The Week of Prayer. .A meeting of clergymen of the different denominations was held yesterday, at the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Asso ciation, to adopt plans for the proper obser vance of the contemplated week of prayer. Rev. W. P. Breed, D. D., presided, and Rev. J. Wheaton Smith opened thiproceed ings with prayer. After several suggestions from clergymen present, as to the best plan to carryout the -object designed, it was determined that the plan adopted during the past two years .should be the one which should govern the meeting. • A committee, consisting of Rev. J. Wheaton Smith, D. D., and Rev. Anthony .Attwood, D. D., was appointed to select -churches in which to hold the meetings. After a few minutes the committee made their report, recommending the following .churches, which were adopted by the meet ing: Rev. Dr. Breed's Church, at Seventeenth and Spruce streets, on Monday; Trinity Me thodist Episcopal Church, Rev. Andrew Mongacre, pastor, Eighth street, above Race, In Tuesday; Rev. Dr. Smith's Chureh,Spruce street, below Fifth, on Wednesday; Rev. Dr. Bomberger's German Reformed Church. Race street, below Fourth, on Thursday; Rev. Mr. Suydam's Reformed Dutch Church, Seventh and Spring Garden, on Friday; Rev. Dr. Newton's Church of the. Epiphany, eorner of Fifteenth and Chestnut streets, on Saturday. The following programme, the same as used by the Evangelical Alliance of Eng land, was adopted for the government of the meetings : Sabbath, January 7.—Sermons on the duties of Christians to each other, as mem bers of the body of Christ. Monday, January S.—Acknowledgments of Divine mercies and confession of sin. Tuesday, January 9.—The Christian Church; that its testimony may be clearer, its faith stronger, and its devotedness, libel.. ality and zeal enlarged. Wednesday ? January 10.—For their tem poral and spiritual welfare; for kings, and all in authority; for the maintenance of peace, and for the increase of "righteous ness, which exalteth a nation." Thursday, , January 11.—For Christian families, for servants, and for schools and colleges. Friday, January 12.—For Christian mis sions and ministers, and for all engaged in Christian work. Saturday, January 13.—For Christinas in aorrow, in sickness, and in persecution; for the widow and the orphan. Sabbath, January 14.—Sermoris : The blessing to be expected from the manifested union of believers of all countries. A committee, consisting of Rev. Messrs. Attwood and Smith, and John Wanna maker, Esq., was appointed for the purpose of carrying out the plcto c; adopted by the meeting. German Estimate of America . _ . . . A Berlin correspondent of tha Boston Transcript writes : It does an American good to hear men talk about our country now. When I was here four years ago, the ignorance .about the United States was scarcely more amazing than the supercilious contempt with which this vain nation looked down upon us. We were nothing but a race of braggarts; we had no science, no art, no scholarship, no power, no well-directed energy; nothing but a chaotic mad passion for wealth, and a soil which, with even our wretched manage ment, would make us rich. But now how changed! Now it is pleasant to fold one's arms and hear these people speak of America and the great scale on which everything is done there. The Germans do not push us behind the English to-day. It has been one of the good thing of the war that it has not only revealed us to ourselves, but to the world. One can now go over Europe and say I am an American, with more pride than a Ro man could ever boast of his citizenship. We always had faith in America, and now Europe has begun to do so too. They think that we are a strange nation, and that we have our own ways of doing things; they would not wonder at anything which might badone by Americans singly or collectively, as individuals or as a republic; but they th i ink that we understand ourselves and can go through without fear or favor. Therefore, a man can lift up his head in Europe now and thank God that he is an American. The Mammoth Cave is lientaeky Colonel Cregan, to whose family this great natural curiosity belongs, was a resident of Louisville, Ky. He went to Europe some 30 years ago, and found himself frequently questioned as to the wonders of the Mam moth Cave—a place he had never visited, and of which he had heard but little of at home, though living within 90 miles of it. He went there on his return, and the idea struck him to purchase it and make it a family inheritance. In fifteen minutes bar gaining he bought it for $lO,OOO, and shortly after he was offered a $lOO,OOO for his pur chase. In his will he tied it up in such a way that it must remain in his family for two generations; thus appending its cele brity to his name. There are 1,900 acres in the estate, though the cave probably runs under Me property of a great number of .other land owners. For fear of those who might dig down and establish an entrance to the cave on their own property (a man's farm extending up to the zenith and down to the nadir), great vigilance is exercised to prevent such subterranean surveys and measurements as would enable one to sink a shaft with any certainty. The cave ex tends ten or twelve miles in several direc tions, and it has been conjectured that •"there is probably many a backwoodsman sitting in his hut within ten miles of the qsave, - quite unconscious that the most fash ionable ladies and gentlemen of Europe and America are walking without leave under his potatoes and corn." Philadelphia_ Bank Statement. The following is the weekly statement of the Phila delphia Banks, made up on Monday afternoon: Capital Stock $14,842,150 Loans and Discounts... , 45,650,301 Specie in Banks • 898,565 11. S. Demand and Legal Tender Notes 16,656,740 Due from other Banks ~ 4,012,637 Due to other Banks 6,051,435 Deposits 34,117,482 Circulation 7,169,293 the Banksfollowing statement shows the condition of e of Philadelphia, at various times during the test few months: 1863. Loans. Specie. Circulation, Deposits. Jan. 8 37,879,575 4,510,750 4,504,115 28,429,189 July 6....-...35,936,811 4,360,745 ' 2,564,558 28,504,514 1864. Jan. 4 35,698,808 4158,585 2,055,810 29,878,926 July 4 40,918,009 8,955,858 2,154,2.58 87,758,8 V 1865. Jan. 3 48,059,403 1,803,583 2,793,468 39,845,963 Feb. 6 50,269,475 1,702,776 4,393,173 38,498,937 3.tarch 6 49,228,540 1,389,264 5,346.0°.1 83,391,622 April 2 50,288,729 1,843,223 5,893,626 88,316,847 stay i 50 , 726 ,889 1,262,258 6,441,407 44,794.829 June 5 53.095,683 1,258,782 6,7.17,753 41,518,576 July 3 50,054,760 1,184,631 • 6.'771,=6 40,990,990 Aug, 7 55,467,695 1,154.015 6,986;662 47.768,160 6pt. 4 50,096,499 1,100,242 6,980,826 83,417,47: 18.... ..... 49,931,673 1,082085 7,414,054 -37366,129 <let 2 49,914,281 1,092,755 7;056,984 38 , 347 , 532 6.........48,509,360 1,050,251 7,064,866 31,741,494 13 48,043,189 95 , 5,924 7,064,766 84,582,031 • 26 - 46,679,961 917,372 7,059,451 34,8)7,1378 27 45,415,040 906,181 7,065,275 34.050,109 Dec. 4 45,622,762 891,993 7,084,286 34,695,138 • /1 45,596,327 996,141 7.12:3240 34,310,272 •• 18.........45,598 293 937,833 7,141,389 34,272,551 25 .. . -.45,650,E01 8M1,565 7,169 293 31,117,4'32 The following is a detailed statement of the business of the Philadelphia Clearing House for the past week; Clearings.. Balances. $6.193,469 57 426,779 55 , 6.219,217 57 530,839 21 5,029.567 51 396,323 99 5,129,148 65 443,151 43 5,742,282 83 378,336 48 5,524,938 T 2 694,488 68 Total. Dec. 25.1865 8 34 . 84 0,634 85 . 5 2 .780.365 74 .irIOTPON AND LINEN SAIL DUCE °revery width ^t.i from one to six feet wide, all numbers. Tent and Awning Duck, Papermakera feltingg Sall Twine, &c. JOHN W. EVEaItLAN & , ' . No. loSJones's M7ItAISINS-600b (nes BtumhandLayer Raisin 00 boxes Valencia Raisins, _lOO mats Seedless ditaLsbn for sale by J. B. BUSBDEIS 00., 115 801111 l Mater Street. ka a t 'lllllloll-1•41 X1D,,,7.1 THE MACEDON SILVER MINING COMPANY NEVADA. - Organized ander a Special charter from the State Of Pennsy/vania. LOCATION OF MINFE. San Antonio, Nye county, Nevada. PMNOIPA_L OFFICE. 809 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, Penna. CAPITAL STOCK 20,000 SHARES-PAR VALUE, $5O EACH. Present Subscription Price, $4O per Share ALL STOOK UNASSF.SSABLE. OFFICERS PRESIDENT, General A. L. RUSSELL, Adjutant General of Penn sylvania, Harrisburg, Pa. TREASURER. Eon. ALLISON WHITE, Philadelphia, Pa. ' SECRETARY, JA MRS; Et PAINE, Esq., Philadelphia, Pa. BIIPERINTEINDENT OF MINES, A. L. CUItTln, Esq., San Antonio, Nevada, • BOARD OF Drinr.croas, Hon. JOSEPH CASEY, Justice U. S. Court o Claims, Washington, D. C. Hon. JEREMIAH S. BLACK, York, Pa. Major General JOHN W. GEARY,H. S. A. General A. L. RUSSELL, Harrisburg, Pa. Ger eral E. M. BIDDLE, Carlisle, Pa. Hon. WM. P. SCHELL, Philadelphia, Pa. General T. J. JORDAN, Harrisburg, Pa. JOHN SAVAGE, Esq., Philadelphia. Pa. DANIEL PETF.R-g, log., Trenton, N.J. CONSULTING SIINEEALOGIST, EIMENE N. MOTU% Esq., Ass= City, Nevada This Company has been organized for the pnrpose of prosecuting the business of Silver Mining on a tho roughly legitimate basis, devoid of all attempts at speculation; Their property comprise SLY (6) SEPA RATE. DISTINCT, SILVER-BEA:RENO LEDGES or LO DES in San Antonio Mining District„Nye county, Nevada, in the richest portion of the celebrated "Reese river Region." and admirably located In every respect for profitable minin These Silver Mines are known respectively as the t g. R, CICERO, S SPE.ARE, SHAY and CL'ItTLS, PAL itSTINE and MACEDON LEDGES, and theproperty of the Com pany consists of an original location of bete feet along the course of each vein or a GILA ND TOTAL OF c.IX THOUSAND FEET OF MINING GROUND. The Secretary of the Company has visited these mines in company with several experienced miners and mining engineers, and given them a thorough examination. Full particulars in regard to their inexhaustible w,-1 lb and resource s will be furnished on application at the Principal Office. 809 CHESTNUT ST., PHTT.kDELPHIA, where also can be seen the richest cabinet of sliver ores, silver bullion, ,t c . ever exhibited in the Atlantic htates. Abundant evidence of the most satisfactory and conclusive character has been furnished the ll. Jard of Directors in regard to the wealth anti permanence of the mines. The tate to the property has been subjected to tire most careful :examination. and found to be per fect in every particular—of which fact the highest °ill endorsements have been obtained. The Company have secured the services of a thoroughly-experienced Superintendent (a resident of Nevada) who is already engaged in the extraction of ore from the mines. 9 s soon as the working capital of the Company is secured, the erection of permanent and efficient re duction works will be commenced. The six silver-bearing ledget belonging to this Com pany range in width from three to feet, and as says of average ore from near the surface . range from one hundred to over one thousand dotlara per ton t silver. No other Silver-Mining Company has yet been or ganized in the Atlantic States with silch an absolute assurance of success, and those who are fortunate enough to secure stock in the .I!,IACEDON SILVER MINING COIIPAN I', will reap a munificent reward, In the shape of early and unexampled dividends, and the consequent rapid enhancement of the market value of the Stock. A full Prospectus of the Company will be Issued pre vtous to January Ist, SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS Now open at the GENERAL OFFICE, 809 CHESTNUT street, Ph!lade:phut. liVillM WI OF THE CARSON GOLD MINING COMPANY, NQRTH CAROLINA. The Land of this Company consists of 120 ACRES in Mecklenberg county, lidrth Carolina, 3!.,; miles from the town of Charlotte, on:a branch of Sugar Creek, which stream furnishes gook water power for grinding the ores. This Mime was first opened in 1838 by a man named Carson. who worked it successfully for a num berof years. He died in the town of Charlotte, in 184 e worth over half a million dollars. Two shafts have been sunk on this property, one of them 80 feet, the other 60 feet, on different veltut averaging from two to three feet in thickness, which veins still continue on down Increasing in width and richness. These shafts are in good order, and ore can etreadily taken out at any time. %her veins have been discovered on this property, and 'tested and proved to be very rich in gold. The ores of this mine are known as the brown ore, and very rich, yielding readily sto per bushel. This is believed to be one of the best and most certain mines in the State, on account of the abundance and gustily of the ore, and ease in which it is obtained and reduced. This property has been worked by Major Z. A. Grier from 1840 to the breaking out of the war. This Company have purchased this property, and intend to erect machinery and put the mines in immediate operation. The many advantages of this mine over the mines of Colorado and Nevada can hardly be estimated. It is more readily reached, and has abundance of fuel, with cheap labor. It can be worked all the year, and not. as in the case of Colo redo and Nevada, be compelled to lie Idle for three or four months in consequence of the severity of the winter. This mine having been worked for a long time, proved to be a rich paylndone. We do not, therefore, have to incur the risk there is in an undeveloped pro • perty, but can count on large and Immediate returns on the investments. Having an ore that readily yields $lO per bushel, some estimate can be made of the value of this property. With the present imperfect system of mining in this locality, and absence of pro per machinery, tea tons of this ore can be taken out daily from every shaft opened. Estimating, say 15 bushels to the ton, the daily yield will be $1,500 from one shaft, allowing $3OO per day for expenses. The net product •wlll be $1,200 per day; counting 300 working days to the year, the yearly proceeds will be $300,000, which yield can be largely increased by extending the works. This is considered a very low estimate of the capacity of this mine by experienced miners of that locality. The Assayer of the United States Mint at Charlotte, in speaking of this property, says it has few equals in productiveness in that country, and with proper management and machinery the above pro. duct can be doubled. CAPITAL STOCK, $500,C00 NUMBER OF SHARES, 50,000 Price and Par Value of each Share.. WORKING oA.Prrei, pox). Books ibr Subscription are now open at No. 407 WALNUT street, Room No. 2, first floor, where further information will be given. de19411 J. HOPKINS TAItR, Secretary AVORS. Pure concentrated Extracts of vanma, Base, Limn Orange, Almond, Raspberry, Strawberry, Pine A pple and Celery, for flavoring Ice Cream, Syrups, Jellies, Puddings, &c,, composed by one of our first Chemists, who made it his eapecial study for years. To produce an article strictly pure and wholesome, retaining the true flavor of the fruit, &c., in a very concentrated form, and now off r . to the public with the greatest confidence in thei r giving entire eatiafaetion to the purchaser. For sale Retail by COMM & CLARK, Walnut and Broad. W. D. NADDOOE,IIS South Third. DAVID B. GRAHAM, Sixth andOreen. ROBT. 13. BOWER, Third and Germantown road, MITCHELL & IT,ETCBMI3., No. 1201 Chestnut it. W. H. SQUIRES, Germantown. And Wholesale by R. & G. A WRIGHT, c 124 013MITAIIT STWITE72 THE DAILY EVENING WATCHES 81,000,000 No. '1317 Chestnut Street. Present for sale, a fine stock of EXTRA. FINE PLA TED WARES, consisting of TEA SETS, ICE PlT easTorts (with Fine Flint Cat Bottles.) wAITERs, GoRTATs, Imps, (lAJcIt and FRUIT BASKETS, &c., dtc., with Extra Fine quality of TEA, TABLE AND DESSERT 6POONB, FORKS AND KNIVES, Of th2ir own workmanship and warranted fhll weight of Silver and to give satisfaction, they being practice workmen. Sold wholesale and retail at manufacturing prices. del-td CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR' Persons wishing to purchase Presents for the Ho days, will consult their own interest by calling en . .- - '/;=-------------- IS 1 --- . A. - 6 .---- 0 Ar --- tr ------ . .1-1 . S , i , 1 "DIAMOND DEALER 4: JEWELER. \: WATCHES, 7EII EMIT 45: SI ESFIL WARE., j 61 , WATCHES and JEWELEY REPAIRED :/ / 111\ 802 Chestnut St., Phila. 2:: :Al -....._ And examine his large and beautiful assortmert of Plaroemds, Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Plated Wale. French Timepieces. 4:Ad Chains, Sleeve But tons. and sets of Jewelry of ail kinds, irom the most expensive to Killers of comparatively small value. Always on hand, a large assortment of Engagement and Wedding Rings, Plain Rings, of all sizes, weights and qualities. My t..sortment In complete In all Its branches. A CALL IS SOLICITED. P. S.—Diamonds and all Precious Stones. as also Old Gold and Silver, bought fur cash or taken in exchange. de2ottallt HOLIDAY GOODS. Just received, a large and elegant assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Coin Silver Ware, And the very best Plated Ware, suitable for Christmas and Wedding Presents. N. RUT-100N, den( 1028 CEIgiTN. - UT Street. ESTABLISHED IN 1812. HOLIDAY PRESENTS WILLIAM WILSON & SON, Have on hand a large and general assortment of SILVER WARE, Of our own manuPactureand highest standard of silver ALSO, PLATED WARE. A very large and' general assortment of superior PLATED WARE. SG3''Old SILVER BOUGHT and TAKEN in EX. CHANGE. Hlgheetprices given. des-Isti RETAIL COAL DEPOT OF L. & C. Shinn, Eleventh and Willow Sts. irst qualities of Family and Foundr Coal at Reduced Prices. GOOD COAL CHEAP! ztf)B PER FOR TON L.A_RGE NET MAJ.,. a PER TON FOR STOVE and HEATER COAL GOAL. MACTIER & tfEnIEL, having been ap• pointed Sole Agents for the sale of the celebrated coal mined by the DUNCAN COAL COM-PANY, are now prepared to receive orders for the same by the single ton or car. For stoves or grates this goal is un rivaled. Apply to deP2-Im* B. M.A502•7 1311:18. JOHN I. 1113:1ECAPP, THE UNDERSIGNED INVITE ATTENTION TO their stock of Buck Mountain Company's Coal. Lehigh Navigation Company's Coal, and Locust Mountain, which they are prepared to sell at the lowest market rates, and to deliver in the best condition. Orders left with S. MASON SINES, Franklin Dist!. tote Building, SEVENTH street, below Market. will be promptly attended to. 811 Eci it SA - RAPP, se6,tl Arch Street Wharf, Schuylkill, FOAL.—SUGAR LOAF. BEAVER MEADOW AND t:nrin¢oinnntaln, Lehigh 00s1, and best Locust Mountain from Schuyiklll, prepared e , nressly for family use, Depot, N. W. cornerIGEITH and WIL. LOW streets. Office, No. 112 South SECOND street. mh27 J. WALTON & 00. CURTAIN Mr A TERIA.I4B. ItUalllAßE.Kiliil:JMNllllpaiiii Sheppard, Van Harlingen & ATrison, No. 1008 Chestnut St., Are now receiving the commencement of their Pall FRENCH AND ENGLISH LADE CURTAINS, BROCATELLE, SILK TERRY, PT.A7N WOOL REPS, SATIN DE LAMES, FANCY UNION REM UTRECHT VELVER And a variety of other materials for cIIRTAIN and FURNITURE COVERING• noStf IF IVO skToi.NO la ;a tiiv TADIES AND CHILDREN'S DRESSES DYED 1.4 all the modern colors, and , finished with the original lustre: Crape, Droche and Woolen Shawls, Table and Piano Covers cleaned and finished equal to new; Gentlemen's Clothes and Mourning done at short notice at E. W. ELMITELE'd, No, 28 N. Fifth street, below Arch. n025-8,w,304 JEWELR Campbell & Davidheiser, PRESENTS. )UOAL. ALTER'S Coal Yard, NINTH Fit. (957) Below Girard avenue. Iet.ACTIER & STEEL. 255 South Broad street. Assortment of PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMEER 27.1865. RICHARD PENISTANS z Ale, Wine and Liquor Vaults, 439 Chestnut street, PHILADELPHIA. Established for the Sale of Unadulter ated Liquors Only. Special Notice to Families! Richard Penistan's Celebrated, Ale, Porter and Brol7n Stout, NoW so much recommended by the Medical Faculty for Invalids. $1 25 PER DOZEN, CI bees Bottles hold one Pint.) The above being of the very. best quality, It must be admitted the price is'exceedizigly LW. It Is oelivered to all parta.ol the city without extra charge. Brandies, Wines, Gins, Whiskies,&o.,&e. Warranted pure, at the lowest possible rates, by the Bottle, Gallon, or Cask. CHAMPAGNES of the best brands offered lower Wan by any other house. On Draught and in Bottles, PURE GRAPE JUICE. This is an excellent article for Invalids. It is a sure mile for .D) - &peps ia. HAVANA CIGARS. OLIVE OIL, BAY RUM, PICKLES, SAUCES, SARDINES, &c London and Dublin Porter and Brown Stout—English and Scotch Ales. del:Mr CONSTANTINE KAISER, N 0.143 South Front Street, Importer and Dealer in - RHENISH AND SPARKLING oc9-m,w.f,6m CILA.MFITS. &c. CHAMPAGNE WINES. WIDOW CLICQ COT MOST AND CHASDON'e GREEN SKAI., SFLLERY AND VERZ.E NAY, FIETDRICE. GELSLER Also Sparkling RHLNE all of Fresh Ina portztloas, for sale by SIMON COLTON Ur. CLARKE, S. W. corner Broad and Walnut HER MAJESTY CHAMPAGNE, J. F.. ..13 N N, 151 8017Tli MOUT ST., 80LE AGENT. AITENES.—The attention of the trade is solicited to V the following very choice Winaa , etc. , bar stile by JOSEPH F. DIINTON. No. 1,51 South Front street above Walnut; ILALDEIRAS—OId Island 8 years old. SHERRIES—CampbeII & Co., single, double and triple Grape, E. Crusoe & Sons, Rudolph, Topaz, It leg, Spanlah, Crown and F. Valletta. TORTS—Vallette, Vlnho Velho Real, Danton an! Rebell° Valente & Co., Vintages Ma to lgis. CLARETS—Cruse Pas Freres and Ht.,,Estephe Chat can Lcunlny. VERMOUTH—G. Joan:am, Rrlve & Co. SIERCAT—de Frontlan. CHAMPAGIT— Mmest Irrony, "Golden Star; de Venoge, Her Majesty and Rcyal Cabinet and uther favorite brands. rtto& WRISKY.—ChoIce lota of old Wheat, Ebys and Bourbon Wblaky . fbr sale by E. P. MIDDLB. TON. 5 North FRONT Street. tyls STOVES AND HEATEBIS. Economy in Fuel. THE aKIIIINE STEWART COOK STOVE, The Beet Cook Stove in Amerioa kVglibesrimnis more, Than any other Stove in use. whole Agent for Philadelphia, J. S. CLARK, diGlml 1008 Market street. THOMAS S. DIXON t SONS, ..•us...•Late Andrew & Dixon " . "L' No. MS CHESTNUT street, Philadelphia. Opposite United eltates Mint, • • .ufacturers of LOW-DOWN, PARLOR. :3 CHAMBER, OFFI CE .`And other GTES, For Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood Fires, ALSO. WARM-AIR FL - BNAC‘3, For Warming Public and Private Buildings. REGISTF FtS, :VENTILATORS AND CHDINEY-CAPS, COOKING-RANGES, BATH-BOIL.KFiS. 430., WHOLFHALE and RETAIL. OPAL DENTAIJAPA, jillipini trier article fin cleaning the Teeth, deettornt cult° which Watt them giving lone to 011 gams, and leaving a feeling of &again* au? , , iprfw. cleanliness in the month. It mar need a B and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding Bums, while the aroma and defensiveness will recommend 11 to every One. Being composed with the assistance ci the Dentist, Physician and Microsconist, It is oonli, dentlyeatced as a RFT.T A R liC substitute ibr the im , certain trashes lbrmerly in vogue. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constituents of the DENTALLINA, advocate Its uses; it contain! nothing te prevent its unrestrained employment Made only by JAMES T. SHINN, Broad an d Spruce street'. Apothecary, For sale by Druggists gen end% and Fred Brown, D. L. Steakhouse, Reward & Oe., Robert C. Davis, G. B. EeenyGeo. O. Bowers, Isaac H. Ka y, Charles Shivers, O. H. Needles, G. J. Scattergood, T. J. Husband, J. G. Turnpenoy & CO Ambrose Smith, Charles H. Eberle, Thomas Weaver, James N. Marks, Williamlß. Webb, E. Bringhnrst & 00 i James L. Bispham,Dyott & Co., Hughes & Coombe, H. O. Blair, Henry A. Bower, Wyeth & Bro. ESTLACK.'S DIPHTHERIA LO7.ENGES.—These lozenges are a safe and speedy cure for Diphtheria, Coughs, Sore Throat, Hoarseness and Bronchial affections generally, Try them. THOS. ESTLACR, Jr., Druggist, S. W. ner of Eighteenth and Market streete,Phliadelphia. noB-3man OARPETINGS. A large assortment of DOMESTIC CARPETINGS Constantly on hand and for sale atthe lowest prices. GEORGE W. HILL, de2l-3mi No. 126 North THIRD Street JBAJEKEEpos 'ORNAMENTAL HAIR MANUFAICITORY. The farm and beat assortment of Wigs, Toupee., Long Hair Braids au® Onrh, Water-falls, Victorian, Fri" settee, Elusive Beams for Ladies, AVM= LOWER, than elsewhere, 909 OKESTNUT STREET._ MULISH PICKLES, CATSUPS, SAllloES„'ac. 4_4 Crosse & Blackwell's English Pickles, Catnaps, Sauces, Barham Mustard, Olives, &c landing lnoqns:eZ ship Yorktown and tor sale by JOS. B. BII.: & 60.,106 Walla Delaware avenue. 414W0/BUil. AND FIN ROYAL. MEDICAL. CARPETDIGS. ROLL 1 , AY GOODS HOLIDAY PRESENTS. The best and most substantial present to a frtens (or Soldier's Widow) is a barrel of our Superior Family Flour, And a bag or half barrel "MOUNTAIN" BUCK WHEAT ME A T., warraated whiter than Bethlehem Meal. ALLMAN & ZEHNDER, dell-18Q LIOLADA. - 5( Ekivrrs, AT T. New House Furnishing Store, No. 49 NORTH NINTH STREET, NEAR ARCH, Embracing Silver Plated, Japanned, Planisbed, Tin, Wood and • Willow Ware,Table Cutlery, baskets, etc . ALSO, FOR CHILDREN, Spring and Rocking Horses, Sleighs, Velocipedes,Toy. Gigs, Tables &c., J• s. -I(cosr-r. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Musical Boxes, Violins, Guitars. Banjos, Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, dr.C., c., at C. P. , New Musical Instrument Store (nine twenty-nine), 929 CHESTNUT Street. dels-124 SKATES! SKATES! SJR7A.. I IIES 4 !. PHILIP WILSON & CO., 409 CHESTNUT STREET, Have Just received a large and desirable stock of LA• of EJ, G.E.NTz' and ATER, consisting of Shirlea's Patent, without straps; .PhiLadelphia. New York and Bo.•wn Cluo eskates. Illf.r.rits. Morse 6 Co.'s superior Skates, of every variety and style. _ Blondin Brass and Silver Plated; and all de. scriptions, to be found at 40V eIi.ESTNI77 STRE.F.r. n023-2.-it FURS JOHN A. STAMB.ACH, No. 826 Arch Street, LIIFORTER AND MA-N-17FACTUR.E3 Ladies' Fancy Furs, Of every descripUon—LsWet style Al] Fars warranted as represented Furs .! }Furs !..! Vuirs L!! HENRY BASTE & CO., Importers and Manufacturers, 517 517 ARCH STREET, OF ARCH STREET, _VAL. - NCI( FlUre, S OF AL DESCRIPTIONS FOB LADIES AL CHILDREN. We have now open for Inspection to our dostomere and the public in general, a most complete assortment of Ladies and Chile rea's Furs of all descriptions which, for variety of quality and superiority of tirdsh.. cannot be excelled In the United States Please call and examine oar stock and prices t purchasing elsewhere. RIDSVEURER HENRY RASKE & 00. 0c9.1,3m 80. 517 ARCH STREET. REMOVAL—JOHN E. RORECREL, formerly of No. SS South Second street, has removed to No. 8:31 ARCH street, where he Ia prepared to offer jt superb assortment of FANCY of every description, WHOI.P/RAT.E AND RETAIL. ot‘San 25.1UVTIOA Is.,Mlaa!• THOMAS BIRCH & I,ION. AUCTIONEII AND COMMISSION MERCHA..N7IB, No. 1110 CHESTNUTsaIset, (Rear entrance a Saamm street.) Householdd Furniture every description received WConsignment. SALES EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. Sales of Furniture at dwellings attended to on the most Iteasonahle Terms. SALE OF REAL ESTATE, VG.E. STOO.IIB, &DU., AT nu EX lis'W Thomas Birch & Son respectfully inform their riends and the public that they are prepared to attend to the sale of Real Estate by auction and at private sale Sale at No. 1207 Chestnut street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, GAS FIXTURES, BAR, KITCHEN RANGE, &c. ON THURSDAY MORDMVI, At 10 o'clock. s t No. 1:07 Chestnat street, will be sold the furniture of a Restaurant, comprising marble top bar gas chandeliers and other fixtures, oil cloths. car pets, tables. chairs, crockery and glassware, chamber furniture. kitchen furniture. kitchen range, &c. FINE WINES. Also, will be sold, the balance of Wines on hand, comprising Volnay, Clos Vosquet, Hermitage and Chamberlin Bergundy, Chateux Lafitte, Latour, Sco ville, St. Emilion and St. Julian Bordeaux, Sauterne, Catawba, &c. Sale at No. 1110 Chestnut street. . _ NEW AND SECONDHAND HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE, CARPETS; MIRRORS, PIANO FORTES, &c. ON FRIDAY MORNING - - - - - , At 10 o'clock, at the Auction Store. No. 1110 Meth= street, will be sold— A large assortment of superior furniture, including —Parlor sults et walnut, covered with plush reps and hair cloth; walnut chamber suits, finished in oil and varnish; extension dining tables: marble top tables; sideboards; wardrobes; secretary and bookcases; Brus sels, velvet and ingrain carpets, mirrors; beds end matreases; plated ware; china. &c. DAMES A. Fir"— 429 131DIA11111` - • IP • :4: •co WALNUT street. VALUABLE RESIDE:NCEB AT PRIVATE BALE TO REAL ESTATE OPERATORS, Will be sold. at very low rates, to a party who will take them all in one lot, five clearable dwellings in the heart of the city. Immediate occupancy can be had If desired. This is a very favorable opportunity to par ties who seek good real estate investments to buy at old prices property which will pay well and increase in value, For particulars apply at the auction store. MARKET ST. STORES—At private sale, the vain. able four.story btick store S. E. corner of Market and Bank sta. In first rate condition. Terms accommo dating. ALSO—The substantal property at the S. E. corner of Market and Strawrry sta. In excellent order. These properties will be sold so as to pay a goad in terest on the investment. STABLE—A very desirable property in the neigh. borhood of Twelfth and Locust sta. TAVERN STAND and 9 acres of land, on Ridge road, 9 miles from the State House. known as the "Sorrel Horse." Plans. surveys, etc., at the store. Property No. 402 south Front st, 41 by 100 feet. do do 1138 and 1140 Lombard at 80 acres, Germantown 37 do Fisher's lane • Valuable Lot, Market street, above Nineteenth do do Barker do do do 8 Building Lots, south Twenty-second at Property northeast corner Fourth and spruce eta Dwelling, with side yard. Darby road Brown-stene Store, Second at, near Chestnut Residence and large lot, Burlington do No. 201 south Tenth at do do 418 south Eleventh et Dwelling, 430 Pine at do 608 Pond at 6 acres of Land, Federal at. Twenty•sixth Ward VALUABLE STORE, CILESTNIPT ST—A very valuable business property on Chestnut at, having two fronts—in good order, ,tc. Occupancy with the deed. JFITZPATRICK & CO., AUCTIONEERS, NEW Auction House, No. 927 CHESTNUT street, adja cet to the Continental, Girard, St. Lawrence, lifarlzoe Rouse and other popular Hotels. RALE OF CLOCKS, GOLD AND SILVER Watches, Gold Chains, Gold and Plated Jewelry, Bine Gold and Silver Pencils and Gold Pens. Silver and Plated Warm, Flhowcases, Watchmakers' Toola, &c., on TO-MORROW (Thursday) 2sth inst., commencing at 9 o'clock, A. LI.. at store. 927 Chestnut street. it Sale THIS EVENING. commencing at 6 o'clock. of Fine Illustrated Annuals and Gift BoOks, Poets. Jnve. &c., in fine bindings: Photograph Iklbums, Gold and Silver Pencils and Gold Pens. Fine Pocket Outlery, Port Folios, Work BoxeS, Fine Stationery. and a gene• ral assortment of Fancy Goods, at, store, 927 Chestnut T. 1.. ABHBREDGE & AU CO.. CTIONEERS, No. 606 zdAmprr street, above Fifth. FOURTH AlciD VINE. STOCKS, &c. ON TUESDAY, JAN, 2, At 12 o'clock noon. at the Philadelphia Exebange -100 shares Bast Sandy and Hall's Rua Petroleum Co. 1 share Point Breeze Park Association. 5 shares West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad. 17 shares Reliance Insurance Co. 10 shares Pennsylvania Mining Co. of Michigan. lie shares Philadelphia and Sugar Creek Oil Lb. 2 shares Steubenville and Indiana Railroad, new stock. 42 50 Fractional Certificate do do Os 50 shares Central National Bank. 100 shares Delaware Mutual nsnrance Co. VERY VALUABLE LOT, N. W. corner Suaque. harms avenue and Hancock st-2SO feet front, THREE S'IORY BRICK DWELLING. No. 1115 Poplar et. with a three-story brick dwelling in the rear. 5 :THWEV STORY BRICK DWELLINGS. Nos. 1120. 11:2,1139, 1122 and 1124 Canal et. Executors' Peremptory Sale—PA' ta'e of John Felton deed— VALUABLE TAVERN PROPERTY, one acre, known as "Fe'tonville Hotel," Second street turnpike and Fisher's land, 22d Ward. Sale absolute. Sale Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth st. MATS DSOM.E. FTRNITURE, E.LEJANT ROSE- N% OOD PL&NO FORTES, Ffandsome Danner bet. Chandeliers. Fine French Plate Manta! and Pier l irrors. Sewing Machines, r lne Brus,eLs and Other Carpets, ckc. ON TH - CRSDAY MORNING. At 9 o'clock, at the auction store, by catalogue, handsome parlor. dining room and chamber furni ture; elegant rosewood piano torte, made by rcho macs er; toe toaeu rosewood piano forte, made by aine. ct Co.: fine French e mantel and pier mir rors; sew,ng machines: handsome painted and gilt du, uer set: one Eruase;s and other carp.i.s, China and gsassyt are: superior fireproof sails, safes, by eels_ bratk d maker 3. I—aßtiE AND SUPERIOR FIREPROOF. Also, an extra large and snprrior tire and burglar pria.,l sale, made by Farrel & herring., CLOSING SALE AT LA PIERRE HORSE. FURNITURE. BLANKETS. BEDDING, STEA.I.I. PUR P. &c ON FRIDAY 111.UR/SI.NG. DEO :10. At 10 o'clock. at the La Pierre licusrr. Broad street, o/iew Chestnut, will he sold all the articles reruair,irrg from former sales, Including chamber furniture. rar pets. :ilatikets, beddirg,. hair matres-es, large quail tit7 if copper c_arkiug utensils, kit Men furniture, steam pump, grates, blowers, fenders, rk.c. Terms—gs per cent to be paid at time of sale. AT PRIVATE CA T.Fl—MCK , ern RF..IDENCE. With 3 acres. Ne.nhelra st, Germantown. VALUABLE LOT. Warren st, west of 17th. MORTGAGE, 125,*00.—A first-class well secured mertga.g,e of $25,000. BY JOHN B. MYREts w. L. Nos. 2.. V and 234 Market street.bornor of Bank CLOSECO SALF, OF BRITDDR, FRINIGH, ORE MAN AND DOM - FSTIC DRY GOODS. We win hold a large sale of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, by catalogue, on FOUR MONTHS! CP:FiIIT and part for cash, ON THURSDAY MORNLNG, DEC. VI At 10 o'clock, embracing about 0'230 Packages and L'3l4 of staple and Fancy articles, in Woolens, Worsteds, Linens, Silks and Cottons. N. B.—Catalogues ready and goods arranged for ex hibition early on morning of sale, when buyers are Eti pecisilly invited to attend , as it Rill be our last sale of dry goods for this season. LLOSING SALE OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. _ _ _ NOTlCE—lncluded in our sale of THURSDAY, Dec, will be found In part the following. viz— ?AD PAIRS BLANKETS. 200 pair , white and fancy bed blankets. DOMESTICS. Bleached and brown muslin and drills. Colored, bleached and brown Canton flannels. Domet, Shaker. plain and fancy flannels. Manchester ginglaams; Eentucky Jeans. Madder prints; heavy miners' flannels. biledas; cambrim; paper muslin: Fancy printed de laines; blue checks; ticks. Cimsimeres: satinets; kerseys: linseys, MERCHANT TAILORS' GOODS. -- places Belgian and Roclish black and blue cloths. co splendid fancy Chinchillas; mitt Melton. do London ' velours, Eaqtamaux beavers, tricots. do black and cold sealskins pilots &c. do doeskins; fancy cassimeree; petershams. do black and colored Italians, vestings, LINEN GOODS. pieces bleached and brown sheeting% shirt fronts. do linen handkerchiefs; crown ducks do bleached and brown crash; damasks; drills. DRIDt-S GOODS. STT.kri Sc pieces blk and cold merinoes and de lalnee. do Parts plain and far cy poplins, epinglines do Empress cloths: black and fancy alpacas do poll de chevres; cobargs; mohair's; lustres do rich cord striped rirtre antique; velvets, &C. Hosiery. gloves, balmoral and hoop skirts, shirts and drawers. traveling shirts, shawls, scarfs, um brellas, sec; hags, neck ties &c. LACE COLLAR:R. An invoice of rich hand-worked lace collars. A fu' I line of sable. mink, squirrel, fitch, marten and ermine capes. victorines. collars. muff's, cuffs, &c. IsCrriCE TO DEALERS IN CAR.PmTINGS. At the commencamet4 of onr sale on THURS DAY. Dec. 25, at ten o'clock precisely, we will sell a full line of ingrain, venetian, hemp. list, cottage and rag carpetirga. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF BOOTS, BROM BROGANS, TRAVELING BAGS, &c. TOMS—DAY MORNING, JAN. 2 Will be sold. at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, ON FOUR MONTHS' CREDIT, about UN packages boots, shoes, balmorals, cavalry boots, &c. of city and Eastern manufacture. Open for examination with catalogues early on the morning of sale. MOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER AID 0011- MISSION MERCHANT, Southeast corner Sixth and Race streeta. The sale will continue until every article Ls di a. posed of. AT PRIVATE __ s _ BAELL LE FORPRICE HALF THE 1:113IIAL .usK4 S. Fine gold bunting case, open face, English patens lever watches, of the must approved and best makers: /Me gold hunting case and open face detached lever and lepine watches; ladles' fine gold watches; fine gold American lever watches; duplex and other watches. Flue silver hunting case and open thee American. English, /Swiss and other lever watches: fine silver lepine watches: English, Swiss and French watches, trr htintingcases, double cases and open nine; fine gold vest, neck, chatelaine, fob and guard chains: tine gold jewelry of every description; fowling pieCes; re volvers, &c. ETLLL&RD TABLE. First close billißrd table, complete. AT PRTVATE, SALE. _ Several building lots, in Camden. N. J., Fifth awl Chestnut etreeta. size flrepro, f chest, 6 feet high by 13X feet vidoloi madeby Silas E. Herring. Also. a small Salamander fireproof chest. MONEY TO LOAN, In large or small amotuita, on goods of every description. pHILIP FORD a CO., AUCTIONEERS, Nos, 525 IdARE.ET and 522 COIdirCERCE streets. CLOSING SALE OF THE SEAQON OF 1865. LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE SALE OF 1500 CASES BOOZP SHOEt , BROGANS. &c ON THURSDAY MORNING. DEC. 25, commencing at ten o'clock, precisely, will be sold by , catQogne 1500 cases men's, boys' and youths' m. 1.4 kip grain and thick boots, shoes, brogans, baimorala, Congress gaiters, &c.; also, women's. misses' and chil dren's calf, kip, goat, kid and morocco heeled boot shoes, balmorals' gaiters, slippers, rte., from flnit-claad city and Eastern manufacturers. C . J. WOLBERT. SPECIAL AND CLOSING SALE OF OLD WINES, BRANDLPS, CHAMPAGNES, CLARETS, RHINE WINKS, RUM, WHISKIES., ON FRIDAY MORNING DEC 29. At precisely li o'clock, at No. l 8 Booth Stath street— A large quantity and general assortment of Choice Liquors, in demijohns, cases and bottles, and in lots to suit purchasers! ze- For particulars see catalogues, SAMUEL C. COOK, AUCTIONEER. No. 124 South FRONT street., above Walnut. Peremptory Sale. 50 BARRELS WHISKY. ON THURSDAY MORNING. At 11 o'clock. at the auction store No.' 124 South. Front street, will be sold in lots, without reserve; er account of whom it may concern -50 bbls. Whisk 7. BY BABBITT ,Co.. AUCTIONEERS.—• Cash Auction House, No. 180 mAllacrr street, corner or Bank atreet Cash advanced On consignments without extra cha rge . B. JB.. AtitMONNMOdi EsT i v i tT IS2O al trItNESSABRINLEY & CO.. Na. 615 ORES and No. 612 .TAYNE street. 7 TEMA EITRBEH nrAcrinras BELTING krzaig FACEING, HOSE..Sto. • • • „0 r• 4 Engineers and dealers' will find- a PULL tsjim, MF,NT OF GOODYEAR'S PATENT VULO RußßE za Bwirii±ruG, PACKING, HanufactureesHeadquarters. • • •- - - GOODYEAR'S, ' ' • ' - SOS Chestnut street, • South side. N. B.—We have a NEW and CHEAP ARTICLE 'of GARDEN and PA.VEMENT gOSE. very Cheap, ta whi chthe attentlon of Me public 15 called.. AUCPZION SALES. M . THOMAS do SONS AUCTIONICE,Ra, Noa. U 9 and 14ISouth FOURTH stmt. SALM OP STOCKS AND REAL IiBTA.TR at the Exchange, every TUESDAY, at lit °Weak nant. Mr Handbills of each properly issued separately, and on the Sat:lmlay previous to each sale MO cata lognea it pamphlet form, giving ftlll descrifitiona REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. Printed catalogues, comprising several hundred thousand dollars, Including every description of city and country property, from the smallest dwellings to the most elegant mansions; elegant country seats, farms, business properties. dts. dgr FURNITURE SALES AT TSB AMMON STORE EVERY THURSDAY. sir Particular attention given to sales at priVata realdencas, drc. REAL ESTATE SALE, JAN. 2. MODERN RESIDENCE, 201'H ST—The neat mo dern rebidence No. 245 south Twentieth at near Wal nut. It is very conveniently arranged. Immediate possession. Modem Three-story BRICK DWELLING. No. 222 south Third st. nor th of Spruce; has gas, bath. &c. Threestory BRICK DWIrr.r.ING, No 2t09 Girurd avenue. Three story BRICK DWELLING, No 2010 Collage avenue. CAEN ThThree-story BRICK MD STORE PROPERTY. and DWELL/NG, S. E. con er of Fourth and Pine sta, Camden, N..T. 2 Three-story BRICK DwIct,r.TINGS. Nos 404 andlOti Pine st, Camden, N. J: Three Story BRICK DWELLING, No 810 south Fourth st, Camden. N. J. Three-story BRICK DWELLING and T4o•stOrY BRICK STORE, Nos 812 and 814 south Fourth street, Camden, N. J. 2 Three-story BRICK DWELLINGS, Nos 805 and &If Locust st. Three-story BRICK DWELT-MG, Holly at, south_ at Fitzwater. 1144cauviz.aiXate):Ia-zipt
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