[For the Phttadelpht*Bveettng BulletAnl TEE. HILLS OF—PENSAITHIN. BY BELISLE. Ye hills that girt Pensaukin's streams, And glow with radiance from the west `While many soft reflected beams Are penciled-on its tranquil breast; " Row can Ye - ea* with rays so bright, t l ; wo ~ o tlte.winds that o'er ye steal, . v y spirit hangs a 'blight That all your beauties cannot heal? .1:oft have roarned thy &rest wild, And culled choice flowrets blooming there A. happy, joyous-hearted child, Whose thoughts were gay and free of care And there were friends as blest as With whom I rambled o'er the green, 'Who leved•thy azure-tinted sky, And gazed with rapture on the scene! But, ah, those happy hours have changed ! A gloom hangs darkly o'er them now ! The friends I met are cold, estranged, And sadness rests upon the brow; Yet still, sweet streams, and wooded glade, Ye have a spell,that binds my soul, 'When all alone beneath your shade,.." The waves of sorrow o'er me roll! Farewell ! farewell! Ye woods and bowers, Ye blissful ,shades and-winding stream! No more I'll cull your 'fragrant flowers; Yet I will see ye in my dreams! are little birds that sang so sweet— • r Hush now your warblings in the gr6ve, :For here no more my friends I'll meet, . And your bright haunts no more I'll rove The Rebel Emigration to Maxim. Voluminous papers relative to the rebel emigration to Mexico, and the scheme of Gwin and Maury, were presented to the Senate yesterday. Senor Rothero first calls the attention of Mr. Seward,_,July 9, 1864, to the. address of General Magruder and Governor Vidaurri's reply, showing a perfect, understanding between the -traitors in Mexico' and the insurgents in the United States. He inti mates that the French Minister to Mexico, M:lMontholon, was working to that end, and that armed emigration from the Atlantic States and ii3M California was in immediate contemplation. Under date of February , 4th, 1865, he further notifies the Secretary of his under standing that a settlement has been proposed by Napoleon, by virtue of which 'the Mex ican States, Tamaulipas, New Leon and Coahuila, with parts of San Luis Potosi, Seacata, Cas Durango and Chihuahua, almost the whole of Senora and the Penin sula of lower California, are to be ceded to France, and that to make so considerable a cession of Mexican territory acceptable the Emperor would plant there a military colony, which would shelter the remainder of the country from filibustering attacks from the United States. This arrangement of which he cites evi dence from Mexico, California and Paris, he protests against, reminding the Secretary of a fact slightly resembling the present, when the representatives of the French Govern ment in Mexico protested against a treaty •concluded between Mexico and the United States of much less importance than the present, only because of the vague rumor, more or less founded, that it had been con -eluded, and before they had official notice of its execution. Mr. - Seward replies, under date of Feb ruary 25, 1865, that the protest has been placed on file as testimony to the course of Mr. Romero. additional evidence of the zealous and patriotic discharge of his func tions, and for such other purposes as future events may render it necessary to apply it. On the 29th of April Mr. Romero commu nicated to Mr. Seward the correspondence between the rebel General Slaughter and the Mexican Governor Mejia, relative to the capture of the Mexican steamer Orisiba, captured by the rebels under the plea that she was manned by citizens of the United States, as additional proof of the identity of political interest which exists between the insurgents of this country and the partisans sof the French cause in Mexico. In a communication, dated July 4th, Ro mero adduced further evidence of Mexican -oomplicity with the rebels, and states that the Commandant at the post of Bagdad, a Belgian, informed General Slaughter that he had secret instructions to permit the intro duction of all arms and munitions of war that might be desired, and that they should pass freely for the use of the Confederacy. He also asserts that there was in Monterey -an agent of the Confederacy accredited to the agents of the French, called the Imps-, rial authorities, and that General Mejia, the French agent in Mexico, had laromised •General Slaughter that he would do every thing he could in his favor. He also shows that the trade which the Confederate States - were carrying on with Mexico and other •countries, through the ports of Mexico, were carried on with the consent of the French agents in Mexico. To all these statements Mr. Seward pro mises to:give the attention to which they are entitled. On July Bth, Mr. Romero communicated a statement and letter relating to the schemes of Mr. W. M. Gwin for organizing .a colony in Mexico, under the protection of France, and showing that Gen. Bazaine, in command of the French forces, had autho rity to lend him all needed assistance. Gavin writes, after the surrender of Lee, "the start ling news from the United States has made the blood of every Southern man and sym pathizer run cold with horror. No one will be safe in our native country. I thank Pro vidence that my lot has been cast elsewhere, and that very soon I will have a home for my wife and children, where they will be safe from oppression." Among the intercepted letters is one from Massey to Hon. B. Wood, of New York, in which he says: "That Soule is in the Gwin -enterprise, and that" the French Emperor will give him all the aid hedesires, and that he will go out as Director General in charge -of a very peculiar kind of colonization." He says further, "Yon ought to have sent. me some money., It is hard to financier on nothing indefinitely. I have concentrated my whole strength on our scheme." Mr. Seward 'writes to Minister Bigelow, -July 13, inclosing these intercepted letters relative to. Mexicali colonization and re <meats him to present them to M. Dronyn -de l'Huys, and frankly inform him that the -sympathies of the American people are al ready considerably excited in favor of the Republic of Mexico, and that they, are dis posed to regard with impatience the contin ued intervention of France in that country; that any favor shown to the proceedingl of Gwin by the titular Emperor of Mexico •or by the Imperial Government of France, with reference to those agents; will tend -gaeatly, to increase the populartinpatience, because it will be regarded, perhaps juustly, as importing dangers tb, or at least as a menace against the United States. If these statements are to • be believed, Mr. Seward asstirnes,with the sanction of the President, that the Emperor of France has deserted his position of neutrality. The President today also sent to the Senate a message, in compliance with a re solution, respectig the occupancy by the French troops of the Republic of Mexico, and the re-establishment of a monarchy them' inclosing a report from the Secretary of State, and, the documents by which it k was accompanied: The documents are very voluminous commencing as .far back as March 25, 1864, and ending with Decent ber 5, 1865. First is a letter from Mr. Day-, ton to Mr.' Seward, commenting on the fact that the negotiation for a loan in behalf of Maximilian as Emperor. of Mexico, has been -completed _.on -favorable terms, and that be would soon sail for Mexico. - •Mr. Seward; under date of April 7, 1864, informed Mr. Dayton .of the condition of affairs in Mexico as fully as was under stood in Washington,- by - incloidng him the copy of a communication from our Consul at Matainoras. Mi. Seward,- in a letter to Mr. BigeloW, September 6, 1865, in reply to a letter from the latter, discussing at large the present aspect ofl, the relations between the United States end - France, as they are by the situation in Mexico, says: "The intense popular interest which was aroused by the prevalence of a civil war of vast proportions, during a few years past, has tended in some degree, to moderate, the solicitude which the situation with foreign affairs was calculated to create. But this interest is now rapidly subsiding and it may, be reasonably: anticipated' that henceforth the Congress of the United States and the,people in their primary assemblies will give a very large share of attention 'to questions of extraneous character. "Chief among these is likely to be that of our rela ti ons towards France with regard to Mexico. Now doe's it seem unwise to take into consideration the fact that the presence of the military forces of the two nations, sometimes oonfronting each other across the border, has a tendency which both of them may weßregret, to produce irritation and anno Th yance. , • "e French Government has not shown itself inattentive to this inconvenience hith erto, while this - Government - has been - de sirous to practise equal rirudence., But a time seems to have come when both nations may well consider whether the permanent interest of international peace and friend ship do not reqUire the exercise of a thoughtful and serious attention to the political questions to which I have thus'ad verted." Mr. Seward, in a letterlo Minister Bige low, dated December 14,1865, says: "I have to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch of November 24: Whit it is very interesting, it seems to discotirage 'an expectation on our part of an - early , %withdrawal of the French force from Meiicti. It is to be re marked, however, that the opinion upon that subject which yen have received from "M. Drouyn de l'Huys, were expressed by him not only without the positive sanction of the Emperor, but also in the' absence of knowledge on tile part of the French Gov ernment of the definitive conclusion of the President on the subject discussed. It is desirable to leave no part of those conclu sions open to misapprehension. and it is equally desirable that we shall be authorized to infer that such expositions of the Imperial views a. 9 are given us in the name of the French Government are made with the Emperor's approval. I trust that both those ends will have been accomplished before you receive this despatch. The dispatches include letters from "the French Legation, with reference to Mexican refugees in New - York and Washington pre paring a movement in favor of Juarez, the first one as far back as January, 1865." The Acting Secretary of State, W. Hun ter, in a communication to the President, transmitted to the House in answer to the resolution inquiring concerning "the kid napping the child of an American lady in the city of Mexico, by the usurper of that Republic ; so-called Emperor,"says that no official information has been received at the Department in regard to the kidnapping referred to, and there is no other informa tion upon that'subject which it is deemed advisable to make public at this time'. A HEAVY tßonnEnv Az - mum-ma TO SPIRITS.—A lady named Cutler, residing at No. 283 South Fifth street, Brooklyn, E. D., for many months past has missed various articles of household furniture, carpets, pictures, (to., but never reported the facts to the police. Recently her son was arrested for larceny, found guilty before Justice Dailey, and sentenced to the Penitentiary. While there, it seems, his conscience smote him, and he informed the authorities that he Thad stolen furniture, &c., from his mother, at various times, to the amount of $l,OOO, which he sold. The s police of the For fifth Precinct investigated the matter, and found that Frederick Galbraith, corner South Fifth and Eleventh streets, and Thsmaa Riley, No. 300 South Fifth street, had purchased about $BOO worth of the stolen property. These parties were arrested on a charge of receiving stolen goods, and held is bonds of $1,500 each to answer. The goods they purchased were seized by the police and are now stored at the station house. The most singular point of the case is the statement that while Mrs. Cutler missed her property she believed that it was carried away by spirits and not by any human agency.-11 7 . Y. Tribune. • SINGULAR DEATH.—The body of Mrs. Ii ussmaul, wife - of John Kussmaul, of the township of Caldwell, was found some dis tance from her home in the mountains, on Friday night last,Jan.sth,at about 2 o'clock, lying on heei}• back, in her night clothes; fro zen to death. Mrs. Kussmaul, - who had been sick for a week previous to her death, left her bed some time during the night, while her husband was asleep, and wan dered from the house in her night clothes, without any covering on her feet except a pair of stockings. ,She went through the mountains, climbing stone fences, difficult even for a well person to surmount, over rocks, through bushes and briars, climbing some time • on her hands and feet, to the summit of a steep and precipitous hill, from which, as would appear, she walked off. striking her head against the limbs of trees and against the rocks below, upon which in a number of places were found marks of blood. She was discovered at the foot of the hill, cold and lifeless. —Newark J - .) Ad vertiser. - DEATH OF ELIJAH F. PURDY.-0110 of the Most prominent of our politicians—Elijah F. Purdy—died late last night at his resi dence in this city, at an advanced age. He was a native of Westchester, and followed the business of a grocer. During the cam paignwhich resulted in the election of An-. drew Jackson to the Presidency, Mr. Purdy first attracted attention. He was soon after elected Alderman of his Ward, and has since then filled various local offices, having been at ; one time Surveyor of the port of New 'Ydrk. During the late war Mr. Purdy was active in his efforts to fill the quota of the State. He has always been a member and champion of the Democratic party, was familiarly known as the " Old War Horse," and is closely identified with the traditions and history of Tammany Hall. In private life he was genial and unaffected. He leaves a wife and eia children.—N. Y. Post. KEDICAL. • OPAL DENTALIXNA, A empulor article for cleaning the Teeth, destroying animalcrthe which infest them giving tone to MS ' game, and leaving a feelhnt of flag rance and pared cleanliness in th e month, It may be used:da, au/ will be fband to strengthen weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma 117111 detersiveness will recommend it to every one. Be composed with the assistance Cl the Dentist, Physician and MI Ist, it la medal re=itallhaed as a RPTJ A Rtlit substl firnn. _Washes formerly In Vogue. r Eminent Dentists , acquainted with the colutituenti of the DENTA.M.HVA, advocate ita uses; it contain! 11•Eadnothi hi ng -to Prevent its nnreskained employment. -e,OnlY • • JAMIE T. SHIM Apothecary •••• - • - Broad and Spruce rimßeggi ~•:For sale by Drums generally, and Fred Brown, B. Btackhouse, Glassard & , Robert CI. Davis; _ • • G. P.. Bow, • Geo. G Bowers, Isaac H. Kay, Charles Shivers, • - Cl. H. Needles, G. J. Scattergood, • - T. J. Husband, . . TurrApeany Oh, Ambrose ?. 1 Charles H. Eberle, Thomas Weaver, James N. Harks, . win.....y0 Webb, E. Bringhuist &00 James Bispham, Dyott & 00., Hughes & Coombe., •- Henry A. Bower, . Wyeth Em ESTLAoIcs ,DEPHTHIERIA. LOZENGES.—These ,lozenges are a safe and speedy cure for Diphtheria, Coughs, tgore: Throat - Hoarseness anct , Bronchial affe c ti ons sandals% 1 1 117 theM TROST Emang., r.,Draggist. 8. 417. ner migmeenth and Market . _ • • await THE DAILY EVENING 811 - FIRE - Si:TRANCE. Liverpool, and London dncri Globe 1 INSURANCE COMPANY. Authorised Capital; • $lO Millions. Invested Funds, over 16 Millions, Yearly Revenue, over 5 Millions. Invested in the United States, over $1,500,000. , All lessee, promptly adjusted cidtti'out reference to ' England. ATWOOD'SMITH, General Agent for Pennsylvania, OFFICE, r No, 6 Merchants' Exchange, seiss,tn,cbtri PHILADELPHIA, fPRE — FEL _L PHILADELPHIA- OP l_ticorporated In 184 L Charter Perpetual. OFFICE, No. 308 . WALNU'P STREET.- ' CAPITA_L, 930000, . • • Insures against loss or damage by FIRE, on Houses, Stores and other Buildings, limited or per petual, and on Furniture, Goods .Wares and merchan , dise isitown or country." • LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. - ASSETS- 5408,001 79 Invested in the following Securities, viz: ,First Mortgages on City Property, well se- , cured • $104,100 00 United States Government Loans 135,000 00 ; Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans ... ....... 55,000 00 Pennsylvania93,ooo,ouo 6 percent. Loan. 21,009 00 Pennsylvania Railroad: Bonds, first and * se- se cond Mortgages - Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's 6 per cent. Loan TPhlladelphia and Reading Railroad Com . Rt a nigit 6 l6 P : r ailload Lo a 7op 7 percent. mort. gage bonds- 4,560 00 County Fire Insurance Company's Stock-- 1,050 00 • Mechanics' Bank Stock 4,000 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock... 10,000 00 ,Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock- 880 00 Reliance Insurance Company of ..Philadel phla's Kock__ Cash In bank and on band Clem. Tingle'y, Wm. Musser, Samuel BLsphaM, H. L. Carson, ' Robert Steen, Wm. titevenson, James T. CLE THOMAS C. HILL, Beer PHILADELPHIA, Decemb FNSURANCE (X)BIPANY OP NORTH AM Rm I—ZIEDENE, FIRE AND INLAND TRANSPOR TATION INSURANCE. . Oflee,No.B9 WALNUT street, south aide, east o 1 Third street, The Properties of this Company are well invested snd furnish an available bind for the emote indemnity of all ppersons who desire to be protected 'bz Laurance, rgoes. 11TEIRi taken on Vessels, Freights and Ca _ .ENTLAND TRANSPORTATION RISES on him chandise pe Railroads, Canals and Steamboats. FIRE on Merchandise, Furniture and Build. In Cltv and Conn. • Usg r OORPORATED IS. rrat—aikprr 3. o,co) :eau PALO IN AND SECURELY IL% VA:WT.IPD, TOTAL PROPERTD43, 51,700,000. PERM AL Arthur G. Coffin, James N. Dickens, Samuel W. Jones; B. Morris Wain, John A—Brown, John Mason, Charles Taylor, George 1.. Harrison, Ambrose White, Francis B. Cope, Richard D. Wood, Edward H. Trotter, William Welsh,E. B. Clarke, William E. Bowen, William Oaramtngs, T. Charleton Henry. ARTHUR G. COPPM, President. Mahn= Pr-Arr. Bectratary, FIRE A.860G/ATION, ;41 Incorporated March V, 13no. A ° TarnA s L I 7 23 1 ` . "r NM= andssr l ____ .k _ D :l ISE _genet , - ally, from Loss by Fix% (in the thVI of --4Philadelphla only.) gTATKEEENT of the January Assets of the exacciatiozi Bonds and Mortgages on Property In the Pity • of PhUadelphla 31i Ground Real Eetate. Office, Fifth and North streets.) 14,390 U U. G. Gov. 5-2,1 Bonds_ . 45,0 M 00 Deposit with 'a. B. Assistant MAXI TRUSTEE& GEORGE W. TRYON, President. Win. H. Hamilton, Joe. R. Lyndall, John Bonder, Levi P. Guam. Peter A. Keyser, Samuel SParhawk. John Phi. •ftarless P. Bower: John Carroty, Robert Shoemaker, Geo. L Young Jean Lightfoot mys T. BUTLER, Secretary. THE OOtETY FIRE INSURANCE OOMPANT.- OFFICE NO: 110 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, "The Fire Insurance Company of the County to Philadelphia." Incorporated by the Legislature W Pennsylvaidit In lain, for indemnity aereinst low M damage by fire exclusively. ~ CHARTER PERPRIVA.L. This old and reliable institution, with ample csiekital and contingent fund carefully invested oontinuee Coln. sure buildings, furniture, merchandise, dtc., either per manently or for a limited time against loss or damage by tire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of its customers. Losses adjusted and paid with possible dwpatch IWTOS.S. d Charles J. Sutter, Edwin L. Beaklt , Henry Crilly John Horn, Robert V. Massey , Jr., Joseph Moore, Henry Budd, _ George Menke, Andrew H. Miller James N. Stone. J. SLITTER, Presidena, Baarrstast F. HOSCNIJIT. Redo and Treasurer. lln 1 IK Z :Li lie 1464/41116161 MLA. INCORPORATED 1804-OEARTES PXRPICTUAL, NO. =4 WALNUT Street, o_.pte the Exam In addition to ELAMINEsuid INLQ,ND INS Oil .his Company Inatuln from loss or damage by BUM on liberal terms, on bnildinge, merchandise, ="nittize, In, for limited periods, and permanently on buildings byrt.eposit of premium. e Company haa been in active operation fbr more than QTY yEAB,s, during which all /oases have been promptly adjusted and paid, John L. Hodze, nnuccrroits. Lawrence Lewis, .7r.1 William McKee, David Lewis, M. B. Mahony Benjamin Etting, Jam T. Lewis, Thomas M. Power, William S. Grant, A. R. McHenry, Robert W. Leaman& Edmond Castlilon, D. Clark. Wharton, R Samuel Wilcox. JOHN . CHEEREit, President. SAMI72I. WILCOX, Secretary. FLNISUBANCE.. ELE THE HOME ENSURANOE COMPA_MY OF PHILADELPHIA. No. 150 South FOURTH Street. Charter Perpetual. Authorized Capital, $500,000, Paid loss o r _On Imbues against loss or damage by FI F E on buildings either permanently or for a 1.1 -1 1 - =...D period. Also, on 351 o..CILANDM.E generally and household tuna tore city or country. James Brown, Thomas Kimber, Chas. A. DEW Henry S. licOorab, Wm. D. Lewis, • Lemuel eolith, William B. Bullock, Chas. P. Bayard Wm M. Needles, J. HiMorn Jones, John D. Taylor, John Woodside, JA2d3lB OWN, Presi den t, CHAS. A. DIIY, Vice President, THOMAS N.EDLSON. Secretary. FrINSIINANOB EXCLUSIVELY. TED ENNSYLVANIA EIRE DIST.VBANWIL co.M PANY—lncorporated 18115--Ohartar 'Perpetual—No, 610iWALNUT Street, optte • Independence SOB" This Oompany, faverab known to the conunnalil for over forty years, con UM to insure against lose or damage by lire;' on Pabllo or Private either permanently or for a limited time. AlsO, OD Fornitare,Stocks of Goods and Merchandise generrallly, on liberal terms. Mud! Capital, together with a large Surplus Band Ia Invested In the most careful manner, which enableg them to oilisr to theinsured an undo: aecarity a Igie ease °floss. DULEX7rOIIB. Daniel Smith, Jr., John evereux, Alexander Benson, Tho Smith, Isaac Harlehurst, • )1,3 L ew i s , Thomaa Boblimi, J. G ham ll'elL Daniel Haddock Jr. . ~ . ' - DANIEL SMITH, Jr., Prffildent: - Wix.rasx G. Onowzrz. Secretary. 131270 N FIRE 13/131TBAN GI: , COMPANY, of ELDELPHY.A.--0111ce Northeast' corner 01 TIDED and BUTTONWOOD etreetsame Incorporated by the Legislators of Peg 3 4. 1 1 331 = Mamma Pmmurrorm. g i tt s tl authorised by wow. mow, by Fire of Public or Private , dings, Furniture, 8 GoOde and Merchandise,en 11morable term& 1 DISHOTOIIB, George P , . • Christopher'M Miller, August C. mmer Frederick Staake, John F. Belsterlin, Jonas Bowman, Henry Troomner, Frederick Doll, William 'McDaniel, Jacob Schandler, George Buts, Jr., Stephen Smith , 'Henry Starker, • Samuel Miller, Edward Xoyer. GEORGE . aMMYY_,_President. JOHN F. BEISTEBLING, Ylce Presidsaf: 'PHILIP E. COLEMAN. Secretary. ute.tam nistriaffor , COM:PANT. A: No., sOB CTILESTaI irf MUM% PHILADELPHIA." BEBE AND INLANToDm INSUBANOII ' DIM/ • Brands N. Buck, -- Hireneyn, Charles Richardson, Robert B. Potter, 'Henry Lewts,, /no. Hessler Jr - Samuel Wright, B. D. Woodue P. B. Justice, Casa - . Stoke', • Cleo. A. West, • Jos. D. Ellis. FItANcLeN. COB Pre:Meta. CHAS. BlumAKursogl. Prods N. L limaranAmh Elegesarr. LETIN ; PIMA. IMMt ti . k 6408.004 79 Benj. W. Tingley, blaraball Hlll Charles Leland, Thomas H. Moore, Samuel Castner, Alfred English. Young. TINGLEY, President. etary. • 1, 1865. DIRECTORS de2o-th,s,tu,t WASS,' fa ELPHIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY. 11, 1866 DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY ENSURANCE cOMPariY retonfosATAi' Tits — PENNISYINANTA, 7.8354 OFFICES.. E WEINER- THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS 1111LA_DELPRIA. . , ON VEGSRLa INSURANCE r. CARGO' • To all parts of die world. FREIGfErk, LAND 'I On Goods, by River, Canal, /Auto, and Land Carriage, to_all parts of the.Unlon. M.BEINSITRA.NCES, , On Merchandise generally, On Stores, Dwelling Romeo, &A ASSETS OF TB:DCO, DEPANY, November 1, 1865. $lOO,OOO 'United States 5 per cent, loan, '7l $95,000 00 120,065 United State.s 6 per cent, loan,'Bl 128,100 00 200,0 a) United States 7 8-10 per cent, loan ITressuu Notes 194,275 00 100,000 State of Pennsylvania Five Per Cent. Loan- 90,555 00 54,000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent. Loan 53,250 00 125,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per Cent. • • Loan 112,812 50 20,000 Pennsylvania Ba ]road First Mort. gage,Six. Per Cent, Bonds 20,,XP 00 25,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mort gage Six Per Cent Bonds 25,000 Western Penna. Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent. Benda 11,000 300 Shares -Stocu Germantown Gas Company, principal and Interest guaranteed by the City of Phllaciel phis. 13,537 50 7,150143 Shares Stock Penna, Railroad Company 5,000 100 Shares Stock North Pennsylvania Railroad COmParlY 40,000 Deposit with the United States Go vernment, subject to 10 days call 80,000 State of Tennessee Five Per Cent. Loan • 170.700 Loans on Bongs and Mortgage, first liens on Clty„PropeM.—......_... 170,7q0 00 1,036.860 Par. Market value-- 995,560 00 Real Mrtate 36,000 00 Bills receivaide for insurance 121,012 37 Balances due atA ger/elm—Premiums on Ma. , rine .Polides. Accrued Interest-and other debts due the Company.—. ....... 88.511 48 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, $5,133. khtimated value.. 2,910 50 Clash in 8ank5..._....._..._. P,556 89 Caah in Drawer 678 48 $56,635 73 DIRECTORS. • Samuel E. Stokes, J. F. Peniston. Henry Sloan, Within:a O. Bottlton, Edward Darlington, H..TODOS Brooke, . Edward Lafourcatie, Jacoo P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joshua P. Eyre, Spencer Mc'Drain% J. B. demple. Pittsburgh. A. B. Berger, Pittsburgh. D T.Morgan, Pittsburgh. i C. HAND, President. DAVIS, Vice President. !WIT. . deLnuol Thomas C. Hand, John C. Davis, Edmund A. bonder, Theophthis Spalding, John R. Penrose, James me _ -avian% Henry C. I allett, Jr., James Cl Inland, William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. heal, George 0. Leiper, Hugh Craig. Robert Barton, John D. Taylor, THOM. JOHN C. HENRY Ly - LaraN, Secre, THE PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST 00. in • PANT, OF PHELADELPHIA.— Incorporateel by the State of Pennsylvania, 3d month, 22. d, 1865, INSURES LIVES ALLOWS INTEREST ON DE. POSITS AND GRANTS ANNUITIES. CAPITAL --...._—.......—....—.5156,006 DLRECTOBS. Samuel B. Shipley, Richard Cadbuiy, Jeremiah Hansa;enry t 4, lnes, Joshua H. Morris, T. Whiter Brown, Richard Wood. Win. C. Longstreth, Chas. F, Coffin. SAMUEL EL SHIPLEY, President, ROWLAND PALHEY, Actuary. No. 111 Sorttu Fourth Sheet L A 1 1:4: .r.l • IA 11.:11WAI 11ittia Farquhar Building, Street. MARINE AND 121 AND .DII3I:TRANCE9.- Make taken on vessel.% cargoes and freights to all par = of the world, and on ¢Dods on Leland traneportralon 01 rivers, amide, adl and otter conveyance 4.... •• t rated Statin. OR President., rl i it AX 3. UUT. 7 .VN. Vice Prealclasi. ROBERT J. MEE, Secretary. William Orals Peter engem John Dallett, Jr., Willlsu:a H. Merrick. Benj. W. Rtcharde. Gfllt Wm. em M. aird. Peareon I& A N CHARTER P ER PETUA L. .x.excE warzszy.- Moe, No. RD WALNUT Street, above Third, Phila. Will Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire, on guild togs. either perpetually or ibr a led time, Household lharititnre and Merchandise generally. Also—Marl oe Insurance on Vessels, Cargoes ant Prelght. Inland Instu anMEOTO ce to all parta of thee Union. .P.S. Wm. Falser, David Pearson. D. Luther, Peter Sieger, Lewis Audenrled. J. E. Baum, J. R. Blakiston, Wm. F. Dean, Joa. Mantel& John Retchem, WM. President. WM. F. DRAM, Vice-President. WM. M. HISTP)I. Secretary taps r,ll :4 , 4 (0.1.111 a:A :1110:10:WAdAnixs).7.1;tsoil el ill ks) gqi,e) : :IA :At %OE= t.r: ----- _---- TII ale WALNUT Street, AL above THIRD Street. PHILALPI.PHLa.. Having alaree paid up CAPITAL STOCK and BUS. PLUS Invested In Bound and available Setrarities, con tinue to insure on DWPOIngs, Sto A i nwa irey hi effl . chandise, Vessels In port , and their es, and °the; Personal Property. All liberally and promptly adusted. TRS. Thomas IL Harts, DIREC J IJohn T. Lewis, 4 John Welsh, James B. Campbell' Samsel C. Norton. Edmund G. Dutilh, Patrick Brady, Charles W. Ponitusil Garda. Israel .- M3O • .&r.ssamr L. CO. EL&WPOILD DRIUGS. COD LIVER OlL—Twenty-rive barrels. new made, Cod Liver Oil, of very superior quality: Garb, Ammonia. Just received, in Jars; also, Just received, twenty-tire barrels very superior Alcohol. warranted Si per cent., In the best of packages, and for sale by JOHN C. BAKER & CO., Igo. 71$ Market street. HODGSCIN'S BRONCHIAL TABLEIS,—TheAIIe. viatica' of Bronchitis, Catarrh, Hoarseness and Similar Complainta, affecting the Organs of the Voice. Public Speakers Singer and Amateurs have been greatly benefited by using these Tablets, and their high appreclatioa of their Intrinsic merit, particularly re commends tpera to persons affected with BRON CRITES, HOARSENESS, and CATARRH of the HEAD and BREAST. For sale by Druggi!tsgenerally Prepared only by LANCASTER & WT r _S . Apatite caries, northeast corner Arch and Tenth streets, Phila. delphia. oar,'" JEW STRENGTHENING AND REVULSIVE 11 PLASTERS with the pliancy of silk, the strength ,snd softness of kid. For affections of the Chest, pains. xect.knexs, &c., &c. They are cleanl and odorless, comfortable and effective. Sold by HUBBELL, Apo thecary, ICS Chestnut street. suit rkRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES. graduates Morton LI Pill nes, Combs, Brushes, Mirrors, Tweezers,Pue Boxes, Horn Scoops, Surgioal Instruments, Tromso ft ard and Soft Rubber Goods, Vial Cases, Glass and Nietal Syringes, &c., all at, "First Rands"ri net SNOWDEN & BR ap.S•tfl 23 South Eighth street ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO_ N. E. CORNER FOURTH AND RACE STREETS, Wholesale Druggists, ganufacturera and Dealers in Window Wass, White Lead, and Paints of every description, oar to the trade, or consumers, acomplete stock of goods in their line, at the lowest market rates. ROBERT SHOFM A VER. & 00., Northeast corner Fourth and Race streets. MAGNESlA—Jennings Calcined, In lolb. round tins /nand boxes. also In bottles. Jennin_g's Carbonate 01 Magnesia, In 2 oz. and 4 oz. papers. Heavy Calcined Diagnests lynding and M a w re by CHAS.T..,. ELLIS, SON tt CO., Druggists,ket and Seventh streets, Philadelphia, eels DIAL OILS. 0118 Or ALMONDS, E M L i een, :Bergamot, Anise, Oarraway, Cloven, Orange, Wintergreen, Cinnamon, Lavender, Juniper, .Cognac,Peppermint, Smartie, Bose, Bose Geranium, Citronella Verbs ate..., all of warranted quality. For sad 722 sale by Market street WMT.TA PT:LP% Co., Druggist.% Nos. 72i . eg7 1 - 013439.—A LARGE AND GENERAL STOCK OR I "Drugg. Caluolloalii and Pharmaceutical Prepara• Lion, for sale by WILLIAM ELLIS & CO., Druggists, Nos. 724 and 722 Market street. 'DAY Bl:oll.—Jruit received, an Invoice of Genuine Imported Bay Bum, for sale, by the gallon, by ROBERT 5.11.0wAr A KEB &' 00., Druggiat N. E. cor net Fourth and Race streets. r:Ri :1: •: •• SA: • il• : -. - ..:lCiir A: aili:411• , jid t r4b , : gya3 &w ~..., on w as f: t IA , • ... •: V V 1 I. :. , I 1..0 4 ' STOVES AND '•aTHOMPSON'S LONDON KITCHENER, OR EUROPEAN RANGE, _for families, hotels, or public institutions In TWENTI Y DIFFERENT silleß. Also, Philadelphia Ranges, Hot-air Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Lowdown Grates, Fire board Stove% Bath Boilers, Stewhole Plates, Broilers, Cooking Stoyes, etc., at wholesale and retail, by the tbanbeficturefe. , SHARPS do THOMPSON, 016,th,s,tti,limi ' No. 209 North Second street, T.,_T...9leßilggi,t'DVlTS, D101)32A CHESTNUT street n i'hiladelpbis. Opposite United &atm Mini, nisei - arose of I LOW-DOWIT, PARLOR, ILEt OF CHA FIOE, And other GRTER, For Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood Fires, Arno: ;WARM-AIEL FURNACES, i For Warming Public and Private Building% R,FAISTERS, VENTILATORS VITISENEY-OAPS ' ODO.IaNG-R.ANGES_, RATR.DS3LEm. c%. OCLlWHotvg Tairand RETAIL. nopnEß .0(33 YELLOW METAL SMEGATHINcic Vißrassier's Copper, Nails, Bolts and Inot , Slopperr constantly on hand and for sale by HENRY WW5O7$ 6c Co„ BaBWbarveo. 111,253,680 11/ Henry 0. Da/len, Wm. 8. Lowber, J. Johnson :Brame Samuel A. Rules, Macon Hatchlra, Henry L. Elder, B. Exidman Morgan, = B. ILAILIS, President. Secretary. niviii LARGE :SALE OF SHELVING, SHOW CASES, COUNTERS, PATTERN CARDS, AND REMAIN ING sTOCR: OF THE WHOLESALE HARD WARE HOUSE, No. RI COMMERCE STREET. ON FRIDAY MORNING, lAt 10 o'clock, comprising the shelving, drawers, ta bles. desks, wall showcases, with glass sash; pattern cards, and a quantity of hair sieves mouse traps, grain sy the rifles, shoe; knives,'Japanned ware, and other articles of hardware. Sale absolute. All purchases must be paid fdr and removed by noon of Saturday, 13th Inst. Sale at the My Arsenal, Race street, below Broad. HARNESS, BRIDLES' HALTERS, SADDLES, PISTOLS. ON TUESDAY MORNING, 16, At 10 o'clock, will be sold at public sale, without re serve, at the City Arsenal. Race street, below Broad, 50 sets Oak Tanned Leather Artillery Harne.%., Saddles, Bridles, Halters. Haversacks, aie Morse Pistols, 66 Colt's Revolvers, Boxes, Knapsacks, olnteens,Leaden Bullets, &c. 4B" May be examined with catalogues three dayi bc.tore the sale, VALUABLE RESIDENCES AT PRIVATE SALK TO REAL ESTATE OPERATORS. Will be sold, at very low rates, to a party who will take them all in' one lot, five desirable dwellings in the heart of the city. Immediate occupancy can be had U desired. This Is a very favorable op tunity to Par ties who seek good real estate hives eats to bay at ol values ' property which will pay mrell and increase in - For particulars apply at Use auction store. MARKET ST. STORES—At private sale_, the vain. able four-story btick store S. E. corner of Market and Bank eta. In first.rate condition. Terms accommo. dating. ALSO—The substantoperty at the S. E. corner r i r of Market and Straw sta. In excellent order, 'These properties will be sod so as to pay a good in• terest on the investment. STABLE—A very desirable property in the neigh. boyhood of Twelfth and Locust stn. TAVERN STAND and 9. acres of land, on Ridge road, 9 miles from the State House, known as the "Sorrel Horse." Plans, surveys, &c., at the store. Property No. 402 soutty.Front et, 41 by 100 feet. do do U3B and 1140 Lombard at 80 acres, Germantown 87 do Fisher's lane yal table. Lot , Market street, above Nineteenth , do do Barker do do de . &Building Lots, south TWenty-second st Property nbrtheast corner Fourth and Spruce eta Dwelling, with side 'yard. Darby road Brown-stone Store, Second at, near Chestnut Residence and large lot, Burlington do N 0.201 south Tenth at • ' do do 418 south Eleventh st DWelling, 430 Pine st do . • sea Pond at acres of Land. Federal at. Twenty.sixth Ward VALUABLE proper CHESTNUT ST—A very valuable businessty on Chestnut st, having two fronts—in good order, &c, Occupancy with the deed. • DAVD3 & HARVEY, AUCTIONKEIRS. (Late with hi. Thomism & Sons.) Store No. 883 Chestnut street. STIBNITURE BALES at the Store every Teese4Y. SALES AT BESEDENCES will receive Imerumuse" attention. - FITZPATRICK dCO, ,AUOTIONEENS, NEW . J Auction House, No. ON CHESTNUT street adja cent to the Continental, Girard, St. Lawrence, D i suicoe House and other popular Hotels., t • OMBIES. :TOURTAILOTT BROTHERS', Cl9noentraie'd Esitieia i 9 of Beef:, A delidinuilleef Tea or Sonp. Fa; Ch one potaid can contains the extract of fifteen pounds .of Beef. 'This article is a ranch better, as well as much more ectilin michl 'Beef Tea than tamilles can make and is very highly recommended by J. H. Barnes, Burgeon Gene ral of the 'United States and other physicians of the highest standing. - • . • For sale by SIMON , COLTON & CLARKE • • . B. W. Corner Broad agd Walnut MATERIALS FOR MINCE PIES. Bunch, Layer and Sultana Raisins, Citron, Currants, Spices, Oranges Cider, Wine, etc., etc., etc. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, Dealer In Fine Grocerlee, • Corner Eleventh and Vine Ste. XXTEBB & TWOMBLY'S 'PREMIUM CHOW- Y V LATE, COCOA, BMA, and other prepara tions, manufachired by Josiah Webb & Co., for sale by .. E. C. KNIGHT & CO., • Agents for the Manufacturers, ' jal•lm 8. E. corner Water and Cnestnnt streehi. EW FRUlTS.—Princess Paper•shell and Lisbon .kT• Almonds; splendid London Layer Raising, in w ole, half and quarter boxes, choice 11A small drums, in store andlor sale by F, BPILLIN,' •t" • • F ?Mg iil,rfAors—.L.b;BePeD-°." and "C" E C. KNIGHT & CO., S. E. cor. Water and Chestnut street. delSrlin PRLMENEW JERSEYLAS F LARD in barrels and kegs, in store and for sale by car, Water C. KNIGHT & CO.; I. S. E. Water and Chestnut street.% e• AAA (21A111.13& , FRESH PEACEEES, TOMATOES, Green V.VhYtron. For sare l i. M. Peaa, &°" warranted to give y F. SPILLL S, H . W.N. cor. Arch and .E.l.ghth streets. EZ.MACKERbL.—Extra choice large . Mimic& rel in kilts. Also new Spiced and Pickled Sal. mon. .For , sale by M .F. BP , N. W. eor. Arch and Eighth streets. DEN Po3rEIt.VED GINGER.—A small invoice of this delicious confection. in small ii tb. boxes, just received at COUSTI. 'l3 East End Grocery,No. its South ....,acond street. DRESEEIXED GINGER—Zoo cases choice Preserved Ginger. each jar guaranteed. In store and for sale at COT.IISTY Is East End Grocery, No. 11.8 South Second street. ra . n e t oo . Cit n rol v : v i, in Le es m art o 3 1.1 . -N ad Ora CE nge .ci • n e s 'Spi n d Brandies, new Sweet Cider, all for bale at COUST 'S East Ind Grocery Store, Sao. lls South Second street. "110ENV YARMOUTH BLOATER:. —A small invoice 11 of these deligh cull and choice delicacies. for sale at MUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. 1.1,S South Second street. SPANISH OLlVES.—Spatitsla Quen Olives, 1. Stuffed Olives, Emit India Hot Pickles. Boneless sardines, and all kinds of new Canned Fruits, Meats, Soups. Milk and Coffee, at COUSTY'S Esst End Gro ceu. No. 118 South Second street. ORANIIERRIFI".— barrels Jersey cultivated Oran li berries in store and ior sale by M. F. SPILLIN N. W. cor. Arch and Eighth streets. LOST - ANDFOUND -- LOST—A CERTIFICATE FOR TEN SHARES partially paid stock of the CORN EXciaAstiE BA NR OF PEILLADE LPHIA, standing in the name of the endersigned—applimilon has been made to the Beard of the Corn .11..x.c.11 arise National Rank for a new certificate. JOHN IItiRTLAND, :t.Z.3' S. Front street. ai+-1 L. PIIILADA., Jan Bth, 1566. CLOARS. BABGALAB! BARGAINS!! BARGAINS!!! LADIES AMiEND. MBE MERRY, No. Y.i North NINTH street, Just below ARCH, HEM just opened a large andES. elegant assortment ol For the Fall and Winter, which she offers RI prices at les=t twenty per cent, below the urn al rates. This is no humbug, but a positive fact. Call and sea or yourselves. rce.a.tfi _ _ 4s, !V Cfriosl (1.4 it. Wft. JAM A. N. AUCTIO2 R. RO. 4 WALNt'T street. REAL ESTATE SALE, JAN. 17, 1 5 66. This siLte, it.r theThrcristitge, at 12 o'cloCk noon, wfl include— STOCES.—Particulers to-morrow. VIRGINIA LAID—A tract of 600 wires, In Rock. Ingham county, about 15 miles from the County Town. Title good. gar Sale without /lout LOT, 19TH WARD—A lot, America at, below Dau phin et: 90 by 121% feet. Orli/Tame (hurt Absolute Sate —Estate of James Smart, deed. MT. PLEASANT ST-2 lota Mount Pleasant, near Minor and Esher eta 20th Ward. Same Estate No. S. EIGHTH. ST—A genteel residence, Bth, below Fitzwater. Se by 72 feet. /re This is a nom; pro prrty, very teen built: gas, heaters, range. Sr_ .Ssuitabte for a LaTcycr. Dortor or Real Estate Agent. Zir imme that, possession. Jie - Sale peremptory. No. Ott N. SECOND ST—Stare and dwelling, above Brown; f.Wsi bn 123 feet. Good business location. Estate 41 Dant"! fitter, der'd. No.10:50 N. SECOND ST—A lot, 39 by ISO feet to St. Jana. Has a frame store on lid st.a brick boom:win the middle of the lot and a frame house on St. John at. 570 ground rent. Same ,E.stafr. No. WO N. SECOND ST—Three story brick dwelling and lot adjoining. same description. ,tiame. Estate CANAL ST—Lwo brick bqo ses and the lot, Canal st, above2d St; 17 leet 2 Inche3 front by 57 feet deep. Same.. Lena, TAVERN. RICILIIONT) ST—A three story brick tavern stand, known as the "Washington House," No. ! , :s Richmond st, near Otis 5t. , 40 by loc feet. Same .E.st!ag. IS o. 16n9 RACE ST—A genteel three story brick resi dence. is by 7 feet with the use of an alley leading Into 17th st.. /Ur Large taboo :partor, hot and cold water. gas . f r. No. 219 N. I7TH ST—Three story brick dwelling above Race et; 15 by 54 feet, *flth the use of an alley. ome E•tatl. No. 24r. FRANEFORD ROAD—Property above rluntingdon st, 18 by feel 4411 - A three story brick and a two story frame dwelling are built thereon. ..brecutors* Sole— Estate cf Peter MeGrady deed. kit). 216 S. SECOND ST—The valuable three story hoick store and dwelling, 17 feet 8 inches front by 100 feet deep, win the use of alleys into Second and Dock si s. ..b..7cenitore' .Sale—Estate of Henry Kraft. deed. IFir Howie:nil: anti full part fru/ars may be obtained at tee Auction Store. • ' " d 5 bTo.SI2O.2L9AKET atreet. above Fifth: • pZELIP FORD dr 001 trerr iati r it zta ;-; 60b MARKET. street.. SCOTT, AVOTIO/CEER4ii . 4'Yt . 77. EL 0117110N_ , Sid3Wj. 11/ . THOMAS Os SONS,_AutyrloNllalats, Nos, suad .141SouthPUURTZ =rest, • ; -SAL OR fiI'OOES -AND ItHuntseritiii -- is; the Exchange, every TUESDAY, atrx o'clock nontt) '.n"" Handbills of eachpro perly lamed separateiri -and on the Saturday p tu3 to each sale MOO WA. leguets it pamphlet term, giving foil descriptions. BEAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE— Printed catalogues, comprising several hundred 'thousand dollars, Including every description of,city and country property, from the' smallest dwellings to the most elegant *mansions; elegant country settits„ farms, business properties. ac. Aar PITRIURE, SALES AT 'THE AM MON STORE EVI2tY TEUIRSDAY. ParticuLsr attention given to wee at privala residepri... dz. PCUTOII3' PEREMPTORY SALE. Estate of Adolph Pules, deed. VALUABLE STOOgB AND LOANS. ON TUESDAY, JAN, 16, At 12 o'dock noon. at the Philadelphia Exchange, SChL Navigation Loan, 1882. MOO do do do improvement bonds.: POoo Chesapeakeisnd Del. Canal Loan. moo North Penn's. Banroaa bonds. 4 , 552 50 do do do do FBt 90 Camden and Amboy 'Railroad bonds, 1889. SIIX,o co do • do do do 1533. flOO Philo. Club Billiard Loan. 50 shares Philadelphia, Germantown and Norristown Railroad Co. 50 shares Preferred Consolidated Stock Tioga Rail. road Co. is shares Flrni.r. Insurance Co.. icon shares Humboldt Oil Co. For other Acconnte— . 2%C0 first mottgage Baltimore (Antral Railroad 7 per cent coupon bonds, with 2 years interest. 15 shares Consumers' Mutual Coal Co, REAL ESTATE S ALE, JAN. 16. To Capitalists, Business Men. dtc.—To close a Part nership concern.—VEßY VALUABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY. MARKET STREET, west of Eighth FOUR-STORY BRICK STOREHOUsE, Rennin' Tracks, &c. Lot 32 feet 3 2nches on Market street, an feet in depth through to Filbert st. Peremptory Sale—To close an R3tate—VALUAIII&E BUSINESS STANDS, STORE AND DWELLING, No. 118 south Fourth st.between Chestnut and Walnut 818 with dwelling adjointrig on Library' st, two fronts. BRICKVae Business Property—THßEE-STORY 'and large Lot, known as the t Seven Stare," corner of Main street and Oxford plank rose, FRANK FORD, 23d Ward, 292 feet on the Frankford road, 370 feet on the Oxford plank road.. VALUABLE FOUI3-STORY BRICK BUILDING. Warehouses, Railroad Tracks, &c,. 140 feet on Brood street, 115 feet on Vine street 115 feet on Pearl street. 140 feet on a 10 m fronts et alley-4 Bum:lonia ttmattrn—FOUß STORY BRICK STORE aim DWELLING, S. E. corner of Thirteenth and Fitz water sts, with Frame Store and Dwelling adjoining, 'fronting on Thirteenth sr. BUSINESS STAND—THREE STORY BRICK STORE. and DINET.I.7 NG, No. 1240 Fitzwater et.. with 3 Three Story Brick Dwellings in the rear: GENTEEL THREE STORY —RICK DWELLING, No. 2lu north Front st, between Bate and Vine. NEAT /ADD HIEN RESIDENcE, No. 814 north Fifth at, above Brown, with Side Yard. Orphans' Court Sale-Estate of George Binder, deed —LARGE LOT and DWELLING, Palmer st, above Girard avenue. Same Estate-8 THREE STORY BRICK DWELL INGS, Palmer ew above Girard avenue. Sale by order of Heirs—Estate of Robert Bock. deed —THREE STORY BRICK STORE and DWELLTN:I3, and 5 THREE STORY BRICK DW F. I NGS, N. J 3, corner ot Twelfth and South am Same Estate-THREE &POKY BRICK D WELL- I N(*.lC o. WO Bedford st. Same Estate-IHREE STORY RADOS DWELL fI s:e, No. 1519 South at. with a Three Story Brick Dwelling in the rear on Carver at. - - - . VALUABLE BUSLNIS t•TANDS-2 THREE STORY BR] CK STORES and DWELLINGS, Nos. 219 and SZL north Second st, between Race and Vine. hi °DEW: THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. Pordar st. FR n M E DWELLING, No. 30 Howard st,Bileetown„ 2:..;th Ward. NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE, No. ST north Slain st. above Brown. VERY VALUABLE BUTCHER EATABLISFIM THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING, ~tame and Carriage Rouse. Slaughter Rouse, ere , n. E corner of ..3d and Bridge sm. Ward. _ _ THREE t-TORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 43) soot)] Seventh st. between Pine and Lombard. TB REE STORY BRICK STORE and DWE.E,LING. S. E. corner of Fifth and Boyden sts, CA NiftEN. N. J. MEDICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, On THURSDAY AFTERNOON. JAN. 11, At the auction store. Medical and Miscellaneous books, from a Library. philosophical apparatus. Peremptory Sale on the Premises. FT FT BROWN . STONE RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE. S. E. corner of Chestnut and Eighteenth steeets, with Stable and Cocch House in the rear on Chatham st. ON wpoylsrt'siriAY MORNING. JAIN . . 17. At 10 o'clock, on the premises, the handsome four story Brown Stone Residence, with double threeiitory• Back Buildings. S. E. corner of Eighteenth and Chest nut streets 22 feet front. 150 feet deep to Chatham stg house well built and handsomely finished with all the modern conveniences. Also, Stable and Coach Home in the rear. Clear of all incumbrancee. Terms-515,000 may re; main on mortgage for 3 or 5 years sPLENDID FURNITURE. GRAND PIANO. ME CFIA N ICAL URGA.N, cost over $l4OO in gold, Large Mirrors. Curtains, Paintings, &c. Immediately aster the sale of the house will be sold, by catalogue. the entire Furniture, including a number of most beautiful. costly and valuable articles. HORSR.S. RitIAC.E.S, SLEIGHS, HARNESS. Sc. A Iso,ou the same day, commencing at 3 o'clock, will be sold a pair of fine Carriage Horses, Coupe, Ph.xton, Sleighs. double gilt and silver mounted single and double Harness, Stable Furniture, &e, Full particu lars in catalogues. Sale No. 16e24 North Tenth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FINE • 8R1T.F.1.8 CARPETS, &c. ON FRIDAY MORNING. JAN. 12, At 10 o'clock, at No. 1624 North Tenth street. above Oxforo street, the Superior Walnut Parlor and Cham ber Furniture, Oak Dining Room Furniture, Fine Cut Glassware, Fine Brussels and Imperial Carpets, dsc. May be examined at s o clock on the morning or said. SALE OF THE STOCK OF A STATION — EFL; ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON. J. At the anction store, Stock of a stationer declining br.sinfts, comprising paper. envelopes, pone moa mies, knives, scissors, port folios, writing, desks, diari, s for 1668. &c, AT PRIVATE SALE—Modern RESIDENCE, with S acres. Manheim st, Germantown. VALUABLE LOT. Warren st, west of 17th. MORTGAGE, $1.9,000.—A first-class well secured mertgage of MAC nOlOlll-if( C~'. ~ S.ti- ~ , .. •e- (Rear entrance OM Sansom street.) Household Furniture of every description received 0311 Consjgnment. SALES EVERY FRIDAY EfORITEgO. Sales-of Furniture at dwellings attended to on the moat Reasonable Terms. SALE OP REAL MTATE, STMIES, &0., AT TEM Thomas Birch di Son reEXCHANGE.spectfally IWO= their riends and the public that they are prepared to attend to the sale of Real Estate by auction and at private sale! Sale at No. 1110 Chestnut street. NEW AND SECONDHAND HOUSEHOLD Tun- NM:ME, PLa_NO FORTES, , N fiRRO RS , CAR,• PETS, &c. ON FRIDAY MORNING, At 9 o'clock, at the Auction Store, No. 1110 Chestnut street, will be sold— A Large assortment of superior parlor, chamber, dining room and kitchen furniture. LARGE FRENCH PLATE GIL 4.R.SV"zi ON FRIDAY MOWING, A I the auction store, will be sold— A number of Elegant Large French Prate Mantel' and Pier Mirrors. PIANO FORTES. Two Superior Rosewood Piano Fortes. DENTISTS' INTRU.ILENTS. At 12 o'clock on Friday will be sold a complete set Of Dentists' Instruments. VASES AND MANTEL ORNAMENTS. .A:so, an Invoice of elegant stone mantel vases, Ma r..s. card receivers, figures, an, slightly damaged on the voyage of importation, PAPER CASE. Also, one eihe:forPapers, ;Ith 52 drawers. WALNUT .13GOSCIA.KES. Two large walnut bookcases. Sale at No. 719 Buttonwood street HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANO FORTES, MIRROR-±, &c. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. JAN. 17, At 10 o'clock. at No. 719 Buttonwood street, will be sold. the superior household furnlnire, rosewood plane forte, mantel and pier mirrors, &c. Catalogues at the auction store on Tuesday, 16th. MOSES NATRA_NS AUCTIONEER AND CON. russloz4 MERCHANT, Southeast corner Sixth and Race streets. The sale will continue until every article is db. pose d of. A.l. PRIVATE SALE, FOR HALE THE USUAL BEr,r.i - NO PRIORS. Flue gold hunting esse, open face, English patent lever watches of the most approved and best natters: tine !gold hunting case and coon face detached lever and le pine watches; ladies' tine gold watches; fine gold American lever watches; duplex and other watches. Fine silver hunting case and, open face American, English, !Swiss and other lever watches: fine silver lepine watches: English, Swiss and French watches, In hunting cases; double cases and open face; fine gold vest, neck chatelaine, fbb and guard chains ; fine gold jewelry or every description; fowling pieces; re volvers. &c. • Brt.r.r A itT) TABLE, First class billiard table, complete. AT PR SA.L.E. Several building lots, inIVATE Camden. N. J., Fifth mid Chestnut streets.... FERZPROCiF CHEST. size fireprocf e.hest, 6 feet high by 836 feet mid* t nl" L n e y Silas O. Herring. Also, a small Salamander fireproof Chest. MEY LOAN, In large or small ON amounts TO , on gouda of ever! description. BY JOHN B. MYERS & CO., AUCTIONEERS Nos. 282 and 234 Market street. corner of Bank LARGE PEREMPTORY BALE OF BOOTS, BILOW, BROGANS, TRAVELING BAGS, &C. ON TUESDAY MORNING. JAN. 16, WM be sold. at 10 o'clock, by catalogue ON FOUR MONTHS' CREDIT, about 1000 packages 11100 idtt w L a ni balmorals, •caValrY. 'meta, &c., of qty and manufacture. • Open for emstolnatlon with cataktuEll early on the morning of tale. , 'sr BABBITT. & 00.. AU CTIONEERS.-. ,1 • Cash Auction H oatee:' N0.2Z0 fralutur street, corner of Bank teea. Clash advanced. on ennaleamerato wlthirmSextes eharke,; 40a LOTS DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. BOOTS AND , - -snosts_ . CLOTHS, OASSEGHBOS: SATINS S. 'SHIRTS, JACILE .TIOSIgaIt4GERAL!..NTOWZr . • - At GOODS ,"&c., * ON lIRDDAY MOBITLWG, lAN. ; - , _ r r •-r.'- B and 50. eitTAIRi 615 Cf.C.i,77.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers