g esIMIESS NOTIORL ."MO,HAL INSANITY." ' Now, they have a custom Amity, - When a chap steals lots of money, To say that greenbacks on the brain Have made him "morally insane," • Worthy of less blame than plty;— Old-tlme folks.ere not so witty! But true Insanity, show 'piny man neglects to go Where cheapness, beauty, strength and all, Join in the suits of. Lower Hall. OBNTS', YOUTHS' AND Boy' eDOTHIN.A.D G. TOWER HL, No. 518 Market Street, BENNBIrr & co. /Or Prises greatly reduced to suit the times. ' Goods sold at lower prices than for , several wears. LOFTY Is'ETTLi.LS. LOWS , a moat ambitious pair Reholved on marriage in the air! And chartered a balloon to take The parson, bridegroom, bride and cake. But to their most intense despair, The parson would not act up there, Feeling to such an action loth, As throwing stigma on his "cloth." So the fair lady gave her hand, Reluctantly, upon the land; But still, resolved to make a sight, They afterwards took upward flight. Rot every swain would jeopardize, His lately sec/aired Paradise! But those determined on display Are bound to have it, in some way. One way, and just as efficacious— One at which folks won't say "good gracious!" Equal to akivoming through the clouds, And one that will attract large crowds— 11, not to step into a Car, But visirt, hatibright mundane "Swot," Where each expectant bridegroom, cute. Goes to obtain his wedding suit. Owing io the arrangententi which we have made with gu insurance Cowponies, we are now sating our entire stock of fine fashionable ready-made Clothing (a barge _portion of which has been slightly damaged by water), IGLOARDLISS OP Mil. .For the GCCAUUTI,OdiNiOR of the pabideme will keep open every evening until eight a'elook scatitfurther notice.. STAN CLOTHING EMPORIUM, Low Pumps arm FAOHIONAHLE Goons, 609 CRNOTNIIT STRUBT, ABOVE SISTII, PERRY & CO. BRONCHITIS.—From Mr. U. H. Gardner, Principal •t the Rutgers Female Institute, N, Y., May 14, ldEd "G. have been afflicted with Bronchitis during the past winter, and found no relief until I found your Troches." . .1/70tOlet Bronchial Troches," or Cough Lozenges, give prompt relief in Coughs, Colds, mid Throat Diseases and are for sale throughout the United States and most foreign countries, TWItALE& SCHMIDTRRJHT, ItIEMES , Piano Manufacturers. A fine assortment of our linst.class Instruments, of moderatee and finish, on hand. Full guarantee an prices. Ware Rooms. No. 46 North VIM Street. noll-s,tu,th-am% tIiiLICKERING GRAND PIANOS. SEMI-GRAND PIANOS! SQUARE GRAND PIANOS! Axe known to be the most perfect and permanent In zdruments in America and Europe. In Grand and Musical Tone and in all respects of delicate and endtring mechanism, it is entirely con ceded by the GREAT ARTISTS OF THE PIANO, And ALL DISCRIMINATING MUSICAL AMA TEURS, that THE CHIMERS:NG PIANOS ARE FIRST On both sides of the Atlantic. NEW WAItEROOMS 914 CIIESTAUT street. Jag-tu,th,s,tf/ W. H. DUTTON. &FEIN WAY dr. bONS' PIANOS IMAre now acknowledged the best in struments in Europe as well as America. They are used in public and private, by the greatest artists living in :Europe, by 'Von Bulow, Dreyschocir. Jaell, and others; in this country by Mills, Mason, Woltbohn, etc. For sale only by BLASIUS BROS., delB 5t w tf 1006 Chestnut street. plp:p I[cS:ilJ Dd THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1866. THE TRIAL OF DAVIS We have, at last, the official informa tion from the President as to the pros pects of the trial of Jefferson Davis. Eight months have elapsed since his capture, and the subject of his trial has evidently received full attention from the departments of the Government which it concerns, The message of the President to Congress devulops several interesting facts. Davis is held for trial upon three different charges, treason, assassination and cruelty to Union pris oners of war. Grave as all these crimes are, the first named is by far the most important, involving, as it does, the whole issue upon which the war was fought. We are therefore told by Mr. Stauten that the President "deemed it expedient that Davis should be first put upon his trial before a competent court and jury for the crime of treason." To do this, the Attorney-General decides that the civil authority must first be thoroughly re-established in Virginia, which has not yet been done. The design of the Government to give precedence to the charge of treason, and yet not to ignore the other grave charges pending against Davis, will meet the approbation of every right minded citizen. It sets definitely at rest the fears so often ex pressed that the arch traitor may,through some excess of leniency, slip through the fingers of both the military and civil law. It shows that the delay, instead of increasing the chances of his escape, only tends to render his trial more certain and his conviction more probable. Chief Justice Chase has veryproperly declined re-opening his courts in Virginia until he can be assured that trials can be fairly conducted, without having juries packed with avowed or very doubtfully galva nized rebels. The report of Attorney-General Speed argues the question of the proper place for holding treason trials. While admit ting that one construction of the law, held by many eminent authorities allows such trials to be prosecuted wherever any portion of the crime has been com mitted, he confesses that he is not, per suaded of ,i'ts soundness, and therefore advises that the trial shall take place in Virginia, or in some district where Davis was personally present during the rebel lion. But he has no doubt about the trial itself. He not only advises that-it shall take place, but he declares that it will be "a direful calamity" if it does not. He desires the trial to proceed under the provisions of the Constitution, but he -hopes that the law will not spare some of those who have been spared by the sword. From this message of the President we gather these facts. Jefferson - -Davis is certainly to - be tried. He wilinot be tried until; in the' words of Attorney- General Speed,' "the laws can be peace fully administered and enforced" - in the rebellions States. His trial for treason will not condone the other crimes of which 'he stands charged, and C01 . 1 1 3e . quently ea acquittal en his trial for treason will leave him liable' to a Military trial for cruelty to our prisoners . and'a criminal one for complicity in the, murder of President Lincoln. *e further gather that Clement C. Clay, Yulee and Mallory are still held in con finement upon charges which will lite determined by the trial of Davis, and that the other Members of the Rebel Cabinet have been released on parole, to abide the aCtioli of the Government in this prosecution. The country should be .thankful that we have .a Government which, in all its departments, is thus showing itself, while magnanimous to pardon, so strong to punish. Its generous efforts to restore to the people of the South the civil rights they have so wickedly for feited, have commended it to the admi ration of the whole civilized world and proved that there is no vindictiveness in that justice which it means to visit upon the crimes that brought such trouble upon the country. The President and his cabinet may safely be trusted with the custody and final disposition of Mr. Jefferson Davis, and we presume that Congress will be fully satisfied, after the communication which they have re ceived from the President, to leave him in his hands. NEW YORK CORIBLERCL&L KORA.LS. We have already referred, on several occasions,to the system of fraudspursued in the New York Custom House to the injury of the revenue of the country and the great damage of the business of more honest communities. Much of this re puted fraud necessarily rests upon sur mise, for scoundrels generally cover up their tracks with more or less success, and it is difficult to get at the real condi tion of affairs where rascality is pursued systematically. Recently a strict offi cial investigation has been made into the affairs of the custom houses of New York and Philadelphia,:and the result has been the demonstration of the fact that Philadelphia merchants pay an average of sixteen per cent. more duties on goods that pass through our custom house than the New York merchant pays for goods that go through the hands of the officers of customs of their own city. This difference tis of itself a handsome profit, and it is no wonder that colossal fortunes are accumulated in New York and that trade seeks a locality where there are such convenient facilities for cheating the government, for wronging honest merchants, and for damaging themanafacturing interestsof the country by a virtual nullification of the revenue laws. Now that the fact of this wholesale villainy is made patent, cannot the government apply aremedy? RAILROADS - "AT WILL." Mr. Lowry has introduced into the State Senate a bill, the object of which is rather loosely stated to be "allowing any company to build roads at will." Whether this is so expressed as speci ally to include city passenger railways or not, such a bill must be of great im portance to this city, and we trust that our local authorities will give it their at tention. If it does include city passen ger railways, it will deliver the city, to the mercy of speculators. If it does not and the bill has the general nature stated in the telegraphic report, then it includes the power to build steamn roads Through any street. Even if its expression be less general than is reported; such a change in our railroad system is far too important to be adopted, if adopted at all, as we trust it will not. be, without the most careful consideration. Lectures on Photography. It is with feelings of more than ordinary satisfaction that we hear it announced that Mr. Coleman Sellers is about to deliver a series of lectures at the Franklin Institute on Photography. Mr. Sellers is known both here and in Europe as a gentleman thoroughly versed in all the mysteries of this art, and one well able to convey to o'hers the information which he himself has obtained. While engaged with the pressing duties of a vast establishment for the manufacture of machinery in this city, he has yet made time to carry on a number of scientific investigations exhibiting rare ingenuity and great scientific knowledge in hiS researches. Photography hag ' shared his attention with other brandhes of art, and he purposes to give some of the results of his labor in the series of lectures now announced. That they will be useful to professional artists we need hardly say, for they are the result of a very rare combination of scientific knowledge and practical skill. That they will be interesting and instructive to, all, follows as a certain conclusion,from the fact that Mr. Sellers has a peculiar skill in ex plaining mattersof science and has prepared diagrams and experiments of the most per ect kind for the, full elucidation of his sub ject. We anticipate a great treat in these lectures and would urge all who feel any in terbst in the subject to attend. The upera, There was a good attendance at yester day's matinde, and L a, panic Blanche' was faizly done by the Germans. In the even a fine audience witnessed the third repre sentation of the Africaine, which was ex ceedingly well done,l as usual. This evening, for the first time for several years, Bellini's grand '.oper a of I Puritan will be played, with! Miss Kellogg as ,"El vita," in which she t e as great success in New York and Boston. Irfre, Bellini , and Antonucci take the other leading darts, and the opera cannot fail to be well done, To'-morrow evening, for a complimehtary benefit to the enterprising manager, Mx. Grover, "Azores/a Borgia will be played by the Italians, and the Germans will give a concert. The season will positively close on Saturday evening. HON. S. S. CO". ON IRISH WIT AND' Hum MOB.—This evening, at Musical Fund Hall, HorkS. S. Cox lectures, before the Press Club, on "Irish Wit , and Humor." I We anticipate a great treat, asMr. Cox is one of our most eloquent and ready CongresSional orators and a scholar of very great ability. 'THE ,DAILY EVENING PHILA He will probably have ~a very large mil discriminating audience , Very Valuable Real Estate a__,t . Public Sale. Messrs. Thomas' &• Sons' sale on Tuesday next will include a very valuableßusiness Property on MAIMET street, together with a number of other desirable es-' tales. - Also, valuable STOCKS awl LOANEI. by order of Executors. See auction column. large sales 17th, 23d, 80tb. and 6th February. Peremptory Sales"; of :Valuable Real Estate. f'. James A. Freeman. Auctioneer advertises on our last page the estates of Charles Wright. deceased, Isa bella Allen, deceased, with - otber properties to be sold on. the 24 th,inst. SALE JANUARY 31.- 1 -The Eqtatei; of Wiliam abwea, deceased. John Gat, deceased, Residence, German town; Tracts of Land, Clinton county, &c,, are In. eluded in this sale. CATALOGUES 017 NEST; WEDNESDAY'S BALE READY TO MOREOW. Removal. Philip Ford & Co., Auctioneers, have removed to No. 606 Market street. Due nonce will be given or their, first Spring sale of Boots and Shoes. JOBIT CRUMP, BUILDER. 173.1.uldEBTN1JT BTREET and 213 162,43 E STREET. Mechanics of every branch required for housebuild ing and fitting promptb , furnished.. Ja3-6m* COB & CO.. NEWSPAPER ADI7EBTISING AND tiUBSCRIPTION AGENCY. For the Newspapets of the whole country. Northeast corner of FIFTH and • ja2-tu,th,l2trp CHESTNUT streets. REDII .1 PRICES for Photographs of superior finality of style, execution and finish, natural and pleasing Likenesses. Days short, go early, to RBI MEWS Gallery, Second street, above Green. "DLATICD SPOONS AND FORKS. of several quail ties of plating,axl_plated Ivory-handled Table Cob ler>, for sale at I'ILM:LAN dr. SHAW'S, No. OS (Eight TWrty-five) Market street, below Ninth. BEDUCED.—ItELILER'S beautiful and na• turally colored Photographe, tine Pictures, at ,no derate prices. Now is the time to get them. Go early, days short. Vecond street, above tireen. SKATER yon can get your Skates correctly ground tip, or ob a variety of ladies' or Gents' Skates. !Straps, Pocket Gimlets, Patent Strap Palls, Heel Plates, &c„ at TEDMA4 4 I & SHAW'S.No, ass (Eight Thirty-five (Market street, below Ninth. PRICES REDUCED.—Cartee de Visite. Have them made In B. F. REIMER'S unsurpassed sty Le, none more accurate and- pleasing. Go early thine short days. 524 Arch street. VCR HOTELS, Laundries or Manufactories, the Bailey Spring 801 l and Cog Wheel Washing and Wringing Machine is particularly adapted, haying the exclubire right to use larger rollers than any_ other manufacturer. For sale by the Agents, _TRUMAN & SHAW, No. 515 (Eight Thirty-five) Market street. below Ninth. EIRE PROOF SAFE—EVANS & WATSON S I' make, nearly new, in good order, medium size, for sale low—at 116 N. N inth street. it* MERCANTILE LIBRARY BH A TrPs FOR SALE at 18. Apply No. 13 N. Tenth street. Jall-21. R.A. S. DOTTER haa no connection with oar firm M alter this date. R. W. PATRICK & CO.. *I North Broad street. 3.8.171•ALRY 1,1866. jall..its pERSONALL-;.— JOS. B. wmcox, Ladies Hose, size 65; or 7. M. M., Fayettsville, N. C IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FUR TELE CITY AND COLNTY OF PHILaDELPDIA.—Estate of WIL ELAN. hi 01211.12. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the second account of F. t'A ItRULL BREWSTER. Et q. and WlLdAlthd. J. RE.,I D MORRIS, Executors or the last will of WIL LIA MORRIS, deceased. and to report distribution of the balance in the hands or the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his ap pointment, on MONDAY. January ttid, itioS, at four o'clock. P. M., at his °thee, N 0.220 South Fourth street in the city of Philadelphia. J.A.3I2ES W. PAUL, fall-Ls.tuSti Auditor. N TOE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR E I CITY ANL COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Assigned Estate of CALEB MLLLER. The Auditor anpointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust Lae mvount of JOSEPH JAMES. Assignee of CALEB MILLER, and to report distribution of toe balance In the Minos of tte accountant, wilt meet toe partlei .u• terested ft. r the purposes of his appointment on UESDA Y, January 2,7fd, latla, at 4 o mock. P. its., at his office, No. 135 South IfIF ill street, In the city of Pb Iladelphia. Jai 1-th,a,tuSt TINS N DIHRIOET— Prepared expre,sly for use at EV EN US ti PARTIE:s, &c., may tee ntred - for the single occasion, with compel. nt upholsterers to lay same. Persona having fine carpets to protect, will find themselves well compensated by Its use. apply to the (A/ PET !.. , TORE, Northeast corner EIUHTII nad lila Rh ET streets. BLACK LAMA LACE POINTES . ROTONDE.•.; aND sy,l'A RE SHAW Ls. Eo. W. Vtai EL, :No. iolo Chestnut street, has now ready his new Im pt.rtatton of Black Lan.aa Lace Pointes, Uotoudes and square Shawls. The assortment is unusually , large and attractive, all entirely new desq, ns, comprising many very choice qoalitiet. and deslgoa. which cannot be obtained either in toe amertc.an or Paris markets when the season is fairly opened. s Jae-tit* SAAC NATHAN% Auctioneer and Money Broker, 1I - N. E. corner of Third and Spruce streets, only one square below the Exchange. NATIJANS'S Principal °dice, established for the last forty years. Money to loan in large or small amounts. at the lowest rates, on Diamonds. Sliver Plate, Watches. Jewelry, Cloth. lag, and goods of every description. Office hours from 8 A. M. 7 P. M. deZi.tfrp. A LARGE AND FINE ASSORTMENT OF OPERA GLASS.. In Pearl, Black Pearl, Russia Leather, Morocco and Japanned cases. 12 Verres Glasses, Volarlander's make_ wr r.r.rs Nt Y. MeA LUSTER, deS4trp 7'.V3 Caestnut street. IrENTH QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE FIRST I. NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, January Zd, 1866. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts .._.. ,lS os S. Bonds deposited to secure Circulation 906,000 00 t. B. Securities deposited to secure D. posits 500,000 00 11, S. Bonds and other U. S. Secu rities on band 447,900 00 43,934,745 08 Specie and Legal Tender Notes..— 2,,„a1,07s 90 Bills of this Bank on hand 9,500 00 Bilis of other 72,473 00 Due from National Banks 458,573 94 Due from State Banks and Bankers 296,729 49 Cash items 167,724 54 3,52.5,07987 Real Estate Unlucumbered . 53,588 50 Expenses 13,0)27 Taxes 12,955 SS 0%51819 10 Capital Stock 1,000,000 00 Circulating Notes 741,000 00 Due to Banks and Bankers $1,192,155 12 Due to Treasurer of the United States 595,408 25 Due to Individual Depositors.. 2590,032 94 --- 14,377,646 31 Dividends Unpaid 2,160 00 Surplus Fund 350,000 00 Prat and Loss 63,012 79 state of Pennsylvania City of Philadelphia, as. I, MORTON M'MICHAEL, Jr., Cashier of First National Bank of Philadelphia, do solemnly affirm that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. ja6-6t MORTON MCMICHAEL, Jr,. TOB.D.AN'S PCTELERRATED TONIO tit truly healthfcd and nutritious beverage, now in use by thousands—invalids and others—has ;established a character for quality of material and purity of manu facture, which stands unrivaled. It is recommended by physicians of this and other places. aa a superior tonic, and requires but a trial to convince the most skeptical of its great merit. To be had, wholesale and *dad, of P. L JORDAN. 220 Pear street. Frrzaza, WEAN - Rat ds Blanufttetareza of MANILA AND TARRED CORDAGE. OordEt, Twines, do., No. at North Water Street, and No. 22 North Delawar Avenue, Philadelphia. Morns H. PISCES. MICHAEL 'MUTE. CONRAD F. CLOTHIER. arryiNG WITH HiDELIBLE, INK, Embroider ANL ing, Braiding, BtaMping, M. A. TOW= IWO Filbert ,met. BALE.—To Rappers ;Grocers, Hbtel-keepers r and othere—A very superior lot of Champagne Older, by the barrel or dozen. J. JORDAN, noa.rptt 220 Pears eet, below Third and Walnut I TC3l ..recil7 Cll 2 '. SC: " 1 ' ll°. MORE.—DER, "ITCH" Dr. Sway 'a Ointment. "TESTER" "ITCH" .Dr. Sway 'a Ointment. "TETTER" "ITCH" ..14 , Evt, "TESTER" i - • "ITCH" ' KNOWN "TESTER" ITCH" "ITCH" T PAIL "T TESTER" D ER „ "ITCH" , "TETPER" "ITCH" IN CURING THIS "TESTER" ,_ ETTER " I TCH" TORKENTLNG: "T P EP " PER" "ITCH" - " SETTER." "ITCH" compr. A TNT. "PEWEE.'" "ICH" Cures I T tching Piles, Salt Rheum. Scald Head, Rash,all Skin Diseases. - .• "Swayne's" "All Healing"H -''Ointment." "Swayne's" "Al , "Ointment." "Swayne's" "All-Healing" ~ "Ointment." "Swayne's" "Allllealing" "Ointment." "Swayne's" "All-Healing" "Ointment." "Swayne's" "All-Healing" "Ointment." . " . S s wwaynee'w a, "A Al ll l--H He e amg" "Ointment" g, "Ointment." "Swayne's" "All-Healing ' "Ointment." A, great variety of cases yibtd to the thee erteal ing properties of thislOintment, even most obsti nate and protracted in characters "eruptions covering the whole surface or the body. that , pat at defiance every other bode of treatment which' the mind of man ,could invent have been pe.rmanently cored, Price 50 cents a box. By mail6o cents. Over 80 years have "Draiooynes.lifedteines" been in constatituee in all parts of the world and their Increas -abgPolnilarity Is certaiiiiy proof of their greet power to ew. ' Prepared only by Dr. SWAYNE dc SON, No. 330 It SIXTH street, above Vine, Philadelphia. Bold by the /ending Druggists. lag-ta,th,f• GIMEMEt! 419,120 79 17,533,819 Joi I ELPHIA,, Till RSDAY, JAM:UpY . 11„ 1566. THE LATE GREAT FIRE !, immense •Bargains Offered! itOCKHILL&WILSON, PEOrgETOREI OF THE Brown Stone Clothing Hall, POS. 603 AND 605 CHESTNUT ST. ) , Have , their Stook of Goods Elhi.LAaiMaWll:_j I , low Arranged and Ready for Sale, Astoundingly Low Prices, WITH A VIEW TO CLOSING OUT THE GOODS Rescued fron the Late Conflagration 1 And of Preparing their THE CUSTOMER DEPARTMENT IS NOW UNDER WAY On the Second Floor. Entrance on Chestnut Street. Jail LEwis L.ADOxt lANOND DEALER & JEWELER, WATCHES, JEWELRY h SILVER STARE, WATCHES and JEWELRY REPAIRED 802 Chestnut St.. Phila. Has always on band a beautiful assortment of DIA MONDS, FINGER RINGS, EAR RINGS, BREAST rms. sTI - Ds and DIAMOND SETs, all of which will be sold at less than usual prices, Diamonds mounted to order in the latest styles and most sub stantial manner. WATCHES. JEWELRY AND SILVER WARE, EN GREAT VARIETY PLAIN RING —A large assortment nlarays on and. Engagement and Wedding Rings made to order. SILVER WARE—For Bridal Presents—all styles. WATCHES Repaired to the best manner and guar anteed. P. s.—Dlamonds and all precious Stones: also old Mold and Silver bought for cash or taken to exchange. Jalltt \IP"- RIGGS & IittOTHFAI _ CHRONOMETER, CLOCK. AND • W.ATC H MAKERS. No. 244 South FRONT Street. Race constantly on hand a complete assortment of (3.OcRS, &c, for Railroads, Banta and Counting Rouses, which they offer at - reasonable rates. EP. B. Partici:liar attention paid to the repairing of tine Watclms and CloCks. Jtai3m DRIED OR CANNED FRUITS. ADAMS COUNTY PARED PEACHES. UNPA RED PEACHES, DRIED CHE.RHIES. Peaches and Cherries in CANS. Thee fruits are the fnest put up. For sale by JAMER R. WEBB, WALNUT and EIGHTH Streets. A COURbE OF FOUR LECTURES, ON PHOTOGRAPHY. Will be delivered by MR. COLEMAN SELLERS. At the FRANEL.IN INSTITUTE. on FRIDAY EVE- N EEGS, commencing with Friday, January 12th. The usual members; tickets will admit to these lec tures. Jai rp* LOOMS FOR SALE. In Basle (Switzerland,) 90 RIBBON LOOMS A LA JACQUARD. For part`cu!ara apply to LANE, LAMSON & CO., 56 Murray 'treat, de2l3trt th 5121 rpf NEW YORE 11,1EISICDVA.1.4. HA.RNDEN EXPRESS. HOWARD EXPRESS. Through the kindness of Mr. G. G. EVANB, the en terprising Agent of the Florence Sewing Machine I Company, we will, for the present, receive small par eels and money packages at No. 630 Chestnut Street. 33eavy freights will be received at New Depot. Corner Eleventh and Market Streets. Philadelphia, January 8,1866. ja9-6t rpa mw) BRADBURY'S SUPERIOR pal PIANOSI AttentiOn Invitedto these unrivaled Instruments pronounced "superior" by the most renowned artists in NONE, TOUCH, POWER, DURABILITY and wr.VGANCE OF FINISH. Full iron frame: and over-strung Baas. Also, Hants' and Chambers and Gabler's fine and sweet-toned Pianos. Parlor Organs, all at the very lowest prices for reduction of stock.. J. A.. GETZ E. Jas 6t rut 1102 CHESTNUT Street. SKATES I SKATES 1 SMITH & RICHARDSON Have, as weal, tie lavieat, cheapest and beet stock of SKATES In the efts , . The assortment comprises the newest styles. We flatter ouraelvm that.every one can be salted i. the Sign of the SKATE BOY, = - 611 MARKET' STREET, 1 nolBtf PHILADELPHIA, NEW.'; WEEKLY MAGAZINE 48 PAGES ! 48 PAGES ! FOR 10 CENTS A WEEK. TEE NUMBER FOR JANUARY, lath, 1.13 1 HOW I MADE A FORTUNE IN WALL STREET, AND HOW I GOT MARRIED. A Splendid Original and True Story, Writtenexpressly for the NEW YORE WEEKLY MAGAZINE, by a gentleman of great experience, who knows all the ins and oats. and whd will give more information about the straight and crooked ways of that celebrated street than has been ever pub lished. To be complete in a few numbers. Also, Patty's Vocation. A sparkling and tender story. The : Broad Street Pump. • t • An episode of the miolera epidemic. Fast and Firm. • A romance of ISSarsellles The Missing Goldsinith. A German story. To Persons about to Marry. Vidocq and the Sansoms. Two Scenes and a Life. Wine as It Is. The Gout. Scotch Notes, &c., &c. 48 Pages ! 48 Pages,! 48 Pages ! Of Entertaining and Instructive Liberman, well printed on large type and clean paper. For Sale by All Newsdealers. PRICE, 10 CENTS. To parties who cannot obtain it of newsmen, we have the following TEEMS, One copy, one year —...._, 1 4 10 Or e copy, throe months* i 40 Tao copies. one year. . 700 Five copies, one year, and one extra to agents-. 53 00 Specimen copies sent by mail on receipt of ten cents. Address, 6- 0. H. BAILEY & CO., Pußmisioces N. Y. W.I3I2IELY MAoA.z.nirn. No. 7 Beekman SL, New York. jall.2t. 4p Ice ! Ice ! Ice ! Ice ! Ice ! The Ice business heretofore carried on by us, under the name of the "MO T.TFRV ICE 00.," will hereafter be known as the "Cold Spring 'co and Coal Con" We respectihlly solicit from our Mends and custo m:len a continuance of their favors under the new ar rangement, and assure them that hereafter they will be supplied by the COLD SPRING ICR AND COAL CO , with Ice of the best quality, always at the lowest market rates and with regularity and promptness, WOLIMIT & BROTIESIL (OMORPORATED, APRIL, ISM) Cold Spring Ice and Coal Co. 7 HOS. E. CAHILL, President, JOH'S GOODY Kelt, Secretary, HE BY THOMAS, Superintendent. Wholesale and Retail dealers in and shippers of Ice and Coal. Boston Ice now being supplied daily in all pared limits of the consolidated city, Twenty-fourth Ward. - Richmond. 3fantris and Germantown. Lehigh and bchuyikill Coal, carefully selected for family use, and as low as the lowest for a untrue article. Black smith's Coal of excellent quality, hickory, oak and pine Wcod, and Kindling Wood. Depots— S. W. Cor. TWELFTH and WILLOW Eta. NORTH PENNA. R. R. andHASTEIRSta, TWENTY-FLFTH and LOMBARD Sta. PINE STREET WHARF, Schuylkill. No. 435 Walnut Street. ja3-im IV EDWARD P. KELLY ! TAILOR, 612 Chestnut St. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Choice Goods At Reduced Prices for Cash. Pattern Coat and Clothes Not Paid for at Cost for Cash. Economy in Fuel. THE GENUINE STEWART COOK STOVE, The Besi Cook Stove in America. It perfbrms more, With less Fuel, Than any other Stove in use. /Whole Agent Air Philadelphia, 1008 Marker street. PRICES REDUCED ON Ladl His a Ladlel Pr i gnmed Hoods. Gents' Par Collars and Gloves, Velvet Hats for Misses' and Children. THEO. H. 31'CALLA, At His Old Established HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM, SO4 Chestnut street. jaZlm IT/ LADIES' FANCY ,FITRS. JOHN " PA.3ELELIELA.9 No. 718 ARCH STREET, Above Seventh street, at his Old Established Store, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer In VA.NCY" LAD and CIBILDItieN. Having now In store a very large andbeautiful M sortment of all the different kinds and qualities of Fancy Fars fbr Ladies' and Children's wear. I eolialS a call from those in want. Remember the name and number. ••.` • JOHN re.liErmi, . 718 Arch street aboVe Seventh. Inl have c no partner or connection rith any other store this ity. • 'oot-ina rpf HOOP SKIRT ISLANEFAOTORY.—Hoop skirts ready-made and made to order; warranted of the beat materlala. Also, Ekirta repaired. __l 1 E. BAYLEY, 0c26-3me ld2 Vine street, above Eighth. HffiiBWITR CALL attention to our cent assortment of superior PIANOS, w hwe always have on harid, and offer them at very reasonable prices to purchasers. Butt of references and lITLL GII invariably glymlly TIM UNION PIANO NANITPAININUNO 00. apt) ' My Walnut • 4 0% MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED .11 13po ir, N ria igera rtßso 00 7 8 wrozze , ac.p ak iliNnur ai ox.a.ssmunaiumm LOAN , OFFEN% Corner of THIRD and mammy. Med% Below Lombard: 1 N. N. ETAMONM3, WATITIMINd, JESTLEEi OEM, YOH BALD AT Y LOW PRICE% dal-Imoirli J. S. CLARK, IRISH WIT AND HUMOR. lions S. S. Co WILL DELIVER HIS uraMBRATED DLSOOVRES ON IRISH WIT AND HUMOR, MUSICAL FUND HALL, Thursday Evening, Jan. 11, 1866, ivrgiomiacio*:•3o..Nto:4.l4ov:.3;h4:44.olo 1 Inxwmck4 PMMMI rqMI Wei 411 V/ alai Doors 0. • • at 7. Berta at 8 COAL ! COAL ! REST QUALITIES OF COAL AT LOWEST MARKET RATES; AT ALTER'S COAL YARD, NINTH SMIEUEMIC s ; BELOW GIRARD AVENUE. :if - BRA-NCR OFFICE CORICIER OF SIXTH AND SPRING GARDEN. delOtapl-4p MUSIANS BY THE PIECE, AT RETAIL, At the Lowest Wholesale Rates. COTTON GOODS. 3,000 Yards Calico at 23 Cents, 20,000 Yards Calico at 25 Cents, 10,000 Yards Wide Chintzes at 28 to 33 Cents, 5 Bales Unbleached Milslins at 31 Cents, 10-4 Utica Sheetings 10-4 Waltham Sheeting. 9-4 Peppedll Sheetings. 11-4 Unbleached Sheetings. New York Mills Williamsville. Wam , utta. 5-4 Pillow Muslins. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., N, W, cor. Eighth and Market Sts. Jaa-am MARKET 4 z . " 41‘16 NINTH. 4\°*. 4 P 4 41) 24,000 YAM. s BLEACHED AND UNBLEAQB®- SHIRTINGS • AND SHEETINGS.: Laid in when they were lower, and now selling by the , piece at wholesale prices, by the yard, one and twin cents hi: her. LOCKWOOD'S NEW COLLAR. MOLDED TO FFORIT THE NECK dc WITH A S SPADE: T HE C The Lockwood Mfg. Co. announce to the Trade that - thdy have l u st brought out a Hew Molded Collar, hav may more bpace for the Cravat, and in all respects'betler• Jilting and better shaped than any heretofore produced,, (with the exception of "Lockwood's Cloth Lined Col.- /ars.") The paper is somm and will not split and is cerise euently stronoercienut more durable than any hereto fore made, being manufactured by the parties who for many years nest have made the 'Bond, Deed and Bank. Hole paper for the U. S. Treasury Depto tment. In ad dition to this the collars themselves are made by the same machineryas our best Cloth Lined goods, and are: guaranteed the best all Paper Collars made. Each Collar Is branded with an • "ARROW" which, has been registered in the U. S. Circuit Court as oar Trade Mark for this quality of goods. ow-ANEW LINE OF DLSCOIINTS OFFERED TO JOBBERS. LOCKWOOD MFG. CO., 255 and 259 SOUTH THIES) ST., Platlada., Or 98 READE STREET,.N. Y. .Jas th ast SOLD AND sIIVEB.WATCHIIX OP otra own Importation, reliable in wallk? &RCM kiwi/rim% BABB ,and - -,. 124Chartatin C/APF.N. FII.I4ENOLOGIST. . • Successor to Fowler, Wells dt Co ; 71f, gives written and verbal descriptions of oho, racter with Charts, dallg t at de23-o,to,tll42trPl ki0..25 R 'Thasuu Street.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers