From our Third Editiori of Yesterday =EKEEth Conciess-,First Session. - • • WASHINGToY, , Jan. 10, 1866. SENATE.—Mr. Wilson (Mass.)' introduced ' a,bill to increase and fix the military peace estsblishment of the United' States, army. It provides that'the military peace establish went of the United States army shall here after consist of seven - regiments of artillery, ten, regiments of cavalry. , and sixty regiments of infantry. In addition to the five regiments of artillery, now organized. there shall be two new ones, one to be composedof colored and. one of white persons,officered by selections: from the volunteer officers. Trgo new regi ments of cavalry are to be of white and two of colored persons. In the in • fantry there shall be eight regiments compesed of men *from the Vete ran Reserve Corps and officered by the offi cers of that corps. There shall be one Lieu ' tenant' General, five Major Generals and ten Brigadiers. The bill was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Mr. Wilson offered the petition of the colored citizens of Savannah, asking that 'the right of suffrage he extended to them. Referred to the Special Committee on Re construction. " 'A 'resolution was passed authorizing the printing of 6,000 copies of Gen. Grant's military report.' Mr, Morrill moved io take up . the bill to 'regulate the elective franchise in the Dis trict of Columbia. The bill was read. Mr. Riddle (Del.) asked that the consid eration of the bill be postponed until Thursday. Mr. Yates moved to recommit it to the Committee on the District of Columbia, which was adopted. Mr. Howe offered a resolution declaring that the States lately in rebellion had for feited their rights as States, and it was for Congress to say when their rights should be restored. Mr. Howe pyoceeded toldiscuss the ques tion of State rights and secession, affirming that by the act of secession and rebellion, the Southern States had destroyed their functions of civil government. C Homm.—[Continued from our Second Edition.] Mr. Davis (N. Y.) introduced a resolution pledging the House to support the Presi dent's plan of restoration. Referred to the Committee on Reconstruction. Mr. Wilson (Iowa) made a speech in fa vor of extending the right of suffrage to the blacks in the District of Columbia. Pennsylvania Legislature. HARRISBURG, Jan. 10 SENATE.-Mr. Connell read the following acts: Incorporating the Franklin Silver Mining Company; respecting levy of tax on real estate; changing value of stock of El Dorado Mining Company. Incorporating New York and California Vineyard Company; relative to the election of School Controllers; exempting the Sailor.s home from:taxation; Incorporating Molinera Silver Company. Mr. Lowry read a general railroad act Mr. Rideway,one incorporating the Amer= ican Anti-Incrutatation Company; also, one repealing a. section compelling delinquent tax payers to pay five per cent. The .following Chairmen of the principa Senate Committees were announced : Li brary, Mr. Worthington; Public Printing, Mr. Chamneys; Public Buildings, Mr. Con nell; New Counties, Mr. Hoge; Roads and Bridges, Mr. Dunlap; Compare Bills, Mr. Hopkins; Banks, Mr. Bingham. ' Railroads, Mr. Nichols; Corporations, Mr. Ridgway; Federal Relations, Mr. Lowry; Finance, Mr. Connell; Judiciary, Mr. Hall. HOIISE.—The Standing Committees of the House were announced,the Chairman of which are as follows: ays and Means, Quay; Corporations, Heron; Railroads, Davis; Judiciary, Gen. Waddell; Judiciary, Local, Ruddiman; Pensions, Freeborn, and Claims, Lee. A resolution offered by Mr. Danks,urging Congress to give ,the same bounties to the soldiers of 1862 as those of 1864, was with drawn for the present. The following bills were introduced. Mr. Josephs, allowing cars to run in Philadelphia on Sanday. Mr. Davis, incorporating the Benton and Landon Hill Mining Companies. Mr. Thomas, incorporating the National and American Mining Companies. Also a supplement to the Provident Insurance Company. Also, levying special tax in Allegheny county, to pay interest on rail. road bonds. Also incorporating the Safe Deposit Co N y. mpan Mr. egley, a joint resolution urging Congress to equalize bounties. Mr. Thomas called up the joint resolution giving the Soldiers' Home the use of the Philadelphia Arsenal. Mr. Osterbout, allowing interested parties to testify. ELECTION Or STATE TREASURER. The t*o Houses met in joint convention, and'. H. Remble was elected State Trea surer. Marine Disasters. BosTorr, Jan. 10.—A heavy northeast gale has prevailed at sea since last Sunday, - which has prevented the sailing of the steamers Wm. Kennedy, for Baltimore,and the Thetis, for New York. Both have re turned to the city after going as far as Nan atasket roads. Several wrecks have occur red at Cape Cod. The brig Emma C., of Gloucester, Captain Trask, from Surinam, for Boston, with sugar and molasses, struck on the beach, at East Sandwich, and went to pieces. Five'of the crew were frozen to death. Captain Trask and two men were saved, badly frozen. The brig reported ashore at Marshfield beach, is the brig George, of Portland, from New York for Boston with coal. ' The vessel is a total loss. The crew were saved. The schooner Wes - t Gleam, from New I York for Gloucester, with corn, s ashore on Marshfield beach. The crew were saved, Fire at Elmira, N. Y. ELMIRA., N. Y., Jan. 10.—A fire originated in the clothing store of• J.. L. Andree,on Carroll street, this morning and destroyed all the buildings from Patterson's Market -on Carroll street to Hitchcock's Market on Lake street. The buildings were all of wood and: of little value. The loss was principally on the, stocks of goods and the stoppage of the business, of merchants oc cupying the buildings. From. Washington. [special Despatch to the Bulletin.] WASTritsIGTON, Jan. 10th.—The contested case of Koontz and Coffroth was again be fore the Election Committee to day. The Committee adjourned until Friday, without reaching any conclusion. The deficiency reported yesterday contains liberal appropriations for the bene fit of Philadelphia and its vicinity. Fire at New Haven, Connecticut. NEW HAVEN, Jan. 10th.libwhall.'s ex tensive carriage ,factou was destroyed by fire this morning. Three buildings were burnt and others seriously damaged. The cargo was saved. ::The loss amounted to $50,0430,..0n which there was an insurance of $lO,OOO. Execution ail. N,wark,N. J. NEWARK, N. J., :Jan .10.—Morris Ells worth; colored, was exeentedto-day, for the murder of his wife; last August. • _ New York Stock,Market. Stocks are steady. Chicago and Rock Island, 105%i Cumberland preferred:OM: Centra l ,l27:Mlck.l., gar Southern, 69,4; New . York Central., 95; Reading; 102 X: Brie, 06,i4; One Year Certificates, '98%; Treasury O -1011, q 8 ,X;184;.5-D3's; 104; Coupon; 10,W X . Markets:. SALT/MORE, Jan. 10.--Flour dull an vnthchanged..: Wheat. steiulv and scarce. , Corn dull a down ward tendency. Oata l@2c. lower. di Seed $B. Provisions neglected and prices nominal. Sugar and Colrea , XiaarY, W hlsky steady, • °. corsirs. ' • • St piCounT—Thief, Justice - Wciod-1 ward and Justices Strong and Agnew.—thia morning. the. Court,: disposed. of Wait ;vs., Hammond 'and Scott vs.' Fritz, and 'ad journed at an early hour for consultation. Krausvs. Kraus vs. William H. Downs and Johu,'W. l Hen cill. F•efore 'reporte di - Verdict' for Ide-' fendint. One other case was, ommenced, but in the : course of the trial plaintiffs 'filed an addl..' tional count, whereupon the defence alleged surprise, and the case went; over. .0- journed. DisTmcm Comm—Judge Hare.--Corson' vs. Meyers.—An action to recover for ;the, construction of a drain. The defence , al-` leged that the work was - not done in a pro per manner. Jury out. Summer. Clothing and Shirt Sleeves in Savannah. : - ]From the Savannah Itepublioan,Dec. 29.] Are we ever to have a cold day in Savan nah during the winter season again? Was not Christmas day last more like the Fourth of July from the excessive heat? Questions mixed up with the usual small talk here of parties meeting- each =Other daily in the streets. Wood cutters are complaining bitterly at how dull business' is, for nobody will buy firewood, and for the poor of this city, especially the,poor colored people, it is, without'a doubt, a great bless ing there is no need for it. -How surprised some of our friends North would be, could; they, by some spiritual medium, be sudden ly transported here to Savannah to feel the rays of an almost burning sun;.see nothing butthe lightestsummer clothing, little orno hoops, and our charming Southern belles goingto chureh with their bright faces en shrouded with so many bright flowers in their summer hats and bonnets; and in the evening, all the gentlemen out on the piazzas, for- the most part in their shirt sleeves and bare headed, quietly smoking their cigars and enjoying a delightful siesta. Probably our Northern friend might imagine, if he was a spiritualist, that he was in the land of dreams, or if he did not happen to belong to the unearthly be ings, be might perhaps think that the last time he went to sleep he had slept six months. Coal Statement. - - The following to the statement of the Little Schnyl kill coal trade ;for 1666, to Saturday. Jan. 6: From Dec. 1, 1£415—... afrue lime last year Increase. East Mabanoy Railroad Same time last year Increase Total increase on railroads Sales at Philadel aAT,TP, AFTER $lOOO U S Trens 7 2-103 Notes June 9834 100 do Aug 1700 City 63 new 01 6000 tr S 10-40 a 9331 WOO Pa R Ist mgt Gs 961 i. 46 sh Lehigh Nay 54 6 sh Mech Bk 2814 15 sh Penne R 56% SECOND $5OOO rnionenl Bds b 5 22 100 sh Phil & Erie 20.71 100 sh Nor Central 2 ds 4435 10 sh Lehigh Nay 2ds 54 SOO eh Spencer Oil 11110 sh Pilger Creek ca% 500 sh *Shamokin C 830 93b) SHIPPING. _IFACOrt. NEW YORK. EXPRESS STEAMSHIP LINE Have commenced their regular OUTSIDE trips. SMThe NEW and first class Steamships WASHINGTON, Captain Chichester. NORFOLK, Captain Vance. ALEXANDRIA, Captain Hxittrick. VIRGINIA, Captain Snider. Leaving from each city on TUESDAYS, THURS DAYS and SATURDAYS, from asst wharf below Market street, Philadelphia, and Piers 14 and lb Eate., River, New York. These Steamships Insure at lowest rates. Freight received DAILY atour usual low rates. WM. P. CLYDE dt COAgents, It South Wharves, Philadelphia, JAS. HAND, Agent, 5a34:17 117 WntlStreet.New York. 4 14 FOB LIVERPOOL Arm CORK DTRICOT, ," P rlTM:sti.elass full powered Clyde built Iron =taw steamships or this Line leave rre g ularly EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY THROUGHOUT the YEAR, First Cabin (by Wednesdars Steerage (through from PAYABLE INPAPER MONEY, LORDOR:DERRY, BELFAST DUBLIN, GLASGOW OR RIVERAOO.L. The elegant Clyde built iron screw steamship CALEDONIA leaves on SATURDAY. Jan. 13. 1868. Ste Cabinrag (according e to location) Fs° and VD e 43; A.ll payable in paper money and booked through free from Philadelphia to any of the above ports. Parties about visiting the old country will find It to their advantage to call on the undersigned before en. gaging elsewhere, as they can secure choice berths ans 3 save their railroad' expenses to New York. For passage, apply to W. A. HAMILL, No. 217 Walnut street (up stains), Drafts issued for any amount, payable in any part as England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales or on theft tf on. tinent. l ILA srzArix TO QUEMISTOWN, the Inman Line euTing Wm'l -WEEKLY, carrying the U. S. MAIM. CITY OF LONDON__Saturday, Jan. /3 KANGAROO _...--Medneaday, Jan. 17 CITY OF BALTLMORE RattudaY, Jan. 7.0 At Noon. from Pier 44 North River. RATES OF PASSAGE. _ PAYABLE IN GOLD. L . __... _ ..... First Cabin.-- .......490 Steerage.— —..... .....gx First to London. ........ ........ 95 Steerage tolendon—. 84 First to Paris— .. --lea Steerage to Paris.___ 40 Passengers also . fonvitrded Havre, Hamburg, Bre. men, &c., &c., at moderate rates. Passage by the Wednesday Steamers, First Cab& t9O. Steerage, #25, payable in United States currency. Steerage passage from Liverpool or Queenstown, V gold, or its equivalent. Tickets can be bought here by persons sending for their friends. For farther information, apply at the Company's Of. aces. _,IOBIT G. DALE, Um_ ,t de2B 111 Walnut street, Philadelphia. RE-OPENING OF THE OUTSIDE LINE OF ETHANE as between PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK. P This favorite line will commence their trips on THURSDAY next, 80th inst. The following well known and staunch sae-boats will be placed on the route: Steamer ADMERAL..„,, —Capt. Nichols, v. A RT.ERN CITY " Mundy RENNKBEC....— " Edmonds. Days of departure (from each city) will be TUES. DAYS, THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS, leaving this city from first wharf below Spruce street at 11 o'clock, A. M., and New York from pier 4, North River, at 4 o'clock P. M. . Freights received daily, and taken 7 at reasonable rates.. All goods destined beyond New York will be forwarded free of commissions. For rates offreight, &c., &c., apply at the office, 314 and 316 South Delaware avenue. no2.stfi P. R. CLARK, Agent, FOR BOST STEAMSHIPLINE DIRECT'. SO FIZOM BACH PORI' EVEJ2YIIVE DAY& FROM PINE ST. WHARF. PHILADELPHIA, AND LONG - WHARF, BOSTON. The steamship sAxgrr, captain Matthews, will sail from Boston on Friday, January 12, at 12 M. , Tb e steamship ARIES.. Captain Crowell, will sail from Philadelphia on Saturday evening Jan. The line between Philadelphia and Boston is now composed of the SAXON, Captain Matthews, 1200 tons burthen. NORMAN, Captain - Baker , 1200 tons burthen. ABIES, CaptainCrowell, 900 tons burthen. These substantial and well appointed steamships will sail punctually as advertised, and freight will be received every day, a steamer being always on the berth to receive cargo. Shippers are ref:Pleated to send BIM of Ladh l B' with' i their goods. For freight or passage, wordy to . RY NVINSOR di 00., r, late STEAMSHIP WM. G. .HEWES, FOR NEW ORLEd.NS, LA: ERECT FROM PHIT.AIIELPECIA.. To sail positively on SATURDAy.•Jan. 13th, at'l2 The iron united States Mail Steamship WM. G.'. HEWES, 1,600 tons register, D. S. Austin, comthander, is ' now rapidly loading. at . the steamship wbarf„ above Vine street, and having nearly all of her, cargo; engaged, will sail as above. ' • 'For freight or pas Sage, having Splendid'Stateroom' accomsn' miations, apply $0 133[8a9p, SON :& co„ Cabin Pas Sage 105 Arch street"'' • . • Steerage... Passage $0 Agent at New eirlearis; Mr. I. C. . Harris, .Esiv, who, will sorward - all goods addressed to his care for the in , terlor. or :Texas ' ' jag-tf. NEW TOW-BOAT LINE: ' .L' .D.EZAIVABV -and - c'g r "ZATtpoUral t , 2 , TrBOAT COMPANY. ' ' • alAmciEs • tOWed. to!ancli from PHELAIIead'HLL, E[ ± I.VIIELDE-GRACE, BA_LT:CitfORE, LW.ABIEcbrq., ToN.and , Diterm . 2e44t_eZoints. Wm. P. CLYDE Or CO. Agents No. 14 South Wharves, Philadelphia, Captain JOHN LAUGHLIN, Superintendent. THE piuLY EYFII oo"O - Idides — ... Railroad. Tone Cwt. Tons:Cwt. —12,921 12 19,21t2 01 ...10,622 02 • 16,585 11 2,239 10 2,696 lo .28,723 19 -25,983 12 hia Stock Board. I iRST BOARD, j 200 sh Catawis pi" 417.' 200 sh do 43 100 eh do 4314 MO sh do .85 Wi . 100 sh do - 44 100 sh do b 5 44 bosh do corn 3.3 q 100 ah do b3O w 800 ah Era Oil 350-100 BOARD. 100 at Catacvls pf b3O 43 100 sh do b 25 43 200 sh do corn b3O 100 sb Sch Nay pfd ZS 300 eh do bl 5 100 sh Maple Shade 4 103 eh do 830 5 94400 DENNBYLVANIA WORKB—on the DELAWARB River, below PREIADELPAIII, MESTER, Delawa re Co nn Pa. Engineers and Iron Boat Ganders,, BON di 00.. Atantulecturere of All kind" of OONDENBENG AND NON-CONDIENSING EN. GENES, Iron Vessels of alldew! dm:m .l6 Eol o le, Vara. TAW= - T. BEAMET, W. B. BEAIBIe, B. ABBBIBOLDi Late of Late Iteaney, Neatie & Engineer Ghia Penn Works, Phila. fiS r in4fl 11. 13: Bravy.Bl PECILADRIAPHLS. RIDING 80}1001m. T E POURTH street, above Vine, will reopen for the Pall and Winter season on MONDAY, Sept. 26th. Ladies and gentlemen desiring to acquire a thorough , knowledge of Wis accompllshinent will find every facility at this mo s t The , horses are safe . and well trained, so that th Maid need not fear. Saddle horses trained in the best, manner. Saddle horse% horses and vehicled to hire. Also carriages Du nine} rale, to cars, atearaboala, &c. THOS, GIAIGE & BOA • 'PIETER WEIGHT & SONS ,r grEPORTICPS OP RARIIIiiiNWAR, as PECTURES.--211:313.31T, MERRILL ' THAOKARft, ' NO. 718*IMMO:TM:IT street Manufacturers - of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, &e.,, would call the _attention of the public to their large' and eh gnat assortment of Gas Chandeliers, -Pendants, Brackets ? . dm. They. , also , Introduce - Gas* pipes -Into Dwellings and Public Buildings, and attendte extend.' ing. altering - . and reWrirtg Qua pipes. All 'work war ranted., 9 - 9sy • •• • aniz • • • • .0 o place to get P• vy Wells Cleansed and -Disin fected, at very low prints. A.?PEYB9oN • ltanufactarer ofPondrette. e • .•. • . 13-07gag—The.PLEPIREPONT 'HOUSE,' • •.01100KLYS HEIGHTS, L. I.; is open. • We congratulates Our friends and the public that the above,lkotel now .etmeucted mport a llberalvlam BelngLhew ,furnish throughout .aud laving; .are.:th best table the market affords, we recommend Philadelphlalfnendffrtn patronize our old townsman, Mr. Raters, 011148 - 41 rm ••.:. • • PEMa -(t.W/LSONProPrietortY: • PEE HANDSOME RESIDENCE, S. R.:•cOrtano 1 Spruce end Eighth streets, has been opened for the reception of boarders. Rooms single, and sat and with or without private table. jaB Rllo* .X,ql -, :4lg4uETriv. - :; ,reitif.,"A:D*'l,.49EtlN,i,,ffiliuji..l).AY..-J'ANITAII:ii,:ii66Ly.,..LI,,,. I9IIPPTh gaNt.Eilavrwis,Kwiwr The fine steamship of thin Line insure at the lowest' rates and gall 'regularly from- the First Wharf above market street, every . - 'WEDNESDAY Eald SATITILDAY At Noon, Connecting with Railroads - from RichmOnd, Norfalk and City Point, farming the most direet , FOute for.the South and Southwes tlons, app Po; freily to ght or passege r with excellent act:on:mods 14 , • wm. P. CLYDE & co.p North and South Wharves ' • iGLA. SOLI DER DIRE 'T. C S LINE FOR SAVANNAH, , ne first-class United States Mail Steam ship CUMBRIA, ' Chita. A. French. Commander, :Ball from first wharf 'above RACE street for SAVANNAH, Oa., on SATURDAY; January 13, at lo Freight received daily. E. A. SOUDERAt CO., Freight and Passenger Office, MO N. Delaware avenue. jamsti General Office, No. 3 Dock street wharf. NEW /DEPRESS LINE - TCAi Ez. 47^ 7:q. ANDRIA Georgetown and Washington via L • esapeake and Delaware Canal, with connections as Alexandria, Va., form the most direct route for Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Soutbv‘ est Steamers leave First Wharf above Market street every Wedncelay and Saturday at 12 M. For freight apply to the agents CLYDE dr, 00., 14 North Wharves. J. B. Davidson, Agent at Georgetown; M. Eldridge & 00., Agents at Aler.ndria. ~'' __ Vii_. :►• ROBINSON'S CALIFORNIA CLIPPER LINE. • SAILING REGULARLY AS ADVERTISED. • Freight for this Line dent to New Y9rk by Swit►. Sure Line at reduced rates. . The renowned clipper ship STAR. OF THE 'ONION Is now taking in the balance of her canard Dier n East River, and will positively be the first clipper ship to sail. All frelght should be forwarded immediately, as she will doss out in a few days. For freight, apply B ISHOP, BON & 00.. 105 Arch street. FOR BOSTON—Erpress Line.—The fine schx. ISABBLLA. BLARE, Newcomb, miiSter. is now loading for the above port at ulrard's wharf, above el attet street, and will have prompt despatch. For freight; apply to DAVID 000FRR & CO— la North Wharves. Jas AiFOR PROVLDEINCE, R, L—Express Line.— The tine schooner DELAWARE, Bishop, master, now loading for the above port at first wharf above Racestreet will have prompt despatch. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER & CO., 18 N. Wharves. Jas FOR FREIGHT OR CRAZTER.—The ;like schooner ELIZABETH MAGEE, Magee, master, 450 tons burden, or 4,W0 bbls. capacrty; coppered and copper fastened; now in port and ready for any voyage. Apply to DAVIDCOOPER rt. CO. 18 North Wharves. -den FoR BALTIMORE, MD.—The fine schooner MARY GAY, Captain Keen, is now loading for cue above port at Girard's wbarf,above Market street, and will sail with despatch. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER t 00., 18 N. Wharves.- IsFOR LIVERPOOL. The fine Al ship MOUNT ROYAL, Camminger, master, having the greater portion of her cargo engaged, will sail with despatch. PETER WRIGHT eISONS,IIS Walnut street, FOR BREMEN.—The Al Bremen ship EMIL, 7,,7 4 ; Capt. Henry Onken. For Cabin passage. having fine accommodations, apply to the Captain on board, or to WORliatAll .t OD., HS Walnut st. delB nONEildlC:as 7 NaklCE.—Conslgnees of merchan dise per ship ZOUAVE. Blair. master, from Liver pool, will please send their permits on board, at Arch street Wharf, or to the counting house of the undersigned. The general order will be issued on Thursday the 11th inst., when all goods not per mitted will be sent to the public storm. PETER WRIGHT & SON 2, 115 Walnut street. Jalo-It ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY CAUTIONED against trusting the crew of the Br. ship MOUNT ROYAL, Cumminger master, from Liverpool, as no debts of their contraction will be paid by the Captain or Consignees. PETER WEIGHT t SONS, HS 'Wal nut street. XTOTICR—AII persons are hereby cautioned against 11 barbering and trusting any of the crew of the Danish brig Dia:MARK, as no debts of their contract ing will be paid by captain or consignees. WORK MAN A: CO.. Consignees. 123 Walnut Street. CHIP NOTICE.—AII persons are hereby cautioned C against trusting any of the crew of the Br. ship S. L. TILLY, whereof Cann is master. from City Point, 17a., as no debts of their contracting Will be paid by captain or consignee. EDMUND A. SOUDER & CO., Dock street wharf. deli C . HIP HARRIBL&C, from Livmoool is now CI dig ging tinder general order at shippen street wharf. Oonsignees will please attend to the reception of their goods, PETER WEIGHT dr. SONS, 115 Wal nut street delS-tf As. • • stssoessor to JOHN SHINDLEB & SONS, Sall Makers, No. 244 North WHARVES, • - Vine stieg • .rk theAt i seiNtAivarsx . t I SP satisfaction. e•• .• .4. 11. T'OR ELL.II9 &CO.'S SHIP SHEATHING FELT. In lots to snit Apply toPETER WRIGHT & SONS, 115 Walnut street. deat-tf BLISINIESB CAltDb. HOOP SKIRTS, - NEW FALL STYLES NOW READY of Hopkins' "own make," at No. 62S AP.OH Street. These Skirts are gotten up expressly to meet the wants of first-class trade, aS3cl embrace every size and style for Ladies, Misses and Children, which, for finish and durability, have no equal th the market, and warranted to give satisfaction. Also, constantly on hand, a full assortment of good Eastern made Skirts, from 15 to 40 springS, at very low prices. Skirts made to order, altered and repaired. Wholesale and retail. nol3-smi W 31- riDOW GLASS. WJT.T.r A st .EVANS, South FRONT St. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in American and French Glass, .Patty. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, etc. A very amdrable brand or Glass for Picture Frames. EC. KNIGHT &CO., WHOLESALE GROCF.R.S, .S. E. Cor. WATER and CHESTNUT streets, Phil adelphia. Agents for the sale of the Products of the Southwark Sugar Refinery and the Grocers' Sugar House, of Philadelphia. jai-2yr I - SAM) S. ATKINSON, Attorney at Law, late of ./. Franklin, Venango cdunty, Pennsylvania, has re sumed pratice at the Philadelphia bar. °nice, In Wal nut street, Philadelphia. deZ3s to train* T. VAUGHAN MEEHICH. WM. H. 2CM/ I ll= /NO. E. DOPE. QOUTHWARE FOUNDRY, MYTH AND WASE , INGTON STREETS, ENGINEERS AND mAcrniNisTs Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam 'Enginel for La.:4 River and Marine Service. ootterc,Gasometers, Tanks Iron Boats, &c.; J astinge of all kinds, either iron or hrs..'. iron Brame Roofs for Gaa Works, Workshops cialtroanfitations, &c. ice% n . ‘a and Gas "m" itinery, of the latest and MOM moroved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery; ant Sugar, Saw and _Grist Idills,Vaconm Pane, Opem Steam Trains, DeMptors, Miters, Pumping Es. wham Sole Agents for N. 111llettra Patent Sugar Baths Apparatus, Nesmyth's Patent Steam Hammer and Aspinwall & Woolsey's Patent Oentrilteral Sugar Draining hf .1.3111 EISIPPENG AND 0031:61:D3810N N 0.115 WALNUT STRIELLT, - PHILAXIMIPB:Li. IAM A. WItIGHT, THORNTO.N FIZZ. 11 rEaUi; _ OFFICE OF THEA_DAMS EX PRIDaS COMPANY, 220 CHES isT . The AdamExp PE r U esELsA DELF p / 1 y , J h a a n v ua ry 2 a 7tr hg,e ise. facilitiesaWashingtonD m C a bybui e d e ngaP I[p'oaaidr Depot,. and having acquired additional capacity for transportation, are now prepared to forward Heavy Express freights, Packages and Parcels to Washing ton. Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Fmlerfc.k, Adamstown, Fortress Monroe, and otner rormes South, occupied by thearMy, at greatly reduced rates. Special agreements made tor. Merchandise In large lots. Sutler's goods and army supplies at satisfactory prides, on application st•lntr office. Soldiers' parcels taken at matchless ttotrupur usual rater.;: - • Heavy and bulsy packages received and receipted for at our depot, tiontheastcorner of BROAD and 10 OUST streets. JOHN BINGHAM, _ tinpario tendent. CELICKENT GiaSoo24 lUMOD(nati WEIGEL 17 •'PHILADA3 a 54 . 1.3 GTON main:Tim , VIA BALTIMORE AND OHIO TEIMOTION 'ftEacqrf DEPA_RTNRINT____ t DEPQZ BROAD BTRENIVABOVE egE,GDY, The undersigned will -centime the General Lftelpitt Agency of Abe Philadelphia, Wilmington and „Gatti. timOge Railroad. fog .Palledelptda, by, way of Gip shave route to the West 4 I ,liblppent and . the ptddlo pnerallY are 'aignifed that She Organisation of throno Mine secures to molar transit and prompt delivery to all parte parts 10? throaghgagas ' • andMzt otheprffernaolo/ rm4a tQiotno , agpep iy 10 "lif :Wiert gha tC! nta . lalf4 inite street. eaDU - :PHILADELPHIA AND 'B ;MORE' fIiniTRAL RaILEO — l 't i Dr_ - '8" - OBMENTS.—thrend after WED. BMW:CaIi" October nth, 18E5; the trains will leavePhll• adelphia Irma. , the depot'of West 'Chester and Phil adelphialtallatied; eerner of• Thirty-fret and Market streets, (West Philadelphla,) - at 8.05 A. DI and 44.30 M.WeaveOxfOrd at'6,Bo"A.'M. 2 , and 1.10 1"..M:- • •: ThetralikleaVing iladelptda at a.a.A. M., connecb3 st'Oiford witlia daily line of-stages froM -Peach Bet. Fm !inLancaster. Beturning leaves Peach Bottom to nriect at Oxford With the -alternottntrairaor. PION \- lgda. • t Passengers are allowed to 'take wearing ap.. psuid only as baggage, and is no case will the Oom pan • be responsible fir an amount exceeding sioo. IL WOOD. General Superintendent. „0,66. TIIAVELING 6HUIDE: • s 7'. NORTH _ PENNSYLVANIAH -R.-.711E"- MIDDLE RODTE.-• ,unorteroan • most direct lineto Bethlehem, Allentown Mauch, Chtmk,linzleton,•White Haven ,Wlikesbarre. MahallOYCity; and all PolnUf in the Lehigh and ..WYoi ming Coal Regions. Passenger Depots in. Philadel his THIRD street above Thompittin; andcorrier of- and Alp= CLAN streets.. . -.; • ARRANGEXIM-. • • NINE' DAILY TRAMS.: On andafter Monday,NoV.2othjsey,Passenger trains leave the Depot, Third +street, abov . e, ThompsonridailY (Sundays excelited); as folloWst AT 7.80 M.—Morning Express for Bethlehem and ands Principal Stations.'ott North Pennsylvania Bail. 1 . road,- connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh. Valley "Railroad for Allentown; Catesanqa,Slatington, Manch Chunk, Weatherly , - Jeaneziyille, - Hazleton, Wldte Ra ven ; .Wilkesharre, kineus,.Pittston , and all ponds in Lehigh and Wyoming alleys;'alsb, in connection with I Lehigh and Mahanoy Railroad 'for - Mabanoy City, and with Catawissa Railroad, fisr Rupert, Danville, Milton and Williamsport: 'Arrive at Manch Chunk at 11.40 A. IL: at Wiikesbarre at 2.45. P. AT: s • noy City at 9 P.M. Passengers by, this train , can take the Lehigh Valley Train, passing Bethleheniat 12.00 M. for Pas. ton and points on New Jersey Central Railroad to New York, , .AT 9.85 A. M.--Accommodation , • for Doy/estown, stopping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for i Willow Grove, Hatboro' , and Hartsville, by this train, take Stage at Old York Road. AT 10 A. IL—Accommodation. for Fort Washing. Iton, stopping at all intermediate Stations. At 2.30 P Accommodation tor Doylestown, atop. ping at intermediate stations. Passengers take stage at Doylestown for New Hope. AT lian P. M.—Evening Express for Bethlehem and principal Stations on the North Pennsylvania Rail. load.,_MAM-ng close' connection at Bethlehem with I bigh Valley Train for Easton, reaching there at 6.45 P. M. Passengers for Plehalleld, Somerville and other points on New Jersey Central 1.8. take N.. 1. C. Train At Easton, which arrives in New York at 10.P..M... Pas; sengers for Suroneytown-take stage at North wales. and for Nazareth e.t Betbliminn and for Greenville at .Quakertown AT 4.1 A E. M—Acootamodatlon, for Doylestown, enhat Intermediated sua—stne—riffg, for 33 at Abington ; for Lumberville at Doylestown. AT 5.15 P. M.—Through Accommodaclon, for Beth. lehena and all Stations on main line of North . PermsY/. "ramie Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Evening Train' for_ points on Toehlg_h Valley Railroad and for Danville. moon and tawissa Railroad. . . • 6.15 P. M.—Accommodation. for Lansdale, atop. ping at all Intermediate Stations. 11. P. M. Accommodation for Fort Washington. TRA.MII FOR PII:CLAXOLLPHLA. Leave Bethlehem at 8.25 'and liltd A. M.. and 6.1 E P. Paasengera leaving Pieeton at 9.80 A. M., anima At Bethlehem and arrive in Philadelphia at 12.25 P. M. Peesengers leaving WfDrestrarre at 1 P. M., conned at Bethlehem at 6.1 b P. M., and arrive in Philadelphia. at 6.45 P. M. ' Leave Doylestown at 6.20 M. 8.15 and 6.30 P. M. ,Leave TanaAate at 6.10 A. K. • 'Leave Fort Washington at 10.60 and= P. IL ON SUNDAYS, Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9A. H. phpan.lpida for Doylestown at P. K. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.t) A. hf. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4 P. N. Fifth and Sixth Streets Passenger Cara cony y paa• angers to and from Berke Street Depot. White Con of Second and Third Streets Line convey passegners to Third Street Jeepot. Tickets mnstbe rocnredat the TicketOfticea, THIRD street or street, In order to secure the lowest rates of fare. RT.T.DS CT A RR, A Hillman's Baggage Express will cell far and deliver Bairat the Depot. , NO. JIB South TIMID street. RAELROPENNSYLVANIA DENTRAL D. TSBARR A ANGEMENTS. gl The trains of the Pennsylvania R. R. will leave tie New Depot at Thirtieth and Market atreela. The care of the Market Street Passenger Railway ran to and from this Depot. They also leave Front street every two minutes', commencing Ora hour pre. rous to the time of departure of each and allow about so minutes for a trip. Theft cam are in waiting on the arrival of etch Train to convey Passernms Into tliheg city d connections are made with allroads cross. . Mark an et stre et. UN Srafneve—Cars leave Eleventh and Market streets at to P. 11., to connect with the Pittsburgh and Erie Mali. and at 10.25 P. M. with PhiladelDMa dress. - Baggage Ettpress will hereafter be located at iSo. ft South Eleventh street. Parties desiring Baggage taken to [het - rains, can have It done at reasonable raves gitaplication to him. ts LEAVE AND ABBIVID AT DEPOT LZA ERIE M p AIL TRAIN - - ACCOIL, 1 - FAST LUTE, - . PARRESBURO, - 'a A RRTSBIII3.O ACIMBI., • LANCASTER ACCOM., - PAOLI TRAIN, No. a P.TTTSBEROR &,FATE M A TT, yFrrr.4IIELPIECA EXPRESS CLNTINNATI EXPRESS " A. M. PA T T.A IDELnaIA Eateithwat " 7.10 • PAOLI ACCOM., No. 1 - VI 820 0 PARKEERCRO - • 0 s .so I. ERIE EXPR ES S - - '' u-a) LANCASTER TRAM • " Mal P. M FAST LINE - - • " 1.10 PAOLI AOCOM., No. 2, • tl. 4.40' DAY DAY EXPti-vsS - - 0 5 .45 HA_RRISBURG ACCOM., - " &AO " PhlladelptdaErß in a leaves daily. Pittsburgh and Erie Mail leaves (except Saturday). All other TTrahine sPdanlys — yl e va n ep a t R ai lr d o a a Y d Co. wll_ nut as nme any rbl n sage, i excptforWerongAppan.l,and limit their r esponsibility to One Hundred Dollars In value. All Baggage exceeding that amount In value, will be al the risk or the owner, unless taken by special c on t ract. For farther information, as to time and connections, Bee bills and teamed cards, or apply to. THOMAS EL PARKE, Ticket Agent, at the Depot. An Emigrant Train runs daily, except Sunday. For full Information as to tare and accommodations, apply SO FRANCIS FUNK. No. 187 Dock street, PHILADELPHIA G r . KEIMA3I- . TOWN AND NORRISTOWN mertic•rm . 9..5. TABLB.—On and after WED NESDAY. November lst, until farther notice. FOR 0714 , k 76TOWN. Leave Phlladelnhla-6. 7, L 9,10, U, 12, A. M.; 1. 8, LID malnntee, sx, 4,5, SX, 6, 7 8,9, 10, 11, 12, P. M. Leave 3, German , o tow , 7 n-6.7 8,9, 10,, 73i, 8,8.. W, 9.10. U, 12, A. M. 2,4, 63( 11 P. M. i The & M down train, and the and 516 ap ulna do net atop on Germantown Branch. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-810 =Mama, A. 11.: 1. 7 and 10X, P. IL Leave Germantown-8 A. M.• 1, 6 and DX, P.M cnksTITEIT HILL krtROAD. Leave Philadelphia-6, 8, le, IS, A. M.; 2., .43L 53‘, 7, :9, and 11, P. EL Leave Chestnut Hill-7.10 minutes, 8, 9.40, and ILIO Id.; 1.40, 8.4 e, 6.40, 6.40, 840, and 10.40 P. M, ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.10 minutes, A. BL; It, and 7 Leave Cheatnnt Hlll-7.40 minutes. A. It, It4o. 5.40 and 0.25 minute, P. M. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORR.ISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6, BSS, 11.05 intnines,A; M.; 15f, It, 434. 5%, 8.05, and 1.1.%, P. M. Leave Nonistelvn-5%.a, MO, 9.11. A. M. /X. 4. 4 1, and 8 P. M. The 5% P. M. train will atop at School Lane, Wissa hickon, manaytink, Spring Mills and Oonnhohocken only. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Phlladelphla—e A. M. 23,. and 7 P. M. Leave Norristown-7 A. M.. and SP. M. FOB MANATUNIC Leave pbOndelnhla-6, &SS, U. 05 A. IL; 134, 8,4% 531 i, 6„Ni 8.05, and 36 P M. Leave Manaynntr.-63 , UX, A. bLt 5,5, 636 and 1.8.M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Phtledelphia-9 A. M.; SI and 7 P. M. Leave Manastak-7.% A. IL; 5 and BP. M. W. T. WILSON. Geseral upertntendent, Depot, Math and Green streets. I • • • • : a RAILROAD ROUTE Fltult CA.II.DE.N. LOW FARE. - - -- - ON AND AFTER MONDAY, J.N. BTH, 1866, the Express Train of the Raritan and Delaware .13ay Railroad will leave Camden, from Vine Street Ferry atti P. 31. Lhrorigh In five hours. Fare 200. Excursion Tickets good for three days, 43 00. Freight Train leaves at 1310 P. M. and arrives in New York next morning. FROM NEW YORK, Express line leaves Pier No. 3 at 12.20 P. 31. and arrives in Camden at 5.30 P. M. Freight and Accommodation line leaves at 4 P.M.and arrives at Camden at 11 P. M. Freight taken at low rates. Apply' to L. B. pole Agent Cooper's Point, Camden. )as-ti W. S. SNEDEN, Superintendent. TEA - READING RAILROAD. GREAT TRUNK LINE PROM ': 0 urt I SI A . , TO THE INTERIOR OF PENN. EYLVANIA,THE BORITYLEIGL L Elr ' CTOIES AND WICOAGA 'V TEM NORTH _NORTHWEST and the ,OAN- IA& WINTER AREANHEMENT,, OP PABSKIAGIER TRAINS_ leavin_ge epot., THIR TEif THand C on =eau. PhlladaTtlas at theft:Cowing hears: I MORNING HAIL. At 8 A. M., tbr Reading, Lebanon, Harrisintat, POttsvili e Pine Grove,Yamaqua; Sunbury, Williams. Port, Elmira, Rochester, NlitUarsi Falls town, Wllkesbarre, Pittston, York,' Chullale,Cimmbeall b_ AVING with 'the Ewa Pennsylvania Railroad trains for Allentown, se.; and with 'the Lebanon Valley train for Harrisburg, &c.; at PORT '-OLINTON with Oatawista' Railroad trains for wain 9Dort. Lock Koren: Elmira, dm.. at HARRISBURG with Northern Central, Otunberland Valley, and Schuylkill ,and Stunmehanna Oat= for Northumberland,Williamsport, York. Obambersibure, Pinegiwe ' d ia - muirlooN Ex - Pmags. _ Leaves Philadelphia at &SO P. M. foreadj.=, Potta. villa, Harrisburg, dm., connecting : with Ei...fTing and Columbia E. trains for Columbia dre.., and with Cata. wissa Balimad train for hillton,Willianumort, Elmira, Buffalo. fib " EADXNG AcONAM:OD4TIOpT., Leaves WaYata- Lions; arrives in Philadelphia at 9.80 A. M. Returning, leaves Rat 4.80 P. M.; arrives In Reading at 7.80 P. lfi Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 7.23 A. M. and Pottsville at 8.80 A. M.. arriving In Philadel phia at 1'1.45 P. M. • Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg at 1.45 P. SL, and Pottsville at 1..45 P. M 4, arriving at Philadelphia at 7.05 P. M. Harrisburg accommodation leave Reading at Y. 85 A. M. and Harrtaburg at 9.00 P. M. Market train, with a Passenger car 'Attached, leaves Philadelphia at 12,45 noon for. Reading and all wad' stations; ies.Ves Reading 1,1.30 A. M., and Downingtown 12,80 P. M. for Philadelphia and all way stations. All the above trains run dally, Sundays excepted. Sandav trains leave Pottsvllle at 8.00 A. M. and Philadelphia at 8.15 P. M CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD. Passengers for Downingtown and intermediatepoints take the 8.00 A. M. and 4.80 P. M. trains from Philadel phia, returning from Downingtowr at 7.05 A. M. and 2 SA Noon . NEW YORK EXPRESS, FOR PITTSBURGH AND THE Leaves New 'York at 9.06 A. M T .. and 8 P. M., passi ng Reading at A. M. and 1.48 P. M.. and connecting at Harrisburg with Pennsylvania, and Northern Central Railroad Express Trains for Pittsburgh, Chicago, Wll. liamsixrrt. Elmira. Baltimort, &a. Returning, Express Train leaves Harris bu lz arrival of Pennsylvania Express from Pitts at 8 and 945 A. M., Tb.."11 6 / 6 4 4.49 and 10.52 arriving at New York OA. M., and 2.45 P. M. Sleepin g qtyaccompanying thesetrains through between Jersey Ditgard Pittsburgh, without clams. train for New York leaves Harrisburg at 1.45 P. M. Mail train for Harrisburg leaven New! York at IS Noon. SCHITYI,KILL VALLEY RA TT • AD. Trains leave Pottsville at 6.45, 11 A. M. and 7.15 P.M., reaming from Tamaqua at 7.35 A. M., and 1.40 and 4.15 P. M. SCHUYLKILL A.I , TDSITSQUMA rostaloAD. -Trains leave Auburn at 7.45 A. M. for Plnegarove and Harriabarg, and at 1.50 P. M. for Pinegrove and Tre• mud; returning from Harrisburg at 4.00 P. M. and from Tremont at 7.00 A. M. and 6.00 P. M. Through Trst-cises tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points in the North and West and _ . The following ticketa are obtained only at the Office of S. Bradfbrd, Treasurer, No. 227 South - Fourth street, g=his, or of G. A. Hacks, General hiuperintend tng COMMTTTATION TICKETS, AL 25 per cent., discount between any points desired for &milles and firma. MILEAGE TICKET% Good ftir 2,000 miles,between 911 points, at $52 50 each, for families and firma. _ - - - For three, air, nme or twelve months, for holders only, to all points at reduced rates, Bedding on the line of the Road will be furnished with cards, entitling themselves and wives to ticketa al half-fare. EXCURSION TiCZETs. From Philadelphia to principal etatlorus, _Food for Saturday, Sunday and lionday, at reduced rare, to be had only at the Ticket Office at Thirteenth and Clallow hfll FREIGHT. Goods of all deoctiptions forwarded to all the above points from the Company's New Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Philadelphia daily at 5.50 A. M.. 12.45 noon and 6 (01 R a4l g, Lebanon,Harrisburg, Pottsvil le, Port Clinton, and OuggaB beyond. at 7-30 A. M. as MOO ti.tyß. M. . 1?-00 M. LW P. M. 11. - - Close at the Philadelphia Post Office for all places cc the road and its branches at 5 A. M., and for the prin- cipal Stations only at 215 P. M. PHILADELPHIA, WILMING TON AND BALTIMORE RAIL -7' ABLE—Commencing MONDAY, January 6th, 1866. Trains will leave Depot, corner of Broad street and Washington avenue, as ibllOWs: Express Train, at 4.05 A. M. (Mondays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilming ton, Perryville, HavretinGrace. Aberdeep, Perry man's, Magnolia and Stemmer's Run. DeLaware.R.R. Trai a . A..M.(Sunday excepted), for Salisbury, Mill. rd and intermediate stations. Way-mail Train, at 9.11 A. M. (Sundays ex cepted), for Baltimore. stopping at Chester, Thurlow, Linwood, Claymont, and all regular stations between ilmington and Baltimore. Express Train at 2A5 P (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at. Chester, Claymont, Wiimington, Newark, E l kton, North-East, Perryville, Ravre-de Grace, Aberdeen, Penyrcusres, Magnolia and Stemmer's Run. fight Express at 11.15 I'. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chester, Thurlow, Linwood, Claymont, Wilmington, Newark,Eikton, North-East, Perryville and Havre-de-Grace. Pease , -ngere by boat from Baltimore for Fortress Monroe. Norfolk, City Point and Richmond will take the 915 A. ?if . Train. As an additional accommodation for those holding through tickets for Baltimore, Washington and Southern points, a special car will leave the Ph lisidelphia Depot at 11.30 A. M., connecting at Gray's Fe with the Morning kapress train from stew - York W 'OWN ACCOIithiODA.TION TRAINS, stopping at all stations between Philadelphia and Wil mington. Leave Philadelphia st 515, i.u.s A.M., 3.30.5ti0 and 7.00 P.M. The 8.80 P. M. train connects with the Dela ware Railroad for Milford and intermediate atation-i 5. Leave Wilmington 7.00, 8.15 and e. 30 A. M., SAKI and 80 P. Trains for Sewcastie leave Philadelphia at &15 M., & and 5.00 P. M. FELROI ; GIE TRAMS FROII RAMTESIORE Leave Wilmington at .12.00.111..4.a) and 9.55 P.M. (lEWATER FOR PRJ.L DELPKIA. Leave Chester at &01. &SS and 10.14 A. ..3L, 12.36, 3.43, 5 .01. 5.44 and 10.:1P. Prom Baltimore to Philadelphia—Leave Baltimore 8.25 A. IL, Way Mall. 1.10 P. IL, Express. 6.55 P. M., Express. 9.25 P. 111., Express. An AccomModation Train for Havre-de-orace and intermediate stations, will leave Baltimore at 4.10 P. M. Trains for Baltimore leave Chester at 9.52 A. 3L 3,23 and 11.50 P. AL Trains for Baltimore leave Wilmington at 12-27, Ms 0.33 A. ?L, and 4.1X0 P. M. Express Trainfor Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Wilmington, Perryville, Havre-de eraCe, Aberdeen, Perryman's, Aiagnolla and Stem mer's Run. Night Express 11.15 P. M. for 'Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chester, Thorlow, Idnwood. Claymont, W Litaington,N ewark, Elkton, North-East, Perryville and Havre de Grace. A Special Train will leave Philadelphia tbr Wilmhig ton and IntermeMate Stations at 9.0) P.M. BALTIMORE FOR PILILADELPHELA. Leave Baltimore at 023 P. H., stopping at Hacre de Grace, Perryville and Wilmington. Also stop! at Elk ton and Newark (to take passengers Bar Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore) and Waaa Ches ngori. ter to leave passengers from Baltimore or A special train will leave Wilmington fez Philadel• phia and Intermediate Stationk at S3.W F. M. Freight train with passenger car attached VII leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate stations at 6.04 P.. M. H. P. BENNET, Stiperintehdexit. WEST CHESTER AND• MLA , DELPHI& RAILROAD,VIA WINTER ARRANGEMMUS. On and after 'WEDNESDAY, October 18th, 1865, the trains will leave as follows: WEST CHESTER TRAINS, Leave Philadelphia for West Chester 8.05,11.00 A. M., 2.15, 4.30 and 6.00 P. M. Leave West Chester for Philadelphia 6.4.5, 8.15,10.65 A. M.. 1.40, 4.35 P. M.„ Trains leaving West Chester at 8.15 A.M. and leaving Philadelphia at 420 P. M. will not stop at Pelinelton, and will atop below B. C. Junction at Mediaonl7. PENNE.LTON TRAINS. Leave Philadelphia for Pennelton 4.00 and ILOO P. M. Leave Pennelton for Philadelphia 9.02 A. hl., 6.20 P. AL These Trains stop at all intermediate Stations. ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8,5 A. B. and 2.00 P. M. Leave West Chester 7.65 A. M and 4.00 P M. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 8.05. A. IL and 4.20 P. M., and leaving West Chester at 8.15 A. Di, and 4.5.5 P. AL. connect at B.C. Junction with Trains on the P. and C.B. B. for Oxford andintermedlate, Passengenlare allowed to take wearing apparel only as Baggage, and the Company will. not, in any ease, be responsible for an amount exceeding one hun dred dollars. unless a special contract Is - made for the same: HENRY. WOOD, General Superintendent , gr--1, I . e 1885.. PIELLADEL.P.SIAI AND _4 BREW R.A.M.ROAD. /885. • I • iciest ._.nut IL the Northern and North. *eat conntini Of Pennsylvania to the city of Elie, an Lake Erie. • it , has been /eased and is operated by the Perlasn• Vardis Railroad Company. 'Trig. OP PASSZKOZP.' =AMOS AT iIIiGdOICOPHIL Erie Ng - 117min. . 50 hf. Erie Express Train - - . . 10A. M. • - - WESTWASD; Erie lefatl Train ' .. 7 2D P _ ErioExPresB 'Train - - 72eA. M. Passenger tars - run through =Erie Nan and 'E4ji .resi Trains without change, both ways, between Pnnanea.• phis and Erie. • , • . • • r• STEW YORK - Leave New York at e vo.B. A1.,-arrive at Erie a B 7 11 -• 3 1. Leave Erie at 155 P, X.. arrive at New 37 ork 1,15 - Ni. change•or cars between Erie end New York. .:Evert Sleeping Cara on all Night Trams , I --• Ear formumon respecting Pam_e_Lezet nosiness, ain attorner„TRLRTINYN and -M-ABA-Wr , BtrflsB. AMA fOraflOiphtalOVOOP4Or th; RMPSIOr AggAta: 4 8.8. Xtara toe. 3r.. corner , ' Thitlkent4 and Narita efe PCliattelphta, J. W.Reyaolds, Erie. 1• William Brown leant N C Yt li. lialttmorel 1 . • 1;7 „ , •: - ..7 11.411t41011iliTtow„,..‘, tieneral Psslght Agent:Philadelphia. GW - DINER,II ' 1 - General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia, A. L TYLER, I • General isruitaztoon. rtz/-Tzie)iii V (W:4140 p.;b1=4 , .. - 41 SUNDAY TRA_ENS, Is4vEzi~si +vimE. FOR NEW YORK.—The CAM. EEN - AND - AMBOY and. PHILA. TRENTON RAILROAD CCM- P.A.NIPSZINES, item Philadelphia to Nercv:_____ _York and way places, ' from WALNUT' STRIEBT - ts'. will leave as follows, viz: Ihre. At 6 A. M., via Camden and - Amboy, Accom.,#2 25 At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey CikEspress, 00 At 2P. M. via Carmen and Amboy res 6. 25 At 12 M. (noon) and BP. M., via Cam en en and Amboy, Accommodation, (Freight and Pas- 2 senger.) - • . 25 At 6 and 1126 P. M., 4ta Camden 'and . Amboy, Accom modation, _ (Freight and Passenger) Ist Class Ticket, . 225 2d Class Ticket, •• - 110 At 6 and 10A.M.,2 and 6 P.M. For Mount Holly villa, Pemberton and Vincentown. At 6A. ; and 2 P. M. for Freehold. . At 6 and 10 A. M. 1.2 M. 8.00, 5, 6 and li.Bo P. AL . for Fa myra; Riverton, Delano°, everly, Edgewater, Bur. n,Forence. Bordentown, &c. The lo A: M. and SP. M Line runs direct through•to Trenton. LINES FltO.M. Ii_ENSIN'GTON DEPOT will leave as follows:. at iLi5 A. M., 4.80 P. M and 6,48 P. M. via Ken- 2. sington and Jersey City_ Express ...—... •AI SO AVIS P. (blight) via Kensington and JerseY City Express - The 6.461!..M. Line will run daily. Air others Sun ' days excepted. At 7.80 and 11.15 A. M. 8, 3.80, 4.39,5 and 6,45 P. M.. and 12Midnight, for Bristol, Trenton. , :te- . At 7 A. bd., leso, 8,5, andfor Cornwells, Tor ' risdale, Holmesburg, Tacorly, Wlssinoming, burg and Frankiord and at BP. M. for Holmesburg and intermediate Stations. BELVIDERE LELAW.AHE ..B.A.M.ROAD, for , the Delaware River Valley, Northern Pennsylvania; and New - York State, and the Great Lakes. • Two through trains daily (Sundays excepted) from Kensington' Le pot, as follows: . , • - At 7.80 A. M. and 2.20 P. m", for Niagara; Falbr, , falo Lunkirk, Canandaigua.Elmiza, Ithaca. Owego, Rochester,e BinghamPton, Oswego, Syracuse, Gnat Bend, Montrose, Wilkesbarre Scranton,Strondsburg, Water Gap, Belvidere, Easton, 'Lambertville, Flem ngton, dm. The li.a/ P. M. Line connects direct with he Train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk. Allen town. Bethlehem, &c At5P. 31.forLambertvilleandintermedlate8tations /g4f - For New York, and Way. Lines leaving, Ken on Depot, take the cars on PM street, above Walnut, /AU an hour before departure. The cars run into the Depot, and on arrival of each Train, run from the Depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage allow h ger. passel:llms are prohibit from ku n gt anything as baggage but their wearhig apparel. baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their reeponsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond Roo, except by special contract Graham's...ress will call for and deliver bag t at the ta. ' Orders to be left at No. 3 Wel. stree. 1,131. FROM zrzw . YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA: Will leave from foot of Cortland street, at 12 M. and 4 P. M., via Jersey City and Camden. -At 7, In and Llyi 6 P. X. and 12 Night via Jersey City and Ken . sington. From foot of Barclay street at 6A. M. and 2 P. M., via Amboy and °minden. From Pier No. 1 N. River, at 12 M., 3 and 7 P. M. (Freight and Passenger), via Amboy and Caraden. WM. H. GA Agent. PHILADELRELIA AND = nirf•MT RA THROUGH LINE. AIiVIsSA RAILROAD. Short line to Willi - sport, Elmtra,Oil Regione,Erie, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge, and all places In the Western, North Western and South Wes tern States and the Canadss. Four through trains daily (Sundays excepted). Leave Philadelphia and Leave North Pennsylva- Reading DD pot, I nia B.R. Depot. 8 A. M. 7.30 A.M. 3.30 P. M. 5.15 P. M. One train on Sunday at S. l 3 P. M. By all these trains direct connection is made at Ef mim with Erie railway; at .sais • nca with Atlantic and Great W esternn railway-, at Dunkirk and Buffalo with Lake Shore R. B.; and at Suspension Bridge with Great Western railway. Fare always as low as by any other line. Sleeping cars on all night trains. Second class cars with cushioned seats accompany each express train. giving passengers the advantage of high speed with low fare. For through tickets and further particulars concern ing the routes, apply at the. Ticket Office, 42.5 Chestnut street. octi N. VAN HORN. Pas. Agt. WEST JERSEY RAILROAD ElS—From foot of - Market street . i n tlf ra eß atAus al : y 4 ot E eN Sundays. FALL AND Commencing WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 3.5t11, IS&S. For Bridgeton, Salem, and all Stations on West Jer sey and Salem Rani-cads. at 9A. 11L and gal P. M. For .11111 ville and all intermediate Stations, at. 9 M. and 3 P. M. _ - "[For Cape May and intermediate Stations, at 9 A. M., to lilltvitte connecting with freight train (Passenger car attached) for Cape May, due 3.1.5 P. M. and 3.00 P. M. through passenger due 3.130 P. X. For Glassboro ' and intermediate Stations, at 9 A. 3 3 and 8.30 P. M. For Woodbury. Gloucester, &c., st. 9 A. M., 3, 3.30, and 5.80 P. M. Frei ht train willleavePtilladelphiallrom Sandford's NV f at 10 . and Camden, 0112 J. VAN REIN - ssr.r. A VIZ Surerintendent. THE WESTJERSEY RVEM:FM C-11011fPAITY Will attend to all the usual branches of ltramarse Bus- NESS, receive, deliver, and forward, through other re sponsible Express Companies, to all parts of the coun try, any article entrusted to them. A Special Blesseh ern- aocompanies each through train. Office, No, 5 Walnut street. JULY/AL N 0T1C}.23. TN 'birth. COURT OF COMMON PTV. AS FOR TIM .1 CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.— iNhiLA B. rEERCE, by her next friend, vs JAMESE. E. PEIRCE. December Term, 1565.N0. 3. In Di vorce. To James R. Peirce, respondent.-81r, Take notice that the depositions of witnesses on the part of the libelant is the above case will be taken before Wm. W. Fell, Fr: mi ner, at his Office, No. 217 South SIXTH Street in the City of Philadelphia, on 'WM). NESDAY, Jam nary the 17th, 1866. at 3 e'clOck.-F. M. deN-15Q JOHN GOFORTH, A ttorney for Libellant. T TTEIi Oto A_DaiIeiISTRATION cum testa _Ll me_uto annexo having been granted to the sub scriber upon the Estate of HENRY W. DUCIADRET. td. D.. deceased, allpersona indebted to the same still make payxuent, and those having etnirris present them to ANN D. DUCACIIRI, Adrutnistratrix 1106 Girard street, or to her Attorney, EDWARD SHIPPEN, SR. corner Sixth and Walnut streets. de2S th4t* T ETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION having been Frarted to the tubscriber upon the Estate of HENRY W. BECA.U.s.m.', D. D.. deceased, all persons indebted to the Same will make payment. and tboSe having Moil.a present them to ANt D, DUCAOHET, 1106 GIRARD street. or to EDWARD SRIPFEN, B.E. corner SIXTH and Walnut street, Adm'or. deMdh-St, risTATE OF DAVID NICE, Deceased.—Letters of 111 Administration upon the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all Persons indebted thereto will please make~ gned , payment, and those having claims against the same present them to CURTIS S. NICE, or DAVID A. NICE, or their attorney, WM. HALL WA XLI.R, No. S. Fourth at.. de.:l-thetloi LENTERS OF ADMINISTRATION having been granted to the subscriber upon the estate of MEIN PARAVICIR I, deceased, all persons indebted to the same will mane payment, and those having claims present them to RuSIN.a. PARAVIOLNI, the ad ministratria, 1010 Sansdm street. de2l-thSt LETTERS TESTAM_ENTAKY haring been granted to the subscriber upon the Estate of HANNAH SPRATT, deceased, all persons indebted to the same will make payment, and those having cleans present them to JOSEPH - A. WARNE and JOHN H. hiEI)- LAW, the Executors. Frankford deft-th st TEI TERS TESTA.M.EIsiTaTtY having been granted 1... J to the subscriber upon the Estate of (I.4.!Ear_R ENE .F.I..QWEIt9, deceased, all persons indebted to the same will make Dement, and those having ctaims present them to JOHN YARD, Jr., and cIiARLF_.sYARD Executors, SO7 Race street, de2l-th-et LETTERS OP ADMINISTRATION baring : been granted to the subscriber upon the Estate of JABI.M3h LINE, deceased, all persons Indebted to the same will make payment, and those having cla3m4 Present them to DAVID MILNE, Administrator, 1714 Spruce street. den-clot LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION having been granted to the subscriber upon the Estate of CHARLES G. WIGHTMAN, deceased, ail persons Indtbted to the same will make payment, and those having claims present them to SAAtIIEL -DUTTON, Administrator. 104 South Fourth street. de2lth 6t T EWERS TESTAMMIT.ARY haring been granted _Lno the subscriber upon the estate of SARAH B. EBOGNASD, deceased, all persons indebted to the same will , make payment. and those having ,claims present them to bietil - B. BROGNARD, Executrix, Forty-fifth and Spruce streets. de.:14146V" LETTERS OF ADAM'S DaTRATIO: , having been granted to the subscriber upon the estate Of DAVID _READ; deceased, all persons indebted to the same win make payment and those having claims present them to JOHN D. READ, Administrator, 1705 ESTAEE M. D.—Let ters testamentary on the estate of William. R. Squire, M. Ti., late of the City of Philadelphia, have been etrdy grantee to the undersigned by the Register, all persons indebted are requested to make payment ana those having claims widpresent them toiISNRY J. SQUIRE, Executor, Getmatitswn; or to his Attor ney, J D. RODNE t ,Obi Walnut street de2B-Ih6t* iN THE ORPHAN'S COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNT it OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate -of JOSEPH AUGUSTUS. !deceased.—Notice is hereby given that ANNA R. AUGUSTUS, the widow of said decedent. has filed in said Court, ner petition and an appraienuent of the personal propel ty of said estate, which ahe,elects to retain under,the act of As.seathly, pass. d April 14th, 1851, and the supplements thereto, and that the same will be approved by said Court On. FRIDAYi January /9th, 1866, unless exception be died ,thereto...:SA3l.o AL CHUBB, Ja., Ja44b,f,4t* ' , • Attorney for Petitioner. ' E,TTERS OF ADMENIBTR s 71011 having been I=l gra nted to the subscriber upon' the estate of &BETH GA_REL, deceased, all persons indebted to the same will make payment, sad those having donna present them to J 08.14 EASTBURN, Admin istrator, 508 Queen street • • • -de2l-thet , ETTI. R$ OF R TlON,upon't hees tate LOl 3IAROARETTA B. ROPE, dreceased;having been granted to the undersigned bse the Register, or ea Wills, all persons Indebted to the decedent's ttde are requfsted to matte payment and , those'htiving ckahnti to present them to CHARM A N 8.13).DLE, ki rilSouth ,Finhatrf et • jai-thst• fj:WNTISTRYV!' • icroisteff,, -,rzi" DENTISTRY-4h pain to es.tracthy this Splendid- and saih , phon-'ibr 'She nervous and delicate. INo iuhatenta. :Toothache cured at. once4yEltliout.extracting). TIF7CZELL - FEETIL In >leantlini sL le. t , ..., 1 - filligLOCUBE,fl ' deSO-11n.. " ,15 41 - Yine streetv' 7 - ,,up. -- s - ct.,&•ebppar,tertuti,-Ita-Alootioll4l7ii , W2 .1' vete order. c. BAKER do co .t . • no Market aired.. de21411,6i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers