The Wild Goose. tFroia the Matamoras (M.exlco) Daily Randle.] The first wild geese - passed over yes terday, announciug that the ice is clos ing the margins of the northern lakes, and the white frost -sparkling on their frozen hills. With us, the arrival of wild geese is the precursor of winter, and their departure the harbinger of spring. Their wild cry reminds one of the whistling of chilly wind; and their flocks, like some vast arrow cleaving its way along the sky, are suggestive of the Clouds of - winter flying in the van of the boreal blast. They are not only the general precursors-of winter, but the special forerunners of storms; usually preceding by a few hours the fierce cold r t wind called the "no Cher." The breath of winter which ches this southern clime is usually no ore than a refresh ing breath of cold ai which is felt as a relief from the heat otthe long summer; but sometimes ice is- formed under the influence of this piercing wind! We may therefore look now, for 'the autumnal winds, which have, "Howled down from the northern waste, And stripped the forest in their haste." Though here they Will. riot strew , the sear leaves but rustle cooly in the foliage of the orange and citron. Tired with his long flight, the bird of passage, alights on the-sunny shorei of -the Mexican- Gulf, to sport away what time grim winter rages on the northern main. The,wild goose, (why has he not a more romantic name?) whence comes he? He abides with Ais only a few short months, and takes his flight "for parts unknown;" He chases his shadows over the vastgreen prairies of Texas, sweeps like a summer cloud over, the budding forests of Missouri, races with the cars howling on'their iron way, his tireless wing leaves' the panting engines, and sails over rivers and lakes and forests of the far north. He passes the frontiers of civilization, and stops not with•' the limits of vegetation, but with unflagging pinion 'fans the cold thin atmosphere," over the snowy deserts beyond the, ad ventures of the fur hunter, and still his course is north. The frozen seas are, reached, but still his course is on. The Arctic explorers at the farthest northern points yet reached by men, report wild geese still passing over and going north. Like the comet whose eccentric orbit reaches beyond the regular system of more substantial worlds, to the pathless heavens, the frontiers of space; so this wanderer of the upper air in the circle of his flight, passes out of the realms of the known. and beyond the paths of men, to the regions of unknown lands and mys terious seas. All other regions have yielded their secrets to the prying eyes and cruel strength of science and civilization. The title, "unexplorpd," which figured on the maps of former times, has been erased with rivers and mountains, and their barbarous names, brought to light by the courageous curiosity and daring cupidity of civilized men. The utmost depths of the sea have been sounded; the most retiring animals tracked to their dens in the desert and jungle. Every other stronghold of mystery has been carried; but the "icy sphynx of the north still sits, throned in darkness, on her frozen hills, turning all to stone who come to guess her riddle." Beyond those limits of destroying man,the chief bird of passage seeks some "lone and quiet shore," to hatch new broods and train them for their distant flight. A few years ago a wild goose was killed on the coast of Texas, which had an ivory arrow sticking in its flesh. It had evidently been wounded by some archer, and the healing wound retained the shaft. The arrow was about 18 inches in length, of shining ivory, pointed with the sharp tooth of some fish and feathered with the plumage of the wild. goose. It was well made,'but, from its form and material,cominc , from a tribe unknown to us. What a strange message - from a new world! Like the carved wood and the bunch of berries, which floated by the ships of Columbus mute and unlettered, but speaking vol umes. This arrow came from a land where there is no wood, where the use of metal is unknown, yet where there are men who make good the battle of life against foes too formidable for all the strength and science of civilized nations. As these birds are often wounded in our country and escape, they are doubt less found with leaden shots and balls in their bodies, by those dwellers in the Ultra Arctics. We can imagine how they wonder at those heavy foreign substances. How they dispute whether there are men beyond'the icy barriers of their unknown country; and whether those things might not have been made by them. They doubtless think the heavy little balls a rude and imperfect appliance, and long to show us the splendid contrivance of a whalebone bow and ivory arrow, which their supe rior intelligence has perfected. Cannot the lovers of humanity send some mes sage to those benighted men! If they cannot go, could they not bind some small useful article or some expressive painting to the pinions of the wild goose as letters are bound to carrier doves? Or if they of the Arctics are content in their ice-girt honie, were it not better to leave them in ignorance of the great bad world without; for, "Where ignorance is bliss, 'tie folly to be wise." Interesting to Anglers. All true disciples of Isaac Walton, says the Cincinnatjf Commercial, are in vited to asseMble in Frankfort, Kentucky, on the Bth of January. The rivers that run from the mountains of the Cumberland to the valley of the Ohio, need restocking, and the Legisla ture is to be memorialized on the sub iect. If there be an angler among us who hath heart that does not respond to this call, he is not a true fisherman. He may have, in the darkling woods, his favorite resort, where under thick awning of leaves, he throws his line to eager perch and energetic bass; he may keep it secret, as a miser, his hidden treasure, and his success may be the envy of less fortunate anglers; but if he have not a heart and hand ready to as sist any enterprise that will make the eddies and riffles of our creeks and 'rivers as delectable , fishing grounds as his own, then is he not a lineal descend ant of the Nestor of all true anglers. Angling is the most unsatisfactory of sports,4n the present exhausted condi -bon of our 'streams. To be tantalized with the feeble nibble of small-fry, teased by, thieving minnows, drawn on to wait and wait for the bite of the solitary bass or sleepy sucker, whose proportions, seen through the pellucid waters, fairly ravish the sight, and create unutterable longings ;• to watch him • sail uncon sciously, by the hook t carefully and deic tfously moved to with= tickling distance ffi DAILIIEVENTIG BUtLETIN : -PHIL ABEL - 1141A, SATUR nvv.—DECFMPlett 30 of his gills; ; and:finally, when night "pins up her curtain with a star." to wind in the frUitless line, and tiudge wearily home, with a very red face and a:meagre string; that is the , fate of the angler in the year, of grace 1865. It is the purpose of the Frankfort convention to change all, this, and to make our streams whatthey were when the red skin paddled his own canoe in their bright waters. Fishing is an expensive luxury; also, as now managed. Being a rather dull business, this waiting for "bites," , the angler goes forth to his sport strangely accoutred. He taketh his rod and line, and his box of bait or his minnows, but he also provideth himself with bunches of cigars, and tucketh into plentiful pockets numerous flasks,, aromatic and fragrant with the volatile spirit of Bour bon. The angler who does not propi tiate the water-nymphs with frequent libations of that nectar which is neither' Rhine-wine nor rum of Santa Cruz, and on which the revenue officer keepeth. a devoted eye, knows little of the plea sures, while he suffers all the disappoint ments, of the unsuccessful fisherman. Ten drinks to one bite is reducing the angler's experience to mathematical precision. The angler who goes to Frankfort on the Bth of January, is ex pected totake his flask with him. It is his credential, his passport to the fellow ship of all good fellows, whose beards are gray. There is one feature o Sid ateur angle to which the Convention should give the most serious tonsideration. The anglers, as a class, have obtained an uneviable reputation for veracity, owing to the habit certain of them have con tracted of boasting of the number and size of the fish they, have caught oft a given day, at a given place. We have been invited from time to time to puh lisla their marvelous statements, but ,our expansive latitude and longitude of con science was not equal to the occasion. The way they have of convincing their simple-minded wives and credulous children by producing before their eyes certain finny evidences of their adroit ness, smuggled into their beggarly baskets in the markets, is atrocious. The Legislature should be memorialized to pass a law making it a penal offence for any professional vender of fish to sell to an amateur fisherman, who bears indubitable evidence of having been on an excursion with rod and line. There is need of repression rather than expansion in angling. The fishers are many and the fishes few. This coining home staggering under a load of fish caught in a single adventure, as the amateur is willing to swear, inflames the ambition of younglings, and encourages the growth of expectations never to be realized. It is as pernicious as an undue inflation of the currency. Let us get back to a specie basis, and confine the amateur to the truth. An amateur's code, prescribing the seasons and times when he may fish; the proportion of Bourbon to bites; the kind and quality of expletives he may indulge when, expecting a five-pound bass, he hauls up a crab; the proper qualifying adjectives he may employ to express his feelings when the barb sinks into flesh instead of fish; the quantity of Bourbon required as medicine to his wounds; what shall be done with hi. string when there is nothing on it; the most successful way of convincing hiz, friends that he has been prospecting for oil, when they were waiting for fish; and various other matters that will sug gest themselves to the assembled amateurs, would be in place, and should be prepared at the coming Convention. 13 (VI 134:014 NOTICE. A DIVIDEND OF FIVE PER CENT has been declared by the COLUMBIA DL L BILE BLAIs UFACI U RING COMPANY. for the last three months ending 3lst inst.—payable on the 10th January next. at Messrs. J. do A.KEMPER'B, No. 33 eonth Fourth street. de29-2t* (U. AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND T RUST COMPANY, Walnut, Southeast corner or FOUrth—PHILADELPHIA, December 28, 180. The Trustees have THIS DAY declared a Dividend of FETE k.ER CENT. out of the profit, of the last slx months, payable to the stork hold ers,clear of all taxes, on and atter January 10th, 1866. de2o-7t JOHN S. WILSON, Secretary. q:OFFICE OF THE OREP.N WOOD COAL COMPANY, No. 328 Walnut street. Directors of the Greenwood Coal Company have declared a Dividend of FOUR PER CENT., on the Capital Stock, payable on and after January 2, 1866. Transfer hooks will be closed from this date until the 3d of January. WM. M. DAVIDSON, Treasurer. PHILADBLPHL±k, Dec. 22 1865. de23-la3/ NOTICE. —The semi-annual dividend or THREE-A-HALF PER CENT. on the Preferred Stock on Ike EL 011 RA PORT R. R. COMPANY, will be paid as usual on and after January, 1866, at the Pennsylvania Rai:road Building, subject to the National and State taxes by GEORGE TABER, Agt. P. R. R. Co., Boom No. 1, Ground Floor. The Transfer Books will be closed until that date. de26.tu,th,s,4tl U. DIVIDEND NOTICE-OFFICE OF THE °CFA N OIL COMPANY, No. 411 Chestnut btreet. The Dowd of Directors hve this day declared a dend of FIVE PER CENT , ~ being fifty cents per share on the capital stock, payable on and after January 2d, next, clear of State Tax. Transfer books will close on Tuesday, December 26th al P. BD"; and open Wednes day, January 3d. • VI)..IBI..Ca_RTER, Treasurer. PHILADA., Dec. 21, 1865. [de22,23,27,29,30aja2,3 •••••-.% .PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY 1.1 , ,D 7 TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT, Pnar.......ne5.,. FBIA, November 1,1865. NOTICE TO STOCEHOLDEIRS.—The Board of Di rectors have this day declared a semi-annual Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the capital stock of the Com patty, clear of National and State Taxes, payable or. and after November 30th, 1865. Blank powers of Attorney, fbr collecting Dividends can be bad at the Office of the Company, 238 South Third street., THOMAS T . FIRTH, not-2m; Treasurer. .1) OFFICE OF TEE MORRIS CANAL AND RANKING CO.—JERSEY CITY, Dec. 18th, 1865., DrVTD.EN it NOTICE, THE FEBEITABY DIVIDEND. OF 1866 TO BE PAID IN ADVANCE. The Board of Directors have this day declared, from the earnings of the Canal, a semi-annual dividend 01 FIVE PER CENT„ upon the amount of the Preferred Stock, and a dividend of SIX PER CENT.,upon the' of the Consolidated Stock—free of overnmen t Tax—payable on the tenth day of JANUARY next, at the office of the Company in Jersey City, or to Stock holders resident in and near Philadelphia,at the . 13aai 6 - ing House of E. W. Clarke Sc Co., in that city. ' This Dividend is in anticipation, and in lieu of that which Transfer herwise be aid in February, 1866. 't he Books willbe closed from the ffith Inst., until the 10th of January, inclusive. . • . de26.tiale JOHN RODGERS, Sec'ry. LOST AND FOUND. rIATITION: 1.1 ,009 ^ R.MW.A_BD. All persons are hereby forbidden to purchase or ne gotiate any of the following UNITED STATES BONDS, they having been stolen on the morning of the 22d of Decenaber, 1865, payment of the same having been stopped.' The following FIVE-TWENTY Bonds: No. 23,960 for $5OO. 35,058 d 0... do. " 35,169 do. do. " 35,060 do. do. • 35,061: do. ' do. • 35,062 'do. do. " 35,063 do. do. " 35 061 do. do. • 6,914 . do. $lOO. " 32,771 do. do. • " 56,818. do, do, - " 56,819 do. do. • 8.889 do. $5O. - Also, the followingSlWEN-THDITY Bonds:. No .65,903 for 3800 / . ' 65,906 do. do. Fi rs . ' t s er i e s . , , ' ' . 125,448 do. do. ' " 127,476 do. do. " The attention of all Bankers is called to the above notice, and any information which will lead to the re• covery of the stolen bonds will be liberal y rewarded. . . . -: • JOHN W.SON del -6t 617 North Tenth' street, Philadelphia; DYING ANDTPRINTING. LILDIES ATM CECELDEKNIS DRPASES DYED all the modern colors, and finished, with. the original lustre: ',rape, Broche- and, Woolen Shawls, Table and Plano Covers cleaned and finished equal to new; Gentlemen's Clothes and Mourning doneatehort notice at E. 1521:1.TEX13, No. 28N. Fifth street, below Ara. noZie.w,3mll SPECIAL NOTICES. 10'PRIDALELPILLA ; DISPENSARY. -- The contributors are no • that an election for twelve Managers will be held at the Dispensary on SECOND DAY, the lat proximo, between the hours of 12 and 1 o'clock. de29.2t/ CASPAR WISMAR, Bea y. frizTet.ACOßlir EXCHANCIENATIONAL BANS. PRIL&ATELPICIA, Dec. 9. 1865.—The annual elec tion for Directors will be held at the Bank, on' TETICS DAN, the 9thday ofiannary next. between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2P. M. J. W. TORitirl, dell-m.w,s,tjas _ Cashier.,. iIiZATLANTIC PETROLEUM STORA.GE COM PANY, No. 115 Walnut street. annnal meeting of the Stockholders and an elec tion for officers of this Company will be hydd on MON DAY, January Bth, 1866, at 3 o'clock P. M.r de27-100 ELIRIJ ROBERTS, Sec'y. OFFICE OF THE OIL RUN IMPROVE} 0 MENT COMPANY, No. 228% Walnut street: the first Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held at their office on THURSDAY, 4th January next, at 12 o'clock M. data 9t aAMUEL D. HAWLEY, Secretary. 1:1b 'U MIA, NION NATIONAL BANK. Pan.anar, Dec. 9,1865. The annual meeting of the stockholders of this Bank. for the election of Directors, will be held at the Banking House, on TUESDAY, January 9th, 1866, between the hours of 10 and 8 o'clock of that day. deLl-80trpi N. C. 3IUSSELISEAN, Cashier. 10, THE YHCENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF PRI - 1 , A DELPHLS.. DECEMBER 18tb, 1885. N °lice is hereby given, that, agreeably to the charter, an election Or fifteen Directors will be held at the Company's oflice,on MONDAY, the Ist day ofJanuary next. at 11 o'clock, A. M. •delBtjali SAMUEL WILCOX, Secretary. rOo OFFICE UP: THE ANTHRACITE rig3u 31A_NCE COMPANY, No. 3U WALNUT Street, PIIILADELPIIIA, Dec. 25th, 1865. The Annual Election for Ten Directors will be. hold at this office on MONDAY, the Ist day of January next, between the hours of 10 arid 12 o'clock A. M. de2.6.541 With M. SMITH, Secretary. IL'?SECOND NATIO SAL BANK OF pEULA, DELPHLI,., FRANI:7ORD, Dec. 27, 1865. Toe annual meeting of the Stockholders or this Bank for the election of Directors will be held at the banking kunst on atiEsDAY, January 9th, 186 e, between the ull3 of 12 and 3. WILLIAM H. RHAWN, de27,tja9l Co abler U. OFFICE OF THE DELAWARE MX/TIM:I SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. ,PfELLA DELP.IIIA, December I.Bth, 1165. The Annual Election for twenty-eight Directors will be held at this office on MONDAY, the first day of January next, between the hours of 10 A. M And 2P. m. HENRY LYLB I IIItN, de2l-Btl Secretary. 10,. KENSINGTON AND NEW JERSEY FERRY COsIPANY. ',the Annual Meeting of btockholdersfor the election of Directors wit be held at the otTce. iois EACH Street, above Laurel. on MONDAY. January, 1, JAGti, between the hours of 10 A. M. nod 2 - P M. CHARLES LI.7KE:gS. de20.101.* becn.t.iry. MLTUAL FLRE INSURANCE COMP ANN PlitLADiatP.ElLA.—Twellth mo. pecetn hen 231.1..1.13t,5.. 1 he annual election for Directors will be hell at the office or the company, No. 5 South Filth street, os. SECOND DA) (Monday), the Bth day of First month (January) next. between the hours of IC and 2 r clock_ detcl-12t T, Eta, u 0() CHAPMAN, Seaptary. PHILADELPHIA AND TR'NfO RAILEULt D Y. .11111..knImed lA, De ember 20th bO5. The auhual meeting of the E toekholdera!ancl an election for Directors tor the ensuing year witibe twin at the Comma)) 'a (Alice on N. 02 DAY, the eigiath da) of January, 1660, at 1 o'clock P. M, dilrtjaa J. MORRI LL. Secvtary. OFFICE OF THE A_L,LEULIEeiv RAILROAD l-O,IIPAIN Y, l'irrseuntilt, Dee /665. '1 he coupons due Ist proximo on the first nortgaze bonds of this ,cmpany, heal in Philadelphia, kill br paid on presenta.ion at the office of TOW.It.E.,:i) CU., No. sus WALP..O x' street, lon acid JOHN I3A LLAIN-Tts: utter January 2d, 1866 dc:_";,t Ja,2 t • AMZEICAN LIFE I.NSCRANC4 AND TED :I , T COMPANY, WALN Ul' ttreet, South eu,r Corner of FOURTH, PIIILADELP.IIIA, Dtcenabet 1J 11,b3. NOTICE —'l he annual meeting of the Stockholders of the , Company, for the Election of Tkarteeld True ters,to serve the ebsuing year,%v ill be held at the °dice. on MONDAY, January Ist, lstiti. between 10 A. M, anu 12 o'clock, noon. JOEJI S. WlL.l3titi, delstjall Secretary. fIU. INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, PEuta.DILLYaI.L. Du cewber Yid, 18.65. n Election tor Thirteen Directors of the Compariy will be held at the Company's Office, Nos. 4 and 5 Ex change Bunning, on AiONDA I', January Bth. 1856, be tween the hours of ten o'clock A. hi, and one o'clock P. hi. WILLIAM. HARPER, de2.3toJa7 Secretary. OVbiosELEII. RAILROAD COMPA.NY PELLA. DE1.1 . 111., December the annual meeting of the Stockb older 3 of the Mose. lem Buiiroad Company; will be held at the °nice of the Pialmielphia and reading Railroad Company, No er bout h FOURTH street, Phliadeiphia, ou MONDAY, January 15th, 1006, at 10 A. Y.. whenan election will be held fur a }'resident and six Directors, to serve the en suing year. W. A. CHURCH, de=-IjitiSt Secretary. COLh.BRoOKDALkI itALL,ROAD COM PAN Y,I.IIIL&D.KLPIIIA. December 1, 1563. lbe Annual Sleeting or the stockholders of the Cole. brookdate Railroad Company will be held at the office of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company, No. 227 South PutIRTII Street, Ptcladelphla, on ,51.0:4- DAY. January 15th, 1566 at 11 A. M , when an election will re held •or a President and six. Directors. to serve the ensuing sear. W. .s. causcu. dc2.2tials Secretary. p. OFFICE. OF LEITIC;H VALLEY RAJ LRO COAIYANI , PHI_LADELPILIA, December /81/1, The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will be held at'Xbelr office, No. 412 Walnut street, on MONDAY, the Bth of January next, at 12 o'clock M.. at which time an election will be held for Presdhstit and twelve Directors for the ensuing year. dels.l7to M.A.NUFACTWIEII.6 . INSURANCE COM PANY-0111ce, No. 114 Walnut street—Pima- DELPHIA, Dec. 11, 1455. The annual meeting of the stockholders of "The Manufacturers' Insurance Company of tne State of Pennsylvania" will be held at the °nice of the Coin pang, on MONDAY. January let, 1866, at 4 o'clock, P. M., when an election will be held lbr ten Directors to serve for the ensuing year. dell lstrpt • M. B. KELLY, Secretary. OFFICE OF UNION MUTUALTN:SI:f ir:7y RANCE COMPANtC.—Paria.DELeeaw, Dec. 20, _ _ 15b5. The Annual Meeting of the sock and scrip holders of the Union Mutual insurance Company of Phtladel phin,__w ill be held at the olliCe of the Company, on MONDAY, January 8, 1886, at 12 M, at which time will be held an election for eight Directors to serve for the ensuing three years. do.atjaal JOHN MOSS, Sec'y. OFFICE CATAWISdA R. B. COMPANY. No• 424 Walnut street. PIEELADELPILIA, Decem ber 4th. Certificates of scrip on the 'preferred stock of this Company will be issued on February Ist, 1868. The transfer books tor the preferred stock will be closed for this purpose on Jannary Ist, 1866, and opened on February ist. By order dr.c. BL F. HUTCHINSON, des4 fel/ Vice Pres. and Sec. U. , THE VINTON FiHRACE AND COAT, COMPANY OF OHIG—The undersigned com missioners, named In the certificate of Incorporation of said Company, will open the books for and receive subscriptions to the Capital Eitock of said Company on Saturday, January 6th, 1866, at ten o'clock A. M. at the office of GeorgeF. Work, No. 121 South Third street in the city 01 l'hilatielphia. GEO. F. WORK. CHAS. H. GRAHAM. de26-10t* F. S. HOVEY. rr OFFICE OF THE NORTH PENNSYLVANIA U RAILROAD COMPARY.—PHILADELYECIA, De: cember 20, 1865. THE ANNUAL MEET NG OF THE STOCK HOLDERS OF THE FORTH PENNSYLVA. NIA RAILROAD COMPANY will be held at the office of the Company, N 0.407 Walnut street, Phila delphia, on MONDAY, Sanitary Bth, 1866, at 12 o'cloca M., at which time and place an election will be held for a President and ten lirectors to serve for the ensuing year. ED' ARD ARMSTRONG d2O-tiaB Secretary, . OFFICE OF PH FAME INSURANCE U t y COMPANY, N 0.4 OIELESTNUT sweet, pins,- DELPH/A DEC. TA. 1865. _ . . NOTICE.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Fame Insurance Cdmpany will be held on MONDAY, the Bth day of January, 1866, next, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the office erne company. An election for Twelve Directors to serve for the en suing year will be held at the same place between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P.M. W. I. SHA RD, BLAN de2StjaB tary. • OFFICE OF TEE ENTERPRISE ENSUE ANTE COMPANY,4OO Wainat Street—Rama- Dia,PHCA, Dec 2 8 d,1865. NOTICE—rue annual meeting of the Stockholders of "The Enterprise Insurance Company' will be held on MONDAY, the eighth day of January next, at is o'clock, A. M.. at the office of the Company. An election for Twelve Directors to serve the ensu ing year will be held on the same day, at the same place, between the hours of to o'clock A. M. and 2 o'- clock, P. M. B. LOCKWOOD, de23 tia 83 Secretary. OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH VALLEY RAIL- Dir ROAD COMPANY, PnxLADELP.mta. November 14 , 1865., In order to procure, funds for the extension of the Railroad to the Wyoming Valley, I The 'Board of Directors of this Company, at their meeting, this day, Stockholders flling resolution: Resolved, That the of his Compe: shall be entitled to subscribe, .at par, for TWENTY PERCENT. additional to the Stock standing in their respective names on the Books of the Company, on the lat day of December next,• and each Stockholder entitled to a fractional part of a Share, shall e allowed to subscribe for a full share, as no fractions'will be is sued. Subscription Books will be opened at the Compa ny's office in Philadelphia on :the lath of December, and close on the lath of JannarlaNS._ _— Payments to be made Its follows: . Five dollars per share to be paid at the time' of subscribing, and 'llve dollars per share on the lath day of each and every month thereafter, until the whole amount shall have been paid—after which certificatefrof the new stock will be Issued, but neither interest nor dividend will be allowed until the whole shall be paid as aforesaid. Those Stockholders who fail to subscribe within the time mentioned or to pay the several instalments'at or before the period they fall due, will lose their right to the new stock; , By order of the Board. ' • • ' = • CIHAZIBITRLAIN, Treasurer. nois-zm• SPECIAL NOTICES. 140 TICK—The Annual Meeting of the Stock -1/•.,7 holders of the CEDAR HO LLovir LIME COM PANY, will be held on MONDAY. January Bth. 1886; at 11 o'clock, A. M., at the office Ninth and Jefferson streets,to elect five Directors, a Secre.ary and Treas urer to serve for the year.. . de23-a3to pbws OFFICE OF ' THE NORTH PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD` COMPANY, Fhlladel a No. 407 Walnut street, Dec. 28. 1885. The coupon dee January 1 1.1366. by this Company, will be paid upon presentation on and after TOES DAY..Tannary./.. WILLIAM WISTER. de2B-tjali ' Treasurer. MEMO UNIVERSITY OF'PENN,YLVANIA—DE- Iity PARTMENT OF ARTS. -' The Second Term of the College year will °pew on TUESDAY, th al.ttday of January. Candidates for admission will appsaloat the University. for exataination, on that day, at to o'clock, A. M. Tuition for each Term, Thirty-five Dollars. GEORGE ALLEN, den ati Secretary of the Faculty of Arts. OsPELL ADELP.I3.I.A., December 27th, 186.5*—Phe Annual 'Meeting of the stockholders of the Shamokin Coal Company will be held at the office, No, DA South FOORT.Ii street, on WEDNESDAY the 17th day of January next at 11 o'clock. , The Transfer Books Will be closed from January2nd to Isth,, 0. B. LINDSAY, de29tjal7a Secretary, - OFFICE OF THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE 11.,) ) " INSURANCE CONTANX, No 921 CITRSINUT street, Philadelphia. ELECTION.—An .election for Nine Trustees, to serve fol:,thres years, and One, to serve for two years, will be held, at the office of the Company, on MONDAY , the first day of January, 1886. Polls open from 10 A. M. to 12 M. . H. S. STEPHENS, del3-w,s,m,tal . Secretary. CHESTER VALLEY ItAILROA 13 COAL RAN Y .—The Annual Meeting of the. Stock hiti:rs of the Chester Valley Railroad Company, be held at the Merchants' Exchange, Phitadel phia. on MONDAY, the Bth day of. January, A. D. 1866, at 12% o'c.ock, P. M. At which meeting an elec [low will be .held for a President andtieven Directors to serve for the ensuing year.- dell w.aBtd \VAL. H. HOLSTEIN, Secretary, Os SOUTHWARK NATJON&L BANK, PBILA irgi.mna, December. 9, 1565. the Annual Meeting of .the—Stockholders- of this Bank for the election of Directors, will be held at the banking Rouse on Tuesday. the 9th day of January nett, between the hoars of 10 'o'cloc.k A. M. and 12 ts. SPIEL, Cashier. de9-13,tu,th,tjO? THE PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON I.I•DY :BALTIMORE RAILROAD COMPANY,Pnine- DELPHIA, December M 11,1665. The annual meeting's( the Stockholders of this Com pany. and an election of Directors, will take niece at the office of the Cumpauy, in Wilmington, on the tecond MONDAY (Sib) of January next, at II A. M. dell.-tu,th.b-tjaSi ALFRED RURNEP., Sec'ry. OFFICE 'WARREN AN FRANKLIN 11:2' AND FRANKLIN COMPANY, .ii053,-„i Walnut ,atreet. 11,11LADI LF73IA, Dec. 19th, 1865. The annual rnt- , etine of Stockholdera and election for Directors of the Warren and Fraukliu railway CoMr,any will he held at the office or the Company, en MONDAY, January 6th. 186 a. GEORGE C. THOMAS, JR , dl9-tu,th,s,9ti Secretary. 'PHILADELPHIA AND lta FERIII' PAr,SENC; h-13 RAILWAICUatPI.\V.PtiiLa- DYl.rai in. December, 28, 1 tie .annual Meeting of Stock holder 3 and an election f or Pre:bide/It, Treasurer and six Dire.nors be held. at the k/21ce of tee roruptins, st, es t., bt-lOw Spruce, on. Jainiary 15 1 , 15 at 1 , JAS. MCFADDEN', Jr., dens-LL t Jslfi SecrmtArr. U. A. ht 'LIEETIN OF TIIE, ,ruck holders of the titenda)e oil Company held at toe Wetherill Hou-e, San , om street. shove tniAtla. on I.T.E , •DAY, the .‘.l day etJannary next. at 3 o'clock P. N.. to reouce the L!apual awck of s ud oil:o -pal:1y% to cooskler a sui4 lemeat to th , • A anual deep )rt of the Board of D/rectors. and to transact ouch other es may be brought before theu.i. AV At. 1. ALDI:]o Li, Secretary. FORTY-NINTH AN vEri.sAtty - INDIGENT WIDOW,' AND SiNtiLE WOMEN'S SOCIETY, OF P.l-11 I.A A," will be held at the Wldows' As} lam, Cherry street, atpwe -eventeenth, on THURSDAY, January 11th, at l o'clock, at which time tho annual report will be lead. and au address delivered by Rev. Dr. Boardman. The subscribers and other triends of the Institadon, are invited to attend. GIRARD NATION.A_L EtAiiii,PuttanEtrut.a. December vtla, 1865. Ae Annual Election for Directors will be beld at the Banking Hoarse. on WEDNEDAY, the loth day of January. 1.%6, between the hours of lo A.M. and 2 P.'S. A meeting of the stockholders will be held at the same place and on the same day at 12 o'clock Li.. for the purr.we of taking into consideration the general Interests of the Institution. d9-3,tu,th,(Jalo fr ------ 11AHANOY AND BROAD MOUNTAIN RAILROAD COMPANY, Office, No ZZ7 SOUTH RTH STREET. Piru.Abra.rulA, December 'r2d. ie. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Ma banoy and Broad Mountain Railroad Company will oe held at the Office of the Company, No. South Fourth street, on 2.IOIXDAY, January Sth, Ms, at one o'clock, Y. M., when an Election will be held for a Pre sident and Six Directors to serve fur the ensuing year. dela-sadn,th,7te OFFICE OF THE PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PIIILADELPIIIA. NU. 111 South Fourth street, 12th mo.. 13th. 186.5. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the above named Company. will be held at their office on THIRD DAY, Ist m0..2d (Tuesday, January 2), 1866, at 10 o'clock, A. M. An election tar three Dlrec - ors. to serve fbr three years AL , will be held between the hours of 10A.AL, and 2 P. del3-tjalf ROWLAND PARRY Actuary OFFICE OF THE HOME INSURANCE COMPANY OF PIHT. I/ELYRIA, la) South Fourth street. Firmanix.rnr.. l / 4 , Dec. 26, ten. The Annual Meeting of the stockholders of "The Home lisurance Company of Phl'adelphia," will be held on Monday the eighth day of January next at luo'cloct A. M.. at the office of the Company. An elution for twelve Directors to serve the ensuing year will be neld on the same day at the same piece, oetween the hours of to o'clock A. M. and 2 o mous THOS. 'algal .SON, de26tojast Secretary. _ OFFICE OF THE McELHENY OIL CO'il - 218 WALNUT Street, Room No. 11; PHILADELPHIA, Dec, 12th, 1565. The annual zu*ettng of the Stockholders of the Mcl.ll-1 Y OIL COMPANY will be held at the Mot> of the Company, 118 WALNUT street, Philadel phia. on TUESDa I', Id day of January, A. D 1866 at 12 o'clock L. for the purpose of electing a Clerk and Board of nine Directors, and fur the transaction of such Ihrther business as may properly come before them. By order of the Board. de121,11. G. E. FRYER, Clerk. DELAWARE MINING COMPANY OP MICR lOAN.—Notlce Is hereby given, that the Tenth Installment beingTWO DOLLARS per Share ou each and every .hare of the Capital Stock in the Dela ware tinning Company of Michigan, has this day been called by the Board of Directors of said Company, due and payable at the office of the Company, No. 526 WALNUT street, Philadelphia, on or before the lath day of December, 1865. Interest will be charged on all Instalments after the same shall have oecome due. By order of the Board Py II 'rectors. B WYATT WIbTAR, Treasurer. PHILADELPHIA Dec 4, 1885. des,tuln4 OFFICE OF THE McELHEICT OIL CO., 218 Walnut Street. DlECrani ER 21,1865. .a special meeting or the stockholders of the Mc- Illbeny 011 Company will be held at the Office of the Company. No. 218 Walnut street, Philadelphia, on TUMDAY, the 2d day of January next, at 12 o'clock. P fer the i.urpose of considering a proposition to reduce the Capital Stock of the Company from one million dollars to two hu n dred thousand dollars,dlvided into one hundred thou.sand shares of the par value of two dollars a share. By order of Board, p—. THE NORTHERN tiOCTP :SOCIETY will open their House situated at the corner of Peter's alley and Fourth street, above Brown, for the gratui tous distrlbution.of soup to the poor, on THURSDAY, December 29th. During the ~past year, 54,35 i quarts of soup were distributed to 3.229 persons, beside.s which 9,000 baths were given to respectable poor women and children, Donations In money or material will be thankfully received at the house or by either of the undersigned: CHARI,ER J. SUTTER, President, Set Callowhill street. SAMUEL T. CHILD, Secretary, 824 North Second street. T. MORRIS PEROT, Treasurer, 621 Market street. RICHARD W. BACON, 428 North Fifth street. JOHN 0. JAMES, 239 North Third street. iILiS-Ots Or by any of the other managers of the society. RSUGAR CREEK AND WOLF RUN LU BRICATING OIL COMPANY.—NOTICE TO EHOLDERS. Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the Stockholders of the Sugar Creek and Wolf Run Lu bricating 011 Company, will be held at the 011 ice of the Ccmpany No, 224 South Fourth street,Phladelphia, on SATLRDAY, the 18th day of January, 1866, at a o'clock P M., to consider the propriety of reducing the capital stock of the Company from One Million Dollars to Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. ELISHA W. DAVIS, JAMES M. SELLERS JAMES B. MAC4INLEY, A. E. McCLURE, A majority of the Directors. Office of the S. C. and W. R. 011 Company, No. 234 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, December 22d, 1865. de23-e,84 10. SPRING GAMY_ TON WOOD, S. E. nor. At the annual meeting of the following gentlemen WE ensuing year. Jas. Peters. Pres't Eli Kronpp, Jobn M. Ogden, V. Pres% Thos. Minh, Thos. Mather, Treas. A. V. Murphy, F. Pi, Atmore, Sec! Hiram Miller, C. P, Bower, Jas. Chambers, Jos. H. Collins, D. B. Erdman, Jobn Edgar, John Q. Ginnode. Jot W. Gaskil, John Godbou, Aaron W. Gash.lll, The Managers are grater& for the liberalitY hereto. fore extended to them in behalf of the poor. - of the district, and respectfully ask acontinuance of the same during the coming season. Samuel W. Black has been reappointed collector and all, contributions made to him or to, any of.the above Managers, will be gratefully received.. The House will be Opened for the distribution of soup to the deserving poor on TUESDAY next, Jan. 2d, 1866. , • F: B. AT HOBE, Seeretar, .; das-ats Tenth and Buttonwood streets: VGLISH CATSVPS, '119.13111M - aa.o. - - CrOsse Blackwelra "Raigliatt Tickle.s; Ca pt Saucett — Durham Mustard; Olives, &c. lak(llag 'ex ship Yorktown and for sale by JOS. S. .13U §;51.W. 4 CQ,. 108 Efouth Delwrique avenue. W. L. SCHAFFER. Cu.shier G. E. FRYER. Clerk. I SOUP SOCIETY, Bar- Bsou). the Society. held Nov. 6th. - e elected Managers for the Israel Peterson, Richard Peterson, Gilbert B. Parker, Franklin Shoemaker, Wm. Vandevere, David Vandevere, Henry Warner, Amos Walker, PLY SHEET ®gICYP.IP~Y~. HAMS F.f.wrsastiAsk, 808. LIVERPOOL- AND CORK DULIMIT. e class full powered Clyde bat iron scree steamships of this Line leave regularly . EVERY . WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY THRCIIGHOIiT the YEAH. First Cabin (by Wednesday's 5teamer)...—.......500 CO Steerage (through front Philadelphia) 85 00 PAY Rt iCIII PAPER , ZOBBOBAKBBZ BELFAHT .BrIBBIN,' GLASGOW OB The elegant Clyde built iron screw steam HIBERNIA leaves on SATURDAY. Dec. 16,1865. Cabin (according, to sto and M Steerage.._..... , . An payable ... paper money and booked - thrush ChYarb free from Phtlad% l .to any of the above ports. Parties about the old country,wM find it to their advantage to on the undersigned before en. gaging elsewhere, as they can seem choice bertha sad save their railroad expenses to New York. For passage, apply to w, A, 1T A MIT.T., No. 20 Walnut street (up stairs). Drafts Issued for any amount, payable in any part of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales or on the Con. tf tinent. tell 4-47,i STEAM TO LPTEOPOO.I4. *MI 8 at_ QUEENSTOWN, the ituteel Lh at iS s eeMell =Wilt the -U. I . .ETN e Saturday. Sn _ . CITY OF MAN H143T14R., .-Wednesoay, Jan. 8 F.DINBIJRCH---.Saturdity, Jan. 6 At Noon. rrom Pier 44 North River. B.A.TEEI OP PASSAGp. • ' PAYABIN IN storm. First Cabin....... --4= lo l S te enig a— —IS° First to L0nd0n,........ 93 Steerage to Wade..-.-. 34 First to Parls..--.........-aes Steerage to Paris-- 40 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Hamburg, Bre. men, &c., am, at moderate rates. . 1190. S Passage by the Wednesday 'Steamers, Firet •Catdri, teerage, V. 5, payable In United States currency. - Steerage passage from Liverpool or Queenstown, go gold, or its equivalent. Tickets can be bought here persons sending for their friends. , For 'hillier Information, apply at the Company's 01. lives.- JOHN G. DA T.R, Agent , de2B - in Walnut street. Philadelphia. 7. RE-OPENING OF THE OUTSIDE LINE OF SYR* W between PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK. This favorite line will commence their trips on THURSDAY next, 80th inst.: The following well known and staunch sea-boats will be.placed F on the route: Steamer .ADM MAI - Capt. Nichols. 4 STERN CITY " Mundy, RE'NNEBEC " Edmonds. Days of departure (from each 'city) will be TUES. DA' 6, TLIURSDAYs AND SATURDAYS, leaving this city from tint wharf below Spruce street, at 11 o'clock, A. M. and New 'York' from pier 4; North Rher, at 4 o'clock P. M Freights received daily, and taken at reasonable rates. all goods destined beyond New York will be lox warded free of commissions. ' For rates of freight, dic., die., apply at the office, 314 and gni South Delaware avenue. nontfi P.M. CLARK, Agent. •FOR BOSTON. STEAIIIITIE LINE OTRECT. Li/LING . FE olf EACH POI:PEI - EBY /YE _DAYS. ELoMEINE WIIAKF. PHILADELPHIA, AND LONG Villa R 1.% BOSTON. • . The steamship INORN A N. Captain Baker, will sail front Boston on Tne-sday, January 2. at 12 M Tie steamship SAXON, Captain Matthews, will sail from Philadelphta on Thursday. Jan. 4, at is A. lt,L. be line between Philadelphia and Boston is now composed of the SA_XON, Captain Matthews, MO tons burthen. NOIIMAN, t..4.ptain Baker, roue tons burthen. ARIES, Captain Crowell. ttiii• , tons burthen. Thee substanital and well appointed steamships will sad punctiailly as ,dverti=e,i, hnd freight will be received every day, a steamer being always on the berth to receive cargo. shippers are requested to send Bills of Jeding with their goods. For freight or passage, apply to B_EXRAT VTICSOR d CO., detio =South Delaware avenue, PHILADELPHIA. EICMIGICD 14-Iqt ^VA.; • NORFOLK .TEA VSECIP compallY. The fine steamships of this Lire Insure at the lowest razes ana sail rtmilarly from the First Wharf above ...tarket street, every WE3)tiESDAY atd SATURDAY. At Noon, Connecting with Railroads from RichMond, Norfolk and City Point, farming the most direct route for the South and southwest. For freight or passage, with excellent accommoda. duns. apply to WM. P. CLYDE et CO., 14 North and Bonin Wharves, NEW.PF..EtS LIVE TO ALBX• ANDRIA. C4eorgetown and Washington via esapeake and Delaware Canal, with connections at Alexandria, V&,form the moat direct route Mt Lynchburg, Bristol Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Scutheest. Steamers leave First Wharf above Market street every Wednesday and Saturday at 12 For aright apply to the agents, W. P. CLYDE & CO., 14 North Wharves. .I. B. Davidson. Agent at Georgetown; M. Eldridge d Co., Agents at Alexandria. PC& Driw Toß.K.—ziew Ltr.e—Vb Delaware and RarltanCanal.—rhlladelphh an. • or) "Express Swaniboat Company wPd re wive freight and leave cis. ly at 2 P. H., delivering that carves in New York the following days. Prelght taken at reasonable rates. YTELLIAII P. CLYDE, 9.= 14 South Wharves, P JAUES HAND, Agent, ja.%-tf Piers 14 and Li East laver, N. Y. a NEW TOW-BOAT LINE. - - DELA TEASE and CEIXELeLPEdIit ILA b Tr-BoA T COM.PAXE HA B VE ES E to GR e A d C E BALTIMORE, L A W D A L SH H G TON. and Intermediate points. Whl. P. CLYDE & CO., Agents NO. 19 South Wharves, Philadelphia. Captain MID: LAUGHLIN, Superintendent. FOR SAN FRA:NCPSC'O. ROBINSON'S CALIFORNIA ( , UPPER LINE. SAIL LNG REGUI ARLY AS ADVERTISED. Freight for this Line sent to New York by Swirl Sure Line at reduced rates. The renowned clipper ship STAR OF THE TEN 101.1 _r t e Is now taking in the ta, pier 11 East River. and will balance positivelyof hercargo at be the first clipper ship to sail. All freight should be forwarded huniediately, as she will close ont In a flaw days. For freight, apply to BISHOP, SON & CO., • 105 Arch street. FOR BOSTON—press Line.—The fine schooner FRANK ILEXBERT, Chase, master. now loading for the above port at Girard's wharf, above hiarket street, will sail on Saturday, Mth inst. For freight, apply to DAVID (..X4OPFfR CO.. is .North Wharves. FOR PROVIDENCE.R. I.—The fine schooner iz ALEX. BLUE, Smith, master, now loading for the above port at Cattell's wharf, above Market street, will have prompt espatch. :For freight, apply te DAVID COOPER & 00.. d 18 N. Wharves. d..) FOR NEW FORS.—Express Line.—Tae tine schooner F. L. POTTER. Small, master, now loading for the above port at Cattell's wharf above 'Market street, will have prompt despatch.- For freight, apply to DAVID C.H3PER et CO., 18 North Wharves. ' - de 2s N., FOR FREIGHT OR CHAP-TER.—The fine schooner ELIZABETH MAGEE, Magee, master, 450 tons burden, or 4,000 ,bbts. capacity; coppgred and copper fastened; now in port and ready for any voyage. Apply to DAVID COOPER dt CO.. Id North Wharves. de23 FOR BALTIMORE. MD.—The fine schooner MARY GAY, Captain Keen, is now loading for toe above port at Girard's wharf,above Market street, and will sail with despatch. For freight, apply to DAVED COOPER & CO., IBT7. Wharves. FOR LIVERPOOL. The tine Al ship v.;:, MOUNT ROYAL, Cumminger, masters having the greater portion of hercargo engaged, will sail with despatch. PETER WRIGHT & SONS, 115 Walnut street. FOR BREMEN.—The AI Bremen ship EMIL, ok. lire accommodations s For Cabin passage, having board, or to WORR'MAII osr., p e.3 k.V)l)llneuFsati,(iineltr FOR BALE.--The schooner RAISON, '199 tons register, Is a large carrier, and has just been d t In repair. For terms, apply to', E A. ',0•171;E.8. ' ,1t Co., Deck street wharf. W.S-6t OWNER WANTED for two laids. STAG WASTE, consigned to HINES &CO., ex shin Mount Royal ttom Liverpool. PETER WRIGHT & SONS, .115 Walnut street. de:.17.4t S HIP IiEs.R.RIMAC, from Liverpool. is now t.)dis charging under general order at Shippen street wharf. Consignees will please attend to the reception of their goods. PETER WRIGHT & SONS, 1151Val nut street. delB-tif A LL PERSONS ARE. HEREBY CAtiTIONTED 11 against trusting the crew of the Br. ship MOUNT ROYAL. Cuniminger master, from Liverpool, as no debts of their contraction will be paid by the • Captalu or Consignees. - PIMER WRIGHT & SONS, 115 -Wal nut street. • ATOTICE.—AII persons are hereby cautioned against IN harboring and trusting any of the crow of the Danish brig DAINMARR, as no debts of tnelr contract ing will be paid by captain or consignees. WORK- MAN & Cu.. Consignees. 123 Wain t street. SHIP NOTICE.—AII persons are hereby cautioned against trusting any of the crew of the Br. ship S. L. TILLY, whereof Cann is master, from City Point, Va., as no debts of their contracting will be paid by captain or censignee. EDMOND A. SOLIDER & CO., Dock. strett wharf. • 1 dela . FOR SALE.—S. ELLIS &CO.'S SHIP SHE ATIEUNG FELT, la lots to suit. Apply toPETER 'WRIGHT &SONS. IJS Walnut street. de2B-tf TAB. eneceasor to JOAN E3BEIENDLE.R BONS, Sall . Makers, No. Sp North VFIEL&BVI2I. below Vine sweet, Philadelphia, All work done In the best manner and on tae lewori and roost- liworable terms ,' and warranted to Give par. feet satisfaction. PartioularAttention civeit to , repotting. BOARDING. 'ram HANDSOME R . E,SIDISNCE,I3„ Itcot, of spruce btal.tiedinotho strms eets e ls , tlae reception of out, privra etable, , 1,13.1‘ IICEWRAISINS.-500b ores Bunch and Layeritaishr SOO boxee Valencia Raislos,__' 'mo 100 ats! Seedleirr Raising for sale by „ThEV:B. , BI7I2.BpKw. 09.; 115 SOLith Water street o- • - MilHOPS—Growth of 1865. Just recelv_ store d for sale by WILLIAIz S. cisiemr, ROT Re WWI Delaware avenue. NEW PUBLICATIONS. NEW 310C11 - 3041Y15.- - lOCYUNIEV LAVE vzusirs CITY FLIRTATION. A splendid new satlrleal poem by H. T. 6prrry, with twenty large Illustrations by ti oppin. Zegantly 1 printed and bound In beveled covers; quarto, tinted paper.:- Price .350. ***:.a lso, , a cber.per edition; with all the illustrations, white paper, S 2 50. ••_ Also, the smaller editlorr. $t 50 {OUR ARTIST IN" CUBA. A n- , •cv Illuminated edi -2 tion. , Quarto size. Printed attractively in EMVEN coLons; and elegant beveled binding • 53 Up {:t.s. PRINCE OF RA SIENA.. An exceedingly 8 interesting new novel, by the author of ",n toe ca;" edited by is. B. Kimball.— 12. 00 ':I.THE LOVE-LITE OF DR. K ANE. With Memoir and Correspondence concerning the secret ;Aar rlage between Dr. E. IL Kane, the Celebrated. lretie LExplorer, and DI ias Fox Al 75 • A SPINSTER'S STORY. A new novel by M. A. s{ l . 75 *..*An handsomely bound in cloth, and sent by mall free on receipt orprice, by CARLETON, Publisher, del3-w&stf Bear York. pETEMSONS' LAST PIIBLICa.TIONS: OUR MUTUAL FRIEND. By Charles Dickens. price el 00 paper, or co. so in cloth'. TEE EARL'S. SECRET. By Miss Pardo. Si. ALLWORTH ABBRY. By Mrs tiouthworth. 12. RED COURT PABMi By Mrs. Wood. Price 75 cents. TRAIN'S SPEECH TO.THE FENIAN'S. 25 cents. THE LOVER'S TRIALS. By Mrs. Denison. 12. ' CHARCOAL SKETCHES. By J. C Nee.. price 12 50. ROSE DOL'GLABi -An Autobiocraphy. Price $l. TELai LOST WILL. By. Mrs. Wood. Price 50 cents. MRS. GOODE") , LLOW'S COORERY BOOK. 31. ISIILDRESI:ARKELL. By Mrs. Wood. Price HIGH LILO.: IN W.ASHIE7DTON. Price 12. THE BEAUTIFUL WIDOW. Price SIX E Mars WITH TALE W , sHINGTONIANB. LOVE AND MONEY.' Br 3. B. Joliet. Price 12. s LENT i+TRUGGLI. By .111 rs. Ann S.StO,hens, efra THE MATCH MAKER. B.+ Beatrice Reynolds. 12.. Send for Petersons' Descriptive Catalogue. Books ..ent, postage paid, on rec Opt of retail price. Address all cash orders, retail or tv •olpsale. to T. B. PETERSON &BROTHERS. Bo sue Chfttniat street, Philadelphia. A LARGE STOCK OE,CHOICE HOLIDAY BOOKS, IS AT ERSONS' Also. ALL NEW BOOKS. 2t 1866.1' gre ß a i t varre O ty lt o i f af ' ,ll . sizes and style of bind ing, for sale at low prices. ILI USTRATED AND .TDVENILE ROOKS, In grt at variety, for pre. entatton. at wholesale prices. NEW AND S - I'A.NDa an BOOKS. Of all kinds, received as soon as published, cr procured promptly to order. MISS IIcIiKEVER'S POPULAR BOaKS. TAE wconeLnT CHILDREN. A new juvenile volume, prettily illustrated. .so. ts - kw EMI - lONS OF WOODCLIFF. By Harriet B. al clieever. EDITH'S .3.iINISTRY.. In one volume. SU.N‘,FIIN Or. ICATTP 'VINTON. THE Fl CED ROBE, AND WHAT IT COSTS. With frontispiece. ss .11c.he , Vera popularity as an aulhore;... and the elevated haracter of her writlo. have giv nto them a E.tahoard character equal to those of any female writer of the present day. LINDSAY & Bt. A FCISTON. Publishers and lio,k , ellers, No. 1.5 South Sixth et eet. W' ENV BOYS-BF THE AUTHOR OF "COTTA FAX.ILI." WINIFRED ITERTRAM AND THE WORLD SHE LIVED IN. 12mo. All the works by this popular author constantly on hand. Illustrated Books,Standard Juvenile and Toy Books in every variety. Fur sale by J aMFG S. CLAXTON. (Successor to W. S. & A. ?lartten), sue Chestnut street,. .41..E1113riti 0.1! PHILLDOIL 1417."11, GF Ad. PEILMOR, Musician and Cb...s Player, by e-'eors,, Allen, Greek - Professor in the University Penn sylvania: with a Supplementary Fray on Phitidor. :sk Chess .Author and Claws Player. Thaaslle Vol Et debrand and de La4a, Envoy Birexacransry nu wiz. later Plenipotentiary of the Ring of Prtnate. at tho. urt of Saae-Wreimar. 1 voL, vo at t Co op. Price M. Lately published octa by , vellum, E. H. BUTLER rtos A la 7 South .Fourth 61.11t3t. OHALL.EN'S MACULATING LIBRARY.—AII the V . moat Readable works. and quanti.ies of New Books constantly on hand. Call and examine his New Cata logue at lalS Chestnut street. ett AM BARB'S Blank Jtiookz and :stationery, 1105 .11 • : • t a •Sag_• DIrEl ROWDIAI CsIVA TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE crTr 1 AND COUNTY OF PH T 1.4 DF,LPELT.A.—Dttate of JOSEPH AUGUSTUS, deceased —The Auditor op. pop - . tea by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of Anna R. Augustus, Admtnistratrix of the Estate of Joseph Augustus, demised. and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the ac countant, will meet the parties interested for the pro poses of his appointment, on WEDNE .DAY, January 1566, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office, 40. b 5.1 South Filth street. second floor. in the city of Philstlelphis. WILT-TA M B. HANNA. Auditor. th sa tu-St. TI THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHIIIADELPHLA..—Estate of ANN WETEIHRII.L, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the - account of Andrew D. Cash and Mary A. Wetherlll, H - recntors of the last a Bland testament of Ann Weth erill, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on THURSDA.Y, January 11th, 1866, at .3J4 o'ctock P. ZL. at his office, No. Be 7 Race street, in the city orthiladelnhla. del-th,s,tn-Zt* TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY TN AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA—Estate of JOHN ELLIOTT, Deceased.—The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of Israel H. Johnson, surviving Executor of John Elli ott, late of the city of Philadelphia, druggist, deceased, and to repert distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant. will meet the parties interested for the portoses of his appointment, on TaMDAY 4 Jan uary 9th 18643. at 4 o clock, P. M. at his office, No. 131 South Fifth etreet, in the city of Philadelphia. de23-ea,tu,th,s9 GEO. M. CONARROE, Auditor. TN I.la_n. ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PS rt..t.DELPHIA. Estate of JOHN ELLIOTT, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle and adjust the accou t of Edmund J. Yard,surviving Executor of the last of John Elliott, deceased . and to repo t t distribution of the Balance In the han of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointmett,t on TEUrRSDaY, Jan 'y 4, 1866, at 4 o'clock, P..,1L at the Wetherill House, Sansom street. above Sixth, in the City of Philadelphia. de2a-s.tu,tnst. TN THE ORPHAN'S' COURT FOR • THE OITY TN AND CutNTY OF PHILAT.ELPHIA.—Estate of MARTHA THOM e'SON,dec'd .The auditor appoint ed by the court, to audit,settle and adjust the account of John Sharp. surviving trustee under the last will of Thomas McMullin. deceased, for Martha, McLoughlin, now Thompson). as filed by the Executors of the last will of the said John Sharp, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the ac countant, will meet the parties interested for the pur poses of his appointment, on FRIDAY, Januar.Y, sth, 1866, at 4 o'clock, P. 141., at the Wetherill House, No. 608 Sansom street, to the city. of Philadel phia. de.3 s,tu,tll.3t* TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND 1 COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA Estate of THOMAS lichil:LLlN, deceased. The Auditor ap pointed by the Court, to audit, settle and adjust the account of John Sharp, Executor of the last will of Thomah McMullin, deceased, as filed by Rebiamin Sharp and others, Executors of the last will of the said John Sharp, dec'd, and to report distribution of the ba lance in. the hands of the accountants will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment. on WEDNESDAY, the 3d of January, 1866, at 4 o'clock, P.M., at the Philadelphia. Huse, No. 605 SanSont street, in the City of de23-s,tu,th,st* IN lath COURT OF COMMON PLF 4 4 il FOR TEM CITY AND COUNTY OF P - trrr.A DELPHIA.— ANNIE B. PEIRCE. by her next friend. vs JAMES E. PEIRCE. Decernber Term, MS. No. a. In Di vorce. To James E. Peirce, respondent.—Sir: Take notice that the depositions of witnesses on the part of the libelant in the above case w.,11 be tat en before Wm. W. Fell, "R arnlner, at his office. No. 217 South SJXTE street in the City of Philadelphia, on WED- DiVsDA Y , Januaxy ttie 17th, 1866. at 3 o'clock. P. M. de2.4-15t2 JOHN GOFORTH, Attorney for Libellant. LETTERS. TES'nMENTARY on !the Estate of T. M. ZE.LL, (deceased, having been "granted to the subscriber, all persons having claims against the said Estate, are requested to make the same known, and those indebted to the said Estate, to =Ow payment to my Attorney in fact, ANDREW J. SLOAN, No. 509 Chestnut street, ANNIE ZELL, Executrix, No. 1954 Race street. n025-s6t* WANTS. 50()PEEL YEAR!—We want agents every where to sell our MLYROYND VO Sewing anilines.. Three new-kinds. under and upper feed. Warranted five years. Above salary er large\•commis alone paid. The ONLY machines sold in United States for lesethan $lO, which are fully licensed by Howe, Wheeler & Wilson, Grover d; Baker, Singer & Oo„ and Baehelder. 4U other' Cheap machines are infringe ments-. Circularsfree.• Address,-or call upon SHAW ct. CLARE, Biddeford, Maine, or at No =I Broadway, New York; No. 218 Carter street, Philadelphia, Pa.; N 0 . 714 Lombard's Block, Chicago Ill.; WO West Fourth street, Cincinnati, 0.; or No. 8 Spaulding's Ex change, Buffalo, N. Y. . des-a,toSou TATANTED—By a Lady, of refinement and high cul 1, tivation. a ' POSITION IN A SCHOOL; • where her services in, the Correction of the Composi tions and la the Grammar Department, or in any of the branches of an English Education, will compen sate for her board andthe advantage of learning the French language. Address TEACii ER. care of No. South Second street, •'. de27-w,f,s at* • . Philadelphia. lITAIsiTED,—By a Dry, Goods Jobbing House. TWO V SALESMEN who can command a large , cash trade. ° Address, B. D.; with real name; at the office of de9li 6t+ . $ 5 000 —WANTED.— A well •secureil .Yearly . ground rent of lo.or one of Sago, and .ISiONTGOMRRY 4°2- 'ASsl3taditltreet., one ir.:fEt2p. JOS. ABRAMS, Auditor
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers