BITISINESS PicOTICES. A RIDDLE. Outside thick walls of stone are mine, Within I'm full Of softest wool, All woven into ftibrlcs fine. . Here coats than clothe an onion core Are mt own; and though each day ' Heaps bf these are borne away, This only makes me have the more. To guess my name, the task is small: What should it be bat Tower Hail? tizara , , YOIITSEV Jam Bolts' CLoTiccso. TOWER HALL, Bro. 518 Market Street, BEN/TETT dr, CO. Ile Useful and Acceptable Presents. far Prices greatly reduced to suit the times. Goods sold at towel. prices than for several wears, COUGHS AND COLDS are often overlooked. A continuance for any length of time causes Irritation of the Lungs or some chronic Throat Disease. "Brown's .71tronchtai .Trochcs ; are offered with the fullest confi dence In their efficacy, giving almost invariably sure and immediate relief. JONES WEBSTER, NEWnPAPER . ADVERT SING AGENT (his specialty for seventeen years), Ho. ISO North Fifth at...L-11111as. BB - ADVERTISED& HINTS received for N.EWSPAPERS, far and near. de26-5Q - CRICSERING GRAND PIANOS. SEMLGRAND PIANOS! SQUARE GRAND PIANOS! Ale known to be temost perfect and permanent In struments in America Europe. In Grand and Musical Tone and in all respects of delicate and enduring mechanism, it is entirely con ceded by the GREAT ARTISTS OF THE PIANO, And ALL DISCRIMINATING MUSICAL AMA 7RURS, that CHICEERING PIANOS ARE FIRST Cu both sides of the Atlantic. NEW WAIIEROOMS, Ms CHESTNUT street. • de2.9 W. H. DUTTON._ STEINWAY dr. ANOS SONS' PI Are now acknowledged the best in.Tai strum:Lents in* Burope as well as America. They are used in public and private. by the greatest artists living in 'Europe, by Von Bnlow, Drsyschock. Liszt, Jaen, and others; in this country by Mills, Mason, olffsohn, etc, For sale only by .13LASIIIS BROS., den 51 w tf 1006 Chestnut street. OABINET ORGANS. CABINET ORGANS cABINET (Acura. ITM These truly beautiful instruments (made only by Mason dr. Hamlin). are Inimitable in their flute-like quality of tone, and have attained a celebrity in this country and Europe never equaled by any other reed Instrument. For sale only by J. E. GOULD, de2-11 Seventh and Chestnut streets, is taaur;„. .•!' ALBRECHT, BllEK.s.h' ,lic SCHMIDT, Piano Manufacturers. IT 'iRl A fine assortment of our first-class Instruments. of suerior tone and finish, on hand. Full guarantee and moderate prices. Ware Rooms. o.N 46 North THIRD noli-s,tu,th-itm/ . _ GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS. ust awarded titcr gliAn l i n e s a ti ., Mll tar Grand and Square Pianos. noa-tf J. E. GOULD. Seventh and Chestnut sta. EVENING BULL ETIN THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, :sus THE SOUTHERN BLACKS. The insurrection of the whites at the South, which the Northern copperheads hoped would succeed, having proved a dreadful failure, they are now hoping for an insurrection of the negroes. They are thirsting , for more blood, and this ": - rte they would be willing to have their slaughtered, simply for the cid allies `pair predictions and pleasure of having b...„ their theories verified. According to the copperhead organs, there were to be, about Christmas time, risings of the blacks against their former masters, all .over the Southern States. We have been treated to essays, edito rials and letters by the hundred, pre dicting such a mode of celebrating Christmas, and the writers of them have been looking for several days for news of the fulfilment of their prophecies. How eagerly they have snapped at every rumor of the kind. How they have chuckled when they have heard of a drunken negro attacking a white man, or a drunken white man attacking a negro. A row among the rowdies of Alexandria was magnified into an inci pient insurrection, and, in flaming and jubilant head-lines, it was paraded be fore the public. But it was only a drunken row, in which the white drunkards appear to have been more numerous than the black ones; for fifty or a hundred of the latter were badly beaten. This is the extent of the "rising of the blacks," so far as heard from. It is a grievous disappointment to the Northern copperheads that nothing more serious has occurred. It is a still more grievous one to receive such very pacific despatches as come from various Southern cities. From Petersburg we have this comforting message : "There have been no disturbances caused by the negroes, who have behaved themselves very well in this county. They have been quite orderly for the season, and never before wee so few seen on our streets during the Christmas holi days. There is no apprehension or un easiness in the public mind about them." At Norfolk and Portsmouth there were a few drunken brawls, but nothing serious. At Richmond, "There never was more harmony between the whites and blacks at this season. No aggressive disposition has been shown on the part of either." At Raleigh, N. C., "There never was a more orderly Christmas week. Thus far the blacks have be haved well. No apprehension of 'dis turbance from them here or elsewhere, so far as can be learned, exists." A like favorable report comes from Wilwing ton. N. C. We are sorry for our Copperhead neighbors, although we cannot help thinking that the public good and the preservation of human life are rather more important than the gratification of their hopes and the fulfilment of their predictions. The .truth is, the blacks have been shamefully belied by them ever since the beginning of our troubles. It . was , positively asserted that they would rise against their masters and mistresses, when the war began, and would slaughter, ravish and burn indisl erirninately: But they were singularly quiet and docile during the whole war, waiting and expecting their freedom in God'sgood time, with a kind of patience and faith; hat seemed like the result of inspiration. It was predicted, too, that negroes employed as soldiers would be insubordinate and cruel, and that they. would, incite the slaves to revolt. But nothing of the kind occurred, and with a few rare.exceptions, the' negro soldiers were well-behaved,and they never made mischief among the Southern negroes. This nuifonn docility and good behav- for of the Southern negroes, under cir cumstances calculated to try them, and to tempt them peculiarly to,. acts of dish order, establish for them a fresh claim upon the kindness and forbearance of the whites everywhere. They have sud denly been transformed from a state of dependent vassalage to one of entire freedom; they have to learn to compre hend this freedom, and the obligations and duties it imposes on them. Having been kept in dense , ignorance all their lives, it is a wonder that they should know these already so well as to behave in, an orderly manner during the holiday season. It shows that they have more commonsense than they have been cred ited with among the negrophobists, and that they are material for making good and orderly citizens. They should be encouraged in this, and thus they will become industrious and will contribute far more to the general prosperity as freemen than they ever did as slaves. STONEWALL JACKSON. The New York Daily News of yester day contains an eloquent editorial appeal in behalf of the family of "Stonewall" Jackson. Somebody, whose name un fortunately is not given, has written to Hon. Benjamin Wood, asking him to start a subscription for this object. This "somebody" is sure that Stdnewall has friends enough in New York, and hopes that they will at once have their "names honored in the columns of the News by eontributing to this most worthy ob ject." Mr. Wood endorses the appeal with an enthusiasm which none but a thorough-bred traitor could feel towards a brother traitor'. He declares that "all America will, one of these days, claim the honor of being the country of this great captain and simple hearted Chris tian hero," which, considering the way in which America evinces her eagerness to perpetuate the memory of her real heroes and her own captains, we should regard as rather dubious. The Honora ble Benjamin goes on to insult the pa trietism and the common sense of the American people by the assertion that they are entirely indifferent as to the sides which men took in the late rebel lion. He says: "Little will the people of after times reek whether be flashed his stainless sword in defence of his native State and her endan gered homes and temples—in defence of the weak against the strong—or whether he fought for the Stars and Stripes of the im perial Union." In other words, our future generations are to love treason as they do patriotism. They are to revere the man who tore down our country's flag and trampled it in the dust, as they do the man who • They are to place died Ili dPfenee , our Arnolds beside our Washingtons; our Davises beside or AM our Lint-.tolag. It this prediction of ilenjamin Wood't ever to be fulfilled, it will be in a time so remote that history will have become apocryphal and the traditions of the period in which we live have merged into the idlest fables. It will be "one of these days" before "all Americans will be proud of the fame of Stonewall Jack son, and will enrol his name on the proud list of American heroes and sol diers." We have ho patience with this mock sympathy for the men who, but for the courage and patriotism of the North, would have destroyed the fabric of our glorious Union; and none but an in grained enemy of his country would have the impudence to come before the American people with such appeals as this of Ben. Wood's. Stonewall Jackson was no doubt a brave man and an able one. He was Lee's right arm, and Lee never achieved any success after he died. More than this, he was probably a man of excellent personal character, equal in I this respect, perhaps, to thousands of the officers and men of the Union armies. What of all this? He was a traitor. A deliberate and voluntary traitor, only the more dangerous because of his military ability. He deserves, as does every man who occupied the same position, nothing at the hands of the American people but perpetual infamy, and the men who seek to excuse sun palliate the crime, and to avert or miti gate its proper punishment, are recreant to every principle upon which the loyal masses of the North engaged in and fought out this terrible war. Stonewall Jackson has left a widow and child in needy circumstances. Be fore they bee ,me widow and orphan he had filled tLe homes of the North with widows and orphans. He had produced a wide-spread desolation which can never be repaired. He had done more, per haps, to imperil the life of the Nation than any angle one of the rebel elates. There is an astounding audacity in coin ing now and inviting contributions at the North for this man's family. Aud yet the appeal will probably meet with many responses. Not only in New York but even it , loyal Philadelphia, we are well supplied with men who have lived for four years under the pro tection of our flag only to de sire and to plot its destruction. We have men enough whose sympa thies are all with treason and the agents of treason. We have doctors and lawyers and divines (?) who will be glad to help such a noble cause as this. We have men who saw, through successive summers, our brave soldiers necessarily detained around our public offices under thebroilingmid-daysun,withoutoffering them a cup of cold water in the name of the Union, but whose doors flew open and whose tables groaned with dainties as soon as the same streets were croWded With - the discharged inmates of Fart Delaware. Those men,who make merry over the testimonial which Congress has' doled out to the %family of Abraham incoln, will be delighted to contribute to the family of the traitor Stonewall Jackson. , THE DAILY EVENrN(T BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1865. The full returns of the State census of New York have been efficially pub-, fished.' The population of the entire. State in 1865 was 3,880,727,- being a decline of 48,950 since 1860, when the United States census was taken. At this rate of decline, and with Pennsyl vania increasing in population as she is, we shall soon be able to claim for her the title of the Empire State, as well as that of the Keystone. The fact is, Pennsylvania is growing by the decline of New York. Our oil, our coal, our iron and our vast industrial interests of other kinds are tempting people away from New York. After the next Na tional census it is not improbable that we shall be entitled to as large a repre sentation in Congress as New York, and that will be a good thing for the country at large, as well as for Pennsylvania. Thomas dc Sons' Pabllc Sales Real Estate. The sale on Tuesday next will Include a very neat residence, Twentieth street, near Walnut, and a number of other desirable properties. Alen, Stocks. See auction column. The sales of the 9th andlsth proximo will each com prise a numbet of very valuable Business stands on MABACILT street, FOURTH street, .kc. bale 17th proximo, elegant Residence and Furniture, Chestnut and Eighteenth streets. Sale 23d proximo, will include the estate of Francis Morgan, deceased. twenty properties. some of them of considerable value. Handbills now ready. Beal Estate Sale. James A. Freeman's catalogues of the sate next Wed nesday wilt be issued to-morrow. ATEW S BAB'S PRIESENTa, beautital Photographs .1.1 and (Niles de Visite, of exquisite style and execu tion; prices reduced. Lose no time, days short, go early. B, F. RE,ll4l_Elt. 624 Arch street. ` V ASTEFiS, r T e eA r T a rar e s a rp ß kto; „ l . rays , of v 835 (Eight Thirty-flvejMarket street, below Ninth. °. HOLIDAYS.—New Year's Holiday's; lose no time in securing for yourself at Invaluable Likeness, RAIMER'S supe. tor styles Colored Photographs, re. duced prices, go early. Gallery, second scree., above Green. QPBAINED or dislocated wrists, aching balks. 4.1 strained muscles torn cli thing. wasted time and grunt looks may alt be removed from your kitchen on wash-day by the introduction of a Patent Citthes 'Wringer Ana of these we are confident, from erpe rience. that those with cog-wheels will be foiled the tot st durable But we have different kinds for site TRI7OIAN fi SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty-tv d ) Market street. below Ninth. MEW YEAR'I4 P ESZICTS. Don't delay, dAys .L short if you wish beautiful and truthful sets ca.r. R s de Visite to dl tribute among your friends. Prices -e -duced. B. F. RE '..11.ER., 624 Arch street. CARPET SWEEPERS, Clothes Wrtrorr Hol e Clt anent, Apple Parers, Nut Llrack.'rs, Nut Pocket Knives, tidssors, Plated brKons rod Table Cutler• , Splce Boxes and other useful Harl• ware. tl.r sale ny T ntrAl Ari t NH AW. No. b 33 (Eliztt. Thlrty-tive) liarket street below Ninth. /NOOD-WILL Azr.o FIXTURES FOR SALE. w.tZ I SMALL STOCK of a LIQUOR STORE, on MAR SET street e,tablianed tor the last twenty years; gaud reasons given for selling, Can be had a ha-gait ii applied for immediately. address "LIQ,UuRS," at this office. VON. of soolving. ru tah:e for rkabba. P Moo: ks lot of Hardware blielvlng. Apply at "o North Third qtreot ~UYs' A NI) MEN , - en I a KBES. I-larrh.' Mixed and Black and White C.noodnercs, Fine English DoeDl lnb, ails d. FtneFrencb Doeskins Back. Sniper: and Plain Cur.dineres for Born. S red, (ix lord min Brown mix,: Liot,,:ins. Black sue Olive French Cloths. roack and Whße Peppered Ca,t4laterci for an': Pricer, ncuced to tibie stork. a JOHN H -irOK.Ea'S. 7,2 2.1.7C.1. DREPARATIf )N Ft•R .• LIN}, —)oin.; I Men prepared for Wonting Howe and Boit: Lit, at CRITTENDEN'S COMMERCI L ( OLLEG.R. Nf. 637 CH UT reel. cot ner of ter. dr uit Yatubl islied ISI4 I nror, or dtcl in the practical value or Its well-tried cnar,a e in struction and in real advantrotes to tki , nes. Lien. this institution Is unequaled. Every facility (4 ac quiring busincsa knowledge is o (Terral. And tber-idi ❑ons and Improvements which have been inad)ren. dee the Metructiou more pracllt - ,0 tun? valuable than tYtr, in s , l I6a departrn.n plicath , n. ja.t as , rtniised by the bed. accountants and btr•luesi tura. PENMANSHIP, Plain and Ornamental. recite e•pe,nal atteatigt. (.70.1131ERCIAL CA LCULATIONS are taugbt in their shot.' est and best me:l3,xis. BUSE!: F.SS FORMS Inclrdlng Promissory Notes. Accounts CSurret, Ac count Sales Invoices, Letters, Receipts, BillsJf Ex change, dc .6 Diploma, having the seal of the Imditthnn Inched, a, , ,arded on graduation. Students Instructed separately, and receivedSt any time. Catalogues furnished gratis on application, 027-3trp CiOA L :OLD BY THE TON at Port Richmoti prices y at Shipping Wharf. foot of Laurel strtet, Jeasing ton_ fir,ot reduction to price Offices. E. corner of DELAWARE Aveue and LAUREL -Streets. de4.3trp• AOOP SS LET ILA—NUFACTOE.Y.—Hoor Skirts ready-made and made to order: warrant of the twat materials. Also, Eiiiirts repaired. E. BAYCV. 0e.6-21n/ Rl2 Vine street. above.igiatla. TPA_AC NA HANS, Auctioneer and Mono Broker, 1. N. E. corner of Third and Spruce streetsonly one square below the .Is.oliange. N Olice, established for the last tarty yeare Money to loan In large ore mall amounts. at the lost rates, on Diamonds, silver Plate, Watches. Je sse:y, Cloth ing, and goods of every description. Office burs from A. M. till 7 P. M. HAVANASIi.GARS AND LYNCHKRU TO BA CCO.S.— Best in the city, tti fur e rieutt FLA Li- Ki 7 Chestnut street. o in , ueute the thttnental.. Notice—t.•:tore closed un Sund.y. MARS Ltita WITH I. 7 k.:DELIBLEINK, kabrolder ing, Braiding, Stat.npLiw, M. A. TOREY, 1 , 4 , 0 Flart street- VOR BALE.—To, Orocers, Hfel-keepers 1 and others—A very superior tot of hampagne lder. by the oarrel or doz,ext. P, J. JO.D.s.N, nos-rptf `..titi Pear street, below Thl rd ad Wain at AMT USICA_LI3(Sk - k.s7ltThaildsome (noes, !hying from AIL two to twelve choice n3elodles. for sale V FARR fi BROTHER, Imprters, No. P 24 ebeetnut strPet, helot Fourth. elOltaLN'S '.CELEBRATED TONIC .LE.—The truly healthful and nutritious beverage, ow in use by thousands — invalids and otters—bas es.blished a character for quality of material and purit4of manu facture, which stands unrivaled. It is reanmended ny physicians of this and other places. as superiur tome, and requires but a trial to convins the most skeptical of its crest merit. To be had, whlesale and etail, of P. I. J013.D.A...N, 2.20 Pear street. - VERY ELEGANT WHITE 1.01 NT LACE,RAWLS. V —O.FO. W. VOGEL, 1k; 0. ICI6 Chestnuttreet, has just received from Bruxelles six very Harlin "Point it l'A guille." and Point Application Lace Pi,tes (half Shawls), fresh designs of real merit, to wick he In• cites the attention of judges of what is trill good and beautiful in Lace. e23-Strp. THE HARIUSON BOILER, A SAFI STEAM BOILER.—The attention of manufaxirers and others using steam is confidently called tohis patent Steam Generator. as combining essentialoyantages in absolute satety from expiosion, in cheapess of first cost and cost of repairs. in economy of fuel facility of weaning and transportation etc., not posseied by any other boiler now in use. Ibis boiler is irmed of a combination of cast iron hollow spheres, em sphere 8 inches external diameter, ands of au ,ich thick These are held together by wrought irolbolts, with caps at the ends. Nearly one blind earl ort, are now in operation, some of them in thibest estab lishments in this city. For descriptive routers or price, apply to JOSEPH HARRISON, 3, Harrison Boiler NV orks, Gray's Ferry road. adjolni; the 11. S. Arsenal, Philadelphia. A WORD OF ADVICEI oughts " Sudden changes of weather' , " "Colds." "Coughs." checking the insensible perk,- "Colds." "Coughs." ration, occasion Coughs, Coll, "Colds." "Coughs." Sore Throat, dr.c. These req4e "Colds." "Coughs." immediate attention ; if allowl "Colds." "Coughs." to continue, irritation of le "Colds." "Coughs." lungs, a permanent throat aft , "Colds." "Coughs." Lion, or an incurable lung 4. ".•Colds." "Coughs " ease is often the result. le "Colds." "Coughs." timely use of. Swayne's Cot- "Colds." "Coughs." pound Syrup of Wild Cherry Nti "Colds " "Coughs." at once arrest these attacks, ad ..colds„" "Coughs." thus check in its commencenut "Colds." "Coughs." the scourge that sweeps from tr "Colds." "Coughs." midst thousands and thousats "Colds." "Coughs." every year. L "Colds," "BE CAREFUL OF Y 01331 armor • "BE CAREFUL OF YOUR Luxor "BE 4REFUL OF YOUR LUNCIP "BE CAREFUL or YOUR LUNGI. A safe and reliable remedy, A safe and reliable remedy, A safe and reliable remedy' "Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild "Swaynes COmpound Syrup of Wild ferry." "Swayne's impound Syrup of Wil d ferry "Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Mv. "Swaim's Compound Syrup of Wad IP A trial of many years bas proved to thworid that this remedy is more efficacious in curio all throat, breast and lung complaints than any hitbrto known to mankind. For Bronchitis, sore Three Aathma, it is a sovereign remedy. For the weak an debilitated It acts as a strengthening alterative. Fr disturbed sleep, its nee will give repose. Price, $t 00 per bottle; six bottles $5 soo) Prepared only by Dr . SWAYVhi - , SSO North Sixth street, above Vine, Phila.✓ 4-tn,th,tf 0 , 1 MONEY TO ANY AMO U LOANED lIPON DIAMONDS WA se RY, ' , LATE awernme, Jorbra &Co.'s ' OLDESTARLD3RED LOAN I. OE, • Corner of THIRD and GABRlLldreeta, Below Len:l:bar& . DLUdONR3, WATORIO3i4RWELRYi POE SALE AT A . R i TE A lIT4T ZAW PARIECAL le2l-REOPII DECLINE OF NEW YORK. BOOR REEPTNAI EDWIN HALL & CO., No. 26 South Second Street, - Would call the attention of the Ladies to their stock • of Silks and Other Materials, FOR EVENING DRESSES. WEEFTIE FOR OPERA CLOAKS. N. 8.- OPERA CLOAKS MADE TO ORDER. de2B FANCY THERMOMETERS JAMES W. QUEEN it CO.'S. 924 4."FiYJI'NTTTT STREET. dOltf rpf 111ARKET 4 . 4 40P A # 1 NINTH. I :tr 4 74 , 4 & Christmas Cloaks. Fine Broche Shawls. Merrimac Prints. Christmas Delaines. Royal Blankets. Staple Dry Goods. C :JEW CROP. OOLONG TEA, Ql lo PER LE, Just received by THOMPSON BLACK st SON, BROAD AND CHESTNUT STS. cm-lim rT)l_. Great Reduction, Great Reduction, rent Reduction, ero Close 'Winter litnel; To Close Winter stock To Close Winter !storm JONES' Old Established One Price CLOTHINO HOUSE, 604 Market Street, del-loci sp Wax/. max Ea{ ct. Excellent Clothing. Oak Hall, BAO Wti, Wszissismks{ . 16. E. COT. 6th cC Hamdsome States and BRowsr Market. WANAmAkka t French S‘r•lia. } Oak Hall Bitowrs, WA24:11114.1.: Kt . { i:11gli311 &nib g E " Mr ' 46 ' . BE w rr, Jacket& and Market. WAN A MA-K En Chesterfield Dress 1 Oak HID Dhow OocDhows, WAN 4"-E1"1' (Fine Clothing and Real /.."A'n'ldr' 6th boilable Yrlces BEOWN, Market, WAlc4 " AKKß lFavorite Styles tlental Oak Hall, BROWN, (, Clothing. WASS " -K " Popular Goods and `• s th and BROWN, { Popular Prices. f ?dm kat, el WATCHES AND JEWELRY, MSilver and Silver Plated Ware, Clocks and Mantle Ornaments. London Ens. Bouquet, Sc J. T GALLAGHER, IWO CH u• 1 Street. Late Of Batley & Oth, 1630 to de264N fnrmPrly BAILEY & FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES. ADAPTED FOR R. R. TRACK, COAL, ROLLING MILLS, HAY, DEPOTS, CATTLE, And every branch of business where a correct and dui rable Scale la required. FAIRBANKS & EWING, mAsowato 715 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. imam J. L. CAPEN. PHRENOLOGIST, Successor to Fowler, Wells & Co , Ole:- written and verbal descriptions of ohs. s ; rect. r with Charts, daily, at de2:43,tu,th-12trpa No. 25 S. TENTH Street. /t an HERENESS'S BAZAAR, NINTH and SANSOM streets. .u.etCTION SALE OF HORRES, CARRIAGES, dm. On SAI lIRDAY MORNING NEXT, at /0 o'clock, comprising about EIGHTY HORSES, Suited to Harness and the Saddle. Fall descriptions at Sale. ALSO, A large collection of desirable new and second-hand Carriages, Light Wagons, Dearborn, &c., with which the sale will commence. Single and Double Harness, Saddles, Covers, &c. Jar Bale of Horses, A (to. LAtE on D Wednet iE M ixims 2t rp Auctioneer. INE 0 tO DO WWI PAZIZI DEA A VERY LARGE V.,UMMrY, JAMES W. QUEEN it CO., de2ltf rPi 'MEW Holl3—erowth Of 110. Just recelveft, Intifor• AN anti for male Ili wflaa4ll Q.({ueNT, • 324 Ilouth Delawfue 4903=11k =133E63 P; 0 •T y;zieji tjziy:4:•mfi WORK, MCOUCH di CO., MOCK AND KM:MANGE 811,010E138, NO. 36 SOUTH - THIRD STREET, EIOVEBBridEBT SECIDEDITEB Bought and Bold. STOCK'S Bought and Bold on Commission. • ! INTBREBT allowed on Deposita. de2B•lin TWO GIFTS FOB THE PRICE OF ONE. RE-OPENING OF THE G. G. Evans' Gift Bookstore, No. 628 Chestnut Street. On Thursday, :December 14. BUY YOUR HOLIDAY BOORS AT Tux. BUY YOUR HOLIDAY BOOKS AT THE BUY Y OUR HOLIDAY BOOKS AT BUY YOUR HOLIDAY BOOKS AT THE BUY YOUR HOLIDAY BOOKS AT THE BUY YOUR HOLIDAY BOOKS AT THE Wu Book Store, Gift Book Store, Gift Book Store, Gift Book Store, Gift Book Store, Gift Book Store, No. es Chestnut street,__ No. 628 Chestnut street, No. 628 Chestnut street. 'Tis the best place in the city. 'Tis the best place in the city. 'TN the best place in the city. Books are sold as cheap as at any other store, Books are sold as cheap as at any other store, Books are sold as cheap as at any other store, And you have the advantage And you have the advantage end you have the advantage Of getting a Gift with each Book Of Betting a Gift with each Book. YOU W/ LL f getting a AN Clift with each Book. McDT.PcsS VARIETY OF BOOKS fIEVERY DEPARTMENT OY LITIMATT.IItE. REMEMBER, That with each book that is purchased at this esta blishment you get a BANDSOI,I7, PRESENT WORTH FROM. 25 CENTS TO $lOO. Why YOU GET TWO GIFTS F OT HE PRICE OF 0.27 E. Call in. and one trial wilt assure you that the be3t place in this city where yon should purchase Books is THE GEORGE G. EVANS' GIFT-BOOK ESTABLLSHAmNIT, FILAIVIEC BAYLE, No. 628 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia Two doors below SEVENTH. South side. d•2-ittrThl MATERIALS FOR MINCE PIES, Bunch, Layer and Sultana Raisins, Citron, Currants, Spices, Oranges, Cider, Wine, etc., etc., etc. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Dealer In Fine Groceries, Corner Eleventh and Vine Ste. CHOICE ALMERIA GRAPES LARGE CLUSTERS. BEAUTIFUL LADY APPLES BRILLIANT COLOR. Fine Havana Oranges. Perfect and Sweet. Paper Shell Almonds. Triple Crown Raisins■ DAVIS & RICHARDS, Arch and Tenth sts. n027-1m 4p THEO. H. M'CAL A, FASHIONABLE 4 HATTER, At his Old Established Stand, 804 CHESTNUT ST. de-im rpi 1 -- ; v4 WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY, SILAVERWA.ELE AND SUPERIOR Silver Plated Ware. HENRY HARPER, 520 ARCH STREET. ocaniall THE FIRE FIEND AND OTEDER, POEMS, BY CHARLES D. GARDETTE: One vol. izmo, cloth. Price $1 25. The author of the FIRE FIEND was challenged to pre:cage a poem in the manner of "The Raven," which Should be accepted by the_ general critic as a genuine composition of POE'S. The FIRE FIEND was' the result, and was first published as "from an unpublished NB. of the late Edgar Poe," The hoax proved suffi ciently successful to deceive a number of critics, in cluding Hr. DIACREADY, the tragedian, who repair tithed it In England as an undoubted production sif tts• pretended author. Published by MINCE & HUNTINGDON, New York.. • For sale In Philadelphia by de27-at MESSES. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & NOTICE. EDWIN HALL & CO., 20 South Second St. s : Being desirous of reducing their stock previous to, making extensive alterations in their piece of businees, will now offer their stock of. Silks, Dress Goods, Shawls, Cloaks, Cloths, &c..&c., AT REDUCED PRICES. de4m&thBt LOOMS FOR SALE. In Basle (Bwitzerland,) 90 RIBBON LOOMS, A LA JACQUARD. For particulars apply to LANE, LAMSON & CO., 56 Murray street, delMtu th 51.22 rpf NEW YOWL. 1.366. EOLTDAY PR:RENTS., BAILEY & CO., 819 Chestnut Streetc . . Imported and Domestic JE JE, Niz - OF THE Choicest Kinds._ FINE and ELEGANT SILVERWARR AND SILVER PLATED 000D8, European Fancy Goods,., selected from the FACTORIES OF EUROPE by a member of the firm. VIENNA FANCY GOODS In great variety. PARIS FANCY GOODS Select and beautiful. A LARGE STOCK OF FINE WATCHES and JEWELRY, imported DIRECTLY from the most cots brated Factories of Gcneva, Hanou, Naptesand Lon don. nogg-lm imonnlivrirmilmm 1419KIIIIIMIUDIZI1114 S. R. PHILLIPS, Nos. 30 and 32 South Seventh Street, Now offers to his numerous patrons, the trade and the general public, his usual large and elegant assortment. of everything pertaining to the SADDLEasI AND HARNESS BUSINESS, Or HIS OWN MANUFACTURE AND DITORTA TION, Among which may be enumerated Light and heavy- Buggy Harness, all kinds, Single and Male Harness, Flan, Medium and Magnificently Mounted Harness. Ladies' English Shaftoe Saddles, with. Leaping Horn, Ladles' English Shaftoe do., without Leaping Horn Gentlemen's English Shaftoe Saddles, Military Sad dies of every grade. BLANKETS, PINE BLANKETS, SWEAT BLANKETS, STABLE BLANKETB, I offer a large and varied assortment. Also, English Carriage Mats, • Of Every Description. WHIPS, Of Every Style Clipping Shears and Combs, Singing Lamps, Cho— mob3, Blacking, Sponges and all other articles re9ol•- aite to the complete outfit of a tirst.class stable. R. PIa.ULATALIF`S, Nos. 30 & 32 SOUTH SEVENTH Sl.. n0304m 4 New rainti ogs. JAMES S. EARLE as SONS, Have Just Opened, Very Fine New Paintings, At Moderate Prices For Christmas Sales. Earles' Galleries AND. Looking Glass Warorooms;. 816 CHESTNUT STREET. 414 WE"ffiwSTH CALL attention to oar cent assOrtment of superior PIANOS, wh oh we always have on hand, and offer - them at very reasonable prices to purchasers. Best of references and FULL GUARANTEE invariably giß y IJNION PIANO MANUFAMIIMI 00. .11,14) 1017 Walnut ' ABOVE C:,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers