADAY, General Partners. • THOMAS W. EVANS • • '- - - Special Partner. February Ist,lB6#l. • c. •-• • . fe1•860 DEAVISTjay: ii . OVER MAO TRETII , Exta.tcrED with . 4 7: out pain; nitrous nxidergas administered. The most beautiful Teeih Inserted and the natural enntonr of the face restored. Dr. CI. L. .hlDN's'S, No. alEPßElEtueet. feat-lint THEiDAILYIEVENING BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, AtARCHI, 1866. TRAVELING GUIDE. I e 10:41114I• 1 1! i'ssirrAioatti . V! ..:. I 10:11• : t SYLVANIA, THE BOHUYLICELL, ESISQUEHAN. NA, UMBERLAND AND WYONOONG NA/Lid:ES, THE NORTH, NORTH - MET and the OANADAR WINTER AZ.BANGEWIENT OF FASSESGFER TRAINS leaving, ml urs:ohe Oom y's !Depot, THIS. TEENTH an wing hod 0 Sfreela, nliadelphla at the follo MORNING MAIL. At 8 A. AL, • Mar npsding, Lebanon, 'Harrisburg, Pottsville, Pine Grove, Tamaqua, Sunbury, Wit . s. port, Elmira, stun gaa Falls, Buffalo, Allen. town, Wilkesbarre, York, Carlisle,Ohambera. bigiaHagerstown, etc., &x.,. train connects at READING with the East Pennsylvania Railroad train% for Allentown, dtc.; and with the Lebanon Valley train for Harrisburg, &c.; at PORT CLINTON with Catawissa Railroad traint, for Williamsport, Lock Barren, Elmira. &c.. at HARRISBURG with ,Northern Central, Cumberland Valley, and Schuylkill and Busquelumna • trains for Northumberland,Viillimarport, York, Ohambersburg, Pinegrove, &c. AFTERNOON EXPRESS. Leaves Philadelphia at 3.10 P. M. for Reading, Potts. ville, Harrisburg, connecting with Reading and Columbia R.R. trains for Columbia &c., and with Cats .wissmitailroad train for Milton, Willis sport, Elmira, Buffalo. &c. READING ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Reading at 6.30 A. hi., stopping at all waysta dons; arrives in Philadelphia at 9.30 A. M. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 P. M.; arrives in Reading at 7.30 P. 311- Trains flar Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 7.25 A. M. and Pottsville at 8.30 A. M.. arriving in Philadel phia at 12.45 P. M. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg at 1.45 P. hf., and Pottsville at 2.45 P. M.; arriving at Philadelphia at 7.05 P. M. Harrisburg accommodation leaves Reading at 7.15 A. M. and Harrisburg at 9.00 P. 2L Market train, with a Passenger car attached, leava Philadelphia at 32.45 noon for Reading and all way stations; leaves Reading 11.30 A, IL, and Downingtown 12.30 P. M. for Philadelphia and all way stations. All the above trainarim daily, Sundays excepted!. Sunday tre.ins leave Pottsville at 8.00 A. IL, and Philadelphia at 3.15 P. M CHESTER. VALLEY RAILROAD. Passengers for Downingtown and intermediate points Lake the 8.00 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. trains from Plnlade), phis, returning from Downingtowr at 7.05 A. AL and 1200 Noo NEW YORK 3123711.F.5H, FOR PirfSIMP.CIR AND Leaves New York at 9.00 A. M. and 8 P. AL, passing Reading at IA. M. and :. 48 P. M.. and connecting at Harrisburg with Pennsylvania, and Northern Central Railroad Express Trains for Pittsburgh, Chicago, l!amsoort, Elmira, ~. &C. Returning, Express Train leaves Harrisburg on arrival of Pennsylvania Express from Pittsburgh at and 9.05 A. IL, passing Re+Altig at 4.49 and 10.52 A. IL, arriving at New York ID A. IL, and 2.45 P. IL Sleeping Car accompanying these trains through between Jersey City and Pittsburgh, without charge,. Mail train Mr New York leaves Harrisburg at L 45 P. M. Nail train for Harrisburg leaves New York at I 2 Noon. _SCHITYLin:LL VALLEY RA ROAD. Trains leave Pottsville at 6.45, 11 A. M. and 7.15 P. M. returning from Tamaqua at 7.35 A. IL, and 1.49 and 4.15 P. IL ECHITYT.Prr.I . AND SUSWIETT ANIZA RA LLROAD. Trains leave Auburn at 7.45 A. At. for Piney-rove and Harrisburg, and at 1.50 P. M. for Plnegrove and Tre. mont; returning from Harrisburg at 4.00P.M. and from 'iremont at 7.00 A. M _ and 6.00_P EL Through 'first-claw tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points in the North and West and cAope.l, The following tickets are obtained only at the Office of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 217 South Fourth street ; Plillad f tphia, or of G. A. Niigata, General Superintend ent, P n g; '6OBS!II7TATION TICIEETS, At 25 per cent., discount between any points desired for families and firms. MILEAGE TICKETS. Good for 2,000 mUes,between all points, at '4.5210 each for families and ms firSF A SON TrCKETS, • For three, slx, nine or twelve months, for holderr only, to all points at reduced rates, CLERGY DIEN Residing on the line of the Road will be furnished with cards, entitling t em,s lees and wives to tickets at half-fare. RECURSION TICKETS. From Philadelphia to principal stations, rood tb: .?..sturdity, Sunday and I,lbuday, at reduced fare, to be had only at the Ticket Offices% Thirteenth and Callow hill streets. FREIGHT. Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the shove points from the Company's New Freight Depot, Broad &net Willow streets. FREIGHT TRASH& Leave Philadelphia at 5.50 A. M., 12.45 noon and 5 AL, to R eeding, Lebanon, Harrl3buzg, Pottsville, Port Clinton , and poi4t b e_ _ beyond. Close at the Philadelphia Post Offlm for-all places on the road and Its branches at SA. IL and ter the prin. eipal Stations only at 2.15 P. M. 'PHILADELPHLS. WILMING TON AND BALTIMORE RAIL ° ABLE.—Consmencing MONDAY, January Bth, 1866 . Trains will leave Depot, corner of Broad street and Washington avenue, as ibllows: press; Train. at 4.05 A. M. (Mondays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilming ton, Perryville, Havre-de•Grace. een, Perry man's, Magnolia and Summer's Run. Delaware B.R. Train, B.lsA.ll.(Sanday excepted), for Salisbury, Milford and intermediate stations. Way-mail Train, at 9.15 A. M. (Sundays ex cepted), for Baltimore, stopping at Chester, Thu:low, Linwood. Claymont, and regular stations between W Umthgton and Baltimore. Express Train at 2.4.5 P. M. (BanZ g excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stop at Minter, Claymont, Wilmington, Nevrark, n North-East, Perryville, Illavre-de Grace. Aberdeen, 'Perryman's, Magnolia and littenomer'a Run. Night Expresrat 11.15 P. AL for Baltimore and Wash ington, Mopping at. Chester, Thurlow, Linwood, Catymont, ••Wilmington, Newark Elkton, North-East, Petr.v Me and Ravre-de-Orace. Passengers by boat from Baltimore for Fortress Monroe, Norfblk, City Point and Richmond will take the 9.15 A. M. Train. As an additional accommodation for those holding through tickets for Baltimore, Washington and Southern point% a special car will have the Philadelphia Depot at 11.30 A. M., connecting at Gray a Ferrywith the Morning Express train from New York W 'GTON AAICOhLMODATION TRALNs stopping at all stations between Philadelphia and Wil mington. Leave Philadelphia at 8.15,11.15 A.M., 8.30,500 and I.oe P. M. The 3.30 P. BL train connects with the Dela. ware Railroad for Milford and intermediate stations. Leave Wilmington '7.00, 5.15 and 9.30 A. M.. SA and 5.00 P. M. Trains for Newcastle leave Philadelphia at 5.15 A. M., 11.50 and 5.00 P. Si. THROUGJI. 'MAINS FROM BALTIMORE _ _ _ Leave Wilmingten at 12.00 5[.,4.30 and 9.55 P.M. CHIMTER FOR PH.II.2.DELPHIA. _ Leave Chester at 1, 8.58 and 10.14 A. hi., 12.56, 5.43, 0 .01, 6.44 and 10.29 P. M. Prom Baltimore to Philadelphis.—Leave Baltimore 845 A. M., Way Mail. 1.10 P. M., Express. 6.85 P. M., Express. 9.25 P. hi.. Expreds. An Accommodation IYain for Havre-de-Grace and intermediate stations, will leave Baltimore at 4.10 F. M. Trains for Baltimore leave Chester at 9.52 A. M.. 3.28 and 11.50 P. M. Trains for Baltimore leave Wilmington at 12.=, 5.18 10.83 A. M., and 4.011 P. M. SUNDAY TRAINS. Express Train at 4.05 A. M. for Baltimore and Wash. 'niacin, stopping at Wilmingtoif, Perryville, Havre-de- Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's, Magnolia and Stem mer'sßun. Night Express 11.15 P. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chester, Thurlow, Linwood, Claymont, W ilraington,Newark, Elkton, North-East, Perryville and Havre de Grace. A Special Train willleave Philadelphia for Wilming ton and Intermediate Stations at 9.00 P. M. BA LTimogE, FOR pl4l t. A Iih.I.2HEA. Leave Baltimore at 9.25 P. M., stopping at Havre de Grace, Perryville and Wilmington. Adsostop at Elk ton and Newark (to take passengers for Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore) and Chestershington to leave paSsengera from Baltimore or Wa. A special train will leave Wilmington for Philadel phia and Intermediate Stations at 6.80 P. M. Freight train with passenger car attached will leave Wilmington fer Perryville and intermediate stations st 6.04 P. M. H. F. 33 ENNEY, Superintendent. ;:*•, *z. 1865. PHILADELPHIA AND EWE II &TT , R 0 AD 1965. '11; grea e verses the Northern and North wes • counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, or Lake Erie.. It has been leased and is operated by the PennSyl vents Railroad Company. TIER OP PASSENGER TRAINS AT PIEELADIRLFECrA. • ASPS7IIRASTWAR.D. Erie Mail Train - - - • 100 P. M. Erie Express Train - - - - U 10A. St LEAVE WESTWARD. Erie Mail Train - - - • • 720 P. M. Erie Express Train • -720 A. M. PPaessseeenng~er ears run through on Erie Mall and n Exar m. eas Trains thont change, both ways, between phia and Erie. NEW YORK 0014TECTION. Leave New York at 600 P. SL, arrive at Erie 337 A. M. Leave Erie at 165 P, M., arrive at 'New York 1.15 P. M. No change of cars between Erie and New York. Elegant Sleeping Cara onall Night Trains. For e.rnrelation rospectic Passenger business &Innis at oornerTHIRT. an d MAR "T streets, phlis. delPhia. • • - • And for Freight business, of the Company'sAvnts: S. BAlingston Ir., corner Thirteenth and Market std r Philadelph ia J. W. Reynolds, Erie. . • William Brown, Agent, N. 0. R. R., Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON, General Freiht W Agen Philade lphia.. . G • General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. A. L. TYLER . General advt., wymmistiort. WEST CRID3TER AND PIMA: .13,ALL.33,0AD. VIA • • 'WINDER- ARRANGIKBIEKTSI On and after WEDNESDAY, Oc,tbber 18th, 1865, the trains will leave as follows: WEST CHESTER TRAINS, Leave -Philadelphia for West Chester 8.05, MOO A. 15L, 2.15, 4.30 and 6.00 P. EL LeaveWeet Chester for Philadelphia 6.45, 6.15, 10.45 ' A. IL 1.40, 4.35 P. M. Trains leaving West Chester at 8.15 A.M. and 16E1Villg Philadelphia at 4.30 P. M. will not -stop at Pennelto n , and will stop belowl3. C. Junction at Media only. PENNELTON TRAINS. Leave Philadelphia for Pennelton 4.00 and 11.00 Leave Pennelton for Philadelphia 9.02 A. 11E., 8.20 141.• These Trains atop at all intermediate Stations. ON SIINDAYS—L ea ve Phdladelphia at 8,80 A, M. and 2.00 P.- M. • Leave West Cheater 7.55 A. 31. and 4.00 P AL - Truitt( leaving Philadelphia at 8.05 A. M. and 4.30 P. 31.4 and leavingWeat Cheater at 8.15 A. 31, and 4.35 P. EL. connect at B:C: JO:lotion with Trains onihe P. and C. R. R. for Oxford andintermediate pOintai 4111-F-Passengersiarehllowed Id take wearing apparel why as Baggage, and the Company -will mot, In any &Ise, be reaponsible for an 'amount exceeding one bun d ed dollars. nukes a &pedal Contract la made for the tame HENRY WOOD. General Soperintenden' 7•ri.~~~VEST. TICILETS. Tle/LUMKG GUIDE; NORTH PENNSYLVANIA B.—THE MIDDLE 1101:11M-., ortest an most direct line to Bethlehent,Allentown Mauch Chunk, Hazleton White Haven Wilkesbarre. ltfahanoy City, and all points In the Lehigh and Wyo 2 ming Coal Regions. Passenger Pepots In Philadel his THIRD street above Thompson, and corner of and ANEW CAN streets. WINTER AREANc AimINS ENT. NINE DAILY TR. On and after Monday,Nov. 20th,1865,Passenger trains leave the Depot, Third street, above Thompson, daily (Sundays excepted), as follows: AT 7.80 A. M.—Morning Express for Bethlehem and and Principal Stations on *North Pennsylvania Ball. road, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Railroad for Allentown, Catasauqua, 7 Slatington, Mauch 1 "' F , Chunk, Weatherly, Jeanesville, 1 leen, White Ha- Len Wilkesbarre , Kingston, Pittston , and all points in ehigh and Wyoming Valleys; also, in connection with Lehigh and Mahanoy Railroad for Mah - noy City-. and with Catawhsa Railroad, for Rupert, Danville, Milton and WillianniPort. Arrive at Mauch Chunk at 11.45 A. M.: at Wirresnarre at 2.45 P. M.; at Mabanoy City at 2 P. M. Paesengers by this train can take the Lehigh Valley Train, passing Bethlehem at 12.00 M. for Ells. ton and points on New Jersey Central Railroad to New York. AT 8.35 A. M.—Accommodation, for Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Wilrow Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville, by this train, take Stage at Old York Road. AT 10 A. M.—Acconrunodation, for Fort Washing ton, stoppy at all intermediate Stations. At 2.30 P Accommodation for Doylestown, stop ping at intermealate stations. Passengers take stage at Doylestown for New Hope. AT 3.30 P. Ill.—Evening Empress for Beth • hern and principal Stations on the North Pennsylvania Rail r:ad, making close connection at Bethlehem with Le high Valley Train for Easton, reaching there at 6.45 P. 5f Passengers fbr Plainfield, Somerville and other points OD New Jersey Central R.R. take N. J. C. Train Futon, whirr.' arrives In New York at 10 P. M. Pas: rengers for Sumneytown take stage at North Wales, aed ior Nazareth at Bethlehem and for G reel:mule at Quakertown AT CB P. EL—Accommodation, for Doylestowr4a stopping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Wlllow Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville take stage at Abington .• for Lumberville at Doylestown. AT 5.15 P. M.—Through Accommodation, for Roth. lehem and all Stations on main line of North Pennsyl• vanla Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Evening Train forLpotrit.• ^n l i ehigh Valley Railroad and for Danville. WD, Catawlasa Railroad. ping aasl l F In IL r — m A te m Staidonsne Lansdale, stop- At 11 P. 3L Accommodation for Port Washington. TRAINS FOR Pl : r TT. A 11 ELPECIA. Leave Bethlehem at 6.25 and 10.02 A. M.. and 6.15 F. Passengers leaving Easton at LSO A. M., connect at Bethlehem and arrive In Philadelphia at 12.25 P. M. Passengere leaving Wilkesbarre at 1 P. M., connect at Bethlehem at 8.15 P. M., and arrive In Philadelphia at 8.45 P. M. Leave Doylestown at 6.20 A. M. 8.16 and 5.30 P. M. Liiititiale at 6.10 A. M. Leave Port Washington at 10.50 and 7.15 P. 11. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 8 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia &Ls P. M. Fifth and Sixth Streets Passenger Cars cony y pas. engers to andfrom Berks Street Depot. Wbite.Cars of Second and Third Streets Line convey yassegners to Third Street Fepot. Tickets must be procured at the Ticket =nes. TiETBD street or BEAKS street, in order to secure the, lowest rates of fare. Tr . C.T,4211, Agent. -4 del' _ Hillman's Baggage Express will call for and deliver at the Depo CB=3 t. No. 1.13 South THIRD street. nol4-tii FOR NEW YORK.—Tbe CAM '4,-;•-z.' DEN AND AMBOY and PHILA - zr 9118 f A A I TRENTON RAILROAD COM- P LINES, from Philadel Mato New York, and way plum, from WALNUT STREET 'WHARF. F tll leave as follows, viz: Fore, At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accom., t 2 At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey City Express, soo AL 2 F. M. via Camden and Amboy Express, 2 15 At 12 ht. (neon) and S P. ILL via Camden and _ Amboy, Accaramodation, (Freight and Pas senger.). . . . . . ?.75 At 6 and 11.110 P. N., via Camden and Amboy, Accom modation. (Frekatt. and Passenger) Ist Cllass ass TiTicket cket, . 2 M td C, . 150 At 6 and 10A . M.,2 and 5 P.M. For Mount HollyXwans- title. Pemberton and Vlzunntown. At 6A. M.. and 2 P. hL En' Freehold. At 6 and 10 A. M. 12 M. 3.00, 5, 6 and 11...32 P. M. fbr •myra, Riverton, Delanw, Beverly, Edgewater, Bur lington, Florence. Bordentown, &c. The 10 A. M. and 5 P. M. Line runs direct through to Trenton. LEN''' FROM R_ENSLNGTOIST REPOT will leave as follows • At Ll. - 15 A. M., 4. P. IS and 6,45 P. M. via Ken sington and Jersey City Express . _ _ oo Al 12 P. hi. (Night) via Kensington and Jers ey — City Expresa--- ...--.. --- 225 The 6.45 P. M. Line will run daily. All others Sun days excepted. At 7.39 and 11.15 A. M. 3, 3.3), 4.98,5 and 6,45 P. M.. and 12 Midnight, for Bristol, Menton. dc. At 7A. M. 1050, 3,5, and 6 P.M. fbr Cornwe ll s, ror risdale, Hoinsesburg Tacpny, Wissinorning. Brides burg and Fxanktbrd and dt 8 P. IL for Holmesburg and intermediate Stations. BELVIDERE DELAWARE F A rr ROAD, for the Delaware River Valley, Northern Pennsylvania, and New York State, and the Great Lakes. Two through trains daily (Sundays excepted) from Kensington De. pot, as follows: At 7.50 A. M. and 3.30 P. M, tbr Niagara Falls, Buf falo, Dunkirk Canandaigua Macs, Owego, Rocester, Binghampton, Gswege, Syracuse. Great Bend, hiontrose. , Wllkeshame Scranton, Stroudsburg. Water Gap, Belvidere, _Easton, Lambertville. Elem. ngton, thc. The 3.30 P. M. Line connects direct with he Train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk. Allen town. Betblehem..... At 5 P. M. tor Lambertville and intermediate Stations 114" For New York, and Way Lines leaving Rea sington Depot, take the cars on Fifth Meet, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The cars ran Into the Depot, and on arrival of each Train. run from the Depot. On Sundaye, Quusibasses will leave Wal nut street wharf at 6P, M. to connect with 6.45 P. M Fifty Pounds of Baggage only all each Passen ger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything asbaFtge but their wearing apparel. A ll baggage over t y pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound. and will not be liable for any amount beyond slin. except by special contract: liii - sold and baggage checked direct throng's to Boston. Graham's Baggage Express will call for and deliver baggage at the Depots. Orders to be left at No. 3 Wal nut street. LIIC.F.F , FROM NEW YORK FOR PBELLADKLPHIA: Will leave from Soot of Cortland street, at 12 IL and OP. hi., via Jersey City and Camden. At 7, 10 and 1.1.% A. M., s P, EL and 12 Night via Jersey City and Ken sington. From Pier No. 1 N. River, at 6A, IL and 2 P. M.. via Amboy and Camden. At 12 hi., 8 and 6 P. hi. (Freight and Passenger),a Amboy and Camden. H. GATZZLER, Rant. PENNSYLVANIA OENTP.A.L R A TT,ROAD. A RR A NOE:KENT& The trains of the Pennsylvania R. R. will brew e r! New Depot at Thirtieth and Market streets. The cars of the Market Street Passenger Railway run to and from this Depot. They also leave Front street every two minutes, commencing one hour pire vions to the time of departure of each Train and allow abogt 80 minutes for a trip. Tbeh cam are in waiting on the arrival of each Train to convey Passengers Into the city, and connections are made with all roads cross ng Market street. ON Sur.was—Cars leave Eleventh and Market streets at 445 P. M. to connect with the Pittsburgh and Erie Dian. and at 10.28 P. M. with PbtiadelpMa Ex dress. Diann's Baggage Express will hereafter be located at No. ri South Eleventh street. Parties desirirt Baggage taken to the trains, can have it done at reasonable rates epos application to him. TRA TNts LEAVE AND ARRIVE AT DEPOT THUS: - - - LICAVEL ERIE EXPREISS • at 730 A. M. 2dAIL TRAIN • at fi.os 31. PAOLI ACCOAL, liro. 1 - • " 10.00 PAST LINE, • • • • " 12.00 M. PARR F.SRTIRG. • • • " 1.00 P. M. RABRIBBITRG ACCOM., - • " 2.30 LANCASTER ACCOM., • • " 4.00 " PAOLI TRAIN, No. 2 - • " 5.20 PITTSBURGH &,,ERIE MAIL •" 730 " PHILADELPHIA EIL"°'REMS • " 11.10 " Aruitrnt. CINCINNATI lESPM 6333 1 . 30 A. M. PHILADELPHIA " 7.10 0 PAOLI ACCOM.; No. 10.20 PAREESBURG 9.50 ERIE EXPRER L th " 11.20 " LANCASTER " 12.30 P. EAST LINE PAOLI ACCOM., No. 21 4.40 DAY EXPRESS - .. 5.45 HARRISBURG ACCOM., &40 GI Philadelphia Ex c gr a isleaves daily. Pittsburgh and &le Mail leaves (ekcePt Baturday ). All other Trains daily—except Sunday. The Pennsylvania Railroad Co. will net siasuma i anf risk ibr Baggage, except fo Hundred A_pperel, and I mil their responlity to One TWTATR in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value, con t ract the risk - of the owner, rudest taken by s pecial Por farther intbrmation, as to time and connections, see bills stud framed cards, or apply to. THOht AM EL PARKE, Ticket Agent, at the Depot. An Emigrant Train runs daily, except Sunday. For Mil Information as to fare and scsommtxlationn, - apply to MANI4III3 FUNS., No. 187 Dock street. r.." • - PHILADELPHIA AND BALTI MORE OICNTRAD RATr.ROeID. I • : . - 1111:ENTS.—On and after WED zuespAry, oeteberi: us & the trains will leave Phil adelphla from the depottd West Chester and Phil adelphia Railroad, corner of Thirty-first and Market streets, (West Phlladelphia) at &OS A. M., and 4.30 P. M. Leave Oxford at &SO A. M.. and 8.10 P.M.' A mar ket train will leave the Rising Sun, on Tuesdays and Fridays, for Philadelphia, at 10.45 A. M., and returning will leave Philadelphia for Rising Stin,on Wednesdays and Saturdays, at 11.5 . P. M. The train leaving Philadelphia at 8.15 A. M., connects at Oxford with a daily line of stages from Peach „Bot tom is Lancaster county. Returningleaves Peactillot torn to connect at Oxford with the afternoon train for, Philadelphia. Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only as:baggage, and in no me will the Com pany be responsible for an amount exceeding MO, un less a special contract is made for the tonne. H. WOOD.lgnieral Superintendent. --- • — PHELAD it i tz ; As .A-T i s VI—A lialmillifOßEAND omo RATIMOAD. THEtOTIGIT- D'Efff, 7 1113174.15•11 - 71;.A33 - OWCO7I:EERAY. • The underslgned-will -continue the General .1r _Plated agency of the Pldladel Ma, ;Wilmington and Bald- Moore Railroad, rov brway of the above Tonle lath° Wed.• - • • , - Shippers and ganglia:ly are 'aeetireel Gist the orasnitatlext 4 of through train! secures" On Freight titular tranelt and prompt itellvOT to, all Parla Parte. For throteurstas and ftrraer' lararmatiall; apply General /freight Await& 10/13i B. WITZON, Freight dont, irat4 l Enka. Enxth street. above atertnut, TRAVELING GIDIDE• TU ELLAD3 WN 9 9 GKI W AIT )Wii rviti TABLR"—On and after WED NESDAY, November Ist, 1865, untilfarther notice. FOR GERM.M9Towzr. Leave Philadelphia-6, 7,9, 9,10, 11 ,12, A. N.; 1,2, 1.10 minutes, 3%, 4,5, 6,1, 8,9, 1%11, 12, P. M. Leave Germantown-6.7, 7%, 8, &20, 9, 10,11, 12, A. M.; 1,2, 6,4, 4%, 6, 639, 7 8, 9,10, 2,1„ The 8.20 down train, and the 2.% and 5% up trains de not stop on Germantown Branch. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Phlladelphia-9.10 minute, A, M,; 2, 7 and 103, P. IIL Leave CiermantownB A. AL; I t '6 and 53f, P. M. RAITROAD. Leave Philadelphla-6, 8,16,12,A. hL; 2,83 f, 53f, I, :11, and 11, P. M. Leave Chestnut 11311-7.10 minutes, 8,0.40, and 11.40 A. M.; LIO, 3.40, 5.40, 6.40, 8.40, and 10.40 P. Dd. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9:10 minutes, A. M.; 2, and 7 Leave Chestnut H 1117.40 minutes, A. M.; 12.40, 5.40 and 9.25 minutes P. M. FOR CONSHOHOCKM AND NOID3ISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-8, 8.35,11.05 minutes, A. M.; 134, 8,43. f. 63.4, 8.05, and 11 3 4, P. M. Leave Norristown-53,17, 7.50, 9,11, A. IL; 134. 43i, and 8 P. M. • The 5% P. M. train wil stop at School Lane, Wises, htekon, Manaynnk, Spring Mills and Conshohocken only. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9 A. M.. 234, and 7P. M. Leave Norristo FOS. MA wn-7 A. M.. NAYUandNIL 5 P. M. Leave Philadelnhia,--6, 8.85,11.05 A. M.; 13;, 8, 434, 8%. 634, 8.05, and 11% P ht Leave Manayona-6%, 734, 8.20, 934,1134, A. M. 4 2, 6, 834 and 8,1 , . M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave:Philadelphia-9 A. M.; 2% and 7 P. M, Leave Mana,-7% A. M.; 5% and 8 P. M. W. T. -ON, General Superintendent, Depot, Ninth and Green meets, PITTSBURGH, COLUMBUS - AICL CINCLIWATI RAILROAD Mia.r.a.N Y. la: .m a . :MM2jaall,imWa=22 Owing to-the great distance saved by THIS ROU the government has assigned to it the carrying of the U. S. MAIL to the Pt tncipal Cities of the West and Southwest. THERE BEING BUT ONE CHANGE OF CARS BEtWFWiv pm LA nELpiu A. AND CLICCINNATI, AND BUT TWO TO ST. LOUIS. PASSENGERS BY THIS ROUTE WILL ARRIVE IN CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS CA_LEtti AND ST. LW. Is, ONE TRAIN IN ADVANCE OF ANY OTHER LINE. Passengers leaving Philadelphia at 11.50 A. M. will arrive at Altoona in the evening for supper, where Woodroffs Celebrated Palace elate-Room Sleeping Cars will be attached, and run through to Columbus without change, avoiding changing cars at Pittsburgh at mlonight, a comfort never before afforded to tne traveling community Be sure to purrhsse tickets "VIA STEUBEN VILLE," at P.ENINtsI, LI, AN IA RAILROAD OFFICE Garner Thirtieth and Market Streets. Philadelphia. S. F. SCULL, Gent Picket Ag't Steuoenville, 0. JOHN H. MILLER. Gen'l Eastern Pass. Ag't. 526 Broadway, New York. JOHN' Dr - PLAND, Gen'l Supt. Pets-tf WEST .11.11SEY RAILROAD LENDS—From thet ofalarket street Mer m itAlc atiuxcW Sundays. FALL AND Commencing WEDNESDAY, NOVEvTIER 15th, 1555. \ For Bridgeton, Salem, and all Stations on West Jer sey and E. alem Railroads, at 9A. M. and a...V P. M. For Slllicille and all intermediate Stations, at 9A. M. and 3 P. M.. For Cape May arid intermediate Stations, at 9 A. M, to El Wyllie connecting with freight train (Passenger oar attach. d) for Cape May, due SAS P. EL and 3.u0 P. M. through urs.certger, due &00 P. IL For Glassboro' and intermediate Stations, at 9 A. IL 3 and S.SU P. EL For Woodbury, Gloucester, &c.. at 9 A. M., 3, 3.30, and s.ail". M. Freight train will leave Prdladelphla from Sandford's Wharf at 10 A. M . and Camden, alLt IIL J. VAN RENSSFr.4 V Fe„ superintendAlAt. irt.e. WEST JERSEY WVPRIIii.S COMPANY Will attend to all the usual branches of ESSPRESS Bus- ESS, receive, deliver, and forward, through other re sponsible Express Companies, to all parts of the coun try. any article entrusted to them A. Special Messen ger accompanies each through train. Office, No. 6 Walnut atreet ITPHILADELPHIA AND /Mal- RA THROUGH Li NE. A.WIESA RAILROAD. Short line to Williamsport, Elmira,oll Regions,Erie, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge, and all places in the. Western, North Western and South Wes tern States and the Caradas. Four throngs trains daily (Sundays excepted). Leave Philadelphia and Leave North Pennsylva. Beading R.R. Depot, - I ala 8.11. DepOt. 8 A. ML 7.40 A.. H. ZOO P. H. 5.1.5 P. IL One train on Sunday at &1,5 P. H. By all these trains direct connection is made at El. adra with Erie railway: at Salcuaanca with Atlantic and Great W ester= railway-, at Dunkirk and Buffalo it& Lake Shore B. ,8..; and at Suspension Bridge with Great 'Western railway: Fare always n low as by any Other line, Sleeping csus on all night trains. Second class cars with cushioned seats accompany each express train. giving passengers the advantage of high speed with low Due. For through tickets and farther particulars concern lug the routes, apply at the. ctrl Met Offiaq, !W eber:taut street. N. VAN HORN. Pas. Agt, OFFICE OF THE ADAMS XS PRESS COMPANY, azo CHEST * b a r . .Primr-anximiut,Jantitiry fir th , 1.5 V... The Adams Express Company haveerdiztV ::uv2 their facilities at Wasbington, D. - C. by, building a Depot, and having acquired additional capacity far E ansportation. are now prepared to forward Heavy ExPreas freights, Packages and Parcels to Washing ton. Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick, AMarWmnFortmoMo andomerrawmEionth, occupied by the army, at reduced rates. Special agreements e for Merchandise in large lots. Sutler's goods and army supplies at satisfactory prices, on application at oar office. Soldiers' parcels •ken at moth less than our usual rates. Heavy and bulky packages received and reeetpted for at our depot, Southeast corner of BROAD and LO MIST streeta. JOHN BINGHAM, SuPerintendent. • RARITAN AND DELAWARE 11W.MIRAY RAILROAD.—NOPICE.—On an ants DAY. February hth. the Express Train will be discontinned. The Freight Train leaves CAM IINT at 3 o'clock, P. M., daily (Sunday excepted,) ar riving In New York next morning. Freight taketi at-low 'rates. fElsti 1.. B. COLE. Agent. It4airepi:otboDA PEREMPTORY SALE—BY ORDER OF #l . HElRS.—Estate of GEORGE DOWNSBURY, deceased.- JA3fFS A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. On WEDNESDAY, March 1666„ at 14 o'clock, neon, will be sold at Public Sale, without reserve, at the PHILA DELPHIA. EXCHANGE, the fbllowing described Real Esters.. late the property of George Lownsbury, deceased, viz.:—No, I.—DWELLING. No. 125 DANA street, above Buttonwood street.--All that certain 2 story brick dwelling house, with 2-story brick kitchen, and a 3-story brick dwAling house and 2-story Crick kitchen in the rear, situate ou the north side of Ituke, now Dana street, No. 125, In the Eleventh Ward (Northern Liberties) containing In front or breadth on said Duke or Dana street, 16 test 6 inches including on ts.e west side thereof, the ea.ternmost halt part of an alley, as now laid out between this and the adjoining preru is es, with the right of water-course, and to lay ripes, and in length or depth northward about 99 No. 2.—DWELLENO, No. 113 DANA street —All that certain three-story brick dwelling h• use, with two story brick kitchen, with tot or piece of ground. do., situate on the north side of Duke, now Dana street, be tween Fr,ttt and Necond streets (No. 113, corner of Ocean street), in the Eleventh Ward. late Northern Liberties; containing in tront or breadth on said Duke or Dana street 14 feet and in length or depth north and 3S feet ii Inches including on the. east one-half of the alley. as now laid out and opened between this and the adjoining property. No. 3.—DIN ELTING, No. 111 DANA street. All that certain [bre e-story brick dwelling house, with two story brick kitchen, with lot or piece of ground, cite. situate on the north side 'of Duke, • now Dana street, between Front and Second streets, (No. 1110 In the Eleventh Ward, late Northern Liberties:containing in front or breath on said Duke or Dana street 14 feet.and u. length or depth northward 35 feet 5 inches,including on the west side one-half of the alley, as now laid out and (pen between this and the adjoining property on tee west .4a- T,s abeve properties arc near the Second Strea .31rtrker end are decirobte small derrllings. pm to be paid on each, at the time of sale. BY ORDER OF TIFTRS. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. 11 , 22.mh1. Store, 4.V. Walnut street. q'i REAL ESTATE — JAMES A. FREiMA.N,Auc ' I toneer.— STORE and DWELLING. No. 120 F. Street. On WEDS s'ADAY, March 7,1866, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHI LADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described Real Estate, viz:—Three story brick store and dwell ing. with two.story brick back buildings and the lot of grqund thereon erected, situate on the north side of Vine street. No. 1219: containing In front on Vine et. 17 feet 6 inches, and in depth 87 feet 6 inches. 8,100 to t e paid on each at the time of sale. 'JAMES A, FREEMAN, Auctioneer, fe=ml Store 422. Walnut street. REAL , EST • Tt.,.—„TAMEH A. FREEMAN, ;!.A Auctioneer — THREE - TORY BRICK DWELL ]: , No. 128 Catharine street. On WEDNESDAY 16 arch 7th, 1866, at 12 o'clock, Noon, will be sold at Public Sate, at the PHILADELPHIA. EXCHANGE. the fellow lug described ,Real Estate, viz—A lot of ground on the south side of Catharine street, No. 128, \vial the 'thrf e-story brick dwelling, and two-story rick baelc.buildiue thereon erected, 19 feet 8 inches in front. and in depth 80 feet. .Stn to be paid at the time of sale. ' • - - .TAMEi - A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer, hi • Store,422 Walnut street. TRESTEF:e. PEREMPTORY SALE—JAMES Olgi A. .b . . , ,EEMAN. Auctioneer.—THREESTORY k "' ICK HtASE, FIFTEENTH- STREET, below Bedford, qn WEDNESDAY, March 7, 1888, at 12 o'clock , noon. will be sold at Public Sale, at the 1 I,APELPHI. A. EXCHANGE, the following. de scribed Beal Estate, viz:-All that certain , 4 , -story br cif ines -.mice or tenement, and lot of ground on the west tide of Fifteenth street, 143; feet suuth of Beltbrd bp FM; beink. 15 feet 8 inches front, tiy,59.13 feet leap, , .1 --- :Pite,2seraut,tory. t.. 7" too to be paid at the time of Sale. • ..,By order at:Wm-tee. : M .JAMES A.. FREE SAN Auctioneer, , fe15,22,mhl . - - Store, 4'2Walnutatreet: - • • ' GERMANTOWN RESIDENCE FOR SALE-.,=!, ulpehocken stre?t; 2tlo fest front,icantalalna a out two serfs..: Bouse-latOY built;; aupplied:.wlttr gut, Watet Motets. bath. Sc.. Stable house:, iv innlelr C. rot:nds o , r;'' garden - very 1,.e tcil the fern:tore. Ziply a. t:381 eonth FL LIJ Vat tt. ftZti W.* REAL ESTATE. riHEAL hSTATE.—THOMAS .n SONS' SALE Handsome Modern RESIDENCE, No. 1520 North .i..±LOAD street, above Jetiersun street, 22 feet front, 'Au feet deep to Carlisle street. On TUESDAY, March 6th, 1866, at la o'clock, .Noon, will be Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGA: All, that handsome modern - four-story messuager - t&.: (first-story brown stone). with double threis-stori hack buildings and lot of ground, situate an the west-., side of Broad street, north of Jefferson street, Not 1520; the lot containing in front on Broad street 22 feet; and extendiog In depth 200 feet to Carlisle street:. It r has all the modern conveniences, being heated by - twes tirst-class heaters; has summer and winter kitclenre r ',* with ranges; bath-room, with hotaud cold water. ad-': join ng the chambers; hot and cold water in butlerlitt.; pantry. and in china closet. The walls of the kitcherl,lP. , 7 bath-room, butler's pantry china closet, and all the other closets, are painted in the best manner; yarct - -... • beautifully laid outiarbor up to the top of the verandie"-.7'; Iris in the most beautiful part of the street; wass.k.. bought by the present owner last September, and'has been occupied since that tame; was then new, and 'bad:- • never Men occupied; was at that time well finilhed, and in all respects ready for occupancy. The present • o sorer, at an expense of about $2,500, made several important alterations end additions, and in all re. specie fitted it up in a first-class manner, so that it is now second to no house in that neighborhood for com fort, convenience and finish. This is considered theynest square 'on North Broad street, and now that it has been decided by the Legis lature that there shall be no railroad alloweil, and that it is almost certain that the bill at present before Jae Legislature to 50 greatly improve and beautify it will soon become a law. it will undoubtedly be the finest avenue in this country for a residence. To any one who wishes to procure for themselves home in this delightful locality, this presents :an op portunity not often to be met with. TERMS—t6,SOO may remain on mortgage. May be examined any day previous to sale. • M. THOMAS & EONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 South Fourth street, - rEITO CAPITALISTS AND OTHERS.—TROMAS ;ID At SONS, Auctioneers. Large and valuable LDLNIiS, GIRARD AVENUE. corner of Berks (late Vienna) street, near the landing on the Dela ware river, on TUESDAY, March - 6t,b, 1866, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA. PECHANGE. all those large brick factory buildings and lot of ground, situate on the northwest side of Girard avenue and the northeast ride of Berke street; the lot containing in front on Girard avenue 129 feet, and extending in depth 110 feet.. One of the buildings is a three-story beck about 40 by RI feet, with engine house back, 20 by 40 feet, and con taining a 10-hoi se power engine, boilers, shafting, dtc., and having open shed about 15 feet wide alongside whole length of building; and two base n eats; one a 2..4.4-story brick. 33 by 60. on ground floor, and 36 by 45 feet on 2d boor, a two-story frame, about 20 by 24 feet; a brick stable with stalls for six borses.:&c. The buildings are so arranged that power is furnished them with the one engine. Subject to a yearly ground rent of $645. M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers 139 and 141 S. Fourth street CA. FOR SALE.—A First-Class COUNTRY SEAT, with ten or twenty acres of land, five miles from the city, adjoining Station on the Germantown & Nor ristown Railroad. Large &tope Mansion, elegantly finished, with gas, water, range, 'furnace, Ac., two large tenant Louses, hot houses, ice house, stabling ,itc.„ plenty of choice shade and fruit trees. Price, gto.oca, ior the whole. Terms easy. Address J. M. W.,atthla office. fe.l7-tu,th,a,3te" • tEFOR SALE—QOUNTRY SEAT. on RIDGE " ROAD, two minutes' walk from Wiuhlckon station, Norristown Railroad: double STONE HOUSE and two and a half acres of Ground, with beautiful and commanding view. Also, plenty of shade, fruit and ornamental trees. F. H. HAWES, 17 Bank Street. fels th,s,Ea.St* FOR SALE—A VERY CHOICE AND DESI BASLE FARM in the Twenty-third Ward, 10 miles from Market street, adjoining the village of Bustleton. containing 90 acres. Improvements fine, and land in a high state of cultivation, with plenty of shade, fruit and water, and everything In first rate order. Apply at 102, Chestnut street, second floor, be tween 10 and 2,sa.t! WcTBPUESTII STREET.—FOB, —A handsome four-storyrie Dwelling, 41t story double back buildings, rind having every modern convenience, situate on north side of Spruce street. o.'t of Seventeenth. Lot 20 feet front by 105 feet deep to a 0 feet wide street. Early possession given. J. g. GL'3l3lE`i & SONS, 503 Walnut street, FACTORY.—FOR RENT OR SALE—A large Le four-story Factory Building, with steam power. belting, shafting, &c. Situate on the N. E. corner of Twenty-second and Wood streets. immediate posses sion given. J. M. GIIMEMBY 6c SONS, 508 Walnut street - 17:6,LUA_BLV SQUARE OF GROUND.- 1 FOR SALE—The Square of Ground bounded by Seventh, Franklin, Diamond streets and Susquehanna avenue; also, a number of other large and desirable LOTS. Apply to A. FITLER, L ett 6t* No. SI North Sixth street. 11OUILDING LOTS—For sale, four Building Lots each feet front by 100 deep; =lista on north side of Green street, west of Eighteenth- Also, four lota on south side of Mount Vernon street, west of Eighteenth, each Lest front by 91 feet 6 inches deep. 7. M. GUM MEY tt. BONS, SCB Walnut street. FDWELLING HOUSE WANTED BY A REI VATE Family of Six Adulni—Pine to Green, and ird to Tenth streets. Good care of property and delpala Post Office, Box 1730. arrest 'toured. Address' Dfas4t, .Phiter • - E. poll HOI7SE, 228 South Ninth street—all modem im provement= immediate possession given. Apply to J. H. CORMS & SON. Real Estate Brokers, 433 Wal nut street. FOR GALE—THE THREE-STORY BRICE modern conveniencles. situate No. 551 North Sixth street. Lotl9 feet front by 90 feet deep. J. M. OL - M3LEY IA , SONS,SOB Walnut street. M -111- FOR Ps T. —The modern threestory brick . 4 10, Dwelling with three-story back buildings and every convenience; situate, No. V.lO Pin 18 feet front by Se feet deep. J, OIIIIIIEY 6: SONS, WS Walnut street. . F2FOR S 4 T It A. DEW - A s RTM Tgßar e gragy brick house, with three-story double back build giVel Thompson street; all modern improvements. App to J. H. CI7RTIS & SON, Real Mate Brokers, 433 'Walnut street. qeSsa re. - FOR SALE—The Elegant HOUSE, with every - modern improvement, No. 214 West Washington ._ LEWIS H. REDNER, -... •tti :152 S. Fourth street. l',-,t IOR SALE—DP_STILABLE DWELLLNO, 247 ES N. Sixth street. opposite Franklin Square. ray to P. MADEIRA., 115 Tenth street, below Chtst nut. fe26•6tt- FOR SALE.—A NEAT DWELLINGI3IO Nortll Fig' Eleventh street. .1 ro media> possession. NT. WETHERILL, 56 North Front. M, Tan. VALUABLE RUSIN - a - PA PROPERTY.; Jtja 34 feet front by 74 feet In depth, situate Nos. RIP ano 115 North Sixth street, above Arch. .1. M. RUSE : , bLET fi SON S. 505 Walnut street. BIIILDLNG LOT—For sale, a large lot of ground;CM feet front by 133 feet deep, bounded by Christian,:. Sixteenth and Montrose streets. J. M. GU-MUFF (!e- ... SONS sezi Walnut street. IFIMffIir7I77gTTIZrZIII ARIA CHARLESAII. by h next friett4..; .01. va. LW. EUEL er AR.— Court 'or Common Pleas of the City and 07U13 , V of Phila.:lel- '• phia. In Divorce. December Term. 1865. No. 27. CHARLES W. RUEL.AH. Resprndent in above case—Slß: Urn will please take ounce that interrogas torics to be addressed to the witnesses to be produced in this awe on the part of the libelant. have been Sled. and that tor e said witnesses wit' he produced and ex.s swiped by J. HOWARD GENDRLL, Esq., Examinet, appointed by paid Court for that purpose, on the 20th day of March. A. D. 1866, at 4 o'clock P. M. of that daytil at his office, No. 402 Walnut street, rhiladelehia. when,. and whet eyon may attend; or in the meantime tile- cross interrogatories, as you may think proper. TORN C. REDHEFFER, Attorney for Libeeant. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY IN AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.—Estate.Of EDWARD WRAY, dteeased.—The Auditor appointed by the Court, to audit, settle arid adjust the sect:mat of CORNELIA C. WRAY and JAMES C. WRA.Y, ad ministrators of the estate of EDWARD WRAY, dee'd, as tiled by JAMES C: WRAY, Adz inistrator, and to report distribution of the balance to the hands of the accoutant. wilt meet the parties in terestel for the pur poses of his appointment, on MONDAY, March 25, 1566. at 11 o'clock A. M., at his office. No. 155 South FIFTH street, in the city of Philadelphia. CHARLES. D. FREEM Auditor. fe2o, N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE I AND COUNTY OF PHLLADELPHI.A.,—Estate of j A m i s BUN FEE, deceased. The auditor ap. pointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the a 'COMA or John A. Brcwn, Executor of the Estate o James Hunter, de. eased, and to report distribu- Eton of the balance In the bands of the accountant, will meet the parth a Interested for the purposes of his ap pointment, on FRIDAY.. the 2d day of March. 1888;14, ' it o'cicck, A. 35.. at his Mee, No. 520 Walnut etreet.,.4 ,- ISAAC S. SERRILb t' tint- fe2o ,s,st* ESTAIE OF JAMES FULTON. DECEASED.— • Letters testamentary having been granted to the undemfgLed upon the Estate of J SI ES FULTON, . deceased, all persons indebted to the same will Make payment; and those having Maims against the said e tate will present them withont delay to GEORGIO BENDER SON M Executor, No. 412 Market .street; F REBECCA J. lION', Executrix, No. 703 Walnut street. felsthriti, ETATL O.Ic,CHA_RLES A. POULSON, deceased. ••• LEITERS TESTAMENTARY having been duly granted to the undersigned.onthe Estate of said dece dent, all pertains haviog Maims against the same are minestA d to present them, and those thereto in debted to make Payment. to CHAS G. POULSON, JOHN HOSKINS, L. POULSON DoßsuN.Executora 5 IV alnut street. irez2-thoits ESTATE OF JANE. EVANS, Deceased.—Letters testamentary bacingbeen granted to the subscriber upon the - Estate of JANE EVANS, deceased, all persons bled to the same will make payment and those .havin claims present them to .MARY EVANS' JOHN E. LATTA; Executors. No. 128 South SIXTH Street.: • th-St* REMOVAL. DR. L. D. HARLOW - has remOved to No 1520. • ARCH Street: ' Te23-64 ' * '' EIIII2VAL—.T AXES LYND has rPm oved hls • ROEFIC:EK tcaso t 411 allEtirrNiLr fell-imp:: 110,RMOVALI-JAISIFS f3:l. 'Saihrskeri.V MaY betelbtUldAtt th e presept at : hTo. we R u ra l ; DelAwaree:Averwe. MIZONI EIAMYSOBIE RESlDENClE;Zoutheat4cortioil of SPRUON timd EIGHTH strt , et.s. has heethogmoteoa to recteive BOA_TtDERQ. Booms single. straltott , s. au cl 4 wtaout pri :ate table. -.. • - . fes,inar. j ~ :! .. .1-. , T ., 11!•?r.t . ..:.1:.!;p
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