LATER AND IMPORTANT EUROPEAN NEWS. • • NEw YORK, Dec. 27.—The steamship City of Washington, froaal Liverpool on the 13th inst. t via Queenstown on:the 14th, arrived at tintkport this afternoon. The steamers Moravian and City of Lon don arrived out on the 12th. It is .rumored that the Governor of Rich mond, Bridewell, has absconded. It is reported that France has given Eng land six months' notice to terminate the extradition treaty, because of the strict for mality required before the French offenders are given up. The Emperor of Austria arrived at Pesth, Hungary, on the 12th, and was received with much ceremony and enthusiasm. In response to a speech of the Burgomaster, he said he visited them full of confidence, and expected full confidence in return. At the sitting of the Court for the' trial of the Fenians, on the 12th, the entire day was occupied by. O'Donovan, in his address to the jury, in his 'own ' efence. He cona.. menced at the opening of the Court, and did not desist until about six o'clock in the evening. There was nothing remarkable in his address, a large portion of it being the reading of editorial articles from the' Irish People newspaper. He insisted that he had done nothing criminal, asserted that his case had outraged all law, and gave it as his opinion that Ireland would never be free without fighting. His bearing was insolent, and when he remarked upon the Court his language was offensive and saucy. The draft commission for the appoint ment of Sir Henry Storks, to Jamaica, is published in the London Gazette. It recites that gTeat disaffection is alleged to have prevailed in Jamaica, that grievous dis turbances,had broken out, and that exces sive and unlawful severity had been used in their suppression, and whereas it being urgent that full and impartial inquiry should be made into the origin, nature, and circum stances of the said disturbances; and the measures adopted for their suppression, the powers now vested in Governor Eyre are revoked on the ground that it may be ad visable that he should be present during the inquiry, but for the sufficiency of the said inquiry, the powers of Governor should be vested in some other person, and Sir H. Storks is accordingly temporarily appointed Governor of Jamaica. The Times says : "Sir H. Storks, who sails for Jamaica on Monday next, will imme diately upon his arrival assume the whole Government of Jamaica, and Mr. Eyre will be in the position of a Governor on leave. He will be superseded, but not displaced by Sir H. Storks, who; in fact, does not cease to be Governor of Malta, and whose adminis tration of Jamaica will be essentially pro visional. Again, and again, Sir H. Storks has been called on to solve some difficulty which was not of his own creation. A great part of his life has been spent in special ser vices. To Governor Eyre, himself, such an appointment is the least unfair or humili ating that could have been made, while it ought to 'be satisfastory even to his ac cusers." The Morning Post thinks Eyre's suspen sion may have a bad effect on the negroes. Public meetings continued to be held in various places upon.the Jamaica question, but the action of the Government rendered them of little importance. ITALY The Government had presented to the Chamber of Deputieg bills to prolong the operation of the Exceptional law for the suppression of brigandage, and for the sup pression of religious corporations. Count Nigra, the Royal Chamberlain, is dead. PRUSSIA. A Berlin telegram says the English and French Ambassadors, with their wives and the personnel of the embassies, left the court fits immediately after the marriage of the Princess Alexandrine, daughter of Prince Alberecht, and niece of the King, with Fiederick William, Duke of Meck lenburg-Schwerin, because no places had been provided for them at the table of the King, notwithstanding that, previous to the banquet, they had complained of that ar rangement. The Royal Chamberlain jus tified his conduct by precedents. SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. The Iberian Progressista party having made preparations for a great demonstra tion in favor of the King and Queen of Portugal, upon the occasion of their Ma jesties projected visit to Madrid, the Spa nish Government communicated the fact to the Portuguese Minister in Madrid, who immediately left for Paris to inform his Sovereign.ktlt is probable that their Majes ties will only visit Madrid incog. TURKEY. The Credit Mobilier of Paris had con - tracted for the new Turkish loan of six mil lion pounds sterling. It is to be issued in bonds of £2O each, at a price equivalent to about £L3, repayable at par in twenty-one years. CHINA AND JAPAN. SHANGHAI, Oct. 26.—Burgweine's death is likely to give trouble. The Chinese Go vernment reports .now state that •he was •drowned while in irons. The American Consul declares that the treaty with the United States has been vio lated. Piracy is increasing to an alarming oxtent. Cerrrox, Nov. s.—The gunboats havesuc oessfully attacked the pirates in the neigh borhood of Amoy. Advices from Japan state that the foreign ministers had gone on an expedition to open Osseo Livquon Ossaco, which port, ac cording to treaty, is to be opened in 1866 to foreign trade. The exchange question is causing com mercial difficulties at Japan. The other murderers of Major Baldwin .and Lieutenant Bird have been arrested at Jeddo. They confessed their crime, ana were executed. INDIA. BOMBAY, Nov. 29,—Cotton higher. Ship ments during the fortnight 45,000 bales. _Piece goods unchanged. Freights to Liver- Tool 325. 6d. Exchange, 2s. lad. AUSTRALIA. MELBOURNE, October 26. The steamer , Great Britain sailed for Liverpool on the 22d, with £500,000 in gold. The tariff question is causing considerable excite ment. The Parliament of New South Wales was -opened on the 24th of October. The GoVer nor, in his speech, said the revenue would -cover the expenditure. He proposed to sell the back lands of the colony to promote -emigration. - The New Zealand news continues war like. The natives laughed at the Governor's 'Peace Proclamation, and murdered the first messenger bearing copies of it. , The Latest. , [By Telegraph to Queenstown.] LormoN, December 14,—The -Fenian, 0-- Donovan, owing to a similar conviction six years ago, has been sentenced to penal -servitude fez-life. A joint note of England and France, proposing certain terms for the settlement of the Chili= difficulties, was received at Madrid on the 9th. The result is not -known. NEW Yonx, December 27.—The• steamer Marathon, from Liverpool on the 12th inst., arrived at this port this afternoon. The steamship Persia . reached _Liverpool, .at 8 O'clock, on the evening of the 10th. - The London Dines believes in the peace ful designs of the American• people. • - Sir Henry Stork, Sir Edmund. Head and Mr Charles Livingston,'are understood to , be the Commission of IriqtAry for Jamaica, A Fenian, named Hallegan, has been p con victed arid sentenoed to seven years' penal servitude: • • A letter received at Liverpool confirms the statement that Stephens is safe in Paris. The London Observer says Napoleon is -apprehensivn that Maximilian will follow his Empres4to Europe, and has prevailed eupon the Mexican Minister at Paris to pro- ceed Me) . tico, and endeavor to dissuade Max: rom abdicating. He would sail on the 15 h. The Observer thinks lie will not be in time, and that Max. may be in Europe before New Year's. ; ' . The Gazette des Tribuneaux says • the French Government has directed the atten tion of England to the extradition treaty of 1843, since the stipulations of this treaty, though duly carried out by France, are not similarly fulfilled by England. An Austrian Imperial decree extends am nesty to all convicted for complicity in the Polish insurrection. A note drawn up by the English Govern ment, proposing negotiation or mediation between Spain and Chili, has been sent to Paris. The Emperor made several modifi cations, and the note was returned to Lon don, with what effect is unknown. The Spanish Government is contempla ting to place under the protection of Spain the negro kingdoms on the African coast opposite Fernando, and proclaim religious liberty in that island and the kingdoms in question. The war at the Cape of Good Hope has degenerated into a mere raiding for cattle. It was expected that the Bank of England would raise the rate of discount to 7 per cent. Cold Statement. The following shows the shipments of coal over the Delaware, I. , kawanna and Western Railroad for the week ending Dec. 22, compared with same time last season: Shipped North Shipped South. Total —27,170 05 989,647 12 For corresponding time list year: Shipped North Shipped South. Decrease......_._ BOARD OF TRADE; EDWD. C. BILDLE. sAMIIEL E. STOKES, _ IMOIkiTELY CO . GEORGE N. TATHAM, arrival and Bataan Or Oman Steaniera TO . S:RIPS PROM 808 DATE Britannia Glasgow... New York Dec. 9 City of Lunerick_Livernool—New York _ Dec. 9 Sidon Livernool_New York Dee. 12 Germania._ Hamburg... New York Dec. 13 Scotland _Liverpool...New York Dec. 13 Sax onia Sontbam pton...New York . Dec.l3 Edinburg Liverpool... New York Dec. 13 St. David Liverpool... New York. Dec. 14 Belgian _Liverpool...Portland .Dec. 14 Australasian _Liverpool...New York ..... .. .Dec. 15 Erin Liverpool... New York Dec. 20 Canada Liverpool... Boston Dec. G: TO DEPART. Havana New York... Rio Janeiro Dec. 29 Virginia New York... Liverpoo- Dec. :':o America New Y ork...l3reinen Dec. :',O Etna New York... Liverpool Dec. ::9 Britannia _New York... Glasgow Dec. so Bansa New York...Bremen' Dec. :to Costal:lca New York ...N e w Orleans Dec_ :11) Nesbannock New York... New Orleans.. Dec.:. Belgian Portland...Liveroool Dec. at Corsica New York...NassauctHavana._Jan. 1 Cuba Bnston...Liverpool Jan. 3 Australasian New York... Liverpool Jan. 3 Europe New York... Barre Jan. 5 Saxonia New York...Harnburg, Jan. 6 Edinburg New Yorit - ...Liverpool Jan. 6 Scotland New York... Liverpool Jan. 6 all MIME BuLLETIN. PORT OP pTrrr.ADELPHLA—DE:c. 28 Rai Rismit 7 - .2.5 I SITS SETS, 4 35 lireH WATICEL 10 3i ARRIVED YESTERDAY . Schr Union, Arey, 14 days from Boston, with pons toes to R IS Dyer. Sobr Delaware, Bishop, from New York, with salt to Wm Bnmm it Son. Schr Pawnee, Roath, from New York, with mdse to captain. CLEARED Y.e.TERDAY. Steamer Admiral. Nichols, New York, P R Clark. Steamer Clayruont, Allen, Richmond, W P Clyde Co. Bitg Mary Ida (Br), Olin, Rio de Janeiro, E A Souder di Co. Brig Marla Wheeler, Wheeler, Mobile, Lathburv, Wickersham & Co. Schr E& L Marts, Marts, Cienfuegos. S W Welsh. :seta Oneida, Davis. Matanzas, Madeira ..k. Cabada. Schr S C Hall, Fowler, GalVeston via Charleston, rapt. Solar W S Loud. Frye, Port Royal, J E Bailey & Co. Schr Pawnee, Roath, New LLondon, R Rothermel. Itt:EZIORANDA. Steamer North America, Zimmerman. from Rio Ja neiro td inst. via Bahia, Pernambuco and St Thomas list, at New York yesterday, with coffee. Steamer Moro Castle, Adams, cleared at New York yesterday for Havana. Steamer New York,'Van Ottendorp, from N. York, at Southampton 14th inst. Steamer Lone Star, Scheidan, cleared at New York yesterday for New. Orleans. Steamer Westchester. Ingram, at New York yester day from Wilmington, Del. Steamer Java (Br), ?doodle. cleared at New York yesterday for Liverpool. _ Sleamer Flag, Brown, at New Orleans rtla Inst. from New York. Ship Rainbow, Kelly, from Singapore 19th Aug. at Boston yesterday. Ship Northampton, Orse, at Liverpool previous to 14th Inst. from New Orleans, _ - Skip Pactolce, Tobey, cieared at New York yster day for 3lelbourne. Bark Emil. Fluke, hence at Cuxhaven previous to 14th inst. via Cork. Bark Annie Augusta, Davis, hence at Gustemunde, previous to 14th ina. Bark tea Eagle, Julius, sailed from Rio Janeiro 25th ult. for this port. Bark Manlton, North, fbr this port, remained at Mo bile 19th inst. Brig U Id Carver. Treat, hence at Boston yesterday. Brigs C H Kennedy, Bart. and Ortolan, Waterhouse, hence for Boston. at Holmes' Hole 25th inst. Brig S V Merrick, .Norden, hence at Havana itith instant. Schr RaChet Vanneman, High, hence at Savannah 21st Inst. Schrs C W Locke, Huntley, and W CoLlyer, Taylor hence at Providence 26th inst. i?aMia;MMEIG;i3=II:III:I Behr Jas Neilson, Burt, sailed from Pawtucket 2.5 th Da. for this port. Nchr General Butler, Kenyon, hence at Newport 24th natant. Rehr Ocean Ranger, Carter, hence for Portsmouth, at Newport 23d inst. Bchr J M Houston, Gray, for this port, went to sea form Charleston 21st inst.• Behr W Godfrey, Godfrey, from New York, at Charleston 21st Sohn R P King, Smith: Cordons' Newkirk, Huntley, and H P Simmons, Godfrey, hence at Providence 34th instant. Schrs S T Garrison, Tiffany, hence for Pawtucket and War Eagle, Kelley, from New Castle, DeL at Pro vidence 24th Inst. Schrs Halo, Sbort, from Nnwburyport, and Balti more, Dix, from Calais, both for this port, at Newpor 24th Inst. Scbr L Day, Adams, at Newborn, NC. 21st Inst. from Camden, NJ. Seim ENickerson, Baxter, E G Whiiden, Neal; A Young, Henderson; Governor, Freettay; J Griffith, Cobb; E F Crowell, Stevens; B Austid, Davis; Trade Wind, Corson; Rising Sun, Jones, and S A lin m mond, Paine, hence at Boston 25th inst. Schrs Quickstep, Richardson, and Deborah Jones, Tatem, hence for Lynn, at Bostcn 25th inst. NOTICE TO MARINERS Capt Walden, of steamer Thetis, at Boston, reports that the Stratford Point Light Vessel, in Long Island sound, was driven from her moorings daring the gale on the 21st Inst. and now lies ten miles to the eastward of her station. PUBS Furs I Furs!! Furs !!! ' HENRY RASKE & CO., Importers and Manufacturers, 517 517 ARCH STREET, OF ARCH STREET ) FANCY FURS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN. We have now open for inspection to our customers and the phblic in general, a most complete assortment of Ladies and Chile ren's Furs of all descriptions which, for variety of quality and superiority of finish cannotbe excelled in the United States. Flease call and examine our stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. REMEMBER HENRY RASKE do CO. ocn4aa NO. 517 A.RCH. STREET. . . • JOll3l A. STAMBACH. No. 826 Arch Street, •... IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURES 7 ' ' tadies' Fancy Furs, Of every deeeription—latest atylle All Furs warranted ss represented. ~ :oe27•Stm AL B. noßsomet, tbrmerly ot AL No. 29 South Second street, has removed to No. SU ARCH street, where he Is prepared to offer4yaerb assortment FANOY of every di M i akiLli AND RETAIL. cal= THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN - ; PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1865 Week. Year. Tons. Cwt, Tonz.Cwt. 236.2175,938 03 Ol _20,251 00 ' 724,430 11 Week, Year. Tons. Cwt. Tons. Cwt. 4,014 08 =,003 12 ....13,414 16 917,109 10 .18,2811 U 4 1,280,173 02 '299.5-5 10 CARSON GOLD MINING COMPANY The Land of this Company consists of 12D ACRES in l3fecklenberg county, North Carolina. 3., miles from the town of Charlotte, on:a branch of Sugar Creek, which stream furnishes gook water power for grinding the ores. This Aline was first opened in 1838 by a man named Carson. who worked it successfully for n num ber of years. He died in the town of Charlotte, in 1848, Worth over half a million dollars. them 80 feet, the other 60 feet, on different veins• averaging from two to three feet In thickness. which veins still continue on down increasing in width and richness. These shafts are In good order, and ore can efreadily takenout at any time. Other veins have been discovered on this property, and tested and proved to be very rich in gold. The ores of this wine are known as the brown ore, and very rich, yielding readily 81u Per bushel. This Is believed to be one of the best and most certain mines in the State, on accoant of the abundance and quality of Lll4 ore, and ease in which it is obtained ana reduced. This property has been worked by Major Z. A. Grier from 1840 to the breaking out of the war. This Company have purchased this property, and Intend to erect , machinery and put the mines in immediate operation. The many advantages of this mine over the mines of Colorado and Nevada can hardly be estimated. It is more readily reached. and has abundance of fuel. with cheap labor. It can be worked all the year. and not, as in the case of Colo rado and Nevada, be compelled to lie Idle for three or lour months in consequence of the severity of the winter. This mine having been worked for a long time, proved to be a rich paying one. We do not, therefore have to incur the risk Were is in an undeveloped pro party, but can count on large and Immediate returns on the investments. Having an ore that readily yields 810 per bushel, some estimate can be made of the value of this property. With the present imperfect system of mining in this locality, and absence of pro per machinery, ten tons of this ore can be taken out daily from every shall opened. Estimating, say to bushels to the ton, the daily yield will be $1,500 from one shaft, allowing $3OO per day for expenses. The net product will be e 1,200 per day; counting 800 working days to the year, the yearly proceeds will be $360.000, which yield can be largely increased by extending the works. This is considered a very low estimate of the capacity of this mine by experienced miners of that locality. The Assayer of the United States Mint at Charlotte, in speaking of this property, says it has few equals in productiveness in that country, and with proper management and machinery the above pro duct can be doubled. Price and Par Value of each Share. Books for Subscription are now open at No. 407 WALNUT street, Room No. 2, first floor, where further information will be given. J. H0ptr77 , 78 TARR, Secretary . . New York and California Express and 'SHIPPERS OF• EBEIGHT TO THE PACIFIC COAST-will please take Notice that having been 80. pointed FREI GHT AGEN.7-OF THE .PAcalc 714:4 a S.' S. CO., we are no ppared to receive freights for CALEFORNL4., OR E G O N, NEVADA, WASH 111TGTO.B. TERRITORY, SANDWICH ISLAM:A GEBTRAI AMERICA and WESTERN COAST OF SOUTH AMERICA. . - For rates apply at our office, 607 Chestnut street. Steamers will sail from New York Ist, lith and 21st of each month, those dates falling on Sunday, on the sir v eceding Saturday. SLOW FREIGHT RECEIVED ON DAY PRIOR TO DATE OF RAILING. ; , Bills of Lading will be issued at 607 Chestnut street, !Our usual paclrage Express and letter bsg will be sent by each steamer and will Close at SP. at ., day be fore sailing. !Our FRANKED ENVELOPES will be on Sale at Oil? office, 607 Chestnut street. All letters sent through us must be in Goverunamt Bight Exchange Sulam Frruiciscci for eale. Telegraphic transfers of money, made to all points reached b the wires bought Coast. Coupons ugat beet rates. WELLS, FARGO & CO., ocl9-am J. IL 000 - • t. GOON. --20 boxes Bide Bacon, for aisle ly.E. A. soil Bjfilah di 00., De* Woes WILDA LIQ lOW. RICHARD PENISTAN'S Ale, Wine and Liquor Vaults, 489 Chestnut Street, pml%A 'DELPHI/L. Established for the Sale of Unadulter ated Liquors Only. Special Notice to Families I Richard Pen istan'S Celebrated, Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, Now so much recommended by the Medical Faculty for Invaltas. $1 25 PER DOZEN, (these Bottles hold one Pint.) The above being of the very best quality, It must be admitted the price is exceedingly LOW. It is aelivered to all parte of the city without extra charge. Broodier, Wines, OM Whiskies,&e.,&e. Warranted pure jo at t t l h e o el al os i v o es n t o l.o=o rates, by the CHAMPAGNES of the best brands offered lower than by any other house. On Draught and In Bottles, PURE GRAPE JUICE. This Is an excellent article for Invalids. It Is a sure cure for Dyspepsia. HAVANA CIGARS. OLIVE Oil, PICKLES, SAUCES, BAY RUM, SARDINES, Ac London and Dublin Porter and Brown Stout—English and Scotch Ales. del2tri CHAMPAGNE WINES. WIDOW CLICQUOT MORT AND CRANDON'S GREEN SEAL, sIid:FRY AND VEP.ZE, NAY, REIDSRICR, GELSLER AND VIN ROYAL. Also Sparkling RHINE WINES, all of Fresh Im. portal-ions, for bale by SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, S. W. corner Broad and Walnut. _ - HER MA JESTY CHANIPAGEE 3 J. P. D N ON, 181 SOUTII FRONT BT., COLE ACE T. TALTINYES.—The attentlo; of the trade Is solldted to 11' the follow - Log very choice Wlnee, etc., for sate by JOSEPH F. DIINTON, lc o . 151 booth Front street above Walnut: MADEIRAS—OId Island. 8 yews old. SHF-RElR..—Catripbell et Co., alligle, double -..nt triple Grape, E. Crusne ct Sons, Rudolph, Topaz, Raeg Spanish, Crown and F. Vallette. PORTS—Vallette, Viisho Velho Real, Danton and Rebello Valente & Co.. Vintages 1K. , 6 to 186 a. CLARETS—Cruse File Freres and St...Estephe Chat can Luminy. VERMOUTH—G. Jonrdan, Itrive & Co. ISITSCAT—de Fromignan. CHAMPAGNIJS Ernest Irrony, "Golden Star, de Venoge, Her Majesty and Rcyal Cabinet and other tavorite brands. .R7WHIRR - Y.—Choice lots of old Wheat, Rys 11 Bourbon Whisky. for sale by E. P. MIDDLE. TON. 5 North FRONT Street. 13 , 15 • Pil INING COMPANIES. PROSPECTUS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA. Two shafts have been sunk on this prorerty, one o CAPITAL. STOCK, $.500,C00 NUMBER OF SHARES, 50,000 WORKING CAPITAL, $50,000. OFFICE OF WELLS, FARGO & CO., Exchange Company, 607 C4stnut Street, Philadelphia. HOLIDAY GOODS 1-I °)LIDO.A.IL 7 , 4 /31 - I/P r rag AT n3:14 New House Furnishing Store, No. 49 NORTH NINTH STREET, NEAR ARCH, Embracing' Silver Plated, Japanned, PLanisbed, 'Tin, Wood and Willow Ware, Table Cutlery, Baskets, etc. • ALSO, FOR CHILDREN, Spring and Rocking Horses, Sleighs, Vlocipedes,Toy Gigs, Tables &C; 1 ; ill 6-114 J. IS. YOST. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Musical Boxes. Violins, Guitars. Banjos, Accordeens, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, dec., at C. P. PLEASANTS' New Musical Instrument Store (nine twenty-nine), 929 CHESTNUT Street. den-12W SKATES! SKATES PHILIP WILSON & CO., 409 CHESTNUT STREET, Efavejusl received a large and desirable stack of LA- G.E.NTs' and BO I'S' SKATER, consisting of soirlea's Patent, without straps; Philadelphia, .New York and Boston Cluo Skates, Williams, Morse dk. Co.'s superior Skates, of every variety sod style. Blondio skates, Brass and Silver Plated; and all de ser/Pilorm to be found at 409 t'HEsTNET STREET. no2B-2dt HOLIDAY PRESENTS. The lest and most substantial present to a friend (or !ioltileis Widow) is a barrel of our Superior Family Flour, And a bag or tali barrel "MOUNFATN..I" BUCK- W LAT .aRAL, warranted whiter than Bethlehem :deal ALLMAN & ZEHNDER, FOURTH AND VINE. FADEL.PkiIa L sego9- TiffiITP.TIIECIL street, al.,,ve Vine, will re-open for tni Fall and Winter season on MONDAY, Sept. 2 - Lth, Ladles and geetlemen deliziee to acquire a thoroegi knowledge of this acconapment will land see facilityat 1.11.3 school. The horses are safe and v.e. trained, so that the most timid need not friar. tisdcl.e horses trained In the hest mannet. n„reei horses and vehicles to hire. Also carrlagsa for rex: rats, to cars, steamboats, cloc.. n - DETF:II WRIGHT r301..r5, ft; V Alij a a.2' I E.I -1 . Z.4., ..I.I.I.PORTEP.B OF F iRTELENWA.F.R. Economy in .Fuel. THE fE.NrINE ETEWART COOK STOVE, The Be-t Cook Stove in America It perfPrms more, IeSS Fuel, Than arvother St-ve in me „,ent fur Philadelphia, J. S. CLARK, diernai 1008 Marker street. TROMPON'S LUNDGN KITCRENE,R, OR itt-OPEAN RANGE. fur hotels. or "n, Tuttle inatitutlons, In TWENTY DIFFERENT 6t. Also, Philadelphia Ranges. Hot-ati 2 urn ac 6. Portable Hea:ers, Lowdown Grates. Fire. board Sae s . Bath Boilers, stewhole Plates, Broilers Cool: lag S:.,ves, etc_ at who:esale and re.tall, by the , tuasulaal/lerS. CHASE. SHARPE ct THOMPSON, 1736 , ,thAtri,e.rol No. '209 North Second street, 1110 MAS b. DLSON & SONS, ,:" Late Andrews & DLson, 10. it. 4 CHESTNUT street, PitiladelDhis. 1,14 Opposite United States Dilot, „. , ; - nfaoaters of LOW-DOWN, PARLOR, CHAMBER, OFFICE, And other GRATES, For mthrazite, Palomino= and Wood Fires, WARM-AIR FURNACES, For "(arming Public and Private Buildings, REGISTERS, VENTILATORS AND CI11311 , :ki-CAPS, ODOMCG-RAN(iili, BATH-ROLLE:IEOI4 c. O.V-1 h • HOLFSAT E. and RETAi PAIENT WIRE WORK ! The soli...sabers are the only and exclusive maniallso tnrers of MIRE WORK Under the Jenkins Patent In this city, ad would call the attention of the public to.heirvarltand extensive assortment of patterns and Styleiof Railings, Store Fronts, Door and Widow Guards, Bulwark Get tig for Ships, &c , &c. All orders iromptly executed. Liberal discounts made to Arcitects and Builders. ROBERT WOOD & CO., 1136 Ridge avenue. de2l-th sa sr? E. S. EARLEY, uNmeavrA.K.Jort, E. E. Corner of r irenth and Green. BROWN & MAGEE, LNUFACTIIRKRB OF ..P1 V4l/ 1 0, cp B.&M co c l REgc , stiles goods suitable And all for Tray rs and Excursionists, t II A large stock of Moßocco TRW :LEND RAGS ADM BETIO1:112B, .FO/ GENTS ABB LADTEB, Of our owillfaufsoture, suitable fbr 1-10 clay Presents. 708 CHISTNUT STREET. CANARY :9 nary Seedin ZiGoi 7ka:V7 .—Twesty-Ava barrels Prime O tare and Air nale. - by WOBKMAN EY 6 18 OW% BUSINESS CARDS. HOOP SKIRTS, NEW FALL STYLES NOW READY of Hopkins' "own make," at No. 628 AROH Street. These Skirts are gotten up expressly to meet the wants of first-class trade, and embrace which size and style for Ladies, Misses and Children, , for finish and durability, have no equal in the market, and warranted to give satisfaction. Also, constantly on hand, a fall assortment of good Eastern made Skirts, from Is to 40 springs, at very low prices. Skirts made to order, altered and repaired. Wrholesale and retail. n01641m1 C. 0 R. RIIMPP, <1".45 No. 118 North Fourth Etna, Philadelphia. Manufacturer and Importer of T PORTE MONNADRSRAVELING BAGS, POCKET BOOKS, CIGAR CARE % MONEY _BELTS, SATCTTI I PiTR.SES. Cabal, Bankers' Cases, Dressing Cases, 'Writing Desks, Port Folloa,Bill Books, &c., &e. Jobbing promptly attended to. nov7-2ml 111; DOW GLASS. f WTI.T.iA M EVANS, Jr., 252 South FRONT St., Wholesale and Retail Dealer in American and French Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnlshse, etc, A very desirable brand of Glass for Picture Frames, ISAAC S. ATIZINSON, Attorney at Law, late of Franklin, Venango county, Pennsylvania, has re sumed pratice at the Philadelphia bar. Office, Mg Wal nut street, .Philadelphia. to talm* • T. VAUGHAN MERRICK, WM. H. iNO. E. COPE. 01TFHWARR FOUNDRY, leterti. AND WABNi INGTON STREETS, PECCLAD pars•RrtroE K M A irs _ ENGINEERS AND M_ACIANDSyt3, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam lianas®. for L..,....., ttiver and Marine Service. r..nier, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &c. ..:astin_gs of all kinds, either lien or 'orass. Lror Fmrna Root for Gas Works, Workshops ..sitroud Stakons, &c. 'stn - ms and Gas Machinery, of the latest and am. ca_Pnwed construction. _ Every description of Plantation Machinery; aci Sugar, Saw and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Gum Steam Trains, Detcators, Filters, Pumpinz Ea Atr... bole Agents for H. Balms's Patent Sugar BBin:4 apparatus, Neamyth's Patent Steam Hammer Lai Aspinwall & Woin e. olsey's Patent Centrilhgal Snga Draining Mach 10111MINSYLVASTE4 WO - RlM—on tho DIEELAWA.E.3 A. Elver, below PI:rIT.A OBLPITIA, (MESTER, Delawfar z pr 7 y, Pa. Al, it Ittaineers and Iron Boat B SON 00.ntlders, 'Manufacturers of all lends Of co ir - Dm.4e. Az - 14 :p., - cric-coaciDraviaN , G. raT. (iEN - ES, Iron Vessels of all descriptions, Boßers, Vats, Tarati Propellers, etc., T. REAXIIY, W. E. B.E.A.EITY, S. A_ROITMOLD, Late of Late Beaney, Neafie & Co., Engineer in fatal Penn Works. Phil:- CISIS-rn U. S. Nev;.. aEarpoie AND (X)11.MISSIOli N 0.115 'WALNUT F•TrIEET, PHIL-kin:LP TILL. TAILII3 A. WRIGET, THO/32iTuN PLirit. FIXTUhPi — 1", ERRLLL d %J . TIIACEALA. NO. 71.1 CHESTNUT street NaLtifacturers of Gas Fixtures, Lamps. ettc„ would call the attention of toe put , lic to their large aed elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers, Pendants Brackets, &c. "hey also Introduce Gas pipes MG( .I.we.args and Public Buildings, and attend to extend Ing, altering and repairing Gas pipes. All work war ranted. jaau W ELLS —0 WN FRS OF PP.OPERTY.—The I only place to get Privy Wells Cleansed and Distr.. lected, at, very low prices. A. PE V5:30.157, Manufacturer of Pondrette, Goldsmith's Ilan. Lib street rare DRIIGto. ' , CD LIVER OlL—Twenty-five be.rrr,ls. new made, '. Cod Liver Oil. of very superior quality: Carta Ammonia. just received. In jars: also, just received twenty-eve barrels +ery supet arr Alcohol, warranted es per cenL, In the best of packages, and for sale by J OHM C. SAGER d. CO., No. 71S Market street. ODGSON 'S BRONCHIAL TABLETS. —The Atte vlation of Bronchitis, Catarrh. Hoarseness. ant Similar Complaints, affecting the Organs of the Voice Public -Sp:.kers, Singer and Amateurs have beet greatly benefited by using these Tablets, and their high appreciation of their intrinsic merit, particularly re. c..,mmends them to persons affected with BRON. CHITIS, HOARSENTSB, and CATARRH of the HEAD and BREAST. For sale by Druggit s generally et,. Prepared only by LANCASTERApothe caries, northeast corner Arch and Tenth streets, PCdla delphia. aup E•* e e ..11• I :4 • eI.• . PLASTERS with the pliancy of silk, the siren. and softness of kid. For affections of the Chest, p weakness, &c., &c. They are cleanly and 0d0r1,.. comfortable and effective. Sold by HUBBELL, Apo • anis T18.111001819' BUNDEXES. Graduates Mortars 1.1 Pill Tiles, Combs, Brushes, Mirrors, Tweerersjont Boxes, Horn Scoops., Surgical Ins rumens Trusses Hard and Soft Rubber Goods, Vial Cases, GLsas and Metal Syringes, Cc., all at "First Hands" pprice& ENOWDICI G BROTHER, M South Eighth street. ROBERT SEG./MBAS-ER CO.. N. E. CURNIKII FOURTH AND RACE STREETS, Wholesale Druggists. Manufacturers and Dealers In Windom Glass, White Lead, and Paints of every description. offer to the trade, or consumers, acomplete stock of goods in their line, at the lowest ket ratea. ROBERT SHOFM AKER & 00 Northeast corner Fourth and Race streets. ILTAGNIMIA—Jenning's Calcined , la WM. round tins M and boxes, also in bottles. Jenning's Carbonate of 2 oz. and 4 oz. papers. Heavy Calcined Magnesia lynding and for sale by CHARLM ELLIS SON & CO., Druggists, Market and Seventh streets Philadelphia. seld ESSENTIAL OILS. —PIIME OILS OP ALMONDS Lemon Bergamot, Anise, Carraway, Cloves Orange, W intergreen t Cinnamon, Lavender Juniper Cogn Peppermint, Sassa fr as, Rose. Rose Geranium Citron Verbs etc. all of warranted quality. Poi sale by , Co., Druggists, Nos. 724 and 74 Market street. a7a DEIIGS.—A LARGE AND GEN - ZEAL STOCE 01 Drags, Chmlcals and Pharmaceutical PrePam Math, ibr sale by WII.LIA.M. ELLLS Oa. Dmiitsta Noe. X 724 and TN Market street. DAY RUM.—Just received, an Invoice of Genuine 1.3 Imported Bay Rom, for sale by the gallon, by ROBERT SHORN( ARER dr. CO., Druggist. M . . E. car ner Fourth and Race streets. "• . • oft• - • : aitZ • in• • fi.:X.lO and portable contrivance for the application of an. ante to the Internal enrftuze of the rectum. Bold by :1,1: : a L. Oh 4.."1 CURTAIN HATERULLIS. CURTAIN ESTABLISHMENT Sheppard, Van Harlingen & Arrison No. 1008 Chestnut St., Axe now receiving the commencement of their Fall Assortment of FRENCH AND ENGLISH LACE CURTAINS, BROCATELLE, SILK TERRY, FL A risl' WOOL REPS, SATIN DE LA TNES, FANCY UNION REPS, ITPRECnT VELVET And a variety of other materials for CURTAIN and FURNITURE COVERING. sant WINDOW SHADES at BLINDS Blinds and Shades. B. J. WILLIAMS. NO.IB NORTH SLUE( ST., MANIIP4CTUREIRS or Venitian. Blinds and Window Shades, The' largest and finest assortment In the city, at the lowest Cash_Prices. Store Shades made and lettered. Cheap lot SOIT , ItT Blinds and Shades. ' AMNION EMMEN. BY 'JOHN B. MYERS & 00.. AI7OI7ONELERS - Noe. 2.32 and 234 Market street. corner of Bank LARGE PEREMPTORY BALE OP roars, orome, moo_ ,ANS TRAVELING BAGS, &c. ON TUBBDAY MORNING. JAN. 2, V1:11 be sold. • at, 10 o'clock; by catalogue, ON FOUR MONTHS' CREDIT, about 1100, yackam boote,ahom. Wino:WA, cavalry boats, &c.; of city and Banat! InallubMtlar% Open for examination with catalogue early on the morning of sale. TAMS & HARVEY, AUCTIONEERS. (Late with hi. Thomas & Bone.) 1.1:1:1:4:Aure e'•,, AUCTIONEER!, _ No. 505 MARKET street. above FM& CRAJ(I AI SOP, CIAACE2Ier A. BEL23Car, TE.J_,C:aOIIE VALUABLE P.ESIDENOES AT TRIVATR SAME. To R.r ESTATE OPERATORS. Will be sole. at very low rates, to a party who will take them all In one lot, five deelrable dwellings in the heart of the city. immediate occupancy can be had If desired. This is a very favorable opportunity to par ties who seek good real estate investments to bay at old prices property which will pay well and increase in value, For particulars apply at the auction store. Rh_r-T ST. STORES—At private sale, the valu able tour-story btiek store S. E. corner of Market and Bank sts. In first rate condition. Terms accommo dating. ALSO—The substantW property at the S. E. corner of Market and Strawberry sts. In excellent order. These properties will be sold so as to pay a good In terest on the investment. STABLE—A very desL-able property in the neigh borhood of Twelfth and Locust ste. TAVERN STAND and 9 =MI of laid, on Ridge road, 9 miles from the State House. known as the "errel Horse." Plans, surveys, cfic-, at the store. Property No. 4v2 south Front st, 41 by 100 feet. do do 1125 and 114 e Lombard st SO acres, Germantown 37 do Fisher's lane Valuable Lot, Market street, above Nineteenth do do Barker do do de • 8 Building Lots, south Twenty-second st Property northeast corner Fourth and Spruce Ma Dwelling. with side yard. Darby road Brown-steno Store, Second st, near Chestnut Residence and large lot, Burlington do No. "41.1. south Tenth st do do 418 south Eleventh st Dwelling, 430 Pine St do 548 Pond at 5 acres of Land, Federal at. Twenty-sixth Ward VALUABLE STORE, CH - ESTNITT ST—A very valuable business property on Chestnut it, having two fronts—in good order, de. Occupancy with the deed. -• THOMAS BIRCH ,4 SON. AUCTION - ERRS A.ND 11 arc acts..slON MERCHANTS, No. 1110 CHESTNUT street, (P..ear entrance 1107 Ssnnanm street) Household Furniture of every description received oa Consignment. SALES EVEP.Y FRIDAY MORNING. Sales of Furniture at dwellings attended to on the most Ressonable Terms. SALE OF REAL ESTATE STOCEB, 40., AT MED EXCHANGE. Thomas Parch 4 Son respecllnlly inform that rienda and the public that they are pre_pared attend to the sale of Real Estate by auction and at private sale! Sale at No. 1110 Chestnut street. NEW AND SECONDHAND HOUSEHOLD FUR- N ITT RE, CARPItm; MIRRORS, PIANO FOETID:, &c. ON FRIDAY MORNING, At 10 O'Clock, at the Auction Store. No. 1110 Chalk= street, will be sold— A large assortment of superior furniture, including Parlor sults at walnut, covered with plush reps and hair cloth; \relent chamber suits, finished in oil and varnish; extension dining tables: marble top tables; sideboards; wardrobes; secretary and bookcases; Brus sels, velvet and ingrain carpets, mirrors; beds and matresses: plated' ware: china. me. GENUINE CHAMPAGNE WINE. ON FRIDAY MORNING, At 12 o'clock, at the auction store, will be sold, 12 cases billery Grand Vin Moussean. FIREPROOF CHESTS. A lso, 2 fireproof chests. mORES -NATRANS, AUCTIONEER AND 001E ..XESSION IiERRORANT, Southeast corner Sixth and Race street& The sale will continue until every article is dis posed of. • AT PRIVATE RALE FOR RALF TEE USUAL MILLI:Ike PRICES. . Pine gold hunting case, open face, English patent lever watches, Of the most approved and best make= fine gold bunting case and open face detached lever and lepine watches; ladles' fine gold watches; fine gold American lever watches; duplex and other watches. Fine silver hunting case and open face American. English, ',Swiss and other lever watches: fine silver lepine watches: English, Swiss and French watches, in huntingcases, double cases and open face; fine gold vest, neck. cha -hone. fob and guard chains: - fine gold Jewelry of every description; fowling pieces; re volvers. &C. Rrt.r.t TAELE. First class billiard table, complete. AT PRIVATE SALE. Several building lots, In Camden. N. J., Fifth and Chestnut streets. FIREPROOF CHEST. size firepro, reheat, 6 feet high by 8 feet aldo; tuE l leVy Silas 0. Herring. Also. a man Ral mender fireproof chest. MONEY TO LOAN, In large or small amounts, on goods of every description. T viTZPATRICK & CO., AUCTIONEERS, NRW . Auction House, No. 927 CHESTNUT 6zreet, adia cent to the Continental, Girard, St. Lawrence, Marko° House and other popular Hotels. Sal IllustratedVEN commencing at 6 Jove. Fine Annuals and Gift Books, Poets. Mies. &c.. In tine bindings: Photograph Albums, Gold and Silver Pencils and Gold Pens,Fine Pocket Cutlery, Port Follos, Work Boxes, Fine Stationery. and a gene ral assortment of Fancy Goods, at store, 927 Chestnut street.dew 6t J. WOt.R. SPECIAL AND CLOSING BALE• OF OLD W1N1M4,.. BRANDII+B, CHAmPAGNES, OLARETS;EILINS. WINES, RUM' WHISKIES. ac. r, • - ON G. DEC. 29. At precisely 11 oFRIDAY' cIock, M at O No RN . I 1. N 6 so uth Ellitht Street— A large quantity and general assortment of Choice Liquors, in dendiolms,llBBB9 and bottles, and in' lots to salt purchasers. air 'Air particulars see citalOgries. T " .13 2T T AIIOTICUMERII,.. • : Cash Auction Hoes% • ; No. ins MA ST.= street, corner of Bank Street. that advancM on constimmenin without extra charge. CLOSING SALE FOR THE SEASON, - ON FRIDAY NORNLNEI. D.Na • • Commencingnt lc o'clock, to cluseecoonnts and oem. sfgnments, about sto• lots winter ,dry goodsishirtet,"- drawers,,lhncy shirts; dress goods @c..A150. 69! ewes boots, shdes and gaiters. Also, a large aseortin s at • miscellaneous goods. 'D 8007 T, ,13., AUCTlONE,l,2o,straiii. AUCTION SALES. THOMAS ete - SONS, A UCTlONnuelitN, Nos:tls and 1 41 South FOURTH street, ' SALE AT LA. PIERRE HOUSE, FRIDAY. NOTICE—The Sale at the Lacrierre Rouse, on FRI DAY. will include a quantity of excellent Chamber Furniture, Counterpanes, Bedding, Coffer; Cooking Utensils, Steam Pomp. Large Office Clock, eke."' • SALES OF STOCKS AND REAL HISTATE at the Exchange, every TUICSDAY, at.l2 o'clock nom. tor Handbills Of each properly issues separately* and on the. Saturday previous to each sale lICS Juane' fr pamphlet form, giving full dPseriPtions. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BA - HE. Printed catalogues, comprising several hundred. thousand dollars, including every,description of WO and country property, from the smallest dwellings S3l the most elegant mansions; elegant country seats, terms, business properties. &c. far STORE FURNITURE' SALE?, AT THE AMMO* EVERY RSDAY. Dar Particular attention give residences, gicc. n to 5211313 at privata STOCKS, A ON TUESDAY, J AN, 2, At 12 o'cl Sandy the Philadelphia Exchange—. 100 share Eas t and Hall's Run Petroleum Co.. 1 share Point Breeze Park Association. 5 shares West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad. 17 shares Reliance Insurance Co. 50 shares Pennsylvania Mining Co. of Michigan. 500 shares Philadelphia and Sugar Creek Oil Co. 2 shares Steubenville and Indiana Railroad, new stock. 42 50 Fractional Certificate do do ao to shares Central National Bank. 100 shares Delaware 'Mutual Meantime Co. REAL ESTATE SALE, JAN. 2. MODERN RESIDENCE. 201'H ST—The neat: ma dern residence No. 225 south Twentieth at neer Wal nut. It is very conveniently arranged. Dnmediz.te possession. Mode , n Three-story ERICK DVvz..LLING.- NO. 272 south Third st.north ofSpruce; has gas, bath, &c, Threestory BRICK DWELLINbI, No 2t09- Girard. avenue, Three story BRICE DWRI.I.TNO, No 2010 College avenue. CAMDEN PROPZETY. Three-story STORE aou D WELLING, S. IL _ con er of Friurtb and Pine eta, Camden, N. J. 2 Three-story BRICE DWELLINGS. Nos 404 and,4oB Pix. e at, Camden, N. I. Three story BRICK DWELLING, No 810 south Fourth st, Camden. N. J. Three-story BRICK DWELLING and Two-story BRICK sIu.R.E, Noa 812 and 814 south Fourth street, Camden, N. J. 2 Three-story BRICK DWELLINGS, Nos 8./5 and FKIA Locust EL Three-story BRICK DWELLING. Holly st, south of Fitzwater. VERY VALUABLE LOT, N. W. corner Basque han na avenue anti Hancock a 0 feet trout, THREE S ORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 1110 Poplar at. with a three- stcry brick dwelling In the rear. I ;THREE SToRT BRICK DWELLINGS. Nos. 1180.1132,1134, 1122 an p d 1124 Canal at. to Ex ec uto rs' Peremry Sale—ta's. of John Fton deed—VAIIABLE TAVERN Es PROPERTY, eI one acre, known as "Felton rifle Hotel," second street turnpike and Fisher's land, V..d Ward. Sale absolute. CLOSENO SALE AT LA. lERRE ROUSE. FURINITC,B.E. BLANEE'TS. P BILDDIING, STFAx PUMP, &c ON FRIDAY MURNII.OO. DEC 29, At 10 o'clock. at the IA Pierre Euse. Broad street, b.-Icse Chestnut. will be sold all the articles remaining fri,m former sales. eluding chambe furniture. car pets. blankets, bedding, hear matresPes. large quan tity t. f copper cooking I:ll..hea I , ,niture, st, pun p, grates. blowers, lenders, &c. Terms-25 per cent to te paid at time ofsale. AT PRIVATE SALE—Modern REST.D.KNICE, with 3 acre , . MEW:mina Ft, Germantown. VALUABLE LOT Warren st, west of 17th. • MORTGAGE. $2.3,000.—A first -el if well seoare4 meng,ge Nt WS A. FREEMAN, AL'et lONEER. No. 4 WA LNUT st - reet. NINETEENTH FALL SALE, JAN. 3.1866. Thin sate, Itt the Eichange, at 12 o'clock noon, will neiui2e— S e IORE. CIirP.CTI ST—The four story brick store ?So t.hurch alley. above Market at., bang 23 feet 2 is rhos fruat aad 62 fret deep. Clear of incumbrance. Pervaptory Sale—Estate of Sarah live , elf, d<C d. LOT. CANAL ST.. 19TH WARD—A lot of ground on the west side of below George st: 40 by about. t fr.t. 5117. , 1, Evtate. - . DWE,LLIICGS, RACE, ABOVE 15TH—A lot of CM with the two-story frame and two three story briclz dwellings thereon, Race st, above 15th: 34 by 78 ft et eastis lot adjoins th. Friends' Meeting House on the and would with the corner lot, make a fine in proverof nt. Salt by order of Heirs—Estate of Sarah. Roh, ,nan, dee'd. CALLOW HILL, BELOW SECOND—Three three stur c br!ck dwellings. ti us 114.11.; and 118 CaHowl:till st; 50 by leer. The houses are in good order. Now rent for tsl2 but would bring more. arie.Puil descriptions in Ikuidlnits and catatcy;ecs at the - A uet,on Store. 9 •ir ~~ A~Jlr:f•lCd,iy:~~`•Y4CPl ~~~7-,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers