- - Common Connell.-- _ _ An itdjourned meeting of Common Conn .,' cil was held yesterday afternoon. ;: - `'•The resolution from Select Council autho- • ,: .-'xizlng John Harrison; to - lay certain was concurred in. 4.lsp, a bill repealing all ordinances for ''-the ayment of bounties to volunteers. **o, a resolution to discharge the Coni •;tratfee on Law from the consideration of the 41orditiance appropriating ground for public .Pn W es. ,•-• 0, an ordinance making an appropria '.: do fur of the Girard Bstate for eteaumg Ger r ftocks. AIM!, - a bill approving the security of Mr. Coy, ;.contractor for building _.a new. Cotirtaouse. 'Also, a resolution requesting relief from the Legislature from the payment of a car .. Lain judgment. ' - Also, a resolution of request to the tegis lature relative to the sale of meats. Alsq, a resolution protecting the city against, the passage of an ,act setting aside • taxes for school purposes. Dir. Hancock offered an ordinance to re peall. an ordinance appropriating ground near Fairmount ,Park for public purposes. The bill is similar in its provisions to one already passed bv,Common Council but not coucurred f in by the Select Branch. Pend ing the consideration of the bill the Cham ber adjourned. _ . _ . The President's Attack on Sumner. BOSTON, Feb. 26.—The following is among a series of , reSolntions introduced in the lower-branch of the Legislature to-day, anu referred to - the Committee on Federal Re lations: , .Rosolved,. That the recent public "attack upon one of the honored and beloved Sena tors . Of MassaChusetts by the President o: the 'United States, in a public speech in the city of . Washington, is an insult to •the Commonwealth, as unjust as it was undig nified and disgraceful, and calls for the in dignant rebuke of every patriotic clitzen of that State to whose sons - tho country is so largely indebted for the salvation of the national capital, when those who heard and applauded that attack were traitorously plotting to plant tha standard of treason upon its walls, and to destroy the Constitu tion and the Government. Hon. Anson Burlingame and. family left to day for New York on their - way for China, via Aspinwall, San Francisco and the Sandwich Islands. The Virginia Legislature. Ricantoxe, 26.Tne bill incorpora ting the Covington and Ohio Railroad passed both Houses to-day. The House passed the Senate bill amending the usury law so as to authorize contracts for the pay ment of eight per cent. interest. It also, adopted the resolution, reported some days since, expressing unqualified approbation 'of the action of Judge Underwood, the Senator elect, with only one dissenting voice. The use of the Hall was granted to the. citizens on Wednesday. night, when Judge F. Conway, formerly of Kansas, will speak lit support of the President's policy. OUTRAGES ON NEGROES-IN KENTUCKY. —Morethan half a dozen letters were yes terdnY received by Representative McKee, of Kentucky, detailing outrages against the freedmen of that State in various parts of his .district:' One was the case of the shooting .of two negroes and robbing them of all their families had, and upon the arrest of the per petrators of the act by the agents of the 13n rea.u, they were discharged on a writ of ha beas corpus, sued out and ' .; tried before a Circuit Judge of. the State Court. Another case was where a party of white men went , to the house of an old negro; nearly eighty years of ' age, and a free man ' all his life, . robbed him of his, money; kicked him to death, raked the coals from the fire and;ut him on them and roasted one side, and then turned him, and roasted the other.' They burned two other nearly to death, .putting an eye;out of one; and boasted that they not only intended to drive, out the negro, but intended - also to drive out certain white% . _ tIOARD OF TRA.DhI '7OBEPIDC. GRUBB,} E. A. SOUDER. MONTHLY co n GEO. L. BUZBY, _ _ _ IMPORTATIONS-,• Repßited — fOr — ticieiChillifetihra — EVelifrigiralletin. CHARENTE-Brig Elizabeth, Bertha —5 - halt pipes brandy 65 quarter casks "do 50 eighth - casks do Henry Bohlen & Co; 10 half pipes do 90 quarter casks do 120 eighth casks do 200 cases do 7 boxes do Patterson & Boniton: 5 quarter casks do A Stephani-d: Co; 60 casks do Cleo Wruteley: , l6 quarter-casks do 32 eighth casks do J F Tobias & Co; 7 halt pipes do 25 quarter casks do brandyth casks do 150 cases wine Castillon; 50 cases 10 half pipes do 20 quartersasks do Watden, Kolbrt & Co; 2.casks wine W G Moorehead; 400 boxes •-• do Twitched & Allen: 20 half pipes brandy 90 quarter • casks do 95 eighth Mak9 do 10 casks wine 10 cks kirsch 150 im wine order. Arrival and Seillin A lMeean,Steanners - To PROM POE L=ria ' Liverpool... New 'York. Hermann ---Sonthampton...New York_.. Edinburg Liverpool... New York... North American-Liverpool...Portland 4-.6..-LiverpooL..Boston R.angar0a.....,...:...-Liverpool...New York . Erm ' ......-Liverpool...New York Nova fBnotion Liverpool...Portland__ Borussia........Southamoton...New York.. -..-....Liverpool...New York... The Queen.- Liverpool... New York.. _ • TO DEPART. Canaan,. " • Boston... Liverpool Feb. 28 31dra Castle. ... —.New York... Havana Feb. 28 City of Lublin.....New York... Liverpool Feb.2B Varnnh • New York... New Orleans Feb. 28 Arizona • .New York...Aspinwall March 1 Neuveatt Monde-New Y.ork...Ravre March 2 Evening Star New York... New Orleans March 3 Citykf London... New York... Liverpool March 3 Allen:lonia 'New York-. Hamburg ... . .. _....darch 3 Moravian Portland... Liverpool March Cuba - New York... Liverpool March 7 Atalanta' .-New Tork...London March 8 Haroacey New York...Aspinwall March 10 Bidac • NewYork...Bremen March 18 City:Mnrichester..--N York... Liverpool March 10 'Mednuia New York... Glasgow March 10 .. . .. . . . . - .Boston...Liverpool March 14 ffiLAJIINE BIMMMI:ff. 811119 R 11359.9,291 MIN BETS, 531 1 HIGH WATER., 1 3 ARRTWIED YESTERDAY. • - Sfiarner Washington, Chichester, CO.rs from New Tor -, with mdse to Win Clyde &CO Steamer Admiral. Nichols, ,24 hours from N York, with mdse to 1 , R'Clark. Brig Surf, Sweetland, 7 days from Wilmington, NC. witlx cotton. &c. to 13 S Stetson & Co. • CLEARED YESTERDAY. 'Steamer Alliance,Thompson. N York, W Df Baird&Co ' MEMORANDA. ...bteamer :Heels (Br), Edmondson, from Boston, at New York yiltterday. Bark Jeanie (Er), Baker, from Foochow for IN York, at St Helena lid ult. Brig Joseph Baker, Nickersen, sailed from St Jago /oth inst. for this port: I)rig Ellen Bernard, Coiling, cleared at NeW York yesterday for Liverpool. a Bchrs J V Wellington, Abbott, from Boston; John -.lillualrian from do, and R L Tay, Rick!, from Portland, all for this port, at N. York yesterday. • Bchr John Shay,, Tilton, hence at Charleston 21st Instant._ SchrMary B. Somers, Sorneri, Geared at Charleston 21st inst. for this port. Sdhr Sea (lull, Jackman,from Port Natal for Boston, at St Helena 22. d nit. Behr Ephraim Anna, 'Harris, was up it Mobile 18th test: for Cardenas. __ 7' • Eohr Sophia Wilson, pip Well., hence at Charleston list inst. Schrs S H Sherman, Sherman, from Providence; Thos Borden, Wrlghtington, from Pall Rive; Trnzel ton, Gardner, from do, and R S Dean; Cook, from TauntOni all for: this port, at Newport 23d inst. MARINE MJSCELLANY. Tbe steamer Baltimore, formerly owned by .Mr W P Olyde, of Philadelphia, arrived at Fort Monroe on ' Bridaynight, bound to Jersey City, having been sold to merles in New York. Columbia, at Liveipoot 6th - inst.'from New Or i mr , 5 0 2 , 8 4. a very narrow escape from destruction. On • Smadarafternoon,( 4 th) while beating up the, channel, the sky became. suddenly overcaatoind heavy rain and hailstones came down in showers. A few minutes had; .scarcely elapsed when the , horizon was illuminated by a fOariflPflash of sheet 'lightning, whim, was imme, diately followed bo a tremendous peal of thunder. The • wind at the time blew a tintriciane from all quarte rs . The roll of the thunder peal had scarcely died away beforetWo large , balls of fire alighted on the shin's - ••4leck and set fire to the deck-house and galley, but did no other damage._ • -Brig Village Belle,. at ..t.ew York. from' Olenfaegoe; had heavy weather; lost deck load. . • • •. NOTICE, TO 2.14.131NTER5., _ • ' The ShotelfulidghtVessel will be changed from the. present position to the BB extremity_of tho.Shovelfm laboadon or about the 24th inst. The exact position of her new statien,wili be given as soon as the necessary bearings can be ascertained. By order of the Lighthouse Board. G BLAKE, Com II 13. N., • Lighthouse Inspector, 2d District. " A V illation Feb 23, les& • . , yam; . •INBIIBANUE - INSURE YOUR LIFE YOUR OWN HOME' COMPANY, AMERICAN, OF PHILADELPHIA, S. E. Cor..Fourtlfand Walnut Streets. Insbrera in this Company have the additional gnax , eaten of the CAPITAL STOCK all paid up IN CASH, winch, together with CASH ASSETS, now on hand amount to 81,143,874 14, Invested as follows . ; 100,000 U. S. 5-20 Bonds (00,000 City of Philadelphia Loan, 6's. new 70,050 11. S. Treasury Notes, 7-30 25,000 Allegheny County Bonds.. 15,000- D. S. Loan of 1881 10,000 Wyoming Valley Canal Bonds.— 12.700 Compound Interest Treasury Notes 10;000 Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Bond, ' 10,000 Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chios. • go Railroad Bonds 16,500 City of Pittsburgh and other Bonds 9,060 Reading Railroad Bonds 1,000 Shares Pennsylvania hailroad. 450 Shares Corn Exchange National • Rank 107 Shares Farmers' National Bank of . Beading , 22 Shares ConsolidationNationalßank 142 bhares WilliAnigport Water Com an - Mortgages, p Gro y und Rents and Real Estate... 147,809 89 Loans on collateral amt ly secures_ 169,481 95 Premium notes secured by policies. 217,504 58 Cash in hands of agents secured by bonds..... 52,459 16 sh on deposit with D. S. Treasu.rer '20,000 00 Cash on hand and in banks 65,623 14 Accrued interest and rents due Jan. 1 10,223 00 INCOME FOR tHE YEAR 1865 $54,492 92. Losses paid during the year amounting to $87,636 31. DIVIDENDS MADE ANNUALLY, thus aiding the Insured to pay premiums. The last DIVIDAND on all Mutual Policies in force December 31, 1865, was Fifty Per Cent. the amount of PREIBLIIIMS received during the year. Its TRUSTEES arewell known citizens biour midst. entitling it to more consideration than those whose managers reside in distant cities. Alexander Whiitdinj William J. Howard, J. Edgar Thompson, Samuel 'I. Bodine, Groege Nugent, . Joan Aikman, Hon. James Pollock, Henry K. Bennett, Albert C. Roberts, Hon. Joseph Allison, P. B. Mingle, Isaac Hazlehurst. Samuel Work, ALEX. WHILLDIN, President, SAMUEL WORK, Vice President. JOHN C. 81:111B, Actuary JOHN B. WILSON, Secretary and Treasurer JOHN C. TABEIR, General Agent, No. 20la Green St A few first rate canvassers wanted. PEOPLE'S FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF WORCESTER, MASS. • The following Statement of the Condition of the Company on the 31st day of December, 186.5. is published in accordance with an Act of Assembly; Authorlied. ' Paid up in full-, tb30,000 00 200,000 00 SAETS. Cash on hand and in 8ank.:..... » 26,519 49 Cash .in hands of Agellts and in course of transmission • - 1,722 27 Value of Beal Estate held and owned by the Company • 51,500 00 Amount of Ditms secured by Bonds and. Mortgages, constituting the first lien on Real Estate Amount of Loans secured by Second Mort-, gages. . .... .. _ 1,500 00 ti Par fla . e. — .2kfarket — Value. U. S. Bonds...—. ' $1.58,300 - $140.572 • State stocks and Railroad Bonds-' c ' ' MAO 24.270 Railroad Stocks 38,410 48.185 Bank 5t0ck5.—.......... ....... ... 83,100- 44 295 _ 257m.2 co Amount of , Loans on Collateral security......... 33,075 00 Office furniture ' 1,274 70 Revenue Stamps on hand 392 07 Due from Rents 756 00 Amount of Interest due and unpaid on Invest ments of Company 300 00 Amount of Interest ac ;rued but not paid on . Investments of Company.. 1,577 67 Total areouneof assets, INCOME FOR 18,55. Amounts of Cash premiums received. 4k27,6.18 41 amount of Interest received on Investments- 26,153 44 Total Income e • F.XpENDITURES. Amount of Losses paid during the year S7O,ES3 35 Amount of Losses paid during the year which accrued prior to the year Amount paid for return premiums and In surance 27,450 00 Amount of I. xpenses paid during the year, including commissions and fees to Agents and Officers Amount of Taxes paid by the Company. DAME ...Feb. 14 ..Feb. 14 ..Feb. 14 ..Feb. 15 ..Feb. 17 _Feb. 17 ..Feb 21 ...Feb. 22 ...Feb. 2 4 ._Feb. 24 ..Feb. 24 $l4BXO_O2 LIABILITIES, NONE. HENRY CHAPIN, President. AUGUSTUS N. CURRIER, Secretary. Philadelphia Branch Office, North Pennsylvania Railroae Bulling, 4E9 Walnut street. fe23-f test ' WM. W.•ALLEN & CO., Agents. 1829 -CIE#RTER PERPETUAL. 3F3SLA.NTEIATINT FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of PEELLA.DELPHLk. Assets on January 1, 1866, 02,500,551 906 CapitaL 4100,000 00 ccr- e d Surplus 014,548 16 Premiums • , 1,152.808 18 - • I ITNSETTLED 67 CLAMS, INCOME 00 FOR 1886. 111,4 53. 11310,0. Losses Paid Since 1829 Over 05,000,000. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on. Liberal Terms DIRECTORS, Cbas. N. Bancker, Edward C. Dale, Topias Wagner, George Pales, Samuel Grant, Alfred Fitler, rreo W. Richards, Eras. W. Lewis, M. D. • Isaae. Lea, Peter McCall. CHARLES N. ANCHER I President. 'EDWARD C. DALE, Vice President. TA S. W. IicALLISTER Secre • .r. tem. fe2,td3li Tnp. INSURANCE COMPANY - • • _ NO. 150 Routh. Fourth. st , above Wal • • nut street • • • • • • •- °HARTER PERPETUAL. . : ' _This Company insures against loss or damage oy FMB on PUBLIC and PRIVAT.E buildings, FURNI TURE' and MERCHANDISE generally, City or Country. Also insures dwellings perpetually by de• po3its of premium. . _ . JAMES BROWN,_ COFFIN" CHABJ.V.S DUY. J. HILLBORN JONES, WILLIAM D. LEWIS, JOHN WOODSIDE, _ 'WM. N. NEEDLES, WILLIAMM. B. BULLOCK, JOHN D. TAYLOR,' WM. C. , LONGSTRETH, THOMAS"EIMB.E.R, - 4;i: JOHN N..HUTCHINISON: J..E.s BROWN, President. CHAS. A. HUY, Vice President. THOMAS NEELSON.Secretary. . lalas.tu.tbir 'ErMfirrnc:. se6 071/173TNI:Pr FHI . STREET AND 7.117 LAND INONBANON • • rop 3 rrenole N. Buck, Dut ous.: W. Embus, Pheries 31 , 1churdscon, - • 'Robert' IL rotten, Henry Lewis, ' .7no. Xeseler, Baranel Wright; E. D. Woodruff, E 4 31 : -m b eleitas, 0111 N. OK, President; ` 4 w, BEM,. t r smait. . VlOO Praddeatt MINING BULLETIN SIILADELPHIA, TUESDAY , , FEBRUARY 27;1866. , EgiEl t w 461,661 45 .I+l X 4429,109 20 .$183, - 96 85 VELAWABE MITTGAL s GA.EETY ENSITE#II9 II ENCORPOBA.TieD BY THE LEGISLATE= OB: psDINSYLVANIA 1835. OFFICE S. E. CoBEBE. ainrax AND WALEW 15753 3M1L4E 3 LGSUBAIWE, ON VESSHLS} CARGO, To all puts of the WOrld. FREIGHT, iNESIMANCHS On Goods, by River, Canal, . Lake, and Land Cairiage. • to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES, `On Merchandise generally, On Stores; Dwelling Howse, ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1, 1865. $lOO,OOO United States 5 per cent. loan, 41 $95,000 00 <120,000 United States :6 p 66 cent, loan 181 128,100 00 230,00 United States 9.8-10 per = cent.:loan Treasury Notes , ... 194,875 00 100,000 State of Pennsylvania Fiv e Fer bent. LOR/1 ~,. , . ... •• ..•••••• slops oe 54,0e0 *State of .......... Per Cent. Loan 53,250 00 125,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per Cent. Loan, 112.812 50 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad First Mort gage,Six Per Cent. Bonds moss 00 25,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mai: gage Six Per Cent Bonds 23,750 00 25,000 Western Penna. Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cen Bonds 23,750 00 11,000 800 Shares St t. ock Germantown Gas Company, principal and interest guaranteed by the 'Pity of Philadel r- phis. 13,537 50 7,100 147 shares Stock Pennd, Railroad Company 8,580 00 5,000 100 snares Stock North Pennsylvania Railroad Company ..... .. 3,250 00 ,40,000 Deposit with the United States Go veniment,subject to 10 days can . .„„ 00,000 00 30,000 State of Tennessee Five Per Cent. Loan —. 18,900 00 170.700 LOOM on Bonds and Mortgage, first liens on City Property ), 170,700 00 --- 1,03600 Par. Market value-- 996.560 ik Beal Estate 35,000 0 Bills recelvanle for insurance made. . - ~..... /21.0.18 2 0 Balances due atAgencles.—Premiams On'ata rl ne Policies. Accrued Interest. and otner debts due the Company -- 40,12L1 49 scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other companies, 15,183. Estimated va1ue...2,910 00 Cash in P.n we__ . *4.55,956 s Cash In Drawer 678 48 156,635 77 Thomas C. Hand, John C. Davis, Edmund A. Bonder, Theophilus Spalding, John 8.. Penrose, James Traquair. Henry C. L alien, Jr., James C Hand, William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, George G. Leiper, Hugh Craig, Robert Burton, John D. Taylor, THOU__ JOHN C. H.M. - 11Y LYLBIIIIN, Secret INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA I—MARINE, FIRE AND INLAND TRANSPOB TATION INSURANCE. Office,No. WS WALNUT street, south aldls, east ca Third s tr eet. The Eroperties of this Company are well Invested and furnish an available fund for the ample Indemnity of f is ta m ersons Who desire to be rotected by Indemnity of RISKS taken on p Vessels, Freights and INLAND TRANSPORTATION RISES on Mar. chandise Railroads, Canals and Steamboats. FIRE BJSX 3 on BlerchandLse,.Furnitare and Rune ns in City and County. INCORPORATED IN 17t4--CAPTT L AE N ffI i coo, 4.5rD PAID IN AND SECURELY ED. TOTAL PROPERTIES, 111 700,000. PERPETUAL CHARTER. ..... Arthur G. Coffin, James N. Dic.tens, Samuel W. Jones, 13. Morris Wain, John A.:Brown, 'John Mason, Charles Taylor, :George L. Harrison, Ambrosefte, 'Francis B. Cope, Richard D. Wool% Edward H. Trotter, William Welsh, E. S. Clarke, William E, T. ar , Bowen, leton Henry William Ooixonizip s Ch, _ ARTHUR G. CO21? ing, Fri:cadent. •• PLATS. Secretary. • ' FIRE .ASSOCIATION, Incorporated March 27, ISSO. F ▪ A OFFICE, No. 31 N. FIFTH street. In sore BUiLDINGS. HOUSEHOLD FUR , NITUItE and MERCHANDISE Rehm - - - ally, from Loss by &Ire, (in the City o FMLadelphla only.) STATEMENT of the Assets of the Asuiciation Janougy 1, 1863. Bonds and Mortgae oh property In the City of Philadelpg ...... 17 Ground Ream. HS 31 ffi Real Estate (Oce NO . 34 North Fifth 'street) 14.396 is 11. S. Government sai Bonds.-....- ........ .1.5.000 00 U. S. Treasury N0te5....._...._6,610 Oa City Warrants..._...._....._— 616 00 Cash on hand-- ----.-.--.- ' 7.;,422 43 T0ta1....__.. GEORGE W. TRYON. President. WM.. IL Tr mILTON, JOSEPH R. LYN - BALL, JOHN SOUDER. LEVI P. COATS, PETER A. KEYSER, semuEL SPARHAWK, JOHN PHILBIN. CHARLES P. BOWER, JOHN CA_RBOW, JESSE LIGHTFOOT, GEORGE I. YOUNG, I ROBERT SHOKUA : WI% T. RIMER, Secretary. DNOKNIX. INESITBANCE :0011(PANY OR PHI/A DELPEELA. ENCORPORATIEDISO4--CIEWITER PIERPBT/FAL. NO. 22S WALNUT Street, oppoAdteAke in addition toil/MUNE and AMCCII ea Company insures from loss or damage by TRE. on liberal terms, on but mnri, merchandise, farnituna &a, for limited periodg, and permanently on build/an by deposit of pre-1111m= The Com has been In active operation for more t h an Big during which all Mesas bass been promptly ad! and Paid. DEMITO33I I . John L. Hodge, David Lewis, M. B. MahonJ tenlarnin letthig, John T. Lewis, Thomas H. Powers, William B. Grant, I►. R. McHenry, Robert W. Learning. Edmond Oastilion, 1). Clark Wharton, Samuel Wilcox. Lawrence Lewis, .17 ~ Lo uis C. Norris. JOHN B. 0111OtER, PresidielL Swam, Wimeox. Secretary. Vs • • • en: t•:I :LI • et: I 9 L • .1' - ,m OFFICE NO. 110 BOMB FOURTH STREET BELOW carasztroy. "The Fire Insurance Company of the County of Philadelphia." Incorporated by the Legislature el Pennsylvania in ISIS, for indemnity againat loss 01 damage bytfia il PE lsivelF• RPEUAL. This old and reliable institution, with ample canna? and contingent fond carefully invested continues to in• sure buildings, furniture, merchandise, dn., either per naanently or for a limited time agains loss or by lint, at the lowest rates consistent with the = l 4 safety of its customers. Losses adjusted and paid With aII possible despatch DMEMOES. Charles J. Sutter. Edwin I. Beakit. Henry John Horn, Robert Massey, , Joseph Moore, Henry Budd, . George Menke, Andrew H. Miller James N. Stone. J. &TITER, President. BENJAMIN F. Honctuarz. Sec'v and Treasurer. N FLEtE iNSUBANOE oolsce.ern- Oa fr PiI I2E LAIELPII3A.-0111ce Northeast I maim of TIMM and BUTTONWOOD streete Ta.mm), Incorporated by the Legislature of d Pounsyla. OirAVTE3 PNEUILTIIAI. *al authorisod by law, 100,000. Nake Insurance t Loss or Daman by Fire of Public or 'Private dings, Furhitare, sw a b Goods and NerOluusdhse on favorable tau*, Dnizarop.s, ___ George Itretv. top_herli. miler, Anglia 0. Miller i g rin derlok titmice, John F. Beleterling, Jonas BOwmiln4 Henry Troomner, Frederick Doll, William McDaniel, Jacob Sclumdler, George Bute, Jr., Stephen Smith. Henry Darker, Samuel Miller,' Edward. :=:. bCoyer,_ _ GEORGE ~_President. JOHN F. BELSTERLING, TIM prandial. PHILIP B. I:lol4l6Labi. SecretarP. A EIMBIOAR MUTUAL INEVORABOE COMPANY. Pitmnbar Brdlding,_No. WALNIN Street. MARUTE AND JRLAND IRMURAPICMS.— Risks taken on vessels, cargoes and freights to all park of the world, and on goods on island transportation Os rivers, railroads and ,other oonYeliallOSl .throughont the:United States. WILLIAM CRAIG Preshient. PETER CULLENArke President. ' ROBERT J. MEE, Secretary. s. William Orals, IcitssOkonm. Lo enry Cl. pallets, Peter , wber, John DaCallenllett, Jr., ' J. Johnston Brow*, William R. Merrick, Samuel A. anion, Benj. W. Richards, Mason Rutctins, Gimes Dkligni • Rea l Lgibler, IL Sam Morgan: Pearson Serail. I lag 4 Vitiawair VIRE imitawircar, 00b1:PANY: .u.l itTOOBI . OI3ATECID ino.74XIIIJITEB MILY/1. • TUA.L. ! , i I IN we.uqtrrPHl Street Liklusbrill,__ _abdint TAEXBD Street __ Having a buss Fuld tuu CAPITAL S TOOK andSUEle PLUS invested in sound and available Securities, con. tante to Insure on Invellintob Elton 23b ar t mat irniture, Mer. °handles, Vessels In port awl their and other Personal Property. ,All liberally promptly ! I4ittaled. 1 ' • ' mamma _•_ ,- 1 Thomas B. Marls , John T. lAMB,' • Jobn Welsh . James B. pain _ _ a d ork i ni ... PAlmand G. Dutilh, illu m = /iron Charlet W. PonitruSfi , ITHOMAB R. ftealdent: Azzzar O. lA. OsAwrosa. Secretary. - = my!. i FE .:AND BORT • r rI C M RC O I , I i r it a MORIAPRIA..-. T - I - L 002 17: Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania,' ga mon th.. INRITBEB LlirldiALLo 22d Wß INTEREBT OliL DR: 0.i21'1' 1 2. ) 1. 5115- Aj24" eit1244411111T338. - . • *"DERRO.3.O--+—.400,01 Samuel B. Shiley. - - ichaie n. ,...ookwiiii; Jeremiah 'Fro.r. - 4r:. , ' Henry:. Joahua R. Morrie, ' T. e ntar - 13 - r - ewm" Richard Wood.- Wrof fin . 0.. Comps Co • . SHIPLEY. Preadtelti Chas. F semErEL 80=A/sip PAZBY, Adds 11,2',53,680 IF Samuel E. Stokes, I. F. Peniston. Henry Sloan, William G. Bonlton, Edward Darlington, ll:Jones Brooke, Edward Lafonrcade, Jacob P. Jones, James B. MeFarbmd, Joshua P. Eyre, Spencer llictivaine, J. B. Semple, Pittsburgh. A. B. Berger, Pittsburgh. D Tilforgan, Pittsburgh. I C. HAND, President. DAVIS, Vice President. deL3tnol UI Bona roar% t3tred .1 HAIVIES . FIRE;INSORAtiCE. CO NORWICH, *CONN. • . The following statement of the cow:111 , 10u of' the. Thames Fire Insurance Company of Norwich; Conn.,. on the 31st December:lB6s,ls published iu accordance with an - Act of Assembly. ' _ mount Capital Stock - authorized. ? A mount paid in full- At BETS. Cash on-hand in Bank • $7,848 fa Cash in hands of 4genta and in, coarse of transmission - 13,647 33 Amount loans secured - by Bonds and Mort gages; the tint lien on real estate on which , there is less than one,yearallrderest.due 98,35 _ 0 and owing - - OO g 21,000 11. S. 5-20 Loan, market value , ' 21,071 25 34,5.58 do 7-30'9 34,',58.00 Bank Stocks, pox 4:20,000. market value 21,450 00 Lanus on collateral security: - , Par value. p Market vatue. B. Loans and Bank Stocks.' - $36,560 39,321 Loan 30,500 00 Amount Premium Notes ' 12.282 12 Amount Accruedlnterest on Investments.- 7,966 in. All other assets including ollice furniture,l7. S. , stamps.. Total Assets.. LIABILITIES. Amount of losses unadjusted. Amount Of claims tor losses In vuit or con• tented.. INCOME Amount Premlums Received $116,587 90 Amount Interest Received on Investments 11,573 80 Amount Premiums Earned- 464.593 59 Total incom.e teN"PENDITII RE& Amount of losses paid during year $63,163 78 Amount of losses paid daring the year which accrued prior to the Year Amount at which the tosses were estimated ing in former 4 year atatement which were paid dur- 3,110 21 Amount return premiums and re4nsurance 14,999 30 Expenses including commissions and fees to Agents, salaries of °dicer5,......... 18,723 41 Amount paid for taxes.... . . .......... ...... 5,843'07 Amount all other expenditures of Company. 5,701 81 Total - expenditures 011411 21 AIMS W. PRENTICE,Presldent, B. B. WHITTEHORE, Secretary. PHILADELPHIA BRANCH OFFICE: North Penna. B. B. Building. 409 WALNUT St. WM W. ALLEN & Co., General Agents for Penna. fe23f&tu6t TRAVELLERS' INSURANCE COMPANY, PROVIDENCE, R. I. Cash Capital, $200,000. Insures against Accidents of all Kinds. General Accidents include the Traveling Risk, and also all I orms of Dislocations, Broken Bones. Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Gunshot Wounds, Burns and Scalds, Bites of Dogs. Assaults Ely Burglars, Rubsers or Mur derers, the action or Lightning or Sun Stroke, the ef fects of F.XI losiow, Floods, and Suffocation by Drown ing Os Choking Twenty-five dollars per year will secure a policy for FIVE 'I FIOUSAND DOLLARS in the event of death by any description of Accident, with Tweiify-five dol lars per week compensation. smaller sums in pro. portion. No medical examination required. DIRECTORS. NEW YORK REFERENCES. SETH PADELFORD, NATIONAL CITY BANR" A. E BURNSIDE, HOYT, SPRAGU. & J S. PHETTEPLACE. .CO. ALLEN 0. PECS., GEO. S. BOBBINS & HENRY H. ORMSBEE, SON. JABEZ C. B NIGHT. ANTHONY & HALL, THUS. G. TURNER, J. C. HOWE & GO. ALES. FARNUM, 21.1.7 NT, TILLINGHAST J. S. PARISH, & CO. FRANK MAURAN, LOW. HARRIMA.Ig, L. B. FRIEZE% DURFEE & CO. ROYAL C. TATT, J. H. DEWOLF, BENJ. BL'FFUM.. JOHN T. MAURAN. ILENtaY IL ORMSBEE, President. J. S. PARISH, Vice President, 11. H. RAWSON, Secretary. • SABINE, DU & HOLLINSHED, No. 230 Walnut Street, Philadelphia ESTATE AGE CTS FOR PENNSYLVAICLA., NEW JERSEY and DEL& WARE. its Wanted. First Class Vitt. BELLI-NCR INSURANCE COMPANY OF PICCLADELPHLS. incorporated in 1641 Charter Perpetual. CA.PITA.L. , OFFICE, No. SOS wAtatur STREET. • 41500,1:0) Insures against loss or damage by _FIRE, on Houses, Stores and other Build:lairs limited or per petual, and on Furniture. Goods Waies and merchan dise in town or country. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. pE i SlCta.-5403,001 79 Investiarnll7eirbilgrier. , viz; First Mortgages on City Property, well se cured- 024,100 CO United States Government Mins._- —..—.. 135,000 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. L0an5 .. .._........ 55,000 00 Pennsylvania ISA*, _OO3 6 per cent. Loan.— 21,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, first and so- - cond Mortences.-- .. 65,009 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad - Citiaptuiy — 7 it 6 per cent. Loan-- . " 6,000 oo Pbßatelphia and Reading - RallroadCont. pany's 6 per cent. Loan.... r ..... 5,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 percent, Mori gage bonds.— i County Fire Insurance Company s Stock.._ Mechanics' Rank Stock_ Commercial Bank of Pen nsy I yards Stock_ Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock_ Reliance Insurance Company of Philadel phia's Cash In bank DIRECTORS. Clem. Tingley, Benj. W. Tingley, Wm. Musser, Marshall Rill, Samuel Bispham, Charles Leland , R. L. Carson, Thomas H. Moore, Robert Steen, Samuel Castner, Wm. Stevenson, Alfred RuglLsli, James T. Young. CLEM. TINGL.EY, President. THOMAS C. ATT.T4, Secretary. PHILADELPHIA. December 1, 1865. GIRARD FIRE A_ND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE, 415 WALNUT STREET, P MLA. OELPEIA. CAPITAL PAID 'Dr, IN CASE. MOW This company continues to write en Fire Risks only. tts capital, with a good surplus, is safely invested. 701 Losses by fire havebeen promptly paid, and more than $500,000 Disbursed on this account within the past few years. For the present the office of this company will re• main at . _ _ 415 WALNUT STREET, But within a few months will remove to its OWN 1313 LIMN°. N. E COP.. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT, • Then, us now, we shall be happy to insure our patrons at such rates as are consistent with safety. DIRECTORS. THOMAS CRAVEN, ALFRED S. GILLETT, lIRMAN SHEPPARD, N. S. LAWRENOE, THOS. MACK'ELLAR, CHARt.. 1. DUPONT, JNO. SUPPLER HENRY F. KENNEY JNO. W. CLAGAORN, JOSEPH KLAPP, T.A Fi YERE THOMAS ILFRED S. GILLETT,V JAMES B. AIXORD. Sec , FREINSITRATICE BXCLIISIVILLY. TB P KSII I IBYLVANLY.. FIRE INSITRANCE COLE. PAITY—Inco orated 1825—Chartor Perpetual—Na 110 WALNIIT Street, opposi te Independence Square Thin Company, favors - to known to the community for over forty years, con nee to insure against lost u damage by fire, on Sahli° or Private Building. ; sither permanently or for a Craned time. Also, Om iorniturel3tocks of Goods and Merchandise generally, liberaltorms. Their 'Capital, together with a large 'Surplus plumy is Ltieted in the most careful manner, wlach enable! tam to offer to the insured an 'undoubted talanizlty 111 the cue 'Alum DIBECTrOBS. I Daniel Smith, Jr.,John Dove:rear, Alexander Benson, Thomas Smith, Isaac Has'shunt, Henry Lewis, Thomas Robins, J. effilnghtun Fell, Daniel deck, Jr. DANIEL SMTH, Jr„ President, Wrarsatr G. OnowErM. Secretary, A .27 TH P. AOIT 1811FURANCE_OODEPANT.— joi. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Oflace_, No. B'l WAINUT, street, above Third, Phi a., Will insure against Loss or Damage by Fire, on Build. Inge, eitherverpetually or tbr a limited umo,Househoil Paniltare and Merchandlae generally. Also—Narine Insurance .on Vessels, Cargoes ant }laded, Inland Insurance to all parte of the Union. DEREGTORS. V7m. Esher, I David Pearson, D. Luther, Peter Sieger, Lewis Audenried, J. E. Baum, J. B. 331aldmon, Wm. F. Donn' Jos. Naufteld, ' John Eetchem; •WM. President, WM. P. D V'loe-Presides! WM. M. BETTE. Secretary • FOR SALE., 131[111CD6031R FITRNITURF, FOR SAI,E.—A.. ratn tleman about breaking up Housekeeping% fo he purpose of going to - Europe, d - egres to sell his Furni ture. To anyone wishing to take it ALL, including car pets, oil cloth and matting, it will be-sold a great btu , vain. This Furniture -Is of Moore _es Campion's Issap For further parti . ottlexa, -. inquire' of - = •••-• ' Nemo, GIIIIBERY. "es SONi 11 4 .24 • 6 t5-.. • +509 Walnutsetreet. I. ARD , BRICKS- AND MACK FRONT STRETCH. ERs on head and for:sale. , APII/Y - t 0 ',Tohn IIL Billet's brick yard Long Lane, Office No. -•922-, street. ' ' ' • ' ,fO.l-1-7tr*.t,t . SEI:BdTHENG' PAT.EINT MAL' do Sheathing also, Zolnison's Paten Wooldlns Ben, or Steam Pines and , Bonen, , nor. and for aide by WILLIAM 8 es.a.biT,lslo, tIIS ISOM Thaawirseavanna. MEWS AND LEMONS—Bunch , Layer and geed ßlees Raisins and Malaga, Lemons, landing from bark La Plata and for sale by JOE: B; BUS.° IY , rt .1 Go., 108 South ikelawere avenue. W, W. KURTZ. KURTZ:it HOWARD STOCK. , AND - ROTE BROKERS; NO. 23 SOUTH THIRD STREET, ( BOOM. NO. 5,) PHILADELPHIA, AB - Particular attention given to the Purchase and Sale of Stocks. Bonds, &c., at the Regular Board of Brokers. [fea-lmi] ALso:COMEERCIAL PAPIER , NEGOTIATED. 20$0 000 00 200,000 00 249,747 97 5-2.0. 7 3-10. COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES WANTED. • DE HAVEN & BRO. 40 South Third Street, $128,16170 MUTH, RANDOLPH & CO, BANKERS AND BROKERS, 16 South Third st., i 3 Nassau street, fe.Xrta.th a3ml 4,560 00 1,050 00 4,000 00 10,000 00 3so 00 2403,001 72 de26-th,a,tn.t2 President.. Preeldent and Treasurer etar . alBtf x .0017.4 4 ,- e SPECIALTY. Philadelphia. I STOCKS AND GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD ON CO* lON. STOCK & NOTE BROKERS, „EN 2181-2 WALNUT STREET. STOCKS and LOANS. bought and sold on commis sion. Trust Funds invested in City. State or Govern ment Uinta GEO. A, WARDER OZ. BACON. n P. S. PETERSON 6; CO. P. S. PETERSON & CO., 39 South Third Street. Stocks, Bonds, &c., &c , Bought and Bold at Board of Brokers. Liberal Premium paid for COMPOUND DUE:REST NOTES. Interest allowed on Deposits. rea-tf C. A. BOEUIZSON ROBINSON & DICKSON. STOCK BROKERS, No. 319 Walnut Street. qTOCICS, BONDS, &c., etc., Bought and Sold at Do. rd of Brokers. fela-tnif $ - 7000 - FOR BALE—Two first-class Mortgages of 17,000 each well secured on City Pro rety . , dn ut s esirably located. J. M. GIIISIBLEY SONS.: Waltreet. LIeIDOBIS. RICHARD PENISTAN'S Ale, Wine and Liquor Vaults, 489 Chestnut Streets PHILADELPHIA. " Established for the Bale of Unadulter- ated Liquors Only. Special Notice to Families! . Richard Penistan's Celebrated, Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, Now so much recommended by the Medical Faculty for Invalids. $1 25 PER DOZEN. (These Bottles hold one Pint) The above being of the very beet quality, it must be admitted the price Is exceedingly LOW. -• It is delivered to all parts of the city without extra charge. Brandies, Wines, Gins, Whiskies,‘,,dco. Warranted pure, at the lowest possible rates, by the Bottle, Gallon, or Cask. CHAMPAGNES of the beet brands offered lower han by any other house. On Draught and in Bottles, PURE GRAPE TRICE ,Thia is an excellent article for Invalids. It is a sure cure for Dyspepsia. HAVANA CIGARS. OLIVE OIL, RAY BUM, • BAD33IIcIIB, London and Dublin Porter and Ddeign Eitout—linglieb and Scotch Ales. dotal/ 1 1 HER MAJESTY 1 CHAMPAGNE . T.TW rit 0 N", sOtrilt VONT St, VMS AUNT. attedtion of the trade is solicited to the iblloalag ve , ry choice Wines. ar... Or by „JOSEPH F. DtailfoX, .H 9.• South Front , Meet, above MAD Irfaland, years old; do able EDlERBlES—Osznpbell & Co., single • and triple erape,,E. Orals" & Bons, Rudolph: Topaz. =Rt. flpanialx Crown and.V.Nallette. - • LPORT4—Vallette, Vial° Telho Real, ihtlkOlS acid Rebell° Valente do Co . Vintages ift% to Us& CildLitiETSCl:rulleu Fre ea. and. EIL!D i t 43 mug, VERMOUTH—G;Brive & - Musaam—de Prontignpar. • • • OHA2,IPAGNIM Ernest' IrrOny, "Golden mare de Venoge, Her Majesty and' ittral Dabbset- and :other ftworite brands. MIME WICIPZECY.-4262010a lots of old Wheat, We and Bourbon 'erhiew.• fir Bale by N. P. 2d3DDLE. TON. 6 North NIT f3hVet, 1,16 JOHN 'O.,HOWAHD erreen Corn, FOB SALE BY 200 BAItRPTs. Fine, nediuni and Low grade Syrup. 211,1) half chests Oolong, Young Hyson and Imperial Tea. 200 bags Rio, Laguayra and Java Coffee. 500 barrels A. B. C. and Yellow sugars. 100 Ithci.s Luba and Porto Rico do. Also, a g neral assortment of Groceries for sale by W. .1. IP( ARAN & C0.,115 South WATEfft street, beim., Ole nut. fe3-Im* DlEwFßAYS.—Princess Paper•shell and Lisbon hamonds; splendid London Layer Raisins, in whole, half and quarter boxes, choice Fieme fl , In small drums, in store and for sale by M. F, SP Tea Dealer and Grocer, N, W.corner Arch and Eighth. /inn OASES 'FRESH PEACHES, TOMATOES, Green Corn, Peas, A warranted to give sa.isfaction. For sale by M. F. S cc., PTT.T.TR, Arch and Eighth streets. E%TRA MACKERk L.—Fatra choice large Macke rel in kitts. Also new Spiced and Pickled Sal mon. For sale by M .F. BP , N. W. cor. Arch and Eighth streets. T‘B.Y PhESEatVED GINGEI3..—d small invoice of 1J this delicious confection. in small ,4'4 lb. boxes, just received at (XfUSTY'S East End Grocery,No.llB South decend street. • vs - VEXED GINGER.-300 eases choice Preserved P Ginger, each jar guaranteed, In store and for sale at COljtsTY'S East End Grocery, No. 118 South Second street. UNICE Currants. Citron, Lemon Aland Orange Peel, Pare Spiess, Cooking Wines and Brandies, new Sweet Cider, all for sale at COUSTI East End Grocery Store. No. U 8 South Second street. XTEW YARMOUTH SLOATERL.,—A small invoice /A of ti eae delightful and choice delicacies, for sale at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. 118 South Second street. Bi e w York. ON DEPOSTTS iso7 L, DICKSON, Tr. PICKLES, SAUCEB Gi REEN__P EA.S, Fresh 1 2 'eaches s , Fre& Tomatoes, Plums, &o. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DRA IN FINE GROCERIES, Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets. ITALIAN MACCARONI, VERMICELLI, PARMESAN CECEESE, Fresh Imported, JAMER R. WEBB. wALNuT and EIGHTH Streets. PRIME SPd....NMFT OLlVEs.4.—Spanish Queen Gays', Stuffed Olives, East India Hot Pickles. Boneless Sardines, and all kinds of new Canned Fruits, Meats, zionps, Milk and Coffee. at (X)USTY'S East End Gro cery. :No. lie South Second street. rta.a_NBI...IIRIES.—Z3 , barrels Jersey cultivated Crag V berries to store and Mr salo by M. F, &pi 14,174 N. W. car. Arch and T'intith streets. REA.I. En:A: ten, FOR SALE, OR TO LET UPON G ROM ID 113 RENT—A valuable tract of LAND. adjoining tue xmlacielphia Gas Werks, in the First Ward, having nearly hails trite (I, mile) front upon tte river Schuyl kill. 'lbis portion is parocuiariy well adapted ior manufacturing purposes, as well as a suitable lepot for anthracite and bitumonous coal. a branch railroad leading, from the Perim , ylvani,.. Railreiti, stops at the premtses.and can be readily extended about 24,0 yards to the river Schuylkill, there connecting with a substan tial wharf. The property will be divided to suit pur chasers. Also to Rent. a brick BUILDING, with extensive river front suitable for various manufactnring pur poses, in connection with the Gas 'Works, with steam power and other Improvements. [fel.th.s.tal2t. Apply at 121 W 4l :NTT street, second story. FOR SALE.—A rfAlta, contatuing lod acres =superior land, with modern double bricicmansion, ice house, carriage house, large new oars , threesmaller ones. two tenant houses, Am., sc.. all in excellent con dition, situate in Burlington counts*. N. J., on the road from Moorestown to Riverton: 10 miles front Camden; 4 miles from the Camden and Amboy R. R.: half ofandle from Moorestown and also from Camden, Moorestown and Mt. Holly It. R. Five acres of g ;rden fruit and standard fruit of every description, Hand some lawn, well shaded. and land in highest state of cultivation, .1. N. GUMMY & SONS, 508 Walnut street. TFOR SALE.—A VERY CMORIE AND DESI! EAGLE FARM In the Twenty. third Ward, 10 es from Market street, adjoining the village of Bustlettua, containing 90 acres. improvements tine and land in a high state of cultivation, with plenty of shade, fruit and water. and everything in first rate order. Apply at 102, Chestnut street, second floor, be tween 10 and 2. jaal-tu.th,sa.tf Fos GERMANTOW7s.: MSIDEN:TE FOR SALE— ' r" On Tulpehocken street, '..0 feet front, containing a nt two acres. Rouse lately built: supplied with gas, watet closets. bath. &c. Stable and coach house complete. Grounds tastefedly laid one: garden very ample Will sell the furniture. Apply at MO south Fourth street. fe2S St. FACTORY.—FOR RENT OR SALE—e. large four-story Factory Building, with means power, belling, shafting, &c. Situate on the N. R. corner of Twenty-second and Wood streets. immediate Posses sion given. J. 3L GIIZEILEY fi SONS, SOS Walnut street I" — ALUABLF SQUARE 01? GROUND.— FOR SALE—The Square of Ground bounded by Seventh,Frank..in, Diamond streets tied Susquehanna avenue: also. a number of other Large and desirable LOTS. Apply to YITLER, ICH 6t* No. 51 North Sixth street. Es FOR SALE. A desirable three-story brick ROUSE, tla South .I . 4inth street- all modern im prevement-s; immediate possession given. Apply to 3. H. CURTIS &SON, Real Estate Brokers, 433 Wal nut street. ek;uliain ß o ßre i Residence with — oTties, : Totilke T r ): , moaern conveniencies. situate 10. 551 .North Sixth street. Lot 19 feet front by SO feet deep. 3. GT:MMET d SONS, SOS Walnut street. .7., °ERMA NTOWN.—FOR SALE.—A NEAT "47 Stone Cottage, With lot 1.3 , 1 feet front,and furnished c.l a every city convenience, pleasantly located within eight minutes' walk from the Railroad Depot. I. M. G EMMET' it SONS, seB, Walnut street. FOR SALE.—Tbe modern three-story, brick Dwelling with three-story back buildings and every conventenm situate, No. =0 Pine: IS feet front by Se feet deep. J, DL. GUM SONS, 505 Walnut street, fE: FOR SALE A DESIRABLE THREE-STORY 'in , brick house, with mree-story double bock build ng-s, 1401 Thompson stree all modern improvements. Apply to J. H. CHET'S & SON. Real Estate Brokers. 433 Wanut street. a - 1z FOR SALE.—The Elegant HOUSE. with every Lali modern improvement. No. 214 West Washington Square. LEWIS H. REDNER, fe9-tfg :152 S. Fourth street. --- . 1 , OR SALE—DESIRABLE DWELLING, 217 N SITU] street. opposite Frauklln Square. Ap ply to P. MADEIRA, 115 Tenth street, below claest r ut. fe2o-ati. FOR SALE.—A NEAT DWELLING 1310 North NIL Eleventh street. 7 mrnediat. pos , -essiou. .1. WETHERILL. Storth Front. THE VALUABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY. 34 feet front by 74 feet in depth. situate Nos. 113 an 115 North Sixth street, above Arch. J. M. OUTS MEV S. SONS, 508 Walnut street. STATIOICEIet. ILIPMAN EANCFACTCEING CO. P:NU O H. L. LEN. A. MANUFACTURING AND IMPORTING STATIONER, 8 51 South Fourth Street, l'el Story, ri = arras AT vrooLvA. es r'. LIPMAN'S IMPROYED EYELET MACHINE. P . ; Llpmax's Tel-Patent Eyelet Machine. tv, 5 LIPMAN'S PAT. PENCIL & ERASER, i It - LIPMAN'S ERASING PENCILS, - . '',Z JACKSON'S LEAD PEND/ES. REAMS' ETEUPOINT LEADS, :-4, . w. A/EARS' PROPELLING LEADS. .e, i LIPMAN'S ANTI-RULER. e, BLOTTING ----- ...4 Lipgoat Manufacturing cc,..8 P SUPERIOR LEAD PENCILS. ROBBINS EYELET MACHINES. ' - ' STATIONERY IMPORTED TO ORDER. LIPIAN ILLIIOLWIIIIIiNo.OO, EUROPEAN RANGE, for landlies, hotels o • Minstitations in TWENTY DRFFE . Also Philadelphia Ranges, Ho . Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Lowdown Grates, • . board Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stewhole BMW, Broil • Cooking Stoves, etc, at wholesale and retail, by , inantrfacturersE - &AB, owAsPn & Twom:mow, o2B,th,s,tn,floni No. 209 North Second== THOMAS D. DIXON dS SONS, Late Andrews ek on No. 1524 crEaVrisarr street, Pianmkphts, _ OPP:alto State ® Mat , • susuras of DOWN PARLOR A Aact other ORATED, For Antluacifd, Bituminous and Wood Fired. WAFAL-AFP; EtfletAoE9,, ' For Warlail2g_EAllo and Private Buildinge. • B.LO/V-ENFELATOBS c oolarTG-BANomaxra-Borracsarca. mga WHOLEBilair' and RFITAIL. _ . A ARIA ' intAPIP.- . -10f, kegs of. these splend id: white grapes in fine order , landing and for sale by JOB. B. DIISS.i: & CO.. los &nab Delaware avenue kJ AND LEMONS. -Icily Oranges awl kJ Lemons, in prime order, Or sale by 40S, BOSSIER 00.,1081SontliDe/awarespenne.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers