Character of Abraham Lincoln—Opinion of Ills Law Partner. Hon. W. H. Herndon, twenty years the law partner of the late President Lincoln, has been delivering a series of lectures in Springfield, Dl., on Mr. Lincoln's character. He said Mr. Lincoln was a sad-looking man, and that his apparent gloom was one rof the means of his great success,' creating sym pathy for him. He did not think Mr. lAn coin knew what real joy was for many years. His perceptions were slow, cold, wecise and exact. No illusion ever passed undetected by him. He was not impulsive or fanciful, but saw all things through a perfect mental lens. The suggestiveness of his mind was one of its strongest peculiarities. He read less and thought more than any man of his elan in America. He possessed originality and power of thought in an eminent degree. He was eminently analytic. Before he could form an idea of anything, he must know it in origin and history, in substance and quality, in magnitude and gravity. He was thoroughly self-reliant. The great pre dominating elements of Mr. Lincoln's pecu liar character were: First, his great capa city and power of reason; secondly, his excellent understanding: thirdly, an exalted idea of the sense of right and equity; and fourthly, his intense veneration of what was time and-good. His reason ruled despotically all other faculties and qualities of his mind. His conscience and heart were ruled by it. His conscience was ruled by one faculty—reason. His heart was ruled by two faculties—reason and con science. It is generally believed that Mr. Lincoln's heart—his love and kindness, his tenderness and benevolence—were his ruling qualities, but ad , : opinion is erroneous in every particular. First, as to his reason. He dwelt in the mind, not in the conscience, and not in the heart. He lived, and breathed and acted from his reason—the throne of logic and the home of principle, the realm of Deity in man. It is from this point that Mr. Lincoln must be viewed. The views were correct and original. He was cautious not to be deceived; he was patient and enduring. He had concentra tion and great continuity of thought; he had a profound analytic power, his visions were clear, and , he was emphatically the master of statement. We boast not his equal here. His pursuit of the truth was indefatigable, terrible. He reasoned from his well chosen principles with such clear ness, force and compactness, that the tallest intellects in the land bowed to him with respect. North Carolina Ilatters. A despatch from Wilmington, N. C., on the 26th, says: The negfbes made no organizedgemonstra , tion in this vicinity on Christmas day. A few isolated cases of collision between the - whites and blacks occurred on Christmas morning, but the negroes creating the dis turbance were arrested by the police. A crowd of negroes rallied and recruited seve ral companies, when the regular garrison came to the assistance of the police, and ar rested about 100 blacks. Major Wickersham, of the Freedmen's Bu reau, has ordered the Chairman of the County Court to revoke the sentence against McCoy and Walker, the negroes ordered to be sold into slavery for larceny, and says that in default all the members of the Court will be put under arrest. In the case of Walker and McCoy, eolored, sentenced by the County Court to be sold into servitude for five years for larceny, Maj.-Gen. Crook, commanding the district, annulled the sentence, on the ground that no laws can be enforced which make a distinc tion between black and white. The statute provides merely for selling free negroes into servitude, and therefore may not be en forced. • The Sheriffs have been instructed by the President not to enforce the collection of the tax levied, by the Constitutional Convention. The action has been procured by the mer chants interested. The alarm about the negroes is subsiding In this vicinity. Nothing is known of any suspicious movements. Meeting . of Generals Sherman and Joe .lohnston A Memphis paper, December 20, states: General Joseph - E. Johnston, the beloved commander of the late Confederate "Army of Tennessee," arrived in our city yesterday morning, stopping at the Geyoso. His visit - was one purely of business, limited to a few busy hours—leaving, as he did, on the five o'clock packet. He was rapturously wel comed by the few of his old comrades who knew of his being in town, and who had the good fortune to exchange hurried greetings with him. It is something of a coincidence that he and General Sherman should have met here, the one in the discharge of his or-1i nary military duties, and the other in the pursuits of private business. Their meet ing was characterized by the kindliness which ever inspires the true soldier when hostilities have ceased. Their previous meeting in North Carolina was pregnant with momentous results. Then they met as enemies. Now they are friends and fellow-countrymen, cherishing for each other respect and kindness. Cannot the country emulate the example of these two greatest of living commanders? THE CHURCH MiLrrA:wr.—The trouble at Galesburg, 111., between the people of Grace (Episcopal) Church of that city and Bishop Whitehouse, has assumed a new phase. It . will be recollected that the Bishop silenced Dr. Cracraft, the rector, because he preached a loyal sermon, the prelate avail ing himself of some ecclesiastical technica lities to effect his object. A short time ago the Bishop appointed the Rev. Mr. Chase, of Subilee College, rector, and the vestry executed a deed of trust of the ehnrch to Judge Lawrence and William Philips, Esq. An attempt was made, but too late, to enjoin the master in chancery from executing the deed. The Whitehouse faction, on failing in this, per suaded the senior warden, who issued a handbill, in which he claimed to,be the cus todian of the church, and proclaimed it locked up, to be opened only to clergyrnen in good and regular standing, who would comply with the canons of the Protestant Episcopal Church, both general and' dioce san. This was aimed at Dr. Cracraft, who, notwithstanding the Bishop's order, has been temporarily occupying the pulpit. As soon as the foregoing bill was issued, the majority of the vestry removed the lock of the door, and gave notice that Mr. Chase would not be allowed to officiate, threatece ingto eject him should he persist in doing so. He concluded not to make the attempt, and on Sunday week the usual services took place as the majority of the vestry and church wished to have them.—Cincinnati Gazette. Exams. No. '.239, of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, exploded while stand ing on a siding near Torrence Station, on Sunday morning. The engine was attached to the Local Freight train, in charge of John Good, conductor, and Wm. Gettyman, engineer. The engine was badly wrecked, the whole side being torn out of the boiler. Mr. Kammerer, the fireman, was badly padded, and inhaled considerable steam. He is not expected to recover. He resides in Johnstown. A brakesman named Park,• was blown about fifty feet, and received in juries of a serious character. The engineer, Wm. Gettyman, had a leg broken in three hlaces. The conductor, Mr. Good, was urt badly, but not dangerously. THE Spanish Admiral, it is declared, who is commanding the squadron off Valparaiso, has insulted our Minister, Thomas Ja. Nel son. The American and English merchants and residents are indignant at his conduct, and haVe laid the matter before their respec tive Ciovenuments, THE EXECUTIVE MANsioN.—Arrange ments• are now, being , made for the New Year's reception of the President. A new`,, covering for the Carpet in the East Room has been procured, and the master mechanic . was at the Executive Mansion yesterday morning for the purpose of commencing the erection of a platform from the north windows of the East Robin to the pavement,, so as to enable the visitors to pass through the apartments 'without blocking up the passage. The new curtains for the private apartments of the President's family have arrived, and it is expected that the curtains for the East Room will be received in time for the reception.,The health of the Presi dent and family continues good. THE CATTLE PLAGUE.—The U. S. Consul writing to the'State Department from Man chester, under date of Dec. 9th, 1865, says: "Since the date of my last despatch on the subject of the cattle plague, the deaths have rapidly increased. The whole number of cases reported to the, authorities up to the close•of last week is 39,000; of these 19,950 died, and 10,700 were killed while suffering with the disease. The number of cases re ported last was nearly 4,000. The exact figures are, for the week ending Nov. 18, 2,669; for the week ending Nov. 25, 3,610; for the week ending Dec. 2, 3,828. A BAYK ROBBED.—A daring robbery took place at the First National Bank of 'Washington city on Friday afternoon, the sum stolen amounting to $15,000. The robbery took place in open daylight, while a Untied States Paymaster was receiving the amount mentioned. Ths money had been counted and placed before the Pay master, who happened to turn his head for a moment, and on again looking around discovered that the money had disap peared. No clue has as yet been obtained to the robbery. TEN Engineer Department has been directed by the Secretary of War to com mence at once the cleansing and repairing of Fort Delaware, either by contract or otherwise, as may be most economical and consistentent with proper despatch. The cost will be defrayed from the rebel prison fund. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. 825. ARCH STREET. 825 Holiday Presents FOR GENTLEMEN. Wrappers, Mufflers, Gloves, Ties, Fine Shirts, Silk, Melillo and Lamb's Wool Under Clothing, In great variety, at 3HE4O El F 1 S Gentlemen's Furnishing Store. 825. • ARCH STREET. 825. dell-nt/ GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS. GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS. The largest assortment in the City. J. C. ARRISON, N i o . Nl and 3 North Sixth Street. Holiday Presents for Gentlemen Just received, an elegant assortment of new styles o Scarfs, Ties, Gloves, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs Wrappers, Smoking Jackets, Cardigan Jackets, Carriage Bugs, Mufflers And a great variety of Men's Furnishing Goods or. 'vv. scoa-r & No, 814 Chestnut Street 1865. HOLIDAYS ! 1866. WINCHESTER & CO., 706 CHESTNUT STREET. SCARFS. SKATING JACKETS r - 4173P7 1 ! YRS: GLOVES, CARRIAGE RUGS. HANDKERCESKFS, MUFFLERS, SHAWL% With a choice variety of Wrappers and Breakfast Jackets, Comprising useftd and attractive PRESENTS FOR GENTLEMEN. dettolja inc 2 EVERY FAMILY SHOULD HATE Spencer's Patent Flour Sifter For Sifting Flour, Meal, Buckwheat, Sauce and all other articles requiring a sieve. STATE AND COUNTY Rights for Sale. It is one of the moat useful inventions for domestic use ever offered to the public. The flour is sifted in one-quarter the time (and much better than by any other process) by putting the flour in the top of the Sifter, then, by turning the crank, the flour passes through the sieve with great rapidity. Clean, very fine and light. This Sifter has no India rubber rollers togrind up the dirt. such as bugs, worms, flies, dm.. !antenna all articles and leaves the dirt remaining in the sieve; the Sifter is made of tin, Is very neat and easy to keep clean. It is the only Sifter now M use that gives SATISFACTION. Every Sifter is warrant. ed to give satisfaction. Be sure and ask for Spencer's Patent Tin Sifter. /a - Wholesale trade supplied on reasonable terms. Samples sent to any address on receipt of el 00. Factory 346 North SECOND Street. neie-ami • M. E. SPENCER. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1865. AKIEJR=ENTS. 09.14711.4.ENTA1. I.I4ANn Is..xamaxakiN 01301= SEATS To tar places of snonseitent may be ban up to s Oclock any evening. _ *. lal `h CHOICE SEATS AND ADMISSION T/OKETS Can be had at • TILE PROGRAM:MIS OFFICE,. . . 481 'CHESTNUT street. opposite the Post Office, for the ARCH, CHESTNUT, - WALNUT and ACADY OF MUSIC, up to 6 o'clock every evening. emu CONCERT HALL. POSITIVELY THE LAST WEE% ! Xgr OPEN THIS RNO AFTEEtNOO AND EVERY AFTEON, AND EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEN 1,200 HOLIDAY. PRESENTS GIVEN AWAY, FREE OF , HARGE, A.T CONCERT HALL, THIS W FMK, Including the TB OUSAND-DOLLAR GRAND PLANO! Upon the stage, which has been so much admired for the past few weeks PCkSITIVELY LAST WEEK OF THE HILTONLAN TA BLEAUX OF PARADISE LOST! TWELVE FFIII:I3ITtONS THIS WFISE, OPEN EVERY NIGHT! OPEN Evh.RY AtersENOON! 100 COSTLY PRESENTS GIVEN TO THE AUDIENCES AT EACH EXHLBITION, CONSISTING OF SPLENDID GOLDBAND CHINA TEA errs, MASRIVE SILVER ICE PITCHERS, GOLD CLASP FAMILY BIBLES, SILVER CAKE RABBETS, SILVER GOBLETS, SILVER TEA BELLS. SILVER CUPS, TOYS, FANCrY GOODS, &c. Tickets 25 cents. Children, afternoons. IS cents. Doors open. evenings, at 7 o'clock; afternoons. at 7. o'clock. dese The First Annual Prize Exhibition OF AMERICAN ART, OOLLEC'FED BY THE PHILADELPHIA SKETCH CLUB. Or'JEN ID At the Penn& Academy of the Fine Arts, WILL CLOSE JA_NUARY THIRD. From 9 A. IL to 5 P. M., and Tram 7 to 10 P. AL Admittance .25 mint Berzon Tickets ..... ....... AMERICA- , 7 ACADEMY OF ]ttEG.EIC LEONARD GROVE_It THE EEASON AND ALTEI:NATE NIGHT SA LE FOR GRAND ITALIAN OPERA, CONTINUES TO-DAY, AT TRUMPLER'S MUSIC STORE, Corner SEVE.tiTH and CHESTNUT The reason is absolulPlr limited to tsrelcr It" commencipgllol% DAY January Ist, lava 1 - hr t 'oar panv embn•ces Sl6ncra CARCrLZI ZCC- M 1.5 CLARA LOULS:I CHI,, K ELLOI .1., Figoora RO.ISIO, 'M1....s ADELAIDE 1H IL ,S,gI or BINE DE R 09.51, LI Pr...'. Madame REA CHARD:. .StPlortns DE OEBEL bille. IiAIs..TIR, I Signor MAZZOLETI 7 I, .. Ign o r IRFRE, sLgi.,..r NI A tvA 111 LIANI, Signor ANTOSLIOCI NgLor BELIAIN I. ,-.lgnor Aktl/..i.VANI Sion, I'M 1.: L1...1, 111. ; Her- Ithl ell ',R01% sl, nor DI. lilt Ft' I L., n:lgnor ('.l.lillt). A 11L 1t If Lt. 24 A Siglior 'rUIiRIA SI aud HA :ur icirgr , r WieInVOCA:I3* r ,ce.t F6.l rnc.e ut;elatii t hurl any a 11:• h Icc ever et a ptteare , . IL the New Yuri: Aciidechy, acd beyond cavil tilt.. maßol3, _ _ ffi==== LUME "FOoll pre3ent :he of bls or her P! 01.`"00,1.1 N s ops•ru t tmarredry the pro.e. 4 ot• o',` a tog or wssru v , s!c . 10 ie. p essuzlsisny of s och I.lerit la !I inert,' preS , qll worBt.:Ao.l demand. etft:oe::. e Coro erjov .v::.11 We we.y.— Sete 3,r It . • r.t. ercbree;s the pr,xlu: -. t.on of Si.eyerl”er's en,nd I:AFF.I , .A which tills ereitti - 41 a u:i.•. I'aris , 1,0 ndon UndNesr York. cif the ail the Costume,. Prop, rta, :Lira 1 Lea - lc:ILA:, to t 1 of ;1,,, m undrriul °Dent, sehicn o,,ri‘ Dry n - tract at I,R f • 1" ,, r Ita pi - tattle:ion :hit 5....1.50i at the Academy of Music. New York, will Ls Ji - ousi. to this city. cr.isrrNo E LA COMAR s "... a Romantic Opera, In three act,, by the Brother , Bice I hi, lij rra, procluerAl Y.,r the tint tithe this WOO the mo,t dIsLIO ulsh.a su he mUec to exceedingly brilliant, ...Id th dramatic ,itnations arc- is the highest decree 1 Liu ryi UST. nonnatla probably the must pt%pul_ar Opera proclue -d rur many v-an past, lONE. Petrella's charmlag (jper., 2 RON' ATORE, by Verdi FP.A DIA VOL() with the new and popu:ar recitations written by the antler, fur it t.rotinotion on Int. Italimn stage, and CEDRIZBISIBMEI of the I'S'et , Su: k a Caden):: of Nitl•lt 111 E :••c..As()N :-.I" . BSCRI P I'lols7 SALE will coyarnencv at '1 RCM I' LEE'. ,1.,t.. (;,,ald .1 itiFic lore, crater of ' t.VEN'I'LI and CR 1....5TN I; r atreeza. TIT I:TISAY .IiO.ILNLNO, Dye. 23, 1665,.1 . at nine o'clt,ck. SCHEIV E Elf B TIAC.Fr A SECURED SEAT FON. EVERY Is: I(4 ICO A SECURED .4.EAT EDE Ey y A LTE.IiN ATE NIGHT, COMM FINCLINF: WITH MONDAY OR TUERDA Y B'2 It will be observed that the price named for The tion.on ha low-or we err right than the last Ktason (per night) price in New York. ACADEMY OF MIMIC: FAREWELL CONCERTS OF BLINO Toni, TEE PIANIST. ONE WEEK ONLY, Commencing MONDAY AFTERNOON, Dec. 25th, 1865, and continue EVER I AFTARAOON AND EVENING DURING ROLIDAY WEEK. Admission. Amphitheatre. Private Boxes No extra cha•ge for reserved seats, Comfortable seats in amphitheatre for colored persons. Tickets may be secured at the Box Office,Trumpler's Music Store, corner Seventh and Chestnut. and at Risley's Book Stand, Continental Hotel, every day. TIME. Matinees commence at. Evening performances Doors open 1 hour previous. The Stockholders are respectfully invited to attend the entertainments, and will be admitted on their tick eta. Blind Tom's remarkable compositions are pub- Bailed by J. Marsh, 1029 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. del9-12.0 S. C. J. THAYE,R, Agent. TXTALNUT STBEIET THEATRE, VW E. cor. NINTH and WALNUT. Begins ca 7%. I..XTlAulth LiN A h .Fos THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS! THIRD NIGHT of the DrSTI , GC ISH.ED ARTIST, MR. J. B. RORERTs. In his great character of Mephistophiles. Third Night of Oxen ford's Comedy of BROTHER SAM. B, other Pam Mr. Barton Hill THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, Dec. 27, latib, FAUST AND MARGUERITE. Mephiatophiles 'qr. J. R. Roberts Faust Mr. James H. Taylor Marguerite Miss Annie Graham To conclude with the Gl•rious Comedy of BROTHER SAM, Sam. Rnmbelow Alice MRS. JOHN DRXW EATRE. 'S NEW ARCH STREET TH THE CHRISTM AS HOLIDAYS. LOST IN LONDON. r` MRS. JOHN DREW ELLY A RMROYD. WkDICESDAY, DPC. 27, AND EVERY NIGHT, Watts Phillips's great Play of LOST IN LONDON, • With new Scenery, by Hawthorn. Machinery, by Mr. Demilt. Properties, &c., by G. W. Harris. Act First—Lancashire; "the Mines," Act Second—lnterior of Featherstone House. Act Third—Regent's Park,_Loadon. Act Fourth—Villa Dining Hail. Act Fifth—Job's Cottage; Denouement. ' FRIDAY—BENEFIT OF MRS. JOHN DREW. Seats secured six days in advance. NEWAMERICAN THEATRE, . 4 .. GRAND NATIONAL CIRCUS, wALNUT street. above Eighth. CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES. STAR EQUESTRIAN TROUPE. EVERY EVENING AND EVERY AFTERNOON. Afternoon performance commence at 2 30 o'clock. Evening open at 7 o'clock. Grand Christmas Comic Pantomime, OLD DAME TROT AND HER COMICAL OAT. BRILLIANT EQUESTRIAN ACTS. AS EMBLY RUILDINGS. • - SIGNOR RUTZ, , • SIGNOR BLITZ, Y NIGHT THIS W_REK.. at 7% o'clock, EVERY-AFTERNOON, at .3 o'clock. Introducing New E'xueriments, New Wonders, Conic Scenes in Ventriloquism, and the Learned Canktr7 Birds. ~s dmission, 25 cents: Children, 15 cents. I Reserved front seats, 50 cents. del2.24t* PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF TEE FINS J_ T IARTS. e Prize Exhibition of the PHILADELPHIA SKETCH CLUB" is open fro r .. 9A. H. till 5 P. H., and from 7 till i in d the Evening. . I ORCIELESTRA.—AabIio Rehearsals r a nH7 l u ltr it z ree ( moon at the llnsiock . tn madeßd by addressing OFABGE BASTERT, agent, 1231 Mon erey street. between Race and Vine. ocl4o fc, so' iltarazi t blinds and Shade's. 13. J. WILLIAMS, NO.IB NORTH SDLI,H ST., MANUFACTVIMBS OF Venitian Blinds and Window Shades, The largest and finest assortment In the city, at the lowest Cash Prices. Store Shades made and lettered. Cheap lot SOILED Blinds and Shades. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THECITY AND .L COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.— Estate of GEORGE ECM/SLUT, deceased. The Auditor ap pointed by the Court to audit. settle and adjust the sc Omit of John Peddrick and Emily Peddrick.•Admin istrators C. t. s. of,Geoige Eckfeldt, deceased. and to report distribution of the balance In the bands of the accountants will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on MONDAY. January Bth, 1866, at 8% o'clock. P. M., at his office, Southeast corner of Walnut and Sixth streets, in the City of Phi ladelphia HENRY S. HAGMT, deitl-fr m w Sts Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY 1 AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.—Estate of THOMAS F. SIMPSON, Deceased.—The Auditor ap pointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the first and final aocount of James Simpson, Administra tor, &c., of the said deceased, and to make distribu• tion of the balance in the hands of the accountant, Will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment on WEDNDAY, January 3d, Oka, at 1 o'clock. 'P. M., at his office, southeast cor tier of Stath and Walnut streets, in the City of Phila delphia. GEORGE ItINEIN, In., dr4lo,w,f, m,* anditor. CLAGHORN & HERRING, Commission Merchants, AND AGENTS FOR PURCHASE AND SALE OF COTTON. • 120 Chestnut st., 7 Warren Block, Philadelphia, Augusta, PA. GA. We are reeet vine and offer fur sale at the • lowest tha.r . ,et priors_ COTTON YARNS AND WARPS, Of the moq• appro, , tl rm.kes, In all numbers, from Gs to tAtt, to wh)ch n e invite the attention of dealers and ufactuxers. ALSO, 4-4 Sheeting, 7-8 and 3- Shirtings. DRILLS, STRIPES, OSNABURt ;Ft, PUCKS, &c. C'OTTON constantly reeelt - Int• nod f .r sale. Our ft.cll::lts for purchtn.m: COTTON In the South an: CoM plete. twd of tht)./3-•,t sat I , niet,ry Manufacturers and othett•-aler, fa, tin a,, u' . r tiers ,111tInd them prutt.mt2y an,/ Car,fl.!ly ex ,, cut(-d. tntormsttion elven at u.:_tter uf ti.e above polut.N. and u. den !.01!:!tetl. 1il1t1lAit:0:4 Now York and California Empress and Exchange Company, 607 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. SHIPPERS OF FE.E.749ITT TO THE PACIFIC COAST wlllßleass tat:- Notice that having been at, pointed F.E.r.../0.11.7"A 2.."..V7 OF THE PA CI FTC MAIL S. S. CO., we are now prel:ared to receive freights for CA L IFOR-vIA, ORE; O.\. .E VA 0.4. 1V.4.3.1712Cq TOP TER DI TORY. SANDWICE LNLANDS, CENTRAL ANEEJCA and IVE-S2ER-1 7 COAST OF SOUTB A..NERICA. For rates apply at our 0ft3ee,607 Chestnut street. Steamers will sail from NeW York Ist, 11th and 21st of month, those dates falling on Sunday, on the preceding Saturday. NO SLOW FREIGHT RECEIVED ON DAY P.E.1021 TO BATE OF OA/ 1../..Nee. Bills or Lading will i e is,ned at 607 Chestnut street. Our usual package Expre,s and letter,bag will be sent by each steamer and will close at 5 P. Di., day be fore sailing. Our FRANKED ENVELOPES will be on Sale at our °thee, tl7 Chestnut street. Ail letters sent through us must De Po Gorfrconeatt Of tc,x4. Sight Exchange en San 'Francisco tor sale. Telegraphic transfers of money ruade La all points reached by the wires on West Coast. California Coupons bought ..t best rates. WELLS, FARGO & CO., 000.3 m J. Fi. COOK. Agent, E. S. EARLEY, Inv 113> Pe.,9L'A.ICJEII, 9 S. E. Corner of Tenth and Green. ..50 cents ..25 cents b 50. .3 o'clock .8 o'clock BROWN & MAGEE, 4S , V 4/, Nd. t p 4t 011/16r - 3. 00 Mr. Barton Hill Mr. Geo. H. Grin - Mut ....Miss Effie Germon And all styles of goods suitable for A large stoc k of MOROCCO TR A VELING BAGS AND RETIOULEB, FOi GENTS AND LADIES, Of our own Manufacture, eultable for Holiday Presents. 708 CHESTNTTT STREET. MALE ROPE AND TWINE NANWAMITRED .0 and tor 1:410117 YT TWIRL WEAVNE & 00., North Water otreet, and 32 North DeaaWare avenue; ~~ ~c~a~:~' 91i3~:~f'M #'~~ dZ B ; INDS orDcrri 'mail halt Doi OFFICE OF WELLS, FARGO & CO., N.ANUFACTVEZRS OF 7 B.& M. co REA\% Travelers and Excursionists, • RETAIL DRY GOODS. GtEAT REDUCTION DRESS GOODS. J. M. 1-11/10F9LA3OIGOET, 902 CHESTNUT ST.. IS NOW OFFERING 818 ENTIRE STOCK 00 FANCY WOOL AND WQRSTED DRESS GOODS. GREAT REDUCTION FROM poi:acme PHICE9 A LARGE QUANTITY 07/ GOODS Purchased recently from the Importers' at a great ea. entice. des INIIIA CAMEL'S HAIR SHAWLS AND CA ELF'S ' For Christmas Presents, at GEORGE FRYER'S, No. 916 Chestnut Street. de 18ti FOR USEFUL AND ACCEPTABLE HOLIDAY PRESENTS. .2; EVERY VARIETY OF Handkerchiefs, Collars, Sleeves, Sets, Vets, Forbes, Le., &c., In Lace, Linen, and . Embroideries, G. 10 1024 CHESTNUT STREET. I n•tu - s' All-linen Handiierctdet, ask.. up. Cbll..!reu's " up, 25c. up. IsubrofdPr , d and Fancy " 7.,e. up to ?10. 1-tc-va.t:d Fancy V. to ;1.33. • Efqnslltenef!..t...: linen " Zsc. Ool,red Border (4.c. t , O ta. E. M NEEDLES, 104 Chestnut Street. _deli tctut_ 1024 HESTN T STREET E. M. MDLES. EVERY VARIETY AND ALL NOVEL 'TILES IN I Laces and Lace Goods, 1k Embroideries and White Goods, ; .2 Handkerchiefs, &c , &c. SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Purchase Early and Avoii tho Crowd. . J. 1 .1151 Sa HO -T717:0 Irt.lF..aa" FOR CHEAP GOODS.- 'Bargains in Every Department. NO OLD STOCK . TO PUSH OFF On Customers at High Rates But New Goods. at New Prices. A brisk trade and cheap goods, the motto. GREAT DECLINE IN PRICES_ DRY GOODS AT PANIC RA.TES. COTTON GOODS "WAY DOWN Chintzes nearly yard wide at 25 cents per paid. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO N. W cor. Eighth and Market. debt-Irn IiTERILIMACK PRINTS. 131 Newest styles. bright coloring, 31 cents. Best American Prints, 25 cents. Fast colors. good Prints, 00 and 113 cents. Dress Goods, very much reduced in price. Christmas Delefties Mad Cashmeres. Mosi.lNs, All at the new low prices. Good yard. wide unbleached, 31 cents. Yard-wide bleached, 33 cents. Best yard-wide bleached. 37 and 40 cents. New York Mills, Wamstittas, Williamsville& Wide Sheetings, Pillow Muslins, Canton Flannels, all at the new low prices. Fine stock Domestic Goods, lowest current rates. COOPER <St CONARD, S. E. corner Ninth and Market EDWIN HALL CO., 26 South Second street, have now open their Pall and Winter Stock of Shawls. Long and Square Broche Shawls. Open Centre Brooke Shawls. Striped Broche Shawls. Berlin Blanket Shawls. Bich styles of Blanket Shawls. Black and White Plaid Shawls, Long and Square Black Shawls. Chlldren's and Misses' Shawls. Shawls, wholesale and retail DATE' TOWELS —On hand and now opening, heavy I" Brown Ruck, Honey Comb and Basket Diaper; en. n.rior Barnsley washed Huck; real Russia Crash; also, WHITE BROWN. TURKISH and heavy fringe H O NEY' COMB BATH TOWELS. IBREPPARD, VAN HARLENGEN d, ARRIBON, No. 1008 Chestnut street. NEWTABLE DAMASK. Now opening, heavy Barnaley Table Linen, new designs and extra ettleap PAW, VAN HARLDIGEN do ARRDSON, House Furnishing Dry 000121. NO. 1008 Chestnut street. eBf.m,w-til CH SHEETING.-Just received, real French F itE SHEETING.-Justti l ting, entirely undressed, and of very superior qualla kp l PARD, VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISON. Y 1 LANDELL open to-day newatyle NERRIPIAC r CALItN3ES, SPLENDID DELAINEE3, • Very suitable presents for helps of the hone. MITRE dc LANDELL_Fourth and Arch, have 1.4 Finest and Largest Blankets for town Trade. EETAJL DRY GOODS CHRISTMAS. PRESENT& Just received. abeautiful assortment of Valencienne Lace Sets and Collars, Embroidered Sete. Breakfast do. Plain Linen do Valencienne Half Handkerchiefs. Valencienne Handkerchiefs. Embroidered and Hemmed Cambric Handkerchiefs. Children's Embroidered Handkerchiefs; Gents' Hem'd Handkerchiefs, (White and Oolored Border.) Afghans, Tithes, and other articles suitable for Christmas Presents. Sheppard,Van Harlingen & Arrison NO. 1008 cmsnoirr STREET. delsf.m.wst 81 , I . I A/Vi l zpl> gT4 Fourth and Arch Have Reduced Some Fine Goods. FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS I 4-4 J . TONS VELVETS. EXPENSIVE sfla WL.R. lEICP NT SILL:6. ;NE DRESS 4 4 00.115. NEW DEL.N.LN RR 1.1.1 AC PRINTS. ECA RFS, CLo E-, COLLARS. &e..:&.c. FIANDAME DRESS GUODS'. (; , sing out our entire Stock of rich and handsome Pre:, at low prices. A good chance 10 make saiLaWe and acceptable HOLIDAY PE.ESENTS Tlicb. Silks, Irish Fotiitns. silk Poplins. I-Wool Poplins.; Lain French lierinoes, I-11,11 W:IE:EA French .I.l.erlnoes. Choice Dress Goods. every variety. Handsome Broche Shawls, New -,tyie Blanket Shawls. HanCsome Balmoral Skirts, Suitable for the Street acd for Skating. A job lot of Er' -4 Black Queens Cloth. At 2.5, :I 50. A rare chance for bargains as see are determined to Close oln. our entire \\lir:ter z.,:tnik, WITHOUT REGARD TO COST. H. ZS EEL ec ON, - is and 715 N. TENTH Street. LAMES' CLOAK CLOTHS AND FANCY CASSI :ME?. ES—Just reci- ived, a large and choice assort nava: rf (moods, adapted :or Ladle wear, consisting in part of Colored Chinchilla Beavers. Velvet Beaver, all colors and prices. Frost td and .Esouunaux Beavers. New i.rvies. of Velours. very cheap. FANCY CA.r..N.LF...RES. Check and Striped Classic:eras. new design.; French Fancy C.-.asirceres, elegant styles. New style, 01 Light Fancy C. , ,simerest Cassimeres for BUEIIIESS Softy_ New styles Aimed Cs..imeres. 5115 Mixtures. of every grade. For sale, very low, by the piece or retail, by .1 'km & "RP, No.;11 North Second street. Sinn of the Golden Lam L , Dv. , L., HALL & W., 26 Sonthi Second Waver, have J 1107, OpEn, s FIT-nth "Iferit.ces, 'ace P.:plias F.L11.1 d wool Poritr.s. El'.. Pophits, Fl Ain Poplins, Bright Pic !d Poplins, Polka Dot Po 16t-ipe and k • Poplins, Rich Style kiwared Wool Delainen, .Figcred Cashmere. all-wool, Donole width Detaines, Block double width Pelaines, Fine White Alpacas, Fine White Poplins, Fine Black Alpacas. A large variety of DRIs..S (CODS of onr own im portation. XTOTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE'. 1.013. LADIES. 1.30.e.s k,r ibe Holidays. Ladies' and M. es' 11.41:1S. Gents' I,ealm.d and stitched Hdkfs. Dre-s 60i.A.S, all reduced. Call and examine the stuck. Must be closed out in time to make tilt, rati.,ns. JOHN H. STOKES. 702 Arch street. C)::: FOR 8.A.:: DSOME'ES'S SILKS. -, ,,Lt.) f 1 2.5 for Moire Antique Silks,worth V5O §.l y colored Black h S. The - Stare to tiray cheap Silks. J. C. S'IK.AWBRIDGE & , QO., Northwest corner Eighth and Market streets. DILLOW MUSLIINs. 1 Wide rla•eting hlustins, Wamsutta and William- yille, ew Von; Mills aid aemper Mem. The place to buy tinslir s;by the piece at wholesale ,rates. . J. C. FTRAWRIUDGE & Northwest corner of Eighth and Market streets. €1.,. NTS FOR HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS 00 Very cheap all-wool Flannels. Very cheap shaker Flannels. Extra fine and wide Flannels. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., Northwest corner of Eighth and Market. 3,000 YARDS CALICO, BEST MAKES. at 15 CENTS. Good Calicoes. fast colors, at 23 cents. rd wide Calicoes, at 28 cents. Fine yard-wide Chintzes, 31 cents. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., Northwest corner of Eighth and Market. SBFOR A GOOD PAIR OF BLANKETS. Fine large Blankets. I. Very tine Blankets for $lO and $l2. We have marked our Blankets very low, to close Ont. balance of stock. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE ft CO., Northwest corner Eighth and Market. VI - RE (t'LAN DELL are offering for Christmas Pre• UA cents, Lyons Velvets, Splendid Silks, Gay Plaids, Fine Poplins. &c. TE.LODEON COVERS, PIANO COVERS and Table All Covers, splendidly embroidered, Just opened for Christmas. EYRE a. LANDEL.L. EYRE & LANDELL keep the Finest Red Borders Linen Towels, Napkins, eke. EYRE & LAN DELL are offering their Expensive Long Shawls low, for Christmas PreSßLlta. VYRE LANDELL keep the best Black bilks. 124 known In the Dry Goods Trade. STATIONERY. WEDDING CARDS. New Styles, Elsquisite Workmanship_ Prompt Delivery. All articles of Wedding Stationery of SUPERIOR QUALITY. MA-S co.„ ENGRAVERS AND BTATIoNERs. 907 Chestnut Street. mots-mil GEORGE PLOWMAN, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, 232 CIART.ER STREET: • Aad iu ROOK &MM end Machine Work . and - Millwriglittox Nrorairay ed to. tvl7-PTI Itu• Alcohol; In COM FOR BALE—A copper plete order] aPqr,,,,,„. ft I/ A Rya; a CO na atarellstreehM - ATTRACTION
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