N AVP BRFIRLEOVE I. glebrilled . is gr id n the World. The only Bartraess, Ow end Dye luiown. This splendid Hair oer o 3o t.-ehanges Red, Rusty or Grey Hair, alitiudly to a Glossy Black or Natural Brown, with out injuring the Hair or Staining the skin, leaving ttdi hair soft and beautiful; imparts fresh vitality, gasquently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies so in effects of bad Dyes. The gen uine is signed wu.i.ut A. BATCHBLOB, all 'others axe mere imi ilaLlons, and should be avoided. Sold by an Drug- FACTORY--81 BARCLAY street N. frßatchelor' New Toilet Cream for dressing ' SIN Bair. - - SdIMPI` E in . a R IO KES onnt that their .I!LaufactogefF a nn ounce Flano Fortes is now infull operation.. The general icatiortactlon their many Pianos, sold already, meet with, by competent judges, enables them to assert Wrafidently that their Piano Fortes are not slit by any manufactured in the United States. respectfully invite the musical public to call Elul examine their instruments, at the Sales Boom, NO. 46 North Third street. Full guarantee given, BM prices moderate. LO.QUEIT MOU,,NTAIN M I D 11111 LIM B S ATH, w BITS ASH UOAL, Care/ y Mooted and'prepared for family use, free from Mate and dust, delivered promptly and warranted to give full satisfaction, . at prices as low as the 10West for a good article. Lows Cosi, for found- Om, and OnesTrtyr Com, for steam purposes, at Illbolesale prices. An assortment of LLIOHOR,Y, Mu and .Pnsis WOOD kept constantly on hand. Also, an excellent article of BLAouaK au'B Coen, delivered free of carting to any part of the city. A trial of this coal will secure your custom. Send :Our orders to THOMAS E. CASLIAL, oMces, 325 Walnut street. Lombard and Twenty -MU street. Worth Pennsylvania Railroad and Natter street. Pine street wharf, Schuylkill.WEE COLD SRINd ICE CIODEPAWY. • Omens and Depots as above. Wagons run in all the paved limits of the Con isdidated City and in the Twenty-fourth Ward. MASON 11111'01E a CO.'S 11:E111 . 41P1111.ZWZi CABINET ORGANS. was CO.'S J. E. GO I Seventh CABINET ORGANS.— These beautiful instruments are used by Gottschalk in all of his Concerts throughout the country, and pronounced by him and thousands of the best artists in America, THE MIERST NERD INSTRUMENTS IN THE 'WORLD. They are rapidly superseding Melodeons. For sale in Philadelphia, only by J. E. GOULD, *Tenth and Chestnut. ELECTRICITY.—Cancer, Goitre, Tumors, and an foreign growths, cured by special guaran tee, at the Electrical Institute, 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. R R. R.-A CURE FOB, COLDS Ii seized with severe Cold, FOB, Sore Throat. bad Cough, Headache, pain in the back or shoulders, take, on going to bed, two teaspoonsful of Radway' s Ready Relief, in halla tumblerial or hot water sweetened with sugar or molasses. In the morning yon will rise cured of your Cold. Met those who have caught cold, either slight or severe, try this prescription; it will break up your sold. If you neglect your cold it may grow seriously, and end in consumption. If suffering from Rheumatism, Lumbago, Gout, Neuralgia, Cramps,Strains, Bruises , .t Wounds.c.,Radway' s Ready Relief will afford imrnediate ease. Price 25 cents per bottle. Sold try Druggists. Every Agent has recently been furnished with fresh Ready Dr. Radway's Medicines are sold by Druggists anrywhere. RADWAY is 00., 87 Maiden Lane, New York. irvaoasatialieramszi MONDAY, MAY 2, 1864. COPPERHEAD DISLOYALTY. Previous to the passage of the Tax bill in the House, every copperhead orator and journalist in the land clamored for its enact ment, and in dolorous tones declared that Secretary Chase was leading the nation to swift bankruptcy by the issue of greenbacks and the selling of bonds without having means to pay the interest. Yet no sooner does the Tax bill come up on its final pas sage in the House,than thirty-three copper heads voted squarely against it ! Every republican, war Democrat and true border Unionist voted for it ; and not a single man except the copperheads opposed it. To show the grossly unpatriotic: character of such action by the New York copperheads the Tribune says :—" New York city is more deeply interested than any other locality in the maintenance and invigoration of the public credit. Of our vast National Debt, probably a full third is owed to our citi zens. To vote down the Tax bill is in effect to repudiate the Debt. Yet, on the passage of this bill, every member present from our city—Brooks, Chanler, Herrick, Ward, and F. Wood—voted in the negative, as the other (Ben. Wood) would doubtless have done had he been present." How dare any copperhead have the assu ,rance to prate of loyalty after such a bold and open act of treason to the best interests of the nation ! Had there been copperheads enough in the House to have defeated the bill, it would have been accomplished, and thus Jefferson Davis would have been more ably helped than by a great victory in the field. Let all honest citizens of all- parties bear this fact in mind and repudiate such despicable sympathisers with rebellion whenever they seek office or power at the hands of true men. OUR HAMER HEROES. The la,rge number of maimed and muti lated soldiers of the Union, who are now to be found in the different; army hospitals, and dwelling in different cities and counties throughout the country,is properly attract ing the attention of the loyal people. The approach of the hour when our armed hosts will again march forward to do battle with the traitorous hordes, naturally makes the subject one-of unusual interest, and there should be no procrastination in making such arrangements as will secure the com fort of these unfortunate heroes. Their in juries were received while fighting valiantly in defence of their country, and they richly deserve all the care and consideration which a grateful people can give. Congress, some months since, appropriated large sums of money for the purpose of procuring artificial arms and legs to supply the place of those lost in engagements, and one or more hos pitals - have been organized, into whose wards are received only patients thus dis abled; One of these institutions is located in our own city, under the charge of a skilful surgeon, and an enterprise, recently inaugurated by that officer, is but the ex cellent beginning of a work which must ex tend throughout the North and West until its benefits are experienced by all whom it is intended to relieve. The Surgeon of the Christian Street llo,s pital, the one to which we refer, intends to have fiis convalescent patients, instructed in the various pursuits which their disabled condition will permit them to engage in, so that in the future they will be enabled to earn a support ~by their own exertions, a desideratum always looked forward to with pleasure by Americans in whatever sphere of life they may move. This plan recom= mends itself for general adoption, but there are many, and during the further progress of the war must be hundreds if not thou sands more, who will never be able to help themselves, and who' should not be .ne glected. We find in a report recently made to the Sanitary Commission by Dr. John Ordro naux, some very interesting facts and ex cellent suggestions in regard to this sub ject. The Doctor gives a list of seventy three occupations and trades which can be pursued by this class of soldiers, and sug gests that they should have the preference when certain positions under the General or State Governments are to be filled. He also urges that ~n ational military homes or asylums should be created, which should be semi-industrial. On entering them the invalid should relinquish his pension, if a private soldier; or, if an. officer, then so much of it as would be an equivalent for his board." To these homes or 'asylums men are to be admitted who have no fixed residence, or who are so much disabled that they require constant personal attendance. He proposes that every State should possess such asylums; and that attached to them should be estabhshments for the care and education of the children of soldiers .who die in the service. PIA O 8: Philadelphia has a Soldiers' Home estab lished by private enterprise, and in Boston there is also an institution in active opera tion, but the influence and pecuniary as sistance of the different State governments should be invoked in their behalf in every Commonwealth, until at length each has its own separate and distinct building, of di mensions sufficiently large to accommodate all of its sons who may apply for admission. Finally, Dr. Ordronaux suggests the pro priety of forming military colonies on pub lic lands, and Shows that numbers could fill the subordinate government offices, where they could be retained during life or good behaviour, while others, who are less injured, could garrison the forts and posts on our coasts. PIANOS. ; LD, and Chestnut. The subject, as we have stated, is one of great importance, and properly carried out will relieve much suffering among those who have already been injured; while at the same time it will be an additional incentive to those in the ranks who have thus far passed unscathed through the dangers of the field of conflict, and who will thus be assured that when their hour of suffering shall i ar rive,they will be recognised as worthy re cipients of the care and attention of the gov ernment of which they are bleeding de fenders. THE GRAND OPERA OF "NOTRE DANE OP The Musical festival for the Great Central Fair will begin at the Academy of Music on Wednesday evening, With the performance of William H. Fry's new Grand opera of "Notre Dame of Paris" founded on Victor Hugo's celebrated story. We have had the pleasure of hearing the choral part' of this opera sung, and can assure oar readers that we remember nothing more effective. The regular chorus is twice or thrice as large as we have ever had in the Academy, and is made tap of good sing ers collected here in Philadelphia. They are thor oughly well up in their parts, and sing the flue scenes of Notre Dome with great precision and effect. The orchestra and the military band will be of corresponding magnitude. and in eome of the scenes of the opera, there will be no less than three hundred persons on the stage at once. The principal singers of -the company are Comte-Borchard, soprano; Mrs. Kempton, con tralto; . - Mr. Castle, tenor: Mr. Campbell, buy tone, and Mr. Seguin, bass. These are all excel lent artists, and have had considerable experience in English opera in New York and Brooklyn, where their success has been great. They are themselves delighted with the music assigned them in Notre Dame, and that we regard as proof of its excellence and its popular character. The preparations in the way of scenery, cos [tor the production of the new opera, are on a scale.never equaled in this country. The opening scene, on the King of Fool's Dsy, in front of Notre Dame, will be partionlarlY brilliant. The lower halt of the facade of the church is accurately represented; the upper part being concealed by a great floral arch. The second act- presents the in. terior of the belfry. Each of the other acts presents new and effective scenery, closing *Rhone of Rus sell Smith's happiest elTects—a perspective view of the church and part of Paris. The novelty, the splendor and the excellence of this opera, to say nothing of the good cause for which it is presented, should fill the A. ademy to overflowing, as we be. here it - will every nightthat it is played. EXTRA VALUABLE REAL ESTATE—LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE..—Thomas & Sans' catalogue for To-Mon - now, 3ci inst., comprises such an amount and ran: , ty of CITY AND COUNTRY PROPERTY as to render it attractive to every class of purchasers. .4 large portion PEREMPTORY, including the elegant COUNTRY SEAT "Linden," first• class city properly, Ground Rents ' &c.. by order Of. Orphans' Court, Executors, Trustees and others. See advertisements, auction head, and pamphlet catalogue, 24 pages. 4 LARGE AND VALUABLE LOTS.—The 30 acres, 267 m Vann, 75 acres and 10 acres. 25TH WARD, 48 acres, 23d WARD (Estates of Simmons. hunt and Horner, by order of Executors) will be sold by the acre. Ernriax!l• COUNTRY SEATS, DARBY. —They sell on the preniises, Wednesday,4th ion., the Country Seat of J. B. Conover, Esq. , and on the 16th that of the Rev. James Neill. TIM SPLENDID COUNTIIP SE&T near Holmes burg, formerly Mr. Bowen's, is one of the most costly and highly improved in the vicinity of Philadelphia. See advertiseigents seventh page to day's BULLETIN. SALE OF THE "BATH SPRINGS." By direction of the Orphans' Court of Backs county. James A. Freeman,Auctioneer, will sell the valuable property known as the "Bate. Springs. ' on the premises at Bristol, to-morrow. Sale Wednesduy. —This sale, at the Exchange. by the same Auctioneer, includes 50 PROPERTIES— "Rimberton Coal Company"—Handsome Ger mantown, Chestnut Hill and Clty Residences— Store No. 2:6 Chestnut street—Ground Rents, .&c. Nearly all, as usual, to be sold for whatever they will bring. BF•REIMER' S charming and truthful . r VORIYPEouId be seen nd by all who de T sire truly natural and striking t Like nesses. See specimens at WI ARCH street. BRASS UX BELLS, VOW CHAINS, Patent Cow Ties, Rope Halters, Carry Combs, &a at the Hardware Store of TEMBIA.N & SHAW, No. 6.35 (Eight Thirty-nme) Market street. balow Ninth. THOSE COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS made for $1 00. at REIMER'S, Second street, above Green, are fine pictures and adapted to the times. Splendid pictures and at moderate charge. QUILLING OR. GOFFERINGi i Italian Irons, Ruffle and Cap Irons, and Mrs Ow s Patent Polishing Irons, for sale by TRU MAN & SHAW, No. t 33.5 (Eight T!iirty-iive) Market street, below Ninth. PPORTRAITS—The enviable reputation for wondrous accuracy and beauty of coloring of B. P. REIMER' S Life-size PHOTOGRAPHS in Oil ;Colors, examination verifies. bee them, 624 ARCH street. VTR 1) ATV, TevE'NTNG BULL 'TIN PRILAMT,PMA. maNnAv: MAY 2 IRf4 PARIS." .6.:DRIADTH 'MULLER, Auctioneer. Plannfacturing and Mining Stocks, &c. APILLAiII. MULLER, P. B. WILKINS .1c Co. WILL BILL, AT /MOTION, ON WEDWISBAY, MAY 11, 1864, ,AT HALO-PAST TWELPO (I' CLOCK, At the Exchange Boom• 111 Broadway, NEW YORK, By order of Jarvisfirnaa and George Ireland, Executors, The following Stocks, viz 300 shares Howe Manufacturing Co., of Biz . minghara, Conn $25 200 i Holmes, Booth &Hoydens's Co., Waterbury, Conn 25 210 b hell on Manufacturing Co., Bir. ming ham, Conn 25 100 " Hawkins s Man. Co. Hirm g, Ct. 25 68 i• • Manhattan Gas Co., N. Y 50 9 Metropolitan Otta Co., N. Y 100 100 Knickerbocker Insurance IIo.NY 40 120 ‘• Third Avenoe R rt. CO., N.Y, . 100 100 "- Jackson Iron Co , 100, TERMS OF SALE-10 per cent. on day of sale;-- balance next clay before 1 o clock, payable to the. - Auctioneers. lor further particular& in regard to above, apply to JARIT tta BRUSH, Rxecuter, 120 Cham bers street, DI Y. my2-9t4 - RIJN. NO RISK !!! WP refund the money, if desired, for every lot Of Shirts which fail in any respect. - - FINE SHIRTS Out lengthwise of Muslin—Made of New York Mills Muslin. - VERY FINE LINEN, ONLY $3 00 Williamsville Mills Muslin, FINE LINEN ONLY $2 75. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. SMITH & JACOBS, • N 0.1226 Chestnut Street. m ) 2-6m, mwir No. 1.6 fr„, f SOUTH THIRD ST., t i# BANKERS & BROKERS, SPECIE, STOCKS, Quartermasters' Vouchers and Chaim, GOVERNMEr BEOURITII4 BOUGHT 'AND SOLD. - • SUFFOLK PARE COURSE. a • —TROTTING, TUESDAY May 3d, 1c64. .—The great trol between the celebrated trot ting horses, GENERAL MCCLELLAN, of New 3 ork. driven by the old field-marshal, Hiram Woodruff, Esq., and the Philadelphia favorite MAY QUEEN . driven by Mr. John Turner. -qt From the good condition of the horses, and their former trials, extraordinary feat time may be eX r.eaed. ears leave Broad and Prime, M past I. Tickets for sale on the cars.,' Admission Si. it* M. GOODIN, Proprietors. FUR Tat. GREAT UENTRAL FAIR.— GRIFFITH A PAGE, 600; ARCH street, Dealers in Hoase Furnishing GoOde, Refrigerators, Water Coolers, &0., *will give the profits of THURSDAY, May sth, to the SANITARY FAIR. my2-4t TINE UREAT UENTRAL FAIR --iitibacrip -1 lions or donations for Oommittee of ONE DAT 8 labor, income or revenne,receired daily by JOHN. W. CLAGRORN, Tress. ,Ofllce No.llB S. Seventh at., Phila. LET ALL PROMPTLY RESPOND. Sub scriptions and remittances by mall duly recelpted for and aclmowledged. aplt-YBt•rpit FAMILY SEWING, EMBROIDERING. BRAIDING. Quilting, 'Tucking, &c., beau. tifully executed on the GROVER & BAWL SEWING MACHINE. Machines, with oiler. ators, by the day or week, :30' CHESTNUT street. apt-3ne PUBE PALM OIL SOAP. —This Scap u made of pure fresh Palm 011, and is entirely a veg.. table Soap; more suitable for Toilet use than those made tram animal fats. In boxes el one dozen cakes for $1 60 per box. Manufactured by_ GEO. M. ELKINTON b SON, Ite. 116 Margaretta sweet, between Front ens Second. above Callotstall street deVr-trrne MONUMENTS AND GRAVE STONES.— A large assortment of grave stones of 'various designs, made of the finest Italian and American marbles, constantly on hand at the Bltrble Works of ADAM STEIN METZ, RIDGE AVENUE, below Eleventh street, Philadelphia. aplo-3narp) ISAAu NATHAN s, A U CTI N EER and MONEY BROKER, ri E. corner of THIRD and SPRUCE streets, only one square below the Exchange. NATHANS'.S Principal Office, es. tab lished for the last forty years. Money to Loan, la large or small amounts, at the lowest rates, on Diamonds, Silver Plate, Watcheit, Jewelry. Cloth. lug, and goods of eTery description. °Mee hours Tema ft A. RT. till . 7 P. 'NTatS)..ttrP IDEAL BLACK LACE POINTES.—New Im portation per steamer Etna opened this morn ing.,--GEO. W. VOGEL, No. 1016 CHESTNUT. Street, has just opened as above One Hundred and' , Eighty-threemore Real Black Lace Pointes, mak: log oue of the largest, handsomest and cheapest stocks in the country beyond any dispute. The assortment now comprises Onoci, Pointes from S.OO to 0500, careful selections of cheap Pointes as well as some exhibition goods "Extra Fine;" also 100 Real Lace Parasol Oovers; some fine Veils, Sashes, Barbes, rich Guipure Insertings for trimming dresses, with Sashes to match: also 1,000 pieces of narrow Guipure Laces of French manufacture, handsome goods that will outwear the•tlimsy soft German goodsi Real Guipure Mask Veils, and many novelties in good Laces of the current styles in Paris this season. SPECIAL NOTICE.—This is the last case of goods the subscriber can expect to pass under the present tariff, and until the new tariff goes into ef iect I will offer these goods at old rates. Buyers wanting really good goods will please keep in mind that I import these goods. Ido not pay tribute to any New York importer,.and I will give at retail to my customers all possible advantages. ap26.6t —L" uP la no SILICATE OF SODA, SAND or CLAY, butte an entirely PURE SOAP, and should be need by every family. .Put up in BOXES OF FIFTY POUNDS, fall weight, when packed and. marked. Fifty Pounds, not Bars or Lumps, as many manufacturers brand their boxes. Manufactured by GEORGE M. Fr MINTON & SON, lie Dlargarettnatrast MARKING WITH INDELIBLE INS, Embroidering, Braidin g , StarliPillg, &c. A Lady competent to mark neatly can find employ ment M. A. TORREY mhl9 1801) Filbert street _ _ HOOP SKIRT MANUFACTORY.—Hoop Skirts ready-made and made to order war ranted of the hest materials. Also, Skirts re , MRS. E. BA. , aplB-1m 812 Vine street- above Eighth. DARE OPPORTUNITY FOR SPEOULA- It, TORS—For sale. —A large VALUABLE PROPERTY of two hundred acres of ground, sit uate in the FIRST and T w ENTY.SIXTH Wards, having a front of tWenty-four hundred feet on each side of Broad street. with a front of twelve hun dred feet on League Island or Second Street Road, about one mile from the County Prison and a less distance from League Island and from the Dept ware River. Apply to J. IL CURTIS dr Real Estate Brokers, 433 Walnut St. [a.p.234.2.trp GEORGE J. BOYD, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKER, No. 18 South THIRD street. Stocks and Loans bought and sold on Commis sion, at the Board of Brokers. Government Securities, Specie and Unaurrent money bought and sold. mh2-3Dirp6 lIITLER, WEAVER Co. 12 Manufacturers of ' MANILLA AND TARRED CORDAGE, !LORDS, TWINES, No. 23 North Water street and No. 22 North Dela ware avenue, Philadelphia. EDWIN H. FITLER, IVIICZAEL WEAVER, CONRAD F. CLOTHIER. 13111[USBAND' S CALCINED MatiNESIA is 111 tree from unpleasant taste, and three times the strength of the common Calcined Magnesia, A World's Fair Medal and four First Premium Silver Medals haye been awarded it, as being the best In the market For sale by the druggists and Country Storekeepers, and by the manufactarer, THOMAS HUSBAND, Odl4-III) wr, f, ly, rp N. W. Oor. Third and Sirruo FRACTIONAL PARTS OF SHARES, Pennsylvania Railroad Stock, BOUGHT AND SOLD. DE HAVEN & BRO., No. 20 SOUTH THIRD ST. my 240,4 1024 CHESTNUT ST. E. M. NEEDLES - Would call special atttion to his large stock of L FLOES, Er BROLDERIES. HANDIEFECIIIErS, V EILS & WHITE GOODS. all bought before the recent ad. vance, comprising many novelties, in fa brics suitable for ladie‘' bodies an d dresses in striped, figured, plaid, tucked and puf fed muslins, ke, 100 pieces White, Buff and Figured Piques. 2uu Printed Linen Cambric Dresses. In view of the heavy additional tari • about to be imposed on all imported goods, ladles would do well to Live my stock an early inspection, as prices must be neces sarily largely advanced in a short time. I am still selling at old prices. ESTNI BTRNET 1024 Elegant Mantillas at Low Prices, AN IMMENSE STOCK OF SUPERB MANTILLA SILKS, From 95 cents to 85,00. A CHOICE STOCK OF Ladies' Cloaking Cloths, at McELROY'S, WO •6t¢ 11 South NINTH Street. JAB. K. CAMPBELL & CO., - . 727 CHESTNUT ST ., HATE MADE EXTENSINE ADDITIONS TO THEE POPULAR STOOK OF SILKS, SHAWLS, AND DRESS GOODS, WHICH THEY OONTINUE TO SELL Moderate Prices, NOTWITHSTANDING THE ADVANCED COST OF RECENT I3IPOR. TATION S. _ Wholesale Booms Up Stairs. GRAY'S PATEKt MOLDEts COLLARS Have now been before . the public fez nearly a yesr. They are universally pronounced the ileum t and best lilting collars extant. The upper edge presents a perfect curse, free from the angles noticed in all other collars. The cravat causes no puckers on the inaide.ci the turn down collar—they are AS SMOOTH IN SIDE AS OUTSIDE—and therefore perfectly tree and easy to the neck. The ttarotte Cellar has a smooth and evenly field:led edge ON BOTH SIDES. These Collars ar. not simply flat pieces of paper cat in the form of a Collar, bat are MOLDED AND Baer RD TO PIT THE EXCH. TL ey are made in "Novelty" (er turn-down style); in every half size from 12 to 17 ltiches;and ;Eureka', (or Garotte, ) from 13 to 17 inches i and packed in "solid sizes" in neat bine cartons, con. taming 100 each; also in smaller ones 0110 each— die latter a very handy package for Travelers, Army and'Navy ()dicers. WEVERY COLLAR is stamped Gray's Patent Molded Collar." Sold by all Dealers In Ken' s Furnishing Goods. The Traae supplied by Van Benson, Boehmer di Co., 627 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Impoiters and Wholesale Dealers in Men's FA nishing Goods mh3o-3mrp4 MILLI IERY GOODS JOHN STONE & SONS, No. 805 Chestnut Street. Are now receiving their. Spring Importation SILK AND MILLINEJIY • GOODS, SEM AS Fancy and Plain Ribbons, Gros de Naples—all shades, Marcellines and Florences, French and English Gripes, Laces and Joined Blondes, Illusions and Kathie Nets,/to. Also, a fall assortment of French and American Flowers. mhl4-mwktr-2m PAPER HANGINGS. JAMES C. FINN, FORMERLY OF THE FIRM OF HOWELL as BROTHERS. Wall Paper Decorations. SHOW BOOMS] 614 O t RESTNUT STREET: Y 0 A4ll IN YOUR. OWN sd a. ELOAIE V : f OA COMPA:NY, I ' l THE AMERICAN VHZEJAMELPHIA- S. E. corner Fourth and Walnut St& Insekers in this Company have the additional guarantee of $250,000 CAPITAL STOCK all paid up INICASH, together wish CAtizEl ASSETS, now on hand, amount to OVER $BOO l OOO. INCOME FOR YEAR 1863, OVER $20%000. LOSSES PAID DURING THE YEAH AMOUNTING TO OVER $62 3 000, DIVIDENDS MADE `ANNUALLY thus aid ing the insured to pay Prem , ures. The last DIVIDEIs 13 on all litutual Policies in force December 31, IEO3, was FIFTY PER CENT. ef the amount of PREMIUMS received during the year. Its TiitISTEES are well known citizens in our midst, entitling it to more consideration than those whose managers reside in distant cities. Alexander Whilldin, William I. Howard, J. Edgar Thomson, Samuel T. Bodine, George Nugent. John Aikm an. Hon. James Poilcck, • harles F. ilearlitt, Albert C. Roberts, Hon. Joseph Allison, P. B. Atingle, Isaac ilaslehnrat. Samuel Work, 1 ALEX. WHILLDIN, President. SAMUEL WORK, Vice President. Civil and Army Cloths. MIDDLESEX 6-4 LIGHT BLUES. ALL GRADES DARK DO. 3-4 and 6-4 INDIGO FLANNELS. 3-4 and 6-4 BLUE CASSIXERES, " 3-4 and 6-4 DOESKINS. FULL STOCK OF CLOTHS. COATINGS. 6 6 6.11 CASSIBLERBS. BILLIARD AND BAGATELLE CLOTHS. CLOTHS FOR COACHMARERS. ALL KINDS TRIMMINGS, an. W. T. SNODGRASS, 34 Fodth Second and 23 Strawberry Ste. ap3o. 3m§ HEWES & RAHM, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, No. 52 South Third Street, beslers in Specie, Bank Notes and Government Securities. Stocks bought and sold on commission Collection,, promptly made 4 h , ap3o-Imf HENSZEY & CO. Photographers, NO 812 ARCH STREET. ap9..:ling T e., CONSUMPTIVES. Co umptive snlferers will receive s valuable rresc ption for the cure of Consumption, Asthma, Bro chins, and all Throat and Lung affections, (fr of charge,) by sending their address to BEV. E A. WILSON, WILLIAMSBUREN apl6-21tk.vrStis Rings county, New York.. . sts • 8 7 BANKERS. s , Exchange on England, Francs eao Germany, 7 340---5-20 Loan and Con.ponc CERTIFICATES INDEBTEDNESS. QUABSEIMASTEWS CHECKS AND VOUCHERS,: American aniL Foreign Gold. STOCKS AND LOANS, BOUGHT AND SOLD ay - Orders by Mail attended to. 11:-/Y 5-20 COUPONS; DUE le.T MAY, BOUGHT. ORDERS BY MAIL OR ExruEssswam TO ail 4-1114 DREXEL & CO: HOME CERTIFICATES.— "DR. SWAY NE' S COXPOUND SYRUP LD " "DR. SWAYNWIE' S CHERRY. COXPOUND SYRUP WILD CHERRY." For 30 Years a Standard Remedy. For 30 Years a Standard Remedy. FIVE YEARS' COUGH ENTIRELY CUBED BY DE. SWAYER' 8 COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHEERY. . . . . I suffered five years with a bad Cough, Sore Throat, spit blood at times, very weak, was at tended by one of our most eminent physicians, who prescribed various remedies, but I gradually grew worse. Hearing of the wonderful cures daily per formed by your Wild Cherry Compound, I con cluded to try it, and after using three bottles, a perfect cure was performe SA d. MUEL GOULD, No. 1 St. David street, between Race and Vine. STILL ANOTHER CURD BY DR. irLYWE' Cost- POUND SYRUP OF WILD C HEMP. I suffered four months with a violent Cough, accompanied with painful tightness of the chest, great difficulty of breathing, sore throat, sleep dis turbed from constant coughing; tried a number of remedies without benefit; I was advised to try Dr. Swarm's Ocmpound Syrup of Wild Cherry, which gave quick relief, and after using two bot tles a. perfect cure was the result. I give this cer tificate freely, as I want all the world to know of this truly valuable medicine. RUMPRREY J. EVANS, Slater, 124 South street, Philadelphia Prepared only by Dr. SWAYNE x SON , _ MO North Sixth Street. Philadelphia. Sold. by Druggists and liealers. f ly STOREKEEPERS AND OTHERS ABOUT giving ~o ne day's revenue" to the Falr,please call or send - for sbow Caryls, Occ. (gratuitous), at Offee No, IRIS. t3EVENTII greet. apW.2otrp* INEriItAPTEII - 11@rilr . _ . IN GAS" - REGULATORS. The undersigaed Sole Owner of ..HOLE EIL'H IBEPROVED GAS: REGULATORS." is nOw• prepared to sell RIGHTS for tlie USE of this val uable Patent, on the most advantageous terms. E. 13. HARPER, Office, 54. South Third street. ion 2.lm* -, 81) LAly. • ....._ ~6 -$ Ay . e tok kV Fottrth and Arch ..' Have now arraged for sale a magnificent stock of al - xi . „ii SERI G DRY GOODS, Adapted to firs class sales. - This Stock was laid • in before the rec advance Ingo d, which enables us to offer great indheements to the trade. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Black Silksfrom $lO to $1 per yard. Brown Si , ks, $7 to $l. - Moire Antiques, from $6 to $2 50 Rich-Chenie and Spring Plaids. . Brownrigured Silks, double face. Inoia Plaid Wash Silks, al. 100 pieces Slimmer Silks, $1 a yard. • SURE& DRESS GOODS. Magniffcent Organdy Robes. Frenchrgandies, new styles. 6 Eepieces - Goats' Hair Glacinas. Tan- colored ()bellies and Delaines. Pine Bleak challies and R. , mbezines. Good style Grenadines and Foulards. SHAWLS & MANTLES London style Shawls, open Centres. Tamartu,e 0! dered Shawls. Sea Shore Barege Shawls. Black Shawls, full stock. TOURISTS' DRESS GOODS:. French Grape Pongees. Summer Poplins for snits. Tam, Pearl and Mode Molaits. Full Stock Staido Goods. ap;.lo U. S. 10-40 BONDS} These Bonds are -issued undertheAct of Cm ...i gr. of March Bth, ISM, which.. pro v ides that all azi.o Bonds Issued - nicer this Act Shall EXEMPT FROM Ti NATION by or trnder State or Mu nicipal authority. Subscriptions to these Bands are received in United States notes or notes of Na tional Banks. They are TO BE BB:DEEMED IN COIN, at the pleasure of the Go+4niir.ent, at any period not Zen than : ten nor store thanforti years from their date, and will their redemption FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST WILL BE Pill) IN OCIIIT,:on Bondsof not over one hundred do_larsau nually and On all other Bono s semi-annually. The Interest is payable on "thifirst days of March and . September in each year. Registered Bonds are recorded cn the Books of the United States Treasurer, and can be transfer red only on the owner's order. Coupon Bolds are payable to bearer, and are more sonvenient Zak commercial uses. Subscribers to this loan will nave the option of having their Bonds draw interest from Mirth Ist, by paying the accrued interest in. corn—(or in. United States notes, or the otes of National Banks adding fifty per cent. fer premium,) or receive them drawing , interest from the date of subscrip tion and' deposit. As these Bonds are exempt from 31unicipal or State taxation, their value is increased from one to three per cent. per annum, according to the rate of tax• levies in various parts of the country. at the present isle of pram mum on Old they_ pay ever eight per cent. interest in currency, and are of equal conyenieuce as a permanent or Sem puaryinvestment It is be. laved that ne securities offer so great in dncements to lenders as the various descriptions of U. S. Bonds. In all other forms of indebted ness, the faith cr ability of private parties or stock companies or sepsrste communities only is pledged for payment, while - for the deots of the United States the whole property of the country is holden to secure the payment of both principal and Magnet in coin. Thee e Bonds may be subscribed for in sums from Sin up to any magnitude, on the same terms, and are thus made equally available to the smallest lenaler and the largest capitliist They can be converted into money at any moment, and the holder will have the benefit of the interest. The fact that all duties on imports are payable in bpecie furnishes a fund for like payment of in terest on all Government bonds largely in excess. of the wants of the treasury far this purpose. Instructions to the National Banks acting as loan agents were not issued from the United States Treasury until March With,. but in the first three weeks of April the subscriptions have averaged more than TEN MILLIONS A WEEK Subscriptions will be received by the TREA SURER OF THE VNITED SrATES at Wash ington, and the ASSISTANT THE ISURERS at Nevi York, Boston, and Philadelphia, and by the First Nationsl Bank of Philadelphia, pa. Second National. Bank of Philadelphia, Pa Thud National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa.. First National Bank of alleghany, Pa, - First National Bank of Carlisle, pa. First National Bac k of Danville, Pa.. First National Bank of Erie, Pa. Fir t National Bank of Marietta, Pa. First National Bank of Meadville, Pa. First National Bank of Pittsburgh, Pa. Third National Bank of Pittsburgh, Pa. First National Bank of Scranton, Pa. Second National Bank of Scranton, Pa. FirstA 4ional Bank of Strasburg, Pa. P t 14ttonaLliank of Towanda, Pa, First NatiOnal Bank of West Chester, pa. First National Bank of Wilkesbarre, Pa. tecond National Bank of Wilkesbarre, First National Bank of York, pa, First National Bank of Bartimore, Md. First National Bark of Washington, D.C. And by all Diagonal Berike which are depositories of public mopay. All respectable Banks and Bankers throughout the country will Dinah h fur ther information on application, and afford every avility to subseribsrs ap , 7.st wit LADiES'.TRUSSd,rUIirc.it7`:JT_ R$ —Conducted by IA dies, TAVELFTE. SFreet, first door below Race. Every article in their line elegant, easy and correct iu make. 0. R. NEEDLES, Proprietor, attends to Gentlemen on the Corner of T. WELFTI3 211101 RACE. Streets. N. 8.-Professional accuracy insured. .apll-3ilrlit
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