SECOND EDITION. BY TELEGIa'H: LATE. FROM WASHINGTON. CANADIAN , AFFAIRS. NEW BILL TO BE REPORTED., The Indians to be Cared For, TEE PRESIDENTIAL QUESTION, LATER FROM TEXAS., Fenianic Dev'elopments. Froni Washington. 'Special Despatch to the Bulletin.] WASHINGTON, Feb. 27.—The Ways and Means committee are maturing a bill, which will be reported in a few days, ldok ing to an adjustment of the Canadian reci procity question. Inasmuch as the Canadian officials de clined to accept the Prqposition presented by Mr. Morrill on account of the limited articles in the free list, the Committee have determined to extend that list considerably. It is believed that the Provinces will ac cept the measure. If, however, they refuse them there is little chanceof anything being done. The Indian Committee of both houses were in joint session to-day for the purpose devising a new policy respecting our Indian affairs. The present system is regarded as wholly inadequate, and it is felt that some thing mast be done for these children of the orest. There are efforts on foot to heal the breach between Congress and the President. There are many good men engaged in it. From Texas. GA_LvEsTorr, Feb. 24.—The funeral of the Hon. George W. Smythe was attended by the Convention en masse. A resolution of condolence and respect was adopted. The deceased is prbnonnced to have been one of the ablest statesmen'-'of Texas, and his death is regarded as'a public calamity. In the .Convention a resolution was reA ferred to exempt certain property from at tachment and forced sales on execution for twelve months. A minority report declaring the secession ordinance null and void was discussed and referred. lA. resolution requesting the Government to provide, by treaty with the Indian tribes, to secure protection to the white settlers, and secure relief from the General Govern ment against Indian excursions. Arrived, steamer Senatoha, from Boston; the Saragossa, from New York, is diacharg ing. The steamer Georgia will sail for New York in a few days.' Cotton firm; middlings, 31 cents.. There is still a large quantity of unemployed ton nage in port. Freights to New York i; to Liverpool id. Business is generally dull. Feniania. NEW YORK, Feb. 27.—C01. O'Mahony, in a card, denounces as untrue the rumor that he was about to dismiss EBB: n, and de clares that he considers the latter worth more th the Brotherhood and to Ireland than the whole so-called Senate together. The Herald's Toronto special despatch says that reports from an English detective at Pittsburgh states that General Sweeney's plan is to make a demonstration against Canada about the middle of Marc, with a small force, and strike New Brunswick, via the Maine frontier, with his main column. Accident to Lient.-Gen. Grant. NEW YORK, Feb. 27.--Lieut.-Gen. Grant was accidently shot in the hand, yesterday, by the explosion.of a neW rifle, which he was examining.. The wound is not serious, and did not prevent his attending the recep_ lion at Brooklyn last evening. He left last night for Washington. The Cibinet. NEW Yonx, Feb. 27.—The Tribune says editorially: "Those members of the Cabinet (we are informed on good authority) who contemplated resigning their portfolios, have concluded, after consulting with friends, to await the action of the President. They prefer to give him the opportunity of removing them, should he think proper rather than of accepting their resignations. It is not improbable that he will accept the alternative in the case of one of these gen tlemen, in the course of a few days, Such is the expectation at Washington among persons well informed.", Habeas Corpus in Kentucky LOUISVILLE, Feb. 26.—Writs of habeas corpus were issued to-day by Judge Bal lard of the District Court of the Southern States, for the bodies of Captain's Read and Lennon, who were lately fined and com mitted tojailinCampbell county,for the pro tection of the polls at the last election. The cases are important and will present the whole subject of the powers of the military where martial law •;prevails. Eminent Union lawyers have volunteered theii ser vices to General Palmer to represent the accused. Destructive Dire at St. Louis—Four Steamboats Burned. ST. Lou's, Feb. 26.—The steamers Dicta tor, Lana, Leviathan and Feytona, were bnrned at the Levee to-night together with a large amount of freight. The loss cannot be ascertained to-night, but will probably reach $500,000. The three latter boats be longed to the Mieptiasippi Steamship Coin p any, Judicial Decision. NEW Yourr, Feb. 27.—Judge Burnard has decided that the courts have no authority to discharge minors from the army, that power resting alone with the Secretary of War. Pries of Gold [By the People's NEw Yosic, Feb. quoted to-day as follows: 10.80 A. M. 1361a137 11.30 • 130a137 141.45 136 i 11.45 137 11.00 1361 • 12.00 M., 1361 41.15 136 12.16 P. 111., 127 H.ARRISBIIIIG Feb. 27., - T.E.—MeSEMS. COMIC SICCA and Ridge Way presentedn petitions favorable to applying the, school tax in Philidelphialo the pay- ment of sc,hool warrimts. Mr. Ridgeway presented a petition from the Unitarian chnrchl members of German town favorable to Sunday travel. - - Mr. Conneßa- remonstrance 'against the Lombard and South street supplement. _ Mr. Graham, a _remonstrance. against driving the produce verrders 'Tom thestreets of Philadelphia. Mr. James read a. bill preventing the packing of hay in Bristol. Mr. Ridgeway, one reviving the old mili tia organizations of the State. Mr. Connell, one •authorising the New Boston Coal and Mining Company to build Railroads in Schuylkill and Carbon coun ties; also, one to• incorporate the Great Connell of the United States of the Im proved Order of Red Men; also, one au thorizing the Fremont Coal Company to borrow money; also, one in relation to goods and wares in store and transit, and to make receipts and bills of lading negotiable. The House bill giving the Philadelphia and Erie - Railroad Company power to build branches came up on third reading, and a debate ending only with the adjournment took place. Ball Landon and others spoke in favor of and Lowry, Bingham and others against the bill. Hou4E—The House was engaged during the morning session in the first reading of one hundred and forty-nine bills of a private character. None were acted on finally, Market* Ictw YORK, Feb. 27.—Cotton dull and unchanged. Flour_ firmer, with an advancing tendency; sales of 9,000 bbls ; State, $ 6 60@ s; Ohio, sB@glo 75; Western, Q 6 69e410; Southern, firmer; sales of 600 bbls., at $s 70@ tvls 50. Canada firmer: sales of 350 bblo., ats7 50@410 50. beat closed at an advance of I©2c; sales of 5,000 bus., New Amber: State ;$2 5 . 2. Mixed Corn advanced 2c. Beef steady. Pork steady at $2B 1736@t28 50. Lard Steady at 17@l05ic. Whisky dull, but firm. NEW ORLEAES, February 26th.--Sales of cotton to day 1,600 bales: low middlings 42@4Sc ; • middlings 45@ 46. Sugars fair to filly fair, 14?..i@15. Molasses prime to *choice 90©22.4'. Gold opened at 1353,f®136, and closed at 155 i @1553. Sterling. exchange, 145.€0146; francs, 390; freight to New York 34. c, to Liverpool 11-16 d. ATTEMPTED HIGHWAY ROBBERY.—This morning, about three o'clock, a colored man named Alexander Emory, was ar rested at Eighth and Shippen streets, on the charge of baying knocked down and :at tempted to rob a man. Emory was taken before Alderman Tittermary, and was com mitted to answer. LARCENY OF CLOTHING.—Before Alder man Butler this morning Robert Thomas and Joseph Lane were charged with the larceny of clothing valued at about $2OO, the property of Littleton Morris, residing on Lombard street. They were committed for a further hearing. FIRE—CATTLE BURNED.—Last evening about eight o'clock a frame stable, belong ing to John Smith, butcher, located in Cow slip alley, in the neighborhood of Sixteenth and Vine streets, was destroyed by fire. A horse and eighteen calves perished in the flames. ATTEMPTED BURGLARY.—John Wilson was arrested this morning about five o'clock for attempting to break into a store on Fifth street, near Shippen, Aldenuan Tittermary committed him to answer, MORE WOODEN BITILDINGS.—The High Constable, yesterday, ordered down three more wooden buildings, which had been erected contrary to the ordinance of the city. . BOWER'S INFANT CORDIAL is a certain, safe and speedy care for cholic, pains anti spawns, yielding great relief to children teething. Rower's Laboratory, Sixth and Green. "FELT CORN AND BUNION PLASTZEB." Mailed for fifty cent& Bower. Sixth and Vine. NEEnr.ns 7 INDELIBLE INK.—A standard and reliable article for marking handkerchief, garrnenta, dec. Made byNevftes, Druggist, corner Twelfth and Baca etreete. 5-20's werrrno, DeHaven it Brother, 40 South Third street. DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES Ili EVERY VA Dam. SNOWDEN & BROYDnporters. 23 South Mghth street. BRONZE Ink Stands, Fans, Card Receiv ers, Jewel Caaket3, Cigars es Outlerie u % SNOWlilEti & Importers. 23 South Mallet th etre 7 3-10's WANTED, DeHaven & Brother, 40 South Third Street. FOR THROAT DISEASES AND AFFECTIONS of the chest, "Brawn's Bronchia/ troches." or Clough Lozenges, axe of great value. In Coughs, Irritation o the Throat caused by cold,.or Unusual Exertien of the vocal organs, in speaking in public, or singing, they produce the most beneficial resales. The Troches have proved their efficacy. COMMON—Judges Allison and Peirce.—Yes. terday the Court commenced the investigation in th contested election case of Weaver vs. Given upon tb answer of Mr. Given. The counsel for Mr. Given ex ermined a number of witnesses, but nothing special wa shown except that in the Sixth Division of the Fourth Ward there was a man who voted twice. Other testi mony was offered, but rejected until actual fraud had been e hown. The counsel then proposed to call all the voters of the divieion who voted for Mr. Given. This morning the case was resumed. Daniel Kane, who was on the list as a voter, testified that he did not vote. Mrs. Sarah Nichols, No. 715 South Sixth street, tea tided that she knew no Joseph or • James Christy; no body of that name -lived in her house on that day. Christy is markecron the list as voting, and his resi dence No. 715 South Sixth street. , • Mrs. McNichol% No.lo Abbott's Court, testified that George Magee, who is on the list as voting, did not reside at her house. Michael .T.4ly testified that he did not vote at the last election, Ann O'Neill No. 536 Shlppen7 street, testified that James Hall did not live at that place at the time of election. James Wray testified thathe voted and got his ticket fromplr. Usher. Mr. Usher testified that the ticket he gave the last witness had Mr. Given's name on it. Thomeof H. Rogers testified that he voted; got his ticket from Lytle J. Hurst. Robert McFarland, 705 Spofford street, testified that h, [e voted for Mr. Given. • Charles Fleming testified that be resided in Spofford street and to the best of his knowledge, he voted for Mr. Given. Officer Marsh testified third he saw a man named Christy, vote in the 6th and 7th precincts of the 4th Ward. Officer Dix testified that he saw Christy vote In the 6th division. Lytle J. Hurst testified that he voted, but could not tell for whom; had two or three kinds of tickets in hilt pocket and therefore could not be positive that he voted for Mr. Given. Isitsr Palos—Justice Strong—The New Trial Motion List was before the Court. The motions for new trials in the cases of the Commercial National Bank vs Cope, Miller and Wayne, the sureties of the late Paying Teller of the Bank, were overruled. An Injunction was granted in the case of the Philadelphia and Read ing Railroad Company vs The New York and Middle Coal Field Company. Decree to be prepared in ac• cordance with the prayer of the bill. DISTRICT CoußT—Judge Sharswood.—Samuel Win penny vs. Ernest Sopp, et al. an action of ejectment to recover posse.sion of certain houses at the Falls of Schuylkill. On trial. , DISTRICT Conan—Judge Hare—John Smiley and Mary. Jane, his wife, to the use of the said Mary lane Smiley, vs. Samuel M. Sines and John F. Sheaf, trading as Blues di Sheaf. An action to recover for a canal boat alleged to have belonged to plaintiff, but sold by defendant. On trial. QUARTER. SESSIONS—JUdi thr e Ludlow.—David Hard ing and Geo. Vise were c ged on three bills with Hard . burglary. Harding, who is a young man of about 38 years of age, pleaded guilty on two bills. Wise who is much older, was put on trial on one bill chartig him with breaking into the house of Christian aul on Frankferd Road. A portion of the stolen goads WAS found on bimwhen liewas arrested. Hewes 0011.Victed, • and after his conviction DetectiveXenderson testified that Wise was well known to the _polies as a' thief and bUrglat. He served one term Of BNB years in the Penitentiar and boa been at liberty bet a year. Ludlow; In passing sentence, said he regretted to be compelled to impose severe penalties. bat in this case a protracted term appeared to have little effect and therefore gaiety needed protection; whiebteuld ; not be given by kicking up the men who persbited-in' their evil course. On the one. bill - on which there was I a conviction. Wise was sentenced to..TEN years in the Eastern Penitentiary - The judge said that the other two bills would be laid aside, and if at the expiration of the present sentence, there should be 'a necessity Obey wouldbe laid before ajury. Harding was next sentenced.. Judge Ludlow pointed ont to the scented the folly' of allowing. him self nt bls age to be led away bleu inexperienced con :vitt like Wise who had used him for his own purposes. ;Sentenced on the two bp.% to four years in the Eastern New lrerk. egrap] Line.] th.—Gold has bees. Coomm and Perry have been lien , tenced to be hung at - liaverina, Ohio, on the =6th of April, for murder. Pennsylvania Legislatture. CITY BITLLETEC COURTS The Given Case. EVENING BULLETIN PIIILADELPHIA.,I , TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27,.1866: Collision on the New York andl.Erie Bail= way—A Conductor and Faigineer Held :for Manslaughter. , • •:• • Collision; - which is alleged ,to have re-i'` suited from gross carelessneis, occurred • a late hour on Friday night 'on 'the New; - ,York and Erie Railway. at Lordvill43, - on. the Delaware Division; by which one man was Fr killed. • . - • om what information could be gathered; it appeals that the night. express train, Ni). 3, which left Jersey City on Friday' night; ran into, a freight train which was behind time. The platforms of both trains were' broken up, and a brakeman was jammed in between two freight cars,which required an hour and a half to separate them so as to re move the body of the brakeman, who in the meantime had explred. The conductor and engineer of the freight train were arrested for, Manslaughter, and were required to give bail in the sum of $lO,OOO each to await the action of the Grand Jury.. - PROPOSED DECREASE IN THE NUMBER OE. SEPRETSE JUDGES.—The House Committee on the Judiciary has matured a bill and will press it to immediate consideration, provid ing that the Supreme Court of the United States shall consist of one Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices. This is the num ber now on the bench, and the passage of the bill would obviate the appointment of a successor to the late Justice Caton, the number of Associates as now fixed by laW being nine. In order to accommodate the circuits to the new limitation, it is proposed that the first, second and third circuits shall remain as now constituted; that the Districts of Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina shall be the fourth Circuit; Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas the fiftli, Circuit; West Virginia, Ohio and Michigan the sixth Circuit; Indiana, _lllinois, Ken tucky and Tennessee the seventh Circuit; Wisconsin,Minnesota, lowa, Missouri, Kansas ad Arkansas the eighth Circuit; and California, Oregon and Nevada the ninth Circuit. J. D. MAEKHARr, a farmer residing near Elizabeth City, N. C. was shot dead in his own house, on Saturday night, by a burglar. FEBBT 500 II S Tress 7 3-10 s Notes July 99 12000 Penna 58 trf 500 City 6s old 87 3000 do new ofii sso do 9i74 600 do maul Si.% 1000 do 91% 500 sh St Nicholas C 830 100 sh do WO 8 5 sh _Azad Music csh 50;.; 150 sh Lehigh Nay 52 ash do 52 bosh Penns R 57 47 sh do 83Wri 200 sh Phil & Erie b 5 Susi 200 sh do blO SO% 200 sh do bal 803% 100 sh do has 303% Public Board—Philadelphia Exchange. .lIMPORTED BY 6 0. ronarsoN, MOCK BHOXICI4 NO. MN _ . . WALNUT STEXIIT. /FIRST CU 100 sh Philo. & Cherry 100 M aple Shade 4.56 Run 3; lon sh Reading R sol; 100 sh American Gum 500 oh Walnut 191 MO ...53 Paint CO 2ds 1 , 500 sh Mount Farm -4711 2CO sh Phil & Provide li 1100 sh McClint' a 13 Is PRICES OF STOCKS IN NEW YORE. (By Ibleyraph.) YEAST CLASS. BEOOND mass. American! Gold----13 8 % Bales —. sales Reading Rains& 50% bid -- sales, New York CentraL.—.... 92% sales ...... sales 11. B. es 'Bl tut otE.---104 _ sales U.S. es, 6-205......_..-....-.. 102 '¢ sales ...... wales Ekle--_ _---- 94% sales -- sales Hudson Elver ---1033 i bid' .._.. sales Illinois CentraL.—..--...-... sales .-- sales Northweet----. . m id .-- sales ....,.. name* and liarLuess-.Feb. 27,1866. The Stock Market was again remarkably fiat this morning. There are no outside operators, and the general] distrust that exits in regard to the stability of present values tends to materially curtail operations. The only activity was in Catawissaßallroad Preferred: l which fluctuated between r-liigr..4'—an advance of Nothing but the necessities of the "shorts" keep it up to present figures. The Common stock sold at 25(§26,..i. Reading Railroad *as very quiet at SO@SOX, and has taken Its plane among the substantial securities, while Catawissa has become the shuttlecock of the Board. Peansylvanlaßafiroad sold at 57—an advance of 4; Lehigh Valley Railroad at V.N—no change, and Phila.. delphia'and Erie Railroad at .30%@OYS—an advance of 117 was bid for Camden and Amboy Railroad; 114 for Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad; 4314 for Nor hern Central Railroad, and 35 for North Pennsylvania Railroad. Canal stocks were neglected. Lehigh Navi gation declined %,and Schuylkill Navigation Preferred Wyoming Valley closed at 57; Delaware Division at SO, and Susquehanna Canal at 12. In Go vernment Loans the only change was a alight decline in the Seven-Thirties. Bank shares were without change. Passenger Railway shares were inactive . Spruceand Pine Streets sold:at 85. Jay Cooke A. Co. quote Government Securities, &c. to-day, as follows: :Baying. Belling; 17. E 3. 6's, 1881--..----.103)4 104.". i Old 670 Bonds .... -... ............-1 02,, 103 New " 166 - 4.-------....-102% 103 6-20 Bonds, 1865..... —.... 1023 103 , .; 10-40 80nd5..........------- 9356 94 7 3-10 August.-----...---- —. Vs!..i ss:li June. -...-..-............ 4-- 99 99 i " July.. . • ........ 99 V 334 OertiticateiTi iii - deliiiaireis 48:1.' vs Gold-at 12. o'clock--- ..... --136 x 13734 Messrs. Deßaven a Brother. No. 40 South Third street, make the ft:Mowingquotations .of the rates of exchange to-day, at IA P. M,: *OWE. - - American Gold. _--....1863e Silver—Quarters and ha1ve5......-11.0 Compound Interest Notes: JunelB64 61. v.; Ju1y.1864... 6'. 63: ... " Augll364 531 6.3; " Oct. 1864... 43 53; • " Dec. 1864 331 43 ,- ; • " 1163 1 ,1865 131. 211 . " Aug. 1865... V 13; ••", 5ept.1865... N i 1 " " Oct. 1865... 1. % Smith, Randolph & Co.. Rankers, 16 South Third street, quote at 1 o'clock as follows: Gold 1564®187 11. S. 1881 Bonds 104 (3 0,5. 5-20, 1862 .., 103 1864 102,4 103 10231 10.3 11. S. 16-40 9334 94 R. B. 7-80's—lat 5erie5........ _ 99.4 991; 111 2d series ik 993." 9914 8d series ...... 9914 9914 IT. S. Certificates of Indebtedness 98131 9sX The following is the statement of the Little Schuyl kill coal trade for 1866, to Saturday, Feb. 24: Co's Mines. Railroad. Tons Cwt. Tons Cwt. _26,930 61 49,503 05 _24,231 04 47,572 19 From Dec. 1, 1865. .... Same lime last year Increase East Alabanoy Railroad Same time last year Decrease 7,268 12 Total decrease on railroads 5,338 66 The weekly 'averages of the Associated National an Local Banks of the city of New York now In the & Clearing-Rouse, for the week ending' Saturday last, Feb. 24, compare as follows with the previous weekly statement, and also with the corresponding week last year, and the Sub-Treasury balances at each date: Decrease of Loans 0,292,052 Increase of Specie.. •• ._8,904,593 Decrease of net Depiosits 6,535 836 Decrease hi Legal- ender t. 3,200,254 Decrease In Circulation 23,3,N Including the Exchanges between theßanks thMugh the Clearing-House, and including also, the Sub-Trea sury statement of Saturday afternOtm, the previous weekly report, and also wtth the mOvement of this time last year: i Feb. 35,'65. Fsb. 21, '66, Feb.l7, '66 Capital *69,186,762 01,686,200 381,686,200 'Loatu3 188,534.904 . 239,776,206 243,068,252 sp ec i e . , 20,092,576 14,213,351 10,308,758 Gross Depbbits ' 153,946,481 183,241,404 183,777,290 In Sub -Treasury •^ 23,515,380 107,653,016 98,296,937 Legal Tender: Feb. 24, Feb. 17. Decrease TUESDAY, Feb. 27.—The downward movement in Cloverseed still continues and we again reduce _ our 'quotation§ 50 cents bushel. Sales of 600 'bushels :prime at "Sand some of common quality at $5. Timo• thy ranges f rom 14@$4 25, and Flaxseed is lunsettted and ranges from at $2 75@2 SO: inquiry for the of There is rather more inqt. ie better grades %. Flour for the supply of the .horne consumers. but there is no export demand and low grades can oni,ybe forded off at low figures. Sales of 100) barrels Northwestertra family at 31 25 for good and $9 for fancy lets—in-, Cluding 100 barrels on ;secret terms. Superfine ranges from is 25 to 37 and fancy Winter Wheat extra family :from $lO 50 to $l2 50,-::100 barrels Rye Flour. , sold !fit ;14 75. Prices of Corn Meal are entirely nominal. Tbere is ;jay little movement In Wheat and !to *harp fromy esterday's quotation% Small sales ,or • s„ :•10 K 1 pi SALES OF STOOKS. : 'Alta 100 sh Read R 7% 330 sh Catawls pf 135 :P..y. 100 sh do n% 100 sh do 1)30 333 100 eh do 1330 32N 100 sh do 1310 82% 100 sh do see .321. i 100 sh do 32% MO Ett do 1 b3O UV ()0 sh do SS 3 , 4. 300 sh do 510 52 5 0 sh do com :164 2000 sh do 29 15 eh Ilinehill R 541.4 400 sh N Y & Middle Coal Field sy 100 eh Fulton Coal 7 2eh Spruce &Pine as 2,618 19 1,930 as A 61,602,724 ---43,200.251 Philadelphia lUrkets. fair and strictly prime Red at ($2(g225. We• quote White lig 25('&2 55. Bye commands' SO cents. Corn is in better demand and. has , advanced 2- cents hushel. Bales 0(5,000 bushels yialow at •70 cent's-- including one lot, a higher rate and - 10,000 bush els in the Elevator on secret tern:Liu - Oats are 'steady Prices of Barley and kaltore'rmehait gad. , s 'Whisky is firmer andholders nourask $2 25-216 for Pennti, and Ohio. A sale of drudge att2 20©2 28: At the close a lot of refilled sold at $2.26.,__ - - IMPilanTATLlONe ning S. LReported for the rouattelphia nmlletin. WILMINGTON, va-Brlg Surf, Sweetland-67 8u o tns iron A Whitney & Sons; 37 bales cotton W L Springs: 600 bbls rosin D Fitie.r: 77 bbls spirits turpentine 40 do rosin Cochran, Russell d; Co; 314 bbls rosin E H Row ley; 44 do 11 do spirits 'turpentine Griffith & Atkinson: 31 empty bbls Massey, Collins &Co; 9 bbls dried fruit lungerich & Smith: 12 bags pea nuts 1 bale yarn 1 bale sheeting 40 bbls rosin 11 do spirits turpentine D S Stet son & Co. sir &6 Afartne Butletin on Siztki'age. ARRIVED THIS DAY. Schr Jas Satterthwalte, Long; from New York. Echr Helen, Hunter; from New Castle. Schr J P McDevitt, MeDqvitt. from Bridgeton. Schr S S Bright, Shaw, from Maurice River. CLEARED THIS DAY. Echr Sarah J Bright, Shaw, Boston, Reading RR Co. Behr N B T. Thompson, Endicott, New York, Day & Hoddell. Schr Helen, Hunter, New Castle, J Emery. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. LEWES. DBL., Feb. 26-6 AM. Ship Zonave, for Liverpool; barks Gent George G Meade, for Marseilles; John Matbues. for Matanzas; Genl W T Sherman, for Segue; Victoria. for Port au Prince; brigs Thomas Water, for St Thomas; L W Eaton, for Port Spain: Aurora, for Cienfuegos; J W Harris, for Cardenas, and Argun Eye, for Cienfuegos, went to sea yesterday afternoon. The brig 0 C Clary, from Nevassa, came in yesterday afternoon and re mains in the harbor this morning. Wind NW. Yours, &c. J. w• TTa , YARD BURTON. MEMORANDA. Steamer Saxon, Matthews, cleared at Boston 'yes- Marshman, from Charleston, at N t e d wt e a s y ym f o o er r rk m t h o i this ekport.yesterday. Steamer Hermann (Brent). Wf nith, from Bremen 11th, and Southampton 14th inst. with 621 passengers. at New York yesterday. Steamer Richard Willing, Cundiff, hence at Balti more 25th inst. and cleared yesterday to return. Ship Queen of the Fourth (Br). Crombie, from Shangbae 24th Nov. with teas,at New York yesterday. Ship Persia, Doane, cleared at New York yesterday for New Orleans. Ship Longwood, Peterson, from Calcutta lat Dec. with mdse. at New York yesterday. Ship Midnight. (Crosby, from Whampoa 30th Nov. atiNew York yesterday, with teas. Bark Tynedale (Br). Johnson, 95 days from Foo chow, with teas, &c. at New York yesterday. Bark Bremenert, Jachins, from New York for Rio Janeiro, wiviaken 6th inst. lat 237 N, lon 28 14W. Bark Ise , from Buenos Ayres for Boston, at Holmes' Hot 25th inst. Brig Lille, from Mobile for Boston, at Holmes' Hole 24th inst. and sailed again next day. Brig Cyclone, from Wilmington, NC. for Boston, at Holmes' Hole 25th inst. Schr W H Hillis, Thompson, hence, below New Or leans 17th inst. Schr Ocean Bird, Kelleyhafted from Providence 25th inst. for this port or Baltimore, according to wind. lalLLElEL—Suddenly, on the morning of the 26th in stant, Mrs. Mary A. Miller, aged 69 years. Funeral services at the residence of her son-in-law, David L. Skillman. No. 1316 Vine street. on Thursday evening, at o'clock. Funeral to proceed to Pisca taway, N. J., on Friday morning, at 8 o'clock. **.t. THE "EXCELSIOR" (Selected from the best Corn-Fed Hogsj ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. J. H. MICHENER & CO., GENERAL PROVISION DPa rmsos, And,Curers of the Celebrated 6 -,sion.' 9 sugar Cured Hams, TONGUES AND BEEF, Nos. 142 and 144 NORTH FRONT ST. None genuine unless branded "J. E. N. r 00., EXCELSIOR " The justly celebrated "EXCELSIOR" HAMS are them selves). ta(r?FATittNYle peculiar titliactieot; flavor; free from the unpleasant taste of salt, _and are pronounced by epicures superior to an&no t frered rp or sale. OIL PAINTINGS OFFERED AT LOW FRIOES. Productions of prominent American and European Ardsta, all especially ordered, or selected with great care. Architectural and Street Scenes, Charming Domestic Interiors, American and Swiss Landscapes, Marines, Cattle, &c.. &e NOW IN THE GALLERIES, WORKS OF Paul Weber,Meyer Von Bremen, Van StarkenbOrg, Galeatln. W. S. Young, Lasch, E. D. Lewis. .„ , Paul Hoff, Russell Smith, Kanassey, B. Moran, Schiecht, Geo. C. Lambdln. Engelhardt, .. Xanihns Smith, Alyea helm, J. G. Falconer, R. H. A, Herzog. Only original guarantied Works. Galleries always open free to visitors JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, No. 816 Chestnut Street f2-10t rpi EDWARD I'. KELLY. TAILOR, OM Chestnut St. COMPLETE Assoundiorr OF' Choice Goods At Reduced Prices for Cash. • Pattern Coat and Clothes Not Paid for it Cost for Cash. LOST.—Alexander Benson's Check of this date, to order of B. W. Adams, on Commercial National Bank, for Twenty-five Hundred and Sixty. five Dol lars ($2,565) Payment having been stopped, the finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving the same at 887 Walnut street. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 27,1866. 11* .51,993 00 .59,261 12 OB.DAN'S P:EI:TED TONIC ALE.—The T wily healthful and nutritious beverage, now in use bY thousands—invalids and others—has established a character for quality of material and purity of manu facture, which stands unrivaled. It is recommended torah s cians of this and other places. BB it superior and requires - but a trild - to (*Mince the most ek cal of its great merit. To P b s tree t. whniasaleana lafi. of P. I. JORDAN. 2'20 FMK% 'lmmo. Hannthetareis of MUHL& AND TARRED CORDAGE. Cords, Twines ,_&c., No. VI North Water Street, and No. 22 North Delawar Avenue, Philadelphia. ilowxn H. Erman. lintaanx. Wzavas. Colman F. CLornmett. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. inserted t - . 13 C 3 k 1246...! natural . Dr. O. L. NAGIM, Dentist, WE-MN it Spruce street, BBOND'SBOSTON BlStJurk,—Bond's Boston _ and Milk Biscultaanding from steamer Norman, and for sale by JOS. B. BIISSTRP. $ CO., Agents f O S Bond, 108 South Delaware avenue. -- •• • ae: 11 , 3 • :RI I•• ..$ PAL ei• ; e WB' •' .per, • to and . Oopper. constantly on band and for Bate by BENS ' WiNSOB & 00..812 South Whariefk— • - : VO — lt BALE—A copper STILL, for Alcohol; In corn .1: plate order.' Apply to ' JOHLIM BANJUL & Market street IVRWRAMONS.—SOOI) axes Bunch and Layerßaisin J- 1 SOO boxes Valencia Raisins r _loo mate Seedless Raisins foraale by JOB. B. BossyMti: & CO., 1M South Water street. • V. STATE OF LECTNDA BOWDRE, Miss CASHIR, ULU late of the City of Philadelphia, deceased.—Letters Testamentaxyon the aboveEstatehmin6l 3 een granted . /.0 the undersigned by theßegister of Willa for the City and ' County of Ph il adelphia ; all persons indebt ed to said Estate will please make payment and those having legal claims against the same are requested to present them to . • • -` EDWARD M. PAXSON, Executor, 2t WWI Third street. DIED. CARD. HAVE NOW. WEN , MY :OWN:IMPORTATION LACE CURTAINS, CONSIBMG Or. Tambour Curtains, ‘ 9 Application Onitains,. Floss:Curtains,l Nottingham Curtains; Sri:FCTED IN England, Prance and Switzerland, Personally, Expressly for Retail Sales: Many patteans of which are now Introduced in this country for the first time, all of which I offer, until further notice, at 20 Per Cent Less than Regular Prices; L E. WALRAYEN, MASONIC BALL, 1 719 Chestnut Street. WM. PAINTER & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, 110 South Third Street, BUY COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES OF 1864 AND 1865, AT THE InOREST MARKET BATES. fel44ml THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK HAS REMOVED, During the Erection of the New Bank Building, to No. SO5 Chestnut Street. lal7-tf rp FnEtsrr NATIONAL BANK, Philadelphia, Sept. 20,1865 I :i I) Di jJ I I I INTEREST AT THE RATE OP FOUR PER CENT. PER AN NUM WILL BE .ALLOWED BY THIS BANK ON DE POSITS, FOR 'WHICH CE:BTIFICATES WILL BE ISSUED, PAYA i BLE AFTER FIVE DAYS' NOTICE. INTEREST WILL NOT BE AL LOWED UNLESS THE DE POSIT REIEAINS AT LEAST FIFTEEN DAYS. , C. H. CLARK, President. 10-40 Coupons, Due March Ist, WANTED BY DREXEL & CO., 7-15 t 34 South THIRD Street. WE OFFER FOR SALE U. S. 6's, 1.895, •:I . I COMPANY, Interest payable In currency. The cheapest Govern ment Bond on the market, received by 11. B. Tress urer at.So per cent, as security for National Bank as culation. NORRIS AND ESSEX RAILROAD FIRST RIORTGAGE rs, DUE 1914, Strictly First-claw Bonds; for sale lower than other Bonds of the same class. Government Securities or all kinds bought and sold Stocks and Gold bought and sold on commission in this and other markets. Interest allowed on deposits. E, W. CLARK & CO., Bankers. No. 35 S. THIRD Street, Philida fez am 5p DREXEL & CO., BANKERS, 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET: 5-20's, 7-30's, 10-40's, 1881 9 s, Certificates of Indebtedness, 'Compound Interest Notes and GOLD ASD SILVER, • ' Sought and Sold. Braila drawn on England, Ireland,France and Ger loamy. Wake and Bonds bought and sold on Commission at Bid Brokers' Board, here and in New York. Orders solicited. acal-tf 5P FINE OPERA GLASSES. A VARY LARGE VAP.ERTYI JAMES W. VEEN a co., de2IIS ' - OOP IiAIdIIIr.A.OTORT -- Hoop skirts ready made sad triode to ordet - i . warrantedof wee Man/Ater/ 21 k . 419144thditliC rELS, E. BAYLEY: I. _ yoNami . vstirisostreehabore /41ime • - Len o Curtains, Mws:••zvv.3.lo.gzoi:A . c.oA l i.,j THIRD EDITION: BY TELEGRAPH. - From Providence. • PROVIDENCE, R. 1., Feb. 27:-The steamer Oceanus, which went ashore on Fisher's- Island on Tuesday: 4 night, hauled off' I this morning and started for New Yos k. in tow. Her cargo had previously been 1-,.. i k En i out in good condition. SXXLICth Congress—First Session., 44 WASHINGTON, Feb. 26: •-; SENATE.—Mr. Sumner (Mass.) presented. - the petition of the American Equal Rights.; . 7, League of-Philadelphia asking that a repub lican form of government be secured to each State. Referred to the Special Committee of Fifteen. Mr. Wilson (Mass.), from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported a resolution expressing the gratitude of the nation to the officers, soldiers and seamen of the United States, which was passed. Mr. Wilson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported a bill to provide for a uniform system of militia in the United States with slight amendments. Mr. Morgan (N. Y.) introduced a bill which was referred to the Committee on Finance, to exempt from taxation by State or local laws, lands granted to colleges for educational purposes. Mr. Sumner introduced a resolution call ing upon the President for information relating to the appointment of Provisional Governors in the South, under what law they were appointed, how they were paid, whether they took the oath of office, etc. It was passed. Mr. Davis (Ky.) asked that the resolu tion recently offered by him for the ap pointment of a Committee toinvestigate the frauds of the cotton bureau, etc., be taken up M . r. Davis caused to be read a lengthy communication from a former Provost Marshal of Natchez, (Miss.) detgiling a number of alleged cotton frauds coming under his notice in the. Department of the Southwest. HOUSE.-Mr. Newell' (N. J.) presented a joint resolution from the Legislature of New Jersey, in regard to the Veteran Re serve Corps. Mr. Wilson (Iowa) introduced a bill to fix the number of the Judges of the Supreme e .11a Court of the United States, and to nge certain judicial districts. Referred to the Judiciary Committee. • Mr. O'Neill (Pa.) introduced a bill in regard to the fees and costs of clerks, mar shals and attorneys in the courts of the United States. Referred to the Judiciary Committee. The House resumed the consideration of the joint resolution reported yesterday to amend the Constitution. Mr. Rigby (Cal.) spoke in support of the proposed amendment. He did not believe generally in making amend ments, going by very slow degrees to a proper colclusion, nor in making such amendments as ;will occasion division in the public mind; but this amendment would only give effect. and vitality, and life to portions of the Constitution which were intended from the be " g, to have life and vitality, but whi had reoeived a con struction by which they had been entirely ignored. The amendment was reported as coming from the Reconstruction Committee, a com mittee appointed not to have the ower of a star chamber, but to get information and light for Congress and the Executive. He argued that under the fifth clause of the first article of the Constitution, if each branch of the Government were, as the President had intimated, to decide the question of the re admission of members from the rebel States, they would be usurping the power of the Government. The grand and distinctive difference between Congress and the Executive was this—Congr i ess nsisted that it is a work of the Legislature to place the rebel States in the condition of loyal States entitled to representation, whilst the President of the United States insisted there should be no legislation on the subject. Noa-Arrival of the Steamer Arago. NEW YORK, Feb. 27.—The report 61 he arrival of the steamer Arago, at this port, this morning, was premature. New York Stock Market. NEW Tons, Feb. 27.-Stocks are dull. Chic - Ago and Rock Island, 104%; Cumberland Preferred, 45; Michi gan Southern. 69; New York Central, 9214; Missouri es, 761 i; Erie, 87%; U. S. C. )3upons 1881, 104; ditto 18e2, Treasury 7 3-105, 993'.2 . @9934: Gold, 136%. ..r.change on London. 8X per cent. premium. There is more doing in Western Telegraph 'Union stock, 68. Sales at Phtladel SALES - @lOOO 17 13 Tress 7 340 Notes June 99 500 do Aug 9934 1000 do 993.5 100 sh Read R esh 503 100 50 sh do Su oh do 930 WU 503{ 30 sh Girard Bank 53 20 oh Consolid Bk 40 SECOND" 5500 tr 5-20's ' ilex 6000 S S Ss r U. eg 104 200 sh Catawds pf sown 32% 100 sh do 100 sh do 830 n% OAK BADE O COMPA OF PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL. SHARES, 120,000. I.I3ESIDICNT, WILLIAM BA-1.1,EY,. TREASURED?, _ RIJOIC GAMBLE. DI:RECTORS, DAVitßratA JOHN H. JONES, JOHN F. GRO SS HUGH GAMBLE, ViLLIAN BAILEY. SUPEELINTILNDENT-.T. DALLAS HALL, OFFICE, 329 WALNUT STREET.' PEULA.DELPRIA. 11312-Darp JAY COOKE & CO., NEW OFFICE. 114 South Third Street, 13wakers, AND Dealers in Government Securities ; Y 4 E v. 5. 43 , s gf 1881. • 5 20's, Old and New, 10.40 9 - Certificates of Indebtedness, 7-30 N OTES, Ist, 2d. and 3d Series. Compound -Interest Notes Wanted. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. Collections made. Stocks Bought and Sold on Com. mission. _ , Speclal business accommodations DESERVED FOR / A - MEE. PiemstermacrA. February 1865. , fe7 S et . . GROVER & BAKER'S IMPROVED SHUTTLE OR "LOCH" MTV= SEW. ING HAHHINES. _ No. 1 and NO . B for Tailors, Stwernakenst Badtielge'' dtc. 780 Gams .o 4 Rvet. ldiadelphla. 17 aLAREET Street. Harrisburg. , 'falensrp 7 GiSTATE OP CHARLES A.-YOMSON, deoeased... -La LETTERS TESTAMENTARY tumble been duly: granted to theunderWened onthe Estate of Bald dee°. dent, all persons having Malmo the . sumac: are requested to present them, and =We thereto in debted to make 'nom:tent, to CHAR Q. POULSONi JOBN'HOSEINS , 7r P0111.150N "DOBSlactExecottns, 85 Walnut Meet:' • -- 'Mkt th,111,,,: 3:00 O'Clock: hiayStock Boara. .. FIRST BOARD. - • 100 sh Phil tt Erie 2 ds 30% 200 sh do b6O S 1 600 sh do b3O 80N ,1 100 sh sh o d do 65-bl5 wia 903 7 39.44 100 sh Oak Shade . `or e 110 sh Val • 24 sh do scrip 10pd 12 500 Sh Green 11mm% 4 .4 100 sh Ool7lPhillt " BOARD, 211 sh Union Cul " 434 8 sh Phil & Trent /1, 114 60 sh R 84.4 i bosh Junction 24 sh Lehigh Nay • 51Ja,r sesoo.dool PAR VALVE, 85 oor, GEOW4E C. ..3-:•'~.~. ~.•v:t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers