•_BI" T ADDITIONAL NEWS FROM BArau - AB„Palf. The Enemy All Around Onr Position, Probabilitj of a Desperate B attic. FURTHER FROM. NORTH CAROLINA. BOAT EXPEDITIONS IN FLORIDA. Rebel Satt Works De-. stroy ed. DI FEAT OF REBEL (WERIIIA.S IN KENTUOIC Y. TO-DAY'S WASHINGTON NEWS IMPORTANT PROCEEDINGS IN CONGRES. I . The Charges Against the Treasnr Department. A COMMITTEE OF INVESTI lON ORDERED. To-Day's Proceedings in the Legislature. LATER FROM NEW ORLEANS AND BED RIVER Nzw Yonn, April 30.—The steamer Yazoo has arrived from New Orleans with dates to the 21st inst. A letter from Alexandria,dated the 18 th,states that all was quiet, at Grand Ecore. The enemy was still all around our position,and it is hoped that when we are ready for a move they will not be found wanting. - The same letter confirms the death of the rebel Gen. Greene, in the fight with onr gun boats, the Confederate prisoners stating it as a fact. The Red river 'sin slowly falling, but the Mississippi was rising fast, and a rise was ex pected in consequence in the Red river. Gen. Stone and others of Gen. Banks's staff, had arrived at Alexandria, bound for New Orleans. A steamer had arrived With dates from Grand fic,ore to the 18th. Nothing important had 4. occurred. A small Unimilleet had gone wp the One chita river. A cavalry expedition had been sent out on the north bank of the Red river, near Alexan dria, by Gen.' Grover. The steamer':'Merrimac, with 600 troops from Portland, arrived...at New. Orleans on the 19th, and the De Molay, also with troops from Portland, on the 20th. The 18th Indiana veterans had arrived at New Orleans from Illatagorda,bDtmd for home; on furlough. General Weitzel would leave New Orleps on the 23d, for a command in Virginia. W. J. Savory, his sister-in-law, and a colored boy, were blown to pieces on a small island on his estate in the Parish of Iberville, by a rebe torpedo left on the island since last August, out of which he was taking the powder. The cotton market was active on the 19th at 78c.a80c. for middlings, wtth sales of 1,700 bales. On the 20th, there being but a small stock, the market-was .dull, closing firm. Sugar active at 19 3 1c.a23c. for fair to prime, and 25c. for white clarified. Molasses active at 90c.a 95c. prime to choice. Gold, 182c.a185 ; sight exchange on New York, Ito afc premium. The steamer Cahawba from New York, with 600 troops arrived at New-Orleans on the 20th. LATER FROM NORTH CAROLINA. NEWBERN, April 24.—The capture of Ply mouth, including Gen. Wessells and his com mand, is conßrn.ed. Nothing is known here of the movements of the rebels, but it is reported that they have gone to Virginia. Should they attack Little Washington or Newbern, their punishment will be fearful. The success of the rebels at Plymouth will not compensate them for the loss they sus tained. From all accounts Gen. Wessells and his little band of 1;500 veterans fought like he roes for four days and nights, leaving in every street heaps of rebel dead, which they admit will number 1,700. We hear all sorts of reports in regard to the rebel ram on the NeUse river, above the city. BOAT EXPEDITIONS IN FLORIDA. WAssumon, April 3O.—The Navy Depart ment has received a communication from Acting Rear Admiral Bailey, commanding the East Gulf Blockading'Squadron, giving details of two expeditions in the vicinity of St. Andrew's Sound, Florida, under the direction Of volunteer Lieutenant M. R. Browne. The first expedition consisted of eight re lbgees, in a tcdug-out" canoe, who ascended the Wetapo river some twenty miles to White Bluffs, and there destroyed 2,000 bushels of salt and brought away the empty sacks. They also captured a barge thirty-six feet long, eleven feet beam and three feet deep, which Limit. Browne is fitting up with howitzers for further operations. Twenty-three refugees were brought off. The other expedition consisted of twenty two men, in the boats of the U. S. bark Rest less, who proceeded up East Bay. They suc ceeded in destroying two rebel salt works, with three hundred bushels of salt. Theroure five companies of rebel cavalry in that vicinity to guard these works, who rebuild them as fast as therere7liestroyedl- THE WAR IN KENTUCKY. Clocnnivri, April 30th.—A detachment of the Oth gentuckh of Gen. )10ht/e/VAI divide/2 A P under toruniand of ,C Opt Adams,la4acltocl. force of rebels in Brent, Hill co., Ky.,-killing and • capturing sixteaii men, .and -tWenty. four horses. Capt. Adams then pushed: for -.ward and defeated Birerett's command, two of his officers, and capturing thirty-five FROM. WASHD/GTON. , , • [By the People's Lix e, Office D . To. 11 - Obsstatitst: WAstmcGrow,April 0 , 8 4.—Messre.Gooch, Wade and a Sub - -committee on the Conduct of the War, have gone tO Memphis to look , up additional evidence on the massacre at_Fok Pillow. - and to examine into other subjects' of great imporiance. They are expected back here ih the middle of next week. There is much excitemeneabout the charges of mismanagement of the Treasury, many promiL nent•idministration men claiming that the ful lest investigation should be made. .Should the . Senate reject Governor Chase'i favorite policy of• exempting the National Tanks from local taxation, and pass the Howe Bank Bill, it will add to the unpleasantness of - his present position. • It is understood that the National. Con3mittee haye `commenced arrangements for the Balti more Convention and thatnone of the members have in any Way advocated its postponement. The Railroad Companies decline bringing the delegates at a reduced fare. XKEVIIITH CONGRESS-FIRST SESSION., SENATE.-Mr. Suniner (Mass.) introduced a bill for the greater efficiency of the civil service Ordered to be printed. , Mr. Wilson (Mass.) offered 'a joint resolution that no officer of the regular or volunteer force, whose appoinhient is required by the Presi dent, by and with the advice and consent of the - Senate, and who shal have resigned his commission and whose resignation shall have been accepted, shall be entitled to hold or exercise command in the said forces until again appointed thereto by the President'with the advice and consent of the Senate. Referred to the' Committee' on Military Affairs. ' .Uousz.—Mr. Garfield (Ohio) introduced the resolution to which Mr. Ancona (Pa.) objected yesterday,in which he quoted the remark here tofore made by F. P. Blair, to- the effect that Secretary Chase is Making use of the income from abandoned plantations to carry out the programme of the Pomeroy se cret circular, and was against the Adminis tration, which gave him place; that nobody believes he has retired as a candidate for the Presidency, although he had_said so in a letter, but is working underground and using his pub lic position to promote his own political schemes, thus running the Pomeroy machine. The preamble further quotes from the New York World and Constitutional Union, which papers contained articles charging frauds in the fraclional currency, &c., and as the Hon. James Brooks has to-day repeated the substance of these articles, therefore Resolved, ThaVa committee' of five be ap. pointed by the Speaker of the .House to raves. tigate the truth of the allegations above quoted, and of any other allegations affecting the in.. tegrity of the Treasury Department, and that they have power to send for persons and pa pers. • Hr. Holman (Ind.) suggested that the col mitten consist of nine members with leave to report at any time. Mr. Garfield consen • $ the amendment. Mr,, Brooks did not objee2 , to the resolution, but to the misrepresentation $ f his remarks as quoted in the preamble. Mr. Garfield replied that he A• d adopted the remarks as taken by the official reporter. Mr. Brooks said his remark was "millions upon millions of public money in the Treasury Bureau of Printing had been placed at the peril of sacrifice." • Mr. Garfield—l took the exact words of the reporter and cannot change them. Mr. Brooks desired to have his remark about the printing of public money properly stated. Mr. Broomall (Pa.) objected. Mr. Brooks remarked that he ought to be allowed to repeat what he actually did say; bat as objection was made he would take the reso lution as reported. /he resolution was then adopted. Mr. Gar field requested that he be not placed on the Committee. TEE INCREASE OF DUTIES. WASHINGTON, April N.—The President has approved the joint resolution temporarily-in creasing the duties on importations fifty per cent., and it is therefore now a law. PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE IlAnnisnuaa, April 30. SENATE.—The following bills were read in place: . Mr. Connell, an act authorizing the sale of certain Real Estate in Philadelphia, and a sup plement to the act in regard to a site for a Railroad Depot. • Mr. Champney's, an act incorporating the North American Gold Mining Company. The following bills were passed : ' A supplement to an act regulating Escheats; an act directing the entry of Liens due the Commonwealth for lands by location. Housa—The bill for the payment ofbdamages by border raids passed finally, with amend ments authorizing the Attorney-Gtperal to depute an attorney for the State before` the Board of Claims, and requiring the Governor when the amount is approved by the Court of Dauphin county, to present it to: the General Government fAr payment. A message from the governor was received and read, advising the payment of the banks for the amount obtained at the time of the last raid; and Mr. Smith-(Cheste) read in place a bill for the purpose, \whieh was passed finally. SAN FRANCISCO, April 2 9th.—Arrived yes terday, Ships Golden Fleece and Revere, from New York. Receipts at the Custom House on Wednesday $276,000, more than was ever re ceived in any single day before. The receipts for April will reach a million. Sngal• has ad vanced to 172 cts. per lb, Leading foreign staples are in demand. Wheat and barley active. The lumber dealers have adopted resolution withholding credit from those who tender greenbacks in payment for• lumber. Considerable excitement prevails in cons* . quence of the proposition to tax mining pro duce 5 per cent. The policy is thought to be wrong and the tax excessive. THE NEW JERSEY STATE NORMAL SCHOOL• TRICRION, April 30th.—Prof. Phelps' having resigned the position of Principal of the New Amy §titt(3 chooll JOB - S. RaTt; LL. D., who wag priaCipal of the Model School, has been made sole head of both schools, the two offices being combined. WEATHER REPORT. The ro outing telegraphic report of the weather at 9 A. X. to-day, at the places named, hae been received: . Wind. Weather Halifax, N. Clear. Portland,. - N. Clear. Springfield, N.E. Clear. New York, N. Clear. Philadelplutu N. W. Clear.. Washlngtor, S. W. Cloudy. Stoc dull anlowr Pnaferre 76: New York Central, 1,:i2/ Cumberland 4 ; Rennslvania Coal , , 118; Hudson River, 137 M ; Canton Company, 41; Missouri 6's, 70M; Erie, 113 M; Harlem, 226; g liiCkea Tert MC Coupon 5-29's, 111 X; Regis. tHE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN ; PHILADELPHIA, SITURDAY, APRIL 30, 1864.---TBIPLE SHEET in. WASHINGTON. April 30 FROM CALIFORNIA. ter ed ,let; r; a1d."17 n an s`<i P baard, • X hicago and lipot Central - Scrip, 1t93; ini' t :nigan South,. n, 97'. 'SO l,l b , r•lSlLlarantctd.. v 37:. Ckaletr,t and t..hic ago, 123,%; Cleveland and. nix do, 1.1•7„Le; : Dicago and Q,uir (7, I:3B; 7 ,lAix:lllg,aa. Central, 140: Bar . lealn,2• Treax,tny 1..111, t.oup3n.xr, IEBI, .114. • LATER NEiTS FROM EUROPE, Arrival ,of the Euiopa- at The Cobfence of the Powers to 7Cdra Flox ida in ` : .a Spaitish Advance of the Bank Rate of Discoun in England. HALIFAX, April 30.—The steamer . Europa which took the place of the Arabia, has ar rived with dates to the 17th inst. The steamer Olympus, from New York, ar rived out on the 13th. !The steamer America, from Portland, arrived at Londonderry on the 15th. The Europa had a very rough passage. She passed the City of Washington on the 17th, and the Persia on the 25th inst., bound 'to Liverpool. Garibaldi had a magnificent reception at the Crystal Palace on Saturday, when a flag of Italy was presented, bearing the words “Rome and Venice,',' as was also a sword, the latter from the Italians of London. The siege of Di:Eppel steadily progresses. The Conference holds its first meeting in Lon don on the 20th. The German Diet sends a representative. It is stated that the pirate Florida was in a Spanish port. She bad been refused coal in a Portuguese port. The Bank of England on the lOth raised the rate of discount to 7 per cent. An Alexandria letter to the Times positirely affirnis that the late Viceroy of Egypt ordered the construction of Laird's rams.. LIVERPOOL, Aprill7.—The political news to day is unimportant. The steamship China, from New York, arrived off Crookimven yesterday. The crew of the drip Hiawatha, abandoned at sea, are safe. The ebip Union from New York baa arrived at Limerick. COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE. Lrr=crow n April 15.—The (lotion mirk et is buoyant and ,Itsot ti. higher on the week for Ame rican and %ald. higher for Egyptian, while in Surats there was only a slight improvement, the market cloning quiet and steady. The sales of the week were 65.0(0 (1) bales and en Friday 7,000 bales. Middling Orleans closed at 27d Breadtufts are my dull, and wheat is still de clining. Provisions dull and tending downward. 'Consols on Friday closed at 91)091X. The bul lion in the Bank had decreased S.:Atka Livagroot, April 16. —The =skate are de pressed in consequence of the advance In the rata of discount to 7 per cent. Cotton quiet and. unchanged. Sales today 6,1:20) bales. Breadetuffs quiet and .easier, but mot na change d. ProTisions dull and unchanged. Aprill6, P. M.—Consols for money 91x. Rills. Oentxal shares, 15a1.3 discount. Erie Railroad. 67a60. ri.oisnoit, April 17.—The market[ yesterday were drmer, although some inconvenience rimy be felt in mercantile clause by the advance in the Bank rate.• The drain on the precious metals will probably be arrested and a check given to the mania for speculation. The discount houses will allow S per cent. for money at call, 5% with seven days' notice, and 6 per cent. with fourteen days' notice. The rate of discount in the open market on Sa turday was 7 a 733‘ per cent. The Bank of Prussia reduced the rate of dis count on the 18th. STATE OF THE THERMOMETER. THIS DAY AT THE BULLETIN OFFICE. 9 A. M.. SIP.. 12 N., 67°.......13FP. M., 66 0 Mlatumm Temperature durin g 24 hours, 45° Weather clear—Wind Southeast. " lIIPORTMIT .Anituir.—John Weldey alias John Otto, Isaac Smith alias Wm. B. Blanche, and Patrick Dunn and his wife have been arrested by Deputy United States Marshals Sharkey and Schuyler on the charge of forgery. The allega tion is that the male portion of the accriced have been soldiers in the regular army and that they served in rew Mexico, and thus not only became familiar with the country, but they became fa• miller with the mode of paying off soldiers who are discharged irom the service It is alleged that, taking advantage or this fact, they forged certifi cates of discharge for soldiers in New Mexico, and drew from Paymasters Taggert and Riche the pay the persons named in the discharges would have been entitled to. The amount out of which the - Government has been ‘ defrauded amounts .to several thousand dollars. The accused have been held In 85,000 each by United States Uommissioner Smith to await a further bearing en Friday next. No MEDICINE ever attained a greater •popti laritY than Bower's Infant Cordial. It is prompt, efficient and harmless. Bower, Sixth and Green. TRUSS'ES FOR RUPTURE skillfully adjusted, by 0. S. kidedles, corner Twelfth and Race streets. NEW STYLES You Sentsu.—Messrs. Lukens ,tc Lynn, the enterprising Hatters, No. 63,5 Chest nut atr, et, have a complete tock of Gentlemen' s Hats and Caps, comprising seveint entire new styles. They are truly superb, and such as will commend themselves to every gentleman who can appreciate a graceful and becoming tile. can and examine them. THE WORLD OF ART.—Larkin has devoted the greater portion of his life in the Wcirld of Art. Ills Photographic pictures are specimens of the highest artistic excellence. These are popular facts, which are made apparent by the number of his patrons. His establishment at the Southeast corner cf Eighth and Arch is one of the largest and best arranged in the city. Call and make his ac quaintance. - DISEASES 01' TICS EYE AND Eks.—ProfessOf Isaacs, the eminent ()enlist and Aurist, of 511 Pine street, is a regular graduate of one, of the first Medical Colleges in Europe, where he acquired a distinguished reputation as an operator on the eye and ear. Be has now under' treatment sever 1 physicians of this city who have yielded the palm of superiority in this especial branch of science. His career throughout in this country has been a series of brilliant successes which have added .to his fame and been the occasion of numberless testi monials from undoubted sources. As Professor Isaacs makes no charges for examination, it would be well for the afflicted to call at his office, No. 511 Pine street, and satisfy themselves hls ability.. . . DEAFNESS, EYE S EA.II, TintoA l l l DISEASES, Catarrh, treated with the utmost success, by Dr. Von Moschsisker, Oculist and Aunst, author of the work "The Ear, its Diseases and their Treat ment." OfEtc.e, 1027 Walnut street. CitrAETErt SHBBTOIPB-7111L6e Thompson.—Seye ral cases were dispOted of this morning, on writs pf habeas corpus. in one the defendant was charged under the penal r.ode with embezzlement as an “A gent. " A young man, a friend of the defend ant, bad deposited $lB5 :ritih him, and subse quently loaned defendant V3O of the amount, to •be repaid at a certain date. The money was net paid, and hence the present charge.' Judge Thompson discharged the defendant, as the case had not been made out. nem 51 51 ...The cases in which, discharges from the Rouse of Refuge were asked, 'were postponed until Satur day next. WARNING TO Boys.—A little boy, engaged with others in a game of football upon the Bos -ton 'Cpnamni one -day last week, and - ls*l rather warm threw off his jacket and cap. In the evening he complained of being unwell and died during the night from the effects of hav ing taken a violent cold. Halifax. Meet in London Port. tom irmi:insawkw (3017.1tT. A -.V.IC()N TIC(}.)3I E APE OuNo111.113:7-NIRST SESSION. (Continued front, first Ration ) .1 1 0r8E Or REP IMS'ENTAT IVES. Mr. Stevens reported fi.om the Committee of Ways and Means, -the Senate'it aritendmtmts to the army appropriation bill. Among them is one, which was adopted, appropriating $45,000 for the purchase of artificial limbs for soldiers and sailors. The next ;Senate amendment was read, and in which the committee recommended concur rence, that Colored persons Mustered into the militia service shall receive the. same uniform clothing, arms,' equipinents; rations, medical and hospital attendance, pay and emoluments as *late soldiers, from and after the Ist of January, 1864, and every person of color here after mustered into the service shall receive a bounty not exceeding $lOO., hir. Holman said white soldiers now receive $l3 and eolored.soldiers $lO per month. The proposition is to raise the pay of the blacks to ae former amount, but there is no effort to crease the pay of the white g Soldiers, while in addition to equalizing the pay for the benefit of black soldiers, the Government is also sup porting the wives and children of colored soldiers. The negroes have not been employed to re lieve white soldiers in the South as was hereto fore claimed to be the purpose, but the latter were sent to toil and fight under the hot suns of the South to which they were not accus tomed. Mr. Elliot (Mass.) in explanation said that the wives and children of the fugitives and freedmen have only to a certain extent been relieved as cases appealing to humanity Mr. Holman remarked that whenever, on the Mississippi river, contraband camps have been established and colored soldiers enlisted, their wives and children are furnished with supplies and supported by the Government. Mr. Elliot inquired whether the gentleman would have such persons starve for the want of aid. Mr. Holman replied that he did not wish to be understood as complaining of the. Govern ment for exercising humane offices, but he did eomplain that provision was made for the wives and childred of colored soldiers, while no cor responding advantage is afforded to those of wbite soldiers. Ganson, during a colloquy with Mr, Elie t, said the black men in the Free States never receive the same compensation as whites, their services not being so valuable. Mr. Eliot begged the gentleman's pardon. Mr. Ganson said, 1 except New England. Mr. Eliot made a statement to show that many of the contrabands were earning more than was required for their support. The Speaker here announced the following gentle - hien as the Select Committee to investi gate the charges made against the Treasury Department : Messrs. Garfield (Ohio), Wilson (Ind.), Brooks (N. Y.), Davis (Md.), Stuart (Ill.), Fenton (N. Y..), Dawson (Pa.), Jenckes (B. I.), Steele (NAY.) Mr. Clay (Ky.)—The subject of the pay of colored troops still being under consideration, said the property of his consti'uents had been stolen from their plantations, not only negroes, but stock and everything else. /11trECTS. - NTIC YORE, April lll W.—Cotton quiet at e11a933c. Flour very dull; sales of 5,500 bbls. at S 7 alas 7 30 for State; $7 70557.% for Ohio, and 57 75558 15 fur Son them. Wheat very dull at $1 72a31 71 for Chi cago Spring 3t 79131 for Bed. Corn dull and nominal at $t 32331 39. Fork buoyant at $l9 for new Meas. Lard quiet. Whiskey dull and nom'. nal; holders ask 31 20, while buyers ailin $1 lia sl`l2. Petroleum dull and unsettled; etude 36ca36,tic. ; refined In bond. Mane.; troe, 63a66e. Freights quiet. Receipts—Flour, 9,120 bbls.; Wheat, 2.153 bus.; Corn, 2,727 bus: [SECOND DESPATCE. • Stocks lower; Chicago and Rock Island, 113; Cumberland Preferred, 76' Michigan Southern, 97; Michigan Southern, guaranteed, 137; N. Y. Central, 134; Reading, 135 X ; Hudson River, 1 3 7 %; Canton Co., 45; Missouri - 6's, 70%; Rne. 1131(; Galena & Chicago. 123%; Cleveland & Toledo, 147%; Chicago and Quincy, *; Harlem, t 2-1; Gold. 179%; Treasuries, 110%; Coupon 117 N; Gold-since board, 179. There will be no second board to-day. Bevrimour, April 30.—Flour declined 5%c. Wheatdill and 2a3c. lower. Corn dull; White, gt 32ae1 33; Yellow, $1 36351 37; Whiskey dull; Ohio 51 183$1 19. SALES AT THE 1' BO - - SALES AFTER 206 eh North Pa R Bewn 100 eh Catawisea pfd 32%l eloaftS 40% 600 eh ConnectictitMi 1;e 300 eh McClintock 0 cash CAP 4.31 500 sh de CAP 43.4 • SECOND $2OO 5-70 Coup 106 X 8000 do 1063 WOO Read Bde 1 70 10S3q 1000 Cam&Am '75 105 2000 Soh Nay 6e '52 94% 2010 6-20 Coup 106% 355 Sch Nay 'B2 94}, MOO Phil&Erielt 107 200 oh Soh Nay prfd 40 sh Irwin Oil b3O 8 310 eh Plat, &Erleß 34 CONVERSION ,OF tRELIGH SCRIP INTO CAPITAL STOCK. OFFICE OF TILE LEHIGH COAL AND NAVIGATION COMPANY, PRILADZIPILLA, April 28, 1064. At a meeting of the Board of Managers, held yesterday, the following Preamble and Resolu ion were adopted, cia: Whereas, Ample security has been provided for the payment and satisfaction of so much of the mortgage debt of March 7, 1612, as has not been exchanged by the holders thereof for the new loan secured by the late mortgage dated April• 1, 1E64, therefore Resolved, That full Certificates of Stock In the Capital of this - Company be forthwith issued-to the holders of the Scrip certificates, according to the number of 'shares in the latter certificates spe cifled; and that until Sthe necessary exchange of certificates can be effected, the present,holders of said scrip cerlificatessbe entitled now and here after to all the rights and privileges of Stockhold ers of this Company. Published by order of t 14.3 Board. • ap29-60 EDWIN WALTER Secretary. IWrArmitvwwvmiTul36!l MDR D. SELL &BON, BTOON isacncars, NO. 306 NUT WAD.. B • BALES OF RIMS% STOOKS. BEFORE BOARDS. $2OOO North Penna R toe FiEST BUcusi). $2OO S6B 5-20 e 900 eh Green Mount o 6 coupons oft' 106% 860 eh Falton(3oalO 10M 200 Penna. 6s 98% WO eh do 10%, 1000 AilegbyCo As 81 700 ah Big Mountain 12 eh Mech Bk 80% . Ooal 10 eh Consolida Bk 84 200 eh Merrimac . 4 150 eh Del Div Cni 44X 149 eh Lehigh Nav 85 KV 110 ah Penna R I leh do 84 34 seh Norristown R6l 900 eh Read B, € 7 31 50 eh Hunt & Broad 150 eh do cash 67 % Top.R b 5 86 • _... . rEIOES Or sTooini NEW YORK. (By rekgrap2o • MST cant. Morin (WI. American' Gold . . 179 bid -.. • bid Chime and R..gliild . . .... big 11 - 3 . sales ReaMng Railroad ..... . erg bid erg sales Illinois Central bid 127 sales Galena and Chicago.... . bid . 123% sales ' New York Central.... . ..... 134 . bid 134 sales 11. S. es 'Bl iat. off 1133 bid 113 _sales Erie IlB3£ bid 1131( sales Harlem • 224 bid 225 sales Cleveland and Toledo.. bid .... bid Weak. Steady. FINANCE AND /1118.12M8S—APB11. 30,1864. The Market opened somewhat soft this morning, 1131dAikkeed of Some of the list ,were rather . 4overnment Five. Twenties sold at 106 X—an advance of 3,f; Pennsylvania Fives at9S3f, and Allegheny Gounty Fives at 81. In Railroad shares there was a ratliero Null bumbles! done. Penoxylvtuila .11.alkond sold "i:l5 O'Clock KUHL!. STOCK FIRST BOARD 1200 ah Big Mountain • Coil cash 934 lee sh Read R sswn 6736 100 lei do 65vcrn&Itt 67 ,i, 100 ah do alO 67±‘ !OD ah do 85 6 . 7 g 200 eh do 810 67,.1 BOARD. 100 sh Catawissa pfd flx 2! 830 oeh do 85 40s 50 eh do 44M 42 eh Elrairs R prfd s 5 11 eh Oatawisas B 4t 56 th Reading It 67s 100 sh Del Div 01 bswn 44 cash 120 • : : at &cline of 14'. , Ballebad , lsolil at 673,1-£1 decl;ine of 3 1 '-Norri.stOwn at • qt; - Iluntingtion anti BrOad Top ritiilro;id The, only Canal:share's were Belawdre vialon at 44%• a decline of-34. ..Of. Ban.t shares, , Medhantes"-sold , at 30..16 Cor.sblidaticntat 34. The -Iginhigind Coal stocks did not attraet much attention,althbiiih . , Felton sold up to 10%. Big Mountain was (steady. 9%—an advance of X. Green Mountain Was - with- out change and sold at O. In Passenr,ei...Bidlwas: , there was'to transaCtioas. Gold is 179. : Dlessre De Haven A Brother. No. 20 Soirtil ThirG street, make the following quotations of therates of exchange today, at 1.34 P. M..; _ - Bnting• - - American Geld , 783( pram !MX prent Demand Notes. ..... prem. '79X pram rs Quarte and h a1ve5........68 per;Dimes and half dimes .63 prem. Spanish quarters 63 pirom. • Pennsylvania currency X - id di! New York • 1-10 par. The following are the stock quotations of the dif ferent Oil Companies, made up to 1 o'clock: Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask. Beacon Oil Co. 10 Oil Creek .. 9 9% Franklin 2 Pa. Petroleum.. . .. Howes Eddy... . -2X 3 Perry - Irwin 7 7% Pope Farm.— Keystone 1 3 Seneca 1 % 2. Maple Shade.. 12 13 I .. Yenango.. .... 2 Mineral 4xlPenna. 0_ .11 McClintock: .. 434 6 iPetro'm Centre • Organic 136 - .IXlPhlia. Oil Orle. Market At the Philadelphia Gold Ht change., No. 34 South Third street, second story, Gold quotations wore at the following rates: , 936 A . M., 180 x. 112 P. M., 178 X. 11 A. M., 179 . I IP. M., 179 x. - Market weak. PNELADNLPHSA SATtRDAY, April 30.—Tbe Flour market eon tinues inactive. There is very little demand for shipment but holders are not disposed to make eon- COWIN:18 owing to, the high prices of Wheat, and sales are limited to a . few hundred barrels at $7 50 67 75 barrel for extras, and $8f3 , 8 25 far extra family. The sales to the trade are limited at the above figures for extra and extra family, s7@7 25 for superfine, and f 8 758,976 for fancy brands—ac. cording to quality.. Rye Flour is scarce and selling in a small way at $7 barrel. Corn Neal is quiet but firm at previous quoted rates. There is very little Wheat offering and prime lota are wanted at fully former rates. Sales of 2f1130(Xl bushels are reported at $1 80e1 85 for 'fair to good Penna: Bed and $1 90 for prime Delaware do. White ranges from $1 95412 06. Rye is scarce and Penna. is worth $1 60. Corn comes in slowly and prime yellow, if here, weuld command $1 35@1 36; some small sales are reported from store at higher figues. Oats are wanted; 6000 bushels Penna. sold at 90 chi. Nothing doing in Barley or Barley Malt. There is very little movement in Seeds, and no change to notice in Cloverseed or Timothy; 1000 bushels Flaxseed sold at $3 40. There is no Bark offering; first No.l steady demand at $40.11 -ton. The Whiskey market continues unsettled and there is little or no demand. We quote barrels nominally at $1 Mel 30. IN:I I 9RTATI9Nii. Reported for the Phila delplitißierdzig Ballets. C.ARDENAS—Bark Suliote, ,Panno-326 hhcts 50 boxes sugar 60 hhda molasses 7 Mason k Co. XAGGED ISLAND—Bark AmlairmaCtis-13,500 bus salt Peter Wright k Sons. BIATATV,AS--Bark Ann Elizabeth, Norgrave -49 bxs sugar 22 bids honey 5 tea do 404 hhda molasses 64 les do bbls do Wm Cummings & Son. row op PHlnuassirsaa. mem so W ase Karim; Builain es Fifa Pap ARRIVED TRW DAY. Bark Ann Elizabeth, Norgrave, 6 days from Ma tanzas, with sugar and molasses to Wm Oumniings & Non- Bark And= anOtis, 17 days from Ragged Island, with salt to Peter Wright & Sons. Bark Sttliote, Parma, 9 days from Cardenas, witk sugar toil Mason & Co—vessel to J E Bayley Sr. Co. Brig Matilda (Swed), Anderson, 11 days from St. Baits. with mdse to Jauretche a Lavergne. Brig Semi G Adams, Holland, e days from Port lito_yal, in ballast to captain. Schr E 3 Pickup, Bowen, from Fort Monroe, in ballast to Tyler & Co. Steamer 0 Comstock, Drake, 21 hours from New York, with mdse to Wm M Baird & co. absimirs TAM DA - 2. Steamship Norman, Baker, Easton, He Winner. Brig Ella Vail (Br), Grant, Barbados, T Wattson Jr. Sons. Brig H F Colthirst (Br), Emery, Barbados, B Bonder &. Co. Bahr Co WM Alittur,Haskell,Postland, U A Hoelscher & Beta Co E F Lewis, Wallace, Portland, L Audenrid. & . Sera C Merrick, Montgomery, Lynn, W H Johns. Schr H W Benedict. Eing, Providence, Oastner, Sliekney & Weningtaa. Schr Saratoga, Adams,Bosten, Sinnickson&Glover. Schr Michigan, Saunders, Boston, Noble, Caldwell & Co. Schr Waterloo, Pickering. Boston, do Schr C S Grove, McKee, Hatteras Inlet, D S Stet son & Co. SAILED. Packet ship Wyoming, Burton, left Walnut street wharf at 9 AM. for Liverpool, in tow of tug Ame rica, with the following cargo: 12,646 bus red wheat, 114 tea lard, SO do beef, 3 Ws flour. Cabin passen gers—Fps. S. Borden, James Aahworth, John K Brown, Agnes Brown, Jenny. Brown, Dr. George Batton, surgeon; 30 steerage passengers. Oorrespondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.. LEWES, Dir.. April 29-8 AM. A monitor, seven brigs and about twenty schoon ers came in last evening for a harbor, and remain in the Roadstead. The unloading of the ship Sea Crest, and the launching of four schooners which are ashore in this neighborhood, are postponed by the wreckers in consequence of the boisterous state of the wea ther. Wind quite fresh from NW. Yours, ke. AARON 11101SEULlab Oorrespondenee of the Phila. Evening Bulletin. READING, April 2S. The followink boats from the Union Can.o, ps-ssed ante . the Schuylkill Canal to-day, bound to Phila• delpkia, laden and co:manned as follows: ; • Agnes Amanda, boards to Bolton & Christman; Homeward Bound, iron ore to Thomas, Norton & Co; Bonaparte, limestone to J Shaeffer; 0 B Hoff man, lumber to Joshua Keeley. F. MEMORANDA. Ship Golden Fleece, Manson, from New York 24th Dec. at San Francisco 28th inst. Ship Revere, Hovey, from New York 26th Nov. at San Francisco 28th that. Ship Harrisburg, Wiswell, from New Orleans, at Boston yesterday. Bark Illeaco. Wortinger, at Rio Janeiro 23d ult. for this port next day. Bark Indus (Br), Boyd. from Baltimore, wee di/- charging at Rio Janeiro 23d ult. Bark Swallow, Bennett, cleared at Boston yester day for Bahia and a market. Schr Oriental, Thompson, cleared at Boston yes terday for this port. Brig Henry Leeds, Smith, hence for Providence, at Newport yesterday. Sohn; Naiad Queen, Daniels; Evergreen, Potter, and Flyaway, Davis, hence at Providence 28th last. Bohr Horace Staples, Gibbs, for this port, sailed from New Bedford 22th inst. 1. WALR.A.VEN, SUCCESSOR TO W. H. 418-BRYL, MASONIC HALL, 719 CHESTNUT ST, WINDOW SHADES AND CURTAINS FROM AUCTION AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. _ _ _ PHILADELPHIA CARPET CLEANING- COMPANY. • Those wish in RPETS g to haNe their CA Carefully cleaned of DUST AND. VERMIN, • Cankaze d_ghg, - : BY MACHINERY, AND RETURNED THE SAME DAY, By sending their orders to the PHILADA. CARPET CLEANER, It* 1203 Noble street. HEIMBOLD'S ECELMROLIP HELMBOLD S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED, HIGHLY CONCENTRATE COMPOUND COMPOUND FLUID EICTRACT BUOECU FLUID EXTRACT BUOHU,- -"' 4 A POSITIVE A POSITIVE AND ' SPECIFIC-REMEDY ' SPECIFIC REmv:DY - FOR . . ' Non -retention or Incontinence . of Urine, lava tion, InfLammation 'or Ulcerates' of the Bladder 'and Kidneys, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland., 1140 a, in the Bladder, Valffulous _ ' • Gravel or, Brickdnat - Deposit, All Diseases or Affestions of the Bladder Ind,Eld• rieys, and Dropsical Swellings t:Ming - Men; Women or Children ea Itelneboid's Extract Bachti Helmbold's Extract Buche For Weakness arising from Habits of xesezpaneli attended with the following symptoms: • Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Memory, mak, Catty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, , Horror of Disease. Dimness of Vinton, - Witkefulness, Pain in the Back, versa' Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, ERUPTIONS. ON THE FACIE, PALLID COUNTENANCE.' • These symptoms, if allowed to go on, whim e medicine invariably removes, soon Ulm, Fatuity, Epileptic Fits, /11 one •trf *which the patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently fol lowed by those "direful dis- - eases" "INSANITY and - CO NSUMP T I ON?' Many are aware of he cause of their suffering. The records • of the • • ' - insane Asylums,. ; • • . and the Meier' , • • clualy Deaths by Con. umption, bear ample • - ...iglu:less to the truth of the • assertion. The constitution once affectedvrith Organic Wealm esa,re quires the aid of Medicine to Strengthe n: and invigorate the System, which KELM. BOLD'S EXTRACT BUORU Inrariablydose,) Helmbold's Exfract Bohn J safe, xleavint in its taste and odor, and3mollk strength ening arations than any of the p of IRO rep N OR HARE. For those suffering from anoxan DOWN AND DELIOATII OONSTrtIfIIBO IL From whatever cause, either in 'MALE OR FEBULE' • -, IT WILL QIVB YOU . , A GOOD APPETITE, WILL °ram YOU - STRONG, REALTITYINEILVES, WILL BRISK AND EtiEhG 4rv ti r llY FEELINGS azid will enable uto • SLE.EP, A trial will =mince - the most SKEPTICAL. Hehnboldislliklily Concentrated COMPOUND fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, For • !unifying the blood, re- - moving all dis -881808 arlsingfreimprudenctemt oess and sin shrouds ocaurtitatlanSl ilseaaes aura g from an slate of the blood, and the reit , able and effectual known, far sh cure of Scrofula, Scald Read, Ehas Bhenm, Pains and Swellings a the Bones, Ulceration of the Throat and Legs, Blotches Pimples on the Face, Tetter, Erysipelas. and all scaly eruptions of the Win, And Beautifying the Complexion. NOT A FEW of the worst disorders that afflict mankind wise from the corruption that accumulates in the blood. Of all discoveries that have been made to pings St oat, none can equal in effect HELMBO - LD'S COMPOUND EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. It cleanses and renovates the blood, Instills tits vigor of health into thesystern, and purges out tka litimors which make disease. It stimulates the healthy functions of the body and expels the dis orders that grow and rankle in the blood. Such a - remedy, that could be relied on, has_ long been sought for, and now, for the first time, the public have one on which they can depend. Oar spaces here does not admit certificates to show:its *Meet, but the trial of a single bottle will show to the sic that it has virtues surpassing, anything they bav.. overtaken. Two tablespoonful of the Extract of Sareapartl. - In added to a pint of water,' is equal to the Libson Diet Drink, and one bottle is fully equal to a gal lon of the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, or the Decoction as usually made. IV" THESE EXTRACTS HAVE BEEN AD. HUTTED TO USE IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY, and are also in very general use in all the STATE HOSPITALS and PUBLIC SA.NIT ART INSTITUTIONS throughout the land, as wall as in private practices and are considered as innia. able remedies. See Medical Properties of Boehm. From Dispensatory of the United State': See Professor. DELF.B*. S valuable worksgan the Practice of Physic. See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. PHYSIC, Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. EPHRAIM MoDOW. ELL, a celebrated Physician, and Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland,and published in the transactions of the King and Queen's Jour nal. See Medico-Oldragical 'Review, published by BENJAMIN TRAFF.R-S, Fellow Of Royal 001. lege of Surgeons. See most of the late Standard Werke IM MO 4 clues, PRICES. Extract Buchu, Si 00 per bottle, or Six f " sarsaparilla, SI 00 per bottle, or Six fir 111 Delivered to any address, securely packed Addresaletters for information, to WELDMOLD'S Drug and Chemical Warehosurei Druz and Chemical Warehoar• . 594 BROADWAY, N. Y., OR 594 BROADWAY, N. Y., OR HELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT 4 1.04 South Tenth mi tres& P/lILADELP HI BEWARE OF COIINTERtenaTS ANEi UR PRINCIPLED DEA RI2E4, Who endeavor to dispose of "their own" ariel rather" articles on the reputation attained by SELMBOLD'S PREPARATIONS: HELM:BOLD' S GENUINE EXTRACT EUCHU. ECELMBOLIP S GENUINE EXTRACT • R= A PABIL/1/6: RELELBOLD' S GENUINE IMPROVED ROSE ,j/Dbi IT a ll .. Dn agiktli - r . ASK FOR H_F_, I.4I\II3OLD'ESI 116 r Cut out the advertisement and send for R. an - avoid imposition' and exposure. inlllo-wax2oS
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