(MON PEACOCK -Editor; VOLUME XVIII., NO. 20. NVFINMG BULLETIN N.4.00€1. CHAMBERS ,& CO. t IPHOPRIETOREM In SOUTH TBIEDi STREET, !PHILADELPHIA : 47gRlaki OF s:ißSf7 sn'TloN. E The SrLintrne is careen tO 'Subnorlbers in the City Itt I Mai per week, payable to the carriers, Or, $.l Far annum. SA33O OP G.IIVERTTENG. , Nalf Square, 1 =o.; 2511 Square, 2 weeks-113 25 SqlRl- -- t Me GO 1 Square, 1 month.. 683 , Squ times.... 75 1-Sa mare, 2 month's. 883 Square,l3 tiraem„„„.l 0011 Square, 3 months. 11 68 Square, 1 teteh....l 7511 Square, 6 months. 26 BO Six Stns cOratituto One muter° ; three linen lore Lalf a calmare. NEW WINDOW SHADES, The largest stock, The finest Goods, The lowest prices, At W. HENRY PATTEN'S, MhlB 1408 Chestnut street MARRIED. GREENAWALT ROB ERT O N—April 7th, by the Rev. Mr. Stewart, Chaplain of the ltl•?d Regiment, Sergeant W. G. Greenawalt, of Pitts burgh, to Miss Mettle E. Robertson, of Allegheny. PERIUNS—WOOD—On the 30th ult., by the Rev. E. L. Stokes, H. A. Perkins to Miss Mary F. Wood, of Bordentown, N. J. No cards. 4-t: PIEROU—LELAR—On the 3d instant, by the Bey. Eußron Rock Harbaugh, Witham T. Pierce to Diary IL Lelar, all of this city. DIED. FOSTER—On the 2d instant, Caroline, widow of the late Robert Foster. The friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral from her late residence No. 163:1 Pine -street, on Thursday morning, at 10 o' clock. [Kentucky papers please copy. J FOULKE—At his residence in Gwynedd, Mont gomery county, on the Ist instant,- Hugh Foulke, ,Sr., in the 76th year of his age. His friends and those of the family,are invited to attend his funeral at Friends' Meeting House, lavrynedd; on Sixth day, th% Gth instant, at ti O'clock, A. M. *** GRAHAM—On the Ist instant, George Chap • =an, son of John H and Henrietta Graham, in the sth year of his age.. The relatives are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from his parents' residence, No. SO5 Noble Street, on Wednesday afternoon, at three 0' clock. POULSON—Departed this life on Sunday after axon, May 1, IE6I, at the residence of his lather, Chas. A. Poulson, Spring Garden street, Charles A. Poulson. Junior. . The relatives and friends of the deceised, and those of his family.- are respectfully invited to attend the funeral obsequies and interment at St. Peter's 'Episcopal church, on Wednesday afternoon, the 4th instant, PRECISRLY at five 0' clock, P. M. WALTER—On the 311 instant, Clara Abby daughter of Thomas L. and Fannie E. Walter aged 17 m tbs. _ on _ _ _ ** WESTCOTT—On Monday morning, 2d instant. Hampton, eldest son of Gideon G. and Caroline C. Westcott, in his 25th year. Funeral from his father's residence, Southwest eorner of Fortieth and Spruce, on Wednesday afternoon next, at 3 0' clock. To proceed Woodlands Cemetery. - -110 OMBAZIDTES AND SUMMER BOMA ZINES, of every quality. For sale by BESSON lc SON, apl2 Mourning Store, No'. 918 Chestnut street, EYRE zc J . ANDELL, 400 ARCH STREET, Rich Silks. for town trade. Best stock of Shawls in town. . Dress Goods, popular styles. Tan and Plaid Sack Clotns. . Nobby style Cassrmere3. SPECIAL NOTICES For additional Special Notices see sixth page WA CARD. —The writer returns sincere thanks for the friendly aid afforded him on atley morning, while riding up Chestnut street on horseback and leading a horse on which a lad was mounted. The confusion consequent - upon the sudden slipping on the smooth pavement causing the fall of the horse and rider, prevented a due expre,sion of thanks at the time. Thanks are also extended for assistance rendered on two other occasions of danger under similar circum stances, one of which occurred near Ur. Walker's Tesidence. on North Bro: d street, whose prompt and efficient efforts, under the guidance and en perintending, providence of the Unseen One, are gratefully acknowledged. ltd HORTICULTURAL HALL, S. W. corner BROAD and WALNUT atreets.—Subject lor discubsion THIS ISVENlNG—' , Construction of Plant Rouses.' ' 114 VELNOVEL LECTURE. —MISS SUSA.N NAH EVANS. the distinguished young SA ORATRESS (16 years old), will deliver one of her unique and eloquent Temperance addresses in CONCERT HALL, on. FRIDAY EVENING, May Gth, at 7% o' clock. .Miss EVANS has no equal of her age in the -World, and her Lectures are presented with mar velous power' - and •eloquence, and. are her own compositiciiis. With her sweet, musical voice, she makes herself heard in the largest audience rooms. Tickets 25 cents. • To be obtained at the principal ]Music S ores, and at the door. No postponement on account of the weather. my'-strn arOFFICE CATAWISSA RAILROAD No. 424 WALNUT STREET, PUILADEL. 'EWA, May 2, 1984. At an Election held this day by the Stockholders of the CATAWISSA RAILROAD. COMPANY, the iollowing were elected te serve as officers for the ensuing year : PR.ESIDENT, T. HASKINS DU PUY. DIRECTORS, SAMUEL V. MERRICK, M. P. HUTCHINSON, of Philadelphia, JAMES S. COX, COFFIN COGKET, JOHN TAYLOR JOHNSTON, NerrYork, ()HAS. R. PAXTON, Bloomsburg, Pa. it§ M. P. HUTCHINSON . , Sec'y. THE COMMITTEE ON "CHILDREN'S CLOTHING" acknowledge the following gcrtions. to May Ist: - Frey: _ _ .Misa M. Shoemaker, N. "Eight street, 2 snits $lB 00 1. V. Cowell & Son, goods I. P. Sloan, do Wm. H. Hamilton do 25 00 J. M. HaiLeigh, do 51 Cl Edwin Hall & Co. do • 26 32 Riegel, Wiest & Eryien (additional) 41 RI Ailmendinger & Brother 15 93 Mrs: S. 1. Hutton, patterns. • 20 00 Yriend of the cause 19 45 Curwen Stoddart t Bro 16 63 Price & Wood 12 00 Mrs. McClellan, pattex•us 0.00 John Stone &Sons 19 35 T. L. Archambhalt ' 10 00 B. .3: 'A. Starsburg, Newyork ' 30 00 Jacob. Maxwell 6 CC Jacob Esherick • 40 00 Wm. T. Snodgrass 50 00 Hull & Flanagan 35 20 Joe. &Wm. E. Wood 81 59 M. Creswell ..... ...• • 765 M. M. Etter 13 25 From Messrs Hunter, Hestonirap, 120 _Yards calico. .... From- E Yard & Clo. ; Oromberger, Eleventh street; B. Hooley & Son; Long,' s, Eighth snd Arch; ict.oli; Mrs. Wagner, Arch street; Madame un Pol vo i iced. NM Spring Garden street—donations n The Committee are particularlY in need of two articles : coarse Flannel for battling suits, and fine white Jaconet or Nainsook. A donation of either, sent as early as possible, to the address of the Work' Committee, No. 1128 ARCH street, will be duly acknowledged. To the many ladies in the city and vicinity, who desire s"to do something for the Fair," the Coin maittee'suggests that any of the immense variety of articles in their department will be most accepta ble. • It is important to have all the contributions sent by the last week in May, either to the LOGAN SQUARE DEPOT or to Pio. 1129 ARCH street, addressed dearly, to MRS. JOHN C. CRESSON. it Chairman. WAHOWARD HOSPITAL, NOS. 1518 AND INO LOICtBARD Street, DIRPHIfSAILy RTMENT. Nedteal treatment atvaxed- ALIIPIa far gratiLitnsc.l,l Prtm. .. „.. '• - . . . • I 111 I -:. . . ~.., . - „ . . .. • , .. ! . ~ . al ,1,- 1 1 :•-' ', ' ' - , - 0 .-,, ' ‘. - ' ' i , • . -i" - • '',' ~• , ;'",'' - r "‘,7 :', -.,.-• - - -•„` r -", ; „ ': , - , . . , , P ' A - . ,••••; , .,0 ..- '^.. ... 1- s.: ~0 / . ..e• , :A . ,' - . 4 '.. ' l tt '. ' ;i - . 1 ' .. . 4...• ... • . 'e ~ , . -'*,..- -'!•%. ... 4 er. t; =•• Ar ~- .. .., . -,.. . ... , ~. , • Valued at 10 00 12 00 TJNIONLEAGUE • HOUSE, 1118 CHESTNUT STREET, Pnfranuf.rutA, May 2, 1E6 , 1. A Special Meeting of the UNION LEAGUE of Philadelphia will be held on THURSDAY EVENING, the 12th instant, to take into conside ration the acceptance of the ChEirter lately obtained from the Legislature of the State of Pennsylvania. By order of the Board of Directors. my - ht, • GEORGE H. BOKER, Sec' y. ErrLIBRARY COMPANY OF PHILApEL PRIA; May 2, 1864. At an election for Directors- and a Treasurer of thd Library Company of Philadelphia, the follow ing °Mears were appointed for the ensuing year: Gore W. E - 01TiS, Henry J. Williams, Charles Willing, J. P. Hutchinson, David Lewis, DIRECTORS. J: J. Olark 'Hare, Peter McCall. Alexand6r Biddie Henry Wharton, IT:teary Cramona. ,lIRER. T-P.BA S Lloyd P EIT. PHILADELPHIA - NATATORIUM AND PHYSICAL INSTITUTE, 219 South. BROAD street.—The swimming school -in May decoration, and the Gymnasium, re-arranged for the Summer season, will be ready for public inspection TO-MORROW (Wednesday), the 4th, from 9 o' clock in the morning till 9 o' clock hi the evening. my3.2trp§ WM. JANSEN, M. D: I:MGREAT CENTRAL FAIR. To be held in Philadelphia. June, 1961. . COMMITTEE ON CANNED FRUITS for the GREAT CENTRAL FAIR most respect fully invite contributions in Canned Fruits, Brandy Fruits, Meats, Soups, Oysters, Fish, ,Lobsters, Vegetables, Sances of, all sorts, Nickles, Sweet. Pickles, Domestic Wines, and Preserves and Jel- lies of all kinds, either in glass or tin cans. The Committee feel that, as the season is drawing to a close, and as most of merchants' stocks are nearly exhausted, they must look to the homes of our generous and patriotic citizens throughout the three States for supplies, and beg of them to con tribute of their remaining stores, and thus aid the noble cause in which every true heart feels so deep an interest. Contributions to the ' , Canned Fruit Committee," if sent by private hand, may be left at the stores of 'Messrs. ARCHER & REEVES, 45 N. WATER street, and 46 N. DELAWARE Avenue. If sent by railroad or express the packages must be addressed to F. B. REEVES, GREAT CENTRAL FAIR WARM-lOU - 4,E, Philadelphia, and the receipt from railroad or, express company must be sent by mail to the °Wilman. No freight to be prepaid. Donations in money will also be gladly received, and will be applied to the purchase of articles in our department. which are always in constant use for our sick and wounded soldiers. Sums of any amount may be sent by mail to the Chairman, and are earnestly solicited. F. B. REEVES, Chairman, 4,5 North WATER Street. Mrs. TBEODORE CUYLER, Chairman, 115.116 South RITTENHOUSE SQUARE. pfs._l7m=rx=m ----- - - - . Mrs. JOHN CLAYTON, 717 Walnut street. Mrs. CHARLES G-ILP.T.N, 7(0) Walnut Meet. Miss COOPER,_ 1707 Walnut street. Mies NEWBOLD, Southwest corner Spruce and Eighteenth street. Mrs. L. MA.RELE,. 240 Pins street. Mrs. ELI J. BURNETT, Fortieth and Chest nut, West Philadelphia: Mrs. JOHN 3IUSTIN, Jr. , Fortieth and Spruce, West Philadelphia. Mrs. LEWIS TAWS, Tulpeliocken street, Ger mantov.m. GENTLEMEN'S COMMITTEE CRAS. M. RHODES, 107 South Water street. JONES YERKES, is and tle Letitia Court. JOHN S. LEE. 46 North Delaware avenue. G. W. REXSAMER, Dock Street Market. JOSHUA WRIGHT, Franklin. and Spring Gar den streets. JAP.E2 CrATESs Germatitowit. CHAS. S. FITHIAN, Bridgeton, N. J. SAMUEL TOWN SEND, Townsend, Del. It cryAPPEAL—UNION VOLUNTEER RE FRESHMENT SALOON. To tie Citizens of Philadelphia: It will be three rears on the 27th day of May,lS&l, since the Union 'Volunteer Refreshment Saloon - commenced its operations. The Committee never hare pressed their claims ; neither have they lost sight of the fact that there were other institutions equally worthy of public confidence and support, and they have endeavored to discharge the duties entrusted to them in an honest, econornical, - quiet affd unos tentatious manner. Up to this time we have been generously supported by contributions from our friends and a onion of the monied corporations of Philadelphia. We have tried to lee ien the bur dens of our kind friends by annual fairs in 3 nue; the first was a success; the Second comparatively a failure, in consequence of the raid into Pennsyl vania lest summer. and there is no prospect of _holding one this season as intended. The high price of provisions. and the heavy and constant demand on our Saloon have nearly depleted our Treasury, and as the signs of the times point to a series of proiract.d battles, and as there will so doubt be still further calls on our limited resources, we are compelled to make this appeal to the libe rality of the citizens of Philadelphia and vicinity for assistance, otherwise our future usefulness will be very much impaired: Contributions in cash and notice of provisions and Sanitary stores for our use will be received by the following gentlemen: Rev. Dr. Thomas Brainard, No. 674 Pine street. Thomas Robbins, Esq., President Philadelphia Bank. Chestnut street, west of Fourth street. D. D. Cummins, Esq., President of the Girard Dank, -Third street, near Dock street. S. A. Mercer, Esq., President of the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, - Chestnut street, below FY-I'.h. J. B. Austin, Esq., President of the Southwark Bank, Second, below South street. M. W. Woodward, F.:(1., Cashier Manufac turers' and Mechanics' Bank, Northwest corner Third and Vine slitets. Thomas T. Firth, Esq. Treasurer Pennsylva nia Railroad, Tbird and Willing' s alley. James C. Hand & Co. , corner Market and Deca tur streets. Samuel B. Fales'Esq. , No. 514 Walnut street, (who has consented to act as general Financial gent for our institution.) Or by any member of our committee. The Union. Volunteer Refreshment Saloon is situated at the Southwest corner of Washington and Swanson streets. The citizens of ,Philadel phis and vicinity and strangers, are respectfully invited to visirthe Saloon, and witness for them selves, the arrangements made for the refresh ment and comfort of the brave soldiers passing through the City of Brotherly Love. ARAD BARROWS, Chairman. J. B. WAVE, Secretary. ap:23-14trp§ U. S. CHRISTIAN COMMISSION— LADIES' MEE PING AT CONCERT HALL.—A meeting of Ladies of all the Evan gelical churches of the city will be held at CON CERT HALL on WEDNESDAY MORNING next, May 4th, at 10 o'clock. The Rev. Dr. Kirk, of 'Boston, Rev. J. T. Duryea, of New York, and same of the city clergy will address the meeting in reference to the organ imtion of Ladies' Christian Commissions in the several congregations. A full attendance of the Ladies interested in the temporal and spiritual welfare of our brave soldiers is earnestly re quested. A great emergency is before us which we must be prepared to meet. GEO. H. STUART, ap3o-3trp§ Chairman. co-UNIT W STATES CHRISTIAN COM MISSION-A NATIONAL PIOVEMENT. —A public meeting of National character and im portance will be held in the Church of the Epipha ny, on CHESTNUT street, corner of Fifteenth, on TUESDAY EVENING NEXT, May 3d, at 7,t¢ o'clock. Rt. Rev. CHARLES P. "McILVAINE, D. 1., Bieltop of Ohio, will preside, and deliver the opn— ing address. Statements of the Christian work in the Army will be made by Rev. E. N. KIRK, D. D., of Boston. • Rev. 30S. T. DURYEA. of Ne York. E. S. TOBEY, Esq., of Boston? - (Ex-President Board• of Trade. ) All of whom have recently retnr d from the Ar ray of the Potomac. Short addresses may also be ex ected from Bishop SIMPSON. Rev. J. WHEATON SMITH, D. D., of Phila delphia. Measures affecting the interests of the United States Christian Commission throughout the coun try, and of great importance to the soldier--so soon to meet the enemy on the battle-field—will be un folded. GEO. 11. STUART, Phila.., JOHN P. CHOZER, • Executive JAY COOKE,, Committee. C. DEMOND, Boston. E. S. JANES, New York, Ppno.ltrp ' W. E. BOAR. ISiLAN, Secretary OUR WHOLE COUNTR Y PHILADELPHIA.. TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1864. WAGNERJ. JERMON, of Phliadel pbia, has, by request, consented to speak' every evening during the month at May, com mencing on the 10th inst., throughout the States of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, upontlae subject of Patriotism and the present Rebellion., The pro ceeds of each Lecture to be equally divided between the Great Sanitary Fair and the Families of Sol diers now in their country's service. Letters of invi ation addressed to him, at his office, 6r, Wal pt st reef, will receive prompt attention. m 3 3 trp* .eHII.aLJ•_.Lr•HIA NAT A. TORIUDI exu ilk PHYSICAL INSTITUTE, No. 219 South PROAD street. —On account of the delay in Re opening, the Swimming School can be kept for inspection. for one do y only, TO-1110ItROW (Wed. - es , day), the 4th. All friends of Physical Education and the public are raloectfully invited, from 9 A. to'9 P. M. [my3-!2.trp . ol‘ WM. JANSEN. ANNUAL MELTING of ' , THE HOME Irr FOR DESTITUTE COLORED CHIL l;l EN" will be beld at Office, S, W. corner SEVENTH and ARCH streets, on 2d DA.Y lam' O PTING, sth month', oth inst., at 8 o'clock. Elec tion' of Trustees, Managers, &c., for ensuing year. ISRAEL H. JOHNSON, Secretary of Trustees. OrTHE BLEMILEY OIL COMPANY.— The 13oolts for subscription to the above Company, are now open at 41S WALNUT street, from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. mya-Gt* EDWIN E. SIMPSON . , See'y. ocr, FOURTH NATIONAL HANK OF PHILADELPHIA, 723 ARCH STREET. ,FBILAVELPIITA, May 2, 1.5.tG1. Statement of the Fourth National Rank of Phi ladelph,a, in conformity with the provisions of section 24th of an act entitled ~ An act to provide a National Currency secured by a pledge or 'United Ststes : stocks. f and to 'provide for the circula tion and redemption thereof." Loans and Discounts Deposits 7 1 ,f, SAM-L. S. McMULLAN, CaTie h r7 Sworn and subscribed before me the second day .of May, A. D. IEGI. rib PETER HAY, Alderman. iATTENTION CO. C, BLUE RESEV.VES.— Ti+ e members who served with the company in September ISO 2. will report at the Armory. No. LOS CHESTNUT street, WEDNESDAY EVE DING, 4th inst., at e o'clock, to receive pay. Relatives of absent members will attend. J. S AUDENRIED, late °apt R. R. LOVETT. late 0. S. m313-2C' DIVII)END NOTICES. FARMERS AND MECHANICS' BANE, PRILADIMPIIIA, May 3, 1864. The Board of Directors have this day declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT., payable on de mand, clear of United States and State taxes. my3.6i . 4 W. RUSHTON, Sn.,.Cashier. 07.11.0 lON BaNlE..:4 o nnao., may iso At a meeting or the Directors held This Day. a Dividend of FIB) CENT. Clear of' all Taxes, was declared, payable on deretarld. niy3-6te J. J 111.111110 EL, t.p.3l3er. crr. COMMERCIAL BANK OF•PENNSYL VANIA, PHILADIMPITIA, May 3, 1564. The Board of Directors have this, day declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT., payable ou demand, clear of National and Stan !axe.. ' my3-sip S. C. PALMER, Cashier. CiIRAHL LANK, raILADSLPLI/A, May ff s r 3, 1E64. - Tbe Directors have this day declared a Dividend Cl FIVE PER CENT. out of the profits of the last Fix rn malls, payable on and after the 130 a free of all taxes. my3.trrozl4 W. L. SCHAEFER, OtAbler. • :MECHANIC& BANK, VIILLA..D.I:LPLILI. 11Say 3, 1604. tie Board of Directors. haw. this day &slated a Dividend of SIX PER CENT., INLvabl9-ow and,: after the 13th inst. T. WIECiANY), rny3-16t Uataher..- cry. WESTERN BANK OF PHILADEL PHIA, MAT 3, UAL ' Vic Directors of this Bane have this day de clared, a Dividend of TEN PER. CENT.,payable on demand, clear of National and State Taxes. my3.titt. C. N. WI.f.YGANDT,- Cashier. . (WSOUTIMARK BANK, PuiLannirims, May 3,16 C-1. e Director_ have declared a dividend of SEVEN PER CENT., payable ou demand. my3-ll F . P. STEEL, Cashier. CONV-OLID.UN N IO BANK, PEULADBL a PITIA, ay E 64. rßoard Directors have this day declared a semi. anflual Dividend of SIX PER CENT., clear c.f State and Cioyerhment tax, paval3l.l on de- MEM wain!. my3histb,s3t4 TrKENSINGTON BA.NE. May 3,1E-.G.1 - -The Beard of Directors have this day decared a. dt . ridend of TEN PER CENT. for the Pal 4 EiX months , , - ,payable on demand, clear of State and United State taxes. m:43.64. C. T. k ERKES. Cashier. TTHE PHILADELPHIA DANK, M A.T 3,: IE6I. The Directors hare declared a Dividend or FIVE PER CENT., for the last six mouths: and also an extrrt Dividend of TUREE ZER CENT. , pay able on demand,-free of State taxes and the United States tax of three per cent my3.6t§ B. D. COMEGYS, Cashier. cryBANK OF COAIBIERCE, P .a.uuLrrilA, May 3, 736.1: ThA Baud of Dir4ctors have this day declared a divided of FIVE PER CENT. , payable oudemaud ulcer of taxes. na3 . 3, ti;i3t§ J. A. LEWIS, Cashier. TRADESMI.N'S BANR,Pnuannu.RiA, Nay 3, 1564. The Board of Directors hare this day declared a dii idend of FITE PER CENT. for the past six months, payable on demand. raze:3-3t* JOHN 09STNER, Cashier. DcrCOMMONWEALTH BANK. PRILADZL -713/A, May 3U, 1: 2 64. Tho Directors have this day declared a diTidend of FIVE PER CENT. for the last six months, payable on demand, clear of _ State and Vetted States tax. m}3414 ' H. C. YOUNG, flashier. tar CORN PAM:IEII4'GB BANK, PHILLD.S.I.- vals., May 3d, 1864. This Directors hays declared a Diridend of SEVEN PEP, CENT., payable on demand, clear if State and U. S. (3 per cent.) tax. J. W. T0R.8. 1 ". my 3rd. tff. Cashier. trri.. CITY BANK, PHILADDLPIIIA, May ad, 1E64. The Board of Direltore have this day declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT., payable on de mand, clear of Taxes. my 3-60 G. A. LEWIS,-Cashier. MTHE MANUFACTURERS' AND DIE• OHANICS' BANK OF THE CITY. AND COUNTY •OF PHILADELPILIA.—Pmf APEL • rritA, May 3d, 1964. The Directors have this day declared a dividend of five per cent. for the past six months, payable clear of State Tax. and of three per cent. of U. S. Taxes, on .Friday the 13th inst., agreeably with the Charter. M. W. WOODWARD, nay3-tn, f, 5,n2 7 1,V,f, th* Cashier. 13TPHILADELPHIA, MA.V2, 1561 —DIVI DEND. —The Managers of the CHESTNUT H LL AND SPRING HOUSE T[TRNPIKE ROAD, have declared a Dividend of TWO. AND. A-HALF PER CENT., payable on or after the lath inst. , clear of State and the 3 per cent. United States Tax. - C. W. BACON, Trras., my:l•3o] 417 Walnut Street. OFFICEF THE LEHIGH_ZINC tkg COMPANY; No. 121 WALNUT street, rHILADELPHIA. May 8, IFO4. The Directors hays this day declared a. cash Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the capital ttock, clear of State Tax, payable on and after the 10th inst., at the office of the Company. The Transfer Books will be closed until that date. GORDON'MONG,IE my:-ttnylOine§ or. CHELTENHAM AND WILLOW". GROVE TURNPIKE.—The Managers have this day declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Company for the last six months (exclusive of taxes),payable on and after the li2th inst. WM. S. PEROT, Treasurer, my3-3t . - No. 314 Vine street. crs.. GERMANTOWN AND PERILIONEN TURNPIRE.—The Managers have thy day devlared a dividend of TWO AND A HALF PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Company for the last six months (exclusive of taxes), payable on and after the 12th instant. Wg. S. PEROT, Treasunr, No. 314 Vine sweat STATE OF THE THERMOMETER THIS DAY AT THE BULLETIN OFFICE. 9A. M.. 570, ----- .. 12 M., 59°.......iP. 31,1. 58° Minimum Temperature during teat hours, 42° Weather cloudy—Wind Southwest. • FIRE IN THE. NINTH WAnD.—ThiS morning about half-past two o' clock, a fire was discovered in an old three and a half story brick buildiag,lio. Ff.2l. Market street. The first floor was divided into two apartments, and numbered Nl9 and C2l. No. El 9 was occupied by George S. Fries. Agent for Chas. C. Richards, who was engaged extensively in the Manufacture of tin and japan ware. No. d and the, whole of he cellar, was occupied by John Hertzler, liquor dealer. The second-story entire, was occupied by Mr. Cries as a wareroom and workshop. The third floor and attic was occupied by Joseph. A. Le Grand, japanner. The flames horned stubbornly until the whole building was completely wrecked., Tile structure belonged to the Kates estate; and a insured m the Franklin Insurance Company. Mr.Hertzler's stock was considerably damaged, principally by "water. A quantity of liquor was aiso wasted in removal. The stock,is insured for F 5,0 1 ,0 or *6,00 in the Spring Garden Insurance Company, which will cover the loss. Mr. Fries bad on hand an extensive stock of manufactured goods and material, and some valuable fixtures and machinery. There is al most a total destruction of evtrything. Some of the machinery in the back part of the establishment escaped. The stock, fixtures. machinery. &c., were valued at 87,l;00. Upon this there is an in: snrance of 52,000; divided equally between the Mutual and the Girard Companies The ,most serious loss of Mr. Fries is his nooks, which were either burned or are buried in the rains. • Mr Le Grand's loss is estimated at $6OO, upon which there is no Insurance. In his apartment work belonging 'o other parties, and valued at SOO, was also destroyed. No insurance No. 517, occupants sustained some damage by water First floor, L. Archumbanit, dry goods store; no insurance, policy having expired a rev? days since. Second story, George W. Hillier, pie ture framer and looking-gla‘s maker, insured in the Spring Garden. Thirdlloor, Hamilton & My ers, mann :acturers of picture frames, &c.; insured for Sill! in Spring Garden, which will cover the loss. Building belongs to the Kates Estate, and is insured in the Franklin. No. S 2, occupied as alarge china store by W. J. Akers. Stock suffered slightly by water and is insured. Building belongs to the estate ofatoger Brown, dec . d. and is insured in the Fire Associa tion. One or two other adjacent properties also suf fered by water. The lire originated accidentally. MADAM LEFEVILE CO.'S CLOAKS AND TILLAR. —As we predicted a few weeks ago, the splendid new stock of Cloaks and Mantillas Of Madam Letevre tt Co. , No. 714 Chestnut street, is attracting the universal at:ention of ladies of taste. Diadem L. hai displayed a degree of genius in this department *hat is being appreciated. She gives her pc rsonal attention to [befitting of all articles made u pto order, and she has certainly succeeded in creating certain novelties In styles and patterns that are destined to "take," judging from the or ders that they have already attracted. Besides this. notwithstanding that there has teen a great advance in the prices creaks. laces, and other ma terials used in manufacturing, they continue to sell their sarments at the oldprices, thereby giving their cu.tomers goods twenty per rent. lower than other first-class establishments. Such bargains are worth looking alter. A. YOUNG GIRL Saor.—Martba Robinson, aged 15 years was shot yesterday afternoon about. flve 6' clock, while standing in the door of a bonze on Twenty-third street below Lombard.. It seems, that three men, two of whom were sollii , rs_passed along the street. They 'were intoxicated and were amusing themselves by firing off pistols in the air. The ball from the weapm fired bOhe crvilian took - effect in the side of Miss Robinson, inflicting such a deuterons wound that she to not expected t o recover. She was removed to her home a. few doors from where the unfortunate affair happened. One of the soldiers named Nicholas O'Neil was arrested, but his companions ran off acid escaped. O'Neil was this morning committed fora further hearing. He is not the man who fired the shot which took effect. GLNEttAL COltriatkicCß OP Til3 AFElea M. E. Clinucit . —This body commenced its ses sions yesterday in the Bethel Church of this con nection. S Ith street, above Lombard. The presiding Biel:cps, Hight Revs. William Paul Quinn'. Daniel A. Payne, and Willis Nay-. rey were present, and members and delegates from the Annual Conference districts of Ohio, Indiana, New England, Missouri. Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore, and a double delegation from the British provinces of North America. The entire session of yesterday was occupied in effecting an organization. Tui _A.ft+tr lii , syrr.s.t.s.—During the past week 672. 1 - intputs were admitted into the Elrrav Hospitals. of this Deparment, 131 were returned , o duty and 6 died. The number remaining - is 3,220, t:istri bitted as follows; l'ittsburglino4; liarrisburg 56; street, :376; Summit House 12 ; Ger mantown, 2;S ,• Turner's Late, lcl ; Satterlee. 575: Broad and Ptirni., 45 Islington Lane, Chestnut Hill, 726 ; Fort Mifflin, l 2; Chambers . - burg, 10 • McClellan 276: Christian street, ; Casing's ' Woods, 11 : Sixty-fifth and Vine streets, 7 South street, 111. , . _ • X , biLE CV INE PRENCR BRONZE FIGL'E.ES ..t_Np PI .kLIAX MAIII:LE STATUARY. —On Thurscay irtdtong, sth inst..; at 10 o'clock, Messrs. Scott k Stewart will sell at their salesrooms, No. G•N Chestnut street, a fine collection of Freuelt Prouze Figures, Groups and Vases; also. elegant Italian Marble parlor and garden Statuary, received per recent arrival. The collection is complete in all its details, containing objecis well adapted So the hicte of the most fastidious, comprising historical as well as mythological subjects. Will be ready for examination on tomorrow, with catalogues. ~,, A JUDGE HAS HIS POCKET PICEED.—Last eight Detect e Henderson arrested two individu als limown as N hitey Thackars. and Pan McFar land, as they re about to commence operations upon the passe 1 11 era In a Pine street car. The etc clued got. iuto the car at Sixth street, and were taken into custo yat Eighth st. Judge Thomp son, who was i he ear at the Lime, subsequently dig covered that e had lost his pocket hook. The defendants wil have a hearing at the Central Sta tion this aftern cu. . NEW .Bun. TEGs.—The Building Inspectors issued during April .246 permits for now buildings, Sc. Of the whole nUmber there were for three story dwellings, 75; two-story dwellings , 67—total 1.12. Brewery 1, church 1, foundty I, saw mill 1, stables 6, bath.houses 2 engine -house 1, hotel 1, slaughter-house 1, school-houses 2, coach-house 1, factories 6, offices 4, shops 7, store 1, sheds 2, alterations anti additions 66—total 246. BOLD ROEIIERY•—A man entered King's dry goods .store, on Second street, near South, last evening, and helped himself to a piece of oust mere, valued at S&L lie was pursued and cap tured, after having thrown away the stolen goods. The prisoner Rave the name of Wm. Simpson, and was committed, .this morning, by Alderman McMullin. BELITAL ASS/ULT.—Wm - . Netter had a hear ing, itq morning, before Alderman Wilkins, upoa two charges of assault and battery. The first waa upon Mrs. Cathatlne Mcßride, and the second was an attempted brutal assault upon Miss Ada line Shaw. Ile was committed in nefaultof $1,500 bail. FOR 'THE SANITARY FATa.—The pupils of Professor Hillebrand; and Lewis', Gymnastic Institute, gave an exhibition. in Wilmington Dela ware, on the 10th of April, and the proceeds.were, appropriated as .a contribution from the State. of DelawaTe, to the great Sanitary Fair. The sum realized was V 220. . . SEmous Accumwr.---This morning, about eight o` clock, John Ditch, aged 14 years, fell from a horse, at. Leopard street and Girard avenue, and at the same time received a kick from the animal. The unfortunate boy had his skull fractured, and was taken to his nome at No. mu Howard street. MESSES; P.A.sTaroaa. No. 16 - North Eighth street, have generously determined to give the whole gross receipts of their ice-cream and refresh ment saloon to.morrow, to the Committee on La bor, Income and Revenue, of the Great Central Fair. cramg WE !Term our readers will not forget the leo tnre by the celebrated Miss Evans, Of Wales, only 16 years old. She is a marvel and will astonish all who hoar. her. She speaks In' Concert Mil on Friday evening of this week. RASPBERRY CATAWBA SPARKLING • wroa; 'A MOST DBLIOIOIIS Brawa, TRY IT. ' for eale by DAVIS & RlOHAntift, Aucu AND TENTH F..YREETEI OITY BULLETIN. BULLETIN BU DING 112 SOUTH THIRD 'LARGE . ..STHEE. OE FRESH CANTON2KTTINCIS. —We invite the attention of our reads. today to tt e advertisement, in another, part,ofour paper, of 2,00 rolls of white-and-red checked Omiton Mat ting, offered by the well-known o d carpet-41m of McCalltim Co., No. , 50 Chestnut street. The entire lot is afresh importation,'and we presume is nnequaled in extent and variety by any other stock of Matt Mos in Philadelphia. Messrs - . Mc- Callum & Co:, have long been known to the trade as the lending imuorters and'elealers in this article, and their prekent - immense supply assures us that their reputation FIT to be fully sustained durM,T, tire present season in this particular. PitalsEwOrrnY.-r—The entire profits of the sales at Ly7u.s-ri' s Cloak Emporium, No. 233 North Eighth street, on Wednesday and Thursasy next, May 4th and sth, wilt be devoted to tt.t' benefit of the Sanitary Fair fund. This intenticm ollar.LYllAli is certainly a very commendable one, si d those of our readers who have the interest of the soldier at heart should patronize his estabish meet in order to swell the profits of those days to as large a tip - inns possible. WE DIRECT ATTENTION to strangers visiting our city, to the magnificent stock of Misses' and Children's Eats, at the Stores of Charles Oakford k Sons, Continental Hotel. G EMI LEMEN!—Efave you got Oakford BL Eon's latest style Spring Bats, it not go to the Stores under the Continental, _and inspect them. You will be so pleased with their style and finish, that a purchase will be the result of your journey. ENGLISH WALELCQ HATS, of elegant and varied materials, beautifully trimmed. The guest and largest assortment in thin city, at Wood & Cat y' a, 725 Chestnut street. CEDAR CANPHOR.NOt Common uampnor gum, not crude Camphor, but True CEDAR Cam phor-1s a sure defence against Moths in Furs or Woolens. Sold by all Druggists. Hams to Chspmtn, Boston, have exclusive right to make 2'l. IMPORTANT TO THE LADIES... 7 -We invite the attention of our lady readers who are interested in the coming Fair for the Sanitary Commission to the advertisement, in another column of our paper to-day. of Dir. John M. Finn, corner of Arch and Seventh streets. The stock of goods offered by Mr. Finn embraces the must extensive assortment of Zephyrs, of all colors and shades, Shetland Wools, Cambric Edging's, Quilted Rutilings, Bugle Gimps, Braids, Bindings, Embroidering Crotchet Cottons, Zephyr Patterns, the celebrated Germantown Wool, Fans, Pocket-b;oks, Hoisery, Gloves, Morocco Satchels, Traveling Bags, and a capital assortment of Sun Umbrellas. Mr Finn's liberal offer to deduct eight per cent. fTC I / 1 dtl Lilts bought for the use of the Fair. we hope 'will elicit the response it deserves. • CARTES DR VIATP. OP DISTINGIISHED MEN.— Fine'card pictures for the album hale just be,en. published by Mr. F. Gutekunst 701 and 70d Arch Street, of Generals Totten, Grant, Hancock, Meade, Crawford, and :G. D. Ramsey, chief of ordinance, C. S A.; • aPso, pictures of Miss Anna E. Dickinson, Rev. Dr. Plainer, and a capital 'View of the ruins of the Cathedral lately burned. at Santiago. .11.1AGNIPICENT STOCK 'OP SUN U.KIIIIELLA.S.—' Mr. Jtohn AI Finn, Seventh and Arch streets, in' another column of our paper to-day, under the head of "Ladies Preparing Articles for the Great Central Fair, ti-e," offers a splendid catalogue of goods, many of vhich are highly suitable for making up Laney and useful articles for ths coming Fair, on all of which• he proposes to take off a anecilie percentage in the way of discount. We hope -that the ladies of our city will avail them selves of this timely offer, and act upon the sug gestion. We may state, in this connection, tri. 111 r. Finn has now in store a magnificent assort ment of Ladles' Sun Umbrellas, a very seasonable article, and that his extensive .trade in this depart ment enables him to sell at unusually reasonable prices. LADIES vs. GENTLERE_N.—Three things that a lady cannot do—let. She,rannot pass a millinery shop without stopping. 2d. She cannot seen piece of lace Without asking the price. 3d. She cannot see a baby without kissing it. The one thing a gentleman cannot' o (if he be a man of taste) is to avoid getting his wearing apparel at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill k Wilson, Nos. 663 and 6b5 Chestnut street, above Sixth. A MAPNIPICF.NT 74act. Pianoforte for salfi.at a great sacrifice (if applied for at once); in use only five months; as good as new. Cost .5.500; will be sold fot the owner is obliged to leave the city. To be seen at the residence, No. 267 South Fourth street. DEAFNESS, EYE, EAR, THROAT' DISEASES, Catarrh, treated with the utmost success, by Dr. Von Moschzither, Ozuligt and Aunst, author of the work 'The Tear, its Diseases and their Treat ment." OlUce, 1l Walnut street. WANAMARER & Bnown, Clothing, Sixth and Zdarket Fti ee s. Wanamaker & Brown, Clothing, Sixth & Drarket. apartaker & Brown, Clothing, Sixth & Market Wanamaker & Brown, Clohing, Sixth S. Market. Wanamaker &Brown, Clothing, Sixth &Market Wanamaker & Brown, Clothing, Sixth & Market Want:maker& Brown, Clothing. Sixth & htarket. Wanamaker & Brown. Clothing, Sixth & Market Wan..onaker &Brown Clothing, Sixth & Market. Wanamaker & Brown,-Clothing, Sixth & Market Wanamaker & Brown, Clothing, Sixth & Market. Wanamaker & Brown, Clothing, Sixth & Market Wanamaker & Brown, Clothing: Sixth & Market. Wanamaker &Brown, Clothing, Sixth & Market. Wanamaker & B;rtarn, Clothing, Sixth & Market, Wanamaker & Brown, Clothing. Sixth & Market. Wanamaker & Brown, Clothing, Sixth & Market. Wanamaker & Brawn, Clothing, Sixth & Market. Wanamaker r Brown, Clothing, Sixth .8; Market. Wanamaker . .tirown, Clothing, Sixth &Market. Wanamaker & Brown, Clothing, Sixth & Market Wanamaker & Bror".. Clothing, Sixth & Market -1 0,ve ,, ,amaker & Brown, Clothing., Sixth & Market Wanamaker & Brown, Clothing Sixth & Market Wanamaker & Brown ,- Clothing, Sixth & Market, Wananlaker & Brown, Clothing, Sixth & Market. Wan amaker & Brown, Clothing, Sixth & Market Wanamiker & Brown, Clothing, Sixth & Market. Wanamaker .tc Brown, Clothing, Sixth &Market Wanamaker & Brown, Clothing. Sixth & Market JUST OPKNED—Rich Paris Lace Mantillas, new styles and patterns. Points, half Shawls, square Shawls, and.Bour. no ns, with and without capes. Bich white Duna Lace Mantillas, in all the new uesigns. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., The Paris Mantilla Emporium, 7 9:20 Chestnut Street. $250,000 To LOAN, in sums from $1 to $l,OOO, on Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Clothing, Dry Goods, &c., at. John Rettew's, Money Loan Office, corner Fifteenth and Market streets. Watches and Jewelry for sale. DR. KANE'S Refrigerators and Porcelsdn lined Water Coolers, with a great variety of other styles, for sale by the manufieturers, at No. 2 , ..V Dock Street.. E. S. Farsou & Co. A NEW PERFUME FOR THE HANOKERCEHEI. " NIGHT BLOOMING CERBUS,' PBALort' 8 PHALOIO S , . 4 NIGHT 'BLOOMING ONEUITIS, ' PHALON' 8 tt NIGHT BLOOMING Canaos,' PIIALO li ' 8 "NIGHT BLOOMING- CallSIIB, " PH/LON' 8 NIGHT ELOOMIZiG CSItICII8," PHALOW s " NIGHT BLOOXITiG CHISHIII3,' NIGHT BLOOMING .OERBllB,'' PlL&Lores . , • A Non' EXQI7ISITB, , DILICATE .2 AND FRAGRANT PEI:PEVA DISTILLED PEON THE RARE AND BFAUTIPUL FLOWER FROM WR/OR IT TARES' ITS NAME. Manufactured only by • PHALON & SON, New York BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. _ _ _ ASK FOR PHALON'S—T ARV, NO OTHER. JOHNSTON, HALLOWAY Zs 00. Agents, Sixth and Market, streets, .Philada. &cad by all Druggists. DEAFNESS AND BLINDNBIS.—L 181teDS, Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseassa appert.iolse to the above members with am utmost success. Testimonials from the most re' liable Bonze's in the city and country can be seam at his Office, No. 511 Fine street. Artificial eysi inserted without pain. No. charges made for an examination. Office home from Bto 11 A. 141.12 to P. N., No. 511 Fine street. CEDAR CAIIPHOR" FOR Morns—Stifling to insect life. Cheap and sure. For sale at Needles', Twelfth and Race streets. Fon CLonexa, Ready-made and made to order, in the best manner and most fashionable , styles. The subscriber is able to offer to the pub. lic the strongest"inducements to purchase olothing of him, and will guarantee to all his customers entire satisfaction. WILLIArit S. JONES, Successor to Robert Adams, S. E. corner Seventh and Market SW. L. FETE" STON, rablisher CORNS Bunions, :Inverted iS r ails„ Entarged Joirits, and all Diseases. of the feat cnred without pain or iiideavenience lo the yetient, .by Drs. 2.konemrs & DA . IINETT, cirgeon ohlropodrats, 921 Chestnut strreet. Refer o Physicians and Sur gec's of the city. none. Brox AN TT D PAEST hi the city; betted please try it, §, 4 l.truall W. Bess, Broad street. aboiie Race, east side. Tun . ' QUAL - TUBS of Burtiell':r Cocoaino preven:lng the hairframfalling, are trulyremark. able. f 'LATEST FittlX The Oil City Register of the 29th inst., coatains the followirgitems of interest relattive to the . 01, trade: The business taus been in,derately bnsk since otte last report, and prices have ruled' ateactry. The riser is now ir good boating, order, and a' conside rable amount of oil will be sent forward. The re.. cent rains have rendered the roads almost imriaew sable for teams, - A Pond Freshet was advertAed to come' oil' - On• Thesday last. GW.thg to the natural rise 'in the - Creek, most of thooll was run oat before the dams were cut loose. "E r rom 7,CM/to 1000 barrels bf 7 oil came out. The inquiry tor oil during the .tt'at part of the present week has been better, and' holders are iirmer, and a shade higher in their views. We give as the ruling prices at the- wells, Sl sot& dti 75. Many holder.i'are asking At this point. the ruling price is 57 50 p-r barrel, • A new well. producing 73 bbls. ger day. is 're ported to have been struck on the Boyd Farm. tzkippers are busy, and boatmen are dciiag a good' business. The surplus stock on hand here and at the wells is light. The market closes firm; - with better inquiry. - We nonce that the Co!umbia Oil Con:Tiny •has made application to, the State Legislature for an in crease of their capital stock. which tras present Sioo., MO. This company are the proprietors of the Story Farm. They have divided in diyidendsr tip • to December, 1363, $331,407 5.3. - We learn that last month they ditided 570,000, and will this month: divide nearly SlOO, OGO among the stockholders. :The above figures will show that the shares which 'originally cost 520 are now really worth from four to five hundred dollars per share. We give this item merely to show what an investment in good I . oil land m this region will pay. We lea= that the Flood Farm was sold lea week to E. M. Seely, formerly Of New FOrk, but now a resident of Michigan, for the sum of $530,-- 00. This farm has ever been among the most re liable producing one's on the creek., We don't - consider the sum paid an extraYagant one. The present produeing portion of this farm - is esti mated to yield a daily product of between five and sishun dred barrels of oil. There is one tract of forty acres, lying directly upon the creek; .that is undeveloped, which gives promise of "being as` productive as any in the Oil region. Shreve. Tilson & Co. have purchased Flyndt - Island, on the Bynd Farm. This is atod territory. There are two well - npon it which have steadily' yielded from 30 to 40 barrels of oil per dayße:- sides, there is plenty of room to sink inure wells, With an almost unfailing certainty of getting.oil. These gentlemen ,:are among the most practical' operators we have, and we think this - last par chase is good evidence of their sagacity. _ " PERSONAL .On Thuasday, James Male, whafor three - years past ,bas been the leader- of- the well-irr...own. "North-Carolina Band," was drowned in Newr i York harbor. He was going from NexTork on: laaneh belonging to the. North Carolina, and' , while titling on the gunwale of the boat lost his balance, and before assistance could reach bpi was drowned. . Dr James S. Higgins, one of the oldest/physi cians in Brooklyn, died suddenly on Thursday eTening. City Marshal 'Seaton, of Manchester,- N. committed suicide on Thursday last. The Mirror ,says . A feW weeks ago some of the watchmen ' ir.adestaternents a.bortt . his manner of doing bu.si mess that created a disposition on the part of home to hear both siees of the story. The matter was brought before the Board of Mayor and Alder men, lest evening, after the Usual business was disposed of. and statements made by some of the watchmen and explained by Mr. - Seaton. - The hearing lasted till past midnight. He went home shortly after. He got up this morning at fl a' clock, and went to - the barn, as usual, to feed his horse. Breakfast was prepared for him, and after waiting some time, his wife, a little past six o' clock, went to the barn for him and - found him. suspended by the neck. The explanation before the Board is said to haVe beet. perfectly satisfite tory, but he conld not endure the least suspicion. Commander Meade ' Who has been in charge of the receiving ship North Carolina, at the Brook lyn. Nary Yard, for the past three years, Was on. hursday relieved from duty on that ship and assigned to the cominand of the naval rendezvous, lid 'Water street. Commander Thonapson who has beretefore had command of the navat rendezvous. :will succeed to the charge of the North Carolina. On Friday Commander Meade assembled the ofil cera and men of his ship and took formal leave of them. In the course of his remarks he said: Tle officer who loves the service of his choice, and the country whiCh he serves, and who has a proper sense of the dignity of his position,. lives entirely for his country's service, looks simply to rank and promotion in his profession ; as the mast honorable riches which he can band down to his children as a legacy. After years of tail and An ceasing devotion to the profession which I love, I am this day necessitated, either to sacrifiee.all that makes my nosition honorable, or leave this com mend, I cannot sacrifice my honor, „anti bence it becomes my duty to bid you all adieu. Officers, seamen and marines: I have had my trials here during the three long years in which ..so snarly have passed through my command. At times I: may have seemed to you harsh and .I:asty—even unreasonable it may be, but my - intention; rest assured, was only to do my duty, and to see that every man without distinction of rank .Under. my.. command did his. May God bless a t iKt sustain that honored flag at the peak of, that old ship! May it ever wave in triumph and in victory! and - may we live to glory in the success which devo tion to our country will give to all our sons." - ver Edward D. Reilley, Chief of Police of Jersey-- City, died on Thursday morning, in that city, after an-Illness Cif fourmonths. He was -33 years old. John Shea, Esti., collector of Internal Revenue , for the 22d Congressional District,-.died very Bud-. denly on Friday at the residence of his son-in,lavr Mr. Joseph Home Penn street, Pittsburgh. Dr. John Ware died suddenly at his residene4 in. Boston, on Friday last, at tbe age ot 66.years bad been for several years President of the Massa chosetts Medical Society. Mr. John C 4 , tan, a well known and respected merchant of Baltimore, died on Sunday, in the eighty-first year of his age, at his late resideneet.. No. 99 Pennsylvania avenue. Mr. Thomas P. Stabler, .a citizen well- aid favorably known throughout Maryland. died ow Saturday at-his residence, near BrookevilleMont.„ gcmery county, at the advanced age ot 75 years. Mr. Stabler was a member of - the Society. of. Friends, and highly esteemed for his excellencies. of character ANUSBEENTS. TB& Cogs Trum. '..Two fresh plais, were pre, seated to a splendid audience at the ellestn.ntlast evening, and both were decidedly it:tones:fah MIN. J. B. Mortimer made his first appearance as Bag shot, in "A 801 l in a chiria Shop," and created a very faverable impression, being called before the curtain twice. There are very many callital points in this comedy, and they were handsomely brought out 'by Mortimer, Chapman, Lennox, Ward, Miss Cooper. htiss A. Ward and Mrs. Chapman. The afterpiece was the burlesque "Colleen Bawn," with rearSOß as the Irish maiden, and Miss Germon, Miss Ward, M. %night, Mr. Lennox, Mr. Ward, Mrs. Chapman, in the other It is frill of good hits and funny =sic. the in.. strnmental part being capitally played by Kop the singing being mainly Lennox and Miss ermon. gpiivtze'ns by Pearson, tm d G After the performance there was a general rash. for ,oarrisges as the rain was pouring down i n. t or . to the great consternation of the wearers of s r p en ri t, g bonnets and dresses, and a very good bur. iesque to male, and a tragedy to female apprecia. tion might have been made-or the scenes in the lobby as• the audience made their way out. The same bill will be repeated this evening. THY 'WALNUT. 'Kathleen Mavourneen` ' and "Thrice Married" paseed off delighrully at the Walnut last evening, - as everytlung Mr. and Mrs. Florence have attempted, has done. ThEf same bill will be repeated to.rught, and those v:ho Vislueli gible seats sh,ould either engage them beforehand or go at a very early hour. - ?THE Anna—' ellosedale" will be given thin even ing and each evening until Saturday, when a new bill will be presented for Mr. Griffith's benellt, THE Ernrwritnie will sing •as. usual te,night at the'Eleventh Street. Opera House, and will inter mingle tbeir weal , variety of e 1 es, burlesques. claws,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers