eyirrlttert,for the Phila.. Evening Butleun. SABBATH READINGS. DT THE RIM EDWARD C. JONES; A. M. “Notwithstanding in this, rejoice not that th spirits are subject unto you, but rather rejoice , tc that your names are Fritten in heaven Lunn, ch. 10, 20. The disciples had returned from their errand of benevolence,and in terms of exul tation told of the subjugation of evil spirits, as the pledge that their office was one of surpassing plower through the imparted grace of Him who had thus commissioned them to act. This exultation was obviously mingled with much of human infirmity, and Jesus checked its manifestiition. You have be held indeed.the 'expulsion of demons from the human frapie, but I beheld the expul . sion of Satan, the Prince of devils, from the . house of heaven, long before myincarna tion. Repress then this holy pride at what you. have done, for after all it was only achieved by delegated power and not by your inherent force. Rejoice not exclusively in the fact that the spirits, are subject unto you, and that to feeble and imperfect man is :imparted the jurisdiction -of the realm: of Satanic might, but rather triumph in A nobler privilege, that your names are en rolled in the registry-of the book of life. Two blessed privileges: are here said - to be the portion of the people of God, and. both are sources of triumph and exultation in a modified degree, the one that the spirits are subject unto them, and the other that their names are written in heiVen: • Of these 'privileges the latter is calculated-to cal forth the larger amount of rapturous emo tion. When we speak of the subjugatkon of evil spirits as a peculiar function of the priesthood of the gospel, we, of course, do not convey the idea that any Christian, by the charms of exorcism, can dispossess the devil from the occupancy of the heart or body of any mortal man. That the intrin sic demoniacal possession of the first century now exists, is a questionable point,although the world gives evidence that Satan carries a high and almost ,unchecked hand in his hold on the bodies and the affections of multitudes around us; but as the Prince of Darkness, and one in revolt from God, we know that he is poisoning the springs of our moral action by engendering a series of feelings and emotions which militate against truth and holiness, nay, more, which in volve their utter, annihilation as moving forces iii our higher intellectual and moral nature. The spirit of pride, the spirit of unbelief, the spirit of revenge, the spirit of sensuality, the spirit of sloth, what are they all but embodiments of that master spirit, the devil, who has clothed himself with all these active principles of malignity as with a garment,and virtually perpetuates himself in 'every breast which gives them abiding entrance, as governing influences of conduct. These are the spirits which are subject to the Christians, as in. his own breast they develop themselves from time to time against his will. He holds them in check ere they can assume the habitual reins of government. He slays them in the bud as poisonous plants, and keeps his spirit rid, if not of their encroachment, at least of their permanent defilement. We cannot calculate the amount of moral evil which is thus neutralized in the soul by the grace and power of the Holy Ghost opera ting upon the human will, and co-operating with its own efforts and decisions. Often Satan comes like lightning to the temple of the will, to fall like_ lightning from the throne in the human heart he is anxious to inhabit. And not only is the sway of the evil one held in, comparative check within us as the children of God, but much of evil is kept back by the presence and frown of the good which would otherwise be ram pant. The spirits are in this aspect subject to the priesthood of the gospel. There is a restraining influence in the simple look of a child of God which appears to drive back from any visible and external show the blaspliemy and vice which, but for this spell of magic, would roll their fiery surges along the coast of life and time all uncurbed and unchecked and unabated. Virtue in a household or in .a community will exert an influence which is like the breakwater to the flood. R'he evil are awed into a decency of deportment which would not be apparent if the spirits of darkness were not subject to the force of holiness as a repellent power. Now this ascendency over the spirit o darkness as it is exhibited in our own self conquest, and in the power of our influence on others, is even more than equal to the olden expulsion of the demon from the afflicted body of man, by the manifest agency of the apostle of Christ. And it is a source of exultation,this first great privilege of the christian,to go upon the lion and the adder of Moral evils, and crash out even a part of the venom they contain. But this rupture must be mingled with self-distrust, and we, in trembling, must rejoice. Evil in ourselves is not always checked, and vice is not always abashed in the presence of our, at the best, imperfect goodness. The spirits are not always subject unto us for fear our pride would become a perennial plant. But the second privilege which in our text is accorded to the Christian is one which may create a constant exultation, because it is a more transebndant boon than is the control of evil spirits. The fact that our unworthy names are engi ossed on the - records of heaven, and written in the Lamb's book pf life, is not this a more wonderful blessing than would be our per fected supremacy over Satan and all his host? The time must come when moral evil shall cease to be, and therefore when no necessity exists for its having a repellent power to check, but the time will never come when active holiness will be a nonen tity, and when the soul of the good man in , brighter spheres will be commissioned to some engrossing service in the 'realms of eternal life and endless day, This extended service is pledged to us if our names are enrolled on' the archives of the skies. The emancipated soul in future blessedness would be ill at ease' without some channel for its energies, and if its aggressive powers against evil was its final service, it would , be a blank existence 'even in heavenly light ; but the work of the child of God will be as endless as his existence, and that is coeval with the life of ChriSt, and parallel with his throne of love. LOST, I[4''l'-A CERTIFICATE or 5 per Cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, for 8510 05, dated March 12th, 1830, No. 754, in name of WILLIAM MEREDITH.- Also; a Certificate of 5 per Cent Lawn of State of Pennsylvania, for the sum of 8200, • ated June 30th, 1845, No. 1452, in name of ELI K. PRICE, Administrator of William Meredith in Trust. Application has been made M the Audi tor-General for a renewal of said Certificates. ELI R. PRICE, pr„, Fn. Aron stivat ARLEI.--4,00u busbels of Barley, cargo of (Ilara arriye, flr by Lt.wity VINSOB Zs U 0.1332 *math Wllarioc no t icv - 11eF4INT T #ITI4jO, I 4'I'IN Yfl Cei DRY GOODS EX T R A O T-FROM THE NEW YORE WORLD, April 1.554-= , s The proposed in crease ,of duties on Imported Goods, has had a very extraordinary effect upon the trade of this city. it has .largely increased the withdrawal of bonded goods from the Custom House—of coarse, added to the receipts tor, duties, but the most marked effect has been shown in retail trade, and all the large dry goods -and fancy stores have been thronged; for the last two days, by a number of eager retail purchasers, and prices hive generally been marked up twenty. five per cent." Without re!erence to the course adopted by others, and prefering an active trade to exorbitant profits, we are now selling from a large stock of Desirable Goods, purchased prior to the late ad- Vance in Exchange or the proposed increase of duty, at a moderate advance. - CHEWER ST ODD ART & BROTHER, Nos: 450, 452 and 454 North SeCond street, - • ap29.2 § above Willow. EYEE .LANDELL, 400 ARCH STREET.' have now arranged for sale, a magnificent stock of Spring :DRY GOODS, adapted to first. clips sales. This stock was laid in before the re tent advance in gold, which enables us to oira great inducements to the trade. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. - Black Silks, from $2O to $1 per yard. Brown' Silks, $7 to $l. Moire Antiques, from $6 is $2 50. Ri3h (lhenie and Spring Plaids. Brown Figured Silks, double face. India Plaid Wash Silks, Si. ' - • . 100 pieces Summer SillrF, $1 a yard. SUMMER DRESS GOODS. Magnificent Organdfßobes. French Orrandies, new styles. 60 pieces Goat's hair Glaclass. Tan Colored Challies and Delaines. Fine,BlackChallies and Bombazines. (}odd Grenadines and Foulards. SHAWLS AND MANTLES. ondon style Shawls, open Centres. . Tamartine Ordered Shawls. . - Sea-shore Barege Shawls. Black Shawls, full stock. TOURIST DRESS GOODS. French Crape Pongees. • Summer Poplins, for salts. Tan. Pearl and Mode' atohairs. Full stock StaplEi Goods. SUMME.R. WEAR.— Gauze Merino Vests, Ft r Ladies. Gauze Merino Vests, For Gentlemen. . Gauze Merino Vests and Bodies, . . ' For Cilhildrizn English and German Hosiery, All sizes, full assortment. iIIOALAS SIMPSON'S SONS,' W:2 and 024 Pine street CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VE JAMES & LEE, invite the attention of their friends and others to their larg4 and well assorted Spring mad Summer stock, comprising in part COATING GOODS. —Super [Mali 'French ClottslSuper Colored French Cloths; Black French Flabh. Cloth; Colored, do. ; Casmaretts, all , colors and qua: ity; Silk-mixed Summer Cloths; T weeds, all shades and qualities. PANTALOON STUFFS. —Black French Doe. skinsl , Black French Cashmeres , Beaserteens, &c. VEsTINGS.—Fancy Silk Ves'ings, Figured Marseilles and Cashmeres. Fancy White Marseilles, Plain do.: Black Satin Vesting's, dec. SAKES & LEE, No. it N. Second Street, apH Sign of the Golden Lamb. BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS. 110 ADVANCE IN PRICES. We are still selling our BLACK SILKS at the same prices as we did early in the saason,notwith. e landing the recent advances. MANTLE SILKS, ALL WIDTHS. Plain Silk!, all colcrs, SI 30 to 85 73. Fancy Silks, 81 t 0 to 5t2 50. Rich, Heavy, Handsome, Fancy Silksis 2 SI to $6 50. Rich (Mane Silks, at S 2 67, worth S 3 50. '' ar53.25„ '' st 00; 'I es at 81 75, 's 55511. 1 • • at 'SS 75, '' 87 00. 10 Pieces Small PLAID SILKS, at Si 25, worth el 50. H. STEEL IL - SON," NOS- 713 and 715, North Tenth street 702 vlrailsoßri - iA g alt 7.I,LKS: 702 yards Grenadines and Bareges. 702 yards Fine Dress Goods. • 7V2 yards Chintz and Cislico. 702 yards Cloths and Cassirneres. Hr.:pairs Stotkings and Gloves. 702 ARCH Street. JOHN H. STOKES. DJANTLES AND CLOAKS' OF UNUSUAL ELEGANCE. . Taffeta Mantles and Sadques. Plain and richly.trimmed Mantles. Chesterfields, in Silkand Cloth. Short Sacques, of handsome Cloths. French Cloth Cloaks. MANTLES. MADE TO ORDER. .. SpririgShawis, in light Colors. Summer Shawls, of good quality. One lot desirable Summer Shawls, 5..n3 00. • Black Thibet Square Shawls, Era 00 to S 7 00: - COOPER tz CONAltb, strill S. E. corner Ninth and. Market streets. LINEN ..BDVERTISEMENT.—S. ALI T.T.r g rtr 00.—Etarea for Linen Goode exelaslitely. 8'29 ARCM and 32 Sent h SECOND street. IRISH SBIRTING LINENS. -et, good strati, Irish Lineni ai r 94 cents; Heavy Golden Flax Line from 58 cents up. SHIRT BOSOMS. —We continue to pay par uctikkr akiention . to' this department. Ladles wiL find at our Stores the most extensive stock o! Bosoms, Wristbands and Collars In the city. T ABLE LINEN S. —A lot Di' extra- heaTy power. loom Damask. halt bleached, at 75 certte:per CHEAP 'NAPKINS. —An excellent article dt per dozen. S. TAILLIKE& ft CO.,- Linen Importers and Dealers, mh3J eits Arch street. and 34 S. Ssmnsi street EDWIN HALL & CO., NO. 26 S. SECONL street, have now open the best stock of Dress Goods they ever had the pleasure of offering to theft customers. Magnificent Grenadines. Magnificent Organdies. Silk Warp Taffetas. Plain, Stripe and Plaid Poplins. Mouslin de Essolas, a new fabric. Mohair Foulards. Plaids, Stripes and Plain Valencias. Plaid and Stripe Mohairs. 13.autiful shades fine Alpacas. • Snperior,Black Alpacas. • Striped and Figured French (Jhintz. Figured Percales and Cambrics. Plain Lawns and. Plain Percales. Percales and Pique Robes. Dress Goods ' in great variety, of all the nal, Fabrics that have appeared in this country this year, some styles of which have been of our ow= mportation. ENTSIIR,INCE MHE MANHATTAN LIFE. INSURANOIN COMPANY OF NEW YORK, A.ccinunlation nearly S 2, 000, 000 Total Losses Paid 850, 000. Dividends made over • 700, 000. PHILADELPHIA . BRANCH OFFICE, No. 419 WALNUT Street, J AMES B. CARR, Agent and. Attorney. This Company offers superior inducements to persons desiring to effect an insurance upon their lives,- giving. to those whh desire the privilege of settling their premiums, annually, semi. annually or quarterly. The rates are lower than 'most Companies offer. anti the insured are participators in the profits; The business of the Company is devoted :ft,slu• sisely to the insurance of lives. It is prompt in fba payment of its losses. Any information upon the subject will be cheer. fully given by the AGENT, together with all no Cessary Books and Tables upon the subject. LOCAL 'BOARD OF REFERENCE. Rt. Rev. Alonzo Potter. Been & Coates. D. D. Thos. Robins, Esq. Rt. Rev. W.B. Stevens. Clem. Tingley, Esq. D. D. ' A. W. Little, Esq. Hon. John M. Butler. Henry Simons, 'Esq. 'Alfred Jenks & Son. Alfred Day, Esq.. S. V. Merrick & Sous, Jacob D. Belt, Esq. Rith. Garsed to Bro. Watson Malone, Esq. T. 'B. Peterson & Bro. George Glib:34k, Esq. . Thinsworth, Eakens & Thos. B. Beek, Esq. Naylor. -• Adam Warthman, - Esq Boswell & Wilson. J. A. McAllister, Esq Walton & Yost. J. Warner Erwin, Esq E & J. F. Orne. MEDICAL EXAMII hl.' D.; Wm. Gardener, A,NTIIRACITE INSURANCE COMPANY— CHARTER PERPETUAL. Office, No. 311 Walnut St., above Third, Phila. Will insure against Loss or Damage by. Fire, Buildings, either perpetually or for a limited time, Household Furniture and Merchandise generally. Also—Marine 11113111'8.11C0 on Vessels, Cargoes and Freight. Inland Insurance to all _parts Of the , . DIRECTORS: . Wm. Esher. Davis Pearsim, D. ,Luther, Pter = Lewis Audereid, J. e E. 'BSieger, aum, J. R. Elakiston, ' Wm. F. Dean, Jos. Idastield, John Ketcham, WEL ESHER, President. WM. F. DEAN, Vios-Prssidext. Wm. M. Surril. Soeretary iata2 CITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.— Branch office 409 WALNUT street. east, Capital and Assets, - $330, 500. JOSEPH TILLINGHAS T, Agent. Refer by:pertaisaion to • E. C. SCRANTON, President Elm City Bank, New Haven, Conn.- YAMES • - M. BEEBE & oston, Mass. wimria alorric LINEN CO., iyamPANY, New raty , y J. B. LlPrifillUTT ac. go., Biliadelplals: E15,..-T. M. Drysdale M. D.; J. Si Knorr, M deie-th,s,tu,tf Litir ET N 0F.4 eiELARTER - , , PERZETUAL 1629. FRANKLIN :FIRE - INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADE 2IIIA. ASSETS ON JANUARY 1; 1864. .$2,457;,849:.95. CAPITAL, - - - - - $400,000 ACCRUED SURPLUS, - = 971,000 INVESTED PREMIUMS, - - - - 1,086,283 • xriisralyn CLAIN% , 119002 CE POE 1864. ,416. , $300,000. LOSS PAID SINCE 1629, PERPETUAL AND TEMPORARY romorEs 'DIAMXIT.O3IB. . . - Charles N. Rancher, Isaac Lea, Tobias Wagner, Edward C. Dale, ' Samuel Grant, - George Riles, 1 Jacob R. Smith, Alfred Finer George W. Richards, Fras. W. Lewis, M. D. CHARLES N. AMMER, President. ' . EDWARD C. DALE, Vice-President. S.A.a.W.McAtiusrEs. Sec. Pro. Tem.., rahl2tde% LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPAN I - LJ —THE GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE, AN Hurry andTRUST COMPANY, of I'ldladelptda OFFICE, "No. 408 CHESTNUT Street, -•. ' ' Capital, $3OO, 000--paid in ;and invested in. Bondi and Mortgages. Contnue to make Insurance on Lives, grant Au, unities and Endowments and make "e. ontradts gene rally, which depend on the contingencies °tare. They act as Executois, Administratars,,Assigness. Receivers,Committee of Lnnatici, Guardians m Minors an Trustees generally, whether committed to their charge by individuals, Courts of Justice of corporate bodies. They give a participation of Profits to the in . gored for life. Thomas Ridgway, John A. Brown, Robert Pearsall, ; John E. Latimer, John R. Slack, _ John O. Mitchel, ThomesP. -James, Seth J. Comfy, Frederick Brown, lsaaeStarr, George Taben, Stacy B. Barcroft, Henry G. Freeman, Wm. P. Jenks, Marnoar, Exar,urnirus. -431c0. Emerson, M. D. and Samuel Chamberlains, M.D., attend at th office daily at l•t o' clock noon. ' Pamphlets containing tables of rates and earls, nation of terms of application, and farther info! . matlon can be had at the office. THOMAS RIDGWAY, President. Jon it F. Jtaran. Actuary. fell E(SURANCE.COMPANY OF .NORTB a ary.RICA. —MARINE, FIRF, AND IN ND TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE.- Office, No. 232 WA.LNDT street, 'South side, East of Third street.l _ The Properties of th C is ompany are well In. vested and furnish an available fend for the ample Indemnity of all persons who desire to be pro. ;acted by _lnsurance. MARINE RISKS taken on Vessels, Freights &rid' Cargoes. INLAND TRANSPORTATION RISES on Merchandise per Railroads. Canals and Steamboat- FIRE ~RI's.SS on Xerchattim, Furniture tuld Buildings in City and County. INCORPORATED IN 179.1-CAPITAL WO, eel AND PAW IN AND SECURELY /N.. VESTED. TOTAL PROPETIES, 21,300,000. PERPETUAL ()HARTER. • . Disikoiroult. • Arthur U. Coffin, _James N. Makings Samuel W. Jones, S. Morris Wain, John A. Brown,, John Mason: Charles Taylor, George L. 'Harrison, Ambrose 'White, Francis 8.. Cope, Richard D. Wood, Edward H. Trotter, William Welsh, E. S. Clarke, William E. !Bowen, ' William Cummings. • T. Charieton Henry. ARTHUR O. COFFIN, President , 011aalme PLATT. Secretary. PHO;NIX MUTUA_IwIESURANCE 00M PANT OF .PEELLPHIA. INCORPORATED PETUAL. NO. 22i WALNUT street, oppoidta the Ex. change. - . In addition to MARINE and INLAND IN SURANCE, this Company Insures from 10S3 damage by FIRE, on liberal terms, on buildings merchandise, furniture kc., for limited periods, and permanently on buildings, by deposit 01 premium. The Company bas been In active operation fot losses ri be e nTY TEARS,;dnring whlch all have promptly adjusted and paid.- DIRECTORS. L. Clark Wharton, Lawrence Lewis, Jr., David Lewis Benjamin Ettinir, Thomas Powers, IA B. McHenry, (Edmond Oast/lion. John L. Hodge, Adolphus Peries, William McKee, 151. B. Illithony, John T. Lewis, Job R. Wilmer, William S. Grant, Robert W. Lemming, JOHN R. VT(.I Seituni. WILCOX, Seer g FEBS ON FIRE INSURANCE con. g) PANY OF PHILADELPHIA. --Office North. oast corner of THIRD and 'Rirrrox - wooi 4 , zeets (late Tammany). Incorporated bv the Legislature of Pennsylva ala. CHARTER PERPETHA,L. Capital e.ntkorisec by law, Sloo,Ooo. Make Insurance .against Los , or Damage by Fire of Public or Private Build lugs, Furniture, -Stocks of Goods and. Morahan. dlse, on Zayorable terms. DIRECTORS* George Erety,!Henry Clinker August O. Miller, !Christopher B. Miller. John F. Belsterling,!Frederick Stas.ko, Henry Trooinner, !Jonas Bowman, William McDaniel, iFrederick Doll. Jocob Jacob &handler, George Hintz, Jr., Stephen Smith, Samuel Miller. GEORGE ERETY, President. JOHN F. Prr STERLING, Vice President. Patt.rp E. COMMIX. Secretary. an-ti F AME INSURANCE COMPANY NO. 406 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. FIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIRE 6 (I TORR. FTanCis N. Buck, J llO . W. Elrerreltni Charles Richardson, Robert B.Potter, Henry Lewis, an o. Hessler, Jr., 0. W. Davis, E. D. Woodruff, P. S. Justice, Chas. Stokes, Geo. A. West, i Jos. D. Ellis. FRANCIS N. BUCK, President. CHAS. RICHARDSON, Vice President. W.I. Bt. Axon Attu. Secretary A mERIOAN FIRE INSURANCE 001d a. PANT, INOORpORATED 1910. —OHAATER PERSio WALNUT Street, above THIRD Street, ruirr , ADELPHIA. Having a large paid up CAPITAL STOOK atm SURPLUS invested In sound and available Sem- Mies, continue to Insure on Dwellings, 'Stores, urnitme, Merchandise, Vessels in port, and their Cargoes, and other personal property. All Lows liberally and promptly adjusted. DIABOTORS. Thomas It. Maria, John T. Lewis, Sohn Welsh, James R. Campbell, Samuel 0. Norton, Edmund a: Entilh, Patrick Brady, Charles W. Poultasy; Israel orris. TDIOIIL9S R. MARIS, President. 14. OnAwYortn. Secretary. Tara. BIERMAN Drumm.. INSITRANOS 00M PANT—Office Farquhar u No , annt - street. MARINE' AND lIMAND Ilia SUBANCIES. —Risks tallow on vessels, cargoes and freights to all parts of the world, and on goods an inland transportation on rivers, canala, rail roads and. other conveyancea thionghont the United States. WILLIAM CRAM. President. PETER CULLEN, Vice President. EL B. STARRY, Secretary. • . William Oral DIRECTORS. g • Henry C. Ballet, Peter Cullen, William T. Lowber, John Dellett, J. Johnson 'Brown, William Wines H. Merrick, Samuel 'A. Ralon, - DallettL Mason Hutchins, Benjamin W. Richards, Henry L. Elder Pearson Serrill, Charles Ooiund)' - • • • William M. Baird. Fq RE INSURANCE EXCLITSTVELI—TaR PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INsugiusrog COMPANY—lncorporated 1825—obarter pe.al,—No . 510 WAW(UT - Street, epp ob i t , fri e . pendence Square. This Company, favorably known to the commu alty for nearly forty Yeares continues to insure against loss or damage by ilre, On Public or Private suildb4s, either permanently or fora limited Urns. Also, on Furniture, Stocks of Goods mid Merchan dise generally, on liberal terms. Their CaPttel, together with a large Surplus Fimd is: inireSted in the me et earethi manner, vritich enables them to olftir to the insured an on, loabted security in the case of loss. DIRECTORS. • • , Jonathan Patterson, . Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson,_ Sohn Devereux, Isaacßaziehurat, Illiomas Smith. Thomas Robins RenrY Lewis, OYATR NPATTEPSON. 1.. , pre 3 tu ld . , F a / a t O. 01WWigiaip SegtatArr: ER PER• irERER, President. etnry 1 - .P0'...1:A SA:nil? OA APEAT: 311, 18t3 , .. 3 ..---TRTPLE SII EET. moor' 11 , 1ST;RANCI; JE1.A177 - -ARE MUTUAL SAFETY 'RSV .RANCE COMPANY.— Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, 1235. OFFICE—S. E. Corner ‘ THlßD and WAls- NUT Streets; Philadelphia. MARINE INSURANCE ON VESSE I I:I N CARGO, To all parts of the world. FREIGHT, D INSeRANORS On Goods, by River, Omni, Lake and Land Car. riage, to all parts of-the Union. •, FIRE INSURANCES • On Merchandise generally, On Stores, Dwelling Houses, Ice. ASSETS OF' THE COMPANY. • - Novsmuma 1, 1863 two, 000 United States 5 per cent Loan 507, e 69 ee - 75,000 . 6 6 per et Loan 5-20 e 75,000 ee 26,000 " " " 1881. 22,000 00 50,000 7 3-10 pr et Tr Nts 53,250 no 100,000 State of Penna. 5 per cent Loan 100,997 50 51,000 " g per cent 57,880 06 123,050 Philadelphia City 6 per ct Loan 127,5" A, 00 30; 000 State of Tennessess per et Loan 15,000 00 98,000 Pennsylvania Railroad first - mortgage 6-per cent. bonds.. 22,300 60,000 Pennsylvania 'Railroad second • mortgage 6-per cent. bonds.. 63,250 L 5,000 300 Shares stock Germantown ' Gas Company, principal and interest guarantied by, the city of Philadelphia ls,oBo • 6 600 100 shares Stock Penimylvania Railroad Company 6,000 100 shares Stock North' Perm sylvania Railroad Company 2,058 91,000 United States Treseury Certi ficates of indebtedness . 21,120 123,700 Loans on Bonds and Non gage, amply secured 123,700 , • 9791,750 par. c05t.576e..737 12—market ' • value 7.01.00 50 Real Eetate _ _ _ 36.353.35 -Bills Receivable forlnsuranees mace - Balances due at Agencies—pre. •minors on Marine Policies, accrued interest, and other debts due the Company 28,212 87 Scrip and Stock of sundry. In surance and other Compa- ides, 85,803. Estimated value 3,205 DI Quih, on deposit with . United States Gov ernment, subject to ten days' call E:80,000 Oa Cash, in. Banks di , sb3 39 Cash, in:drawer 200 E 0 DIRECTORS_ rtt tuls '..Hand, Charles Kelley, 5 a tr.fil.- :2 4 1;ns, Robert Burton, Dim A. Souder, Samuel E. Stokes, Theofariog Paulding, J. F. Peniston, .Tolin R. renrose, Henry Sloan, James Trauma ir, William G. Bonito% Henry 0. Hallett, Jr., Edward Darlington, James C. Hand. H. Jonas Brooke, William C. Ludwig, James B. ld• Fariand, Joseph R. Seal, Joshua P. Eyre, -Dr. R.M. Huston, Spencer Al'lltraine, George G. Leiper, John B.E 4 emple,Pittebg Hugh Craig. • A. B. Berger, " THOMAS 0. HAND, President, JOHN 0. DAVIS, Vice President. REMIT "lir.t.nunii, Secretary. fjal6-stub T HE HELIANta• •INSURAN OE COMPANY or PHILADELPHIA. incorporated In 1611. Charter Perpetual OFFICE No. EO6 WALNUT Street. Insures Aran:lst loss or damage by FIRE, HOUSES, STORES AND OTHER BUILDINGS; pereetnah and on FURNITURE; .IfX.IDS, WARES. and MERCHANDISE. • - apppAL Woo, 000. ASSETS $387, 211 86. Invested In the following seen:titles, Tie 'first Mortgage on City Property, well secured - 11106,900 el :..rnited States Government Loans 110,000 es ?Inladelphia City 6 per cent. Loans.... 50,00 e 00 . 3onimonwealth of Pennsylvania 6 per - cent ta, 000,003 Loan / 8 2 0 00 00 'ennsylvania Railroad Ist and 2d Mort- _ gage Loans 35,000 00 * - sracien and aanboy Railroad Com pany's 6 per cent. Loan 0,000 MI :Itiladelphia -mid Reading Railroad Company's 6 per amt. Loan 5,000 00 anntingdon and Broad Top Railroad 7 per cent. La. ns 4,560 -00 Jommercial Bank of Perin's. Stock. 10,000 00 Yfechanics' Bank Stock. 4000 Oil ounty Fire Itusamnce Company's - Stock 1.050 es rnion Mutual Insurance Company's Stock 380 00 zialiance lasesance Company of Phila delphia Stock . ... .... 2•500 00 Loans on Collsterals, well secured..... 2.250 00 eiccrced Interest.— -5, sce (a Cash in bank and on hand 16,587 86 Worth at present market value 15333,661 36 DIRECTORS. Clem Mittel', • Ben - W. Tingley, Thompson, Robert Tolskus4 Samuel Bisphtun, Wma. Stevenson* Robert Steep, Hampton L. Game s William Musser, 141ar,l all Rill, Ctarles Leland,, T. Johnson Blown, Thos. H. CLEhI I Trio's. C. BILL. &Trot THE COUNTY FIRE INSUIIaNOE 00X PANT. OFFICE DlO.llO SOUTH FOURTHSTREET, BBLOW OHERTNITT "The Fire Insurance Company of the County of Philadelphia. Incorporated by the Legislature Of Penns, lvtuaitt in 1.%* for indemnity egainet loss or damaxe by ft re, exclusively. CHARTER PERPETUAL. This old and reliable institution, with ample „apital and contingent fund carefully invested, continues to insure buildings, furniture, inerchan dise, ho., either permanently or for a limited time, against loss or damage by fire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of its sustainers. Losses adjusted and paid with all possiblo do voar.44l/.. : - DIBECITOES. Charles J. Sutter, lEd win L. Reakit, Henry Orilly, John Horn, R:. bt.V. MAZeey, Jr., Joseph MOOre iieLry Budd, George Necks, Andrew H. Miller, James N. Stone. CHARLES J. SUTTEE,. President BBITJAmtar F. Hosontar. Sec' y and Treasurer FIRE ASSOCIATION.— earl . Incorporated .March 2'7, In). E-• A. OFFICE, No. 34 N. FIFTH street Insure BUILDINGS, HousEsokr, FURNITURE and MERCHANDISE generally, from Lose by Fire, (in the o • biladelphia only. ) Statement of the Assets of the Association, Jana-. ary 1, 1564. Bonds and Mortgages on Property in the City of Philadelphia only 6697,261 32 arond Rents. 26,806 64 Real -Estate, (Office, Fifth and North streets. )...% 14,396 13 11. S. Gov. 5-20, Bonds - 45,000 00 Deposit with YJ.S.Assistant Treasurer. 21,000 00 Cash on hand - 25,629 67 - TRUSTEES: GEORGE W. TRYON, President w - m. H. Hamilton, Jos. R. Lyndall i John Solider, Levi P. Coats, Peter A. Keyser, Samuel Spitrhawt, John Philbia, Charles P. Bower. John (Jarrow, ' Samuel Scattergood. Geo. I. Young', Jesse Lightfoot. , .0,1,5 - wir.T.T Ant T. BUTT.PR Secretary, STOVES, HEATERS, .3;O. GGLD'S IMPROVED, STEAM - AND WATER-HEATING APPARATUS For. Warming and Ventilating Public Buildings • and Private ResidenCes. Manufactured by the UNION STEAM AND WATER-HEATING OODIF'ANY OF PHILADELPHIA. JAMES P. 41 South FOURTH Str e et. B. M. FELTWELL, Sup' athlB-6m§ ryiIIOMAS S. DIXON, - • - Late Andrews 4c Dixon, - Ito. 1324 CHESTNUT street, Philadslpltth, • Opposite United Stites Mut, Marinfactitrers of LOWDOWN, • PARLOR, C/LS.EEBEII, , OFFIOE; • AND OTEMII GRATRS, for Anthracite, 131tandriOns ands;cod AIR O WARM R FURNAOES, • For Warming public and te building*, REGISTERS TILATOBS, CHIMNEY OAPS, COOKING RANGES."BATH ' I I3OILEII3, ac. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. uy4 EDUCATION. lIYFBNT'S RETREA,T. _ IYIEIRA, DELAWARE 00. PA.. AIRS. SAMUEL EDWARDS, Principal. This Institution, providing a refined home and the teia. derest care and culture- for Children from three tt: seven years of age, will be opened on Wednes day,"APßFL 13. Media Is 13 miles from Phila delphia by , Itailroad... For particulars spicily 'to Rev.. S. Edwards, Media, _Pa, References : Bishop Potter; Bishop , Stevens, and the SOB copal of the City i also to 'Ahrlibaul. Martini - Esq, 2e17-Z-0.1 107, 947 la 118,789 19-- c€ 9,4.% as 11&"7. 211 $ . Moore. INGLEY, President. .sry. - jsi-f m w-lyi 8234,093 96 SHIPPING. • 4 STEAM WEEKLY TO T,' ( pork Har PO r) ). . L—,T' hu w hn - g k now QU m E meSrTe OfW Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship Company are intended to sail as follows: 0/T1 OF BALTIMORE Saturday, April 30 EDINBURGH. Saturday, May 7 . CITY OF WASHINGTON .. Saturday, May 14 And every succeeding Saturday at Noon, trim Pler 44 north River. RATES OF PASSAGE: PA.YABLZ I 8 BOLD ON ITS aqinvALarr IN OTIR. let Cabin. =WY. SBO Steerage.. ....WS 00 let Cabin to London. 85 Do. to London 34 00 lst Cabin to Paris.... 95 Do. to Parts .. 40 00 Ist Cabin to Hamburg 90 Do. to Hamburg 37 08 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rotterdam; Antwerp, 2co. at equally low rates. PARES traox LIVERPOOL on Qtrasamerowst. First Cabin, 875, 885, 8105. Steerage from Liver. pool and Queenstown, 835. Those who wish IC rend for their , friends can. buy tickets here at these rates. FOr-tarther , information, apply at,' , itte Comps, ay' s Offices. JOHN• DALE, Agent, ap2s ill Walnut street, Philadelphia. ' BOSTON AND PHILADELPHIA strv: A I wHIP LINB--Sailin from Pint street, on , Saturday— S From first wharf g above Pint street, Philadelphia, and Long wharf, Boston, on Saturday, May 7,113%, The steamship SAXON, Matthews, master, will sail frotn Philadelphia on Saturday, May 7th, at 10 /1:: rd., and steamship NORMAN, Baker, master, from Boston on Saturday, May 7th, at 4 These , new and substantial Steamships form e regular line, sailing from each port punctually as Saturdays. . Inenrartce - at , one-half the premium charged by. Dail Tessals. Freigl4t taker at fair rates. Shippers are requested to send slip receipts AU Hills of lading with their goods. For freight or passage, naTutg gine accommode. dons, apply to HENRY WINSOR CO., SV South Delaware hymns. FOB : NEW YORK. —DESPATOB and SWIFT-SURE LINES--Via Dela, ware- and Raritan Canal.—The steamers of thew lines are leaving daily at 12 o' clock, HS., and o' clock, P. M., from third Pier above Walnut et For freight, which will be taken on aCCOMMO tisthig terms, apply to . WILLIAM X. BAIRD a CO., 132 South Delaware avenue. E2 .. 0R BX--14 NEW. YOevr Daly Lins via Delaware and Raritan (;anal— -11 tolelphia and New York Express Etearalnat - Dorapany will receive freight and leave daily at delivering - their cargoes In Raw York the following days. rreight taken at reasonable rates. - • - - WELLIABI P. CLYDE, Al= 14 South Wharves, - P JAMES HAND, Agent • 4.f Piers 14 tied 15 East Elver, N. T. FOR HARTFORD, Conn. —Direct. he Philadelphia Stearn Propeller Com e stearder .MAR:. 4 , Grumley, mister, now - at the senor d wharf above Marlyn street. as of freight, apply on board or to WM. M. CO., Agents, 13.2 South-Wharves. ap?t I:tuy wadi. For ral BA/BD FOR SAN FRANCISCO. COTMNIAN'S CALIFORNIA taws. SAILING- REGULARLY AS ADVERTISED Freight for this_Liss sent ti? New York via Swill Sure Line at reduced rates. The splenf id extreme clipper, - CALYPSO, Baker,Commander; Is now rapidly , loaing at pier 11, Bast River. dit. t. This little clipper is new and built at Newbnryport expressly for the California aua na trade.- Shippers will please examine this vessel and send. their goods down at ence. :he 'will only carry about 1,300 tons, and will be dispatched in a very few days. For balance of freight, apply to BISHOP, SON & 430., 11- 105 Arch street, above Front. tOFOR SAN FRANCISCO, CaL —Direct fromPhiladelphia—The !est sailing clipper OLD HICKORY, Charles. Callaghan, com mander. (late of the clipper ship Sturm King), is, now loading at Cattelrs wharf, above Diarke, street, and having the bulk or her cargo eagagedt will have quick dispatch. Shippers will please hurry their goods alongside, as this vessel will have quick dispatch, Apply to WORIMIAN ft CO.. la Walnut street. spilt if FOR LIVERPOOL—The first class Neu tral ship THE .ORiIIGS, G. R- Baker, matta...ter having a large portion of her cargo en gaged, 'will soon. For balance of freight, ap plylo PETER WRIGHT & SONS, 115 Walnut street. ap9tl COFOR LIVEI3POOL.—‘2Stb instant—The first class Neutral packet stop E 'SPIRE LN, R. G. Horan, master, baring iter cargc engaged, will sail as above. PETER WRIGHT tg EONS. 115 Walnut street ap9-13' FOR ANT WEL. P. —'lllre At British bark O. A. JONES. Franci., master, now Isad lug petroleum at Wil'Oxv stmt .wharf, has ne three-fourths of her cargo -enzaged, wttl have quick dispatch. For balance of ft eis ht, apply to E. A. SOURER 1c CO-, Dock street Wharf. vt...61. riftFOß HAVRE—Petroleum—The Bremen bark PATIIANF, Osterloh, master, is now oaring petroleum oil. for the above port can take The bulk of live hundred barrels, if applied for at once. Apply to WORKIIAN .k CO., *23 Walnut s.zeet. ap29 FOR BOSTON—Exprese Line—The , fins packet schr. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH 'orlon, master, is nom receiving freight at Ken, nedy's "wharf, above Arch street, and will sail with dispatch. For 'freight. apply to DAVID COOPER, IS North' Wharves. sp`2l IaFOR BOSTON—Express Line—the Am packet schooner CARRIE M. RICH, Brier. master, is now receiving freight at the second wharf above Raoe street, and will sail for the above p6rt with prompt dispatch. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER. IS North Wharves. ' FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER.—Br, ship Birrmab, Beckwith, master, 7t6 tons regieter; Br. bark Maria, %Main, master, 6 .50,1 bbls. capacity; Br. bark Isabnla Jevrett, Hopkirk, master, 6.t00 bbla. capacity; Br. bark U A. Jones, Francis, master, bbls. capacity; bark Jen nie Pitts, Haskell. master, 7,000 bbls. capacity; 13r. bark Irma, Russell, master, 2 200 bbls. caps city; brig J. W. Spencer, Spencer. master. 3,610 bbis.capacit:T. For terms. apply to E A. SOUL) ER tc 00., Doek etreet wharf: - ap2l FOR SALE—The rdedford-built, white oak, copper fastened British bark SHER =D, 447 tons register, carries 760 tons, EDO litids or 6 Coo bbls.. L•t4 feet long, .23i feet beam, lis ft deptb of hold, bas been recall:Liked and put in com- Ott. , order, spars, rigging and sails in perfezr. order. For terms, apply to J.E. BAZLEY & CO. 122 South Wharves. ap27.5t JOIIN SHIND.LER •n. SONS, SAIL RS, No. 244 North WARVEA belOe me street, Philadelphia. .5.11 work done In the beat manner and on the ,owest and most inTorable term, and warranter giTe perfect astleactieu. M 111541 Particular attention given to repairing. GON SIGH EES' N OTIOE. —British shay RE CPA-ELT, Wilber, master, from Liver pool, is now discharging under general order si Shippen street wharf. Consignees will tend to the reception of their goods. PETRY: WRIGHT dc WRIGHT 115 Walnut street. ap:l3-tf NOTIOE.—AII persons are 'hereby cautioned against trusting any of the crew of the British ship RECOVERY, Wilber, master, from layer pool, as no debts of their contracting will be paid by captain or consignees. PETER WRIGHT & SONS.. 115 Walnut street ap2 Ltzt 111111111 MISS M. A. &AKER, 1316 CHESTNUT street, ./10 has opened a large assortment of PARIS MILLINERY, the Spring and Summer of 1564. spl2-4m* MISS' .FENNELL, te, North EIGHTH street, . has opened SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, ap9.2m 14) OPENING.-MRS. S. A. LINGLE, No. 734 SPRING GARDEN St., will open on THURSDAY, April 7th, a! handsome as sortment of Spring idILLINERY; also a choice assortment of Children's Bats, trimmed in the salsa Parisian styles, being' of quite a new de. lign. Bleaching; pressing and Dyeing carefully site .. ad to. t ap2.2mo§ 0.13.41.(J 00 A_ Sr, IjAVANA OICIAR,S.— 1.1. A good assortment constantly in Store and .tortd,--at lowest rates for cash. - STEPHEN FUGUET, Importer, roh2-3mot. • . . No.. 216 S. Front pt.reet.. ToliAcco.-27-hbds.sbipplng Tobacco received , to. day. Percale by BOLiDIN dc.WANTMAN, No. 105 . N. -Water street. . ap26 • • • b I al 0 0. 19 Cases Pennsylvania Sea Leaf Wrappers and Firers, in store and for sale by GEORGE AL- SiN'S do CO., 154 North DELAWARE Ave nue. _ mhl7 HAVANA. lIJIGARS.-3000 Cigar?, re -I.l.c,erced per Brig .Marie Louise, mid for snle by GEORGE ALEIN'S & 00., 151 North DELA , WARE Avenue. • VTIRGI SI NCE NIA. BIANUFAOTED TOBA UIJO— V. THE FIRST ARRIVAL SINCE THE WAR BROKE OUT. —:l5 .boxes enpe,rlor sweet tamps 'Orsi received from , Diorfolk, now lending from 4clitioner Florence, a.ndlor seae by • ' THOMAS WEBSTER, In., • liteuera , Lk:cr_t `7,teTrilshi.r (70Tfiral , T. -14, Nap, Wipers avenue. BUSINESS CIARDS VIVI OVAL.-Dr. R. J. LEV . IS has returned to No. 1104 AROH Street. ap27-let* 1311., 'WILSON & BRO.—REAL ESTATE 1.1. AGENTS and BROKERS'. 429 WALNUT Street. Money carefully invested Real. Estate bought, sold and exchange& -- Interest on Ground Rents, Mortgages and. HOUSE. Rent.; -promptly collected. apts.lra¢. JAMLS m. .SCO VE.L, • Attorney at Law Blaster. and Elm:abler . In Chancery. • • 113 PLUM street,' ap7.lm* Camden. N. J.. BAFFA & SMITH, _ . _ . GENERAL COMMISSION 'MERCHANT , 4 SOB . THE BALE OP FLOUR, GRAIN, MILL FEED, SEEDS, And Prodna-generally. No. 121 North WATER st., Phila. [aps-itais OBERT EWING, BILL BROKER, No. 109 Boats THIRD street, nih2s.ly§ ECIOND NATIONAL BANK OF PHILA. DELPHLA. PRAARPORD. CAPITAL $lOO, 000, with the privilege of increaa. trig to *SOO, 000. • NATHAN ELlLLES,President; WILLIAM H. BRAWN, Cashier, late of the Philadelphia Bank. DIRECTORS: 1 Nathan Hilles, ; Lewis Shalleross, George W. Rhawn, Charles E. Bremer . Simon R. Snyder, _ - Benjamin Rowland:Jr., Edward Hayes, ' • Benjamin H. Deacon, John ooper. The Second National Bank of Philadelphia hi now open at No. 134 Maui street, Frankfoi d, for the transaction of a Getters! Banking Billainen npon the usual terms. Collections upon all, accessible points will b made upon liberal terms. . Respectfully, fe3-3m4 G. EORGE ROLLIN, MICHAEL. -WA.RTM-c N EOLDIN ACWART MAN. TOBACCO and 'nENERA_L ()OMISSION Merchants, No. 1(5 North WATER street • and 106 North tels DELAWARE avenue, Philadelphia. T, YAKS alc WATSON'§ .- _ • SALAMANDER; SAFES, STORE M YI o. 15 South FOUTE. erreot, • PRI.T..A.DBLPHIA, PA. A Igrge variety of FIREPROOF SAFES aIWAVI Coll hand, cheap for cash M.V19.1y J, —- - - r, VAUGHAN MERRICE, Whi. JNO. E. COPE. • 011 TH W ARK FOUND A, FIFTH .arD WASHINGTON STREETS, PEILADELPIII4.. RIERRICK Ie SONS, • ENGINEERS AND MACIIINISTS Manufacture Viet and Low Pressure Steam Es . gines for Laid. River and Marine Serricr,. Rollers, Gasometers, - Tanks. Iron 13wits. Castings at all kindß, either iron or bras. - Iron Frame Roofs for, Gas Works, Workanor at_RaiLroad Stations, &a.- • ReWrts and GEO 3ria.closiery, of the istev. sat m:..st Improved construction.- - Every description of Plantation D.lacto nery, stick Sugar, Saw and Grist - 711ns, Vac:num Pans, r'-r,_•-m steam Trains, Defecators, Filters. Pumping u gines,. km. ' • Sole Agents for N. Billenx's Patent Sugar 8011. Lug Apparatus-, Neamyth's Patent. Steam. Ham mer, and Aspinwall &Woolsey's Patent Centri fugal Stigar Draining Machine., - - ja.t3 GAS FIXTI 3 I3IES.—WABREB, iILISKEY & CO. ' No. 715 CHESTNUT street, Ata.nutactn rens of Gas Fixtures,Lamps,'&c: , &c., would call the attention of th e public to their large and elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers, Pendants. Brackets. &c. They also introduce Gas pipes into Dwellings and Public Buildings, 'and attend to -extending, altering and.repairing GaS pipes. Ali work warranted • • WWI PENNSYLVANIA WORKS—on the DELA WAR-Rai ver, below PHILADELPHIA, CHESTER„ Delaware county, Pa. REXNEY, SON te. ARCHBOLD, Engineers and iron Boat Builders, Manufacturers of All kinds CONDENSING AND NON-UONDLNSI - S9 ENGINES, iron Vessels of all description, Boilers, Water. Tanks, Propellers, Zee. T.REANEY, W. 13- REAIiMY, S. AECHBODDI Late of • • Lab Ileaney, Neste Co.,c - Engineertfhist Penn Works. Phila. fiyl,3-tf U. R. Navy Iff 1111. REAL ESTATE.—THOMAS sSOPS' PRI VATE SALE REGISTER. IRSTfuLASS CHESTNUT STREET PRO PERTY, No. Pa% between. Tvvelth and Thirteenth ttreets, 76 feet - front, 235 ,feet in depth to Sansone st. On the Chestnut street front is a large and ele gant mansion--on SLIIISOM street a stable and coach Louse. • - - Splendid Mansion, with Stable, Green House and Large Lot, 210 feet front, Southwest Corner of Broad and Poplar - sta. One of the most elegant residences In the city. and offered at tke price, in chiding the splendid improvements, asked for vacant Acts in that vicinity. First- class STORE, CHESTNUT st, between 6th and 9th sts. Elegant Brown-stone '.e.- - -idence, Stable and Coach House, No. 1911 WALNUT st Handsome Brown-stone Residence, No. 0:22 Pine st. Valuable Residence, S. E. corner Tenth and Spruce vs. Store and Dwelling, No. 216 south od st. IRON FRONT BANKING HOUSE, Third st, above Walnut, opposite the Exchange Valuable EDO CRING and SAW MILLS, Chesapeake city_ Modern Dwelling. Burlington, N. J. Large Boarding-house, Beverley, N. J Modern Dwelling. No. 237 north iutha. Modern Dwelling. No. Zhq norm 9th st. One also No. r:35 north 9th st. Very Valuable property, Chestnut st, east of Second st Valuable Store, .Nos. 239 and 241. north 31 st. Brick Store, No. 5 north Water st, and No. 3 North Delaware avenue. - Large and. Valuable Lot, over 11 acres, Passy ant' road, let Ward. See lithographic plan. Large and Valuable Lot, fronting on Eleventh, Twelfth and Thirteenth sts, First Ward. See lithographic plan. - Large and Valuable Building Lot, Arch st, west of Third st. CHESTNUT ST—First-class Business Stand, between Second and Third sts. VALUABLE • RESIDENCE and Large Lot, corner Eighth and Spruce sts. Genteel Dwelling, 927 Spruce st Large and Valuable Lot, 21,ti acres, Old Second Street Road, First Ward. Modern Residence, No. 202 Franklin at. Residence, No. 1634 Walnut st Large and Valuable Lot, Vine street, river Schuylkill and St. David's st. Country bite, 30 acres. School House lane. Superior Residence, East Washington Lane, Germantown. so acres, Chelten Hills. 50 acres, Chnre n road and Willow Grove ev 40 acres. Chestnut Hill. Valuable Farm and Mills, known as e,Shell mire's Mills." Four-story Brick Store, corner Sixth and Cal lowhill sts. Business Property, 4th below Walnut st. 7 Stores, Hotel, hall, Stable, S. W. corner 6th and Spring Garden sts. Valuable Farm and Country Seat, 225 acres, Brandywine, Delaware comity. • Valuable Residence, No. 246 south Eighth st. Handsome Residence. No. 1702 Summer ea rge and valuable ARCH STREET LOT, east of Twentieth street, 105 by: 150 feet. Superior Farm and Country Seat, Lai-imam Turnpike, and near the-General Wayne Station, 93 rcres, with good buildings. Elegant Mansion and Large Lot, Harvey street, Germantown. , Elegant Modem Residence, Stable and Large Lot, 310 feet front, N. W. - corner of Forty-flrst and Locust streets. Valuable Farm, 110 acres,'-with excellent im provements, - Bucks county; Pa; Modern Residence, No. 1346 Chestnut et. Residence, - 1911 Walnut en Neat Modern. Residence, Mil N. Elevinth street. Valuable -Residence,.-Main st., Germantown, with coach hoUse, garden, dtc. Lot 140 by a 1.4 ft. ' Valuable Country Seat, 29 acres, Waelungton lane, near the township line, Germantown. 0 Neat Country Place, Green street, Germantown 3 Valuable Business Stand, Chestnut street, ewes of Seventh. Modern Residence, No. 206 South Fourth street Five -story Stone Store, No. 5 31 Marketstreet, Fonr-stoxy brick store, cornerLetitia:a.nd Chest- Neat Modern Dwelling, No. 304 South ,Twelfth etreet, Elegant brown stone ResiclencetNeoms Locust steeet. Vet Valuable FARM and Country Seat, kiln acme, on the river Delaware, near Andalusia. . VALUABLE FARM, 1.30 . acres, Mchitgomery county_ Fa., on the State road. 'amber. o small Dwellings, In all parts of the city. Re.ndsame ..FARa and .COUXTILY SEAT, 15 acres one-mile from Chestnut Hill. , lid' further /ist, see 'Private' Ba l e Register, a at Auction - Rootnr; comprising every- I'm-Wye Real Rstate. SONS, Anctioneen;4 sea tvi'f:t. ' I%lllnd-141 goint Fnnyth stremn: UKMAN's --iiNkLEV NA. ALLED VEITIL PINCE Wigs ma • Toupees,Ladies .l . o 4g Haig Hrilf cull.. lards. k , 7. D 3 g"thl texaci ,10. sou rmini estreet::. W. H. RAN 4 - H 0 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers