The FAs l o o n_fif Hair A French writer M. dirles Denizet has written In. article in ra, Paris ' , journal under the title of 'The Revenge of the Red-Headed," in which he discusses a prevailing, and gives some interesting, 'information. Going back to Borne in the time, of the Caesars;' he reminds his - cohnrrymen that in those days the mad and the bad among women were ordered by the edile—or, as M. Denizet sa,ys the pre fect of police of the period- 7 to wear red hair. Red hair, then ' was a mark of degradation,but all thisis changed now. M. Denizet says: ,- "The Romans got enormous quanti ties of hair from. Germany. Most of it in the present day comes also from ,Ger many, as well as from. Brittany and Normandy. Paris annually exports up wards of 100,000 kilograms (about 200,000 pounds) toy. England and Ame rica. A few years ago its price from a living head, was from, five to tea - francs the kilogram, nceording to the length `=„ and color, Red hair, which was form erly unsalable; except for dyeing, is this year at a premium;' but the rage cannot last long. Hair of this color is generally coarse and harsh; and taste will no doubt soon rdturn to black and blonde, which are twice as fine and, three times as soft and glossy. Red hair dries, black and blonde thicken. The first preparation which hair undergoes hn mediately raises its price to eighty francs the kilogram. In our time the rehabilita tion of the red-haired commenced in the 4 JuifErrant,' in which Eugene Sue de picted Mdle. - de Cordoville in such -gfhwing colors that, for her charming sake, the hitherto despised shade rose a little in public opinion. How many persons have we known seeking by every means in their power to turn the hated red into brown or chestnut? Oils, pomades, brass and leaden combs were the suposed remedies, and these failing, dyes was resorted to. "At school, the red-haired boy or girl was the butt for every ,joke, the scape goat for every mischievous trick and escapade. If an inquiry was made as to the perpetrator of any offence, 'lt was the rouquin who did it,' chorused the boys. 'lt was the rouquine,' eried the girls! Children whose heads were dressed in red lost their patronymic at school, and were simply known as the I•ouguzn or the rouquine. If, as was generally the case, freckles were an ac companiment, the victim was said to `bear the brand of Judas' in his face! What wonder' then, if with this treat ment the red-haired child became sullen and disagreeable, and in some sort me rited the reputation given him before hand? In the tale of 'The Fair One with the Golden Hair' no child could ever have imagined the face of the beau tiful princess framed in red locks ! Her hair must have been fine threads of real gold ! As to a red-haired princess, such a thing was never heard of! The fairy tale would have lost all its interest in the eyes of children had such - a heroine been possible. Cook-s, even, of this color were looked upon with dislike. Mis tresses pretended that the peculiar odor of their hair lent itself unpleasantly to the sauces, turned the milk and spoiled the jams ! "Now, all that is changed: red hair is the mode. The young mother prays that her coming babe, if a girl, may have red locks, and if it has, its fortune is made. The red-haired beauty is - taking her, revenge; she carries her chignon. like a flag, and gathering under it, aided by fashion, every shade of chestnut, blonde and black, transfornis them all into red. But tout passe, tout lassc; and to-morrow the mode may change. However, although the triumph of the red-haired may prove but that of a sea son—their glory, but ephemeral—still there is no doubt that they will never descend to their former disgraceful posi tion. The prejudice of ages having once been removed, they have been admitted to an equality with their more favored sisters. But now a word of advice and warning: Let them descend a few steps from the ladder they have climbed so I triumphantly, lest a speedy reaction may precipitate them therefrom." JOHN BALLANTYNE, a Scotch artist, ' has made a series of pictures, showing several of the most eminent painters of the present day at work in their studios. In the choice of arrangement, Mr. Bal lantyne is mnsidered as very happy; Sir Edwin Landseer, for example, is painted actually at work upon his model of the lion for the Nelson monument in London. The great man is shown seated between the enormous paws, his old pet pointer at his feet, hacking away at the tough clay to form the mane of the gigantic animal, whose immense head towers above him with a proud and threatening look. The studio in this case is Baron Marochetti's, where Lan.dseer has long been engaged with these models. Two lions are shown standing at the side. The portrait of Mr. Macßae shows the artist at work upon his great fresco, "The Death of Nelson," surrounded with various bits of nautical "properties" for study, and his color grinder seated on a bench below, preparing his paints. This is said to be an excellent picture, well composed and very cleverly touched, the likeness of Maclise being, though a pro file, a very good one. The picture of the late David Roberts is regarded as beau tiful. The painter has left his work to play with one of his daughter's sweet little children, who has taken up brush and palette and stands before his picture threatening to display his artistic gifts upon his canvass. Mr. Elmore's is an other good one, representing him seated before the easel; on which isthe beginning of his well known picture of "The Mob at the Tuileries; " Mr. Firth is painted at his great"Roya Marriage" picture,with some aristocratic beauty seated on the throne. Mr. Millais is painting his "First Sermon," from his own pretty little girl in her red cloak and furs. Mr. Philip's beautiful studio scarcely gets justice done to it. The portrait, how ever,*lll serve to recall the distinguished _painter of Spanish life and character. ),Mr. Stanfield is painted standing some distance from his picture on the easel, and any one familiar with the figure of the' well known painter will recognize it readily. The portrait of Mr. Holman Hunt at . the easel; wearing a fez cap and grand oriental robe, is spoken of as . one of the least satisfactory of all. The figure is too small, and gives but a very poor idea of .the painter's remarkable head. The'- other painters who have been selected for this artistic album are Mr. Creswick, Mr. T. Faed, Mr. Nicol, the painter of Irish character, who is Study ing,from one of his favorite frieze-clad' peasants, and Mr. G. Harvey, the presi.-: dent of..the Royal Scottish Academy.. . ACONT,L 7 2O boxes tilde Bacon, for sale byE. d, kiOtr B Dirit'ilt'oo. Dock street Wharf. THE DAILY _ EVENING BULLETIN : ok=m. ; J6 , 3stAztilaloi:ii+r ARE INSURANCE COMPA PEfILADELPHIA. 4tsliwts on January 1, 1865, 02 9 501,207 04; X 00! Accraed . ,997,835 itexolaxas.. 1,103,4 r, trainman)or.dams — ncooinc von Lug $12,745. grnO,CCO. Losses Paid since 1829 Over 005943(90..th00. Perpetual said Tempwary I - Charlet. N. Saneker,DtßPX3 Tobiall Wagner. Halnuet Grant, Jacob R. Smith George W. IN, a EDWARD JAa W.BICALLISTT.B., ' DELAWARE, MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY; INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA., 035. - • - OFFICE S. E CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT ST.R.H.ETS. PHILADELPECIA... mARINE INSURANCE, ON VESERts, (LARGO, . }To all parts of the world. , FBELOHT, : INLAND INSURANCES On Goods, by River, Canal, Lake and Land Carriage to all parts of the Union, • FIRE INSURANCES, On 'Merchandise generally, On Stores, Dwelling Houses, cte. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, Nov ember 1, 1805. flOO,OOO United States 5 per cent. loan, '7l $95,000 00 120,0t0 United States 6 per cent. loan, '81...... 128,100 00 '200,0.0 United States 7 3-10 per cent. loan Treasury Notes 194,375 00 100,000 State of Pennsylvania Five Per Cent. Loan 90,555 00 54,000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Ceat. Loan 53250 00 E. 5,000 Cityan ,of Philadelphia Six Per Cent. Lo 50 20,000 Pennsylvania Ra !road First Mort- 112,8/2 gage,six yer Cent. Bonds—. 20,000 00 25.000 Pennsylvania Railroad second ko-rt _ gage Six Fer Cent Bends 25,000 Western Penna. Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds 11,000 300 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Company, principal and interest guaranteed by the City of 13.527 50 7,150 HZ Shares Stock Penna. Railroad tom any 5,000 100 shares Stock North Pennsylvania Railroad Company 40,000 Deposit with the United States vernmet t, subject to lu days call 30,000 State of Tennessee Five Per Cent. Loan . 18,900 00 170.700 Loans on BOC4B and Mortgage, flirt liens on City Property 170,700 00 1,03600 Par, Beal Estate Bills receivaole for insurance made Balances due auk gencies.—Premiums on Ma, rine Policies. Accrued Interest. and other debts due the Company 40,511 44 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, 0,133. Estimated value... Cash in Banks $.5.5,1456 S 9 Cash In Drawer 675 46 DIRECTORS. Thomas C. Hand, Samuel E. Stokes, John C. Davis, g. P. Peuiston. Edmund A. Souder, Henry Sloan, Theophilus Spalding, William G. Bonlton, John B. Penrose, Edward Darlington, James lrtiqu.sir. H Junes Brooke, Henry C. J. allett, Jr., Edward Lafourcade, James C Hand. Jacob P. Jones, William C. Ludwig, James B. McFarland, Joseph H. Seal, Joshua P. Eyre, George G. Leiper, Spencer Hell value, Hugh Craig, J. B. mempie, Pittsburgh. Robert Barton, A. B. Berger, Pittsburgh, John D. Taylor, D T.Morgan, Pittsburgh. THOMAS C. HAIN D, President. JOHN C. DiVIS, Vice President. Ilkivriv Lviasuarr, Secretary. dei3ttiol TNSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA _L—MARLN,Ft,___FULE AND INLAND TRANSPOR TATION ENTSVRANCE. Office , No. 232 WALNUT street, south side, east 01 Third street. The Properties of this Company are well tut rated and furnish an available fund for the ample LndemnitY of all p , ersons who desire to be protected by Insurance, MARINE RISEB taken on Vessels, Freights and Cargoes. INLAND TRANSPORTATION RISES on Mar. Chandise per Railroads, Canals and Steamboats, tOtE RISES on Merchandise, Furniture am:LBW:Id. Inge in City and County. MICORPORATED TIN 1791—CApPTA_L y AND PAID IN AND SECURELY •rmir. TOTAL. PROPERTIES, 51.700,000. PERPz3 . JAL CHARTER. Arthur G. Coffin, &Funnel W. Jones, John A.,Brown, Charles Ambrose White, Richard D. Wood, WSIIIam Welah, William E. Bowen, T. (Marie, AILTHIJI3 O.ZAILLEB PLATT. secrets • ,F,IDE ASSOCIATIO Ig, Incorporated March W,lsa), ipj 4 - A OPTICE, No. 2,4 N. l'i_vra street. In. .. .„-:. sure BUU,DINGS. HOUSEHOLD SUR. ' ' ' ~I, NITURE and , -,--.-•••- ally, from Loss by Fire, (in the 018 y of ssorsi.., - ~_.-5!.:4 Philadelphia only.) STATEMENT of the Assets of the AseoClatloll Janaszy 1, HE& BOnds and Mortgages on Property In the City of Pldladelplia 0n1y... ........ .... ...... - ....... .....$E27,2f1 SI Ground Rents StS,S,N3 04 Reid Estate. (Cate°, Fifth and North Wee%) /4,n0 IS E. R. Goy. 5-2.o_,_BondA. '.•4:,,000 00 Deposit with U. S. Assistant Treasurer 2.5,0)))) I Cash on hstneL.—.—....-- ..... - ................ _....-. 25,629 61 TRUSTE: GEORGE W. TRYON, Presidea% Win. H. llamilton, Son. R. Lynd.all, John Bonder, Levi P. Coats. Peter A. Heyser, Samuel Sparhawk, John Phithin, • dazzles P. Rower: John Carrow, Robert Shoemaker, Oeo. L Young Jew° Lightfoot. lays T. 811TT.,1 , Secretary. IVENIK IN DELPHIA. ft):l(sielaci_lw • • 4:911..g INCORPORATED 1801—CHARTER PERPNPUAL. NO. g 24 WALNUT Street, opposite the Ettchange. In addition to MARINE and iNSUEANCH) this Company insures from loss or, damage b . y _FIRE, on liberal terms, on buildings, merchandise, =mare ecc., for limited periods, and permanently on buildings by deposit of premium. The Company bas been in active operation ibr more than S]X'YY YEARS, daring which all lasses have been promptly adinst and paid. Jahn L. Hodge, DrEtROTO Lawrence Lewis, Jr.; William lifcß.es. David Lewis, M. B. iltahony Benjamin Etting, John T. Lewis, Thomas H. Powers, William S. Grant, A. R. giallenry, Robert W. Learning. : Edmond Castilian, B. Clark Whart on oHlif B. Samuel Wilcox. J ()HEMIES, PresidenL Sarum WrLoox. Secretary. TEFTERIN/1: 7 - 8 N FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OP V P 1417. ADELPRIA.—Office Northeast corner of THIRD and BUTTONWOOD atreeta(late Tamma), Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylva MUSTER PERPETUAL. c authorized by law, 8100,000. Make Insurance against Loss or Damage bY Fire of Public or Private Buildings, Furniture, 8 Goods and Merchandise, on favorable terms. 4 DIREOTOBS, George Ere_ty„. P a r l e zi dereirj R. - r- , august 0. si-nieb JOhn F. Belsterilm Jonas Bowman, Henry Trooniner, Frederick Doll, William McDaniel, Jacob Schandier, George Butz, Jr., Stephen Smith, Henry Garker, Samuel Miller, Edward. Moyer. i GEOItGE ERETY„President. JOHN F. BEEZTERLING, Vice Preataeld, PHEILIp . Z. COLVItT A N. Secretary. MICE PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST _CON -1 PANY, OF PITIT. a IIELPHL9.. Incorporated by the State of Permsylvanbs, 8d month, 2201, 1885, INSURES LIVES, .A_LLOWS INTEREST ON DE POSITS AND GRANTS ANNITITIES. cuPrr.A.T.. .00,000 Samuel uro R. Shiley,Drat p , Ri lts. chard Cadbury, Hacker, Henry Haines, Joshua H. Morris, T. Wistar Brown, Richard Wood. Wm. C. Lonotretti, Chas. F, Coffin. _ shas.ußt. R. SHIPLEY, President; Row - LAND PaltaY, Actuary. A.VIKEtICAN FIRE DISTIRANCE CONPANY. INCOUYORATED PIZIU9II.' 110 W.4.7.;NUT Streetmve THIRD Street, gpains a large paid up CAPITAL STOOII and Erin?, PLUS invested in sound and available Securities, con. Mate to Insure on Dwellings, StoresA Furniture, Mel' ebandise; Vessels in port, and their carsoko. and other Per3onal Property. - All T.latsea Moray and prontprl adjusted.. - • • DEBBOTORS. Thomas R. Maria, . Rain T..Levrle, John wow]James R. Campbell Morton,..Saniiwle Edmund r atr i ok _Brady, - •Charles W. Poultner Israel 01'11E4 • • • • - atHOITAB R. MARIS, President. Ailaszaw van OBAWYos.D. secretary. narn—. ~ !alleles i n Liberal Tame STUBS. Il a r e ward imi tt. George Paled.. ' • Alfred Pitler, .Fres. LANCBER, W.Le . Presi dent. MM i.t..1..E, Vice President. Secretary pro tem. epi terli Market value 996,560 00 36.000 to 121,013 87 to 6 633 "3 .153,630 18 James N. Dickena Morris Wain, Joan Mason. George L. Harrlton Francis R. Cope, Edward H. Trotter, E. S. Clarke Wil Tanaoniaminza . .n HeolT, GGFErTN, Preeldent. ry, 119C4,557 43 Lit Bourn Fourth Street REMOVAL: The (die -of Williain'iV; Allen AGENT FOR TEE ORIGINAL- TRAVELERS' INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, Conn. The Oldest and Most Reliable Accident Insurance Company in America, AND THE NEW ENGLAND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, OONN., Has Been Removed from No. 404 to 4.00 NV - ALAN - UT St., DIRECTLY OPPOSITE.,sia FIRE INSURANCE. Liverpool and London and Globe INSURANCE COMPANY. Authorized Capital, $lO Millions. Invested Funds, over 16 Millions. Yearly Revenue, over 5 Millior.s. Invested in the United States, over $1,500,000. All losses promptly adjusted without reference to England. ATWOOD SMITH, General Agent for Pennsylvania, OFFICE, No, 6 Merchants' Exchange, delss,tn,th•tft PHILADELPHIA. TEE I ELIANCE INSURANCE (Xibl.P ANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated to 1641. Charter Perpetual. OFFICE, Au. SOS WALNUT tSTB.Et6I*. CAPITAL. Insures against loss or damage by FIRE, on Houses, stores and other Isuildings, limited or par. p,tual, and on Furniture ( lood.s Wares and merchan dise In town or country. LOAFS PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. AES.LTS fsiOsool 79 lncesteu in the following aecuritles. First Mortgages on City Property, well se cured 1124.100 00 United mutes Government Loans oo Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans 55,0011 IA) ~Pennsylvanla;3,tee,eA 6 per eon; Loan 21,UVU tu PeiLnsy Wants. railroad Bonds, first and se cond Mortgages Came en and Amboy Railroad Company's 6 per cent. Loan Philadelphia and Reading Railroad t.ont- pany's d per cent. Loan untingoon and Broad') op 7 percent, mort gage...... .......... ...... County Fire Insurance Compan,'s Stock__ Mechanics' Bank Stock Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania stock... Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock_ Reliance Insurance Company of Philadel• phia's crock Cash In bank and on hand- DIRECTORS _ - - - (Rem. Ti”gley, Benj. W. Tingley, Wm. Musser. Marshall Hlll, Samuel Bl,pham, Charles Leland. H. L. Carson, Thomas H. Moore, Robert e%e. n, brunuel Castner, treverson, Alfred English, James 1. Young. CLEM TINULEY, Prelaient THOMAS C. HILL, i , eizetary. PHILADELPHIA, December 1, is3s. TERP RISECRAIs.:CE COUP I.N" V.— _ Company's Building, No, 400 Walnut street, PM ladelphia, t 'ash Capita/ ...... ..... .... Glatt Assets, Over aso,tat , ou The luvestmenN vi tilts company &re lo elm% Mort gages ou heal Estate in the City of Phtladelpula and to other securities Lurefully selected by toe riln-durs. Term and Perpetual l talacattces,trocted by t ais Cam- Pany at as low rates of premium as safety to toe Com pany and to the insureu will admit., DIREL`TORS. F. Ratchford Starr, ',Joh,' H. Brown, Nalbro' Frazier. J. L. Erringer, John H. Atwood, Geo. W. Fah nestock. Benj. T. Tredick, JIMIIIPS L el.ch3ru, Mordecai L. Lawson, William O. Buniton, George H Stuart. (!harkti Wheeler. F._RAI'CLIFORD brA oFt. President, THOS. x.IiUNIGi B. LOCI:W(10D, S.,.cretary TIRE ibIisURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. PF.NNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COM. PANY—lncorporated Ist.s-4thrzter Perpetual-17a 510 WALNUT Street, oppost. te Independence square This Company, favorably known to the community Air over forty years, continue:4o Insure against Ices or damage by axe, on Public or Private /' - ulldiusa, either permanently or for a limited time. Also, on Parniture,StoCks of Goods and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a huge Borpina Fund LI; invested in the moat careful =truer, which enablel them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of loss. DIRECTOPJi3. Daniel Smith, Jr. John Deverenx, Alexander Benson, Thomas Smith, Isaac Hanlelmna, Henry Lewis, Thomas Robins, J. Gillingham Fell. Daniel Haddock, Jr. DANIEL SMITH, Jr., President. Wrr.mtair G. Cts.owasx. Secretary. THE COLNTY FIRE INSURANCE COXPAHY.... OFFICE NO. 110 SOlrrti HOWITH RIMER, =OW ISEEESTNITT. • "The Fire Insurance Company of the County el Philadelphia." Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania in 1830, for indemnity against loss or damage by fire_ _, exclnsively. CHA.RTER, PARTEDIAL. This old and reliable institution,' with ample capital and c*atingent fund carefully invested continues Min. sure buildings, furniture, merchandise, &c., either per. manently or for a limited time against loss or damago by tire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolnta safety of its customers. Losses adjusted and paid with all pose blO deSpateh DTR:akffORS. a d Charles J. Butter, Edwin L. Peak% Henry Crllly John Horn, Robert V. Massey, Jr., Joseph Moore, Henry Budd, George Mecke, Andrew H . Miller James N. Stone. Baariurs F. Hoscsimz. J. S IYK e aPeseirdsirs, A y.ssr _so s I % t`:,:sss , s 41I• • .61. —olB_ ge __Farquhar Building, No. 12 WALNUT Street. .U.A.8.1M; AND INLAND INSITRANCE3.— Risks taken on vessels, cargoes and freights to all p of the world, and on goods on inland transportation rivers, canals, railroads . o • cony= "A . • es!, st nlted States. WILLT AIN CRAIG President, PETE.b. CIIILL3F.I. VICO preitct=i, P.OBERT J. MEE, Bee. pro terl , DMICCTOII.B. William Orals, H O. Dallett, Peter Callen Wr0..8. Lowher, John Banat, Jr., ,J'. Johnston Brown, wini . n - i H. Herrick, &Panel A. R l l/013, Benj. W. Richards, Hastin'Hutchins, Billies Dallett, ..... Spry L. Elder, wz33. M. Baird > S. Morgan, Pearson Bonn tas ANTREAOITE INSURANCE OOMPAlirre., CS.ARTEII PERPETUAJ.,. • • Office, No. eIl WALNUT, street, above Third, Will Insure against Loss or Damage ba r T on Build. Inge, either perpetually or fora limited Preusehobi Furniture and Merchandise generally. Also—Marl no Insurance on Vessels, Cargoes and 'freight. Xabind Insurance to all S parte of the - Union. DDIECTE. Win. Esher, David Pearson. D. Luther, Peter Sieger, Lewis Audenried, J. E..Baurn, J. B. Diskiston, Wm. F. Dean, Jos. Mangeld, _ John Ketcheni. . WM. ESEEER_ , President. WM. F. DEAN . Wm-President, Inn IL fliffthil.Seeretary - rIAME I NSURANCE COMPANY. jj No. 06 CHESTNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA.. • PIRA AND INLAND , INEIIJRANC3 , 19:BROTO.138. Francis N. Buck, '. Jno. W. Evernian.' ' Charles Richardson, Robert B. Potter', Henry Lewis, __, , 2120.1i - ezzler,'Jz., Samuel Wright,. . - , E. D. Woodrittf, P. S. Justlos. , ' - Cher. Staked, ' Geo. A. Tret._ , , t ;,, :SOO. lli.•Plllls. I-R AS. DICILEHJX6 ANO/8 N. , UCH. President.: . , l', I , CHH Iffpcl .±isld - r w.: I. Rogurotuutn..acytratatr . atolt4 I- ..' ,- ~ ,' , - ' (lOTTON AND LusTErr.S.Ancl , l7oK•of every width troM one to six feet wide, a:Jobe% s Tent and hinnainglamk, Popermakers sail - Twine Ace.,' JOILN RmAN d 0.,, No. 102,T9nes', aUm ~PHILADELPHIA ,SATII,I3,DA:Y, PECIIMBER t . 3 0.1.8654,- , -TRIPLE. ,SREET 4,560 00 LW° 0) 4,000 00 10,001.1 00 LW 00 $103,094 79 de24-tb tu ERY, Vice Pre3ll.l.nt. der.:3-sa to ch .tWwi.., PHILADELPHIA ANDELUL -RA TILLIQUOIILLNE. CA AWIcSA RAILROAD. Short line to Williamsport; Elmira,oll Reglons,Erle, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Su.vension Bridge, and all places ln.the Western, North Westermlnd South Wes. tern States and the Canadtis: Four througa trains dall4 (Sundays excepted). Leave Philadelphia and eve North Pennsylva. Readffig R.R. Depot. . nia R.R. Depot. , 8 A. M. , 7.30 A. M. 8.80 P. lli. i 5,15 One train on Sun. -r at 815 P. M. By all these trains direct ..nnection is made at El mira with Erie railway; at Salamanca with Atlantic and Great W esternn rallwanat Dunkirk and Buffalo with Lake Shore R, It.; and; at Suspension Bridge 'with Great Western railway. I Fare always as low as by an other line. Sleeping cars on all night trans. Second class cars with Cush oned seats accompany each express train, giving p engers the advantage of bigb bpeed with low fare. For through tickets and further particulars concern lug the routes, apply at the. . Ticket Office, 428 Chestnut street. OC2I ' " N. VAN HORN. Pas. Agt. ' ' WEST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES—From foot of.Morket street P.Per en2t. oacW, Sundays. FALL AND W 1 Az.mAlsiGEmENT,__ Commebrlng WEDNESDAY, NOVEKBEB. 15th, I f For Brie eton, Salem; and a ll Stations on icrest Jei. Bey find L. en, Itailroads. at 9 A.. M. and An P. M. - per Mil ville and all intermediate Stations, at 9.A.. tiFor Cap 21 s.,l'. and intermediate Stations,XL, to PAillville connecting with freight train (Passenger car attacti , d) for Cape Afay,dae 3.48 P, M. and 3.00 P. M. thrcstgh yabsenger due 8.00 P. M.. • • ForGlaesbotte and Intermediate Stations, at 9 A. M. 8 and 3.30 P. M. , • For;WoOdbury. GiOncestet," &sc., 'at '9 A:M., 9, 9.90, and 5.30 1./ M. • • . • ..,. , , . • , • . . Freight train willleavePniladelphia fro.mtiandford's Wharf at 10 41..5.1.. and Carnden..ati.2 sd. - J VAN•EENSSELAFEtdaperintendent. THE "lIVES.T 41ERSEY, VXPRESS COALEMITY Will attend to all the usual branches of EMPRESS Bue. i.M.B9;'receive, deliver, andtortvard, through other re. nponsible Express Companies, to all parts of the' coon ,any; article entrusted to them. A Special geseen &tr. accompanies each through. train. Oftice, No. 5 walnut street. • , ' • ' 628 ' : - „ROOF SKIRTS, • - 628 zrEw FALL STYLES NOW READY of idoplina' " own' make,' 'at No. 628 ARCH Street. These Skirts are gotten up expresslyto meet the wanta' or first-claw trade, and embrace every; size and style for Ladles, Misses and Children, which, for linish and durabilit, have no equal in themarket, and warranted to give 'satisfaction. .Also. constantly on hand, a full assortment of good Eastern made Skirts, from is to 40 springs, at paired.i. Skirts Made to order, altered and Wholesale and retail. non-sint C. F. TALPP, - • - - BiNo. RSNorthactonlij.strest, Manefacturer anp jd Importer of TRAVELING BAGS, — POBT - .E Ai° POCKET ROOKS, CIGAR, CASES,MONEY BELTS, SATO 141 V.t S. PURSES. ()Mai , Bankers' Cases, Dressing Cases, Writing Desks, Port olios, Bill Books, &c , , &e . Jobbing promptly attended to. nov7-and Arzcnow GLASS. A sr Ev.ANS, Jr., 252 South FRONT St., Wholesale and Retail. Dealer in American and French Glass, Putty, Faints, Oils, Varnishes, etc. A very desirable brand of Glass for Picture Frames. TSAAO S., ATKINSON, Attorney at Law, late of Franklin, Venango county, Pennsylvania, has re sumed prative at the Philadelphia bar. Office, 823 Wal nut street, Philadelphia. delis to tram* T. VA.DGILAN MERRICK, WM. H. 2d s riiiv , ithi MO. QOI3TE(WARIC FOUNDRE. YCOPE., .11:6"TH AND WAJ3B: CP INGTON STREETf3, Pamszitunkm, effwrittrox, soNs. ELIGLNEEM AND MACIIinTIETS, fifannfartme High and Low Pressure steam It'rhans Ibl L...." ewer and Marine Rennes. Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boast, I vor brramc all Roof,fo r either i r W en o orrk b , r a W ss o rksnaps a waitron.: N 4 tat.oiss, Brc , s&-It Ins and Gas Machinery, of the latest and mow =proved construction. R'very description of Plantation Machinery; ono Sugar, saw and Grist Mills,_ Vacuum Pans, Open glees, &c. Stetun Trains, Defac.ators, Filters, Pumping Sole Agents for N. Billeuz's Patent Sugar Bollins A.pparatus, Nesmyth's Patent Steam Hammer and Aspinwall & Woolsey's Patent Centrifugal elltibi Draining Machine. MENNSYLVANIA WOEKS—on cae DELAWARJ .L Elver, below PHILADELPHIA, Delaware oonntt7y, Pa. . , SON 00.. Engineers and lion Boat Erdiders, Manufactineze of Allktnes of CONDENBENG A3G) NON.CONDIMING ED. GIN, Iron Vessels of all description ES s, Boilers, Vans, Tanis Propellers, .ln., &c. T. 'RR • NET, W. B. BEA—NET, B. ABAB:LBOLD, Late of Late Beaney, Needs & Engineer In Maar Penn Works. Phila. IJYI2-tfl U. 9. TPHLLADELPIiI.e. RLD.Di SCHOOL ... I. FOURTH street, above Vine, will re-open for ths Fall and Winter season on HONDAY, Sept. 2Sth, Ladies and gentlemen desiring to acquire a thoroulk knowledge of thla accomplishment will find even facility at this school. The horses are safe and well trained, so that the most timid need not fear. Baddlt horses trained in the best manner. Saddle homes horses and vehicles to hire. Also carriages ttir fano. raps, to imara, steamboats, dgc. THOS. (MAJOR b SOW. 'IDgET.M3 WRIGHT ea tSONS aIitPOSTRES OF EASTRRN WARE, AND BEELETZNO .A.ND COmmißstTON mmaz - Euk_vre NO. Os WALNUT STRELT, Pstr.A.DELEat.... zAzica A. wiustor, THORNTON PI GAS FIXTURES.- MiSKEY MERRILL et TRACRARA, NO. 718 CHESTNUT street, Manufacturers of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, &c„ would call the attention of the public to their large and elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackets, &c. '1 hey also introduce Gas pipes into Dwellings and Public Buildings, and attend to extend ing, altering and repairing Gas pipes. All work war ranted. jam T)RIVY WELLS —OWNERS OF PROPERTY.—The I only nine ‹.% to get Privy Wells Cleansed and Distn• fected, at very low prices. A. PEYSSON, Manufacturer of Poudrette. Goldsmith's Hall. Lib street nary ULOAIif. . BARGAINe! EtAItbIAINS!! BAttGAINS !! LADIES ATYEND. ,hc - Rvs. No. a 3 North NINTH street, Just below ARCH. Has just opened a large and elegant assortment of CLOA For the Fall and Winter, which she offers at prices al least twenty per cent, below the usa al rates. This 15 no humbug. but a positive fact. (...10.1 and see or yourselves 0cr.41/ IEIIICiVA L. Dw STROIID has removed to No. 32 North ELEVR , , - 1H Street, two doors above Filbert street. west side. der,i2t• a 'aka w 1&.11.,..1L1its CbtUiLtit. FOR NEW YORK.—The CAM DEN AND A 61110 Y and PHILA. A. TRENTON TRENTON RAILROAD COM PANY'S LINES, from PLELsdelphla to New York. and way placer. from WALNUT sTRE.ET WHARF, w 111 leave as follows. viz : Psre. At 6A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Ancona., g 2 At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey City Express, 800 At 2 P. Di., Camt.en and Amboy Express, 2 115 At 10 A. and 12 M., (noon) via Camden and Amboy, Accommodation, (Freight and Pas senger.). . . . . • . . . 2 At 6 and 11.20 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Aomm modation, (Freight and Passenger) Ist Class Ticket, . 2 25 241 Class Ticket, . 150 At 6A. M., 2 and SP. H. For Mount Holly, Ewans vine Vemoerton and Vincentown. At SA. M., and 2 P. M. for Freehold. Al 6 usul lo A. M. 12. M. 5, 6 and P. M. for fal ruyra, Riverton, Deluncri, C l everly; Edirewater Bur lingion, Florence. Borden town, &c. The 5 P. M Liue ruts direct throutut to Trenton. At P. M. ter..i.ubo:t Trenton for Bristol, Burling ton, Beverly. dc. Lines frcita IsenAngton Depot will leave as follows: At 11.15 A. M., 4Au P. AI and 6,45 P. N. via Ken. siugtcn and Jer , ....y City Express 00 At I: Y. Ji. t..Nio!•t) via :Kensington and Jersey city_Kap [l,B ° 25 The 6.4, I'. 31..Laie will run daily. All others Sun days excenteu. At 7.11, and 11.15 A. 11.,3,3.30,4.9. 6,45 and 5 P. M.. and, for Bristol, Trenton. G.c.i At 7A. M., heso, 3 5, and 6 P. M. for Cornweas, Tor risdale, Hounesburg, Iscony , Wissinonn [lg. Brides burg uud Frank:era and at a P. M. for liottnesburg and hatercuedlete htatiOns. BELVIDh HE , .V.LA WARE RAILROAD, for the Delaware Inver Valley, Northern Pennsylvania. and New ork State, and the Great Lakes. Two through trains daily (Sundays exi.l pled) from Kensington Be. pot, as follocvs: At 7.0 a. M. and 3.301.44„ for Nla3ara Falls, Buf falo, I nukirk, Canantlaigia.Elmira, Ithaca, Owego. Rochester, Bingl.ampton, Oswego, Syzacuse, tireat Bend. Montrose, Wilkesbarre Scranton. Stroudsburg, Water (lap, Belvidere, IRston, Lambertville, Flem tigton,&c. The Las P. At. Line connects direct with he Train leaving Easton for 3fauca Chunk. Allen town. ISt thlettem. *kn. At5P. AL itDr Lam her trifle and Intermedia Stations. ./lW"' For :New York, anti Why Lilies leaving Kea singron Depot, take the rs on Filth street, above Walnut, halt an hour betole departure. The cars run Into the Depot, and on arrival of cacti Train, run from the Depot_ kitty Pounds of Baggageonly,.allowed each Pa.ssen ger. Passengers are prohibited Lrom taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over nay pounds to be pail for extra. The Company limit their responsibWty let baggage to One Dollar per pound, rind will not be liabb for any amount beyond Dee, except by special contiacL Graham'sßaggage lixpres will call for and dellver baggage at the Depots. Orders to be left at No. 3 Wal nut street. LINES FROM NEW YORE FOR PHELADELPRIA: Will leave from foot of Crrtland street, at 12 M. and IP. M., via Jersey City and D;unden. At 7.10 and it A. M., 6 P.. 111.. and ight lia Jersey City and. Ken sington. ' From foot of Barclay sired, at 6A, M. and 2 P. M., via Amboy and Camden. , From Pier No. N. hive;, at 12 M., 3 and 7P. M. (Freight And .Passengo.r)„ M. Amboy and Camden.WM. R. GATZAr lea, Agent. -CARDS „Leaves Reading Lt 8.30 A. M., stopping at all waysta tions; arrives in Philadelphia at 9,30 A. M. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 P. M.; arrives In R -ceding at 7.39 P. If Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 7.25 A. M., and Pottsville at 8.30 A. M.. arriving in Philadel phia at 12.45 P. M. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg at 1.45 P. M., and Pottsville at 2.45 P. M.; arriving at Philadelphia at 7.05 P. M.- • - Harrisbnrg accommodation leaves Reading at 7.85 A. M. and Harrisburg at 9.00 P.M.. Market train, with a Passenger car attached, leaves Philadelphia at 12.45 noon for tum.iine arid all way ma Glom; leaves Reading 11.30 A, M., and Downingtown 12.30 P. M. for Philadelphia and all way stations All the above trains run daily, Sundays excepted. Sunday trains LP-aye Pottsville at 8.00 .A. AL. arid Philadelphia at 8.15 P. M calsT.Ear. VALLEY RAILROAD Passengers for Downingtown and intermediate_ point' take the 8.00 A. M. and 4.38 P. M. trains from Philadel phia, returning from .Dowaingtowr at 7.05 A. M. and 2 30 Noom NEW YORE a)* • az FOR PITIIBI3IIRGH AND BEE WEST. Leaves New YorAlat 9.00 A. M. and 8 P. M., passing Reading at 1 A. M.,*and L4B P. M.. and connecting at Harrisburg with Pennsylvania, and Northern Central Railroad Ex ress Trains for Pi burgh, Chicago, Elmira. Baltimore. &c. Returning, Express Train leaves Harrisburg on arrival of Pennsylvania Express from Pittsburgh, at 8 and 9.05 A. M., passing IteArTilip at 4.49 and 10.52 A. M., arriving at Newyork Is A. M, and 2.45 P. M. Sleeping Car acconapanyg i thme trains through between Jenley Oily and Pitt& , without charge. kali train for New York leaves 'Harrisburg at 1.45 P. M. Mail train for Harrisburg leaves New York at 12 Noon. SCHEVLICELL VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pottsville at 645, 11 A. M. and 7.15 P. M. returning from Tamaqua at 7.35 A. LE., and 1.43 and 4.15 P.M. SCHUYLEIML AND STTSQIIT2Es...NICA. R 4 rr.RoAD. Traias leave Auburn at 7.15 A. M. for Pinegrove and Harrisburg, and at La) P. M.. for Pinegrove and Tre• mont: returning fram Harrisburg at 4.00 P. M. and from Tremont at 7.00 A. M. and 6.06 P. M. • TICKETS. Through :tirst•class ticketa and emigrant tickets to all an the principal points in the North and West and Cadas. Bradford, tickets are obtained only th Office of B. Treasurer, No. 227 South Fourthstreet, Philadelphia, or of G. A- Nlcolls, General Superintend ent, Beading: COMIKIITATION 'TICKETS, ibt.i tay ea r eel, &decant between any points desired MILEAGE TICKETS, Good for o,oou m❑es,between all points, at em 50 matt., for fanalea and firms. C4INEZWI. A. UHISOOK. TEMODOTIE WEl.llErit. SEASON TICKETS. For three, 51x, nine or twelve months, for holders Only, to all points at reduced rates. CLERGY - DiKsi • Residing on the line of the Road will be tarnished with cads, entitling them...lves and wives to tickets al half-fare. EXCURSION TIGICETS. From Philadelphia to principal stations, good tbr Saturday, Sunday and Monday. at reduced fare, to be had only at the Ticket =neat Thirteenth and Callow hill streets. FREIGHT. Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above prima from the Company'a New Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Philadelphia daily at 5.50 A. H., 12.45 noon and 6 r.for Beading, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all poll;itp,t2cyond. M 4 TT.Si Close at the Philadelphia Post Office for all places on the road and Ira branches at S A. a., and for the Prin. cipal Stations oniT at 2-15 P.M. P ...r. PFLILADFt.PMEA, WIL3IIENG TON aN D BALTLSIORD RAIL. 0A.)..--11.1 TABLE--Cori mencing AdoNDAY, October itiii, 1555. Traitie wiil leave Depot. corner of Broad street and Washington avenue, as follows: Express Train, at 4.05 A. X. (Mondays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Winning ton. Perryville, Havre-de Grace, Aberdeen, Perry man's, and Magnolia.. Way-mail Train, tat 6.15 A. Si. (Sundays ex. cepted), for Baltimore, stopping at all reguLaz stations, connecting with Delaware Railroad at WI Itoington,fbr Salisbury and intermediate stations. Express Train at 1-15 P M. (Sundays excepted) for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Wil mington, Elkton, Perryvilleand Havre-de-';race. Express Train at 4HOP. M. (Sundays excepted), for Balumore aim Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Newark, Elkton, is orthenst, Perryville, Havres3e- Grace, Perryinatie Edgewood, Magnolia and htem mtr's Run. Night Express at 11,15 P. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chester, Wilmington, Newark,Eilk ton,„ Perryville and Havre-de-Grace. Passengers by boat from Baltimore for Fortress Monroe. Norfolk, City Point and Richmond will take the 8.15 A. M. Train. As an liddltiunal accommodation only for those hold ing tiegiets for these points. n special car wall.ave the thicelph la' )epot at it A. at., connecting at Gray s Ferry with the Morning 1-I. press train from New York. WII MINOTON ACCOMMODATION TRALVS, etc pplng at all stations between Philadelphia and Wil mington. Leave Philadelphia ac 11.15 A. IL, &SO, 5 00, 7.00 and 10.00 P.''. The 3.5 u P. M. train connects with theDets, ware liallroad for Milford and intermediate StartOrlS. inllVe - tl.allngton 7.0 u, b. 15 and u.. 30 A. 2L. 5.00 and 4.5 u P. X. Trains for Newcastle leave Philadelphia atB.lsA. 3sn and 5.60 P. 31. THROUGH T.RAINS FROM BA_LTLMORE Leave Wilmington a: IZ.OO M., 4..27, SAr2 and 9.54 CR E , TER FOR PE IL-.• DELPHLA_ Leave Ches:er at 8.01, 8.28 aua 10.14 A. M., 12-36. 3.44 1 .59. 5.34 and 5.38 P. M. From 13altimore to Phlladelphls.—Leave Baltimore 34.5 A. M., Way Mail. 1.10 P. M., Express. 4.10 P. M., Wa Train. 0.3.5 P. M., Express. 9 :L5 P. M., Express. Trams for Baltimore leave Chester at 0.50 A. L. 1.50 and 11.50 P. 31. Trains for Baltimore leave Wilmington at 5 13, 9.30 A. 5.10 P. Al., 1,, 25.1_M. _ SUNDAY TP.A.FICS, Express Train at 4,05 A, M. for Baltimore and Wash. Ingun, stopping at Wilmington, .Perryville, Havre-de- Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's and Magnolia. Night Express 11.15 P. 51. for Msltur.ore and Wash ington. stopping at Chester, Wilmington,Newark,Elk ton, ortheast. Perryville and Havre de ty race. Aceoruodation Train at 10 P. M. ter Wilmington and Way Stations. BALTIMORE FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Baltimore at 9 25 P. M., stopping at Havre de Grace, PerryvAle and Wilmington. Also stops at Elk ton and iNewark to take passengers for Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore) and Chester to leave passengers from Baltimore or Wasninoe. A special train will leave Wilmington for Philadel phia at tISO P. M. Freight train with passenger mr attached will leave Wilmington far Perry villa and intermediate stations at 6.04 P. M. H. F. RENNEY, Superintendent, ISM PHILADELPHIA A.ND • - • .: '; ' V,...._ ‘:4: 17? ; k 4 ERIE RAILROAD. 1865. s grea .6 - traverses the Northern and North. west counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, On Lake Erie. It has been leased and Is operated by the Pennsyl vanla Bathose Company. TIME OP PALIISENGE TRAINS AT pm/A.l)'. Erie Mall Train Erie Expresß Train - Erie Mall Train --- 729 P. M. Erie Express Train • • - - • 729 A. M. Passenger cars run through on Erie Man an Preen Trains without change, both ways, between Philadel phia and Erie. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York at 6 Ou P. M., arrive at Erie 887 A. H. Leave Erie at 165 P. M., arrive at New York MS P. M. No change of cars between Erie and New York. I Elegant Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains. For information respecting^ssenger business imply at corner THIRTIETH and Sf RKET streets. delphla. And for Freight business, of the Company's AEI& S. B. Kingston, Sr., corner . Thirteenth and keS sts • Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Erie. William Brown, Agent, N.s R. H. B. J3aAousltorri imore. ' General Freight Agent bia. General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia, A. L. TYLER, . emend Sup't.. Williamsport. i JA °RESTER AND PIED:LA. ?MO , JJ LPRIA. RAILROAD, V/A WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. On and after WEDNESDAY, October 18th, 1883, the trains will leave as followa: WEST CHESTER TRAINS, Lei&e Philadelphia for West Chester 8.05,11.00 A. DL, 2.15, 4.30 and 6.00 P. .111. Leave West Chester for Philadelphia 6.45, 815,10.45 A. M.. 1.40, 4.96 P. Di. Trains leaving West Chester at 8.15 LET. and leaving Philadelphia at 4.80 P. M., will not stop at Pennelton, and will stop below B. C. Junction at Bieclla only. PENNELTON MAINS. 'Leave Philadelphia for Pennelton 4.00 and , 11.00 M. .201, Leave Pennelton for Philadelphia ; 9.02 k. EL, 6 These Trains stop at all intermediate Stations. {. ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8,60 A. 31.. and 42.00 P.'313. • ' • • ' Leave WestChester7..Z El and 4.00 P M' Trains leaving Philadelphia at 8 05 A. at., and,4.29 DL, and leaving West Chester at 8.15 A. M, and 4.85 P Et. connect at B.C.W.7unctlon with Trains on the P. an B', for:Oxford andintermediate polltte.f I! 4; war passengelniate allowed, to take wearing tiPPgel only as Baggage ' and the' Company' will hot, n• ny raseibe responsible for an arnount exceeding One htni-1 died dollars, unless a special contract IS made-for the: m sae, , „HENRY' W,00D.,..1 tf "' OeneralSuperintendeil SEADDIGHAILROAD. • 'GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM my IDi ll' :a TO THE INTERIOR OP MINN. SYLVANIA:„ . _ THE scHuyLKELL__ L _sEnsa • NA AND kllVlDandsLueivp AND WYoswttG •V NOR NORTHWEST atui the At% WINTER ARRANGEMENT OR PASSENGER TRAINS leaving Ilte tkonpanrs. SDext, TEMA. TEENTH and OALLOs ALSbrft:te, -ftuaddpha stabs Ibllowing hours: • ' • • , MORNING HAIL ' At 8 A. EL, for Readily, Lebanon; Thirrießl2T. Potla ,e Pine Grove,' Tamaqua, Stmbury, Williams. port, Elmira, Rochester, Niagara Palls, BnEalci, town, Wilkesbarre, Pittston - York, Carlhde,Chrunbers-- bru -, _, Hagerstown, &c; &c._ -_ • This 'train connects at READING - with Ihe EaSt Pennsylvania Railroad trains for _Allentown, &A; and with the Lebanon Valley train for Harrisburg, &c.; at PORT CLINTON with Catswinsa Railroad trains for Wllliardspott, Lock gin mire , dt.: at HARRISBURG with - Northern Oantral,Damberland Valley, and Schuylkill and Susquehanna trains for Northumberland,Witliarusport. York, Chambentbarg, Pinegrove, &c. at XPRESS. Leaves Philadelphia at 3.30 P.M. for Potts, Ville, Harrisburg, &c., connecting with Reading and Columbia R.R. trains for Columbia &c., and with eats wins Railroad train for Milton, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffalo. &c. RV! .!%. TUN,G-AC.CQMISE.ODALTIO;';ii AllltirE E.ASTWARD Ns ; Pm' • -••• • • 11a. • - MIDDLE ROUTE... • = l :ortest an direct line te Bethlebem,Allentown Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton White Haven Wilkeebsirre. anoy Idah CityßW ons , and all points in the Lehigh and Who Ming Ceal . _ Passenger Depots fa Philadelphia, TDDDRD street Tr above Thompson, and corner Of "nirirß arid ANS= CAN WINTERDAILY' ARRANTRAINGIOdENT. NINE S. On and after Mond/1,7,1 , 10v. 2 0 th,1865,Pas8enger trains leave the Depot, Third Street, aboVe Thornpsonidally (Sundays excep ted), as follows: AT 7.80 A. M.—Morning Express for Bethlehem an • and Principal Stations on North Pennsylvania Bail road, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Path Railroad for Allentown, Cataaanqua, Slatington, Man r Chunk, Weatherly Jeaneerville, Hazleton, White yen Wilkesbarre, kinston, Pittston, and all points • Lehigh and Wyoming alleys; also, in connection tai • Lehigh and Mahanoy Railroad for MaballoY.OlaY_Lan with Catawiasa Railroad, for Rupert, Danville, muto • and Williamsport. Arrive at Mauch Chunk at 11.45 - Mr at Wilkesharre at 2.45 P. M.; at Mahanoy City at P. M. Passengers by this train can take. the Lehi: • Valley Train, passing Bethlehem at 12.00 M. for • ton and points on New Jersey Central Ballroad New York. AT eas A. M.—Accommodation, for Doylestown stopping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers fo Willow Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville, by t hr train take Stage at Old York Road. AT 10 A. M.—Accommodation, for Fort Washing ton, stopp a r js t at all intermediate Stations. At 2.30 P Accommodation for Doylestown, sto • ping at 1 intermediate stations. Passengers • stage at Doylestown for New Hope. AT P. hl.—Evening Express for Bethlehem and principal Stations on the North Pennsylvania Bail road, making close connection at Bethlehem with - high Valley Train for Easton, reaching there at 6.45 P M. Paasengens• for Plainfield, Somervi ll e and oth points on New Jersey Central B.R. take N. J. C. • • at Easton, whicu arrives in New York at 10 P. M.' • ••• Bangers for Sumneytown take stage at North Wales and for Nazareth at Bethlehem and for Greenville a Quakertown AT 4.15 P. M.—Aosommodation, for Doylestown stopping at all Intermediate Stations. Passengers fo Willow Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville take stage a Abington : for Lumberville at Doylestown. AT 5.15 P. M.—Through Accommodation, for Beth lehem and all Stations on main line of North Pommy vania Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Evening Train for points on aphiet Railroad and for tatnviile, Williamsport; and Ostawissa Railroad_ AT 6.15 P. M. — Accommodation, for Lansda e, atop ping at all intermediate Stations. At ' U NitfteNtelli-RTTD9TrlMitangt°- Leave Bethlehem at 6.3 , 5 and 19.02 A. AL. and 6.115 P. Id. Passengers leaving Easton at 9.80 A. M., connect at Bethlehem and arrive in Philadelphia at 12.25 P. M. Passengers leaving , Wilkeebarre at IP. NL_ , connect at Bethlehem at 6.15 P. M., and arrive in Philadelphia at 5.45 P. M. Leave Doylestown at 6.30 A. M. 8.15 and 5.80 P. M. Leave ass • oat cio A. M. Leave Fort Wasillngton at 10 DAYS..50 and 2.15 P. M. SUN Philadelphia for B ON ethlehem at 9 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at BP. M. Dosiesu, wn for Philadelphia at 7.20-A.M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4 P. M. Fifth and Sixth Streets Passenger Cara cony Y am. ei 4hite to an s d of So n sL E nd ang tr Tl e gd p li f iree t ta Line oonVe7 gassegners to Third Street Depot. Tickets must be p- rocuredat the TicketOilicen, TRIED street or BERNS street, in order to secure the lowest rates of fare. ELLIS CLARE, Agent. Hillman's Baggage Express will call for and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Office. No. 11.8 South THIRD street. nol4-11; PENNSYLVANIA. VENTRAL. RAILROAD. ARRANGEMENTS. gLa The trains of the Pennsylvania R. R. will leaves the New Depot at Thirtieth and Market streets. The cars of the Market Street Passenger Rahn" run to and from this Depot. They also leave Front street every two minutes, commencing one hour pre vious to the time of departure of each Train and allow about Ai minutes for a trip. Theft cars are in waiting on the arrival of each Train to convey Passengers Into the city, and connections are made with earoade crow ng Market street. Os Susnsve—Ctirs leave Eleventh and Market streets at 6.45 P. M., to connect with the Pittsburgh and Erie Mad. and at 10. Z P. M. with Philadelphia Ez drevs. Mann's Bazca¢e Expresa will hereafter be located at No. 31 South eventh street. Parties desiring Baggage Wien to the trains, can have it done at reasonable rates tiP Ol application to him. TRALN LEAVE AND ARRIVE AT DEPOT THUS: ERIE 7 NPRESS - - ZclA LL . - PAOLI ACCOM., So, 1 • • FAST LLNE . . . PARHISI — 31111 G, . . HARRISBURG ACCOM., LANCASTER AOCOM., - PAOLI TRAIN, N 0.2 . • PITTSBURGH &RRTF MAIL - pi:um OELPHIA FXPRESS ARE CINCINNATI FT., " LlO A. N. PHILADELPHIA. FSPRE9B " 7.10 " PAOLI ACCO3L, No. 1 - a 8.20 " PARKESI3I333.O- - 56 0. , D0 111 , FRII , EXPI -, :E11 ~i . - ' 11.20 PAST LINE LANCASTER T " LIO l2-30 " P. hE ! - - . PAOLI AOCODL, NO. 2, - a 440 a I.AY EXP8......S - - a 5.45 •• HARRISBURG ACCOM., • " 8.0 " Philadelphia Ergs leaves daily. Pittsburgh and Erie Mall leaves ( except Saturday ). All other Trains daffy — except The Pennsylvania Railroad Co. will not assume any risk for Baggage, except for Weeling Apparel, and limit their mpolisibility to One Hutu:red Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value, will be at the risk or the owner, unless taken by special ccustraa. For further information, as to time and connections, bills and framed cards, or apply to. TH01•1 4 5 H. PARKE, Ticket gent, the De p For tall Emigrant Train runs daily, A except at Sundhy. For tall intbrmation as to fare and accommodations, apply to FRANCIS FUNK, No. 187 Dock street . - N . ~.. a-.-....---, 2 4.8. Wisor an).-: rT.A ISELPHIA. GER/MA.151- , TOWN AND NORRISTOWN TABLE.—On and after WED. 19303 DAY, November Mt, 1865 until further notice. FOR GERMAITTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6. 7. 8,9, 10, 11,12. A. N.; 1. 2, MO minutes, 834, 4,5, 5.1 i, 6,7, 8,9, 10, 11, 12, P. M. Leave Germantown-6.7, 7,k,t, 8, 8.20, 9, 10, /1. 12, A. M.; 1, o 2,8, 4,4 X, 6,6,;(,, 7 8,9, 10, 11 P. M. ' The 8.20 dwn train, and the 3,X and 5M up trains do not stop on Germantown Branch. _ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.10 minutes, A. M.; 2, 7 and NU, P. M. Leave Germantown-8 A. M.: 1, 6 ar.d 9.1‘, P. M. Cl 4 I.sTIsTIIT TT,T RI L LE,Rom_D . Leave Philadelphia-6, 8,18, r 2, A. 111 4 2, al% SX. 7, :9. and 11. P. M. Leave Chestnut Hlll-7.10 N 40, naluntes 8, 9.40, and IL4O A. M.; 1.40, 3.40, 3.40, 6.1n O , 8. an DAY S4O. M. SUN ffgElMN2Bl==l= Leave Chestnut Hill-7.40 minutes, A. M.; 1140, 5.40 and 9.t.5 minutes Y. M. FOR CONSHOHCKEN A.,..ND NORISTOWN. Leave O He 6 nodnu ß tes, A. M.; LSE, 8,4, . 5,,44, 444, 8.05, and Hsi, P.. 11. Leave Norristown-5.1i. 7, 7.58, 9, 11, A.M.: 1.11, 434, 6 and 8 P. M. The SN, P. hL train will stop at School Lane, Wissa hickon, hianayank, Spring Mills and Conshohocken only. ON SUNDAYS. Leave PlAladelphia-9 A. M. 2;;. and 7 P. M Leave Norristown-7 A. M.. and SP. M. FOR MAIVAYITINK _ Leave Philadelnbia-6, 845, ILOS A. M.; ui, 3, 43 i, 536. 6X, 13.115, and 1.1% P Id Leave ZiauayuxuE-634, 73 , 8,72, 934,1134, A. M.; 4,5, 63,, and 8, P. 3}1.. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Phlladelphla-0 A. D.L; 2; and 7 P. M. Leave BlanAira•.n.k-7i-i A. M.; 54 . and 8 P. a W. T. WILSON, General buperincendent, Depot, Ninth and Green 8 , maw. RARITAN AND DELA War..E. BAY RAILROAD. A ARRANGEMENT. Commencing MONDAY, September 18th,1565. CAMDEN TO NEW YORK. From Cooper's Ferry, Camden, daily, at 9.15 A. M., for Tuckerton, Barneygat, Tom's River, Manchester, Bergen. Squancum, Farmingdale, Shark River, Long Branch, Branchport, Oceanport, Eatontown, Shrews. bury, Red Bank, Middletown, Highlands and Port Monmouth, thence to New York by the splendid steamer JESS. E HOYT. Through in 5 hours. Fare Excursion Tickets, good for three days, 53. 'Through Freight Line leaves Camden at 2.50 P. H., arriving at New York at 4 A. H. next day. Leal es New York 4.15 P. AL, arriving at Camden 1.30 P. M. next day. W. S. SNEDEN, se2o Superintendent. 1 CO P. M. 11 10 A. 211. OFFICE OF THEIIIAMSEi: PRESS COMPANY, y2o UEE I'- T Y 1 Pfameryanrirta, January 27th, ism The Adams Express Company have enlarged their facilities at WasMugton, D. C., by building a _Railroad Depot, and having acquired additional capacity for transportation. are now prepared to forward Heavy Express freights, Packages and Parcels to Washing ton, Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick, Adamstown, Fortress Monroe, and otuer r . 7.ces South, occupied by the army, a t greatly reduced . ates. 'Special agreemen.s made ior Merchandise In large lots. Sutler's goods and army supplies at satisfactory prices, on application at oar ortice. Soldiers' parcels taken at much less than our usual rates. Heavy and bulky packages received and receipted for at our depot. corner of BROAD and LO OITter streets. JOHN BING IT.A.Af. Superloteudeut. 0.864.. 4 1 Waa.MIGTON B . 4.* "ra• &TO VIA BALTIMORE AND OHM RAILROAD. THROUGH FREIGHT DEPARTMENT, DEPOT, BROAD GTREET,•ABOYE OMIUMY. The undersigned Will ism:Winne the General Freight Agency of the Philadelphia, Nellrnlogron and Balta. amore BsdlimulaimPhiladelphia, by way of the above route to the West. Shippers and the public generally are assured that HarcrrganisatlOn• of through trains secures to Freight =transit and prompt delivery to all parts parts. . Mona Ultra and Airther information, apply to • . A. 00 3 iMN & 00., I • - General Freight .dgenta. , JOHN S. WIrAON, Freight Agent, imam ffi . !.. Oce. Sixth ['treat. ahoy Chestnut; r: PHILADELPHIA AND RAT.TI hfORE CEtiTRAL RAILROAD. • nt• . • • _ GRALERTS,Ortand after WED NESDAY October lath, 1865, thetrain.s will leave adelphia from the depot of Wee t. Cheater and Phil ' adelphle, Railroad, Mrner., of Thirty-drat and Market streets, (Wear Philadelphia,) at, B,i:to,' A.M ~ andi4.Bo M. 'Rave Oxford at A. and,r3.lo P. M. The train leavingPMladelphiaat US A.EL, ConneatEi at Oxford with d May-Line 40 Magee from..Teach_mor.,___ tom la Lancaater.- I Retarning leaves -Peach Botteni-ta_. connect at Oxford With the alternootrtrainTortil...• delphia. Passeagera are allowed to take wearingap3 parel only m baggage, and lama alaevidlt VierOo T winy be responsible fir an amount exeeedin $lOO. . - • - WOOD.Gesuarak ent i : z 1. at 7.30 A. N. at a.uu ei.. X. 10.00 moo M. ~ Leu P. M. " 2.30 II c o o II 44 5..30 . is 733 .. ss 11 . 1 0 II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers